#which if the case makes it more tragic even because then zagreus would be no threat and no prince of the skies ~eyebrow raise
presefone · 8 months
remember that wild time when hera asked persephone to send the furies to drive dionysius mad because he was ''a bastard'' and ''a mortal''? just girly activities
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nona1323 · 7 days
Au "Deal with the Time" Titans
Oceanus is the first son of Uranus and Gaia. And he doesn't care about anyone or anything. He just exists, gurgling peacefully. There is nothing more to say about him.
The only brother he had any contact with was Chronos. But even the Oceanus doesn't care about him. He would have been sad if he had known about the fate of Chronos, but the Oceanus was not even interested in that. Oceanus does not know the other siblings, although his youngest brother is married to one of his daughters. That's how bad it is.
The eldest and the first not only of the sons, but also of the children of Uranus in general.
At the beginning of the story, Chronos perfectly fits the definition of «Lawful Evil». He is pragmatic, determined and determined for revenge. Chronos will always choose what guarantees his success and achievement of the goal, and will not look back at the damage caused by him. Will Titan choose the path of least destruction? If there is such an opportunity, yes, but this is not his priority. First of all, guarantees.
Chronos's motivation is very simple: he considers himself a legitimate ruler who was unreasonably overthrown and dismembered, and he wants revenge for this. For him, the Chthonic gods are nothing more than collateral damage, because the war in any case could not but affect them due to the fact that Hades became the king of the Underworld. In addition, Zagreus, the son of Hades, is also the adopted son of Nyx. She is the main threat to Chronos in the World of the Dead. He couldn't put himself at risk of a confrontation with the night goddess, which is older even than he is, the Time, so Nyx was eliminated first.
Titan perceives his pause spell as mercy, since none of those who fell into it feels anything, time is literally stopped for them. Therefore, Hades is in chains in Tartarus. This is his punishment. The rest are innocent to Chronos, so he shows them mercy. At least from his point of view.
Important note: Chronos in AU is the second son of Uranus. Yes, according to mythology, he is the youngest, but the Supergiant have already made the same Hestia, Demeter and Hera the daughters of Hyperion and Theia, and not Chronos and Rhea, so I think I can change the order a little for the sake of the plot and drama.
Chronos actually takes care of his brothers. He really considers them his own and is ready to do a lot for them. However, unfortunately, this does not make their relationship easier.
Chronos and Hyperion: Due to certain circumstances of their childhood, Chronos is completely unable to express his caring for Hyperion so he prefers to take care covertly or, rather, implicitly for Hyperion himself. This is often expressed by the fact that he covers for his brother when he should have given him a good lesson.
Chronos and Coeus with Crius: Chronos treats the twins like wildcats. When they come, he takes care of them and, if they are in trouble, he saves them. But, in general, they are free to do whatever they want. Chronos will not interfere with their chaos.
Chronos and Iapetus: An older brother for a younger one. They have a close and very trusting relationship, and Chronos will turn the world upside down for Iapetus. Do not touch his younger brother with even a finger, otherwise you will lose your hand.
Meet the local big bully, who for some reason was given a flamethrower. If Chronos is a «Lawful Evil», then Hyperion is a «chaotic evil» in its purest form and, often, in its worst manifestations.
In this story, he is a tragic asshole. Titans is almost completely lost and blurred, many of their domains and spheres of activity were invented by us, based on sources. That's why Hyperion is the titan of daylight. He can warm you up, or he can burn you. Hyperion chose the second. He is the main fighter of Chronos, who, once on the battlefield, will cause the most damage and destruction and will laugh at it. At some point you will wish him dead, and I will fully understand you.
Hyperion is the third son of Uranus.
Hyperion and Chronos: Their dynamics are very complex, and its explanations lie in childhood, which I will tell you about separately. Now it's a strange mixture of contempt, brotherly love and hatred. Hyperion curses his older brother, but he also loves him, even if he does not admit it. Would he betray Chronos? Yes. He would have done it if he didn't hate the Olympians more. But, basically, the relationship of these two should be called bitter and unhappy on both sides. Hyperion is Chronos' left hand and his commander–in-chief
Hyperion and Coeus with Crius: Neutral. They acknowledge each other's existence, but prefer not to get involved. Hyperion tried to fight them once, and Koy and Crius stabbed him many times for it. That was the end of it.
Hyperion and Iapetus: Hyperion hates Iapetus. There's nothing more to say. If he had his way, he would have burned his younger brother and dumped the ashes into Chaos. Alas, Chronos does not allow it.
Coeus with Crius
Coeus and Crius are chaotic neutral. A little wild titans. They're twins. They move the same way, they don't need speech for each other, they look like mirror images. They use only gestures to communicate with others, they hardly speak. Wild and chaotic in a good way. No one knows what's on their minds, and, for the world's well-being, it's better not to know any more.Coeus is the titan of the axis of heaven , and Crius - of the stars. The fourth and fifth sons of Uranus.
Coeus with Crius and Chronos: They love their older brother, believe in him, and fight on his side. But at the same time, if they had just been released after the first Titanomachy, they would have settled into a peaceful life away from everyone. They would not avenge Chronos.
Coeus with Crius and Hyperion: They don't like him. We'd rather it didn't exist. But he is there. They resigned themselves.
Coeus with Crius and Iapetus: Friends. They love and take care of him. They protect Iapet, and they prefer that he be fine.
Iapetus is chaotic neutral with an emphasis on «chaotic». The Trickster.
He seems cheerful and kind at first, but he always has a double bottom and often hidden motives. The most devious and deceitful of sons. Adheres to the rules of morality, but for him they are more of a recommendation character. The local snake and the chief strategist. He is treacherous and very secretive. He is not physically strong and always prefers words to blades. He doesn't get into fights, but he arranges them for others. He can play a long game. An interesting fact: Iapetus is the great–grandfather of Hermes, and Hermes completely took after him in character. They even move and speak alike.
Iapetus is the titan of life. His children are not in vain so closely connected with the human race: he is the creator of monkeys and the first people; now there are no more of them, they all died during the Titanomachy. He values life, but he will take it away if he has to.
The sixth son of Uranus.
Iapetus and Chronos: Iapetus will die and kill for his older brother. He has an unshakable loyalty to him that cannot be shaken. Iapetus is Chronos' right–hand man, his strategist and advisor.
Iapetus and Hyperion: There is mutual hatred between them. If Hyperion had been trampled by a mob, Iapetus would have been the one who set her off. He will not lead it just so that Chronos does not scold.
Iapetus and the twins: They love him, he loves them. The calm family relations of the brothers, even if not the closest.
(English is not my native language, sorry for the mistakes)
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