#which means either before or after that is when i bleached and dyed it ginger and went from hippie to alternative
paralien · 2 years
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2023 vs 2017
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Teen Tracys
Muse is on a roll today, it seems (and I even managed to get some uni work done!).  From a conversation with @janetm74 that started over a discussion about punk!teen Virgil with a green mohawk and Eco-Warrior!teen Gordon and snowballed into, well, something a bit like this.
Random, has not been particularly polished, and I threw in a time skip rather than deal with the serious conversation.  Might write that later.
For ages, we’ve got Scott at 21, John’s 19, Virgil’s 17, Gordon’s 13 and Alan’s 9.  Three teenagers in the house; uh oh.
Scott loved his brothers. Really, he did.  But sometimes, they were just too much.  Big brother just didn’t hold the same weight as parent, no matter that he’d helped to raise all of them, and every so often his little brothers remembered that.
“Gordon, no.”
The thirteen-year-old, decked out in nothing but recycled greens, glared up at him with all the self-proclaimed righteousness a teenager could summon.  It was a lot.
“Do you know how much pollution is still being pumped into the oceans?” he demanded, not at all cowed by the fact he barely reached Scott’s chest.  “They finally stopped all the fossil fuel in the 2020s, and plastic was entirely phased out by 2030, and then the world gave itself a nice pat on the back as though that fixed everything!”
Scott had heard this tirade before.  Many, many, times before.
“Yes, Gordon, I know. Preservation of the oceans is important and that’s why this family – and Tracy Industries – does its bit to make sure nothing goes in there that shouldn’t, and is why you take part in charity events to continue to spread awareness.  I know.”  He didn’t have a problem with any of that, either.  No, what he had a problem with were the rallies.
Charity work?  Fine.  More than fine.
The rallies?  Not for an unaccompanied thirteen-year-old boy, and Scott knew they often involved illegally sabotaging places that still produced pollution.  No matter how well-meaning Gordon was, it was Scott’s duty as big brother and guardian not to let him get tangled up in that.
“Clearly you don’t know if you think that’s enough!” Gordon retorted, and Scott sighed.
“Gordon, I know more needs to be done, but it needs to be done legally, and not result in you getting thrown in a lockup, okay?  You’ve got that charity dinner with Lady Penelope next weekend, remember?”
“I can do both!” Gordon protested.  “Scott, I have to go!  It’s important for the planet!”
“Well it’s important to me that you don’t end up-”
Bright green in his periphery killed the rest of the sentence as he turned his head to see his normally sensible, reliable brother looking anything but.
“Virgil, you are not going out looking like that.”
“I can go out looking however I want, Scott.”  Seventeen years old and the teenage attitude Gordon was showing seemed to have infected his next oldest brother at last.  Virgil had been such a quiet, low-effort teenager – even more so than John, whose rebellion had been entirely digital and Scott was quite frankly afraid of what he might have done – until now.
Now, the punk phase had hit, and apparently the colour of the day was green.  Vibrant, radioactive touch-me-and-die green.  In a mohawk.
Scott tried to be the supportive big brother, he really did, but there were lines and the all-leather ensemble complete with mohawk and numerous piercings were pushing it.  Worst of all was the noise-maker he called a trike that he’d gone and bought last week despite being explicitly told not to. That had crossed the line.  There had been much shouting.  Virgil refused to return it, and spent more time in the garage tinkering with it than with his family now.
Gordon considered it an affront, and Scott wasn’t entirely certain it wasn’t going to be a target for the so-called rally if Gordon managed to join it.
“Virgil, please.”
“I want green hair!”
They’d caught Alan’s attention.  Great.
“No, Alan.  You are not dyeing your hair green.”
Realising both green-themed brothers – if for two very different reasons – were both trying to slip out while Alan played distraction, Scott backed up to the front door and blocked it with his body.
“Virgil did!”
“And if his hair dye ends up in your hair, his entire new ensemble is heading straight for the recycler,” Scott growled.  Three little brothers, all at once.  It was enough to give him a headache.  Gordon shifted, a shift that meant trouble, and he remembered the current household feud. “Gordon, if Virgil’s hair dye ends up in Alan’s hair, no more charity events until you’re eighteen.”
“But Scott!”
He didn’t even care which of the three said it.  It could have been all of them.  Why couldn’t they go through teenage rebellion from the sanctity of their bedrooms, like John did?
“I wouldn’t say green’s your colour anyway, Allie.”  As though summoned by Scott’s thoughts, the fourth little brother materialised.  Finally, some sanity- “how about we try black, or a dark blue, to match space?  Maybe Virgil can help make it a galaxy?”
Betrayal.  Betrayal of the highest order, but Scott refused to get dramatic about it because he had three drama queens in the house already and that would only encourage them.  Even if the smirk John sent his way made him want to throw something.  Or scream.
Or both.
With four brothers ganging up on him – two because they’d hit the rebellion phase, one because his brothers were, and one just because he could – Scott knew he wasn’t going to win this with his sanity intact.
“Alan, no, you are not dyeing your hair any colour.  Gordon, you are not going to that rally.  Virgil, you are not going out like that.  John, if you’re not going to be helpful, scat.”
“But Scott!”
That was all four of them. In chorus.  If half of them weren’t feuding he’d think the whole thing was choreographed.  Looking at John, he still wasn’t convinced the ginger genius hadn’t managed to orchestrate it.  He was still smirking.
Scott needed to pull out the big guns.
“If you four won’t listen to me, maybe you’ll listen to Grandma.”
The woman was in the garden, taking a well-deserved nap away from five grandsons.  Scott didn’t want to disturb her, but he knew when he was beaten. Two brothers, he could handle. Three, tough but doable.  Four, when one was deliberately stirring the pot? Even Scott had limits.
Any hopes he might have had that the mere threat would be enough died when three defiant – and one amused, damn you, John – faces stared at him.
He pulled out his phone, gave them one more moment to change their minds of their own accord, before making the call.
“Sorry to interrupt you, Grandma, but can you come back inside?”
“On my way.  What have the trouble-makers done this time?”
Scott gave her a brief rundown, interspersed with varying levels of protest from each brother as it reached their turn.  By the time he was done, the woman was inside the house, regarding all five of them.
Three faces were starting to quail.  Alan in particular looked on the verge of tears, but no teenage rebellion was stopping Virgil being a Grandma’s boy and even Gordon had a healthy respect for her tongue.  John continued to look far too smug, and Scott’s internal alarm bells were ringing.
Still, Grandma was here now. Grandma would sort his brothers out and Scott could get a blissful half hour – maybe even an hour, if he was lucky – without some sort of sibling drama.
“Well, I’m not seeing any problems here.”
Grandma walked straight up to Virgil and started plucking at his jacket, deftly dodging the metallic spikes as she adjusted it on his shoulders.  “When I was your age, it was all pink.  Pink leather, pink hotpants.”  She winked in Scott’s direction and the urge to scream bubbled up in his chest.  “I dyed my hair to match.”
At least his brothers seemed to be as dumbstruck as him about that, even if Scott was watching his last bastion of support crumble before his eyes.
“Your Grandpa had the most amazing Harley,” she continued.  “Ooh, what a beauty.  Such a smooth ride.  He really knew how to treat a girl, your Grandpa.”
Nope.  Absolutely nope.  Scott needed brain bleach, and an escape from the madhouse, preferably before he screamed.
With a hoarse yell that was only a yell, and not a scream at all, he yanked the front door open, all but ran through it, and slammed it so hard a shingle slid from the roof.
He stared at it for a moment before surging into a run, past the garage and that damn trike, over the front gate, and headed straight for… who cared, as long as it was away. Right then, the house could collapse or burn to the ground for all he really cared.
Scott tried to be tolerant, he tried to be fair to all of his brothers, but sometimes it was just too much to handle.
He’d ended up sitting in a tree after running all through the woodland until his legs burned.  Apparently, that wasn’t enough to stop his grandmother finding him when she wanted to.
“Are you ready to come home, dear?” she called up.  He sighed and let his head thud against the trunk.
“Am I going to be ganged up on by my brothers over stupid things if I do?” he asked.  “Because I think I’ve had enough of that.”
“Your brothers and I had a nice long chat, and we’ve put some new house rules in place,” she told him. “Gordon has agreed no more rallies and Alan no longer wants his hair dyed.”
“And Virgil and John?” he asked warily.
“Virgil has agreed not to provoke Gordon any more, but you two need to talk about policing each other’s clothes, young man.”  Scott winced. “As for John, he knows he went too far, but just like with Virgil, you are going to have to talk to each other like the reasonable young men you are.”  There was no reproach in her tone, but Scott felt scolded all the same.
He didn’t want to go home, but if Grandma was promising no more carnage…  Scott could never bring himself to leave his brothers for too long.  Reluctantly, he eased himself out of the tree, swinging from the last branch to the ground below.
“I know you don’t like what Virgil’s done to his hair,” Grandma said, looping her arm through his. “But remember it’s his hair, not yours.”
“It’s not that,” Scott admitted.  “He can do what he wants with it; it’s that trike.  He can’t wear a helmet with his hair all spiked up like that!”
“Then you should tell him that’s why you disapprove.”  Grandma was, as always, full of logic.  “None of you boys can read minds, you know.  You have to talk to each other.”
“I know,” Scott sighed. “Sorry, Grandma, I messed up.”
“You’re just worried about them.”  She squeezed his arm fondly.  “They’ll appreciate it when they’re older.”
“Will they?”
“They’re not the first teenage boys I’ve raised,” she reminded him.  “There’s nothing you and your brothers have done that your father and uncle Lee didn’t do already.”
“…Even the punk mohawk?”
“I still have the photos.”
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felis-felicis · 3 years
❤️ - Does my muse believe in true love?
📚- What’s my muse’s favorite book?
🎞 - What’s my muse’s favorite movie?
💘 - How long does it take my muse to tell her boy/girlfriend they love them?
✏️ - Is my muse right or left handed?
🗣 - Does your muse speak more than one language and if so, which one(s)?
🎓 - Did my muse graduate high school? Did my muse graduate college, where?
🐕 - Is my muse a cat or dog person?
🌹 - What is my muse’s favorite flower?
❄️ - What is my muse’s favorite season?
🔢 - Does my muse have a lucky #?
🎶 - What is my muse’s theme song?
🥃 - What is my muse’s favorite drink?
🍰 - What is her cake flavor of choice?
💍 - Does my muse want to get married?
🤰🏼 - Does my muse have/want kids?
☔️ - Does she prefer rain or snow?
🎤 - Can my muse sing? If they can sing, can they sing well and what it’s like?
😫 - What scares my muse the most?
🎹 - Can they play any instruments?
🚘 - What car does my muse have?
🎉 - What is my muse’s birthday?
💌 - Have they ever written a love letter? If they have, who did they write it for?
😤 - What is my muse’s pet peeve?
💤 - How many hours does my muse typically sleep and do they have any sleep disorders when it comes to sleeping?
🚼 - How many kids does my muse want? What genders, if preferential?
🤒 - What makes my muse feel better when they are sick and why is that?
🙏🏻 - Is my muse a religious person?
👩🏻‍🦰 - Has my muse ever dyed their hair?
👠 - Does my muse wear heels or flats?
📖 - What grades does my muse get in school (or what did they get in school?)
👫 - What sort of relationship did/does my muse have with their parents? Why?
💐 - Is my muse a hopeless romantic?
🌤 - What time does my muse get up?
🍎 - What is my muse’s favorite fruit?
👚 - What is my muse’s favorite color?
👑 - Does my muse like jewelry and if they do, what’s their favorite type?
👰🏻 - Have they ever been married before?
🤬 - Does my muse ever cuss at all?
🌱 - Is my muse allergic to anything?
🍽 - What is my muse’s favorite food?
For Raven from Sam @ourwrittenstories (I couldn't remember what verse omg so I picked Bonnie and Clyde):
❤️ - Does my muse believe in true love?
Very much so, Raven is a romantic at heart. Despite his hard outer shell he's always wanted to be loved and love someone in return.
📚- What’s my muse’s favorite book?
Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, original Russian translation
🎞 - What’s my muse’s favorite movie?
The Lost Boys!
💘 - How long does it take my muse to tell her boy/girlfriend they love them?
Like every moment of every day!
✏️ - Is my muse right or left handed?
Right handed
🗣 - Does your muse speak more than one language and if so, which one(s)?
Raven grew up with Russian as a first language but now he speaks English too and a little Romanian.
🎓 - Did my muse graduate high school? Did my muse graduate college, where?
Raven's parents were working class immigrants and, when he was young, his dad was in and out of jail so Raven had to have a job straight out of high school to help out. College was pretty much a pipe dream.
🐕 - Is my muse a cat or dog person?
Dog person for sure! But Raven loves all animals, except snakes. He's afraid of snakes lol
🌹 - What is my muse’s favorite flower?
Raven doesn't really like flowers so I picked an herb? He likes Rosemary.
❄️ - What is my muse’s favorite season?
Summer because Sam wears g-strings all the time and it's titties out season.
🔢 - Does my muse have a lucky #?
Raven likes the number 3
🎶 - What is my muse’s theme song?
Bad and Boujee by Migos and Lil Uzi Vert
🥃 - What is my muse’s favorite drink?
Pino Noir bc he fancy
🍰 - What is her cake flavor of choice?
Doesn't like cake either!
💍 - Does my muse want to get married?
He only wants to marry Sam, no one else.
🤰🏼 - Does my muse have/want kids?
He's not really sure, before he met Sam it was a hard no since he never wanted another him in the world. Now when he thinks that other half would be Sam he wants to reconsider.
☔️ - Does she prefer rain or snow?
🎤 - Can my muse sing? If they can sing, can they sing well and what it’s like?
Raven can NOT sing but he enjoys it even though he can't carry a tune
😫 - What scares my muse the most?
Losing Sam, snakes, heights
🎹 - Can they play any instruments?
When he was a kid his mom made him take piano lessons at church and in high school he played drums and bass guitar
🚘 - What car does my muse have?
He has one Jeep Wrangler and an Indian Motorcycle, he uses the motorcycle way more than the car
🎉 - What is my muse’s birthday?
November 1st, my Scorpio king
💌 - Have they ever written a love letter? If they have, who did they write it for?
not yet
😤 - What is my muse’s pet peeve?
bad manners, Raven was raised with pretty impeccable table manners and it bothers him when people chew with their mouths open
💤 - How many hours does my muse typically sleep and do they have any sleep disorders when it comes to sleeping?
Before a job like 5, after like 10. he has a hard time falling to sleep but sleeps soundly once he's out.
🚼 - How many kids does my muse want? What genders, if preferential?
Honestly Raven never thought he'd have kids so he doesn't really care so long as they're healthy
🤒 - What makes my muse feel better when they are sick and why is that?
he likes his socks warmed up in the dryer and ginger ale because those were both things his mom did for him when he was sick from school
🙏🏻 - Is my muse a religious person?
His family is Russian Orthodox Catholic but Raven isn't religious
👩🏻‍🦰 - Has my muse ever dyed their hair?
In his early twenties Raven bleached his hair and his eyebrows. It was...certainly a choice.
📖 - What grades does my muse get in school (or what did they get in school?)
Raven was average and slacking
👫 - What sort of relationship did/does my muse have with their parents? Why?
VERY close to his parents, especially his mom
💐 - Is my muse a hopeless romantic?
for sure! Raven was planning his own wedding when he was 10 and the other boys were shooting each other with nerf guns
🌤 - What time does my muse get up?
As late as possible but usually 10am
🍎 - What is my muse’s favorite fruit?
👚 - What is my muse’s favorite color?
Purple and black
👑 - Does my muse like jewelry and if they do, what’s their favorite type?
Raven loves bracelets and rings, he's always wearing them and each has a meaning for a person/place that he loves.
👰🏻 - Have they ever been married before?
Nope he was Adam's wife in prison but that doesn't count
🤬 - Does my muse ever cuss at all?
A lot
🌱 - Is my muse allergic to anything?
🍽 - What is my muse’s favorite food?
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Brighter - Shawn Mendes (1)
Juliette Petit is a 25 years old French artist, who’s performing at the grammy’s. After meeting one of her best buds after her performance, she met someone new. Everything is history after that.
At first, I wanted it to be a one shot. But I got carried away. English isn’t my mother tongue, so I’m sorry if I made mistakes.
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I couldn’t be more stressed about what was going to happen later. I’m currently getting ready for tonight. Because tonight I will have to perform at the grammy’s. And to even think about performing was so surreal to me but walking the red carpet was more stressing than everything.
“Juliette it’s going to be ok honey.”
It was my manager Sarah. She’s been with me since my first day in London to record my first EP 2 years ago. Back then, I was just a 25 years old french girl, coming from Paris. And 2 years later here I was, in a fabulous hotel room in the US getting ready for what could be one of the most important night of my career.
“Am I crazy if I say that I am more stressed about the red carpet than performing my own song?”
Sarah looked at me without understanding why I could say that.
“I know performing should be more nerve racking, but… how do you expect me to not fall on my ass wearing those shoes…”
“Juliette I know… I know you don’t like wearing high heels because they make you feel uncomfortable about your height but it’s not like you can wear your vans.”
“But I could !”
“No, you can’t, it’s the grammy’s!”
“Please Sarah… If I fall, I’ll be so mortified. I can’t be in that state. Not tonight, not ever.”
“If I ever go to the oscars I’ll wear high heels, but please not tonight!”
“Juliette I can’t tell you what to do, all I can is saying what would be the best for you, for your image. But at the end, it’s your choice.”
“I know what I am going to do then. Thank you S !”
And I kissed her cheeks.
We were in the car driving us to the staples center for the ceremony. A man opened the car and I went out. People were cheering for the celebrities walking the carpet. And I was starstruck. Never in my life I have been to anything that huge. I went to europeans ceremonies but it was something else.
“Sarah, that’s so huge !” I whispered into her left ear.
“Just enjoy yourself ! Take everything you can from tonight but just enjoy and relax, it will be a fun night !”
“Yeah fun… especially with those heels.”
Sarah made me go to the first reporter. It was Ryan Seacrest.
“Juliette you look beautiful in that dress wow!” I blushed and thanked him with a smile. “First time at the grammy’s, huh. So how is it so far?”
“Ryan it’s crazy by just being here. I am still the same girl who loves going to shows of bands she likes and getting into circle pits and stuffs, but I am at the grammy’s right now. Seriously it’s so good so far ! I just wish my family could be with me or at least in the audience to see me.”
“Might be a bit hard to almost being 9 hours behind them. So If you could say anything to them, what would that be ? Just say that to them to the camera.”
“Je vous aime et j'ai hâte de vous revoir vite à la maison ! And Ryan just so you now I said that I love them and I can’t wait to see them back home. And yes it’s hard, but it’s worth it. I mean, look at me at the grammy’s!”
“That’s sweet! So you’re performing tonight, that must be huge for you. But a lot of great artists are performing as well, which one are you the most excited to see?”
“I’m dying to see them all… but the most, I would say Kacey Musgraves and Camila Cabello. I love them so much so I just can’t wait to lip sync and move along to their song.”
“Anxious about performing?”
“Not anxious, obviously I’m a bit stressed, but I’m way more stressed about walking in those heels right now than performing. I just can’t wait to be able to put my vans on. I even have gold vans to match my dress but I had to wear those high heels!”
“But Juliette if you want to put your vans just go with it!”
“You think I can Ryan?”
“Of course you can! Plus they’re matching your dress, not it’s not a faux pas!”
“I think I am doing this on live!” We laughed while I put my heels off my feet. “Sarah, just give me my socks and vans!”
“Yes people, Juliette is really changing her shoes live, I love that girl!”
“I love you too Ryan, but I have to tie my vans right now so don’t make me laugh.” Ryan laughed. “I am done. Well, Ryan I am more myself right now. And people at home, at work, or wherever you are. Wearing a dress and sneakers is my go-to. Everyday. All day. I like that.”
“You still look beautiful even without your heels Juliette.”
“Thank you Ryan!”
“Can you tell us, which song you’re going to perform tonight?” I smiled.
“You’ll have to wait and see!”
“You’re a tease Juliette!” Ryan laughed. “Thank you, everyone it was Juliette Petit, you’ll see her perform later! Now time for some commercials, see you in a bit!”
The camera went down, and Ryan faced me once again.
“Thank you Juliette! Always a pleasure talking with you! Enjoy your night!”
After that conversation, a lot of others happened, always the kind of questions. But it was great and obviously I didn’t fall on my ass on the carpet so I was glad. It was ceremony time. And I was performing in a little while, so I didn’t have to get ready yet.
Camila Cabello was on stage and I was living my best life, singing and dancing along to her song. After her performance, someone from the crew of the show came to me saying it was time for getting ready. Sarah and I followed him into a dressing room where my clothes were. I changed into my black and rose gold dress and put my rose gold vans as well and I was ready.
I took my guitar and went backstage. Luke, Tony and Alex are with me as well. We warmed up a bit and Alicia Keys announced it’s my time to go on stage.
“Guys I love you so much. Thank you for being with me!”
“It’s your time to shine” Tony said.
“No Tony, it’s ours. I know that she said my name, but if I didn’t have you, it wouldn’t be the same.”
We went on stage all together, I had my guitar with me and they went to their instruments and the first notes of Brighter began.
Its a brand new day, it’s never too late to start Can’t live this life with an empty heart
At the end of the first chorus, I stopped playing the guitar and put it against the guitar stand to put my all energy on performing for everyone. People in the audience, people at home watching us, people who would watch us on the internet if they were any. Literally everyone.
“Thank you everyone, but thank you to the guys behind me, that would only be fair if they were next to me to say thank you! Guys come back!”
And they came back. And we all said thank you. It was over. We rushed off stage and I was so happy.
“Guys that was so good! Damn I’ll never recover from this shit! Thank you thank you thank you!”
We were hugging as a potato when I heard someone said something I haven’t heard in a while!
“Where is my favorite Juliette?!”
“Josiaaaaaah oh mon dieu! Oh shit, oh my god sorry!”
“That was phenomenal Juliette!”
I hugged my friend Josiah! We met at a festival three years ago, but really bonded on twitter right after, because we listened to the same kind of music!
“Dude, I missed you! It’s been way too long!”
“Juliette, I’m in a rush right now, but I’m in town for a bit, Maybe we could see each other before you either go back home, or I’ll go on tour or you or whatever!”
“Yes yes yes! I’ll text you after tonight!”
“Are you going to an after party?”
“Don’t know yet, I want to party, but I think as soon as it’s over, I’ll want to sleep for days thanks to the stress!”
“Always a sleeper!”
“I am in love with my bed, or at least, with whatever bed I can have!”
“You’re so weird, I love you! If I’ll go to a party or something, I’ll text you!”
“And I’ll do the same! Bye J!”
The grammy’s kept getting better and better. People won trophies. Some made me cry during their speeches. Not my fault I love happy people, and they can make me cry of happiness.
At the end of the ceremony, I received a text from Josiah.
don’t know if you’re still up for a party tonight, it’s not an official one, just a little one at my friend’s house if you want to come.
Yeah sure, no problem! I would rather have a little something than a big anything. Can my dudes come as well?
Obviously, you know I love those dudes!
If you want me to come, you have to give me the address J!
He then texted me the address and Luke, Tony, Alex and I went to in and out first before going to the party.
So that’s the first part !
I hope you like it, as much as I liked writing it.
The song brighter is from Against The Current. Just so you know, I’ll probably use more songs from this band, or Paramore, or female artists. But I will always tell you guys at the end of each chapter.
I don’t have anyone in my head for the character of Juliette, because I don’t really want to label her as a brunette/blonde/ginger or something. But she will eventually bleach her hair because I’m dying to do it all over again hahaha
I also post this fanfic on Wattpad ;)
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Brighter part I
Juliette Petit is a 25 years old French artist, who's performing at the grammy's. After meeting one of her best buds after her performance, she met someone new. Everything is history after that.
At first, I wanted it to be a one shot. But I got carried away. English isn't my mother tongue, so I'm sorry if I made mistakes.
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I couldn't be more stressed about what was going to happen later. I'm currently getting ready for tonight. Because tonight I will have to perform at the grammy's. And to even think about performing was so surreal to me but walking the red carpet was more stressing than everything.
"Juliette it's going to be ok honey."
It was my manager Sarah. She's been with me since my first day in London to record my first EP 2 years ago. Back then, I was just a 25 years old french girl, coming from Paris. And 2 years later here I was, in a fabulous hotel room in the US getting ready for what could be one of the most important night of my career.
"Am I crazy if I say that I am more stressed about the red carpet than performing my own song?"
Sarah looked at me without understanding why I could say that.
"I know performing should be more nerve racking, but... how do you expect me to not fall on my ass wearing those shoes..."
"Juliette I know... I know you don't like wearing high heels because they make you feel uncomfortable about your height but it's not like you can wear your vans."
"But I could !"
"No, you can't, it's the grammy's!"
"Please Sarah... If I fall, I'll be so mortified. I can't be in that state. Not tonight, not ever."
"If I ever go to the oscars I'll wear high heels, but please not tonight!"
"Juliette I can't tell you what to do, all I can is saying what would be the best for you, for your image. But at the end, it's your choice."
"I know what I am going to do then. Thank you S !"
And I kissed her cheeks.
We were in the car driving us to the staples center for the ceremony. A man opened the car and I went out. People were cheering for the celebrities walking the carpet. And I was starstruck. Never in my life I have been to anything that huge. I went to europeans ceremonies but it was something else.
"Sarah, that's so huge !" I whispered into her left ear.
"Just enjoy yourself ! Take everything you can from tonight but just enjoy and relax, it will be a fun night !"
"Yeah fun... especially with those heels."
Sarah made me go to the first reporter. It was Ryan Seacrest.
"Juliette you look beautiful in that dress wow!" I blushed and thanked him with a smile. "First time at the grammy's, huh. So how is it so far?"
"Ryan it's crazy by just being here. I am still the same girl who loves going to shows of bands she likes and getting into circle pits and stuffs, but I am at the grammy's right now. Seriously it's so good so far ! I just wish my family could be with me or at least in the audience to see me."
"Might be a bit hard to almost being 9 hours behind them. So If you could say anything to them, what would that be ? Just say that to them to the camera."
"Je vous aime et j'ai hâte de vous revoir vite à la maison ! And Ryan just so you now I said that I love them and I can't wait to see them back home. And yes it's hard, but it's worth it. I mean, look at me at the grammy's!"
"That's sweet! So you're performing tonight, that must be huge for you. But a lot of great artists are performing as well, which one are you the most excited to see?"
"I'm dying to see them all... but the most, I would say Kacey Musgraves and Camila Cabello. I love them so much so I just can't wait to lip sync and move along to their song."
"Anxious about performing?"
"Not anxious, obviously I'm a bit stressed, but I'm way more stressed about walking in those heels right now than performing. I just can't wait to be able to put my vans on. I even have gold vans to match my dress but I had to wear those high heels!"
"But Juliette if you want to put your vans just go with it!"
"You think I can Ryan?"
"Of course you can! Plus they're matching your dress, not it's not a faux pas!"
"I think I am doing this on live!" We laughed while I put my heels off my feet. "Sarah, just give me my socks and vans!"
"Yes people, Juliette is really changing her shoes live, I love that girl!"
"I love you too Ryan, but I have to tie my vans right now so don't make me laugh." Ryan laughed. "I am done. Well, Ryan I am more myself right now. And people at home, at work, or wherever you are. Wearing a dress and sneakers is my go-to. Everyday. All day. I like that."
"You still look beautiful even without your heels Juliette."
"Thank you Ryan!"
"Can you tell us, which song you're going to perform tonight?" I smiled.
"You'll have to wait and see!"
"You're a tease Juliette!" Ryan laughed. "Thank you, everyone it was Juliette Petit, you'll see her perform later! Now time for some commercials, see you in a bit!"
The camera went down, and Ryan faced me once again.
"Thank you Juliette! Always a pleasure talking with you! Enjoy your night!"
After that conversation, a lot of others happened, always the kind of questions. But it was great and obviously I didn't fall on my ass on the carpet so I was glad. It was ceremony time. And I was performing in a little while, so I didn't have to get ready yet.
Camila Cabello was on stage and I was living my best life, singing and dancing along to her song. After her performance, someone from the crew of the show came to me saying it was time for getting ready. Sarah and I followed him into a dressing room where my clothes were. I changed into my black and rose gold dress and put my rose gold vans as well and I was ready.
I took my guitar and went backstage. Luke, Tony and Alex are with me as well. We warmed up a bit and Alicia Keys announced it's my time to go on stage.
"Guys I love you so much. Thank you for being with me!"
"It's your time to shine" Tony said.
"No Tony, it's ours. I know that she said my name, but if I didn't have you, it wouldn't be the same."
We went on stage all together, I had my guitar with me and they went to their instruments and the first notes of Brighter began.
Its a brand new day, it's never too late to start Can't live this life with an empty heart
At the end of the first chorus, I stopped playing the guitar and put it against the guitar stand to put my all energy on performing for everyone. People in the audience, people at home watching us, people who would watch us on the internet if they were any. Literally everyone.
"Thank you everyone, but thank you to the guys behind me, that would only be fair if they were next to me to say thank you! Guys come back!"
And they came back. And we all said thank you. It was over. We rushed off stage and I was so happy.
"Guys that was so good! Damn I'll never recover from this shit! Thank you thank you thank you!"
We were hugging as a potato when I heard someone said something I haven't heard in a while!
"Where is my favorite Juliette?!"
"Josiaaaaaah oh mon dieu! Oh shit, oh my god sorry!"
"That was phenomenal Juliette!"
I hugged my friend Josiah! We met at a festival three years ago, but really bonded on twitter right after, because we listened to the same kind of music!
"Dude, I missed you! It's been way too long!"
"Juliette, I'm in a rush right now, but I'm in town for a bit, Maybe we could see each other before you either go back home, or I'll go on tour or you or whatever!"
"Yes yes yes! I'll text you after tonight!"
"Are you going to an after party?"
"Don't know yet, I want to party, but I think as soon as it's over, I'll want to sleep for days thanks to the stress!"
"Always a sleeper!"
"I am in love with my bed, or at least, with whatever bed I can have!"
"You're so weird, I love you! If I'll go to a party or something, I'll text you!"
"And I'll do the same! Bye J!"
The grammy's kept getting better and better. People won trophies. Some made me cry during their speeches. Not my fault I love happy people, and they can make me cry of happiness.
At the end of the ceremony, I received a text from Josiah.
From Josiah:
don't know if you're still up for a party tonight, it's not an official one, just a little one at my friend's house if you want to come.
To Josiah:
Yeah sure, no problem! I would rather have a little something than a big anything. Can my dudes come as well?
From Josiah:
Obviously, you know I love those dudes!
To Josiah:
If you want me to come, you have to give me the address J!
He then texted me the address and Luke, Tony, Alex and I went to in and out first before going to the party.
So that's the first part !
I hope you like it, as much as I liked writing it.
The song brighter is from Against The Current. Just so you know, I'll probably use more songs from this band, or Paramore, or female artists. But I will always tell you guys at the end of each chapter.
I don't have anyone in my head for the character of Juliette, because I don't really want to label her as a brunette/blonde/ginger or something. But she will eventually bleach her hair because I'm dying to do it all over again hahaha
I also post this fanfic on Wattpad ;)
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