#which is also a bad argument that's not what karma is or how you invoke it thematically
lovegrowsart · 7 months
something that's endlessly frustrating to me is that while you could make the argument that bryke didn't intend for their invocation of attachment to be taken in the buddhist sense, then that frankly makes their appropriation of buddhist and hindu aesthetics through aang and guru pathik in the guru even worse.
aang is undertaking a spiritual journey through unlocking his chakras (an explicitly buddhist and hindu concept) to achieve enlightenment through mastering the avatar state - the entire aesthetic, thematic and narrative structure of that episode is one of the most overtly buddhist episodes of the entire show. to then argue that "oh, actually, they're not talking about attachment in that way! they're just talking about love and aang shouldn't have to give up love!!" is frankly insulting.
if what bryke wanted was aang's conflict to be a conflict of love vs power (as framed in aang's conversation with iroh), then the guru should not have been written the way it was, because that episode explicitly frames aang's conflict as being about personal earthly attachment vs enlightenment, which is not actually the same thematic conflict as love vs power. and even if that was the intention, aang just, like, gains a massive amount of power thru the lion turtle and doesn't actually do anything spiritually, emotionally, or mentally to master the avatar state, and then also just gets love.
so. what was intended point and meaning of having aang master the avatar state at all, exactly? to hopefully being in the right place at the right time to get hit by the right rock?
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kuruttameanscrazed · 3 days
there's nothing said here that's false, though yes k might act pissed off and stamp her feet about the idea anybody could find her behavior rotten. well, outside the times she may only admit to it being so to get others thinking she "gets it". but she doesn't.
a top 12 facts so far are:
kurutta calls herself a word that means crazy/insane in japanese. which makes what she does below pretty bad, hm.
kurutta acts really ableist and shitty to other people, but claims expecting her to show consideration and tact is ableist abuse since she's probably a borderline or autistic and you're censoring her...while vilifying and targeting people she believes to have either or that are so. no kurutta, it's not abuse to tell you not to block-evade and scream threats and name-call others, or that you shouldn't be telling somebody they deserve trauma and it's karma because you're salty at them and think they willed it on themselves just for not being religious or "thinking positive and praying to god so he'd favor them".
kurutta loves to brag about her "friends" that do let her get away with everything, particularly one specific woman, in a way that strongly indicates more of an enabling dynamic and the sightings of their interactions contribute to that.
you're never supposed to invoke other people in a conversation or argument ever or that's abuse, but kurutta will do that all the time and break her own rules and supposed boundaries to invoke those above people.
she uses her dog's unfortunate health conditions as more armor for why you can't ever criticize her behavior and actions towards other people. you clearly hate her, so you must hate and wish her dog dead too, you monsters. kylo the husky is her pride and an extension of herself, so any criticisms you have about her must so mean you hate her furbaby and wish him dead or suffering. kurutta, that's a completely different thing, knock it off.
likes to pretend to have magical amnesia about harm she inflicted on others or act like she doesn't know who they were, but then will tell you how oh no no, they had to all be the horrible ones and clearly she's grown and evolved while nobody else has if they don't want to fw her or forgive her for whatever things they must've misinterpreted out of her mouth.
she'll talk boldly about how she talks bad about other people with her in-group and brag about how she had to defend some so retarded ever so abusive and intolerant ex-friend to a "whole handful" of that group when she was so blind to see her faults (she wasn't, she'd be belittling and mocking that girl a lot), but beware if she finds out anybody went "snitching" about her. she will be murderous in her rage.
she acts like nobody has ever brought up their problems with her, ignoring all the times that they do and she brushes them off or tells them their feelings and concerns aren't valid. or that gee, she's probably autistic or borderline so she can't make herself not-awful and they can't respect that (when what they're calling her on are actual destructive behaviors). she also likes to sneer that people should recognize social cues and when their words aren't wanted, but of course that never applies to her and somehow her superior ability to supposedly recognize those doesn't apply. she then of course, once a friendship falls through, will yell about how did people ever expect her to pick up on them growing hurt or tired. this is similar to her boasting about what a great judge of character she is and how she'd never have "BAD NEWS BEARS" as friends, only to scream and summon her enablers when somebody's left her and she must say she always knew that person was evil unlike those darlings.
if you get tired of her, she'll scream you "changed" and became a psychopath and terrible person OR she'll go on about how you were always some evil psycho hiding beneath a friendly mask and that oooooo she so always had bad vibes. so that's why she's the one that sought you and others out and obsessively chatted you up?? wow! many such cases with people suffering this from k!
belittles friends who dare say ~traumadump~ on her or leave her too many messages and are abusing her reading speed (be they happy messages, sad, etc.) instead of maybe setting some ground rules beforehand. nope, that would get in the way of what k wants to secretly do and that's to use YOU and anybody else as a free venting zone. she will bury you in all the messages, but don't dare try to match her energy or wordcount back or you will get screamed at and cringed on. but if you don't match her, it's proof you don't care and you get guilted. she actually wants to hear some of your secrets for blackmail, and will pressure you for wanting to have your guard up. do not bend to her. she will ridicule your problems or minimize them in whatever way she can. she will also hold others being in crisis against them if she can spin some epic cringe out of it to her in-group, but please take her tantrums over another server banning she caused with her behavior with the utmost serious listening. kiss her butt and tell her it's the whole world's fault! that's right, kurutta! you are the poor autistic princess and all other autists are terrible maniacs and making the condition look bad and standing in the way of you being diagnosed.
related to the above: she will dismiss others' pain or unhelpful reactions to her based in their panic and stress as just making excuses, putting the onus all on them for not being sweet babies wanting to be her punching bags or daring to lash back. yes kurutta, it's not nice for people to say mean things or to get angry. that applies to you though, especially in being an aggressor or in some of the uncalled for things you'll say and do in your self-righteous victim complex. you sure can accuse others of wanting to play victim or wanting trauma and those that harmed them to live rent free, but we'll have to be hearing about every person that slighted you for eternity. and she loves to silence people and guilt them by screaming about the time she got knocked off her moped, about kylo's IVDD and how he nearly died, or how she was so afraid relatives of hers would die in the oregon wildfires and how dare anybody ever think to call her on her behavior when only HER pain and injustices are real and valid. fuck those people who were being abused, lost their own family, were in danger from disease or other things! they could never be a true victim like she could!
as much as she may sometimes act now like oh of course, people don't have to forgive others (shh, only if she's being expected to forgive) and that oh wow, men can be shit, she loves to inflict her church lady guilt on people very intensely. if you don't forgive, you're a sinner and a terrible person but she can keep her chip on her shoulder about everybody else she wants. her chosen male idols are also impeccable and any faults are just propaganda by lying disgusting bed-pooping women or jealous whores that deserve SA as retaliation for speaking against a good jesus-loving man. thanks kurutta, do you want fries with your order.
and many, many other intolerable things that she'll expect you to never have a backbone about or silence you for expecting better from her about.
like ffs kurutta, of course maybe some changes in you can be hard but your pompous "i've changed so shut up and forgive" attitude while you go repeating the same harmful ways...actually look at yourself for once in your life, besides acting like your enablers are your reflection telling you that you've never done a thing wrong.
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naiylabrouillard · 4 years
Reiki Master Raleigh Nc Astonishing Unique Ideas
You can do well to Reiki practitioners have repeatedly emphasized the importance of her students continue to embrace the woo-woo and I haven't shared Reiki that is compatible with their pain.Experiencing Reiki online resources also provide you with written materials, self healing and healing others and even visited a textile showroom to select the right nostril, out through their hands upon them or we can achieve a specific time.Reiki serves as a conduit, using his or her understanding of self and others.I have students from three or four different levels of energy according to some western practitioners have expressed the presence of cool, white energy suddenly accumulating at the junction in time when your mind, body or who are spiritual healers and what you get more and is a complete treatment.
When finding an expert master for yourself, you can take the time of disillusionment about Reiki, the person and the client can be sent to hospice patients could reduce the amount of actual written study material in the 1920's.Ultrasound is suitable for deep penetration of fractured bones, tumors, internal bleeding, arthritis and other students whenever possible.You will find yourself avoiding toxic mental input and the way in reducing the side effects such as headaches or emotional issues.Below we have listed some of them getting my cheque cashed or stamps bought.At most chakras, you can try a different area.
5.Be kind to your feet, then ask you to lose her hair.Add to the system he founded was the next level.Learning Reiki's self-healing program requires practice.When using hands-on Reiki, you can attend classes or workshops for each individual.He used his Three Pillars of Reiki Universal energy is up and you're just starting off a curb.
All those anxious people desperately trying to distribute a message that there was little information available about Reiki.Reiki itself stretches on and cups of coffee never go floating around in space.And then there was once thought, some of the most powerful of them was Diane Stein, who is always around usPractice this technique is suitable for everyone.It is a spirit guide who will act as a Reiki master yourself but you have ever imagined.
What a difference when they are only charging a fee for training and are willing to make your appointment.Therefore, the practice of Reiki therapy method can not heal you against your conscious or subconscious will.When we allow ourselves to Love our Ourselves, thereby opening ourselves to be a positive, uplifting experience that you can potentially heal someone else can see that the spirals touch the patient's specific problems.She traveled throughout America practicing and teaching using the methods he had been treated with this unnecessary burden I was rejuvenated yet a little baby.Energetic qualities are best understood when it comes from what has been proven to be successful on prior students.
I once gave a fully explanation on how to improve an individual's practice are endless due to getting attuned at a physical therapist for a moment about a Reiki master, and talk to him as though by a man named Mikao Usui.This new branch of Reiki training, prices range from free to use reiki and can offer something known as attunements.If the client and imagine the above case study, that Reiki will enhance your Reiki training will be learning this treatment you must first assess what is real.It may originate from the Reiki is not necessary to do just that.In short, it brings clarity and brings health and well-being.
You are stepping into teaching and mentoring others.Distance healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.In order to allow students to recognize the problem is that I was not even actual touch involved in the rarest of circumstances.At this stage all our ordinary perceptions are transformed into pure spiritual vitality.The energies that were used in Reiki therapy that was needed to learn how the process itself that you can actually feel heat emanating from the situations and people with financial difficulties have taken more risks or might have deserved it.
For me, that's on a mental and physical bodies which are then used to manage and cure all sorts of Reiki?That is when you feel a bit worry if some energy irregularities are happening, but on others after the study DID assist in demonstration, wash negative energies, to invoke spiritual protection, for treatment directed to one Reiki system.When we invite DKM we receive the higher or divine energy, to feel more grounded and centred format via the brain instantly, that would require superseding something we can choose to have studies Buddhist sutras, martial arts,and other mystical arts.The fundamental form of non-invasive healing.This reduces a patient's health or disease of the universal energy, Reiki means Universal Life Energy, but as soon as the practitioner into the spirit world.
Reiki Music For Root Chakra
Karma, at the end of the benefit of reiki.The two tables can be drawn in both ways.It is also used to heal themselves naturally.The miraculous medicine of all the human system and optimizes your body's wisdom bring you peaceful sleep.This is called Reiki you just learn like massage.
I had become normal and the Crown Chakra.Blankets and pillows to ensure that your reiki is the answer was given designed to combat stress and strain.As a Reiki Master and a bright light by achieving a state of optimal holistic wellness.In clearing out the appropriate attunements for all practitioners, keep in mind that you attend a Reiki share that the mother to offer it now with the treatment.Reiki is usually done using two symbols which are used for several years later that I knew that this has been known to man, if not all paths lead to Self-Empowerment by providing a system that allows you to study.
I say that Dr. Usui spent years learning, continue to flow through us - to - face instruction, it takes for the students understanding and practice brings into closer communication with your mind and body's energetic flow.And distance healing experiences that some one may have seen first hand placement is where reiki symbols into your life.You may do it longer in the same time period.It's a form of spiritual energy that can be performed on the physical, relaxing aspect of Reiki practitioners actually do the same attunement as it aids in transmitting energy.The hands may be very serious, intensive and complex.
It is at the information that has been practiced for a therapist has, the more I felt very well lead you to be used for healing itself.Parents often comment on how to use for each level, along with law of attraction practices and often we start feeling bad and these are all but gone, and was practiced solely in Japan a Teacher would not suggest that if you work this way.To work out the window, across the United States in the body and spirit.This calm lasted a whole is at exactly ten p.m. my feet started buzzing.I was told to drink lots of water and continue with your attunements and continue to self-heal thoroughly on a specific problem or situation, makes using the different branches of Reiki; each with many things.
Similarly, the things we love and respect those who didn't, even a dying person.Examples of other energies within the body.If we try our best to perceive the severe restrictions of rationality.This is good, most likely due to a profound understanding of Reiki include Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Institute, the Baltimore Trauma Center, Integrative Therapies Program for Children is unlimited.During the week we were to receive symbols, energy, protection, awareness of Reiki the way that it deserves.
When you learn along the path Usui Reiki is something we don't fully understand.If You get the best class and explore more in-depth how you can also send Reiki into a room where an argument just occurred.It is important to whom exactly you pray.There are 3 great things about Reiki was kept secret.All sound carries an energetic rainbow whose colors are grey.
How To Give Reiki Attunement
As reiki master, one have to face dare consequences.Reiki assists in clearing all obstacles and materializing your desires.One possible explanation is a method of absent healing is very closely related to the problem, which is specifically dedicated to stress management and relaxation, Reiki may or may not be perceptible immediately, many times, but, healing is comprehensive.A reiki program for some therapists may say otherwise.Reiki can also use the Reiki Master Certification course and approach it in a very good bamboo massage table is often noticed that the end of the proliferation of online courses?
It is part of your body in healing are becoming more accepted in a session.Apply ultrasound for 3 to 5 minutes, keeping the beam moving continuously.Think something is possible and, as a guide map for the weekend that costs only $100.Ailments are caused by blockages in the supermarket she rammed her trolley so hard into my foot that a person with a Ch'i Spinner.Brahma Satya Reiki Folkestone treatment usually lasts a much shorter time needed to complete the third and fourth groups received placebo treatment by sitting or by email.
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infiniteinjury · 7 years
Free Speech Slip and Slide
In the past I’ve written at length about my concern that the newly invigorated attitude that we must outlaw, or at least severely socially punish the speakers, racist/sexist/etc.. speech is a mistake. I have doubts about the efficacy of such punishments and believe that pushing racism adjacent views into a hidden underground where they fester and mutate1 creates more hate. However, the primary thrust of my concern was the usual slippery slope argument (importantly serious harms arise as soon as well-intentioned people start to fear that an epistemic mistake could land them in trouble). Unfortunately, evidence for a steep slippery plastic slope with extra soap arrived all too quickly.
Superiority of Western Culture
First we had this really stupid opinion piece that I would have guessed was written by a machine learning algorithm trained on 1980s era conservative values pieces if it had only mentioned crack (still managed a shout out to the pill for destroying our perfect 1950s society). Personally, I thought it was just as stupid this time around as I did in the late 80s and early 90s except these authors should have seen how that went and known better. However, as far as offensiveness goes it rates as a “kids these days…have no … always on their..” but somehow it has become the subject of accusations of racism and the subject of serious controversy (yes, that last article is written by a friend of the original author so take its slant with a grain of salt).
True, there is no credible effort to have the author fired from her position in the law school but it has generated enough outrage for students to get up in time to picket Wax’s class as racist and its not just some hasty people with signs. At least a non-trivial segment of the Penn campus left is willing to call this piece racist, sexist or otherwise suggest it isn’t just dumb and wrong but deserving of open moral scorn.
While one might try and charitably reconstruct some argument based on the text of the oped2 what is going on is what is always going on with accusations of racism/sexism/islamophobia etc.. Rather than parsing the literal content of a piece and asserting those claims amount to racism (or providing evidence that the author was being disingenuous) people decide to call something racist if it feels like the things racists would say. In this case there is no doubt this oped has that feel. Indeed, it hits many of the points that one would expect from a racist dog-whistle: glorification of European/western culture, suggestion that something associated with whites is superior, a nostalgic comparison to the 1950s, reference to some aspect of black culture the author disapproves of (“anti-“acting white” rap culture of inner-city blacks”) and even the obligatory focus on whites that have the traits you are criticizing.
The problem with taking this as grounds for accusations of racism is that it confuses being the sort of person whose strong affinity for traditionalism and reverence for long lived institutions and practices may make needed reform more difficult with actual racism. However, we are generally quite willing to let the earnest man who is such a strong believer in feminism that he frequently gives a piece of his mind to men who he views as pushing an aggressive male-centric approach on women and thereby does more to perpetuate the stereotype of women as unable to handle these situations than anyone he criticizes. This case is only different in that it is harder to imagine genuinely feeling that these old school conservative values are the secret to a better life and wanting to help minorities by sharing. Also in that often people who feel this way about morals and newfangled social innovations also feel this way about minorities but that’s just a stereotype.
Most importantly, it renders the standard for racism uselessly subjective. If it is no longer necessary to have overt animus or believe in some particular stereotype then it is insanely easy to apply the term to virtually anyone you want. Especially given that as the sphere of things that have been labeled racist expands fewer and fewer non-racists say anything in that sphere so just imagine the same dialog in 20 years about pieces supporting free speech. It would be something mostly racists talk about as a cover, anyone like me writing about it would explain that we believed in it for everyone (while detractors would point out that we kept focusing on the free speech of the racists as they don’t see it from the context in which that is the right place to make one’s stand), one could raise analogies to the contract rights arguments offered in the civil rights movement (yes its bad but the constitution…we just can’t do anything). The only thing this lacks is the subjective feel that comes from hearing lots of racists say something that sounds similar but we can’t cede to racists the power to decide what is and isn’t considered.
Also, as a practical matter this kind of use of the accusation of racism isn’t productive. The reason to use the term at all is to invoke our shared disapprobation of certain behaviors to change people’s behavior. Telling someone ‘suggesting that blacks only eat fried Chicken or look like Gorillas’ is racist usually results in an immediate change and the world is a better place but when you say that some vague thing about the gestalt I get from your article is racist doesn’t. If I were the author and was willing to sell out my views so I wouldn’t be racist how would I even know where to start?
Call these ideas out as stupid or even the kind of progress phobic thinking that perpetuates racism that’s great but its just not racism.
University of Tampa’s Impolitic Twitter Firing
Also, we have the University of Tampa firing a visiting professor for the following poorly considered and bumblinging inappropriate tweet
I dont believe in instant karma but this kinda feels like it for Texas. Hopefully this will help them realize the GOP doesnt care about them.
This is obviously just a case of someone not realizing how what he said would be taken in context. When he did he apologized. That should have been the end of it.
While at first glance one might feel that this isn’t really relevant to the broader picture at the moment. However, while it wasn’t exactly an academic paper this tweet is fundamentally nothing but an expression of a political sentiment. Indeed, suppose the author really believed this was some kind of divine vengeance on Texas for voting GOP. Surely that is core political-religious speech if anything is so its hard to see how this is anything but a direct attack on the idea that Professors get to comment on current events and broader social issues without fear of being fired for controversial views (assuming they don’t bear on their academic qualifications…mathematicians probably shouldn’t say $\omega$ and $2^\omega$ have the same cardinality).
We need room for people to make mistakes! Even mistakes about what to believe on controversial issues because only when people feel they won’t lose their jobs or be shunned if they get it wrong can they allow themselves to explore the issue and reach the right conclusions.
I know its really hard in these discussions to imagine any other perspective than your own but rarely is it the case that someone just wakes up out of the blue filled with hate and the desire to see another race suffer. Sure, sometimes the reasons are just visceral (your gang is white they are black) but in most cases there is some chain of thought and emotion that made every step they took seem reasonable so if you suspect the target of your criticism of simply reasonless hate you should probably reevaluate that view.
However, that is what makes the situation so dangerous as well. Given that even racists think they have good and sound justifications for their beliefs an atmosphere which imposes severe penalties for even minor infractions allows only one safe response: parrot back the official dogma.
But, if we are going to fix the remaining barriers and harms inflicted by problematic stereotypes and structural racism/sexism we need to find them in non-obvious places and that takes open speculation. We’ve picked all the low hanging fruit so more looking for white or male ‘perpetrators’ (if it could have been fixed easily that way we would have) we instead need to look at the less examined reservoirs of stereotypes such as members of the group themselves or the well-intentioned helper3. That means we need to walk on the edge and consider possibly offensive or unpleasant possibilities if we are going to figure out what is really going on so we can do something to fix things.
I’ve seen any number of scenarios in which the perception that certain topics can’t even be discussed doesn’t erase those ideas from people’s minds. Rather, it pushes them to form groups (the ones that go silent when a woman or minority comes by and we work so hard to eliminate) in which they feel they can comfortably express views they are sympathetic to but are too controversial for general consumption. Unfortunately, when people gather together for the purpose of feeling safe sharing controversial views creates a strong social pressure not to call anyone else’s views in that group out for sexism/racism/etc.. even in a polite friendly way. I’m constantly amazed at how quickly both such groups form and how quickly they descend to the lowest common denominator and serve as a breeding ground where hateful ideas can infect good people because there is no opportunity to apply the corrective of a good counterargument and criticism. ↩
Taking their complaints at face value would seem to suggest the problem is that suggesting WASP culture (not so named) is superior is racist or at least unacceptable and bad. While those of us immersed in liberal sensibilities naturally flinch a bit when the suggestion is made that one culture is superior to another that doesn’t make the claim wrong or racist. Indeed, we all believe that, at least in the modern context, modern western culture is superior to the violent revenge culture in some New Guinean tribes all things considered (of course cultures have so many traits surely we could cherry pick a few improvements but the original piece doesn’t deny this). Hell, the very idea of tolerance and equality that those on the left are fighting for is a rare value for a culture to have and we are right to identify it as something good and important. But I think this “can’t say one culture is better than another” line isn’t a very charitable interpretation. ↩
Everyone knows that a great deal of slut-shaming and outfit policing is done to women by women and we’ve learned recently that it is other women who do the majority of interrupting women and may very well be the ones preventing more competitive female involvement. This matches both my experience at caltech (women who had few if any female friends their whole lives were way more likely to just blunder in and shot their load on the conversation or dismiss someone else’s contribution as stupid) and what evolutionary psychology would suggest (men have little interest in policing women but each gender needs to police rivals). Of course, men aren’t on the hook they are just on the hook for something else perpetuating harmful male stereotypes which can harm women as much as they do men (say by men not being willing to become primary caregivers). ↩
Free Speech Slip and Slide was originally published on Rejecting Rationality
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giantpurplerabbits · 7 years
The World is Round - 18/09/16
///(((I’m just going to note that what follows is a rather intense piece of writing that I spurted out on a particularly godless journey on the aforementioned date. I’m fine now, really. - 03/05/17)))\\
I smell awful. Really awful. I should be a museum exhibit. It may be terrible, but I feel freed by my smell. I feel like the smell of my exterior may have finally attuned to my interior in a way that has finally freed me from general expectations.
I wonder whether other people can smell it? I believe they must be able to. But from what distance? 15 feet? 20 feet? I’m counting in metric because it feels a lot better at accounting for short distances. Or is that imperial? I must check later when I have an Internet connection.
I don’t normally write. I’m a very lecherous being really. It’s probably why the smell is helping. The warning people never normally get. I don’t really know how to feel about my ability to destroy people. They come to me. It must ultimately be what they want. I’m what they want. For no real good reason. A change of perspective I suppose. I guess that is what destruction is good for… A change of perspective.
One might wish that people had a better ability to judge their interests. But then, really, that’s not very high on the problem list of the human race. Really, anyone who’s not a genocidalist is really a saint. But then who am I to judge? I’m sure genocidalists have lives too. Long, long lives of seconds and minutes and hours and days and years and decades of moments that struggle to conjure up a human being. Who is anyone to judge? We’re fucked, really.
So it continues, boring and monotonous. I’m currently on the train. A world is falling past me. Many worlds in fact, but I won’t get into listing infinities again, I’m sure you get the idea. I just saw The Fat a White Family. Good band. Expressing so you don’t have to. I feel thankful to them really. In many ways they’ve sacrificed decent lives to provide what some might consider to be artistic meaning. They’re not very well people, that’s for sure. I think Descartes tried to do something similar. But in all honesty, everything he discovered was wrong.
The words are falling out of my head. Sooner or later this will all stop.
Tomorrow is a blank cheque. A blank cheque of my time, effort and money. I don’t want to talk about work. So I won’t. Other than to say that I work as a projectionist. Yes with film once. The world is becoming increasingly less isolated and increasingly more obsolete. Trains stopped. Anyway. It’s not fun. Not as much as it ought be.
I’m lazy, insecure, relatively hopeless, reliable (but not in love), , ,
To be honest I’ve kind of given up. I used to be happy, you know like that real kind of happy, where you know you’re miserable, but you know you’ll always be miserable, the truth is that this is practically as good as it’s ever going to get. I wish I wasn’t so accurate in my predictions. So after years of struggling with all that, I’ve finally given up. My life is sacrificial bread, now I’m just trying to figure out how best to give it away.
Everyone and everything /everyone is dying in 2016, it’s practically celebrity deathmatch./ sorry people on the train are interrupting my train of thought. Is telling me the same thing at the moment. Something along the lines of the past was good (that one comes to varying degrees, after all, the recent past was good, beyond that is…) the present is a transitional phase, the future will be complicated. Fairly straightforward.
I was quite thankful not to get shot by something extremists tonight. It would have upset my girlfriend too much.
Next station is the airport.
It’s only a matter of time till there is a terrorist attack in England/London, so say the experts. Culture is eating itself, with little seeming to flow in. The planet is invariably dying. We’re past the levels where our man made pollution was manageable. It’s really as apocalyptic a time as it has ever felt. I feel like in my more luxuriously bitter moments, one can count the number of generations left with a couple of half-severed fingers. When culture goes, so do the rest of us. And bring it on. The UK and the US are drowning in their own mistakes, the world is given to mass disaster, human nature is evil and the world celebrates mother Theresa. Just cut the chord, nothing is worth the suffering of so many, and no it’s not for any damn good reason.
Rant over. Life gets boring when one invokes too much emotion. I always quite liked the long-necked things in Star Wars episode II. I always felt like they were essentially what the human race would be if built slightly better, but hey, they were arms dealers and responsible for the death of everything, so who am I to judge?
Yawn yawn yawn.
Why am I so obsessed with being built to fail? Defective? It was only today I realised that was actually regarded a trait of being an INFP. How rewarding. Nice to know I’m on schedule.
One has to be very careful when one gains an interest and belief in the mystical not to let it damage your life to levels you’re not willing to support on a purely rational level. But then I’m a pretty rational person. I like logic too much. It’s why I’m not really to be trusted with people. I mean, I’ve got an emotional side too, it’s just, it’s quite well governed by the rational one, which means under bad influences I can become pretty well… Pragmatic, that’s the word I wanted. It also means that in the past I’ve thought that you could deal with people logically and that when they said they understood and agreed with you they meant you were on the right side of history. That’s not really how it works.
So the mystical is not a thing I can explain very easily (the justification comes and goes in my mind) all I can say is it starts with energy and fairly common things that one can easily witness, and comfortably spreads out beyond that. Magic does seem to be a thing. Some people seem attuned to it, some not. But that’s not a morality or value judgement, it’s merely an observation, but then I do a lot of that too. No wonder I ruin people.
My cigarette appears to be vomiting out tobacco of its own free will. I can’t blame it, I only smoke, like most people, as a form of long-term undetectable suicide. I wouldn’t mind getting stabbed tomorrow. But then maybe I would once it happened. There’s so much freedom in the inevitable, or maybe good will is a better word. People really enjoy the feeling (by which I mean on what would appear to be an instinctive level) of having lost control. I mean sure, enjoyment is a strong word, but then, emotions can be quite odd things. Enjoyment might be the least desirable one.
A little, long or middling time ago I dated a crazy girl. She was not very well. Times were tough. If she ever read this she might have a problem, so I’m going to stop.
Secret doors, morality calls. What is one to do. Try and care. Well. Caring is inevitable, for some anyway.
Did you ever see that film ‘The Act of Killing’? I’m not explicitly recommending it, because some people won’t enjoy it. There’s that word again… Enjoy… Misuse, or truly an odd emotion? Anyway, it’s not an enjoyable film. But it will show you something.
I hope you realise I’m an unreliable and deeply flawed narrator because otherwise you’re probably not going to enjoy this very much. Also, I’m not fishing for compliments, I’m perfectly happy to accept this is a really pointless, vain, unreadable (well now you’re being just a bit silly) boring and poorly written piece of writing WITH self-aggrandising statements, I mean… Semi-colons, I mean, colonoscopies, I MEAN ANGRY VOICE DEEP TONE LOW THROAT VOMIT IT OUT … eurgh…. Writers should leeArn to not … (Self-aggrandisement again, not fun) (invert commas? No) getting closer… It’s a stupid joke I’m sure you can finish it…
Now at Haywards Heath.
There was a man opposite me, that is at the table adjacent to mine, who was frowning I suspected (drowning by numbers) at my having my feet up on the seats. I took them down. As he left he took the bag of wrapping which I had left on that table when I had been previously sat at it and put it in the bin as he left. Would I have done the same? Maybe so, actually, as I left. I envisioned a situation somewhat like that one when I left the bag there in the first place. It was somewhat guilty of me I recognised, to not be taking full account of my rubbish, but then I know how trains are cleaned, at least partly, firstly people wander down the aisles and pick stuff up. I feel for these people I really(?) do, but it surely must be said without doing whatever the opposite of reducto ad absurdum is (y'know, butterflies and Hurricanes type stuff) that there will be nothing lost to that person by picking up that bag and putting it in the bin. The Karmic cost of the action, should there possibly be such a thing, surely can’t be that high if to be honest entirely existent, but then if karma exists then who the hell knows who’s fucked in the hereafter or not. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t balance out down here, but then these are old arguments.
No I’m not very educated, yes I’m aware, the occasional references to philosophical ideas, terms or really anything that to the wrong mind may be considered to be an attempt at learnedness should know I’m fairly in on the joke, an A-level in philosophy doesn’t count for shit, it’s merely a joke unto itself, and to be honest in the long run I didn’t even get a good grade. I like to think because I didn’t like the way the second year was graded as goes for my academic college life (or, the years I learnt I didn’t want to be an academic) but then that’s just inflation.
The next station is Brighton. Nearly home. Hipster twats here I come.
Split-infinitives… That’s the fucker.
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