#where he sees just how torn up and regretful and horrified lbh is at what happened and the idea of having hurt sqq
kamikazeworld-art · 4 months
Something I feel a lot of people seem to forget about the relationship between the peak lords and bingqiu is that, at the end, Yue Qingyuan quietly gave Shen Qingqiu his approval and support. He was the one who urged him forward towards Binghe with a smile, letting him know he always had a home there, so he should do what makes him happy right now. He saw the love his shidi and most special person held for Binghe even in the wake of all the pain and destruction, and said in his own way "I support you".
Whatever feelings there are about their past, whatever the shape of his affection for Shen Qingqiu, it is canon that Shen Qingqiu has his FULL unconditional support in his relationship with Luo Binghe. And honestly? I love that so much.
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