#wheni said something cursed. i meant this
seenthisepisode · 2 years
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cinematic parallels
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lokbobpop · 3 years
The f-word is of Germanic origin, related to Dutch, German, and Swedish words for "to strike" and "to move back and forth." It first appears, though, only in the 16th century, in a manuscript of the Latin orator Cicero
Thanks word means so many things i see firstly sex to fuck but it is used in every context known.
Fuck duck f uck fcuk buck fu ck fake yuck
Writing the word fuck
I was only just thinking before i sat down to write that i dont use this word in front of some people because it offends my older friends think its not good for a women to say this word so ive not said it to them but when they said it i felt so its ok for you but not me how is this fair??? But i didnt i noticed only one of the older guys use it anyway so its not something they are regular in saying i just did like the fact that it looks ok for men but not women.
It feels like a curse when i write it like oh fuck this has happened what am i going to do shit im pissed off about this to the point the word fuck is used.
Reading fuck
To have sex but not meaning full sex mmm hang on i suppose it could be meaningful for some who like to have sex the way i see it when reading it like for me to fuck is to have sex on the spot hard and relentless fucking like there no romantic suggestions about it but for some this could be there romance anyway what i would call a quickly.
When osho did a talk on the word fuck it was so funny he mentioned how we use the word fuck in so many different context like fuck this fuck that being pissed off then this is fucking excellent i love it how it can be used in so many different ways and mean so many things.
We were not aloud to say this word as kids it was seen as a very bad word even bloody was considered a bad word and shit which was meant to be said as sugar by my mum. But wheni got older and in fights with my dad i would say it and it would make my mum cringe even now she hates it and my hole family days it like it means nothing which im sure it upsets her very much, but i see as soon as i started bringing it up and using it i felt great as he wouldnt use this word only me and i felt i had this power over him every time i use it it was like take some of that come on you bastard ill give you how i feel with this word i. So angry with you fuck you.
Most people o know say fuck but in my family id say we use it far to often i think my ego liked it so much when saying in the house i carried it on mmm but i feel there was many years i didnt use it and picked it up again when around people who say it all the time anyway we all all big fuckers in my house we say fuck all the time my daughters especially love to use this word and i cringe when around people i feel will be judging them on this can of language like my mum for instance i want them to stop i want them to be more educated and not say these words i want them to be able to speck without being like this so i see its all about me im the one who has to stop the way i feel around this word so i have to stop saying it if i dont like it, well i dotn think i have to stop saying it i have to use it when needed not like every other word so it means nothing i have to create myself within this word who am i when saying fuck, this would be interesting i will look and see why ive said it was it to look good or to surprise someone why did i use this word.
Fuck a duck came up like i would say this back in the 80s maybe it was popular then to say it like that along with mother fucker which you dont hear much of now, but fuck off has always been popular to say.
When something goes wrong again comes up like oh fuck what am i going to do stuff like that it’s reminds me i have a problem here with whatever it is and saying fuck means i have to do something here things have fucked up so its a sort of shit what can i do fuck fuck oh fuck
When i was younger seeing this word written felt wrong and i though wow this person really dont care who sees he used thsi word and written for all to see they are amazing they have no fear lol
Saying fuck out load
Ive messed up made a mistake what am i going to do comes up then thoughts of should i do this or that.
Fuck its hope fuck ive had enough fuck im tired fuck i cant be bothered fuck why is my process so hard so long will i ever be in a place where im free of most of the shit i do. This makes me see how much i us this word in everyday everything so how can i live this word to support instead of using it to say you fucked up again Caroline
Sex again comes up people fucking or me fucking myself which all seems crude i see within this using the word for sex makes me feel cheap and it should be used here as to fuck is to have no emotional attachment ive created this belief within me so need to redefine this word to support me.
Thoughts of things being to much overwhelming comes up cant cope i see i need to redefine this also to support me like fuck lets sort this out to support me when this word comes up within me as not being in a great place to see the opportunity within my situations
Guilt comes up how ive sworn in from of my daughters and how they both swear so much but i see i see this word as not a good word and thats the only problem its a bad word so if i change my belief that this word is bad i wont judge myself or them as it will have no affect on its only my belief of this is a bad word growing up that i still believe this today if i grew up now it wouldnt be a bad word at all hey its just a word why should it affect me so??
Does this word definition support me no i see i fear it as bad word its just a fucking word ffs its not the creator of all things bad but i can create from this word a sense of fun and not of fear of what others might think about myself saying it or my daughters i need to drop the guilt i have for saying it so much that my daughter so it all the time and it making me feel bad about myself no i dont need to feel this way plus i dont want to also see it as i do as unfeeling sex with not emotional attachment to another just sex and only wanting to see sewn as love making. Also i see my ego got involved at a young age to use it in front of my parents and this made the word powerful too hurt and shame another i thought at the time i felt power in it.
F U ck
To express self with support of knowing im going to sort this shit out
To express excitement about something or someone with joy happiness
To have a quickie with your partner
I will live this word to support me as in for fun when something amazing happens or a situation where i need to support myself to get through something i will use this word to support in fun and in a way to sort shit out.
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