#this was a fun exercise ]
starrysharks · 1 year
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this show SUCKS
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Been wanting to do a drawing of her and then I decided to rewatch Carmen Sandiego - so here’s a sort of style imitation
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plein-air-on-gorkhon · 2 months
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image description: a color study from pathologic 2 in purples and yellows. two executors flank a path leading into town, behind them, the factories, warehouses, and train cars appear from the haze. the coming dawn explodes across the sky, but its colors do not bring comfort
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nonbinary-arsonists · 2 months
oohh i love ur post-end tord... that guy is not doing well at all!! what r ur thoughts on how hes doing post-end if i may ask? and what r ur thoughts on how the guys r doing post-end if i may ask :3
short answer: not good.
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tord just gets angrier and angrier. he lost his arm, his eye, his friends, and even the robot he went back to retrieve in the first place. i think he either A) drowns himself in work creating weapons of mass destruction, or B) becomes so god damn guilty he spends his time working on a time travel device to go back and "fix" everything. nobody knows what exactly he means by that.
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the other three don't do well either.
tom may have not liked tord all that much, but knowing how much edd liked him, tom feels conflicted about killing tord (to his knowledge). he doesn't really show it, aside from drinking even more than usual.
edd lost his oldest friend, and always thinks back on how it all went down and what he could've done to change it (much like tord. muahaha the parallels). the most affected by tord's apparent death.
matt lost pretty much all of his stuff... which was a lot. he's a lot more distrusting of people after the end, and regularly mourns his awesome "junk" collection.
..... to be honest, i'm not a huge fan of where the end leaves the characters. part 2 manages to end on a bittersweet note, but it still doesnt really sit right with me. i guess my art takes place in a time where tord comes back for other reasons, and ends up moving back in for real.
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I did a couple of character redraws which was partially "Wtf are those proportions" and partially "can I match the style of these and blend my art in." For Catwoman I think I blended her in quite well. Heavily referenced the lines here obviously since I wanted it to look like it matched but I did redraw from scratch.
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skyebluyt · 8 months
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now kiss
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artbytesslyn · 11 months
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Object relationships with no meaning 🤖
Read the Webcomic
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corvidaes-crow · 1 month
Thank you @tshiki31 for the prompt and donation!
Rating: Gen Relationship: Yoo Joonghyuk/Kim Dokja Tags: Alternate Universe - Pokemon Fusion, Gym Leader Kim Dokja, Pokemon Trainer Yoo Joonghyuk, Oblivious Kim Dokja, No Angst, Pokemon Battles
Salvation Gym leader Kim Dokja is the last one that the prodigy Pokemon trainer Yoo Joonghyuk must defeat to complete the Star Stream's badge collection quest. Dokja expects the fight to end quickly, so he can hand over the Salvation Gym badge and continue to watch Yoo Joonghyuk's journey from afar. But... what's this? The prodigy trainer is throwing the match?
AKA Kim Dokja is oblivious as always and Yoo Joonghyuk keeps getting pulled into that fool's Pokemon battles before he can get to the point. Written for @orv-gotcha-for-gaza
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unfortunate17 · 2 months
ty to @nerdyfangirl76 and @skibasyndrome for the tags.
RULES: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions.
I’m gonna do the last 10 fics bc why tf not
1. Simon is called into a meeting the second he steps out of the elevator on Thursday morning.
2. By the time Wilhelm drags himself down to dinner, the sky outside is already a pitch, midnight black.
3. Wilhelm gets very little sleep that night.
4. At some point during their drive, Wilhelm must have rolled the window up against the evening breeze.
5. Wilhelm nudges him in the middle of Literature, on a sleepy afternoon just on the edge of summer.
6. Wilhelm knows he has a bit of a staring problem.
7. When Simon is twenty-six years old, Wilhelm comes out publicly.
8. Simon’s kisses are like the crush of waves against a rocky shore.
9. It’s one of those mornings where everything seems to go wrong.
10. Simon cracks at the end of January.
Conclusions omg ok:
I’m actually surprised at the number of YR fics I’ve written lol I didn’t think this whole list would be one fandom.
I really love starting with an action mixed with a specific detail either about the time or about the weather but I think this is pretty intentional, i think having specific details like that can really help draw a reader in but IDFK
Most of these are Simon POV which makes sense bc I like writing older Simon POV but teenage Wilhelm POV if that makes sense - and I love that Simon’s first thought most of the time somehow includes Wilhelm. As it should bc he’s down bad as fuck LOL
#8 is from Ivy, and while it’s not my most popular fic, I think it’s my best written fic in terms of prose. I find myself rereading it and I’m always surprised I thought of some of those sentences. A personal fave to totally toot my own horn is: It's a windy evening, Simon’s coat billowing out around him, curls messy and wild. Over the last year, he’d grown them out long, then shorn them short again, cyclical like the harvest. I guess it’s unsurprising that of the 10 first sentences, it’s the only one with a simile 🫡
no pressure tags: @bigalockwood @dreamyelectronicmusic @oneofthosebells @piebingo @iwouldnevergetintofanfic
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the-sycophant · 1 year
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----------------------------------------- Inspired by @finishing-touch's very charming sets [here] & [here]
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littleaimster · 11 months
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Welp, guess who redraws their magical girl boy designs! me...
The old designs are below along with companies.
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nostalgicatsea · 6 months
First Lines
Tagged by @oluka! Thank you. :)
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there’s a pattern!
An Open Palm
Over his long life, Wenwu had seen his share of strong men, all of whom had disappointed. No matter the era, no matter the nation, the empire, this held true: the flashier the man, the likelier his reputation was gilded, gold plating rather than solid gold. Beautiful but decorative. False. Cheap. 
Once More for the First Time
This was where they always ended up, the part of the story that stayed the same no matter how often it restarted or how much the scenery changed.
Hit and Run
"I know that road,” Tony said, and Steve saw it then too, the path that he had been on this entire time.
Puppet Master
Tony came awake, flattening his palm against the nearest tree to keep himself from pitching forward.
Body Talk
Steve wasn’t any good with words.
The Night Before, the Morning After
“Blue Steel’s right. If you’re going to make a bad decision, let me be your bad decision. Don’t text your ex.”
Taking Your Love With Me Wherever I Go
It took Rhodey by surprise just how happy it made him to see Sam, to know that he was capable of still feeling like this after everything. His grief was expansive, making him swollen with it, like all the tears he hadn’t shed transformed the whole of his body into his own internal reservoir.
The Burning of Flowers
Fire ran through Steve untempered, frothing, volcanic blood incinerating everything in its path: his veins, his muscles, everything he had felt for Tony. All had burned away and the little that remained had liquefied, melted into his rage, so that he was no longer himself, only that beastly anger. 
Deep Breath In, Deep Breath Out
Over the years, Sharon had been to many unexpected places.
In My Hands and Gone Again
“I think I was in love with someone.” 
I'm not surprised by the pattern because I'm somewhat aware of it when I write, but it was fun to look at it directly like this instead of letting it happen almost instinctually. For the most part, I go with an observation or realization the POV character has that sums up or sparks the core of the fic (and that reveals a lot about who they are or what their mindset is like). Sometimes that truth (their truth) is shattered, and sometimes it's reaffirmed. Very rarely does the thought come in the form of dialogue, though if it does, the dialogue acts the same way and serves as an impetus.
"Puppet Master" is the rare exception; that aberration comes down to the nature of the fic, which deals with Tony's disorientation and loss of agency over his body and mind. There was no other way to capture that fear and confusion and situate the reader in that instability except to start in medias res.
I tend to be a visual or sensory writer, so usually I sneak some description or a metaphor or simile in early on, and no matter what, I'm all about setting the mood for the story.
First lines are really important to me! I go by feel, and they have to feel right to me by tempo and by sound, by their gravity. That doesn't necessarily mean they have to be serious (my crack-ish AvAc fic, which isn't on this list, has a goofy first line), but they have to have weight. They have to feel justified; why this line(s) and not something else? I can't start writing otherwise because the first lines so often set the tone, direction, and meaning of the entire story for me. Sometimes this is the root of my suffering because I end up rewriting and rewriting the first paragraph until I finally find my way out. :')
I'm tagging @ishipallthings, @sineala, @kiyaar, @thahiree, @no-gorms, @sabrecmc, @citsiurtlanu, @msermesth, @whenas-in-silks, and @laiqualaurelote!
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liamlawsonlesbian · 4 months
if you could go to any race for free no questions asked, which would you wanna attend?
Oooo good question, anon!! Part of my chirlie brain wants to say Monaco, but I’m going to discard that because I don’t want to be around that many of the super-rich.
Because I am terrible at decision-making, I’m going to give 3 options:
1. Silverstone - I am unfortunately an anglophile (derogatory)
2. Brazil - would love love to visit Brazil, and Interlagos always produces such wild racing
3. Las Vegas - controversial opinion, perhaps, but I think the pageantry of it all seems fun to witness in person, last year’s race was pretty great, and a good place to meet usamerican moots (I really wanted to go this year but the tickets are so expensive that it didn’t really seem feasible for my current budget)
(PS ro and I are going to the USGP again this year!!)
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pitohuiart · 1 year
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 Madoka Witch Riku Suzuki.
She is the lethargic witch. Her labyrinth is space themed with a soft plush sky. Her minions are bunny dolls with soft moth heads. She would be very easy to take out in one go, However, if you free her from where she is pinned then she will fly around the heart of the labyrinth, tearing those that woke her apart by flinging them around via gravity.
I have design ideas for the other girls too, I hope I can make them as well
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A bunch of Hypno sketches, experimenting with expressions
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