#which is probobaly what she's doing here
rowantreeart · 7 years
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No one asked for this but Rowan 2 and 14 for the character challenge
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echotrinityme · 3 years
You will be loved Chapter 13: Henry is Being Sus
Ellie Rose's POV
I can't believe, I escape the Wall! All thanks to my new friend Henry Stickmin. He's a legend in the criminal world, he's has stolen countless valuable items and invaded police several times. I also heard he stopped committing crimes when he was pardoned by the Government when he was recruited to help them with something important.
If he was pardoned then why was he at the Wall in the first place? I guess Canada has different laws than the US, well he wanted to escape and I helped him get a boost up. At first, I thought he was going to abandoned me but I was wrong.
He helped me up and we both escaped the complex together, now I'm riding the motorcycle that we found and he's holding on to me around my waist. He has thin arms for a dude, he also looks skinny. Has he eaten before? We kept going until we stopped at a random clearing.
I put the motorcycle to stop and he got off first, I stayed on the motorcycle while he was pacing. He furrowed his brow and he stopped pacing, he fished around in his pocket to find a small ear piece.
"What are you going to do with that?" I asked him, he was trying to make the device work. He glanced up and started to sign me his answer.
"I'm gonna call someone." he replied.
"A friend of mine."
As soon as he said he blushed, which surprises me for a bit. A friend he says? I got to meet this friend, he pressed the button and waited for someone to pick up.
Charles Calvin's POV
I was flying in my helicopter when I was picking up a signal from my headset, I tapped the signal to see who was trying to contact me. It was Henry, he went missing a while go. No one know where he was, not even Dominic knew. He was using the earpiece I gave to him a long time ago.
"Hey Hen, glad to hear from ya bud." I answered, I was relieved to hear from him again. I was worried for him and so was everyone else back at the base, yes even Rupert. Rupert is starting to warm up to Henry.
"Where are you?" I asked him, he quickly told me he was kidnapped and he escaped. He gave me the coordinates of his location, I quickly put in the coordinates and I immediately headed straight to him.
He also mentioned he had a friend with him, I hope this new friend is better than Dominic.
No One's POV
Charles finally got to their location, he  glanced down to find Henry and his new friend waving up at him. He landed next to them and he opened the door, he ran over to Henry.
He immediately jumped to hug him, catching Henry off guard to the point to almost falling to the ground. They both hugged for a while until a clearing of a throat snapped them both out their fantasy world.
"Um...Hi." said Ellie with a smirk on her face.
Both boys' faces were pink from embarrassment and they quickly pulled away from each other, Charles took the time to introduce himself to her.
"Hey, I'm Charles and you are?" asked Charles.
"The name's Ellie Rose." replied Ellie.
"So Ellie what brings you here with my pal Henry?" questioned Charles.
"We both were captured by the Wall." explained Henry.
"The Wall!" shouted Charles, he was furious with that information.
"Yes." answered Ellie.
"Why were you there at the Wall in the first place? You didn't commit crimes again did you?"
"Then how come you were there at one of the most notorious prisons?"asked Charles again.
"They kidnapped me out of nowhere." replied Henry with an unamused expression on his face.
Charles turned to Ellie who was watching the conversation with interest.
"What about you? What were you in the complex for?" questioned Charles.
"Uh...I don't want to talk to about it." answered Ellie with a sheepish laugh.
"Well, I'm glad you helped Henry escape that place and vice versa." said Charles with a beaming grin.
"No problem." replied Ellie.
"Any friend of Henry's is a friend of mine."
The trio laughed and they all headed to the helicopter, Charles started the engine while Henry sated next to him in the co-pilot seat. Ellie sat in the cockpit and admiring the Government owned air vehicle with keen interest.
On the way back to the base, Henry, Charles, and Ellie were chatting about random topics like childhood memories, what were their parents like, stupid things they did, etc.
They got to the base, Charles let Henry and Ellie out of the helicopter. Charles stopped the engine and followed them, Charles led them to the General's tent to report him on finding them.
"Hey General." said Charles while saluting him.
"At ease, Charles." said Galeforce, he noticed Henry and Ellie standing behind him.
"Henry! Where were you? You disappeared and everyone was worried." exclaimed Galeforce.
Henry's face became pink of that admission, he never thought everyone even cared about him being missing. Maybe only Charles...and probobaly Dominic, Dominic! He completely forgot it about him. He wonders what Dominic is doing right now.
"Henry?" asked Galeforce, tentatively.
"I was kidnapped by the Wall." quickly signed Henry while he was trying to make sure no one noticed he was zoning out.
"The Wall?" questioned Galeforce, softly.
Henry, Charles, and Ellie nodded, Galeforce noticed Ellie for the first time. He wondered who she was and why were they were there in the first place and also, why was Henry kidnapped if he was pardoned by the Government.
"Who are you, miss?" asked Galeforce, who turned his attention on to Ellie who was surprised at the question.
"My name's Ellie Rose, sir." replied Ellie Rose with a firm frown on her face, she's not sure if she was going to be arrested or something else.
"I'm going to ask you and Henry a couple questions." said Galeforce firmly.
Ellie and Henry both looked at each other in confusion while Charles was watching the scene with morbid curiosity.
"How did you guys managed to get captured in the first?" demanded Galeforce.
Henry was about to answer but stopped himself, he didn't to reveal sensitive information involving his capture. He didn't want to make Dom angry, he's going to have to lie to Galeforce. Ellie decided to answer first not realizing why Henry didn't answer him right away.
"I was captured because of a crime I'm not comfortable to tell yet." answered Ellie, Galeforce nodded slowly and he looked at Henry. Henry was looking down at his boots as if they were more interesting than anything else, he also gave a vibe that says he would rather be anywhere else than here.
"Henry...what's your story?" asked Galeforce in concern, Ellie already knew the story well part of it, Charles on the other hand wanted to know how and why he was in there in the first place.
Henry jumped at the question and he began to panic, he's not ready to tell them on how he got kidnapped but if he don't say anything he will look like he's hiding secrets...which he actually is.
"Uh...I...was just walking and felt something prick into my neck and a while after that I woke up with my hands locked up." stammered Henry who was acting like it he calm on the outside but on the inside, he hated himself for lying to them especially Charles.
He felt shame and guilt at the same time and it wasn't pretty, sure when he was a criminal he had no trouble lying to the cops and other people. However, when he got stolen from his home by the Government to help them take down the Topphat Clan, it changed his entire being.
Henry got pardoned by the Government and he strike a friendship with Charles and he built a life being a former thief.
The General, Charles, and Ellie stared at him with concern, Galeforce accepted the answer while the other two didn't buy it. Henry was acting weird and both Charles and Ellie is gonna find out what's going with Henry.
Before Galeforce can ask anymore questions, Henry quickly signed he had to go and left without giving anyone a chance to answer him. Everyone stared where Henry was just at with bewilderment, they wondered why Henry is in a hurry.
Charles glanced at the General with a determined look on his face and beckoned Ellie to follow him to find Henry, before they went out he glanced at Galeforce.
"Don't worry, Ellie and I will find him sir." said Charles while Ellie nodded her head in agreement.
Galeforce nodded and dismissed them both while reminding Ellie she still needs to be asked a few more questions, she gave him a single nod and left.
Meanwhile Henry was still running, to where? He doesn't know as long it's away from the tent, what Henry didn't do is watch where he was going. He bumped into someone and it's not just some random person, it was Dominic.
"Oof! Hey dumbass can't you see that I'm walk-Henry! exclaimed Dominic who was shocked, he quickly grabbed Henry who flinched and expected a punch but instead got a hug.
Henry's eyes widened, he never thought Dom would give him a hug. He only does on it on rare good days, Dom was hugging him tight and Henry wasn't sure if he should hug back or just stand there.
Dominic stopped hugging him cause he noticed Henry wasn't hugging him, he looked at him and frowned.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" asked Dominic, sweetly. Even though the words sounded sweet the way he said it made it sound he's faking it.
"Um...Uh...I." stammered Henry, he was to give an answer until he finally gave in and hugged him backed.
Dom was satisfied and resume hugging him but his grip suddenly became tight, and he leaned in to whispered to Henry's ear. Henry froze when Dom began to spoke and his whole body quivered in fear.
"Never ever leave me like that again." threaten Dom with a snarl, Henry felt a wave of strong emotion since his returned from the Wall. His mind was blank, his body was cold, and his heart was numb. Henry nodded his head slowly and Dom grabbed his arm roughly taking him back to his apartment.
Unbeknownst to them, someone saw the whole thing and that someone was Dave Panpa.
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the-faultofdaedalus · 5 years
sometimes you’ve just gotta do some introspection over the kind of characters you relate to. just, really pick out why you relate to them and why you connect them, pick out all the traits you find the same. even if they’re not explicitly stated, even if it’s mostly just hc. 
and now... what are the traits you love in this character? which are the traits you hate? are any of those anything in common with you? 
now, those traits you hate, the ones this character has that you maybe wish they didn’t, or maybe you think they’re a good thing -- a flaw, a reminder of humanity -- and want them to stay. do you forgive this character for them? do you love them, despite those bad traits? 
how many of those exact traits do you share with this character? why do you find these traits so forgivable in fiction than you do in yourself? why do you say, this character deserves good things, this character is (insert bad trait here) but we love him anyways, why do you say that and can’t say it about yourself?
and, god, worse, if you have those characters you love and more, love to hurt, what about them makes you do that? what about this character makes you think, they deserve this, and how much does that connect to your traits? how can we look at a mirror and want to break it? to drive away reflections in water? 
like, look at that one post that’s gone kind of viral, with the suggestion treat yourself like you’d treat your favorite character with basically everyone replying that that’s not a good idea, that if they did that it would involve pain and suffering. why do we do that? why do we take characters we love and relate to and hurt them this much? why do we make ocs that hold a piece of ourselves only to break them? what’s the fucking point?
im not trying to write some grand essay or callout here, these are questions i have for myself, about forgivness and deserving and what it is to love something that does not exist except in our minds and on paper and on screen, something that is, really, just an idea.
there’s something profound and deep about humanity in here somewhere probobaly, but it’s three am and i can’t find it. all i can find is the fact that i nearly threw my oc so deeply into a hole of self-hate and mistakes stubbornness that she would never, ever be able to get out of it. all i can find is the fact that I do hurt my favorite characters, the ones i relate to the most, the ones i see some of myself in, the most. 
i dont think it has anything to do with the connection i have with them. i dont think i’m trying to punish these characters for the traits i have that i see in them. i don’t think so. 
but i dont really know. 
and i wonder. 
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luci-is-a-devil- · 7 years
Music Teacher!Yoongi
(Notes! Almost done with this installment! i’m really glad and super excited to start the next one! please send in requests! This one isn’t the best but it’s alright i think! He’s my bias but i can’t write for him very well. Hoseok is next!!)
So yoongi is the music teacher for the princes
but he began loving music when he was little
he lived in the cheaper part of town, next to some struggiling artists
One who played piano late into the night, which enticed the young Min
He really liked the way it sounded so he asked to learn how to play
in order for him to learn his parents set up a deal with the artist
every Wednesday, he’d go to the school she was giving lessons, and learn for two hours
once they were done, he’d clean all the instruments there
Tubas, chellos, guitars, and so many more
his dad would come pick him up after he was done with work
it was his favorite part of the week since he got to talk with his dad after his lessons and was just so giddy
so it stayed that way until yoongi was nine, when tragedy struck
his teacher had gotten sick and couldn’t make it to school to teach any students
therefore yoongi thought he couldn’t learn anymore and was very sad
but yoongi’s dad had an idea, a great one
the kings son was trying to learn piano (and wasn’t succeeding)
so one day his dad, after work went to the castle and knelt before the king
Asking if his son could teach could teach prince jin the basics and if the king didn’t find the lessons to be fit yoongi would stop
The king agreed so going back home he told his son the news and 
yoongi was !!!!!
very ecstatic to be able to play and went the next day to teach jin 
(even though the prince is a year older then him)
Low and behold the king was very pleased and asked yoongi to continue teaching
pleased that he now got to continue playing the piano, and got a friend he continued with instruments
learning to play all the instruments they had at the castle
(he once played for the king on the violin!!! when he was eleven!!
when jimin and taehyung were seven he started giving them lessons in whatever they wanted to play
“the tuba? really taehyung?”
when he turned sixteen the king asked if he would continue but he would be payed
yoongi obviously agreed and that was that
even though he goes the castle six times a week, he doesn’t dress very fancily
wearing nice jeans and a sweater most days 
even if Teacher!Namjoon insists, he sticks to what he knows
still friends with jin even if he doesn’t take lessons anymore
once a friend of min yoongi pretty much stuck with him
Dance teacher!Hoseok tries to keep yoongi fit, but it’s a struggle
Going to the castle, since he was nine makes him feel very familiar with it and all the workers there
you were a new maid, in charge of cleaning the teaching rooms
Every day, the music room with all the instruments needed to be cleaned
so you were hired for it
You had managed to never bump into yoongi
as you cleaned all the rooms early and then again later at night
but yoongi had wanted to tune all the instruments before taehyung the tornado came
(”do you really need to touch every instrument? no you don’t, so stop it”)
so when he hears rustiling coming from the music room he gets wary
who’s in HIS room? are they touching HIS instruments?
so in he goes, scaring you who was cleaning the violin
almost dropping it, you freaked out at the noise of the door being thrown open
seeing you, sitting on the floor, wide eyes and grasping onto the violin
made him take a breath of relief, no one was taking his babies
“what are you doing here?”
looking at your cloth wipe and the violin, it was pretty obvious what you were doing
“I-I’m cleaning?”
he looked really angry and you weren’t good at small talk, thus why you came in at such odd hours
realizing he had freaked you out and probobaly looked really angry 
he walked over to you and offered a hand to you
taking his hand, you hoist yourself up 
“I’m Min Yoongi, the music teacher.”
“Y/N, a maid”
after greeting him,you went back to cleaning
politely telling him where the supplies to tune was 
and then passing it to him because he couldn’t find it
when you finished, you waved to him and told him to have a good day
but before you closed the door you surprised him with a question
“If it’s possible could you put you cup of coffee on the coaster? It’s staning the desk” 
He nodded, and you left him
unbeknownst to you, like music, you had enticed him
so he came earlier and stayed longer to catch brief look at you
seeing him watching you, made you quite embarrassed 
so one day early on, you decided to put an end to this
walking in to the room, you saw him sitting at his desk
going to clean the instruments as you always do
silently you both worked,
when you were on the last instrument you stood up and walked over to him
placed your hands on the desk and looked at him
“can i tie your shoes? i can’t have you falling for anyone else”
his face could rival yours in redness
even though he looks like he could murder you in cold blood and get away with it
he very soft egg™
Nodding because yes, you are most likely hitting on him
but words! how does he word again???
laughing at his panicked face because wow looks like you’re not the only one bad at small talk
“wanna get coffee later? i have to clean the ballroom soon”
yes, yes he does
once he nods you giggle and finish cleaning, and waved at him
leaving him to his own thoughts, which involve him screaming into his arms and grinning for his lesson with taehyung all day
“you’re whipped and haven’t even started dating hyung, what a nerd”
He’s soft for you, so soft
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