#which is 30hours of focus
assholemurphy · 6 years
so, i’m dying.
lol, not rly. except, yeah, kinda.
my gallbladder has finally fucked itself into a coma and only wakes up to force me to projectile vomit myself into oblivion whenever i consume solids. and on occasions, liquids, if it’s rly cranky. that’s my life now.
i have managed to eat 2 hot pockets, some chips, abt 8 jalepeno poppers, and three eggrolls (and keep them down) in the past 2 weeks. all that i’ve been able to keep down has happened in the past 24hrs. i’m not sure how i managed it, tbh, but it wasn’t without a fight. other than that, i have not digested anything but liquids in the past 2 weeks. i cannot think straight, i can barely form words in my head, let alone say them out loud. this is not fun and i don’t like it. it was one thing to choose not to eat (tho, rly, with an ed, it wasn’t exactly a choice, ya feel?) and to choose to purge, but now that i have no choice at all, i’m so fucking pissed off. like, part of me is happy bc i’ve lost 5lbs already, even with being bloated from constant puking, but like, more of me just wants to survive so i can work on my goddamn finals. which are all due this week. and none of them are done. (except the one that was due last week, managed to do that one, luckily).
pretty boy took me to the er on sun night bc i can’t keep anything down and it’s only gotten worse since they released me. we got there right as the docs were changing shifts, so the first doc was rly narcissistic and full of himself and the second he heard me say ‘i’ve got atypical anorexia b/p subtype’ he was like, ‘ah, yes, it’s all in your head, this is your fault’ which even made pb annoyed bc he apparently can tell the difference between what’s currently going on and my (his words, not mine) ‘crash diets’. but he was p sure the doc didn’t like me bc i called my primary doc (who was supposed to get me scheduled for an ultrasound to get this taken care of almost 2 months ago but didn’t bc he didn’t believe me when i said (having opinions from 2 previous docs) i had gallbladder issues, so he ignored it) an idiot for, ya know, ignoring me when i told him something was wrong. but docs are assholes, they don’t like it when you’re right abt something they can’t see themselves. so i’m switching primary docs asap. this guy’s a fucking joke.
(it’s also been almost three weeks since the pharmacy faxed him paperwork abt the insurance company not wanting to pay for my adderall prescript bc i take 3 pills a day and they only wanna pay for 90 in 75 days (yeah, not even 2 pills a day, like this shit doesn’t work for five hours max). he still hasn’t filled it out. it’s fucking finals week and i’ve got maybe 6 pills left. how fucking grand. so that’s gotta be sorted at the same time he gets me a surgeon’s appt.)
so the guy had me pee in a cup and gave me fluids/anti nausea meds (which were nice, helped me keep down a bit of food sun night). then he basically told me ‘it’s just cyclic vomiting, you’ve just got to break the cycle’ but he was leaving so he was going to let the next guy discharge me. thank fucking god, bc otherwise, i’d probably be dead in a couple weeks.
so this next guy is eccentric af, this whole hospital is a circus, it’s fucking great (no sarcasm, i love quirky ppl). he checks out my cup of pee and orders some blood tests (that the other guy didn’t even care to do), then he comes in and talks to me and he’s fucking great, a+ doctoring, love this guy, sadly, he doesn’t have a private practice, but apparently the nurses get asked if he does all the time. how do i know? my mother asked, bc she liked him. i trusted him. i trust no docs, ever. but this one is good. he says there’s def something wrong, def not just my ed, and orders me an ultrasound for the next morning. good, great, getting this show on the road. he understands my concerns abt my primary doc and offers to explain the results of the ultrasound to my mother via phone mon night. so she calls, he tells her i’ve got ‘sludge and wall thickening’ which are Bad(tm) esp in combination with me not being able to eat anything for over a week and a half.
so, now i’ve got to talk to a surgeon and get my gallbladder removed. as i fucking figured i’d need months ago (during the summer, with my pain and stuff). now this vomiting thing has been happening at least once a semester for abt 2 years now. no one has known what is wrong. ‘it’s acid reflux, take these pills’ ‘these pills don’t work’ ‘welp, idk ^.^’ and so forth for 2. fucking. years. now i’ve got confirmation that my gallbladder is bad. like ‘could explode and kill me’ bad. this is great, i can finally get something done abt this.
except it’s finals week and no only am i running v low on adderall (i just took a pill for the first time since fri morning just a few hours ago) and i’m now fatigued and unable to eat with 4 projects left to do. all of which require a fuckton of concentration. concentration i just don’t have even with the adderall bc i haven’t actually eaten much food lately and can’t fucking think at all. like, every time i eat, it comes right back up.
so, i’ve been sleeping a lot. great, right? except for ya know, all the work i’ve got? nope. i can’t sleep for longer than 4 hours without having night terrors. like BAD ones. i’d tell you abt the one i had when i slept last (from 5:30p to 8:30p) but it would require a whole host of trigger warnings just to give a summary. but it fucked me up badly. and they’ve been getting progressively worse. i dreamed my dog died. i dreamed my apartment was possessed and the demon was trying to kill me. i’ve dreamed of animal abuse and murder and even worse things that leave me fucking shaking when i wake up. but i’m so tired that i keep falling asleep anyway, no matter how scared i am. and i stay asleep, until my alarm goes off, then i shut it off and fall asleep again (into a different night terror). there is no stopping this. my body is dying and it’s telling my brain i’m in danger so my brain is trying to scare me. it’s working. i’m well aware i’m in danger but there’s nothing i can do until my mom sets up a surgeon’s appt for me. i’ve got to remind her to do that tomorrow. i’d do it myself, but i’m far to fucking out of it currently to talk to a medical professional in any capacity.
but throughout all of this, i’m falling further and further behind on my final projects. i’ve got a 10min play analysis due tomorrow at 10:30a (which i’ve got to work on tonight). then i’ve got to finish my stagecraft project (which requires that i go to the shop 3 more times so i’ve got to do that at like 11a tomorrow, then 12p thurs, then like 7p thurs, but i’ve got to find a shop employee to go with me, apparently, and i’d take goldilocks, but she obvs doesn’t want to do it, so i might ask pb or mary, if i have to). then i’ve got to do my monologue assignments for acting i (i’ve got one almost fully memorized, i just need to refresh, but i’ve got to memorize another one, read the play it’s from (i’ve got to buy the ebook), and do an analysis over it before thurs at 10:30a). then my intro to theatre final is due last, but it’s p big and i’ve got to do a lot for it. like 7pg paper plus a ‘previous action’ script (i’ve got to write up a script showing what happened before the play itself starts). i’ve got a SHITTON of work to do and only 9 hours for the sa final, then 24 hrs for the acting i final, then 26 hrs for the itt final, and somehow i’ve got to find at least 3 hours for my sc final. all while trying to get sleep and not eating anything.
plus i’ve still got to do some loan stuff with finaid this week.
i emailed my profs telling them what’s going on, but they’re not going to accept any late finals, so idk why i bothered. (i haven’t heard back bc i just emailed them like, an hour ago and it’s 1a). i CANNOT fuck up this semester bc i won’t get finaid anymore if i do and i can’t drop out. so like, i’ve got to get everything together, but i’m just so fucking sick and everything is overwhelming. i’m going to do my damnedest to get everything done, but idk if i’ll be able to. i rly don’t know.
i’m so fucking stressed over this shit, which is only making my gallbladder issues worse, so it’s a losing battle all around and i’m drowning. honestly, if i had the money, i’d pay for someone to do this for me, but i can’t and i wouldn’t anyway bc like, i’m not putting my name on anything i didn’t do myself out of some bullshit pride thing i’ve got going on. my pride’s gonna get me killed one day, i just know it.
but, tonight, i’m gonna work on my script analysis final and pray to god i can get it done in time. i’ve got like 2 hours left on my adderall, maybe 3 if i push it. i need to make a plan of attack for everything and get to work.
i’m not going to fail this semester if it fucking kills me. and it actually might.
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maximuswolf · 4 years
Please help I feel so lost and its been so long via /r/BPD
Please help I feel so lost and its been so long
sorry to whoever spends their time reading this but I just don't even know where to go anymore. sorry if some parts don't make sense I had too much benzos to cope.
I know BPD has multiple effects that make up what BPD is but i'm also diagnosed with major depressive disorder and performance anxiety and just bad anxiety in general.
I'm turning 22 soon and after 10 years of knowning something was clearly different about me to any normal person I really need some advice to get my head straight again.
Just to start Ive taken over 10 ssris, antipsychotics, mood stabilizers and beta blockers in total. and nothing really helps in the end I just struggle with all the side effects which have just made my life and health even fucking worse.
My visual dissociation is so fucking intense 24/7 and over around 4 years its cleared up 3 times for 1 day after taking high doses of certain drugs which i use to cope. waking up to just fuzzy dots moving everywhere everything out of focus and the visuals i can only describe as filters (hppd?) with shadows and lights moving over everything I see. it really fucks with my head i cant focus at all and it makes my anxiety worse. I can get my licence at any time but im scared to drive cause ill most likely cause a crash but i really need to be able to get around.
I hate staying up over 30hours sober once a week or so cause of my anxiety wont let me sleep (4mg xanax and fuckloads of cones often still keeps me up for over 20 hours easily my sleeping is completely fucked)
my moods alright due to smoking weed daily but how do you guys cope with the seriously intense parts of this mental hell, I cant even say a full sentence to either my mum or dad cause i feel so out of it all the time. where did you guys start, what do you guys do.
and i have started working out daily recently to improve physical health and when i pass out to sleep i try to keep going back to sleep cause its better than living so i think i get enough sleep most of the time.
Submitted September 18, 2020 at 02:55AM by throwawaytrash2222 via reddit https://ift.tt/35Ou634
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pretenderguy · 5 years
How long drone can fly?
Got your drone? First of all, Congrats friend because not everybody is so blessed. You have to be thinking about how long that your drone will fly? Broadly , Drones have a brief flight period of 10-31 moments . But if you are comparing these private drones with army drones then there is no match. They're capable of flying for directly 20-30hours. Is not it astonishing?
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Perhaps you have guessed by now that how can your drone performs concerning juice. Likewise Let us take a peek at a few of the names at the drone business and what is their flight period?
I understand you can not see ZeroTech Dobby & Parrot Mambo with this list since they have got the smallest of all of the flight period. Got it? Let us proceed to speak. How do I create my drone fly more?
There are tons of variables which impact the flight period of your drones such as weather requirements, batterylife, weight, size and flying fashion . When the weather is too hot, you will want to make more lift that will drain the battery quicker than anything. Whereas in overly chilly conditions, the battery could dip beneath the voltage and its productivity will decrease right away.
Not only weather states however in addition, there are a lot of different things that could impact the flight period. Let us discuss each of these one by one.  
1. Drone Weight
Since they need the lightest car.
This is sometimes implemented even in the event of drones. Allow me to elaborate on it to you. If the drone has been thicker more battery is spent keeping it secure or remain in the atmosphere that may shorten the flight period. Lighter drones can fly longer using the exact same quantity of juice. You may, hence, find the very costly and long-lived drones weighing so modest.
You ought to be considering what components can I eliminate in my drone to lower its own weight? It is simple no worries, I can assist you with this. Allow me to create a list of basic items which may be taken out from your drone without impacting its functionality.
Additionally, but you might also change to lighter components by adjusting milder batteries and transmitters. Since you are able to change the entire body of your drone using a lighter body made from carbon dioxide or some other alternate.
Alright, I guess I am done with all the drone weight. Moving ahead into the batteries.  
2. Battery Power
Most of us adore drones so much but that is not a frequent thing. It's just how much we hate our batteries, Could not agree more? Nobody enjoys low-battery alarms in between a fun flight. Getting mild and effective battery is a choice but these are difficult to find.
On the lookout for the very best battery to your drone is not simple, right? I am able to assist you, it's the one that can save more energy per unit mass. Normally, LiPo batteries have been utilized for exactly the exact same reason. As we want the battery to be as mild as possible.
WaitIf you can not locate LiPo batteries what are you going to do? I've got you covered. These are the top two options for the batteries that are aforementioned. Completely charge your batteries . Prevent charging immediately after usage (It may further hurt them). Never empty batteries entirely
PRO-TIP: It is almost always a fantastic idea to take extra batteries .
Would you wish to be environment-friendly? This is just another alternative to batteries Solar Energy.
A drone will fly indefinitely when it's powered by solar energy . This technology was proven to the entire world from the BAE Systems using their PHASA-35 drone along with Airbus using their Zephyr S's drone.
Regardless of how the above alternatives provide excellent flight times i.e. over a 20-30 minutes tops, they're not readily available for the general public unless you produce a custom made drone. Batteries are the most expensive energy sources which may be used anywhere or from anyone around the world. It's simple; even more battery power means more flight period.
3. Flight Mode
YesThe way you are flying your drone while it is hovering from the atmosphere, or at the game mode have various consequences. Bear in mind that using your own drone in game mode contributes to significantly less flight time.
Employing drone in sport style requires additional battery juice to performance development. As you want more power to do turns, spins, and moves. This also affects the battery at the long term making it simpler as time passes, which makes it fewer recharge cycles.
4. Motor & Propeller Form
The power of this engine is a significant element in determining how quickly the drone operates throughout the battery to the drone. Additionally, Propellers using a much better angle of attack (i.e. how breeze strikes the drone or some other thing whilst in the atmosphere ) and a bigger surface area are somewhat more energy-efficient and will permit the drone pilots to fly for a longer time period. Drones with the very best flight times have their propellers created while retaining focus on detail and aerodynamics. Additionally, Motors are also selected sensibly that can be adjusted together with the aforementioned facets.
Thus, a strong motor not only allows a drone to scale faster but also letting it fly quickly . But, it consumes more electricity and so reduces just how long a drone could fly. By way of instance, Racing drones can fly with impressive speeds of around 120mph however restricted flight occasions of approximately 5-8 minutes as we watched with the event of Parrot Mambo whilst comparing flight occasions.
5. Weather Conditions
Certainly, It is among the most crucial facets. Every seasoned drone pilot understands just how important is to understand weather illness prior to planning your own flight. I've already clarified this in my post .
Therefore, we will discuss it in short. It is never a fantastic idea to check your drone in heavy rain or snow unless your drone is watertight. This may also occur in moist conditions as your own drone will surely return moist.
Additionally, do your best not to fly in windy days particularly when there's a prospect of a cyclone or tornado to your own security. If you are flying on a windy day, then your drone is going to need to confront the resistance contrary to it. Coming to the decisions
Just how long drones could fly?
As you have understood by now, It completely depends upon the kind of the drone you are flying. For the most typical drones, it's involving 10-31 minutes. Additionally, these aren't fixed as the majority of the maximum flight time we see is at the perfect conditions. Although, we could attempt to optimize it as far as we could by making some small adjustments to our drones and flying fashion. I have summarised those points under, have a look and notice them someplace. Great luck!
The way to Boost flight time?
   Purchase a new & better firing (I am not kidding).    Always take an excess set of batteries .    Buy a potent lightweight battery.    Change the entire body with lightweight materials such as carbon fiber.
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References: How long drone can fly? 
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noble-pro · 5 years
Ultra Trail Mont Blanc (UTMB) - The journey that took 18months of long mountainous races
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The journey for this race most definitely started months ago. Accumulating points in order to be eligible to enter took 18months of long mountainous races. I used the points from the CCC 100km, Laverado 120km and Translantau 100km in Hong Kong. The journey has just ended. It’s ever so anti climatic. Where did those 30hours go? All that hard work and focus and I crossed the finish line feeling so flat and devoid of emotion it surprised me. I wanted to write this as soon as I finished but we travelled back late on Sunday night. I was tired when my head hit the pillow at 2am and to be honest I’m still pretty tired. We collected the dog who then decided to be ill/ have a melt down which took a trip to the vets and an anti-sickness, a painkiller and a sedative to settle.  I was then back at work. It’s only been today that I’ve felt emotional. I was cycling to feed a neighbours cat and got knocked off my bike. The shock made me cry for a good long while. I’m now done with feeling sorry for myself. There are lessons to be learnt for next year! Yes I need to go back! Training essentially started 12 weeks out where I shifted focus to gaining elevation from just getting some runs and miles in. I like to run fast so it was difficult for me to drop all my speed sessions so I kept a few in along with the odd park run. I cross trained on the bike. I slept in an altitude tent to acclimatise to the elevation gain at the top of the hills. I visited the area twice – once for the Mont Blanc Marathon (a great race) and then again for a recce which didn’t quite go to plan. I sprained my ankle at the end of the first day so had to limp it back to a bus and travel back to Chamonix. This meant I missed essential long training days at a key moment. I couldn’t run for 10days which in itself wasn’t too bad as cycling can be used as an alternative but the timing 4 weeks out was far from ideal. The rest of the training went well. Lots of uphill running on a treadmill or reps of a local hill. Probably could have got some fast hiking practice in but I didn’t. I would rather run! I tapered sensibly wanting to fully respect how long and hard the race would be. Being tired on the start would not be an excuse. Jon and I got out to Chamonix late on Tuesday. Wednesday was number collection. I felt pretty stressed for some reason – ok you may say well of course you would be with what is ahead but that is not really like me. Then my hormones kicked in a week early so that explained that (sorry but this is a real life blog). Thursday and Friday kit preparation and relaxing. They enforced the cold weather mandatory kit as it was forecast to be minus 10 and wind chill. My crew was Pete from SCOTT Running and Jon, my husband. They were brilliant. It was so good to see their friendly supportive faces at the permitted checkpoints, saying all the right words of encouragement and providing me with all I needed. As the race went on I really felt like I was letting them down. The runner is just the person on show- none of these ultra races can be achieved without support on and off course. The race departed Chamonix in the rain at 6pm. I was ready for this beast. Well I thought I was!   Photo Credit: Tom Wilkinson Photo credit: irunfar.com (Bryon Powell) I started off doing what I felt was a comfortable pace. It was difficult to judge as the first 10km is essentially road and flat trail to Les Houches. I climbed well but never pushed. The first check point was 31km in. It was manic as everyone was still really close together. I could not find Jon so started to fill my pockets with apricots/ cheese/ cake etc from the aid station. Then I did one more check and he spotted me. Rubbish out and more food in (komfuel selection of gels, chews and Tailwind mainly). I was smiling and enjoying it immensely. It was properly dark when I left and with 650 lumens (Ledlenser NEO10R) on my head I had complete vision so headed up the road happy in my tunnel of light. It was wet and cold. I had my warm gloves on and some waterproof ones over the top. My buff on my head and of course a waterproof jacket. In my pack was all the mandatory kit so I knew I had another 2 warm layers top and bottom if things really were bad at top of Col de Bonhomme (2329m). In hindsight maybe I did keep pace here but I honestly didn’t feel like I was pushing it. I caught up with Cat Bradley and then tried to stick with her but I probably should have asked myself what am I doing this far up the field. People told me running 100miles is like a lifetime lived in one day. But what I learnt is that you don’t get a second chance. I was cautious descending Bonhomme as this is where I sprained my ankle. Running at night was magical. I could see ice flake patterns forming on the rocks. The moon was so bright when it appeared from behind the clouds. The clouds were keeping us warm because when the wind picked up it was very much chillier. I sailed through the compulsory kit check at Chapieux. On leaving there my stomach decided to let me know that 52km of running into the night was not the right thing to be doing. However, energy felt good so being a tad lighter as I ascended Col de la Seigne (2516m) wasn’t so bad. I was pleased to be running this bit as I’d had to hobble it on the recce.
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The top was shrouded in mist and it was hard to see where to go but I figured this was good as it made the pace steady. I was soon running on a track as the bad weather has re routed us around Col des Pyramides Calcaires. My focus was Courmayeur. However, I could sense I was descending into the town not feeling as I wanted to be. My stomach was still complaining but the odd stop here and there was no real excuse for such a slow pace. I had been running for 11hours and it was 5am. I swopped my tights for shorts and ditched my extra clothes thinking as the daylight arrives so will the warmth. What a stupid error! The wind picked up and it was freezing. Unbeknown to me many dropped out due to the cold weather. I left the aid station only to return as I had forgotten my poles. Doh! I ate and replenished my pack but as I write this I have read what other runners ate and I’m beginning to think I did not eat enough properly food. I was still on gels and chews and eating a bit of rice pudding. On leaving Courmayeur it was the climb up to Bertone which really highlighted how lethargic I felt. I wrapped up at the top as the wind whistled around me.
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Photo credit: Reme Fabregue As I climbed towards Grand Col Ferret (2490m) my little legs turned pink and my fingers lost their feeling. I didn’t hang about it was up and over. I could not collapse my poles as my thumbs could not apply enough pressure to the button. Descending into La Fouly should have been enjoyable but I was getting frustrated with my performance. I kept willing my legs on. I remember a runner asking me as they passed if I could not push on through the discomfort of my quads but I really couldn’t. I shouted out loud but still no response. I felt deconditioned, I guess. Missing out on my recce and its long days was taking its toil now. I was passed by many. I kept recollecting my pace throughout this part of the course when I did the CCC in 2016 and the contrast was really demoralising. Heading to Champex Lac was a case of putting one foot in front of the other. It was pathetic. I didn’t feel the need to hang around for too long at the aid stations. I just wanted to keep going. Jon has finished UTMB in 40hours so what excuse did I have? Photo credit: Yann Audouin At Trient I hiked in and hiked out. I’m not a strong hiker but it was faster than my shuffle! At Vallorcine I changed my shoes and Injinji socks. I had badly stumped my toe (and then obviously again and again) and torn my Tibialis Anterior (shin muscle) so thought it might help reduce the pressure to go half a size up in shoe and it did. Amazingly for me I finished with no blisters either (just massive bags under my eyes!). Night arrived again and I began to hallucinate. I saw people having a bath and rocks turning into animals. Vallorcine, via La Flegere took forever. I enjoyed the journey of training and I felt the race end should have been a journey of euphoria but it wasn’t. I felt nothing. 170km, 10,000m of elevation. 30hours 16mins, 19th female. 128th overall out of 1778 finishers (783 dropped out). Next year I’ll feel more! I’ll achieve more!
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Photo credit: Jon Meek Lessons learnt: Condition legs with more long days of training- get a good week in about a month out preferably in the mountains or just don’t sprain your ankle whilst trying to! Eat more proper food. Ideas I’ll try include peanut butter and jam sandwiches and potatoes. Go slower at the start…really slow. Ducktape works well to prevent blisters. WD40/ lubricate my poles so the button to fold them isn’t so stiff with cold hands. Be pleased to have finished as many didn’t and a DNF is hard to make peace with. Be grateful- the body is a wonderful thing especially considering what I put it through. I am recovering well although my torn shin muscle may take sometime yet. A massive thank you to all those who helped me through training and the race. I had the best kit (SCOTT Supertrac Ultra RC shoes and waterproofs etc; socks from Injinji); a great choice of nutrition from Komfuel; no sprained ankles due to careful footfall, diligent rehab and Rocktape; no altitude sickness courtesy of SportingEdge; great night vision from Ledlenser; great daily support from Symprove, Coffee Buddies, and Bounce Balls; inspiring crewing from Jon and Pete, great Rufus- dog care from my Mum, and during training Anne and Di; and finally great support from all those lovely people who cheered me on online and on route!   Read the full article
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maritzaerwin · 4 years
Experts Advice to Find the Right Opportunities in the Pandemic
As of July 16, 2020, 1.3 million workers in the USA filed for unemployment according to the Labor Department. The UN’s labor agency says that nearly half of the global workforce is at risk as job losses increase due to the ongoing pandemic. While things seem pretty bleak for new graduates, people in the informal economy, and those that have lost their jobs, there are several companies and organizations that are working to help such individuals. I reached out to experts across the globe to get their advice on the current job market and what someone could do to find the right opportunities in the pandemic Everyone unanimously agreed that freelancing was the best way forward. 
10 Things You Can Do to Find the Right Opportunities in the Pandemic
1. Try Freelancing
This is possibly the best time to dip your toes into the gig economy. Jane Flanagan, Lead Project Engineer at Tacuna Systems, commented on how freelancing has witnessed a steady growth over the years even before the pandemic-induced unemployment. In 2019, freelancing contributed $1 trillion USD to the United States economy. So if you’re recently laid off or a young graduate, you might want to consider freelancing.  The easiest way to get started is to sign up on websites like Fiverr, Upwork, or Guru. However, these websites are geared towards experienced freelancers and it can be difficult to leave your mark as a novice. 30hours, a brand new freelance marketplace, is set to change all that. “Whether someone is new or experienced, the marketplace is committed to creating an environment that ensures everyone thrives,” Lawrence at 30hours. So, which are the most highly sought after freelance skills? Content writers, coders, social media marketers, sales, and graphic design lead the way. Even if you don’t have any of these skills right now, you can build towards them by completing courses on Udemy, Coursera, SEMRush Academy, or EdX. If you’re less inclined towards learning a new skill, you can still work with what you have. Anna Barker, personal finance expert founder of LogicalDollar says, “Things like online tutoring can be a great way to earn some money – and it doesn’t even have to be exclusively targeted at school or college students. In fact, you’ll often find that people are willing to pay to learn how to do almost anything, so if you have a particular skill or area of expertise, consider offering your services through one of the online platforms that provide for this.” Matt Erhard, the Managing Partner at Summit Search Group, warns that it is not a great choice for everyone. “The hours and workload can be erratic, and building a freelance career takes a lot of work—more than you probably want to do for a short-term solution.” The easiest and most sought after freelancing gig is content writing. If you have a knack for it and can guest post on websites, clients that care about SEO are willing to pay handsomely. Link-able is a marketplace that connects authors and clients that you can sign up on for free. Syed Usman, Digital Marketing Executive at PureVPN shares, “Content writing continues to grow and is worth more than $300 billion. This job doesn’t desire too much.
All you need is good language skills, an original tone, and a target audience whose problems you can solve with your knowledge and research. In addition to that, you also need SEO knowledge that is now accessible to everyone. You can access free courses online using HubSpot Academy to learn the basics as I have found that to be very user friendly.”
2. Focus on Specific Industries
If you’re in need of immediate work, the general recommendation is that you focus your search on specific industries. Delivery executives, truck drivers for shipping, the staff at local stores, and subs at schools are some of the growing segments. Anna Popova, Head of HR Development at DDI Development, says, “If you have a car or a scooter, a bicycle, it is reasonable to consider a courier job. I have faced many examples when former waiters, cruise liners staff, or office managers maximize their earnings by delivering food from restaurants to the customer’s door.”
Lauren Gast, Chief Marketing Officer at Truck Driver Institute, a truck driving school with eleven campuses across the United States, explains, “Despite the unemployment crisis caused by Covid-19, major trucking companies such as KLLM, Schneider, and Werner Enterprises are currently hiring new drivers to fill the driver shortage in the industry.” Similarly, the pandemic has caused staff shortages at local stores and taken regular teachers out of the rotation. If you are in a position to hold out for a new job, you could look at industries with high demand or jobs that require rare skills. Kenny at NetBookNews adds, “Programming and web design skills are also in demand since a lot of businesses are looking to create online shopping websites for their businesses. So if you have these skills, then go pitch your services to local businesses who lack a proper online ordering system.” Rare skills that could land you a job include AI, blockchain, and cloud computing. Reuben Yonatan, Founder & CEO of GetVoIP, urges job seekers to analyze the market and retrain in soon to be in-demand skills.
“Cloud practitioners and cloud architects, for instance, are about to become hot commodities. Many businesses shifted to the cloud hastily to adjust to the shelter-in-place requirements. Once they resume, they will want to do it right with the help of professionals.” Alternatively, you can learn skills that never go out of demand like sales. Austin Wolff, Director of Research at Novus Anti-Aging Center, shares, “If someone is looking for a job, one thing all businesses need more of are “rainmakers,” like salespeople or damn good marketers. I started off as a salesman and became in control of my income after that. I recommend everybody out of a job to learn sales. Get good (you don’t even have to be great) and you’ll have a job for life.”
3. Leverage Your Network
Your network is probably the biggest weapon in your arsenal. Before you share your resume, with your network on LinkedIn, WhatsApp or Facebook, it’s best to update it. Professional resume writing services like Zip Job can really help to set you apart in this regard. They have various templates that you can use to create your own resume as well. The difference between getting a job and getting rejected given the high unemployment rates right now comes down to how you present on paper. 3 ways your network can help:
Recommend you to jobs that are a good fit.
Write recommendations for you.
Connect you to folks that are hiring.
4. Get on Online Job Portals
The easiest way to set filters and scour for jobs is by landing up on job portals. If you’ve exhausted LinkedIn, Indeed or Monster.com, don’t fret.
Cindy Makita, Career Strategist & Coach at Hired Institute recommended: – Candor Hiring List and JobScan Ultimate Hiring List
If you’re looking for something a little more advanced, try WorkThisWay – a product of a partnership between HR tech startup ThisWay and fellow category-defining AI startup Maslo. Angela Hood, CEO of ThisWay, describes the platform as “an empathetic, AI-enhanced emotional support in the form of everyday check-ins, resume building, job search reminders and more to ensure millions feel supported during these unprecedented economic times.” 
5. Become a Reseller or an Affiliate
Jack Wang, CEO of Amazing Beauty Hair, stressed how important it is to pursue something practical that will give you quick results. Becoming a reseller or an affiliate is one way to go about that without having to invest a ton of time or capital. 
6. Become an Online Content Creator 
You don’t need millions of followers to become an influencer. Even 1000 followers can allow you to leverage your online platform as a niche influencer. Since the pandemic has everyone locked in, you can try your hand at creating content on TikTok, Reels, or YouTube. TikTok and Reels are the easiest way to get started with little to no investment required. YouTube is still amenable for creators that have invested in the right and often expensive equipment. 
7. Join Facebook, Slack, and Whatsapp Groups for Professionals
If online job portals don’t do the trick, Facebook, Slack, and WhatsApp still have plenty of opportunities for you. Each of these platforms has niche groups for various professions that can help you either find a full-time job or a freelance gig. Jennifer, Editor at Etia.com also recommended that you use these groups to build out a presence to attract the right attention so that when the hiring freeze is over, you are considered first for open positions. 
“It is especially useful for those in the technology sector or people looking for entry-level jobs.” 
8. Find an Internship
This is especially geared towards those that are graduating into the coronavirus economy. An internship – paid or not – can be a great stepping stone in the industry that you want to work in. Matt Erhard says, “Internships give you real-world experience working in a field or career that you have an interest in. It is often unpaid, but it’s better to have an unpaid internship than to be unemployed. You could offer to help out a local small business as many organizations are using this downtime to get some administrative work done.”
9. Invest in Yourself
If you’re able to take up paid online courses or spend time pursuing free courses, this is the time to do it. Try LinkedIn’s Lynda or Udemy or MasterClass for a thorough course that you can leverage later in your job search. Vanessa Gordon, Publisher at East End Taste Magazine says, “This may also be a great time to hone in your skills, refresh and learn new skills and improve ones you already have. Take an online course, take some time to join webinars, and YouTube can be a great resource for self-learning.”
10. Get Creative
If you have no qualms over doing something completely 180, get creative with your job hunt. Laura Handrick, a contributing HR Professional at Choosing Therapy, shares her advice, “Now is the time for all of us with job skills to get creative. Restaurant owners need delivery drivers, homeowners need people to help them with yard work, working moms need in-home childcare.
These may not be high paying jobs but they can put food on the table while we are waiting for the economy to recover. As an HR professional, I have been able to eat out a few hours assisting small businesses with their human resources needs during the pandemic.
Those with finance and accounting experience may be able to assist small businesses to get PPP or EIDL loans. Hairdressers can offer in-home services for those who fear going to a salon.” Think about microservices that you can offer either online or at home while adhering to social distancing norms. If you’re unsure where to start, Anthony at Interim CFOs has some great advice. “Use the skills and experience you already have to create new opportunities. Here are five steps to help you create your own recovery:
Assess your skills. Find out what you’re good at. 
See what skills are transferable. Look at how you can shift. 
Pick ONE strength. When you answer the question, “What is your strength?,” you’re also answering the question, “Where do I start?” 4) Ask yourself, “How far are you willing to go back?” Some transitions require additional schooling and/or training. However, if you have transferable skills you don’t have to start at Square 1.
Ask yourself, “How far are you willing to go back?” Some transitions require additional schooling and/or training. However, if you have transferable skills you don’t have to start at Square 1.
Ask yourself, “Are you ready to be an entrepreneur?” Events like the coronavirus make entrepreneurship almost imperative. Entrepreneurship can be risky but for those looking for independence and more income, this is a viable option.”
To quickly recap all the things you can do right now to navigate the job market are:
Try freelancing.
Focus on specific industries.
Leverage your network.
Get on online job portals.
Become a reseller or an affiliate.
Become an online content creator.
Join Facebook, Slack, and WhatsApp groups.
Find an internship.
Invest in yourself.
Get creative.
It is also a wise idea to always have additional revenue streams either through freelancing, part-time jobs, or returns on investments. This ensures financial stability until you tide over.
The post Experts Advice to Find the Right Opportunities in the Pandemic appeared first on CareerMetis.com.
Experts Advice to Find the Right Opportunities in the Pandemic published first on https://skillsireweb.tumblr.com/
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iso333-blog · 8 years
Tales of a homeless 25yr old male causasian
It’s day three. I’m employed at a pizza kitchen as a delivery driver. I have a Ford focus 2007. I have loving people in my life. I do not hold it against them or anything. Not there fault. I don’t want to burden them. Anyways I work roughly 30hours at work 6.5-8.15 a hour. Plus tips. 300$ every two weeks. 600$ a month.. the tips help tho. I always have about a hundred In my wallet. But I really don’t spend much. Yet it never seems to get bigger. The money… Anyways. I usually spend ten-20$ on gas a day. Food isn’t free at work so 5$ and ya cigarettes cause recovery ing alcoholic addict. Need the nicotine. Uhuh So 35$ a week on cigs. 20/day 140$ aweek. I’m not good at math but idk. Seems I should be able to afford an apartment. Idk. Ok so today I went to a apartment today. It was very brief. I don’t think the guy was happy about me not making 1500$ a month. So that was discouraging. Not to mention I had alot of my clothes in the back of the car. Anyways. I’m still looking for apartments. I primarily stay at my Girlfriend’s. I don’t feel comfortable there but I’m very appreciative to have the opportunity. So I’m coming up on two months sober. Which is cool. And I really like my job. Also cool. Like my gf. My dad my mom. All nice. But like ya I really have no where to live. And I’m picky. I’m not racist I’m just fear living in the ghetto. So not being rich or even just financially secure. It’s just upsetting. But also an adventure each day. Not one that I look forward to. Anyways. It’s not an immediate thing that’s gonna get fixed over night. Background check Credit check 1500$ up front (security deposit first months rent and utilities in your name) Anyways it seems like a steep thing to do but maybe I can pull it off... Never know
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