#which he then used as an excuse to financially abuse his cult members
agnesmontague · 2 years
idk how to put this more smartly but theres a weird trend among online leftists who have circled right back around to this quasi-religious hatred of all material need and its just. sorry but needing money to stay alive isn't... greed. you're not selling out by doing an ad read esp if it's something you're doing as a job. even if the job is artistic in nature
anticapitalism is the main tenet here for sure but at the same time it helps to.., idk. not act like we spiritually need to start forfeiting all mortal goods bc it's the one path towards nirvana or something. every once in a while i notice people reinventing asceticism in the name of praxis and it's very Sigma Grindset but with a lefty hat
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beatriceinmessina · 6 years
American Horror Story: Cult Rewatch--Episode V, “Holes”
SPOILERS for the entire season, William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, and George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire.
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Richard, Duke of Gloucester, kisses Lady Macbeth’s hand.  (Screenshot by me, from Netflix.)
The episode opens with Beverly reporting on crimes that she knows the cult has committed.  More fear-mongering.  Luckily Bob has noticed that her stories are inconsistent.  He may be a sleazeball, but you know what?  He’s my hero for having some goddamn common sense!
Current members of the cult as of the second scene of this episode: Kai, Winter, Samuels, Harrison, Gary, R.J., and Beverly (Meadow doesn’t seem to be at the meeting, since she’s still “missing”).  When did R.J. join?  I’m assuming Beverly introduced him since he’s her cameraman, but why did he join?  Did he and Kai do pinky power?  I would have liked to see that.
Kai claims that the perception of credibility leads to the perception of power, and that people don’t follow experts, but titles.  He’s not entirely wrong--if you have enough charisma and are a good enough liar, anything you say can be believed.  It worked with Trump, and it works with Shakespeare villains.  Also, he’s equal-opportunity with the slapping--he slaps R.J. right before telling him this.
The whole idea of throwing Satanism is a bit hilarious given that that’s what’s going to be happening in, oh… one season.
Ivy is revealed to be part of the cult, since she arrives to the meeting late.  
When recounting to Dr. Vincent how she’s strapped for money since Ivy cancelled the credit cards, Ally says, “It was like she prepared.”  She’s right; Ivy did prepare.  The gaslighting and torment is making Ally paranoid--but ironically, she’s catching on to the cult because of their attempts to drive her insane.
Winter apologizes to Ivy that Oz had to find the video, so Ivy knew that Winter would try and seduce Ally, using it as an excuse to take Oz away from her and make Ally’s life hell.  I will say, she’s an excellent actress.
When Bob walks down his stairs, he’s licking blood off some plastic gloves.  What the hell is he getting up to with that guy in his attic?  Also, who is the man in his attic?  Obviously they’re both into some kinky stuff, but does the man just live up there, suspended on hooks?  What about aftercare?
Beverly personally murders Bob--Kai is letting her get revenge on the man who humiliated her.  This is the second step in his process of taking advantage of people’s humiliation and anger--letting them take it out in the ugliest and most satisfying way possible.  They will come to feel that they can only get that vindication with him, and follow him unquestioningly.
Kai tells Beverly that she was the only one who impressed him, and that the others ask too many questions.  She’s not asking questions because he’s letting her do what she wants and encouraging her to give into her darkest desires, seemingly freeing her.  The second step I mentioned above is working.
Beverly is also taking a more active role in the cult--Kai actually listens to her and seems to respect her, which is interesting given his misogyny and disrespect towards women in later episodes.  Perhaps Beverly impresses him so much that she’s the exception, or he’s stringing her along to get her to love and trust him so much that she won’t even notice or care when he beats her down later.
In the flashback to Rosie and Mark being buried in the coffins (which is apparently five weeks before this episode), when Meadow asks how long they’re going to leave the couple in there, Harrison asks her if she wants to go against the man who gave them their lives back.  They see Kai as their savior, a role that he deliberately sets himself up as.  Every single tactic of his works impeccably.  I have to hand it to him.  The man knows how to mess with people’s minds and make them listen to him.
Beverly and Kai’s relationship at this point (plotting together ruthlessly to kill R.J. because he’s weak) is like if Lady Macbeth married Richard III.  In other words, it’s terrifying, but also a little awesome, because they’re darkly intelligent together.
Ally looks through Oz’s telescope and observes Harrison doing some suspicious activity.  How long has Meadow been “missing” for at this point?  If she’s just being found now, was she hiding somewhere before on Kai’s orders, assuming her disappearance was part of his plan?  More on this in the notes for the next episode.
Meadow appears at Ally’s window begging for help.  Did she climb out herself, or did Harrison and Samuels help her, since it’s part of them torturing Ally?  Has Kai had sex with her at this point and explained what he wants from her, or is he legitimately hurting Meadow at this point?  If he is, it’s likely because she questions him--he wants to make her afraid of him so he can get her to do anything he wants. (I’m guessing they haven’t this point, since Meadow isn’t tied up with the harness.  I think Kai sleeps with her after she’s taken from Ally’s porch, and when he comes into the meeting, they’ve just had sex.  Again, more on this in the next episode; I’m just trying to figure out the timeline here.)
Ivy and Winter are significantly unnerved by Kai telling them that they need to kill R.J., and Ivy even refuses to at first, though she quickly gives in.  She still has standards, but she’s also probably afraid of what Kai will do to her if she keeps refusing (she doesn’t want to end up like Meadow, wherever she is).  Pretty regular cult stuff; the leader exercising control by making their followers too afraid of them to refuse them ever.
Kai straight-up licks R.J.’s blood from his face.  Holy shit.  Holy freaking shit.  And I thought cutting out Serena’s heart was depraved.  This is a whole new level of depravity.  This has transcended depravity.  Jesus Christ.  (James March would be so proud.)
After everyone takes turns literally nailing R.J., Kai tells them they’ve all proved their loyalty.  So that’s why he made them do it; now he knows that they’ll do anything for him, even if they really don’t want to.  This will come in handy in about four episodes.
“Good night, sweet prince, and the flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.”  (Kai).  This line is from the last scene of Hamlet, said by Horatio as Hamlet lies dying.  Kai has added a “the” to it (the original line is “Good night, sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest”).  The real hallmark of any AHS villain?  They can quote the classic literary and theatrical canon. (Hayden and Tate do so in the first season, and March in the fifth.)  I always wonder if the writers have something against the classic literary and theatrical canon.
Fifth pinky power--Beverly and Kai.  He starts by asking her what scares her the most, but she challenges him and asks him about his real backstory.  Surprisingly, he doesn’t get angry, and even seems to react with genuine emotion.  Beverly’s really the only member of the cult who’s on Kai’s level (the whole “equal power” thing) but I wonder if it’s because he knows that’s she’s just as smart as he is, or just about, and he can’t fool her as easily.  Again, it’s like putting two Shakespeare villains in a room together.
When Kai refuses to tell Beverly about his parents, she responds with “Secrets are what make you weak”, using his own rhetoric (especially when it comes to pinky power) against him, and he actually tells her the truth.  She gets to him in a similar way to how he gets to other people.  How is that she can make him crack when no one else can?  What makes him tell her the truth?  Is he afraid of her, perhaps, or is this another cog in his plan to build up trust and knock her down?  Who’s really in control here?
Kai says that his father was a “silver-tongued” lawyer, so I guess we know where he gets the charisma and ability to win anyone over from.  He also has a degree in religious studies.  Is that where he learned about cults and the way they work, and possibly even how to start one?  There are some who say religion is a cult.
I understand that an abusive father and witnessing one’s parents murder-suicide is traumatizing, but really, it’s no excuse for starting a murder cult!  Or anything that Kai does this entire season!
I would like to point out the Andersons are quite similar to the most recent generation of Targaryens: there’s the father, the wife he abuses, the absent eldest son, the dangerous and violent middle son, and the youngest daughter whom the middle son is attracted to.
Dr. Vincent is revealed as Kai and Winter’s brother here.  He suggests that they keep the bodies in the house and douse them in lye to cover up the smell, and when Kai objects, he insists, saying that they need the money from their father’s disability insurance and their mother’s pension.  What’s the family’s financial state, then?  Also, dude, I get that you need the money, but keeping your dead parents in the house like Psycho is really not the way to go about it.
Sixth pinky power--Vincent and Kai, in the flashback.  They seem to be doing it as a promise to keep the deaths covered up more than anything; there’s no exchange of dialogue.
Vincent is absolutely ruthless about his parents and Winter.  Perhaps it runs in the family?  (Again, they’re all such Targaryens.)
And the Psycho-ness of it all has only been furthered by Kai talking to his dead mother.  At least he hasn’t developed a second personality based on her yet.  Yet.  (I wouldn’t put it past him.)
At the end of the episode, Kai breaks down crying during pinky power.  Either Beverly actually broke him and got him to show a sincere, spontaneous emotional reaction that isn’t anger, or this is all completely calculated by him.  If she did make him cry though… that’s amazing.  That’s genuinely amazing.  How did she do that?  (Also, she’s giving him a taste of his own medicine, which he rightly deserves.  He’s probably feeling incredibly raw and vulnerable (a feeling I’m guessing he hates).)
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sheconqueredabuse · 5 years
The Gaslighter
We often see gaslighting in the media with politicians and celebrity interviews, but there is a much more insidious use for gaslighting when we are talking about narcissists, psychopaths, and sociopaths. It is one of their favorite emotionally abusive mind games simply because it’s highly effective in controlling their victim.
In this article, we will discuss: What Is Gaslighting? Signs of Gaslighting Abuse Thoughts & Feelings You Will Have 21 Examples & Techniques Game Over: Shutting It Down
What Is Gaslighting?
Wiki’s Gaslighting Definition: a form of psychological manipulation in which a person seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual or in members of a targeted group, making them question their own memory, perception, or sanity. Using denial, misdirection, contradiction, and lying, gaslighting involves attempts to destabilize the victim and delegitimize the victim's beliefs.
Gaslighting can be used by anyone. Teachers, bosses, lawyers, parents, siblings, cult leaders, dictators and romantic partners which is mostly what I will discuss. 
The term "gaslighting" originates from the 1938 play "Gaslight" that was released as a film in the 1940's. This wicked story portrays a husband who will do anything to protect a secret, even if that means committing his wife to a mental institution. So, he systematically brainwashes her until she believes she is delusional and questions her own reality. One gaslighting technique he uses is to dim the gas lights, which she notices and he tells her she is going mad and it is not happening. She starts to feel she is losing a grip on reality.
Here's a little clip of the movie ->
You are going to see this term a lot if you are researching emotional, financial, psychological or narcissistic abuse because it’s a munipulators favorite tool. 
It’s highly effective at destroying someone's self worth, inner power, and sense of reality while deflecting any responsibility on the abuser. This gives the narcissists the one thing they want the most over their victim….. control. 
Depending on the abuser, gaslighting can look very different. Overt narcissists are the type of abusers we are used to seeing. They may always brag about their accomplishments, how much better they are than others and almost look down on anyone who is not them.
They don’t hide their abuse towards others and are often looked at as bullies. They are open and explicit and most people wouldn’t have a hard time pointing them out. 
Covert Narcs
But, the more dangerous gaslighters are coverts. The reason they are so much more dangerous is because their abuse usually goes unnoticed to everyone around them, including the victim themselves. They are master manipulators as disguising their abuse. 
Over time, their victims can appear to be unstable and deranged while the abuser appears as the misunderstood victim that is being made to look like the bad guy. They drop subtle hints of abuse that confuse you and appear to be unintentional. But, it’s very calculated. 
Signs of Gaslighting Abuse
Gaslighting builds over time. The controlling partner will sprinkle it into exchanges early on in the relationship. It can be very subtle in the beginning as they are learning about you, and then gradually worsens over the course of the relationship, just like with any other type of abuse. I’m going to go over some of the thoughts and feelings you may have, and I also identified with almost every single one of these. 
Symptoms of Gaslighting: Thoughts & Feelings
Confused and feeling like you are going crazy
Feeling of doubtfulness
Questioning your own reality
Feel like a failure or disappointment
You start making excuses for their behavior
You are tense around them and may not understand why
Attacked or outburst over minor matters
Asking yourself “Am I being too emotional or sensitive?” 
Asking yourself  “Am I asking/expecting too much?”
You are constantly apologizing
You don’t understand why they are upset much of the time
Your intuition is telling you something is off but you can’t identify it
 You may lie to avoid put-downs or them twistings things
You have trouble making simple decisions
Second-guess your decisions
Nothing you do is good enough for them
You have stopped doing things you love
You distance yourself from people, events, and places you once enjoyed
Your self-esteem has hit rock bottom
You are focused on your flaws more than ever
You don’t know who to trust and often turn to the gaslighter for answers
You start withholding from family and loved ones so you don't have to explain or feel ashamed
You Feel like your feelings or pain doesn’t really matter and maybe you are over sensitive
You find yourself writing long emails and letters to try to get the to fully hear you out
You are disconnected and different from the person you were before the relationship
That last one really stands out to me and one you should really sit and think about if you think you are being gaslighted. I know by the end of my relationship with a gaslighting narcissist, I was so different and my two older children had pointed that out to me during the relationship, but my response was I’m just trying to become a better person.  As I began healing, I started feeling like myself more and more.
How Do You Know If It’s Really Gaslighting?
This is a great question because sometimes terms can be overused or misunderstood. Two people not agreeing does not mean either of them are trying to gaslight the other. We all have our own perception, but there is a clear line between someone’s perception of events and someone abusing you.
Gaslighting is distinct because only one of you is listening and empathic to the other's perspective and trying to solve or come to an understanding, while the other person is dodging responsibility and can negate your perception, insisting you are wrong and your emotional reaction is dysfunctional or crazy. 
In healthy relationships, it is normal to not always agree and have your own opinions on topics, events, your values, etc. However, if you strongly resonate with the feelings and thoughts listed above, it's a strong sign you are being gaslighted. But, let’s also discuss techniques and examples of a gaslighter.
Gaslighting Techniques & Examples
Lying - Just about everything revolves around a lie with a narcissist. You can even have proof and they will lie with a straight face.  "She just wants to cause problems cause she wants me, I never did that" "I never even talked to her"
Partial Truths - There is an element of truth wrapped with lies. They can insert something they know you believe to be true or appear to be taking responsibility so their lie seems more believable.  "I know I cheated, I feel horrible for it, but I tried everything to make it work and she is going out of her mind. Comes by my work, calls and text and accuses me" In reality, they may have cheated many times, one being last week with a girl from work when they went missing for hours and you text them asking when they would be home. You are now viewed as the crazy one that is not trying to make the relationship work and you just can't get over his past mistake even though he is trying to be a good guy.
Repetitive Falsehoods - ​Repeating lies frequently to reinforce them as truth and override existing perceptions. ​ "Look how well I treat you. Look at all I do for you" "I seen you flirt with that guy, it's obvious to everyone" "I told you I was at work, stop accusing me every time I walk in the door"
Countering - Vehemently question your memory even though you know you have remembered it correctly and fight to understand how they don't.  "That's not how it happened at all, it's crazy how you see things" "Remember the last time you were wrong about what you THOUGHT you remembered?" "Obviously you never loved or believed in me if you think like that" "You are so negative in your thinking"
Trivializing - Minimizing, Invalidating and shaming you for how you think and feel to make you doubt your truth. "Listen to yourself, you are not okay" "I don't know why you are making a big deal over this" "You just can't get over the past" (even though it was never resolved) "Why are you being so sensitive" "That is not abusive, you are trying to make me look bad" "You are going to let something that small come between us?"
Denial - Refusing to acknowledge your feelings or thoughts. Sometimes by being silent and not responding and other times with blatant denial even with concrete evidence. "I never said that" "I'm not sure how you see it that way, but I never cheated" "You must be remembering it wrong"
Faking Compassion -  Using their mask to appear as if you have it all wrong and they really have your best interest at heart ​ "No Baby, I did that to protect you."
Reframing - Twisting what you said, even if subtle, to suit their favor "If you remember correctly, I was trying to help you"
Circled Conversations - Nothing is every resolved, they just keep running the conversation into circles. I've spent hours and hours without the one single problem getting resolved. 
Words & Actions Not Aligned - Even when you believe them, their actions just are not aligning with their words. They may tell you they love you, but are cheating on you the next day and not taking any responsibility for it.
Love & Hate Rollercoaster - One day/hour/min they love you and you are the best thing that happened to them and the next several days/hours/minutes they will project everything they are doing unto you, rather is lies, stealing, evil. 
Discrediting Your Character - Gossip behind your back and make people believe you are unstable, irrational, crazy. Basically projecting everything they are onto you.
Projection - The gaslighter diverts their actions back to the victim, refusing to validate the victims claims. This could be cheating, starting fights/drama, acting crazy. ​ "You just love drama, it's always around you." "You just can't let it go"
Intermittent Reinforcement - They may bring you up by praising for something they admire or you did well, just so they slam you back down. This makes you question if they are really bad, because there are good aspects of their actions.
Indirect Criticism - Compliments wrapped with insults. They cleverly make you feel insecure and question yourself. "I've seen you as pretty as those girls before" "You are almost as thin as Sally was after having her baby" "I know if you had more time, you would have done a better job"
Selfish Praise - They will praise you for something but only because it benefits them. "You really did a great job with this dinner" "I'm so glad you stood up for me"
Blocking - Changing the subject to divert from taking responsibility or answering a question. ​ You ask "Did you cheat on me?" They ask "How many times have I caught you with talking to other men?"
Diverting - Questioning the validity of your thoughts ​ "I didn't say this Thursday, I said next Thursday" "I never said I like pineapples" (when they told you they loved them)
Pretend Forgetting - Pretending they forget things that occured. "I never said I would pay for all of these things you just bought" "I don't remember it like that at all" "I never said that"
Toxic Amnesia - Deliberately forgetting hurtful behaviors, verbal abuse and betrayals they've engaged in.
Stonewalling - Deliberately refusing to communicate or cooperate while continuing to listen to your concerns. This can be a subtle form of manipulation  and often used by coverts.
Withholding - Pretend they have no idea what you are saying and it's hard to understand.
Caught On Video By Police
I thought it would also be useful to show you an example of gaslighting caught on camera by police. Now hopefully, this is a much worse situation than what you are going through, but I think it's the perfect example to show you how well someone can manipulate and lie even if there is video proof.
Take a look at this women who was taped talking to a man about having her husband killed. The husband was not killed, but the police continue to play it out and confront her that her husband is dead.
She could win an academy award for her frantek crying and painful shouts. Then when it's revealed to her that he is alive and well, and she had been taped, she goes into her toolbox of gaslighting tactics and speaks with her husband. 
How To Deal With Gaslighting
First rule, you don’t. By that, I mean, you are not going to convince a gaslighter or narcissists that they are seeing things the wrong way. One of the reasons they are gaslighting is to avoid responsibility altogether while they play with your mind.
You also don't want to tell them you have figured them out. This is only going to increase the gaslighting so they get better at what the are trying to do, the abuse can get more intense and if they have not already, they will probably incorporate flying monkeys into the relationship. 
They simply won't and don't want to try to see your point of view, and if by a chance they do, trust me they are not taking responsibility for it, it will all play into their game.
You must stop looking at them for answers, validation, closure or acceptance of what they are doing. By doing this, it's delays your healing because all your focus is on something you can't control or change with a person that doesn't want to change. 
Don't give them that type of control over you, they don't care about your healing, in fact, they don't want you to heal and become stronger, even if they have discarded you.
In healthy relationships, you would talk and work things out, but this is not a healthy relationship, it’s an abusive one.
A Good Question to ask yourself is “Are they listening to you and really trying to work the problem out, or make excuses and  causing confusion? Do their actions match their words?" If so, write out a list so you can get clarity around this.
Game Over: Shut It Down
Don’t Engage:  If someone is trying to gaslight you, do not engage or try to get clarity from THEM. They want you to stay confused.
Journal: Write things down for YOU. We are often confused and don’t trust ourselves, so writing things down will bring you more clarity.
Support System: Create a support system around you. I’m going to tell you right now, even though friends and family have great intentions, many do not understand narcissistic abuse on a deep level and their advice or help will further confuse and re-traumatize you. Lean on them for love and support, but you don’t have to go into details, save that for a therapist or coach.
Therapy: The same goes for therapist, not all of them understand this abuse. Be sure to get a therapist that understand narcissistic abuse, gaslighting, Cluster B Personalities and C/PTSD.
Recovery & Life Coaches: Getting Coaching is a wonderful part of healing. Many narc abuse recovery coaches are survivors themselves, so they can relate to what you are going through. They can validate your experiences, strategize next steps, and support you in your healing journey and evolution.
Comment below and tell us how you have been gaslighted or what you did to shut it down! Also if you have an questions, that would be helpful on improving this content 🙂 
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RE: On Dan Fefferman and Political Theology
Reading over the members spasm of voluminous spam on the blog over the last couple days and one article from Applied Unificationism jumped out at me. It was a submission by  Dan Fefferman with his analysis on the various Moon church schisms and their particular brand of "Political Theology". My comments to articles at Applied Unificationism never get posted so I will place them here on WIOTM. Dan Fefferman has a very interesting history as a member and was deeply involved in formulating Rev. Moon's version of "Political Theology". As an operative, Dan was never the one to carry an AR-15 into battle but he certainly associated with plenty of people who did and would without much persuasion. Dan was called to testify at the House International relations subcommittee investigating U.S. Korean relations. This is a fascinating document if you have the time to read the transcripts. I almost fell off the sofa when I noticed in the title that Congressman Leo Ryan was a prominent member of the Subcommittee. Leo Ryan was murdered by members of the Peoples Temple cult after he visited their compound in Jonestown Guyana shortly after the subcommittee investigation was concluded. That is a post for another day. The following is a brief excerpt and supporting links dredged up by the tireless Mr. Moon Critic, (thunderous applause). Pay close attention to all of the excerpts in bold font as they probably contain clues to the hidden effects of said "Political Theology". You may want to follow the links and search the back grounds of all the names mentioned here for a real education on Political and Religious subversion. Thanks again for participating, Frank F
Mr. Harrington (of the Fraser Committee) asks Dan Fefferman about Ed Feulner
I have another document which staff will make available to you entitled “Daily Report,” from yourself to Mr. Salonen, dated September 11, 1974. 
Item No. 4 is entitled “Letters re Korea Trip,” and states, “Please give me more guidance about what to say to Minister Kim and Ed Feulner. The information has already been communicated from Ed to Min. Kim.”
First, can you identify Ed Feulner? I don’t know if I have the correct pronunciation. I assume it is close enough for you to know whom I am referring to.
Dan Fefferman report to Neil Salonen
1. Appointments - Lunch with Sven Kraemer on Thursday to discuss Vietnam. He has not seen us since our return, and he invited Louise and me to be his guests. Lunch with Phuong Dung, Friday. I don’t know whether these two are connected through conscious conspiracy or simply through the spiritual world.
4. Letters re Korea trip. — Please give me more guidance about what to say to Minister Kim and Ed Feulner. The information has already been communicated from Ed to Min. Kim. (Mr. Moon Critic note: Mr. Kim was the founder of the K.C.I.A.)
8. David Martin - Came to dinner tonight...He wants to sometime to talk to you and Re. Moon about some ideas he has. One thing he mentioned was using church a.c. missionaries in countries like Greece and Portugal to coach anti-Communist forces as a catalyst for effective action.
9. Internal Security - This business about new leaks is getting ridiculous, Pentagon papers, White House "investigatory reporting" (also called muckraking) that crucified an American President - now, Laurence Stern (of all people) comes up with a story quoting minutes of a "top secret State Department meeting" at which Sec. Kissinger allegedly ordered the CIA to overthrow Allende. I really want to do something about this. We'll start with the TIDE, but I'd seriously like to suggest putting some muscle behind it sometime in the future after things settle down. There should be laws against this kind of thing. (Please excuse my diatribe).
Detailed minutes of the “40 Committee” meetings—the high-level interagency group chaired by national security advisor Henry Kissinger—which oversaw U.S. efforts to undermine the election and government of Socialist leader Salvador Allende.  These meetings reveal strategies of “drastic action” planned to “shock” Chileans into taking action to block Allende.
The report, “CIA Activities in Chile,” revealed for the first time that the head of the Chile’s feared secret police, DINA, was a paid CIA asset in 1975... “CIA actively supported the military Junta after the overthrow of Allende,” the report states. “Many of Pinochet’s officers were involved in systematic and widespread human rights abuses....Some of these were contacts or agents of the CIA or US military.” 
The most important American think tank...was the Heritage Foundation...the Heritage Foundation was closely linked to Le Cercle. President of the Heritage Foundation from 1977 to 2013 and again for 7 months in 2017 was Edwin Feulner, a Knight of Malta, a known Cercle visitor, and solid member of the global superclass. Paul Weyrich, a wealthy co-founder and financier of the Heritage Foundation, has also visited Le Cercle...Both Feulner and Weyrich were involved in the Council for National Policy and generallyconsidered to be loyal to Opus Dei...
Additionally, a number of Cercle members have been involved with institutions with strong links to the Moonie cult. Among them are the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, which counted the involvement of Brian Crozierm, Edwin Feulner and Zbigniew Brzezinski; and the Global Economic Action Institute, of which the London branch was chaired by Julian Amery, head of Le Cercle at the time the story came out. Many neocons, who also became prominent in Le Cerce, became allied with the Moonies in the 1980s.
Vernon Walters...while deputy CIA director - under President Gerald Ford...and secretary of state Henry Kissinger - Walters was one of the key founders of Latin America's Condor operation, a continent-wide anti-communist and anti-socialist death squad with CIA backing...Kissinger, then operating under Nixon, sanctioned the CIA to overthrow the democratically-elected moderate president of Chile, Salvador Allende.
Freedom and Responsibility - Bo Hi Pak - September 20, 1987
Reverend Moon, President Morales Bermudez, President Sucre, congressmen, honored guests, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Korea, the Land of the Morning Calm, and welcome to the World Media Conference.
Francisco Morales-Bermúdez Cerruti - President of Peru - 1975 to 1980
Morales Bermudez is currently being prosecuted by Italian judge Luisianna Figliolia for the presumed forced disappearance of 25 Italian citizens in the frame of Operation Condor, a campaign of political oppression against leftists orchestrated by the right-wing dictatorships of South America in the 1970s.
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On September 1, UTS was honored by the presence of General Ramon Diaz Bessone, one of the eight two-star generals of Argentina, who presented an informative lecture on global communist expansion. He outlined the gradual expansionary strategy of the Soviets in the West; subversion, finlandization, and encirclement. These tactics may serve as a means to attain the eventual capitulation of Western Europe, the United States, and Latin America.
General Bessone pointed out that, since Argentina has an important cultural influence on Latin America, communists concentrate much effort on subversive activities in that country. He claimed that the Carter Administration and the Liberal press contributed to subversive activities and to the distortion of the Argentinian situation in world opinion when they condemned the defeat of communist guerrillas in Argentina on the grounds of violation of human rights. He stressed how advantageous public confusion, disinformation, and naivete regarding the world situation are to communists.
Ramón Genaro Díaz Bessone (born October 27, 1925 ) is an Argentine military man who reached the rank of General of Division , who during the military dictatorship called Process of National Reorganization (1976-1983) held high positions, among them Commander of Corps II and Minister of Planning under the presidency of Jorge Rafael Videla.
In July 2004 the justice ordered the arrest of Diaz Bessone in the case for crimes committed under the Condor Plan . 
Operation Condor... was a campaign of political repression and state terror involving intelligence operations and assassination of opponents, which started in 1968 and was officially implemented in 1975 by the right-wing dictatorships of the Southern Cone of South America... Ecuador and Peru later joined the operation in more peripheral roles.
A target was Orlando Letelier... Michael Townley, General Manuel Contreras (former head of the DINA), and Brigadier Pedro Espinoza Bravo (also formerly of DINA), were convicted of the murders...Townley confessed that he had hired five anti-Castro Cuban exiles...with the terrorist organization CORU's leadership...those elected to carry out the murder were Cuban-Americans José Dionisio Suárez, Virgilio Paz Romero, Alvin Ross Díaz, and brothers Guillermo and Ignacio Novo Sampoll.
Perhaps the most deeply drug-linked of all CORU's members were those involved in the Cuban Nationalist Movement (CNM), a small neo-fascist group with bases in both Miami and Union City, New Jersey.
Pages 4 to 5 - An Army in Exile - An Inside Look at Cuban Terrorists 4 miles from Manhattan
Feeding the hopes of exile terrorists through the years have been powerful outside interests...and in 1977 a representative from yet another heavily financed international organization dedicated to fighting world Communism appeared on the scene: a Reverend Jose Casado of Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church...Casado supplied $2000 to the Cuban Nationalist Movement to help pay legal fees for the three members convicted for their parts in the Letelier murder. 
Pak told source that Pak had recently testified in the "Koreagate" case in Washington, D.C. Source described Pak as a Korean National, 55 years of age, graying slick dark hair, wearing prescription glasses and appearing very cultured and intellectual.
To furnish information received that Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church has agreed to furnish monetary support to the Cuban exile terrorist organization, CORU, in the United States...source learned that Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Unification church was prepared to financially back the Cuban exile terrorist element...(Bo Hi Pak) told source that he had testified in the (Fraser Hearings) case in Washington, D.C. (Bo Hi Pak) expressed keen interest in CORU and stated that Reverend Moon desires to discreetly establish and finance a network of radical anti-communist groups around the world.
(Bo Hi Pak) advised that the Reverend Moon Organization wishes to provide financial aid to anti-communist Terrorists and is willing to utilize the Church as a cover for its activities...a small amount of money has been furnished in the recent past.
Dr. Carlos F. Dominicis, CORU leader in the New York area...Dominicis had been approached by one Korean and one Spanish individual claiming to be delegates of Reverend Moon and had offered financial aid to FOCI and its anti-Castro activity. Dominicis advised that he had discussed the financial aid being offered by Reverend Moon with Frank Castro and Orlando Acosta and Dominicis was told by Castro and Acosta to go ahead and receive financial aid offered by the delegates of Reverend Moon. Dominicis advised that CORU is being proposed as the possible military arm of FOCI.
NEW YORK TIMES Sept. 19, 1977 By Richard Halloran "73 Record Tells of Plan by Sun Myung Moon Aides for Drive Against Nixon Impeachment"
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 — On the evening of Dec. 29, 1973, leaders of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church in the United States gathered here to plan a drive intended to prevent an impeachment of the President they called “the Archangel Nixon,” according to the minutes of that meeting.
The head of the American branch of the church was further described in the minutes as disclosing something of Mr. Moon's ambitions, saying, “We are right on the edge of influencing people. Master wants to give an address to a joint session of Congress.”
Beyond that the minutes of that meeting seem to illuminate the aspirations of the Unification Church for political and religious influence in the United States and to illustrate its tactical approach to a political operation.
In a report last month, Representative Donald M. Fraser, Democrat of Minnesota, the chairman of the Subcommittee on International Organizations, one of the House panels that have been investigating alleged Korean efforts to influence American policy, said that his subcommittee had “received reliable information that Mr. Moon “and organizations connected with him maintained operational ties with the Government of South Korea and specifically the Korean Central Intelligence Agency.” 
In addition, authoritative Government investigators here said that they had determined that the document was authentic.
The minutes quote Mr. Salonen further: “For deciding Congressmen, this is the crucial time. Impeachment proceedings are beginning. Yet polls are indicating that Nixon's popularity has just gone up by 4 percentage points to 31 percent. Now is the time to affect them at the grass roots level.”
Mr. Salonen outlined plans for allies and other political action intended “to show Nixon and Congress both our own power and the outer support..."
“1) Impact on the media—visibly strongly; 2) Impact on Congressmen, and 3) Impact on influential community leaders to approach Congressmen themselves.”
Mr. Salonen exhorted his lieutenants: “Each of us must work like 10 people to seem like at least 10,000. Approach this short‐range project with a long‐range view. We will always be doing and planning things like this. Always be ready.”
After Mr. Salonen spoke, the minutes disclose, he turned the meeting over to Daniel G. Fefferman, who was national project director. Mr. Fefferman is currently under a threat of a citation for contempt of Congress for refusing to answer questions before the subcommittee headed by Representative Fraser. Mr. Fefferman has contended that the subcommittee infringed on his First Amendment rights protecting freedom of religion.
“The problem is,” Mr. Fefferman was recorded as saying. “that without a definite stance on Nixon, the media will have nothing to sink their teeth into. They will try to pin you down. So be careful, but get the press there.”
Mr. Fefferman appeared to have spent most of his time on why and how members of the church must stimulate news coverage. “The White House, Congress and the people will become aware of us through the press,” he said. “They must see something strong and nationwide.”
Mr. Fefferman, who then headed the Freedom Leadership Foundation, a political affiliate of the Unification Church, offered advice on dealing with the press: “Move as quickly as possible.” He urged that news releases be delivered early, with details filled in later.
In Washington, Mr. Fefferman directed that Unification Church members visit Representatives and Senators after informing themselves of the members' political positions. He said that Congressmen were to be involved in their movement...
Mr. Fefferman emphasized, “Few groups have the power to spread orders so quickly. In the future, we will be very powerful because of this. Even if he is negative, a congressman understands nothing better than voter power. Each one takes this seriously.”
“If you put a full page ad in the paper and your congressman won't see you,” he continued, “hold a demonstration. He would seem irresponsible then if he didn't see you.”
Mr. Fefferman was also quoted as directing that outside groups be recruited, including the Young Republicans, the Young Americans for Freedom, ethnic groups whose members were apt to be anti‐Communist, patriotic organizations like the Sons of the American Revolution...
The Legacy of Unification Political Theology - August 28, 2017 
Rev. Sun Myung Moon founded the International Federation for Victory Over Communism in 1969 as a major ideological offensive. IFVOC established coalitions with other anti-communist organizations throughout the world. In the U.S., members created the Freedom Leadership Foundation (FLF) as the American affiliate of IFVOC. Thus, it created a “hawkish” face in terms of public image, despite its equally strong commitment to world peace, which remained somewhat hidden.
The VOC thrust had always been accompanied by globalist projects such as the One World Crusade and various scientific, ecumenical and peace initiatives. The first of these was the International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences (ICUS), begun in 1972 in New York and held annually throughout the 1970s into the 1980s.
The right-wing tendency experienced an unexpected resurgence with the ascendency of Hyung Jin (Sean) Moon and his brother, Kook Jin (Justin) Moon. With Hyung Jin’s support, Kook Jin began to promote in the U.S. the “Freedom Society,” an adamantly libertarian ideology opposed to left-liberalism. 
Since Rev. Moon’s ascension in 2012 and the emergence of schisms centering on Preston and Sean, the underlying tensions in Unification political theology have come into sharper focus.
Hyung Jin and Kook Jin...in their Sanctuary Church faction, espouse a strongly right-wing libertarian viewpoint. They have also embraced conspiracy theories about 9/11, the Illuminati, world banking cabals, and the doomsday prophecies of a Messianic rabbi. In 2016, Hyung Jin and Kook Jin became enthusiastic supporters of the candidacy of Donald Trump. Lately, however, Sean has begun to worry publicly that Trump has given in to pressure from the “globalists” who he alleges want to surrender American sovereignty to international organizations and the so-called worldwide banking conspiracy.
The Unification Movement’s expression of its political theology initially focused on achieving Victory Over Communism but simultaneously developed various programs aimed at the longer term goals...The right-wing tendency experienced a brief resurgence during the period of Sean’s ascendency...Today, the overall movement has become less overtly political than it was during its heyday, with the exception of the Sanctuary Church faction, which is strongly right-wing libertarian in orientation.
In any case, with anti-communism no longer a central feature, and Rev. Moon no longer on the scene, the future of Unification political theology will remain in flux for the foreseeable future. 
Inside The League 
The Americans who have belonged to the World Anti-Communist League consistently contend that they have attempted to be a moderating influence or that they were unaware of the unsavory nature of other League chapters. The evidence, however, much of it compiled by the Americans themselves, shows that they knowingly belonged to a federation of death squad leaders, Nazi war criminals, and neo-fascists. At best, they are showcases of naivete; a more critical observer would say that they are showcases of far worse. 
The first American League Chapter was the American Council for World Freedom (ACWF), founded in 1970 in Washington, D.C. The main force behind its creation, and its first secretary, was Lee Edwards, head of a public relations firm and former director of Young Americans for Freedom, the youth arm of the John Birch Society.
Edwards lined up an impressive array of conservative American leaders for the American Council for World Freedom to appear on its letterhead and to attend World Anti-Communist League functions. Lev Dobriansky, a former OSS officer in Germany during World War II and chairman of the National Captive Nations Committee (and currently ambassador to the Bahamas), joined, as did Dr. Walter H. Judd, former Republican congressman from Minnesota; John Fisher, executive director of the American Security Council; and Reed Irvine, a longtime fixture of the far right. A year earlier, Irvine had established Accuracy in Media, "a watchdog of the media by promoting accuracy and fairness in reporting." ACWF's eventual president was retired Army Major General Thomas Lane; Eleanor Schlafly represented the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation.
The Unification Church in the United States was also involved; Neil Salonen— president of the Church in the United States, secretary-general of the Freedom Leadership Foundation, and a director of the Moonie-owned Tong-il Armaments Company in Korea was on the ACWF board. 
MR. MOON CRITICS NOTE: Lev Dobriansky would later help with "filling the park" for the Washington Monument Rally in 1976...Without his help that Rally could've been a disaster...and later he would become the President of the Global Economic Action Institute which was working closely with Le Cercle (Robert B. Anderson was the previous president of GEAI)
Walter Judd, Lee Edwards & Reed Irvine were ALL HANDLERS for Neil Salonen from the beginning to go along with David Martin...the most important HANDLER of all.
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***Some teachers may not exhibit all of the signs listed, but most teachers will fall predominantly into one category or another.*** A GOOD TEACHER... generally: Has a sense of humor... Humans do silly things sometimes, and a sense of humor can help keep things in perspective. A good teacher will help you laugh at yourself (and them!), but will not hold you up to ridicule. Has respect for all living things... One needn't be a vegetarian to care about the lives and welfare of animals. Environmental concerns are also important as Neo-Paganism is a "nature or earth-based" religious Path. Abuse of any living thing is pretty much a "no-no". Has a healthy self image... A teacher who realizes that he or she can learn just as much from a novice as the novice may learn from the teacher is probably comfortable in what they know, yet open to new ideas and concepts. Is kind and compassionate... This doesn't mean that you will not be challenged or have to work hard, but it does mean that your honest efforts will be met with encouragement and gentle guidance. A good teacher will not "look down his or her nose" at your sincere attempts; they realize that experience is necessary to gaining knowledge. Tells the truth and is direct... This means that you will not be led astray either by one who is afraid to confront you when you are heading in a wrong direction or by one who seeks to manipulate you for unspoken ends. They call a spade a spade and want you to do the same. They 'walk their talk" and do not have a separate code of conduct for themselves while expecting you to follow another. Is able to teach by example... The good teacher will often tell stories of the time that they really 'screwed up". They also can tell you about their successes and failures and do so-neither making excuses or being overly melodramatic about their experiences. They can offer practical examples and show applications of such examples clearly. They are not "mysterious" so much as they demonstrate the "mysteries" in simple ways to help you understand them. Has a global point of view... Local "gurus' may only be interested in making a name or creating a following for themselves. A good teacher will encourage their students to reach beyond the local area and embrace the rest of the world community. Is inclusive rather than exclusive in attitude... Anyone who promotes an "us vs. them" is dangerously close to becoming a cult leader. There are real forces out there to contend with, but a teacher who finds an enemy around every corner should be avoided. Allows for mistakes and admits that he/she is not perfect... "We are all in this together" is a good statement to hear from a teacher that you are considering working with. Is flexible, yet honors commitments... Too rigid a set of rules and regulations stifles energy flow and the learning experience. Too random a training program may also interfere in the discipline required for growth. A balance between the two is best. Encourages you to do your own research and ask questions... A good teacher wants you to discover and explore new ideas. A good book list should be included in any training program. You should be able to disagree with a teacher without being censored or reprimanded.(A well thought out concept should be "thought provoking" however and not just "provoking".). Gives credit where credit is due... A teacher who is using references or techniques from other sources should plainly state this fact. The use other people's work without credit is theft, plain and simple. Listens more than talks... A good teacher is genuinely interested in your thoughts, feelings and opinions. Feedback is one way that a teacher can tell how you are absorbing and integrating the materials and lessons. Someone who talks all the time about his/her experiences is more interested in impressing you with their personal knowledge than helping you to acquire knowledge of your own. Wants you to mature and move on... A good teacher wants his or her students to surpass them. That is the greatest compliment that a teacher can receive. Just as a good parent wants to send mature and well balanced children out into the world, so does a good spiritual teacher want their "children" to grow up and leave home. ON THE OTHER HAND:... You Should AVOID a teacher who: Possesses a superior attitude... If a teacher states or implies that they are the sole holder of some sort of "special" or "secret" knowledge disclosed only to a "chosen few", you really don't want to know what that may be...really. Excludes members of any race or culture... Bigotry of any kind has no place in spiritual circles. Is attacking or violent... Obviously. Is either overly sensitive or too insensitive... Someone who either sees slights and attacks where there are none or ignores actual tangible problems may not be in touch with "reality". Best to leave them to their own little fantasy world. Is ingratiating... Someone who is overly friendly and shares intimate details of their personal life with you almost immediately may be looking to "win you over." This is a real danger sign that is often overlooked. By "baring their soul", they encourage you to do the same in return. This "instant intimacy" can leave you vulnerable to manipulation and abuse. Go slowly when meeting someone new. Is controlling... No teacher should expect you to abandon your family and friends. Isolation from the rest of society is a classic cult activity. You should not be expected to run errands or perform tasks. Sometimes you and the teacher will work out a "fair exchange of energy" in return for training. Make sure it IS fair. If you feel like you are being taken advantage of, you probably are. Is continually cancelling classes... This is a classic indication that they simple have your money and no longer care about fullfilling the deal. If they are postponing classes until several months from now, you may have a real problem on your hands. Belittles you or uses you as an "example"... You deserve to be treated with respect even if you are a novice. No teacher has the right to strip you of your self esteem. You should not be bullied into doing something that makes you uncomfortable or that you do not understand. On the other hand, being held up to others as the "teacher's pet" is also incorrect and this teacher may be setting you up for something that you may not want to become involved in. Has few or no "elders" in their group... "Where are the people who have been trained before me?" is a good question to ask. Perhaps they DID mature and move on... or perhaps they just ran screaming from the room!!...It pays to check. Talk to anyone you can find who has trained with this teacher before. Wants a lot of money up front... You should be able to get a class schedule or other outline of what the training will consist of BEFORE you sign up. Look it over carefully and ask questions. If the information seems to be no more than what you can get free from books or by talking with other Witches, it may not be a good value. Degrees and titles are earned, They are not bought...or sold. Has assistants, cohorts or senior students who you are expected to obey... Some groups do have a system of 'elders" who deserve respect. However, you are not obligated to accept anyone simply based on their "rank" within a group. If the teacher has an "entourage" which follows them everywhere and seems to "cater" to this teacher's every whim, watch carefully. You may end up being the next "groupie." Is overly idealistic and impractical... If this teacher has marvelous plans for the world-and especially if they tell YOU that you will be a part of this grand scheme-but he/she cannot balance their checkbook, take care of their children or hold onto a job, you want to leave now. You may end up not only shoring up these "dream castles", you may end up supporting this person financially and emotionally. Witchcraft is a Path of personal responsibility and a teacher should be able to manifest this in their own lives. Exhibits any of these characteristics... lying, sexual misconduct, theft, physical violence or abuse. "Thus the wise man residing in the Tao sets an example for all beings. Because he does not display himself, people can see his light. Because he has nothing to prove, people can trust his words. Because he doesn't know who he is,* people recognize themselves in him. Because he has no goal (secret personal agenda) in mind, everything he does succeeds." *(meaning he does not set him/herself above anyone.)
Tao Te Ching
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