#whether they want it to be someone else ๐Ÿ™„ or for shig to unrealistically win lmao
haleigh-sloth ยท 2 years
Thank you it always annoys me that people shit on Deku for wanting to save shiggy after he saw him being control but donโ€™t give the same criticism to shouto or uraraka if dabi wasnโ€™t his brother he wouldnโ€™t even think of saving him and uraraka saw toga cry (hero donโ€™t kill but they have no qualm putting people in jail it realistic in a sense people are willing to help out if it affects them in real life can be hori writing but call a spade a spade here if Deku get criticized so should the others
Yeah, it's one of my biggest complaints about, not the manga, but the fandom. When chapter 305 came out, the complaints was "Deku should struggle more!" Which is valid! Then, as time went on and on, that same exact crowd started saying "The kids aren't sympathetic enough and they HAD to see them suffering in order to care ๐Ÿ™„." Which...would have been valid if the complete opposite critique wasn't being screamed by the same crowd a year earlier.
Midoriya needed to see that Shigaraki was hurting. He still doesn't know the reasons behind Shigaraki's actions (but he will, I'm sure), but he knows it's not "just for fun". Which is what he told Shigaraki he thought about him when they spoke to each other at the mall. (personally I hope he remembers that conversation pretty soon and realizes those words may have stung lol)
Ochacko made Toga cry and began to wonder WHY she would cry in that situation. Because that's not a usual reaction in a war when you're attacking someone for what on the surface is seemingly no reason.
Touya showed that Endeavor's abuse led to something as extreme as Dabi. It didn't go that way for Shouto, so Shouto had to start wondering where and how it could have gone so horribly wrong for his brother.
They needed wake up calls. Something to open their eyes so they COULD learn.
This is the one time I'm going to back up the argument people like to use "This isn't Naruto!" Because for this comparison, it is not.
These kids started off the manga with the old-timer mindset. Catching and punishing villains, because they're hurting innocent people and they need to be stopped, and locked away. Simple!
But there is more behind that, and that is where the learning curve comes. They didn't start off like Naruto who was always ready to save Sasuke, literally no matter how much worse Sasuke got. These kids had to have a catalyst that shook their perspective and made them think "Wait, we're missing something. Maybe we should try something different." Which is generally how people open their minds up to new issues irl too.
The endgame idea for the manga is that heroes save no matter what, that people should be saved no matter what. In order for this idea to be delivered, each of the kids and villains were given personalized circumstances to create the change in mindsets in the characters necessary to bring this idea to fruition in-manga.
Kids--->bad minset
Villains--->show kids that not everything is what it seems
Kids--->start to shift to good mindset
Villains--->get what they need as a result
BUT--I do agree that this "struggle to decide what to do" mindset is not being portrayed particularly well. Or like, it is sometimes, and then other times it's not. I agree it's wishy washy at times. But I think shitting on the hero kids, specifically Midoriya! is a bullshit "critique" lol.
Edit to add:
The critique that the kids aren't learning or acting quick enough is dumb as it is, but specifically as said here by @/helga-grinduil, in comparison to someone like All Might who literally HAD that eye opener the earliest out of everyone in the story, who still continued to do nothing with the information he got, I'd say they're um, doing a pretty good job.
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