#whereas from what i remember of 2 rapture is very much The Setting. and the actual people take the front seat
witchblade · 11 months
like having your sequel villain be the functional opposite of the first game (both of them) is like. i won't say a no brainer but it works for obvious reasons. but sofia lamb specifically always came off to me as sooooo character-first like someone had something very personal they wanted to get off their chest
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queenlizzyxxxx · 4 years
LIZZY and my new album LIZZY just dropped!!! xxxx
Baby, i’m candier than candy
more chrome than chrome
will love you more than your girl
i will bring you home (bring you home)
im more sparkle than sparkle
im lovelier than love
come on baby, i will get you off (get you off)
I'm hard on the outside
But if you give me time
Then I could make time for your love
I'm hard on the outside
But if you see inside, inside, inside [2]
Red and chrome All the broken glass sparkling I guess we're partying [3]
I got Chrome Hearts hangin' from my neck
(I got Chrome Hearts hangin' from my neck) 
That soft pink matter
Cotton candy, Majin Buu, oh, oh, ohh
Close my eyes and fall into you, you, you [5]
I got my red dress on tonight Dancin' in the dark in the pale moonlight
Done my hair up real big, beauty queen style
High heels off, I'm feelin' alive [6]
And a lust for life, and a lust for life And a lust for life, and a lust for life Keeps us alive, keeps us alive Keeps us alive, keeps us alive [7]
You want a real taste At least I'm not a fake
You want a real taste At least I'm not a fake [8]
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh [9]
Baby, i’m candier than candy
more chrome than chrome
will love you more than your girl
i will bring you home (bring you home)
im more sparkle than sparkle
im lovelier than love
come on baby, i will get you off (get you off)
You want a real taste At least I'm not a fake
You want a real taste At least I'm not a fake [10]
Alexis was listening to his favorite Popstar QUEEN LIZZY’s new single „Candy“ as he saw the notification in his inbox. 
„you are now in posession for an exclusive access code to QUEEN LIZZY’s ceremony“
Alexis was rapturing in joy. He closed the doors to his room. After all this time, he could finally be there as well. Be at the ceremony with everyone else. See the things he only heard myths about. Alexis put on his glasses and scanned LIZZY’s gift. 
Alexis wanted to see her for real this time. While the livestream was loading he hummed along the refrain of LIZZY’s newest single „Candy“ and joy filled his soul.  
When he opened his eyes he instantly felt, that, when standing inside the villa, aura is affirmed absolutely. [1]
In the beginning, there was darkness. But out of the darkness a light emerged. He felt, that it was her - but not yet. Slowly the light emerged and it got brighter when she slowly moved through space. He started to see silhouettes. He started to see colors. 
It was the queens’ most baroque fantasies of glamour and stardom. [2]
Light crystalline notes seemed to emerge out of the silence which accompanied the Queens glide. Somehow out of nothingness a choir as perfectly clear cut like colorful marble in the most beautiful patterns emerged.
Alexis saw her gliding along the ground from far away, although he felt like he saw one short glance of her eyes going to his direction. 
He glared at the fabric falling down upon her like a thin, ultra light continuous skin—clearly visible. What was especially miraculous was that especially from inside he saw the building move towards a "textile like" definition of architectonic space. [3]
The ornament felt like folded embroidery encapsulated in astonishing ecstasy of colorful marble and indistinguishable textures of golden and platinum figures illuminating the fabric upon they seemed to be appended. Everything seemed like it was flickering. Flickering like a soft but strong candlelight, giving the structure a pulse. All colors seemed enhanced and the details exaggerated which made it even more dazzling in Alexis’s eyes.
In the midst, his queen. 
Adjacent to her path there were two banquets, with shining pearl-white layers of fabric. Filled with all the plenty of things.
She seemed to be absorbing the banquet, while Alexis now knew.
These heavens do not proclaim the glory of God. [4]
But the heavens of his Queen. 
He listened closely and let these heavenly halls enter his heart while he witnessed her, slowly vanishing the chamber. She seemed to have ingested everything she needed for todays concert, as she ascended into another chamber. For the next chamber, Alexis knew, he was not worthy enough yet. He could only imagine the things that lied beyond these magnificent gates.
Alexis knew, that he needed to see her again tomorrow. And now he finally had the access code to the banquet, so he knew it was possible to see her whole ceremony, to really get to know her. And maybe. Maybe he will see her on stage someday. The magnificent stage next to the Seine, seemingly born from one of Bosch’s paintings seemed to set everything around into a dreamlike state of exuberance. Leaving even the most polished buildings around it appear to be rusted.
United with all his fellow Angels, Standing in front of Notre Dame. See his QUEEN LIZZY face Notre Dame, while he, Alexis faces his LIZZY. 
And perhaps, he longed. Perhaps one day. One day i might meet her in reality. 
Somber but ecstatic, Alexis takes off his glasses and puts on his favorite music, while
leaving his flat for an evening stroll at the Seine.
Queen Lizzy is
at the bacchanal 
bewitched, senses
submerged, her image
mirrored, her mind 
magicked, her emotions 
unmoderated and maybe 
immodest, herself 
multiplied [1]
Music sprays an anaesthetic cloud over things and drug used to spare us the terror of the real. [1] It is these traits that enable it to go anywhere, to go everywhere, into site and psyche alike, to appear ever fascinating yet ever harmless even as it plies its undermining subterfuges and sly deceits [2]. Forces come and go, from and in all directions. [3]
Where do we want to go? [4]
Remember: Icarus flew away, toward the sun. [5] One sees the burning heat of the sun scorch the wings of the wretched young man, as the blazing fire smokes, and one can almost hear the crackling of the burning feathers, while death can be seen sculpted on the face of Icarus, and on that of Daedalus his emotion and sharp pain. [6]
Historically, thousands of subjects have done so, suffering, killing themselves, dressing, perfuming themselves, writing as if they were Werther. [7]
The baroque dramatist clings fervently to the world. [8]
We are expecting a move toward a falling in sync with the architecture of the Baroque, but on different levels of abstraction. [9]
Contemporary time, however, can sustain these baroque illusions. [10]
Today, Maximum is the ultimate ornament, the most self righteous crime, the contemporary Baroque. [11]
the whole building is the decoration. [12]
And Delicate bronze allegorical figures adorn the case. [13] We have seen roofs made of copper, glass, and gold, and elegantly decorated with ceilings gilded or coffered in gold, and picked out with sculpted crowns and flowers, and even statues. [14]
We are in excess. [15]
And excess produces virtuality. [16]
By the early twenty first century, our time, a mythic time, we are all chimeras, theorized and fabricated hybrids of machine and organism; in short, we are cyborgs. The cyborg is our ontology. [17]
Whereas the musical call rises from noise to meaning while avoiding both. 
Vibrating softness and the hammer’s hardness. [18]
Life is excess. [19]
This surplus of absence, the place of nothing, when exaggerated threatens all meaning with indifference. [20]
But the lights have to go on again. [21]Exactly, In indifference, the excess becomes manifest. [22]
A modern ritual, a modern Bacchanalia, escalation, excess. [23]
So here we go. [24] This is Queen Lizzy.
If you want sex, why not go get it? [25]
If dolphins go extinct, why worry? [26]
If we’re all going to drown, why not jump from the highest heights and feel the rush of adrenaline? We’ll learn diving eventually. And 
The point turns into a baroque pearl. [27]
flashes of inspiration 
colours, glitter 
balls: exuberances 
festivals and 
congregations, close 
travel at the speed of sound, lightspeed 
instantaneous pools of
the vibe and exultation, the 
the sharpwit razor of precision, the 
the shared experience
the climactic joy, the
sacred orgasm of
life [28]
When will we stop apologizing for being romantic? Why not now? Here and now? Right now. We populate the desert with singing trees and unruly blackbirds. We leave the cynical laughter behind and no longer hesitate to be naive. The cliché is not kitsch, it is simply beautiful. [29]
Let's follow the hedonism creed, kick the whole world off, get out of work, go to bed, and join together with your "great Louis XIV" to shake this hypocritical world into a bright sky. [30]
Ah, bless the very “false windows,” so valued as decoration and so useless in a building of artificial light and ventilation! [31]
This possible world is not real, or not yet, but it exists nonetheless: it is an expressed that exists only in its expression — the face, or an equivalent of the face. [32]
Then, we built churches in excess for a common belief in an artificial persona. God.
Tomorrow, we will build in excess because it represents living in a world where the power lies within the plenty. The plenty is excess and she give birth to it by giving it a face in physical space. From nihilism, hedonism emerges and they will dance together in euphoria like Dionysus did with his followers. 
She will acquire the plethora and give the acceleration a purpose.
It is time to stop holding on to flag poles standing in the current.
We should start to accept the drowning, to then be fulfilled by the current teaching us how to swim. 
Excess is accepting. Excess is giving the power a face.
She says: Come, live with me. Watch me exist.
we are part of it: we are
a part
of everything, every
is part of us
we are the gods
we are the universe
we are the energy
we are the code
we are the probability
we are the failure and the hope and the despair 
we are the triumph
of existence
and that is what she is: she
Queen Lizzy [33]
[1] Charli XCX Reddit AMA
[2 ]Lady Gaga + Blackpink, Sour Candy
[3] Lorde, Dynamite
[4] The Weeknd, Escape from LA
[5] Frank Ocean, Pink Matter
[6] Lana del Rey, Summertime Sadness
[7] Lana del Rey, Lust for Life
[8] Lady Gaga + Blackpink, Sour Candy
[9] Lana del Rey, Summertime Sadness
[10] Lady Gaga + Blackpink, Sour Candy
[1] Purdy, On the Ruins of Babel Architectural Metaphor in G
[2] Goldsmith, Capital New York Capital of the 20th Century
[3] Acocella, Stone Architecture Ancient and Modern Construction Skills
[4] Tsoukala, Intersections of Space and Ethos Routledge Resear[1] Serres, The Incandescent
[1] Serres, The Incandescent
[2] Sykes, Constructing A New Agenda
[3] Spuybroek, The Sympathy of Things
[4] Serres, Hominescence
[5] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[6] Vasari, The Lives of the Artists
[7] Barthes, A Lover s Discourse Fragments
[8] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[9] Buehlmann Hovestadt, Coding as Literacy
[10] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[11] Sykes, Constructing A New Agenda
[12] Ockmann, Architecture Culture 1943 1968
[13] Saunders, The Art and Architecture of London
[14] Alberti, On the Art of Building in Ten Books 1988
[15] Zizek, Less Than Nothing
[16] Schumacher, The Autopoiesis of Architecture Vol 2
[17] Haraway, Cyborg Manifesto
[18] Serres, Statues
[19] Negarestani Mackay, Collapse Volume VII
[20] Doyle Savic Buehlmann, Ghosts of Transparency
[21] Hays, Architecture Theory since 1968
[22] Doyle Savic Buehlmann, Ghosts of Transparency
[23] Serres, The Birth of Physics
[24] Hofstadter, I Am a Strange Loop
[25] Spuybroek, The Sympathy of Things
[26] Morton, Hyperobjects
[27] Buehlmann Hovestadt, Symbolizing Existence
[28] Buehlmann Hovestadt, Quantum City
[29] Camille de Toledo, in: Goodbye Tristesse, 2005
[30] Louis XIV Show
[31] Asimov, Complete Robot Anthology
[32] Deleuze Guattari, What Is Philosophy
[33] Buehlmann Hovestadt, Quantum City
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Ideas On Controlling Diabetes With Diet plan And Workout
Controlling diabetes with diet and physical exercise is anything that each diabetic is tasked with for the reason that the alternative is bleak. Medicines or insulin shots can only do so much. Eating plan and workout enable you to lessen the effects of diabetes on your physique and life and enable you to thrive even with this diagnosis. In the case of type 2 diabetes, diet program and exercise might even let you to reverse this kind of diabetes. Get within the game. Fight for your life and health. Diet program and workout may be the very best method to achieve this.
The Outlook is Bleak
Not taking a proactive method to diabetes remedy will bring about kidney disease, heart illness, blindness, high blood pressure, stroke, infections and wounds that happen to be slow to heal or in no way heal, limb amputation and also falling into a diabetic coma when serious. Controlling diabetes with diet program and exercising is among the greatest ways to make sure that this is not your present and future.
But you'll need not be afraid or really feel powerless simply because very simple alterations for your life style can create incredible final results and you will be able to reside a long and productive life even though you may have the much more serious sort 1 diabetes which can be not curable or preventable.
Controlling Diabetes with Eating plan and Exercise
1. Controlling Diabetes with Diet
The word "diet" has such adverse connotations and in the mere mention of it, a lot of persons recoil. At the mention in the word, most of the people feel it implies that you simply won't be able to eat something you like, or something delicious, or will be starving and so forth.
But when a eating plan for diabetes is talked about, it merely means a properly believed out program for consuming. In some instances, you could possibly even be capable of nonetheless consume some "bad" foods on occasion as long as you're conscious of how they'll influence your diabetic consuming program and what adjustments you could should make whenever you consume these "bad" foods to ensure that your blood sugar levels do not go crazy and bring about you problems.
Moreover, creating a proper diabetes consuming plan can help you get a far better understanding of how many foods impact blood sugar levels that will help you make the selection on which foods to eradicate and which to consist of. For example, soft drinks, refined grains, etc, have already been shown to boost the threat of building variety 2 diabetes and also rising inflammation in the physique. Figuring out this will make it easier to make the selection to eradicate soft drinks (regular and diet plan) and hopefully encourage you to drink more water and to pick complex carbs in placed of processed foods made from refined grains.
It is actually important to try to remember that a healing diabetes diet program will differ from one diabetic to a different. You may have to seek out the eating plan that will perform for you. Some diabetics may be capable to consume specific foods whereas one more quite a few must do away with that meals. There is not a single diet plan that could function in all cases. One particular could have to stick to a low fat, high carbohydrate diet program even though another might must comply with a low carbohydrate, higher vegetable eating plan, and so forth. Discover what functions for you.
When you might be confused about what to consume and what to avoid, you should be ready to experiment with several recommended foods to find out which ones raise your blood sugar levels and which ones assist to normalize it.
To locate which foods are greatest for controlling blood sugar, you have to monitor your blood sugar levels to get a period of time for instance two to 3 weeks. Measure your blood glucose levels first factor inside the morning, following breakfast, immediately after meals at the same time as snacks and also ahead of you visit bed. Also measure the sugar levels prior to and immediately after physical activity.
When you might have an understanding of how your blood sugar levels are affected, you might then be in a improved position to make a diet plan that performs for you and assists heal your body naturally.
2. Controlling Diabetes with Exercise
The other aspect of controlling diabetes is workout. It truly is incredible how helpful physical exercise can be against variety 2 diabetes specifically. The most effective thing you are able to do against diabetes is workout. It's also the least pricey once you consider how much you have to invest on diabetes drugs, insulin injections, and so on. Helpful physical exercise may be as straightforward as a walk or run, swimming, dancing, cycling, and so on.
Moderate exercise performed consistently that results in modest weight loss has been shown to stop insulin resistance that may result in pre-diabetes and variety 2 diabetes.
Individuals who have diabetes also benefit from standard exercise as exercise can not just aid manage blood glucose levels but also can assist avoid serious complications from diabetes.
Working out often is one of the most effective methods to enhance insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistance is among the most important difficulties using the development of form 2 diabetes and benefits from the body not recognizing the insulin which is produced by the physique which keeps glucose inside the blood and not removed in the blood and transferred to the cells where it's necessary for power which ends up starving the cells inside the body.
By improving insulin sensitivity together with the assist of exercising, this glucose will be removed from the blood by insulin and transferred to the cells and applied more efficiently by the cells with no any concerns that will aid to handle blood glucose levels.
Workout (and diet program) can also be the very best solution to manage weight. Kind 2 diabetes has reached epidemic levels and the key culprit is obesity because it has been discovered that at the least 80 % of variety 2 diabetes sufferers and these with pre-diabetes have already been discovered to become obese. It is actually believed that obesity can lead to insulin resistance which increases the danger of developing pre-diabetes and form II diabetes.
It is also crucial to monitor blood sugar levels before and after exercise. When you have kind I diabetes, you'll have to be sure that you don't overly exert your self for the point of becoming hypoglycemic which can be a state of low blood sugar. Low blood sugar can cause fatigue, dizziness, sweating, headaches, trembling and if severe, consciousness can be lost also as falling into a coma.
Those with variety II diabetes even though they have extra leeway with workout, need to nevertheless monitor their blood sugar levels before and following physical exercise.
If you are on medication, you have to work with your physician to produce the necessary adjustments for your exercise regimen. Additionally, diabetics who take care of neuropathy need to assure that the nerve endings within the feet are protected. Higher impact running or jogging may possibly not be advised in situations of neuropathy.
Dehydration is another region for diabetics to become concerned about when exercising because frequent urination is among the symptoms of diabtes. Higher impact physical exercise also can influence the capillaries inside the eyes which have been weakened by diabetes. Should you have eye difficulties on account of diabetes, ensure that that the exercising chosen won't make vision complications worse or trigger rapture which can happen specifically when you use weights.
Talk to your doctor ahead of beginning any physical exercise program and set realistic goals so as to avoid as well higher or as well low blood sugar levels too as the other troubles that exercising may possibly lead to in people today with diabetes. Begin little and steadily make up.
Workout is an significant element of diabetes management and several of its other added benefits involve assisting to reduce blood pressure, raising good cholesterol (HDL) levels, strengthening bones, toning the heart as well as other muscles, eliminating strain, weight loss, strengthening the respiratory technique, and so forth. Do it regardless of how you really feel. You might feel far better and following you finish you may fill like you could conquer the planet such as diabetes!
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