#whenever possible I pay for my music
megah3rz · 7 months
i think my issue with working for a very long time on one art piece is that i keep running out of things to listen to that are both enjoyable and not requiring more than like 30% of my attention (i cannot be alone with my thoughts)
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katsu28 · 1 month
oscar's a grouch (or is he?)
pairing: oscar piastri x reader
summary: to your knowledge, oscar piastri really doesn't like you. but a night out in monaco makes you realize that maybe you don't know oscar's feelings towards you quite as well as you think you do. (3.7k)
warnings: swearing, unwanted advances from a man (not oscar, don't worry), a smidge of landoscar if u squint really hard
a/n: idk about y'all but this summer break is killing me 😭 i just wanna see my boys on track again is that too much to ask. anyways here's some oscar bc he's been giving literal crumbs lately (except for casually mentioning his broken fucking rib)
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You’re not even sure what you're celebrating tonight. 
All you know is Lando called you a few hours ago demanding you come to some club with him and a few of his other driver friends, and who were you to deny yourself a fun night out? Especially one where you can put all your drinks on Lando’s tab. (You’re not a gold digger—Lando refuses to let you pay for most things when you go out because he, and you quote, ‘makes a shit ton of money, so why not use it’.) 
Now you’re here, sipping the last of your third (fourth maybe?) drink of the night until there’s nothing but ice. 
The music blasting through the club is so loud you feel the bass thumping in your chest, and it only gets louder when you venture through the crowd in search of the group you came with.
Somehow you’d gotten separated, but it’s really not too hard to locate them. All you have to do is look for a very tall, very polite looking British man a head taller than everyone else, and then you’ve found George Russell.
He spots you too, beckoning you over into the VIP section with a cool nod of his head. All the other drivers are around too—Carlos winks at you over the rather brightly patterned mini umbrella in his drink, Max tips his glass at you as you make your way by. 
Charles and Oscar sit together on a sofa further into the section, seeming deep in conversation, but look up as you pass them. The Monegasque reaches up to give you a fist bump, and Oscar just blinks at you, taking a measured swig of his beer. You fight the urge to sigh at his standoffishness. 
Over the years, Lando’s friends have quickly become your friends too, but Oscar Piastri is an enigma you have yet to crack. You know he’s on the quieter side because Lando had warned you of it before you’d met Oscar for the first time, but you weren’t expecting completely and totally icy.
The Oscar that Lando always talks about excitedly is an entirely different person than the Oscar you’ve become familiar with. 
It seems like he can barely look you in the eye whenever you try to make small talk with him, and you don’t think you’ve ever been alone with him because he always finds a way to slip away before you can even try to make a genuine connection with him. 
What makes things even better (read: worse) is that despite all that, you’ve grown a small crush on Oscar. You’re not sure how, and you’re not sure why, but that doesn’t make your feelings any less real. You’ve accepted that this is just the way things will always be with him, you with a pesky crush and him not wanting anything to do with you. 
You find Lando quickly, bopping around to the beat of the song playing without a care in the world. He looks like he’s having the time of his life, and when he spots you, he positively beams, waving wildly at you. 
“Hey, you!” He exclaims. “How are you? I love you!” 
“I love you too!” You chuckle. “I was gonna get another drink, d’you want anything?” 
“What?” He yells, brows furrowing. “You’re gonna dye your hair pink?”
“Another drink, dummy! Do you want another drink?” You make sure he’s looking at you this time, over-enunciating your words, so he’ll understand them. He narrows his eyes at you in the dim lighting but gets the gist of your question, perking up at the possibility of yet another drink. 
“More vodka shots, baby! One for you, one for me! No, one for everyone!” He giggles, slinging an arm around your shoulders.
His movement is so enthusiastic he nearly tips the two of you over, stumbling on his feet clumsily. You’re quick to push him back into an upright position, grimacing with effort as you trudge over to the nearest sofa and deposit him onto the seat unceremoniously. 
“Oh, this is nice,” He sighs, stroking the leather dreamily. “I should—I should get one of these for my place. D’you think they’d let me take it home?” 
“I really don’t think so, Lan,” You reply, amused. “Stay here. Don’t leave this sofa.” 
Lando groans, tilting his head back against the cushions. “Okay, mum. God!” 
Right, so maybe he doesn’t need those extra shots after all. 
You shoot him one more stern look before leaving him behind and heading for the bar, quietly tasking Carlos with making sure Lando doesn’t do anything stupid while you’re gone. 
There’s an empty spot at the bar when you approach, and you slide in, fingers tapping on the countertop idly as you wait for the bartender to finish up other drinks. 
You glance to your left to see a man you don’t recognize, smiling at you.
“Hi.” You say back, pressing your lips into a polite smile. You’re hoping that’ll be the end of the conversation, because you’re not really in the mood to be talking to someone you don’t know when all you’re trying to do is order something. 
“What’s a pretty thing like you doing all alone in a club like this?” His eyes rake over you from head to toe as he says it, shamelessly checking you out with a glint in his eye that makes you feel dirty. 
You take a small, calculated step backward, and much to your dismay, he takes that as an invitation to inch forward. “I’m with a group of friends.” 
“Are they all as attractive as you?” He must think he’s being smooth, but it just makes you even more uncomfortable. 
“Pretty sure they’re not your type,” You reply flatly. “Unless you’re into dudes.” 
The man’s nostrils flare, like you’re accusing him of something absurd. “I’m not. I’ve only dated girls. Really hot girls.” 
“Uh…good for you? I don’t really—” 
“What’s your name? I bet it’s something sexy.” 
“Y’know, my friends are probably wondering where I am, so I’m just gonna—” 
“What’s the rush, sweetheart? I’m just trying to get to know you,” He drawls, stroking clammy fingers over the back of your hand. You yank it away, reaching up to adjust the strap of your top just so he wasn’t touching you anymore. Maybe a little bit harsh, but the vibe you’re getting from him isn’t good at all. 
“I have a boyfriend,” You reply stiffly. It’s a boldfaced lie, but you're hoping you sound convincing enough to get this guy off your case. He’s starting to make you nervous. 
He takes an overdramatic look at your surroundings before focusing back on you, shrugging. “I don’t see one.” 
As if the universe is presenting you with a way out, you spot Oscar walking by at that very second, and before you can think you're grabbing his hand, tugging him towards you. He comes willingly, but looks slightly confused as you tuck yourself close to him.
He’s definitely not your first choice, but right now you don't think you can afford to be picky. At least it's someone you know. 
You pop up on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck, lips almost pressed to his cheek as you whisper, “Please play along.”
His eyes flick between you and your unwanted conversation partner, and for a moment you think he might blow your cover, but he slides an arm around you after you turn back around, resting his hand on the small of your back. 
You force yourself to ignore the effect it has on you, instead opting to press a little more into his side. His torso is firm under your trembling hands, tense if anything, but the steady rise and fall of his level breathing provides comfort. 
“We got a problem here, mate?” Oscar’s voice sounds more serious than you've ever heard it, and when you look up at him, he looks downright scary.  He towers over both you and the guy you're desperately trying to get rid of, brow furrowed, jaw set. You’re glad that look has never been aimed at you.
The guy shifts nervously on his feet, but still holds his ground. Not a good idea, anyone with an ounce of common sense could see that. “No problems, just trying to have a friendly conversation.” 
“Doesn’t look very friendly to me. Looks like you’re bothering my girlfriend.” 
“Dunno what to tell you, mate. We were just chatting, weren’t we, sweetheart?” 
You wrinkle your nose in disgust, feeling safe enough to do so tucked under Oscar’s arm like you are right now. This guy might be a fucking creep, but he’s not stupid enough to go up against Oscar. “No.” 
He glowers at you, and you feel Oscar’s palm come around, curling around your waist protectively. “Seems like that’s settled then. I reckon you should leave now.” Oscar’s tone leaves absolutely no room for discussion.
Is it wrong that you find it hot? 
“Fine. Don’t need to waste my time on bitches anyways.” 
Oscar stiffens. He moves forward like he’s about to throw a punch, but you’re quicker, splaying your palm over his very sturdy chest to stop him before he does anything rash. You don’t think it’ll go over too well with McLaren higher ups if they learn that one of their drivers got into a fight at a club. 
“He’s not worth it, Osc,” You say softly. He looks down at you, sees the look in your eyes, and his posture relaxes just a little bit. You’re not sure how long the two of you hold each other’s gaze, but when you finally tear your eyes away from his, the guy is long gone. 
Only then do you step away from Oscar, straightening yourself out as much as you can given how things could’ve ended had he not been there to save your ass. He steps away too. With the guy no longer around, there’s no reason for you to be that close together. 
“You alright?” He mumbles, rubbing at the back of his neck awkwardly. Even in the dim lighting of the club, you can see how red his cheeks are. 
“Yeah. Fine. That guy was just really freaking me out.” 
“Are you sure? That you’re okay, I mean. ‘Cause yeah, that guy was a creep.” 
“Total creep,” You agree, bobbing your head. “But I’m sure. I’m, uh, I’m sorry for putting you on the spot like that. I don’t know what I would’ve done had you not been there, so…thank you. I know it was probably a little hard for you, but thanks anyways.” 
That last part was likely not necessary, but you’re a smidge tipsy right now. You’ll blame your loose lips on the alcohol. 
Oscar’s brow pinches in the middle, head tilting in confusion. “What?” 
“Pretending to be my boyfriend. Pretending to like me.” 
“Why would that be hard for me?” 
“Uh, I dunno, maybe ‘cause you don’t.” 
“You—wait, you think I don’t like you?” Oscar looks truly befuddled at your insinuation, and you frown, because from your side of things, it’s pretty damn clear. 
“I’m not, like, upset or hurt, or anything. You have a right to dislike whoever you want, I don’t care,” You shrug, craning your neck to look for the bartender. 
“It’s not true.” 
You hum absentmindedly, not really paying attention to his words. Where was that damn bartender? You need that drink, now. Oscar’s fingers wrap around your forearm loosely, but tight enough to grab your attention again. “What?” 
“I don’t…not like you.” 
“I said I don’t care, Oscar. You don’t have to try and make me feel better. It’s fine,” You assure him. You really wish he’d stop pushing the subject. “Just drop it, yeah? Thanks for the save, you can go back to the group now.” 
He regards you blankly for a long few seconds, then he opens his mouth, and just when you think he’s about to say something, it snaps shut. Then he pivots on his heel and starts to walk away. You roll your eyes, turning back to the bar. After all this, you definitely need another drink. Preferably a strong one. 
Maybe you’ll get those shots Lando wanted after all. 
The bartender finally spots you and you sigh in relief, glad and ready to finally get what you came for, but before you can get a word out, you’re being dragged away by the hand. 
You nearly scream, your mind jumping to the worst conclusion before your gaze lands on the same broad shoulders, the same head of brown hair that had just left you not seconds ago. It’s Oscar pulling you through the crowd, and even though you’re beyond relieved, you’re also confused and a little bit pissed off. 
“What’re you—hey! Oscar!” You have to shout over the pulsing music, but either he can’t hear you or he’s choosing to ignore you, because he doesn’t stop. 
He muscles through the crowd with surprising ease with you stumbling along behind him until you’re outside the club, in some sort of private patio area. There’s no one else out here and you’re glad for it, because you have half a mind to yell at him.
Oscar drops your hand, running his fingers through his hair, and when he looks up, you detect confliction in those big brown eyes of his. It almost derails your thought process, but you scowl. 
“What is your problem?” You snap, folding your arms over your chest angrily. 
“You think I don’t like you.” 
You squeeze your eyes shut, pinching the bridge of your nose. “This again? Fucking hell, I told you to forget about it, Oscar. I meant that.” 
“No, I’m not gonna—you said it, so you obviously meant it. I wanna know why,” He insists. “Why do you think I don’t like you?” 
“Maybe because you haven’t exactly given me anything else to go off of? You always brush me off when I try to talk to you, and when I do get you to have a conversation with me, you can barely look me in the eye. And I swear, it’s like you find every excuse to not be around me.” 
You can’t resist the urge to allow a slightly bitter sounding laugh escape you because, fuck, no matter how many times you tell yourself that you don’t care what Oscar thinks of you, that you don’t give a crap about how it looks like he’s only this way with you, you do care. 
You care so much it makes you want to scream into the void. You shouldn’t care, but you do. 
“So you can say that it’s not true, you can tell me I’m wrong all you want, but I’m just telling it as I see it.” 
Oscar blinks at you again in that way he always does when you talk, the way that makes you want to smack him upside the head but also kiss him senseless too, just to see if he’d react differently. 
“I’m an idiot,” He says. You press your lips together. There won’t be any denying that fact from you. 
He groans, tipping his back towards the sky. “I’m an idiot. It’s not because I don’t like you. It’s—” He pauses, sighing. Crossing his arms, uncrossing them, weighing his options. “It’s because I do like you. A lot. I like you to the point where I don’t know how to act around you without the fear I might do or say something stupid, and then you’ll think I’m a dickhead.” 
“So you thought completely icing me out was…you not being a dickhead?” 
He wrinkles his nose, like he's just realized what his actions must’ve looked like to an outside party. “Oh. That’s not what I meant to….fuck, you must think I’m such a—”
“Dickhead?” You supply helpfully. He nods, shoulders slumping. 
You’re used to long stretches of silence with Oscar, but this one feels different. Now that you know he doesn’t totally hate your guts, the silence isn’t totally unbearable. He steps closer, watching you, gauging your reaction to his movements like you’re some sort of unpredictable creature. 
If anything, Oscar’s the unpredictable one. 
“So…” You start, tilting your head. “You like me?” 
Oscar exhales sharply, nodding. “Guess it might be a bit of a shocker, but I do.”  
“And you already know I like you.” 
“I’ve noticed, yeah,” He says, lips quirking up into a small smile. “What do we do now?”
“Maybe we take things slow. Get to know each other first, ‘cause I dunno if you’ve noticed, but one of us spent a lot of time ignoring the other,” You lilt, half joking. Oscar rolls his eyes playfully, but nods his agreement nonetheless. “I think for now, we should get back inside. I’ve got to make sure Lando hasn’t tried to steal the sofa from right out the section.” 
Oscar’s nose scrunches, head cocking to the side in bewilderment. “I’m sorry, what?” 
“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you about it another time.” 
“How about tomorrow over dinner?” He blurts, running a hand through his hair. It flops right back into place, one stray curl hanging over his forehead that he doesn’t seem to notice as he smiles hopefully at you. 
“I’d like that.” 
His smile grows bigger, pushing up his cheeks so much it makes his eyes crinkle at the edges. You’ve never been the receiver of this smile before, and now that you are, you never want him to stop smiling at you like this. “Okay. Okay, cool. I’ll text you.” 
“Don’t you need my number for that?” 
“Oh, I’ve uh, I’ve got it already. I nabbed it from Lando’s phone a while ago. Just in case I gathered up the courage to message you. Which I didn’t, as you could probably tell,” He replied, letting out a breathy chuckle. “I wanted to though. I just—I didn’t know what to say.” 
“How’d you get into his phone?” 
He snorts this time, raising a brow at you. “His password’s 4444. Not exactly mission impossible.” 
You really need to have a talk with your friend about Internet safety one of these days. 
The aforementioned friend throws his hands up into the air when he spots you making your way back into the section as soon as you re-enter the club, bouncing over to you to wrap you in a giant hug. Lando mumbles something you can’t understand into your ear and giggles, then spots Oscar lingering behind you and positively screeches, reaching to pull him into the hug too. 
You don’t have time to get your arms out of where they’re trapped against your sides in Lando’s surprisingly vice-like grip before Oscar stumbles forward into your back at his friend’s harsh tug, cheek smushing against the top of your head. The muttered sorry he offers you does nothing to quell your rocket fast heartbeat at being this close to him for the first time.
“Look at us!” Lando hiccups, squeezing you both as tight as he can. Not an easy feat when you’re hugging two people at once. He bumps his forehead against yours gently to draw your attention back to him. (More like lightly headbutted, but you remain un-concussed so you won’t hold it against him.) “Hey, you’re in a papaya sandwich!” 
Oscar’s low chuckle vibrates through his chest and you feel it rumble through you too. You also feel his pinky curl around your own, thumb pressing against the inside of your wrist tenderly. 
It’s a subtle gesture, one that might not seem like much to anyone else, but you’ve gone from sort of acquaintances to something a little more than friends in the span of less than an hour.
Are you even friends now? You can’t even answer that. You like him and he likes you, but the only time you’ve ever spent together has been around other people. 
Still, only two points of contact—you’re not even holding hands and you think you might spontaneously combust. 
But you have to play it cool. 
The good thing about drunk Lando is that his attention span is close to zero, so he quickly grows bored of sandwiching you into a McLaren hug and wanders off again, most likely in search of another drink. You feel like it would be a good idea to stop him but you plop onto the nearest couch instead, letting your head tip against the back of it. 
To your surprise, Oscar motions for you to scooch over, slotting himself into the extra space you create. There’s a respectful distance left between yourselves, but then he leans towards you to be heard over the music.
“Your pulse was racing.” 
“Gee, I wonder why,” You muse. “Definitely not because of how I feel about you.” 
“Ha ha. You’re funny.” 
“See what you’ve been missing out on all this time?” You joke, head lolling to the side to grin at him. 
“I see it.” He’s looking at you unabashedly already, eyes drinking you in like he’s parched and you’re water. The intensity of his gaze sends a shiver down your spine, and god, you want to kiss him so bad right now. 
Instead you take a deep breath, fixing him to the spot with a pointed look. “Stop staring, or you’ll draw attention.” 
Oscar startles like he wasn’t aware he was staring that hard at you, mumbling out another apology before retreating back to his own bubble of space stiffly. 
You feel a tad guilty now. You didn’t mean to sound so harsh, but you and Oscar haven’t even begun to understand what you are to each other yet, and the last thing you want is the driver rumor mill to start spinning its wheels about your budding relationship before you even knew if there was going to be a relationship. It’s the kind of thing you want to keep under wraps until the two of you figure things out. 
Sighing lightly, you slide your hand along the empty space separating you, curling your pinky around his the same way he did earlier. Part of you expects he’ll shy away, so when he reciprocates the action, you’re pleasantly relieved. 
There’s still quite a bit of getting to know each other to be done, but you’re excited to see what this next chapter with Oscar holds.
follow @katsu-library to be notified when i post new fics :)
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nisuna · 10 months
Currently trying to recreate tipsy big!brother Suguru x reader x Satoru bcs I don't know what happened to it. Did I delete it did it get deleted idkkkk I'm so sad
But I did it!! I added some stuff and refined it a bit soooo.. noice
The ask was: tipsy Suguru shares his pretty little sister with Satoru<3
18+ MDNI
TW: stepcest, riding, dick sucking, throat fucking, anal play (not putting anything in), mentions of foursome; use of baby, princess, good girl; dry humping, groping, tit sucking, teasing, a fuck ton of dirty talk, breeding kink, hickeys, oral (m receiving)
They've been teasing you all evening. But because they always were touchy when showing affection, you didn't think much of it. So you didn't mind that your Brother Suguru was hugging you from behind, head on your shoulder while swaying both of you to the music at one of their shitty house parties. And you didn't mind when Satoru ran his hands up and down your waist to greet you. But what you did start minding, was when you felt your brother rub his hard crotch against your ass. And you did mind when Satoru's fingers danced along the hem of your low-cut dress, occasionally slipping in to give your tits a squeeze. At one point they were just shamelessly dry humping you on the dance floor. Nobody seemed to care, because the other guests were about past tipsy at this point. But whenever you tried to speak up they both shushed you saying it's not that serious and that it's just for fun. You just couldn't say no to either of them.
When you ended up staddling Satoru you realized that they were lying to your face the whole time. Because you think it is rather serious when you're straddling your brother's best friend, dress bunched at your tummy exposing your tits and ass, while your brother is pulling down his pants. "We really shouldn't be doing this", you whined, trying more to convince yourself than the two guys. Satoru just hummed while sucking deep purple marks on your neck, occasionally licking over them as he squeezed you tight. "Don't worry, princess. This is just for fun, we'll take good care of ya.", he whispered against your lips, giving your hip a reassuring squeeze.
"Which hole do you want, Satoru? Dibs on her mouth", your brother grinned, cheeks dusted pink from the alcohol he's had so far.
"Hmm, I was thinking pussy. But if you say it like that..." he bit your neck while gliding his slicked finger over the rim of your asshole. The attention made you gasp and clutch on to his shoulders. He kissed your temple still playing with your other hole. "But why don't we leave this for a special occasion, shall we?" he winked at you and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding.
"Fine by me", Suguru huffed, already stroking his cock in your direction.
And that's how you ended up in the predicament you're currently in. You tried your best to take Suguru as deep as possible, but not choke too much. Your mind felt fuzzy from Satoru whispering in your ear while also paying attention to your asshole. "Baby", he moaned, "look at it, it's literally begging for attention. Bet you could take three guys at once. Should we get a third one to fill up your mouth while me and your brother fuck your ass and pussy? Hmm? You'd like that huh. Don't lie to me, I can feel you dripping all over my leg. You're gushing, pretty.", he kissed your cheek, while you were moaning around your brother's dick. You tried to shake your head no (you were in complete denial), but your brother kept your head in place fucking his cock deeper down your throat.
"Satoru, you better keep talkin' to her like that, her moans do wonders 'round my cock ah"
"You don't have to tell me that, she's squeezing me so hard whenever I say anything. Say, want us to breed you? Want three big men to manhandle and breed you so all of your holes are full of cum? Hmm want to feel it drip out while we push it right back in?", he mused while groping one of your tits with his hand and sucking on the nipple of the other one.
You momentarily unlatched yourself from Suguru's cock but continued to stroke it with your hand while you mewled, "Yeees want it bad, want to feel so full, wanna feel you drip out, oh god please fill me up!!"
"Hehe, you heard her," your brother hummed, you could only yelp when you felt him yank you by the hair, lips back on his cock, "now get back to work."
"Mhmm~" you hummed around his dick.
"Alright, we're gonna fill you up, make ya nice and plump. But you gotta cum first okay? Can you do that for me, cream round my cock, yeah?"
You moaned in agreement and felt your eyes roll back as Satoru's thick fingers went to work on your neglected clit.
They were fucking you between them as you tried to pleasure both of them, while Satoru was rubbing thick circles on your clit. Your mind was going fuzzy from getting filled on both ends and from the aftermath of Satoru's dirty talking.
He was right on time when you felt yourself get close, "Gonna fuck you airtight next time, if you cum right now. Can you do that? Oh yeah that's it." You came with a muffled scream as they kept fucking you through your high. Satoru finished right after from your pussy convulsing around him. And when you looked up to Suguru with teary, fucked out eyes, that was when he too hit his limit, stuffing his cock in your mouth and spilling down your throat. You eagerly swallowed all of it and when he pulled out you showed him your empty mouth, proudly sticking out your tongue. He kissed your forehead while patting your hair. "Good girl, you did so well for us."
"Yeah good job", Satoru nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck. "Also", he kissed from your neck to your ear, slightly nibbling on it, "I wasn't joking about someone joining. We really want to try a lot of things with you, right, Suguru?"
"Right", your brother smiled gently, coming closer to cage you between the two of them.
This experience will definitely leave a dent in your relationship, but you felt safe between the two guys you trusted most in the world. How could that possibly be wrong?
Feel free to send me your Hot Takes as well ^^
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teezersfics · 4 months
Money, Revenge & Sex ~ Choi San
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“Oh, and my name is San, in case you need to moan.”
Warnings : Pirate-Cowboy!Dom!San, Cowgirl!sub!reader, unprotected sex, little mention of abuse. Plot at the beginning and the end, mostly plot based. Plot-twist(?), no proof read.
Word count : 3.1 k
I hope you like the...........plot?!?!??!? 😬
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Sitting at one of the stools at the tavern, you are scanning the crowd, trying to find the most anticipated faces. The Pirate King and His Crew, one of the most deadly pirates to exist in the present world. Who were rumoured to be on the shore of Puerto Escondido, (Mexico), around this week, for a secret mission, and, you suspect, what can it be.
Lord Antonio, the most popular and wealthy dealer of South Mexico, asked ATEEZ, a Pirate group consisting of the most deadliest crew in this world, for help, to gain power over the southern ports of Mexico. He asked for this favour some years ago. By providing some of the best types of products from all over the world to Mexico, by eliminating all the cunning Mayor's of the towns alongside the southern coast, to bring him the control of those towns. Initially, Antonio's intention of gaining the power was to provide good amenities to the people of the coast, avoid them from facing assaults and loots from other pirates, etc.
But, as time passed, Antonio grew greedy for more and more money. He started keeping all the money eventually, growing his domination over the ports and trades happening in South Mexico. When the news reached the Government, they sent the Navy to gain back control, and execute Antonio. But, with all the power he had, he fooled the Navy, and killed many Navy officers. He crushed all of the attempts of the Navy and the government.
There was a deal, happened between ATEEZ and Antonio, that whenever ATEEZ pays a visit to Mexico, Antonio will pay them 1/4th of the profit he gained every month. But, he broke the deal, only paying for the first two months, later on he pretended to be busy, to have gone somewhere, tried to hide and what not. When ATEEZ heard all the news about how much Antonio has turned the tables with his promises and declarations, and how much serious crimes he committed, that he had a big bounty on his head and also an execution order.
It's been two years since Antonio has been deceiving many, including ATEEZ. Because of non-frequent visits at Mexico, it was not possible to carry out the execution mission of Antonio sooner, but now was the time. And that is why they are here, in the Tavern, disguised as some of the local Mexican men, so that to fool Antonio's men from recognising them. Well, this plan was secret, but one of the men of Antonio, sailing in sea for fishing, saw Destiny(ATEEZ's ship) from far, letting their men know that ATEEZ were here.
The vibe of the tavern party, is something that you adore with your heart. The whole tavern is filled with melodic voices of Vihuela, Accordion, Trumpet, and other instruments. People having glasses of tequila and beer in their hands above their heads, bodies grooving to the music, the dim lighting in the Tavern coming from few of the candles and oil lamps here and there. But, your eyes are trained on one particular person.
A man, buff, wearing only a piece of black jacket, with fringes attached to it, flowing independently on his torso, studs decorating the linings of the jacket. The jacket, doing bare minimum to hide his upper body. You wonder why did he even wore the jacket for? Wearing tight leather pants underneath, a Black cowboy hat on his head, completing his look. A black scarf around his neck and mouth, making it hard for everyone to see his face. But, the way his eyes are just so inviting, so captivating. It's like a Maelstrom is sucking a ship inside of it, and the crew can do nothing but see helplessly, getting sucked in. Especially, his TITS. More distracting than his eyes. The way his fringe jacket is doing nothing to cover his chest. As if he is just showing, he ‘tried’ to cover up, but well…….
The fact that you can actually tell he is Pirate. As a dealer yourself, you've had quite the experience dealing with pirates. And, pirates can be easily recognised by the sword wounds, types of tattoos, their build, rough-torn hands scratched by the splinters of the heavy ropes that they heave, and more other things.
Basically, you figured it out that pirates are already here, blending in with the crowd, wearing Mexican costumes and accessories to blend in with the crowd, mostly covering their faces. The way they are swaying to the music, as if they are pre celebrating their revenge victory over Antonio.
As, they are grooving to the music, you can't help but continuously scan him, the way his body moves to the music, the way his muscles flexes when he raise his hands up in joy. You can't help but feel the need to touch that body of his. Also, the tequila you had, slowly has started to kick in your nerves, making your grow more bolder and risk everything just to have a chance with him. Chugging down the last sip of your tequila, you join the dance.
Without wasting time, you get straight to the point, dancing a little too close to him, almost all over him. But in a way your back facing him. It doesn't takes long for him to study your moves and spins you around by your arm almost making you collide with his chest, his hands goes straight to your lower back, holding you while without wasting time your hands are on his chest, finally feeling the contours of his buff chest. So round and heavy in your hands that you forget dancing for a moment. But his hands on your back, helps you get back to the beat, moving you along the music. Without anything else in your mind, you start dancing, moving your body along with him. It was as if you were not following the rhythm, but you were following him, following the way his body moved.
Your hands were all over his torso, but not for much. Your hands were itching to go lower and sooner you were tugging on his pants and belt. Caressing his upper thighs. He got the hint and finally he spoke, mouth over your ear, even though he was wearing mask, you could still feel the warmth.
“Tu nombre, bonita?” (your name, pretty?) He asked.
It was quiet funny because he was purposefully speaking in Spanish to keep his disguise on. But, you just laugh at it.
“You are good at Spanish.”
His brows are furrowed, not quiet getting what you meant.
“Ofcourse, because I live here!”
You roll your eyes, you get that they have a mission, but it's still funny for you. Also, letting him know that you know him is dangerous move, because he is Pirate after all, he can kill you right away if you slip.
Eventually, his hands starts getting lower, now on your hips. Your bodies a literally pressed together. Oh, how bad you wanna take that scarf off his face. He literally smelled like tequila, some intoxicating herb, and sweat. He was taking over your mind.
‘If I don't get fucked by thus man right now, I might go more Feral.’ Thus was your thought process at the moment and you unknowingly grind forward on him. It was as if your body decided to do it on it's own. Not sure if he'd like it or not, String of ‘Sorry's’ come out of your mouth. But, his grip remains firm on you.
Rather, he buries his head in crook of your neck. He whispered,
“Seems like, you will make me do, what I am not supposed to right now.”
Goosebumps all over your body, you exactly knows what he means. But, you want him to do, exactly what he is not supposed to. So, you swirl your hands more on hiUs body, especially his tits, and you feel how his nippels perks up in some seconds. It's the limit for him.
Holding your wrist he drags out out of party. One of his men see him, stopping him to whisper something in his ear.
“What are you doing? It's not the time.” He says.
“Don't worry, I'll be right back.” He assures the other man with a wink.
He takes you to one of the storage rooms, at the back of the Tavern.
As soon as he closes the door, he wastes no time in pinning you to the door, taking his scarf off and kissing you. Open mouth from the start, he was so desperate to have his mouth on you. So rough that, you were constantly falling out of breathe. His both hands cupping your cheeks, shoving his head in yours. Tongues inside each others mouths. But you pull him away because you didn't get the chance to see him properly.
You were already drowned in his eyes, but now that you see his full face you are mesmerised. You are seeing such a handsome pirate for the first time. The moles on his face, sharp features, the scar on his lips is like the cherry on top. (Imagine Toji's scar)
You don't wait to kiss the scar on his lips, slowly, licking it, he is surprised but soon takes control, biting on your lower lip again and again, now hands on your hips, massaging them, which brings out a moan from you.
“Fuck, your moans are so pretty. Can't wait to hear you moan my name.”
“Then tell me what's your name.” You cock an eyebrow at him. But, it can't beat the perfect smirk on his face.
He drags you to one of the tables in the room, bending you immediately. His hands work on your long skirt, pulling it down along with your panties. You are shocked by his speed. You wanted to get fucked so badly, but he was more into this business than you. While at the same time you removed your shirt. But, as his hand comes to your clit, a long sigh leaves your mouth. Making your legs shiver. It's been a long, very long time. He rubs on your clit, later getting to your folds. He is surprised.
“Oh look, how wet you are already.” You can hear the squelching sound from his rubbing on your folds. But, your legs are not wide enough for him. So he spreads your legs with his own, making your entrance easier for access.
“Hmm, that's more like it.”
He enters one of his finger in your hole, getting a yelp from you. His finger just continues to enter you more and more. You saw his fingers were long, but they feel longer inside you. When he starts thrusting his single finger inside you, it's already numbing your head. You lay your head on the table, cheek flat on the surface.
“Oh fuck-” is all you can say.
“It's just the start, bonita.” He says sliding in another finger. You moan, the feeling is too amazing that you bang your fist on the table. You back was arching, giving him the best angle. He comes down to reach your ear.
“You are a mess, just on my finger. What will happen when you take my dick?” He chuckles right over your ear, sending goosebumps right to your pussy. But, it was a mind blowing feeling when he started scissoring inside of you, as if your pussy would explode anytime with pleasure.
You can hear the sound of the shuffling, he unbuckles his pants, removing them halfway down. Palming his cock through his boxers, he throws his head back, with the thought that next minute his cock will be inside you. He is getting you ready to take him, thrusting his fingers harder on you. It almost feels as if you'd come on his fingers already. But his motion stops. Finally removing his boxers, he strokes his hard dick, spreading his pre cum all over his length.
He spreads his both fingers that are still inside you, making your hole wider, which makes you scream in both pain and pleasure. He rubs his cock on your folds, using your wetness as lube. It's already too much for you. He comes down to you again, to whisper in your ear.
“Oh, and my name is San, in case you need to moan.”
He goes back again, now slowly pushing his cock in. You can hear him sigh loudly.
“Gosh, one of the tightest pussy I've had in a while.” This had you already clenching around him.
After a moment he starts moving. “Fuck San. You- you are too big.”
His thrusts are shallow at first, but sooner he starts gaining momentum. He starts ramming into you and all you could do is grip the table for your dear life. If this keeps going on, the table is gonna leave scratch marks on your stomach. You can hear him groan from behind.
“Ah, San….San fu- fuck.”
“You enjoy getting fucked like this, don't you.” He scoffs. He knew the power he held on you. The loud noises of skins slapping on each other, the squelching sound of your pussy, his groans everything was so overwhelming. You turn your head a slightest bit to get a view of him, and oh! The way his chest is fully covered in sweat, his hairs sticking to his temple because of sweat, droopy eyes. Oh! How much you wished that you kissed him right now and roamed your hands in his hairs. This position was amazing but you wished it was more convenient, also, your legs can give out at any second. He seemed to have noticed that.
“Is this position causing you trouble baby?” He whispers in your ear.
“You wanna see me better? Wanna see how I fuck you?”
All you could do is nod.
“Very well! Then let's switch. You will stand up for me, right baby?”
Nodding, he removes himself from you and you sigh at the feeling of emptiness. But standing up you face him and the next thing you know he lifts you up by your hips and sets you on the table.
Spreading your legs wide by his large hands, he lines up his cock on your clit. Pecking you quickly on the lips he said.
“Let's get this done. Okay?”
He enters you again and your head falls in the crook of his neck. It's just you are not used to his size. The most beautiful man you have ever fucked. How much you wished he stayed around for much more or you could get to see him more. The sudden urge to mark him yours raised and so you started leaving hickeys on his neck and chest as he pounded in you.
But, when he unexpectedly traced the long scar on your torso, it made you visibly flinch. Something that you considered as your biggest flaw.
“A scar, this long, as if you were scraped by a sword.”
“Hmph, yeah. It was a sword.”
“Who would do this to such a beautiful lady like you.”
You take a deep breath.
“M- My father.”
“Be- because I am doing my w- work by going against him. So he tried to kill me because, he- he thinks I am his competition.”
“How insecure he can be. But, it's okay baby, no one can hurt you when I am here.”
The way he speaks, it makes you cling more to him, to rely on him. He is a complete stranger with no business in your pain, but he still assures to protect you. Now is the time. You can tell him what you want to, right at this moment. This can be, he can be your chance of fleeing away from here. And so you finally say it.
“S- San, I know where the key is- the key to Antonio's grand safe.”
He couldn't believe his ears that he stopped his movements.
“What are you saying?” He is purely confused.
“I know you are from ATEEZ, and I know you are here to revenge Antonio.”
He shaked his head, still believing this was fake.
“This fuck so good, I am hallucinating.” He said, trying to make sense of the situation.
“No San, I will help you get to the safe and locate Antonio.”
“Because I want justice too and wanna flee away from here.”
He scrunched his eyebrows, not knowing which question would get him all of the answers he needed to know. So he asked.
“How do you know about all this? Who are you?”
“Because, I am Antonio's daughter.”
The room is dead silent. His grip tightening on your waist. You just wish this doesn't go downhill. But, when he starts to move again, you yelp sudden thrust. His head in the crook of your neck, and you can feel him smile.
“I decided to fuck right women, I guess?” He scoffed. The way all of the weight from your shoulder vanished.
“If I didn't approached you, this moment would have never happened.” You reply to him, and he laughs.
He slowly increases his speed, coming to the climax. His thrusts are fast and deep, trying to reach as far as possible into you. This had you moaning loudly, into his ear, moaning his name, which is driving him more crazy.
“Shit- San, I am close.”
“Do it, cum for me.”
After few more thrusts, you both hit your climax, cumming into you, he hit a few more thrusts to ride out both of your highs. Removing himself from you, he gets dressing shortly while you lay back on the table, exhausted from the sex.
After he is dressed, he helps you get dressed, shocking you, because you didn't expect him to help you. You thought he would rather ask for the key and Antonio, and get back to his team. He notices you expression.
“What? Don't you wanna get ready, we have a mission.”
‘We’, oh! How you hope this ‘We’ remains forever.
Later, that night, they were able to get the key with your help, and get back all of their money. The remaining money, that neither ATEEZ owned nor Antonio, they rained that money upon the town at the dawn which rightfully belonged to towns’ people, later capturing Antonio, tying him up, and throwing him in middle of town's Square, letting people decide his fate, which they did by beating him up, submitting him to the government, leading to his public execution. No matter how bad he treated you, he was still your father, you still felt bad. But now you had nothing you can call yours in the town, and San knew it. He offered you to join Destiny, Ateez's crew, and you accepted.
You are standing in front of the ship and the man you are going to spend the rest of your life with, him, offering you a hand to step on the ship, him and his crew, Welcoming you aboard, to start a new life.
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miaoua3 · 1 month
could you possibly do spicy hc and soft hc for joshua and mingyu??? i came from your tiktok lmao
sure i can! im gonna do joshua now and mingyu later separately so i can organise it better in my masterlist, i hope that’s okay for you!
Joshua Boyfriend Headcanons:
•(sfw! hcs):
according to his birth chart (lol), he has a very hard time feeling the spark with his partners, as well as building the relationship to a deeper and more intimate level, so i feel like for him to have felt the spark for the first time with you would definitely make him fall in love with you immediately and he would be so smitten with you
so so so very gentle, he always has this soft look in his eyes when he’s looking at you, the guys want to make fun of him for it but can’t since they’ve never seen him this happy and in love
biggest forehead kisses enthusiast ever, will do it every morning to you and will melt when you do it for him, over time became something very special and intimate to you both
loves hugs more than anything, at night when he comes home to you, he just hugs you for awhile, slowly swaying with you in his arms to the music playing in the background, he always says that you are his charger, always giving him energy when he has none left❤️
also very big lover of hand kisses, whenever he’s driving he’s always holding your hand, so it’s only right that he kisses the back of it every few minutes, just to reassure both you and himself- you that he’s thinking about you, even when you are right next to him, and himself, that you are really real and his
does this little things that make your eyes water without so much as blinking or thinking about it twice, ie wiping the corner of your mouth if you have a little bit of food left there, tying your shoelaces for you, pulling you to the side so you don’t collide with strangers when you are walking but not paying attention as to where you are walking, standing behind you when you are wearing a short skirt/dress in case the wind messes with it etc❤️
if the flower shops were opened at the time when he’s going home, he would buy you a bouquet every day❤️ so instead he opts for plants that will last longer than a bouquet would and that are just as pretty
subconsciously always pushes your hair away when you are standing face to face and either talking or just…staring at each other, he loves your face so much like everything about it is perfect to him and he could spend hours just…watching you smile at him
would rather die than admit this but definitely bought a bottle of your perfume to have with himself to spray on his pillows when he’s on tour, he just can’t fall asleep without your smell surrounding him, he’s gotten so used to sleeping next to you that he now literally can’t fall asleep otherwise :(
started seeing you and associating you with the colour yellow because you are literally his sun, and he is your moon, he doesn’t exist without you, so he will just unconsciously smile when he drives by a field of sunflowers❤️
• (nsfw! hcs):
feel like inside the bedroom his personality does a whole 180° change, suddenly there’s this dominant and not rude per say but definitely firm joshua, teasing and controlling everything-your body, your movements, even your mind
definitely has a thing for power play, just loves restraining your movements and pinning your hands with his own big ones, turns him on so much knowing that you let yourself be at his mercy
low-key into choking, not too much, just a little bit when you can barely remember your own name due to pleasure, to get you to pay attention back to him
can see him also being into hair pulling, ie when he’s fucking you from behind he just grabs a handful of it and pulls your head back so he can see your face better or well, as best as he can from that angle, sometimes even quickly switches from pulling on your hair to pulling your head back by your neck until you can make eye contact
which brings me to the next point- he’s big on eye contact, for one, he loves your eyes and loves seeing your glossy eyes as he’s fucking you and two, so he can see it if everything is still alright or if he needs to stop for a bit
isn’t into degradation per say, he’s just very firm, he’d want you to use your words always, if you are too gone in the pleasure he will spank you and demand that you answer him
can definitely see him being into cream pies, loves just watching his cum dripping out of you and stuffing it back in with his long fingers, to the point it overstimulates you so much that you start to cry
on the nights where he’s feeling vulnerable however, he will abandon this whole dom persona and fuck you so gently and deeply, will worship your body and mind, will just be all up in your ear and telling you “you are so good, so good to me, my girl, my darling, fuck, i love you so much, love this pussy too, so perfect for me, you are all mine, right? you are my good girl? say it, please, need to hear you say that you are mine, mine and mine only”
LOVES it when you give him a blowjob, just seeing you on your knees in front of him while he’s sitting on the couch, your innocent eyes looking up at him, your hair pulled behind either in a ponytail or in his hand is enough to make him cum down your throat, never mind the feeling of your warm mouth and your tongue swirling around his tip
KING OF AFTER CARE, nobody comes close to him, he will clean you first, maybe make you take a shower with him (where he will do all the cleaning of your body), then dressing you in his comfy clothes because he knows you like his smell and find comfort in wearing his clothes, maybe get you a snack or even cook something if you are feeling extra hungry and then he. wont. let. you. leave. his. arms. he will just hug you and cuddle you and stroke your face and hair and back until you fall asleep, will make sure to let you know that he didn’t mean to go that hard on you, will make sure with you that everything was alright-all in all, he will TAKE care of your body, mind and soul, always❤️
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bvidzsoo · 2 months
The second star of Cosmically divine...
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☆ Author: bvidzsoo
☆ Pairing: Kang Yeosang x female reader
☆ Warning: nudity, cursing, consensual smut, corruption kink, blood, violence, cutting off a hand, allusion to pedophilia (but he pays for it lol karma is a bitch)
☆ Word count: 8.6k
☆ Rating: nsfw
☆ Genre: Greek mythology, Yeosang is Aphrodite's son, forbidden relation
☆ Summary: Doomed from the beginning, your mother, Hera, only saw a weapon in you. If you had once thought she loved you, she proved you wrong the second she cast you away once you failed to kill her enemy's son. Yeosang, Aphrodite's dearest and most prized offspring.
☆ A/N: Hii, lovelies! Second instalment of this series is here, and I swear to God this is the last time I write it in one setting bcz my wrist is falling off currently lol. I really really like this part, I am so curious to hear what you all think of it ! I genuinely appreciate your feedback, and the ones you've left on the previous part legit had me giggling and in tears, I love you all! <3 The taglist is still open, so lmk if you want to be added to it. This is a small side note, but I've read not too long ago a Yungi story that is absolutely amazing and is a Greek mythology au, and whenever I'm writing a part for this series I get reminded of it, so, let me share it with you if you are curious to read it, it's so good!! I'll point out a few things before I let you read the story:
★ This is inspired by Greek mythology, but I took creative liberty and adapted it to my likes, so keep that in mind while reading, thank you! ★ Aphrodite is the Goddess of love, beauty, desire, and all aspects of sexuality ★ Hera is the Goddess of marriage, women, and family, and the protector of women during childbirth ★ Athena is the Goddess of war, handicraft, and wisdom and the patroness of Athens ★ Hades is the God of the underworld ★ Dionysus is the God of wine-making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, festivity, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, and theatre ★ Tartarus lies far beneath the disk of the world, under Hades' underworld, it's used as the ultimate of prisons, unpleasant and inaccessible ★ Elysian Fields is part of the underworld and is where the good go ★ Athenai are a group of women who followed and worshiped Athena ★ Dion is a village and municipal unit in the municipality of Dion-Olympos in the Pieria regional unit, Greece; it's known for its sanctuary of Zeus and its ancient city (definitely give it a visit if you're in the area!) ★ (Athens is the capital city of Greece) ocean divider; greek divider
☆ Taglist: @patchofblue @sthwaaberry @constipatedcorgi @holytidalwavechees3cake @cheolliehugs
@slowitdownmakeitb0uncy @hoeforsungie @madebysvt
༄ ҉ Series m.list ༄ ҉  ★ previous star ★ 
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            Right by the foothill of Mount Olympus and just a few hours away from the lively village of Dion, hidden in a little meadow of the evergreen forest, almost a day long walk from Lake Naia, lay the fun house of Dionysus. Men and women, Gods and Goddesses were welcomed here, scrutinizing and judgmental eyes turning into indifferent and lustful ones, whatever your heart desired a possibility to become reality if whispered to the right person or deity. Selfless and desperate men found solace in the caresses of nymphs that ventured down from Mount Olympus to the fun house, desperate to get away from the clutches of merciless deities that took advantage of them at the smallest chance given. Gods and Goddesses who were tired of the mistreatment enabled by their superiors and were in desperate need of a night where they could let go, often stumbled through the threshold of the fun house. Dionysus loved calling it a fun house because that’s what it truly was, a house that offered you whatever you had in mind when you thought of the word fun. It came in the form of alcohol, music, entertainment and dancing, but it also came in the form of wanton moans, desperate touches, and whispered climaxes. Whatever you had in mind, you’d probably find it at the fun house. The wine was unlimited here as long as you left something of yours behind and promised to return for another fun time, making you rather addicted to the feeling of adrenaline coursing through your veins as you anticipated your reward. Whether this was in the form of a beautiful nymph or innocent maiden, a hunky man that liked it rough or a young lad whose touch was soft, or perhaps the unlimited alcohol that intoxicated your mind and sometimes killed you before your time…it was all the visitors choice. Dionysus took great pleasure in watching the mere mortals crumble at his feet, and he loved it even more when he managed to break a deity beyond the point of madness.
Everyone here knew who I was. The empty jug lay next to my hand almost mockingly as my eyes bore into the table, head slightly buzzing and ears ringing from the loud music the few drunken musicians attempted to play. The harp had a beautiful sound if in the hands of someone that could yield it, but the one mortal that attempted to play it here made it sound borderline scratchy, fingers caressing the strings rather unprofessionally. Despite how crowded the fun house was, not a soul took it upon themselves to share a table with me, and I understood why. I wasn’t necessarily here for company, especially not that of a man, but it would’ve felt nice to lay my worries upon an ear willing to listen. I knew the sharp daggers secured onto the belt around my waist intimidated men, but I expected women to be more than willing to share stories with me. After all, it wasn’t a secret to anyone that I was part of the Athenai, Athena’s loyal followers, the leader of a cult that brought forth possibilities for women eager to become more than what their society instilled on them.
A rather young girl passed by the table, head hanging low as she clutched the large jug of wine to refill the thirsty men’s glasses, and I watched closely as she walked between the tables, pouring more wine for the one’s asking. She was young, too young for a place like this, but I figured her family was living scarcely and they needed every little penny they could get. Knowing the nature of the men that were so eager to frequent places as such, it came as no surprise when the young girl’s shoulder was clutched by a calloused hand, yanking her back violently. The girl’s eyes widened in panic as she looked up, clutching the jug to her chest as if afraid to spill anything. It was pure instinct by now to draw my weapons at the sight of a female getting harmed, and it came as no surprise when I felt my blood boil underneath my skin. The man that dared touch the little girl was laughing, gripping her chin and trying to force her to sit down at his table filled with six more men, all watching her with a predatory glint in their eyes. Athena has taught me her virtues, has passed her beliefs onto me, raised me as a strong and independent woman, one that would not sit idly by and watch an innocent soul get harassed, especially if so young. The cult of Athenai have sworn celibacy to Athena, and have sworn to protect maidens and women in dire danger until their last breath.
I moved stealthily, barely leaving a breeze in my wake as I stood from the table, eyes burning anyone that dared look my way, right hand gripping the handle of my most loved dagger. Hephaestus was a marvelous craftsman, every piece of armor was designed by Athena and myself, and then later on perfected and strengthened by him. I had great trust in my weapons and my abilities, having led a war by Athena’s side more than once. As I made my way towards the table full of vile men, the little girl’s body had started shaking as she struggled to fill their glasses with wine, the man that was holding her had his hand sliding down her fragile body. I tensed my muscles and willed my mind to remain focused, knowing that if I saw red right now, not even one man would leave this house in one piece. As a quiet and scared whimper left the young girl’s lips, my jaw clenched and I unsheathed my dagger, the other men sitting at the table finally noticing me as I came into their vicinity.
A wide smirk stretched onto my lips as I saw the terror in their eyes, and before they could alert their companion harassing the young girl, my dagger had long come down against the nimble skin of the man, the steel cutting through his flesh and bones, severing the hand he had on the table. The cry that left his mouth was gut-wrenching and it made everyone stop in their tracks, eyes wide as the lively music had cut off at once, the young girl jumping away with watering eyes as the man tried to stand and whirl around. But I just chuckled and grabbed his greasy hair, yanking his head back as I pressed my sharp dagger against his neck, making him suddenly become still. His chest was heaving and he had broken out into a cold sweat, whole body shaking as blood gushed out of his severed limb. I leered, leaning down close to his ear.
“You are in great luck tonight, my friend,” I hissed against his ear, his body reeking of alcohol and grime, “I cannot kill you unless you do something unforgivable, but that doesn’t mean I cannot teach you a lesson, you stupid mortal.”
The man had started sobbing, snot running down his nose and into his mouth as he tried to splutter out apologies, his companions frozen as they didn’t know whether to help him or not. I pressed my dagger just a little more against his skin, making sure to draw blood as the man cried out in agony again, making me grin widely as I released him, but not before banging his head against the table hard enough to knock him out. His companions jumped to their feet and rushed over to the passed-out man as I turned my head to search for the young girl, finding her cowering behind a woman that was silently crying. I wiped down the blood from my dagger onto the white cloth I had hidden in my pocket as I walked towards the two, motioning for the woman to step aside. She did so quickly, revealing the young girl to me. I sighed as I leaned down to be eye level with her, gently wiping her tears off her face.
“Do not cry child, you’re safe now.” I muttered to her gently, unlatching a satchel from my belt, “Take this and head to Athens tomorrow, take your family with you if needed. Pray to Athena tonight and tell her that her most trusted apprentice saved you from a vile man, ask for her blessings and protection.”
“Won’t she want something in return?” The girl’s voice was shaky as she reluctantly accepted the coins, probably the sum more than she’s ever made here at the fun house. I smiled and gave a pat to her head as I stood up straight again.
“You are a smart girl; Athena will like that.” I hummed, fixing her hair behind her head, tilting her chin up to look in her eyes, “If you wish to be strong and able to protect yourself, all you have to offer to Athena is a promise to remain a maiden, child, and she will have you. You’ll thrive under her cult and you’ll have a good life in Athens.”
Gratitude graced the young girl’s face and she bowed her head deeply, bending at her middle to go even lower, making me smile at her display of gratitude, “Thank you, my heavenly protector.”
I chuckled as I gave a last pat to the girl’s head, looking around the still deadly silent fun house. I grinned and took my leave, knowing that the mood would be ruined as I wasn’t welcomed anymore for the night. When I reached the door, I turned around and bowed mockingly before I was out of the crowded and warm house, welcoming the cool breeze of the summer night. As the door closed behind myself, the music picked back up and the chatter and shouts resumed like nothing had happened, and I took a moment to clear my mind. I headed to the corner of the house and leaned against its structure, sighing as I looked up at the stary night, wondering whether I should return to Olympus now, or head back to Athens myself. But something snapped next to me and the unmistakable aura of an Olympian God invaded my sense, forcing my body to remain alert as I gently clutched the handle of my dagger.
“No need for that, dear,” I slightly relaxed at the familiar deep voice, but failed to spot the figure in the pitch-black night, “I am not here to harm you—or any of the women you protect.”
“Then why are you here?” I snapped back, growing a little irritated that the God wasn’t showing himself to me.
“I’m here to collect a very dear soul.” The deep voice answered back, sounding amused at my irritation as the nauseating scent of tobacco filled my nose. Sometimes, I wondered whether Death was timeless, whether he could travel between times unseen and unknown to us. Even as deities, we couldn’t predict the future nor if we truly were everlasting, but there was a glint in Death’s eyes that held secrets nobody but him knew about.
“I didn’t kill the man, you don’t have to snitch on me—” His deep giggle cut me off, and there he was, finally, showing himself to me as he stepped out of the shadows. His body was clad in a midnight black suit, tailored to fit his body perfectly as if it was his second skin. He had cut his hair shorter sometime not long ago, and it stood up in a way that made him look like he didn’t belong amongst us. Hades’ sharp eyes were crinkled as he smiled widely, his front teeth crooked as the cigar hung loosely between his teeth.
“I’m not here for that man,” Hades chuckled as the cigar bobbed with every word he said, “he’s going straight to Tartarus. I’m here for someone else.”
I followed his line of sight as he gazed inside the fun house through the window, eyes settling on an old man who was smiling and chatting by the bar with a beautiful young woman, “He’s lively, but his heart has weakened. I hope he hasn’t forgotten about our little trade back when he was still youthful and handsome.”
“You love making trades.” I sighed under my breath as I watched Hades grin, then take a long drag of his strongly smelling cigar. I never dared ask where he got those from, I never saw anyone else smoking them. It felt like it was somehow beyond me and our times, like it was better if I stayed naïve. Hades was an enigma nobody could fully decipher; it was best if you didn’t ask many questions. He had a way with his words, he could easily trick you into trades and deals that were only beneficial to him. The tale of signing your soul away to him unassumingly was more common than not, and I appreciated my life, cherished it dearly even.
“That I do, indeed.” He hummed, sharp and dark eyes falling on me again. He also loved flirting with people that he wasn’t supposed to flirt with, “Still worshiping the lovely Athena?”
I snorted under my breath, crossing my arms in front of my chest as I leaned against the building again, “It’s what I was created for.”
“Ah, yes,” Hades hummed, taking a long drag of his cigar, smoke wafting up in the air around us, “my bitch of a sister sure loves sending out other people to do the dirty work for her. If only Zeus wasn’t such a man-whore—”
“You speak rather freely, Mingi.” I narrowed my eyes at the God of death, interrupting what was supposed to be his inner monologue.
“Of course, I do.” He chuckled upon hearing his real name leave my lips, throwing the cigar onto the ground as he stepped on it. I’ve seen him do that many times, yet I still haven’t figured out why he did that, “What? What are they going to do to me? Banish me? Chase me away? Kill me? Death is everlasting, my dear, just as birth is. Even when you will stop existing, I’ll be still here. I’m one with Gaea. Unlike many of our kin, I do not need to be worshipped to exist.”
That made me think, made my mind dwell on thoughts that they weren’t supposed to dwell on, “Are you saying we won’t always be here?”
“I’d love to chat more with you, my dear.” Mingi smiled mischievously, his eyes narrowing into playful slits as he stepped closer, caressing my cheek gently. He was perhaps the only man that’s ever touched me—the one I willingly allowed to touch me—his touch lacking the lust no other man could even as much so as hide, “But my old man really needs to go now, and Hera’s called for you.”
“Are you stealing Hermes’ job now?” I chuckled, patting his hand before I removed it, dusting my hands off.
“No,” Mingi chuckled, shaking his head, “I’d rather die then be the messenger of these bored deities that love beefing with each other for no reason.”
“Do you reckon why my mother is asking for me?” I raised an eyebrow as I chuckled at Mingi’s humor.
“No idea, but she looked beyond devious.” He sighed, slowly stalking towards the entrance of the fun house, Dionysus would certainly hate that there would be two deities tormenting his fun house tonight, “Perhaps has something to do with lovely Aphrodite.”
I hummed, nodding my head in goodbye as Mingi disappeared inside, leaving me alone in the darkness of the night. Well, off to Mount Olympus I was.
            And Mingi was right, my mother did summon me due to something concerning Aphrodite. The palace was brightly lit despite it being after midnight by the time I made it home, and my steps were silent against the marble stones despite how lightly I walked. Athena made sure teach me that. As I had knocked on the door of my mother’s bedroom, it opened up instantly and allowed me inside. She sat on her sofa, snacking on some grapes as her two servants fanned her with big leaves, looking stoic and avoiding eye contact at all costs. My mother’s mouth pulled into a wide smile upon seeing me, her eyes a bright color and glimmering under the divine light. I fixed my posture and bowed my head in respect as I walked closer to her, the armor I wore completely the opposite of her satin indigo dress.
“Daughter,” She cooed, her voice warm and loud in the confines of her bedroom, “it’s been a while since I’ve seen you.”
That was true, indeed, she only met me when she needed something from me. I wasn’t to any use for her unless she was sending me out to kill the people she didn’t like, or have tried to bewitch her bellowed husband. I have long come to terms with the fact that Athena was more of a motherly figure than my own mother would ever be.
“Indeed, mother, how may I help you this time?” I asked emotionlessly, resting my hand on the handle of my dagger as it brought me comfort.
My mother chuckled as she raised her hand, the servants stopping their actions, “Out.”
They wasted no time in scurrying out, and I watched as they bowed deeply to my mother then to me, and fled the room at last. My mother sat up, pushing her dark brown hair behind her shoulders, her satin dress falling down on one shoulder. She was a Goddess almost as beautiful as Aphrodite, Hera could have anyone she wanted. Many worshipped her and tried to whisk her away from Zeus, but she only had eyes for that tyrant.
“Well, now that it’s just the two of us,” Hera chuckled, her expression twisting into something sly, “I’m sure you’ve heard of Aphrodite’s children, my daughter.”
“I have.” I confirmed as I raised an eyebrow at my mother. I have even met a few, but they weren’t very likeable, much like their mother.
“What about Yeosang?” My mother’s voice dripped with venom, palms curling into fists.
“Mere tales whispered by naiads is all I know of him.” I answered, gulping when my mother raised to her feet, a deity easily taller than most men. She stepped off her pedestal and slowly approached me, hand extending as she cupped my cheek. Unlike Mingi’s tender caress, hers was cold and borderline painful.
“I have a very important mission for you, my daughter.” My mother’s eyes sparkled with a vicious glint, teeth showing as she leered, “Someone had spoken ill of poor Aphrodite and she wants the man dead. But we know she never directly dirties her hands, and instead sends one of her children. Yeosang is her most prized child, my daughter, I need you to go find him, and kill him.”
I withheld the snort that threatened to bubble past my lips, impressed by my mother’s ignorance and the irony of her words. Wasn’t she sending me out to take care of her dirty business? The hatred between the two Goddesses runs deep, the two never settling their differences and finding ways to torment not just each other, but those around themselves as well. I was raised to hate Aphrodite, by my mother at least, because Athena’s teachings taught me different things. I wasn’t supposed to hate no woman, nor Goddess, but my mother couldn’t know that. I was more loyal to Athena than to her anyway.
“Is he going down to the mortals?” I questioned and pulled my head back slowly to get rid of my mother’s uncomfortable caress against my cheek. She hummed, giving me a scrutinizing look as her eyes took me in, a small grin spreading onto her lips.
“You’ve become a fine warrior, my daughter, I knew handing you over to Athena was a smart choice.” My mother sighed happily, eyes hardening at once, “You cannot fail me, my daughter, Aphrodite never lets Yeosang out of her sight, this is your one and only chance to kill him for me, do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand.” I bowed my head and my mother hummed, turning her back to me as she walked back towards her sofa.
“He’s in Dion, you’ll find him at the brothel in the East side of the village.” She sat back on her sofa, snapping her fingers as the doors opened instantly, the two servants rushing back inside, “And do not worry about recognizing him, you’ll know once you see him. He resembles Aphrodite a lot.”
And perhaps my mother hated that even more than the fact that Aphrodite was more beautiful than her. I didn’t worry about recognizing Yeosang, amongst mortals, an Olympian could be easily picked out in a crowd.
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            Life in the village compared to the life of the Olympians was rather lamentable. Few people were well-off to live in spacious mansions that resembled the homes of the Olympians, as most of these mortals lived in humble and small cottages. But no matter how poor or rich, the nightlife in Dion never lacked as inns and brothels were overfilled with rowdy and insatiable people. I had disguised myself as a maiden of the village, a simple white dress that’s seen better days replacing the armor that felt like a second skin and brought me comfort. I felt exposed as my dark hair flowed freely against my shoulders and back, making me more vulnerable as anyone could easily grab onto it. The only time I wore it like this was when I bathed, in a battle you couldn’t allow anything to distract you. The sleeves of my dress were long, covering my arms as my two daggers were strapped tightly against the inner parts of them, I would never willingly bear myself vulnerable around anyone I didn’t trust.
Since I was disguised, nobody could tell that I was Hera’s daughter and Athena’s apprentice, making men boldly approach me and try to flirt their ways into bedding me for the night. I hated every single second of it, narrowly avoiding their touches and turning down their offers in a charming manner, not wanting to anger anyone and draw attention onto myself before I was done with what I was here for. The brothel was overspilling with people at the ungodly hour of the witches, and it turned out to be a hard task to find Aphrodite’s son, Yeosang. I didn’t know who I was looking for, but I would know upon seeing him. After walking around and watching the crowd carefully, I let the people push me towards the bar as I ordered a pint of beer for myself, leaning against the surface as I surveyed the crowd once again. The music was loud and the dancing people grew in number as others disappeared upstairs, occupying the empty rooms for mere seconds of pleasure. I had just taken a sip of the rather bitter beer, when an overwhelming feeling of warmth made me look up alarmed. I narrowed my eyes as I tried to pinpoint the direction it was coming from, my blood boiling underneath my skin as a weird sense of calmness tried to push through my alert disposition. My heart was racing and my ears had started ringing at once, and I knew the few sips of beer weren’t the cause of it. I was in the presence of another divinity. And upon realizing this, through the dancing people emerged an ethereal looking man.
The seemingly white glow that no mortal seemed to notice was almost alarming, coating his skin fair and making it glow as the softest and gentlest smile settled on his blood-red lips upon noticing me. Even from a distance, his eyes were gentle and warm in color, golden swirling around his irises as he graciously walked closer, hands clasped in front of him. Somebody crashed into him, but instead of screaming and pushing them away, he continued smiling as his lips moved slowly, probably reassuring the person that it was no problem. His hair fell around his face in a light brown curtain, framing his forehead and cheekbones as his nose was petite, his jawline sharp. My grip tightened around the pint of beer, suddenly my heart racing in my chest as the warmth I have felt previously only worsened the closer the deity walked. I found myself struggling to intake air, as if the man had his grip around my throat, refusing me the air I desperately needed. His smile only widened as I felt my legs weaken, the man now standing in front of me. His scent was sweet like honey and roses, overpowering the unpleasant odor coming from the humans.
“Another deity,” His voice was deep, unlike his soft features and what you’d expect to hear from him, “it’s rare any comes down to this brothel.”
“You’re here too.” I found my voice, completely surprised by how breathy it sounded. I gulped and took a quick sip of my beer, hoping it would help fix the dryness of my throat. The deity, Yeosang, watched my action closely, chuckling lowly as his lips pursed. The longer I looked at his face, the more I understood why he was Aphrodite’s favourite child. He was beyond perfect and gracious, well-mannered, and soft spoken. Perhaps if Aphrodite didn’t exist, he’d be Aphrodite instead. But nobody, no mortal or deity, could be prettier than the Goddess of beauty herself, and I noticed with mild surprise that Yeosang had a blood-red discoloration around his left temple in the shape of an almost heart.
“Are you here to satiate your vices?” His warm eyes shifted onto the beer again, and I chuckled, looking down at it too. I had to play my part if I wanted to kill him tonight, therefore, I lied.
“Some vices you can never fully satiate.” My expression was serious as my eyes bore into Yeosang’s, “I am tired of the fakeness of the Olympians, I want to feel something real.”
Something alluring flashed inside Yeosang’s eyes as he, too, leaned against the bar, reaching out for my pint of beer, “Mortals are fun little toys—until they start playing Gods and want to replace you.”
“Good thing we are irreplaceable, then.” I grinned as Yeosang chuckled, bringing up the pint to his lips. They parted slowly, his gaze burning into mine, a heated feeling suddenly encompassing my whole being. I have never felt that before, and suddenly I was nervous. Could it be that Yeosang was manipulating me somehow? All deities had powers to a certain extent, but his and mine were limited, we weren’t any major God the mortals ardently worshipped. I tried to reassure myself that it couldn’t have been him as he slowly lowered the pint from his lips, placing it back onto the bar.
“A deity like yourself certainly cannot enjoy that vile thing?!” Yeosang sounded almost appalled as he pressed his bony fingers against his lips, making me chuckle as I pulled the pint back towards myself.
“Someone as sophisticated as yourself would enjoy wine, I suppose.” Yeosang blushed as he hid his mouth with his hand, averting his eyes down to the floor. I smirked, feeling victorious as I raised my hand for the waitress to come over. She was quick on her feet, thankfully, and I swiftly ordered a glass of wine for my prey. My plan was perfectly working out, I didn’t think it’d be so easy to lure him into my trap. Perhaps Aphrodite shouldn’t have kept her precious son so sheltered, he was too naïve for his own good, and it would bring his downfall tonight. As Yeosang shyly looked up, I fixed my expression, trying to look as inoffensive as I could.
“I have always believed there is no point in hiding who we are,” I tensed as Yeosang suddenly leaned forward, invading my personal space as the waitress delivered his glass of wine, “after all, at some point people see through your façade. It usually falls when you think others aren’t watching you, even if it’s the slightest crack, somebody will notice.”
Feeling speechless, I could only watch as Yeosang smiled shyly and took his glass of wine, murmuring a quiet thank you before he took a tentative sip of it. My heart hadn’t stopped hammering against my ribcage ever since he walked over, and I could only pray to Athena that I wouldn’t start sweating now. There was something about Yeosang’s aura that exuded calmness but alure at the same time, and I found it hard to make sense of these new emotions surfacing in my body. Everything tingled and burned, suddenly finding his proximity not close enough, needing him to push me up against a wall and devour me. If Athena were to hear these vile thoughts, she’d be just as disgusted by them as I was. I tried to gulp down the nausea rising up through my stomach, and as I opened my mouth to speak up, a man tumbled into Yeosang. His wine was almost spilled, but he saved it last minute as he helped the man stand up straight.
“Oh,” Yeosang whispered, face lighting up in recognition, “old friend! I thought I have forever lost you to the crowd!”
The man reeked of every odor one could think of, yet Yeosang went and placed his arm around his shoulder, pulling him into his side. I watched with furrowed eyebrows as the mortal hiccupped, eyes half lidded as he struggled to stand up straight. The glass of wine was abandoned as Yeosang’s full attention was on the man, and I took a deep breath as I felt my pulse quicken even more. I took a quick glance around myself to make sure nobody was watching us, and then reached inside my dress, finding the hidden vial between my breasts easily.
“You abandoned me, boy!” The man’s words were slurred as he clumsily exclaimed, and I acted in a swift moment, pouring the poison into Yeosang’s glass unnoticed. My fist curled around the vial until I crushed it into small shards, the pain never reaching my skin as it instantly turned into dust. I watched the poison quickly dissolve in Yeosang’s drink just as the deity chuckled and looked back at me. My eyebrows shot up as I quickly smiled, hoping I didn’t look suspicious.
“This old friend of mine loves dancing,” Yeosang chuckled as he maneuvered the man around so that they stood side by side facing me, “I had to abandon him for a while.”
“Yes, you did.” The man’s head fell a little forward before Yeosang steadied him, making me wonder just how strong the deity was. His muscles were lean and not bulging as most Gods liked to look like, yet it was unquestionable that he was rather strong as he held up the man twice his size.
“Old friend, tell me something.”
The old man perked up as he tried to open his eyes more, “What, boy?”
“The young lady you introduced to me earlier,” Yeosang’s smooth voice turned slightly darker, subtly sneering. My eyebrows furrowed as the soft expression swiftly slipped off his face, “what have you said to her?”
“Oh!” The drunk man exclaimed, lips pulling into a drunken smirk as he looked at me, eyes raking over my body. I wished to wipe out my daggers and gauge his eyes out, but tonight I had to behave, “That lady cannot be compared in beauty to anyone else, she’s more beautiful than Aphrodite herself.”
The air seemed to freeze around us as my breath halted. Yeosang’s smile turned cold, eyes narrowing as he hummed, his grip on the man’s shoulder visibly tightening, “Hmm, I see.”
I didn’t know what to do as Yeosang turned his head, one eyebrow raised as if in question. I cleared my throat and averted my eyes as I instead grabbed my pint and threw back the remained of my beer. Yeosang’s eyes slowly shifted onto his glass of wine and he paused, then reached out and took the glass. I watched with a hammering heart as he raised it up to his lips, then slowly tilted the glass, the wine almost touching his blood-red lips.
“Drinking in front of your elderly without offering it to them first?!” The old man coughed a little, giving Yeosang a glare as if his respect had been broken. Yeosang froze, then I watched in mild alarm as he lowered his glass, shooting the man an apologetic smile.
“Where have my manners gone?” He shook his head at himself and the man hummed. I opened my mouth to interject into their exchange, but instead felt my jaw fall open in shock as Yeosang forcefully grabbed the man’s chin and yanked it open, pushing his head back by it, pouring the wine down his throat aggressively. I gasped as I watched the man gargle and try not to choke on the poisoned wine, my palms turning into fists as my muscles tensed.
“There, you can have all the wine.” Yeosang snickered, throwing the empty glass onto the floor, it shattering loudly as he slowly turned his head, tilting it to the side. My eyes hardened in an instant as I noticed the change in his demeanor, the serene and innocent look gone from Yeosang’s face as he smirked, leaning towards me, “Those who speak my mother’s name in vain shall be punished, right, Y/N?”
There hasn’t been a time before where a man won over me. I was trained for war, I have fought battles that took the lives of hundreds of men, I have slain men who have mistreated women and yet…a pathetic son of a Goddess had me fumbling in panic as he released the old man who had started heaving for air, clutching his throat. Yeosang stepped back and watched as I caught the old man, eyes wide as the poison rather quickly brought him to his demise. I didn’t know what to do as his body started growing heavier, and when I made eye contact with Yeosang, he was already backing into the crowd with a poisonous glint in his eyes and a vicious smirk on his lips.
He had won this game.
I felt anger surge through my body, but I couldn’t act on my desires to chase after the deity and have his head. And so, I played the part of my disguise as I released the man. Then, I opened my mouth and shrieked.
            The slap stung no more than a battle scar yet had to, and still, my ego was bruised beyond my body has ever been. I gritted my teeth as I refused to cower under my mother’s seething eyes. Something broke next to us and I jumped, not used to my mother’s hysterical displays. Now I understood why Zeus never tried to anger her, and yet still failed miserably each time.
“You wench,” Hera hissed, grabbing my chin and yanking my head forward, “You’re good for nothing.”
I tried not to snort as I looked down, avoiding eye contact. I have never failed before. I was more than good, but she was too blinded by her childish hatred for Aphrodite to actually notice that.
“You are a disgrace and an abomination!” My mother continued to hiss, her grip turning painful on my chin, “Look me in the eyes, you stupid wench!”
Fury licked under my skin, igniting my veins and making me tense my muscles and calm my mind as I yearned to reach for my dagger and push it through her nonexistent heart. I gulped and looked up into her eyes, remaining emotionless like Athena had trained me.
“You are not my daughter.” Hera hissed, leaning in my face, “I banish you from my home, you are never to step foot inside my temple and sanctuary. Perish from in front of my eyes before I turn you into nothing.”
She pushed me away like I have burned her, and I gulped, biting down on my tongue to keep myself calm and level-headed. I didn’t want to turn into nothing, that I knew. So, instead, I bowed my head and took off towards the door, grabbing the handle of my dagger for comfort, “And to think I nourished you and cherished you for nothing.”
My grip faltered around the handle of the door and something coiled in my chest as I took a deep breath, trying to talk myself down from what was about to come out of my mouth. I ripped the door open and chuckled, turning my head to look smugly at Hera, “Thank fuck I won’t have to see your stupid face ever again, you hysterical bitch.”
The scream Hera let out only made me laugh as I slammed the door shut behind me, fury making my body feel like it was on fire. That feeling was only ever present when I was in battle, and protecting women. I felt my whole being vibrate as I left the stupid home of Hera, steps hurried as I knew who to seek out for guidance. I will find Yeosang and I will kill him, Athena may you be my guide and protect me in my quest.
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            Hunting came as second nature; I could do it even with my eyes closed. The ground of the forest was solid underneath my feet and the trees tall and offering shade from the blazing sun as I swiftly advanced towards the meadow. There was nothing in this world I couldn’t track and hunt down. Man, woman, animal, deity. Athena had let me know in a whisper where Aphrodite’s pond resided, a place that only her, her nymphs, and Yeosang knew about. The deity often came here to spend the hot days of summer cooling off in the ever-clear Pond of Beauty. Aphrodite had created it herself for her offspring and those that she considered worthy of her treasure. The pond resided close by the foothill of Mount Olympus, on the territory of the Gods and Goddesses. No human could come here, unless they wished for a painful death.
My bow and arrow lay snuggly in my hands as I held onto them tightly, eyes narrowed as I listened closely to the sounds of the forest. The meadow was just one step ahead, I was hiding behind the bushes and the tall trees, eyes surveying the area before I looked out onto the meadow, the pond vast and its water glimmering under the sunlight that fell directly on it. Sweat had gathered on my brows as I took deep breaths, remaining calm as I noticed ripples on the surface of the pond, a head covered in light brown hair slowly surfacing. My heart started hammering against my ribcage as I watched the deity swim around in the pond, a serene look on his face as he seemed to be glowing in the sunlight, his light brown hair turning almost as golden as the swirls in his warm brown eyes. He floated around graciously, his milky skin translucent as it made contact with the water and the sunlight.
I tensed my muscles and drew my right arm back, aiming my arrow towards Aphrodite’s beautiful creation. I closed my eyes for a second and took a deep breath, tuning in to the sounds of nature as I relaxed my body, preparing to release the arrow the second my eyes opened. I felt my body move slightly, align in the direction Yeosang was, and I sighed quietly, feeling the warm breeze caress my skin tenderly all of a sudden. The birds seemed to sing louder here, the grass seemed to brush up against my ankles gently, and the breeze carried a soft smell of pomegranates, honey, and roses. I gulped, feeling my lips part in another quiet sigh as suddenly my ears started buzzing, my skin jittery out of nowhere. My eyebrows slightly furrowed, feeling a little unnerved as my body grew warmer and warmer, flesh burning underneath the heavy silver armor. I gulped and willed my mind to focus, to let go of everything that served as a distraction, and opened my eyes as my fingers holding the string had started slipping, about to release the arrow aimed towards the mesmerizing deity.
But when my eyes opened, my body froze as if someone else was controlling it. Yeosang’s brown eyes shone golden as they bore into mine even at the great distance, and I felt my fingers tremble as I reluctantly lowered my weapon. I struggled to breathe as I felt my legs moved forward, guiding me towards the pond, away from the safety of the trees and the high grass. There was something very wrong as my skin burned and my heart raced, and I couldn’t stop myself from approaching Yeosang. His blood-red lips pulled into a faint smile as my hand raised to undo my bun, my dark hair falling down and fawning my back as I sighed in content. Another step towards him had me unclasping the silver armor from around my torso, my hands trembling as I couldn’t look away from Yeosang. I felt drawn in, mesmerized, and charmed. A madman would say it was witchcraft, but I couldn’t tell what was happening to me.
Yeosang’s lips parted as he whispered something I couldn’t hear just yet, and I felt my hands undo the bindings of my corset as it soon fell from around my body, leaving it bare for Yeosang’s eyes to drink in my exposed skin. I shivered and my arms got covered in goosebumps as Yeosang’s grin turned wider, beckoning me into the pond as he extended one hand. My mind was screaming at me to stop, to unsheathe my dagger from my belt and throw it at Yeosang, but instead, my body moved on its own as I undid my belt and then the bindings of my pants, stopping for a second to push down the garment after I stepped out of my boots.
Yeosang’s tongue darted out to lick at his blood-red lips, and I gasped as my feet came in contact with the cold water of the pond. I was bare in front of a man, walking towards him, offering myself up to him. What I was doing was forbidden, I would be banished and probably killed, but I couldn’t stop. No matter how much I wanted to, my body didn’t stop moving towards Yeosang. The cold water clung to my overheated skin and my heart pounded in my chest as I couldn’t feel the soil underneath my feet anymore. I was forced to swim further inside the pond. I wanted to stop, but my body wouldn’t until it reached Yeosang. My lips trembled from both fright and the cold, and the closer I got to Yeosang, the wider his grin got. He was preening at me, eyes flashing golden like his hair in the sunlight, and suddenly, I was face to face with him. I shuddered out a breath, chest contracting as I tried to yank myself far away from him, but suddenly the water felt like it had hands and had immobilized me to my spot.
“Y/N,” Yeosang’s voice carried amusement, eyes twinkling in the same manner, “it’s rude to impose on someone that’s bathing.”
I couldn’t find my voice, my throat had gone dry, my whole body was trembling. I couldn’t be seen bare by any man or deity, I had to kill Yeosang. I would be never forgiven if I didn’t, if he touched me…I would be punished for an eternity.
“Why are you here?” He raised an eyebrow, lowering himself under the water until his eyes and hair were visible only. I tried to calm my frantic heartbeat, to regulate my breathing once again.
“I’m here to kill you.” I hissed out, eyes hardening as Yeosang pushed his head above water, giggling.
“Without your armor, you’re nothing but a woman, Y/N.” My blood boiled under my skin, and I wasn’t trembling from the cold anymore, it was from anger. My jaw clenched as I glared at Yeosang, still trying to break free of this invisible spell he’s put on me.
“Is this where your mask slips and you show just how rotten you are at your core?” Yeosang’s head lulled back as he laughed, water dripping from his hair once he faced me again.
“You think I’m doing something to you,” His voice dropped to a dangerous whisper as his eyes darkened, just like at the brothel. He didn’t look innocent anymore, he looked menacing and dangerous, “but I am not. The pond brings out your deepest, darkest desires.”
Something coiled in my chest and I felt my cheeks heat up, mortified at what Yeosang was implying, “How dare you?! I am an Athenai, I have sworn to serve Athena. I have no such desires like the one you’re implying I have—”
I stiffened as Yeosang reached out, his warm fingertips softly touching my skin, “Then why is your skin ablaze? Why does your flesh sing to me to come closer? To feel you? To touch you? To devour you?”
I gasped as Yeosang swum uncomfortably close, palm caressing my cheek bigger than it, eyes boring into mine as I felt unraveled by the simplest touch, “Why do you want me to fill you up here until you’re a begging mess, until you have forgotten who you are?”
It felt like the sunlight was cut off and my neck was snapped into half, when, underwater, I felt nimble fingers trace the outline of lips untouched before, slipping between them and drawing out a sound that’s never left my mouth before, “Why does it throb for me?”
Yeosang’s lips brushed against my ear as I moaned loudly, head falling back when his fingers touched a spot that had the name of Gaea on my lips, praying to be forgiven for the sins I was committing, “Kill me with your bare hands, Y/N, and I shall grant you one wish.”
I whimpered as I finally felt released by the clutches of the water, hands flying out as I clung onto Yeosang’s shoulders, eyes screwing shut when the heel of his palm pressed harder against my core, massaging it in a circular motion, toes curling at the blinding feeling that had my whole body on fire like no battle could ignite it. Yeosang’s blood-red lips pressed against the vein pulsating in my neck, and I bit my bottom lip, trying to muffle the sounds I was making as he dipped his fingers lower, prodding at a hole I didn’t know existed before, “Yeosang.”
“Say my name, my goddess.” Yeosang growled against my neck, his teeth grazing my skin as I felt him grip onto my hip with his free hand, “Tell me how badly you want me dead.”
I moaned as one finger slowly slipped inside that hole, my mouth falling open in a loud gasp as I felt my muscles contracting, clenching down on his digit, “I shall skin you alive and deliver you to your mother myself.”
Yeosang moaned as his lips left my neck, eyes boring into mine as he faced me again. His hand from my hip slowly slipped down onto my thigh and he guided it around his own hip, flushing our bodies together as he moved his finger in and out, making my eyebrows furrow at the unusual pleasure that erupted in my whole body.
“If you do,” Yeosang whispered against my lips, gently biting my bottom lip, “I shall persuade Athena to forgive you for your sins.”
I gasped as the pace of his finger quickened, his thumb pressing on the bundle of nerves again, and his name echoed in the meadow as I cried it out loudly, body shaking from the overwhelming new feelings I haven’t felt before, “Oh, Yeosang.”
“I know,” He whispered, suddenly his finger gone from my throbbing core, and I whined as my eyes flew open, searching his face for an explanation. His golden eyes had glazed over and were a dark brown, his skin and hair not that bright anymore as clouds shielded the sun for us, almost as if they were shielding us from the eyes of the Gods and Goddesses themselves, “it’s overwhelming for the first time, but you’re doing so well for me, my goddess.”
He guided my other leg too around his hip, and I anchored myself against his lean body as I crossed my ankles behind his bottom. I could feel something hard and heavy press against my thigh and Yeosang smirked, pushing the hair out of my face as his lips pressed against mine featherlike, experimentally. My heart was beating fast, skin on fire as I felt the hard member line up at the entrance Yeosang’s finger had been inside previously, and I gulped, feeling fear for the first time in my life. No man, no battle, no war was scarier than the sin I was about to commit. But I wanted it. I knew now, I’ve always wanted it, I’ve just been repressing it desperately in honour of my oath.
“Yeosang, my god, take me.” It was a bare plea against his lips, and then they were devouring mine, coaxing them open as his tongue slid against mine at the same time as my hole was stretched open as the hard and heavy member seemed to split me apart at once, drawing out whimpers of pain as Yeosang’s lips tried to muffle them. I felt full, yet it wasn’t enough. It would never be enough as his hands gripped my hips bruisingly, guiding me up and down on his member as Yeosang whimpered, tongue tangled with mine as the painful sting in my core resided, but wasn’t as bad as it had been a second ago.
“Promise yourself to me and you shall live.” Yeosang’s low voice demanded as he mercilessly slammed my hips down, turning my mind into a jumbled mess as I was impaled again and again, wondering if the slice of my dagger would ever come close to this feeling.
“I am protector of maidens and women,” I groaned as a hand groped at my exposed chest, fiddling with the nipple, my nails digging into Yeosang’s back until they drew blood, “I will never promise myself to a man.”
“Then savor this feeling,” Yeosang hissed, and a yelp mixed with a loud moan left my throat as the next thrust was sharp, hitting a spot that had my hips moving more desperately on its own, trying to set a faster rhythm than the one Yeosang tried to set, “because Athena is on her way here, and when you leave this pond, you’ll be dead.”
My fingers slipped into his hair and I yanked on the wet strands, moaning as the new pace kept hitting that spot again and again, my mind wishing for nothing but to bring pain to Yeosang, “And you’ll be dying with me, my god.”
Yeosang moaned as I slammed my lips against his, painful and bruising as our teeth clanked together, noses pressing harshly against each other as I found it harder and harder to make sense of my thoughts as I had started succumbing to the pleasure completely.
Whether the promise of giving myself to Yeosang slipped past my lips or not, the clouds were witness to it, and Athena’s arrow would be the judge of it when Judgment Hour comes. Perhaps Hades would be sweet enough to let me reside in the Elysian Fields in the afterlife, “Does it feel real now?”
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mirohlayo · 9 months
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including mclaren, ferrari, mercedes + verstappen, ricciardo & gasly
warning : mention of medicine, pure fluff
note : been sick for almost 2 weeks now so i thought about this idea lol
!! english is not my first language !!
his poor heart cries in pain seeing you so weak. he hates when you're sick because sickness take off your positive energy which he adores much. so he makes sure you're warm enough under triple blankets, double pillows under your head for extra comfort and some movies playing on the tv. call him and he'll be standing right next to you a second later, ready to help you with anything. ask for cuddles and he won't think twice before joining you in the bed and pecking your face. he still want you to takes your medicine even though you're recovered, just in case, just to be sure you won't get sick again.
his poor baby is pin down on the bed, coughing and sneezing every single minutes. he hates it, he wants to see you smile again, he wants you to feel better. he would stay with you until you feel good, arms around your body as he let lazy and soft kisses everywhere on your face. especially your lips. you'll probably scold him because he'll get sick too but he doesn't care, he wants to take care of his baby, it's just his job. he reminds you to take your drugs and also makes sure you have everything you need, and if not then he'll bring it to you as quickly as possible.
as soon as he knows you're not feeling well, he would run to you in a hurry. he would also panic because it's not in your habit to get sick. he'll call his mom to get advices, he wants to do his best to take care of you and your poor state. try to act confident in front of you but internally stress because he doesn't really know what to do. still he manages to keep you in a good mood, he makes you laugh but you just end up coughing so he stress even more. but don't worry he'll be the sweetest, showing you with loads of kisses and cuddles because either him can't get enough of them.
now this guy would 100% know how to manage with his loved one being sick. like he just used to it and he perfectly knows what to do and what can make you feel better. he'll put you on the bed, and wrap you in a huge blanket. he even writes a schedule for your drugs with precise times. he'll cook the warmest meals and makes you tons of tea. sit next to you to keep an eye on you, sometimes you ask for kisses and he can't refuse them, pressing his soft lips on your forehead. you say that he's doing too much for you, overreacting the whole thing. but he would shrug and reply that he just wants the best treatment for you.
he doesn't really like when you're sick because he can't get along with the picture of you being stuck in the bed, a tired expression endlessly on your face. but on the other hand i feel like he'd love playing the doctor. like he'll be so much caring, asking you every little minutes if you're feeling better or not. he won't rest until you're completely recovered. also would be the type to play some music, because he knows how much it comforts you. he'll put your favorite tv show and slide under the blankets and cuddle you until your body is warm enough. and also constantly rubbing your back or arms, just full of love for his lover.
he has to deal with you being pretty sick and he doesn't wait a second to take care of you. maybe first will scold you because you don't wear enough warm clothing or you just don't pay enough attention to yourself. he doesn't like that, so he reminds you to always cover yourself with extra gloves and scarf. and then he feels bad seeing you in that state. he always feels panicked whenever you're coughing a bit too hard or sneezing nonstop. like a worried expression is stuck on his face. he would lay down on the bed next to you, mumbling some "my poor baby" and things like that. you'll tease him later about how much worried he looked for you but he doesn't care because it's just his way to show you how much he cares about you.
he's extremely caring and sweet with you. he becomes softer, acting super gently because he doesn't want to hurt you. stuck on your side like the world will stop if he's not keeping an eye on you. he would bring you to the doctor even if you just have a little fever, he's just so worried about you he doesn't want you to get sick. but manage incredibly well with it. he's the best because he does whatever you ask him to do. make you laugh ? he transforms into a comedian. not warm enough ? he joins you and cuddle you so close to his body. need some rest ? he'll take a nap with you in his arms, pressing kisses here and there until you're fully recovered.
at first he thought you were joking about your state. but when he came home and saw your tired body and face on the couch, he knew it wasn't funny at all. he feels so bad and he knows he has one job : take care of you as best as possible. but he knows one remedy that always works. his humor. whenever you're feeling off or sick, his humor always lifts up your mood. so while giving you your drugs, he'll talk about funny histories, or anything that can makes you laugh. and it works so well because despite the pain you're able to laugh. and he loves it. also pecking your whole face is one of the best medicine. but you can be sure he takes good care of you.
know how to handle the situation. like he would transform into a doctor as soon as his eyes saw something was off with you. forces you to stay in the bed, a crazy amount of blankets over your body. you tell him it's fine but he doesn't listen and keep adding more warm stuff. he would gives you princess treatment, ask for anything and you'll got it. also makes you different types of tea with all the different flavors, and it'll just ends up in a tasting session. he would also never shut up about his science, explaining you how people get sick. but over all, he's happy to stay on your side and feeding you with lots of kisses
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lustfulslxt · 10 months
Dom!Chris makes his girl wear one of those vibrators that’s controlled by an app while they’re in public and tells her any noise she lets slip out is an extra spanking she gets while she’s bent over his lap later 🤭
Trouble - Chris Sturniolo
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warnings : dirty dirty nsfw, dom!chris, spanking, use of toys
“We have to get it!” Chris exclaims, shoving the item in my face.
I can’t help the chuckle that emits from my mouth as I push his arm away, so that I can actually see what he’s holding. As I’m reading it, he impatiently shuffles on his feet.
“Come on, you’ll love it!” He whines, trying to convince me.
That’s when I realize it’s a vibrator that you can sync to your phone through the We-Vibe app, and control the settings that way. My face heats up at his comment, suggesting that I would love it, because he’s absolutely right.
“I don’t know.” I say, pretending to be unsure.
“Oh, please! This would bring you to your knees for me.” He taunts, his lips curving into a smirk.
My eyes go wide and I turn my head to the side, avoiding his gaze for a split second. When I look forward, I see him looking at me with a proud smile on his face as he nods his head.
“Yep! We’re getting it.” He states, walking to the register with it.
Biting my bottom lip to prevent my lips from growing into a wide smile, I follow behind him, giddy and excited for what’s to come. We get to the register, and Chris hands the box to the cashier with that same smile on his face, a smile of accomplishment. He turns to look at me, sending me a quick wink that lights my insides on fire. He doesn’t have to do much of anything at all, I’m always ready and eager for him.
Chris pays and grabs the now bagged box, tossing an arm around me and pulling me into him. “Let’s go, lover.”
We get out to the car and Chris instantly opens the door for me, planting a kiss on my cheek before closing my door and happily skipping to his side. He gets behind the wheel, reaching back to set the bag on the backseat.
“I cannot wait to use this on you.” He grins, starting the car up.
I watch as he puts the gear in reverse, then places his arm behind my seat and looks back to watch as we pull out of our parking spot. He notices me staring and a smirk pulls to his lips as he puts the car in drive and starts our trip home.
“You’re so cute, I love you.” He smiles, placing his right hand on my thigh as he holds the wheel with his left.
“I love you more.” I say, softly rubbing his hand on my thigh, before pulling my phone out to begin our music playlist.
Chris and I have been together for almost three years, and it’s been nothing short of amazing. He’s always been good to me, and we hardly ever seriously fight, but if we do, he’s quick to make things right before we end the day. He’s very loving and it shows through all of his gestures; gifts, compliments, the way he speaks of me to others, the way he talks to me, how he touches me.
Don’t get me wrong, he can be a real sweetheart in the bedroom; gentle with his touch, sweet talking me, never pushing me to my limits. Other times, he’s a nasty freak. I love both versions of him, in my opinion, it’s a perfect mix. He gives me whatever I need, whenever I need it. If I need soft Chris, he’s exactly that, making love to me in such a sensual way. If I need hard Chris, he’s exactly that, fucking me dumb until I can’t take it anymore.
I just know, with this new toy we got, I’m getting the freak tonight, and I can’t be more thrilled.
“Baby, do you want to go to dinner tonight?” Chris asks, turning down our street. “Nick asked me earlier, and I just remembered.”
“Oh, sure.” I respond, “What time?”
“I think he said around six, but I’ll have to double check to make sure.”
“Sounds good.” I smile at him.
I look at the time on my phone and see that it says 2:12, which gives me enough time to possibly take a nap before having to get ready. I don’t need to do much but shower, get dressed, and maybe a light makeup look, so I could definitely squeeze in a two hour nap.
“Can we take a nap when we get in?” I ask him as we pull into the driveway, “Before dinner.”
“Already planned on it, baby.” He grins at me, shutting the car off once we enter the garage.
He grabs the bag from the back and gets out of the car, quickly walking over to my side, opening the door for me. Grabbing my hand, he helps me out and shuts the door for me. Before he can walk us inside, I stop in my tracks, causing him to halt and expectantly look at me.
“What’s up?” He asks.
I grab his cheeks and pull him into me, placing my lips on his, giving him a soft and sweet kiss. Sometimes, I just need to show him I love him, especially when he’s a gentleman.
“You’re the best, let’s go.” I smile to him, pulling him to the door.
He smiles back at me, squeezing my hand in return and following in suit. We get inside and immediately head over to our room. Chris places the bag on his dresser, both of us kicking off our shoes. I instantly jump in bed, sprawling out beneath the blankets, Chris repeating my actions.
I flip onto my side, him pulling against me, our bodies meeting to create a much appreciated warmth. His arm rests around me, his hand up my shirt and holding my breast. My body’s firmly pressed against his, his breath hitting my neck as he pulls me impossibly closer. I scoot back, pressing my ass against his crotch, very slightly shifting to tease him just a bit. It doesn’t take long at all before I can feel his dick stiffening behind me, poking into my cheek.
“Y/N, what do you think you’re doing?” Chris asks in a warning tone.
“Napping?” I retort, feigning confusion as if it were nothing but obvious.
“Don’t play with me, or we’ll skip dinner and I’ll fuck you into tomorrow.” He whispers in my ear, his hand tightening around my boob.
Chris has always been able to see right through me, whatever it is, he can read me like a book. There was no hiding anything from him, he knows me like the back of his hand.
“That actually sounds more appetizing than dinner.” I whisper back, pushing my lower half into his even harder.
In one swift motion, he flips me onto my back and is hovering over me. His right knee is placed in between my legs, as his other leg straddles mine, his erection sitting directly on my thigh. Both of his hands are set on the sides of my head as he holds himself upright, staring down at me. His lips faintly brush against mine, but pull away before I can capture them in a kiss. He drags them across my cheek, leaving my skin beneath him tingling.
He makes his way toward my ear, kissing right below it and pressing a few kisses on my neck. I can’t help my heavy breathing at this point, he always knew what got to me. His mouth reaches my ear once again and he plants a wet kiss onto it. I feel his tongue run across my earlobe before his mouth wraps around it, sucking softly, eliciting a soft moan from my lips. Suddenly, his hand grips my jaw and he slams his mouth on mine, shoving his tongue in my mouth as he kisses me deeply.
“Be a good girl for me tonight, and I’ll give you everything you want and more.” He says once he pulls away.
I’m physically incapable of saying anything as he repositions us once more, now laying behind me again. I can’t help but feel his hard on pressed into me, and I want nothing more than to take him right now. I can practically feel his smirk against my neck, already knowing he feels proud for getting me worked up. He never fails to leave me stuck stupid, anticipating what’s to come.
“Baby, you almost ready?” I hear Chris call out from the bedroom.
Emerging from the bathroom with a sheepish look on my face, I look down to the towel wrapped around me. I literally just got out of the shower, and he wants to know if I’m almost ready.
“Bro.” He deadpans once he takes my appearance in. “I thought you maybe only had lip gloss to put on or something, and here you come, completely wet and naked.”
Despite his complaints, I can see his pupils dilate as his eyes roam my glistening body. He licks his lips at the sight of me, before bringing his hands in front of him, showing me what he’s holding; the vibrator we had bought earlier.
“It’s sanitized and ready for use.” He grins, holding it out for me.
“You wanna use this at dinner?” I ask as I take it from him.
“Yes.” He nods, “Doesn’t it sound exciting? Risking an orgasm while we’re out in public?”
I shyly smile at him, nodding my head in agreement. He pumps his fist in the air, cheering in satisfaction. I just shake my head with a giggle coming from my mouth, then grab my clothes and head into the bathroom. I quickly get dressed and put the vibrator in place, eager to see how the night goes. After exiting the bathroom, I brush my hair and apply products like deodorant, lotion, and perfume. Deciding to skip my makeup, I just slip my shoes and grab my purse, sliding my phone in it.
“I’m ready.” I tell Chris, who’s now scrolling on his phone as he sits on the bed.
He looks up and smiles at me, standing up and placing a kiss on my head. “You look gorgeous, let’s go.”
Once we made it out to the van, Chris and I sat in the back, with Nick and Matt up front. It’s just us four for dinner, and I’m glad because I don’t know how brutal Chris is going to be, and I’d rather not lose my mind in front of a bunch of people.
Nick’s music played throughout the car, faint conversation coming from the two up front. My mind was drifting from them talking, to the music playing, to Chris’ hand rubbing my thigh. Suddenly, I could feel vibrations on my core, emitting a very loud gasp from my mouth.
“Are you good?” Nick asks, eyeing me from the front seat.
I clear my throat and swallow nothing, “Uh, yeah. Sorry.”
I have no excuse to give him, unable to use my brain properly as the vibrations continue rushing through my bundle of nerves. I look at Chris, noticing the wide smirk on his lips as he watches me fidget in my seat. I take in a deep breath, pressing my feet into the floor of the van in an attempt to relieve myself of the pleasure. Luckily, the vibrator stops as Chris pushes my hair out of my ear.
“Any noise you make tonight is an extra spanking you’re getting when I bend you over later.” He mutters into my ear.
My pussy’s actually throbbing, desperate for stimulation, aching for him to be inside of me. I can’t help but squeeze my thighs together, trying to feel any sort of pressure. I want nothing more than for him to bend me over and rail me as we speak, and having to wait for it had me gritting my teeth.
Throughout the rest of the ride, Chris hadn’t turned on the vibrator, letting me drop my guard of course. Once we get out and head into the restaurant, Nick walks ahead of us to speak with the host. Within a minute, we are being directed to our table for the evening.
As soon as I take my seat, the vibrations start back up, causing me to abruptly jerk and let out a small whimper. Of course, Nick and Matt look at me in confusion while Chris tries his best to conceal his growing smile.
I clear my throat again, trying to ignore the sensation coursing through me. “Sorry, cramps.”
The two boys nod, understanding, before their eyes are directed to their menus. I look over at Chris with a glare on my face, which only prompts him to turn the settings higher. I drag my bottom lip into my mouth, biting down hard to prevent any sounds that are threatening to come from my mouth.
“That’s two, baby.” He states, only loud enough for me to hear.
“Two?!” I ask, eyes widening.
“Mhm.” He nods, his smile evident. “Just now, and in the car.”
“That’s so unfair.” I say, pointing out how he started this game after the first slip up.
“Them’s the rules, ma.” He chuckles, adjusting his grip on his phone.
I can’t help but watch closely, unsure of when he was going to stop the vibrator, or turn it up. I’m on the edge of my seat, metaphorically, but also literally. I can’t bring myself to get comfortable, knowing Chris would use it to his advantage.
As the waiter walks over, I can feel the vibrations growing stronger, causing me to tense. I don’t have to see my face to know that it’s deep red, I can actually feel how hot it is. Taking in a deep breath, my hands clutch my thighs, needing something, anything.
“Hello, my name is Noah, and I’ll be your waiter tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?”
“Root beer, please.”
“I’ll have a Dr. Pepper.”
“Pepsi for me, thank you.”
Everyone looks at me, expectantly, but I can’t even speak. I’m scared my voice will betray me, showing that I was in a pleasurable struggle. I glance at Chris, my eyes begging him.
Instead of turning off the toy, he smiled at the waiter, “She’ll have a Dr. Pepper as well.”
“Okay, I will be back with those shortly and take your order then.”
As soon as he walked away, Matt and Nick turn to each other, then to Chris, then to me.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Matt asks.
Nick continues, “You seem really off.”
Before I can even attempt to spit a word out, the vibrations increased even more, causing my jaw to drop as I deeply inhale. Luckily, just as quick as it came, it all stopped.
“I’m good.” I say, my breath a little erratic.
I can see the two are not convinced, but I really don’t have it in me to make up a story that’ll lead them astray. Fortunately, they drop it and return to their menus once again. Chris’ hand comes in contact with my thigh, rubbing dangerously close to my core, I can feel the heat from his fingers.
“You’re so hot when you struggle to be quiet.” He whispers into my ear.
I ignore him, biting my lip as I attempt to regulate my breathing. We all quickly decide what we want to eat just as the waiter comes back with our drinks. After ordering our food, we dive into different conversations.
“We should get little canvases and paint together.” Nick suggests, smiling at the rest of us.
“That sounds so fun! I love painting.” I agree.
“We could get different types of cartoons or even blank canvases, both would be fun.” Matt adds.
Chris hasn’t said a word, so I look over and see him buried into his phone. As if feeling my gaze, his head lifts up with a devilish grin on his face. Immediately, I feel the buzzing between my legs, more intense than it’s been all night. My eyes shoot open as a lewd moan falls from my mouth, I quickly cover it with an exaggerated cough. Chris shakes his head, tsking me.
My mouth falls open again, silent moans coming from it. Chris continues to knead my thigh, adding to the pleasure that was coursing through me. I can feel the knot build in my stomach, close to unraveling. I lay my head down on the edge of the table and quickly grab Chris’ hand from my leg, using it to muffle the sounds that were sure to leave my mouth. As the pressure continued building, I clench myself around the vibrator, extremely close to letting go. I bring my mouth to his palm, biting at the skin in order to silence the inevitable moans pouring out of me as I can’t help but give into the orgasm, releasing all over as my legs tremble.
“Shame on you, cumming without daddy’s permission. You’re in big trouble when we get home, baby.” Chris says to me, his voice raspy.
“We need to go.” I plead, now extremely aware of the wet mess in my pants.
“Sorry boys, Y/N’s gonna be sick. I think I should bring her home. I’ll cashapp you for the dinner.” Chris announces, standing up and reaching for my hand.
“Feel better.” Nick and Matt say in unison.
With that, Chris is pulling me to the exit of the restaurant. As soon as we make it outside, he’s guiding me to a car that’s parked on the side of the road.
“I ordered an uber. I knew you weren’t gonna make it.” He informs me, sensing my confusion.
We get in the car, immediately starting our journey home. Throughout the whole ride, Chris gets handsy with me; rubbing and touching every part of me. He is just as eager as I am. As soon as the car comes to a stop outside our place, Chris is bidding the driver goodbye and dragging me inside.
We make our way downstairs to our bedroom, shutting and locking the door. Instantly, he has me pinned against it, his lips slamming onto mine in a feverish kiss. One of his hands wraps around my throat, the other diving straight into my pants. He grabs the vibrator, pulling it out and wrapping his mouth around it, sucking my juices off. I can’t help the whimper that leaves my mouth, nothing but turned on by the sight.
He sets the toy on the dresser next to us, his hands now going for my shirt, swiftly removing it with ease. His lips meet mine again, his tongue entering and exploring my mouth. His hands are groping every inch of me, feeling me up and down, causing moans to emit from me. As his mouth works down my neck, his hands go behind me and unbuckle the strap of my bra, letting it fall loosely on my arms before he pulls the entire thing off. His hands find their way to my breasts, squeezing them and tweaking my nipples.
We’re moving in such a fast and hurried pace, hungry for one another. Each of us could only ever be what the other needed in times like this, and right now, we were both insatiable. You would think we’ve been deprived of pleasure like this our whole lives, now finally having a taste and not being able to get enough of it. But that isn’t true. Our sex life has always been more than fulfilling, but there’s something about him that makes me go feral.
His hands unbuckle my jeans, letting me remove them as he takes off his shirt. I’m not left in nothing but my underwear, him in his still in his pants. He slides his finger in the waistband of my panties, tugging it and letting it snap back into place. He raises an eyebrow at me, nodding his head towards my bottoms, indicating he wants me to take them off, so I do.
“Go sit.” He states, intently watching me.
I do as he says, sitting pretty on the edge of the bed, watching his every move. He stands in front of me, his eyes blown out and full of lust as he looks down on me. Remaining eye contact, he slowly begins unbuckling his belt. In such a slow pace, he pulls it from his pants, folding it up and setting it aside. His fingers then grasp the button of his pants, undoing it, all whilst still looking me in my eyes. He lets his pants fall, leaving him in his very restricting boxers, as his dick stands tall, creating a tent in the clothing material.
He steps directly in front of me, his hard on now eye level with me, directly in front of my face. He puts a hand on the back of my head, bringing me closer to his erection. His opposite hand palms himself through his boxers, rubbing his cloth covered member over my lips. Just as I’m about to put my mouth on him, he pushes my head back.
“As much as I want to have your pretty little mouth around my cock, it’s gonna have to be another time.” He says, “You remember how many you’re getting?”
“Three.” I whisper, my breath hitching in anticipation as I stare up at him with doe eyes.
“Four. Doubled because you’re a bad girl and came before I said you could.” He smirks, licking his lips.
His hand wraps around my neck, trailing up to my jaw. He’s directly above me, staring down at me with his hungry eyes as his thumb trails over my bottom lip. He pulls it down, letting the pad of his finger keep it in place.
“Suck.” He states, leaving no room for questions.
I take his finger into my mouth, licking and sucking just as he wanted me too. He’s then pulling me up from the bed, his hand once again around my neck. His lips meet mine in a soft and tender kiss, opposite of how I know he’s going to be in mere seconds. Switching places with me, he’s now against the bed as I stand in front of him. He sits down and pats his lap, aware that we both know that I know the drill. I lay across his lap, my bare ass laid out perfectly, awaiting my punishment.
“You know what to do if you need me to stop?” He asks, his hands palming both cheeks.
“I-I remember.” I nod, my breathing slightly picking up.
“Count. If you fuck up, we start over.” He reminds me, his voice sickly sweet.
Just as I give him a hum of confirmation, his hand strikes down, a loud smack echoing the room, a stinging pain following in suit, as well as a yelp from me.
“One.” I moan out, his hand now rubbing the tingling area.
Another smack.
Another smack.
Another smack.”
“F-four.” I cry out, my skin undoubtedly red.
We repeat the process another four times, time seemingly moving in slow motion until we reach the last spank. My ass now tender and tears falling down my cheeks as he kneaded both cheeks, soothing the pain, eliciting moans from me and a pool of wetness between my thighs.
“Such a good girl for me.” He praises, flipping me around on his lap so I’m now straddling him. “You’re so beautiful, ma. I can’t wait to wreck you.”
With that, his lips are on mine, hungrily kissing me. We move in sync, our lips lapping one another perfectly. His hands continue massaging my ass, the stinging pain dissipating with every motion. A moan escapes my lips and he uses the opportunity to shove his tongue in my mouth, swapping saliva. One of his hands travels in between us, coming down to my heat. His cool fingers come in contact with my clit, rubbing it ever so slightly, causing me to whine into his mouth.
He pulls away from me, lifting me from his lap as he stands. “Bend over.”
I follow his order once again, my torso laid out the bed with my ass on show as my legs hang down to the floor. I hear him shuffling behind me, realizing he’s removing his boxers when I look back. He lifts one of my legs up, giving him better access to me. His fingers find my folds again, running through them, slicking them with my arousal. I moan at the feeling, pushing my ass closer into him for more.
“So wet and needy for daddy.” He smirks, grabbing his dick and placing it at my entrance.
He softly pushes the tip in, rubbing my clit as he does so. He takes it back out, before repeating the same action. Next, he’s slamming into me with no warning. A loud scream falls from my lips, molding into a moan as it dies down. He begins thrusting into me, his pace building quickly, pulling me closer to him so he could fuck me deeper.
He lets out a low groan, “I love the way your pussy welcomes me inside, because it knows we were made for each other.”
“Fuck, daddy, you feel so good.” I moan out, my face immediately scrunching in pleasure.
His takes my hair and puts it in a makeshift ponytail, wrapping it around his hand for leverage, tugging it with every thrust into me. My mouth is hung open, pornographic noises falling from it left and right, unable to contain my pleasure. His strokes increase in speed and strength, my entire body jerking at his new pace.
“Look at you, you’re taking me so well baby.” He moans out, his breathing heavy.
“Mhm.” I whimper in agreement, overwhelmed with pleasure.
“Gonna cum all over my cock, baby?” He asks, his pelvis digging into my ass with every pump.
“Yes, daddy. I’m so close.” I cry out, the familiar knot building in my stomach for the second time tonight.
His free hand reached below me, meeting my clit and rubbing fast, tight circles into it. I was a writhing mess beneath him, unable to form a single thought as he fucks me senseless. With the rough pounding and the stimulation on my clit, I’m in tears. It’s so much, but it feels so good. I can feel the drool falling from my mouth, quite literally being fucked dumb.
“I know you’re close, mama. Let go.” He says, sending me over the edge.
My legs shake and quiver, my fists clenching the sheet beneath me so hard that my knuckles turn white. My face contorts with pleasure as my vision goes white, metaphorical stars spinning around me as I do, in fact, let go. His thrusts continue, never faulting in the slightest. His hand never wavers, still rubbing my extremely sensitive bundle of nerves.
“T-too much.” I cry, not able to come down from my first orgasm.
“You can do it, mama.” He whispers from above me, placing wet kisses along my back.
Him repeatedly hitting my g spot, his fingers working my clit, and his mouth leaving goosebumps down my skin is enough to send me overboard once more. Tears streaming down my face as I cum for the third time, silent moans escaping my mouth as I bury my face into the bed. I can hear him moaning behind me, his hips sputtering as his thrusts fall uneven. Seconds later, his hot load is shooting into me as throaty groans emit from his mouth. He continues fucking his nut into me, his pace now slow and soft, before he pulls out altogether.
His hands meet my ass as he holds himself up for a moment, catching his breath. I lay there, spent, feeling his presence disappear for a minute, only for him to return mere seconds later. My legs are suddenly spread, a warm wash cloth wiping up the mess we made, causing me to slightly flinch before sighing in contentment. He cleans me and himself up, before putting me to bed properly, as all of my energy left my body with every orgasm. He crawls into bed with me, wrapping both of us in a blanket, and planting a soft kiss to my lips, my cheek, and my forehead.
“I love you, pretty girl. So good to me, mama.”
a/n : not proofread sorry. hope you enjoy! send in more reqs pls 🫶🏼
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 months
felix coworker headcanons <3
a/n: i've got headspace focus music playing and i'm in my stray kids feels today so here is another coworker headcanons post !! this one realllllyyyy catapulted me into felix feelings, so i hope it brings you comfort and serotonin as well <333 pics not mine !!
content: fluff, nonidol!au | wc: 0.9k | warnings: none really! some mentions of food | pairing: coworker!felix x gn!reader | requests: open
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oh sweet felix!! 
you’ll never forget his first day–the receptionist was walking him through the workspace, introducing him to everyone, and explaining their roles. felix, a genuine ray of sunshine on that gloomy monday morning, smiled and waved at everybody with pure enthusiasm :’-)
when the receptionist introduced you, felix pointed at the mug on your desk and commented on how cute he thought it was ! you could practically hear the exclamation points in his voice when he spoke :,-)
later in the day, you noticed he was struggling with the coffee machine how rude of the coffee machine
you offered to help–though admittedly, you didn’t know much about it either–and he was so so grateful someone was being this kind to him 
like he actually was so touched he ended up telling his friends about it that night :,-(
but anyways back to you and felix vs. the coffee machine
eventually you did get it working…you just pressed different buttons a ridiculous number of times until felix’s hot chocolate came out properly
once his mug was full, felix cheered and high-fived you, promising to pay you back one day for your service
you assured him that he doesn’t owe you anything and that you’re happy he isn’t defeated by the coffee machine on his first day
that led you two into a conversation about what it’s like to work here, the do’s and don’t’s of the office, the cool people, tips and tricks for boring meetings, and so on
felix looks up to you so much after this interaction :,,,,-)
he calls you his mentor <333 
it doesn’t matter that you work in completely different departments–even the person who is supposed to be mentoring felix refers to you as his mentor lmao
at the end of his probation period, felix bakes brownies for you because he swears he wouldn’t have survived this long without you to keep him company <33333333
you two share the brownies during your lunch break while watching silly little videos 
it’s so cute that everyone is jealous but they wouldn’t dare interrupt because they know for a FACT that you’re felix’s favorite
aside from being your personal baker, felix loves to play little pranks on you in the office
they’re super harmless–i’m talking pranks like leaving stickers in random places around your workspace, so you can transfer them to your laptop or water bottle whenever you find them–but he is THRILLED every time you get a surprised look on your face as a result of his antics
there’s no doubt in your mind that felix was behind it, so you look over to where he’s sitting and he’s just staring at you like >:^)
while he’s too far away for you to hear him, you know that he’s doing his classic little heh heh and plotting his next attack :,-)
felix also has cute polaroids at his desk !!
you get him one as a gift :,-) and he cherishes it so much !!!!
it’s displayed at the center of all his polaroids and he even wrote “from y/n <3” on the bottom of it so everyone knew it was his most special one :-( 
he encourages you to decorate your desk because he thinks it's important to have things that make you smile while you're working !! and he's so right for that
if you don’t know where to start, felix will dedicate an afternoon to making a mood board for inspiration
he loves nothing more than shopping online with you for the perfect items
felix gets so invested that he helps you to organize everything and workshops all possible setups before you both decide on the best one though honestly he’s more concerned about it being the optimal arrangement than you are lol
after your new desk decorations are complete, felix proudly takes a picture of you at your redesigned workstation
when you make that your profile pic for your work chatting platform, felix just about faints from happiness
he’s practically twirling his hair, giggling, and kicking his feet when he messages you “nice profile pic!!” :,,,,,-) <3333
felix, though known as being happy-go-lucky, is far more in-tune with your emotions than you realize
if you come in sleep-deprived, felix is the first one to ask you if you would like coffee/tea/a pick-me-up
when you’re feeling stressed due to an upcoming deadline or having a pile of work upon your return from vacation, felix stays late with you to prioritize all your tasks so you have a clear game plan
he’s also always, always, always reminding you to take breaks !!
it’s a mini tradition for you two to do desk stretches together :-( like you just look at each other from across the workspace and do the same stretches while making funny faces at each other and holding back all your giggles :-((((
activities and conversations with felix become so embedded in your daily routine that you can’t imagine how you got through the workday before he started here
one quiet afternoon when you two are hanging out in the breakroom, you ask him why he takes such good care of you
without missing a beat, felix smiles and answers, “i promised you i’d pay you back for helping me out with the coffee machine on my first day, didn’t i?”
all you can manage to do is smile and i’d be tearing up if i were you because, just by stepping into the breakroom and offering a hand, you met the brightest, sweetest, most loving man on the planet
little do you know, felix also can’t believe his luck in meeting someone as caring, reliable, and wonderful as you <333 
this is why, sitting in the breakroom where your friendship began, he pinky promises to stay by your side through coffee machine problems, stressful workdays, and whatever else life has in store for you :,-)))) 
oh i love felix so much i'm inconsolable my sweet baby angel </33
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theamberfist · 5 months
Leave it all on the Dance Floor! | Alastor x Overlord! Reader
Platonic! Alastor + Best Friend! Reader who's also an overlord.
Description: After seven years, Alastor pays a visit to the territory of his best friend, an overlord with the power to make people dance.
(Notes: CW Alastor, mentions of cannibalism) (Part 1 of 5)
"More wine?" A voice beside you asked gently and you turned your head to see your trusted assistant, Joan, standing there with a tray of wine glasses in her hand. Your expression softened at the sight of her but you shook your head.
"No, thanks." You replied with a sigh. You must have been zoning out before because now that she'd gotten your attention, the music playing nearby didn't seem nearly loud enough and you reached over to the speaker on your right to turn up the dial. Joan, a demon that highly resembled a black cat, frowned.
"Not enjoying tonight's party?" She asked with slight disappointment evident in her voice. After all, the two of you had always worked so hard to put on events like this for those living in your Swing Sector. It helped keep their spirits and, therefore, loyalties high despite the fact that their souls were owned by another; or at least, that was the reason you'd always given. In truth, the feline knew there was probably no need to go to such lengths. After all, you were one of the most beloved overlords in the entirety of the pentagram, and most of these sinners had handed their souls over to you willingly.
"I'm just a little tired from the rest of this week." You replied finally before glancing at your demon assistant again with some hope in your eyes. "Any word on my 'special' guests?" Maybe if one of them showed up, you'd find it within yourself to enjoy tonight like Joan wanted you to.
Your hope died a second later, though, when she shook her head. "Zestial and Carmine both politely declined but sent their regards," she explained, "Our other guest gave no response, and it seems Rosie will not be able to attend this evening."
Damnit. There went that plan. You always invited your overlord friends to attend these parties, and usually, three out of four of their answers were always the same. Zestial and Carmilla didn't consider dancing to be their scene, and he hadn't been seen in years, so despite sending word of every gathering, you'd stopped expecting to hear anything back.
But Rosie usually did her best to attend whenever you invited her. She always said how she just loved the chance to spend time with you and you both had gotten more than accustomed to dancing together. She was rather talented at it too, and you'd lost count of how many times you'd won dance contests at these events. She wouldn't have missed one of these if it wasn't totally necessary, so you suspected something important must have come up.
"Susan again?" You asked Joan with a sigh, earning a solemn nod from the catlike demon.
"I'm sure her actions had something to do with Rosie's absence tonight, yes." She told you as politely as possible, not wanting to insult any of your friend's people in front of you, even when she knew how much you hated that one in particular.
"If I see Susan again I'll have to make her regret keeping my friend away from another of our parties," you decided as you took a glass of wine from Joan's tray now, "This is the third month in a row." Joan nodded before slipping away to continue serving wine to the other party attendees and you sighed as you continued sipping wine from your place above the dance floor.
Out in front of you, nearly everyone from the Swing Sector was enjoying their evening. From drinking to dancing to chatting, it was all just how you liked it; the only problem was that in recent years, you'd begun to lose some of your enthusiasm when it came to parties like these.
You knew it had started back when your best friend went away years ago, as ever since, you'd only been losing more and more enjoyment when it came to your daily activities. The worst part was that you didn't even know when- or if- he would be coming back.
Still, as you finished off your glass of wine, you knew you needed to at least try to keep up appearances, despite what you were feeling on the inside. And that, of course, meant going around and mingling with your guests. You set the now-empty glass on a table near where you'd been sitting and then headed off towards the dance floor now, where crowds of people were gathered around.
A small sense of pride filled you at the sight of what they were wearing. Even without having been told to do so, everyone had come donning something originally made by you; the greatest designer in hell (though certain overlords would disagree with that title). Whether the clothes were from your lines years ago or the one that had just come out last month, they all wore outfits personally created by their own stylish overlord.
So at least, if nothing else, you had a well dressed group of people at your disposal.
"There they are!" People exclaimed now that you were up and mingling around, and the crowd quickly parted to allow you to pass them by. There were gasps and aww's as people called your name or waved in your direction. You just smiled back and tried to sport the high amount of power you possessed in the way you moved.
Truthfully, you had been doing the whole overlord thing for a while. You died back in the 1940's when swing dancing had been highly popular, and upon arriving in hell, had quickly swept the pentagram with your combined strength and charisma.
You supposed that was why it had now become your trademark, in addition to fashion. Of all the different types of dance that were out there, swing had always been your favorite, and you were extremely talented at it. As a result, everyone who came under your control would be as well.
"Lovely to see you," you grinned at various party guests, "Glad you could be here!" The first time you'd hosted one of these, you'd required the attendance of everyone in the Poise Sector. By now there was no such thing, and yet the entire sector always turned out for them.
You chatted lightly with some of the people you recognized best and introduced yourself once again to those you didn't; knowing there would be a few new souls at your disposal by the end of the night.
As you turned to the dance floor, though, the sight of it slightly disappointed you. There were people out there, of course; there always were when it came to your sector. But there were so few of them that the space held none of that fun, beautiful energy you'd come to love so much. As much as you didn't feel like dancing tonight, you knew something had to be done about this, and so you headed up to the slightly-raised stage at the end of the dance floor with a sigh.
"Excuse me!" You called to get everyone's attention once you were standing atop it. Instantly, the chatter died down and they all snapped their gazes in your direction. With a grin you placed your hands on your hips like a disappointed mother. "I thought I was clear this was a dancing kind of party!" You exclaimed, "So I'd better see some more bodies on that dance floor; dead or alive!"
Immediately, the space began to fill up as couples made their way onto the dance floor. You smiled at the sight and then stepped down from the stage. That was more like it.
You hated to see a dance floor without lively people on it, which was how you'd found out about your powers in hell in the first place. Upon getting to your first party and seeing no one else dancing, you'd immediately turned up the music and started doing so yourself, only to find that everyone else who heard it seemed to be swept up into your movements as well a moment later. And when you stopped, they'd done the same, as if somehow attached to you and your will. It hadn't taken long for you to realize you were the one making them sway and bop to the music, and of course, you'd been enjoying that ability ever since.
You'd even met your best friend that way; accidentally running into him at one of your nightly outings. At first, he'd been offended by your attempts at forcing him to dance alongside you, but after realizing how much appreciation you had for good music and dance society, the two of you had hit it off pretty quick. Plus, it hadn't hurt that you'd both been from similar time periods.
"Care to dance?" A voice spoke behind you now and you turned to see Joan standing there with her hand extended towards you. Once you recovered from the surprise, your smile widened even more.
"I'd be delighted, darling." You replied as you took her hand and let her lead you onto the dance floor. Things had gotten much livelier now; just the way you liked it.
You weren't even using your powers at the moment; after all, you generally didn't have to in order to get the people of the Swing Sector to do what you wanted. They knew what would happen if they disobeyed, and they respected you too much to do so in the first place.
Joan and your presence only brought the energy up higher; if that was possible. The sight of you dancing near them made people step up their game and if you continued letting things escalate, you knew you would soon have an impromptu dance contest on your hands. That was how it usually went at these parties, anyway, and back in the day, you and your old friend had won many of the little contests together.
But you forced yourself to push him out of your thoughts as you danced with Joan now. You couldn't keep dwelling on that loss; no matter how much it may have hurt you for him to disappear so suddenly and without warning.
Joan seemed to understand where your head was because she threw herself into the moves; twirling and dipping you like her life depended on it. Having danced with the cat demon plenty of times before, you easily kept up with her and even threw in a few of your own accent moves.
The two of you probably danced through about five songs together before you finally paused, letting you both catch your breath in the middle of the dance floor. Joan had a huge smile on her face though, and it proved to be contagious as your own widened through your heavy breathing. After a moment you regained your composure, though the feline was still tired from your first few dances.
You were about to suggest she take a break before continuing when you suddenly felt a hand on your shoulder. You raised an eyebrow, knowing none of the people in your sector were brave enough to touch you out of nowhere like that; even if you beloved, you were still an overlord.
Whoever it was must have given Joan a look because her eyes widened and she immediately nodded, stepping away from you and through the dance floor.
Ah, so whoever this was had decided to cut in.
You couldn't help feeling a little irritated at that knowledge. After all, you'd already been having a tough night and now as soon as you and Joan had started enjoying yourselves, it had been interrupted. You even considered telling this person off for it.
That was, until you looked up to see their face. If you'd been breathing heavily before, your breath had all but stopped now in realization.
Yellow teeth curved into a huge smile, red eyes, and a pair of small, all-too-familiar antlers sat atop his head. In that moment, you could have cried.
"...Al?" You breathed, seeing his smile widen.
"Pleasure to see you again my dear! It's been quite a while now, hasn't it?" He replied with a carefree tone. Even his voice, with that damned radio filter, sounded just like you remembered.
"Alastor!" You exclaimed so loudly that you were sure even Rosie over in Cannibal Town could hear you. Not waiting another moment, you pulled him into a hug so tight that it could have crushed a someone's bones, had the person in your embrace not been the Radio Demon himself. "It's you!" You couldn't hold back your joy and his smile widened even further, if that was possible, as he hugged you back.
"In the flesh, darling!" By now, the rest of the Swing Sector had gone back to dancing as if nothing had happened. Of course, they were as shocked as you to see Alastor back after seven years, but they knew better than to voice that surprise in the middle of your reunion. There would no doubt be gossip about the circumstances of his arrival and visit later, though.
"Where have you been?!" You demanded once you pulled away from his embrace. Of course, you knew him well enough to know he likely wouldn't give the answer to you straight; he liked hearing theories and speculations way too much for that.
"Oh you know, here and there!" Alastor replied vaguely before glancing around at the other sinners on the dance floor. He kept a smile on his face but glared at the ones currently looking your way, making them immediately turn back to minding their own business. "Now, care to have this dance with me, my dear?"
"Of course." You replied with a grin as you took the other demon's hand, glancing at the various dancing pairs around you. "In fact, I think you may have returned just in time for a dance contest." 
You could already see the competitive sparkle that grew in Alastor's eyes, having won many such competitions with you in the past. As much as you wanted to know where he'd been all this time, you supposed that would have to wait until after the two of you had defended your titles as the reigning swing dancing champions of the Swing Sector. 
"Then we'd better show these sinners how it's done!" The Radio Demon exclaimed with all the enthusiasm you'd come to expect from him. 
As you two danced, you could feel the party's mood begin to liven up. You couldn't get a smile off your face anymore than your best friend could, it seemed, and it had begun to spread to the souls under your control as they stepped up their own dancing game. 
"Now tell me, how have you been since I saw you last?" Alastor asked before twirling you around, "And don't leave out a detail, dear!" You chuckled, knowing there was so much to catch him up on. 
"I've managed," you replied sarcastically, "I have more souls under my command than the last time we met and Swing Sector has been coming along nicely. We even finally put in that diner Rosie and I have been talking about for years!"
"Wonderful!" Alastor exclaimed before glaring at a dancing couple that had gotten a little too close to encroaching on your shared space, "How glad I am to hear that worked out for you!"
"Me too," you admitted, "Some of her people staff the place, along with my own. That way, we have a wide variety of menu items. I bet you'd enjoy the food there!" At this, the deer-like demon nearly smirked. 
"Oh, I'm sure I would," he told you as the song you'd been dancing to ended and a new one began, "Speaking of Rosie, how has she been these past years?" 
"She's a lovely as ever," you said with a smile, "She usually attends over monthly parties but hasn't been able the last couple of times due to...circumstances." At that, Alastor's ears fell back as if he already knew whom it was you were referring to.
"I see..." He replied before regaining his composure and widening his smile again, "Well, I suppose now that I've returned the three of us will have to find a time to catch up again!" 
"Definitely!" You replied with a nod, "And then you can explain to the both of us why you've been gone all this time. I tell ya, we were starting to worry you'd gone and died!" You sent him a playful glare, "But of course I know the great Radio Demon couldn't be taken out so easily. Speaking of, have you let Rosie know you're back in town yet?" 
There was a brief pause in the conversation as he spun you again before you came back to face him. "Al...?" You questioned sternly. The deer demon, still smiling as brightly as ever, simply shrugged innocently (or as innocently as someone like him could). "Al!" You exclaimed now. You would have given his arm a light smack if you hadn't been in the middle of a dance. "I can't believe you just appeared after seven years and you haven't even thought to tell her you're back in town!" 
"I plan to inform her shortly," Alastor replied dismissively, "But make no mistake, darling, I've only returned today, and you're the very first person I came to!" That made your expression soften a bit. 
"Really?" You asked, only for him to nod in response. 
"Of course!" Before Alastor could go on, the song picked up and you knew it would be drawing to a close soon. He seemed to realize it too because he turned to you and you nodded in confirmation. From there, you both picked up the pace and gave it your all; showing off for all the new-in-town sinners who thought they had even a sliver of a chance at winning this competition. 
Leading the steps, Alastor seemed to have disregarded everyone else's places on the dance floor now as you two moved across it. Finally, the song started to come to a close and he timed one final spin perfectly so that he'd dipped you dramatically as it ended. 
There, you paused for a brief second before the entire dance floor erupted into applause. Smiling, you stood up straight and brushed yourself off, knowing you and the Radio Demon had once again won this competition. 
"Still got it, I see." You smiled towards the deer demon as the two of you took your bows. 
"Of course!" Alastor replied cheerfully, letting go of your hand now to adjust his coat. "How could I call myself your friend if I'd let my dancing skills diminish over the years?" You rolled your eyes but a smile was still evident on your face as you pulled him into a hug again. 
"I'm really glad you're back, Alastor." You said seriously now, taking note of how all the people around you suddenly seemed to find the ground and sky much more interesting than your display. Good; they knew better than to be nosey about their overlord's dealings and relationships. 
"As am I." Alastor replied before finally pulling back to look you in the eyes, "I must say, I've missed you a great deal all this time!" You chuckled now before turning to see Joan signaling to you that it was getting late and that she would be in your boutique nearby if you needed anything. With how much time you always spent in the place, it had become your home by now, and the whole second floor had been converted to a living area. Joan, being your closest supporter, always made sure you were comfortable and had everything you needed before leaving you for the night. 
"Come on," you told Alastor now, nodding towards the boutique. "We can have tea, and then maybe I'll consider designing you some new clothes. It's been seven years after all; don't you think it's time for a little update?" 
"I trust your judgement," Alastor replied as his smile widened. You headed for the boutique and he followed after you, taking in the sense of familiarity the place brought him. 
He'd been worried about your reaction to his sudden return, but as expected, you'd taken it as well as ever. Alastor knew he was more than lucky to have a best friend as understanding as yourself, even if he wasn't going to be getting out of telling you the truth eventually. But until then, he was glad just to be able to spend time with you and catch up.
It really was good to be back. 
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
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The classism in the "music gear" scene is fucking atrocious. So many people will shit on other people for using affordable gear as a way to justify within themselves that dropping $3,000 on a guitar was a smart financial move.
About 3-4 years ago I joined a band and a month after I joined we went on some video podcast. Play a few songs, do an interview, something I've never done before but it seemed like it'd be fun.
I wasn't able to really get a word in during the interviews (stuttering/speech impediment/anxiety issues ran wild) but I was able to speak up whenever the host went around and asked us what our favorite instrument/gear brands were. Weird question, but alright buddy.
I've always been a fan of cheaper gear. You don't need all sorts of expensive shit to get the sound you want. So when he asked my answer was "Squier" and the dude just started laughing. Because who possibly would prefer one of the cheaper brands??? (Keep in mind this douche had a whole wall of the absolute worst looking collection of custom shop BC Rich guitars you've ever seen.)
Eventually he backed down once I started arguing with him about it, but his immediate elitist attitude really struck a cord in me because I see that shit all over the internet in music communities. "Oh you only like Squiers/Epiphones/Harley Bentons because you can't afford BIG BOY guitars like a $5,000 Gibson".
Fuck right off with that shit. Why would I pay thousands of dollars for a guitar when I can get something that works amazingly for me for just a few hundred dollars? The extra money I save by not dropping 4 figures on a guitar or amp goes towards paying my bills, feeding my kids, just trying to fucking live and exist.
At this point I've had to sell 99% of my music gear after over a decade of following the gear chase. I only have a "cheap" acoustic I bought several years ago for $350 and it's the best guitar I've ever had. I love my little busted neck Hummingbird to death.
I'm much happier now than I was when I had a huge assortment of pedals and guitars to choose from. The Gear Chase is designed to make you want to spend more and more money in an endless pursuit of finding that "perfect" piece of gear. Guitar companies, partnered youtubers, influencers, and all sorts of advertisement campaigns are purposefully trying to misguide you into thinking you NEED their product. It's marketing and capitalism at work and so many musicians fall for it every time. I fell for it for years before I got completely fed up with it.
Go out and gig with your Squier Bullet Strat and a cheap amp you found at a pawn shop, fuck anyone that gives you shit for it. Go ahead and record with whatever you have at your disposal. Put out an album that's comprised of Voice Memos you recorded on your phone with just an acoustic and your voice.
Music, like any art, is about way more than what you used to get there. It's how you express yourself that really matters. Don't listen to the elitists and marketers telling you the only way you can authentically reach your creative vision is by buying their snake oil.
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mandarinmoons · 6 months
Hellooo Miss Moons, I have a suggestion for a request, how about Spencer falling asleep on readers shoulder and then getting all flustered when he wakes up because he has this massive crush on her
''Miss Moons'' omg that's so cute x
The hum of the jet was calming. Everyone was sitting in their seats and were taking time to either talk about the case just solved, flip through a magazine or listen to music by themself.
You on the other hand looked out the window as you admired the passing clouds and took notice of how high up you were, it was both breathtaking and terrifying. 
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you felt something weighing on your shoulder. You turned your head and noticed that Spencer had dozed off and his head ended up resting on your shoulder. When the team boarded the plane you took notice of how tired Spencer seemed and you wondered how long it would take him before he would be snuggled up with a pillow in his arms on one of the couches that pretty much everyone referred to as “Spencer’s spot.”
This time however it seemed like boy wonder was too exhausted and sat down on the first available seat that came to his eyesight, which happened to be next to you. Now, you and Spencer got along really well, but it was a rare thing for you two to be sat next to each other. You didn’t pay too much mind to it as you were the newest member of the team and you knew Spencer had a few habits of his that could be misunderstood by everyone else. You weren’t one to question how someone handled things so you didn’t pry about it. What you didn’t know though is that the reason Spencer hadn’t gotten too close to you was because every time he was near you he felt butterflies swarm his stomach. He had a crush on you, a big one, and he didn’t want to risk end up stuttering and blushing in front on you and have you think of him as this awkward man, who couldn’t get a single word out right at all, because his very cute coworker of his makes his tongue tied whenever he’s near you.
You smiled as you saw his cheek squished up against your shoulder. His hair was falling in front of his eyes and nose, making him crinkle his nose in his sleep. You tried to stay as still as possible to make sure Spencer didn’t wake up, how could you possibly disturb him when he’s this exhausted and looking this adorable?
As the jet made it back to Quantico you also managed to fall asleep. Your head was resting against the headrest and you stirred when you felt movement against your shoulder. Your eyes fluttered open and you were met with Spencer’s big eyes.
“Hey, did you sleep well?”
“Y-Yeah, um, I did yes,” Spencer’s response was quick and mumbled, it was obviously embarrassing to him that he ended up sleeping against you.
“I don’t mind it, you know, that you fell asleep on me.”
“You don’t?”
You smiled and shook your head, “If you ever need a pillow again then I’ll be right here.”
Spencer chuckled and glanced down, if it hadn’t been for the exhaustion then he never wouldn’t have gotten this close to you.
Taglist: @radioactiveinvisible @whoisspence @sreidisms @lanascinnamongirls @luvkatryna @sp3ncelle @iluvreid @khxna @keiva1000 @indigosamsblog @hiireadstuff @pleasantwitchgarden
If you want to be a part of my taglist go here!
You can find my masterlist here!
My requests are open so feel free to send one in! (SFW only)
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sanhwaism · 7 months
bf!ateez and that one specific habit they do that highlights their love language
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pairing ⟡ bf .ᐟ ot8 x gn .ᐟ reader
genre ⟡ established relationship, romance, fluff
author's note ⟡ haaaaapy valentine's day 💌☁️ not long ago i have reached 100 followers eeek ^_^ so so grateful for every single one of you!! take this as my gift for both this milestone and valentine's day <3 (the specific habit of theirs will be written in italics just so it can be easier to spot hehe)
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k. hongjoong — quality time
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ah yes, the busy and very hardworking captain :,)
he's aware of the time spent in his studio; composing and producing music are in his nature after all!
so he feels very thankful that you are understanding and always there for him to cheer him up or reassure him that he doesn't have to feel guilty even when he's pulling all nighters there
yet he still feels bad deep down
at the same time he can't abandon his work
so every chance he gets — and i mean EVERY — when he's not that overworked he makes sure to learn about what you're into so he can spend time with you in a way which you'd enjoy the most
whether it's a new game you're into, or a tv show or a book or
the moment you mention it ONCE???? be sure he's taking a mental note and paying the closest attention to it
because he acknowledges that it will be useful for later
no matter what it is, he'll try his best to pick up on it so you can have a great time together
"oh is this the new video game you started playing? guess what i actually got into it as well so we can play it together now!! :D!"
"oh i know you told me about this book you're reading so i bought a copy as well and i started it whenever i took breaks at work!! let's talk about it!! :D!"
he's genuinely so thoughtful
so yes, knowing how much time he spends away from you makes him want to learn more about your interests so the moment he has you back in his embrace, he will make sure to repay you in the sweetest way possible!
p. seonghwa — words of affirmation
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the type of boyfriend that always makes sure you know how great you're doing and how proud he is of you :(
he wouldn't go a day without praising you
if he is away from you because of work, expect a very early morning message from him in which he wishes you a good day ahead, that you will do great no matter what and he hopes you get to eat some yummy food in the meantime
and then later that day more encouraging words to keep you motivated and to also remind you that he loves you dearly
sobbing again
he wants you to tell him every detail about your day so he can praise every single effort you're making out there, no matter how small or insignificant you think it is
he'd tell you that just thinking of you gives him enough energy to go throughout the day
and he'll try his best to comfort you with his magical healing words if there is something you're going through
one thing about seonghwa is that he will validate your feelings no matter what. and that makes you feel so safe and appreciated and so so loved :(((
he's just comfort personified
he feels like hot chocolate served with marshmallows on top in front of the fireplace
if he's home and there are no miles that distance him from you, every single affectionate word that comes out of his mouth sounds even more soft hearted if that's possible
because not only does he know how to pick the best words and when to use them, but also the tone of his voice is just so soft and soothing
and now that no screen separates you both, his praises feel even more meaningful
he'd gently smile while caressing your cheek and whisper that he missed you so much and now that the day is over, everything that you have accomplished makes him so proud <3
j. yunho — physical touch
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oh my god
PLEASE listen to me
when i say that i keep seeing those specific cutest clips of yunho that altered my brain chemistry
i mean it
they altered it so badly to the point where my opinion on his love language changed
everything clicks in your head the moment you realize that yunho has been doing this gesture to you after you two got more comfortable with each other
you walk baside him while holding his hand?
all of the sudden you feel his large, soft hand on the top of your head
he looks at you all smiley while you talk to him?
the next second his hand is moving towards the crown of your head, cutely ruffling your hair
you're eating and paying attention to the food before your very eyes?
another headpat.
cute little soft headpat
is it the height difference that just makes him unable to control his hand from such sweet gesture?
most certainly, actually
he just can't help it :( one look at how cute you look and you don't even get the chance to finish your sentence be–
yup. headpat!!!!!
it's never enough for him, there are times where he feels the urge to just start speedily yet gently tap the top of your head countless times while your head just bops up and down
the way people do with their pets when the cuteness aggression hits (please tell me you know what i mean)
if you dont i gotchu i provide with visual representation here! (volume warning!!!! its loud!!)
he finds that HILARIOUS and so adorable at the same time
he'd just start giggling and you can't help but enjoy his laugh and playfulness
but if he doesn't stop you're gonna get dizzy a bit so he'll recieve a headpat in return!
... just a more aggressive one
call it a cute bonk ^_^
emotionally prepare yourself not to get TOO affected by his sudden puppy eyes because how dare you do such thing to him :<
apologize with a forehead smooch and he'll get all shy and so cutieful
k. yeosang — acts of service
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your personal trainer angel fairy dreamy looking like boyfriend
fondly sighs
yeosang's love for you is so gentle and thoughtful
he's your safe haven
his best way to express his feelings is by making sure you're always taking care of yourself, especially reminding you daily to take your supplements and vitamins!!
one day while you were cuddling him on the couch, you expressed your desire to have a more balanced and healthy lifestyle because he inspires you to do so
that was the moment a big shiny lightbulb lit up above yeosang's head
because he had the perfect idea how to help!! :D
the next day you'd already have in your hands a cute storage vitamin box that he got for you where you can organize your vitamins by days so it can be easier for you :(
of course he has one as well
he is always the one that helps you buy them once you run out
and he'd try his best to do his research based on your preferences and what seems to work best for you
when you tell him how much of a big difference they've been making and how much more energetic you feel, his smile melts your heart
he gets all bashful and giggles to himself, waving his hand as if he doesn't consider that he has done a lot
(well i consider eating him in one bite)
after all, that's what a good boyfriend should do! no biggie!
but yeosang has no idea how much it means to you; for him to always check up in you, to be your daily reminder just in case you forget about the vitamins, to diligently help you achieve the healthy lifestyle you strive for
c. san — physical touch
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everyone please act shocked
of course it's physical touch
i feel like i'd commit a crime if i didn't pick it
he's just a cute clingy cat :(
you figured out his love language quite fast, a little bit after you have made your relationship official and gave him your consent
he was shy at first
VERY shy
at first he could feel satisfied enough even with just your hand in his, or a timid hug
honestly he just wanted you near him!
but after some time when both of you got more comfortable with each other and after lots of showers with affection,
he started attacking your cheeks in the cutest way possible
every time he would have you near him, you'd see him suddenly leaning towards one side of you
next second you'd feel the softness of his cheek touching yours
and not only touch
but he would push himself even closer to you if that's possible, smushing your cheeks together while he's pouting
as if he wants to fuse both of your bodies into one because having you like that against him?? clearly isn't enough
also starts gently rubbing it against your own cheek, humming to himself because of how nice the feeling is while his eyes are closed in content
with time you got used to it and even started to like it and look forward to it
(every time i see clips of him doing that to other members i can't help but giggle)
he's just the cutest <3
no one cats the way san cats
s. mingi — quality time
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the type of boyfriend that if he could, he would attach you to his hip like a lucky charm forever and ever
because you always bring him luck, inspiration and hope whenever he has you near him :(
he feels a bit lost in your absence, always looking for ways to hear from you one way or another
so a lot of times when you two would blissfully share each other's space, mingi would ask you to attend his dancing practice, so you can witness what impressive moves he came up with and what choreographies he has been working on ^^
he is truly sososososo talented
and you'd just watch him with your lips slightly parted, amazement written all over your face as your eyes would follow the way his flexible body moves like water, with such calculated and striking motions
or other times, when he'd willingly share his personal space with you in his studio where he worked on so many new instrumentals and demos that might be useful for the group's future releases or his solo projects
every minute he would turn his head towards you just so he could catch a glimpse of your face expression
and he would smile to himself as he'd gaze at the endearing way you enjoy the rhythm and overall vibe of the music
his eyes would start sparkling in the dim lighting as you praise his efforts and works
and the biggest, cutest smile would adorn his bare face
sobs mingi.. mingi!! ^__^ mingi :3 MINGI!!!!!!!!
from that moment on, he only grows more confident to have you partake in any type of project he's crafting
you soon realize that you're the only one that gets this treatment
that's how big of an effect you have on song mingi. and he loves you dearly. always share your feedback and space with him. pretty please with a cherry on top <3
he said that not me
j. wooyoung — BITING gift giving
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sorry let me get serious
this man emanates love through every single pore so it was SO hard to pick only one love language
but it had to be done!
he's typically in his sugar baby era
but when it comes to you????????
i hope you're prepared to get spoiled ^^
his love for you is just too strong
but so is his credit card!
even before both of you confessed to each other, wooyoung had been giving you subtle hints that he was having a crush on you
and a lot of his hints were consisting mostly in him buying something for you
you eyed a cute plushie through the shop's window?
"waa, wooyoung, this plushie is so cute don't you think!!!!"
wooyoung thinks that he is buying it for you!!!!!
and you know what
he's getting two plushies actually, because they remind him of you and him
once he steps out of the shop, he hands the plushie to you with the cutest smile plastered on his lips and a twinkle in his eyes
"look, it's us," he exclaims as he brings his plushie close to the one in your hands and, to your utter surprise, makes them aggressively kiss.
(i just made myself SO devastated by writing that oh my god)
that was actually the day you two admitted having a crush on each other
from that day on, wooyoung's need to spoil you only grew
he'd want to match with you not only when it comes to a pair of plushies or ten, but clothes as well
not those that are SO visibly matching, instead more subtle ones that sort of compliment each other's looks and make you two match perfectly, like two puzzle pieces :,)
yes, wooyoung would be the one that would buy the clothes for you and surprise you with soooo many bags in front of your door, so excited for you to try on everything
he's whipped! can you blame him :(
you are his happiness and he wouldn't have it any other way, you deserve every single gift, end of discussion!!
c. jongho — acts of service
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the acts of service king
i said what i said!!
also the king of americanos yup yup iktr!
speaking of americano coffee :>
in the beginning of your relationship with jongho, you'd often have dates at the prettiest, comfiest cafes in town
you'd both order your usual drink of choice, and whenever you'd get coffee, he would pay extra attention to what type of coffee is it so he can get a cup for you next time and impress you with it
not just coffee but shh this is about coffee shh
after some time, you took the relationship to the next level, moving in together;
and whenever jongho had to leave earlier than you for his schedule, the mornings would smell like the best freshly made coffee you had ever smelled
because your sweet and attentive boyfriend would try his best to copy the recipe of your favorite coffee drink
from scratch as well
grinding the best coffee beans he could find into grounds
using water heated between 195°F-205°F
aiming for a total brew time between 3-5 minutes
like this is serious for him.
because he NEEDS it to be perfect and he NEEDS to cutely brag about it and he NEEDS to make you feel very pleased!
"hey, y/n, would you like some coffee?"
"no, thank youuu, my boyfriend made me the best cup of coffee this morning !!"
he would also leave a lovely note next to the mug :(
what more could you ask for. seriously.
you're gonna have some people become jealous but hey! choi jongho THE choi jongho chose you <3 and you will always be the only one he would make coffee for, from scratch, at the first glow of the sunrise
you are the apple of his eye
the only apple he would never break in half
see what i did there :D
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡ taglist: @yuyusuyu
{💌ྀི} masterlist.
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normansnt · 7 months
The prince pt.4
For @skyxqueen8 (:
Sorry it might be a bit short sorry for that but I think its good lemme know how you like it also SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT IMMA TRY AND BE FASTER🫡
Warnings: reader gets beaten up, mentions of Alastor torturing
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"Alastor I'll be fine, I truly don't want to bother you I see you're busy."
You tried your best to convince Alastor to let you go out alone. Now, usually he would, of course he knew how powerful you were you are the prince of hell after all, the fact that you don't like to use your powers doesn't hinder you much you use them when you're in danger.
But there have been headlines about you two dating. Vox's doing no doubt, and with the amount of people that Alastor managed to piss off during his years in hell it's really not safe for you out there.
"My dear, how could I ever be busy for you?" He asked baffled as he took a hold of your hand to stop you from leaving.
You turned around and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.
"My love, I will be just fine I can handle myself. I know the news has been full with us dating but to be fair that puts you in more danger than me, who wouldn't want to hold the kings son's lover for ransom?"
You argued back.
And you had a point, Alastor thought.
"Very well then, dear, however do not forget your radio remember you just turn it on and I shall be there as quick as possible."
You kissed him again and then smiled.
"Yes, I know"
He got you a pocket radio when he first saw the news. So whenever you need him you can just turn it to the channel you knew is his and hell be there in a second (idk lets just pretend).
You really weren't going out for anything special, you just wanted to get coffee with your dad like you do every week.
But the people who Alastor has pissed off didn't care much about where you were going they just wanted to make the fucker pay for what he has done. These were the sharks that Mimzy screwed over and Alastor had to clean her mess up. However during that clean up he kinda ate the boss's son and the boss was not please.
You could take on some annoying sharks really, but they attacked sudden. From the dark. While you were listening to music. So there really wasn't much you could do.
They showed you into an alley and started to beat you up with all sorts of junk they could find. You tried to reach the radio but when they showed you to the ground it broke.
This was when you decided to not play the part of helpless little prince waiting for his knight and used your powers to at least scare them away from you, you didn't have strength left to do anything else.
When you stood up, painfully, you reached for the pocket radio Alastor gave you, at least, for the parts of it.
"Fucking assholes" you liked that radio, you listened to Alastors podcast on it.
You knew you couldn't go see your dad in the state you were in you'd just worry him so you headed back home.
It was a hard journey with all the pain you were in but you managed.
You knew Alastor had things to do so you hoped he wouldn't be home. You didn't want to worry him.
"And who, pray tell, hurt my gorgeous little deer in such ways?" You heard the voice of your boyfriend from behind you as you entered your shared quarters.
"AHH, Fuck, Alastor I-I thought you wouldn't be-"
"Answer the question, please"
His voice was different. And as he exited from the shadows you saw that his voice was not the only thing different.
He wasn't smiling. He had a collected expression on his face, a terrifying calmness. You knew it wasn't directed at you.
He walked over to you and put his hand on your bloody cheek. He stroked your cheek with his thumb while you nestled into the warmness of his palm.
"You know those, sharks, that came here after Mimzy?" You asked him. His thumb stopped.
"Mimzy?" His voice was overly static barely audible.
"No, its not her-"
"I will be back soon" he said still overly static. And with that he left, not without leaving his shadow with you to patch you up.
"Shit" you mumbled. You wondered if you should have said anything.
Alastor's shadow made you sit down, and started tending to your wounds.
You woke up at 3 am to the ruckus of Alastor coming into you guys's room.
"Alastor" you whispered.
He was bloody all over as he halted on his way to the bathroom.
"Why are you up, darling?" He asked.
You could hear the exhaustion in his voice.
"What happened."
"Ah-ah-ah dear, I asked the question first." He tried to make the situation lighter.
"Its hard to sleep when your boyfriend is out hell knows where or doing what." You answered with just a hint of anger in your voice.
You took a breath and sighed.
"Your turn"
"Well...dear I don't think you wish to hear the details I know you are not particularly fond of violence, lets just say, I have plenty of new voices for my broadcast, these are going to be longer sessions however, these filths are getting the extra special treatment."
He answered slowly, trying not to anger you further.
You were trying to keep up the strong facade but you just ended your falling into his arms mumbling how worried you were. He hugged you back tightly, holding you to his body.
"I'm sorry, my darling, no harm shall ever befall you under my eye again." He mumbled into your hair.
In the following weeks all everyone could talk about was how the sessions on radio demons podcast have gotten hours long, just screams for hours, this has never happened someone must have really pissed him off. From then on, Alastor stayed true to his word, no one dared to lay a finger on you.
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theygotlost · 1 year
good afternoon here's my big rant on my pet peeves for subtitles in movies and tv
This is a post that I’ve thought about making probably for years now but never got around to. I might add more later if I realize I’ve forgotten any
When it comes down to it, the purpose of subtitles is this: to reflect exactly what the audience can hear, precisely when it can be heard. If you fail to do this, your subtitles are bad and you should feel bad. Although I don’t have concrete examples for most of these off the top of my head, I promise I have experienced them all firsthand at least once.
-> Watch for spelling and typos. Obviously.
-> Syncing issues.
This should go without saying, but the captions should be synced as closely as possible with dialogue and sound effects. Subtitles that are out of sync are worse to me than no subtitles at all. They’re unbearably distracting and I have to turn them off. I’m fortunate enough that I can keep watching without them, so imagine how frustrating this is for someone who needs to keep them on no matter what.
-> Jumping the gun.
This is basically an example of out-of-sync subtitles that are slightly too fast, but it gets its own category because it ruins the viewing experience in its own unique way. In particularly dramatic scenes, actors will often draw out their lines or pause between phrases. Captions sometimes fail to reflect this by displaying the entire sentence all at once, allowing the audience to read what someone is about to say before they actually say it, which deflates all the dramatic tension of the scene.
-> Phantom captions.
This one is less self explanatory, but it’s kind of similar to syncing. Sometimes there will be significant intervals of time between lines of dialogue, especially after a scene ends and a new one begins. The interval may include music, sound effects, or complete silence, but what I’m calling a “phantom” is a caption that stays on the screen after that last line of dialogue is delivered until the next line is spoken. I don’t remember what I was watching, but there was one that was glued to the screen for SEVERAL MINUTES over what was supposed to be an atmospheric break between scenes and it drove me nuts. In my experience this happens more often with older subtitling for DVDs and some old videos and less with modern streaming. 
-> Straight up spoilers.
Sometimes, a character will speak whose true identity has not yet been revealed to the audience. If I’m not supposed to know the character’s name yet, don’t just… tell me right there in the captions whenever they say something. Descriptors like “disembodied voice”, “man”/”woman”, “mysterious figure”, etc. will suffice.
-> Lack of musical descriptors.
It usually helps to describe the genre or emotion of the music that’s playing rather than just writing [music] or 🎵. That being said, if there is a song playing that’s particularly well known in the mainstream, I think it’s useful to actually include the name of the song. This one I do have a concrete example for: in Arrested Development, Gob always blasts The Final Countdown during his acts. But the captions on my DVDs for the show always describe it as [stagy pop]. Like yeah I would say that song is some pretty stagy pop, but I think a lot of the humor comes from knowing that it’s specifically The Final Countdown by Europe because it’s such a perfectly corny selection that Gob would make.
Another musical failure is not transcribing pertinent lyrics. If the song is playing in the background, then that’s understandable and it can be kind of distracting if there’s dialog happening on top of it because the audience isn’t actually meant to be paying close attention to the song. But if the song is front and center, like for a musical number or montage, then the lyrics can be pretty important. Last year when I watched Arcane on Netflix with my family (a recent, high budget production from the biggest streaming platform ever), the show had the nerve to write [man rapping] over a musical sequence. Imagine if all subtitles ever just said [person speaking] for the entire movie.
-> Affectations.
If a character starts using a silly voice or accent, or if the sound of their voice changes in any way, describe that. If the audience can hear the difference, the subtitles should reflect that difference. And they should reflect it informatively and accurately; for example, don’t just say [mock accent], but specify [mock French accent]. 
-> Paraphrasing.
I don’t even know why this is an issue, but it’s alarming how many times the subtitles just… straight up don’t match what the characters are actually saying. It’s like the transcriber was forced to write all the captions from memory, so they kinda sorta say the same thing, but the wording is different and some sentences or phrases are missing. When I brought this up with my mom she theorized that the transcriber was working off the script for the movie because hey, that’s all the dialogue already written down, right? But it completely fails to account for revisions, improvisation, or actors delivering their lines even slightly different than how they were originally written.
And last but certainly not least, one of the biggest offenders in bad subtitling…
-> [Speaks foreign language]
If someone says something in another language, please, for the love of god, do not just write [speaks foreign language]  and call it a day. Specifying the actual language is an improvement, but this descriptor only works if the audience members are truly not meant to know what’s being said (which is sometimes the case). If a character is only saying a single word or phrase in another language, transcribe it. As in, write down the actual words that they said. If you don’t speak that language, find someone who does. You are insane for transcribing a character saying “hola” or “abuela” in an otherwise English sentence as [speaks Spanish] (real examples I saw respectively in Rango and JANE THE VIRGIN. THERE’S SO MUCH SPANISH IN THAT SHOW). 
If the audience is supposed to know what someone is saying in another language, English subtitles will usually be hardcoded. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, LET THE CAPTION SAYING [SPEAKS FOREIGN LANGUAGE] COVER THESE UP. This is actively impeding understanding, not helping it. Jesus christ
* Please keep in mind that I’m not deaf or hard of hearing and I don’t have auditory processing disorder; I almost always watch movies and tv with subtitles whenever the option is available because it helps me absorb information better. If I don’t even strictly NEED subtitles and these are issues for me, I can only imagine how much more difficult it is for those who rely on them more heavily. I invite you to add your own perspective!!
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neroushalvaus · 10 months
Tumblr in the 60s – Part 2
Part 1 / Deleted Scenes
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💁🏼‍♀️brigittebardots Follow
anyone want to get fake married so i can get the pill to slut around
💋 marrymetwiggy Follow
Just say you have painful monthlies, I heard it works if you have a nice doctor!
💫 treatmetendermaureen Follow
Remember you still should use the sheet whenever possible. Stay safe ♡
1087 notes
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♒ let-the-sunshine-in Follow
i think there's something wrong with me, i'm just so sleepy all the time, it's not fair
👭 marvelettesofficial Follow
That's because you spend all your nights listening to radio luxembourg
♒ let-the-sunshine-in Follow
i heard nothing last night so i built an antenna out of poultry net, iron wire and bits of tin. i cut my fingers and our family chickens ran away
☁️ ankin-vaimo Follow
A small price to pay for some music.
♒ let-the-sunshine-in Follow
the antenna fell apart before the german guy stopped talking
34 notes
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🗣 ilovejohnlennon-deactivated19660729
me: chilling
my brain: if you were shot and weren't sure whether you'd live or die should you call the cops to make sure your murderer gets caught or call the ambulance to increase your chance of survival
me: what
🗣 elviskneesofficial-deactivated19631119
There should be a number that'd reach both of those
🕺 elvisherselvis Follow
That number already exists. It's been used in my city for like a two decades.
🏆 petebest-or-bust Follow
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🕺 elvisherselvis Follow
Fuck you I'm British.
🪛 patrickwhoghton Follow
Oh my G, this post from -62 sounds so prophetic now that they're trying to make the 911 thing catch on, where's that jagger meme
🖖 spock-in-tardis Follow
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🕺 elvisherselvis Follow
This is literally not gift of prophecy. I told you back when this post was first made that this number has already existed in UK for years. It was obviously going to spread elsewhere, even US was bound to catch on at some point.
🏆 petebest-or-bust Follow
you are still here?? keeping an eye on this post??
💋 marrymetwiggy Follow
you're so grumpy @elvisherselvis maybe you should phone the emergency number and get a wahhh-mbulance
98,9 t. notes
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📼 bisexualbarbaradane Follow
my date: Oh I listen to folk as well!
me: That's so cool! Who are your favourites?
my date: I'm sooo into Bob Dylan.
my date: Is everything okay?
me, stuffing jelly babies into my purse: I have to go, like, right now, immediately, sorry
#it's okay if you liked dylan before he became the judas he is #but you can't call yourself a folk fan if you still support him #ugghh i hate him #electric guitar using lil bitch #sigh #jelly baby meme #bob dylan critical // #anti bob dylan // #bob dylan hate //
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🛸 premisendgame Follow
Cock and balls, I'm watching this previously banned american film where an american man is trying to fuck a soviet spy (played by famously very russian Greta Garbo) by offering her champagne and he is like "have you never had champagne?" and Greta is like "never 🥺 only goat's milk and a ration of vodka in the army" and the tv screen freezed and was like "ERROR!! CHAMPAGNE HAS BEEN SERVED IN SOVIET UNION SINCE 1936" I'm 😂😂😂
🪐 stalincredible Follow
You Americans will say anything to make Soviet stuff look silly
🛸 premisendgame Follow
Where do you think I am watching soviet tv from?? Or did I miss the memo where americans have the monopoly on joking about their own damn country??
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🥁 ringoforpresident Follow
"In future there will be telephones you can take with you anywhere" I can't even fucking listen to Radio Luxembourg without building a goddamn satellite, sending it to space, reciting spells and prayers, and sticking the radio out of the window at 2am EET. And even then it needs to be snowing for it to work because the radio wave fairies like snow or some shit
♒ let-the-sunshine-in Follow
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