#which is so long after ysuft
madisoncounty · 1 year
i don’t mean this in a nosy way but i’m so curious if love him i don’t and there it goes are about the same muse… because they’re so deeply tethered but also there it goes is very specifically time-stamped as taking place way after love him i don’t was written
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holy-anxiety-batman · 9 months
sorry I'm not done talking about Maisie Peters tonight I saw that tgw gifset and got emotional about her again. long bit of oversharing and lyrical thread pulling below.
"Please, don't give up on me yet/I know I'll get better, I'm just not better yet."
I didn't get to go to the Wembley show but I saw her a few nights before that and I've seen videos of You Signed Up For This at Wembley and nearly cried because it means so much to her and it means so much to everyone there.
A Maisie Peters show is the only concert I would make friendship bracelets for. I got one from a lovely girl at the show in October and it makes me so happy looking at magic and maybes sitting on my jewelry tray every morning and I really might make some for the show I'm going to in February.
Honestly I probably relate to You Signed Up For This too much. But fuck man!! It hits!! I am (almost) 20! I am upset right now! I don't have my drivers license! Shouting is hard! Please don't give up on me, I know that I'm going to get better, I know that I am getting better, I know that I'm better than I've been, but I also know that I'm not better yet there is still so much wrong and painful and hurting but I'm going to get better!! Please don't give up on me!!
And then we got The Good Witch. Which, personally, came at an excellent time for me. Never in my life was there a better time for Maisie Peters to release an insanely cathartic and resonant breakup album than Summer 2023. Because there was something to connect to in every! fucking! song!
I go through cycles of music so I listened to You Signed Up For This really hard when it came out and then moved away from her music for a bit. And then Summer happened and The Good Witch was out and the OPENING LINES ARE A DIRECT REFERENCE TO THE OPENING LINES OF YSUFT. "I am 20 and probably upset right now" became "Still upset, but now I'm 22". And the chorus!!! "I know I'll get better, I'm just not better yet" became "Am I better yet". And it felt like she was saying 'hello again' and 'how have you been'. And I was still upset too!
If I wanted to be angry I could be angry. If I wanted to be nostalgic and wistful and regretful I could be all those things. If I wanted to buy sunflowers and make it to September breathing easily for the first time in months I could (and did) do that.
On the topic of There It Goes. Fucking There It Goes man. I'm young but I am aging! Listening to There It Goes the day after I moved to London. Listening to There It Goes before going on a date. Listening to There It Goes on a walk around my campus. Listening to There It Goes and the comedown of closure, a heartbreak in remission, I wake up and it's October.
But also! If I wanted to be fucking petty I could be petty. And GOD screaming WHAT THE FUCK in a room full of other people also screaming WHAT THE FUCK felt good!! And BSC too. If I ever get a maisie peters tattoo it really might be a bat. She was so funny for that actually! It's funny and I'm laughing!
I also have emotions about literally every song on that album and the deluxe version and I didn't even mention The Band And I even though I think it actually is my favorite tgw song. I think I could talk about Maisie Peters for hours actually. Maybe if I startle awake at 5:30 tomorrow morning like I did today I'll write out thoughts on every single tgw & tgw deluxe song.
ALSO. I've been remembering fun anecdotes about the one cishet guy I dated in high school and there's a lot of funny stories I could tell about that period in my life but the relevant one right now is I like to use lyrics for ig captions and a few days after I broke up with him I used a line from Take Care Of Yourself because it was stuck in my head and one of my friends was having a really hard time and one of HIS friends commented on the post "'My love take care of yourself' 🧐" and I immediately felt horrible of course because I had not even Considered that it could be seen that way and now years later I think that's really funny. I was so caught up in my friends' drama I completely forgot that I had broken up with a guy a few days before and that maybe my use of that lyric could be misunderstood.
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madamescarlette · 2 years
Truly it is impossible for me to overstate how much power it didn't work out, and I wanted it to work has over me as a lyric.
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