#where the arrival would be. so only about 20-30 fans were there on the tarmac that chanced waiting on that day and time
lllsaslll · 2 years
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There Had Been Rumors All Day About Elvis... By Jerry Kenion Greensboro Daily News March 14, 1974
Then the sleek white plane touched down and taxied toward the front of Atlantic Aero. There was a rush for the doors as two dozen women braved the jet blast to move a bit closer to the plane. The black limousine was parked just steps from where the singing star would hit the bottom step of the plane's stairs. Several people left the plane and climbed into the limousine. Then, there he was. The King. He walked slowly down the stairs, the wind blowing his black caped coat, and flared black trousers. Elvis paused to greet someone in his exclusive circle, glanced up through tinted sunglasses at the few fans waving and taking pictures, and disappeared into the limousine.
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nationalparkposters · 4 years
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Visiting Dry Tortugas National Park
Visiting Dry Tortugas National Park: Some 70 miles west of Key West Florida, in the Gulf of Mexico, lies one of North America's most inaccessible national parks. Renowned for pirate legends, shipwrecks, and sheer unspoiled beauty, Dry Tortugas National Park harbors unrivaled coral reefs and marine life, an annual birding spectacle, and majestic Fort Jefferson, the largest masonry stronghold in the Western Hemisphere. Getting There Accessible only by boat or seaplane, just 60,000 visitors make it to Dry Tortugas National Park each year. Compare that to the more than 330 million people who visited America's national parks last year. But it's really no surprise when you consider what's involved just getting there. The jumping off point is Key West, Florida, and from there, you can choose between an all-day boat ride, and half- or full-day seaplane trips, assuming you don't have your own vessel. Pre-Flight When I visited Dry Tortugas National Park, I opted for the seaplane flight and checked in at the Key West Seaplane Adventures office at 7:30 for an 8:00 am flight. Even though it was late March, the sun was just rising, and filtered by wisps of pink and orange clouds. When the remaining nine passengers arrived, we received our briefing, were introduced to our pilot, and then walked out on to the tarmac together to board the DHC-3 DeHavilland Turbine Otter Amphibian. The plane can carry 10 passengers plus the pilot…and when the co-pilot seat was offered up, I literally jumped at the opportunity! Our pilot has been flying to and from Dry Tortugas for years. He would make five trips to and from Dry Tortugas that day…and after dropping us off, his early morning return flight to Key West would be a solo one. Ready for Takeoff Once we had our seat belts fastened, and perhaps more importantly, our headphones on, the pilot began to narrate our early morning adventure as we taxied out on to the runway. I fired up my video camera…and before I knew it we were airborne heading due east into the morning sun, and just as quickly banking south, then west for a bird's eye view of Key West. It was only then that I had the exhilarating realization I would be setting down in a place I'd only been able to conjure in my imagination — turquoise waters, green sea turtles, bright coral, frigate birds, shipwrecks, and a coastal fortress some 170 years old. The co-pilot's seat offered the perfect view of Key West, its hotels, Duvall Street and Mallory Square, which quickly faded from view. The pilot pumped some music into our headphones…though I wasn't quite sure what to make of his first selection: Tom Petty's “Free Fallin'”! Flying at at 130 knots, we were quickly over an area called the “Flats,” a body of shallow water just 3–5 feet deep extending almost 20 miles to the west. Flying at just 500 feet above the water, these shallows are teeming with Loggerhead turtles and you could clearly see dozens of them swimming about as we cruised overhead. 25 miles out, we flew directly over Marquesas Islands, a coral atoll…and then over an area called the “Quicksands.” Here the water is 30 feet deep with a sea bed of constantly shifting sand dunes. This is where treasure hunter Mel Fisher found the Spanish Galleons Antocha and Margarita — and more than a half a billion dollars of gold and silver strewn across an eight mile area. They continue to work the site, and even today, there are regular finds of huge Spanish Emeralds. But it wasn't long from my vantage point in the cockpit before I could begin to make out Fort Jefferson on Garden Key, and further west, the lighthouse on Loggerhead Key. Fort Jefferson, a massive but unfinished coastal fortress, is the largest brick masonry structure in the Americas. Composed of over 16 million bricks, the building covers 16 acres. Florida was acquired from Spain (1819–1821) by the United States, which considered the 75 mile stretch connecting the Gulf Coast and Atlantic Ocean important to protect, since anyone who occupied the area could seize control of the trade routes along the Gulf Coast. Construction of Fort Jefferson began on Garden Key in 1847, and although more than $250,000 had been spent by 1860, the fort was never finished. As the largest 19th century American masonry coastal fort, it also served as a remote prison facility during the Civil War. The most famous inmate was Dr. Samuel Mudd, who set the leg of John Wilkes Booth following the assassination of President Lincoln. Mudd was convicted of conspiracy and was imprisoned on the Dry Tortugas from 1865 to 1869. The fort continued to serve as a military prison until 1874. Almost There… Our pilot banked the De Havilland to the right, providing a spectacular view of the islands and Fort Jefferson, heading the seaplane into the wind for the smoothest landing I've ever experienced — on land or sea — gently skimming the surface, and we glided effortlessly across the turquoise waters and headed towards shore. One more roar of the engines, a quick turn, and we were up on the beach ready to disembark. We arrived about 8:30 AM…and aside from the 10 passengers on board, a half dozen campers at one end of the Garden Key, and a few National Park Service employees, we had the island to ourselves. As I watched the seaplane take off, heading back to Key West, it struck me just how isolated we were in this remote ocean wilderness. I imagined the islands didn't look much different to Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de León, credited for discovering the islands in 1531. He named them Las Tortugas, or “The Turtles,” as the islands and surrounding waters were aswarm with loggerhead , hawksbill, leatherback, and green turtles. For nearly three hundred years, pirates raided not only passing ships, but relied on turtles for meat and eggs and also pilfered the nests of roosting sooty and noddy terns. Nautical charts began to show that The Tortugas were dry — due to the lack of fresh water — and eventually the islands were renamed as The Dry Tortugas. Taking advantage of the early morning light, I headed inside the fort, making my way up the spiral staircase, and stepped out of the old Garden Key lighthouse built in 1825. The lighthouse is no longer in use, since the “new” 167 foot tall lighthouse on Loggerhead Key, completed in 1858, continues to flash its beacon to mariners, warning of the shallow waters. The view from atop of Fort Jefferson provided a spectacular 360 degree panorama. And besides the few spits of land that make up the park, there was nothing but sky and sea in every direction. About the Park Dry Tortugas National Park, situated at the farthest end of the Florida Keys, is closer to Cuba than to the American mainland. A cluster of seven islands, composed mostly of sand and coral reefs, just 93 of the park's 64,000 acres are above water. The three easternmost keys are simply spits of white coral sand, while 49-acre Loggerhead Key, three miles out, marks the western edge of the island chain. The park's sandy keys are in a constant state of flux — shaped by tides and currents, weather and climate. In fact, four islands completely disappeared between 1875 and 1935, a testament to the fragility of the ecosystem. The Dry Tortugas are recognized for their near-pristine natural resources including seagrass beds, fisheries, and sea turtle and bird nesting habitat. The surrounding coral reefs make up the third-largest barrier reef system outside of Australia and Belize. President Franklin D. Roosevelt established Fort Jefferson National Monument under the Antiquities Act on January 4, 1935. It was expanded to it's current size in 1983, when the monument was re-designated by an act of Congress as Dry Tortugas National Park on October 26, 1992. Its charter: to protect the island and marine environment, to preserve Fort Jefferson and submerged cultural resources such as shipwrecks. Just 100 yards or so from Fort Jefferson is Bush Key. Home to a diverse collection of birds that frequent the islands, it features a mix of mangrove, sea oats, bay cedar, sea grape and prickly pear cactus, reflecting the original character of the islands. A great wildlife spectacle occurs each year between February and September, when as many as 100,000 sooty terns travel from the Caribbean Sea and west-central Atlantic Ocean to nest on the islands of the Dry Tortugas. Brown noddies, roseate terns, double-crested cormorants, brown pelicans and the Magnificent frigatebird, with its 7-foot wingspan, breed here as well. Although Bush Key was closed to visitors when I visited, hundreds, if not thousands of birds filled the skies and the sounds of their screeches and calls filled the otherwise tranquil surroundings. There is no water, food, bathing facilities, supplies, or public lodging (other than camping on Garden Key) in the park. All visitors, campers, and boaters are required to pack out whatever they pack in, so the National Park Service created a wi-fi hotspot — only at the dock — where you can scan a QR code and download a variety of PDFs to your phone or tablet. It's an idea that's bound to catch on with so many mobile devices, reducing the need to print (and throw away) paper brochures. Inside Fort Jefferson, a small visitor's center has a few exhibits and shows a short video. I stepped across the entranceway, and found an equally small office that houses the National Park Service employees who maintain and manage the park. Some of the best snorkeling in North America Although I was only on the half-day seaplane trip, I still had enough time for a quick swim and snorkel on the west side of Garden Key. In the late 1800s, the US Navy built piers and coaling warehouses for refueling, but strong storms destroyed them, leaving only their underpinnings. These pilings, and the deeper water of the dredged channel, now offer an excellent opportunity to see larger fish like tarpon, grouper, barracuda…as well as the occasional shark. Multi-colored sea fans swayed in the gentle current. Colorful reef fish — with their vivid and boldly patterned reds, yellows, greens and blues — were camouflaged amongst the bright coral and sea grasses. Today, turtle populations have diminished, but you may still be able to see green, loggerhead, hawksbill, and leatherback sea turtles. As I walked back to the changing rooms at the dock, the seaplane for my return flight was just landing and I realized my time at Dry Tortugas was coming to an end. If I ever have a chance to get back, I would definitely opt for the full day trip. A week later, after returning home to Colorado and was shoveling snow off of the driveway, a small plane passed overhead and I suddenly thought of my flight to Dry Tortugas : the bright sun, the crystal clear waters, the abundant life — above and below the water's surface — a surreal landscape so captivating, so remote, that even having seen it with my own eyes, I still somehow could barely imagine it. About the Author Rob Decker is a photographer and graphic artist who is currently on a quest to photograph and create iconic WPA-style posters for all 61 National Parks. Rob visited his first national park at age five and began photographing them at age seven on a 10,000 cross-country trip with his family. He would spend the next decade working on his own, building a wet darkroom with his grandfather in the garage and serving as head photographer for the high school yearbook. But Rob's professional training really started at age 19, when he had the rare opportunity to study under Ansel Adams in Yosemite National Park during the summer of 1979, less than five years before Mr. Adams passed away. Since then, he has visited and photographed 50 of the national parks in the US, including those in Alaska, Hawaii, and the Virgin Islands. Click here to see the current collection of posters. https://national-park-posters.com/blogs/national-park-posters/visiting-dry-tortugas-national-park?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=Sendible&utm_campaign=RSS
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itsworn · 7 years
A Look at Two LS Powered GM Pickup Trucks
When did half-ton pickup trucks become so cool? Probably about the same time folks realized they offer the same level of style and rear wheel drive performance potential as traditional 2-door coupes, sedans and convertibles, but for a fraction of the buy-in cost. We get it, too. Who needs a numbers matching, 1965 Tri-Power GTO, Hemi Road Runner or Mustang Cobra Jet when a tenth of the cash will buy any number of desirable V8 powered late model half-tonners? Add a few bolt-on goodies and these LS (GM), Modular OHC (Ford) and Gen III Hemi (Ram) V8 powered pickups can be just as quick and nimble as any classic muscle car.
Okay, we lied. We’d love a vintage Goat, ‘Runner or ‘Stang, but you cannot deny that pickups are the budget Car Crafter’s best friend. Done right, they combine the best traits of a hot rod, daily driver and parts hauler, all in one (just ask Truck Norris). In this story, lets’ examine a pair of potent but stealthy LS powered GM pick ‘em ups assembled from loose parts by the guys at NextGen performance in Spencer, Massachusetts. The money man behind this pair of trucksters is Mike “Tarmac Daddy” Shea. As one of the principles at Palmer Paving – a giant New England road surface contractor – Shea insisted on daily-driver reliability, and he got it. He also got more than twice the power of a stock truck, thanks to a smart combination of refurbished stock and inexpensive add-on parts. Lets’ have a look.
The Orange Monster 2002 GMC Sierra 1500, turbo 6.0 452 hp / 473.8 lb/ft
With its’ Safety Orange paint, blinking roof-top orange safety beacon and spoof door insignias (they read Department of Turbocharging), this utilitarian Jimmy would look right at home on a construction site lugging plywood, bags of cement, and other tools of the trades. However, this is one Sierra that’s been reformulated especially for play time.
Under the hood rests a totally stock iron block 6.0 that’s been fitted with a home-brewed turbo kit that kicks 452 hp and 473.8 lb/ft to the rear tires. Originally built in Ft. Wayne, Indiana by GM Truck and Bus plant workers, the stock drivetrain consisted of a 5.3 V8 and 4L60E automatic. Hoping to offset any potential turbo lag, NextGen swapped in a few more cubes via a refreshed – but otherwise stone stock – 6.0 liter.
Best of all, the 5.3 and 6.0 motor mounts are identical so it was a drop-in maneuver. The central nervous system (wiring harness and ECU) from a 2001 one-ton 2500 HD Silverado pickup connect the truck’s heart and body. And while the 5.3’s 4L60E 4-speed automatic can be beefed, a freshly rebuilt 4L80E went under the cab instead to squash any doubts.
Since GM only installs the burly 4L80E in ¾-ton-and-larger pickups, which take a different transmission cross member, Buzzell adapted the 4L80E mount to the 4L60E cross member. Conveniently, GM designed the cab floor tunnel to clear either transmission, so the only remaining detail was shortening the driveshaft by 2 inches and upgrading from 1330 to 1350 U-joints and yokes. Driveshaft Dave from Fleet Pride in Millbury, MA handled the chore.
Out back, the stock 30-spline, 8.5 inch rear axle – which GM Truck and Bus delivered with a 3.42 ratio and centrifugal-type locking differential – is retained. Buzzell says: “As weird as this differential is, with its centrifugal weight and dog gear setup, I’ve never broken one in general high performance use. Naturally, if you mount sticky drag slicks chances of breakage go way up, but for this purpose the stock locker is up to the job”.
And while the empty cargo bed, live axle, and increased power can trigger axle hop in most modified pickup trucks, the stock Silverado / Sierra staggered rear shock absorber layout (the driver side is mounted behind the axle centerline, the passenger side shock ahead of it) does a fine job of keeping the tires planted. Did the original 396 big block Camaro use a similar staggered-shock setup for the same reason? Yes it did.
NextGen’s Eric Buzzell says, “About the most complicated detail was fabricating and welding the passenger side exhaust manifold out of 304 stainless steel materials, and plumbing the turbo and intercooler systems”. Behind the wheel, the odd thing is how quiet the Orange Monster is. As with any tuned-up Buick turbo V6, it is possible to run without a muffler since much of the exhaust sound is absorbed by the turbocharger. That allowed installation of a Doug Thorley electric exhaust cut-out. When open, the stock single exhaust system is bypassed and the turbo spins up a little bit quicker.
Hardly a show poodle, this daily driven truck’s cooling duties are handled by the stock 5.3 V8 radiator (re-cored) and electric fans from a 2002 LS1 Camaro donor. It surprised us to learn that GM employed mechanical cooling fans on pickups all the way up to 2005. Ridding the serpentine belt accessory drive from this task sent an extra 15 horsepower to the rear tires. Ahead of the radiator, an eBay sourced intercooler helps maintain maximum charge density. With its stock steel wheels, Safety Orange paint and austere vibe, more than a few ZO6 drivers have watched the Orange Monster pull away on the open highway.
2004 Chevrolet Silverado; The Red Herring LSA supercharged 5.3 410.13 hp / 422 lb/ft.
Back in 2014, GM issued a factory service bulletin recalling nearly 20,000 2009-2013 CTS-V Cadillacs and 2012-2013 ZL1 Camaros. Though each was powered by the mighty Eaton-supercharged 6.2 liter LSA engine, a little item called the torsional isolator had a tendency to loosen up and rattle at idle. The affected superchargers didn’t stop working, they just made noise…more noise than a Caddy CTS-V owner wanted to hear while arriving at the country club valet parking station. The resulting warranty repair campaign (as described in GM Service Bulletin number 13313) put thousands of otherwise good superchargers on the used parts market.
The guys at NextGen Performance were ahead of the curve with a simple kit designed to allow fitment of these surplus belt-driven LSA blowers atop serviceable boneyard 5.3, 5.7 and 6.2 LS2 and LS3 V8’s. All it took was a quick drive coupler fix and these blowers were ready to breathe new life – and power – into LS engines on the cheap. (Read more information on that here)
The Red Herring Silverado was an early recipient of this NextGen LSA supercharger swap kit. Knowing the belt-driven LSA supercharger can produce boost sooner than an exhaust-driven turbocharger, the Red Herring’s stock displacement 5.3 liter LS was retained after some basic refurbishment. To bolster the crank-mounted pulley for the added duty of turning the Eaton supercharger, the crank snout and pulley were machined for a drive pin. Otherwise, the stock hydraulic roller cam (with LS6 valve springs added) and related bits were retained.
Another budget-motivated departure from the Orange Monster was keeping the stock 4L60E automatic transmission, but sending it to Maine Transmission Rebuilding where Eric Engel swapped in heftier bands, clutches, drums and a five-gear planetary from a 4L65E. This added a margin of safety without breaking the bank.
The stock 1,800 rpm stall speed torque converter – complete with functional lock-up feature – was retained as was the 8.5 inch rear axle. Still equipped with the centrifugal-type locker unit, a stroke of luck back in 2004 resulted in factory installation of somewhat uncommon 3.73 rear axle ratio. This helps the low end surge off the line but thanks to the overdrive top gear, doesn’t penalize the sedate highway manners of the LSA boosted 5.3.
Like the turbocharged Orange Monster, the supercharged Red Herring can fry the rear tires at will, but there’s a more obvious high performance mood on board. Much of it stems from the constant supercharger whine and burbling side-exit exhaust system. Both trucks carry factory-issue four wheel disc brakes with functional ABS. The subtly slammed Red Herring sits on Belltech spindles, shocks, springs and shackles. Just an inch lower than the Orange Monster, which received a two-inch lowering kit from McGaughy.
Either way, turbocharged or supercharged, an LS powered pickup truck represents a fantastic value for the performance seeker who also needs to get some work done. Plus, with their overdrive-equipped transmissions and stock cam timing, both examples depicted here can nudge 20-mpg when driven gently on the open road. Think it over, a fun truck might be your cure for the overpriced muscle car blues!
A former highway department fleet truck, the orange hue is factory original. It’s funny, when applied to GM muscle cars, it was called Hugger Orange (Z/28) and Carousel Red (GTO Judge). But when the exact same paint formula appeared on International Harvester vehicles, it was aptly named Safety Orange. Here SMG Motoring’s Fred Simmons watches as the Orange Monster cranks 452 horsepower on SMG Motoring’s Dynojet.
Truck sourced LS blocks might be 60 pounds heavier, but their cast iron construction adds rigidity and a better rebuild factor than car-sourced LS1 aluminum alternates. The stock throttle body and intake manifold are well suited to the 76 millimeter On-3 Performance turbocharger.
Eric Buzzell is a thinking man but admitted to “positioning the turbo where it fit best”. The braided oil feed line assures lubrication while the exhaust housing wrap reduces heat radiation to vulnerable surfaces.
Skipping fashion for function, dress-up goodies were intentionally ignored. The Turbosmart WG45 waste gate is set to pop at 7.0-psi.
Buzzell crafted the turbo-feed exhaust manifold from CNC plasma-cut 304 stainless plate and a pile of raw mandrel-bent tubing. The outside diameters range from 1-7/8 to 3.0 inches. The stock coil-near-plug ignition is fully up to the task.
The turbo runs so quietly, the Doug’s Headers plate-type electric exhaust cut-out is usually left open. Buzzell says: “You can definitely feel the extra power when it is open”.
Sandwiched between the radiator and grille, the intercooler helps maintain charge density moving down the road.
The stock 8.5-inch rear axle and its 3.42 gears remain untouched. Tough enough for street use, all parties agree its lifespan wouldn’t be long with sticky drag slicks. We dig the staggered shocks and single tailpipe.
Inside, can you spot the circular turbo boost gauge? It’s the only hint of the performance lurking under hood. The 6,000 rpm factory tachometer is accurate and a far cry from the rinky dink optional tachs from the sixties and seventies.
The in-house graphics department at Palmer Paving had some fun with the door insignias. The 1953 marking alludes to truck owner Mike Shea’s birth year.
The Dynojet chassis dyno curves (torque is the top line) show how quickly boost comes on then stays strong. Turbo lag is absent.
Sitting a bit lower on its Belltech-fortified suspension, the supercharged Red Herring is seen on the SMG Motoring Dynojet while making 410 horsepower and 422 lb/ft at the tires with 8 pounds of boost (stock). If this was a 6.0 instead of a 5.3 long block, chances are the output would be virtually the same as the Orange Monster. Both trucks use ARP head studs and LS9 gaskets to contain the boost.
Looking like the Ft. Wayne assemblers put it there on day one, the LSA-sourced supercharger is the simpler installation of the two. There’s no turbo or external plumbing to mount. You could almost install an LSA blower without pulling the engine…almost. The big snag is the need to add a pulley drive pin to the crank snout. It’s not easily done leaning over the fender or working on your back.
GM used two different intercoolers on the LSA. The black powder coated unit with ribs (shown) came on ZL1 Camaros (580 hp) and feed the liquid intercooler from the front of the engine. The Caddy CTS-V-sourced units (556 hp) have a non-ribbed, cast aluminum cover and feed liquids from the rear, where they hassle with the firewall. For easier installation, NextGen prefers the Camaro unit (shown).
Eric holds the item responsible for the landslide of warranty take-off LSA blower units. It’s a spring-damped torsional isolator and is meant to buffer harmonics between the blower drive pulley and internal rotors. Unfortunately the spring eats into the plastic housing and causes unpleasant noises. NextGen replaces the unit with a solid piece and the problem is solved.
“Hmmm, if we can figure a way to mount dirt cheap LSA superchargers onto garden variety 5.3 and 6.0 LS engines, we might be onto something”. Here, NextGen’s Eric Buzzell considers the possibilities. Note the Caddy-spec smooth top intercooler lid.
Though I.C.T. Billet already offered adapter-plate kits to match the truck heads’ cathedral ports to the LSA-spec rectangle port openings, NextGen tackled the accessory drive belt problem. Here’s the prototype plate supporting the alternator and idler pulley. It was made by NextGen CNC machinist Jeremy Farrow. Look for a full story here.
The twin exhaust tips emerge ahead of the passenger side rear tire. Note the grippy tread on the General Grabber UHP 275/55R-17 rear tires.
The Chevy and GMC interiors are virtually identical, and even share the 6-grand tach. The column shifter connects to a fortified 4L60E transmission with manual-shift capability.
Born with 3.73 cogs instead of the usual 3.42’s, the rest of the Red Herring’s rear axle remains stock. The Belltech 4 inch drop kit takes lowering to the limit before frame notching is required.
As engine speed rises, so does boost as the Eaton huffer reaches 8 psi. The torque curve is on top.
Many Car Crafters of a certain age worry that the younger generation isn’t interested in keeping the flame alive. Fear not, if brothers Josh and Eric Buzzell (L and R) are any guide, the future of hands-on hot rodding is safe. They founded NextGen Performance 3 years ago and specialize in LS conversions. Always busy with new customers, when we photographed this story, a customer dropped off a Porsche 911 – for an LS7 swap! If you’ve got a shop like NextGen in your area, support them. They’re the future.
Tech Notes
Who: Both trucks are owned by Mike “Tarmac Daddy” Shea of Ware, Massachusetts What: Turbo: 2002 GMC Sierra 1500 “Orange Monster” / Belt: 2004 Chevy Silverado “Red Herring”, Turbo vs Belt Where: NextGen Performance, Spencer, MA
Engine: Turbo: The Orange Monster is powered by a refreshed but stock 6.0 liter truck mill with an iron block, aluminum heads and factory-issued hydraulic roller cam. LS6 valve springs, LS9 head gaskets and ARP head studs are the only fortifications. Belt: The Red Herring packs an internally stock iron block / aluminum head 5.3 liter truck engine, also with ARP head studs, LS9 head gaskets and LS6 valve springs. Induction: Turbo: Stock throttle body and intake manifold, On-3 Performance 76 millimeter turbocharger, 80-lb. injectors, mounts and 304 stainless plumbing fabricated by Eric Buzzell using parts from Napa, Russell, Turbosmart and Vibrant. A Walbro fuel pump and kit, K&N air filter and Snow water-methanol injection system round things out. Belt: Stock Camaro/Cadillac LSA supercharger warranty take-off unit, Corvette ZR1 65-lb. injectors, ICT intake manifold port adapter plates, pin added to bolster blower drive pulley to crank snout union, accessory drive brackets adjusted to increase belt wrap area on pulley. K&N air filter, intercooler, Snow water-methanol injection system. Chassis Dyno Output: Turbo: 452.1 hp and 473.8 lb-ft. Belt: 410.1 hp and 422 lb-ft. Ignition/ECU: Turbo: NGK TR-6 spark plugs, Belt: NGK TR-6 spark plugs, MSD Street Fire wires. Exhaust: Turbo: NextGen custom passenger-side 1-7/8 inch tubular exhaust manifold, stock driver side manifold, remote-control Doug’s Headers electric muffler bypass plate, stock GM muffler with full-length single exhaust, Pypes exhaust hangars. Belt: Stock 5.3 exhaust manifolds, single Dynomax Super Turbo muffler with 2-1/2 inch side-exit tips. Driveline: Turbo: Rebuilt 4L80E automatic, stock 1,800 rpm stall speed torque converter, stock transmission cooler. A custom length 3.00-inch diameter driveshaft links to the stock 8.5-inch rear axle with factory locker and 3.42 gears. Belt: An upgraded (4L60E to 4L65E) transmission works with a stock torque converter to send twist into the 8.5-inch rear end’s 3.73 gears and centrifugal-type sprag locker. Chassis: Both trucks ride on their stock frames and general suspension systems. Sure there’s lots of surface rust scale from a decade of New England winters, but ants, road kill and worms haven’t complained yet. Suspension: Equipped with highly evolved A-arm front suspension systems and tight rack and pinion steering, modern 2WD GM pickups require minimal upgrades for improved street handling. The Orange Monster has a McGaughy 2 inch lowering kit all around while NextGen took the Red Herring further with a 2 inch / 4 inch (front / rear) drop kit from Belltech. Brakes: Modern GM pickup braking systems have come a long way since the days of manual drums. Both trucks retain the stock four wheel power disc brakes though the Orange Monster has a Hurst line-lock to help build boost off the line. Wheels/Tires: The General Motors Truck and Bus plant originally shipped both trucks with 16×7 inch pressed steel rims and non-performance 255/70R-16 S-rated radial tires. In 2005 GM stepped up to standard 17 x 7.5 hoops, which stand ready to accept a wider range of high performance rubber. NextGen equipped both trucks with ’05-up 17×7.5 inch rims and General Grabber UHP tires. To achieve a big-and-bigger stance, front / rear tire sizes are 255/60R-17 and 275/55R-17 on both trucks.
The post A Look at Two LS Powered GM Pickup Trucks appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
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