#where to ski in british colombia
Brazil searches for British journalist and indigenous advocate missing in the Amazon
A fisherman has been detained after his boat was seen chasing Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira on Sunday as they approached their destination
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Brazilian authorities have deployed search teams to the stretch of river where British journalist Dom Phillips, a contributor to The Guardian newspaper, and Bruno Pereira, an advocate for indigenous rights, went missing on June 5 in a territory known as Vale do Javari (Javari Valley). It is a remote area of the Brazilian Amazon that borders Colombia and Peru, and the location of the largest concentration of uncontacted indigenous tribes in the world. The search party included local people, two boats, a Navy jet ski, divers, and police and soldiers trained in jungle navigation. Signs that the two men may have been ambushed have worried their families and colleagues.
A fisherman has been detained and is in the custody of the Brazilian Military Police. The suspect was arrested after his boat was seen chasing both men on Sunday as they approached their destination, the city of Atalaia do Norte. According to witnesses, there were several men aboard a second boat whom the police are now looking for. Meanwhile, a judge has ordered the government of Jair Bolsonaro to intensify search and rescue operations.
According to the Brazilian newspaper O Glovo, which did not cite any sources, a few days ago Pereira went to the Federal Police and the public prosecution with detailed information about several individuals who allegedly formed a criminal organization involved in illegal hunting and fishing. The men he singled out are the same ones the police are now looking for.
Phillips and Pereira disappeared while returning from a guard post manned by indigenous people in a remote part of the jungle where Phillips was interviewing locals under constant pressure from poachers, fishermen, loggers and drug traffickers. The tribes say that the Brazilian government’s neglect has forced them to defend their ancestral lands alone.
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Only hope' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"Only hope"
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Chapter Summary : Yirina is troubled to have to go back in Cuba and it's worst when Park can't come with her.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3400
Cuba.....the country that I never wanted to come back after all these times and by all the odds, the man who we are going to neutralize named Vargas has to be there in Havana. He could have been in South America, in Asia or even back in the USSR but why it has to be exactly Cuba ? It was certainly going to be bad for me to put my feets back on the Cuban soil but I have no choice but to go there with Garrett : Greta is keeping the prisoner we got from the Perseus hideout in control while Park need to rest for her arm.....it was just me & Garrett.
We both prepared our bags quickly and then, we were on our way to the Tempelhof Airport as our plane, according to Garrett was there for us. It was weird for me to say that Park wasn't there with us in the mission and it was like my first days when I woke up : feeling kind of lost, trying to find her back again and frankly, I was resisting the urge to go back to the safehouse and stay with here but I couldn't do that....there were no step back for me and I wouldn't do that to Garrett, leaving him alone like that.
The flight was going to last at least 13 hours for us to arrive in Havana and since we are leaving West-Berlin at 5 PM and thanks to the timezones, we will arrive at our destination only after midnight with just one stop at Lisbon like we did to go to the New Orleans almost 2 weeks ago. With Garrett, I talked a little during the first hours until we arrived at our first and only stop. As the plane was getting refueled, we were awaiting inside the plane.
"Yirina, can I....ask you something ?" Garrett called me out as I was looking outside through the porthole to see the maintenance crew, refuelling the plane.
"Yes." I said, looking back at him, he was just sit in front of me, I was almost scared by him.
"Why are you stressed to go to Cuba ?" He asked me and I was a little troubled to talk about it.
"I...I can't tell you, Garrett." I replied, almost losing my words in the process. "There's things I can't talk about." I added, redressing myself in my seat.
"Listen, I know but there's things that I know about you." He affirmed, making me look at him with narrowed. "Things that Park told me about."
"Really ?" I breathed
"I know what happened to you with the CIA." He said, sure of him as I was looking at him almost chilling from the inside. "She told me a lot about what she did....she's still feeling guilty about it, you know." I was speechless, looking pale to him as I realize that he was well aware of my real state since a long time.
"It is something I don't want to talk about, Garrett." I admitted, it's still hard for me to mention it and talking about it to someone other than Park....it's really hard. "Park, I'm not blaming her at all, it's just the CIA that I'm blaming for it."
"She talk very nicely about you, each day." He told me with an grin. "You got very lucky to find yourself with her." At this moment, the plane started to move again, meaning that we will have to face the longest part of the flight to get to Havana.
"Thanks...thank you." I put my arms on the armrest as the plane was taking off the airport, putting us up in the skies again.
"Since you came back, you made Park smile again for real." He confessed to me, making me grin a little from it. "You did really had an impact on her that even Greta wasn't able to have."
"About Greta, how is she seeing it ?" I asked as for now, Greta was getting aware that me & Park was an thing and she maybe talk with it to him.
"To say, she was a little disturbed but she's getting over it." He replied, looking away through his porthole. "I'm sure that she will fully understand your relation with Park." He looked back at me. "You know, when Park did her coming out to me, I was impressed by it."
"When did she do it ?" I questioned him.
"She did it in 1976 after an mission in Poland and of course, she wanted to keep it a secret because of the ban in the MI6." He answered, looking at me with an great look. "Only me, you & Greta knows about it."
"Well, some people in the CIA know too now." I whispered, rolling my eyes as he was making wide eyes. "Don't worry, there are good peoples....except the one who the CIA is trying to save."
"Shit, Adler knows about it ?" He spoke to himself before sniffing away as I nodded to him. "That guy is really an pain in the ass."
"I'm seconding that by a lot." I joked before I laughed about it before I breath again, wanting to change the subject. "Anyway, you didn't tell me about who was Vargas precisely."
"Oh yeah." He looked at the table that was between my seat and his seat where the file about Vargas was on, the Greenlight one stayed back at the safehouse in West-Berlin. He opened up the file to make me look at it as I didn't have time to check it. "Name's Sebastian Vargas."
"Former soldier of the Colombian National Army, I see." I said, looking at Vargas records.
"He left the army to join the M-19, considering that the government was corrupt and to fight the cartel." Garrett added those intels that was not in the records "He joined Perseus in 1982, serving as an saboteur before he put himself to work with Stone."
"Guess that the MI6 is looking for him ?" I presumed and he nodded.
"At the beginning of the year, he has taken 4 british tourists hostages in Colombia and before the MI6 could do an thing, he killed them." He clenched his fists, talking about that event I wasn't aware of. "Since, the M-19 itself rejected Vargas because they didn't want to have us on their backs and after that, he stayed in Cuba."
"And now, we are going to track him down..." I cut myself as I put the records file back on the table. "Do you know why he's still in Cuba ?"
"First is to hide from the MI6's sight." Garrett started, raising his left index finger. "Second is because he will tell us who's the person helping Perseus with soviet weapons." He raised his left thumb to me
"So, we try to take Vargas alive." I said and he nodded again.
"I'm sure that the MI6 will be pleased to have his head." He affirmed before looking outside. "We know exactly where he is in Havana and thanks to that, we'll be just in Havana for an day."
"Let's hope so." I admitted, crossing my arms to look outside too....I really want to just be in Cuba for one simple day.
"Now, it's better to have some sleep." Garrett suggested as he get comfy in his seat, closing his eyes to the outside as I wasn't sure to have a sleep in here.
I was trying to not get to sleep as I wasn't feeling so tired now but the events of today even small gave me in an second an envy to get myself some rest and maybe trying to have some peace for the moment. Garrett was very quick to sleep almost 2 minutes after he closed his eyes as me, I was trying to do the same as him and it took me 20 minutes to replicate the same thing from him : closing my eyes, looking at the outside...just needing some peace.....
I was working late at my desk in the CIA safehouse, trying to find something on the Operation Red Circus leaded by Vadim Rudnik, the intels that Belikov gave to us during our mission in the Lubyanka was helping me but since it was nearly 3 AM in the night, these intels wasn't helping too much. I didn't know why I didn't try to bang my head on my desk, looking at all these papers on my desk. I really wanted to do this but I was soo tired to do a thing but also because my nose was hurting me because of Adler's punch one hour ago
It was just me working in here, the other were all sleeping in their beds and my desk was the only light in the whole place to be on. Seriously, I was wondering why Adler wanted me to still work lately and why I had to agree to his stupid orders to stay awake, giving me the impression that I'm the one working with Park & Lazar in here and just Adler watching us like chess pieces he's moving.
Suddenly, I started to hear some footsteps coming from the dorm and I stopped myself to work, wanting to know who it was.
"Bell ?" It was Lazar himself, dressed back in his normal clothes...wearing his favorite 'Burger Town' shirt. "What are you doing here ?" He asked as he moved near my desk
"Working." I replied in a very low voice, sounding just tired as hell.
"You work at 3 AM ?" He raised an eyebrow, putting his hands on my desk. "Seriously, you're telling me you're working at 3 AM ?" I nodded to him slowly.
"Adler asked me to work and I don't know why but I agreed to it." I fully responded, getting some papers back in place with my hands. "Been working since 10 PM on it." I looked away to the coffee machine direction. "Coffee helped to stay up."
"You're putting your work before your health ?" He moved to get sit on Park's chair.
"No but....there's something that Adler has on me....like he's controlling me." I suggested, making Lazar raising an eyebrow "I have....some sort of things telling me that....Adler is dangerous with me."
"We all think of it but we can't tell it loudly, Bell !" He told me with an grin, tapping on my left shoulder "Anyway, you should really get some sleep." He proposed me.
"I don't know..." I put my eyes on the papers I just put back in place. "Why are you awake too ?" I asked him back.
"Oh, couldn't sleep and also because someone was maybe using the coffee machine." He scoffed, making me laugh a little after all these times, him doing it too. "Wanted to know who was the mysterious person who was maybe already preparing us breakfast."
"Guess you got your answer now." I said with a funny tone before looking at him who was looking, curious.
"How's things with Park ?" He questioned me, his left arm on the desk, the other on his legs
"Pretty good for the moment." I started, looking at her desk that was just next to mine. "She's happy with me and I'm happy with her....if we don't count Adler stupid mind." I pointed at my nose. "He punched me after I taunted him about his life, prick wanted me to stop my relation with Park."
"At least, you proved him that you can stand against him." He crossed him arms, leaning back on Park's seat. "I wish that sometimes, I can punch Adler in his teeth....just for once."
"Maybe you will have a chance someday." I claimed before he decided to go up from his seat.
"You're sure that you don't want to go to sleep ?" He asked and I shook my head.
"No, I will be fine." I replied before....suddenly, everything goes to black all around me, I wasn't passing out but everything around me except Lazar was disappearing and I stood up by shock, looking at my hands, trembling.
"Yirina ?" It was Lazar's voice and I looked at him, now wearing his combat suit....the same one from Cuba. "Yirina, promise me." He added, saying my real name.
"Laz' ?" It wasn't me as Bell anymore....something was very wrong in here, I wasn't in that memory anymore before I looked at Lazar with shock and stress in me.....
"Do it for me....take care of Park !"
I immediately woke up with an start inside the plane, sweating by a lot by the memory I just got back....focused on a talk I had with Lazar. I was so troubled, trembling because of it. Since we had to go to Cuba, it's maybe sure that I was going to freak out. When I woke up, Garrett was sleeping and it was 11:30 PM meaning that we will arrive in Havana in 30 minutes. I decided to go directly in the plane private bathroom to get some water on my face to calm myself down.
I looked myself in the mirror, thinking about Lazar....about what happened to Cuba, the disaster the CIA is calling an operation.....and also about me : How I'm still alive after what happened to me ? I looked at my head, at my scar, wondering about how Adler even if he's an monster wasn't able to see that he missed his shot against me on that cliff. Once I was finished after 10 minutes in the bathroom, I returned to my seat, awakening Garrett, alerting him of our soon-to-be arrival.
We arrived in Havana at exactly midnight in an MI6 clandestine runway near the city and soon that I got my feet on the ground that I was feeling weird in me....Cuba, here I was again ! I couldn't remember what happened 3 years ago when we first arrived in Cuba and honestly, I think it was better to think of something else instead of that. With Garrett, we took a car that was given to us and we were on our way to the temporary safehouse we will have : a small apartment in the Barrio Chino district of the city.
Honestly, even if I was no tired anymore and when we arrived in the apartment, I told directly Garrett that I needed more sleep before going to work and he understand, saying that we could only start work in the day. So, I immediatly go into the bed I first see and I was back to sleep again. I woke up later the next day, the May 6th at almost noon due to some Cuban traditional music from an radio in the apartment.
"How was the second round of sleeping ?" Garrett asked me as I stepped out from the bedroom, walking to the table where there were something to eat.
"Better than the first one." I replied, sitting down on a chair. This second round, like he said, wasn't so troubling for me and I didn't have anything that woke me up again. It was still strange to have sleep well in Cuba. "Anything new ?" I questioned him as he didn't go to sleep for the second time.
"I made some calls : we got to meet an 'concerned citizen' at the beginning of the night in a bar called 'Monserrate Bar'" He responded, looking outside the apartment at the streets as the table was just next to an window, I started eating something at the same time. "Since we know that Vargas is in an apartment located just at one street from the bar, it will be easy for us."
"So, it's just going to be us ?" He nodded to me
"The man that will help us will give some means to get to Vargas, don't worry. He's an long time friend of mine." He affirmed to me with an smile.
"You really had a lot of contacts like Park said." I scoffed, making him laugh
"Oh, I know a lot of people around the world." He said with an funny tone, looking at me with wide eyes. "Can say that I'm the friendly MI6 agent know by a lot."
"Helping us by an lot." I admitted before I looked at the satellite phone on the table. "Uhm...Park told me to call her, can I ?"
"Of course, just finish to eat and then, you can call her." He smiled at me, putting the phone just next to me.
I finished to eat my breakfast and then, once I was done, I took the phone and I decided to go back into my private room, sitting in the bed before I started to compose the number of Park's satellite phone slowly because I didn't want to make an mistake in it. I breathed as I composed the very last number before I put the phone near my right ear, awaiting for her to respond to me.
"Helen Park !" I heard her voice through the phone and it relieved me in the inside, pleased to hear her voice, she was very fast to respond.
"It's me." I told her in a low voice.
"Oh, Yiri !" She exclaimed, sounding happy too. "It's so good to hear your voice."
"Can say the same by an lot, Park." I said, looking throught the window of my room. "We arrived in Cuba hours ago but I fell asleep again, I'm sorry for the late."
"It's okay, you called me right ?" She affirmed to me, making me smile. "Which time is it in Havana ?"
"It's noon and it's very sunny." I replied, sounding good, changing from the rainy weather from Berlin time to time. "And you ?"
"Almost time to eat diner and in here...it's mixed between sunny and raining." She scoffed at the end, making me laugh. "So...uhm....how do you feel ?" She asked me, worried
"Well, it's strange to be back here." I responded, taking a sad tone in me. "I...I had an memory with Lazar and it's very troubling." I added, still sad.
"Can...can you explain it to me ?" She questioned me, hearing her getting redressed somewhere.
"It was during an night in the safehouse where he found me at my desk working late at 3 AM but then....something strange happened." I started, my voice almost cracking from telling it. "I was like in a black void with Lazar....talking to me with my real name and he asked me something."
"What did Lazar asked ?" She was sounding worried and curious.
"He asked me to take care of you." I replied in a low voice, moving to face the ceilling. "It's what he asked me to do and that's I want to do : taking care of you." I added, mixed between sadness and sure of my words. "Park, I want to stay with you, to be with you."
"I know, me too." She affirmed. "I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to come with you." Her voice was also cracking about it. "I know that you're in good hands with Garrett."
"Yes, I am." I breathed, looking at the closed door of my room. "Park, I will come back very soon to you."
"Yiri, you will, don't worry !" She admitted before I could hear her sniff. "I will never let you down, be sure of it."
"Thanks Park." I whispered, feeling a tear on my face that I cleaned with my free hand. "We will maybe come back for tomorrow....back to you."
"It's good to hear." She said with an better voice. "Everything will be fine, Yirina !"
"I know, I will do my best for you."
"Listen, I have to go eat and then have some rest for my arm and if you're fast enough, you can get back to me when I woke up next morning, you will be my surprise." She informed, meaning that it was the end of the call, I wanted to last more longer but work needs to be done and I prefer to let her rest.
"I will try my best, Park." I told her, redressing myself to get back on sitting on the bed's edge. "Love you 3000." I added.
"Love you 3000 too, Yiri. Come back quick." She exclaimed before the line went shut, leaving me just alone in my room.
I was so much happy to have hear her voice but sad because she wasn't there with me, probably in our bed in the safehouse at West-Berlin. Once the call was finished, I stayed on the bed, holding the phone in my hands, feeling some tears on my face while smiling with joice.....
I will take care of you for the rest of my life, Park !
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sandrinehbrt · 4 years
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^ accurate representation of me reacting to my brain giving birth to a THOUGHT !!!
i’ve always wanted to do some winter plots and with my ironically self-proclaimed alessandra the queen of winter who technically speaking hates winter, it’s the perfect occasion! okay okay okay HEAR ME OUT how about we take all our characters to a winter cabin/cottage???? for like a week or two? maybe not for christmas/other holidays since they might have plans of their own with their respective families, but for new year’s or a little earlier than the holidays or later in january? where they can go skiing, snowboarding, skating at the frozen lake nearby, decorate a tree with lights and random crafted objects, sledding, doing snow angels, having snowmen building competitions, just reading books by the fireplace, go to the spa/jacuzzi outside even if it’s like -30 degrees celsius (aka very cold), use the barbecue even though it’s freezing, drink hot chocolate until they become hot chocolate, chill inside playing board games with fuzzy socks exchange presents, have your muses want to ride a moose back home because sandrine is drunk on hot apple cider and dancing topless on tables and all the fun stuff? somewhere like in vermont or something, so it’s not too far! (aspen would be picturesque OR WHISTLER OH MY GOD WHISTLER IN BRITISH COLOMBIA but like... we won’t have sugar daddy rupert pay for everyone unless we plan a robbery and we steal sandrine’s brother’s money I’M DOWN).
would you guys like that? we could have closed threads or post like open starters of our characters at the cabin/resort? and pre vacations when they invite each other and go shopping for winter clothes and foods and games and what not? and they have fun and bond and kiss under the mistletoe and have a full hallmark movie experienceeeeeee!
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gtenvs3000-19 · 5 years
My Relationship with Nature
Since I was a young girl I have always loved being outside. I am very fortunate that my parents were able to afford this lifestyle for me being that we lived in Toronto. My parents bought our family a cottage up north where hikes, swimming in Georgian Bay, and skiing at Blue Mountain became a regular part of our weekend. My family and I also went on many trips across Canada where we would go biking, skiing, and hiking.
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Photo of my friend and I on top of Whistler ski hill in British Colombia. Photo taken by Charlotte Tenszen (my sister).  
If I were to describe my current relationship with nature, it would be the same as describing a healthy couple. We both depend on each other from time to time and have a mutual respect. Nature needs me to pick up the trash, advocate for no more single use plastic, and do my part in reducing my carbon footprint. And just like nature needs me, I need it. When I am stressed from school or work, I depend on nature to calm me down as I walk through a trail starring at beautiful trees. I depend on nature to cool me off (maybe after a heated argument with someone) by jumping into a refreshing lake or bay. I depend on nature to cheer me up by showing me all the incredible flora and fauna it has to offer, especially snakes, I LOVE snakes! 
My relationship with nature wasn’t always the same as it is today. It has evolved since I became more aware of what is going on with nature all over the world. I was somewhat in a bliss bubble as a kid, my cottage had seemingly perfect nature and even in Toronto I lived right beside High Park, a gorgeous tourist spot. It wasn’t until I was in grade 10 and my older sister went to the University of Guelph for her first year. She came back home at Christmas with a new set of rules for the family. No more plastic bags, no more saran wrap, no more dishwasher, and no more longer than 10 minute showers. My sister introduced my family to the idea that just because the nature around us looked beautiful didn’t mean it wasn’t struggling. For example, seeing Massasauga rattlesnakes in nature around me was normal, but little did I know that their habitat was becoming smaller and smaller and they were becoming a threatened species. My relationship with nature evolved that Christmas to not just loving and experiencing the nature around me but instead being active in doing something to make sure the nature around me survives.
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Photo of a Massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) on the Bruce Peninsula. Photo taken by me. 
In the textbook, “The Gifts of Interpretation”, it mentions the gift of a spark and how nature interpreters must relate the subject to the lives of their audience for their audience to spark an interest in nature. It is easy for me to say my sister was that spark. She didn’t just come home that Christmas and tell my family what we had to do. She took something that I loved (snakes) and showed me how people not being aware of the nature around them had consequences. She related the subject of being an ally to nature by sparking my interest of snakes. That is why I decided to go to the University of Guelph and study biology, all thanks to the spark offered by my sister.
“The Gifts of Interpretation” by Larry Beck and Ted T. Cable. 3rd Edition, Copyright 2011
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urban-sere · 6 years
Winter is Fast Approaching
As the cold weather approaches and the cold fronts begin bringing snow I am reminded of February 2018 when I was lucky to be skiing in British Colombia for the whole month.
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That was us out in Fernie.  However, you don't need to be going to anywhere that dramatic to still take note of the winter.  Begin with preparing your car and making sure you have  blanket, shovel and emergency food in case you get stuck out and about.
If you are heading further afield then make sure you are suitably equipped with ice axe and crampons if the terrain is likely to get steep or icy.  Lastly. make sure you know how to navigate and carry a map and compass NOT just a GPS. The cold will kill batteries fast so carry spares.
We really must have more respect of mother nature during the forthcoming winter and make sure we stick the odds in our favour by properly preparing properly equipping and lastly looking after one another.
Go check on your elderly neighbours and make sure those in vulnerable situations are assisted where necessary.
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guidetourme · 4 years
Vancouver Island
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Vancouver Island- the Canadian outdoor
On the southern coast of Canada lies this incredible Vancouver Island which has lots in store for visitors who love the outdoors. This island is specially known for its wilderness parks, diverse activities, clear coastal waters and traditional communities. Besides the outstanding scenario, the wildlife in both marine and land locked are amazingly beautiful. This place is truly a nature lovers’ dream come true. Apart from natural surroundings, the island also has cosmopolitan cities and harbours best suited for them who like to travel in comfort and style.
How to go
The island has two airports: Victoria and Comox from where international and domestic flights are available. To reach the island you can easily take the ferry from the city of Vancouver or Seattle.
Things to do
Get prepared for a lifetime experience of adventure on Vancouver Island, British Colombia. Victoria, Campbell River, park villa are some of the places to be explored. It is a mixture of magnificent rainforest, mountains, beaches, pristine rivers and lakes. Outdoor activities include: Camping Hiking Golfing Kayaking Whale watching Wildlife viewing Salmon fishing At the south end of the island is the famous “galloping goose trial”. To start on the fitness trial, take the galloping goose and try the fifty five kilometre walk or Cycling could be easier for a good start. Try a bit of wilderness hiking in the centre of the island at the Starthcona provisional park. Other than this the island presents before us the Vancouver special west coast trial which is also known as “the real Canadian experience”. This is one of the toughest hikes and all you need is an adventures mind to travel into the wild which will take from five to ten days. For getting there you have to get a permit, and then your journey starts where you will get lots of rain and mud. You will also have to deal with the tide changes, tree ladders, steep climbing, and natural bridges. The island has seven different geographic regions, each of which possesses unique characteristics. They are all connected with each other through transit networks. The three main different regions are: The most densely populated area is the South Vancouver Island. The province capital of Victoria is located here. The North Vancouver Island region is just the opposite which is a remote area and outdoor lovers can get opportunities for a recreational adventure. Central Vancouver Island is home to the popular places like Nanaimo and Tofino.
Della falls
One of the tallest waterfalls can also be found in this park. Those who can manage the steep hike, which is 440 metres upwards, can enjoy the majestic view of the Della Falls. However dangerous animals like bears, cougars can be found around. Of course all these make an ideal gateway for the outdoor adventures who can feel the nature their home.
Qualicum Beach- a must visit
Located at a reachable distance from Nanaimo, is Victoria or Nanaimo. A visit to Vancouver Island is incomplete without checking Milnar gardens and Woodland. Ocean kayaking, hiking and spending time at the beach are some of the activities done here. For accommodation, there is nothing wonderful than the Free Spirit Spheres. Here you will get the unique experience to stay in tree house as there are three spherical suspended tree houses in the rainforest near Qualicum Beach. Other than this, you can also stay in Crown Mansion Boutique Hotel and Villas to have a breath taking experience of your visit. The wonderful compelling 50 acre estate called the Butchart Gardens has become a fascinating tourist’s point that offers magnificent flora and fauna along with night fireworks. Visiting these gardens will never disappoint you. If you want to buy some souvenirs for your near and dear ones then Vancouver Island’s retail malls will offer you with varieties of gifts.
Best time to go
The island experiences the mildest climate in the country because of the warm Pacific Ocean currents. During winter season some parts stay conducive for skiing and snowboarding. May to September is the best time to visit and explore the region. Due to the majestic and divine beauty, lots of nature lovers are attracted toward this Vancouver Island. Read the full article
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Egan Bernal set to win from Geraint Thomas
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Egan Bernal is poised to become the first Colombian to win the Tour de France after finishing Saturday's penultimate stage in the yellow jersey. Tradition dictates that the race leader is not challenged on Sunday's largely processional final stage to Paris. Bernal, 22, will become the youngest Tour winner for 110 years, with Ineos team-mate Geraint Thomas in second. Dutchman Steven Kruijswijk moved up to third as Julian Alaphilippe faded on an Alpine stage won by Vincenzo Nibali. Italian Nibali, winner of the Tour de France in 2014, was in the day's break and attacked again on the climb to the finish at Val Thorens, winning by 10 seconds from Spain's Alejandro Valverde. Bernal and Thomas, who won last year's Tour, finished stage 20 a few seconds later, crossing the line arm-in-arm, with huge grins on their faces. They came into the race as joint leaders for Ineos and, providing they both reach the finish in Paris on Sunday, will end it first and second in the general classification. "We're now close to making it official," said Bernal. "There's one stage left but, normally, if everything goes well, I can say that I've won my first Tour. "It's incredible. I just want to get to the finish line in Paris and after I'll be calmer. "Colombia is on the verge of winning its first Tour, We already had won the Giro d'Italia and La Vuelta a Espana, but the Tour was missing and it's a great honour to think that I'm the one achieving this." Welshman Thomas, who ended the stage trailing in the overall standings by one minute, 11 seconds, wrote on Twitter: "Congrats Egan Bernal. What a rider. The first of many." Bernal, who will also collect the white jersey as the best young rider in the race, will put to an end a run of four successive British winners - Chris Froome winning three of his four titles from 2015 and Thomas triumphing last year. Listen: BeSpoke at the Tour: Stage 20 - Bernal victorious Tour 'night and day' compared to 2018 - Thomas Joint team leadership 'worked to perfection' Three-time world champin Sagan pulls a trademark wheelie as he crosses the finish line on stage 20 The green points jersey classification will be won for a record seventh time by Slovakian Peter Sagan, who pulled a wheelie as he rode over the finish line several minutes after the stage winner, while the polka dot King of the Mountains jersey will go to Frenchman Romain Bardet. That will be some consolation for the French supporters who had been hoping to see a home victory for the first time since Bernhard Hinault won his record-equalling fifth Tour in 1985. Alaphilippe, the world's number one-ranked male cyclist, had led the race for 14 days, and after holding the yellow jersey through the Pyrenees in week two also retained it after the first day in the Alps. However, he finally cracked on Friday's storm-shortened 19th stage and he again fell away on Saturday's final climb of the three-week race. He is set to finish fifth overall. France's other big hope, Thibaut Pinot, had also looked strong in the Pyrenees, but a freak injury, caused when his thigh hit his handlebar on stage 17, saw him eventually abandon the race from fifth place during stage 19. How stage 20 unfolded Saturday's stage was reduced by 71km to just 59.5km, with one major climb - the 19.9km ascent of the Cormet de Roselend - chopped from the race because a landslide, caused by stormy weather in the Alps, had blocked the road. That left the riders facing an unusual race along a dual carriageway across the valley from Albertville to the bottom of the day's solitary 33km climb to the ski resort of Val Thorens. More than 20 broke clear and opened a lead of around two minutes, 30 seconds as they reached the ascent but with the race for the overall title happening in the peloton behind them, their lead was gradually eroded. The Jumbo-Visma team of Kruijswijk, who started the stage in fourth, 88 seconds adrift of Bernal, set a furious pace from the bottom of the ascent. Kruijswijk started the day just 12 seconds behind third-placed Thomas and 40 behind Alaphilippe and his team's efforts were rewarded when Alaphilippe cracked with around 13km of the race remaining. However, Kruijswijk was unable to break the Ineos riders with Thomas and Bernal content to sit and ride tempo all the way to the finish line, Dutch rider Kruijswijk eventually finished eight seconds behind Thomas to cement third place overall, one minute, 31 seconds behind Bernal. Why the Bernal win will not be a surprise Bernal (right) was a key domestique for Thomas when he won his Tour title last year The climbing specialist, who was born on 13 January, 1997 in Colombia's capital city Bogota at an altitude of 2,600m, showed his potential at last year's Tour, when he rode as a domestique to Thomas and four-time champion Chris Froome. After pacing Thomas to victory on Alpe d'Huez and ultimately the overall title, Froome said: "He's got an amazing engine. You only have to look at what he did on Alpe d'Huez, for a 21-year-old, that's amazing. "There is a lot in Egan that reminds me of myself when I was younger. It's great having him on the team and he brings a lot of young, new energy to the group." He joined Team Sky for the 2018 season, after winning the prestigious Tour de l'Avenir - a stage race for under-23 riders that has seen many of its winners go on to Tour de France success. He won the Tour Colombia and Tour of California last year before making his Tour de France debut as a domestique to Thomas and four-time winner Chris Froome. This year, three crashes helped Bernal arrive at the Tour as joint leader of the Ineos team. The first was his own, on a training ride in Andorra, and it ruled him out of May's Giro d'Italia, where he had been due to lead the team for the first time in a Grand Tour. Froome's season-ending crash at June's Criterium du Dauphine then pushed Bernal up the Ineos pecking order for the Tour de France, while Thomas' spill at the Tour de Suisse later that month saw Bernal take over as the sole leader of that team and he went on to win the race. And he twice rode away from Thomas in the Alps this week to position himself as Ineos' strongest rider at the Tour and secure his first Grand Tour win in only his second attempt. Bernal will become the third youngest winner of the Tour. The youngest is France's Henri Cornet, who was 19 when he was controversially awarded victory in the second edition of the race in 1904, while Luxembourg's Francois Faber was a few days younger than Bernal when he took the 1909 title. Overall standings after stage 20: 1. Egan Bernal (Col/Ineos) 79hrs 52mins 52secs 2. Geraint Thomas (GB/Ineos) +1min 11secs 3. Steven Kruijswijk (Ned/Jumbo-Visma) +1min 31secs 4. Emanuel Buchmann (Ger/Bora-Hansgrohe) +1min 56secs 5. Julian Alaphilippe (Fra/ Deceuninck-Quick Step) +3mins 45secs 6. Mikel Landa (Spa/Movistar) +4mins 23secs 7. Rigoberto Uran (Col/EF Education First) +5mins 15secs 8. Nairo Quintana (Col/Movistar) +5mins 30secs 9. Alejandro Valverde (Spa/Movistar) +6mins 12secs 10. Warren Barguil (Fra/Arkea-Samsic) +7mins 32secs Stage 20 result: 1. Vincenzo Nibali (Ita/Bahrain-Merida) 1hrs 51mins 53secs 2. Alejandro Valverde (Spa/Movistar) +10secs 3. Mikel Landa (Spa/Movistar) +14secs 4. Egan Bernal (Col/Ineos) +17secs 5. Geraint Thomas (GB/Ineos) Same time 6. Rigoberto Uran (Col/EF Education First) +23secs 7. Emanuel Buchmann (Ger/Bora-Hansgrohe) Same time 8. Steven Kruijswijk (Ned/Jumbo-Visma) +25secs 9. Wout Poels (Ned/Ineos) +30secs 10. Nairo Quintana (Col/Movistar) Same time   SOURCE:https://www.bbc.com/ Read the full article
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Tour de France 2019: Egan Bernal set to win from Geraint Thomas
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Tour de France 2019: Egan Bernal set to win from Geraint Thomas
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Thomas congratulated Ineos team-mate Bernal as they crossed the finish line together at the end of stage 20
Egan Bernal is poised to become the first Colombian to win the Tour de France after finishing Saturday’s penultimate stage in the yellow jersey.
Tradition dictates that the race leader is not challenged on Sunday’s largely processional final stage to Paris.
Bernal, 22, will become the youngest Tour winner for 110 years, with Ineos team-mate Geraint Thomas in second.
Dutchman Steven Kruijswijk moved up to third as Julian Alaphilippe faded on an Alpine stage won by Vincenzo Nibali.
Italian Nibali, winner of the Tour de France in 2014, was in the day’s break and attacked again on the climb to the finish at Val Thorens, winning by 10 seconds from Spain’s Alejandro Valverde.
Bernal and Thomas, who won last year’s Tour, finished stage 20 a few seconds later, crossing the line arm-in-arm, with huge grins on their faces. They came into the race as joint leaders for Ineos and, providing they both reach the finish in Paris on Sunday, will end it first and second in the general classification.
“We’re now close to making it official,” said Bernal. “There’s one stage left but, normally, if everything goes well, I can say that I’ve won my first Tour.
“It’s incredible. I just want to get to the finish line in Paris and after I’ll be calmer.
“Colombia is on the verge of winning its first Tour, We already had won the Giro d’Italia and La Vuelta a Espana, but the Tour was missing and it’s a great honour to think that I’m the one achieving this.”
Welshman Thomas, who ended the stage trailing in the overall standings by one minute, 11 seconds, wrote on Twitter: “Congrats Egan Bernal. What a rider. The first of many.”
Bernal, who will also collect the white jersey as the best young rider in the race, will put to an end a run of four successive British winners – Chris Froome winning three of his four titles from 2015 and Thomas triumphing last year.
Three-time world champin Sagan pulls a trademark wheelie as he crosses the finish line on stage 20
The green points jersey classification will be won for a record seventh time by Slovakian Peter Sagan, who pulled a wheelie as he rode over the finish line several minutes after the stage winner, while the polka dot King of the Mountains jersey will go to Frenchman Romain Bardet.
That will be some consolation for the French supporters who had been hoping to see a home victory for the first time since Bernhard Hinault won his record-equalling fifth Tour in 1985.
Alaphilippe, the world’s number one-ranked male cyclist, had led the race for 14 days, and after holding the yellow jersey through the Pyrenees in week two also retained it after the first day in the Alps.
However, he finally cracked on Friday’s storm-shortened 19th stage and he again fell away on Saturday’s final climb of the three-week race. He is set to finish fifth overall.
France’s other big hope, Thibaut Pinot, had also looked strong in the Pyrenees, but a freak injury, caused when his thigh hit his handlebar on stage 17, saw him eventually abandon the race from fifth place during stage 19.
How stage 20 unfolded
Saturday’s stage was reduced by 71km to just 59.5km, with one major climb – the 19.9km ascent of the Cormet de Roselend – chopped from the race because a landslide, caused by stormy weather in the Alps, had blocked the road.
That left the riders facing an unusual race along a dual carriageway across the valley from Albertville to the bottom of the day’s solitary 33km climb to the ski resort of Val Thorens.
More than 20 broke clear and opened a lead of around two minutes, 30 seconds as they reached the ascent but with the race for the overall title happening in the peloton behind them, their lead was gradually eroded.
The Jumbo-Visma team of Kruijswijk, who started the stage in fourth, 88 seconds adrift of Bernal, set a furious pace from the bottom of the ascent.
Kruijswijk started the day just 12 seconds behind third-placed Thomas and 40 behind Alaphilippe and his team’s efforts were rewarded when Alaphilippe cracked with around 13km of the race remaining.
However, Kruijswijk was unable to break the Ineos riders with Thomas and Bernal content to sit and ride tempo all the way to the finish line,
Dutch rider Kruijswijk eventually finished eight seconds behind Thomas to cement third place overall, one minute, 31 seconds behind Bernal.
Why the Bernal win will not be a surprise
Bernal (right) was a key domestique for Thomas when he won his Tour title last year
The climbing specialist, who was born on 13 January, 1997 in Colombia’s capital city Bogota at an altitude of 2,600m, showed his potential at last year’s Tour, when he rode as a domestique to Thomas and four-time champion Chris Froome.
After pacing Thomas to victory on Alpe d’Huez and ultimately the overall title, Froome said: “He’s got an amazing engine. You only have to look at what he did on Alpe d’Huez, for a 21-year-old, that’s amazing.
“There is a lot in Egan that reminds me of myself when I was younger. It’s great having him on the team and he brings a lot of young, new energy to the group.”
He joined Team Sky for the 2018 season, after winning the prestigious Tour de l’Avenir – a stage race for under-23 riders that has seen many of its winners go on to Tour de France success.
He won the Tour Colombia and Tour of California last year before making his Tour de France debut as a domestique to Thomas and four-time winner Chris Froome.
This year, three crashes helped Bernal arrive at the Tour as joint leader of the Ineos team.
The first was his own, on a training ride in Andorra, and it ruled him out of May’s Giro d’Italia, where he had been due to lead the team for the first time in a Grand Tour.
Froome’s season-ending crash at June’s Criterium du Dauphine then pushed Bernal up the Ineos pecking order for the Tour de France, while Thomas’ spill at the Tour de Suisse later that month saw Bernal take over as the sole leader of that team and he went on to win the race.
And he twice rode away from Thomas in the Alps this week to position himself as Ineos’ strongest rider at the Tour and secure his first Grand Tour win in only his second attempt.
Bernal will become the third youngest winner of the Tour. The youngest is France’s Henri Cornet, who was 19 when he was controversially awarded victory in the second edition of the race in 1904, while Luxembourg’s Francois Faber was a few days younger than Bernal when he took the 1909 title.
Overall standings after stage 20:
1. Egan Bernal (Col/Ineos) 79hrs 52mins 52secs
2. Geraint Thomas (GB/Ineos) +1min 11secs
3. Steven Kruijswijk (Ned/Jumbo-Visma) +1min 31secs
4. Emanuel Buchmann (Ger/Bora-Hansgrohe) +1min 56secs
5. Julian Alaphilippe (Fra/ Deceuninck-Quick Step) +3mins 45secs
6. Mikel Landa (Spa/Movistar) +4mins 23secs
7. Rigoberto Uran (Col/EF Education First) +5mins 15secs
8. Nairo Quintana (Col/Movistar) +5mins 30secs
9. Alejandro Valverde (Spa/Movistar) +6mins 12secs
10. Warren Barguil (Fra/Arkea-Samsic) +7mins 32secs
Stage 20 result:
1. Vincenzo Nibali (Ita/Bahrain-Merida) 1hrs 51mins 53secs
2. Alejandro Valverde (Spa/Movistar) +10secs
3. Mikel Landa (Spa/Movistar) +14secs
4. Egan Bernal (Col/Ineos) +17secs
5. Geraint Thomas (GB/Ineos) Same time
6. Rigoberto Uran (Col/EF Education First) +23secs
7. Emanuel Buchmann (Ger/Bora-Hansgrohe) Same time
8. Steven Kruijswijk (Ned/Jumbo-Visma) +25secs
9. Wout Poels (Ned/Ineos) +30secs
10. Nairo Quintana (Col/Movistar) Same time
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kevinpolowy · 7 years
'War for the Planet of the Apes' Set Visit: Andy Serkis and Crew on the Art of Aping
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Steve Zahn’s Bad Ape in ‘War for the Planet of the Apes’ (Fox)
It’s an extraordinary experience to observe Andy Serkis and his fellow motion-capture castmates-as-primates perform on the set of War for the Planet of the Apes. At first, there’s the pure visual oddity of watching loose-limbed actors decked out in body suits, helmets, and dotted-up faces communicate with varying command of the English language.
In this case, the ensemble is on a soundstage where an abandoned ski lodge has been meticulously constructed. Serkis (who returns as ape leader Caesar) is flanked by fellow series mainstays Karin Konoval (Maurice) and Terry Notary (Rocket) as they confront a new face: Steve Zahn (Bad Ape). “Human get sick, ape get smart,” Zahn tells them just above a whisper with deliberately fractured delivery. “But not me. I run!”
Eventually, something transformative happens. We forget we’re watching human beings. The CGI is still months away, but it already feels like we’re in the presence of apes. “That’s interesting, and very much the point,” Serkis laughed when we relayed our revelation to him in his trailer later that afternoon. But it’s no day at the zoo for the actor. “It’s very painful,” Serkis said of the physicality involved.
It’s Day 18 of the threequel’s 95-day shoot at Mammoth Studios in New West Minister, British Colombia, about a 30-minute drive from downtown Vancouver. And in a nearby trailer, Zahn, an actor typically known for bringing comic relief and who’s just recently begun his motion-capture debut, is visibly exhausted. “It’s extremely demanding,” he says. “It’s daunting to me personally because I’m coming into something that’s already been rolling for a long time, and these guys are incredible performers. So it’s scary. I was extremely nervous coming into this.”
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Karin Konoval, Andy Serkis, Terry Notary, and Michael Adamthwaite filming ‘War for the Planet of the Apes’ (Fox)
Directed by Matt Reeves from a script he co-wrote with Mark Bomback, War for the Planet of the Apes marks “the final chapter” in a trilogy following box-office hits and surprise critical darlings Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014). After a drug made the apes increasingly intelligent in Rise and humankind became endangered because of a resulting virus in Dawn, War — as its title implies — will see the two fighting for the survival of their respective species. “There are no winners, it’s just a brutal situation,” Serkis explained.
The “Caesar-centric” story opens with the apes, having lost their enclave in Dawn, taking residence in a hidden fortress behind a waterfall. Humans attack, and something cataclysmic unfolds. This sends Caesar, typically a peace broker between man- and ape-kind, on a path for revenge, with his sights set on the brash military leader, Colonel (Woody Harrelson).
During their subsequent journey, Caesar, Maurice, and Rocket find Zahn’s Bad Ape at the ski lodge. He’s a smaller, slightly unhinged zoo escapee whose existence leads Caesar to believe there could be more apes out there like him.
“It’s like doing theater again, and being in that absurd world,” said Zahn, who compared the motion-capture work to the two years he spent doing experimental productions at the American Repertory Theater in Cambridge, Mass. It was daunting for the actor, but he had some valuable allies at his disposal. Most notably, Serkis, whose work in films like The Lord of the Rings trilogy, King Kong, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, and the Apes films have made him the Brando of Motion Capture (“He’s like royalty,” Zahn said); and Notary, a Cirque du Soleil alum who serves as a mo-cap player-coach, hosting an “Ape Camp” in the lead-up to each installment. (“Terry Notary is so central and so much the heart of this whole thing,” Serkis said. “Not only does he play one of the roles, Rocket, but his responsibility is enormous because he’s watching what everybody else is doing.”)
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‘War for the Planet of the Apes’ (Fox)
Ape Camp is set up to help the actors master the movements (whether quadrupedal like Maurice or bipedal like Rocket) and speech of their simian characters. “It’s really about finding a foundation,” Notary explained. “Because everybody comes in like, ‘Oh, I’ve watched all kinds of videos!’ But as soon as someone starts to pretend to be an ape, there’s tension, which is the exact opposite of what an ape has. An ape has a relaxed, soft integrity to everything they do.” Or as Zahn put it, “When you pretend to be an ape, it doesn’t work. It looks dumb.”
Notary, whose camps run between two and five weeks, has a very meditative way of breaking down exactly how one becomes an ape. “All you have to do is drop the B.S. and be real and be who you are and drop into yourself… You find that you can see better and you can hear better, and tune into who are you, really, rather than the idea of who you are, or the person that you’ve socially become. Who is the real person in there? Who is the root of you? When you do that, you’re being simple, and you’re being present. You’re not pretending, you’re not acting, you’re not emulating, you’re just stripping away the human stuff.”
For War, Notary orchestrated a three-and-a-half hour improvisational period where all the actors playing apes remained in character the entire time. It started in a room in the studio, “and then the next thing I know we were off journeying this way and journeying that way, and then we’re in the parking lot,” recalled Konova, a 125-pound woman who plays a 300-pound male orangutan. “And you know people are looking at us like, ‘What’s going on?'”
Serkis found it instrumental: “You find how they relate to each other, how they guard Caesar, how the family operates, how they move as a unit, how in their rituals they operate, and how they’ve evolved,” he said. “You’re discovering stuff. And when you get into improvisation of that length — apart from the fact that it hurts like hell — it really does unlock so many things and you can gather an enormous amount of information. And you fill unified as a group.”
Over the course of the trilogy, aping around has gotten easier for Serkis. “I don’t think anything will ever be as painful as playing Caesar as an infant,” he said in reference to his intro in Rise. “Because that was so high energy and hard on the quads like you wouldn’t believe.”
But watch him go to work on set and you will believe.
War for the Planet of the Apes opens July 14. Watch the trailer:
Read more on Yahoo Movies:
Andy Serkis Says ‘War for the Planet of the Apes’ Will Be ‘Final Chapter’ in Trilogy — But Don’t Count Out More ‘Apes’ Movies
Inside ‘War for the Planet of the Apes’: Filmmakers Set Up the Final Battle, Break Down Humanity of the Apes
‘The Batman’ Finds Its New Director: Matt Reeves
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hana-blogs · 7 years
I didn't know you were moving to Canada!! Do you have a city picked out yet? :)
Kasey & I are going! 24 month visa ^^We’re deciding between a few different ski resorts around British Colombia/Alberta (Mt. Panorama, Sunshine Village, Banff, Jasper etc)  for the winter season starting around October and then see where life takes us for the summer season, either getting another job or going traveling for a bit :3 
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newstfionline · 4 years
A Line of Fire South of Portland and a Yearslong Recovery Ahead (NYT) A 36-mile-wide line of flames edged into the towns around Portland, Ore., and cities along the West Coast were smothered in acrid smoke and ash on Friday as history-making wildfires remained unchecked, killing at least 17 and leaving dozens of people missing. Portland’s mayor, fearing the possibility that fires could start and spread in the city, has declared a state of emergency. “We are preparing for a mass fatality incident based on what we know and the numbers of structures that have been lost,” Andrew Phelps, director of the Oregon Office of Emergency Management, said as firefighters struggled to contain blazes that have spread across millions of acres of the Pacific Northwest. Combined, the states have seen nearly five million acres consumed by fire—a land mass approaching the size of New Jersey. The flames also left a humanitarian disaster in their wake, including three more deaths in Oregon that were confirmed on Friday. Hundreds, if not thousands, of homes have been lost, most of them in Oregon, where an estimated 40,000 people have been evacuated and as many as 500,000 live in evacuation alert zones, poised to flee with a change in the winds. As residents flee fire-ravaged communities, officials have struggled to manage a series of migrations reminiscent of a war zone, with distraught families showing up with little in hand beyond an overwhelming fear that their homes have been lost for good. “The long-term recovery is going to last years,” said emergency management director Andrew Phelps.
US budget deficit hits record $3 trillion through 11 months (AP) The U.S. budget deficit hit an all-time high of $3 trillion for the first 11 months of this budget year, the Treasury Department said Friday. The ocean of red ink is a product of the government’s massive spending to try to cushion the impact of a coronavirus-fueled recession that has cost millions of jobs. The deficit from October through August is more than double the previous 11-month record of $1.37 trillion set in 2009. At that time the government was spending large sums to get out of the Great Recession triggered by the 2008 financial crisis. With one month to go in the 2020 budget year, which ends Sept. 30, the deficit could go even higher. The Congressional Budget Office is forecasting the deficit this year will hit a record $3.3 trillion.
Mexican water wars (Los Angeles Times) Mexico’s water wars have turned deadly. A long-simmering dispute about shared water rights between Mexico and the United States has erupted into open clashes pitting Mexican National Guard troops against farmers, ranchers and others who seized a dam in northern Chihuahua state. A 35-year-old mother of three was shot dead and her husband seriously wounded in what the Chihuahua state government labeled unprovoked National Guard gunfire. La Boquilla dam remained in protesters’ custody as of Friday amid rumors that the federal troops were readying to mount an assault to recapture the strategic facility. The conflict has escalated into a national crisis in which both sides allege rampant corruption and the meddling of shadowy provocateurs and hidden political interests in a complex scenario reminiscent of “Chinatown,” the iconic film about early 20th-century water battles in Southern California.
Latin America, unable to flatten its curve, struggles to cope with pandemic (Washington Post) Seven months after Latin America diagnosed its first case of covid-19, the region continues to rack up some of the worst numbers in the world—failing to flatten its curve as it reels from persistently high infection levels and devastating mortality rates. Brazil, Peru, Mexico, Colombia and now Argentina make up half the global top 10 in total coronavirus cases. Add Chile, Bolivia and Ecuador, and Latin America accounts for eight of the 12 countries suffering the most deaths per capita. (The United States leads the world in coronavirus cases and deaths.) The region suffers from a range of preexisting conditions. The population is more urbanized than in Europe, Oceania, Asia or Africa. Covid-19 has scythed its way through the urban slums of Sao Paulo in Brazil, Lima in Peru, Buenos Aires and Mexico City. Close quarters and multigenerational households have undermined attempts at social distancing. Inequality is high, health care uneven and safety nets limited. The region’s many poor people must work to live, and they have routinely violated lockdowns to eat. Porous borders have made it difficult to quarantine infected travelers.
Antarctica is still free of COVID-19 (AP) At this very moment a vast world exists that’s free of the coronavirus, where people can mingle without masks and watch the pandemic unfold from thousands of miles away. From the U.K.’s Rothera Research Station off the Antarctic peninsula that curls toward the tip of South America, field guide Rob Taylor described what it’s like in “our safe little bubble.” “In general, the freedoms afforded to us are more extensive than those in the U.K. at the height of lockdown,” said Taylor, who arrived in October and has missed the pandemic entirely. “We can ski, socialize normally, run, use the gym, all within reason.” Like teams across Antarctica, including at the South Pole, Taylor and his 26 colleagues must be proficient in all sorts of tasks in a remote, communal environment with little room for error. They take turns cooking, make weather observations and “do a lot of sewing,” he said. Good internet connections mean they’ve watched closely as the pandemic circled the rest of the planet. At New Zealand’s Scott Base, rounds of mini-golf and a filmmaking competition with other Antarctic bases have been highlights of the Southern Hemisphere’s winter, which ended for the Scott team when they spotted the sun last Friday. It had been away since April. “I think there’s a little bit of dissociation,” Rory O’Connor, a doctor and the team’s winter leader, said of watching the pandemic from afar. “You acknowledge it cerebrally, but I don’t think we have fully factored in the emotional turmoil it must be causing.”
Boris Johnson’s ‘Operation Moonshot’ envisions weekly coronavirus tests for every person in Britain (Washington Post) No masks. No distancing. The ability to go to work or school, the theater or a soccer match, as if living in a virus-free world. That’s the vision British Prime Minister Boris Johnson pitched this past week, as he unveiled “Operation Moonshot”—a plan to test 10 million Brits every single day, or everyone in the country every week, at a cost of $130 billion. The prospect of a return to normal has wide appeal, especially at a moment Britain is about to implement a new round of social distancing measures, prompted by rising coronavirus infections. But many public health experts are dubious. Some say the plan is not a moonshot, but a Jules Verne fantasy. Such massive population-wide testing for disease would be unprecedented. Though some countries have deployed mass screening during this pandemic, “Operation Moonshot” would go where no public health campaign has gone before—and yet Britain doesn’t have the best track record on coronavirus testing. Skeptics add that the sort of rapid, cheap tests the project would need are in still in development, or have not yet been approved for mass screening in Britain, and could produce so many false positives and negatives as to create chaos.
French police fire tear gas as ‘yellow vest’ protests return to Paris (Reuters) French police fired tear gas and arrested more than 200 people in Paris on Saturday as “yellow vest” protesters returned to the capital’s streets in force for the first time since the coronavirus lockdown. The “yellow vests” movement, named after motorists’ high-visibility jackets, began in late 2018 in protest against fuel taxes and economic reform, posing a major challenge to President Emmanuel Macron as demonstrations spread across France.
Belarus police detain dozens of protesters at anti-government rally (Reuters) Police detained at least 46 protesters on Saturday as thousands of people gathered in the Belarus capital Minsk demanding the release of a jailed opposition leader, the latest in a wave of mass protests following a disputed election. Maria Kolesnikova, 38, has emerged as a key opposition figure after others were either jailed or forced out of the country, including Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya who challenged President Alexander Lukashenko in the presidential election. Protesters say the Aug. 9 election was rigged to hand Lukashenko a phoney landslide win and that Tsikhanouskaya—who has since fled to Lithuania—was the real winner. Lukashenko, who has been in power for 26 years, denies this and has said foreign powers are behind the protests.
Police fire teargas as migrants demand to leave Greek island after fire (Reuters) Greek police fired teargas on Saturday during a protest by angry migrants left homeless by a blaze at Europe’s largest refugee centre, who demanded to leave the island of Lesbos as authorities started building a new encampment for them. More than 12,000 people, most from Africa and Afghanistan, have been sleeping rough since flames swept through the notoriously overcrowded Moria camp earlier this week. Some residents had COVID-19, raising fears the outbreak could spread. Under a hot sun on Saturday, hundreds of migrants, many chanting “Freedom” and “No Camp”, gathered as bulldozers cleared ground in preparation for tents to be put up. Police fired rounds of teargas when some of the protesters attempted to march down a road leading to the island’s port of Mytilene, which police had blocked while work on the new tent settlement continued nearby.
Greek and Turkish ships are playing chicken at sea (Washington Post) Last weekend, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan demanded that Greece engage in talks over escalating tensions in the eastern Mediterranean, warning that “They’re either going to understand the language of politics and diplomacy, or in the field with painful experiences.” The Greek government, meanwhile, announced further steps this week to bolster the country’s defenses. New tensions between the two longtime rivals flared up in mid-August, when Turkey deployed the research vessel Oruç Reis, flanked by two warships, to explore for oil and gas in contested waters between the islands of Crete and Cyprus. Greece accused Turkey of violating its sovereign rights—and dispatched warships of its own, precipitating a collision between a Greek frigate and a Turkish warship. In principle, Greece and Turkey could resolve their dispute short of war by dividing up maritime space or jointly developing oil resources. However, as they double down on legal claims that support their exclusive jurisdiction and control over coastal resources, both governments nurture domestic political grievances and international antipathies that may make it harder to back down and accept compromise.
How China Brought Nearly 200 Million Students Back to School (NYT) Under bright blue skies, nearly 2,000 students gathered this month for the start of school at Hanyang No. 1 High School in Wuhan, the Chinese city where the coronavirus first emerged. Medical staff stood guard at school entrances, taking temperatures. Administrative officials reviewed the students’ travel histories and coronavirus test results. Local Communist Party cadres kept watch, making sure teachers followed detailed instructions on hygiene and showed an “anti-epidemic spirit.” As countries around the world struggle to safely reopen schools this fall, China is harnessing the power of its authoritarian system to offer in-person learning for about 195 million students in kindergarten through 12th grade at public schools. While the Communist Party has adopted many of the same sanitation and distancing procedures used elsewhere, it has rolled them out with a characteristic all-out, command-and-control approach that brooks no dissent. It has mobilized battalions of local officials and party cadres to inspect classrooms, deployed apps and other technology to monitor students and staff, and restricted their movements. It has even told parents to stay away for fear of spreading germs. China’s top-down, state-led political system allows the party to drive its vast bureaucracy in pursuit of a single target—an approach that would be nearly impossible anywhere else in the world.
Afghanistan Peace Talks Open in Qatar, Seeking End to Decades of War (NYT) The Taliban and the Afghan government began historic peace talks in Qatar on Saturday, aimed at shaping a power-sharing government that would end decades of war that have consumed Afghanistan and left millions dead and displaced. If realized, a peace deal would be the first time in generations that a new form of Afghan government was not being established at the point of a gun: The current model was ushered in by the American invasion that toppled the Taliban’s harsh Islamic regime in 2001, and each previous one back to the 1979 Soviet invasion was set off by coup, collapse or conquest. But as the Qatar talks begin, against the backdrop of an American troop pullout and grievous violence against Afghan officials and civilians, some critics of the process argued that the Taliban insurgency was still, in fact, holding a gun to the government’s head. Still, the fact that delegations from the two sides are finally coming to the table, after repeated delays, offers the nation a rare opportunity in its recent history: finding a formula of lasting coexistence before the withdrawal of another foreign military creates a vacuum, potentially repeating the country’s cycle of misfortune.
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kadobeclothing · 4 years
Travel the world from the comfort of your sofa with these great shows – The Sun
WE all need a little escapism right now. Comparison site mylatedeals.com has rounded up a host of great travel shows – all available to stream now and perfect for anyone with wanderlust. So pick up your passport (OK, the remote) and witness the world from your sofa.   SACRED WONDERS Many of the world’s best-known landmarks have been inspired by faith. In this series, the amazing things people do in the name of faith in some of the most spectacular places on Earth are revealed. Pictured is Shi Yandian,a student monk at the Shaolin Temple in China, who on the show is training to become a warrior monk. The series is narrated by Sue Perkins. 10 Enjoy Sacred Wonders and watch Shi Yandia training to become a warrior monk and doing Kung Fu at Shaolin Temple in ChinaCredit: WARNING: Use of this copyright image is subject to the terms of use of BBC Pictures’ DigitStream on: BBC iPlayer Series: One Total episodes: Three Visited: Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the Great Mosque of Djenné in Mali, the Golden Temple in India, Nachi Falls in Japan, The Shaolin Temple in China, Masada in Israel, The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. JACK WHITEHALL: TRAVELS WITH MY FATHER Part travel documentary, part road trip comedy hosted by the stand-up comedian and his dad Michael. In the first series, the pair go on a gap year-style trip across South East Asia. Series two follows them on a European road trip and in series three they see America. 10 Stream the part travel documentary, part road trip comedy by Jack Whitehall and his father MichaelStream on: Netflix Series: Three Total episodes: 13 Visited: Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Ukraine, Turkey, the US. DARK TOURIST David Farrier visits locations associated with death and destruction, such as Medellin, Colombia, once one of the world’s most dangerous cities, thanks to its association with drug lord Pablo Escobar, and the town of Tomioka, which was evacuated during the Fukushima nuclear disaster. 10 Dive into this David Farrier’s Dark Tourist, where he visits some of the most dangerous cities in the worldCredit: NetflixStream on: Netflix Series: One Total episodes: Eight Visited: Latin America, Japan, United States, Europe, South East Asia and Africa. OUR PLANET This landmark series transports nature lovers from deserts to grasslands to the depths of the ocean and everywhere in between. Narrated by David Attenborough, the documentary features footage of rarely seen animals and highlights humanity’s impact on habitats and species. The series was filmed across 64 different countries. 10 If you are a nature lover and want to escape reality, David Attenborough’s Our Planet is a must-watchStream on: Netflix Series: One Total episodes: Eight Visited: The Arctic wilderness, Africa and South America. AN IDIOT ABROAD With no interest in travel, Karl Pilkington is out of his comfort zone when Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant send him on once-in-a-lifetime trips. Series one documents Pilkington visiting the New Seven Wonders of the World. He is on a bucket list tour in the second series and travels Marco Polo’s route to China with Warwick Davis in the third. 10 In An Idiot Abroad, Karl Pilkington is stepping out of his comfort zone as he is sent travelling by Ricky Gervais and Stephen MerchantCredit: SkyStream on: Now TV Series: Three Total episodes: 19 Visited: Alaska, Russia and Macedonia, among other places. THE GRAND TOUR Technically a motoring show but Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May visit loads of glamorous locations. At each – including Johannesburg, Lapland and California – they attempt extraordinary things, from training with the SAS in Jordan to saving coral reefs in Barbados and road tripping on the “Romantic Road” in British SUVs. 10 Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May visit loads of glamorous locations, in the Grand Tour, including Johannesburg and LaplandCredit: PA:Press AssociationStream on: Amazon Prime Series: Four Total episodes: 39 Visited: USA, Portugal, South Africa and Jordan, to name a few. TRAVEL MAN: 48 HOURS IN . . . The quirky series with Richard Ayoade follows the comedian and film-maker to a major city in each episode along with a celebrity guest. The show is useful for anyone planning a trip to one of Richard’s destinations. Every episode is sure to make you laugh, thanks to the IT Crowd star’s dry sense of humour. 10 Richard Ayoade visits a major city in each episode and is joined by a celebrity guestCredit: (Channel 4 images must not be altered or manipulated in any way) Channel 4 Picture PublicStream on: All 4 Series: Ten Total episodes: 43 Visited: Barcelona, Istanbul, Iceland, Marrakech, Vienna and Paris, to name a few. FRANKIE BOYLE’S TOUR OF SCOTLAND According to the man himself: “There comes a time in every comedian’s career when they decide to do travelogues.” This is his. As he travels across Scotland on his stand-up tour, Frankie meets a mix of people in all sorts of places. He asks unusual questions and, as you would expect from the comic, there is adult content and sarcasm. 10 Hop on Frankie Boyle’s funny and sarcastic trip as he travels across Scotland on his stand-up tourCredit: BBCStream on: BBC iPlayer Series: One Total episodes: Four Visited: Aberdeen, Oban, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Ayr. ANTHONY BOURDAIN: PARTS UNKNOWN This series focuses on other cuisines, cultures and politics and was presented by the late celebrity chef, author and traveller. Viewers can follow Bourdain, who died in 2018, as he eats and chats his way around less explored countries such as Libya and Myanmar. The series finale sees him back in his home town of New York. 10 Enjoy a tour of other cuisines, cultures and politics presented by celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain in Parts UnknownCredit: CNNStream on: Amazon Prime Series: 12 Total episodes: 104 Visited: Myanmar, Libya, Colombia and Congo to name a few. JAMES MAY: OUR MAN IN JAPAN James embarks on a journey across Japan in a bid to understand the Land of the Rising Sun. In this documentary he travels from the icy north to its balmy south, seeing the sights, meeting locals and eating noodles along his way. Highlights include a visit to the Kanamara Matsuri penis festival in Kawasaki City. 10 James May embarks on a journey across Japan in a bid to understand the Land of the Rising SunCredit: Amazon PrimeStream on: Amazon Prime Series: One TOP TRIPSThe holiday destinations around the world without coronavirusLOOK OUTPeople around the world in lockdown share the stunning views from their windowsCRUISING FOR A BRUISINGCruise holidays could be suspended for 6 months due to coronavirusSKI INNew £200m Afan Valley Adventure Resort to feature world’s largest dry ski slopeNO FLY LISTFull list of Jet2 flights still running amid coronavirusHOLIDAY’S OVERTUI suspends all package holidays, hotel stays & cruises due to coronavirus Total episodes: Six Visited: Cape Soya, Tohoku, Fukushima, Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka and Shikoku. Google Maps offers virtual tours of ancient sites like Taj Mahal, Venice and Pyramids of Giza Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/travel-the-world-from-the-comfort-of-your-sofa-with-these-great-shows-the-sun/
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mastcomm · 4 years
Guaidó, Promising Change for Venezuela, Fails to Conquer Davos
DAVOS, Switzerland — This time last year, Juan Guaidó would have been the toast of Davos. Mr. Guaidó, the Venezuelan opposition leader, had just led a wave of popular unrest to win the presidency of Venezuela’s National Assembly and declared himself the true leader of his crisis-ridden country.
But as Mr. Guaidó made the rounds at this year’s gathering of political and business figures — having come to Europe in defiance of a travel ban at home — he seemed like a man whose moment had passed.
With Venezuela’s repressive president, Nicolás Maduro, still firmly entrenched in power, and with Mr. Guaidó’s most prominent backer, President Trump, distracted by his Senate trial and his re-election campaign, the embattled Venezuelan spent most of his time answering questions about why he had not succeeded in toppling Mr. Maduro.
“We underestimated the ability of the regime to do bad,” Mr. Guaidó told a half-filled hall where, two days earlier, Mr. Trump had spoken to a standing-room-only crowd. “We are really climbing a mountain at the moment.”
Mr. Guaidó insisted that he and his supporters would still uproot the Maduro government. He urged European leaders to crack down on Venezuela’s gold trade, which he said had helped consolidate Mr. Maduro’s control by providing a means of foreign exchange and helping to secure the loyalty of the military.
But Mr. Guaidó struggled to offer fresh ideas for how governments could tighten the pressure on Mr. Maduro. Venezuela is already under heavy sanctions, which have so far failed to dislodge him. In an election year, the United States is less likely than ever to consider more aggressive options, like military intervention.
In Washington, the most vocal proponent of Mr. Guaidó — the former national security adviser John R. Bolton — has left the administration. Mr. Trump did not mention Venezuela during his speech in Davos; he left the Alpine ski resort on Wednesday without seeing Mr. Guaidó.
That left the Venezuelan with a lineup of meetings that included the leaders of Austria, Greece and the Netherlands, as well as a session with a Davos regular, Tony Blair, the former British prime minister. On Tuesday, Mr. Guaidó met in London with Britain’s current prime minister, Boris Johnson.
“The idea behind all these meetings is the same,” Mr. Guaidó said to journalists, speaking through a translator. “People should stop seeing Venezuela as an insoluble problem.”
But then he likened Venezuela to Syria, Yemen, and South Sudan — three war-torn states that are often viewed as insoluble problems.
Although Venezuela is not in a state of war, Mr. Guaidó noted that millions of people had fled the country in search of food or medical care. Those who remain behind are in grinding poverty, living on wages of as little as $3.50 a month, even for nurses and other professionals. The government has turned up its repression, jailing and torturing members of the opposition.
Mr. Guaidó himself took a big risk in leaving the country. He declined to describe how he evaded security forces, except to say that they were not particularly efficient, and his team managed to distract them. Still, Mr. Guaidó faces the possibility of harsh reprisals when he returns home.
“Going back to Venezuela will not be easy,” he said. “I do hope I can get home safe and sound.”
Just before flying to Europe, Mr. Guaidó met Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in Bogotá, Colombia. The United States is one of more than 50 countries that recognizes Mr. Guaidó as Venezuela’s legitimate leader. Mr. Pompeo insisted the administration had not retreated in its determination to see Mr. Maduro ousted, and expressed hope that it could still happen.
“I’ve heard this idea that we’ve underestimated Maduro,” Mr. Pompeo said to reporters. “What’s been underestimated is the desire for freedom that rests in the hearts of the Venezuelan people.”
American officials said Mr. Guaidó’s visit to Davos was valuable because it would put a human face on the struggle in Venezuela. Despite making headlines over the past year, Mr. Guaidó, 36, remains something of an abstraction to people outside Latin America, according to a senior official. By telling his own story, this person said, Mr. Guaidó could still mobilize support among the Europeans, who would be critical in imposing effective sanctions and halting the gold trade.
As Mr. Guaidó analyzed his problems over the last year, he pointed to an offer made by the opposition of amnesty to members of the military who would agree to turn against the Maduro government. The offer did not peel away senior officers, in part because Mr. Maduro gave them access to lucrative gold mines. They have remained a bulwark of support for him.
“We tried to do this, but it sort of rebounded on us,” Mr. Guaidó said. “It is really the top brass of the military that are behind him.”
from WordPress https://mastcomm.com/event/guaido-promising-change-for-venezuela-fails-to-conquer-davos/
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guidetourme · 4 years
Vancouver Island
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Vancouver Island- the Canadian outdoor
On the southern coast of Canada lies this incredible Vancouver Island which has lots in store for visitors who love the outdoors. This island is specially known for its wilderness parks, diverse activities, clear coastal waters and traditional communities. Besides the outstanding scenario, the wildlife in both marine and land locked are amazingly beautiful. This place is truly a nature lovers’ dream come true. Apart from natural surroundings, the island also has cosmopolitan cities and harbours best suited for them who like to travel in comfort and style.
How to go Vancouver Island
The island has two airports: Victoria and Comox from where international and domestic flights are available. To reach the island you can easily take the ferry from the city of Vancouver or Seattle.
Things to do in Vancouver Island
Get prepared for a lifetime experience of adventure on Vancouver Island, British Colombia. Victoria, Campbell River, park villa are some of the places to be explored. It is a mixture of magnificent rainforest, mountains, beaches, pristine rivers and lakes. Outdoor activities include: Camping Hiking Golfing Kayaking Whale watching Wildlife viewing Salmon fishing At the south end of the island is the famous “galloping goose trial”. To start on the fitness trial, take the galloping goose and try the fifty five kilometre walk or Cycling could be easier for a good start. Try a bit of wilderness hiking in the centre of the island at the Starthcona provisional park. Other than this the island presents before us the Vancouver special west coast trial which is also known as “the real Canadian experience”. This is one of the toughest hikes and all you need is an adventures mind to travel into the wild which will take from five to ten days. For getting there you have to get a permit, and then your journey starts where you will get lots of rain and mud. You will also have to deal with the tide changes, tree ladders, steep climbing, and natural bridges. The island has seven different geographic regions, each of which possesses unique characteristics. They are all connected with each other through transit networks. The three main different regions are: The most densely populated area is the South Vancouver Island. The province capital of Victoria is located here. The North Vancouver Island region is just the opposite which is a remote area and outdoor lovers can get opportunities for a recreational adventure. Central Vancouver Island is home to the popular places like Nanaimo and Tofino.
Della falls
One of the tallest waterfalls can also be found in this park. Those who can manage the steep hike, which is 440 metres upwards, can enjoy the majestic view of the Della Falls. However dangerous animals like bears, cougars can be found around. Of course all these make an ideal gateway for the outdoor adventures who can feel the nature their home.
Qualicum Beach- a must visit
Located at a reachable distance from Nanaimo, is Victoria or Nanaimo. A visit to Vancouver Island is incomplete without checking Milnar gardens and Woodland. Ocean kayaking, hiking and spending time at the beach are some of the activities done here. For accommodation, there is nothing wonderful than the Free Spirit Spheres. Here you will get the unique experience to stay in tree house as there are three spherical suspended tree houses in the rainforest near Qualicum Beach. Other than this, you can also stay in Crown Mansion Boutique Hotel and Villas to have a breath taking experience of your visit. The wonderful compelling 50 acre estate called the Butchart Gardens has become a fascinating tourist’s point that offers magnificent flora and fauna along with night fireworks. Visiting these gardens will never disappoint you. If you want to buy some souvenirs for your near and dear ones then Vancouver Island’s retail malls will offer you with varieties of gifts.
Best time to go Vancouver Island
The island experiences the mildest climate in the country because of the warm Pacific Ocean currents. During winter season some parts stay conducive for skiing and snowboarding. May to September is the best time to visit and explore the region. Due to the majestic and divine beauty, lots of nature lovers are attracted toward this Vancouver Island. Read the full article
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erickrichards · 5 years
Languages that Tours are made in Miami Florida?
In which languages ​​are the Tours made in Miami?
Miami is a city located in the southeast corner of Florida, United States. Its metropolitan area encompasses more than 5.4 million inhabitants, which makes it the seventh-largest in the United States.
The port of Miami is considered the port that hosts the largest volume of cruise ships in the world. It is also home to several cruise line companies. In addition, the city has the highest concentration of international banks in the entire United States of America.
Miami, is a city where most of its inhabitants are Latin, we can find several neighborhoods where they are located -Little Habana (Little Havana, Residences of Cubans in Miami) -Little Haiti (Residences of Haitians in Miami) -Little Doral (Doralzuela, Residences of Venezuelans in Miami) -Kendall (Little Colombia, Residences of Colombians in Miami) -Allapattah (Little Santo Domingo, Residences of Dominicans in Miami).
Why travel to Miami?
Traveling to Miami offers the tourist a multicultural experience, it is a city full of different flavors, people from all over the world, beautiful beaches, styles of music of any kind … It is a place full of life and movement capable of captivating any visitor.
Where are the tourists visiting the beautiful city of Miami?
The countries that provide more tourists are: -Brazil (which speak Portuguese) -Colombia (which speak Spanish) -Argentina (Its language is Spanish) -Canada (which speak English and French) -United Kingdom (Los which speak British English) -Europe (which have several languages, including German, English, French).
What are the types of tours in Miami?
Miami tourist bus: It is a type of tour by land, where the best places and attractions of the city are visited. With more than twenty stops for key points of interest. You can freely hop on and off at any of the more than twenty Miami tours stops, with a selection of two routes, the red and the blue ones, that cover the city and Miami Beach. The tickets are valid for twenty-four hours and have informative and participatory comments in six languages, which are: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese. which make it the best way to see and know the city during your visit.
Boat trip through the house of celebrities: the boat ride lasts 90 minutes. During this time we travel through the Port of Miami (the largest cruise port in the world), Miami Beach and the Bay of Biscay, focusing on its most famous islands: Star Island, Palm Island and Hibiscus Island. Among the most important places, we can see are the houses of various celebrities, including Al Capone, Julio Iglesias, Gloria Estefan, Shaquille O’Neal or Paulina Rubio … The Tour is always done in Spanish, but sometimes it can be done in 2 languages.
Flight over the famous Miami Beach:
Relax aboard a plane while enjoying the views. All seats face large windows and all passengers have headphones to communicate with each other on the plane. Listen to the explanations that your pilot will give you, which will act as a guide, of the most important places you see, the audiology is in Spanish, English, and Portuguese…. Marvel at the views of North Miami Beach and South Beach from the air. See Fisher Island, the harbor and downtown Miami from a bird’s eye view while traveling back. Fly over Star Island and the homes of Indian Creek millionaires. Check out Oleta State Park and the Florida International University (FIU) campus.
Everglades National Park:
On this 3 to 5-hour tour, you will visit the beautiful Everglades National Park and discover the diversity of wildlife in the area. Enjoy a hydro slide ride guided by experts from the area. Find fascinating wild species as you glide through the waters of the Everglades National Park. An exclusive paradise for animal species. The tour is conducted entirely in the English language.
Jet ski adventure in Miami:
When you get to the meeting point, you will receive a safety English talk about how to ride a jet ski. There will be a monitor on the jet ski that will follow you at all times. To help you and show you the best places to see dolphins. The jet ski will be very fast and you can live an exciting experience on board. You will be assigned an extensive area to navigate and practice your skills. As the tour takes place in a bay, the waters will be claimed.
Parasailing in the Bay of Biscay:
Arrive at the exit point where you will be introduced to the captain and partner. You will leave the dock on the Parasailing boat and the host will comment on the safety instructions. Also, help you put on the equipment (The instructor speaks in English). After a journey of 5 or 10 minutes through the bay. The captain will open the parachute and call the first flyers. Take off from the boat and enjoy the views of Miami. Before landing on the ship again, enjoy a swim in the water to cool off from the Miami sun. The other flyers can enjoy your experience before returning to the starting point.
Taste helicopter tour of Miami:
The Taste of Miami helicopter tour allows you to contemplate all the views of upper Miami. Departing from Opa / Locka airport, just northeast of Miami, this visit will rise above the Sun Life Stadium, home of the Miami Dolphins. While flying over Miami, you will see the views of Aventura and Gulfstream Park. The first horse race track in South Florida. Before the visit is over, you will fly over some of the most beautiful beaches in Miami, such as Hallandale Beach. Golden Beach, Sunny Isles, and Haulover Beach. While heading towards Opa / Locka airport, you can see Oleta River State Park and Bal Habour. This tour can be offered in 10 languages ​​which are: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish and Chinese (traditional).
The post Languages that Tours are made in Miami, Florida? appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
from https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/languages-that-tours-are-made-in-miami-florida/
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tonydsmith · 5 years
Languages that Tours are made in Miami, Florida?
In which languages ​​are the Tours made in Miami?
Miami is a city located in the southeast corner of Florida, United States. Its metropolitan area encompasses more than 5.4 million inhabitants, which makes it the seventh-largest in the United States.
The port of Miami is considered the port that hosts the largest volume of cruise ships in the world. It is also home to several cruise line companies. In addition, the city has the highest concentration of international banks in the entire United States of America.
Miami, is a city where most of its inhabitants are Latin, we can find several neighborhoods where they are located -Little Habana (Little Havana, Residences of Cubans in Miami) -Little Haiti (Residences of Haitians in Miami) -Little Doral (Doralzuela, Residences of Venezuelans in Miami) -Kendall (Little Colombia, Residences of Colombians in Miami) -Allapattah (Little Santo Domingo, Residences of Dominicans in Miami).
Why travel to Miami?
Traveling to Miami offers the tourist a multicultural experience, it is a city full of different flavors, people from all over the world, beautiful beaches, styles of music of any kind … It is a place full of life and movement capable of captivating any visitor.
Where are the tourists visiting the beautiful city of Miami?
The countries that provide more tourists are: -Brazil (which speak Portuguese) -Colombia (which speak Spanish) -Argentina (Its language is Spanish) -Canada (which speak English and French) -United Kingdom (Los which speak British English) -Europe (which have several languages, including German, English, French).
What are the types of tours in Miami?
Miami tourist bus: It is a type of tour by land, where the best places and attractions of the city are visited. With more than twenty stops for key points of interest. You can freely hop on and off at any of the more than twenty Miami tours stops, with a selection of two routes, the red and the blue ones, that cover the city and Miami Beach. The tickets are valid for twenty-four hours and have informative and participatory comments in six languages, which are: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese. which make it the best way to see and know the city during your visit.
Boat trip through the house of celebrities: the boat ride lasts 90 minutes. During this time we travel through the Port of Miami (the largest cruise port in the world), Miami Beach and the Bay of Biscay, focusing on its most famous islands: Star Island, Palm Island and Hibiscus Island. Among the most important places, we can see are the houses of various celebrities, including Al Capone, Julio Iglesias, Gloria Estefan, Shaquille O’Neal or Paulina Rubio … The Tour is always done in Spanish, but sometimes it can be done in 2 languages.
Flight over the famous Miami Beach:
Relax aboard a plane while enjoying the views. All seats face large windows and all passengers have headphones to communicate with each other on the plane. Listen to the explanations that your pilot will give you, which will act as a guide, of the most important places you see, the audiology is in Spanish, English, and Portuguese…. Marvel at the views of North Miami Beach and South Beach from the air. See Fisher Island, the harbor and downtown Miami from a bird’s eye view while traveling back. Fly over Star Island and the homes of Indian Creek millionaires. Check out Oleta State Park and the Florida International University (FIU) campus.
Everglades National Park:
On this 3 to 5-hour tour, you will visit the beautiful Everglades National Park and discover the diversity of wildlife in the area. Enjoy a hydro slide ride guided by experts from the area. Find fascinating wild species as you glide through the waters of the Everglades National Park. An exclusive paradise for animal species. The tour is conducted entirely in the English language.
Jet ski adventure in Miami:
When you get to the meeting point, you will receive a safety English talk about how to ride a jet ski. There will be a monitor on the jet ski that will follow you at all times. To help you and show you the best places to see dolphins. The jet ski will be very fast and you can live an exciting experience on board. You will be assigned an extensive area to navigate and practice your skills. As the tour takes place in a bay, the waters will be claimed.
Parasailing in the Bay of Biscay:
Arrive at the exit point where you will be introduced to the captain and partner. You will leave the dock on the Parasailing boat and the host will comment on the safety instructions. Also, help you put on the equipment (The instructor speaks in English). After a journey of 5 or 10 minutes through the bay. The captain will open the parachute and call the first flyers. Take off from the boat and enjoy the views of Miami. Before landing on the ship again, enjoy a swim in the water to cool off from the Miami sun. The other flyers can enjoy your experience before returning to the starting point.
Taste helicopter tour of Miami:
The Taste of Miami helicopter tour allows you to contemplate all the views of upper Miami. Departing from Opa / Locka airport, just northeast of Miami, this visit will rise above the Sun Life Stadium, home of the Miami Dolphins. While flying over Miami, you will see the views of Aventura and Gulfstream Park. The first horse race track in South Florida. Before the visit is over, you will fly over some of the most beautiful beaches in Miami, such as Hallandale Beach. Golden Beach, Sunny Isles, and Haulover Beach. While heading towards Opa / Locka airport, you can see Oleta River State Park and Bal Habour. This tour can be offered in 10 languages ​​which are: German, English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish and Chinese (traditional).
The post Languages that Tours are made in Miami, Florida? appeared first on Miami to Key West Tours Guides.
from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://www.miamitokeywesttoursguides.com/languages-that-tours-are-made-in-miami-florida/ from Miami to Key West Tours Guides https://miamitokeywesttoursguides.tumblr.com/post/186887245061
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