#where my kkbb fans at
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He’s a detective.
He’s just Harry.
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comfort movie tag game
thanks for tagging me @odd-kid-42 ! list 7 comfort movies and tag 7 ppl idk if i'll be able to list 7 movies or tag 7 people but i'll try! also idk how everyone else was defining "comfort movie" but i'm defining it as "movie that i can put on at any time with no hedging and no hesitation, you suggest it and i'll go 'sure'" anyway, in no particular order: 1) kiss kiss bang bang
it's where my username comes from! as a teenager/young adult who loved black comedies and film noir as a teen/young adult finding a movie that combined the two was formative and life changing for me and i quote it endlessly to this day and watch it every christmas
2) hot fuzz
acab and all that but this movie is so fucking funny. also a formative film of my late teens/early twenties, i also really loved deconstructions and affectionate parodies and still do so this is right up my alley, and i'm convinced both kkbb and hot fuzz has informed my sense of humor and will continue to do so
3) tim burton's nightmare before christmas
this movie was my personality as a 13 year old and might have been my first fandom where i actually talked with other fans and actively participated with other people. i remember all the OCs of Jack and Sally's kids that were made with amused fondness. also this movie used to have a bafflingly large and extensive wiki page and to this day i have no idea why. i actually watch this movie not on halloween or christmas, but thanksgiving -- it's right between the two holidays
4) who framed roger rabbit
i fucking love this movie, this movie might have made me give live action movies a chance as a kid/pre-teen because i hated live action movies for the longest time (like i hated e.t. and the goonies and a lot of live action 'kid' films, i still hate e.t. tbh that thing was NOT cute!) and as an adult i am blown away at the amount of love and effort that went into making the toons look so real and interact so organically with the live action world and of course bob hoskins is a king and he was robbed of an oscar nom, change my mind
5) the truman show
this might also be a contender for movie that made me give live-action movies a chance, and i can't even use the 'jim carrey is a live action cartoon man' excuse because he's at his least cartoony (at the time) here. i think i just like my comedies to have a hint of darkness in them, and a man unknowingly trapped in an artificial world for the amusement of millions is a little bit more than a hint i guess
6) everything everywhere all at once
i agree, this is a warm quilt of a movie, about family and the lengths we go through to achieve some modicum of understanding but also i am so SO weak for a wong kar wai/in the mood for love homage and also also i've said this before but i think people forget how genuinely fucking FUNNY this film is, like gut-bustingly hilarious
7) spotlight
OKAY I KNOW this is a weird choice for "comfort" since it's literally about the abuse in the catholic church and the team that helped uncover it, but i think that's partly why i consider it a comfort movie, like even the worst, most well-hidden things in the world can eventually get uncovered and laid bare for the world to see, and i guess that puts my mind at ease, at least a little what people decide to do with that information is a whole different story though i tag @electricxmayhem @spelviin @simplyfroggy @eels-eels-eelsrobot and anyone else who wants to do this
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