#where is the other 59 million pages google?
fionaapplerocks · 1 year
You know when you do a Google search for something, it does that thing where it says: Page 1 of about 49 bazillion results and you think 'wow thanks Google, you searched the whole universe and found eeevvveryyything just for me'.
...and then you click through to page 10 just to see what's there, and it goes: Sorry Fam I lied, theres only 27 results.
So I tried a comparison between Fiona Apple and Taylor Swift
Taylor: predicted about 747,000,000 actual=139
Fiona: predicted about 59,400,000 actual=154
So that means according to Google, Fiona is more popular than Taylor, well 15 pages more popular.
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navdurga32 · 2 months
Is it ok to buy Android/iOS app reviews from rating providing services?
The app marketplace is fiercely competitive. With millions of apps vying for attention on both the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store, app developers are constantly seeking ways to stand out and attract users. One strategy that has emerged is buying app reviews from rating providing services. But is it okay to buy these reviews? And if so, why might ASOeShop be one of the best platforms for this purpose? Let's dive into this topic, considering ethical implications, potential benefits, and why ASOeShop stands out.
Understanding the Practice of Buying App Reviews
Buying app reviews involves paying a service to generate positive reviews and ratings for your app. These services typically employ real users to download, use, and review your app, ensuring that the reviews appear genuine. This practice has its critics and supporters, and it's crucial to weigh the pros and cons before deciding if it's the right strategy for you.
The Pros of Buying App Reviews
1. Boosting Visibility and Credibility
One of the primary benefits of buying app reviews is the immediate boost in visibility. Apps with higher ratings and more reviews are more likely to be featured on the app store's front pages, which can significantly increase downloads. According to a study by Apptentive, 59% of people usually or always check ratings and reviews before downloading a new app.
2. Gaining Initial Traction
For new apps, gaining initial traction can be challenging. Positive reviews can create a snowball effect, where the app gains more organic reviews and downloads due to its perceived popularity and quality.
3. Competitive Edge
In a crowded market, having an edge over competitors is crucial. Positive reviews can set your app apart from others in the same category, attracting users who might have otherwise chosen a competing app.
The Cons of Buying App Reviews
1. Ethical Concerns
The most significant drawback is the ethical concern. Paying for reviews can be seen as misleading potential users about the app's quality. This can lead to a breach of trust if the app doesn't live up to the glowing reviews.
2. Risk of Detection and Penalties
Both Google and Apple have strict policies against fake reviews. If they detect that an app has been inflating its reviews through paid services, they can penalize the app, which might include removing it from the app store altogether.
3. Short-Term Gains vs. Long-Term Success
Relying on bought reviews can provide short-term benefits, but long-term success depends on the app's actual quality and user experience. If the app doesn't meet users' expectations, negative reviews will eventually overshadow the paid ones.
Why ASOeShop is One of the Best Platforms to Buy App Reviews?
If you decide that buying app reviews aligns with your marketing strategy, choosing a reputable service is crucial. ASOeShop stands out for several reasons:
1. Authenticity and Quality
ASOeShop emphasizes genuine reviews from real users. They ensure that the reviews are not only positive but also relevant and constructive. This authenticity helps in maintaining the app's credibility and avoids the pitfalls of obviously fake reviews.
2. Compliance with App Store Policies
ASOeShop is meticulous about complying with both Google Play and Apple App Store policies. They use methods that minimize the risk of detection and penalties, ensuring a safer approach to boosting your app's ratings.
3. Comprehensive ASO Services
Beyond just reviews, ASOeShop offers a full suite of App Store Optimization (ASO) services. This includes keyword optimization, competitor analysis, and other strategies to improve your app's visibility and ranking organically. By combining paid reviews with these services, you can create a robust marketing strategy that supports long-term success.
4. Positive Track Record
ASOeShop has a proven track record of helping apps achieve better rankings and increased downloads. Their clients often report significant improvements in their app's performance metrics, demonstrating the effectiveness of their services.
Stats and Facts
Increased Downloads: According to ASOeShop, their clients typically see a 30-50% increase in downloads within the first month of purchasing reviews and utilizing their ASO services.
User Trust: A survey by BrightLocal found that 88% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. This highlights the importance of having positive reviews for your app.
Visibility Boost: Apps with higher ratings and more reviews are 60% more likely to be downloaded compared to those with lower ratings, according to a study by Apptentive.
Conclusion: A Balanced Approach
Buying app reviews from rating providing services like ASOeShop can be a strategic move in a competitive app marketplace. However, it's essential to balance this approach with a commitment to quality and user satisfaction.
Ensure that your app genuinely meets users' needs and expectations, and use paid reviews as a supplementary strategy rather than a primary one. By doing so, you can enhance your app's visibility and credibility while building a loyal user base that will contribute to its long-term success.
ASOeShop offers a reliable and ethical way to boost your app's ratings and reviews, making it a valuable partner in your app marketing efforts. With their comprehensive ASO services and a focus on authenticity, you can be confident that your investment will yield positive results without compromising your app's integrity.
0 notes
espialsolutions · 4 years
The Importance of Digital Marketing: Top 5 Reasons You Need It
At one point online marketing was just a replacement and different thanks to market. It opened a replacement sort of media on which to peddle goods and services. But within the past few years, the importance of digital marketing has become something else. It’s become an integral a part of what a business is to its customers. It’s not enough to possess an internet site or run some un-focused Ads campaign. Don’t have integrated digital marketing strategies working for your business? Time is functioning against you due to it. As the Internet becomes entwined with everything we do, the importance of digital marketing is becoming crystal clear. Let’s take a glance at why your business needs digital marketing to grow and thrive. Importance of Digital Marketing 1. Reaches People Where They Spend Their Time & Money In 2019, the typical Internet user has a minimum of 7 social media accounts. That’s up from 3 just 5 years ago. 97% folks adults under 65 are on social media a minimum of once a month. The overwhelming majority are thereon a day . Social media is strongly preferred as a way of customer care. Although as many as 89% of customer messages are ignored by businesses. 22% of the planet population is on Facebook. 62% of individuals within the US are there. 76% of Facebook users and 51% of Instagram users are thereon a day . 30% of individuals on social media mention a selected brand when pertaining to milestones in their lives. generation X is slightly more likely to interact with a brand on social media than millennials. The trend immediately is that the average person spends over 2 hours each day on social media. Teenagers average 9 hours. Social media is integrated into everything they are doing from school, to work, to entertainment, to hanging out with friends. Social Media is where people are. But do people buy things there? One of the highest 10 reasons people say they’re on social media is to shop for products advertised to them. They spend around 37% of their social media time interacting with branded content. 57% of Millennials say that social media has made the ads they see more relevant to them. 48% of individuals say they made their last online purchase because the direct results of a Facebook ad. But only 45% of marketers think their social media efforts are paying off. There are definitely some winners and losers on social media. Just having a profile and sharing some content once during a while isn’t enough. you would like a social media marketing strategy. When you understand the way to maximize your ROI in social media advertising, you win big. Social media marketing and advertising are only a bit of digital marketing. But it’s a really important one. Throughout this text , we’ll check out many sorts of online marketing methods. this may show the importance of digital marketing to your business. 2. Levels the Playing Field for little Business You’ve seen it happen before. an enormous company like Walmart involves town and wipes out 100’s of local specialty shops. Starbucks rolls in and mom and pop coffee and bagel shops close . We’ve seen the web equivalent of this with Amazon. It’s hard to compete with the name recognition or the millions that they put into marketing and reputation management. That’s where the importance of digital marketing shines as a beacon of hope for little businesses. It’s an equivalent for brick & mortar, ecommerce, and private brands alike. Digital marketing actually allows smaller businesses the power to carry a top ranking position, sort of a client we helped outrank Amazon and Lowe’s using our AdWords services. Digital marketing allows small businesses to compete with a way smaller advertising budget. When managed effectively, it gives them laser-focused control over where and the way they spend their money. once you have this type of control and therefore the data to support decisions, you create smarter ones. 3. More Targeted When you run a magazine ad, for instance , you actually do some targeting. you recognize if your audience reads that publication. you've got some control over placement and size. You control the message within certain publisher guidelines. That ad may reach 1 million plus readers. But what percent of this million is really your target? a specific fashion magazine may need a demographic 59% female ages 35-55. they'll have some college education. And you recognize they’re curious about the sort of fashion depicted within the magazine. But that’s an enormous demographic. One of the gifts that digital marketing has given us is that the ability to dissect huge demographics. Who’s that person? It’s the person presumably purchase what you sell. When you do targeting at this level, you create a billboard that’s highly relevant to your target market. Because it’s so relevant, it connects on A level that more general advertising can’t. This connection gives it the power to influence decisions. you are doing it without annoying traditional advertising techniques. So, what quite targeting is feasible with digital marketing? Let’s check out search advertising as an example. that has AdWords. during this sort of digital marketing, you target people doing searches in Google. Search results now account for about 64% of website traffic across the web . For businesses who’ve put strong specialise in SEO (search engine optimization) the maximum amount as 80% of traffic arrives from search results. Search Engine Marketing, or PPC (pay per click) allows you to position yourself near the highest of searches. That’s albeit that’s not where your website would organically appear. With SEM, you can target people with a very specific:
Education level
Buying behavior
And more
Do this by bidding on search queries that represent these specific targets. Build ads and landing pages around them to convert that traffic.
Social media advertising similarly allows you to narrow your audience Use the info they’ve collected about their users. Tell Facebook, for instance , to only show your ad to people with a really specific recent behavior, interest, location or other identifier.
You don’t spend thousands on one ad. And you'll run ads indefinitely. So you'll easily modify that ad to attach with different groups of individuals . You don’t have this level of control over who sees your ad with the other sort of marketing.
4. Can be often Hyper-Personalized
We’ve barely begun to debate the importance of digital marketing with regard to targeting. With email marketing, yet one more important a part of digital marketing, you'll target almost right down to the individual level.
We call this “segmentation“.
In some cases, you really can get to the individual level. Marketers call this “personalization“.
72% of consumers prefer that companies use email to speak with them. this provides people a way of control that creates them easier signing up for your emails and buying from you. If they don’t like what you send them, they will just unsubscribe.
But once you send them content that's highly relevant, they stay your list and still buy again and again. you'll see where within the importance of digital marketing lies during a repeat lifetime customer.
There are basic programs which will allow you to feature a person’s name or certain information automatically to an email. But we’re talking a few far more advanced approach that’s proven its ability to urge results for our clients, just like the improvements within the chart below. That’s email segmentation, automation, and personalization.
If it isn’t relevant, you don’t send it to them. And if you'll make small changes to a bit of content make thereto more relevant to a special segment, you are doing it to succeed in more people.
Automation allows you to send that content at the optimal time to get the specified result. It takes the repetitiveness out of the method .
You learn what this optimal time is thru your data collection process. this point could also be immediately. it's going to be a particular time of day. it's going to be sending a particular message before another one.
Finally, you've got personalization. You recognize a private on an individual level. you're ready to recommend the simplest products to them because you recognize their purchase history. You recognize that they only visited your website and abandoned their cart. You ask them by name. They feel that you simply respect their individuality.
While these are 3 various things , once they work together they get results.
The Power of Segmentation, Automation & Personalization
Subscribers are 14% more likely to open emails that are segmented. They’re 101% more likely to click a call to action within the email. Segmentation reduces bounce rates by 5%. That’s tons in email marketing. It reduces unsubscription rate by around 10%.
But what about sales and revenues? Segmentation seems like tons of labor . Does it have an ROI to justify it?
Businesses who use automation to send these emails at the optimal time on the average increase their conversion rates by 50%. Automated emails are 70% more likely to urge opened and have 50% higher click-through rates.
A study found that companies who use
Email Marketing
automation are 133% more likely to send highly relevant content. during a typical email campaign, 75% of revenues are drawn from the segmented portion of the campaign. the remainder comes from general emails.
It’s this relevance that gets these sorts of results and further proves the importance of digital marketing to a business. 81% of individuals who get an email that’s personalized supported past purchases buy again.
5. More Advanced Analytics
What does one really realize how a TV ad performed? you'll determine best times for the ad to air and best frequency if you are doing some testing. you would possibly create attention group to drill down on the info . But generally, you simply know its reach consistent with the agency and whether it increased buzz, sales, or met an identical marketing goal.
Now, let’s check out the importance of digital marketing as compared .
With digital marketing you recognize the subsequent about your ads and users:
Whether they actually saw it. With TV ads, you don’t even know that much. they might are within the kitchen or had the TV on mute.
If they interacted with it
If they liked it
If they lingered thereon
If they shared it with a lover
If it prompted another action
If it led to a purchase down the road (this is vital when deciding the way to best spend money)
You also learn far more about the people interacting thereupon ad:
Who’s most curious about your ads
What are they like
What makes them more likely to require an action
Who is easiest to convert
Who spends more
What do they are doing online
What terms do they use to seek out you online
Which websites do they visit that lead them to yours
All of this is often pretty easy to trace with free analytics software like Google Analytics. otherwise you can gain even more insight with paid tools. Use what you learn to chop costs where you aren’t seeing a return on investment. Increase spend and efforts where you get the simplest results.
Continue to streamline your campaigns to optimize your results.
You may still plan to distribute some money for traditional marketing. Many businesses wish to have a mixture in their marketing plan. therein case, the importance of digital marketing is what proportion you study who your customers are that carries over to other marketing methods.
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the-gone-ton · 5 years
This is the full story of the Dempsey's chain of restaurants. It's a long one, but one I felt should be told. Pictures Will be at the end.
Phillip Rowe Jr. was given a big gift by his grandfather in 1948: a restaurant in Shillington, Pennsylvania called Dempsey's American Kitchen. A homey, 24-hour diner serving up authentic homestyle meals, the restaurant was an especially popular hangout for teenagers who enjoyed crashing at the diner at all hours of the night, after seeing movies or whatever.
The restaurant with the red-orange roof eventually expanded its presence, especially in the 70s and 80s, by buying or building a number of new restaurants spanning eastern and central Pennsylvania, with each location staying true to the Dempsey's model of cooking from scratch. Many locations had in-house bakeries, and the chain had a lot of fame for its strawberry pies and "mile-high" coconut cream pies.
Kathy Lauer-Williams of the Morning Call recounts, "With the chubby, barefoot 'Dutch boy' out front and homemade soups and meals inside, Dempsey's was like going home." And that was exactly the strategy. The company refrained from promoting the Dempsey's name in favor of developing a reputation for quality at every individual restaurant among the community.
Starting in the 80s, the chain sought to diversify. Dempsey's purchased two upscale bar & grill type restaurants, which served a full menu including broiled seafood.
Dempsey's reached a record high of 14 restaurants in consecutive operation in 1985, when the Morning Call reported on the chain's purchase of the City Vu Diner in Whitehall, wedged in between the Whitehall Mall and the Lehigh Valley Mall. Philip Rowe Jr., then the President of Dempsey's Restaurants, Incorporated, sat for an interview in the lounge of his newest acquisition, telling the Morning Call that he had been interested in buying this restaurant for almost a decade, as it sits at the corner of two main roads with the malls drawing traffic. Rowe had been eager to secure his chain's place "at the corner of main and main," as he put it.
He predicted that the newest Dempsey's would have a competitive edge over rivals such as Friendly's, due to the discretion that Dempsey's restaurant managers have over the menu and decor - and of course, due to the chain's rejection of pre-prepared food products.
Rowe stated that he was amazed at the reception Dempsey's has received in Whitehall during its first half a year or so in business there, even going so far as to say that "If we get what we should get when the weather breaks, it'll be one of our top four or five stores."
Capping off the interview, Morning Call reporter Tom Moylan wrote "Ever since his grandfather gave him a diner 38 years ago, Rowe says, the Dempsey's concept has succeeded. Today, each store does between $850,000 and $1.5 million in sales. Some Dempsey's have been closed because of lost leases or changing markets, but Rowe says none has ever failed financially."
But that was when they would indeed begin failing financially. After just 6 years in business at Philip Rowe's long-sought Whitehall restaurant, Dempsey's closed that location. The experimental bar & grill restaurants were also among the first to go. The 90s saw a huge reduction in Dempsey's locations. Unfortunately, the exact dates of many of the closures and indeed even many of the restaurant locations are virtually lost to history. However, at least two Dempsey's restaurants chugged on into the 2000s: the original Dempsey's American Kitchen in Shillington and a Dempsey's restaurant in Bethlehem, at the ailing Westgate Mall.
Then in 2005, without any notice, the Bethlehem restaurant took down its signage, locked the doors, and meekly hung a cardboard sign thanking customers. Again, the Morning Call reported on the end of the era. Mark Baranowski, the auctioneer who was handling the sale of all the equipment left in the Bethlehem Dempsey's said that there were a lot of disappointed customers. He stated, "They served the community real well and fed a lot of people, but now the times are changing. The food wasn't wrong, they had good food - the page just turned."
19 years after he sat in the lounge of his 14th restaurant talking about the future of his expanding chain to the Morning Call, Philip Rowe Jr., now an aging restauranteur in his mid-70s, did not return calls from the Morning Call to talk about the closure of his second-to-last diner.
Two years later, in 2007, Dempsey's American Kitchen in Shillington - the first and the last of a small empire - shut its doors after 59 years of operation under Philip D. Rowe, Jr. Aside from the difficulty of staffing 24-hour restaurants, no explanation has ever been made for the collapse of the beloved restaurant chain. Perhaps it's as simple as cooking from scratch becoming too expensive to maintain. Philip Rowe himself still lives in Reading, Pennsylvania, not far from where the heart of his restaurant chain was located, at the age of 92. What follows are pictures from every former Dempsey's restaurant I could find.
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Image credit: Google Street View, Berks Nostalgia. This was the original Dempsey's American Kitchen. It is unknown when it opened, but it operated under Rowe from 1948-2007. Most Dempsey's restaurants were purchased by the chain rather than built by it. However, those that were outright built by Dempsey's shared the original restaurant's red-orange roof. After 11 years of vacancy, this Dempsey's was demolished in 2018 to make way for a Sheetz.
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Images: public domain. This is the City Vu Diner in Whitehall that Dempsey's purchased from the family that founded it. City Vu had gone bankrupt in the end, which is how Dempsey's got a hold of it in 1985. Despite Rowe's statements suggesting that the restaurant would be a top performer that could out-compete other chains in the area such as Friendly's, the restaurant was a Dempsey's only for 6 years, and no pictures seem to exist of the restaurant during this time. Today the restaurant operates as the New City View Diner. As a point of interest, the Friendly's restaurant that Rowe mentioned by name in his 1986 interview ended up outliving Dempsey's by quite some time, but it did in fact close its doors as well in December of 2018.
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Image credits: Judy Palladino. This was a Dempsey's in Pottstown. That picture was taken to show the damages of Hurricane Agnes in 1972. If you look closely, you can see the sign in the window advertising their famous strawberry pie. The restaurant was later operated as the VIP Family Restaurant, the High Street Diner, the New VIP Diner, until finally reopening as the Potts & Penn Family Diner. The diner today is supposedly mostly the same as it was back then, and the owner of the restaurant, Manny Vlastos, has said that 9 out of 10 stories he's told by customers are about the Dempsey's days - a legacy he says he's honored to carry on.
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Image credits: me. Bethlehem's Dempsey's outlived most of the chain when it closed in 2005. Opened in 1973 along with the Westgate Mall, this restaurant was one of the few that were built, rather than merely purchased, by Dempsey's. This is why it sports the red roof, as well as a basement bakery. This place was a favorite of my grandfather's, because they were the only restaurant that still made mashed potatoes the real way, not from powder mix. Despite redevelopment plans being adopted in 2017, the restaurant stands abandoned to this day.
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Image: public domain. The Plain & Fancy Diner on Hamilton Street, Allentown became a Dempsey's in 1968 and remained one until 1993. It now operates as the Hamilton Family Restaurant, or as it is lovingly called, the Ham Fam.
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Image: tripadvisor. Dempsey's owned this restaurant in Easton, but it is unknown when it began operating as a Dempsey's. It closed in the early to mid 90s, and is today the Tic Toc Family Restaurant.
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Image: Queen City Family Restaurant. This restaurant in Reading, today operating as the Queen City Family Restaurant, claims on its website that it was originally a Dempsey's. Assuming that's true, then I suspect it became a Howard Johnson's franchise afterwards, which would explain the blue paint on some of the roof fixtures.
Additionally, Dempsey's operated Leed's Bar & Grill Ltd. in Harrisburg starting in 1982 as well as the 1760 House Bar & Grill in Trexlertown starting in 1989. These were the experimental upscale bar & grill restaurants that Dempsey's bought. At the time, the manager of 1760 said that he expected all the difficult-to-staff 24-hour diners would be replaced by these upscale alternatives. However, Dempsey's would only end up owning 1760 for 3 years before selling it off. It is unknown when they sold Leed's. Having been purchased in 1989, the 1760 House Bar & Grill appears to have been the last acquisition ever made by Dempsey's Restaurants, Inc. Leed's Ltd. And the 1760 Pub ~N~ Grille, as they're now known, operate to this day.
There were over 15 Dempsey's restaurants in total. The nine here are those which I have been able to identify; the rest have eluded me.
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Back Story with Dana Lewis on the Science of Hate Link: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1016881/8209054
Matt Williams: (00:00) Constantly asked the question. Is it more hateful now than ever before? Um, obviously it's a very difficult question to answer because you, you need to be able to measure these things. And it's actually quite hard to measure. In fact, uh, most countries across the planet, pretty bad measuring hate the UK is exceptional at it. Um, which makes us look terribly hateful on paper, but ultimately it's important, right? When you go in and start trying to break down where the hell does it come from? Absolutely. So, you know, we've got a hate crime rates, 10 times out of the U S Dana Lewis - Host : (00:33) Hi everyone. And welcome to backstory. I'm Dana Lewis, inland hate crimes are at record levels at scenes Asians attack, black Americans, victimized women. What on earth motivates someone to lash out at a person or their property in a school, on the street in the workplace, just because they have different skin color or a different accent or come from a different part of the country or the world is hatred hardwired into our brains, or is it learned? Prejudice is certainly instinctive dating back thousands of years. Why does the internet foster and spread hate? Did an American president help set the conditions for division and hatred? The FBI said in 2019 hate crimes in the United States Rose to their highest level among large American cities, New York city had the largest increase in reported hate crimes against Asians. Last year, according to the analysis of police data by the center of the California state university, San Bernardino, there were 28 such incidents in 2020, up from three in 2019, according to New York police department data on this backstory, we talked to the author of the science of hate and talk through the tipping point at the intersection of prejudice and hate traversing the globe and reaching back through time and a modern philosophers guide to understanding our prejudices and balancing our brain to steer away from hating anyone. Dana Lewis - Host : (02:08) Public discourse needs a recalibration. Dana Lewis - Host : (02:17) All right, professor Matt Williams has just written a book called the science of hate and he joins me now from, I believe you're in Cardiff Wales. Nice to meet you. I mean, let, let me give you a little better introduction. Um, because you're a professor of criminology at Cardiff university, you've conducted, you know, a lifetime of research on crime and speech, uh, the ethics of artificial intelligence and cyber crime. You've advised, uh, research on the, the UK home office, the ministry of justice, uh, Commonwealth and development office, the us department of justice and Google among others. And you also something called the hate lab, which I want to talk to you about a multi-million pound global hub for data and insight to monitor encounter online, hate speech and crime. And you've conducted the largest dedicated study of hate victimization in the UK. So how does it feel first of all, to be one of the foremost experts on hatred? I mean, it's, it's a pretty dark, Matt Williams: (03:21) It does. I feel exhausted after that long. I really done all that. Yes. Um, so thank you for that, that, that the introduction, um, that, that red light, my CV right there. Dana Lewis - Host : (03:34) Well, it's, it's important because it wasn't just some book that you decided to ride. I mean, this you've spent a career in this and you've probably decided, you know, I should put it together in between, uh, you know, I put some pages together and put it together in a book, but it's, it's important that it wasn't, uh, you know, you didn't write something about dogs and cats and then went on to the science of hatred. This has been a life's work. Right. So it's really worth listening to you. Matt Williams: (03:59) It has, yes. I mean, it, it it's been about 20 years, so at least, you know, hopefully a quarter of a lifetime. Um, and it's, it's been a lot of intensive sort of scientific, uh, sort of discoveries of my own work, but also reviewing other people's work. And it, I guess it stems from my victimization, um, as a young man who just finished his degree in sociology back in the late 1990s and to celebrate the, the, the, the end of the degree, I, I kind of went to London, celebrate, we pair up with friends, I should say. And, um, we were stepping out of a bar, um, and I was jumped by three young men. Um, I fell to the floor. I had a split lip. Um, wasn't entirely sure why that happened at the time, but as they were moving away from me, uh, one of them SPASS out a homophobic slip, and it became very clear to me then the bed Toms me because of the bar I was in, which was actually a gay bar. And I was a victim of a hate crime in that, in that very moment. First time it ever happened to me, I'd never had any kind of experience on that before up to that point. And it really stuck with me. I was going to become a journalist at that point. I was going to go on to do a master's in journalism. Um, Dana Lewis - Host : (05:12) So there's something positive in, in everything. And even if it was a terrible assault, at least you, you chose a wiser fee. Matt Williams: (05:18) Maybe it, maybe you could tell me, uh, but ultimately, you know, the, the nagging feeling I had in my mind, why did these three men target me in this way? What was it? Would they hate something about me? You know, was it, was it, was it my homosexuality that they, they hated so much that they felt like they had to seek me out, you know, and attack me. It was opportunity because, you know, you could tell that they had targeted that Bob, because then you can kinds of fantastic. Um, and ultimately that just kind of preoccupied my mind, it's such a long time. So how did you, how did you learn not to hate because out of that, one would think you were, you would have been gone from being a victim, to somebody being pretty angry yourself. That's a really good point. Uh, and it's some, sometimes the reactions you hate is, is the same attitude, emotion directed back at the perpetrator. Matt Williams: (06:11) Uh, we see that happen all the time we see with ISIS attack is terror attacks in the UK. We ended up, we ended up seeing lots of spikes in hate around the country because, uh, the individuals that feel targeted by the attack, it it's hackle, Western, Western ideals, et cetera, by ISIS. Um, is it direct, tack on their identity? And in turn, they go into the streets and attack people who look like the perpetrators, they got at the same kind of skin, they're possibly the same kind of dress. And they're taking their frustrations out on people who they think are like the attackers. So there's this part of weird cyclical process where hate, can breed more hate than it's kind of a cyclical. They call it a cyclical radicalization process sometimes. And you're seeing it now as far right. Attacks on mosques, for example, uh, but other kinds of attacks by the far right. Even down to the individual level, but I personally didn't hate, but I was angry. I was upset. Um, it was really destabilizing. I was anxious for a time. Sometimes I think the anxiety has never left me. I think I may have had a, of sort of PTSD like symptoms maybe, um, stemming from it. And it really did mess with my head for quite some time, so much so that I abandoned, wanted to become a journalist and then decided, Dana Lewis - Host : (07:29) So you've written this pretty incredible a book that I've spent the last couple of days, reading about learning, not to hate and how to fight hatred. So I thought maybe we could change the title of your book, but obviously I'm a journalist. I'm not very good at marketing. So I probably wouldn't sell as well. The question is, is hate hardwired or is it learned? And it, it seems to me, it's a bit of both. I would have said, it's just learned, but after flipping through your book, I mean, there are some chemical reactions. We have that hardwire to some extent prejudice, uh, which then can, if you fuel it, the wrong way becomes hatred. Matt Williams: (08:12) Yeah. Well, put it this way. When, when I was trying to figure out the difference between me as a victim and my perpetrators, I wanted there to be something concrete that explained the difference between me and them. Um, it w it would be what would've been comforting to me to have known that somehow there was something in their wiring that was fundamentally, uh, alien to me in some way. Uh, but what I found on that journey that trends are your journey of figuring out the science behind it all is in fact, there's, we have more in common than what separates us, you know, and what we have in common actually includes our, our biological wiring and our neurological wiring. So you're, you're correct in stating that there are elements to our biology and our neuro, uh, chemistry that, that prepare us to hate, but we aren't born hating. Matt Williams: (09:02) We do learn, Hey, we have to learn to hate, but when we're born, where were we born with the pizza base, if you like, and that pizza base essentially includes a predisposition to like people like ourselves, what that like ourselves is depends. It can be white and black can be straight or gay. It can be male or female, but it can also be fans of a certain kind of TV program goes as another, or it can be fans of a certain kind of pop star versus another, that grouping is arbitrary. And it entirely depends on the context, but whatever that group, it might be, be it race, sexual orientation, gender, or anything, uh, actually quite frivolous. We have a predisposition to liking people in, in those groups that we occupy it's called the, uh, the minimal group paradigm. It was designed by a psychologist called Henry Townsville. And ultimately you can be arbitrarily put into a group that's completely meaningless and still favor that group in terms of splitting resources between two Dana Lewis - Host : (10:04) It's, how you navigate safety. There's some situation, a very crude way of what journalists refer to a situational awareness, which has been passed onto us from security people that surround us, um, learning to see maybe a threat coming. Um, but it doesn't mean you hate no it's so that's, we got on the road until it poses a threat. Matt Williams: (10:30) So it's an evolved mechanism. You're right. It's an evolved mechanism. There's one reason why out of, out of, out of, so, out of how many species that were on the planet at any one point in time where the only human species, uh, in existence, right? So there are lots of species that didn't make it. Um, we made it and that's because we are expert threatened detectors. We, as homosapiens are threatened detecting machines, um, we needed that threat detection mechanism to survive. And that fact detection mechanism works best in groups. Groups allow you to cooperate, and they allow you to know who to trust. And when you are faced by a threat, that group bonding ensures that you don't get people fleeing and running away to save their own lives. They actually stay to fight for the group. So ultimately this sort of preference for the in-group is an innate characteristic, but it doesn't necessarily then mean that everybody who has this, which is everybody is hateful. We do have the capacity to hate. We all have the internal wiring, the pizza base, as I described the capacity to hate, but for it to get towards hatred, you need to add all those toppings on. And all those toppings come from media, parents, socialization, experiencing loss in life, uh, accelerating events like terror attacks all the way through to AI and the internet. And I call those in the book, the accelerants. Dana Lewis - Host : (11:57) And there's a lot, I mean, there's a lot in your book that, unfortunately, we're not going to have time to go into about the internet, but it's one of the, one of the reasons I wanted to interview with you because do an interview with you because it is driving so much of what sticking place. So here's one of the paragraphs in your book at the beginning, I think the current rate of the breakdown in social relations across the world is arresting. It is no coincidence that the storing hate crime figures are found in countries where the extreme right is rising. The trend is fueled by the internet revolution and its corruption by mass individuals, the far right and state actors, which is important because in your book, you talked about the fact that there are millions of tweets driven by Matt Williams: (12:42) States right now. Absolutely. And this is, this is the, the uniqueness of the situation, which we face. I'm constantly asked the question. Is it more hateful now than ever before? Um, obviously it's very difficult question to answer because you, you need to be able to measure these things. And it's actually quite hard to measure heat. In fact, um, most countries across the planet are pretty bad. Measuring hate. The UK is exceptional assets, um, which makes us look terribly hateful on paper, but ultimately we just Dana Lewis - Host : (13:12) It's important, right? When you go in and start trying to break down where the hell does it come from? Matt Williams: (13:16) Absolutely. So, you know, we've got a hate crime rate, 10 times out of the U S which is hard to believe given the differences in populations and the nature of division in those countries. Um, ultimately yes, accounting is, is, is, is a fool's errand in some ways, because you're never going to capture the true amount of hate. Why is that? Dana Lewis - Host : (13:34) I mean, I, and I understand the hate lab takes a look at a lot of this traffic on the, on the digital space, but why is the UK 10 times what the us is? I didn't, I didn't realize that Matt Williams: (13:44) Primarily because, uh, we've had a lot of legislation come in and since around 1998, um, which specifically recognizes certain forms of hate crime against, uh, uh, uh, for race, for sexual orientation, for disabilities, uh, transgender identity and so on. Um, what that's allowed us to do is record it, um, from relatively early on compared to some other countries. But the definition of it is particularly interesting. It's called a victim-centered definition, which means if a victim or a witness fields they've been targeted because of their identity, then ultimately it must be recorded as such, you know, the police can't come in and say, well, I don't think this is a hate crime because it's not up to them. Now that creates an interesting dilemma because let's say, say, uh, last year we had 106,000 hate crimes recorded in the UK compared to the U S is 7,300, which sounds crazy. Um, but over the 1,106,000, only around about 10% of those got to the crown prosecution service and got taken through to the courts. And only around 78% of those eventually got prosecuted for hate crime. So we've got like 5% of that, 106,000 actually get successfully prosecuted. And that's partly because we allow victims to say, they feel they've been attacked by hate boy when it comes to the evidence very often it might be lacking. So they may not be a verifiable evidence that, that, Dana Lewis - Host : (15:17) And in fact, most countries don't even have, they don't even defy defined crimes as hate crimes. They don't even attempt that legislation, right? Matt Williams: (15:25) Oh, Japan doesn't even bother, you know, so interestingly Japan thinks it's a relatively homogenous, uh, ethnically homogenous country, but it's not, it's actually quite diverse. And because of this, this, this strange insistence by, by their government, that it's a, it's a very relatively harmonious on the margin there's culture that they don't need hate crime legislation, um, which is a peculiar position to actually take. But ultimately, yeah, I mean, most countries do something, uh, but there's a lot left over that actually don't record a hate crime at all. Um, Dana Lewis - Host : (16:00) Record hate crime in terms of, I think it's important to record it because then you're able to deal with it. You're able to track it. You're able to understand the phenomenon that's taking place in your society, but is it important to prosecute it as hate crime? Matt Williams: (16:16) I think so. I mean, I mean, legislation, when it's introduced, it does more than just kind of the practical legal stuff. It, it communicates to your population that the state standards are this kind of behavior. It's a communication tool as well as a practical tool. So when a hate crime law comes into power, I mean, we've got the, we've got as agenda means being discussed in parliament currently. Um, and there's a reason to follow that. Um, ultimately what it's communicating though to women is that we will not tolerate this kind of behavior anymore as a state. And we recognized the finishes problem of, uh, sort of anti anti women rhetoric, uh, sexism, et cetera, as it permeates through society. So ultimately it's a communication tool as well as something that might actually be useful in a court of law. Now, if we do end up legislating for gender based hate crime, my suspicion is we won't have that many cases before the courts with our son, but we won't have that many because I dare say the, the, the bar that they'll introduce will be quite high as it is for most hate crimes, actually. Matt Williams: (17:27) And so what you're left wondering, well, what's the point in doing this? And very often it is, it is this communication device. It's going to say we won't stand for this anymore and we will actually legislate against it. But when it comes to, you know, does it have teeth, most take college station, doesn't have teeth. And, and only in the extreme cases of the acts of mass murder and terrorism, do we, do we see, uh, the hate crime legislation being used was full of fat. So in the U S for example, um, the big difference in numbers is mainly because the police don't record it as well. In certain States, they don't return their, their, their statistics to the FBI when they're asked to, um, and ultimately people don't report their cases to the police. We don't perceive maybe that they'd been a victim of fate, or they think it's a lost cause what's the point in reporting it because the police were a racist organization. Anyway, I'm just going to get secondary victimization. If I go to the cops and say, I've just been attacked because of the color of my skin. So there's other reasons behind why those numbers are lower and they do exist for the UK too. But the main reason is that the victim centered definition, Dana Lewis - Host : (18:30) I've been scrolling through my notes from your book. And I can't find what I wanted to find, but tell me if I got the wrong impression that even when you define it, even when you call it out, um, sometimes you will see more of it, not less of it Matt Williams: (18:46) In terms of reporting, or do you mean in terms of, uh, just, uh, me and you seeing something on the streets, and I'm saying something about it Dana Lewis - Host : (18:53) In terms of reporting it, I guess, and trying to fight it online as well. Matt Williams: (18:57) So, I mean, obviously if you, if you have a recording mechanisms in place, you're going to see more in the statistics. Ultimately there's, there's three ways in which this happens either you have an increased amount of perpetration, and sometimes if you legislate against a certain kind of activity that can actually frustrate people who have prejudices. So if you legislate against, uh, gender-based hate crime, you may find those with extreme attitudes towards women actually perpetrating more hate crimes. Dana Lewis - Host : (19:30) Those of us with a tolerant mindset can become more liberal when challenged by hate speech. And those of us within tolerant mindset can become more conservative when challenged by counter hate speech. Matt Williams: (19:43) Yes, yes. So ultimately it kind of builds on what I was just saying there. And ultimately what that essentially means is that when we call that out online, or we call it out on the street or in the pub, for example, wherever it may be, individuals can react in a relatively negative way. They, they're not going to change their minds immediately, unless they're, unless they're kind of escalating towards a more extreme position, when you might call them, you might call those individuals, you know, they haven't made up their mind yet whether or not to go down the dark path of, of the far right. And, and so they're vulnerable to intervention, but if you get somebody who's pretty entrenched in their beliefs, um, and you know, to be, to speak about this kind of stuff in public and online, potentially you have to be pretty much on that sort of way towards radicalization to some extent then, because you've invested so much in that belief. Matt Williams: (20:36) And because your in group now consists of a lot of people that share those same thoughts to have that challenge is actually quite destabilizing. So your first to that is defend my position, defend my moral standpoint, my viewpoint defend my fellow, my fellow in group, in a sense. So that initial kind of kind of speech can actually generate more hate speech as they tried to defend their position, but over time, and, and it being used potentially in ways that might undermine that, that process. For example, if it's, if it appears to be one of their own saying it to them, it can start to make them question their beliefs. So if they're white male, um, if another white male challenges them, that that can have a greater effect than if it's a black female challenging them, for example. So if so, if it's someone from their in-group telling them they're wrong, then they, they do tend to think twice. Matt Williams: (21:31) And this is, this is a really interesting finding in, in terms of terrorism. Uh, the best way to talk down a terrorist is not to get the, the negotiator from, from the local police service or whatever it might be to talking to donors to get one of their own, to talk them down. So it's to get somebody who is like them, who has maybe being a terrorist in the past to actually come onto the scene to try and talk them down. If you're in that situation, that's the only way really that's the only effective way you can kind of talk someone out of that position. Dana Lewis - Host : (22:00) That's complicated. Isn't it? When, when you, when you start getting into the white supremacy online, or, you know, trying to get people out of Q Anon, um, complicated analysis found according to your book that the 2016 election of Donald Trump was associated with one of the greatest increases in hate crimes in recent American history. Why is that because of his comments, like the China flu and, you know, white supremacist rallies saying they're all good people, and is it because of his rhetoric or, or was he feeding off something else that was larger than himself? Even? Matt Williams: (22:37) So the interesting thing about, about when Trump came to the presidency in 2016, during his presidency on average, Americans became more tolerant of immigrants, believe it or not. So if you were to measure across the whole of the state and were random sample, the findings suggested an increased, increased level of tolerance. So what we're talking about here is a particular pockets of Americans that are, I would call this activated by Trump's. So these are individuals who have prejudices already, um, and Trump allows them to release their prejudices for periods of time. He is saying, it's okay to feel how you feel. You may be frustrated because you've lost a job. You may be frustrated because you've lost your home. You maybe it's a straight too, because at the same time that happens, lots of immigrants have come into your town and cities, they have jobs and homes. Matt Williams: (23:30) You feel somehow that they are to blame, and I'm not telling you you're allowed to feel like that I'm the most powerful man in the world. So as soon as that toxic mix comes together, certain individuals feel like they can start releasing those frustrations to hate speech and potentially attacks on the ground. So the, the evidence suggests and there's, most of this research has been done by economists. So they, they, they, they actually control for a dizzying array of variables we're looking at, and they try to, they try to, they're trying to find reasons to explain it other than Trump, before going direct, but trying to prove the Trump was, was the blame. And so they try to try to disprove the hypothesis, you know, with, with all these various measures. But what they found in the final model was that they couldn't rule out the role of Trump and his ascendance, the white house, and to make it even more convincing, they actually tied, you know, almost week by week, every time he mentioned something anti-Muslim or anti Hispanic, there was a corresponding increase in hate crimes on the ground. Matt Williams: (24:34) And they introduced this really interesting, uh, control instrument, uh, which was, you know, when did he go golfing? Because when he's golfing, he doesn't tweet that often. So ultimately what they're saying is every time he goes golfing, actually we we've, we ended up finding the hate crimes actually going down. Uh, and so it was an interesting moving, but ultimately, yeah, I mean, we, we've also found the same with Brexit, um, and the effect that had to be UK, um, and it clearly had the determining role. It wasn't just more people reporting it. Wasn't just people, uh, are the police recording it better? There were people, the more people on the streets perpetrating, how do you feel about COVID Dana Lewis - Host : (25:14) Walk down and now time spent online feeding into, you know, this explosion of hatred online, because people are just getting drawn down these little rabbit holes and spending a heck of a lot more time. Matt Williams: (25:29) Absolutely. Well, as a criminologist, this was like some great global experiment for us in some ways, because in no, that period in history, have we had the opportunity to study a social phenomenon like crime and lock everyone in their homes for three months to see what happens. You know, it was actually an interesting opportunity for science acknowledging the horror of COVID and the deaths that have occurred across the planet, obviously. Um, but at the same time, it, it, it, it, we turned our attention to what other effects it was having beyond illness. Um, we did see crimes on the streets go down quite a bit. So burglary theft, the kinds of crimes you'd expect to go down, went down, people weren't coming into contact with offenders or their property. Wasn't coming into contact with offenders and people weren't leaving their home. So they will no homes to verbal, but conversely, we saw this great crime displacement. So instead of the great crime drop that we expected crime was displaced online. So instead of, uh, burglaries and thefts, we saw a massive hike in frauds, but also a significant increase in online hate speech. Dana Lewis - Host : (26:39) And what about now, suddenly people are coming out more, are you worried that that displacement, um, was, was kind of, you know, like the boiling pot that, that somebody tried to keep the lid on and suddenly now in Atlanta, you know, we see eight people shot in, in these massage parlors in less than a week later in Boulder, Colorado, um, the shooting in the supermarket of 10 people. And it seems like it's suddenly has exploded this violence certainly in America. Matt Williams: (27:11) Well, those two examples, obviously they, they, they may have happened anyway, but, um, we did see it the end of the first lockdown on the UK, an incredibly large spike in race, hate crimes on the streets. So it looks, if you look at the graph, it actually looks like a lockdown ends. And then we get a massive, significant spike in racing on the streets. Now it's hard to say if that was frustrations, we also have black lives matter. Don't forget, uh, during the end of lockdown, the first lockdown in the UK, which could have, uh, influenced that spike. But ultimately it does, there is a story to tell there potentially about frustrations that were, uh, being, being vented online and mental health yeah. And mental health. And then, and then it expanding onto the streets. So for example, we, we found a 650% increase in anti-Chinese, uh, tweets, uh, after Trump first used the term, the Chinese virus back last March, um, astonishing rise. I mean, some of the things we're saying were truly horrific. Dana Lewis - Host : (28:17) I mean, the assaults that have taken place on the streets. Matt Williams: (28:21) Absolutely. So it seems like what's been happening online, uh, during lockdown is now manifesting on the streets. And, you know, ultimately I hate crimes occur because of a perception of threat. Usually, as we talked about earlier on, so ultimately there are two kinds of threats. You've got your realistic threat, which is the economic fat potentially, and then symbolic threat, which is a threat to culture and identity. Um, COVID-19 like other kinds of threats as a health threat, but ultimately it's a health threat, uh, which has been weaponized and racialized by people like Donald Trump. Um, combining those two things together, results in this overall sense of anxiety and fear by some people on the only way they can vent dime-sized interference by targeting in this case, Chinese people. Dana Lewis - Host : (29:10) I want to talk to you about just before I let you go. Some of the solutions that you talk about in the book, because I mean, while you do lead us through a lot of dark corners of hatred, there are, you know, there is some light at the end where you talk about possible solutions, but the biggest problem thirsting for the largest solution, again comes back to digital media right now. And I'm struck by some of the studies that you present in there, some of the numbers, um, it it's, it's depressing how prevalent hate is, um, and how difficult with these bots that, you know, give us our echo chambers of, of what they think we might want to hear to engage us more, uh, for longer periods of time in the end, you know, PR dish out more hate and more hate. And, uh, th that's it's, it doesn't seem like there's a heck of a lot of good news right now about what's happening by the big tech companies to try and reign this in. Matt Williams: (30:13) I mean, Facebook tells us they removed 81 million, uh, hateful tweets last year, um, mostly by automated automated methods and moderation. Um, that, that is almost 10 times what they were moving four years ago. Um, so they use that probably a fraction of what's on there Dana Lewis - Host : (30:32) To the point that as you even note in the book members of Facebook that were assigned to curate some of this bad material, I mean, had to be treated for PTSD and in the ensuite Facebook and had an out of court settlement. I mean, it's that it's that it's a toilet. It is that bad. What people have to even professionals engaged in trying to monitor that and curate the nasty stuff off them. Matt Williams: (30:56) So I think, I think Facebook's kind of transparency reports and the other companies do this too, or an attempt to disarm the problem in a way and indicate to us that they're doing something, but they're not doing enough. As you said on Facebook, this will be over a billion posts every day, Twitter there's over 500 million tweets a day. Um, God knows how many YouTube posts that are in terms of comments and so on. Even though hate, it's a small fraction of all the communication, maybe 1%, but even 1% of 5 billion is too much to even comprehend. But ultimately the internet is the accelerant of hate that I think separates now for when I was attacked 20 years ago. Ultimately, what we're saying is, is hate on steroids. If you're kids being weaponized in some ways, uh, as you said, state actors are in the game of dividing us. Um, it's, it, it makes sense in a way to divide the population to distract them Dana Lewis - Host : (32:03) Reason, we'd better get a handle on this because it's, you know, democracies Matt Williams: (32:07) A hundred percent. I mean, the bot issue is quite separate in some ways from the alone sort of Wolf individuals spreading the bot stuff really does need to be tackled by Facebook, Twitter, and so on and so forth. They really have to tackle that themselves. It's really something that we can't, we can't do much about that's problem that can be solved, but it will take, uh, Facebook and Twitter to do that. They have removed a lot of accounts by the Russian internet research agency and, and some by China and some of the middle East. Uh, but they've got to keep on top of that. Um, I think, I think the election meddling scandal obviously sped things up in terms of dealing with interference from state actors, and that we're seeing a more coordinated response by Facebook and Twitter, but they could go further. But for me, um, it's not, we can't let Facebook and Twitter, the big tech giants Mark their own homework anymore. We've allowed them to grade their own homework for far too long. They tell us they're doing really well, but what's happening in society would say something quite different. So ultimately we need civil society responses to this. We need to actually become more responsible as citizens. And for example, become what I call hate crime or hate speech, uh, online first responders. Dana Lewis - Host : (33:28) No, you know, I'm just, I'm just looking at the, the end of the book where you talk about that, because that struck me in a very personal way, because I've covered as I was a crime reporter. And that's where I started my career in Toronto. And I covered the war, you know, uh, extradition of one of the, the first Nazi war criminals in Canada and, and the stories of, of Jews who had been locked in, in, uh, in, in those camps and had lost loved ones. And this whole idea that you become hate incident, first responders, when we see it, you have to call it out. And I tell my kids that it's like, you don't, you don't even giggle in an embarrassed way when somebody uses a certain word to describe a race or religion or an ethnic group, you call it out and say, I don't, I don't stand for that. And I don't accept that. Matt Williams: (34:18) Absolutely. And you know, if we were in, um, a pub, a bar and you heard someone say something, um, to another person because of their race or their, or their sexual orientation or their agenda, you call it out. I mean, in most situations I've been in people actually call that stuff out increasingly, um, maybe 20 years ago it would be, it would be ignored, but increasingly people do call it up. So we're no longer being these kind of, um, inactive bystanders we are now. So we take an active role in establishing around this, what the codes of decency are. You know, this is, this is the pub I come to and it's my local. And you don't say that in this park, you're not welcoming with those opinions. Why aren't we doing that on Facebook? Why aren't we doing that on social media, Twitter, et cetera. Matt Williams: (35:09) I think, I think some people do, man. I think some people do I do. I think some people do and ultimately we all need to be engaging more readily, you know, and I think I'm trying to think where where's the online space that I would look to see where this kind of self-governance actually works quite well. And there's not many of them, but one of them that does seem to come across to me that works quite well is Wikipedia. So if you think about Wikipedia is a self-governing system, um, you know, it doesn't work for profits. It relies on people like me and you for its success. Um, ultimately if we govern it, we have standards around what is acceptable and what is not on, on Wikipedia. If false information ends up being uploaded, it's removed within minutes. Usually, um, this disinformation doesn't stay up there for long, ultimately because we are policing it. We have this kind of virtual volunteer police service that kind of check on stuff on a regular basis to make sure that it's fact checking, correct. It's got a source. Why can't we use a similar kind of responsibility as similar kind of system to police Facebook and Twitter, et cetera. It works for Wikipedia and other digital comments, but why aren't we seeing unfold on, on, on social media and what generally, Dana Lewis - Host : (36:33) You also talk a little about conscious effort to manage yourself. You know, when you see somebody different from you, um, it can take the form of prejudice or hatred, and you have to be conscious of what, of how you're thinking about a particular person, uh, and then manage that. Matt Williams: (36:50) Absolutely. We, we are all prejudiced. I mean, even the most woke of us to use a term that's quite popular currently, even the most, most of us are still prejudiced in ways that we don't fully appreciate or understand, Oh, this is prejudice, not against, um, you know, things like race and sexual orientation. It can be things like age, alternative subcultures, uh, it can be anything. And we have a particular viewpoint stored away in our brains that we access when we need to access them. And usually that's fine frequently, but these are, these are often crude bits of information. There are bits of information that we've stored from childhood, et cetera, from exposure to culture, but also exposure to our peers and our parents and so on and so forth because our brains are not, they're marvelous, but they're not that great at processing all the information out there in the world, they create mental shortcuts and mental shortcuts. So what I want get us through the day, it's how we navigate the world around us. But the problem with mental shortcuts is that ultimately they fail us in terms of trying to understand other cultures as completely as we should. And the only way to get around that actually from, from my experience is to engage with people different from us. But when you, Dana Lewis - Host : (38:07) I find it difficult socially, I mean, not socially, but on social media, because I have to say there was a moment on social media where I just kind of, because I don't want to be surrounded by people who hate that. I purged a lot of my social media in terms of certain political group, um, that I thought was stirring hatred and was denying free vote and democracy. And so I kind of purged a lot of that out of my, because I just thought I didn't want to have that in my social circle at the same time, you know, I was trying to tell myself sometimes what you have, you know, you have to listen to why they think that way, and you have to try to understand how they got there. Uh, but it's hard work. Matt Williams: (38:54) What you, what you did though, is exactly what everyone else tends to do. So ultimately when you're exposed to all viewpoints, you kind of recoil in horror Dana Lewis - Host : (39:04) Depends how alternative they are. Right. I mean, I, it's just not somebody had a different political view, but I mean, if it's really like a hatred, uh, view or in any way smells of sexism or racism. Yeah. I mean, I'll, I'll push the unfriend unfriend button in a second. Matt Williams: (39:19) Absolutely. And, and that's a natural reaction. They might do the same to you. You know, anyone who was overly liberal, they might be, I can't listen to that stuff anymore. Experiments have shown every time we are exposed to these really alternative viewpoints, we get more entrenched in our own. Um, so, you know, bursting your filter bubble. Isn't as straightforward as we might like to think, right. Just being exposed to alternative viewpoints actually doesn't achieve much, certainly online. So when does that leave us? Well, I've spent the last Dana Lewis - Host : (39:48) Let's end with that, but I think that's really important because it does this just get a tighter and more vicious circle or tell me where you see some, some light at the end of the tunnel in the science of hate, which is which as I said, could be entitled learning, not to hate. Matt Williams: (40:07) Absolutely. I do have faith in humanity as a, as a, as a scientist. So even though I spend most of my time looking at the darkest parts of human behavior, um, I am quite an optimistic guy. So that says something right. I, you know, that's not my personality, I don't think, but ultimately Dana Lewis - Host : (40:25) It probably is your personal gain. Matt Williams: (40:28) You know, I spent 20 years trying to figure out why it was attacked that day. And at the end of the book, I say, do you know what? I've got more in common with the guys that attack me than what separates us? You know, there are things that happened to them that, that my experience diverges with, but ultimately had, I experienced some of the stuff that they had. I could be committing the hate act instead of researching hatred. And it's, it's all about the experiences that people go through. And once you understand that it's a deeply human experience, what the haters do and what the people who challenged the haters do, then you understand that there is capacity for change. And I think ultimately, um, as, as, as a human race, we get it right most of the time. And I believe in the wisdom of the crowd, I believe that, you know, when we see hate speech online, there's more people that attack it than support it usually. Matt Williams: (41:24) Um, and that's the really bad stuff. Um, but ultimately when it comes down to it, I think being encouraged to challenge your own preconceptions of other groups, and that includes other political groups who may disagree with being challenged, to think like them put yourselves in their shoes, truly understand where their frustrations come from, et cetera. It humanizes them in a way that we might otherwise not, not regularly do, but also helps us understand where their, their process is coming from. And ultimately, I think once you understand it, which is what I've been trying to do, you can start to challenge it in more nuanced ways. Dana Lewis - Host : (41:59) Yes. I mean the, but there are limitations, right? I mean, if you were talking about, if you were talking about Nazi Germany in the late thirties and forties, I mean that, that tolerance has its limitation, where at a certain point you have to reject them Matt Williams: (42:15) Egypt. You do. And I think we, we categorize sort of hate profiles. Um, so we have kind of the mission offenders, the ones you're talking about that these make it, their life's goal to hate. Um, they, they engage in what I call the pull behavior. They pull people towards them to attack an extremities. So that's kind of the higher end of the hate spectrum. If you like the others engage in what I call push behaviors, they push people away instead of pulling them towards to harm. And this push away, there's more kind of like a deep prejudice potentially, um, going right down to like prejudice. I mean, to be a retaliatory or defensive haters. So they, they retaliate against what they perceive as an attack on themselves or their group. All they defend in terms of, if someone invades that territory and they feel threatened by that they, they defend that territory. And these, these haters don't tend to be full-timers and part-timers, they've got other things to do with their lives and what they tend to be are the ones that you can actually change their minds, the mission haters, very difficult to change their minds. You see it happen, but not as often, Dana Lewis - Host : (43:26) Are you worried? And I don't mean to cut you off, but are you worried about the mission haters being pushed to new and fringe platforms rather than being called out on mainstream platforms as is now happening in America? Matt Williams: (43:40) Absolutely. Well, most of, most of our research five years ago was on Twitter, um, because it was all happening. So all the hates seem to be there. Uh, but he got his act together, introduced hate speech policies, um, started to reject people. Um, they've kind of been displaced. Um, they've gone to other platforms they've gone to parlor before we shut down. They'd gone to gab for CHAM, uh, bits you'd telegram. And so you've got these internet backwaters now where all this kind of murkiness is, is kind of going on and you've just got like-minded people around you. You've got anyone challenging your thoughts and you just, it's this kind of radicalization rabbit Warren, as you, as you said yourself earlier. So what we see is just a moving of the somewhere else, and it's not really addressing the problem on Twitter, Twitter, just though we'd rather not have these folks on our platform. Matt Williams: (44:38) Um, so let's just, let's just ban them instead. A more progressive, uh, solution would be let's deal with this issue by somehow engaging with these individuals to see where these frustrations are coming from. But of course it's not Twitter's responsibility to do that. Um, so they did the kind of thing that made most sense economically for them. But yeah, the one good thing about maybe a project for the heat lab, maybe. Yeah. Maybe, but one of the, one of the things that is done is really pushed them all into one place. So we now know where to look. We know where to look. We know where to look on telegram on pitch shoot and so on and so forth. They're all in one place. So ultimately you get this kind of sustained level of intolerance on these platforms on Twitter. It used to go up and down ebb and flow and flow around events and so on. Matt Williams: (45:25) But now on, on bit shoots and for channel, et cetera, it's a constant level of hates and it's pretty high. Um, and, and I did, it does worry me because the finishing schools for the mission haters, they, they tend to be these spaces where, you know, you can be radicalized in under 90 days and who knows how many other far-right terrorists are going to emerge from these sites. I know for a fact that, you know, uh, Twitter and Facebook are very, very quick to remove all ISIS terrorist, propaganda off their sites, a great success story, in fact, but they're not as being proactive as proactive. And certainly they're, the more fringe sites are not doing very little when it comes to this kind of radicalization. So it is a very one-sided, it seems in terms of what they're capable of doing and what they're willing to Dana Lewis - Host : (46:18) There were not very good on white supremacy is what you were trying to say. Matt Williams: (46:21) That's pretty much what I'm saying. Dana Lewis - Host : (46:23) All right, professor Matt Williams, um, and the author of science of hate and, uh, Matt, great to talk to you. And I, I think it's a really important book to understand your own prejudices and how you process them and rebalanced them. And, and then also even, you know, even how I talked, I was talking to my kids about hate and where we get these ideas from. And, uh, it's, it's well worth reading and, you know, better you than me spending my career learning about it. I think it's heavy lifting, but great job. Thank you very much. All right. Todd Mei is a professor of philosophy and he's been on backstory before and we welcome him back. Hi Todd. Hi Dana. Thank you for having me. So I, uh, just so people know you, I mean, you're very experienced and you've taught at Kent university and then now you're in the U S helping businesses make a difference with respect to their vision values, ethos, and culture. Um, and, uh, are you engaging with business lot right now Dana Lewis - Host : (47:30) Or is it difficult? Prof Todd Mei: (47:31) It's very difficult. Obviously businesses have other concerns, um, with respect to their own success and viability, uh, during the pandemic and with different kinds of economic constraints. I do have one client I'm working closely with that takes, uh, personal development of its employees very seriously. So that's been fun and I'm trying to roll out a new project with them. That's based on a kind of podcast type of interview, uh, for the employees to see where they are, how they're progressing to get a better sense of their life as a story that they can reflect on. So I'll see, Dana Lewis - Host : (48:01) Think businesses now as they're emerging, as they're emerging from lockdowns and from, you know, I mean, lockdowns, as we talked about just before we started this interview, that there are a lot different than the United States, depending on where you are in a different times, they've been stricter, but in general, people have had to work from home and they've been, you know, not, not able to socialize and not be part of the normal workplace fabric. So how do you advise businesses to bring people back into those kinds of corporate structures? Um, even if it's hard to do it physically. Prof Todd Mei: (48:40) Yeah. So if any kind of physical meetings precluded, then obviously everyone has heard of zoom fatigue. And if the only way to keep employees on the same page with one another is through a zoom meeting, the companies really have to change the, the fabric and the spirit of a zoom meeting, and often having an external moderator to introduce certain kinds of questions or exercises helps out quite a bit. And sometimes those exercises can be slightly related to work. Sometimes have nothing to do with work whatsoever. They can be tune building exercises, or they can be simple puzzle exercises such as, uh, what was your favorite film when you were a child and would you still like it today? If you had to watch it again, and that generates a discussion and co-workers get to see employees in a different way. And what's key to these kinds of exercises is not just the kind of water cooling exercise that's talked about, but also the visibility of employees with one another, making sure that when an individual worker is doing his or her own tasks, uh, the other coworkers are visible, not just in terms of being a coworker, but in terms of a safe, psychological space of having a open door, someone to go to if something's gone wrong, or there's a question. Prof Todd Mei: (49:50) So those, uh, external exercises or those externally facilitated exercises can help build that kind of that trust and comradery amongst a group Dana Lewis - Host : (49:59) Corporation I'd want to have taught me in there. So, especially now, I mean, people are spending so much time, um, isolated and on the internet. Um, and philosophically, do you have kind of a, a Bible for people, maybe a short one where you say, you know, this is how you balance your head when you're going on social, because you, you can't dive too deep in that pool without also coming to the surface, taking a big breath and stepping back from it. Prof Todd Mei: (50:36) Yes, I think what's key is identifying safe, psychological spaces and knowing what kind of communities you're engaging with. So you have to have those kinds of social media communities, communities where at issue is not going to be something political or potentially upsetting. It's going to be something you're interested in from, in terms of a sport or hobbies. So for example, I love wind surfing and the two wind surfing groups I belong to on Facebook are absolutely positive encouraging. Uh, and people are sharing their experiences and everyone's talking about different wind surfing conditions, uh, sharing advice and so forth. And then of course, if people want to engage with political discussions, especially on Twitter or Facebook, it's very important to remember that most people are just reacting as opposed to considering what's being said. So, for example, I wrote a recent blog on the issue of slavery reparation in the United States, which is a hot topic. Prof Todd Mei: (51:26) And I introduced the notion that there are different kinds of justice as we can speak about. So it's not just reparation the other ways of going about recognizing what's the harmful effects that have, that have resulted from slavery. And the threads on Facebook were very interesting. I think maybe one person, uh, by virtue of their comment showed evidence that they had read the blog. Everyone else was just weighing in on what they thought was good or bad. And that was it. And so I think one has to recognize when those are, those are the statements and just really divorce oneself from that, and try not to get emotionally attached to them. Dana Lewis - Host : (51:56) Philosophically, how do you look at hatred, um, in the workplace? It, it probably is more difficult to identify. Uh, how do you look at hatred online? How do you look at hatred on the street? I mean, they're all extensions of one another. Prof Todd Mei: (52:14) Yeah. So the, uh, there's no agreement amongst philosophers, of course. But one way of looking at hatred is kind of in a very neutral way. So hatred is just described as an effective orientation of the person. So a mood emotion, or a feeling, and that that orientation can be virtuous or vicious. So for example, if I have a hatred of bigotry or a hatred of misogyny, we would see that as a good thing, because we would be sensitive to those situations where somebody was being disadvantaged by the actions or words of another, when hatred becomes directed for the wrong reasons, then that's when it becomes problematic. And so philosophers are trying a lot of philosophies have different approaches. My own approach comes from within a branch of philosophy called hermeneutics, which is interested in the art of understanding and interpretation, dialogue, and texts. And what the hermeneutic philosophers like to do is isolate what it is that problematizes hatred or problem with ties is the, uh, emotional orientation of the person. Prof Todd Mei: (53:14) So in other words, something's coming in or interfering or intervening before the emotion is taking effect and directing that emotion in the wrong way, for whatever reasons, there might be good or bad reasons. And these philosophers talk about prejudice, not prejudice in a pejorative sense of being a bad bias, but prejudice as a cognitive or existential, uh, aspect of a person. So you have, uh, hate as an emotion and you have prejudice as a cognitive orientation. And what they mean by that is everyone has prejudice. Everyone has a particular way of understanding the world, which one's inherited through one's family, one's history when Colt one's culture. And there are certain prejudices that we're aware of and certain ones that we're not, but these prejudices are what allow us to have traction on the world. They provide the window or the Vista by which we can relate to others. And the issue for hermeneutics Speaker 6: (54:03) Is sometimes a very narrow window, unfortunately, Prof Todd Mei: (54:06) That's right. And so the issue is being able to have a method or a way to identify when a prejudice is vicious, and also to be aware of the fact that there are prejudices you will not be aware of, and you may never be aware of. And those, I think a lot of people know by now in terms of cognitive biases, those things are just operative. Um, and it takes a lot for us to recognize that, Speaker 6: (54:29) Like, what would be an example of like a real life example of that, Prof Todd Mei: (54:32) Of a cognitive biases, there's simple ones in which, um, if you go through cognitive bias training, they show you various slides, which seem like, uh, visual illusions, but your brain will want to make things look familiar to you. So you might see shapes, and you might think that all the shapes are the same size that they're showing you. And in fact, one's bigger than the other, but your brain is trying to make that scene look familiar. Now in, in a social context, what will happen is that, um, your brain will try to cope with what's unfamiliar. And this is the big problem with prejudice and hatred, and so wants to make things fit. And so you might just be having an interview with another person who might be of a different gender, race, or religion, whatever it might be, and you just block out or don't notice the differences. Prof Todd Mei: (55:14) And so you treat them, uh, in a way that you think you ought to treat them as the same kind of person, which could be good or bad. Uh, and I just saw a recent, uh, show, uh, the view where they had an, uh, an AI professor talking about how there can be prejudice within AI programs, where, uh, someone who's white might be programming, automatic cars, self-driving cars, and they don't, uh, they don't look at the program to make sure that it takes into account. People have darker colored skin. So when the car is driving around, it may not notice people have dark skin and may cause an accident, but it wouldn't be a good thing. Now, it wouldn't be a good thing. So the idea is recognizing that prejudices can be hidden. And then when you, when you encounter something unfamiliar, that is when a prejudice is going to be most active, because you're going to try to find a way to either accommodate what's unfamiliar or create a distance with what's unfamiliar. And so those are the moments where there can be a lot of misunderstanding on this reading of what the person is doing or what it, what an object is. And that's when you can get emotions that can exacerbate the situation. If you can't quite understand what's unfamiliar, that could emerge in terms of irritation or just because Dana Lewis - Host : (56:24) It's unfamiliar, it doesn't mean it should be a threat. You shouldn't necessarily process it as a threat, right? I mean, situational awareness might alert you to something that is different, but that doesn't mean that you should automatically put that in the threat file and then react with prejudice, react eventually with anger and maybe physical anchor Prof Todd Mei: (56:44) That's right. And there are different techniques, props self-help techniques that one can cultivate to help with that. But if you look at a lot of indigenous cultures, they actually have certain ethical practices or techniques to help with this. And if you look at just the Abrahamic phase, so, uh, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, one of their main tenants is the tenant of hospitality. And this, if you view it from the, from the perspective of what's unfamiliar, I know religion goes both ways, but if you look at the, if you look at the hospitality is a virtue, then you can see the way which if it's cultivated in the right way, when one encounters a stranger, or indeed in certain tales, the enemy, or the person with one with whom one doesn't get along with, then if hospitality comes first, one must admit them into the personal space or the house and treat them as a guest. And those are the kinds of things that are very interesting. If cultures can look into their own historical resources and maybe find ways in which they can bring this to the fore of how to cope with encounter and identify things that are unfamiliar and not push them aside, but find productive and constructive ways of engaging with them. I think we'd be a lot better off. Dana Lewis - Host : (57:50) How do you take that into a real life situation? Like on social media where, you know, maybe hospitality might be not excluding that person or deleting that person, but maybe including them in conversation or in your social group. Um, even if you're unsure exactly who they are or what they represent. But I mean, th the idea is just kind of being open, right. And not, and, and, and being curious about other people, is that it? Prof Todd Mei: (58:22) Yes. And I don't think social media is very good at cultivating that in its current form and it conceals it. So I think what we have to have regardless is a stronger foundation that stands outside is not connected to social media. And these are the things, everyday conversation and stories. There are two ways that come to mind. One is learning different ways of listening and engaging with people. And this often works best in person because in person you're accountable, you're face to face. I mean, that's very difficult right now in the pandemic, but, um, it's something I think that provides a good measure. And, um, it's something that a lot in negotiators and psychologists talk about. And so when one's engaged in one of these conversations that matters, uh, perhaps one can switch to this mode of, instead of offering a reaction or response where one tries to convince the other side that they're wrong, or that, that oneself is right to simply engage in the mode of listening and asking questions, as opposed to asserting of view or judgements. Prof Todd Mei: (59:23) And through those questions, they can be critical of course, but they should be constructive. The idea is that you don't come to the decision who's right or wrong. The aim is not to find out who's right or wrong, the aims to find some kind of common ground. And if you think about when negotiators, you very skilled negotiators that are the two parties are coming to opposite ends, skilled negotiators, won't come out and start arguing the other party down. They will try to figure out what exactly the other party's position is to ask questions, to see where they can actually meet up. And once they can meet up, then things can, then things can move forward. The other cultural, the other cultural resource there's of course are our positive constructive narratives. And, uh, the, uh, professor Richard Keirney who's at Boston college runs this thing called, um, I forgot the name now it's, it's not Facebook, but it's a pro it's. Prof Todd Mei: (01:00:13) It's, uh, it's a project where he has people from different groups, often at risk groups telling their stories. And through those stories, the idea is hopefully that they find some common ground and, um, he was giving a talk the other day. And he, he talked about this phrase. I think a lot of people know it's called the chance in arm. And it's a very interesting one, but it's comes from an historical incident. And I think it's around the 15 hundreds or the 15th century. And there's two, uh, families. I think it's the Fitzgeralds and the butlers are, may be wrong on that. But these two families absolutely hate each other. And, uh, one of the families pulls up inside of a, uh, farm or some kind of a building and they won't come out and the feed is continuing. And one person from the other side basically comes over and puts his arm through a hole in the wall to the other party and says, look, I'm putting my arm through. We can continue fighting if that's what you want to do, you can chop my arm off. If not, you can shake my hand. And so those kinds of stories are interesting. They provide a resource and of course Dana Lewis - Host : (01:01:14) She never told us the ending man Prof Todd Mei: (01:01:17) Piece, but not only as a narrative source, but also symbolic source, that if here's a story where you can possibly relate some kind of instance, you're in, and that might allow you to come up with your own symbolic gesture with another person. And it may even that symbolic gesture may just be being silent and listening to them. But so it'll depend on the context as you're describing, but if we can be aware of these kinds of resources and that we have to respond in a very dynamic way to the challenges and unfamiliar Terri unfamiliarity, is that present themselves to us. I think we'd be a much more capable and engaging with other people. And then hopefully that will have a knock on effect, a positive one with how we engage with people in social media. Dana Lewis - Host : (01:01:56) Yeah. And to understand reality, sometimes you just got to shut up. And the, you know, when I was a crime reporter, they used to do, I used to sit in courtrooms where the judge would charge the jury where they would instruct the jury. And the first thing that they would tell a jury is at the beginning of, you know, these are murder trial. Some of them that would last three and four months, don't say a word in the jury room about what you think, because you express your opinion. You actually close yourself to a lot of information and it becomes an exercise sometimes in your ego. Um, and you, you miss a lot of value and maybe that's what social media has become. And I'm sorry to keep taking you back to social media. But I mean, a lot of our discourse in the public square has migrated onto the internet. And that's what that is become. It's kind of like, you know, you need to say something, you need to have an opinion, otherwise, why are you tweeting? Or why are you expressing yourself? But actually you don't have to do you, you can ask questions on there and you can be open to other people and ask them why they feel a certain way. And you can actually, you can actually explore rather than draw borders on them. Prof Todd Mei: (01:03:05) That's right. And always be aware that most social media encourages reaction as opposed to consideration and deliberation. Um, and I think if one's aware of that, one will be a little bit more hesitant just to click the like or dislike button, and also be aware that there is social media is good for some things, and maybe it can be a conduit to more, uh, to healthier communities of discussion that occur offline or in online in some other form than just simply tweeting. Or Dana Lewis - Host : (01:03:33) Do you think that prejudice is growing? Do you think that hatred is growing in, in parallel with that, or as an offshoot of that? Prof Todd Mei: (01:03:41) I do my own perception of it is that it is, and I'm not sure how accurate it is because of course, whenever there's an incident involving hate, um, there's, uh, you know, it becomes a big issue. It becomes representative of the state of affair, but of a nation or a culture. And of course everyone cannot, but help reacting to it and re some reactions are very measured. Uh, some very considered make good points and some not. And I think, um, what can only really help the situation is some kind of education or self-education and about the resources and techniques, uh, about how to ask and listen. And I think that's the only way out of it, whether it comes through family education or whether universities really focus on the liberal arts side. I know I've mentioned this before in a previous interview, but focusing on, on civics and virtues, not not saying this is how you have to be, but introducing civics and virtues as a topic that students can study as a historical artifact and will never go to university, then there can be other for I'm. Prof Todd Mei: (01:04:44) This is I'm, I I'm really progressive minded and people can go to vocational schools or they can pursue a job which doesn't require university education, but it would be a wonderful world in which you had different layers or stratifications of free education. So, uh, and there'll be incentives wrapped up with it. There'll be different ways to teach things like philosophy and the arts that are embedded or engaged with a practical sewer. So if you're a mechanic or if you're, if you're a veterinary surgeon, or if you're a shoe cobbler, there'd be ways there are many creative ways where you can introduce different topics to people. And all it provides, all that's necessary is, is to have the education and provide the incentives for people to go out there and meet other people. And if they can meet other people from different walks of life in these courses, you have a much healthier, much more capable society because you already, you already overcome one, an enormous hurdle. And that is you've already started to meet other people who have similar interests. And there is a forum now for discussing these kinds of interests or even disagreements. And that is in the, in the classroom Dana Lewis - Host : (01:05:49) Last word to you on, on prejudicial behavior. Is that something that you obviously feel that that's the key building blocks in leading towards hatred? Do you confront a prejudice? Do you engage prejudice? Do you, how strongly do you speak out against it or how, you know, whether you're in the workplace or wherever, what, what do you think you have to do with it philosophically? Prof Todd Mei: (01:06:15) I think I, I think it's always situational. I think the, the regular, the ideal is to always be strong and stand out and speak against it. One has to assess to what extent that's putting oneself at risk. Uh, so I do think one has to be courageous and also very, uh, savvy or clever in terms of how to deal with the prejudice. Obviously, if you're in a crowd and you're putting yourself or others at risk, um, you know, my experience is if I've been the target of prejudice, usually it's my friends who feel the most offended, not me, and they're willing to stick the stick, their necks out. So there's always other, there's always things to consider. There are many different ways to tackle it, um, whether it's in the workplace, through human resource channels or EDI. Um, but I really do think if, if there were an array or diversity of education, levels of education provided that would already take away a lot of the hurdles and obstacles that we face today, Dana Lewis - Host : (01:07:08) Does this get personal Todd? Because I assume you have an Asian background. Yes. Right now in America. I mean, we are experiencing, you know, this horrible incident that just, uh, took place in Atlanta, the, the, the assaults on Asians because of COVID-19 and some of the comments that were traced to the former president, Donald Trump about the China virus. And I mean, there, there has been a real backlash, um, on Asian-Americans. And so, you know, it's, it's one thing to talk about hatred in a philosophical way in a classroom, but, you know, you you're, you probably think about it on the street there as well, and it becomes personal. Prof Todd Mei: (01:07:49) Yes, it does. And, um, I have to admit that, uh, here I am speaking as a philosopher, but certainly in personal situations I've reacted, um, differently than I thought or than I ought to have. I've often related when I teach ethics, often relate personal stories to my students. And, uh, there was one time where basically, um, I had to engage in some very aggressive self-defensive behavior because I was being targeted. Um, this was back in Britain, believe it or not at a train station at night. And, um, I D I just felt like I couldn't walk away, but I felt like there was a way I was gonna deal with this and it ended up working and it actually ended up promoting discussion at the end as opposed to fighting. And I was very surprised cause I thought, um, this is not going to end very well. And, um, and I'm very much aware of it in today's climate. Um, obviously as a Chinese and Japanese background, and I've always prepared myself mentally for some kind of confrontation, but hopefully it cooler heads prevail. And, um, it just depends how you can assess yourself in the situation and whether there's actually harm or danger, uh, that's imminent in that situation. But I think the best thing is to try and find other channels to deal with this directly and indirectly, uh, through communication as opposed to direct action. Dana Lewis - Host : (01:09:02) Well, thanks for sharing that. And, uh, you've got lots of really great ideas about sort of how to, how to approach hatred. Some of it, some of, some of that hatred, not always so overt, but you may sense it's there, but, um, you know, stop Asian hatred is a great hashtag in the last, in the last month, but in general, you know, the philosophy of, uh, being open and listening to people. I mean, I really think you're right. We are losing that in public discourse and that's, that's dangerous. And you made that point in another interview and you've touched on it again today. So thank you for that. Thank you, Todd. Great to talk to you. Dana Lewis - Host : (01:09:41) Thank you. And that's our backstory on the science of hate and hopefully by understanding what makes people hate. We understand how better to fight hatred. Please subscribe the backstory with Dana Lewis podcast and share this. And also my newsletter, Dana Lewis . sub stack.com. Thanks for listening. And I'll talk to you again.
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However, it’s far from being the only format that matters. In fact, in 2021, it could be said that several other ones deserve much more of your attention.
So how can marketers find the absolute best format for their goals? 
First, they need to understand that putting together a content marketing strategy cannot be approached as a step-by-step checklist. No guide can work ubiquitously, simply because different brands have different goals, distribution channels, and target audiences. For this reason, to get a marketing plan that truly works, marketers must consider the specific audience they’re targeting. Then they must develop a plan of action based on that audience’s preferences and the goals they have in mind. 
And that means finding the best fitting format for each distribution channel and intent.
How Buyers Consume Content
Last year saw a dramatic increase in the time people spent in front of a screen. According to DoubleVerify, the average screen time in 2020 was 6 hours and 59 minutes, with streaming services seeing notable usage boosts. Another resource, App Annie, states that the most used apps in the first quarter of 2020 included Snapchat, Twitch, and TikTok for Gen Z, clearly indicating that some content formats drew more attention than others.
For marketers, this probably isn’t too much of a surprise. 
Research from 2020 shows that the most invested-in format in 2019 included video, which was closely followed by blogs and eBooks. Usage statistics also reveal that social media apps remained the most used during the past 12 months, with TikTok leading the race.
All of this information is in line with the data we’ve had access to for a while. For example, WordPress states that there are 70 million new posts on its platform each month (and that’s just for blogs that use WP). And even back in 2019, 500 hours of video were being uploaded to YouTube every minute. 
Naturally, this type of knowledge should have a significant impact on content marketing strategies. More importantly, it should help inform the decisions marketers make regarding formats. After all, people don’t go to YouTube to read a text – they go there to watch videos on topics of interest. 
So, if your target audience is showing a preference for select platforms, that’s where you’ll have to rank if you want to stand a fighting chance of effectively grabbing their attention.
The Top Formats in 2021
Though text posts may not be the hippest way to reach customers, they still work extremely well. And that’s no surprise.
Let’s consider the fact that the average person makes around 3-4 Google searches per day. We also know that 8% of all Google queries are phrased as questions. Bearing this in mind, it’s quite evident that providing answers makes for an excellent strategy to reach new customers. And blogs are still the best way to do that, seeing how videos get 6.3% of clicks and images just 3%.
In 2021, however, the way to get text content to work won’t be to churn out daily blog posts, stuffing them with keywords, or building backlinks from shady sites. Instead, it’ll be to pay closer attention to user queries, provide valuable information, and hopefully, win a spot in the Featured snippets and People also ask sections of SERPs.
Another thing to keep in mind about producing text is that, in 2021, longer is better. The average 800-word post is no match to longer articles. In fact, according to Semrush, posts that contain 7000+ words get the most average unique pageviews and shares.
Of course, you don’t have to write an eBook for each topic you cover. But do try to hit that sweet spot between 1500 and 2000 words to get the best results. Then, if you’ve got more to say on the subject offer a gated resource that will further educate your audience. A good example of this can be seen in Skillcrush’s post on remote work. At the bottom of the post, they have an email capturing lead magnet directly related to the remote working topic.
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image source: skillcrush.com
We’ve already covered the way consumers are shifting to multimedia-oriented platforms. In fact, on all the popular social networks, video posts tend to get the highest engagement rates, making them an excellent investment for marketers.
However, there’s a significant contrast between formats when producing for different distribution channels.
Long-form videos work best for YouTube. On this platform, the average length of a video is 11.7 minutes, with some creators producing content three times that length. Seeing how the network accounts for 99.9% of Google’s video traffic, as well as its popularity across multiple generations, it’s a good investment for brands that want to take a step up from blogs.
Vat19, for example, bases its marketing strategy on creating entertaining videos that center around its products. Following current trends and adopting a friendly voice, they’re getting millions of views and thousands of comments, proving that they’ve chosen the ideal format to reach their target audience.
Still, most other distribution platforms display a preference for shorter creations. Instagram’s video limit is 60 seconds, as is Snapchat’s. In December 2020, TikTok started testing a longer 3-minute format. But that’s still multiple times shorter than the average on YouTube. So, taking everything into consideration, it’s clear that short-form video is the way to go for most platforms.
So how can marketers make a limited format work in their favor?
Well, one way would be to invest in content that lends itself to visual representation. For example, a company such as Joi can greatly benefit from transforming its recipes page into a series of TikTok posts showing the preparation process. As most recipes are easy-to-follow, they require no in-depth explanations and can fit into the traditional 60-second limitations.
Vegan Samoa Bars
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Happy Friday from us to you! Recipe is in the comments. #veganrecipes #vegandessert #madewithjoi #addjoi #healthyrecipes
♬ Put Your Records On – Ritt Momney
Then there’s the most sought-after digital asset out there: images. It’s no secret that visual information boosts any post’s performance. Articles with images get 94% more views, social media posts get higher engagement rates, and consumers make purchasing decisions based on photos.
But the thing is, marketers aren’t necessarily making the most of visuals.
According to Venngage, as many as 40% of companies use stock photos, a practice that can hardly be counted as a viable content marketing strategy. Moreover, visuals created for one distribution channel don’t necessarily have to work for another.
As an example, look to mattress brand Zoma. Comparing the Instagram performance of their posts, it’s easy to notice that the visual content reposted from their website gets several times fewer comments and likes than the images created specifically for the platform. What’s more, their best-performing posts include those made with a clear strategy in place, such as their athlete spotlights that make smart use of user-generated content.
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image source: instagram.com
Industry Insights
As we move through the best ways to utilize digital formats in your content marketing campaigns, it’s crucial not to disregard any brand’s most valuable asset: its experience and know-how.
Though not necessarily appropriate for social media sharing (unless in the format of infographics), industry insights can and should play a role in your marketing plan. In addition to offering eBooks, white papers, research reports, and survey results on their websites, businesses can also build their reputations around being a trustworthy source of information.
For example, Deloitte’s content marketing strategy is based around the sole idea of positioning themselves as the go-to resource in a wide range of business-related topics. Their extensive Insights page offers resources on anything – from workspace design to cybersecurity in the electric power sector. 
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image source: deloitte.com
But their most valuable digital assets include their in-depth reports. These are available to download to anyone in exchange for a name and email address, making them an exceptionally successful lead generation method.
The Alternatives
Although we’ve covered the four most popular online content categories, there are still quite a few options out there. And they can be just as effective at getting you the desired results as the traditional formats.
Podcasts, for example, are becoming more popular every year. According to Statista, the number of monthly active podcast listeners is expected to hit 164 million by 2024, more than doubling over five years. The e-learning market is growing as well, with an average annual growth rate of 9.1%.
Then, there are the more innovative formats you could explore. An interactive map, such as the one created for the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, is an excellent example of what can be done with some basic information and a creative approach.
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image source: rio2016interactivemap.com
There are numerous options brands can explore if they want to make content marketing work in their favor. In fact, being agile in adopting novel trends and brave enough to experiment with lesser-known methods makes for a great strategy. 
Of course, that doesn’t mean disregarding traditional content formats like blogs. But it does necessitate a willingness to experiment and a high level of diligence when doing research and measuring results. Because, in the end, the best way to find what works best isn’t to follow advice. It’s to try things out and make data-based decisions that will work towards a predetermined goal.
Get a free consultation
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magnificentmktg · 4 years
Fit for Format – Forget Content Marketing Without This
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When talking about content marketing, the majority of people automatically think of blog posts. And sure, text is one of the leading formats when it comes to content. It's easy to produce, inherently supports SEO, is simple to update, and can be repurposed in almost countless ways.
However, it's far from being the only format that matters. In fact, in 2021, it could be said that several other ones deserve much more of your attention.
So how can marketers find the absolute best format for their goals? 
First, they need to understand that putting together a content marketing strategy cannot be approached as a step-by-step checklist. No guide can work ubiquitously, simply because different brands have different goals, distribution channels, and target audiences. For this reason, to get a marketing plan that truly works, marketers must consider the specific audience they're targeting. Then they must develop a plan of action based on that audience's preferences and the goals they have in mind. 
And that means finding the best fitting format for each distribution channel and intent.
How Buyers Consume Content
Last year saw a dramatic increase in the time people spent in front of a screen. According to DoubleVerify, the average screen time in 2020 was 6 hours and 59 minutes, with streaming services seeing notable usage boosts. Another resource, App Annie, states that the most used apps in the first quarter of 2020 included Snapchat, Twitch, and TikTok for Gen Z, clearly indicating that some content formats drew more attention than others.
For marketers, this probably isn't too much of a surprise. 
Research from 2020 shows that the most invested-in format in 2019 included video, which was closely followed by blogs and eBooks. Usage statistics also reveal that social media apps remained the most used during the past 12 months, with TikTok leading the race.
All of this information is in line with the data we've had access to for a while. For example, WordPress states that there are 70 million new posts on its platform each month (and that's just for blogs that use WP). And even back in 2019, 500 hours of video were being uploaded to YouTube every minute. 
Naturally, this type of knowledge should have a significant impact on content marketing strategies. More importantly, it should help inform the decisions marketers make regarding formats. After all, people don't go to YouTube to read a text – they go there to watch videos on topics of interest. 
So, if your target audience is showing a preference for select platforms, that's where you'll have to rank if you want to stand a fighting chance of effectively grabbing their attention.
The Top Formats in 2021
Though text posts may not be the hippest way to reach customers, they still work extremely well. And that's no surprise.
Let's consider the fact that the average person makes around 3-4 Google searches per day. We also know that 8% of all Google queries are phrased as questions. Bearing this in mind, it's quite evident that providing answers makes for an excellent strategy to reach new customers. And blogs are still the best way to do that, seeing how videos get 6.3% of clicks and images just 3%.
In 2021, however, the way to get text content to work won't be to churn out daily blog posts, stuffing them with keywords, or building backlinks from shady sites. Instead, it'll be to pay closer attention to user queries, provide valuable information, and hopefully, win a spot in the Featured snippets and People also ask sections of SERPs.
Another thing to keep in mind about producing text is that, in 2021, longer is better. The average 800-word post is no match to longer articles. In fact, according to Semrush, posts that contain 7000+ words get the most average unique pageviews and shares.
Of course, you don't have to write an eBook for each topic you cover. But do try to hit that sweet spot between 1500 and 2000 words to get the best results. Then, if you've got more to say on the subject offer a gated resource that will further educate your audience. A good example of this can be seen in Skillcrush’s post on remote work. At the bottom of the post, they have an email capturing lead magnet directly related to the remote working topic.
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image source: skillcrush.com
We've already covered the way consumers are shifting to multimedia-oriented platforms. In fact, on all the popular social networks, video posts tend to get the highest engagement rates, making them an excellent investment for marketers.
However, there's a significant contrast between formats when producing for different distribution channels.
Long-form videos work best for YouTube. On this platform, the average length of a video is 11.7 minutes, with some creators producing content three times that length. Seeing how the network accounts for 99.9% of Google's video traffic, as well as its popularity across multiple generations, it's a good investment for brands that want to take a step up from blogs.
Vat19, for example, bases its marketing strategy on creating entertaining videos that center around its products. Following current trends and adopting a friendly voice, they're getting millions of views and thousands of comments, proving that they've chosen the ideal format to reach their target audience.
Still, most other distribution platforms display a preference for shorter creations. Instagram's video limit is 60 seconds, as is Snapchat's. In December 2020, TikTok started testing a longer 3-minute format. But that's still multiple times shorter than the average on YouTube. So, taking everything into consideration, it's clear that short-form video is the way to go for most platforms.
So how can marketers make a limited format work in their favor?
Well, one way would be to invest in content that lends itself to visual representation. For example, a company such as Joi can greatly benefit from transforming its recipes page into a series of TikTok posts showing the preparation process. As most recipes are easy-to-follow, they require no in-depth explanations and can fit into the traditional 60-second limitations.
Vegan Samoa Bars 🤯 Happy Friday from us to you! Recipe is in the comments. #veganrecipes #vegandessert #madewithjoi #addjoi #healthyrecipes
♬ Put Your Records On - Ritt Momney
Then there's the most sought-after digital asset out there: images. It's no secret that visual information boosts any post's performance. Articles with images get 94% more views, social media posts get higher engagement rates, and consumers make purchasing decisions based on photos.
But the thing is, marketers aren't necessarily making the most of visuals.
According to Venngage, as many as 40% of companies use stock photos, a practice that can hardly be counted as a viable content marketing strategy. Moreover, visuals created for one distribution channel don't necessarily have to work for another.
As an example, look to mattress brand Zoma. Comparing the Instagram performance of their posts, it's easy to notice that the visual content reposted from their website gets several times fewer comments and likes than the images created specifically for the platform. What's more, their best-performing posts include those made with a clear strategy in place, such as their athlete spotlights that make smart use of user-generated content.
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image source: instagram.com
Industry Insights
As we move through the best ways to utilize digital formats in your content marketing campaigns, it's crucial not to disregard any brand's most valuable asset: its experience and know-how.
Though not necessarily appropriate for social media sharing (unless in the format of infographics), industry insights can and should play a role in your marketing plan. In addition to offering eBooks, white papers, research reports, and survey results on their websites, businesses can also build their reputations around being a trustworthy source of information.
For example, Deloitte's content marketing strategy is based around the sole idea of positioning themselves as the go-to resource in a wide range of business-related topics. Their extensive Insights page offers resources on anything – from workspace design to cybersecurity in the electric power sector. 
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image source: deloitte.com
But their most valuable digital assets include their in-depth reports. These are available to download to anyone in exchange for a name and email address, making them an exceptionally successful lead generation method.
The Alternatives
Although we've covered the four most popular online content categories, there are still quite a few options out there. And they can be just as effective at getting you the desired results as the traditional formats.
Podcasts, for example, are becoming more popular every year. According to Statista, the number of monthly active podcast listeners is expected to hit 164 million by 2024, more than doubling over five years. The e-learning market is growing as well, with an average annual growth rate of 9.1%.
Then, there are the more innovative formats you could explore. An interactive map, such as the one created for the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics, is an excellent example of what can be done with some basic information and a creative approach.
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image source: rio2016interactivemap.com
There are numerous options brands can explore if they want to make content marketing work in their favor. In fact, being agile in adopting novel trends and brave enough to experiment with lesser-known methods makes for a great strategy. 
Of course, that doesn't mean disregarding traditional content formats like blogs. But it does necessitate a willingness to experiment and a high level of diligence when doing research and measuring results. Because, in the end, the best way to find what works best isn't to follow advice. It's to try things out and make data-based decisions that will work towards a predetermined goal.
Get a free consultation
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nareshtech · 4 years
You should Know About Customers Using In 2021 AWS.
Aws is making the cloud computing service platform that leverages the businesses, companies, governments, and individuals with on-demand services. The AWS offers compute power, database storage, content delivery, machine learning services, AI services, management and governance services, security services, analytics services, and much more to support business in growing and scaling to a record level. Also, AWS leverages all with a yearly subscription pricing model that does include the free tier facility providing practical experience on various AWS services at no cost. The IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS offer the best cloud computing, and that defines the responsibilities and tasks of AWS. You can Visit or contact Naresh I Technologies. We provide complete AWS online training for all AWS certifications. 
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AWS first arrived to handle online retail operations., and it was among the first cloud computing businesses to come up with the pay-as-you-go model, and currently it has bundles of data centers all over the world. Now it helps the clients solve their technical problems as well. You will find multiple services under AWS like data management, governance, networking, analytics, monitoring and control, security big data management, AI, and much more. You will find 100+ services that comprise the Amazon portfolio and that include all mentioned above. Some of the benefits that it provides are flexibility, security, elasticity, optimized cost, and agility. If you want to keep up with better business you need to make use of these services, as that can ensure the optimized business for you.
In this article, we list the top customers from various domains who make use of the AWS services and are doing great business. The success of AWS hence Is based on the success of its partners. Let’s find some crunchy facts about AWS and its customers below through some series of questions. So, let’s begin.
The highest number of AWS users comes from which US state?
Its California is at the top with around 86,982 customers, and on the second spot in New York with 39,466 customers. At the third spot is Texas with 35,243 customers.
What is the market share of the IT in AWS Cloud?
The information technology services market share in Amazon AWS is around 21.2%. It hence has a huge market share and the market share is only going to get better in the upcoming years.
Figure out the number of a small and mid-sized company in the AWS cloud.
You will find 284,997 small-sized companies, with employees 1-10, that use AWS services. And you will find around 92,853 mid-sized companies with employees in the range of 51-200 employees that make use of the Amazon AWS. 
What is the market share of the AWS cloud?
The current market share of AWS cloud is 32%. On the second spot is Microsoft Azure with an 18% market share. Then comes Google Cloud, IBM, Oracle, and various others.
Mention the lumpsum number of the available AWS customers.
Emails of 3,274,631 AWS customers are available. All of these are verified emails that have been made available by the AWS after cross-checking,
Name the largest AWS customers.
Some of the largest AWS customers are Adobe, SAP, GE, Siemens, Intuit, Hitachi, Autodesk, Vodafone, Reuters., Netflix, ESPN, McDonald Corporation, Samsung, and various others.
How many companies are making use of AWS?
The total number of AWS users is around 1 million. And the maximum number in this list is of small and mid-sized companies which form the major percentage of the user base with 59% and 25% respectively. The large-scale businesses around 16% in percentage as far as the user base is concerned 
What type of companies make use of AWS?
The companies on the list are Draka USA, Era Helicopters LLC, Coleman Cable Inc., BNG Holdings Inc and there is a long list. 
The complete list comprises Startups and various AWS partners. The companies come from sectors like finance, Media and Entertainment, Retail, technology, Biotech, Healthcare, Pharmaceuticals, Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, Software and Internet, Education., and in fact from all the sectors of the society. 
Hence AWS is being supported by Millions of customers from all over the world, and from various sectors which cover all such. You will find that the world's best startups use AWS. May it be Airbnb or Zocodoc, they all use AWS and are proud customers of AWS. AWS is helping them in solving various technical challenges, also in hiring the right engineers, fundraising, and getting all the resources for starting the business. And that is why more and more startups are building on AWS, and AWS is helping them to succeed. 
As a startup, you need the correct set of tools, documentation as well as resources for getting started as well as grow your business. Hence, AWS is your best friend if you are thinking of starting a startup.  
Either you are thinking of building a basic mobile app, or any single page app, or any public-facing API, you can contact AWS.  AWS helps you in selecting the right database, leverages you with options like serverless deployment as well as in setting up of the API backend, and much more.
AWS also lets their customers know how to optimize the cost, and monitor the security. Also, AWS is up with an AWS startup program., and that’s one of the prime reasons why the startups are looking towards AWS for the best level of help. AWS also provides free credits, the best level of support for business plus technical expertise.
Some more companies to list who are making use of AWS is DXC.technology, Madrilena, FranklinPlanner, Trans Austria Casleitung, ChaosSearch, Gett, Candeal and many more can be added to the list as well, as the list is very long.
You can have a sneak peek at the AWS site, and you can read through a huge collection of stories related to various customers of AWS, and discover how AWS helped to become the pioneering businesses in their respective domains. 
The AWS customers are located all over the world may it be Asia Pacific, Europe, South America, North America, the Middle East, or Africa. The AWS customers come from each continent. Some more sectors where AWS offers its services are Agriculture, Digital Marketing, Construction, and Real Estate, telecommunication, travel and logistics, General public services, and all the sectors that require the resources offered by AWS. And the AWS resource list covers compute, storage, memory, networking, and all related to computers and IT. 
And it does look like that AWS might have an even better experience in 2022, and the years to follow.
Naresh I Technologies is the number one computer training institute in Hyderabad and among the top five computer training institutes in India. Contact us anytime for your aws training. You can also opt for aws online training, and from any part of the world. And a big package is waiting for you. And all is yours for a nominal fee affordable for all with any range of budget. Let's have a look at what you will get with this AWS package:
You need to pay a nominal fee apart from the AWS fee for certification.
You can choose any AWS certification, as per your skills and interest.
You have the option to select from online and classroom training.
A chance to study at one of the best aws training institutes in India 
We provide aws training in Hyderabad and USA, and no matter in which part of the world you are, you can contact us.
Naresh I technologies cater to one of the best aws training in India.
And a lot more is waiting for you.
Contact us anytime for your complete AWS Online training.
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beethovenessay285 · 4 years
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college papers
About me
Common Calendar, Packet Papers, Aug 21
Common Calendar, Packet Papers, Aug 21 During that time, they can be collectively safely, take pleasure in the advantages of socializing, and engage in a more rounded school expertise. It is the coed’s responsibility to complete their work, although if college students search help, employees will give a helping hand. You shall be emailed a tax receipt at the time of purchase. The four-day Patriot Project Mission will function visits to the U.S. As of right now, over 5 million have responded online to the 2020 Census. Here are more solutions to a number of the frequently asked questions to offer you a transparent thought of our service earlier than you get started. i'm a student i will want your assitance in writing literature evaluation in numerous subjects in food chemistry. Mostly they give you various kinds of discounts on our products or include useful information, like hyperlinks to blog articles and guides. Should you discover this e-mails unnecessary, you'll be able to always unsubscribe from our e-mail newsletters. Partner with the corporate that understands particular person states’ needs. We have 9 state training company initiatives, 16 GED and HiSet state jurisdictions, and California HiSET right now. Digital and print, transcripts and diplomas, sending and receiving. Other particular tribute occasions are also being deliberate. The National Purple Heart Honor Missionis opening the nomination course of for its2021 Purple Heart Patriot Project. Residents and skilled companions are requested to donate supplies for the children of doctors, nurses, EMTs, residence health aides and social staff. Pickleball shall be held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month on the Mercer County Park Tennis/Pickleball Center, Old Trenton Road, West Windsor. There is not any minimum obligation – donors can specify no matter they feel they can present and the group will match donors with people who've expressed a related need. Illegal debt collection practices had been then used to get the struggling college students to pay their bills, according to California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who filed the lawsuit. Cybercriminals have been using the coronavirus to entice victims into on-line scams. We are working with service providers at emergency and transitional shelters, soup kitchens and regularly schedule mobile meals vans to adapt plans to depend the populations they serve. Whatever your office needs, we now have an progressive solution customized for you. The Cal's manufacturing brand has been distinctive available in the market with a difference in the components in every product. This was the introduction of Real Vibes, road wine. Cal's Manufacturing was founded in August 1999 with Carlton, Annette and Lisa coming collectively to kind its name and company. We’re working with service providers to find out the easiest way forward. It has never been easier to reply by yourself, whether or not on-line, over the telephone or by mail—all without having to meet a census taker. Victoria Arlen is a reporter, Paralympic gold medalist and author. In 2005, Arlen was 11 years old when she got here down with two uncommon neurological problems, transverse myelitis and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. She fought for her life for 5 years, including 4 years in a vegetative state where she was “locked” inside herself, unable to speak with those around her. The Page three members will select the opposite two books as well as whether or not members will meet online on Zoom or exterior with masks whereas social distancing. Those wishing to enter should submit a video of themselves enjoying a chosen piece by Sept. 7. Students coming into grades 6-9 will be able to collect underneath the tents on the sector on the Princeton Family YMCA, 59 Paul Robeson Place, for 3-hour classes. At occasions, she suffered seizures for greater than 20 hours per day. She was paralyzed from the waist down for a decade and incredibly, regained the ability to stroll in 2016. The NJ Conference for Women, a program of the Princeton Mercer Regional Chamber’s Women in Business Alliance , will maintain its 2020 event on a web-based platform. The Princeton Festival will transfer its annual gala on-line on Oct. 24. Garden State Watercolor Society is partnering with D&R Greenway Land Trust to mount a wildlife-centered fiftieth anniversary Juried Exhibition on-line by way of Sept. 30. “A fast google search reveals that lower than 29% of their college students graduate … the average scholar leaves with $36,000 in debt,” the group said about Ashford. In 2016, Zovio was ordered to pay $30 million by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau for deceptive acts, together with misleading students relating to their loans. “Unfortunately for a lot of Ashford college students, they did not obtain the diploma they'd hoped for or the job they had been led to consider they would be offered after graduating. What they did find yourself with was a crushing quantity of pupil mortgage debt,” Miller mentioned following the three-12 months investigation.
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etechnocrafts · 4 years
Digital Marketing Profession In India-- Future Development And Also Extent
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We know by now either you are intending to make an electronic advertising and marketing occupation in India or would like to understand more about the very same, as you have Google searched for the job in digital marketing.
Why Learn Digital Marketing?
There are numerous concerns which concern our mind when we think of a career in digital advertising and marketing:-.
1. What are the various verticals/fields I can enter?
2. Just how much is the pay range?
3. What is the profession growth in digital advertising and marketing?
4. Where and also how to discover the preferred abilities?
Via this blog site, we would certainly try to answer all your inquiries as well as by the end of this blog site, we promise you'll be one step better to making the best career selection.
The Scope of Digital Advertising And Marketing in India?
 Over the last couple of years Digital Advertising and marketing in India has seen an exponential growth and also by the end of the year, 2020 it is expected to generate over 20 Lac work per year.
Advertising And Marketing Guru Philip Kotler as soon as said.
" Market your customer service at the area where is the customer is trying to find or offered".
In today's digital age each as well as everyone is on the net regardless of sex, age or place. As well as a firm or marketing professional can not neglect these customers. For this reason, Career in Digital Advertising And Marketing in India is obtaining relevance.
 Some facts which will certainly make you think that Digital Advertising and marketing occupation is just one of the expanding and also profitable alternative:-.
- Net traffic will certainly expand at a yearly compound growth price of 32%.
- As per the record released by IMRB-- 'Online marketing market in India is increasing by 30% year on year'.
- According to a Google as well as KPMG record (April 2017), labelled 'Indian Languages- Specifying India's web', 9 out of every 10 brand-new internet customers in India are most likely to be local language users over the next five years.
- The neighborhood Indian language user is approximated to expand at 18% CAGR touching around 500 million by 2020.
- The predicted share of advertisement assign to electronic media is around Rs 25,200 crore by the year 2020.
- With federal government supporting 'Digital India' & Indian start-ups an increasing number of tasks would certainly be developed for people in the field of Digital advertising and marketing.
 Digital Advertising And Marketing Job Opportunities & Range in India.
 The internet penetration in India is the greatest leaving nations like US & UK.
" According to Cisco's Visual Networking Index (VNI) report, by 2021, 829 million Indians (59 percent of the populace) are expected to make use of the net daily. Out of above 829 million, 79% will certainly access the web through mobile".
 Additionally with individuals choosing net business over standard sellers, 90% of Indian brand names spend more than 15% of their advertising and marketing budget plan on Digital Advertising and marketing. We hope this data is enough for you to recognize the immense possibility in selecting Digital Marketing as a profession in India.
 Picture of Opportunities Available.
 Naukri.com Timesjobs.com Shine.com Total Jobs 172666294530127765594960.
The Job in Digital Advertising-- Different Verticals.
 Digital Advertising And Marketing Job Path Gives Numerous Possibilities.
 If you enjoy coding you can go for web designing or you can live your love of writing by ending up being a material writer. The other typical digital advertising career verticals are-- SEO Analyst, Social Network Manager, You Bulb, Associate Marketing expert, and so on
. You can even function as a consultant on the project basis or come to be the business owner or can also make a job in Digital Advertising in India if you are expert in some regional language as advertising and marketing in backwoods and also with neighborhood languages is prospering.
Allow us take you through one of the most typical accounts offered in Online Marketing Occupation in India:-.
 - Internet Designer & Web Designer.
 A web developer or designer is one who is accountable for coding, creating and maintaining internet sites. In other words, you can state that these are individuals behind those fantastic websites you surf online.
Anticipation of languages like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP,. NET and CMS like WordPress and Magento, etc is needed. You can also work as a freelancer or on a task basis additionally.
Ordinary Salary-- Rs 3 Lacs to Rs 5 Lacs.
 - Search Engine Optimization Analyst/Expert.
 SEO individuals are the one who is responsible for obtaining website traffic to the website by enhancing the Google search rankings of your website.
They ensure that your webpage is enhanced according to search engines, web as well as are mobile-friendly & free from creeping issues.
You can work as a consultant and can likewise undertake online tasks. Search Engine Optimization is the most effective profession option for people striving for a good digital marketing career in India.
Ordinary Salary-- Rs 2.5 Lacs to 6 Lacs.
 - Social Media Executive or Social Network Supervisor.
 Social Network Exec or Manager is the person who handles the social networks systems such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc
. They carefully adhere to social media and also maintain a note of social media sites trends, coordinate with material & graphics team.
The only demand for this account is sound social media sites platforms knowledge as well as an innovative bent of mind.
Typical Income-- 3.5 Lacs to 7 Lacs per annum.
 - Internet Search Engine Advertising (SEM) or PPC Specialist.
 These people are accountable for those often pointless often valuable ads which you see while surfing the net.
These accounts remain in significant need as it generates a great deal of leads for service. The major duties consist of keyword study for ad copies, taking care of ad teams, optimizing touchdown pages, generate analytics & records and collaborate with the imaginative group for advertisement duplicates & graphics.
SEM is an excellent electronic advertising career alternative for those that have an analytical mind.
Ordinary Salary-- 3.5 Lacs to 5 Lacs per year.
 - Web Content Writer & Content Marketing Expert.
 If you have a propensity for writing after that the content author is the best-suited profile for you if you are aiming an electronic advertising and marketing career in India. Bear in mind composing for the internet is completely different from your essay creating or publication writing.
A material Marketing professional is an individual that is responsible for creating maximized as well as trending material, collaborating with Search Engine Optimization group, keyword research study, and so on.
 You can also work as a consultant or on a project basis.
This profile is a hot profile as the demand for content has actually increased dramatically.
The only demand for this account is good command over language and creativity in the thought process.
Average Salary-- 3 Lacs to 5 Lacs per annum.
 - Digital Advertising And Marketing Manager.
 Digital Marketing Manager looks at general electronic advertising and marketing, designing techniques, creating website traffic, supervising all the above profiles.
Simply put, he or she is the one in charge in a business's electronic marketing division or the head of an electronic marketing firm.
You must have at the very least 7-10 years of experience to reach to this position which is the Goal of every expert who is making an electronic advertising and marketing Job in India.
Ordinary Wage-- 6 Lacs to 10 Lacs per annum.
There are few other accounts additionally depending on an individual ability & rate of interest and company's demand:-.
- CRM Supervisor.
- Email Advertising And Marketing Supervisor.
- Shopping Manager.
- Analytics Supervisor.
- Associate Marketing expert etc.
 Just How to Learn Digital Advertising And Marketing and Seek a Profession in India?
The first and foremost point which you must toss out of your mind is that Digital Marketing does not call for any type of special level or a details college graduation history.
 Yet, a brief understanding about digital marketing and also just how the sector runs is very much needed. There are many companies which are using online & offline digital advertising lasting & short-term courses. You can choose any one of these training courses according to your requirement, time & budget.
We purely suggest you all to choose a classroom training programme. It's best to pick up from daily hands-on experience.
 Tips to Keep in Mind Prior To Picking a Digital Advertising And Marketing Training Course in India:-.
 - Choose Whether You Desire An Online Or Offline Course.
 On the internet training courses are online where you learn from recorded or live courses whereas offline programs are one in which you need to go to classroom training each day.
We as seasoned electronic advertising specialists constantly recommend an offline course over the on the internet course.
 - Prefer Practical Training Over Academic.
 Watch out for an institute which counts on imparting useful understanding. We highly recommend a class training program which will cover every element of digital marketing and also will provide you with a hand on experience.
 - Google Search Your Fitness Instructor Or Faculty.
 Do not go after fancy-looking institutes or big trademark name. When you pick your institute constantly ask the name of the instructor or educator and also research concerning him over the internet. The useful experience of professors is a crucial factor as he would certainly have the ability to resolve your queries by providing real-life examples. It is always simple to get in touch with real-life experiences.
 - Course Adaptability.
 Constantly ask about program versatility as suppose you are not able to attend specific lectures or can you repeat some classes?
 - Training course Framework.
 Before joining a training course constantly request for curriculum. Ensure they cover every aspect and also request a DEMO CLASS.
It will certainly assist you to determine whether you're making an ideal institute choice or otherwise.
 Ensure you do proper research prior to joining a program. This decision may make or damage your profession. So, make a decision intelligently & smartly.
Well, currently our team believe we have actually gotten rid of all your doubts pertaining to a job in digital advertising and marketing. As we guaranteed at first, now you are one step closer to making the best profession decision.
 Digitalet.Net is the top leads company that is providing the Digital Marketing Services if you also require the same then you can contact us we will surely deliver you the best. For More Details Contact Us :(+91)7289984467 & Email.ID : [email protected]
 Author by: 
My name is Sunil Kumar I have been writing these Blogs for the past 10 years. I am very passionate about writing and have the ambition to become the top bloggers of the country. I love traveling to different cities and having different experiences from traveling
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bactechnews-blog · 4 years
Top 10 reputed Digital Marketing and SEO company in Pune
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Digital marketing is a vast topic and gets even more complex if you try to do it all by yourself. To achieve results from your online marketing campaigns, you need result-oriented digital marketing and SEO services in Pune at your display to fulfill all your online business demands. If you can up your game in digital marketing, consequently you will see a boost in your business. Digital marketing: The Facts
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Pune has undoubtedly grown in terms of IT expertise in the past decade. It has proven its worth when looking for the best digital marketing and SEO companies in Pune. 37% of small businesses plan to increase their spend on digital marketing in the next year. And why not? Experts in digital marketing cover almost everything for you. SEO services, Google ranking, website analysis, social media marketing to name a few are important areas of interest if you wish to promote your business. Do you want to know how effective digital marketing can be for you? As per Every Channel Marketing, you can expect 2.8 times higher revenue with a good digital marketing plan.As of March 2020, India has seen a dramatic increase in the number of internet users raising it to 566 million. A verified SEO and digital marketing company in Pune can help you reach out to interested users among them.his figure is convincing enough to increase your social media visibility. #swiggystarhunt was a social campaign run by Swiggy for its delivery partners. It leveraged trending TikTok video content app to increase awareness and engagement for the brand. With the participation of 350+ delivery executives, 1500+ video uploads helped gain 44M+ unique views for Swiggy. Let’s get on to what you are here for, after all.
List of the prominent digital marketing and SEO companies in Pune
You don't have to search the length and breadth of your city to find the best digital marketing firm. This list of renowned digital marketing and SEO companies in Pune has got you covered. We have curated a list of leading SEO agencies and digital services in Jaipur for your online marketing solutions. #1. Business Alphabets Corporation
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Verified 98.2% 2009 Affordable Business Alphabets Corporation has helped various businesses from different industries over the past decade. What makes it the best digital marketing agency in Pune is the quality and guaranteed timely delivery. It covers all your needs from SEO, SERPs to social media marketing and email campaigns. It has its offices in major cities of India, including Kolkata, Jaipur and Mumbai. With professional experience, the team was successful to rank the client among the top 100 search results on Google SERPs. Call: +91-9681-998877 Get a Quote Visit Website #2. Moburst Verified 88.2% 2014 Very Costly Moburst is an award-winning social media marketing and digital marketing company in Pune that works in the best interests of its clients. It is a successful SEO agency that has worked with top leaders in the industry such as Google, UBER, Reddit and many more. The strong portfolio of the company speaks for itself. It's worth a try because they learn from the best. Apparently, in your case, work with the best. Call: Not Availabe Get a Quote Visit Website #3. SEOValley Solutions Private Limited Verified 86.6% 2014 Very Costly SEOValley Solutions as the name suggests is the best SEO service provider company in Pune with top results. It has helped brands rank 3rd in the Google SERPs. From crafting compelling brand stories to keywords enriched marketing, it has won 59+ awards for their expertise at work. HCL, TATA Consultancy services, O2 SPA, IHG group are some of the major companies they have worked with. Get a Quote Address- 210 A, 2nd Floor, Corporate Zone, C21 Mall, Hoshangabad Road, Misrod, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462026 #4. Orangus Verified 82.9% 2008 High Cost Orangus is a global digital marketing company in Pune to promote online business. Ideally, it has worked with 7000 clients from different industries. Apart from digital marketing and SEO services, it also provides the best solutions for web designing and app development. One of the clients ranked on the 1st page within 40 days. Call: Not Available Get a Quote Address: Part 2, Basement Floor, Plot 7, Lane 2, Westend Marg, Near Saket Metro, New Delhi, Delhi 110030 #5. Saletify Verified 78.7% 2012 High Cost Saletify ranks among the leading digital marketing services in Pune that offer quality solutions for your business growth. Branding, link building, lead generation, and thorough website analysis are some of the perks you get while working with Saletify. The portfolio boasts of 150+ successful projects within 4 years within affordable prices. Get a Quote Address: Office No. 305, 3rd Floor, Kumar Primus, India, Hadapsar Industrial Estate, Hadapsar, Pune, Maharashtra 411037 #6. BACPOST Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Verified 76.4% 2012 High Cost BACPOST Technologies is a result-oriented SEO service agency in Pune. It is the best digital marketing company in the market that provides an array of services including keyword optimization, email campaigns, bulk SMS services, and online brand management. It has served a plethora of industries over time using excellent strategies and a team of marketing experts. It has main Indian offices in Kolkata and overseas offices in the USA and Australia. Get a Quote Address: Victoria Park, # 9TH Floor, Plot No. GN 37/2, Sector-V #7. Ethon technologies Verified 72.1% 2012 High Cost Ethon technologies are known for creating effective marketing strategies for businesses to manifest growth. It is one of the top-rated digital marketing agencies in Pune that offers digital media solutions. The services are not limited to online branding and marketing, but website development, mobile app development are other options to try this company. Call: Not Available Get a Quote Address: Rajshree, Near Cummins Office, Balewadi,Pune - 411045 #8. Everlasting SEO Verified 68.9% 2012 Medium Everlasting SEO is a well known SEO service and digital marketing company in Pune that values customer satisfaction. It works thoroughly to measure the business growth at every step from initial to completion. With the use of efficient marketing tools and resources, it ensures superior quality branding and company promotion to its clients. Call: +91 084012 30707 Get a Quote Address: B-202, jay ganesh verdusta, b wing, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Maharashtra 411018 #9. Yashus Verified 67.7% 2012 Low Yashus aims at implementing strategies that engage and convert potential customers into leads. From the basics of marketing to high ranking solutions by skilled professionals, it strives to help clients face any challenges. It is listed among the top SEO and digital marketing services in Pune that ensures all-round brand development. Call: +91-93705-73598 Get a Quote Address: Office No. 303, Third floor, Kolte Patil City Space,, Next to CTR, Above Mahindra, Viman Nagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411014 #10. AD2Brand Verified 61.8% 2012 Low AD2Brand is a reputed digital marketing company in Pune that offers the best quality services. What you will like about the company is its timely deliverables, in-depth analysis, and cost-effective quality solutions. Branding, social media management, email campaigns, and keyword analysis help generate the best outcome for your business based on your audience Call: +91-99708 29392 Get a Quote Address: #310, Fortuna Complex, Opposite to McDonald's, above Radhe Krishna Hotel, Pimple Saudagar, Pune, Maharashtra 411027 Some questions to guide you on your hunt for top notch digital marketing agencies for your brand Though now you know a handful of award-winning digital marketing and SEO companies in Pune, you might need this. Here are a few questions we thought will prove helpful before you decide which agency will do the trick for you. Which company is best for digital marketing in Pune? Orangus is the best digital marketing company in Pune that helps you rank on the top pages in search engines. If you are a well known and established company, you should not miss this one. For small businesses and startups, it is ideal to start with local SEO services in Pune before investing big amounts in top-rated digital marketing agencies. Where can I find a good SEO company in Pune? Look for top-rated SEO agencies in Pune online. Analyze them based on the data and portfolio provided online. The companies that are in the business for more than 5-8 years, surely know a great deal about digital marketing strategies. Drop an email or arrange a demo meeting with them, all of them share a basic plan and cost. Compare what works best for you initially within your budget, also look for any testimonials from your industry or competitors that have worked with them. Reviews and feedback are always helpful. Why is digital marketing & SEO important to grow your business in Pune? These days everyone is trying to keep up with the digital trends and latest business technologies. If you wish to take your business online or even create awareness for your local business, digital marketing companies and SEO agencies can help you achieve that with accuracy and using their in-depth knowledge. They can create awareness, promote your company, generate leads and convert them into sales within affordable prices as they have access to all the necessary resources that you need for online marketing.
Remember this when you hire the most apt digital marketing agency in Pune for your business
The digital marketing agencies aim at maximum ROI and the best possible solutions to any digital challenge faced by startups as well as medium or large enterprises. The above list of top-rated digital marketing companies in Pune ensures all-round brand development within an affordable price range. The prices vary based on your services. By 2020, the competition will get tougher, leaving no room for brands rumpled branding strategies. In that case, the more you get hold of the latest technologies in digital marketing, the better. You can achieve anything, if you make use of the right resources at the right time.Hope this answers your question when searching for the best SEO services in Pune Do Like & Share if you found this information helpful. “Need help and expert’s advice. Please leave your comment in box below” Read the full article
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asfeedin · 4 years
A Preparation Checklist for Marketers
Raise your hand if you’d rather watch a video to learn something new than read about it.
Go ahead — you’re not alone. 59% of executives say they’d rather watch a video than read text, too. And really, that number makes sense — we are a society of video streamers. (I mean, hello, Netflix.)
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But if you’re not sure how to run a live stream event on social media, fear not. We’re here to make sure you don’t just hit the “Live” button on Facebook and stare at the camera like a deer in headlights. Instead, we’ve come up with a comprehensive checklist to help you plan your first — or next — live stream. 
How Live Streaming Works
Live streaming is a way to broadcast your events to an online audience. It’s a digital alternative to something like selling tickets to an in-person event and allows you to reach people near and far with live video.
Brands use live streaming for a few different reasons, but according to a Brandlive survey, 74% of businesses used it to engage with their consumer base. So instead of being the proverbial “man behind the curtain,” you’re allowing viewers to put a face (or faces) to your organization’s name, all in real time.
Live streaming can be used for a number of different event types, as well. Everyone from the White House to fashion houses to chefs have live-streamed videos of economy briefings, runway shows, and cooking demos, respectively. Here at HubSpot, we’ve used it for things like interviews with thought leaders. So feel free to be creative — just make sure you’ve got your bases covered.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Live Streaming
When you’re ready to start learning how to live stream successfully, follow these steps:
1. Plan your live stream like you would any other event.
Think about some of the most popular talk shows. Can you imagine if the guests, sets, lighting, and schedules for something like “The Tonight Show” weren’t planned in advance? To say the least, it might be chaotic.
You’ll want to put the same thought and due diligence into your live stream that you’d put into an in-person event of its kind. And you’ll want to have your goals in mind as you begin to make those plans; those will dictate a lot of the logistics.
Knowing your target audience will determine a few pieces of the planning process. If it includes an international population, that should factor into the date and time of your stream — be sure to think about time zones or holidays that might not be top-of-mind in your home country.
Then, think of what category your live stream falls into, and create a title for your event. In case you don’t find any of the above examples fitting to your business, we’ve got some ideas for ways businesses can use live videos.
HubSpot’s Social Media Marketing Manager, Chelsea Hunersen, stresses the importance of thoroughly researching the topic of your live stream in advance.
“Decide important points or stats to hit,” she says. And if you’re going to feature guests, “designate a moderator/host who can make sure these points are hit and can wrap up the conversation if necessary.”
The platform you use (which we’ll get to in a bit) can also be dependent on who you want to view the stream. Different audiences use different channels, so you’ll want to pick the one that’s most likely to draw the crowd you want.
Finally, pick an optimal location from which you’ll broadcast your stream. Consumers have a low tolerance for a bad stream, watching for at most 90 seconds if the connection is spotty or poor-quality, so make sure your setting is conducive to a positive viewing experience. Does it have good lighting? Is it prone to a lot of noise? Is there a chance that your dog walker will barge in yelling, “Who’s a good boy?” loud enough for the entire audience to hear? (Not that that’s happened to me.)
Think of these contingencies, then pick a streaming venue that insulates you from them.
2. Choose your platform.
Here’s where you’ll really need to have your goals in mind since different platforms can achieve different things.
YouTube Live
YouTube Live Events tend to have “two goals,” says Megan Conley, HubSpot’s Content Marketing Strategist. “Registrants and attendees.”
So, if you’re looking to boost revenue — which 75% of marketing professionals are using video to do — YouTube Live is one of the best platforms to use.
Here’s how that works. First, if you don’t have one already, you’ll need to create an account on Google, which you’ll then use to create one on YouTube.
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Once that’s done, you can use YouTube’s Live Streaming Events dashboard to schedule a future stream — just click on “Enable live streaming,” if you haven’t already set it up.
YouTube requires a 24-hour buffer between the time that you enable live streaming and your first live. Once that 24-hour period is up, all you have to do is log into your YouTube Studio.
Then, click the “Create” button in the top right corner.
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This will prompt a drop-down that asks you to choose between uploading a video or going live. Choose “Go live.”
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YouTube will then prompt you to complete some basic info such as its title and what age group the video is made for. You’ll also need to decide if you’re going live right away or scheduling it for a certain time. 
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After that, you’ll need to indicate if you want your event to be public or private — here’s where you’ll decide how you want to use your live stream to generate leads.
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The Unlisted option accomplishes two things:
I’ll be able to generate a link that attendees will get only after they fill out a registration form.
It won’t stream directly onto my YouTube page.
Once you’re done, click “Next” You will be asked to smile to take a thumbnail, so make sure you’re camera-ready. From there, you have the option to “Go Live” or “Share” your content.
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Click “Share,” and that will generate your event’s URL. As I mentioned above, you can keep that behind a landing page where attendees fill out a form to register.
Conley says that, generally, this type of live stream is embedded on a thank-you page behind a landing page form. 
If you use the HubSpot COS, all you’ll need is the link, and the system will generate the embed code for you.
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Just click “insert media,” paste the link you copied from YouTube, and you’re done.
If embedding isn’t an option, you can still just put a link there — the embed code just creates a seamless design that you can place right on your thank-you page. Either way, be sure to use the thank-you page as a place to remind your attendees of the date and time of the event.
There’s also the option to make your YouTube Live Event completely open to the public. That’s a good option, Conley says, for a major event that you “want anyone and everyone to be able to find.” But if you make your stream public, she points out, make sure you use the event to promote gated content you want your audience to download.
“An image CTA would do,” she notes, as would holding up clearly printed short links throughout the stream (Make sure you have those printed out in advance!). In the image above, you’ll also see that you can add a message to your video — you can mention your gated content there, too. 
Facebook Live has been making quite a few headlines lately, and businesses stand to benefit from it — Facebook Live videos produce 6 times as many interactions as traditional videos.
Even without pre-registration, you can definitely promote streams on this platform in advance, which we’ll touch on later. In the meantime, if you haven’t used it before, check out my colleague Lindsay Kolowich’s overview of Facebook Live.
The interface for Facebook has recently changed, so you’ll have an easier time live streaming from your mobile Facebook app. 
Depending on your device, you may see the “Live” option right under the Composer when you open the app. Alternatively, you may need to click “Create Post” at the top of your News Feed, then select the three horizontal dots in the Composer. 
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You’ll have a chance to write a comment about your video. Once you’ve done that, you can select “Go Live” in the bottom left corner. 
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Instagram Live
You can also live stream on Instagram. With Instagram Live, a functionality in the Instagram Stories feature, you’re able to broadcast video streams and save the replay to your Stories. Users are able to engage through likes and comments during the stream. 
This is a great platform for live streaming since Instagram Stories are used by 500 million users per day, and one-third of most-viewed Stories are from businesses. 
Keep in mind that you cannot post to Instagram from your browser, so open the mobile Instagram app to begin your live stream. Then, select the camera icon in the top left corner next to the Instagram logo. 
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At the bottom of the camera viewer is a menu that scrolls horizontally. Select “Live.”
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The shutter button will change to a broadcast icon. This will immediately take you live if you tap it, so make sure you’re camera ready. 
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  Twitter Live
Twitter’s advantage is that you can easily share and promote content to a large audience, even if you don’t have a large following. In addition, hot topics spread more quickly than other media outlets. 
If you want to hit the ground running and generate buzz, Twitter is a great choice. However, you cannot go live on Twitter from your browser, so open the mobile Twitter app when you’re ready to start your broadcast. 
Once there, open the Tweet composer by clicking the button with the feather and plus sign. 
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Select the camera icon. 
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At the bottom of the camera viewer is the choice between “Capture” and “Live.” Choose “Live.” 
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The shutter button will be replaced with a button that says “Go Live.” This will immediately take you live, so make sure that you have everything set up before pressing it. 
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Since 2018, TikTok has had major buzz as the newest big player in the social media game as a platform for short-form videos. While TikTok’s audience trends younger with 41% of users between 16-24 years old, more people and brands are taking to the platform, as evidenced by its place as the fourth most downloaded app in 2018. 
One big drawback is that you can only go live on TikTok if you have 1,000 followers. For accounts where this isn’t a problem, here’s how to broadcast live: 
Open your TikTok mobile app and select the plus sign at the bottom of the screen. 
Then, enter the title of your stream and select “start.” 
It’s that easy!
The live streaming options certainly don’t end there. Major brands have also used platforms like Periscope, Livestream, and Twitch. They all have their own sets of features and advantages, so definitely take the time to look into which one best suits your needs.
3. Choose your equipment.
When it comes to the actual hardware required for your live stream, some of it is fairly intuitive: A camera is pretty standard, for example, or a device with one installed (like a laptop or phone).
But if you do use your phone, Conley says, be sure to use a tripod. “There’s nothing worse than recording a Facebook Live and having your arm start to fall asleep five minutes into the recording,” she advises. “Use a phone tripod to give your live streaming a professional look.”
Consider how professional you want your sound quality to be, too. Your camera might have its own microphone, but if your setting is more prone to noise, body mics might not be a bad idea, either.
And when you’re using an external camera, says Hunersen, you’ll also need some sort of encoding software (Facebook has a great step-by-step guide to that). That’s what converts the camera footage into a format that your streaming platform understands and can broadcast to viewers. The software you use might depend on your budget, but to get started, check out this one from Adobe.
Also, think about setting up a professional backdrop, like one with your logo. That can help to brand your videos and give them some visual consistency, which is a particularly good practice if you plan to do a lot of live streaming in the future.
Want to take that a step further? “Set up a makeshift studio in your office to speed up the prep time for all of your future recordings,” Conley says. “A beautiful, branded backdrop could be just what your Facebook Live needs to help grab the attention of someone quickly scrolling through their News Feed.”
4. Promote your live stream.
Congratulations! You’ve now completed a lot of the major planning and setup for your live stream. Now, how do you get people to watch it?
As we’ve covered, using a landing page is a good way to get enrollment on a platform like Hangouts On Air (or, as of September 12th, YouTube Live). Here’s an example of how we recently used one at HubSpot:
There’s a clear CTA here — “View The Video” — which, when clicked, takes the visitor to a registration form. (And check out this rundown of which channels drive the best conversion rates — it’s got some tips on getting people to your landing page in the first place.)
Once someone fills out the form on your landing page, it should lead them to a thank-you page, where you can share some promotional information about the live stream.
HubSpot’s Co-Marketing Demand Generation Manager, Christine White, suggests creating a “Next Steps” section here with actionable items like “add this event to your calendar” and “check back here on [the date of your event]” to remind viewers that’s where they’ll go to view the live stream.
And once you have contact information for your registrants, Conley reminds us, “you can email the people on that list on the day of, and remind them when it’s going to go live.”
But to promote your Facebook Live stream, says Conley, “It’s really about doing a social image and spreading the word that you are going live at a specific time.”
Don’t rule out using social media to promote live streams on other platforms, too. Some of them, like YouTube, allow you to link your social accounts and push content in multiple places. And if your guests are active on social media, leverage that by including links to their handles in any related content, and ask them to promote the event with their own networks.
5. Do a dry run.
There’s a reason why we do dress rehearsals. When I was in a high school show choir — a humiliating but factual piece of history — it was to make sure I didn’t trip over my dance partner in high-heeled tap shoes.
In the world of live streaming, though, we do dry runs to avoid more technical, but equally embarrassing, missteps. Improv can be hilarious, but not when it means you’re verbally unprepared or your equipment stops working and you don’t have a backup plan.
6. Prep any guest speakers.
Is there anything worse than a moment of awkward, dumbfounded silence?
As part of your dry run, make sure your guests are prepared for any questions they might be asked. Don’t over-rehearse, but do what you can to prevent catching them off-guard.
“It may help to give some questions in advance to a potential guest,” says Hunersen, “but save some follow-up or in-depth questions for on-air, so that you’re able to let them be both prepared and react in the moment.”
7. Test your audio and internet connection.
You might want people to talk about your live stream, but not if all they’re going to say is, “We can’t hear you.” Make sure all of your audio equipment is working both during your dry run and on the day of the stream. Having an extra microphone and batteries on hand probably won’t hurt, either.
Make sure your network can handle a live stream, too. If you’re streaming high quality video, for example, you’ll need both a wire connection and a 3G/4G wireless connection, according to Cleeng.
In other words, make sure your WiFi is working, but also, “grab an ethernet cord,” says Conley. “One thing you can’t help is if your internet connection unexpectedly goes out.”
We know — even the sound of “ethernet” seems terribly old school. But if your WiFi suddenly drops, you’ll be glad you busted that cord out of storage.
8. Set up social media monitoring.
One great thing about live streaming is your audience’s ability to join the conversation and comment in real time. 
Juliana Nicholson, Sr. Marketing Manager at HubSpot, advises to “Have a plan for audience engagement. Know when and how you plan to incorporate audience feedback and Q&As and then clearly communicate that information to your attendees.” This will make it so much easier to encourage participation.
But that’s not all you should do with regard to engagement. If you’ve watched any Facebook Live feed, you’ve seen that the comments roll in fast. So while it’s awesome to invite and answer viewer questions, it can be overwhelming, especially if you personalize your responses.
That’s why it’s a great idea to dedicate someone to monitoring social media, comments, and questions during the live feed.
That task can be made a bit easier with something like a branded hashtag created specifically for this live stream. For platforms with built-in comment feeds, for example, you can ask your viewers to preface any questions with it — that can help qualify what needs to be answered.
You could even take that a step further and use the hashtag throughout the planning process, making sure to include it on your landing page, thank-you page, and promotional messages leading up to the event. That helps to create buzz around the live stream. And if you use HubSpot’s Social Inbox, here’s a great place to take advantage of its monitoring feature, which lets you prioritize and reply to social messages based on things like keywords or hashtags. 
After Your Live Stream
It’s always nice to follow up with your attendees after your live stream has ended. Thank them for their time, give them a head’s up about your next event, and invite them to download a piece of relevant content. If you’ve followed these steps, you’ve probably done a great job of using your live stream to generate leads, so keep up the momentum and nurture them. 
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Tags: Checklist, Marketers, PREPARATION
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alexianewsletter · 5 years
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AdChoices Login Join Extra Crunch Search Startups Apps Gadgets Videos Audio Newsletters Extra Crunch Advertise Events — More Transportation Apple Tesla Security Extra Crunch Why Kepler is building its full-stack satellite business in Canada Darrell Etherington Kickstarter workers vote to unionize Brian Heater How Spotify ran the largest Google Dataflow job ever for Wrapped 2019 Frederic Lardinois SpaceX and a new partner announce space tourism launches on Dragon starting as early as 2021 Darrell Etherington Walmart reports lower-than-expected Q4 earnings, despite e-commerce sales growth of 35% Sarah Perez The Latest Facebook backs Indian education startup Unacademy Manish Singh 2:20 pm IST • February 19, 2020 Unacademy, one of India’s fastest growing education startups, has just received the backing of a major technology giant: Facebook. The social juggernaut has participated in the four-year-old ... Well, Bill Gates is never going to buy a Tesla now Connie Loizos 7:20 am IST • February 19, 2020 Elon Musk is not one to mince words, but he may have just lost a potential customer because of a cutting tweet. That customer is renowned big deal Bill Gates, who sat down recently with YouTuber Ma... DeFiance: billion-dollar finance, million-dollar hacks, and very little value Jon Evans 7:04 am IST • February 19, 2020 Over the last year or so, much-to-most of the cryptocurrency world has pivoted from the failure of “fat protocol” tokens and ICOs, and the faltering growth of “Layer 2” paym... Extra Crunch Fifth Wall’s Brendan Wallace on coronavirus, WeWork and what’s shaking up proptech Last week, we interviewed Brendan Wallace, a real estate-focused venture capitalist whose portfol... 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Brian Heater 3:00 am IST • February 19, 2020 Sign up for Newsletters See all newsletters(opens in a new window) The Daily Crunch Week in Review Extra Crunch Roundup Startups Weekly The Station Max Q - A newsletter about space Event Updates Sponsorship Insider Crunchbase Daily Email Subscribe Indian police open case against hundreds in Kashmir for using VPN Manish Singh 2:46 am IST • February 19, 2020 Local authorities in India-controlled Kashmir have opened a case against hundreds of people who used virtual private networks (VPNs) to circumvent a social media ban in the disputed Himalayan regio... Extra Crunch Do trade shows still matter in the age of online business? Brian Heater 2:46 am IST • February 19, 2020 The death of Mobile World Congress 2020 started as a trickle. First, it was an understandably nervous ZTE. As a Chinese company, it was undoubtedly going to receive extra scrutiny — never mind that... Where we’ll be next Join the Q&A with top speakers at TC Sessions: Robotics + AI (March 3) Brian Heater 2:30 am IST • February 19, 2020 Over the past four years, TechCrunch has brought together some of the biggest names in robotics — founders, CEOs, VCs and researchers — for TC Sessions: Robotics + AI. The show has prov... Patreon enters the micro-lending game with Patreon Capital Lucas Matney 1:31 am IST • February 19, 2020 Patreon, a platform for creators to earn monetary support from fans, is busting out the checkbook. The startup isn’t playing VC quite yet with newly launched Patreon Capital, but they are hoc... TubeMogul, Uber alums launch Arize AI for AI observability Anthony Ha 1:24 am IST • February 19, 2020 A new startup called Arize AI is building what it calls a real-time analytics platform for “observability” in artificial intelligence and machine learning. The company is led by CEO Jas... 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Extra Crunch Why Kepler is building its full-stack satellite business in Canada Darrell Etherington 12:12 am IST • February 19, 2020 Toronto-based telecommunications startup Kepler Communications surprised many recently when it revealed plans to establish its own satellite assembly and base the operation in its own hometown inst... Secret’s founder returns with anti-loneliness app Ikaria Josh Constine 12:01 am IST • February 19, 2020 “I don’t feel good about that. That sucks,” Chrys Bader-Wechseler reflects when asked about the bullying that went down on the anonymous app Secret he co-founded in 2013. After $3... NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine is coming to TC Sessions: Space 2020 Darrell Etherington 11:27 pm IST • February 18, 2020 This year marks our first-ever TC Sessions: Space event, and what better way to kick things off than with the head of NASA: Administrator Jim Bridenstine will join us onstage on June 25 in LA. NASA... 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GettyImages 882835194 How Spotify ran the largest Google Dataflow job ever for Wrapped 2019 Frederic Lardinois 11:00 pm IST • February 18, 2020 In early December, Spotify launched its annual personalized Wrapped playlist with its users’ most-streamed sounds of 2019. That has become a bit of a tradition and isn’t necessarily any... Spotify mimics Apple’s design with new podcast show page updates Sarah Perez 10:45 pm IST • February 18, 2020 Spotify’s ongoing investments in the podcast-streaming side of its business helped boost podcast listening on its service by 200% last year. But today, only 16% of Spotify’s monthly lis... Aisera, an AI tool to help with customer service and internal operations, exits stealth with $50M Ingrid Lunden 10:40 pm IST • February 18, 2020 Robotic process automation — the ability to automate certain repetitive software-based tasks to free up people to focus on work that computers cannot do — has become a major growth area... 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African crowdsolving startup Zindi scales 10,000 data scientists Jake Bright 1:00 pm IST • February 18, 2020 Cape Town based startup Zindi has registered 10,000 data-scientists on its platform that uses AI and machine learning to crowdsolve complex problems in Africa. Founded in 2018, the early-stage vent... Zindi Team in Cape Town 1 Gojek reportedly buys 4.3% stake in Indonesian taxi company Blue Bird Catherine Shu 12:41 pm IST • February 18, 2020 Gojek has paid $30 million to take a minority stake in Blue Bird, one of the largest taxi operators in Indonesia, according to Bloomberg, which first reported that the deal was in progress last mon... gojek SumUp launches Mastercard-powered ‘SumUp Card’ for business payments Steve O'Hear 12:30 pm IST • February 18, 2020 SumUp, the London-based fintech company that enables small businesses to take card payments via its device and online, is launching its own pre-paid card in partnership with Mastercard. Dubbed R... https://ift.tt/2SUKmHG
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android-for-life · 5 years
"One year, three highlights: Google for Nonprofits looks back"
Imagine ending homelessness, solving climate change, or guaranteeing a sustainable future for the world. Nonprofits work hard to make these goals a reality. They tackle the most urgent issues facing society, and Google products help make their missions more visible and far-reaching. Let’s look at three ways the nonprofit community thrived in 2019 with the support of Google for Nonprofits and partner teams.
1. Staying in the know
Followers of Google for Nonprofits’ monthly newsletters and livestreams enjoyed a steady stream of news and tips about Google products. They learned how to spread their messages on YouTube, how to make a bigger impact with Google Earth and Maps, and gained insights from Google Analytics. 
Nonprofits also learned from each other. Thrive DC shared their mission to end homelessness in Washington, D.C., and how Google for Nonprofits helped them drastically improve their efficiency and productivity. GoVolunteer described how Google helps them grow and develop inclusion programs for immigrants and refugees in Germany.
Along with hearing these inspiring stories, nonprofits asked questions and supported each other on the newly launched Google for Nonprofits community forum. And they discovered an updated Google for Nonprofits site that’s more useful for everyone, including visitors with accessibility needs.
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Thrive DC clients attend Culinary Arts, a program to teach culinary skills and provide new job opportunities to vulnerable populations.
2. Connecting with the community
Sixty-five nonprofits attended a day-long workshop that Google for Nonprofits held at Google’s Community Space in San Francisco. They received training on using YouTube to spread awareness and heard Invisible People speak about building empathy and support for those affected by homelessness.
In April, attendees of Google Cloud Next listened to the Google for Nonprofits team discuss how G Suite empowers nonprofits to collaborate and communicate more effectively. Two nonprofits also shared their experiences and best practices (watch the recording).
3. Putting themselves (and trees) on the map
In 2019, around 2,000 nonprofits across 59 countries used Google Maps Platform credits to raise their profiles and encourage others to join their mission.
Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms USA, which helps travelers find and work on organic farms, added Maps to their site so visitors could zoom in on any area in the U.S., see all the available farms and filter their search to narrow in on the right farms for them. After the switch to Google Maps Platform, WWOOF-USA’s page views increased to 8 million and the number of paying members nearly tripled since May 2018. 
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A cow in an WWOOF-USA eco farm.
People also relied on YouTube to get more eyes on fundraising campaigns. In October, YouTube creator Mr. Beast vowed to get 20 million trees planted by the end of the year. The campaign, #TeamTrees, engaged other YouTube creators to promote the effort. More than 200 creators either posted videos about #TeamTrees or promoted it by using YouTube Giving.
We’re looking forward to more partnerships and stories in 2020. To stay up to date on all the latest nonprofit news, you can subscribe to our newsletter and YouTube channel, and join us at the Nonprofit Technology Conference in Maryland this March where we’ll be a platinum sponsor.
Source : The Official Google Blog via Source information
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