#which is strange cause we've seen saiyans infused with god ki WITHOUT ssg but whateves
age736 · 7 months
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hailed to be considered the most powerful warrior in all the universe. passed around from generations and generations of saiyans throughout a thousand years from the day yamoshi became the very first super saiyan. only then a thousand years later, on a planet that wasn't his own, fighting the self-imposed emperor of the galaxy, one son goku fueled by his rage, became the first super saiyan in millennia, second only after yamoshi.
a form hailed for it's legendary power, yet to modern saiyans it's truthfully only the stepping stone towards true power. as the super saiyan itself has a versatile amount of forms it can appear in to aid the saiyan it's being used by- one form in one timeline even connecting the saiyan's primal roots by combining itself with that of the oozaru. infused with god ki as well, it even forces a change within another saiyan transformation called super saiyan god to turn into something completely and entirely new.
the super saiyan itself is a form fueled by raw, unfiltered emotion- and most often, that of rage. anger is a core emotion to a saiyan's power, so it only makes sense that a form like super saiyan exists for that, especially considering the existence of the oozaru. yet why is that? one would consider it strange that the legendary super saiyan only ever existed once, and was only ever told is stories in fables for the next thousand years. wouldn't it had made sense for another super saiyan to appear? it makes even less sense for a saiyan like son goku, who not only has no memory, but no interest in the saiyan way of life.
it all comes down to a number of factors that the saiyans on planet vegeta seemed to not understand about their own biology. vegeta saiyans believe in a might makes right society, ruled primarily by a caste systen. the strongest live and the weakest die, it was simple as. however even if you were weak there was still something for you to usually do in saiyan society, as running an empire requires multiple cogs in the machine that aren't just warriors. but this mindset resulted in the assumption that a saiyan's power at their birth is all they'd ever amount to- leading that saiyan down a path of nigh permanent weakness, especially those considered in the low class. and those lower class saiyans that were birthed with an abnormally high power level were snuffed out or sent away on planetary conquering, as to not be a threat to the higher class warriors. not to mention, low class saiyans outnumbered mid class and elite saiyans combined. this would only result in, of course, weaker and weaker children as the generations went on. by the time it the rule of king vegeta the iii, it was probably impossible for a super saiyan to occur by natural means without a drastic biological mutation (such as broly).
a second reason for this was emotion. it has been told to us time and time again by saiyans that emotion is a weakness, and that to be a saiyan warrior is to be cold, ruthless and cruel. that is how you became strong. yet that couldn't be anymore of the opposite. the power of the saiyans is fueled almost entirely by their emotions- most applicably being rage. two of the saiyan's most prominent transformations- the oozaru and the super saiyan- are in fact formed that are primarily functioned by rage. yet it is not just anger that fuels saiyans, as other emotions such as excitement and sadness have an influence on either strengthening or weakening a saiyan. even so much of a saiyan doubting their own power can cause that power itself to become weaker, as we have seen in a case like son gohan. emotion is a prime source of power for a saiyan, and without it in it's fullest the super saiyan would've been impossible for any saiyan to achieve on planet vegeta.
lastly, the most important one in fact, was training. this couples back into how a being's power calculated at their birth was a weakness for saiyans, as because of that they saw little value and even disgust in training one's body. the power you were born with was basically going to be your power for the rest of your life in their mind, and that resulted in weaker and weaker generations of saiyans. whis, the angel of universe seven and undoubtly the strongest being in that universe- said so himself to son goku and vegeta that saiyans grow their fastest when they train together. that should be pretty important shouldn't it? yet until goku, saiyans never trained, or if they did- they were usually basically seen as sort of anomalies. the best example i can give for this is bardock's squad with totapo, toma, pumbukin and seripa. they were all considered to be low class warriors, but were hailed as one of- if not THE best squadron on all of planet vegeta. bardock himself having been so revered that he had the honor of being lifted in the caste system from low class to mid class, the first and only time that has ever happened in saiyan history. they were so strong because they worked together, which saiyans do not often do- even in squadrons. only showing further proof that to grow stronger as a saiyan you needed to work with other saiyans.
these are i'd say the primary reasons why a super saiyan hasn't shown up in the universe since yamoshi, and in my own honest opinion- freeza's fear of it was frankly misplaced. has he not blown up planet vegeta, goku would've grown up as a low class saiyan who- considering who goku is at his core- would no doubt even be a more stand out case of a lower class saiyan than his father. yet never to any sort of level that he would've been had he not been sent to earth. the saiyans themselves probably would've just happened to grow weaker and weaker in each coming generations until either someone else or the universe itself snuffed out their candlelight.
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