#where is the k*nky fic please
Bickslow/Laxus Hcs please since hes officially number 2 best boyfriend?
I'm sorry for making you wait this long for this request, anon. I had started a Bixxus fic and wanted to get the first chapter written. In case you wanted to see it.
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Each member of the Thunder Legion, Laxus included, is very particular about their grooming and appearance. Evergreen and Freed, obviously, like to dress rich, as does Laxus. Bickslow may have a more openly bizarre and off-putting presentation, but he is very much equally as careful about how he looks.
Consequently, Laxus is one of the only people Bickslow will let touch his face or hair, or make modifications of any kind to it. Laxus gets this privilege because Bickslow knows he likes the regular looks of his just fine. Laxus takes the time to learn Bickslow's routines and self care, and is pretty quickly trusted with helping Bickslow dye and chop.
Bickslow's dolls are hollow. If Bickslow ever actually needs to hide something or be discreet, he can stuff little notes into one of his 'babies' and float 'em over. This is how Bickslow asked Laxus to go steady with him that fateful day.
Bickslow's dolls also, although generally in league with him, can speak his mind without him meaning to if he isn't careful. Thanks to not being careful one day, one of the dolls blurted out 'I love youuuuu!' and Bickslow about died right then and there.
Laxus starts wearing reading glasses with no prescription in them so that Bickslow doesn't have to wear his visor all the time. Bickslow at first only allows this at night, when his visor is, ahem, in the way, since otherwise he very much likes wearing it. Laxus, though, has a desire to see Bickslow's eyes as often as possible. When they're not glowing green, they're a very pretty dark red.
Laxus likes to hold his man and Bickslow very much likes to cling. Their ideal spot is in a hammock where the only weight on them that matters is each other.
Remember when I said Laxus would learn to dance for Bickslow? Yeah, well, give it a couple years, and Laxus will know some great hip hop routines. Bickslow can do voguing, too.
Bickslow also has a strong creative bent and a love for authenticity. He's great at cosplay and could even try his hand at drag here and there. Relatively serious and masculine Laxus' only condition in relation to these is that Bickslow win any competition he enters (he does).
They sketch each other's tattoos and plan each other's piercings. It's very cute if you can watch them doing it.
When he decided Bickslow was the one, Laxus hid a very expensive ring inside one of the dolls. It drove Bickslow crazy for weeks, trying to figure out what that rattling sound was, until it finally occurred to him to check. He damn near fainted when he found an engagement ring box inside.
NS/FW section:
Laxus fucking loves Bickslow's ass, okay. Remember when I said he'd wear a speedo? Laxus loves that shit.
Bickslow likes it rough and he likes it k/nky. And Laxus is very happy to deliver. Hell, sometimes he surprises Bickslow when he's in the mood.
Bickslow did in fact underestimate his boyfriend's size once.
Bickslow kisses like a whΩre, even when he's trying not to. It's very wet and involved and Laxus slowly learns to like it.
Bickslow has his fair share of sΣx toys and is fairly open about them. Laxus dislikes him using them, since he's never needed toys and feels like Bickslow using them implies he's not enough on his own.
The only exception is when they have to be apart for long periods of time. In fact, Laxus has outright bought Bickslow the odd d/ldo when he knew they wouldn't have a chance to get nasty with each other for a while. He intentionally bought it at a size slightly smaller than his own cΩck, juuuuuust enough that he knew Bickslow would notice. And he did. And it drove him crazy and made him miss his man that much more--all according to plan.
Bickslow has outright begged Laxus to film some of their intimate moments together. Did Laxus ever say yes? I'm legally not allowed to reveal the answer to you.
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furcoveredinblood · 2 years
so i've done some self reflection (and a couple hours of research as to what the fuck internet terms are) and i'd like to apologize to everyone, including anyone i may have hurt, for my hypocrisy, my views that painted me as an "anti", and my ignorance surrounding the topic of proshippers.
i understand now that throwing k¡nks on my dni was wrong and unnecessary and that i was being extremely hypocritical in my introduction post considering the type of content i consume and intend on producing (which is k¡nky rpf fics). i feel like i've opened my eyes a bit more and i'm now able to see where i went wrong. now it makes sense why i was suddenly blocked by some people in the fandoms i'm in the second i joined tumblr. my understanding of proshippers and antis was skewed and i have now educated myself on what these terms mean and that my views on things were disrespectful and unclear. for that, i am sorry.
i don't really like putting labels on myself, but i guess i'm anti-anti. i understand what that means now and it makes sense to me completely. i still have some work to do mentally as far as killing off my old "anti" views, but this is part of growth and i ask for you to please just bear with me. if this post doesn't make any sense, please let me know. i hope to patch things up with anyone i have hurt but i completely understand if any of those people do not wish to forgive me. i just want to move past this so i can grow and leave my old views behind.
~ Baal
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Ummm I’m about to make a post that uhhhh I don’t know how to tag but it’s basically me asking for a fic but in a long form way and I am…just…don’t look at me…don’t judge me…
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venusoliver · 4 years
The Taste of Sweet Silk on Your Lips; Chapter 11 BTS
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NOTE: This post will discuss plot points from Chapter 11 my Ao3 fanfiction, The Taste of Sweet Silk on Your Lips. Please refrain from reading further if you'd like to avoid spoilers!
This chapter, if I'm not mistaken, is my longest chapter yet. Woah.
I've almost completely strayed from my original outline. Almost. For the past couple of chapters my outline didn't reasonate with the final result at all, but I think I'm starting to get back on track.
The BDSM chapters are always the most difficult. There's a lot of terminology that can come into play rather quickly, not to mention the struggle to keep things consistent and clear. (Where are Mikasa's hands? How do I describe that? How do I phrase this differently than the last three paragraphs I wrote? Okay, hold on, what's a synonym for—)
Long story short, it's a handful. But when I'm done writing the chapter, when I can finally delete "DRAFT" from the title of my chapter page, it's a feeling I don't feel to often.
I feel proud of myself. And that's an amazing thing :D
But along with BDSM chapters comes references!
Now, my original plan was to actually watch live BDSM performances online. I watched a very solid handful before I started writing this fic, and I learned quite a lot, but in the end..
I'm a procrastinator, okay?
My schoolwork was starting to pile up. I was failing multiple classes (I'm only failing one now, yay for me!), and what does my brain do when there's actual work to be done? Not that. Anything but that.
Now, writing my fic isn't work. I LOVE writing this fic. But typing out extensive cartography notes and typing out prolonged sexual tension can start to get grouped together, and before I knew it—
A week had passed since my last update. That's always when I start to get anxious.
So, instead of taking this slow and watching low-quality footage of shibari clubs in russia, it was just me— my brain— and a very aggressive google searching session.
In the end, I'm still very happy with how things went.
The issue arose initially when I just.. couldn't find the right references. I had the picture in my head of what was going on, but I still needed a picture to look at so that my descriptions wouldn't become to vague and absurd.
Let's start off easy, Mikasa's lingerie.
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I had a lot of options when deciding what Mikasa should wear. Something risque, of course, but nothing too revealing. It was a tough decision, but I think this picture does my vision justice! Aside from the shoes. Mikasa is a little too powerful in heels like that.
The next order of business was getting references for the bondage rigging.
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The spreader bar was easy. Legs spread, bar in the middle, you're good to go!
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Next up was the harness. I had a couple of other options I was debating when deciding on what type of harness I wanted on Mikasa. I originally went with something more dainty, with thinner rope and smaller knots— but once I decided on suspension-esqe rigging near the end of the performance, it only made sense for the harness to be more secure.
As for the arms.. that was the most difficult part of this chapter. Finding a reference, writing it out— when I go back to make minor revisions on the fic (grammatical errors)— it's going to be very hard to stop myself from rewriting that portion of the chapter.
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The sheer joy that raced through me when I found this image is unmatched. I had scoured the internet looking for a clean, clear reference for what I wanted. After rephrasing my google search multiple times (shibari arm rigging, arms behind head, arms behind head shibari, etc.)— and praying I wouldn't have to use a p 0rn screenshot as reference, I found this image.
This is precisely what I was going for with her arms. Mikasa is a very fit woman, and I don't doubt that she wouldn't have a problem getting her arms behind herself like this.
In my mind when I pictured Mikasa bent at the hip, legs spread wide, arms lifted upwards behind her— this is precisely the position I envisioned her arms in. I used that reference when describing the actual rigging for the arms as well.
But enough about all the k!nky stuff! This chapter was a lot more sentimental than originally planned.
I'm consistently at odds with myself when writing these chapters, trying to give them the smut I intended while also making their relationship believable.
I ship these two insanely hard, but their dynamic is a really tough one to pinpoint and make work.
They're both very cold and shut off from people in day to day life, so for their relationship to work— they need to be forced together, and they have to be in a situation where their stubbornness pulls them closer rather than pries them apart.
With all of that to keep in mind, bringing in some fluffy aspects is crucial. It makes their connection make more sense. After all, neither one of this girl's is doing random hookups. Not often, anyway.
The fluff ended up coming organically. Even if their performance this chapter was still just a performance and not an actual BDSM scene, aftercare still comes into play.
Hitch and Annie had a far different dynamic because they were friends. They were friends, and experienced in the BDSM scene. They're able to perform without getting emotionally invested— because they don't love each other romantically. There's not this same intimate connection.
As for Mikasa and Annie, it's completely different. Annie loves Mikasa to the point that she's risking quite a lot to keep the girl in her life. Mikasa is new to the scene, but she's enthralled by the idea of letting down her guard and letting someone else pull the reigns for once.
They compliment each other in an intimate, romantic, and s3xual way. The performance itself and the aftermath should reflect that.
So, it does! I found myself smiling quite a bit at the end of the chapter. I really do love these two.
The next chapter will include full fledged smut, thank goodness. I'm both nervous and excited to start writing the chapter. But, for now, I'm probably gonna get some rest.
Thank you all so much for your support. I wouldn't still be writing this fic if I didn't know that there were people out there who enjoyed my work. It makes me smile even when I'm struggling :) I hope to see you all again when I post the next chapter. Thanks so much!!
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i-write-newsies · 3 years
I'm taking requests for Newsies oneshots (although if they are supposed to be in-depth, i might do multiple parts)
What I won't do:
- Jack x Crutchie (Crutchie referred to Jack as his brother, and while Jack is 17, Crutchie is 12)
- Incest
- Age gaps
- Crutchie smut
- Fetishized AUs (ex: teacher-student relationship/roleplay)
- Any ideas that might put down a group of people (ex: requesting a fic that makes fun of neurodivergent people)
- Les smut
- Any idea that may be what i see as an intense challenge or just something I'm uncomfy with (but if ur idea isn't specified on this list, go for it!)
What I will do:
- Gay ships
- Smut (Rare, only for characters like Kath, Jack, Davey, etc. and preferably aged up)
- Aged up smut for anyone but Crutchie and Les
- Lemon/Lime (Possibly for Crutchie, but it depends- NOT FOR LES)
- Aged up younger kids (No smut or lemon/lime, only for the plot)
- Poly ships (just not too many people)
- Fluff
- Angst (You can go as severe as you want)
- Modern AU
- Character/Reader x Delancey (Only if needed for angst or Delancey character growth)
-Medda (Only x Reader, not the Newsies)
- Character x Reader
- Reader insert (no character x reader)
- Non-ships (Just scenarios, can include ships, just not centered around it)
Some requests you can ask for/prompts (Mix and Match as you please):
Angst (TW):
1. "I found you, but it's too late..."
2. "I never got the chance to tell you how I feel"
3. "Who hurt you?"
4. "We can grow together"
5. "You left me alone"
6. "I think we should break up"
7. "I'm no good for you"
8. "We're forbidden"
9. "Hanaki's Disease"
10. "Till death do we part"
11. "At least I died saving you..."
12. "Baby don't cut"
13. "I wish you had told me before it was too late"
14. "Our red string was cut"
15. "I thought you'd hate me"
16. "We're forbidden"
1. "Ice cream date!"
2. "I'm sick"
3. "Will you marry me?"
4. "The cafe cliche"
5. "Stress cuddles"
6. "I didn't know you could cook!"
7. "Wrong Number"
8. "Different decades"
9. "Small life in the big city"
10. "Making bets"
11. "Tsundere"
12. "You're scared of thunder?"
13. "I'll spot ya"
14. "Bowery Beauties"
15. "Our safe space"
16. "Little space"
1. "It's the first date, but okay"
2. "I think I'm ready"
3. "Roleplay"
4. "Truth or Dare?"
5. "Tending to their wounds"
6. "Tension"
7. "I never took you as the k!nky type"
8. "You dumb4ss! I can't cover this h!ckey!"
9. "Any other way I can pay...?"
10. "Pet names"
11. "In public?"
12. "You need to wear that more"
13. "That was a first"
14. "Movie Night"
15. "Unspeakable thoughts"
16. "A blushing mess"
Reader Insert (Please request in more detail, unless requested with specific gender I will use gender-neutral terms, can be platonic,Reader Insert can be requested for any prior prompts):
1. "I finally shifted to Newsies!"
2. "I woke up in Newsies?"
3. "The Newsies came here?" / "Showing the Newsies parts of modern day"
4. "Character x Trans/Enby Reader, Trans/Enby Character x Reader, Trans/Enby Character x Trans/Enby Reader"
5. "Trans/Nonbinary Character x Reader"
6. "Character x Reader x Character"
7. "Depressed Character x Reader, Character x Depressed Reader, Depressed Character x Depressed Reader"
8. "They're the King of New York!"
9. "Hangin' out with the Newsies"
10. "Character x Character's kid (Platonic)"
11. "Are you new around here?"
12. "Character x Age Regressed reader (Fluff only)"
13. "Anxious Character x reader, Character x Anxious reader, Anxious Character x Anxious reader
14. "Neurodiverse Character x reader, Character x Neurodiverse reader, Neurodiverse Character x Neurodiverse reader"
15. "Deaf Character x reader, Character x Deaf reader, Deaf Character x Deaf reader"
16. "Mini Talent Show"
I'm so sorry for how long this is- I had a lot of ideas!
You can request by commenting or asking, lmk if you want to be credited, and (preferably) expand on what exactly you want to see in terms of plot, au, choice of words, etc.
I will eventually make and share a tumblr and AO3 and post my works on there.
Don't be shy and request! And don't forget to tell me your triggers so I can put them where they apply!!
Phoenix "Race" Conlon <3
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