#which is going to be my campaign tag until we get a proper name LMAO
frenchy-and-the-sea · 4 months
Turnabout is fair play!! So tell me about Wyyyyyyyyynnnn~ She's a grave cleric last I heard? Does she have a god? What's her magic feel like?
HEHEHE thank you Milo! <3
And yes, Wyn IS a grave cleric still! Well...sort of. She's like a grave cleric if you made a grave cleric like a warlock. She sort of, uh. resurrected her brother by reaching out to a god (??) of death and offered up part of her own life to bring him back. (And then he came back wrong, and then he wasn't really even her brother anymore, and then he ended up dead a year later anyway, so it was not really a great deal to make in the end. WHOOPS.)
Her current iteration is in a Curse of Strahd game and my DM hasn't had much need for info about whatever entity brought her brother back, so I've been sitting on a homebrew idea for a god (??) that I'll suggest if it ever become relevant. I'm thinking they'll be the Laborer of the Kindly Death, and their tenants will probably revolve around the work it takes to ensure a good death, or at least the best death possible. I'm thinking they'll appear as a common gravekeeper, dour and unkempt but kindly, carrying a shovel coated in grave dirt. I'm thinking their symbology includes spades, mushrooms, moths - you know, a sweeping autumnal theme. And I'm thinking Wyn will subscribe heavily to this after seeing her brother waste away like he did in that last year. She doesn't blame the thing that brought him back after all, not entirely. They told her what the cost would be. They told her what it could mean. She agreed to it. Now she knows that there's work to be done to make a death good, and she's committed herself to helping other people do it so that no one makes the same mistake that she and brother did.
WHICH IS TO SAY, she's a very tragic gal, and her magic reflects that LMAO. She specializes in healing, but it tends to feel a bit draining to both her and the receiver, and feels less like a warmth and more like a numbing while she works. Which, for some things, can be a blessing! But it's not entirely comfortable. Her offensive magics are also often very chill, and tend to be more on the rot-and-ruin spectrum of things. She uses the mushrooms that grow on her horns and tail (a mark from her god) in a LOT of her casting, which her magic responds to by feeling very damp and decaying. Sad wet rat energy for sure LMAO. Except when she gets mad. Her hellish rebuke lives up to its name, because somewhere under the poise and the hard-won ideals, girl is mad as hell at a lot of things.
You wouldn't know, though. Look how sweet she looks! Totally innocent. :>
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(Art by @/ryuichifoxe, design by @/floorplanks!)
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