#which is a shame cause the bits we get to see are really frickin cool lolol 🥲🥲🥲
stabbystiletto · 2 years
Spoilers for ch 122 lololol
Lily working with Mikuni is kind of a twist, but we all know he didn't actually behead Tsurugi right?
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Like that's Lily's scythe but his powers literally do not work that way lololol
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Buuuuuut his specialty is illusions, so the real twist is maybe Tsurugi and Mikuni were working together all along??
I'm gonna be honest though I don't really get what's going on lol I figured this whole thing Mikuni was doing was to help Tsubaki (shoot Testu to force Hugh to form a contract, so he'll have a contract item that can be destroyed to 'kill' him, go to Alicein house to take out Tsurugi who's one of the only people around who could successfully fight Tsubaki, etc) BUT if he's working with Tsurugi then maybe it'll be what I've been hoping for and he'll end up turning against Tsubaki at the end or something lol
It's just, Lily literally only does illusions?? The scythe doesn't really cut shit?? But why would Tsurugi play along though it doesn't make sense 🤔🤔🤔 Unless he's just knocked out or something lol
I dunno it's a short chapter but there's a lot to unpack lololol 😆😆😆
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 7 "Beware of Young Girls" (Note: Offensive content, use at own discretion)
If we're ever gonna find out what happened to that baby, we have to figure out who that woman was.
That got way out of hand.
I think I figured out what my problem is. I'm way too nice.
This is what happens to sneaky backstabbers.
Just so you know, I took all your clothes.
It's too bad you had to die before we found out what ethnicity you are.
God, I loved porking you so much.
Dearly beloved, we're gathered here today because a backstabbing little bitch got exactly what was coming to her.
I have a colonic!
You were a stupid, little trollop, and I hope you're burning in hell right now.
There's nothing left to talk about.
Do you find it so shocking?
And you tried to frame me for murder!
I promise to never betray your trust again.
You most certainly won't betray my trust ever again, because you will never have my trust ever again!
It has two dancing demons, a dead old lady and cute little pentagrams.
I am going to prove that bitch wrong!
I told you to get rid of him!
I do not want to hear about how this is hard for you, okay?
Now, will you please go kill some people?
Okay, I'm not totally sure you understand how fashion works.
In, like, five years, my clothes are gonna be super hip again.
I like the borderline-creepy way he looks out for you.
He's kind of the perfect guy.
Well, thanks for being cool with me.
I haven't been inside here in a while.
He was in his mid-50s, so he could only get it up, like, once or twice a week.
Tell us something you learned this week about what it means to be a woman.
Everywhere I'd go, she'd just be there, dressed exactly like me.
Hey, did you spill ketchup in the shape of an arrow on the floor?
Are you having sex with a goat?
You looked me in the eye and promised me you would try to be monogamous!
I am breaking up with you.
You are gonna close that door, and you're gonna hear me out.
My whole life, I've lived with a secret shame. And that secret shame is that-- I'm lactose intolerant.
Lactose intolerance afflicts around 50% of the human population, who spend their entire lives walking past Baskin Robbins knowing that if they even have a little bit of ice cream, they're gonna fart a bunch. And if you weren't so ignorant, and you cracked a book every once in a while, you would know that goat's milk, it's lactose free.
I'm so sorry I doubted you.
Look, if it makes you feel any better we can totally bang if you want.
I mean, I knew I had had one hurricane too many, but let's be honest, one hurricane is one hurricane too many.
When my mouth has been where it's been on your body, I think we can safely say we are more than kind of friends.
Look, this is super awkward, but someone killed and dismembered your ex-husband last night, and they put his head in a fish tank.
Seriously, you're under arrest.
They don't care. They're nuts.
I was just doing a little sketching.
Designing formal wear is an old hobby of mine.
Look what I've been able to accomplish with a little free time.
No booze, obviously, but the meds are divine. The little blue ones make you feel like your organs are floating in a warm bath.
I don't trust a girl with a huge bush of pubic hair. Makes me think she has something to hide.
I specifically told you I cannot eat deli meats. The sulfites in them send me into anaphylactic shock. No salami and certainly no bologna!
I want you to know that I think you killed them all, and I hope you get the electric chair for it.
I've frickin' had it with you!
Technically, she just said that he was cheating, but she never said anything about a goat.
Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to a dead girl!
Why do you have nine tampons? How big is your cooch?
I really think we should stop, because this is really, really freaking me out.
No, hooker! We're not stopping.
Have fun in hell going to dinner with Osama bin Laden.
But, I mean, can we really trust a satanic talking board?
Talking boards tend not to hold up in court.
I say we poison her bras.
We have to be super sneaky about it, because if we're not, she'll smell a rat and kill us first.
What the hell is a sugar party?
We were just talking about throwing a sugar party.
I thought you were dead.
I am dead. I'm burning in hell.
I came back from the grave to apologize to you.
Yes, there are waterslides, but they're lined with razor blades and you splash down into a pool of boiling pee.
As soon as I got there, I was like, "Where are the dinosaurs?"
I guess I was just intimidated by your beauty and intelligence.
I was just jealous. I wanted what you had, and I really needed my tube packed.
I accept your apology. And I'm sorry you got murdered and are dead.
Well, looks like I'll have to kill them first.
Be the bigger person!
Now rise up and be the leader I know you can be.
Yeah, I just, I just get a little faint when I see blood.
A perfect DNA match. That is what the lab said.
It's pretty suspicious behavior.
Oh, Mommy's home.
She's what a psychiatrist friend of mine refers to as a "capicolaphilist" which is not, as I thought, someone who's turned on by the sight and feel of lunch meats but, more disgustingly, someone who's turned on by someone who pronounces bologna the way it's spelled;"bow-log-na."
You're plotting to murder me.
What I'm curious about is what, exactly, is taking so long?
Rat poison only works because rodents don't have a gag reflex. If you gave a human rat poison, they would immediately puke it all up. So not only would I have survived your attempt on my life, it would have also made me skinnier.
It was stupid to try to murder you.
I'm willing to let bygones be bygones and chalk this attempted murder up to youthful enthusiasm.
Here's to young girls getting what they had coming to them.
You know what they say-- "nothing tastes as good as revenge feels." Actually, they don't say it. I just sort of made that up.
I've got to stay focused.
Are you hungry, 'cause I'm hungry.
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ok here are the best parts of the bmc boot imo
ok More Than Survive was so good and here’s why
the choreography, esp the head banging on “is my macbook pro hard drive” and “in how to stay alive”
Jeremy’s encounters with the cool kids were so funny
Brooke? was just especially great and i can’t pinpoint why but do i really need to?? No
Christine doing the Absolute Most for the “Christiiiine” parts
the “boyf riends” reveal y'all
Michael egging Jeremy on to go sign up for the play
the rest of the cast moving all dream-like and then breaking that as soon as Rich says “GAYYYY”
the end! was so cool and energetic
ok the bit before I Love Play Rehearsal
“i’m joking!” “oh!.. well, i’m Jeremy.”
Jer hanging his head in shame after that
(the virgin jokes. they were funny come on)
alright now i liked Play Rehearsal before but seeing the visual has given me So Much More Love for that song
Stephanie Hsu is so amazing??? like Wow
((can someone make a video with Play Rehearsal like that one vine with the ted talk but it’s just the guy inhaling))
Jeremy just looking dumbfounded and enamored the entire time
“there’s also a part of me, that wants to this! *THE THING™* SO I DID!!”
she’s literally all over the place i love it
and then after when everyone else shows up and the music plays upon their entrance
Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake Jake
his fist pump when Mr. Reyes mentions the frisbee golf team (and those arms! wow! anyway)
Christine Needing A Hug after the Shakespeare thing
Jake trying to be all soft and deep when he talks to Christine and doing a Great Job
but then, “parting is such sweet…” “…sorrow.” “whatever!”
Jeremy’s Lament
okokok The Bathroom Encounter
Rich’s numerous hip gyrations were a big mood
Rich’s Lisp And Voice Cracking!!! idk if the voice cracking was done on purpose or not but either way,, Yes
when u heard that “FRESHman year” and u had to restrain urself from singing cause u had to Focus
Rich being genuinely sad about how lonely his penis was lol
when he was slowly rising from the floor while saying “then then then then then”
((but did anyone else memorize the hand motions for the Squip Explanation part? no one? ok))
Jeremy’s high-pitched “what??” after Rich Explains
ok but i did not expect Rich to do that knee slide while he said “iiiiIIIT’S FROM JAPAAAAAAN” but honestly i should have
the Explanation again but more intense
Jer slowly realizing that he wants one of those Better Than Drugs
Jeremy repeating the Explanation
(i would like to take this moment to state how much i love Will Connolly’s voice!! omg)
Michael throwing himself backward/forward when they lost/had to pause
“oh. hi Michael.”
“will you be too cool for m- … video games?”
the Scary Stockboy is my dude tbh
“WE’RE SOLD OUT!” “…of shoes?”
“right this way, Miss, we just got in a lovely pair of pumps.”
what a guy lol
Michael getting all excited about crystal pepsi awww
Jake getting away with straight-up lying about meeting the rest of the cast bc he’s Jake Dillinger and who can be mad at him? not me, that’s for sure
ah, i love The Squip Enters. the way the Squip just *clenches fist* frickin Enters
no but fr it’s such a cool sequence man
the cast going “aah! aah! aah! aah!” really adds to the drama of it all
I WAS Afraid the boot would end before the Squip would say “…your Squip.” but it didn’t! Bless
that part is so cool cause Jeremy is just like WHAT just happened and the Squip is just standing up there like “hi i’m here to ruin everything”
one more Best Part of the boot: ,, its existence. i’m forever grateful omfg
this was so long but feel free to add on!
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