#which makes sense bc them and the terror twins are the same people but different fonts
Touch starved/cuddle curse
This with Terror Twins. I would be cool if like Nikki can't be touched for whatever reason (superpowers, curse, non supernatural reasons) and Tommy seems the only one to care or break it
[i feel like this isnt exactly what you asked for but here you go bestie <3]
It all started when Nikki was trying to summon a demon. The reason why he would do that is unknown even to him, probably because he thought it would've been cool or funny, for shits and giggles as one would say.
Nikki didn't manage to bring a beast from the underworld in the kingdom of the living, as in he didn't see the monster in flesh and bone, but it must've disturbed some dark presence or energy, since strange things began happening after he started his demon summoning shenanigans. Forks and knives were raising from the cutlery drawer and flying towards him, to name one; black cats seemed to have taken a liking to him, following him everywhere; but the strangest thing was definitely the fact that whoever Nikki tried to touch, even by mistake, those who had contact with him fell sick.
As soon as Nikki realized what was happening, he started getting very nervous and paranoid about human contact, becoming more and more aggressive towards others in order to keep them a good distance away from him, bringing great tension between him and his band mates and the girls they would take to home sometimes. Little did they know, he was trying to protect them.
But there was one person who was brave and careless enough to go past Nikki's hostility: Tommy. The drummer, very attached to the bassist and always looking for an excuse to snuggle him, knew that something was up: Nikki has never been the cuddly type, but whenever Tommy offered him a hug Nikki wouldn't say no either; lately, though, Nikki seemed to be very unfriendly even to him, which was very suspicious to say the least.
On the latest attempt of Tommy to get a hug from Nikki, to which he responded with a “Don't touch me!”, Tommy had enough of that behavior.
“Can you tell me what the hell is your deal, man? You've been avoiding me for weeks now!” Said Tommy.
Nikki turned his gaze up from the smutty magazine he was reading and raised an eyebrow. “What are you talking about, dude?”
Tommy came closer. “Don't play dumb with me, Nik! Did I do something to you?”
Nikki sighed, visibly annoyed, and returned to read.
Tommy teared the magazine out of his hands.
“Hey, give it back – !”
“Not until you tell me what is wrong with you!”
Nikki frowned, throwing his arms in the air. “Do you want a list or what?”
“I didn't mean in general!” Exclaimed Tommy, rolling his eyes. “You've been acting super weird lately, and I know something's up.” He added.
Nikki hesitated. “Fine.” He said in the end, “But don't tell anyone, okay? Especially Mick, he'll be all like I told you so for the rest of my life.”
Tommy nodded.
“Do you remember when we tried to summon Satan?”
“Well... I think I've been cursed.”
Tommy widened his eyes.
“You gotta believe me, man! Everyone I touch seems to get sick, or become very unlucky all of a sudden. And I don't want this to happen to you...”
“Alright, that makes sense.” Said Tommy pensively, sitting down on the couch next to Nikki. “But I feel like I've touched you many times since then, and I'm fine!”
“You almost burned the house down three times.”
“That's because I can't cook!”
“How do you burn cereal?!”
Tommy inclined his head to the side, as to think about it, then he raised his index finger: “Okay, that one was an outlier, for sure.”
A pause.
“Do you think... Do you think that I am immune because I was with you when you did the summoning?” Asked Tommy after a while, turning towards Nikki.
The bassist shrugged. “Probably. You're still alive, so that has to count for something. Although...” He brought a finger to his chin.
“Maybe you've been cursed as well but with the opposite. A cuddle curse, if you will.”
“What do you mean?”
“Don't think I haven't noticed. You crave affection all the time, hugging Vince and Mick whenever you can.”
“Well, uhm...” Tommy hesitated. “Maybe.”
“So I'm not the only one who got cursed, huh!” Nikki sneered. “You lied to me!”
“I didn't lie! I just didn't tell you!”
“That's even worse!”
“Whatever!” Tommy was sick of arguing, and his skin was itching for human contact. “How do we break the curse?”
Nikki shook his head. “I have no idea...”
“Well, I have one, but I don't know if it's gonna work.”
“I'm all ears.”
“What if we kissed?”
Nikki raised an eyebrow. “A kiss...?”
“If you think about it, every fairy tale ends with like, the curse being lifted by a kiss. What if it's the same for us?”
Nikki raised both eyebrows.
“Just hear me out for a second, dude!”
“Alright, alright, I'm willing to try. Hell, I'll try anything at this point.”
Tommy came closer to Nikki and cupped Nikki's face with his trembling hands. Their lips touched, and the world around them seemed to dissipate.
Nikki recalled that they already kissed maybe once, while drunk and emotional, so it wasn't as shocking. Tommy's lips were warm and soft, like a summer breeze. Then, they quickly separated and exchanged gazes.
“Felt anything? Like a curse leaving your body?” Tommy asked in between breaths, as if he ran a marathon.
“Don't think so.” Replied Nikki, his heart racing. “Have you?”
Tommy shook his head. “Well... Apart from the fact that now I feel... Like a weight on my shoulders has been lifted.”
“Yeah, me too... Maybe that was it, but I expected something more striking and obvious, like the heavens would open up above us or something.”
Tommy looked at Nikki and shrugged. “I dunno man, I have never been cursed before. I don't know what's supposed to –”
“We should try again.” Suggested the bassist, all of a sudden.
“Wait are you sure –” Tommy didn't have the time to finish the sentence that Nikki pulled him closer and planted a kiss on him. As soon as their lips came into contact again, a warm rush ran through their bodies, as if they were made of fire, feeling their lips burn to the touch of one another.
They distanced themselves and looked at each other.
“Dude...” Whispered Tommy. “Have you felt it too?”
Nikki nodded. “It was like...”
“Like a fire coming out of our bodies?”
Tommy looked at his hands, then back at Nikki. “I don't feel the urge to touch everyone anymore. Y'know, I always felt like an itch going through my body before, but now it's gone.”
“That's a good sign.” Said Nikki, pensively. “I, too, feel like the dark presence that was following has disappeared.” He added, instinctively looking around.
Tommy could finally hug his best friend. “We did it, dude!”
Nikki hugged him back, squeezing tightly, realizing how good it felt being touched again.
Put That Guy in a SituationTM Ask Game/Prompt!
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spitelout · 6 years
As that makes sense, thank you for answering my questions! => Hmm this one might be a weird one but if when the gang have a run in with a new dragon who's breath has the ability to de-age anything it touches for a limited amount of time, how would Spitelout react to his son conning back a toddler again and staying that way for a few days? Espicially if his now toddler son would want/need his attention so often?
He would be unbelieving at first, then angry, it would probably take him a bit to realize Baby Snotlout doesn’t have his memory intact, hes just a baby again….Then he would fall right back into his old dad ways, making silly noises while trying to teach him how to use his bludgeon properly all over.
Because what greater pride is there in the Jorgensen family than to train the young to be just as good as their parents =3
He probably isn’t the most responsible parent, however. I mean…neither was Stoick, they both gave their children deadly weapons as their first gifts.
He was probably rougher than most people, I can see him putting Snotlout with Terrible Terrors to make them play fight and then beaming with pride over any scars the toddler might receive in the tussle.However, I can also see him reassuring the toddler as they cry that this is a good thing, that they will grow into a strong warrior and be able to tell the tale of when they beat a dragon as a baby. (In fact, I think thats where the idea of Stoick killing a dragon with his bare hands as a baby came from…exaggerated scar stories. It probably happened about the same way….with a Terrible Terror.)
Tbh, if such an event occurred, Hookfang would probably have to take over caring for the reborn Snotlout because I just dont believe Spitelout is capable of being a responsible adult with babies, he doesn’t understand how fragile they ARE compared to what they CAN BE.He, among other vikings in the tribe, were probably the type to put several babies in a ring and watch them fight.Vikings are communal - even in parenting, so its possible he often left Snotlout with anyone willing to watch him….The twins parents come to mind - which is probably why they spend so much time together as teens as well, they were raised together.However, its possible Snotllouts mother died later in his life and she raised him until he was able to walk and follow his father around. Perhaps she raised the tins as well - they do mention they’re orphans, but -shrugs- their pasts are pretty clouded in mystery too.
Unfortunately, with this in mind, the twins would probably convince Spitelout to let them watch baby Snotlout for a bit and…I think we can all guess how that would go.
Lets just hope Hookfang isn’t affected by this as well, bc that baby is going to need a guardian angel - especially a five ton angel of fangs and flame
Also , since your ask was so specific, heres a sorta drabble based around it.
There are few things that can surprise Spitelout these days, very few, but as the small viking - no, chieftain, Hiccup, stood awkwardly before him, he found himself at a loss. Hiccup was always presenting the tribe with surprises, and now, it seemed, he was presenting a very personal one to him.
Curious, and perhaps a bit bemused by the awkward chieftains shuffling he began the conversation, “What brings the chief of Berk to my door today?”
Hiccup scratched the back of his neck as he looked between the ground and Spitelouts gaze, “Uuuuuuh,” He took a deep breath and let it out, “Spitelout…” There was something heavy on his mind and he didn’t seem to know how to get it out.
“Yes, I am he. go on, boyyo.”
“While we were out exploring the islands, we encountered a dragon we had never seen before, it was amazing, it was - - ” Hiccup never had been the best at getting to the point, but Spitelout let him ramble; the lad really liked his tales, Stoick had too….
Luckily, Astrid stepped in, ah, what a great lass, always straight to the point. “What hes trying to say is, we found a new dragon and Snotlout being Snotlout, well,…” she trailed off, biting her lip as she held out a tightly wrapped bundle towards him, a Snotlouts helm delicately placed atop it.
Spitelout felt his brow furrow as his gaze trailed down to the bundle. There was a tightness in his chest that he refused to acknowledge. Had his boy really gotten himself-
He glanced up as Snotlouts Monstrous Nightmare waddled into view, it seemed anxious, but not particularly upset. Strange, that.
He became plagued with wary curiosity.
“Hes a bit…shorter than when we left this morning,” Astrid continued at last, a light chuckle in her voice,
He took the bundle in one burly hand and gingerly unwrapped it with the other.
He looked back up at the pair, who continued to watch him warily and awkwardly at the same time, he furrowed his brows deeper, trying to decipher what sort of game or joke they were playing at. He looked to them fr answers.
“Spitelout, this- this is your son.”
Spitelout chuckled heartily,  it was just some game they were playing, strange, he always assumed they were different from the twins. “I only ave the one, boyyo, don’t think I could handle anotha.”
“No, Spitelout, that is - this is Snotlout.” Hiccup insisted. “the dragon he battled had this strange…” he struggled to find words, “venom, I guess is the best word for it, that, when inhaled, reverses the aging process and turns people back into younger versions of themselves.”
Spitelout critically searched their faces for the lie, then stared down at the child in his hands, it looked back at him with familiar grey eyes.
“Gothi says theres a cure, but we have to find all the parts.” Hiccup hesitated, choosing his words carefully. “Until then, you need to take care of him…”
“Alrigh, Ill play your lil game, ” he sighed good-heartedly. He found it hard to believe such a thing could really happen, “But if ye needed  babysitta, all ye had to do was ask.”
Hiccup began to protest, but Astrid stopped him, pulling him away with one last wary glance behind her and leading him to their dragons.
Spitelout shook his head as their shadows vanished in the horizon, it seemed the pair still had a ways to go before they became parents of their own. He looked back down at the child and wiggled his fingers near their face making silly noises as he did so. The child gripped his fingers tightly, and a seed of doubt entered his mind.
He was angry at first, pacing the room as the Monstrous Nightmare coiled itself around the child and watched him carefully he didn’t doubt that the thing would light the entire archipelago on fire just to protect Snotlout, but he wasn’t concerned by its low rumble.
“Ow could you go an be so brash!” he scolded loudly, “I ave told yew time and time again, ye cant jus rush in blind!”
“Now, Look at ye! Reduced to - to this! Well I ave news fer yew, Im not changing that diaper. Yew can change it yerself!”
The child sniffled, a cry beginning to bark from their throat.
“Oh don’t start yer cryin, Ive told ye about this before. Were Jorgensens! We don’t cry! We make other people cry!”  he tried to sound harsh, but there was a softness edging into his voice as tears streamed down the childs face.
The Monstrous Nightmare was growling now, a full fledged snarl that bared every single dagger-point fang in his head.
“Oi don’t ye start! Where were yewwhen this happened anyway?”
The dragon bulked at the accusation and simmered back into a low rumble.
Spitelout sighed as the childs screams ripped through his home. He wasn’t angry, he was frustrated, frustrated at himself.
Freya help him, he couldn’t raise a child alone.
Ignoring the dragon he plucked Snotlout from its coils and sang him the Jorgensen lullaby.
“its just wee scratch,” he reassured his son as the toddler screeched and flailed away from the terrible Terror. “Hopefully it will scar and then yewll have a story to tell when ye get older!”
The baby sniffled unconvinced, but curious. 
“Ye can tell em you got it grappling a berserker who tried ta kidnap the prodigy of the Jorgensens!”
The baby lit up as his father articulated this cheerily with his hands.
“But no one kin take a Jorgensen from the place he calls home, no one!”
He was happy to play father again, really he was, up until day three had passed and neither Astrid nor Hiccup had returned.
He was a busy man, incredibly busy, and also incredibly tired.
Did babies normally cry this much?
Spitelout did his best to comfort the babe, but it didnt seem Snotlout understood how great it was to be a Jorgensen, couldn’t see what a great warrior he would be one day….had been….
There was a ruckus upstairs, a series of dragon shrieks and the smell of burning wood. There were startled screams and the screams of a woken baby.
Spitelout rushed upstairs, ax at the ready as he prepared to defend his son.
the screaming stopped when he got halfway up, the house became eerily quiet, and chill went through him followed by a burning in his gut. Whatever was up there better have prayed to whatever god they believed in that no harm had come to his son.
Voices reached his ears, soft but with an annoying edge to it, the twins.
“Hes so cute now that he cant hit us~” Tuffnut purred as he let the small Snotlout play with his braids.
“Yea, and now that he cant talk!” Ruffnut laughed.
“Oh, hey, Spitey” Tuffnut noted blankly, unapologetic in the damage they had caused. “Mind if we take Snotlout out for a midnight flight?”
Edit: Annnnnd sorry but I ran out of juice here. -shrugs loudly- Its 1 am, I spent too much time on this as is. X3
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