#which clearly indicate the person who dropped the bottle threw a tantrum and kicked all the rocks out of the yard in this small spot
lokilickedme · 1 year
Since dropping a 32 oz glass bottle of Valentina cayenne pepper sauce on my concrete driveway the night of December 31st and subsequently having it explode in a convincingly homicidal pattern of blood red that immediately stained the concrete at just about the time our neighborhood’s New Years Eve fireworks were going off, I’m now side eyed nervously by the entire block and the dogwalkers and mountainbikers are taking the long way around instead of skirting our house and that suspicious stain to get to the park.
We have a neighbor who is friendly with us who goes on business trips frequently and is often gone for weeks at a time and I just know everybody on this street is waiting anxiously to see if he ever actually shows back up
Meanwhile I’m just waving at everyone as I leave for work humming the theme to American Psycho and my kid is still pissed at me for breaking his hot sauce
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