#which is what i hate most so far about apollo justice btw
digitalbug999 · 1 year
you guys im so fed up that im finally making this tumblr post, no one is ready, esp not me.
okay so idk whos actually played ace attorney, i personally played the first game and am currently playing apollo justice, but ive watched playthroughs of the first trilogy. but what the fuck is up with “theatre major phoenix” no the fuck he isnt. did yall not play the same as me? i know he has a flair for the dramatic, but most of his dramatic mannerisms are actually picked up from people he cares about (mostly mia and edgeworth ive found). but see, where the gameplay comes in, is that i never knew what was relevant to the case — and just like reading phoenix flavor text — so id tap on everything i could examine. everything. this, pretty much 100% of the time, includes art pieces in buildings. you would not believe the shit phoenix has to say
i think its modern art in mias office that you can look at and hell just rip into as being technically terrible. either the painting grossburg likes or the one in april mays hotel room hell talk about how the oil pastels are laid on too thick. he doesnt know more than two kinds of flower. this is my most damning evidence, he knows tulips and sunflowers and thats it, he talks about it. i dont think he can even recognize roses on sight as different from other similar flowers, he knows tulips and sunflowers and past that hes given up. theres no way hes a drama kid.
on top of that theres just. what kind of theatre kid calls themselves an art major? theyd specify (i have theatre friends, theyd specify), unless he was like, double majoring performing arts and also painting, i just have a hard time believing it. and i can get “i need him to be a drama kid for my roleswap au” bc ive made decisions like that before, but dont try and tell me that canon phoenix wright was doing theatre bc i listened to him talk about paintings and i know if he was involved in any kind of theatre thing it was like. helping paint the sets.
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frogs-in3-hills · 2 years
hmmm okay thoughts on aa5-1 and first impressions :]
ok athena is awesome! her inclusion as a psychologist makes me wonder though, what role is the concept of trauma going to play in this game? her second (third?) time in the courtroom had her flashing back to a pool of blood and being badgered at the stand as a kid, and she was pretty clearly about to have a panic attack. plus the game’s been pretty tight-lipped about apollo’s deal so far but he’s definitely repressing shit — him passing tf out before trial due to his explosion wounds (good lord capcom….) seems to foreshadow that. but yeah athena’s whole existence is proof that themes of trauma are going to be explored here which is.. definitely interesting!
also, the “dark age of law”… is this something that’s going to happen, or has it already occurred? the corrupt legal system of the localization disaster that is japanifornia is nothing short of dystopic, and since aa4 has already touched on this with the jurist system trial, i really hope we see a possible solution this game. corruption is a recurring theme and it’s only gotten worse (turnabout serenade my beloathed…. “14yo blind boy machi tobaye carried a 6 foot man’s body onto a raised stage after shooting him with a high caliber revolver that would dislocate an adult’s shoulder” my ass), so it would make lot of sense as a next step.
i think considering the game opens with the courtroom bombing, literally an attack on the courts (one of the most striking images of the cutscene is the giant balance symbol wrecked and tilted to the side, making it unbalanced), legal corruption will at least be touched on. athena even seems traumatized by the failings of the justice system, going off her ptsd flashback, and phoenix’s story obviously ties into it as well. i’m sure that whatever’s going on with apollo will come in later.
anyways, it was a solid opening case though i felt it only held interest by relying on the audience’s already-formed attachment to apollo. maybe it’s pushing it to expect too much from the tutorial case, but i think it was a little too long with not enough investment. i hope apollo doesn’t get thrown through the wringer too much because he’s my favorite and i’d hate to see him go all ‘tortured soul’ on us because the game is too afraid to get audiences invested in a new story. i’m here for funky lawyers, not trauma porn :(
don’t spoil me!!!!! btw!!!! ty!! :D
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blue-mint-winter · 5 years
BSG 2x12 Resurrection Ship part 2 rewatch
The conclusion of the Pegasus arc gives us an interesting twist.
the episode begins with a man floating in water, at first I thought it’s one of Baltar’s fantasies, then it’s revealed that it’s Apollo, imagining himself in water when he’s actually floating in space. Apollo had a fairly minor role in this arc so far.
48 hours earlier he learns about Kara’s mission to assassinate Cain. He doesn’t like it, but he’s going to be her backup. He says that trust is important and the only thing that separates people from Cylons... but then there is zero trust between Galactica and Pegasus.
Kara gets to know Cain from a different side. Cain is mentoring her, but her message is that hard, terrible decisions have to be made in order to save more lives and you can’t flinch or hesitate. It sounds oddly as if she’s encouraging Kara who is tasked with killing her.
Tyrol and Helo are attacked in their cell by those annoying guys that told them about raping Cylons. Those guys now want revenge for Thorne. But Fisk puts a stop to it. It looks like it’s about discipline, but he lets those two get off with only a warning. However, he only doesn’t allow torture of human prisoners. “You can’t rape a machine.” He’s practicing Pegasus brand of morality.
Lee questions his father about this decision to assassinate Cain. And that’s when he learns that it was suggested by Roslin. That‘s a serious blow to his morale. Both of his authority figures and role models, people he respects and admires, are plotting to assassinate their opposition. This episode marks a paradigm shift in Lee’s life. Later, after Blackbird collides with raider and Lee got ejected, he has the first row sit to the battle, but he’s slowly dying from the loss of air... as if he’s sinking under the waves. He doesn’t even respond to Dualla’s hails. He’s picked by Racetrack and resuscitated, but he lost something. He confesses to Kara (and eavesdropping Dee) that he didn’t want to come back alive. He’s beating himself up that he broke his promise and didn’t watch her back, but on the other hand... dying was the only way for him at that time to avoid participating in the assassination.
What’s genius about this episode is that the battle isn’t the point, instead eveyone waits with bated breath for what comes after. Cylons are destroyed according to the plan. And Kara goes to Cain, all sweaty, nervous and fingering her gun. Fisk is similarly shifty on Galactica’s bridge, eying nervously the marines. They’re both in the same situation - they don’t want to kill Cain/Adama, but they have to because of their loyalty to the other.
Kara’s relief when Adama calls the assassination off is palpable. After Lee questioned him, he had some doubts and talked to Sharon. She remined him of his own speech from miniseries and he finally got his answer to why Cylons attacked. Because they decided that humanity isn’t worth of survival. So he chooses principles over brutal pragmatism.
Then Cain calls Fisk and doesn’t give him the code words. She called off her plan to get rid of Adama! And that’s when I knew for sure that she knew about Kara’s mission. And instead of exploiting Adama’s weakness, she did the honourable thing too. Maybe she’s not so bad after all. Maybe she can change her ways, develop trust with Adama and work with him and the Fleet.
But we will never know how things would have gone with Cain because she still got killed.
Gaius and Gina are amazing together in this episode. Gaius choosing the real Six, Gina, over Head Six. Gaius comforting her, telling her a story about sports that Head Six had told him.
Gina knew exactly when the Resurrection Ship was destroyed and she couldn’t download anymore. So, Cylons do have some kind of wi-fi and Sharon might have lied about that.
Gina’s wish is to die, but “suicide is a sin”, so she wants Gaius to do the deed. But he can’t do that, he can’t kill Six. So instead he sets her on the path of “justice” which looks very much like revenge. Btw, incredible that Gaius came so far that he confesses his love to Six. He’s not the same man that asked Caprica Six if she was crazy when she told him she loved him back then.
In the end, Cain pays with her life for Gina’s torture. Cain treated her like a thing, denied her personhood to make herself feel justified, but the truth is she wanted Gina to suffer. However, a real machine can’t feel pain. If Gina was really just an unfeeling machine, nothing Cain and her men did would have hurt her. She wouldn’t have cared about justice or revenge. Gina may not be human, but she’s a person.
What I love about this episode, is again, that it’s not a simple “heroes take down the evil bitch because that’s the right thing to do.” It’s not as simple as that. Instead we see Cain’s side of the story, mostly through Kara’s perspective. Her words at Cain’s funeral really hit hard. Cain had found herself in completely different circumstances than Galactica after the attack. And she did terrible things to survive, to gather supplies and continue the fight. No hope, no relief. Cain didn’t have her own Roslin to change her mind about saving civilians. She didn’t have Boomer saving the ship again and again to show her a different side of Cylons. Was she so different from Adama really? What would he have done in her place?
(I can’t believe I’m starting to understand Cain, one of my most hated characters on this show. This is how well-written she is.)
As a result, a shadow is cast over our heroes. They’re not so heroic, as they were willing to commit murder because of a perceived threat. They were so close to crossing that line. Only luck saved them.
Makes me think that Adar’s government must have ordered some assassinations too, if Roslin was so cool with proposing it.
Alright, Helo’s reunion with Sharon while Tyrol silently exits the stage was nicely done.
Finally Adama gets that promotion and I can call him Dadmiral! Lol
Adama and Roslin kill me with feels. Finally they kiss and it’s so sweet, but she’s dying and there’s nothing that can be done :(
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earthdeep · 7 years
ok this is really starting to get on ludicrous levels but... can we quit with the aa5 hate a bit? like srsly? y’all are gettin waaaaay too aggressive abt ppl liking this game. half the time it’s shit over nothing! it’s not like ppl are out here praising this as a masterpiece of writing. srsly the only times I’ve seen what y’all are insisting stans are doing is for aa4 (usually guessing at what was intended for future sequels that actually continued on from it) and shipping (especially narumitsu shippers? some of u are REALLY invested in subtext like wow). 99% of the praise I’ve seen for aa5 is for the characters. which is more than fair! in case u forgot, aa5 introduced us to the entire blackquill/cykes group, in all their lovable glory! and fleshed out the universe with the wonder that is lawyer highschool (which, listen, if ur accepting 13 year olds are allowed to prosecute, this isn’t actually incompatible with the depths this fictional justice system will sink) that also managed to connect parts of aai2 into the timeline as well! ffs apollo’s single friend only exists in canon bc of aa5!
and u can say everything’s clumsily implemented all u like. but, uh, in case u hadn’t noticed, aa5 isn’t the first time it’s gone weird. have u seen t&t lately? dahlia and godot were soooo clumsily integrated. I’ve ranted on godot’s mary sue qualities before, but ugh. both have the same problem of “oh by the way did I ever mention that INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT ex of mine who is totally irrelevant btw haha oh wow they’re suddenly relevant how about that”. fucking jfa has the same issue with franziska aka “woah now there’s ANOTHER von karma? and she’s even MORE challenging than the last one?!” srsly let’s not pretend her sudden arrival made sense for a prodigy who is also next of kin to the most infamous prosecutor around. nick not knowing who manfred was was clumsy too. what I’m getting at is that the aa series does not in fact have the smoothest writing, to the point where nick and later apollo appear to live under rocks in order to lose out on what should be common knowledge in their situation. srsly apollo how did u never notice that there’s some frontman in a rock group pushed by the literal police who looks scarily like ur boss, has the same last name as ur boss, said band is literally called the GAVINners. like christ I’m not into music but I at least recognise the names of 1d members. in all honesty I am so glad athena did not end up like those two pebble-dwellers and had actually p good reasons for either not knowing shit (hello l’belle and his private company) or keeping quiet (hello the entire space station situation). athena is good at this. 
there’s other stuff I’ve seen too specifically abt the satire that started the series. yes, gyakuten saiban was created to satirise the unbalanced nature and unbelievably high prosecution rates of the japanese courts. gyakuten saiban 4 was written in reaction to the real life introduction of the jury. (srsly if u have time, go on a research trip. there’s a lot of interesting stuff surrounding the background of the series.) but, forgive me if I’m missing something, what the FUCK were 2 and 3 satirising? as far as I’m aware, takumi was asked to continue the series bc ppl liked it. and it made capcom money. takumi eventually got totally sick of it and left the main series but please don’t act like this is something new from capcom. not everything in the series is pure political commentary. some of it is just regular stories. this is true for almost any satirical series ever. it doesn’t make them unenjoyable. besides y’all are content to shit on soj anyway for being a cheesy take on of a corrupt government system so maybe u just don’t care and just have a hate on for anything tangentially related to aa5.
and on whether it’s unenjoyable? nah man aa5 is fun. monstrous turnabout was a bit slow I reckon, but everything else moved at a nice pace, had fun characters, had those good good friendship moments. it was a bit wobbly in places, but we sat through turnabout serenade and turnabout succession! would u like my list of plot holes in serenade alone? bc I have one. I had to make one to break down the damn thing enough to write an au version of it. and with aa5 and the phantom? apparently that’s largely on the localisation team deciding western audiences wouldn’t accept ‘yokai’ as the answer and then just... not... putting anything else in? literally could’ve been solved with one word being swapped out or jinxie mentioning said yokai in one of her lists which... yeah that one’s on the game. idk maybe in the distant future when the games are all remastered for the new new new nintendo 3dsi that’ll be fixed too. or maybe the miracle never happen. who knows.
like probably the only other thing I can’t argue with on criticism is the art style. yeah, I’m not keen on fuse’s faces. nuri suffers with a certain level of same face too, but (as shown in dgs) the other parts of his design are pretty and managed to shine through in 3d. but the colours are way better come soj now the main team is getting into the swing of it, and anyone who doesn’t think khura’in is pretty as hell can fight me.
but srsly there are actually a lot of good points to aa5. it is not the antichrist. personally it is far from my favourite game (with my own fave as aa4 bc dem characters tho... barring the perverts) but many of its flaws are not new to the series. and while it has lost potential in various parts such as several important characters being dead on arrival, let’s not forget it left behind some especially nasty parts of the series and appears to be CONTINUING to leave those behind. mmm just look at that lack of literal canon pedophiles we’re supposed to feel sorry for... sorry every time I remember aa3 I like it less and less. which is a shame, bc young!mia is still the most relatable protag ever.
anyway, let’s not become the dicks who shat on anyone who liked aa4 back in the day, yeah?
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