#which i honestly prefer to them compressing the ENTIRE season — the episodes up till now have still been full of such heart!
theajaheira · 11 months
btw not that anyone asked but my take on ofmd as things stand is that a lackluster overpacked finale hampered by the fact that this season was two episodes shorter DOES NOT AT ALL ERASE how much love was so clearly poured into this show!!! i feel very strongly that the finale would have resonated a lot more w me if they had spread out everything they jammed into it through 3 episodes. this felt like we didn’t have a lot of time to breathe bc every plot moment was happening at once. but every other episode prior to the finale brought me such joy and i have not forgotten that at all!
and re: That Decision — i don’t love it, i feel they rushed it, it doesn’t sit super well w me that so much time was pouring into letting a character learn how to feel joy and then ostensibly going “well, their arc can be over now :)” BUT i am withholding judgment on the basis of the way s1 ended. historically this is not a show where characters die and stay dead. very possible that this is not the end of anything OR if it is it will be handled with a lot of warmth and thought in a potential s3.
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