#where was theo in this movie you ask? helping stiles 'put out his own fires' guys what did that even mean
cescalr · 1 year
Well, at least the teen wolf movie frees up those involved in a post canon staleo themed ending
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calcetineys · 5 years
Hayden sees it, what it is to have all that power, and not an ounce of control.
Hayden meets Tracy when the older girl is asleep, but she doesn’t realize this at first.
No one did.
Still, Hayden feels that she sees much of what Tracy will later show herself to be. Because Hayden’s first response is to get her out of the classroom, in case there actually is a fire. It seems like the decent thing to do, but it’s more than that. Tracy had been hunched over, looking pained and Hayden hadn’t wanted to leave her there, though she obviously didn’t belong in that class.
She probably should have been scared. She was, she can admit, because what she saw, the broken desk, the tears in the other girl’s clothing, the clawed hands and feet- didn’t make sense. She didn’t realize it at the time, but that was her introduction to the supernatural world.
In the moment though, she saw someone that needed help.
That’s not quite right.
She saw someone that needed someone to take care of her.
It’s not an unfamiliar concept to Hayden. She had to learn to take care of herself earlier than most. It had become ingrained in her, was a part of her even before this paranormal mess. Her first instinct is to do what’s needed to keep her sister, herself and then whoever else might come next, safe. In that order. She could trust Valerie to put her first, that’s how they operated.
It didn’t often occur to her to resent that dynamic.
But right then, Val was safe because she wasn’t there. Hayden herself was fine, because she was able bodied and able to get herself out of the building.
So that left whoever else might come next.
The fact that Tracy dies seems, for a long while after Hayden finds out, small and far removed. Hayden’s used to hearing about deaths, though Val isn’t much for shoptalk. It’s just a reality of living with an officer of the law. She feels a moment of something close to sadness, because the other girl was so young.
What’s surprising though, is that Val doesn’t seem to know about Tracy’s death. No one in the Sheriff’s department does, though it happens the night of some kind of altercation at the station (so the official report says), though she heard about it from the Sheriff’s son. He hadn’t meant to tell her, but Stiles Stilinski is as loud as he is callous, and hearing about the dead girl spoken of so- insensitively just reminds Hayden of why she and Stiles aren’t friends.
She files away the use of the phrase ‘lizard girl’ for later. For later, when she had the capacity to think about how her arm had somehow healed from claws during the walk from the classroom to the bathroom.
Mason, for all his poor judgment that led him to being friends with Liam, is actually a decent person, so no, Hayden doesn’t mind letting him into the club.
That aside, she starts to regret it when his friend spills all the drinks she has to sell and then tries to make up for it with a few crumpled singles.
Remind her never to do anything nice again.
But she wonders, in a quiet voice that won’t leave her alone, if she even needs to worry about the money anymore. If her body even needs the medicine anymore. Because try as she might, she can’t forget the pain of those claws, nor the moment the pain faded. She can’t let it go.
She’s not good at letting things go.
Liam insists on paying her back, because he has a strange complex about settling debts. Though she says that she doesn’t want his money, doesn’t want anything to do with him, it’s not so much his mistakes that make her uneasy. It’s the way he tries to take care of them.
Tries to take care of her problems.
It plays out like a movie, where the misconceptions are replaced by understanding, and she doesn’t like it. She doesn’t like the way he’s not the inconsiderate asshole she’s always made him out to be. She doesn’t like the way he’s actually kind.
She could deal with all that though, if it weren’t for the goddamned way he tries to take care of her. Because that’s not something she could handle. She’s long past the time when she had someone do that, and it was one of the hardest things she’s ever had to accept. She can’t go back to that time, or that mentality.
And she doesn’t want to.
It gets worse when Liam’s insistence on helping her collides with all the strange things that she’s unable to ignore and unable to accept.
All with a stupid glow stick.
Liam tries to explain, and she doesn’t want to hear it, because it makes sense. She doesn’t want her world to change anymore than it already has. She doesn’t want to let go of the way the world made sense.
And then Liam throws all that out the window when he morphs his face into that thing, and when Hayden punches him, it’s one part fear and one part resentment.
Hayden accepts Liam and his alpha’s help, mainly because she can’t exactly not accept the fact that three strange figures just chased her down, or the fact that she now has claws of her own.
Scott is the eerie definition of a do-gooder, but he reminds Hayden of Mason’s innate goodness, so it’s not as hard to let him help her as she would have expected. She’s not an idiot. There’s no way she can handle this on her own. But she doesn’t want them to handle this for her. She also doesn’t want them to help her because of the way Liam’s started to look at her.
The idea of a pack, like they’re actual animals, is all kinds of weird. But if that’s what she needs to survive, fine.
She’s just not going to base her membership on someone else’s romantic ideas.
It doesn’t help that she doesn’t feel the same way.
Because Liam may be kinder than she thought, but she doesn’t feel that way about him. She’s quick to put a stop to it, and Liam responds with, “Oh. I- I mean, that’s…okay? We’re still going to help you.”
She can see why Mason is friends with him.
Hayden understands the struggles that come with taking care of other people. That doesn’t mean she’s happy about the phrase ‘somebody has to be the bait’ being targeted at her.
But she has bigger issues to deal with, because this is so much bigger and darker than she ever expected. Because she understands that few people are as willing to try like Scott, and if he feels those measures are necessary…
So instead she focuses on the fact that she doesn’t have her medicine.
With chimeras dying without fail, she’s not taking any chances.
It probably doesn’t matter when she ends up being the bait, without them even catching their prey.
She wishes she could block out what the Doctors do to her, but she knows she’ll remember the pain, the fear. Fear that doubles when Zach tells her what her death will look like. He looks like death himself, and there’s nothing she can do when he gets dragged away from their prison. She can’t help him.
She can’t help anyone.
Then there’s Theo, with what she’ll later think of as impeccable timing, and he’s breaking down the electric fence to free them. Everything is fuzzy from there, because whatever the Doctors had done to her is really making itself known. She’s in and out on the ride back, and then she’s laying on a couch in a place that seems vaguely familiar, but Liam and Scott and Mason and Malia are there, so it’s okay, right?
It’s not okay, not when she starts bleeding mercury.
Her first thought is of Val, because this will kill her. Then she realizes she’s going to die. And it seems obvious, but she realizes just how much she doesn’t want to die. She thought she understood that when she had her kidney transplant, and everyday that she worked and worked and worked to pay for her medication.
But with that, there was always the chance of survival.
That’s gone now.
Hayden wonders what to do. She thinks about going to Scott, but there’s this fear in her that he won’t be able to help, not with this. And if Scott McCall, savior of Beacon Hills, can’t save her, then who can? She feels like a child, hiding under the blankets so the danger can’t find her. But that’s not the point of it, really.
It’s so she can’t see the danger.
She doesn’t want to know that Scott can’t help her. But… oh, she doesn’t want to have to take care of this anymore. She wants someone to come in with a brilliant rescue, and she’ll deal with her shifting worldview, because she’ll still be alive to have one. She wants Val to be the only strong one, to protect her. She wants her parents, like she hasn’t let herself admit except in the quiet moments where she looks around their empty home and asks why?
She wants someone to take care of her.
But there’s no one that can.
So she does what she always does, and she does it herself.
But there are some things that no one can take care of, and this god-damned nightmare is one of them. Hayden feels it, the dying, and she’s so angry. She wants to scream and scream and scream, because she’s fought to live for as long as she can remember, fought to breathe through losing her family, through losing her health, through trying to rebuild both.
She wants to pull Liam close, so he’ll hear her when she tells him to give those damned Doctors all the hell they’ve unleashed on this pit of a town, but she’s so tired. And Scott and his aren’t ones for revenge. Where’s Stiles when you need him?
She’s so angry because everything has been stolen from her, and they’re hers. Her life, her health, her agency- hasn’t she done enough to keep them? She’d suffer through this hell mouth of a town if only she got to keep them.
But it’s not an option.
They try, to at least keep her life for her. Everything gets hazy, but she’s aware of someone new, someone with a soothing voice and practitioner’s hands, and Hayden wonders who they’ve called in to help her. She doesn’t bother telling whoever it is that it’s useless, because she doesn’t want it to be useless. She doesn’t want to give up the only thing she has left.
But eventually, it’s clear to her that she’s about to lose everything, and the only thing that’s going to be left of her is Valerie. And she wants to hold her, to be held. She knows it’ll be hell on her sister to see her die, but it’ll be even worse for Val to know that she was alone.
And if she can’t have anything else she wants, she at least wants the one constant she’s ever had. She wants to know there’s one thing that hasn’t been taken from her…
When she wakes up, it’s not to Valerie or pain, which is what she’s used to waking up to whenever her health fails. She’s not at home, or the hospital. For some reason, she’s outside, slumped against a tree stump.
And she’s alive.
Because of the boy standing in front of her, telling her that he’s her alpha, and that they’re coming with him. She’s alive…
She goes with him and the others like her.
He takes them underground. Hayden realizes at some point that the boy is Theo, but he seems different. She’s not sure if it’s because everything seems different, or if it’s just him. She feels like she should be upset that everything has changed again, but mostly she just thinks about the fact that she’s alive.
It keeps her from questioning what happened. Why Theo’s not with Scott anymore. Why he’s building his own pack. The answer comes readily either way, when Theo explains that he’s the first of the Dread Doctors’ experiments, the first success.
Stiles was right. A lot of things make more sense now.
Theo tells them that they’re a pack now, and that nothing is more important than pack. Hayden’s not sure how much of his speech she believes, but she knows that he’s the reason she’s alive. He’s the one to pull off that brilliant rescue she’d been hoping for. He’s the one that managed to do anything. The fact that she doesn’t quite trust him, that nothing about this situation feels right, it doesn’t matter so much next to that.
Well, one thing makes her feel normal enough, and that’s talking to Tracy. Maybe it’s just because she hadn’t known the other girl well before they both died, but Hayden feels more like herself when they’re together, like there was something that had potential in her previous life that still has that same potential now.
That’s probably not a good sign. Because she’s looking at Tracy while Tracy’s staring at Theo.
Hayden’s feelings aside, oh, that’s just such a bad idea for Tracy to have.
Especially when Theo doesn’t look at her except to give her orders. Oh, he makes it look pretty, sure, but they’re orders all the same. Hayden wonders what Tracy was like before, that she takes so easily to what Theo gives her. It’s sad, because what he offers isn’t even the scraps of real emotion.
No, oddly enough the closest he’s come to showing that is when he left the morning after he brought them back, saying something about running an errand.
Hayden can’t bring herself to care where he actually went.
Valerie is furious when she shows up at home again, and Hayden’s too tired to argue, or to do anything but hold her back when Val crushes her in an embrace that makes Hayden feel almost alive.
She knows it’s not her fault, but guilt still weighs on her chest at making her sister worry. But… it’s still better than Val watching her little sister die. And Hayden’s going to make sure she never has to.
Still, dragging her along on her shifts is unnecessary, considering Val is a Sheriff’s deputy. It doesn’t exactly scream safety. She thinks maybe Val is just afraid that she’ll turn around and Hayden will be gone.
It’s a valid fear, if only because it’s what Valerie has had to live through.
So she stifles her sighs and goes along with Val. And Hayden thinks she’s got herself oriented to this new life.
And then she’s being chased by a giant, shadowy monster.
Of course.
She listens to her sister and runs.
And runs and runs, and somehow she escapes. She thinks she should tell Theo, because isn’t this something he’d want to know?
Be angry at not knowing.
Theo’s idea of pack bonding is… unsettling. And so much about this situation is already unsettling. Hayden feels something in her gut twist as Tracy gushes about Theo helping her ‘get closure’. Hayden knows herself well even to enough to admit that she can be petty when she’s angry, but what Theo helped Tracy do is not getting closure.
Hayden may never have been friends with Stiles, but they’ve always understood each other. Because they knew what it is to see their only family risk their lives every day. What it is to watch the only person they have leave for work and wonder if they are going to come back.
So yes, Hayden has always understood some part of Stiles, even when first meeting him and being put off by how much he talked, and the strange things he said, and his insensitive way of looking at the world. And she means insensitive. He had years on Hayden on having a family member on the force, and he’d become desensitized to the violence, the death and the suffering.
She wonders now if he was that way even before.
She doesn’t think he’s a bad person, but he was calloused against the pain, and part of Hayden shied away from him because he was everything she didn’t want to be and everything she thought she would become. She looked at him and saw a hard shell with nothing but fragility and raw emotion underneath and she didn’t want to be like that. Because once that shell broke, it broke and there’d be no other defense. No, she wasn’t opposed to having her own shield, but under that, she’d be hard under that too.
Hayden finds another disturbing similarity between herself and Stiles as she looks at his interactions with Theo. It seems Corey isn't the only one that's invisible, not when Stiles never looks away from Theo. Because the way he looks at Theo is what Hayden imagines she looks like when she looks at Tracy. 
Theo doesn’t realize, and she’s not surprised, because her ‘alpha’ is becoming unhinged, paranoid and distracted by his pursuit of power. Hayden knows a sinking ship when she sees one, and this ‘pack’ is not going to survive intact.
Not when most of its members are power hungry and already drunk off what they can do already. She sees it in every act of aggression Tracy is more than happy to commit at Theo’s suggestion, in the way his eyes glimmer, the way he smiles as Tracy and Josh slip further and further from the people they once were. Hayden sees it, what it is to have all that power, and not an ounce of control.
Theo’s better off in that regard than Tracy, but he’s slipping too. At the very least, he isn’t able to actually do anything about the Doctors or the Beast. He doesn’t know how to handle Scott’s pack, and he can’t even see that one of its members is looking at him the way Stiles is. She can’t blame Theo, because whatever Stiles is feeling doesn’t look like much. It’s not pretty, or gentle or tender, and she can already tell that he’s not going to try to save Theo, because Stiles sees what she sees.
They both know how this kind of love ends.
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fandomtrashoe · 6 years
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Thiam / Theo Raeken x Liam Dunbar Catching Fire AU (2/3)
For the movie AU fest ( @officialthiamlibrary )
Part 1
I’m not good at writing so I just wrote down all my ideas in notes (I hope it makes sense, tell me if something’s unclear +  sorry for my english):
Before the Victory Tour: -Theo and Liam didn’t see each other since the games cause they weren’t allowed to leave their district but they exchanged a few letters -Liam tried to live his life as normal as he could. Even if he wasn’t working anymore he went there to help or hang out with Mason -He let Mason and Corey move in with him and his parents secretly cause he felt bad for them living in one room while he had a whole house for his and his parents with so much more free space -Liam got closer with Malia and Scott since they were the only ones who understood what he’s been through. (they got married in the last year and had their first child on the way) -Theo closed himself off and even if he would want to be part of the society they would abandon him cause he was a shame for his district -So Theo stayed in his house with his sister, who was the only one that still cared for him (she always was too soft for district 2 and Theo had forced her to train for the games before but when he came back he told her to stop training immediatly) -they were both nervous for the day where they’re suppose to meet again -Hayden was still interested in Liam and Liam tried to get his mind off of Theo so they kissed a few times but he wasn’t able to make it more serious -when Liam returns from ‘work’ with Mason on THE day he’s welcomed by a furrious Corey and his mother. President Argent was in his house and wanted to talk to him -President Argent threatens him with a video of him kissing Hayden and tells him to sell the starcrossed lovestory of him and Theo better -Argent leaves before Liam has an anger attack. Hayden means something to him. Not in the way he does to her but she doesn’t deserve to die because of him. Same as Mason, Corey and his family -Theo arrives in district 7 and is shocked about the conditions -They didn’t see each other till the cameras are filming -Liam is announced and leaves the house, forcing a smile and looking towards the other door. Theo steps out and looks at him -they haven’t changed much, but they look older than before. Not because a year passed but because they’re suffering -Theo can’t hide his smirk but when they hug they slip and fall (Liam on top of Theo). At first they stare at each other before laughing, noses touching and Liam wispers:”Hey:” Theo smirks again and wispers back:”Hey.” Then Liam kisses him till they’re interrupted by Caesars voice -Theo’s the one talking in the camera cause he’s the one who can put on a show, he tells them that they visit each other often and Liam knows that the people from his district wont believe that cause they see him go to work with Mase every day and a Boy from district 2 Walking around here wouldn’t have stayed unnoticed -the cameras go off and Theo looks at Liam with a more bitter face:”Nice acting for a boy from district 7.” Liam:”Thanks…”, before Theo can leave he talkes again:”…Theo? It’s good to see you again.” Theo just scroffs while making his way to the car that brings them to the train station
During the Victory Tour: -Scott is having a serious talks with them since the dread doctors doesn’t want anything to do with them -Theo volunteers to do the talking cause he can see Liam suffering -when things escalate in district 12 Theo grabs Liam and gets him behind the stage -he stops Liam from having an anger attack and gets him to explain the whole situation with Argent -him and Scott are pissed cause he should’ve told them -they play their role as a couple in the next districts but it’s not very convincing and Liam knows that -when their talking to Scott Theo suggest that they should get married. Liam agrees with a:”Just great!” and storms out of the room cause he’s pissed about what his life became. Maybe he would’ve had a chance for a normal life with Hayden.That wasn’t clearly what he had in mind when he thought of getting married. -they get engaged in Ceasars show -Liam has nightmares and Theo takes care of him (even if he has nightmares himself) and stays when Liam asks him too so they end up cuddling. -at the big fest at the end of the tour they meet the new game maker Chris Argent (president argents son) and the talk he has with Liam leaves Liam confused -when President Argent looks at him during the firework Liam knows they fucked up Before the Games: -Liam returns home ignoring Theo, who’s staying in their district because of the upcoming wedding, running to Hayden immediatly to ask her to run away but she’s against it and tells him how important this rebellion is. Liam’s just like:”Why can nobody understand that I just want so safe my own fucking ass?” -then things in district 7 escalate and Hayden is getting whipped and Liam tries to stop the peacekeeper, Scott steps in and then also Theo -Hayden survives and it hurts Theo to see them interacting. He can’t even say anything against Hayden cause she’s a lovely girl -they delay the wedding -Theo just returned to his district when it’s announced that the tributes are taken from the victors this year but all he can do is worry about Liam -Liam sits on the couch with his mother, Mason and Corey when it happens -his mother screames and Corey starts to cry but Liam just gets up and run, ignoring Mason who’s screaming his name -he just needed to let his anger out and slams an ax against trees while screaming before storming into Malia and Scotts house (they had their baby during the victory tour). They look at him in shock but Scott immediatly know why he’s here but before he can say something Liam starts talking while looking at the Baby in Malias arms:”I won’t let that child grow up without parents cause I’m scared. If it’s Scott I’m gonna volunteer and if it’s me you better keep your mouth shut!” With that he leaves again -Mason is a furious mess cause he knows that Liam will sacrafice himself for Malia and Corey Looks after him -Hayden swears at herself for not running away -Theo knows that Liam will protect Scott and curses at him. His sister is crying beside him but he can only think about saving Liam. He’s gonna volunteer. -so they both end up volunteering again (Liam thought he would never be part on the games at all and now he’s volunteering for the second time?!) -Liam is just pissed at everyone but when he hears that Theo also volunteered he loses his shit -when they see each other in the capitol before the parade he storms towards him and punches him in the face:”WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!” before peacekeeper can seperate them Theo screames back:”TO SAFE YOU, ASSHOLE!” -Scott gave Liam informations about the other tributes but meeting them is different -at the parade a young man who won as a child, Brett, talkes to him for a second but he immediately thinks he‘s a jerk -during training Liam sticks more with Malia than with Theo even if Theo tries to talk to him -Scott wants allies for him and Malia but they’re both stubborn shits. Scotts tells Liam to not take district 2 including Theo in his team again and Liam just looks at him in shock:”How am I suppose to play his husband if we’re not in one team?”, Scott:”Maybe it’s time to stop that show!”, Liam:”Did you ever considered that I really like him and it was never a show?” -the only one Liam likes is a nerd couple called Stiles and Lydia -during the interviews they wear their wedding suits -Theo’s making a show again which pisses Liam off (saying things about their love and blah) -him and Malia are just trying not to explode on stage The Games: -back in the tube Liam panics more than last year -the first thing Theo does when he comes up is to look for Liam instead of checking out the arena, he finds him right beside him staring back -once the game started Liam swims towards the middle as fast as he can to get the ax -he kills two tributes before Brett stands in front of him showing him his golden bracelet which means he’s his ally (since Liam and Malia wheren’t cooperative Scott picked them himself by giving them matching golden items to Liams brooch he got from Mason before his first games and Malias wedding ring) -Brett’s in the Game with an old women called Satomi -Liam looks around him with panic:”WHERE’S THEO?” -they find him fighting in the water and Liam safes him. Then they just stare at each other before pulling themselfs in a thight hug -together with Brett and Satomi they make their way through the jungle even if their not so happy about Theo -Liam noticed that Theo has nothing golden with him but he ignores that -Theo runs into the force field and Liam is losing his shit while Brett is busy with resuscitating Theo -Theo survives and Liam holds him crying thanking Brett thoustand times and kissing Theo for the same amound of times -Theo:”Liam I’m fine!”, Liam:”YOU WE’RE DEAD!”, Theo places his hand on Liams cheek:”But I’m here now!” -Brett is confused:”and I thougt the acting was over now.” Liam and Theo just ignore that comment, cause neither of them knows what to say anyway -in the night they need to run away from the fog but Theo’s still weak and needs to be carried. Satomi sacrefices herself so that Brett can carry Theo instead of her -they still get hurt but find a lake to heal their wounds till they’re attacked by monkeys -they make it to the beach again were they’re safe cause a tribute jumped out of the woods and sacreficed herself for Theo -they took the tribute with them and Theo is confused but tries his best to make her last seconds as comfortable as possible, talking to her about the colors of the sky -Liam just looks at him in awe since that isn’t a behaviour for a Boy from district 2 -at the beach they meet Malia whos storming out the woods with Stiles and Lydia covered in blood -Lydia is talking weird stuff which helps them figure out that the arena works like a clock -they go in the middle to figure more out but Lydia gets killed by another tribute and Liam throws his ax and kills him -Stiles is just in shock but before they can react the middle starts to spin -Malia holds on to the rock while offering her hand to Theo whos struggling besides her even if she never liked him, Theo takes it and they try to hold on -Liams holding on to Brett but his hands slips out of his and he hits the water -the spinning stops and Theo drags him out of the water checking him for wounds. Liam:”I’m fine.” Theo just pulls him in a hug and a quick kiss -back at the beach they’re interrupted by screams. Liam hears screams that sounds like Mason and starts running with Brett screaming a name, Lori, right behind him -when Theo reaches him he tries to explain them that it’s the mockingjay but then he also hears his sisters screams but takes a few steps back in shock -when Liam wants to follow him he rans into an invisible wall and suddenly the sounds get so loud that he needs to cover his ears and breaks down crying and screaming with Brett while Theo tries to calm him from the other side -after one hour its over and Theo drags Liam in his arms and just holds him for some time -the others are trying to make a plan while Theo and Liam sit in silence beside each other while staring at the water a few feed away from them -Theo chuckles:”Is that our story? Do we need to go in the games every year now to be with each other again?”, Liam shakes his head and throws a quick glace at the others to check if they’re far away enough:”There won’t be another time Theo.”, Theo:”We did it once.”, Liam:”They won’t make the same mistake twice. All THIS is because of what I did. What we did. Listen, I told Scott that I’m gonna do everything I can for Malia. That was my intention till you volunteered! Now I need to kill the mother of a innocent baby because I would do everything for you and I don’t even know why!”, Theo:”I’ll do it cause you’re the one surviving! You have your family and friends….you have Hayden. I only have my sister who will have a better place in our society once I’m gone. I’m replaceable Liam! NOBODY NEEDS ME!”, Liam has tears in his eyes and stokes Theo’s cheek:”I do. I need you..” Theo signs and kisses Liam, it’s a diffrent kiss than the others, it’s like their first kiss back in the first game -Brett interrupts them cause Stiles has a plan -Theo and Liam need to seperate for that plan (It’s Liam + Malia and Brett+Theo+Stiles) -Liam is 100% against it -he has no choice and goes with Malia, but before that the gives his brooch to Theo and kisses him deeply:”I’ll see you!” -they’re attacked and Malia pushed Liam down before using a knife to cut his arm before running off -Liam thinks Malia knew his plan and only wanted to safe herself but he’s moreworried about her killing Theo now -Brett comes looking for Malia and as soon as he leaves Liam fights his way back to were he last saw Theo -He’s screaming for Theo on top of his lungs -Stiles is unconcious on the floor and Liam hides when he hears Brett coming back -Brett:”Liam? Remember who’s the real enemy!” -The lighning is about to hit the tree but before that Liam pics up Stiles bow and wraps the wire around an arrow and shoots it towards the sky with all his strengh before everything goes black -Theo was left confused af in a burning and collapsing arena screaming Liam’s name while holding on to his brooch when suddenly peacekeepers jumped him
After the Games: -Liam wakes up and finds Stiles besides him, both connected to medicine in the helicarrier -he hears someone talking in the other room and pics up a injection and storms into the room and pushing Scott against a wall -Brett and Chris Argent are also in the room and Liam is confused -Scott:”It was about you Liam. All the time it was about getting you out of there! Half of the tributes knew and helped! You’re the mockingjay!”, Liam:”I don’t want to be the mockingjay! WAIT….WHERE IS THEO?” -he let go off Scott and started to panic -Scott:”The capitol got him. I’m sorry Liam.” -Liam jumps him again:”YOU’RE SORRY! YOU NEVER LIKED HIM!IT SHOULD BE HIM NOT ME!!” then suddenly he collapses and feels dizzy while he’s mumbling “it should be him” over and over again till everything goes black again -the next time he wakes he sees Hayden who’s stroking his cheek -Hayden:”Hey there.”, Liam panics:”Where are we?”, Hayden:”District 13. District 7 is gone Liam. Everyone and everything is gone. Mason menaged to get us out. Me, my family, your family and Corey. There all alive.” -Liam was shocked but that soon turned into pure anger. He never asked for this and all he could think of was Theo
Credit for engagement kiss: @igotlostinslashland Credit for ‘them sitting in train’: @thiamraebar
I would still love if someone makes this a fanfic. <3</i>
I’m also really proud of my edit of them as the characters (with the suits and all). Do you want those in an extra post?
Now go rewatch the movie with this in your mind and cry.
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Prompt: Hi love!! I don't know if you're taking requests or even have the inspiration to write at the moment, but I was wondering if you could write a Theo imagine? About him coming back from hell and meeting the reader for the first time? And she sort of takes him in because she doesn't truly know what he's done or what he was like and he starts to fall for her but he has all these trust issues??Very fluffy too please!!! – Anon
Author’s Note: So, I had this idea to write this to Maddie & Tae’s song “Smoke.” I think it really fits, and I hope you do too. Hope you like what I came up with! Thanks for requesting!
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(Y/N) rushed out of the classroom as she shouldered her bag and typed a quick response to a friend, making plans for the weekend. She was so engrossed in her phone that she wasn’t paying attention to where she was going and ran smackdab into someone, sending the other person’s books to the floor and her phone flying. “Dammit. I’m sorry. That was totally my fault.” She apologized as she knelt down to help gather the books.
“Nah, it was my fault. I shouldn’t have been trying to read last night’s homework while walking.” The other person responded with chuckle.
Her head snapped up when she heard the somewhat husky voice, and just as she did she was met with the most gorgeous blue-green eyes she’d ever seen on a boy that she had never seen around before. She definitely would have remembered him if she had. His gorgeous eyes, his perfectly styled hair, his muscular build, and a grin that made her weak in the knees. He looked like he walked right off a movie set… a far cry from the rest of the guys at her school. That’s not to say they weren’t attractive, they just weren’t her type.
She managed to laugh a little, “I was the one texting and walking.”
“You can get a ticket for that, you know.” The stranger joked and it caused (Y/N) to laugh again.
“I’ll remember that next time.” She smiled. They gathered the books and her phone and stood up straight. “Are you new here?” She asked.
“Um… not really. I was here last semester, but had to leave for a while for… personal stuff. I think you’re the new one.” He answered and pointed at her with his last statement.
(Y/N) blushed a little, “of course. I guess that’s what I get for pretending not to be new.”
The boy shook his head. “It’s okay. I was in your shoes earlier this year.” She smiled a little and nodded her head. They stood there awkwardly for a minute until the boy broke it. “I’m Theo, by the way.”
She smiled, “It’s nice to meet you. I’m (Y/N).” She noticed the covers of the books in his hands. “Are you going to English Lit next?” She asked, pointing over her shoulder to the classroom behind her.
Theo was confused for a minute, but then remembered the books in his hands. “Oh. Yeah. You just came from there?”
(Y/N) nodded her head, “Yeah, and don’t worry about the reading for last night. He didn’t do anything with it today.”
Theo sighed in relief, “Great. Thanks.” The warning bell rang, “I guess we should get going.” He suggested with a small smile.
(Y/N) nodded a little, “Yeah…” She started walking backwards slowly, “I’ll see you around, Theo.”
“See you around, (Y/N).” He responded and they both smiled sweetly at one another before heading to their respective classes.
Wanna know who burned you so bad Left your heart in ashes on the ground Made you promises, took 'em right back Left you cold and alone, now all you know is the sound Of goodbye You won't let anyone inside Baby, you're just like smoke, blowing on the wind One minute, you're by my side and then you're gone again You might be bad for me, but I just wanna breathe you in Every time I reach out, I find there ain't nothing to hold Boy, you're just like smoke
Theo and (Y/N) spent the following weeks getting to know each other a little better. They didn’t go out on dates or hangout outside of school. They just ate lunch together, spent study hall out on the quad, and texted each other without missing a beat. They just clicked with one another, like they’d known each other their whole lives.
(Y/N) could tell that he was holding something back, though. No matter how much she opened up to him about her own life, he couldn’t seem to do the same about his. He was distant without completely checking himself out of the conversations. He was fine when it came to talking about her, but as soon as she changed the subject to ask about him, (Y/N) could actually see him closing himself off.
A brick wall was between them and she wanted to bulldoze it down. She wanted to know the reason for the pain reflecting in his eyes. She wanted to know what left him so broken. She wanted to know his story on why her other friends warned her to be cautious of him. She couldn’t explain why, but she felt undeniably drawn to him and the need – rather, want – to take him in and prove to him that it was okay to let her in and let go of whatever painful past that was haunting him.
It was a nice day out so they decided to eat their lunch out on quad at a picnic table. The first twenty or so minutes were full of laughter and joking comments as she told him a story about how she slid down the stairs in the hallway on her first day at Beacon Hills High one rainy day. He even joked about how she needed to pay more attention when she’s walking, reminding her of their first encounter.
Then the chatter and laughter died down and they were met with silence. Theo seemingly got lost in a daze as he fiddled with the lid to his water bottle. (Y/N) watched him with knitted eyebrows for a minute, wondering what was on his mind, but she knew he would change the subject if she asked. So, she decided to go a different direction.
“Can I ask you something?” She questioned casually before taking a bite of her fries.
Theo snapped out of it at the sound of her voice breaking through the silence, but he still didn’t look her way. “Sure.” He responded somewhat dryly.
(Y/N) took a sip of her water then looked at him intently, “Some of my friends have advised me to be wary of you… why?” She knew it was a longshot that he would actually give her a decent answer, but she had to try.
“Which friends?” Was all he questioned back as he continued to play with the water bottle lid.
She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, “does it really matter?”
He finally looked back at her, “yes.”
“Why do I have a feeling you already know who?” She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows again. Theo sighed and went back to spinning the lid around. “You know, if I were going to heed their warning, I would have already done it. I just want to know your side of the story.” She tried to sympathize by reaching out for his hand, but he quickly stood up.
“Their side of the story is all you need because it’s the truth.” He stated before grabbing his trash and walking away, disappearing behind the double doors of the school.
We can start out slow like an ember Get the fire burning back behind your eyes I wanna feel you when we're together So, whatever you do, baby, don't disappear This time Don't fade into the grey tonight
 (Y/N) was tired of this back and forth with Theo. It’d been months now and they still hadn’t made any real progress. She still knew very little about him, while he knew quite a bit about her. He was still quick to put up a brick wall when it came to her asking anything about his personal life. Strangely enough, the more he pushed her away, the more she was drawn to him. She’d had enough though, she was bound and determined to get him out of this weird funk.
So, as soon as the final bell for school rang, she rushed straight to his truck and leaned against the front bumper as she waited on him. She wasn’t going to let him disappear again. When she spotted him walking up, she stood up straight and put on her best intimidating stance, hands on her hips and everything.
“Hey, (Y/N)…” Theo started to greet her with a smile until he saw that she was clearly upset. “What’s going on? Everything okay?”
(Y/N) shook her head, “no. We need to talk.”
“Okay…” He exhaled slowly as he gripped the shoulder straps to his backpack.
Her shoulders relaxed a little and she took her hands off her hips, “I like you, Theo. A lot. Probably more than I should.” She noticed how his shoulders visibly slumped. “But there’s this big gaping hole between us that’s keeping us from being able to move forward. That hole is you and your inability to let me in and trust me. I’ve tried and tried and tried since we met to get you to open up, but you won’t, and it’s… infuriating.” She said with a deep sigh in frustration.
“(Y/N), I’m…”
She held up her hand, “I’m perfectly fine with taking things slow, Theo, but there’s generally some sort of progress while taking it slow and we haven’t made any progress whatsoever. I mean, I don’t know anything about you besides your last name, the fact that you hate math, and the bad stories about your past that my friends have told me. I don’t know what you were like as a child, your parents’ names, what you want to do when you graduate… hell, I don’t even know your favorite color!” She exclaimed in frustration, causing a few stares from fellow students as they made their way to their cars.
Theo looked down and (Y/N) sighed in exasperation. “I can’t keep being the only one who puts forth any effort to this…” she gestured between the two of them, “whatever this is. So, if you ever feel like you’re ready to move forward, give me a call, but until then… I can’t do this anymore.” She looked at him with solemn eyes for a minute before turning and walking away towards her own car, not giving Theo a chance to say anything.
(Y/N) and Theo didn’t talk for the rest of the week. She avoided him like the plague; choosing different paths to her classes, eating lunch with Stiles and everyone out on the quad, parking as far away from his truck as possible, and even arriving to their shared classes at the last minute so she could avoid conversation since she had to sit beside him. It wasn’t the easiest task, but it was necessary because she knew that if she didn’t, she’d end up right back where she was. He had to be the one to make a move this time. The ball was in his court now.
As sad as it sounds, she wasn’t expecting him to actually make one. She’d waited this long for him to show some sort of reciprocating feelings, why would he change now? Did it bum her out? Of course, but she’d already tried everything that she could think of, but he kept pushing her away and putting up walls. That’s no way to build a friendship, much less a relationship that she wanted to explore. She had to know when to give up the battle when he wasn’t even fighting.
So, when she saw a bouquet of her favorite blue daisies sitting against her windshield as she approached her car the following Friday after school, she was shocked to say the least. She picked up the flowers and found the note tucked inside:
Meet me at our spot after school. Please. – Theo
Since the note seemed to be an indication that he finally decided to make an effort, (Y/N) decided to give Theo the benefit of the doubt. She tossed her backpack in the backseat of her car and the daisies in the passenger seat before pulling out of the school parking lot and heading in the direction of their spot. Twenty minutes later, she put the car in park at the main entrance of the reserve and walked the trail until she saw him sitting on a rock by the river.
It wasn’t like this was their secret spot or anything, but they’d started coming to it about a month ago when she was having a bad day and he convinced her to skip school with him. He brought her here and they sat in silence for the most part until she started babbling about how her parents were going out of town once again and how they’re never around because of work. He listened as she complained, and that was all she needed. Ever since, they’d come here sometimes just to escape reality for a while. But of course, he never had anything to say about his own issues. (Y/N) was hoping that maybe this time would be different.
“This spot taken?” She asked softly as she gestured to the empty space next to him.
Theo shook his head and patted the spot next to him. “I’m glad you didn’t throw my note in the trash.” He offered her a soft smile.
“You got my favorite flowers. I couldn’t ignore that.” She responded with a simple shrug as she looked out at the creek. She was tempted to start the conversation, but this was his deal… he had to be the one to initiate it when he was ready.
So, they sat in silence for a few minutes as Theo gathered his thoughts and his courage. It wasn’t an awkward or uncomfortable silence, but it also wasn’t exactly comfortable either. It was just a torturing silence that (Y/N) was desperate to fill, but she knew he was probably just gathering himself.
Finally, he spoke up. “I know your friends have told you some pretty bad things about me and what I’ve done,” this caused her to turn and face him so that he’d know she was really listening even though he was still looking out at the water. “And you should know that it’s all true.”
Theo held up his hand, “I know you haven’t told me what they’ve said exactly, but it is. All of it. I know it’s horrible, and you have every right to hate me for it. I’d understand because they aren’t things I’m proud of, and sometimes I hate myself for doing them too.”
“Theo…” She tried to place her hand on his shoulder, but he turned to face her instead.
“I’ve never met anyone like you, (Y/N).” He said as he looked deep into her eyes. “You’re kind and understanding. You’re sweet and funny and beautiful, and I don’t deserve you as a friend. You’ve been trying to bust down these brick walls of mine for months, and I just keep building them higher because I’m afraid that once you see the real me, this… evil monster, you won’t want anything to do with me. It’s what I deserve, honestly, but the selfish part of me needs you in my life more than I need anything else.” His eyes hadn’t left hers, and she knew he could see the tears welling up. “You came into my life at just the right time. You were this breath of fresh air after suffocating in my own darkness. But then you started getting curious and I got scared. So the darkness eased its way back in.”
“So, I tried to keep you in my life, but at a safe distance. The way I acted was selfish, I know, but it’s the only thing I knew to do. Then you basically told me to get my head out of my ass and walked away.” He paused for a minute as she noticed him getting a little choked up. “This past week without you has been like hell all over again, (Y/N). You have every right to walk away, but this is me begging you not to and promising to try harder to be someone you deserve. I’m not saying it’s going to happen overnight or that it’s going to be easy. I just…” he grabbed her hand as he searched her eyes. “I don’t want to be that monster, and I’m afraid that if I lose you, that darkness will consume me again.”
Theo lowered his head as if he were ashamed of that confession. (Y/N) placed her hand under his chin and lifted his head so that he was looking back into her eyes. “I won’t let that happen.” She stated firmly and honestly so that he knew how much she meant it. She caressed his cheek, “you’re not going to lose me.”
He looked back at her in awe, sure that she was going to walk away from him again after his confession. Their eyes danced together a little as they each slowly leaned in, and as their lips met for the first time, it was like a spark ignited in both of their bodies. It was then that they knew there was no going back now.
The End.
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