#which like. it’s less about the numbers but I mean- Chil actually seems to have the maturity of an older adult
rubysparx · 2 years
#thinking about dungeon meshi#but specifically laichuck(? ..chilos?)#Laios x chilchuck. basically#which like I don’t ship it but I mean?? ok#if u want ig#but I’m like deeply thinking about wether or not that’s pedophilia?#I mean there’s major age gaps in all the shops bc of the lifespans of the races#so technically any ship is tbh#but the way I see it like. Marcille x Falin or Laios isn’t in terms of maturity#or like Namari and Kiki#which is my favvv ship and no one even caresss#anyway yeah bc like. Chil looks like he’s like… 16?#but he’s actually like 30 and Laios is 26. but also if you translate Chil’s age to tall-man lifespans he’s like 40 something#which like. it’s less about the numbers but I mean- Chil actually seems to have the maturity of an older adult#and that being said; Laios is pretty immature#but I mean he is 26#and a complex character imo so you could easily say he’s simultaneously immature and acting his age#Laios is just weird <3 it’s hard to say anything definitive abt his maturity or whatever#btw I think it’s so cool that with other characters (namari for example) they can’t tell the ages of other races#and don’t really know about their maturity rates#but marcille (before it was revealed that she wants to make all the races have the same lifespan)#made a comment about how Laios should’ve outgrown his interest in dragons and stuff#whatever. explodes#um basically. Laios/Chilchuck shippers#if you’re out there#can I get your opinion on this pspspspspsps
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ruwubyl · 4 years
Mary sees her new friend, Michko, nearly fall asleep in class, and decides the best way to make sure she doesn’t wear herself thin is a sleepover!
Also Yidhra is a entity of her own, and not Yana’s (the follower) quirk. Yidhra is over a 100 years old, and like in the game belongs to the world of dreams. She took a liking to Yana when she was 4, and has been visible to her and only her ever since.
Yana’s quirk is yet to be decided, so suggestions are open.
Oh and, line breaks will mostly be used to move to and fro Yana’s thoughts and discussions with Yidhra to reality.
(This was meant to include all the female hunters but I only got to dream witch and then I stopped writing)
“Good Morning, Michiko!”
Michiko’s head snaps up, as her brain catches up with reality, “Oh, uh, hello Mary!”
“Where is your head today? Especially in English?”
Michiko blushes at the comment, since she had fumbled quite badly in the previous class. “It’s nothing, really. I just didn’t get quite enough sleep last night, that’s all.”
“Oh dear,” Mary pouted, “don’t you know you need a full nights rest to maintain that pretty face of yours?” Mary says casually as she sits down in the chair in front of Michiko’s desk, turning it to face the girl.
Michiko doesn’t respond to the obvious compliment, knowing fully well it’s utterly futile. Any attempt to sheildein away from the comment would leave her flustered, much to the other girl’s amusement.
“Well I can’t really help it, now can I?” Michiko mumbles, her focus turning to gathering her books. “With exams approaching in a few weeks, I have to utilise my time to make sure I study all the material.”
“Well, that doesn’t mean you’ll be studying to the point you’re not even paying attention in class, now does it?”
“No, I suppose not.” Mary had raised a good point, and Michiko hated the fact she agreed with her.
Mary keeps her head on Michiko’s table and looks up at her. “Sleeping schedules aside, I’m famished. Would you like to accompany me to the cafeteria?”
“I’d love to, just give me a moment to clean up my books.”
It takes her barely two minutes before she’s ready. “Let’s go.”
The girls head towards the cafeteria, both lost in their own thoughts. “Say, Michiko-” Mary says, breaking the silence first, “-what do you think of a sleepover?”
“A sleepover?” Michiko asks, slightly confused, “ what led you to that idea?”
“Well,” Mary crosses her hands behind her back, “You seem quite stressed recently. And it’ll take your mind off of the upcoming exams!” Mary states, as she turns to Michiko, eyes bright with excitement.
“That does sound good,” Michiko says, contemplating the idea, “but we’re going to need more people.”
“Of course, silly. It would be quite boring if it was just the two of us.” Mary says, smiling widening. “Just imagine all the fun we could have!”
“Yes, of course. But, uh, who are we going to invite?” Michiko raises the true question shyly.
“...” Mary stops, and contemplates the idea. “For one, we can’t invite the boys. They’re too rowdy for the kind of sleepover we’re going to have.”
“I suppose so.” Michiko agreed wholeheartedly on that.
“That leaves us with only, three options.” Mary’s eyebrows push together in confusion. “That can’t be right. How come there are only five girls in our class?”
Neither of them had really realised how less the number of girls in there class were. “I don’t know, but oh well.” Michiko replied, as they enter the cafeteria. “But now the question is, who do we start with?”
Michiko’s eyes sweep the room. “Oh,” she says, as her eyes land on Yana, “How about we start with Yana?”
“Are you sure?” Mary asks, looking towards the girl, “It looks like she’s sleeping, and I wouldn’t want to disturb her.” Her argument seemed reasonable, but her eyes betrayed the sentiment. Truth was she found Yana somewhat weird.
“We could go over there to make sure.” Why Michiko was adament about recruiting her for the sleepover, Mary would never know. “If she really is asleep, we’ll ask her another time.”
“Fiiiiine,” Mary huffed our, unsure, “though I’ll have you know, she creeps me out.” Mary stated while crossing her arms.
“Just give her a chance, Mary. You never know.”
‘Soooooooooo, Yidhra, as you know, my midterms are coming up in 2 weeks.’
‘And isn’t that enough time to prepare, child?’ Yidhra asked, as she slithered up to Yana in her mind palace.
Yana sighed inwardly, ‘Well yes, but, it’s a lot to learn. And, besides, wouldn’t it just be better if you-’
‘Now, I’ll have to stop you right there.’ Yidhra said, already knowing where Yana was about to take this. ‘You made it into UA without my help, you can pass some measly test as well.’
‘But, Yidhra, there’s so much! And a little hint wouldn’t hurt. Like, which topics the questions will be from. OR! Better yet, what the questions are!’
‘Yana!’ Yidhra’s voice adopted a more scolding tone, ‘We have had this conversation a million times. You know what my answer is.’
‘Please! One time wouldn’t hurt!’
‘I’m not budging from my answer. You can’t become too dependent on me! If you want to make it big on your own then you have to pass the little obstacle on your own.’ Yidhra seemed to straighten up, her head tilting slightly as if she was trying to hear something. ‘It seems your friends are approaching.’
Michiko and Mary approaches the ‘sleeping’ girl’s table slowly. Mary seemed more interested in everything but the table they were making their way towards. Michiko was just about to call Yana’s name, when he girls eyes snapped open.
“Good afternoon, Michiko, Mary.”
Both girls flinched. They were sure that Yana had either been sleeping, or at the least not paying attention to her surroundings. Though it wasn’t impossible that she hadn’t heard them coming, they hadn’t really thought of that.
“Oh, uh, good afternoon Yana!” Michiko replied with a smile, being the first to recover.
“Yeah, uh.... good afternoon.” Mary muttered.
Yana looked at them unimpressed, “Do you need anything?” She preferred to get straight to the point.
“Um, we were, um, hoping to invite you to a sleepover!” Michiko’s smile brightened.
Yana finally returned the smile.
‘WHAT.’ Was all Yana could think.
Yidhra, on the other hand, was absolutely delighted. ‘This is such a good opportunity! You could get to know you classmates better!’
‘C-Child? Are you okay?’ Yidhra asked, slightly concerned.
‘I’ve never been, you know, INVITED to something like this! What do I say???’
‘Well, I’d imagine the right answer would be yes.’ Yidhra replied, her concern becoming amusement, as she realised that Yana was just nervous. ‘You can’t just say no.’
‘But, but what if the have the wrong person!’
‘Child they literally said your name.’
‘Or-Or what if they’re playing a prank on me?’
‘OR what if I say yes and then they don’t like me? Then-Then they’ll hate me forever and I’ll never have friends again and I’ll fail as a hero and-’
‘CHILD! Just say yes! Other wise you’ll miss an opportunity to make new friends.’ And with that, Yidhra was taking no more of Yana’s excuses, and instead decided to take matters into her own hands.
Yana’s body straightened up slightly as Yidhra took control of it. She smiled at Michiko. “I’d love too! When’s the sleep over?” She answered.
“Oh, uh, we haven’t really decided yet,” Mary replied, “But we could discuss it now, if you don’t mind.”
Yana smiled at her reassuringly. “Oh of course not.”
“Actually,” Michiko interrupts, “We still need to eat lunch. Hold on, we’ll bring some food, and then we can talk. We can sit here, right?”
“Definitely, I’d love to have you company. But take your time.”
Only once the girls left, did Yidhra ease her control on Yana’s body.
‘WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?’ Yana yelled, barely stopping herself from banging her head on the table.
‘It was for your own good, and you know that.’
Yana simply pouted, stabbing her food with her fork, since she did know that.
And it’s finally over. Oh thank the gods above. Typing is HARD.
Also please go easy on me, it’s my first time writing anything. Along with the fact that English isn’t my first language.
If you want me to continue this fic, please comment. I had originally wanted to include Ann and Voiletta as well, but I got bored.
But I would be willing to continue, but it depends.
Art works (by me of course)
Michiko and Mary (and Jack apparently)
Dream witch
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