Hard days sucked
The Mechanic had been working on cars all morning and her friend Markus had meant to been there with a new battery charger four hours ago. She needed it for three different cars and she was pissed off since he wasn’t returning any of her calls and she’d resorted to sending him rude messages in an effort to get his dumb ass there quicker. She sighed softly after glancing at her phone yet again before she grabbed her pack of cigarettes and she put on between her lips and lit one before she started smoking and she leaned against the, the bell in the main part of the store rang and she walked in there.
“Yes?” she asked curtly
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hadesrebelofadaughter · 10 years
Muse Meme
Muse Meme
Tagged by taintedinbloodlust
Pick one of your muses and fill in the questions/statements as if you were your muse in a new post.
1. What is your name?  Jess
2. What is your real name? Jessica Emily Faltour
3. Do you know why you were called that? Mum said i looked like a Jessica when i was born and so she called me that while my middle name is what she wanted to name me and Faltour is my mother’s maiden name, also i hate being called Jessica by someone unless i know that person so i wouldn’t try it if i were you
4. Are you single or taken? Wouldn’t you want to know?
5. Have any abilities or powers?
 More than i’ll willing to write here but mostly i can control shadows
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.  Oh get your head out of your ass
7. What’s your eye color? Dark Grey, almost black but there is a difference if you catch me standing next time my brother Nico DiAngelo
8. How about your hair color? Black
9. Have you any family members? I have too many, there’s all the Greek demis, all of the ‘main’ Olympians not to mention their godly children and the Titans and all of the ‘minor’ Gods and then there’s my huge Greek family on my mother’s side
10. Oh? What about pets? Three dogs! one’s a hellhound name Gyspie and i have a Husky called Bea and Pip is my Australian Kelpie
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like? anything mint that isn’t a candy cane

12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?
 Writing and listening to music, sword fighting, singing is something i like doing a lot
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
 I’ve killed five people, what the fuck do you think
14. Ever….killed anyone before?
 Didn’t i just say that?
15. What kind of animal are you? Raven or Fox i guess? fuck if i know
16. Name your worst habits. Fighting with other people, mostly gods
17. Do you look up to anyone at all? Yeah their mostly family though. There’s Hephaestus, Apollo, Zack and i look up to both of my older brothers, my cousin Holden and my pranking friend Ennis. Not that i’d ever tell any of these guys that i look up to them of course oh and there’s my Apollo kid cousin Ailiana fuck i look up to a lot of people
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual? Bisexual
19. Do you go to school? Used ta but i stopped going year nine, my teachers would have been surprised had i shown up for class so that tells you something. Okay i lied, i’m going to medical and music school at the moment
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day? I don’t know, being a demi-god’s dangerous in this world and i don’t want to drag anyone into danger like that. If i found a safe place? possibly?
21. Any fanboys/fangirls?  I have no idea
22. What are you most afraid of? Being Alone
23. What do you usually wear? Dark clothes or shirts with bands on them, mostly i wear my boots, black pants, whatever shirt and my leather jacket
24. Do you love someone? M-Maybe, what’s it to you?
25. When was the last time you wet yourself? When i was like 1
26. Well, it’s not over yet! Holy Hades get this over with already! 
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class) Middle since i’m ignoring the past my mother left behind in Greece
28. How many friends do you have? My cousins are my friends obviously, then there’s my main three friends so fuckin tons
29. What are your thoughts on pie? Good for pranks
30. Favorite drink? Fanta
31. What’s your favourite place? My music room
32. Are you interested in someone? Maybe
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy? Why the hell would i tell you? riddle me that
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean? Both, i’m often dragged down to the ocean with my brother Nico and my and my cousin Percy end up in the biggest water fights ever
35. What’s your type?  I don’t have a type, i just tend to like guys who take my fancy at the time
36. Any fetishes? Too many to name sweet thing
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive? Just because i’m technically a Princess of the Underworld doesn’t mean i’m a Dom, more of a Submissive person myself. you know most of the time…
38. Camping or indoors? I’ve never been camping so i guess i have to say indoors?
39. Are you wanting the quiz to end? Yes, i have more important shit that i need to do
40. Now it’s over! Tag five people! Finally!
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betterhealing · 10 years
It was quiet.
The silence that permeated around the medical lab wasn't one of discomfort but instead of warmth, comfortable and calm. After the day's battle there had been very little in the way of injuries to actually treat and Arcade was simply happy to be inside away from the snow and fouler weather, even if it meant that he had to spend the remainder of the evening within far familiar four walls. Perhaps later he would go down to meet up with the other men and women that made up the rest of the team.. he knew that they were going to likely be drinking off their victory in the recreational room.
Wasn't as if there was much else to do in their downtime. Especially not with that storm brewing outside.
Fingers flitted across the smooth binding of the book he'd been intending to read when a thought gave him pause, teeth grazing down on a slightly chapped lower lip. Maybe he could go get their Scout. Holden had been a particularly enjoyable sense of comfort and friendship within the team that he hadn't expected to honestly find, let alone from one of the fast-walking brash talking Scouts!, since coming here and he enjoyed the younger man's company immensely.
"Ille probabiliter non vult volo ad.." Plus the blond Medic did not in particular want to be a bother to his friend when the other man likely didn't want his company. He knew he honestly tended to screw up with numerous things in his life, his track record with this had to be a mile long by now, and with Holden..
He really didn't want to fuck up with that too.
A frown curled his lips for a moment before he thumped back in his chair, kicking his feet up on his desk and cracking open the book to start reading from where he'd left off. If anyone needed him they'd know where to find him, he was sure.
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fruitofkyotoryu · 10 years
holden you offered to rob binh tho
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raindrops-and-rivers · 10 years
A visit upon a request +1
Cordelia and Chelsea had been following the nymph since they had no idea how to get to this place, their father Asopus a Greek God had asked them to check up on a son of Dionysus so here they were. Chelsea waved bye to the Nymph when she gestured at the cabin and Cordelia and her walked over to the front door and Cordelia knocked on the door
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nolongerabrightstar · 10 years
3 New
Scarlet was in a form she hadn't been in for years and she'd missed it, the young wolf raced through the abandoned streetlight lit streets happily. She missed this, the certain freedom she got while being a pup. She heard someone ahead of her so she dropped low and gave a small growl that was meant to be threatening but she wasn't sure it came out that way
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fruitofkyotoryu · 10 years
[5:35:49 PM] Banann: she goes to holden
[5:35:49 PM] Banann: "rob this man"
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