#wish there was more to say about ssg
age736 · 7 months
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hailed to be considered the most powerful warrior in all the universe. passed around from generations and generations of saiyans throughout a thousand years from the day yamoshi became the very first super saiyan. only then a thousand years later, on a planet that wasn't his own, fighting the self-imposed emperor of the galaxy, one son goku fueled by his rage, became the first super saiyan in millennia, second only after yamoshi.
a form hailed for it's legendary power, yet to modern saiyans it's truthfully only the stepping stone towards true power. as the super saiyan itself has a versatile amount of forms it can appear in to aid the saiyan it's being used by- one form in one timeline even connecting the saiyan's primal roots by combining itself with that of the oozaru. infused with god ki as well, it even forces a change within another saiyan transformation called super saiyan god to turn into something completely and entirely new.
the super saiyan itself is a form fueled by raw, unfiltered emotion- and most often, that of rage. anger is a core emotion to a saiyan's power, so it only makes sense that a form like super saiyan exists for that, especially considering the existence of the oozaru. yet why is that? one would consider it strange that the legendary super saiyan only ever existed once, and was only ever told is stories in fables for the next thousand years. wouldn't it had made sense for another super saiyan to appear? it makes even less sense for a saiyan like son goku, who not only has no memory, but no interest in the saiyan way of life.
it all comes down to a number of factors that the saiyans on planet vegeta seemed to not understand about their own biology. vegeta saiyans believe in a might makes right society, ruled primarily by a caste systen. the strongest live and the weakest die, it was simple as. however even if you were weak there was still something for you to usually do in saiyan society, as running an empire requires multiple cogs in the machine that aren't just warriors. but this mindset resulted in the assumption that a saiyan's power at their birth is all they'd ever amount to- leading that saiyan down a path of nigh permanent weakness, especially those considered in the low class. and those lower class saiyans that were birthed with an abnormally high power level were snuffed out or sent away on planetary conquering, as to not be a threat to the higher class warriors. not to mention, low class saiyans outnumbered mid class and elite saiyans combined. this would only result in, of course, weaker and weaker children as the generations went on. by the time it the rule of king vegeta the iii, it was probably impossible for a super saiyan to occur by natural means without a drastic biological mutation (such as broly).
a second reason for this was emotion. it has been told to us time and time again by saiyans that emotion is a weakness, and that to be a saiyan warrior is to be cold, ruthless and cruel. that is how you became strong. yet that couldn't be anymore of the opposite. the power of the saiyans is fueled almost entirely by their emotions- most applicably being rage. two of the saiyan's most prominent transformations- the oozaru and the super saiyan- are in fact formed that are primarily functioned by rage. yet it is not just anger that fuels saiyans, as other emotions such as excitement and sadness have an influence on either strengthening or weakening a saiyan. even so much of a saiyan doubting their own power can cause that power itself to become weaker, as we have seen in a case like son gohan. emotion is a prime source of power for a saiyan, and without it in it's fullest the super saiyan would've been impossible for any saiyan to achieve on planet vegeta.
lastly, the most important one in fact, was training. this couples back into how a being's power calculated at their birth was a weakness for saiyans, as because of that they saw little value and even disgust in training one's body. the power you were born with was basically going to be your power for the rest of your life in their mind, and that resulted in weaker and weaker generations of saiyans. whis, the angel of universe seven and undoubtly the strongest being in that universe- said so himself to son goku and vegeta that saiyans grow their fastest when they train together. that should be pretty important shouldn't it? yet until goku, saiyans never trained, or if they did- they were usually basically seen as sort of anomalies. the best example i can give for this is bardock's squad with totapo, toma, pumbukin and seripa. they were all considered to be low class warriors, but were hailed as one of- if not THE best squadron on all of planet vegeta. bardock himself having been so revered that he had the honor of being lifted in the caste system from low class to mid class, the first and only time that has ever happened in saiyan history. they were so strong because they worked together, which saiyans do not often do- even in squadrons. only showing further proof that to grow stronger as a saiyan you needed to work with other saiyans.
these are i'd say the primary reasons why a super saiyan hasn't shown up in the universe since yamoshi, and in my own honest opinion- freeza's fear of it was frankly misplaced. has he not blown up planet vegeta, goku would've grown up as a low class saiyan who- considering who goku is at his core- would no doubt even be a more stand out case of a lower class saiyan than his father. yet never to any sort of level that he would've been had he not been sent to earth. the saiyans themselves probably would've just happened to grow weaker and weaker in each coming generations until either someone else or the universe itself snuffed out their candlelight.
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aeoki · 1 year
SHINSEKAI - Magicians of ES: Chapter 7
Location: Tohoku Town (SHINSEKAI) Characters: Mika, Shuu & Tsumugi
< A few minutes later. Near the log-out spot in the main street of “SHINSEKAI”. >
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Mika: Ngh~... This is troublin’. Who would’ve thought leavin’ would cost “SSG”?
Shuu: Yeah. I think that sort of rule is unavoidable, though. This must have been the result of the management not wanting the “actors” to simply leave of their own accord.
It was mentioned that there is a possibility everything that happens in this “SHINSEKAI” would be broadcast in the show, after all…
The management must want to gather as much material for their source of funding as they can.
What should we do? The fee required to leave is quite expensive.
It’s not as though we cannot afford it, but for us whose “SSG” is about to hit zero, it’s a painful payment.
Mika: ‘Cause I trusted Onii-chan and left things to you, most of the money we had were gradually lost in the battles with the other units.
Shuu: Well, that’s not the only reason why we don’t have money.
Mika: ………?
Shuu: But even so, I find it difficult to agree with what you’ve said about it all being my fault.
Mika: Uh, no, it is your fault, though, Onii-chan. I had a feelin’ early on that this game wouldn’t be up your alley and figured I should be the one to step forward instead.
The events and battles that trigger in this “SHINSEKAI” are basically like a variety TV show…
So there was a chance that I’d be able to do a better job than Onii-chan.
I’ve got experience doing a lot of different jobs.
Shuu: Indeed. Compared to me, you must be closer to what people would call a typical idol.
But through the numerous trial and error I’ve experienced in this “SHINSEKAI”, I’ve gained an understanding of “idol-like work” other than performing.
I’m confident that I can produce results and win next time.
Mika: Where did that confidence come from…? That’s what someone who’s on the brink of ruin after losin’ gamble after gamble would say…
Shuu: Hmph. If this is a gamble, then this will go nowhere unless I start betting. I think we need to increase our current “SSG” before it hits rock bottom.
Mika: Yeah. I wonder if there’s a mission that’s suitable for us.
Tsumugi: “I come bearing good news for you all!”
Mika: Woah, there he is, the support character Tsumu-chan-senpai!
Shuu: Shoo, shoo! Stay away! Be it the real one or the fake one, I don’t have any good memories of getting involved with you!
Tsumugi: “Say what~? Don’t be so harsh. I have good news for you two, you know?”
“You can take on a very easy mission near this log-out spot. It’s a form of aid for those who want to leave but don’t have the money for it.”
“It would be a crime to keep you in ‘SHINSEKAI’ against your wishes, after all. That’s why this loophole exists.”
“And you two have enough money to take on that mission.”
“You’re in luck. If you had just a little bit more, this help mission would not have been triggered.”
Mika: Really? Not havin’ money is the same as losin’ your head, but good things can come to you 'cause of that, huh.
Tsumugi: “Yes! It’s a godsend, in other words! Don’t miss out on this chance! Trust me and take hold of happiness with your own two hands!”
Shuu: That sounds absolutely suspicious hearing that from you, I can feel tears welling up in my eyes.
Mika: What should we do, Onii-chan? It’s rare for such an attractive opportunity to come by, but this is a game…
Tsumugi: “Yes! It’s okay! It’s not fishy at all! This is not a scam!”
Shuu: You’re not saying that on purpose, are you?
Tsumugi: “Actually! This is a mandatory event~! The main intention behind it is to force people who don’t want to leave ‘SHINSEKAI’ to leave!”
Mika: Ohh~ You hear all sorts of stories of gaming addiction, huh. There are people out there who don’t want to return to their realities since there are gloomy stuff and things they don’t like there.
Tsumugi: “Yes! That’s why you can’t ignore the event and no matter how badly you do in it, you’ll receive enough money to leave!”
“It’ll be worth it for you two!”
“And also! Tadaa ☆”
Mika: Ahh, Oshi-san!? T-Tsumu-chan-senpai, why did you throw Oshi-san into the lake? You’re a murderer…!
Tsumugi: “He’s not dead~ I simply sent him back to reality first! Did you know? The lake in this mansion’s garden is the log-out point between reality and the game!”
“First, I’ll throw your companion into the lake and make him leave by force, then that would give you a reason to go after him! That’s how it works~♪”
Mika: It won’t work unless I’m in a unit, though, right?
Tsumugi: “A different event will trigger for those who enter ‘SHINSEKAI’ alone!”
“‘SHINSEKAI’ is still in the testing stage, so it’s not exactly perfect but a lot of thought has been put into designing it.”
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gojixyz69 · 1 year
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My Thoughts: I'm pretty suprised, excited because Frieza is one of my favorite villains of all time and Megatron's pretty cool, so I'm excited, but I have a problem that being the matchup it self, both G1 Megatron and Frieza both other and more better matchups, Frieza has Pyron and Unicron trilogy Megatron how would be better, as G1 Megatron he has Vilgax, but still I'm fine with it so long they give us a good episode.
I'm sorry Transformers fans, but Frieza wins easily, let me explain. First I want to say what Megatron has over Frieza that being intelligence and experience, but that unfortunatlly it, Frieza in his golden form when he returned in T.O.P was equel to SSB Goku and that was the same Goku how fought Zamasu, Hit. Also in the Battle of Gods arc Goku in his SSG form fought Beerus how were creating shock waves that were destroying the universe whitch includes other realms like the kaioshin realm and even the afterlife
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Whitch puts Goku in the beggining of DBS low multiversal, after Goku has gotten much MUCH stronger, meaning Golden Frieza riveled a Goku that more powerful than B.O.G.
And finallly let's talk about Black Frieza, now we don't know how powerfull he is, but he' easily multiversal since he one shoted Gas how wished to be the strongest in the universe and gotten even stronger from Goku and Vegeta, and speacing of he also one shoted them too
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And remember this Goku and Vegeta are far above B.O.G. Goku has was low multiversal and Frieza one shoted them.
So yeah it's likely Frieza wins, now yes there's the IDW comics, but I don't it would matter too much, sorry to say Tranformera fans but it's likely that Frieza wins.
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mirandacaroll · 2 years
okay well who's still up? here are my chaotic THOUGHTS!! (mostly written before i heard M3am)
honestly i dont get why people are so negative but also i do
i like a lot of the production stuff i like the gloomy comfy feel
it's SEXY baby
careerwise i get it it's smart ithink she's on a Path and I support her
it is a bit boring though girl sorry where are the bangers
that being said!!! this album will be SO GREAT on tour!!!!
also while everyone was mad this morning i was just vibing and fantasising about taylor getting sexy with her vocalists during lavender haze like jessie ware did when i saw her live
AND if shes going to continue on this path id MUCH rather have this than another folklore god bless
having a LOT of thoughts about 'my boy was a montage' oofffff good.good(yes! Yess!.jpg)
do you wish you could still touch her???????? helo?
(hey and ummm so Question...? is about k*ssg*te right? right?)
some of the lyric bits truly herendous as usual idk how she does it (a relAxing thought?)
honooble special mention for the sexy baby i guess what the hell taylor
(love the monster though) WHY THE BABY EHY
maroon bridge def reminds me of something but idk whattt (same with 'night i nearly lost you')
lottt of lyric recycling (champgne rosé happenstance blabla i get ittt)
quite a lot of (near)skips that wouldnt be skips if she would stop doing that weird lyric writing thing she keeps doing where she thinks she has to take a 'boring' song that's she's written and add a little spice, a little quirky diary girl thing that doesnt fit AT ALL just to make it more taylor or more orignal or whatever pls i wish she would stop doing that. she doesnt need it at all. you're taylor fucking swift you're good enough as it is baby
(also this sounds like a deep-rooted identity issue that i totally recognize but let's not get into all that!!!!)
still touch her???
not enough true bangers not enough truly soulcrushing moments (no i know she doesnt owe us heartbreak) not enough vocals that are not in her midrange or falsetto i want to SING ALONG
kind of tired of this talkative / mumbling lowkey way of singing but it's on trend or whatever i guess
but also just let her goooo it's like she's simultaneously rushing and holding it in (Jack this is on YOU)
do looooove the low registers yummm
didn't get Hole but for sure got a little bit of mazzy star
lot of late 90s / early 2000s vibes but in a good way like M2M (does anyone remember M2M of 'Don't Say You Love Me' fame?)
also heard Kate Bush and Death Cab
why does she keep repeating little bits of melody too like motifs i get it but i dont want it (is this the end of my endings)
please never stop saying fuck
also that little moan thing she does in karma
kind of waiting for the album to start the entire time im afraid....... like when is the DRAMA starting when are the drums the theatre the dancing the belting the anger the crying (again, written before M3am dropped)
something about the way she pronounces some.of her b/s/z is bugging me (beach)
the d-word was mentioned, good for her honestly
dont like that weird flat beat thing she uses a lot (like the Maroon intro) dont like that it's back
current faves: lavender haze, wouldve couldve fucking shouldve!!!!!!!!!, anti-hero, karma, vigilante shit (sorry its fun) (but if she releases that people are going to say it sounds like 'you should see me in a crown' and they would be right), great war (yes i like the uhuh seW me)
i know this whole album is going to grow on me though its nice to listen to
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risingsouls · 2 years
🦎 + EXTREMELY predictable question from me, but what do you think makes a good transformation in DBZ- design-wise and narrative-wise?
Momo Talks About Shit So She Doesn't Fall Asleep At Work || Open!
[Gotta get the DBZ questions in and I always welcome them. Ask Nebula and Lea; I can talk about this dumbass series for hours (sorry guys).
I can't say I've given this much DEEP thought. I can say without a doubt that SS4 was the best transformation this series has done TO DATE for a million reasons, and does hit a lot of notes that i feel a good transformation in this series should. First, the look alone is TIGHT and interesting to look at. They even made it VARY for each character which I think is HELLA NEAT and just wish there was like an explanation for it (i.e. why vegeta's eyes are blue and goku's yellow? Red fur vs pink fur? Etc.). We got tails again, fur, different eye and fur colors, long hair without going overboard (don't get me wrong; i actually don't mind SS3 TOO much, but it wasn't peak transformation design by any means), and TIDDIES OUT (which isn't a requirement but I definitely enjoy that personally). It is somehow over the top while not being too much all at once and it just WORKS.
It also dove back into the roots of the Saiyan race and the Oozaru form in both appearance and lore which is absolutely *chef's kiss.* I love that the form sank back into OG Saiyan lore while offering something unique and different from what we had already seen in SS to SS3. Barring the stupid ass way Vegeta gets it (don't talk to me I will never not be mad about it ok), Goku had to get his tail back--cringe as that scene is fuck--transform into the Golden Great Ape, AND find a way to control it and harness that power to achieve a new level of power. It also didn't just fully rely on the sort of "get angy" narrative (even if it IS a little deeper than that in actuality) that had sort of driven other transformations while as I said bringing back Saiyan roots. Don't talk to me about thr U6 saiyans on this either gfdi
So, taking that as the example, I guess my answer would be a look that's more interesting than a pallette change like they have been doing with most transformations of late along with the form tying into the lore or background of the character in both appearance and how it's achieved/how it works. They kind of half ass tried the last bit with SSG by retroactively making it a part of Saiyan lore (that Vegeta didn't know but the Namekians did? Make it make sense), but it definitely just...doesn't work. Plus the ritual they have to use (which also makes no sense for Saiyans and clashes with what we know of them, which is MAYBE the point but doesn't make it cute or unique or creative) becomes obsolete by the next arc/movie so...yeah. It's incredibly flimsy and there is no real understanding of what SSG and its subsequent forms even ARE, let alone what god ki even is. Is SSG actually an inherently Saiyan form, or is it just a Saiyan that has harnessed god ki and then transformed while using it? There is nothing clearly defined about the forms (or really even UI and UE, Frieza's forms, etc.) that makes them interesting or feel fleshed out or related to the characters as a whole. It's just.. oh, he's blue now I guess? Kay.
Plus like...give me crazy shit again. Like Cooler's fifth form? Fuck yeah, cool as shit. Cell's transformations? Even clown boi is intriguing and makes you go wtf Gero? Hideous as Super "He Stole My 'Do" 13 is, it's INTERESTING (and again, wtf Gero). Even FRIEZA'S transformations were interesting and looked really neat and felt organic until its just..."lol I picked gold to mock super saiyan haha stupid monkeys" (that form looks stupid BTW Fite me). What's his excuse for Black Frieza? We gonna get edgy emo Frieza who says he chose black like his soul? Heck. I'll give them props because they KIND OF tried design wise with Ultra Ego, but it still lacks real intrigue in that department and has the same disconnect and 🤷‍♀️ feeling the rest of the newer forms have.]
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abrazimir · 4 years
3. & 14.
Mun questions meme! - still accepting
3: Answered!
14. What are five of your favorite ships? (In the rp community or otherwise)
Ok I’m about to get real talkative, we’ll leave the obvious one for last;
Denethor/Finduilas/Aragorn: LISTEN. Listen to me. This ship? God tier. The fucking... angst... the drama... the ‘two men of equal mastery and great competative spirit who both love and cannot stand one another and the woman who rages between them’ is so so good it’s SO good. And Aragorn LEAVES? And the sense of loss and betrayal? And Boromir being two when he DOES? And Finduilas dies far away and when Aragorn returns to a (living) Denethor he both recognises and cannot see the man he knew but it’s PAINFUL loving each other alongside bitter blame and without Finduilas being there for it. It’s painful!! AND COMPELLING.
Tar-Telperien/Ciryatur: In my own very specific version of these characters they are BOTH butch lesbians and Ciryatur is a he/they lesbian who has like... another name because Ciryatur is a title but ALSO he just kinda takes that title as his full name because it just WORKS for him so well so he’s always just called Ciryatur. And they are just... an unfathomable power couple in the time just before Numenor went south. Tar-Telperien not wanting to reinforce the resentment festering within Numenor for their elven friends by asking her people to die for them, Ciryatur agreeing, but when she finally relents she still goes and does an incredible job. The COMPETANCY the LESBIANISM the QUEEN WHO CAN CHOOSE WHICHEVER LIFE PARTNER SHE WISHES AND NO ONE CAN SAY SHIT ABOUT IT so she goes down in history as ‘willful’ and ‘too proud’ I’m obsessed and here’s some art
Imrahil/Theoden: Listen, I can’t help how I react to the fact that Imrahil cried out in grief at the sight of Theoden’s body and the pall bearers actually paused for him to collapse at his side and weep with grief and then, still in tears, for him to rush over to Eowyn and discover that she’s still breathing in a kind of desperate yet commanding way. I CANNOt HELP but think about Imrahil and Theoden as young men and I cannot help but think of Theoden, alone and grief stricken after Elfhild’s death needing comfort. And I also will not stop thinking about it either. 
Gandalf/Glorfindel: no listen to me ok yes I know I KNOW BUT LISTEN, I swear this isn’t a crackship, this is entirely Lord of the Rings Online’s fault, spoilers for the most recent expansion- LOTRO creates this huge overarching plot that follows Glorfindel and his ‘Bright Company’ who were heroes in the last alliance and in the new expansion you go TOO the last alliance timeline. And you meet Glorfindel and his bright company and this elf Lendellen who’s in it. Glorfindel and Lendellen literally flirt with each other during the whole expansion, Lendellen is bashful around Glorfindel when in general he’s a fucking orc murdering machine that lusts for blood and is not ashamed of it. Glorfindel goes SO soft when Lendellen compliments him. Basically they’re fucking. Then Lendellen is needed to destroy this big stone at the top of Barad Dur or they’re all done for. The bright company all infiltrate the tower but when you, Glorfindel and Lendellen arrive Sauron’s up there. Lendellen still manages to destroy the stone but he’s captured before he can flee and Glorfindel doesn’t notice until it’s too late. Well it turns out!! Lendellen was a previous incarnation of Gandalf! And he was captured and tortured by Sauron for decades, and when he finally died the Valar wanted him to return but he was too traumatised too! So they BRAIN WIPED him and sent him back! And when Glorfindel recognised him he realised that Gandalf didn’t remember their time together and so he did not mention it in case he brought back those traumatic memories. But this is the canon reason why Gandalf is so reluctant to face Sauron up close, he is still instinctually too afraid of what he KNOWS might happen! AND GLORFINDEL HAS HELD THIS LOVING SECRET, SILENTLY PINING AFTER GANDALF AND BEFRIENDING HIM ALL OVER AGAIN FOR 2000 YEARS. SSG MADE ME CARE ABOUT GANDALF, THIS IS ENTIRELY THEIR FAULT, PLAY LOTRO.
Boromir/Theodred: Of course! The obvious one. They’re the exact same age, they have so much in common, they die for the same reasons, with the same sentiments, they love their countries and accept that in one another, they know not to deny each other pain, the way it enhances both of their stories, the way it slips into present canon like a glove, the way they are each other’s narrative parallel and how inherently homoerotic that is, the fact that their love for one another can mirror the love their countries have for each other, the fact that they’re just... the two reliable backbones with this life and this passion that none of their younger family members have any idea about, by their own design, but they finally crumble together and those youngers have to pick up their loads, and then later on they discover so much more of the burdens they had to carry, and everyone grows and it’s just life... and... and... and in some universe they get to find each other again... and then become the anchor between their life of war and their life of peace that they can build on, a happiness that remains good and can guide them into a new age with each other........................... I’m fine. 
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mechawaka · 4 years
SSG snippet
since there’s no DoD chapter this week, here’s the first scene of a yet-incomplete extra chapter of Sunset c:
disclaimers: unedited. no typing was done in the posting of this snippet
“Oh? Leaving so soon?”
Hilda’s leaning casually up against the gear lockers, relaxed in both voice and posture, the very image of innocence-
But Byleth knows an ambush when she sees one. She and Claude have been leaving summer practice at the same time - on the same days, for the same reasons - for over a moon now, and Hilda’s never brought it up before.
“Yes,” Byleth says warily, slinging her bag over one shoulder. “We’re going to see Felix and Sylvain.”
Claude seems to have picked up on Hilda’s act, too, because he taps Byleth’s arm and jerks his head toward the doors. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”
She gladly follows his lead, hoping to cleanly escape the situation, but there’s no such luck; Hilda pops up between them, as bright and cheerful as a meadow daisy.
“Right,” she says, dripping sweetness, “the exchange students. From Morfis.”
Byleth really wishes she’d come up with a better cover for them, regretting the blurted excuse for a time beyond counting. Claude is the experienced fast-talker; he would have woven something infinitely more believable. 
Looking back on it, that was probably why Hilda had cornered her for an answer instead.
“Yup,” Claude confirms, shooting Byleth an irritated glance as they exit the gym.
“The exchange students that never come to campus-” Hilda drapes an arm around both of her friends. It’s an ostensibly normal gesture, but Byleth feels strangely like she’s just been handcuffed, “-who have no cell phones or social media presence, and whose faces I haven’t seen since you two ditched me at a party?”
Byleth chews on her lip, subdued; it seems that, despite profuse apologies and many, many smoothies, Hilda still hasn’t forgiven that particular stunt. Inside the other arm-yoke, Claude looks similarly cowed.
“Hey, I have an idea,” Hilda says, and her airy tone almost has Byleth believing the suggestion is actually spur-of-the-moment. “Why don’t the five of us meet for dinner somewhere?”
Byleth’s shoe catches on the next segment of sidewalk; she stumbles, physically and mentally, as the implications of Hilda’s question really sink in.
She and Claude have discussed this before, of course - the possibility of Hilda meeting Felix and Sylvain at some point. While they agree it’ll have to happen eventually - or else Hilda might explode into a rain of suspicious confetti - they also agree that Felix and Sylvain wouldn’t last five minutes under her honed scrutiny.
Even so, it hurts them both to keep Hilda out of the loop. Usually, the three of them share everything with each other; this new firewall is probably hurting Hilda, too - and so, given this opportunity, Byleth relents.
“Sure,” she says.
The gears spinning behind Claude’s friendly, shallow smile screech to a visible halt, twisting up his face in the process. “Whoa- really?”
Hilda squeals and pulls out her phone, typing something furiously into the browser and then shoving it in Byleth’s face. “Great! I’ve had my eye on this place for a while. What do you think? It’s got excellent reviews-”
Byleth gently pushes the bright white screen down and away. “No restaurants or public areas.” She uses her authoritative teaching voice, hoping it’ll drill the point home. “And not tonight; we still need to talk to them.”
Hilda nods along agreeably, unfazed by the hurdle. “In that case, we can use my house. Oh, Claude,” she adds with a sideways smirk, “don’t look so nervous. This is your perfect chance to convince me they’re not in the mafia.”
The trio stops at the parking lot, their natural splitting off point. From here, Byleth’s apartment is a ten-minute walk down the beach, while her ritzy friends must drive across town to their ritzy abodes.
“They’re not in the mafia,” Claude says flatly, rolling his eyes back to Byleth. “Teach, are you sure about this?”
Byleth’s not sure about anything; Hilda’s proposition sounds like it could easily turn to disaster. However, she thinks that will be a true statement no matter how much time passes - and if not now, then when?
“No,” she finally answers, flashing him a thumbs-up.
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Super Movie 1: Broly (2/2)
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Last time, Frieza was planning a trip to Earth to make a wish on the Dragon Balls, when Cheelai and Leemo showed up with a new recruit, Broly.   Now they’re hanging out in the mess hall of Frieza’s ship, and the strongest guy on the crew is drunkenly creeping on Cheelai.  I guess that lady in the background already shot him down, or he has a thing for the green ladies.
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I like this part where Leemo tries to defuse the situation noviolently.   He’s not a fighter, and even if he were, he probably wouldn’t stand a chance here, but he’s lived his whole life surrounded by super-strong guys, and he knows how to make due with what he has.    It doesn’t work here, but it adds a lot to this scene.
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Anyway, I don’t think you need me to tell you how this turns out.   Broly steps in, and he overpowers whatsisface in two seconds.   This is especially ironic in the U.S. dub, where Broly was voiced by notorious sex pest Vic Mignogna.   I kind of wonder what was going through his mind when he did this scene, except he probably didn’t even know the context.    They just told him to grunt and yell.   Still, he must have watched the movie at some point, right?  
Like how would he not make the connection that he’s the grey dude in this scenario, and Broly is getting major babyface heat by standing up for Cheelai?   Like, this whole scene was created to make Broly sympathetic, especially compared to his original 1993 incarnation.    Good guys respect women, bad guys harass them.    Did the point just sail over his head?  He was probably all: “Gosh, Broly should have stayed out of this, and donated money to the grey man for his defamation lawsuit against Cheelai.”
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Oh, who am I kidding, he probably spent the whole movie staring at Cheelai’s boobs.  Or the nearest woman in the theater.
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Anyway, Paragus thinks Broly’s getting out of hand, so he uses the shock collar to settle him down.    Cheelai and Leemo are outraged (again), but Paragus insists that it’s necessary to keep Broly from going nuts and killing them all.   
I’m a bit conflicted about the collar.   It’s clearly a replication of the mind-control tiara Paragus used on Broly in the DBZ movie, but this is much simpler in design.   Just an electric shock, nothing more.    I like the simplicity of it.  
However, I also liked the mind-control tiara.    It looked stylish, and I liked the mystery of how it worked and where Paragus got it from.   There was that scene in Movie 8 where he had an alien henchman run a diagnostic on the device, but there’s no telling if that guy built it or if he’s just the closest thing Paragus could find to an expert.  There was a mystique about the thing, which the shock collar just does away with entirely.   I’m not sure whether that’s a good thing or not.
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But it probably serves this plot better, because Cheelai picks Paragus’ pocket while they talk, and she stomps the controller after he leaves.    Probably would have been harder to make this work with a magic device like that arm thing Paragus used to make the tiara work.   
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Paragus gets summoned to Frieza’s chamber again, so while he’s gone, Broly hangs out with his new pals in... I guess a cargo room?     He thinks ordinary water is delicious, to give you an idea of how rough it was for him growing up on Vampa.   He then explains the fuzzy green thing around his waist, which always reminds me of the bathmat at my grandmother’s house.   Paragus used to make Broly provoke a giant green animal on Vampa as a training exercise, until eventually they became friends.     Broly named it “Ba” after the noise it made.  Paragus disapproved of their friendship, so he shot Ba’s ear off to piss him off good, and put a stop to that.   Broly never saw Ba again, so he kept the ear as a memento, and that’s what he’s been wearing this whole time. 
See, I like this better than Broly’s Movie 8 outfit, because it has a backstory.   I think Ba’s ear was conceived as a way to give Broly a wrap like the red one worn by the original, but someone, probably Toriyama, wanted there to be something more to it. 
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Anyway, this tale pretty much defines Paragus and Broly’s relationship.   Paragus seems to genuinely care about the boy, but his main objective is for Broly to become as strong as possible so that he can prove King Vegeta was wrong to exile them.    In pursuit of this goal, Paragus has micro-managed Broly to the point where he has almost no freedom at all.   Cheelai suspect that Broly doesn’t even enjoy fighting, which sounds pretty extreme for a Saiyan, but she might be right.  I’d like to think this version of Broly would enjoy fighting, but not the way Paragus has been handling things.
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Meanwhile, the good guys arrive at the ice continent to find the seventh Dragon Ball.   Frieza’s goons stole the first six and the Dragon Radar, so it doesn’t take long for Goku and Vegeta to track them down.    Here, we see them in their cute cold weather gear.    I don’t get how those coats do a damn thing in the antarctic, but I love Bulma’s spacesuit-looking thing.  
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So they find the two goons, and one of them looks like an alien John Banner from Hogan’s Heroes.    They’re terrified of Goku because he’s breathing hard on the glass of their ship.   I’d be more worried about him doing a pressed fruit basket on the glass.
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Luckily for them, they radioed Frieza about finding the seventh ball right before Goku showed up, so Frieza comes to the rescue.  They banter for a while, but the big story everyone wants to know about is Frieza’s backup.   He introduces Paragus and Broly, and Frieza’s plan is to have Broly do all the fighting, and he’ll let them kill Vegeta as long as he gets to finish off Goku.
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So Vegeta and Broly start us off.   Broly does reasonably okay, but Vegeta seems to have the upper hand the whole time, and then he turns Super Saiyan, which freaks Paragus out, because he didn’t even know that was a thing.    That bums Frieza out, because I guess he assumed Broly could do it too?  Why would he think that?   I mean, he turns out to be right later, but he should know that not just any Saiyan can pull that off. 
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Moreover, Vegeta can transform further than this.   People made a big to-do about this part, where he uses the Super Saiyan God form Goku used in Movie 14, but I don’t know, it doesn’t seem like that big a deal to me.     I mean, Super Saiyan Blue is better, and Vegeta knows how to do that one, so what’s the difference?  I mean, I’m the guy who really wanted to see Vegeta use Super Saiyan 3 a long time ago, so I get why this is a big deal for people, but it doesn’t mean much to me personally.   
At any rate, Vegeta seems disgusted with Broly’s performance, but I think it says a lot that he managed to hold out this long against Super Saiyan God Vegeta.
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Around this point, Paragus tries to call Broly off, but he can’t, because he doesn’t have the remote to use the shock collar.  I’m not sure I understand what was supposed to happen if he still had it.   Was Frieza going to fight Goku and Vegeta by himself?  Was he going to just quietly withdraw and leave the Dragon Balls behind? 
Also, I’d just like to take this time to point out that Paragus looks really dumb here.   He looked cool at the start of the movie, when he was younger and looked more like his 1993 design, but then they dressed him in this green and purple number, and the pink shower curtain looks really dumb.    Also, I hate how they lightened his skin tone in this movie.  At least they brought back Dameron Clarke to play him in the dub.     I really like Paragus, and he’s mostly okay in this movie, but he’s nowhere near as cool as the ‘93 version.
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As for the fight, Broly somehow gets a second wind, and holds of Vegeta, even in his god form.   Paragus suggests that Broly has somehow tapped into the Oozaru power Saiyans have when they turn into giant apes.   Except Broly’s tail was cut off at a young age, so he hasn’t turned into a giant ape in years.     Paragus seems to think that Broly’s body is using that power anyway, but without the transformation turning him into a big, bulky ape, there’s nothing to slow down his movements.   
Also, Broly is glowing green when he does this, so maybe the implication is that this was what every version of Broly has been doing, and I guess Kale too.    I’ve also seen it suggested that this ties into Super Saiyan 4 somehow.    I mean, it makes sense, because you have to be a Super Saiyan and a Giant Ape at the same time to go SSJ4, and then you shrink down into a humanoid state, with the powers of both.  Broly’s doing it in a different order, but maybe he’s worked out something similar?  
The thing is, I don’t really buy Oozaru power as a useful thing.   This franchise retired the concept thirty years ago, save for a brief comeback in Dragon Ball GT.   Hell, they didn’t even show anyone turning into a giant ape in this movie, which seems to rely onthe concept quite a bit.   If Great Ape power was so hot, why don’t they just go all in and use it?    The implication of DBZ was that, past a point, it just stops mattering, and when Goku and Vegeta became powerful enough, the form became obsolete.   But somehow Broly’s using it and he’s strong enough to throw hands with god-Saiyans.  Or maybe Paragus is completely wrong about all of this, and he’s only guessing Oozaru stuff for lack of a better explanation.  
I mean, I don’t want to rain on anyone’s parade.    There’s SSJ4 fans who really like how this movie teased at the form, and that’s great lore, even if this is as far as it goes, but it doesn’t mean that much to me.  Personally, I’m more into how Goku used the term “base form” in the script.   As in: Broly is holding off Vegeta, even in his base form.   I’m pretty sure that’s the first time it’s been used in official material.
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So then Goku decides to jump in, using his base form as well, which I find pretty dumb, since Broly was beating up Vegeta in SSG mode a minute ago.    This sort of teeters on the brink of GT Logic.   I really prefer the way things were in the Cell Saga, where no one would even try to fight Cell or the androids until they were comfortably transformed.    I mean, why would you not?  
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Goku uses Super Saiyan Classic for a bit, then he ramps up to his own Nacho Cheese form, and he manages to subdue Broly for a hot minute.   He tries to reason with the guy, saying that he isn’t all that bad, so why not make peace.   Notably, when Goku tells Broly he doesn’t have to listen to those bad guys at the ship, it makes Paragus really nervous, like he’s terrified that someone will tell Broly that and he’ll actually listen.
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But then Broly powers up and fights his way out of it, and starts taking control of the battle again.   
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The weaker bad guys lift off to get clear of the battle, while Frieza and Paragus remain behind to watch.    Cheelai is frustrated that Broly is being used to fight this sort of battle, even though he happens to be doing pretty well so far.   
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Piccolo contacts Goku telepathically about this situation, and Goku plans to teleport to Piccolo’s location if things go south.    But first...
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... he turns Super Saiyan Blue and tries to fight Broly that way.  
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And this is where the movie uses a bunch of CGI stuff, like like in Battle of Gods and Resurrection F.   The graphics look better, like something out of Fighter Z instead of Raging Blast 2, but it still looks dumb.   What Toei doesn’t seem to understand is that this stuff ages really poorly.   This movie’s not even a year old, and it already stands out.    It’s not about improving the graphics, either.  The problem is that the poses look so robotic and lifeless.   This is especially true for this movie, where most of the animation is so fluid and expressive.   
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For example.
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During this part of the fight, the land gets torn up, exposing the magma below, and Paragus begins to wonder if King Vegeta had been right all along.  Maybe Broly really is too dangerous, and sending him to Vampa was the best thing for everyone.  As it is, Goku Blue is winning, and Broly is too far gone to realize that he needs to stop fighting.    Without the remote, Paragus can only stand by and watch his son get killed.
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But Frieza isn’t giving up yet.   Once he’s certain that Broly has no more miracles in him...
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... he kills Paragus himself, and calls out to Broly to make sure he sees what’s happened.  
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And that causes Broly to flip out and turn Super Saiyan himself.   I guess this is just Super Saiyan 1, and not some nutty alternate form, but the point is that Broly was doing very well in his regular state, so any transformation on top of that makes him unstoppable.   Goku tries to hang in there, but then Vegeta jumps in and tells him that he can’t possibly win alone.    
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So they try hitting him with a Kamehameha/Gallic Gun combo, but that does nothing...
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... then they lead him directly towards Frieza, and Broly attacks him instead, because I guess he’s not picky at this point.   
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Then they teleport to Piccolo.   Goku’s plan now is to use the Fusion Technique, but he needs Piccolo to coach them because Vegeta’s never done it before.
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Okay, so a couple of problems I have with this part.   First, I really don’t like the idea of Broly vs. Gogeta being a thing.   I first saw this idea in the opening credits for Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3, and it always annoyed me because I never cared for the idea of Broly as such a powerful threat that only fusion could beat him.    Broly’s deal is that he’s an evil Super Saiyan, so my preferred scenario is for Goku or Vegeta to beat him solo.  
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Second, I’m not wild about how this movie tries to do Broly, Gogeta, and Bardock as a combination platter.   The Bardock stuff works reasonably well, since Broly’s origin story takes place when Bardock was around, and Dragon Ball Minus was already written.   And Broly was a non-canon concept, so revamping him for this wasn’t a terrible idea.    But throwing Gogeta in too just feels like pandering to me.    For years, Fathom Events has been screening DBZ features in theaters, and they always seem to go for “Bardock: Father of Goku”, “Fusion Reborn”, and “Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan.”   I feel like a Cooler movie made the cut once, but that was a long time ago.    The point is that someone in charge seems to consider those three specials to be the most popular or best ones, and it feels an awful lot like this DBS movie is trying to cash in on that.  
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And I can’t blame Toei for wanting to combine three popular titles, but it just feels a little too convenient.   Fans saw Gogeta coming, because they noticed the lineup Fathom Events had before this movie premiered, and they knew Broly and Bardock would be in this one, so it got them thinking Gogeta would make an appearance as well.  
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With Bardock, you can make a case that this version is an improvement over the “Father of Goku” version.  And Broly may be better off this way than the 1993 version of the character.   But this take on Gogeta isn’t nearly as fun or cool as “Fusion Reborn”.    The boys just leave the battlefield and drill the Fusion dance until they get it right.    How does that make any sense?  
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Don’t get me wrong, it’s funny how Frieza gets the shit beat out of him for over and hour, but how does that make sense at all?  
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I mean, Golden Frieza couldn’t beat Goku or Vegeta in the last movie, so how can he survive against a guy who was taking them both on at the same time?  For an hour?   How did Frieza survive this?  
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Really, longer than that, because Gogeta takes a minute to decide what to call himself.   It’s a cute moment, but still.   Part of what makes Fusion Reborn so awesome was that Goku had to convince Vegeta and teach him the fusion in the middle of the battlefield.    When they screwed it up, Janemba kept trying to kill them while they tried to deal with it.  This movie sucks all of that tension away.    
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There is a part where Broly goes after Whis and can’t hit him, so maybe Whis kept the big guy busy for a while, but I dunno.   Anyway, Gogeta teleports in and promises to handle the rest.   
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Bulma looks really cute here, by the way.
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So yeah, Gogeta goes Super Saiyan and they fight so hard that it opens up a dimensional rift or something...
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I don’t know what the idea here was, but it’s trippy and I like it, I guess.
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Anyway, Gogeta goes Blue and punches Broly hard enough that they go back to the real world.  
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But this screencap pretty well sums it up.   A blue guy and a green guy shooting green and blue shit at each other.   
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Gogeta even uses the Stardust Breaker from Movie 12, but Broly survives, even though Gogeta’s at Super Saiyan Blue.   I gotta be honest, this is just a bit too wacky for me.  
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Meanwhile, Cheelai and Leemo steal the Dragon Balls and summon Shenron.   She forces whatsisname to tell them how to make the wish, but it turns out you can just ask Shenron directly, so it’s not that complicated.  
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See, the big twist of this movie, which is really what holds all of this together, is that Broly’s not the villain after all.   He’s the victim here, and that puts things in a whole other light now that Gogeta is turning the tables on him.   When I found out this movie would come down to Broly vs. Gogeta, I wondered how evenly matched they would be, but since Broly is sympathetic, it changes the equation.   Gogeta can just whale on the guy, and it doesn’t matter, because the real suspense is whether Cheelai can save Broly before it’s too late.
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As Gogeta prepares a finishing blast, Cheelai wishes for Broly to be sent back to Vampa, and Shenron does it.   Vampa sucks, but at least Broly is safe here.
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Then Leemo and Cheelai fly out of here to save themselves.  Frieza tries to blast them out of the sky.   Why didn’t he stop them before they made their wish?   Also, why didn’t Shenron offer to grant two more wishes? 
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In any case, Gogeta stops Frieza from killing them, and he shrugs Gogeta off and prepares to leave.   Gogeta just... stands there and lets him?    Why?   Vegeta has always wanted Frieza dead, and Goku learned the hard way in the last movie.    This is dumb.   
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Meanwhile, Beerus has done absolutely jack shit through this whole movie and he’s very pleased about it.  
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In space, Cheelai plans to drop Leemo off somewhere and then head for Vampa.   She figures she’s a fugitive from the GP and the Frieza Force, so it’s about the only place left for her to go.    This definitely has nothing to do with the generous bulge in Broly’s tights, no sir.  
But Leemo wants to tag along, since he figures he doesn’t have much going for him either.  
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Frieza knows that they’re all together on Vampa, but he decides to leave them be for now.   He seems to think they can make Broly stronger and better able to control his power, and that suits him for... some reason.
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This line confuses me.  Is he saying he wants another nemesis, in addition to Goku and Vegeta?   Or is he saying that he wants a potential ally to help him defeat Goku and Vegeta?   Or something else altogether?
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On Vampa, Cheelai and Leemo are starting to realize what they’ve signed on for here.   The only food on the planet is bitter, and everything is trying to kill them.
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Then Goku just teleports into their cave and gives them a capsule house full of provisions.   He even gives them a couple of senzu beans.
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Cheelai is suspicious of Goku, but he explains that he just wants them to be safe and healthy, because he wants to fight Broly again sometime.    After all, it took nothing less than Gogeta Blue to beat him, so he must be a worthy opponent.  
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Cheelai still regards Goku as an enemy, but he doesn’t particularly care, since he can find them wherever they go, and Broly seems happy with the idea of fighting with him for funsies.  
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So Cheelai lightens up a bit and thanks him.   Then they ask Goku his name, because they never heard who this guy is or what he’s all about.  
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So he says that he’s Son Goku... and Kakarot.   I like the dub version better, where he specifically says “Broly... call me Kakarot.”   Either way, I like this ending, because “Kakarot” was Broly’s catchphrase in the 90′s, and he never says it once in this movie, because he never heard the name until this point.  So that’s pretty cool.
But more importantly, I like this as character development for Goku, who once bitterly rejected his Saiyan heritage, including his birth name.   Now, it looks like he’s come around on that, to the point where he wants other Saiyans to call him Kakarot.   It works well with my personal canon that Saiyans view this as a matter of honor.   Vegeta knows he goes by “Son Goku”, but he thinks it would be more insulting to call him that, even if that’s his preference.
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And that’s the movie.   All in all, a pretty good one, probably one of the best, but not as good as my favorites.   I think it would have been better if they had used new concepts and characters instead of mining the past for ideas.   A different Saiyan could have played the Broly role just fine, but they went with Broly because of his popularity.    Some other power could have been used to defeat him, but they went with fusion because it was popular.    It get the reasoning, but I can’t help but notice how Cheelai became the breakout star of this thing, and everyone loves Cheelai and she just might be the most popular thing to come out of this movie, and lo and behold, she’s a wholly original idea.  It just makes you wonder what else they might have come up with if they hadn’t stopped with her.   
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rubykgrant · 5 years
What if, way back during the Freeza Saga, Vegeta had a chance to gain and receive immortality by the Namekian Dragon before Guru died (his death rendering the Namekian Dragon Balls useless)? What would be the outcome of Vegeta receiving his wish? Also, do you see Vegeta becoming more arrogant than before in the AU than in canon (I can imagine that being the case as well as him referring himself as The Immortal Prince)?
OH, Vegeta actually being made immortal would have turned his arrogance levels WAY UP (*insert over 9000 joke here). He probably would have immediately killed Freeza and start informing any remaining members of his force that Vegeta is in charge now. Because he has a twisted sense of humor, Vegeta would probably tell Krillin, Gohan, and the Namekians that were still alive that since they “helped” him get his wish, he would spare their planets, and the proceed to fly around space to antagonize other worlds with his ability to not die.
Ironically, this means Goku never goes SS, so Vegeta never gets a rivalry-complex going. Why should he, Kakarot can’t do anything to defeat him now, and as far as Vegeta is concerned, he’s already become a Super Saiyan. Everybody else goes back to earth and figures out how to help Namek and wish pack various dead people. No Vegeta there means no Trunks, so the whole Android/Cell saga would paly out slightly the same as my “Future Gohan” AU, but perhaps with a twist; faced with the idea of unstopable androids and a evil creature from the future made from the DNA of the strongest people around, the heroes might try and call-in some outside help...
Vegeta would probably only agree to come and deal with Cell once he learned that this thing had some of his own DNA, so Mr Immortal shows up, taunts Cell and the Androids like he does originally, but this time they can’t kill him... the problem is, he might not be able to die, but he still feels pain, and he isn’t strong enough to just blow them away. Gohan still winds up being the one who saves the day, and this is a little bit of a slap-in-the-face to Vegeta; future Gohan managed to unlock SS (in this scenario, Goku only managed to do it while training with his son after recovering), and now little Gohan has done it as well. Vegeta does NOT like being left out
In terms of the Buu saga, Vegeta probably just went back into space because everybody on earth ticks him off, so he isn’t there to go Majin ect, but everybody manages to get through it OK. At some point out there, Vegeta finds that he’s become incredibly bored. He’s immortal, he can take over any galaxy he wants, but there is no challenge in this. As much as he hated getting taken down a notch, the last time he had any real excitement was when he was on earth. He throws a rage-fit over this, which finally turns him SS, so he goes back to earth and show it off. Let’s say Super is happening now
The God of Destruction shows up demanding a fight with the Legendary Super Saiyan God, and Vegeta’s like “Well, that’s probably me”, and he really is the strongest at this point (plus the whole not-dying thing makes him the best bet to save everybody). He gets to be the center of attention here and go SSG, and Vegeta strangely likes the idea of having everybody depend on him. This just feeds his ego and makes him nearly impossible to talk to, because every conversation turns into a rant about how amazing he is. Somehow he and Bulma actually hook-up at this point, and a kid actually happens (I guess Bulla. sorry Trunks). 
Vegeta lets being immortal and having god-like powers go to his head, and he probably decides to fly around to challenge various other dieties so he can be the most impressive one of all, but this is when it comes back to bite him; wrecking so many planets and causing so much trouble means pretty much everybody in the universe hates his guts, so various enemies are trying to figure out how to get rid of him. When they can’t get to him directly, they target his family, and Vegeta has to actually think about the fact that he has “feelings” for other people. AFter a lot of conflict, he finally agrees to something that involves him no longer being a space tyrant, but will be more like an on-call warrior for when things get out of hand (he’s upset he has to do this, but it turns out to be something that makes him happy). Being responsible for the life of his child, several planets, and pretty much the whole universe kinda has the effect of softening his aggressive edge. He still likes how important he is, but now he’s got a half-way decent sense of duty about things, and the people around him have actually accepted him as a kinda-sorta-friend. He’s still an a-hole, but now he’s an a-hole with a purpose
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aotopmha · 6 years
In the end, I couldn't resist watching Broly again until the Blu-Ray and DVD were out.
Yeah, I definitely really like the character and theme stuff in there.
It makes me happy that it didn't end up just being pretty-looking fights with a good soundtrack. I had faith it would be good because I thought the ToP was a pretty big improvement for Super in many aspects already.
I'll make this post more about the themes of the story, also, I will be going into spoilers here.
So, it's a movie about how important the connections we have with others are to us as human beings and how they shape us and how the enivornment we live in shapes us. It explores that notion through Broly the most.
The Power of Friendship/Family rocks!
I think this is what the original Super Saiyan transformation was about, but this gives it a different kind of spin because the one Broly cares about isn't really a good guy and uses him.
That's what makes Broly's character work so well and holds the movie together in my eyes - his care for his horrible father and attempt at making a friend and losing that friend specifically make him human to me.
The Saiyans are still just another race despite their inclination for battle and I really like how the movie made the image of them much more diverse. There isn't such a thing as an "evil race".
Broly's father is awful, but you also get why he does what he does, same goes for King Vegeta and I really dig villains/antagonists that you get, but are still 100% bad guys, something Dragon Ball doesn't do much.
I think it all works in the context of what we know about the Saiyans, how much they value strength and how important class is for them.
Despite being kind of quick, Broly's Super Saiyan transformation was really effective for me the second time around and it's all because I felt the context for it was set up superbly. The subtle almost-crying scream just really made it work.
If this whole throughline wasn't there, the movie probably would be another sort of bland action-fest like Resurrection F was for me.
I think the funniest bit about this is that Bulma's and Freeza's wishes kind of tie into this theme. They are motivated by the perception others have of them.
It helps that, again, I really liked the interactions between Chirai, Lemo and Broly and I really liked basically everything Goku did in it.
Goku's father also matters to this theme because if it weren't for him, Goku wouldn't be alive.
Goku's importance is more thematic here than anything - to the point he basically says it out loud. "Don't follow bad people."
The movie's about how the people around us influence and shape us and looking at those we know with an critical eye. After all, in the end nobody has the right to choose our fate for us.
Broly is sympathetic because he clings on to the one connection in his whole life he has had and tried to look for others, but the other one he found wasn't allowed to last.
I still think the beginning drags and the fighting takes too long, but the movie just has a very consistent and strong emotional center to me.
By the time Gogeta was serious and beating up Broly, I wanted him to be saved. The framing around that fight was really good to me because both had good reasons for fighting and the story knew this and gave that emotionally satisfying ending with Chirai saving Broly by the end.
I have a different interpretation of the end scene wIth Goku this time around. I didn't really see the parallels I thought there seemed to be between him and Broly on my first viewing.
I think he went to help Broly because he thought he was a great opponent and learned before the fight that he lived in pretty bad conditions. That is simple.
It's him introducing himself as Kakarot that made me think a little, but as I said above, I think he did so because the Saiyans in U7 are gone outside of basically himself and Vegeta and their children. He simply found a new connection through his race, as well as finding a new opponent and we get another confirmation that Goku has accepted his Saiyan heritage (which wasn't as big of a deal in the manga, but I think it still works), which is neat.
The U6 Saiyans have their own separate thing going and they didn't meet Goku again after their fight, so it's a little different with them, but I do think Goku might introduce himself as Kakarot to them at some point, too.
I still think it's not a great movie, but I liked it.
Out of all the DB movies I've seen, I think on my second viewing, I'd say in terms of plain sheer fun Fusion Reborn and Battle of Gods still top it, but it has some real strong character work and a solid throughline backing it that most of the DB movies don't.
Most of them aren't really about anything and if they are, they tend to be contradicted, so how good they are mostly depends on how fun the characters and how pretty the fights are.
Fusion Reborn isn't really about anything, but the characters are really fun and it looks great. The settings and fights are really inventive and cool.
Bojack rehashes Gohan's character arc, but bails out of showing him stand on his own when Goku saves him, so it's just a literal rehash that does nothing new. But I like it for giving the other characters besides Goku and Vegeta some time to shine.
Resurrection F is about taking responsibility, but it doesn't really work because Whis fixes everything, not Goku.
I think Dead Zone is kind of about not being vengeful so it kind of has a theme and I like Kami and Piccolo getting in on the action, but nothing in it really actually makes me care beyond "oh, this action scene looks cool".
The first Broly movie is a big pile of pretty good looking bland stupidity. Broly's motivations make no sense, him and Paragus surviving makes no sense and Goku suddenly defeating him makes no sense and everything inbetween is just mindless fight scenes.
Battle of Gods was about putting your personal wishes aside for those you care about, but mostly held up by the really strong characterization. 100% still my favorite DB movie.
I haven't really seen any of the others again (and some of them only partially or bot at all), but I have no desire to see the other two Broly movies, Android 13 was dull from what I saw. I was also bored by what I saw of The World's Strongest.
I remember bits of Cooler and Cooler's Revenge, but both were just a Namek rehash with no bits that actually made me care. I remember the Turles movie being a similar rehash of the Saiyan saga.
Huh, I think I actually have seen more of the movies as a kid as I thought I had.
I think Tapion's the only DB movie I have any desire to still check out at some point and one of the few I don't remember ever seeing.
So yeah, I think DBS Broly is definitely up there just because of how likeable/complex the characters are, if nothing else. A lot of the movies are just really bland.
I'm probably going to revisit it again just for that Goku vs. Broly scene, especially the SSG part. Great and interesting character/theme moment, great action scene in terms of using technique and martial arts.
There's a lot of screaming, but the big screaming moments have power because of the context behind them.
So yeah, still think it's a good movie second time around.
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thebuttsmcgee · 6 years
Do you got any gripes with Super? Imo it's better than GT and OG but not as good as Z.
Yo! Thanks for the ask anon! As for the question, well yea I'd say I gotta couple gripes with Super, tho I'll be talkin bout the anime only since the manga is a whole nother thing itself. P much everythin before the U6vsU7 arc wasn't all that great. A popular statement you'll hear a lot is "BOG/ROF were better in the movies" which I gotta agree with. Super had some pretty good moments in those arcs like Gotenks and Ginyu/Tagoma in ROF, Goku having more God form time, kid Vegeta with actual bangs and the first 5 minutes of ep1 but overall they weren't as enjoyable as the movies. Everythin beyond that is way better. Not perfect tho. But to be fair I wouldn't say any of DB is perfect, even if it is my most favorite series of all. A lotta people complain about Goku's character in Super is way too childish or naive and I can see why they say that, at points he does act a bit too dumb. Like never havin kissed or how he was in the BOG arc but other than that and some other moments, I don't think he's too far off. Admittedly tho, it is kinda hard to compare Super Goku to OG-Z Goku since those were written by Mr. Toriyama himself instead of multiple writers given a draft of what Mr. Toriyama gave for Super. Wow this is gunna be long aint it. Anyway Super had p bad pacing in the beginning too, the U6vsU7 arc was okay, GB was good in the beginnin but slowly began to pace too quick while the other main arcs had not too bad ones. The animation was horrendous in BOG an ROF, U6vsU7 was okay but the GB arc and forward was when the animation really started to get good. I saw a translated tweet by someone tho who said the studio at Toei wasn't in really good condition and weren't treated too well besides the occasional "do your best!" by a higher up employee. Which was why Broly looks so great, cuz they had a good and healthier workplace than regular Super did. Super also had some okay music, but not as good as Z. There's shinin moments where the music really pops out but for the most part it's not too memorable. I would talk about power-scalin but that's a can of worms I do NOT wanna open lmao. All I will say is that at this point, both Goku can definitely beat Beerus on a 1 on 1. Jiren isn't bad exactly, but he's very bland. Zamasu was good but I wish they coulda expanded upon his descent to madness. The Lesbiyains are great but I think we need more time with them to say they have great characters. The U6 warriors besides Cabba, Hit, and The Lesbiyains need way more uniqueness bout em (even tho I love Magetta). What was THAT in the ending to the GB arc. Most of the other univeres could have had good characters but they weren't too interestin besides a couple, but I'll let this nitpick slide since it's hard to make over 100 completely unique chars in sucha short time. The writin was mostly good imo in the U6vsU7 arc, the GB arc (for the most part), the TOP arc and the arc where Goku dies cuz of Hit arc but eveythin other than that was p lackluster. Thankfully those are the only arcs that really matter, besides the Hit arc. And lastly the lack of a serious threat did cause some lack of any real tension in the show. And that's pretty much all of my problems with Super, which is way too fuckin long. Yea it's gotta lotta probs but I'd still watch all of it over a LOT of things lol. I can't say for sure if I like it over Z/OG/GT. It's not exactly like I prefer any of them over each other, besides maybe over GT (which isn't as bad as everyone says to be tbh!). However! A very very VERY minor yet kinda big gripe I have with Super beyond the U6vsU7 arc, is that Goku and Vegeta didn't keep their new outfits!!! Like c'mon! Yall gave up cool new outfits for the sake of nostalgia!
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They look great in these! These coulda been the standards for Super but Toei and possibly Toriyama himself chose to go back to Z's outfits. I love the old ones I do but why not use the super cool new ones?? I'd've love to see SSG Goku in this gī. Or Royal Blue Vegeta in this armor. Ah well. Anyways yup, Super isn't the best but neither is Z, OG or GT yet I still love em all the same. All of this is my own opinion of course!!! I dont wanna start discourse about DB cuz that always ends up bein a headache lmao. Thanks again for the ask anon! And I'm incredibly sorry that this was so long holy shit Im sorry lol.
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ahgaru · 6 years
[Day6 fanfic] Don’t Stop the Rain (Chapter 4)
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Pairing: Jae x Reader (Fluff) Characters: Day6. minor mentions of Got7 Word count: 2,790
Summary:  It’s frustrating when it’s raining and you don’t have your umbrella with you. But that frustrating moment could turn into a romantic one when there’s an attractive guy holding an umbrella beside you–like those in books, movies or dramas, where the guy would offer to share his umbrella. A new love could bloom–or not.
Chapter 1: Umbrella Chapter 2: Chicken Chapter 3: Coffee Chapter 4: Interest
You’ve been staring at your ceiling for quite a while now. You roll over, for the nth time, to your left and puff out sharply. Your heart has also been throbbing wildly for hours; and it beats more extremely when a scene flashes in your mind.
“You were thinking about indirect kiss, aren’t you? You want a direct one?”
You feel steam coming out from your face and you shake your head while kicking the air. You roll over to your right and ruffle your hair. Man, that Chicken! You glance at the digital clock on your bedside table. It’s already 3:14 in the morning. You sit up and fix your eyes on your wall and once again think about what happened earlier.
His loud (coughs) adorable laugh spread the park after his remark. He was laughing so much from teasing you. You narrowed your eyes on him and slammed the bench as you leaned closer to him, making your left hand (the one you slammed on the bench) as a support. With your faces few inches apart from each other, you mumble, “You want to?”
His laughing stopped and looked at you, quite surprised with how close you were to him, his gaze shifted down to your mouth. You arched a brow as if challenging him. With a smirk, you lift your hand (now with a pretzel between your thumb and index which you sneaked from his cup) and put the pretzel between your faces before taking a bite from it, with gaze still darted on his.
You leaned back with a smug and stuff the rest of the pretzel you’re holding to your mouth.
You stayed in the shed for another two hours just talking about random things again. It was almost 8:30 when he stood on the bench and fumbled something at the shed’s ceiling. He was holding a clear umbrella when he stood still.
You creased your forehead, “You actually hid an umbrella there and you’re only taking it out now?”
He did his favorite move—shrugging with a smug face. He went down the bench and opened the umbrella. “Dinner?”
You didn’t decline. You’re already hungry (and want to stay a little bit longer with him) so a dinner before going home isn’t a bad idea.
You found it astounding how you spent every afternoon with him for five consecutive days; how the two of you spent time together as if you’re good old friends; how you tease and bicker with each other; how you can talk about random things with easiness; how you eat snacks after work.
Doesn’t it look like you’re having an after-work date with him everyday?
You wave your hand trying to dismiss the thought. With a sigh, you get off from your bed and walk towards your computer unit.
“Fortnite? Overwatch? Far Cry? Hmm… what shall I play?” You continue scanning your games but in the end, you choose Minecraft.
You play until the sun’s up. You look at your window and see that it’s already bright outside. “Crap,” you save your game and turn your computer off. You grab a sweater and take your keys before heading out.
You grab breakfast from the nearest diner and you’re craving for coffee but decide not to drink one. You yawn as you walk back to your place, “Finally! Hope I’ll be getting some sleep now”
You sleep the whole morning and it’s already three minutes after 2pm when you wake up. Your grumbling tummy greets you. You take a shower and dress neatly, take an oversized hoodie and tie it on your waist, get a small sling bag and stuff your phone, wallet, and keys and head out for lunch.
You’re walking near the chicken place when an arm rests on your head. Without taking a look, you roll your eyes, “Are you stalking me?”
He scoffs, “You wish, Dude” he ruffles your hair and puts his arm on your shoulder. “Must be fate,” he chuckles
“Ew,” you grimace “I didn’t know you’re a romantic”
Brushing your remark aside, he looks at you and asks where you’re headed to. “Lunch? It’s already late for one”
“I woke up late,” you explain.
“Oh…” the side of his lips lifts “Seems like someone’s been up all night thinking of me”
You elbow his stomach which gains a soft groan from him. “Stop assuming, Mister”
He sniggers, “Oh, stop assuming, Missy. I didn’t say it’s you. Why act guilty?”
He goes with you as you eat your lunch. He does not order a single thing. He just sits in front of you, elbows on the table, fingers intertwined—chin rests on them, and watches you chew on your food the whole time.
He reaches for your drink and sips on it. You glance at him and look back to your plate. It’s not a big deal. He arches a brow at your reaction before he puts back the glass on the table.
“So where are you going now?” He asks when you finish your meal.
You shrug and lean back. “Go home?”
“Wanna come to my place?” He suggests casually and you stare at him with wide eyes.
“Aw!” You cry “Wait! That hurts!” You grimace as he chuckles
“I told you, I’m good at this.” Even without looking at him, you can tell he’s wearing a smug on his face
“Do you really have to do it from behind? Wait, aw!” You take your hands away from the mouse and the keyboard and glare at him “I told you no rifles!” You hiss “That was SSG 08, wasn’t it? You’re such a cheat!”
He dragged you to his apartment after you had eaten your lunch. It took you by surprise when he suggested it but when he told you to play games with him (because he has two computer units), your eyes sparkled.
He just chuckles as he half-heartedly murmurs his sorry. You crack your knuckles (getting serious) before getting your hair tie from your wrist, gather your hair and tie it in a ponytail. You smirk.
“Okay, I’ll stop.” The blue-haired straightens up “Alright, let’s just use pistols like how we originally agreed.”
When another round starts, your fingers hit the keys right away. B+1+4 to load your secondary weapon with Night Hawk .50C pistol; B+4+5 to buy a Magnum Sniper Rifle as your primary weapon. B+6+2 to equip yourself with Kevlar and helmet and you also buy some grenades.
You hit the number 3 key to load yourself with a knife to move faster.  You dash to the tunnel, hit the 4, and throw a grenade inside. Fire in the hole! You move to the side, press down the left control button to duck, and shoot when the chicken guy went out of the tunnel. You jump from left to right while shooting and run back to hide from a wall. You shift to rifle and make a headshot when he becomes visible from your sight.
“Ha!” You spite
The chicken guy half-spread his forearms in disbelief, “What the heck!” He exclaims. “You said no rifles!”
“Said the one who shot me with a rifle on the first round” You retort.
You both decide to use whatever weapon to avoid the cheating. It’s a close game but you’re leading.
“What? Planting bomb?”
“You didn’t say anything about not planting bomb earlier,” you snigger.
You both keep playing that you do not notice the time passing. If it’s not for your grumbling stomach, you would not have noticed it’s already night time.
You gasp, “Oh shoot! It’s past 7?”
The other takes a glance on his wrist watch and suggests to call it a day. You brush your hands twice before crossing your arms and turn to him, “You lose!” You paint a smug “Well, let’s go have some dinner. You’re paying”
He protests, saying you didn’t have any pact about it, but still pays for your dinner an hour after. You find it mirthful how you seem like you’ve known each other for ages that you just casually talk nonstop and laugh with each other comfortably. He even had his forearm on your shoulder again when you were walking and finding a place to eat.
And as if the hours you’ve spent with each other earlier aren’t still enough, you go towards the shed after the meal.
“What caught your interest lately?” You quiz few moments after you talked about some video games and just as when the rain starts pouring “Like, of course, other than games.”
He smiles briefly, not his usual big smile—it’s just small but deep. He leans back, both hands on the bench. “More than a week ago,” he starts “Me and my grandma went to visit my grandfather’s grave for his death anniversary. We were on our way to see my brother after that. So I was talking on the phone with him when my grandma suddenly crossed the road—technically, she saw someone who looked like my grandpa,” he pauses and smiles. You take a gulp hoping nothing bad had happened. “Then there was this lady who stopped her and brought her back to the sidewalk. I still haven’t realized it then. I only noticed that grandmother’s gone was after a few moment when people started moving to cross the street. She wasn’t behind me and when I looked around, she was already in the middle of the road, her right hand was held by that young lady—she was helping her to cross.”
“So,” you trail off. You clear your throat before speaking again, “this girl caught your interest? Did you talk to her? Thanked her?” You unconsciously bite your lower lip as a brow arches.
“I was supposed to thank her that day. I hurriedly crossed the street, and when I was just like a meter away, I stood still. I found out she works at my b—“ he tilts his head a bit “she works in the same company as my brother; she was wearing the company’s lanyard. Few days after that, I managed to talk to her,” he pauses and slowly turns his head towards you, “I talk to her everyday.”
“Ah,” you respond dryly as you walk away “I see.”
“At first I just really wanted to thank her,” he continues “If it had not been for her, I might’ve lost my grandma, too—exactly a year after I lost my grandpa.” He exhales before he lifts his hand “This is his wristwatch—my grandfather’s watch.” He licks his lips before flashing a smile as he puts down his hand “She piqued my curiosity. She’s genuinely nice—although not that nice to me; she’s really really fun to be with. I also love teasing her a lot because she bickers back. And I look forward to seeing her every single day.”
“Hmm,” you nod. Your eyes can’t focus on a single thing to look at. You really want to call it a night already but the rain just falls heavier. You fold your lips together as you think of what else to ask or say. Maybe I shouldn’t have asked.
The blue-haired stretches and moves a few inches away from you. To your surprise, he suddenly lays himself on the bench, making your lap as his pillow. You ask yourself why you’re not complaining but instead you stare down at his soft silky face. His eyes are shut, his lips twitch a bit. As if your right hand has its mind of its own, it moves towards his head and your fingers start stroking his hair causing his lips to stretch in a smile.
“I don’t think the rain will stop any time soon,” he declares “let me take a nap for a bit. I couldn’t really sleep last night from thinking of that girl—wondering if I’d see her today even if it’s her day off.”
Your nose scrunches as you hastily brush his face with your hand. He laughs and grabs your hand to stop you. He holds it for a while, grazing his thumb on your palm, before putting it back on his head, motioning you to stroke his hair again. A lump forms in your throat and you swallow it as you oblige.
The audacity to talk about another girl while you’re with a girl—and even held her hand and placed your head on her lap right after you talked about the other one! You exhale a long breath before batting your eyelids briskly after feeling your eyes starting to heat up. What is wrong with me?
 “Maybe, he’s making her jealous?” Wonpil suspects when you ask him what could be the meaning if a guy spends time with a girl every afternoon, eats snack and dinner with her, held her hand (even for a brief moment), and lays on her lap, but talks about another girl with so much fondness in his eyes.
It’s been two days, and you didn’t see him yesterday. He has mentioned about spending every Sunday with his grandmother so you just spent the whole day playing Far Cry.
“Why did you ask though?” Your best friend quizzes “You’ve been seeing someone?”
“What?! No!” you respond forthwith.
He narrows his eyes on you and you avoid his gaze. You take the two cups of coffee that has just been placed on the counter by the barista from the company’s café.
“Here, you hold these first.” You give him the cups and straighten up “I’ll take a quick piss before we head upstairs”
After doing your business, you see your best friend pouting (as usual) while his eyes are darted on someone. You’re not even surprised to spot the CEO when you trace Wonpil’s line of vision.
The next few hours are a blur. Maybe you just want to call it a day already and head somewhere.
“You’re going to the pantry?” Jackson asks when he sees you walking in the hallway. He strides fast to walk beside you.
“Nah,” you smile “to the library. You need me to make coffee for Mr. Park?”
You jump a little bit when he goes in front of you, puts his hands on each of your shoulder and pierces your eyes. “I need you to listen to something,” his gaze continues to dart on you as he waits for your response.
You lift both eyebrows and shrug, “What is it?”
“I found this song and I’ve been kind of singing it since this morning,” he grins “I need a company”
He gives you one of the earpieces before he fumbles on his phone. You nod when you start hearing the plucking of the guitar. You glance at Jackson and give him an approval look. His grin becomes wider and throws a fist into the air as if he just made an achievement.
I'm the kind of guy
Your jaw drops upon hearing the first line. Your heart starts beating uncontrollably. His voice sounds like him!
That'll love to love you baby You're the kind of girl I would give up everything for
You take a gulp. Unconsciously, you start breathing heavily; shoulders are moving up and down.
Baby all I need is your loving all around me Oooo don't that sound kind of nice Hey yeah ~
Your cheeks start to heat up. You can feel yourself turning red. It really sounds like him! You bite your lip as you try to keep your thoughts from wandering to the memory from two nights ago.
There is just one thing That I need to ask you baby
Jackson starts singing and you have the urge to put a hand on his mouth to make him quiet.
Can we take this kind of slow? Cause I don't want to mess up Never felt like this before And I feel I'm going crazy
“Who sung this?” You finally let your curiosity take over
Jackson  takes off the earpiece, “Oh!” he sniggers “Mr. Park’s brother when he was younger. I think this was… 3 years ago?”
“Mr. Park’s brother?” You affirm “The one who reviews our games?”
“Yeah. His only brother. Oh wait,” Jackson shifts his focus on his phone, “I downloaded his video. Let me show you. He used to have this big rimmed square glasses,” he gestures a square shape. “Here,” as if on cue, the screen changes to Mr. Park’s name “Oh sh*t! Sungjin—I mean, Mr. Park’s calling. Gotta go!”
He dashes away and you let your left shoulder lean on the wall before your knees give up. Must be my imagination.
“You okay?” a fox-eyed young man appears behind you.
“I’m fine.” You straighten up “Thanks for asking though, Younghyun”
Thoughts please? :) Chapter 5: Burn
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Fics masterlist: Daelisix’s Fics
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gokubutnotreally · 7 years
(ask meme)
Hell yeahs:
The beautiful return of one of my favorite fusions; sorry not sorry gotenks, vegito. You can say what you want about the arc but vegitos return will always be one of the best highlights of the series for me.
OBVIOUS THING IS OBVIOUS, Goku black and SSJR, I really thought an evil saiyan reaching the same level as our main fellas was really cool; yes I know majin vegeta who was a ‘villain’ for a short while. 
I still like SSG and SSB, but the introduction to SSG was really awesome I feel, it introduced new lore to the series and whether you were big on it or not this was super neat for me; can’t wait for the new film.
Hell nos:
Jiren, fuck em’ amirite?
Swapping Frieza for Buu in the tournament, I mean if they did this originally then fine but? We went through a whole thing with Buu training only to fall into a sleep coma suddenly, fucking lame.
Maybe not a ‘hell no’ but more of a thing I didn’t like, I wish they did more with Gohan prior to the tournament and when I say do more I mean grow. His ‘return’ was hella cool but I wish he grew more or achieved this new level he spoke about when he sparred with Goku.
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elijahjacobs1994 · 4 years
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humanistauno · 5 years
A Journal by: Joseph Lance Hilaga
December 14, 2019
Reminiscing good old memories.
Warm breeze welcomed us as we travel to the tuna capital of the Philippines,General Santos City Last Saturday 14th of December 2019. We went to one of my most favorite place, since it was part of my childhood and it holds a huge part of my memories as a kid. It was so fresh and you can still feel the sea breeze for it was just very near the sea. This place is called Police Regional Office XII it is where I have spent most of my summers since my parents was assigned there more than a decade ago. It was the day when they’re celebrating their annual Christmas party. I stood above their office as I started at the beauty of it I reminisced the days when we were chased by the K-9 unit and we went to the firing range without my parent’s permission. After a few hours, we decided to visit the city and grab some drinks and snacks. My parents came to see us and we ate at Tong Yang, for it is the usual place where we eat every time we come visit the place. My day wasn’t that much, but it was spent with the people I love so it meant so much.
December 24, 2019
Cliché Christmas Eve
Cold air touches my skin as we went to the church for the last day of Miss de Gallo. The smell of fresh Bibingka, puto,Lechon, and many more comes to me together with the ding of the bells. It’s near Christmas and everyone seems so happy and genuine smiles are everywhere. Commencing the day that our Christ was born and thanking him for his sacrifices. Everyone was busy preparing and seems so excited preparing their Noche Buena. For me organized this day I have made my Checklist.
☑️ Lumpiang Shanghai
☑️ Electric Griller
☑️ Meats for Grilling
☑️ Pizza
☑️ Dessert
✔️Mango Float
✔️Coffee Jelly
We don’t really do much during Christmas for not all our family members are with us to celebrate. But during New year’s eve it is where everything becomes more beautiful for we celebrate 2 occasions which are the New Year’s Eve and my Cousin’s annual Birth Anniversary.
December 25, 2019
Happy (?) Christmas!
The skies are brightly shining, and it is very loud. It's already 12:00am and every one has been, preparing for this, it's Christmas time. It's the most wonderful time of the year. I did nothing much. I was just watching the skies as the fireworks glows and different colors and adding up to the beauty of the sky and starts. Children are enjoying their gifts, to their friends. They should be the happiest during Christmas time because it is one of the essence of Christmas giving the children the smile in their faces. It's not how much we get. It's about how many smiles and thank you we have received .
December 28, 2019
Good friends, good life.
Friends are the good ones that change our viewpoints in life and makes us realize things. I have these friends of mine whom i meet last 2016. I knew them because of SSG and i never thought we'd be this close. We went to watch a theater play of the. Apat sa taglamig (AST) and it was epic we were together the whole day and we had so much fun of cause our money was like a bibble that has disappeared real quick. We went to the Roadway and had some cocktails with the best peeps, I always enjoy spending my time with them because it feels like I’m free to do things with them and that I am so comfortable with them. Hours passed by and we had to say goodbye because most of them are already studying away from our hometown.
December 30, 2019
Surrounded with positivity; surrounded with family
Fresh air everywhere, and it feels so right to be there we went at the municipality of norala to celebrate our annual family reunion and it was filled with smiles. The closeness is undeniable and the bond became stronger though we do not see each other that much but still the happiness and memories that we have made will never be forgotten and will forever be in our heart. The warm hugs that we'll bring as we, come home and face different circumstances. The parlor games we had was so much fun, it pulled us closer with each other.
December 31, 2019
Pondering; Do I deserve this?
It's media noche and it is the most awaited year for us for we are about to end and begin another chapter of our lives. All of our family members were there and everyone was so excited preparing a lot of fire works and gifts. Everyone was competitive to fight and win the games for they really wanted to snatch the cash prize and grab the crunchy bills. Gift giving time and everyone was waiting for this moment most especially me. My parents have worked hard for my brother and my request. I have wished for this for a while and we were pranked at first but eventually. They've granted our wish. We waited until 12:00 midnight to Welcome the new year. My heart was so happy, that night.
January 1, 2020
New year, New chance to fly.
We have to start the year right for us to end it right. Another year. Another chance. Everyone was truly grateful to reach this year. We went back at the municipality of norala to celebrate ones again but this time we're going to celebrate it with our family on my father's side. We didn't did much we just ate and played an online game called Mobile legends which is internationally known online game. We just did not noticed the time for we had a lot of fun playing the said online game. Some may think that it was just a usual game but for us it made our bond stronger for we only see each other occasionally.
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suzanneshannon · 5 years
The Simplest Ways to Handle HTML Includes
It's extremely surprising to me that HTML has never had any way to include other HTML files within it. Nor does there seem to be anything on the horizon that addresses it. I'm talking about straight up includes, like taking a chunk of HTML and plopping it right into another. For example the use case for much of the entire internet, an included header and footer for all pages:
... <body> <include src="./header.html"></include> Content <include src="./footer.html"></include> </body> ...
That's not real, by the way. I just wish it was.
People have been looking to other languages to solve this problem for them forever. It's HTML preprocessing, in a sense. Long before we were preprocessing our CSS, we were using tools to manipulate our HTML. And we still are, because the idea of includes is useful on pretty much every website in the world.
Can you use PHP instead?
... <body> <?php include "./header.html" ?> Content <?php include "./footer.html" ?> </body> ...
This will perform the include at the server level, making the request for it happen at the file system level on the server, so it should be far quicker than a client-side solution.
Use Gulp
What's even faster than a server-side include? If the include is preprocessed before it's even on the server. Gulp has a variety of processors that can do this. One is gulp-file-include.
That would look like this:
... <body> @@include('./header.html') Content @@include('./footer.html') </body> ...
And you'd process it like:
var fileinclude = require('gulp-file-include'), gulp = require('gulp'); gulp.task('fileinclude', function() { gulp.src(['index.html']) .pipe(fileinclude({ prefix: '@@', basepath: '@file' })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); });
Looks like this particular plugin has fancy features where you can pass in variables to the includes, making it possible to make little data-driven components.
Use Grunt
This is what the grunt-bake plugin does. You'd configure Grunt to process your HTML:
grunt.initConfig({ bake: { your_target: { files: { "dist/index.html": "app/index.html", } } } });
Then your HTML can use this special syntax for includes:
... <body> <!--(bake header.html)--> Content <!--(bake footer.html)--> </body> ...
Use Handlebars
Handlebars has partials.
You register them:
Handlebars.registerPartial('myPartial', '')
Then use them:
There is also fancy features of this that allow for evaluation and passing data. You'll still need a processor to run it, probably something like gulp-handlebars.
Speaking of templating languages which make use of curly braces... Mustache has them, too.
Use Pug
Pug is an HTML preprocessor that has a whole new syntax for HTML that is a bit more terse. It's got includes though.
... body include ./header.html" p Content include ./footer.html" ...
Then you run it with something like gulp-pug.
Use Nunjucks
I love me some Nunjucks! Nunjucks has includes. You'd do it like this:
... <body> Liquid error: This liquid context does not allow includes. Content Liquid error: This liquid context does not allow includes. </body> ...
If you put that in a file called index.njk, you could process it with a simple Node script into index.html like this:
const nunjucks = require("nunjucks"); const fs = require("fs"); fs.writeFile("index.html", nunjucks.render("index.njk"), function(err, data) { if (err) console.log(err); console.log("Compiled the Nunjucks, captain."); });
Or process it with something like gulp-nunjucks.
11ty has Nunjucks built-in, along with many of the other mentioned so far. Might be good for you if you're actually building a little site.
Use Ajax
Say you had...
<body> <header></header> Content. <footer></footer> </body>
You could fetch the contents for the header and footer from respective files and dump the contents in.
fetch("./header.html") .then(response => { return response.text() }) .then(data => { document.querySelector("header").innerHTML = data; }); fetch("./footer.html") .then(response => { return response.text() }) .then(data => { document.querySelector("footer").innerHTML = data; });
Speaking of JavaScript... If you're building your site using a JavaScript framework of just about any kind, building through components is kind of the main deal there and breaking parts you want to include in other files should be no problem. Some kind of import Header from "./header.js"; and <Header /> is the territory you'd be in in React land.
Use iframes
You could do this:
<body> <iframe src="./header.html"></iframe> Content. <iframe src="./footer.html"></iframe> </body>
But the content in those iframes does not share the same DOM, so it's a bit weird, not to mention slow and awkward to style (since iframes don't know the heights of their contents).
Scott Jehl documented a cool idea though: You can have the iframe inject the content of itself onto the parent page then remove itself.
<body> <iframe src="header.html" onload="this.before((this.contentDocument.body||this.contentDocument).children[0]);this.remove()"></iframe> Content. <iframe src="footer.html" onload="this.before((this.contentDocument.body||this.contentDocument).children[0]);this.remove()"></iframe> </body>
Use Jekyll
Jekyll is a Ruby-based static site generator with includes. You keep your includes in the /_includes/ folder, then:
<body> Liquid error: This liquid context does not allow includes. Content. Liquid error: This liquid context does not allow includes. </body>
Jekyll is a big one, so I'm calling it out here, but there are a ton of static site generators and I'd wager any of them can do includes.
Use Sergey
OK, I'll call out one more SSG because it's new and super focused. Sergey has a web components style format:
<body> <sergey-import src="header" /> Content. <sergey-import src="footer" /> </body>
You'd name the files header.html and footer.html and put them in /includes/ and then it'll make a build with the includes processed when you run the npm script it has you do.
Use Apache SSI
Apache, a super duper common web server, can do includes. You do it like this:
<body> <!--#include file="./header.html" --> Content <!--#include file="./footer.html" --> </body>
But you need the right Apache configuration to allow stuff. I tried my best to get a working demo going but didn't have much luck.
I tried using .htaccess within a folder on an Apache server and flipping on what I thought was the right stuff:
Options +Includes AddType text/html .html AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .html
I'm sure there is some way to get it working though, and if you do, it's kinda neat that it needs zero other dependencies.
Use CodeKit
Mac only, but CodeKit has a special language called Kit it processes where 90% of the point of it is HTML includes. It uses special HTML comments:
... <body> <!-- @import "./header.html" --> Content <!-- @import "./footer.html" --> </body> ...
Use Dreamweaver
Lol jk. But it really is a thing. DWTs, baby.
Holy Crap
That's a lot of ways, isn't it?
Like I said at the top, it's very surprising to me that HTML itself hasn't addressed this directly. Not that I think it would be a great idea for performance to have <include> statements that trigger network requests all over our code, but it seems in-line with the platform. Using ES6 imports directly without bundling isn't a great idea always either, but we have them. @importing CSS within CSS isn't a great idea always, but we have it. If the platform had a native syntax, perhaps other tooling would key off that, much like JavaScript bundlers support the ES6 import format.
The post The Simplest Ways to Handle HTML Includes appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
The Simplest Ways to Handle HTML Includes published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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