#and my grown out bowl cut ahh
paralien · 2 years
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2023 vs 2017
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jekde04 · 3 years
One-shot for Gruvia Day/Greige Day/Gruvia Family Day 2021
Summary: Coming home from a mission is always better when there's someone waiting for you.
Word Count: 2,483 words
You may also read it on FanFiction.net and AO3! Check out my master list for other Gruvia fics.
Tag List: @shampooneko @fbflame94 @juviaafullbuster @unvalley @gruviaftw11​ (Wanna be tagged, lemme know)
“Mommy, we’re back!”
Looking for her blue head of hair had become second nature to him, so he quickly spotted her among their friends as she stood up to gather the running Greige into her arms. He followed right after, though a lot calmer.
“I finished my mission with Daddy!” the four-year-old boy with dark blue hair exclaimed as he reached his mom, still a little breathless from running. “I made big blocks of ice for the party, and Daddy crushed them to make snow cones for everyone!”
Greige prattled on excitedly, demonstrating each point with his hands and arms and making Juvia smile. Arriving at her side, Gray put his arm around his wife’s shoulders and kissed her temple. She embraced him back, giving him a quick squeeze before letting go and turning back to their son.
Gray chuckled. It seemed like ages ago when Juvia would welcome him with a half-hug, half-tackle to the ground while shouting, “Gray-samaaaaa!” Now, all her attention was on their son.
“That’s great, darling,” Juvia told Greige as they all sat side by side, with both of her boys on either side of her. “You didn’t get hurt, did you?”
Gray rolled his eyes. It was so like Juvia to get worried over a simple mission of making ice sculptures and snow cones for kids at a birthday party, even though she was the one to spot it on the job board.
At first, she got really excited as she saw it as an opportunity for family bonding. But with her six-month pregnant belly, Gray wouldn’t risk it even if it was just an easy and harmless mission.
It ended up being a father and son bonding with his little ice mage apprentice.
“Relax, Juvia. As if I would let something happen to our son,” Gray answered after taking a gulp of the ice-cold water waiting for him at the table. Mira passed by and set a hot bowl of udon in front of him, giving him a light pat on the back.
“Of course you won’t, Gray-sama,” his wife answered with a smile. “But Juvia will always worry for you two. It’s just the way it is.”
She turned to Greige and held his elbow to pull him closer but was surprised when he yelped in pain.
“Greige-kun? What’s the matter? Where does it hurt?” Juvia asked in a concerned voice, trying to look for any bruise or cut on his son’s well-covered body.
Gray also turned to look at him with worry. “Did you get injured, buddy?”
“N-nothing. I’m okay, Mom,” Greige answered, squirming from Juvia’s fussing and a bit embarrassed about his outburst.
“Don’t ‘nothing’ me, young man,” Juvia said in her stern mommy voice that meant business. She rarely used it to both Gray and Greige, so both of them knew better than to defy her in any way when she was in one of her moods.
And being pregnant, those mood swings escalated tenfold.
Greige let Juvia remove his outer coat, allowing her to quickly spot the source of the problem: a scratch on his elbow. It wasn’t that deep or big, but it definitely should be cleaned, or else it would get infected.
Suddenly, Juvia snapped her head towards her husband and glared at him with her fierce blue eyes.
“Gray-sama! You said you won’t let anything happen to our son!”
Gray gulped and scratched the back of his head. All they did was make snow cones, how the hell did Greige get that?!
“Juvia, I swear, I didn’t let him out of my sight! I don’t even know where he got that,” he answered as he moved to Greige’s other side, examining the wound. “Besides, it’s just a small scratch. It’s no big deal.”
He immediately regretted his words the moment they came out of his mouth. He felt goosebumps prickling his skin as Juvia’s glare intensified.
Really, this woman means the world to him, but she could be scarier than Erza sometimes.
But before he could appease his wife, Greige said in a small voice, “This was from yesterday.”
Juvia turned to their son. “Yesterday? What happened? And why didn’t you say anything about it?”
With his head bowed, Greige mumbled something he couldn’t hear. Gray was about to ask him to speak louder when he saw him chance a glance at the pink-haired girl just three tables away from them...
And blush.
Holy Mavis.
He knew that look. He used to steal glances at Juvia with that look.
But his son was just four years old!
“What did you say, Greige?” Juvia’s voice broke through his thoughts (and internal panic), and he tried his best to focus on his son’s answer instead of his pink cheeks.
“I-I... scraped my elbow while Nasha and I were trying to hide from Aunt Lucy,” Greige answered, and Gray swore his son’s cheeks flushed some more.
Okay, he and Greige need to have a long talk when they get home. He was just four, but who knows what ideas and thoughts were running through his head now? Better nip it in the bud while it was still early.
And maybe he would tell Juvia tonight, but he had to be really careful because it might trigger the waterworks. And God knew how extremely sensitive she was, especially now that she was pregnant. Just last week, they ran out of milk, and she bawled her eyes out over it.
“Next time, be more careful, darling,” Juvia said, seemingly oblivious to what just happened and already arms-deep into her first aid kit.
Juvia had always been like that whenever he returned from a mission. She would have a first aid kit by her side and a glass of cold water and a serving of whatever the meal of the day was already ordered for him. At home, there would always be a feast.
He had to thank her failproof Gray-sama radar for always getting the timing of his arrival right.
She started dabbing alcohol on Greige’s wound while blowing at the spot to ease the pain. Greige flinched a little, but he put on a brave face while his mom cleaned his wound, his eyes traveling now and then to the nearby table where his bubbly friend was busy playing with her mom’s keys, unaware of his stolen glances.
That talk was definitely happening the moment they get home.
“All done!” Juvia exclaimed, lightly patting the band-aid she placed over the abrasion. “Now, for the finishing touches.”
She puckered her lips and lowered it to Greige’s elbow to kiss the boo-boo away, as she always did whenever her son injured himself. But just when her lips were a mere inch away, Greige saw Nasha looking at him with her big brown eyes, causing him to push his mom’s lips away from him.
“Ahh, stop it, Mom! I’m a big boy now!” Greige blurted, crimson cheeks and all.
Lisanna, who was delivering some drinks to a nearby table, smiled widely and ruffled Greige’s hair. "Aww, you are so cute, Greige-kun!" This made the boy even redder.
Surprised, Juvia locked eyes with Gray, and he tilted his head towards the table where his rival’s family was staying. She saw Nasha looking at Greige, and she looked at her husband and raised one of her eyebrows.
“Okay, Mommy understands,” she told Greige as she smiled at him and smoothed the band-aid on his elbow. “But promise me one thing, darling.”
Greige looked up at her and waited.
“Promise me that even though you’re a young man now, you won’t give Mommy a grandchild yet, okay? Mommy’s too young for that.”
Greige just continued looking at her, brows furrowed in confusion. Gray, on the other hand, almost choked on his udon and shouted, “Juvia!” at his giggling wife.
“Really, I can give Mommy a grandchild? How?” their son asked, excitement twinkling in his eyes.
Gray took a gulp of cold water before turning to his son. “Alright, that’s enough. Greige, don’t listen to your mom. And Juvia, stop putting ideas into your son’s head!”
Juvia covered her mouth with her hands. “Juvia’s sorry, Gray-sama. Juvia just thinks it’s so cute that Greige-kun already has a --”
A little girl’s voice interrupted them, and they all turned to look at Nasha, who had quietly made her way to their table. Gray stole a glance at his son and saw him giving the girl the tiniest of smiles.
Just like the smile he used to give Juvia when he was still fighting his growing feelings for her.
All of a sudden, the innocent-looking girl jumped on Greige and locked his head under her arm, a mischievous smile on her lips. “Aunt Juvia, Uncle Gray, can Greige and I get some ice cream?”
“Ow! Let go!” Greige exclaimed, suddenly finding himself in a headlock with a giggling Nasha. He escaped her grip and glared at her while his mom answered, “Of course, sweetie. Just don’t go far and don’t take too long.”
“Yes, ma’am!” Nasha excitedly answered, dragging a sulking Greige after her. “Come on, weirdo. Let’s get some ice cream!”
“But I just ate a snow cone!”
“Whatever, you’re coming with me!”
Gray followed the two kids with his eyes, watching them hold hands as they made their way to their Aunt Mirajane.
That was his son, alright. Before long, he would be all grown up and meeting Nashas from different worlds and seeing snow dolls of Nasha and having enemies conjure up fantasies of him and Nasha in a perfect, happy world and --
“Relax, Gray-sama,” he heard his wife say, bringing him back to Earthland. “It will be a long time before all your thoughts would come true.”
His wife’s Gray-sama radar probably got an upgrade as it apparently developed mindreading powers now. And since when did his mind start running off to fantasy world? After all these years, Juvia’s powerful imagination must have rubbed off on him somehow.
Gray stretched his sore muscles and popped the joints in his neck. “Don’t joke about grandkids again. It’s scary.” He placed his hand at his wife’s round belly. “‘Sides, we’re not yet done having kids.”
Juvia looked at him, the most beautiful smile gracing her face. “Juvia knows. Now, get naked.”
“N-now?” Gray stammered, surprised at his wife’s sudden request. Sure, he would love to try having more kids, but --
“-- so Juvia could examine you thoroughly for any wounds. And change your bandages,” she continued, eyes feigning innocence. But he could see a small smile tugging at her lips, satisfied with the little joke she pulled.
Gray rolled his eyes and took off his shirt. He let Juvia’s light fingers explore his body and carefully remove the old gauze wrapped around his broad chest. “It’s almost healed already,” he remarked.
Juvia just continued applying antiseptic on his injury, not looking up at Gray. His wound was by no means fresh, but it was a deep gash he got from one of his missions with Team Natsu. He threw himself in front of a kid to protect her from one of the bandits, which earned him a cut over his breastbone. Good thing Wendy was with them; it could have been fatal if she didn’t treat it right away.
“Still not totally healed. Gray-sama should keep the bandages clean to avoid infection.” She looked up at him and added, “And Gray-sama should be extra careful now that our family is growing.”
Despite her steady tone, he could see her eyes glimmering with unshed tears. He remembered the first time she saw his injury and how she tried to muffle her sobs so that Greige wouldn’t think something was wrong.
Gray wiped the tears that escaped her eyes and kissed her forehead tenderly. “I will. And no matter what, I will always come back home to you.”
Juvia nodded and gave him a small smile. She wrapped fresh bandages around his chest in silence.
“All done now, Gray-sama.” She patted her handiwork and started putting all the stuff back inside the first aid kit. When she was done, she stood up and was about to return the kit to Mira when Gray thought aloud, “How come she does it for Greige but not for me?”
Juvia turned to look at him. “Are you saying something, Gray-sama?”
Gray looked at her sheepishly while scratching his cheek. “Ah, nothing.”
“Juvia’s sure she heard something about doing it for Greige but not for you. What is it?”
Gray’s cheeks turned pink. “Well, it’s just that...” He puckered his lips towards her.
“Eh?” Juvia asked incredulously. “Juvia’s not sure she understands what Gray-sama’s talking about.”
Gray sighed and picked up his shirt. “Forget it. It’s silly.”
Juvia sat beside him again, thinking aloud to herself. “Hmm. What does Juvia do with Greige that she doesn’t do with Gray-sama?” After a few moments, her face lit up. “Aha! Does Gray-sama want Juvia to kiss his boo-boos too?”
Gray’s face flushed some more, but he couldn’t help the smirk from crawling on his face. “Well, you used to do it, right? I’m just curious how come you don’t do it anymore.”
It was now Juvia’s turn to blush. She put her hand over her mouth and said, “Is Juvia hearing this right? Gray-sama wants Juvia to kiss his body right in the middle of the guild?”
Realizing what she was saying, Gray suddenly burst out, “What? No! I was just asking!”
But it was too late. Juvia’s lips were already pressed onto a scar by his collarbone.
“Does this still hurt, Gray-sama?” She then moved lower to his chest where the bandage started, and kissed it softly. “How about here, hmm?”
Gray froze as Juvia’s lips traveled even lower, now kissing his hard abs covered by his bandages. He clenched his fist as he could feel something else hardening.
“Is Gray-sama feeling better now?” Juvia asked in a sultry voice, looking up at him with those beguiling eyes, a tiny smirk on her luscious lips as if challenging him.
Oh, she was definitely teasing him.
But why did she have to look this sexy?
Around them, he could hear some of their guildmates snickering and hollering.
“Get a room!”
“They’re being lovey-dovey again.”
“Give your wife what she wants, Gray!”
He was flustered alright, but he only knew of one way to turn the tables on his wife.
He grabbed her shoulders and straightened her so that they were at eye level with each other.
“You missed a spot right here,” he said, pointing to his lips. But before she could react, he angled his head and kissed her full on the mouth.
That will teach her, he thought.
Amid all the teasing, gagging noises, and catcalls, a little boy eating his ice cream a few tables away yelled, “Eww, Daddy and Mommy are being gross again!”
Happy Gruvia Family Day, loves! 😘
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tigresslanzhu · 2 years
Requested by an anonymous user.
“You are not a baby anymore, Johnny!” Big Daddy stated, “It is time for you to shave like a man!”
Johnathan Egerton stood over the bathroom sink with his father, Marcus, who many called Big Daddy. Along with his two uncles, the pair of them were part of a gang that loved to steal. Johnny actually wasn’t too keen about being bad and just wanted to practice singing, but after his mother died years back, Marcus didn’t want to hear it.
“Shave? I thought only animals with mustaches shaved…”
“Don’t be a stupid son! On boys, it is a bumfluff, not a mustache! And anyway, the fur under your chin is getting too long, and so is the fur around your ears!” Big Daddy scowled, “My father made me shave at thirteen and now that you’re the same age, you gotta learn to use a blade razor as well!”
“A blade? What’s the matter with electric razors?”
“What? You think you’ve got electric fur? That ain’t happening! Besides, the electric type is too expensive and you don’t always get the closest shave.”
Marcus turned on the tap and plugged the sink. Then he shut the tap off when the bowl got filled half way.
“With blade razors, you should never shave dry! You’ll get less cuts if you moisten the area first. Then the shaving cream comes next. All you need is a single second squeeze on the trigger to get the gel out and then you rub on the desired area.” Marcus instructed as he handed his son the aerosol can of shaving foam.
Johnny splashed his face with the warm water and applied the shaving cream. He liked how refrigerator cool it felt on his skin. It sort of tingled. Perhaps this was the point to get the long fur ready for the process.
“Right? How do I go about actually shaving it off?” Johnny asked.
“Well, first, you need to get the blades a little wet in case you didn’t get your skin wet enough.”
Johnny placed the razor head over the water and then tapped out any excess.
“There you go. Now start at the top of your neck and gently glide it in the direction of the hair growth. For chins, you want to work your way up.
As the young gorilla shaved up his chin, he managed to nick himself from pressing too hard.
“AHH! @&+$#!”
“STUPID SON! Don’t swear when you cut yourself! It lets people know you have no self control!”
“But you get away with it when you hurt yourself!”
“No, I don’t! You uncle Barry always slaps me aside the head when I say a swear, especially in front of you! He says ‘Oi! Just because mum would say that naughty word, it doesn’t mean we have to! We gotta be good examples for Johnny!’”
“Good example, nothing!” Johnny scowled as he thought to himself, “If they really wanted to teach me to be good, I wouldn’t be part of their gang!”
“Get that pouting lip back where it belongs, son! Try it again, and this time, not so hard! All you need are some short gentle strokes.”
Johnny nodded and placed the razor on the left side of his chin. Applying just enough pressure, but not too much, the teen brought it down and took some leftover hair with it.
“How often do I need to do this, dad?”
“Most grown up mammals need to shave every day, but for teenagers, I’d say at least once a week. For you, maybe every other week. Your hair isn’t growing as fast as your mother and I thought.”
“You miss Mum loads, don’t you?”
“Of course, I do,” Marcus sighed as he shaved his own chin, “She was my best friend in school. She confessed her love to me in our senior year. Her parents thought I wasn’t right for her, so right after we graduated, we eloped.”
Johnny nodded as he rinsed the hair caught in the razor. His dad never really talked about her that much and how they met.
“That’s when my parents decided that I was too stupid to own any money. They probably thought I’d spend it all on beer or something, so they cut off my funds. Lucy flew us from England to Calatonia. It spent all her dough though. That’s why we live in a garage, son. The gas station and convenience shop next door was where I worked when your mother was carrying you in her belly. Then five days after you were born, the owner died and left me the garage, which I decided to shut out of business so we could raise you right.”
Johnny didn’t need to hear anymore. He knew the rest. His mother died of cancer when he was ten. That was when Uncle Stan and Uncle Barry moved in to help Big Daddy run the place. That was when they also decided to become a robbery gang and they roped Johnny into it at a young age. This led him to be homeschooled instead of going to a real school like all his friends.
“My chin burns a little, dad.”
“Well, no wonder! You’re still pressing the blades right on your skin! It’s important to judge the distance from how much you want shaved off!”
“That’s gonna take forever!”
“Not if you focus. Let’s try your ears now!
Johnny and Marcus spent the next five minutes trying to shave properly, but everytime the young silverback tried to shave the fur from around his ears, he would cut himself, and on occasion, some blood would trickle down his cheek.
“Damn it! You’re acting like a real doughnut over this! Not only are you making yourself bleed, but now you’ve got uneven tufts under your chin!”
“I’m sorry, dad, but this is going to take some time for me to judge the distance.”
Marcus sighed and sat on the toilet.
“Maybe you’re right. I may have been expecting you to master this too soon. Perhaps it would be more convenient to go to the barbers for now and we can try again a couple of weeks from now.”
“That sounds good.”
That was exactly what went down. The two men made an appointment for shaves and haircuts for that afternoon and felt refreshed from no longer being as furry as they were. Johnny even had the top of his head shampooed with a special gel that smelled like campfire smoke, making him feel more manly. Clearly that afternoon wasn’t the time to learn how to shave a bumfluff off, but perhaps when the time came, he’d have it perfected.
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chemist-ana · 3 years
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Chapter 11- The Shopping Trip— Sams POV
Book: The Nanny Affair
Characters: Sam, Ana Schuyler (MC), Robin
Pairing: Sam Dalton (male) x Ana Schuyler (MC)
Rating: 18+
Content Warning: NSFW, Sexual Language, Adult Language, Sexual Situations
A/N This is a brand new series that I was inspired to write. I am going to go chapter by chapter in Sam Daltons POV. This story is completely inspired by Choices The Nanny Affair. I have used most of the dialogue from the actual story, anything written in BOLD was taken directly from the book and therefore is not my writing- credit to our good friends over at Pixelberry! All characters are credit to Pixelberry except for my OCs
Summary: Sofia corners me into taking Ana for the day on a shopping trip, what happens next is anyones guess.
Word Count: 3500
Tag List: @txemrn @secretaryunpaid @lifeaskim @aussieez @pixie88 @thefrenchiemama @sfb123 @mainstreetreader @shewillreadyou @khoicesbyk @lady-calypso @choicesficwriterscreations @somersetmummy @melalicious8383@chrissythadon
I eye Sofia warily as she sticks her hip out, arms crossed, her brown eyes not leaving mine.
“I don’t see what the problem is, Sam. I just want to borrow Ana for the day.” Her voice has a measured evenness that makes me question her true intention.
“Alright, I will take the boys out.” A smile curves her lips at my words.”But, Sofia, please treat her with respect.”
My hands grip the marble counter as she turns to walk away, her heels clicking as she rounds the corner towards Ana’s room without another word.
This is a bad idea…
I quietly follow Sofia, stopping right outside Ana’s door. I can hear their muffled conversation. I take a step closer.
“Fine. Give me the card.” I hear Ana say reluctantly.
“You’re a lifesaver, Ana. I will see you very soon.”
I dart into my open bedroom door before I hear Sofia leave Ana’s room. I wait until I hear the elevator doors close before walking back over to Ana’s room, knocking softly on the partially open door.
“Is it safe to come in?” I ask with a crooked smile.
“Sam, you really are scared of Sofia, huh?” Her lips curve up into a mocking smile. “You’re a grown man sneaking around his own fiancee. You see that, right?”
“I wouldn’t call it ‘sneaking’. More like… walking with discretion.” I slip into her room. “But I am sorry she ambushed you like that. I owe you, big time.”
“Good thing I know just what I want as compensation.” She looks me up and down, her eyes lingering.
“Oh? And what’s that?” I lean against her dresser, crossing my arms across my chest.
“I want you.” She takes a step towards me, her eyes darkening. “Just you, all to myself. Send the kids to spend the weekend with their grandparents, and leave us the penthouse…”
My mind instantly jumps to every fantasy I have ever had of her, spread in front of me on the kitchen counter, her moans echoing through the living room as I pin her to the floor to ceiling windows, and her wet and screaming my name in my shower. I push off of her dresser, taking a step towards her.
“That seems like a… dangerous proposition.”
“That’s what makes it fun.” Her gaze slides up to mine and I can see every speck of gold mixed with her emerald eyes.
“Ana…” I can feel the desire growing before my brain finally takes back control. I lean back, clearing my throat. “For the time being, maybe there’s something more immediate I can do to make it up to you?”
“I’m listening… intently.” Her eyes travel down, lingering on the now-obvious bulge in my pants. Damn, woman.
“I was thinking I could make you breakfast with…. You know, pancakes, eggs, bacon, the works.”
“Sofia would never approve.” She smiles as her eyes rise to mine.
“Sofia isn’t here. I’m willing to risk it. What do you say?”
“I guess making me breakfast is the least you can do.” She says with a sigh.
“Right this way. Chef Sam is at your service.”
I follow her out to the kitchen, my eyes glued to her hips as they sway left to right, her perfect peach of an ass daring me to grab it. I swallow as I watch her slide into a bar stool, my eyes snapping up to hers as she turns her gaze on me.
I take a deep breath, grabbing the apron from the pantry and knotting it around my waist. Alright, it’s been a while, but you know how to do this, Dalton. Impress the lady. I can at least fake it til I make it, right?
I grab some butter and set it to melt in a nonstick. I can feel her eyes on me and I give her a crooked grin.
“Normally I’m the one enjoying the view while you make breakfast.”
“I didn’t notice you were taking in the scenery.” She smiles as she squirms slightly in her seat and a blush spreads across her cheeks.
“I do try to be subtle… even if I don’t always succeed.”
Alright Dalton, pancakes first. I start adding the ingredients to a bowl.
“You have a favorite thing about what you saw?” Her voice breaks the silence.
Ahh, fishing now are we Ms. Schuyler. I will gladly take the bait.
“I’m not sure I can narrow it down to just one thing… between your adorable bedhead and cute little pajamas, my eyes just don’t know where to look.” My eyes flick up and notice her nipples have hardened under her thin t shirt. “But I definitely appreciate how sweet you are with my boys… even when they’re loud and rambunctious before coffee.”
“Sam… I care about them.” Her cheeks warm even more. “That makes it easy.”
“I’ve met my boys, Ana. I’m under no illusion that taking care of them is easy, even if you do have a magic touch.” I give her a wry smile before looking back down at my breakfast preparations. “Would you like to help, or would you prefer to relax?”
“I’ll watch you from over here. This is my treat, remember? I intend to enjoy it fully.”
Oh well, I tried to get her to come closer to me. My eyes swing up to hers and she is giving me a devilish grin as she leans back in her chair.
“Good. I hope I… live up to your expectations.”
“You’re doing a pretty good job so far.”
“That’s because I haven’t set the kitchen on fire yet. I’ve always been a little helpless when it comes to this sort of thing…”
I grab some walnuts for the pancakes and chop them on the cutting board, all while trying to ignore the heat from her gaze.
“You know, for someone who claims to be ‘helpless’, you seem to know your way around a chef’s knife.”
“The chopping part comes naturally from years of working hands-on in a lab. You need the same sort of steady strokes for both. But when it comes to the rest of it… I swear, I’ve never met a chicken I couldn’t burn to a crisp.” Why did I offer to cook for her again?
I flick the walnut pieces into the batter and stir them in.
“Should I be worried about these pancakes? You are going to have to cook them…” She chides.
“You can supervise while I attempt to not burn them.” I give her a small chuckle as I start pouring the batter. Expertly flipping them and cooking them to a beautiful golden brown. I plate her a stack of steaming pancakes. “A little cinnamon, a little honey, top with strawberries…” My eyes rise to hers as she watches me with a smile. “I hope you like ‘em sweet.”
“You know I do. Don’t forget the secret ingredient… lots of love!”
My chest tightens at her words as I turn to present her pancakes.
“Looks delicious.”
I watch as she delicately places a small piece of pancake in her mouth, her pink lips wrapping around the fork as her eyes flutter closed. Who knew watching someone eat could be so erotic…
“Mmmm… so good.” She moans as her eyes open again and meet mine. “Are you sure you’re bad at this?”
“Pancakes are the one dish I’ve perfected over the years. Theres’s a reason I offered to make you breakfast and not dinner.” I smile at the satisfaction on her face.
“And here I thought it was because you wanted to lick syrup off of me.” Her tongue darts out to lick the syrup off of her bottom lip.
I can’t help but groan at her words. “Ana…” Our gaze lingers on each other before I watch her reach for the syrup. I would lick syrup off of every single inch of your skin if I could…
“Whoops! Sorry…” Her eyes grow wide when she knocks the bottle over. She smiles sheepishly as rounds the corner of the bar to help clean up the spill. The sweet smell of jasmine and syrup fill my senses as she stands close to me.
“I’ve got it.”
“No, let me help…” She insists.
I turn to watch her as she insists on wiping up the mess with a napkin. Finally she turns to me, and I realize just how close we are standing to each other. The familiar arc of electricity flowing between our bodies, charging the air.
“Did I get it all?” I ask her breathlessly.
I watch her tongue dart out and lick her lips as she swallows heavily.
“You missed a spot on my neck.” She tilts her head to the side and my gaze narrows in to the delicate curve of her neck and throat.
I lean in, bringing my tongue to her sweet skin. I can feel her heart beating at her pulse point, and she tilts her head further to give me better access.
“Mmmm… so delicious.” I smile into my kisses on her neck. So fucking sweet.
“Wait until you taste the rest of me.” She says, her voice low.
“Oh god…” Her words send desire surging through me as I imagine the small taste I have already gotten. My hands find her delicate waist as I bunch up her shirt trying to expose her soft skin. “Ana…” I moan as I continue kissing her neck.
She twines her fingers into my hair and pulls my lips to hers, kissing me with a sense of urgency and passion that I match stroke for stroke.
“Touch me, Sam…” She whispers against my lips. “I need to feel you…”
My hands find the hem of her shirt and I reach under to explore the planes of her bare skin, relishing in the curves of her back.
“Like this?” I whisper.
“God yes…” She moans.
My hands continue exploring all of the muscles of her back, pulling her tight against my body and my growing desire. Her breathing is accelerating as I can feel her nearing the edge. Oh beautiful girl, the way you respond to my touch is unbelievable… where have you been all my life?
I completely forgot that we weren’t exactly alone in the penthouse when I heard the thunder of bare feet running down the hall. I immediately drop my arms from Ana and take a step back.
“Crap!” She says breathlessly.
I reach up and run my hands through my hair as my eyes scan Ana’s face. Her lips are swollen from our kisses and she is trying to catch her breath.
“I thought Aunt Sofia threw away all our good food!” Mickey yells as he rounds the corner.
“Boys! We made pancakes!” Ana says quickly averting her eyes from mine.
“Score!” Mickey cheers as him and his brother slide into the seats at the kitchen bar.
I watch Ana carefully as she serves two plates of pancakes for the boys, blushing furiously.
“Boys, what do you say to Ana?” My eyes fall on Mickey and Mason as she slides their plates in front of them.
“Thank you! It’s really good!” Mason says with a mouth full of pancake.
“Mmm. Yeah, way better than Aunt Sofia’s- I mean, thank you!” Mickey stops mid-Sofia insult as I narrow my eyes at him.
Ana studiously ignores me for the rest of breakfast as she slowly regains her composure.
When the kitchen has been cleaned and pancakes have been finished, she makes her way towards the foyer.
“Ana, wait! Before you go…” I walk up quickly behind her holding a travel mug with fresh coffee. “Something tells me you’re gonna need the extra caffeine to get through your day.” I smile as our fingers brush.
“Thanks.” She brings the cup to her lips, taking a small sip. “I’ll see you later.”
“Thank you, again, Ana.”
She gives me a small smile before the elevators close between us.
I let out a sharp breath before walking back into the kitchen with Mickey and Mason.
“Well, boys, what should we do today?”
I check my phone for what seems like the hundredth time since Ana left the penthouse this morning. My mind wanders to all the possible things Sofia could be saying to her. I turn my gaze up as Mason and Mickey put their batting helmets on.
“Alright boys, are you ready?”
“Ready, dad!” They say in unison.
I shove my phone in my pocket, it will all be over soon… right?
Mason and Mickey dash into the penthouse as soon as the elevator doors open. I pull out my phone… still nothing from Ana.
I sit down on the couch, turning my attention to the trees swaying in the wind in Central Park.
Suddenly my phone pings with a text message. I grab it and look at the screen, Ana.
Ana: I don’t think Im gonna last a whole afternoon w/Sofia
I sigh and sit back on the couch.
Sam: What did she do this time?
Ana: What HASNT She done?
Ana: I’m trying to not let her get to me but…
Sam: She wears you down.
Sam: I know the feeling all too well.
Sam: What can I do? Would a distraction help?
Sam: Ana? I lose you there?
When she doesn’t immediately respond, I text her again… what are you? A fucking highschooler.
Ana: Ok, I have to ask… Is our relationship all in my head?
I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose. Fuck
Sam: No, definitely not. Where’s this coming from?
Ana: Just something Sofia said…
Damn it, I knew this was going to be a problem.
Sam: Ana, please don’t listen to her.
Sam: She doesn’t know anything about our relationship. And she’s a master at manipulation.
Ana: I kno I kno, its just she found a sore spot I guess.
Sam: I should’ve know she’d pulls something like this. She was so insistent when she asked. I didn’t want to arouse suspicion by resisting too much.
Ana: Her mind games are seriously next level. At this point, I wonder if her assistant even has a kid.
Sam: Ana, I WILL make this right. Sit tight.
I stand up, sending a quick text to Carter to let him know I am running out and leaving the boys at home. I stuff my phone in my pocket, grabbing the keys to the Porsche and ignoring the many incoming texts as my phone pings in my pocket. Hold tight, Ana. I am coming for you.
After stopping at Laudree and getting a box of macarons, I park the Porsche outside of Viver and make my way inside.
“Did you know there’s a gourmet bakery just down the street from here?” I smile as I walk into the back, Ana is bent over her phone on the chaise.
“Sam!” I watch her face light up as stands up, her long legs stepping up to me as she throws her arms around my shoulders.
“I should surprise you like this more often.” I smile as she steps away from me.
“If our think you’re gonna get away with pawning me off on Sofia for an entire day ever again…” She rolls her eyes.
“I guess I’ll just have to come up with another way to surprise you.” I give her a nudge with my elbow.
“Sam, you know how to turn my day around. Thank you for finding a way to show that you care.” She grabs the box from my hands.
“It’s the least I could do, given what you’ve done for me today to show that you care.” I place my hand on her arm and give her a long look. “You need me, I’m here. Okay?”
She gives me a small nod and I watch her melt at my words.
“Is that my boo-bear?” I flinch slightly as I hear Sofia’s voice call from the dressing room. She rounds the corner with a smile on her face. “And you brought… cookies! That’s very sweet, literally. I’ll have to save it for my cheat day.”
“I’m told they’re the best cookies in the city. Consider it my way of thanking you two, since you spent all day preparing for an event on my behalf.” I look at Sofia with a smile. “But since it looks like you’re done already, maybe I can kill two birds with one stone and take Ana home with me?”
“Hm? Oh yes, that’s fine. I have an appointment soon anyway.” Sofia grabs her phone out of her purse and barely spares me another glance.
“Ana? Shall we?”
I watch Ana give Sofia a weird look, which I decide to ignore, before she follows me out of the shop.
I open the passenger side door for her and she gracefully slides into the seat of the Porsche, her long legs look so damn good in this car. I bite my lip before I close her door, climbing into the drivers side and I put the car into drive.
My hand is resting on the center console. I feel her fingers gently brush mine before she intertwines our fingers. I glance down at our hands with a small smile.
“So, you’re going to a charity gala this weekend?” She asks casually.
“It’s not as fun as it sounds, believe me. Even though it’s not official business, it’ll be all shoptalk, all night.”
“With fancy food and fancy drinks and fancy dancing? That doesn’t sound all bad.”
“You’re right, it’s not.” I squeeze her hand lightly. “And with the right date, it could be downright fun. But-“
“You’re going with Sofia.” Her voice sounds sad as she shifts her gaze out of the window.
“Yeah. She has her moments, but she tends to stay laser-focused on business events like this.” I wish you were coming with me though…
“I wish I was going with you. You’d have so much more fun with me. Just like at your engagement party.”
“Maybe it’s a good thing I’m not bringing you, then. You were dangerous that night.” My mind wanders back to her body pressed against mine, the dark look in her eyes.
“Just that night?” I can see her look at me out of the corner of my eye.
“And every night since.” I flick my eyes to hers. “It’s not fair to tease me when I’m supposed to keep my eyes on the road.”
“I never said I play fair.”
“Ana…” My voice almost sounds like a growl as I try not to imagine her body pressed up against me, her hips pressing into mine.
“Fine, fine. I’ll be good… for now.” She smiles before facing forward, our fingers still interlaced.
“Are you serious, Sof? You know how big of a deal tonight is.”
“I know, Sam, and I really do apologize. I do not feel well enough to attend.” Her voice sounds quiet and subdued. “I have an idea that would keep my seat filled at the table.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose. I could bring Ana…
“You should bring, Ana.” My eyes widen at her words. “She was with me when I was practicing, she should know who everyone of importance is.”
“I don’t know, Sofia.”
“I do, Sam, I insist. She won’t look as good at me on your arm, but she is better than nothing.”
I pause for effect.
“Alright, well, I hope you feel better.”
“Thank you, Sam. Don’t have too much fun without me tonight.”
“Bye, Sof.”
I am glad she can’t see the grin on my face as I end the phone call, sending a quick text to my assistant to order a gold dress from my personal shopper at Nordstroms in Ana’s size and to change my tux to one that will match.
The doorman delivers the suit bag and the dress box to the elevator and I walk quickly into my room, changing into the tux with the gold accents and gold tie. I take one last look in the full length mirror before turning to the box.
I carefully unbox the dress, damn this is going to look so fucking good on her…
I make my way to Ana’s room and knock softly on her closed door.
I hear her voice on the other side of the door before she swings it open. Her brown hair cascading down her back and chest, wearing that thin t shirt that leaves nothing to the imagination. I clear my throat as I remember why I am even standing here in the first place.
“Sam… you look amazing.” She reaches out and adjusts my lapels and runs her hands down my chest. “There. Now you’re perfect.” Her eyes find mine again with a sigh,
“What would I do without you?”
“Walk around with a wrinkled lapel, I expect.” She laughs softly, such a beautiful sound…
I clear my throat and her face turns serious.
“Ana, I know this is terribly short notice, but… will you be my date to the gala?” I hold my breath as surprise flashes across her face, followed by confusion.
Oh god, say yes.
22 notes · View notes
rvmmm21 · 4 years
. you’re gonna spaghet it .
summary : a home-cooked meal and a baking show is too much to ask for. but only when the person asking is seungwan.
small note : i'm tentatively back. and here's the worse news. you get this pile of 'what-the-fic-is-this?!' before i start clonking you over the head with my leg of yandere ham.
think of it as your pre-christmas coal in your stocking.
(this sat in my drafts for so long its not even funny. if i had a cent for every second i spent thinking about whether i wanted this out here, i'd have accumulated enough for the plane ticket, the lawyers and the hospital fees to fly over to SM to clonk them myself.)
just for tumblr. if you want to read this but in pretty, it’s here.
tw : tickling, probably many grammar errors because i do not know how to write anymore, and my cretinous knowledge of how tv recordings work.
[irene x white-winged dove!wendy]
. . .
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[6:15pm] A mischievous smile tugs at her lips when she sees how Seungwan struggles.
. . .
Bae Joohyun blithely watches her girlfriend titter around the kitchen preparing vegetables for the chopping board. When the sound of water beginning to boil reaches attentive ears, she secretly smiles at the melodious hum of a happy tune.
Everything is going as planned!
Pangs of guilt are beginning to tweak at Joohyun’s conscience. Because what she really wants to do is not to be a good girlfriend and offer a hand at stirring the pot. She doesn’t even want to sit patiently and wait to hear Seungwan sing out for her when dinner’s ready.
No. Joohyun wants to play. And she knows who she wants to play with. Even though it’s going to be a complete setback to the lovely night she’s sure her Wannie has planned out for them.
It was Seungwan’s idea to cook tonight, then eat together while they watch their favourite TV program. Pfft, ‘their favourite’. What Joohyun really means is she’ll happily watch the season finale of the unorthodox cooking show her girlfriend is currently obsessed with.
. . .
“It gives me ideas, unnie,” Seungwan had explained when, about a week ago, Joohyun had walked in on a very experimental game of muffin-making.
The latest episode of “Baking for the Seoul” flashed through Joohyun’s memory.
“Don’t the ingredients have to be… in the bowl, though?” she asked incredulously, eyes searching for any part of their countertop that was actually visible.
“Hm?” Seungwan looked up, wiping the frosting off her nose… with the wrong hand.
Joohyun raised an eyebrow. “And which one are we putting in the oven, your sludge mix or you?” She inquired, now searching for any part of her girlfriend’s face – that was actually visible.
When the girl in question stayed concentrated, apprehension bubbled in her gut at the state of that exceptionally thick bowl of frosting. She surreptitiously strained to peer behind a thoroughly battered Seungwan, trying her hardest to not actually step foot into the kitchen.
Her girlfriend has this… ‘thing’ about work space. Especially the kitchen.
“Wan-ah,” Joohyun’s tone was equal parts warning and concern. “You didn’t get any on your wings, did you… that frosting looks too thick and last time you got yourself all mucky, remember we had to – ”
“It’s fine it’s fine, look! I’m being careful!” Seungwan quipped cheerfully, pirouetting round to give a worried Joohyun a glimpse of her wings which were nicely folded through each designated slit in the back of her sky-blue jumper.
The latter breathed a sigh of relief when she saw them; all white, fluffy and – most importantly – clean. She inwardly shuddered at how much of a nightmare that bath was. Thank god she’s behaving this time, she thought.
Although momentary relief didn’t stop her from contemplating an alternative method of keeping her mind at ease.
But the thought of having Seungwan wear her wing guards in their own home tugged at her unpleasantly. It was bad enough she had to have them on when they were out in potentially stressful situations. So she wouldn’t accidentally hurt herself or anyone around her… which had unfortunately happened once or twice before. It was clearly a burden to go about so obviously restricted, and despite Seungwan’s insistence on having grown used to them, Joohyun could always feel how upset she’d get whenever she was helping to do the clasps up behind her.
Definitely no wing guards then. And if that meant Joohyun would be bruising her knees for hours on end trying to keep dense baking mix and her messy baby bird two separate entities, then she’d happily do it.
Whatever kept Seungwan chirping.
Plus, her little chef looked damned determined, so she thought it appropriate to slip in one last passing remark before plucking a banana from the rack. “Yah, Wannie! Let me know if I’m gonna have to pick out birdie feathers from my cupcakes, okay?”
Seungwan grumbled something along the lines of a ‘hm, yeah whatever unnie’ in response.
Joohyun just laughed, heading back to their room and leaving the mastermind to her latest trial.
> > > > > 
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[7:00 p.m] Seungwan doesn't know which she finds more horrifying: what Joohyun intends to do to her or the fact that they're going to have to have take-away two nights in a row.
. . .
It should’ve been a simple mission.
Retrieve a fresh packet of spaghetti from the topmost shelf.
Her attempts are… laughable. She’s clearly doing her best.
Though she doesn't realise it yet, she’s still being watched. From the living room, Joohyun is watching. And she isn’t laughing. Hands ball into unconscious fists as a tight wave of numbness washes over her at how adorable Seungwan looks.
Just… like that: both wings tucked against her back, beautiful and neat as their owner. Strained muscles from reaching for something Joohyun already knows she’s going to have to help out with. And the tiny grunts when fingertips barely graze the edges of the packet.
Seungwan looks so soft, so frustrated. So vulnerable.
A small spike of inexplicable adrenaline leads Joohyun to head over to the huffing, moon-hopping girl.
She really needs to teach her little dove that being this cute comes with a price.
. . . 
When a lithe body slides up behind her and presses against her back, Seungwan’s wings give a gentle flutter to mimic the stutter in her heart. She sighs affectionately at the pair of hands resting low on her hips.
The task is almost forgotten. Almost.
Unnie’s here to help, Seungwan thinks… ever so mistakenly.
“Hyun – ahh,” she’s interrupted by a slight shiver when the tip of her right wing is stroked between a finger and a thumb, delicately running across pure, downy feathers. A tried and tested (Bae Joohyun-certified) method of getting the girl absolutely weak.
Judging by the sound of strained breaths filling the space between them, it’s working.
Alas, dinner hasn’t been cooked, the sun’s setting and Seungwan’s time-management brain is screaming at her to get a move on. She points to the shelf, trying her hardest to block out the dangerously wonderful feeling. “Could you – could you please get that for me?”
Instead of complying, Joohyun chuckles, moving her hands from her back to glide them lightly up and down her sides. She isn’t surprised that Seungwan is already shivering, terribly overwhelmed from that alone.
Her smirk twitches when she feels the smaller girl squirm.
Seungwan has always been like this… so responsive, so susceptible to touch. Her touch. She’s jelly in her clutches, and even Joohyun has to admit that sometimes she really doesn’t deserve to be.
Sneaky hands grow bolder, finding their way under the hem of Seungwan’s fleecy jumper to continue tracing teasing lines against soft, sensitive skin.
“But it’s so cute to watch you struggle, baby,” Joohyun coos, beginning to rest more of her weight into Seungwan’s hips, keeping her trapped against the kitchen counter.
“U-unnie,” Seungwan tries, half-heartedly writhing against Joohyun’s hold, torn between wanting to cook dinner and wanting to be dinner. “Not – ah… not right now… it’s already late, we have to – ”
“And you smell so nice. Is this new shampoo?” Joohyun presses her nose into her nape, cutting her short, nuzzling into that pleasant fruity shampoo scent. She then pauses to nudge Seungwan’s legs suggestively ajar with her knee before leaning in to whisper into a ruby-tipped ear. “ Should I give you a reason to shower again later, hm?”
The younger’s eyes widen at the sinful implication.
Gosh, really? Right now? In the kitchen?
The kitchen. The place she cooks and handles food? (Sure, Joohyun will – once in a blue moon – dice the odd carrot or something, but that certainly does not give her the right to be making any unauthorised, hormonal messes for her to clean up). She must be off her rocker if she thinks Seungwan’s going to allow her precious workstation to be tainted by what she can already foresee to be copious amounts of bodily fluid just because someone can’t keep it in their pants.
It snaps something inside her. And – with all the strength neither of them knew she possessed – Seungwan wrenches out from under Joohyun’s weight with a firm “YAH! Stop fooling around!”, sending the older woman stumbling a few steps back.
For a second, they’re just as stunned and disbelieving as each other; Seungwan at her own apprently dormant Herculean strength –
– and Joohyun at the sheer audacity.
Then again, could this be any more timely?
God, Joohyun could kiss herself.
She straightens her blouse, putting on her best ‘I-can’t-believe-you’ve-done-this’ expression, and turning to lock the now slightly (and rightfully so) terrified-looking Seungwan with a stare. This is the best part. The part where she just glares, secretly gleeful as the other girl absolutely crumbles with apprehension.
The part where Seungwan thinks it’s her fault.
“Uh oh,” she tuts, sporting a grin to match that mischievous glint in her eyes, “someone’s in trouble, aren’t they?”
Seungwan is, of course, at a total loss for words, but she fumbles around anyway, desperate to justify whatever the hell she’s just done. It’s almost too much for Joohyun to handle, watching her dig her own grave like this.
Finally, Seungwan tries to back up, only to let out a sharp gasp when she trips over her own feet in her haste. She’s on the floor in seconds with Joohyun immediately following. There’s hardly a chance for her to get her bearings before she’s stuck on her back with a weight straddling her hips.
Seungwan goes wide-eyed. She might as well kiss the prospect of a candlelit dinner bye-bye… for tonight, at least.
“My clumsy, clumsy Wannie,” Joohyun mocks, holding herself above the smaller girl on her hands and purposely tangling their legs together. “Tonight was very thoughtful of you, baby, but I’m postponing our dinner plans to tomorrow night. I think we should order in, don’t you?”
“Ah unnie...” Seungwan groans, failing to ignore the way Joohyun’s predatory expression crayons her cheeks a soft pink, “we had take-away last night! I don’t wanna eat chicken aga – ”
“Then let’s get pizza,” Joohyun offers unhelpfully. She’s clearly got her own agenda that she’s determined to follow through with. “Okay? Hm, let’s see… you have to the count of five to agree with me or…”
She pauses to savour the panic in those deep brown eyes. “I’m going to have a very tired little birdie to take care of.”
That satisfied smirk leaves nothing to the imagination. Seungwan can practically read her fate on her girlfriend's rosy lips before they delve into hers, causing her eyes to roll back as they melt hotly into each other.
Seungwan hardly notices Joohyun lacing their fingers together until her eyes flutter open and she finds herself held down, arms stretched securely above her head. Joohyun adjusts her grip so she has both wrists pinned under one hand and the other free.
Ah, fuck, not again. Seungwan laughs emptily, fidgeting with high-strung premonition. When her one final struggle proves useless, she resorts to asserting herself with her voice. “Yah, unnie, I’m cooking tonight. Stop being annoying or you’re not getting fed.”
Ah, too easy.
Joohyun contemplates elaborating further. But she’s said enough. Besides, Seungwan doesn’t even deserve a response to that. That was a threat, wasn’t it? The prospect of starvation is a serious threat that should be promptly dealt with. And what do you do when you’re faced with a threat? Be that a burglar, a murderer or a very flustered Son Seungwan.
Tickle them. Obviously.
Joohyun leers over her, wiggling her fingers in anticipation. “Five…”
Seungwan’s eyes blow wide, and – with miserable luck – she renews her efforts at breaking free once again. “Hyun! Seriously?! You – I can’t believe you’re d – ”
“Okay! Okay! Let’s get pizza tonight! There, happy?! You can even choose the flav – ”
Seungwan hears a scoff above her. “Nope. Sorry Wannie. I made that decision. You’ve changed nothing.”
One click of a tongue and Seungwan has never retracted any statement faster in her life.
“Okayokayokay! Sorry that was super mean! Please I – ”
Too late. She’s dead. She’s one hundred percent about to be on the list of the unfairly deceased.
Seungwan whines hopelessly. “Unnieeeee, you’re not being fair!”
It’s a ditch attempt, but one Seungwan doesn’t intend to miss. “OKAY SERIOUSLY I MEAN IT, GET OFF!”
Joohyun snickers. “One.”
With five fingers and wicked intent, she dives in.
. . .
A pair of pretty wings and an even prettier face make for an impossible choosing.
Even now, as she has Seungwan flat on her back with her eyes screwed shut and tears streaming down her face, she wants to flip her over so she can be blinded by white insulation. So those feathers can brush against her as she drives their owner to the brink of sanity.
She wants to feel her dove respond to what she does to her.
“Hyu – Hyun, p-please!”
Joohyun smirks down at her victim, who’s weakly pawing at the front of her blouse in what she can only assume is an attempt to get her to stop.
Seungwan never fails to struggle. But then again, she never fails to forget that Joohyun, too, is much, much stronger than she looks.
All that tiresome squirming is easily dealt with. Only a fraction more pressure from Joohyun’s fingertips, and Seungwan’s arms fall to either side, limp and useless just like the rest of her. The only indication she’s even conscious is the violent trembling and – when she’s able to muster up the lung space – the occasional plea for mercy.
Even the laughter is silent.
Joohyun loves it this way. She loves having Seungwan all sweaty and flustered beyond belief; whenever and wherever she pleases, the younger girl is reduced to a quivering mess, trapped beneath her cruel dexterity.
So instead of getting the pasta boiling for a romantic dinner, Seungwan is graciously letting Joohyun have her one-sided fun while she’s forced to cough, splutter and laugh so hard her insides hurt. The reflex to try to buck Joohyun off or twist out of her clutches nips at her incessantly.
Although she really shouldn’t worm around like that, because it’s only making Joohyun’s job easier with how her jumper rides further and further up with every inch she wriggles away.
It almost makes Joohyun think her little songbird wants to be tickled.
“Aw,” she coos, playfully tweaking unintentionally exposed ribs. “So cute, Wannie. You want it here, too?”
Seungwan is breathless from the tickles before she’s even processed what Joohyun’s said. Those tantalising touches never linger on any part of her long enough for her to develop a resistance to them. Not that she could even if she tried. She’s as sensitive as Joohyun is skilled. And Joohyun strikes with dreadful precision, switching between light skittering and then deftly kneading her fingers into every spot that wrings Seungwan’s lungs for all they’re worth.
The smooth tile is cooling against her feathers, even if her wings are twitching beyond her control, trying their hardest to flip her over to give her some shot at escaping. She barely manages to crawl a few inches away before there’s a firm grip on her ankle, all but dragging her back because Joohyun sure as hell isn’t done with her that quickly.
Trying to get away? She cocks an eyebrow, scooting up to sit on Seungwan’s butt, pinning her hips to the floor.
“Oh no, my poor birdie’s flipped herself over,” she feigns concern, gently resting her palms on Seungwan’s wings, stilling their fluttering and holding them steady. The sight of them unfolded, outstretched from the struggle and completely exposed has Joohyun catching her bottom lip between her teeth. “Did you hurt yourself here, Wannie? You need unnie to kiss it better?”
Seungwan shrieks at a pitch that’d have every dog in the neighbourhood cowering when she feels a pair of pillowy lips settle on that excruciating spot right where the arch of her wings meet her back, where she absolutely cannot stand to be touched.
Even under normal circumstances, Seungwan had made her swear to never spring upon her like that. And of course, by virtue of that alone, it quickly became one of Joohyun’s favourite places to touch her.
Luckily she’s too distracted now to protest.
The ‘kisses’ aren’t any less torturous than ten fingers going all at once.
Poor, tired Seungwan hardly has the energy to writhe as Joohyun continues to press her hellish butterfly kisses all along the length of those oversensitive appendages, nosing into her feathers and ruffling them gently with her breath. The younger’s expression contorts into silent agony when she feels the fingers return, this time digging into her armpits. 
Fresh tears well up in the corners of her eyes as she lays there, flailing like a fish out of water, face down with zero leverage to combat her girlfriend’s merciless onslaught.
She’s as defenceless as a turtle on its back (or rather, a dove on its tummy). Her squirms are getting weaker, the laughter more strained, but it’s all so rewarding to her loving tormentor.
Seungwan is kept laughing till the hollow ring of the doorbell sounds through their apartment.
. . .
[An hour post stuffed crust pepperoni pizza with extra cheese]
 Joohyun enters their room just as her girlfriend is getting dressed for bed, freshly showered… again. She lets out a low chuckle when Seungwan catches sight of her in her peripheral vision and hastily pulls the loose necked pajama t-shirt over her head.
“How was dinner?” she asks, arms folded and leaning against the door.
Seungwan rolls her eyes and releases her hair from its bun. “Too much cheese. We need to drink lots of water tonight or we’ll be pufferfish in the morning.”
“Aw, is someone grumpy?” Joohyun gives an uncharacteristically exaggerated pout and the latter hides a shiver.
Good god, please someone save her.
“Unnie, of course I am. We’re going to eat reheated carbonara sauce tomorrow no thanks to you,” Seungwan bluntly retaliates. “You’ve had your fun, now can you stop talking to me like I’m five, please?”
Naturally, her request falls on selectively deafened ears.
“Yah, seriously,” she punctuates the severity by manually unfolding her trembling left wing and pointing at it. “Look. I’m still shaking because of you. Now you're done, I really – ”
That’s all the grumpy talk she’s allowed before Joohyun jump-tackles her onto their bed, pinning her to it and watching sheer panic etch into deep cinnamon irises.
“When did I say I was done?” she asks, suggestiveness tracing the edges of her tone. She hovers above her, bringing a hand up to cup her face.
Seungwan hisses a laugh. “Unnie, I have a limit too, you know. You can’t just keep finding excuses to tickle the crap out of – ”
She chokes on a gasp when she feels a hand – the one she’d been as good as tortured under not two hours ago – trailing down her stomach… slipping past the elastic of her panties and –
– it just reminds her why she’ll always let Joohyun have her fun.
Because no matter how much she laughs, screams, cries or begs, there’s always a reward. Much sweeter than anything Seungwan thinks she could ever bake. Their sex life is anything but stagnant, however this is, more often than not, Joohyun’s way of making it up to her afterwards (much to her approval).
Or maybe she just wants to drive Seungwan to the brink of losing her voice so she won't have to hear the nagging about the next episode of Baking For the Seoul.
Which, by the way, came out tonight. And Joohyun made them miss it. She had better be praying they’d be able to find a copy online somewhere.
Either way, it’s so much more gratifying after an eternity spent howling your lungs out on the floor. Seungwan’s full attention is lasered down to where Joohyun is now softly caressing her under the thin cotton barrier. The warm ache beginning to settle in between her thighs prompts her to try to squeeze them together, but Joohyun catches on and wedges her knees in between them, spreading her even further.
“Ah,” she raises a smug brow as she leans in to press her lips to the base of her ear. Her own eyes darken with lust in response to her little dove writhing helplessly below her. “Be a good girl for me, okay, baby?”
It’s late. Seungwan can barely keep her eyes open. Oh, but she aches so badly.
“Still grumpy, hm?” Joohyun murmurs questioningly, hot breath fanning over Seungwan’s neck and echoing goosebumps over her skin. She glances down at the bulge of her hand stretching the fabric, fingers already coated in slick. Her index finger rubs against Seungwan’s clit. “Feel good, Wannie?”
Hopelessly turned on, it’s all the other girl can do to whimper in agreement.
The pleasing sound of those soft whines escaping right into her ear turns Joohyun’s grin into something downright wolfish. She gives the swollen bud a few more leisurely strokes before retracting her hand completely, leaving Seungwan squirming in anticipation with whatever energy she has left.
Joohyun tastes the arousal on her fingertips. “Mm, I love how small you look right now, in my hands. So small and needy.”
Seungwan pants out a quiet “please, unnie”, clasping a shuddering hand over Joohyun’s and guiding it back down to the heat in her panties. She rolls her hips up into her palm, silently begging for her reward for being such a ‘willing’ participant in the one-sided games they played today.
After letting her gaze linger for a second, Joohyun shifts so she’s lying next to Seungwan. She slips her hand back in and squeezes firmly, revelling in the hoarseness of the girl’s voice. Velvety lips delicately map out her shoulder, and Seungwan has to fight to keep her eyes open to drink in the image of Joohyun pressed up against her, right hand cradled under her neck, propping her head up so they can both see the other one teasing her down her underwear.
It’s when Seungwan turns away to frustratedly pout at the suspense that Joohyun smiles and gives her a quick peck on the nose.
“I’ll continue if you promise not to pass out this time, okay baby bird?”
She bites back a snort watching Seungwan nod like she’s ever been able to stay awake after.
Then she has to bite back another because since when has she ever not continued even after being fed these empty promises, time and time again.
Anything to keep her precious Seungwan happy.
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magazine-smiles · 3 years
Ahh so I was talking to a mutual about gay struggles and just our past in general right? And something she said brought up a memory that I've had buried, but it's so important to me. I wanted to get it all out here so feel free to read on if you'd like.......or ignore it haha
So we were discussing how it was hard to see the signs or realize what was personally going on because we had nothing or no one to help come to terms with what was actually happening (the gay struggle)
Anyway, picture about like..a decade ago okay? I run into one of my best friends from high school at a hair salon. I doubt I'd ever see her again if I hadn't been there, but mom needed a haircut. This was when mom was wheelchair bound and she'd just gotten out of the hospital after months in it. She wasn't very verbal at all and developed a stutter after neurological damage. My friend jumped at the chance to cut her hair and we caught up a little bit while she was doing it. I was so impressed by how GOOD she was with mom and how gentle she treated her. Back in high school, I knew I had a crush on this girl but of course, I never knew what to do with it. At this point in my life, I knew I obviously still liked her and I would know. Not that I'm smooth or anything, just that I knew what my feelings were and how to express them. :P
She gave me her number and told me to text her soon so that we could meet somewhere and catch up more thoroughly. I knew there was ~something there and that flame had obviously never diminished..it just left when we graduated and everyone moved on. I sent her a text a couple of days later and she said to meet her in the back of the salon after work because she was going to take me to one of the more popular places in town (the name is escaping me..) But it had a bit of everything..a bowling alley, huge arcade, a race track, etc. And in a small-ish Tennessee town, that was a big deal. She told me to hop in her truck because she felt like I needed a break and a little pampering. That didn't help because all of my old feelings for her came rushing back. She's still one the sweetest and most considerate people I've ever known.
We get there and actually spend a half an hour just sitting and talking in the bed of her truck. I learned that she went to cosmetology school and had been at that salon for a couple of years, but she was worried that she'd be stuck there when she wanted to do more with her degree. She told me she had just gotten out of an abusive relationship that she never wanted to be in. She shared a lot of personal details about how much she's grown since high school and how her life wasn't at all what she thought it would be. At this point, I felt like she was being this open and vulnerable to me (who is now almost a complete stranger) because she ~knew me. Call it gaydar or whatever but I was never out in high school. I knew I was gay but I didn't date girls then either. So I was like shit..if she knows, what does that mean for her? This is a date right? Like she's literally on a date with me right now..right?!
She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of her truck to drag me over to the race cars. She held my hand the whole way there. We drove around, wild and free and I couldn't remember the last time I felt that good and alive. This time out was something that I didn't realize that I needed but, I NEEDED. I took time for myself without worrying about anything else.
We got a little bite to eat in the cafe there and she took me back to get my car. As we sat in her truck, the mood shifted and I picked up on it right away. It was like..the end? The air was heavy and everything was still and quiet. I didn't know what that meant. I started to overanalyze everything that had happened. I was also preparing myself for the worst. I looked over at her and she had her eyes closed with both hands gripping the wheel like if she didn't, she was going to fly away. She let out a deep sigh and said "okay" quietly to herself, oblivious to the fact that I was even watching her. She then opened her door and I immediately followed suit. As soon as she rounded the corner, she hugged me with so much force that it almost knocked the wind out of me and I stumbled a bit to keep my balance. I thanked her for our........outing and how nice it was to catch up. She pulled away and smiled at me sadly but didn't say anything in return. At this point I felt like something was wrong, so I asked her if anything was. She sighed again and looked down at her shoes. The last words I ever heard from her were "Remember to take care of yourself."
She hopped in her truck and drove away. We never talked again.
I still miss her and wonder how things could've been different back in the day. I still miss her and wonder what was going through her head. I hope she's well. I hope she knows that her words still ring in my ear.
I'm trying Jen.
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jiminspjm · 5 years
Seins + M. Yoongi
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❋ “my boobs look like mosquito bites.”
⇢ characters : demon!min yoongi x oc [established relationship]
⇢ rated: [m] mature audiences
⇢ genre: angst, fluff, smut, slice of life, action, slow burn, fantasy, humor
⇢ glossary: unprotected sexual intercourse [dont be silly wrap ur willy], nipple play, dirty talk, slight dom!yoongi [he is actually a softie shh], slight tit slapping, spanking, grinding, oral [f recieivng], piercings.. ahem, squiriting, this is basically just filthy, impregnation kink [slight], rough-ish sex, cum, cum & cum, creampie, is that it?? oh aftercare too lol
⇢ index: 5.4k
You wouldn’t call yourself an insecure person. Not even when Lily Yang said your chest looked like ant hills in the seventh grade, or when Lee Hyun said your ass was flatter than a piece of paper your freshman year. Children are brutal. You probably did squats for a year straight until genetics kicked in and you actually got an ass, and Lee apologized and you told him that his dick looked like a shrimp. Anyway, genetics graced your ass but sadly your boobs looked like a deflated balloon. Honestly if you could, you would get a boob job. Yoongi said no, and his reasoning was because he didn’t feel like sucking on plastic. But also because your nipples are so sensitive and he thinks its cute that your tits fit in the palm of his hand.
Okay, so maybe you were insecure every time you went to the beach and you saw girls with perky boobs, all bouncing and bubbly, and eyeing your boyfriend like a fresh piece of meat. You try not to show it because Yoongi said he will spank you until your ass is bright red anytime you comment something about boobs. It's a win win, in some situations. But god dammit you can’t help but feel insecure when your boyfriend is sex on legs. You are deep in thought as you sit with your best friend Cho at your favorite café on a particularly hot summer day. A thought comes to mind causing you to look at Cho who is sipping on her coffee.
“Cho what if I got nipple piercings?” You said, resting your chin in the palm of your hand, looking at the baristas bustling around the café.
Cho choked on her green tea latte, short coughs came from her mouth and she tried to choke down the liquid. You started at her, stirring your straw in your iced mocha.
“I-I’m sorry, what?” she finally got out, a rasp in her tone and she held her hand up to her chest. You looked at her, eyeing the dark hair that fell from her ponytail.
“Yeah. I mean, I dunno, what have I got to lose?” You shrugged, bringing the straw up to your lips.
“Uh, how about a nipple?” Cho said, smacking her palm on the table, eyes wide as she looked at you. You held back a snort, as you leaned back in your chair. Your eyes wandered to Cho’s supple chest, constrained by her white tube top. “Babe I really don’t understand why you’re so insecure…” Cho mumbled, bringing her drink up to her mouth.
Rolling your eyes, you pouted at her. “I’m not. Well maybe. It’s just my chest is small. I don’t know what difference having nipple piercings would make.” You spoke truthfully. Cho sighed, placing her cup back down on the ceramic plate.
“I mean, that's the point, what difference would it make. if that’s But what you want. You’re a grown ass woman,” Cho spoke, picking at her nails. Your eyes widened, surprised she actually encouraged you to do it.
“You’re serious?” You asked incredulously. Leaning across the table. She nodded, poking your nose.
“Yeah, I don’t see why not. I’m sure Yoongi will like them,” Cho said, a smirk rising to her face and warmth seeping over yours. You quickly parked your bottom back on your seat, the legs scraped quietly across the scuffed wood flooring. You thought of your boyfriend Yoongi, who was currently running errands in hell.
Yes, you read that correctly.
Min Yoongi, first in line to the throne in hell, successor of his brother Kim Seokjin. Bleached hair, tattooed, piercings, no filter, but really the softest baby ever. You practically look like my little pony next to him. It wasn’t an odd occurrence for supernatural beings to roam the earth, in fact Cho was speaking to a friend of Yoongi, someone by the name of Kim Taehyung, a water nymph.
You were surprised when Yoongi asked you to be his girlfriend, of course you said yes. It’s been 4 years now, and you two are still putting up with one another. Lost in your thoughts, you didn’t notice Cho typing away on her phone.
“Shit, I’m meeting up with Tae, gotta run babe. Tell me what you decide!” Cho says, standing up from her seat, tossing a bill on the table and dropping a kiss on your cheek. You heard her heels click across the floor, as the bell dinged and she was gone.
You blew a loose hair away from your face, crossing your arms in front of you. Leaning forward to drink the rest of your watered down coffee, your phone dinged.
[big scary ᵈᵉᵐᵒⁿ (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)]
4:37pm: gonna be home late petal, don’t wait up, loveyou. xo
4:37: ahh :( okay, loveyou more! c:
Chucking your phone in your bag, you slung the strap over your shoulder, before proceeding to walk out of the café. Pushing the oak door open, the bell dinged quietly as you exited.
It has been a week since you spoken to Cho about the nipple situation and long story short you got them pierced the day after. Honestly you were really debating about it, that night when Yoongi came home you were gonna ask him about it, but you decided to suck his dick instead.
So basically it’s been a week and he still doesn’t know that you have barbells going through your pert nipples. Your excuse for not having sex was the good old period trick. You would think that since he is a demon blood wouldn’t bother him, which is technically true. But, if blood is coming out of your vagina he doesn’t want anything to do with it. Unfortunate.
Anyway, you aren’t sure if your little white lie was working or not due to the fact Yoongi is a supernatural being, and he can sense any smell in a ten mile radius. That is besides the point though because today is supposed to be the last day of your “period” and the piercings are nowhere near healed. You swear air could hit your boob and your nipples would immediately start throbbing and you wanted to die.
You were this close to going back to the piercing parlor to get the barbells removed, if possible, but you decided to tough it out and take some Advil and a nap. Luckily you could sleep with no shirt since Yoongi wasn’t supposed to be home till later that night.
Or so you thought.
Yoongi came home about an hour into you nap. The platinum haired man yawned as he tossed his keys into the bowl on the table by the front entrance. Slipping off his sneakers, Yoongi ruffled his hair as he walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
“Petal?” Yoongi shouted into the apartment, as he reached into the cupboard. The tattooed man furrowed his brows as he grabbed the cup and placed it on the counter. Yoongi waddled into the common area before hopping up the small flight of stairs to enter your shared room. Pushing the large door open, a blast of cool air made goosebumps form along his arms. Of course you kept the apartment cold so you had an excuse to cuddle him.
Upon opening the door Yoongi saw you laying on the king sized bed, the white silk sheets pooling around your body. Fully opening the door, he walked up the end of the bed. A smile graced his face as he saw your flushed cheeks and messy hair buried into the pillow. You were lying on your back, chest rising and falling as one hand fell off the side of the bed. Yoongi was about to close the door when he noticed you shifting around in the bed. Stopping in his tracks, he watched as the sheets fell off your chest as you moved around to lay on your side.
His eyes widened as he saw the glint of metal on your nipple. Yoongi swear his dick just fell off as he quietly walked over to your side of the bed, and peered over your body. Instinctively, large black wings extended from his back. Another t-shirt ruined. But Yoongi could care less as he hovered over your body. He internally screamed as your body shifted again to lay on your back again.
His eyes went to the silver, barbells that pierced through your perky nipples. Yoongi was 100 percent sure his dick fell off, as he quickly retracted his wings and got onto the bed and straddled your sleeping figure. On his hands and knees, he got real close to your face. Your nose began to twitch as you felt hot breath fan over your face.
Why does it smell like raspberries and mint? You thought in your sleep, as you furrowed your brows unconsciously. Bringing your hands up to your face, you rubbed your eyes slowly.
“Wake the hell up, _ _ _.” Yoongi practically growled above you, his hands digging into the sheets next to you. Stirring in your spot, your eyes began to flutter open slowly.
“For fuck sake,” Yoongi grumbled as he leaned his body down to take one of your sore nipples in his mouth. You jolted as you felt his cold tongue piercing swirl around the abused bud. Eyes open completely now, you looked to see your boyfriend sucking on your sore nipples.
“Y-yoongi, when did you get home-!” you groaned, as he began to swirl his tongue over the bud. Ignoring you, Yoongi took his fingers into his hand and sucked the skin before pulling at the other nipple while he continued to suck on the other.
“Nggh, Yoongi, please! Shitshit, I’m still soree-!” you were cut off with a moan once more, as Yoongi sucked a bit hard before pulling back, but still rubbing one bud between his fingers. You looked up at him through your lashes, his mouth had a slight sheen on it as he smirked at your dazed expression.
“So, baby when were you gonna tell me that you got your cute, little nipples pierced?” Yoongi questioned, leaning down to peck kisses on your jaw. Your jaw went slack as he began to twist both nipples at the same time with his thumbs gently.
“F-fuck, I’m sorry! I didn’t want you to be-,” your cut off when Yoongi gently slaps your tit, immediately soothing the sore skin with his palm.
Yoongi speaks into the skin of your neck, “I didn’t ask for an apology petal, I asked you a question,” he teases, prodding at your neck with his mouth. Your jaw is slack as he gently begins to rub circles around your nipples.
“I, fuck, I don’t know! I know you hate it when I talk b-bad about my chest, so, fuck, I thought this would make a difference!” You manage to get your sentence out, kicking your legs around Yoongi who is still straddling you.
Yoongi hums, still tweaking your nipples with his fingers as he looks at your face contort into pleasure. In all honesty he didn’t care that you got them pierced, if anything it made him want you more. Pulling his hands back from your chest, you let out a shuddery moan as Yoongi leans back on his heels to look at you.
Breathing harshly, your eyes wander to the tent that begins to form in his pants. Yoongi follows your eyes, to his pants, a slow smirk forms on his face as he brings his large palm over his pants.
“See something you like, petal?” Yoongi drawls. Your eyes widen as he squeezes himself. Shaking your head up and down slowly, Yoongi chuckles lowly. Getting up from the bed, he pulls his shirt over his head exposing the ink that swirls around his toned stomach and chest. His tan skin has a slight sheen of sweat as he completely pulls the grey t-shirt off. Sitting up, you begin to crawl over to him slowly.
Watching your movements, he looks down at you, your face level with his stomach. Peering up at him, his eyes are pools of obsidian, drowning you as he brings his fingers up to your mouth. He drags his fingers around your lips, gently tapping the smooth skin. He hums as you look up at him with your mouth parted.
“Ah, your mouth would look so pretty wrapped around my cock, is that what you want petal? Hmm. Your lips wrapped around my fat cock?” Yoongi spoke smoothly.
Nodding your head vigorously, Yoongi chuckled and withdrew his hand. Looking up at him still, he slowly dragged his hand up your neck, gently squeezing the skin under your jaw. You kept eye contact with him as he kept squeezing gently and then releasing.
Before you could ask him to stop teasing you and to fuck you, Yoongi brought his hand in front of him, swiping it in an upward motion. Your body jolted as you were thrown on the bed and your hands pinned above your head. Yoongi and his fucking telekinesis.
“Okay asshat was the really necessary?” You asked, raising a brow at your boyfriend and looking up at him.
“Yes, it was, I’m a demon what do you expect.” Yoongi smiled, as he crawled onto the bed to boop your nose.
Rolling your eyes at your boyfriend, you looked at him as he caged your body beneath him. His eyes trailed down your body once more, particularly to your chest.
You couldn’t help but blush under his intense stare. Yoongi gently brought his fingers up to prod at your puffy nipple, gently circling the skin.
“So what’s the real reason you got these hmm?” Yoongi asked genuinely. Sighing, you looked at him before groaning and laying your head on the pillows.
“We have been over this, Yoongi. You know my chest is small I look 12, and-,” Yoongi wasn’t having any of it as he slapped your sore tit
“Fuck!” you cried, as he immediately began to soothe the red skin. Tears began to well up in your eyes, as the skin throbbed slightly.
“Shhh, petal. I’m not doing this to hurt you,” Yoongi murmured, removing his hand from your boob to cage your body. He rubbed his thumb under your eyes to sweep away the tears. “I’m doing that because you don’t need to be so insecure. I’m not in love with you because your of your ass, even though that’s a plus-,” you snorted a laugh and kicked his thigh. Yoongi smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your eyelids. “I love you because your beautiful, and generous and you put up with my shit, stop doubting yourself. I love you and your body with or without the piercings.” Yoongi’s voice was low as he stroked a thumb across your cheek.
Tears began to well up again as you nodded at his words.
“Can you remove your damn telekinesis so I can hug you?” You laughed through teary eyes. Yoongi grinned at you, rosy gums peeking through his lips. Swiping his hand through the air, you immediately felt the release of weight on your body, as you immediately sat up and hooked your arms around your boyfriend's neck.
“Oof,” Yoongi groaned, as you trampled him on the bed, his arms immediately latched around your waist. You felt his warm breath fan across your bare chest.
“Ow! Yoongi not so tight,” you whined as he squeezed you tightly, burying his head into your neck. Pulling back slightly, you pinched his neck, “... i’m still sore asshole,” you mumbled, letting go of his neck to straddle his waist. Yoongi laughed, letting go of your waist to lean back on his legs, a slow grin began to overtake his face.
“Why don’t you let me help you…” his voice began to trail off as he leaned upwards to latch his mouth onto your nipple. You sighed, tilting your head back, as his he rolled his tongue piercing along the skin. Slicking the puffy skin with saliva, his hands trailed down your bare back to grab onto your ass. Squeezing the fleshy skin, he roughly pulled you forward, making you squeak. Before you could scold him for being abrupt, you felt something particularly hard poke at your center through your athletic shorts.
Stuttering over your words, Yoongi chuckled against your chest, the vibrations made wetness gush at your core. A lewd pop resonated through the room, as Yoongi detached from your nipple, to take his thumb into his mouth. Looking up at you, he sucked at the skin, before rubbing your nipple gently.
“F-fuck,” your moan came out broken as he returned his mouth to your chest, along with rubbing your other nipple.
“Mmm, I can smell you petal. You’re practically soaking through your shorts,” Yoongi spoke quietly against your chest, as he gently bit into the side of your tit.
You nodded, as you threw your head back in pleasure, not even processing his words. Hands limp at your sides, as Yoongi fondled you.
“Be a good girl and grind on my cock? Want you to cum before I sink into you, would you like that petal? My fat cock stretching your tight, wet hole?” Yoongi asked you lightly, biting the skin of your neck. He gently jutted his hips upward against you.
“Yoongi p-please, yes.” You opened your eyes slowly, watching as Yoongi removed his hands from your chest. Your arms began to work as you grabbed the collar of Yoongi’s shirt, to bring him into a heated kiss.
Your teeth clacked against one other, as you sucked on his tongue, not caring as saliva began to wet your chin. Yoongi blanked for a moment at your abruptness, before growling against your mouth and jutting his hips against your clothed center once more. Whines came from your mouth, as you continued to suck his lips. Trailing your hands down his neck, you hooked your fingers behind his neck, and began to grind against him.
You felt his bulge hit your clit, making you pant against his mouth.
“Yoongi, it feels so good,” you whined, moving your hips back and forth. Yoongi growled before taking both his hands up to your chest and running his palms back and forth against your nipples. Tossing your head back in elation, you bit your lip as your sopping cunt grinded against him.
Unhooking your hands behind him, you pushed him down to lay flat on his back and then took his hands above his head. Yoongi panted, as you held his hands above his head, grounding your hips into his.
“Oh, oh, ffuck, Y-yoongi,” you kept whining as you moved against him.
“Fuck, that’s it baby. Rub your cunt on my cock,” Yoongi growled, before leaning up and taking your nipple in his mouth. The simulation of the grinding, and his tongue piercing against your sore nipples was all it took for you to scream and throw your head back, as you released. Garbled noises came from your mouth as you released Yoongi's hands. Quickly he sat up and threw you down on the bed as you came down from your high. You huffed as your body hit the foam.
Yoongi wasted no time ripping right through your shorts and undies, exposing your sopping center to his greedy eyes. Amber bled into his pupils, as he gripped your legs and pulled you to him.
“Yoongi wait, I’m s-still sensit-!” you didn’t have a chance to push him away as he ran his tongue flat against your center, his piercing spiking pleasure that shot into your toes.
Obscene slurping noises came from your center, making a deep blush seep onto your cheeks.
“Taste. So. Fucking, Devine.” Yoongi growled, pulling back and licking your arousal with his tongue. His fangs were protruding, indicating he was most definitely turned on.
Your chest heaved as you watched him begin to shuck his clothes off quickly. His shirt, jeans and boxers came off.
As Yoongi pulled his boxers off, he sighed as his fat cock flopped onto his taut stomach. The rosy head weeping with cum. Your mouth watered as you saw the protruding vein run under the shaft. You would never get used to how big his dick was; body shuddering at the thought of your center stretching over his bulbous head.
But the thing that has your center dripping more than it already was, was the barbell piercing that went through the head of his cock. Long story short it was a dare, and demons have a low pain tolerance first of all. And Yoongi, being Yoongi, obviously doesn’t back down from a dare so he got the piercing.
To be honest at first you were worried that the piercing would rip your vagina in half, but since we are here right now, we can all agree that it didn’t. But hey, that’s one way to go, getting split in half by your demon boyfriends monstrous cock, topped with his dick piercing.
You were brought out of your thoughts as you heard Yoongi’s low grunts, looking at him between your legs, you watched as he jerked his hand slowly down his shaft.
“Like what you see?” Yoongi winked at you, making you roll your eyes at his inflated ego.
“Hmm not sure,” you teased, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth. The mattress creaked slightly as Yoongi situated himself between your legs. You sucked in a breath as he took his cock in his hands once more and nudged your clit with his tip.
You both groaned simultaneously as he began to slick his length in your arousal. Yoongi swore under his breath as his hands came to grip the pillow beside your head as he rubbed you with his cock.
“Fuck, look at you dirty girl. Not even inside you and your soaking my c-cock, are you gonna cum like this?” Yoongi’s dirty words made your center cream, as he pressed kissed against your slick skin.
“Y-yoongii, please, please,” your moans came out garbled as he picked up the pace, grunting lowly in your ear. Pulling back he looked you in the eyes, flecks of amber coated his pupils as his fangs began to protrude once more. He took your hands in his to hold them above your head.
Arching your back, you felt the knot in your stomach begin to tighten quickly as Yoongi rubbed his cock against you.
“Mhmhm, it feels good,” you whined, as Yoongi leaned down to take your nipple into his mouth.
“Then cum. Soak my cock with your juices so I can fuck them back inside you. Be a good kitten and come for me,” Yoongi whispered against your chest.
His dirty words was all it took for you to topple over the edge in pleasure, as the knot snapped and you released all over Yoongi. Throwing your head back, you felt your cunt clench around nothing, as Yoongi continued to rub his cock against you.
“Oh f-fuck look at that! Squirt all over my cock, you dirty girl,” Yoongi pulled back to look at you release, a bit too hard, all over the bed sheets and his cock. Your legs twitched as you laid on the bed, skin slick and cunt sore. You heard Yoongi breath heavily over you, letting you relax for a moment. Not even caring that your were sensitive, you pulled yourself up and pulled Yoongi to your body.
Smashing your lips against his, you clawed at his back as you pushed him onto the bed and grinded against him. You felt his hands grip onto your waist tightly, before you felt his head prod at your center. Swirling yourself around him, you wasted no time sinking onto him slowly. You both shuddered as your center popped over his fat tip, before completely sinking on to him.
You immediately began to bounce up and down on him, his piercing hitting your cervix each time. Yoongi was mesmerized by your tits bouncing in the slightest, the piercings reflecting off the setting sun that poured in through the blinds. He took both his hands up to your boobs, squeezing the flesh before tweaking your nipples between his pointer finger and thumb.
Groaning at the painful pleasure, you rested your hands on his chest as you bounced on him.
“You feel that? My cock deep inside you, hitting your cervix? That’s where I’m gonna shoot my cum, make you nice and full that it seeps out of you. And everyone will know your mine.” Yoongi kept his voice steady as he tweaked your nipples.
“Yes! Yoongi, I’m yours please, want your c-cum. I love your cock, its so big.” You whined as you clenched around him, milking him slowly. You could feel yourself creaming his cock, as you bounced repeatedly on him.
Not wanting to be below you anymore, Yoongi gripped you by the hips and tried to flip you over. You being stubborn didn’t want to, which resulted in you two rolling around on the bed. He pulled your hair, as you sucked bruises into the skin on his clavicle. Eventually the fighting for dominance led to you two tumbling off the bed, silk comforter wrapped around your sweaty bodies.
Your shriek turned into a moan as Yoongi’s body broke your fall resulting in him being below you, causing his cock to sink even deeper into you.
“Fuck!” Both of you moaned simultaneously, as his cock sunk deeper into your wet heat. Your nails made deep indents into his strong chest, as you felt yourself clench around Yoongi’s length.
Yoongi dug his hands into your ass, before slapping the skin hard. Making you clench around him, as you groaned into his neck.
“You better fucking come, or you’re getting a spanking.” Yoongi growled below you, lifting your body up and slamming you up and down on his cock.
“I’m close! Please Yoongi!” You cried, as you blindly grabbed his hand and guided it to your tits. Yoongi obliged, taking your nipple between his fingers once more. Your mouth hung open as he rolled the puffy skin between his fingers. He tweaked the piercing back and forth, making your nipple even more sore. But even with that you were so close but couldn’t get there.
“Y-yoongi, can’t,” you mumbled, feeling the muscles of your thighs burn. Ignoring your cries of frustration, as he grunted below you. You felt your body becoming limp as Yoongi fucked you, his cock making your walls burn in pleasure.
“You. Will. Fucking. Take it.” Yoongi punctuated each word with a thrust, making you scream as you scratched your nails down his chest. Again, you felt the knot form so tightly you thought you were going to implode. Digging your face in Yoongi’s neck, you felt his pulse as his breaths came out harshly.
Yoongi was becoming impatient, so he gripped you by the waist and laid you down on the sheets that covered the floor. His cock never left your center, as he hooked your legs around each side of his waist and sat up on his knees.
Your arms were spread out by your head, as Yoongi gripped you by the waist and began to thrust into you once more. At this angle you swore his dick was going to penetrate your cervix. Your mouth was open in a silent moan as you watched his dick slide out of you. It was coated with your creamy release, and you could feel his piercing hitting your center as you clenched around his bulbous head.
“Feels, Nggh, good Yoongi-i,” your words were slurred, completely fucked out by his cock ramming into you. Yoongi licked his upper lip, which was slick with sweat. Platinum hair dripping with sweat, as he leaned over your body. His tattoos were slick with sweat as he continued to thrust into you, his dick pulsing at the thought of you creaming him.
“Look at you. Completely wrecked around my fat cock.” Yoongi snarled at you before he leaned down and took your nipple in his mouth. You felt your arms twitch as he licked your nipple, his hot mouth encasing the sore bud.
Licking it a few more times, he pulled away, then gripped your hips once more and began to fuck you thoroughly.
“Fuck, I can see my dick budging inside you. That’s where my cum will be. Would you like that petal? My cum making your insides nice and sticky?” Yoongi’s words came out breathy, as he held your body up to thrust into you.
You nodded, as you felt your body bounce. You felt your body beginning to become sore, and your orgasm was approaching rapidly.
“Fuck, fuck, you’re gonna cum? Yeah, give it to me baby. Cream my cock like a good-,” His words were but a distant voice as you felt yourself finally come undone. You screamed, throwing your head back as you creamed Yoongi’s cock. Gripping at the floor, Yoongi fucked his way to his own orgasm, filling you up with his cum. You felt his hot seed seep into your hole, mixing with your squirt.
“Fucking, shit. Squirt all over my cock, that’s right. I own this cunt.” Yoongi went feral as he continued to slide in and out of you. He slid out completely, making his seed spill out of your abused hole. Swirling his tip around you a few times, he gathered his release before pushing his head back in.
You felt tears well up in your eyes as your core popped over his bulbous head, along with his piercing. Yoongi breathed heavily as he brought his fingers up to his mouth and then moved them around your aching clit.
“Y-Yoongi s-stop,” you whined, as your hips stuttered causing his head to push in further. You groaned as he pushed your mixed arousals back into you, before pulling out completely. You felt your body decompress as your eyes fluttered slightly. Soreness began to seep into your bones, as you laid on the hardwood floor. Yoongi was being a little shit, making sure to overstimulate you and rub the head of his cock against your sore pussy. The cool piercing made you jolt against him.
Weakly you lifted a hand, attempting to slap his abdomen. “Yoongi, little shit, stop.” You groaned, making him chuckle and retract his dick.
“I’m sorry, are you alright? I know I went a bit rough today,” Yoongi spoke softly, gripping your hips to pull you onto his lap. You shake your head, wrapping your sore arms around his sweaty shoulders.
“Mm, I know, mmm sore.” you mumbled, lips moving against his neck. Yoongi chuckled, running his blunt nails across your back. Leaning into his touch, you allowed him to wrap the sheets around you and pick you up from the floor. Your eyes fluttered slightly as he stood up and wrapped your legs around his waist.
“C’mon let’s go clean you,” Yoongi spoke gently, pressing a kiss to your hair. You smiled, pressing your lips to his shoulder as he walked into the master bathroom. The evening sun was shining through the large window next to the tub, stores and skylines visible through the fairy lights strung across the balcony.
Yoongi set you down on the marble counter, before pressing a kiss to each of your cheeks and walking over to the porcelain tub.
You stifled a yawn as you pulled the silk sheets tighter to your body, and leaned against the mirror, not caring if it smudged or not. The sun was reflecting right on you, causing a satisfying warmth to seep into your skin. The sun showed all your lines, freckles, even that scar on your jaw from when Min Holly scratched you by mistake. You didn’t even register that Yoongi was filling up the bathtub, or the fact that he was just staring at you.
“You’re beautiful. You know that,” Yoongi spoke over the flowing water. It was a statement, no room for argument. Your eyes opened to look at him, squinting slightly due to the sun. You smiled at him, something warm seeped over your cheeks, and it wasn’t the sun.
Yoongi shut off the tap to the tub then proceeded to walk over to you, he pulled you by the hips so that he stood between your legs. A defined jaw, but also puffed cheeks looked up at you.
“Cheesy,” you softly spoke, resting your forehead against his. He grinned at you, looking in between your eyes.
“Only for you petal.” Yoongi spoke, leaning back to press a kiss on your cheek. 
Hi hello! Yes this is a repost, for personal reasons I decided to take down seins for a few days and its edited now haha, but i hope u all enjoy! pls leave me feedback, i really wanna know what you guys think :( all my love! xx also updated my wips hehe.
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redvoid-40 · 4 years
Chapter 11: Overcoming the Second Phase
Hello everyone! I know I’m obsessing almost exclusively over the Tales of Arcadia fandom, but I haven’t forgotten this fic yet. Although I do wonder: is anyone still reading/interested in this? Should I keep posting new chapters?
Fanfic title: ??? Word count: 2837 Fandom: Naruto Pairing: eventual Gaara x OC, cannon pairings Genre: Friendship, Adventure, Hurt/Comfort Warnings: None
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It was well into nighttime when Team Rashu found themselves in a secluded spot to rest. The three Genin settled on taking shifts for sleeping, so there would always be someone awake in case of an ambush. After being scolded and throttled by Aoni, Shin was quick to offer to take the first one.
“You sure about this, Shin-chan?” Hajii asked, already lying down, left hand clutching his sister’s.
“Yeah. I have a hard time falling asleep, anyway. You two rest up.”
“Wake me in a couple of hours, okay?” Aoni spoke, lying down by her brother’s side. 
Shin smiled. 
It was still dark, but birds were already chirping when Shin woke Aoni up, gently shaking her shoulder.
“Aoni-chan-” She whispered. “-I’m sorry to wake you, but I’m drifting off now. Would you keep watch?”
Aoni sat up and glared at her. “Shin-chan! It’s almost morning!” She whispered. “You should’ve woken me hours ago.”
“Ahh, I wasn’t sleepy before. I couldn’t stop thinking about that guy… Also, I figured it would be best if Hajii slept through the night. I know how much he hates the dark.”
Aoni glanced at her brother, eyes softening at finding him still fast asleep. “Still, you should’ve woken me earlier. We could’ve split the time evenly between the two of us.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’m used to a couple of all-nighters now and then. I only woke you up because I feel my attention is starting to drop now. It wouldn’t be safe for me to keep watch in this state.”
“Of course. Get some shut eye already. We leave for the Tower in an hour.”
Morning came, and with it Team Rashu started moving towards the Tower. From branch to branch they jumped as fast as possible while Shin kept reaching out with her chakra, ready to find anyone before they could find them.
“Guys! Wait!” She called, causing the trio to stop. “I can feel some chakras up ahead.”
“How many and how far? Should we take a detour?” Hajii asked.
“They’re a couple dozen meters in front of us. We can avoid them if we want. But…”
“Yes?” He asked.
“There are many chakras there. Over ten.” Shin began, index finger twirling around her hair. “And… my friends are there too.”
Hajii sighed in exasperation. “Not again.”
“Sorry! But couldn’t we just… check on them?” She asked, voice trembling. “We could approach carefully, just to see if they’re okay. They don’t even need to know we’re there!”
“What if they’re in danger?” Hajii asked, one eyebrow raised. “Can you promise you won’t do anything stupid?”
Shin blushed and averted her eyes. Of course she couldn’t promise that. “Hajii, please.”
“We should go.” Aoni said, causing Shin and Hajii to turn to her with wide eyes. The girl stared back at her brother with serious eyes. “This is not some random guy who attacked us. These are her friends, Hajii.” Aoni pointed out. “Shin wouldn’t hesitate in helping us if it was Kotarou who was in danger.”
Shin’s eyes widened even further. It was uncommon for either sibling to mention their former teammate; his leaving the team was still a sensitive topic. Hajii sighed, kinda shaking, kinda nodding his head.
“Two against one isn’t fair…” He said. “Ugh, fine. Let’s just get this over with. I don’t want to spend another night in this horrible place.”
“Thank you, Hajii-chan!” Shin beamed. “We’ll be done with this real quick, you’ll see. I’m sure they have everything under control!”
When they arrived at the scene, Team Seven had things under control. But not in the way Shin had expected at all.
S-Sasuke-kun? From her hiding place at a treetop, Shin watched in shock as Sasuke held down one of the Otogakure Ninjas. His smile was crooked, his body was covered by dark, strange markings. And his chakra- That’s not his chakra. 
Shin swallowed and exchanged a look with her equally surprised teammates. They nodded at her, and the trio jumped to the ground while Shin’s brown eyes took in everything around her. Naruto was on the floor, unconscious, and so was Rock Lee. The other two members of Lee’s team - Shin couldn’t remember their names - were atop a tree branch, with their gazes trained on the leader of the Oto-Nins. Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji were there too, taking cover in a bush a few feet away. And Sakura...
At the call of her name, Shin at last fixed her gaze on her. The girl was badly hurt, with cuts all over her body and one eye threatening to swallow shut. And her long pink hair...
“Are you alright, Sakura?” Shin asked, running towards her so she could gently comb her pink hair away from her face to examine her bruises. “What happened to you all? What’s wrong with... Sasuke?”
Sakura shook her head, tears in her eyes. “I-I don’t know. It was a man named Orochimaru. He bit Sasuke-kun yesterday and now…” Sakura’s voice trailed off as both girls looked to the boy. He was smiling wickedly down at his foe, pulling both of his arms back at an unnatural angle. Despite the Oto-Nin’s screams, he continued to pull and pull and pull.
The sound of the Ninja’s arms popping out of their sockets made bile rise in Shin’s throat.
That’s not Sasuke…
Shocked, Shin watched Sakura leap to her feet and run towards the boy to embrace him tightly, as if trying to physically reign in that terrible bloodlust he was emanating. When Sasuke looked back at Sakura, Shin leaped to her feet, fearing he’d hurt her. To her - and everyone’s - relief, Sasuke seemed to come back to his senses. His markings receded and his chakra eased into the controlled thrumming Shin had grown used to.
“You have some pretty interesting friends, Shin-chan.” 
Shin glanced at Hajii and Aoni. Both were staring at Sasuke with wide eyes, muscles tense and weapons in hand. When she looked down at herself, Shin found her right hand wrapped tightly around her kunai as well.
After all was said and done and the Oto-Nins took their leave, the remaining Genin savoured a few moments of reprieve and gathered their bearings. There was safety in numbers and at the moment there were twelve of them together; it was a rare chance for all to gather information and tend to any injuries with tranquillity. After waking up Naruto and convincing Hajii to do some first aid on him, Sasuke and Rock Lee, Shin sat down with Sakura and Ino, as the blonde cut the first’s hair. In-between the two’s usual bickering, Sakura explained to them what had happened yesterday and how it all seemed to come back to just one name.
“Orochimaru…” Shin let the syllables roll off her tongue, as her eyes narrowed. “So he’s responsible for all of this. We need to find out who he is and prepare. I doubt this will be the last we hear of him.”
Sakura and Ino gave her a surprised stare, but before either could say anything Hajii had approached them with a first aid satchel and an improvised wooden bowl filled with water in in his hands.
“I patched up that fashion atrocity, Shin-chan-” he said.
Shin pouted. “Don’t talk about Lee-senpai like that Hajii-chan...”
Hearing that, Lee called out to Shin with a big smile on his face and two thumbs up. “Thank you, Shin-kun! I knew I could count on you to understand the fire in my spirit!” 
Hajii looked back at the green-clad boy before turning back to Shin with an eyebrow raised. He didn’t say anything, but that look spoke everything.
Shin chuckled. “You can’t deny his energy is very uplifting.”
Hajii scoffed. “Whatever. Just come so I can look at your arm. I was going to take a second look at it once we got to the Tower, but since we’re all taking a little break, we can get it done now. Come on.”
With a parting smile to the girls, Shin followed Hajii to a more secluded spot in the clearing so he could look at her wound in peace. Shin swallowed as the boy untied the bandages around her shoulder. They were stained with old blood and as the pressure let out, her wound immediately oozed out fresh blood and even a bit of pus, making Shin scowl in distaste. And when Hajii touched the skin surrounding the wound, she couldn’t help but let out a little whine.
Hajii clicked his tongue. “It doesn’t look good. Shin-chan, it might be best if you lay down for this.”
“What are you going to do?” The girl’s voice trembled as she asked, but she followed his orders.
Hajii kneeled close to her left shoulder and pulled out a pair of silicone gloves from his first aid satchel and some antiseptic solution and gauze. “I need to clean the wound well, scrub all the pus and dead tissue out before wrapping it with gauze again. First, I’m going to wash it with water and then with the solution. Unfortunately, I don’t know any healing Ninjutsu, so this will have to do until we get to the Tower.”
Shin was about to say something when Naruto approached them and plopped down at her right side. “Ew! This look terrible, Shin-chan. Believe it!”
“Thank you, Naruto-chan. That’s just what I needed to hear.” Shin said, face pale.
“Hehehe, Sorry.” The boy spoke, rubbing the back of his head. “Want me to hold your hand?”
“... Yes.”
Naruto smiled brightly and grabbed her right hand. “Just focus on me, Shin-chan! I’ll tell you all about how I kicked ass yesterday do you won’t even feel anything, believe it!”
Naruto’s gesture and words were well-intentioned, but the moment Hajii inserted a gloved finger to debride any dead tissue inside her wound, he fainted. Shin was too busy holding back her groans of pain and doing her best to keep still to do anything more than push him away so he didn’t fall on top of her.
“I really hope we have some proper medical attention there.” Hajii commented as he held her wound open and poured water into it. “Or else I’ll have to clean it again and then stitch it.”
At that, Shin whimpered like a kicked dog.
It was before noon when Team Rashu arrived at the Tower. After a warm greeting from Iruka, the three Genin made their way inside the Tower, eyes darting back and forth as they looked for the Infirmary.
“Iruka-sensei said it should be just around here.” Shin mused. 
“I hope this doesn’t take too long. I’m dying for a shower.” Aoni spoke, running a hand through her oily hair.
“Ah! Why don’t you guys explore the place while I look for the Infirmary?” Shin suggested. “Maybe find out if there are any rooms for us and get cleaned up?”
The twins exchanged a look, tempted by the offer. “You sure about this, Shin-chan?”
“Of course! There’s no reason for you guys to waste time just waiting for me when you could be resting. I’ll find you once I’m done here.”
“We don’t mind waiting, Shin-chan.” Aoni said.
Shin smiled at her friends and waved them off. “Just go, you two.”
“You’re the first to come here looking for medical attention, you know? I’m surprised.” The Medic-Nin at the Infirmary told her. “And there are two teams here already.”
Shin blushed at that comment and looked down as she continued to heal her shoulder. So, not only there were teams who had finished the Second Phase before them, they were also in better shape.
“No need to be embarrassed. You did well in coming here. This cut was pretty deep and without proper care it could give you a lot of trouble.” The Medic-Nin reassured and gave her a smile. "This healing session should be enough, but there’s still a chance of infection, so I need you to pay attention to any signs of inflammation. If you get a fever, notice any exaggerated swelling, pain or drainage, come back for me to take a second look, alright?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Once her shoulder was nice and healed, Shin wandered around the Tower’s hallways, looking for a shower and a bed. Her hour-long nap earlier that morning had fulfilled its mission and got her through the second day in the Forest of Death, but now she needed proper sleep. But just as she reached the first flight of stairs there was a bark behind her.
“Yoohoo! Look who’s here!”
Shin turned around, smiling widely at finding Team Ten standing right in front of her.
“Hinata-chan, Kiba-kun and Shino-kun!” Shin called excitedly. “You guys made it, congratulations!”
Hinata smiled shyly. “Y-You too, Shin-san. Congratulations.”
“Guess you did well in ditching those losers for a new team, huh, Shin?” Kiba teased. “I bet they lost their scroll already.”
“They are not losers, and I didn’t ditch anyone. We made an arrangement so all of us could take part in the Exams.” Shin pouted. “And I’ve met with them less than an hour ago. They’re still going strong. I bet they’ll be here in no time.”
“Heh! If you say so.” Kiba said, with a smirk.
“More importantly…” Shin began, lowering her gaze to the little pup tucked into Kiba’s coat. “Akamaru seems to be shaking. Is he okay?”
The whole Team Ten tensed at her words and Kiba’s smile dropped as he raised a hand to pet Akamaru’s head comfortingly. “It’s not his fault. We met-”
“Oh, great. That brat is here too.”
As one, Team Ten froze in front of her and Shin could almost taste the fear surrounding them. Slowly, she turned around, following their gaze to find none other than the Sand-Nins walking towards them. The girl was smiling confidently, Kankuro had a half-smirk, half-snarl on his lips and Gaara-
Akamaru whimpered behind her and Shin understood immediately who had terrified him so.
-Gaara had the same detached expression on his face as he stared at her.
“Congratulations to you three.” Shin spoke, politely bowing her head. “I can’t say I’m surprised at finding you here already.”
“Well, I am in seeing you here at all.” Kankuro replied. “I didn’t expect a little brat like you to make the cut. Although I see that annoying orange friend of yours isn’t here, so there’s that.”
“There’s still time. I’m sure he’ll be here soon.” Shin chuckled awkwardly, letting her gaze wander over the three Genin before settling on Gaara.
The redhead didn’t have a single scratch or speck of dust on him. Shin knew he was strong - much stronger than she could comprehend - but it still took her by surprise by how unmarred he was. Despite her own team not meeting any others on their way here, there was a slight altercation between them and a giant boar, and even Aoni got herself a few bruises and cuts.
“You look like this was a walk in the park.” Shin commented, raising her brown eyes to Gaara’s sea-foam gaze.
The boy scoffed and everyone - including his teammates - seemed to freeze at his response. Their reaction alone was almost enough to make the girl apologise for her words, fearing they might be seen as some provocation.
“This is nothing.” The boy spoke, lips curling in distaste. “The real deal will come later, when all the weak ones are disposed of, and only the strong remain. That’s when… I’ll prove my existence.”
Shin’s polite smile fell as something dark and unhinged tainted the boy’s chakra. His eyes were blown wide, and he stared at her as if she was some long-awaited event, a main course of sorts, to be carved into and consumed until there was not one bone left that wasn’t licked clean.
“W-We should be going!” The blonde Sand-Nin announced suddenly. “Right, Kankuro?”
“R-Right.” Kankuro answered, a slight tremble in his word. “We should take some time to polish our weapons and check our inventory. Right, Gaara?”
The redhead didn’t respond and Shin was incapable of breaking eye-contact with him. She was terrified of him. And yet- This chakra… what is this? It’s almost like that time at the bridge in the Land of Waves when Naruto’s chakra changed. So much chakra… so powerful. So… mouth-watering. Pupils blown wide, Shin took in a deep breath. Maybe, if she was careful, she could reach out with her own energy, just to brush it against his. If she could just-
“We should get going too!” Kiba spoke loudly, pulling on her shoulder. “Come on, Shin!”
Spell broken, Shin’s chakra contracted back to herself as she suddenly faced Kiba and Akamaru. She blinked and nodded once before following Team Eight up the stairs. When she looked back over her shoulder, she found Gaara staring at her with bloodlust overflowing from his eyes. Mixed with it, she thought she saw some curiosity.
Shin didn’t know which scared, and which excited her most.
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hitsuackerman · 5 years
A Different Hashira (Giyu x Reader) pt 1
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At age 10, (Y/N) (L/N) became one of the first Hashira's along side her mentor Sakonji Urokodaki.
However, despite the honor of becoming a Hashira, she does not see herself fit for the title. Only Urokodaki and Ubuyashiki know about her breathing style.
10 years have passed since that faithful day. Now that the Hashira's have grown into 10, she starts to open up to her fellow demon slayers. One of the newer Hashira's catch her attention. The one with the mismatched haori.
-I do not own Kimetsu no Yaiba. None of the characters nor story do not belong to me. -I will try to incorporate some scenes of the anime ;)
-this is also in ao3/quotev/wattpad :)
You slowly sheathed your sword back to it's scabbard.
It was a full moon tonight and you admired the silence the forest had to offer. Each chirp the crickets produced, the sound of a nearby river flowing with nature, and a random owl hooting in the distance effectively calmed you.
Still gripping the handle of your Nichirin blade, you reminded yourself to regain control of your slightly trembling body. It took a considerable amount of effort but you managed to take control and used full focused breathing once more.
Feeling that your senses were now tranquil, you opened your eyes. In front of you were the remains of seven demons. All had their heads severed. Save for one of which you ended up disintegrating. But that was your goal so it was alright. Blood stains were now present in your haori. Your haori had absorbed a decent amount causing it to droop a bit.
Tonight's one on one training was rather... unique. Instead of using nature, Urokodaki decided to take you into the woods to see how far you had developed your breathing style.
"You seem to have trained behind my back, (Y/N)."
You hadn't noticed that he was now beside you. Both of you now staring at the full moon.
"The blade hates being sedentary."
The moon cast a yellowish glow to the rocks and grass. Whatever demon you had slain, they were now non-existent. A gentle breeze embraced the two of you. In your own absurd way, you liked to think that the wind was the way of demons saying thank you for releasing them from the curse given to them. Whether it's true or not, you didn't really care.
"Shall we head back?"
Heading back to the water estate, the comfortable silence between you and your teacher got cut with a messenger raven.
"It still perplexes me how you managed to convince Ubuyashiki-sama to give you a raven and not a crow." Urokodaki commented with a hint of pride in his voice. You were one of his protege's and being given a privilege to care for a different messenger bird was a small accomplishment.
"(Y/N) (L/N) to report to Ubuyashiki-sama."
"Even managed to train it to talk calmly. As expected nonetheless." He gently patted your head. "I will be fine on my own, proceed with utmost caution (Y/N)."
Without waiting for a reply, you watched your teacher walk towards your home. His light blue kimono glistened a silvery hue once the clouds showed the moon's presence once more.
"Leggo, Karasutori."
Nipping on your palm once, Karasutori took flight and lead you to the Ubuyashiki manor.
Though the distance wasn't too great, it took a good 30 minutes of walking (granted you got lost). When you finally arrived, you were greeted with his children. Despite people claiming them to look magical, in your head, you still saw them as creepy. The way their gigantic eyes would stare at you always put you on edge. Thankfully, Ubuyashiki-sama has the Soothing Voice.
Tea was served as you waited for the 97th leader to arrive. Fiddling with the chains at the of your handle, you only noticed that each chain had a red glossy finish.
"Good evening, (Y/N)."
"Ubuyashiki-sama." You gave him a bow. Looking at his face sent pain through your veins. You had made it a personal mission to somehow find a cure to his curse. Though you had no clue as to how, yet.
"I see you have quickly mastered your breathing style."
"Not all ten yet, Ubuyashiki-sama. The 9th and 10th are a bit difficult, but nothing too much to handle."
"Sakonji-kun has taught you well."
Simply nodding, you shifted a bit in your seat. In all honesty, you were tired from the training session. You started from morning and barely took any rest.
"What is my purpose here, Ubuyashiki-sama?"
"I have heard and seen your abilities, (Y/N). You see, my foresight has shown me that you will achieve many in the near future." Taking a sip of his tea, he stared at you through his blank lavender eyes. "It is about time you become a Hashira."
"Huh?" Taken aback by his statement, your jaw hung loosely as you processed what he had just told you.
"Become a Hashira, (Y/N). You have all the skills and mastery to be one. I have already informed Sakonji-kun. It is now up to you to grab the opportunity or reap another future."
"I would love to... But my breathing style, Ubuyashiki-sama. It's not suited to be a pillar."
"Can I still live with Urokodaki-sensei?"
"For the time being you may, but in due time, you will have to live in your own estate."
The picture of having your own estate boggled your mind. The estate would probably be dark and empty as hell.
"Alright. If it brings calm to your foresight, then I will agree."
As a token of his appreciation, he instructed Kiriya to get a box from his personal quarters. When Kiriya arrived, he held onto a rectangular box. The box was matte black tied together by a gold ribbon. The tips of the ribbon were raggedly cut and stained with black. You couldn't help but smile at the beauty.
With the box in front you, you carefully pulled on the ribbon and lifted the lid.
Inside was a haori. It had a geometrical pattern consisting of red, white and black. The hems were lined black. Lifting it up, you could feel how soft the material was. It was far better than the haori you had on. This one felt luxurious.
Taking your haori off, you carefully folded it and placed it beside you. It was only now you saw just how battered and blood stained it was due to the light of the room. Embarrassment entered your system till you wore the new haori.
In an instant, you felt calm and collected. Whatever thoughts than ran through your head slowed down. It felt as if a huge burden was taken from your shoulders.
"Ahh, you can feel it."
"Is this supposed to happen?"
"Only to that one. That haori of yours is a special one. I specifically made that for you. It's calming, is it not?"
"What if I outgrow this?"
"Inform Amane. She will make one tailored to your height."
This time, you couldn't contain the smile anymore. You continuously thanked and bowed to the leader till he excused you from his manor.
The journey back to the water estate felt surreal. This morning you were nothing but a 10 year old trainee under Urokodaki. Now, you were a Hashira. Running now, you couldn't wait to feel the happiness of your mentor. He had raised you and taught you everything you had to know despite not being able to use Water breathing techniques.
By the time you reached the estate, you could smell the aroma of soup coming from the building. Opening the doors, you were met with the familiar red mask and a bowl ready for you.
"You make me proud, (Y/N)..."
With a pounding heart, you ran towards your mentor and gave him a gratifying embrace. This was not a shock to the masked man since he knew you saw him as a father figure. Patting your back, he could feel the sense of calm engulfing the two of you. Realizing what their master had done, caused him to hum in content.
Letting go of your teacher and waiting for the soup to be served, you fiddled with your haori. Even your blade felt much lighter and clearer.
After finishing dinner, Urokodaki motioned you to follow him to the patio.
The sound of the river was relaxing as ever. The cool breeze that swept your faces, occasional frogs croaking in the distance, and the sound of the cackling fire made things fall into place.
"Yes, Urokodaki-sensei?"
"I am stepping down as a Hashira."
You weren't surprised. After being with him for a good 4 years, you could somehow read his actions. He wasn't too keen on the Hashira lifestyle. If given the option, he would rather live by the woods and chop trees. He did mention he would still train but only if he sees the person fit. Though you were not going to deny, it caused a bit of sadness on your part.
"I understand. Will you still train me if I ask?"
"Of course. You are the exception."
"Where will you go?"
For a moment, only the sound of the rushing waters could be heard.
"I am not sure yet, but I shall send my crow when I settle."
Nodding your head, you stood up and excused yourself. Leaving your teacher to ponder on his thoughts. Exchanging good nights, you silently closed your door and flopped to your futon. Loneliness slowly taking over you.
Dragging your futon near your window, you took in the moonlight. It usually managed to soothe your insomnia. 
Though you didn't really mind, you decided that it was time for you to better know who the others were.
One main reason why you chose not to was due to the fact that you were too young and they seemed to be coming and going. Ever since you received Karasutori, you had recieved multpile announcements saying that this hashira had perished in a mission. It just grew to you to avoid the unwanted pain of losing someone you know.
Sleep finally took the best of you.
Waking up with the rays of sunlight blessing your face, you exited your room only to find breakfast ready. Along with a note slipped under the bowl of rice.
You were alone once again.
Knowing that sulking wouldn't make a significant change, you ate your food and took a bath right after.
Taking a piece of paper, you scribbled a small note and attached it to Karasutori.
"Send this to Tecchikawahara. If you make it back in 3 days, I'll give you mochi."
"Bribes. Always with bribes." Your raven replied before speeding his way out. "Make it 3!"
Grabbing your haori and blade, you slowly made your way to the common training grounds. It's time you finally acquanited yourself with the others.
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nasty-b · 4 years
Should have left it to rot - A Hawks x Reader Fanfic
Warnings: Creepy Crawlings, Manipulation, Blackmail, 
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Right on. This could not go any worse if you fucking tried, right? All in all, the entire fucking day had been an absolute disaster. It was so bad. So.. disappointing. Starting with the fact that you got fired like a loser for something you had not even had any control over. It sucked majorly. Especially because not only did you have no control over the event, it was also not even in your jurisdiction. Not your job. End of story. Your superior should have become the person they nailed down but instead you got to play scapegoat.
It was proper stupid. But even ranting a bit around like this did nothing for your mood as you were making your way back home, the box with the stuff from your desk clamped under your arm. It’s not like paying rent was easy enough, even with this job paying you barely enough for the necessities. Now you got to stress over being put out on the street. Your landlord was enough of an asshole to put you out right now if he found out you got fired.
That man was as thick in the head as he was fat. And he was fat. Nothing against people who were on the heavier side but him being obese had nothing to do with- ok you need to calm down. Right now you were just letting your emotions insult anyone inside your head to let out the stress and anger of the situation. Is it beginning to rain? “Shit..” You wiped your h/c hair out of your face and picked up the pace. If you got hit by a storm now you were going to fucking implode. And after imploding you’d explode and probably take half the neighborhood with you.
That was a metaphor. You did not have the power to actually do that. Sometimes you wished you had it though. Just to have something. Sure, you had a quirk, but it was totally useless. You could just dislocate and relocate your bones without abstaining any damage and you could only do it with your arms or your legs. It also hurt like fucking hell, even if you did not catch any damage. You hated pain more than anything.
A lot of people do not enjoy pain. Hard surprise. Wow. Fucking shit it was raining. The drops were coming in hard and fast now and you weren’t even close to home. You’re not running in this weather. You’re gonna fucking slip and then get hit by a car or something.. this week was bad enough to make you feel like you were going through bad luck on purpose. Maybe you were. Maybe someone had cursed the shit out of you for existing. Not that much of a surprise.
Would not be.. much of.. a surprise..? Your step slowed down and cast down towards the small.. red ball of fluff sitting there in the middle of the road. Oh shit- it’s a bird. Poor thing must have hit a tree or something.. You glance up at the darkening sky. Yeah. Must have. Except for when you hear a soft chirp and glance down only to see the fluff moving. Wings stretching weakly and making you jump. Ok yeah no- not a fucking bird. It’s a hawk. A fully grown hawk. Jesus those claws looked mean-
It’s crooked wing also looked kind of unfortunately mean. Yikes there. The poor thing would likely not be flying anywhere anytime soon. That was a death sign for any bird. Broken wing. You should leave it- Law of nature and all. Except for where you were in the middle of the city and this was not exactly.. the most nature rich place. Oh god it’s coming towards you. Limping on it’s gangly legs. “Ahh, hold on- no- bad bird. Don’t come over hereEEK!” Saying this was embarrassing was an understatement.
The thing just hopped vaguely into your direction and you almost dropped your box and landed on your ass because you decided the smartest move was to jump hectically backwards as if the devil was about to bite you in the tit. Take a chill pill y/n. Maybe two. Hakuna your tatas. Think of funny internet pictures. It’s hard to do that with the bird still pathetically trying to communicate. Communicate?
It was kind of squawking at you but, well, obviously you understood none of that. You were no bird person. You did not speak chirp. Unfortunately. That would have been a great quirk to have instead of.. dislocating your limbs as many times as you wanted. You could have been a hero with that kind of quirk. Your own quirk just made you able to use your arms as meat nunchucks. Which. Sounded really fucking stupid oh my god- The image won’t leave your head but you’re forced to concentrate on the bird when it hopped onto your shoe.
First instinct is to scream and kick it. Second instinct is to not move at all. You were wearing short pants and you do not want the thing to peck at your legs. “Jesus christ- I’m so fucking dead. Please don’t hurt me-“ Just in case that thing spoke human, you were very willing to beg a bird to not bite you. But now that it was sitting on your shoe, looking at you. Something did poke at your subconscious. Which would be..
Normal hawks were not red. They might be brown.. with a red tint. But red? This poor animal looked like someone dropped it into a paint bucket. Probably what happened. Maybe that explained the broken wing. “Aw.. Was someone mean to you?” Maybe some kids pulled the poor creature out of a tree or something. “Uh..” It just sat there. Giving you the beady, sad look that only a bird could give someone. It pulled on your heart strings. Badly.
“Wanna.. come with me? For now?” The weather was bad. You were not going anywhere far today. But there was a vet on the way that would be able to set the wing.. at a cost of an arm and a leg. The thought makes you wheeze softly. The bird presses against your leg and you just kind of. Ah hell..
It takes the effort of two hours and most of your savings to get the bird to your shitty apartment. By now all sanity had left you, carrying the box with your stuff and the bird inside. They gave it a little muzzle cap. To ensure you did not get bit or clawed to shit while you waited until the weather cleared up enough to bring it to the nearest wildlife center.
By now you’re drenched. Severely. It was gross and made you shiver and ugh. Back to the loss of your sanity though, because right now you’re ranting to the damn bird about the week you have been having. Currently at the point where you got fired. “-and you’d think they fire the person responsible. Do they get fired? No. I get the shit put on me while I wasn’t even in said department when the whole thing crashed! Fucking bastards I tell you. Proper melts.”
It was oddly therapeutic. Talking to this red bird. Which, by the way, was not dyed. Apparently this had to be it’s normal colors. The vet had been confused but had shut up about it once you paid him. He just wished you well and ushered you out the door as if you were garbage. To be fair, you looked like it. You looked like the girl from the ring while she was climbing out of the well by now. Your hair’s a mess.
Any makeup you had on was runny and your clothes stuck to your body, making you feel oddly naked. “Hold on-“ You put the box down and immediately shimmy out of your clothes. “I suppose I oughta give you some new place to nest for now too, I don’t want you catching a .. cold..” While you had been undressing your gaze fell back onto the bird. Who was.. pointedly not looking at you? It was even shoving it’s head into the box. What the hell?
“Uh.. Buddy?” Was it throwing up in there? Please no. You shuffle over. “Hey, Leggie,” A nickname born out of the length the birds legs had. “If you throw up onto my shit, please, aim at something that is easily wiped down.” But of course you get no response. It does not even answer you. Rude little shit. “Fine.” You conceded.. after making sure the bird was not hurtling out some dead mouse or something. “Hide.. or whatever..”
Taking a shower was overrated after just getting fired so you get into a hoodie and some panties, some comfy socks to fight the cold, tiled floor and then got to moving stuff around. Once you emptied the box of the stuff inside, you filled it with towels and one pillowcase to create a weird sort of nest. Putting the bird back inside. You’re so glad it does not scratch you either. Oddly docile the little thing.. “Ok so.” You clap your hands.
“Welcome to your .. new nest. For now. We’ll be roomates until I have the time-“ and mood “-to get you to the nearest wildlife center.” You needed motivation for such a travel. The nearest one was five hours away with public transportation. You had no drivers license. Well, you used to have one but you lost it because you .. mhh.. you don’t actually remember why you lost it. It never mattered that much so you never bothered taking care of reclaiming it. It wasn’t like you had any money for gas and maintenance anyway.
It ended with you just walking everywhere or taking the subway if it came push to shove. You’re losing track of what you were doing but once you refocused.. you just sighed and hung your head. You were talking to a fucking bird. Wow. And they told you romance was dead. “I’m.. yeah.. let me just..” You turned away and shuffled to your fridge to pull out some raw steak you wanted to make for dinner today. You were not hungry anyway.. not anymore. So, you cut the thing up and just put it all in a bowl before walking back.
It leaves you with the danger of unhooking the muzzle and losing your eyes. Ahh that was bad.. Very bad. You pout a little and just.. carefully pulled it off. Holding the bowl over and putting it into the box, quickly retracting your hand and then lifting the box to put it in the bathroom. You had no bathtub but a shower, which is why the bird box went in there. You closed the glass door and watched the bird stare at you.
“Stop.. judging me.” It felt like it was. It was an ugly feeling to have such an elegant and majestic animal judge you. It sucked majorly. The bird tilted it’s head and just turned it’s head on the meat. Fine. Starve then you little rat.. It was late. You were tired. You got the little thing a bowl of water before you forgot and then you closed the bathroom door. Leaving the weak light on to make sure it found it’s food and it’s water. Time to sleep.
You can watch the bird choke down food tomorrow. No more today. Too late.. Did birds overeat? Naw right? Hawks were like.. eh- they hunted for themselves, surely they knew when they had enough or something. Yeah. Sounded more reasonable. You move to your bed and drop onto it. Taking your two room apartment in one more time before closing your eyes and just .. letting sleep claim you.
For some reason, sleep does not wanna claim you at first. A blood red hawk dancing around in the back of your mind.  That was weird, right? Red hawk. Hawks were brown, usually.. Unless.. did animals have quirks? Nah.. You’re putting too much thought into it. Finally. You drift off.
Only to wake up 6 hours later by a loud crash. You screech in panic and fall out of your bag, kicking and punching the covers off of you and scrambling backwards in reply. Jesus fucking christ what the hell? The noise continued. Clearly, coming out of your lovely apartment. This is hell. You’re in a horror movie. Any moment the monster will come around the corner and kill you.. does it? No. It doesn’t. You need to act before that monster does though.. Very likely a burglar but your imagination is running away with you. Where the fuck is your phone- you left it in the kitchen to charge. Fucking shit.
You grab the nearest thing, which would a polo stick. You don’t polo. You just found the damn thing in a trashcan once and thought it looked cool. Someone had clearly customize the thing and thus it was covered in painted on sunflowers on very dark wood.. They’re very tiny sunflowers. Very tiny. That stick is also not extremely sturdy, being as thin as it was, but you had nothing else and to get to the kitchen for a knife you might already get attacked. Be brave y/n. You do not wanna be brave. Yet, here you go-
With shaky steps, slowly but surely, you make your way to the door. There is still rustling and shuffling, which ensured that it was not right in front of your room. Mhhh carefully you peer around the corner and notice two things. 1. The light in the bathroom was on. 2. The door was open. And suddenly, the idea that came to you very quietly when you were about to sleep came back to kick you in the ass.. But you had been a fucking idiot about it. Because what if, what if.. that hawk was not a hawk. But someone with a hawk quirk. And you brought a stranger into your home and.. undressed in front of them.
Might explain why it looked away from her when you did and did not want to eat the raw fucking meat that had been given to it. God, if this was some kid discovering their quirk you’d be in so much shit. But how did the vet overlook that?? The vet. The vet should have fucking told you what was going on- bastard had probably kept quiet to avoid the drama. Once this is over you’re suing, but the current issue at hand, you dodge the terror of some stranger in your home and straighten out. If this was some kid, their arm was broken. You need to act.
So, gathering all your bravado you stalk over to the door and.. carefully peek inside the room. First thing you notice, this aint no fucking kid and second thing is that there was still an alarming amount of red in your bathroom. Two giant wings were flapping weakly in there and the blonde man that they belonged to was sitting in your shower. Crowded into this tiny bathroom and just looking.. a little bit dazed? He swung from left to right, yikes. Somehow he felt familiar. “E-Excuse me?” Polo stick, firm in your hand. “Are you alright?” The wing that had been broken was still angel awkwardly but by now the bandages had torn. This is bad.
At your voice the man turned his head and blinked owlishly at you. And, oh my god? You knew he looked familiar. You remember this man because his face is on a billboard three or two blocks away to advertise some cologne. You watched an interview with him just four days ago. Hawks. Number 2 Hero. Holy Hell. Hawks was sitting in your bathroom. Uh. Naked? Your eyes try to focus on his face but can’t help check his back out. Muscles alore. The man was short but packed to the sky. God. This was like, out of an fanfiction or something. This happened in fiction. Not real life. “Ah- let me get you some clothes!” Barely you snap out of your dumb stupor and run off to your room to get the biggest shirt and shorts you got- then you run to the kitchen to get a knife to cut two misshaped holed into the back of it.
Maybe those were too small.. But you rushed back only to find the blonde trying to wobble to his legs. The raw meat’s on the ground. Man, guilt coming in hard. You fed the number 2 hero raw meat. Raw.. meat. “Here, come on- uh- you need some pants at least!” He’s clearly out of it. But he’s sobering up quick because when you spoke to him he just held out a hand, to where you handed him the clothes and he started shuffling into them. His wings spread as much as they can, at least the healthy one, crowding you easily out of your own bathroom. Anxiety has your ass so hard you forgot to turn around but when you get a wing in your face you flee to your kitchen and just, shakily start making yourself some tea.
For two. Water enough for two.. he looked like he could need some tea once he got out of your dumb bathroom.. God his poor wing. What happened to it? Why would anyone do this- You knew Hawks, his quirk fierce wings was great but last time you checked, he could not turn into a hawk. But suddenly, there was a hawk Hawks. Which would imply that another quirk user did this to him, right? Oh god.. He saw you undress.. Well, at least he was a gentleman about it.. You’re nervous. Kind of scared of having made yourself look like a total fucking idiot.. you ranted to this man, your idol kind of, about losing your job. The blonde probably thought you were a huge loser.. You were a huge loser. You felt like one.
“Ehhh..” The voice has you snap your head around, almost burning yourself on the hot water you were trying to pour. The man was standing there with a sleepy look and just watched the two mugs on your counter. “..Nh.. Yeah.. Yeah thanks.” He sounds like he’s half asleep. Just moving to your kitchen table and managing to sit down on it, wincing as his broken wing avoided the chair. You wince in sympathy. “I’ll.. I’ll get dressed in a bit and then.. I’ll call you an uber to the hospital. Yeah?” Hawks doesn’t answer. He looked ready to fall asleep at the table. He needs help.. Fucking- Of course he needs help. You finish the making the tea and put some sugar in to help him stay awake before you trot over and put his cup down. “Here. It’s orange. I hope it’s fine.”
Still not much reaction. He just grunted and grabbed the mug to start blowing on it to cool it down. You realize that the shirt you gave him had died. The two holes you put in there had become one huge hole. Guess they were too small after all. Whatever. You’re sure the hospital had better options. Better had better options. Forget your tea, you’re getting dressed, snatching your phone from the counter and speed walking to your room. Find an uber, call them, pay them with the little fucking amount of money you had left which would ensure you’d have nothing to eat for the rest of the month and get Hawks to the hospital.
It takes you five minutes. When you get back the man was staring out the window. He’s looking more awake. That’s good. “Ok!” Your voice had him snap his head around and squint. God, anxiety in your ass. “The uber will be here in a bit, I picked one with a really big care for your wings- Uh,” He’s just staring. “L-Let’s go?” You pump your fist shakily into the air but it just makes you feel dumb. At least he listens, because he gets up and just waits for you to move to the side before walking past you. He’s angry. You can see he’s angry because his face looked angry. His fists were clenched and you’re unsure if it was you or the situation pissing him off.. You’d let him go alone but someone needed to be there to pay the uber driver. Yeah.. You’re praying they take card. You forgot to ask.
All the way down the stairs and then waiting for the uber is nervous hell. The man is super silent and just staring straight ahead as you stood next to him. You wanna go home. Which would be right behind you but you need to pay this shit stain of a driver who was now, five minutes late- Oh is that him? You walk a bit forward and wave the car, which slows down and stops in front of them. The man sitting inside was staring at you two with wide eyes and a pale complexion. Yeah, see who you made wait. Hawks just got into the back, taking in the whole seating. That’s fine. You shuffle to the front and hold up your card. “U-Uh.. do you take card?..”
The stranger just nodded and you can see how uncomfortable he is. He’s feeling like you were right now, which was kind of nice to have that company in a way. Shared pain and all.. You tell him where to and quietly pay. Unfortunately, or fortunately, unsure yet, fate has other plans. When you step back from the car and are about to give the hand sign to go, Hawks slapped his hand onto the other mans shoulder driving the car. “She’s coming with us. I’ll pay for her later.” His voice is hoarse and leaves no room to negotiate. God. What is this. Is he going to sue you for trying to feed him raw meat and locking him into your bathroom..? Hhhgh.. The drive just stared at you helplessly as Hawks fingers dug into his shoulders. No choice then, eh?
You carefully get into the front seat and just .. put on your seatbelt. You’re so fucking scared- but you’re thankful he paid for this? Because. You had nothing left. You were in the red now. That shit cost fifty bucks or something like it- Why did it cost fifty bucks? The hospital was five blocks away or something like it. Right? You’re unsure. Anyway.. “Get his contact info.” Hawks voice made you flinch and you just nodded like a servant or something before pulling out your phone. “P-Please drive, just tell me your info.” Right. Neither of you wanted to be in the company of the angry hero. It just was too much pressure. So, the drive starts and the man manages to give you his info while Hawks was brooding behind you two. This was so stressful. Your veins feel like they’re about to explode.
The next twenty minutes are just as bad and when you get there and Hawks just left you two in the car to get into the hospital without saying anything further. You and the dude just sit there. “Am.. I supposed to wait too?” He sounds confused and worried and you understand. “I.. I don’t know..” You fold your hands into your lap and just watched the hospital. Tensing when you spotted that hawks was coming back with two frantic nurses and a doctor on his ass. He poked his head out and made an impatient motion for you to follow. Carefully you glance around and point at yourself and got an eye roll and a nod in return. Shut the door.
“Good luck..” You groan at the driver and hurry out of the car, thanking him and then jogging over there. Hawks was already on his way back in. Why was this happening to you? You were trying to help- why was he so angry at you? .. Raw meat, shower.. ranting and undressing in front of him might have something to do with it. Damn it.. It’s like, four am or something. You’re only awake because of the adrenaline going through you. You’re in some dirty, stained clothes because you did not pay attention what you were wearing and now that you were a bit calmer you realized you gave Hawks your puppy shirt. The .. the fucking glitter puppy shirt. Ok. He’s going to hate you, he probably already does. This was a disaster.
It’s been an hour and you were forced to sit in the waiting room. Just.. staring ahead and biting your lower lip. You had no friends to call to tell them about this and you and your parents hated each other.. Mostly because they were both heroes and had been so disappointed to have a daughter with a worthless quirk. So disappointed they up and fucking disowned you. Assholes. Whatever. “Miss y/n?” Your head jerks up. Oh no. A male nurse waved you over with a bright, happy smile. “We’re happy to announce that Hawks is stable, you must be so relieved.” Relieved? “Uh, Uh yeah.. Yeah of course I am..” You carefully got up and walked over to the man as he led you down the hallway to the patient rooms.
“We will be right with you bringing you two something to snack on until breakfast. So please just take a seat for now.” What was going on? This was weird, right? You were freaked out. “Thanks..” You muttered and then watched him as he left. Something tells you that you should just leave.. But .. this was the number 2 hero. You can’t just.. ignore him telling you to come along? Especially if he was going to sue the life out of you or anything. Lessen your sentence or whatever. So, you carefully open the door and walk inside. Staring at the blonde man in the bed. He was sitting and reading the newspapers with a focused stare but when he spotted you he gave you a warm smile and waved you over. “Ahh. The savior of the hour.” What?
This was a turnaround. A real 180 degrees one. The anger the other man had expelled earlier seemed gone. “Got that contact info I asked of you, chickadee?” Right. You pull your phone out of your pocket and stumble over to show it to him. His expression warms even more as he gave you a happy grin. “Nice. Great job.” It’s so much different now. Maybe he had just been in immense pain? “Come on, don’t look so scared, I’m not gonna eat you or anything. Sit down, they told me we’re getting some snacks in a bit.” Right, you were told too. This was just freaking you out even further. But what were you going to do?
So, you sit down and give a nervous smile. “I’m glad you’re feeling better.-“ Then you bow and start to apologize. “And I’m sorry about locking you into my bathroom- and feeding you raw meat and-“ It never ends. You end up babbling at him frantically for over five minutes as you tried to convey the emotions of how fucking sorry you were about treating him like, well, a fucking bird. He just grinned at you the whole time and only when you were done speaking did he reply to you. “Ah, well. Yeah that was weird but it’s water under the bridge. It was kinda nice to not have to fight for survival against dogs and cats trying to eat yours truly. That was a thing I got to play around with three hours before you found me.” He makes a face. “You can imagine a broken wing makes that a tad annoying.”
Oh yeah. You finally relax into the chair you’ve been sitting in. “Oh my god.. I’m so glad you’re not suing me.” You groan into the air and just started to giggle all that nervousness out of you. It had been bubbling around in there and finally it was out. God damn it.. “Nah, wouldn’t dream it of.” He leaned back as much as he could in the bed and just continued to read the papers with a soft humm. Which brought in a comfortable, somewhat awkward silence. Right, you had questions still. “Uh, by the way. Now that I’m no longer getting sued or whatever-“ He raises an eyebrow. “Why am I here? Just to like, spend you some company?”
Hawks tilted his head from side to side. “Mhh.. I oughta repay you for your service, now don’t I?” Which, did not exactly enlighten you in whatever the hell he meant. Your smile tightened a little. “Aw, that’s not necessary- I’m just really happy you’re ok.” The door opens at that time and you saw the male nurse bringing a tablet with some bread and stuff. It was not much. But it was some snacks and you could use some nutrition. With all the adrenaline leaving your body you felt kind of faint from all the stress. The male smiled at you two sitting there, Hawks half sitting. “Here you go, you two lovebirds.” Uh. “I’m sorry you have to eat together in a hospital but I’m sure you can have a proper date once you’re out!” Double uh?
He put the tablet down on the bed, on Hawks legs. Who just grinned sharply and side eyed you. “Definitely. Thanks for the food.” You blinked at him with an open mouth. This just, got really uncomfortable? What. The male nurse was already out the door, winking at you as if you were about to get proposed or whatever. What kind of inside joke was this. Joke. Right. Had to be a joke. You laugh nervously. “Haha, wow. He acted like we’re a couple. Crazy!” Hawks had just pulled the tablet closer and was currently busy putting some jam on bread. He’s frowning at the quality of the hospital food. His bread’s crumbling like a bitch. “Is it? I’m hurt.” He deadpans, looking around to see what else was at his disposal. “Am I not up to your standart?” It sounded so serious. You wanna laugh but the look he gives you makes it die in your throat and begin to rot in there.
“We.. Uhm.. What?” Deer in headlights. Right there. Suddenly you felt like you were sitting in a trap that was about to cut your legs off. “Come on, you could do worse.” He smiled warmly and took a bite out of his bread before murring. “This is disgusting.. and at the very least some kind of health violation..” He blerghs before putting the food back down. “I’ll take you somewhere nicer once I’m out, yeah?” What’s going on. You’re having a fever dream. Probably on the floor having a seizure and all of this was not happening. “Y/n. You’re zoning out.” Hawks was still looking at you. You stare back. “Like.. a romantic date..?” It just slips out but the fact that it did made him perk up and smile a bit wider. “Finally, you’re catching on, chickadee.” Is this a dream come true or a nightmare.
“Did.. did you tell the nurses we’re dating already?” There’s no way he would, right? “I mean, obviously.” How wrong you were. “We basically already are.” The blonde picked the bread up again and frowned at it. He’s probably really hungry from having eaten nothing but maybe.. nibbled some raw meat or whatever. “You saving me was like a wake up call. You really did me dirty, y/n. Not once did anyone leave that kind of impression. Also, come on, number 2. I think I’m repeating myself when I say you could do worse. Or more like, you would do worse. Who’d beat me? Endeavor surely is not on that list, believe me.” Your head is spinning. Endeavor? What? Who— How??
“I- I’m..” What? Flattered? You felt like saying no was rude even though it was in your right to refuse this.. advancement. “I’m.. not interested.. I mean- this is kind of rushed, right?” Of course you were interested. Like many women, Hawks was an idol in any form. He was attractive and smart and always there to help and like many, you had been part of some fan forums. He just grinned at you when you were done speaking. “Aw.. Well, that’s fine. I’m up for a game of tag.” Which is not the response one should have to being rejected. A game of tag? “I’m..” You’re out of words. What are you supposed to be telling him? This was fucking out of whack. Suddenly you’d rather be in the car with the dude that you paid than in this room.
“No thanks?” The stupor that had a grip on you was not letting go. You’re too dumbfounded to really just, argue. You’re too nervous to lose your shit on the man. You’re just staring at his smiling face, that was just trying to make you want to calm down and be safe. Instead, it made you uncomfortable. The man shook a bit as if he was holding in laughter before taking a huge bite of his bread. Chewing thoughtfully and then swallowing. Tilting his head to the side. “Hah. That’s cute.” He’s not taking you seriously. “I.. should probably go. But-“ You want to wish him a good recovery but it felt off now. You get up and bow to him before making your way to the door. “You sure that move is in your best interest?” You blink and turn around.
“What?” He’s bandaged up and his one wing was in a cast and somehow he still intimidated you with a weird, predatory smile. “No money, bet you got no insurance..” Right. How would someone like her pay for insurance.. “At this rate you’re ending up on the street. Would fucking suck if somehow your landlord caught wind of that, eh?” Oh what. “I’ll.. stop- you’re really freaking me out. I’m telling-“ “Who?” He cut you off. He just leaned back a little and grinned wider. “Who are you going to tell that would believe you over me?” He points at himself. “Come on, chickadee. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. Don’t you want a comfy life? Doting partner? You can’t do any better than this.” You’re going crazy. You’re going stir crazy. That’s the only explanation.
“You.. I.. do not- Why are you doing this?” Your eyes are tearing up and it seems to make something snap a little in him, because he winces and his expression softens. “Ah- No, hold up don’t cry- Come on-“ He actually got up, dragging the IV drip after himself as he made his way over to him. His left leg was bandaged up and in a cast too- she’s confused how that break happened. Did the vet just overlook it? “Don’t you get this? Can’t you see the raw opportunity in front of you? This is like, a golden ticket into a better life. No one else would slap this down. Literally, people would kill to be in your shoes right now. You should be happy!” He gently takes your hands into his hands and leaned a bit in. “I know I am.”
You weren’t happy. Not at all. You were scared, your idol was blackmailing you with becoming homeless. No one would believe you, some random chick that had no friends and a family that hated her and there was no getting away. You’re not smart enough to come up with some detailed strategy to get out of this. “I wanna go home.” You whimper quietly as he leaned his forehead against yours. Only getting a soft, happy sigh in return. “Don’t worry, little chickadee.. I’ll have some people bring your stuff to my place. I got enough room for us two. You’ll love it. Do you like pools? I got one-“ His talking is getting muffled as ringing took over your ears. He was trying to make this sound so much better but it does not change anything. Somehow you felt like this was the end of your life, or, at the very least, the start of something awful. Maybe it’d be beautiful if you gave it a chance in the future but right now? Right now you were scared. A lot. Looking at his eyes you felt like there was no escape. Maybe there really wasn’t.
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MJS Aftermath - The Return
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This follows on from MJS Aftermath - Six Feet
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
<3 B
A knock at the door.
Knocks on the door are usually fairly innocuous.
And this one was punctuated by the excited barks of two puppy greyhounds named Kaga and Ishigami.
“Oh, come on you guys,” Miho complained, following the excited loping bounce of her dogs. “There is no need to bark at absolutely everything that approaches the house.”
Apparently, the puppies disagreed, and continued to bark as if a world full of murderers were congregated on the other side of the door.
“For fuck’s sake, Kaga,” she huffed, dancing to dodge the poochies underfoot. “Get out of the way!”
She was so preoccupied by not dropping the baby cradled against her chest, that she didn’t bother to check the intercom before pulling the door open.
He looked tired and his clothing was wrinkled, but upon first glance, Seiji Goto seemed to be in one piece.
For all of about two seconds before he was bowled over by both dogs, who had grown since their daddy had gone away.
As he fended off frantic tongues, whipping tails and excited butt wiggles, Miho remained standing just inside the doorway, staring at her husband as she bit down on her lower lip. Since their last and fleeting moments in the park months ago, she had not seen or heard from him, and now suddenly there he was without warning.
There were many things she wanted to say to him, to express the depth of her longing to have him back, the difficulty of maintaining the ruse when his own mother and father thought he was dead. But now, and he tucked a dog under each arm, and smiling got back to his feet, she couldn’t manage a single word.
“Ahh, I didn’t think I was gone that long,” were his first words, inclining his head toward the infant she held, but it totally didn’t compute.
“Huh?” she blinked finally.
“The baby?” he clarified, placing the dogs back down and moving closer to her.
“Oh uh, it’s not ours,” she declared, as if he actually thought it was, then managed to summon some emotion to the surface. “Ours is inside.”
“Wait, what?” Goto blurted, looking up and down her body.
“Not inside me, inside, inside,” she chortled, stepping aside to give him room to pass by.
Definitely confused, Goto grabbed his bag, and with it slung over his shoulder.
It was only as she passed where Jazz had put Mika’s baby bag down on the loungeroom couch, that Miho realised her company wasn’t expecting…
“Seiji?” Jazz gawped, frozen in the open glass doors that led to the small backyard, a squirmy little shiba inu puppy struggling to get out of her grip.
“Oh um… yeaaaah,” Miho stalled, trying to figure out the best way to handle the fact she’d not been able to tell even Jazz about Goto’s undercover investigation. “And before you ask, he’s not a zombie.”
“I… can honestly say I was not going to ask that,” Jazz managed.
“Why don’t you go put your bag in the bedroom,” Miho suggested, awkwardly. “Grab a shower?”
“Good idea,” he nodded, looking a little sympathetically between the two women before disappearing.
“Soooo, I have to tell you some things, since, obviously I can now and I couldn’t before even though I wanted to - gah you have no idea how much I wanted to - But Ishigami said it could jeopardise everything and put Seiji at greater risk and so - it was so hard to keep this from you!”
Wringing her hands, the guilt was written all over her face.
Slowly, watching the bedroom door like she expected Ghosto to come floating back out rattling chains or something, Jazz moved into the loungeroom and sat on the couch, the puppy continuing his battle.
Following suit, Miho then continued to blurt out the circumstances of Goto’s death without going into any police details, and how she had come to discover the truth about just how deep his undercover operation had gone. There was a lot of apologising, begging even, but once Jazz overcame the shock of seeing a friend return from the dead, she was quick to assure Miho there were no hard feelings.
“Tell me though,” she grunted, wincing a little as the puppy bit her finger. “Do all your husbands rise from the grave?”
“Umm,” Miho murmured.
“I mean, are you keeping other secrets? Like you’re a necromancer or some kind of voodoo priestess?”
“No other secrets, I promise,” Miho laughed, clearly relieved, glancing to the bedroom door for the hundredth time, gnawing the inside of her cheek.
“This must have been really hard on you,” Jazz frowned, finally putting the puppy on the floor, where he promptly prepared to pounce Kaga who was curled up on the rug. “Keeping this to yourself, pretending.”
“It was,” Miho agreed. “But not as tough as actually putting him in the ground.”
Again she paid the bedroom door some attention, and Jazz got to her feet and reached down to take her daughter.
“Okay, well, I imagine you’ve got some - ahem - catching up to do,” Jazz smirked, lightly bumping Miho’s foot with her own. “So I’ll get going, but I expect there to be some kind of resurrection party in the not too distant future.”
“No doubt,” Miho grinned, and followed Jazz to the front door, handing her the baby bag at the last minute.
“And I’m going to want all the juicy reunion details,” Jazz added, widening Miho’s smile.
But as soon as Jazz was gone, and the door was closed, Miho’s cheeks fell and an all too familiar anxiety began to twist in her stomach.
She was nearly oblivious to Ishigami who walked in slow step with her, didn’t notice the way he looked up at her with concern as she tentatively headed toward the bedroom. There was no soft hiss of water, and it cut slashes of doubt that she’d just imagined everything, that when she reached the bedroom, her husband would not be there.
Swallowing, she crossed the threshold, expecting emptiness like all the other times she’d come home in the last few months - but there was a man standing in front of the wardrobe with his back to her in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs, his hair still damp.
All those words again stuck in her throat, and her eyes burned unlike any other time she had cried before.
It was a gasping sob that made him stop feretting around for a shirt and turn to see his wife overwhelmed - her shoulders slumped from exhaustion, face a mural of relief and joy and a resurgence of all the pain she’d felt in his absence.
“My love,” he said, the resonating warmth in his voice chipped away the very last of Miho’s armour.
When she fell against his chest, he locked his arms around her and buried his face in her neck.
“I missed you so much,” he exhaled, then filled his lungs with her. “And I’m so sorry I put you through this.”
Usually articulate and unreserved in expressing herself, Miho still could not verbally reply.
“I love you,” he declared honestly, sliding his hands up her back and taking her head between them. “I love you.”
The only way she could manage a response, was to fiercely claim his lips - desperately parched in the desert, finally finding life-living water.
And in that kiss they conversed in a way only soulmates could, in reaffirmation of all the promises they’d shared and all that would be shared in the future.
What began in tenderness, however, became far more visceral when Miho pulled Goto to the bed and dragged him down on top of her. She knew every contour of his body by memory, but her fingertips searched anew, discovering each muscle, each blemish and scar with invigorated  relish.
Eagerly, Goto pulled at her clothing - even the thinnest of barriers between them was too much when the distance between them had stretched so far for so long.
Then he let out a sharp yelp and rolled to the side to look down.
Ishigami and Kaga had entered the room at some point and silently flopped onto their beds, but the little shiba inu was snapping at Goto’s ankles and making a big show of how tough she was.
“And who exactly is this?” he laughed, swooping on the furious fluff and dropping it on the bed next to Miho.
“Our baby,” Miho answered, scooching up to her pillow and relaxing, all urgency lost to the euphoria of having more than dogs on her bed. “Her name is Mochi.”
“I was going to guess Soma,” Goto nodded, lying on his side and offering the puppy his hand to sniff. “Ishigami and Kaga weren’t enough?”
“It was Kurosawa,” Miho sighed, watching blissfully as Puchi pounced on Goto’s hand and began to gnaw on his thumb. “He thought, or, thinks you’re dead so - he wanted to cheer me up.”
“I should have known,” Goto chuckled. “He’s the only person I know whose go-to present is puppies.”
“So, he knows now, right?” Miho probed, her eyes fixed on Goto’s face, the soft expression he made as he played with the pup. “And the others?”
“Not yet,” he answered, rolling Mochi onto her back and scritching up and down her belly - much to the jealousy of Ishigami and Kaga who leapt up to join the rest of the family. “I debriefed with Captain Ishigami out of the office then got clearance to come straight home. He understood.”
“Or maybe feared Liana would be angry if he kept you from me any longer,” Miho offered, snuggling Kaga up against her, while Ishigami sat against Goto’s legs. “Other than Ishigami and Namba, she’s the only other person who knew.”
For several minutes, the only sounds were Mochi’s irresistibly cute growls as she fought her battle with the hand monster.
“Captain Ishigami will brief my colleagues tomorrow morning, then I’ll head to the Academy.”
“What about your family?” Miho asked quietly, flicking one of Kaga’s ears back and forth.
“I was hoping my wife would help me face them,” he smiled hopefully. “They’ll receive an official letter, then I thought we could invite them here for a short stay before…”
If he said, ‘before I go back to work’, Miho knew she was going to cry again.
“... before you and I go somewhere,” he finished, moving closer to Miho though there were three dogs sandwiched between, one of them now trying to stick her tongue in his nostrils. “I have a considerable amount of vacation time owing, and I just want to bask in your presence for every minute of every day and night until you’re sick of me.”
“So never? You have that much vacation time?” Miho posed, rolling off the bed to stand, and continuing to undress.
“I guess I could retire,” he mused, watching her drop each item of clothing onto the floor, even though she was not making a particular show of it. “You could be the breadwinner, and I’ll stay at home , cook, clean and raise our furbabies.”
Miho laughed, finally tossing her panties at him and coiling her hair up into a bun.
“You’ve improved since I’ve met you, Seijo Goto, but you’re a far better cop than you are a cook.”
“And where do you think you’re going dressed like that?” he frowned seriously when she moved toward the entrance to the ensuite.
“I like to masturbate before going to bed,” she announced airily. “In the shower after a long day, imagining myself pinned to the cold tiles with you pressing into me.”
“Imagine no longer,” he grinned, pushing all poochies aside to follow her into the bathroom.
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nicole-lynne · 5 years
Normal Is a Thing of the Past
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Hello all! This is my submission for @holylulusworld (Prompt - Don’t be scared, I just need you to come with me for a second). I really hope you enjoy it and I’m semi-debating turning this into a mini-series so I’d appreciate feedback! Please like, reblog, comment, and follow! 
Summary: Life has always been normal for you, but one heartbreaking night and one hungry Ghoul could send you down a completely different road than you’d ever imagined.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Death/blood/killing
Up until today, your life had been fairly ordinary. Some would even say downright boring. You had grown up with two ordinary parents and an ordinary sister, you graduated college with a degree to get you an ordinary job as an office nurse, and occasionally you would go out with an ordinary guy. 
Everything about your life was the apple-pie American Dream. And truthfully, you were perfectly happy with that. You didn’t think there was anything abnormal about a normal life. 
Sure, there were always people who would would make comments like, “don’t you want an adventure?” or “isn’t it awfully dull to live like that?” but your response was always the same - no, I like my normal life. 
All the things you loved about your normal life were coming to a crashing halt in one evening.
It had been like any other friday night for you. You had gotten off your shift a little late and ran by a redbox to rent some movies for a night in with your family. But from the moment you walked into your front door, everything felt different.
Almost all of the lights in the house had been turned out except the flicker of light from the fireplace. Usually your house was filled with music because your parents thought it helped sharpen the mind, but tonight it was eerily quiet. 
You stumbled around in the dark for a minute and called out for your parents, but nothing around you moved.
After feeling your way through the hall, you made it to the living room. A wave of terror hit you as your eyes fell on your older sister, Cara, covered in blood, her mouth wrapped around your mother’s throat. Your mother’s eyes were blank, staring into the abyss, as she hung limply in your sister’s arms.
A sob racked your body at the scene before you and Cara shifted her focus straight to you. A surprised whine came from your throat as she immediately dropped your mother’s body on top of your father’s corpse on the floor. 
You wanted to break down and cry right then but Cara was stalking toward you with a menacing look on her face. She bared her teeth at you and her face distorted into a disgusting beast. Out of instinct, you started to move backwards, but your feet stumbled over the crack in the hardwood knocking you to the floor. The crack in the floor that you and your sister had made by dropping a bowling ball. Your chest was tight with the memory of a girl that clearly no longer existed. 
“Car? Wh-what are you doing? You can ta-talk to me, sissy.” You croaked.
Your sister sneered, “my dear little sister, there’s nothing to be scared of, I wouldn’t hurt you.” 
“Is that what you told mom and dad?” You tried to sound brave but the sentiment fell short. 
“Mommy and daddy dearest didn’t feel any pain, sweet little Y/N.” You scurried backwards, trying and failing to put some space between you two. Cara was getting closer every second. “Stop moving and let me get a good look at you.”
You scooted back one more time and bumped into the coat rack that sat by the front door. The coat rack was a thin, heavy piece of metal but in a pinch, it was the only thing you could use to defend yourself. With a big deep breath, you prayed the fight in your fight or flight response would win out, and gripped the base of the rack with a tight fist.
Putting all your weight on it, you stood up slowly. Cara’s top lip drew up in disgust as she watched you square up to her. 
“You really think you’ll be able to fight me and win? I recall beating you every time you’ve tried to fight me, sis. I’ve always been better than you and nothing's gonna change that now.” 
“Why are you doing this?!” You screamed, tears starting to fall. Cara had always taunted you when you were little because you would cry when you were angry. Such a little baby, she would always snicker. 
“Because I’m starving. I’ve been watching you for days and you look so delicious.” 
“Wh-what did you do with my sister?” The realization that she may be gone hit you like a punch to the stomach. 
Her nose stuck in the air and she breathed in deep. “Ahh the stench of fear is dripping off of yo-” 
Adrenaline flooded your veins and you swung the coat rack against the side of her head with all your strength and her body crumpled to the ground like a rag doll. The second her body dropped, you threw the rack down and raced for the stairs. Your foot slipped and your knee slammed against the edge of the step. You winced but pushed the pain to the back of your mind and kept moving upwards.
As if muscle memory were taking over, you ran into your childhood bedroom and slammed the door. Your breath was coming in short, heavy spurts the more you thought about your mom and dad laying lifeless downstairs. 
“Oh my god, why did I just do this? Everyone knows you never go to a second floor.” You muttered to yourself as you paced back and forth between the bed and the desk. “What the hell is going on? That thing is clearly not my sister.” 
You could hear your sister groaning and stumbling around and suddenly your heart was in your throat. 
“No no no, I’m not cut out for this shit.” 
“I’m gonna kill you, you little bitch!” Cara cried out over the sound of her boots thunking up the staircase. Her nails were scratching along the wall and you shuddered at the sound invading your head. You had never believed in the supernatural, let alone seen a monster. Now here you were, running from one trying to kill you.
“God dammit... I locked myself in the worst room.” You kept talking to yourself. There were no good places to hide in this plain room and you mentally slapped yourself for being so okay with simplicity for once. 
“Little sissy,” Cara’s voice was closer, “come out come out wherever you are.” 
This bitch was toying with you now and that just made you panic even more. With nowhere else to go, you dropped to the floor and shimmied yourself between two boxes under your bed. 
Outside, Cara had fallen silent. The final moment of quiet before she burst in the door and ripped your head off, you thought. At the last moment, you tugged your comforter down a little more to conceal your hiding place and slapped your hand over your mouth to hide your breathing. 
Downstairs you heard a loud crash that made you jump and you flattened yourself even more. Sighing, you laid your head on the floor and spotted your old teddy bear, Winston, shoved next to the wall. You hadn’t seen him in years but he looked just the same. You and Cara used to fight over who would sit next to him at tea parties but your parents would always say he loved you both equally. Tears pricked your eyes when you realized you would never hear your parents say they love you again. 
With a heavy arm, you pulled Winston against your chest and buried your face into his ears, willing yourself to not start bawling while your life was on the line. Grunts and groans were floating up the stairs and you could tell someone was struggling. Your hopes rose at the thought of one of your parents still being alive. 
Heavy footsteps thumped outside your door and stopped. You held your breath and waited as the doorknob to your room jiggled before it finally creaked open. The footsteps came closer and closer and stopped right next to your bed. Cara had found you. 
Your heart was slamming in your chest and you were positive that she would be able to hear it from where she was. 
The edge of your comforter flipped up and you prepared yourself to scream, but the sensation died in your throat as you came face to face with bright green eyes. A man looked at you, worry etched between his brows. 
“Don’t be scared. I just need you to come with me for a minute.” The man’s voice was husky. He reached for your hand but you shrunk away from him. 
“Don’t touch me.” You whimpered pathetically. 
“Okay, alright,” He raised his hands in defense, “I know you’re freaked out, but I’m here to help you.” 
You studied the man for a second. His flannel shirt was askew and he had a big cut on his forearm. Truthfully, he looked like he’d had a rather long night. 
“How do I know you’re not one of those things? That...that thing...my sis-sister oh god my sister.” The cries were bubbling out of you like a fountain. 
The man laid himself on his stomach and slowly reached for you. “Shh shh shh it’s okay,” his hand rested on yours. They were tough with callouses but the heat radiating off them caused you to shiver. “My name is Dean and I’m here to help you. I promise it’ll be alright.” 
You wanted to believe what he was saying, you just couldn’t see how anything would ever be okay again. But when he had touched your hand, something in your heart made you trust him. 
“Di-did you see her? Is she gone?”
Dean’s face flashed regret before he looked away, towards the door. You followed his gaze and could see another pair of shoes standing there. 
He finally looked back at you, “my brother Sam took care of it. That thing will never hurt you again.” You opened your mouth to ask another question but he kept talking. “Come on, let’s get you out from under there and I promise I’ll answer all your questions.” 
He hooked his hands under your arms and pulled you out and stood you firmly on the floor. Your knees wobbled and Dean tucked you close to his body in case your legs gave out.
You were thankful to have someone taking care of you because you had no clue what you would have done on your own. You’d probably be dead so you wouldn’t have to worry about it. 
You turned to your gaze to the other man, Sam, and a chill ran up your spine. His face was splattered with blood and there was a long scratch across his chest that was oozing. 
Dean watched your face change from stunned to horror at the sight of Sam. He turned your shoulders in and led you to the door. You followed blindly, whimpering like a sad puppy as you passed your parents bodies. It answered your next question. Your parents hadn’t made it out alive. 
Gently, he set you on the steps outside and sat next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You were shivering from the cold or shock, you couldn’t tell. 
“I’m sure you’ve got a lot of questions...” he started.
“That thing, it killed my parents...and my sister?” Your voice was hoarse from all the crying. 
The edges of Dean’s lips fell deeper, “yes, it did. I’m so sorry, Y/N.” 
“How do you know my name? I never told you...” You lean away from his body to examine his face. 
“Uhh...well, we’ve been hunting this thing for a few days and we had a feeling that it might be coming for you next. It’s why we showed up...just too late.” 
Your head was reeling with information. First, monsters were a real thing, then, there were people who hunted monsters, and they were the ones who saved your life. This was anything but normal. 
“So that thing...” 
“A ghoul. It was a ghoul.” Dean offered the name.
“A ghoul...” The taste of the word was sour. The name of the creature that had changed your life forever. “Why did it do this to me, to my family? I’ve never done anything to deserve this.” 
Dean let out a long breath and he rubbed his hand against his thighs. He was searching his mind for the perfect answer but everything seemed to fall short of comforting. “I wish I knew why good people like you get caught in the crossfire of the monsters senseless killing.” 
You relaxed your head on his shoulder. The scent of leather, gun powder, and faint cologne filled your nose and for the first time in the whole night, you felt like you might be able to find a way out of this. 
“But you stop-hunt creatures like this... creatures who hurt people?” He strained to hear your quiet voice above the wind blowing. 
“We do. I wish there was a way to stop it completely but all we can do now is try to save as many people as possible.” 
He watched you pick at the scrapes on your hands from when you’d squeezed under your bed. “It must be a hard life saving everyone else in the world from the things that go bump in the night.” 
In response, he leaned his head against yours with a serious sigh. You barely glanced up when Sam sat down on the other side of you. He plopped his elbows on his knees and hung his head, defeated. You were three misfits sharing silence for all the troubles you’d been through and all the troubles yet to come. 
“I want to come with you guys.” you whispered. 
Dean’s head snapped up, already chuckling at the ridiculous words. “That’s a cool offer, but no way.” 
You frowned, “and why not? What gives you any more right to help people than me?” 
“You have no idea what you would be getting into.” Sam spoke up and you shifted to face him. “We grew up in this lifestyle because we had to. But you, you have a chance to move on from this. To grieve your loss and go on to live a normal life.” 
“I’ll never be normal again!” You snapped at Sam. “Every person I’ve ever loved just got murdered by some monstrosity. And now you’re telling me that it’d be easier if I just stayed in the same place that it happened and I’ll just get over it?!” 
Sam’s eyes fell, embarrassed that he had been so quick to brush you off. He knew exactly what it felt like to lose the people you cared about. He had run off with Dean as soon as he’d lost Jess and now he was scoffing at the thought of you doing the same. He met Dean’s eyes over the top of your head. 
Dean knew exactly what was going through Sam’s head without one word. His gaze fell to the girl beside him and he knew immediately that him and Sam would not be going back on the road alone. 
He blew out deep before clasping your hand and lifting you up. You peeked up at him from under your tear-ruined eyelashes and he groaned because he could feel his determination already starting to crumble. His eyes rolled to the sky then darted to Sam one more time who was nodding behind you. Dean inhaled deeply before finally dropping his gaze back to you and giving you one sharp nod. 
“Thank you, Dean.” You rested your hand gently on his forearm and gave him a one-sided smile. 
He gave you one final sorrowful smile before gesturing toward the street. You followed his gesture to a beautiful Impala parked at the curb. Sam stepped forward and opened the back door for you and you slid across the seat. 
You took a final glimpse at the house you had called home. The memories of your parents dancing in the kitchen together, you and Cara running around through the sprinklers in the summer, all the holidays that you would never get to spend with them again. A tear rolled down your cheek and you had to turn away before the pain overcame you. 
Sam and Dean were watching you warily from the front seat, but you wiped the tear away and lifted your chin slightly. Already, Dean could see the walls building behind your eyes and his chest tightened, but he knew that pain and there was no way around it. 
“Drive, Dean. Take me away from here.”
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The Set-Up
In Claire and Jack Novak's opinion, it's been far too long since their dad went out on a date. Castiel Novak doesn't think it's an issue. His children disagree.
So, they make a plan.
Enter a dating app, a fake profile, and an unsuspecting Dean Winchester. What could go wrong?
Read Below or on AO3: The Set-Up
The Set-Up
The plan is simple. Only 3 steps.
Stage One: Make the dating profile.
The first thing the app asks is what picture or pictures they’d like to include. Claire wants the picture to be more on the attractive side, while Jack thinks it should be goofy. They decide to add three in order to cover all the bases. The first is of their dad when they went on a hike last month. He’s wearing that light blue shirt that makes his eyes bright. It was a weekend, so his stubble is grown in. The smile on his face is carefree, showing off his dimples and eye wrinkles. They both agree that he’s handsome - even sexy, if it were possible for their dad to be sexy - and use that as his main photo. The second picture is of their dad at an outdoor concert. He’s wearing his blackRebel With A Cause shirt and his sock monkey winter hat with the strings hanging down. The third is a picture of the three of them at the ocean. Uncle Gabriel had taken the photo just after a huge wave knocked them over, so everyone’s hair is all over the place. They’re standing together haphazardly, arms wrapped around each other so they can smile for the picture. You can practically hear the laughter.
“Perfect,” Claire announces, clapping her hands together after this part is done. “Now they see he’s a hot, goofy, single dad.”
“Do we want them to know the single dad part?” Jack asks nervously.
“Uh, duh! This isn’t Tinder, Jack. This is looking for a long-term thing. I think it’d be a little hard to do that while keeping his sixteen-year-old twin teenagers a secret.”
Jack shrugs, unable to argue. He clicks the NEXT button and they continue filling out the profile. It takes them thirty-four minutes, and a lot of arguing. It’s a relief when they finally submit it.
“Now what?” Jack asks as they stare at the finished profile.
“Now,” Claire pauses dramatically, giving Jack a crazed smile that makes him wonder if this plan was actually a good idea. “We wait.”
When Dean gets home from work after pulling a double-shift, he grabs a cold beer from the fridge and plops down on the couch. He kicks his feet up and turns on the TV to watch the football game that’s about to start. As the announcers go back and forth on what team is going to win, Dean starts messing around on his phone. His thumb hovers over the dating app Sam convinced him to install last week. He hasn’t looked at it since the first night. It’s not that he doesn’t want to find someone, he’d love to, but it’s such a time-consuming process.
After glancing up at the TV to see that there’s still ten minutes before kick-off, he figures he might as well scroll through the thing. What’s the harm in looking? It might even be entertaining.
Case in point: The first profile Dean sees is of a man maybe ten years older than him with a black Santa beard, who has wrapped himself in a strange-looking rainbow towel and is holding what looks like a pet mouse. Dean doesn’t even read the description of that one.
The next isn’t terrible. A younger guy with a cute smile. Dean rolls his eyes when he reads the blurb on the guy's profile. Every achievement in his life is written out for Dean to read - from winning his highschool talent show to getting a masters in business. He then lays out his dating history, in which each situation he was the victim.
Dean's breath catches when he flicks his thumb to a picture of an absolutely beautiful man. He's standing on what looks like the top of the mountain, grinning at the camera. Despite the hiking clothes and messy, sweaty hair, he still manages to be Dean's wet dream.
Holding his breath, Dean starts to read the blurb on this guy's - Castiel, Age 38 - profile. He's praying this guy doesn't suck like all the others.
I'm a freelance photographer, a terrible singer, and have a set of 16-year-old twins that make my world chaotic. When my kiddos graduate I plan on doing a lot of traveling. My Hogwarts house is Hufflepuff - yeah I'm a 38-year-old man who cares about his Hogwarts house, fight me - and my patronus is a guinea pig. I'm allergic to guinea pigs though, so not sure what that says about me. Message at your own risk if none of that scares you off.
Dean reads the paragraph two more times, grinning like an idiot. He scrolls through the rest of the pictures, each one sporting an equally good looking Castiel, and decides this one is worth a shot.
He opens up the chat feature but then his thumbs freeze. What does he even say? He rereads Castiel's paragraph before typing out what he hopes will be a response the guy likes.
Dean spends the rest of the game checking the app every two minutes. When he finally gets the checkmark that Castiel read it, he holds his breath and stares at the screen. Then it tells him Castiel is typing. Dean's heart races. He decides it'd be a good idea to grab another beer while he waits.
This Castiel guy has him feeling like a damn teenager again. If Dean's being honest, he kind of missed that.
"Dad got a new message!"
"Oh god, is it another creeper?" Jack asks, hurrying over to where his sister is sitting on the couch. It's a valid question. They've had some real wackjobs message their dad. One asked upfront for a dick pic. Another told him he'd like to bring him on a walk in the forest at night. Suffice to say, those got deleted.
"No, he's hot!" Claire grins at Jack, showing him a picture of a very handsome man that looks to be a little younger than their dad. He has kind green eyes and a warm smile. The picture shows him at what seems to be a barbecue, people blurred in the background as he stands there wearing a faded flannel and holding a beer. Relaxed. Casual. Not full of himself.
"What's his profile say?"
Claire clicks on the button that makes the profile blurb pop up and read out loud, "I'm a pretty laid back guy, but I still squeeze in adventures every once in a while. Nothing's better than a lazy Sunday on the couch watching football - though kayaking down the river is a close second. If those kinds of things sound good to you, feel free to message me."
"He sounds good," Jack muses.
"Good? How about great. He's perfect. I mean, dad isn't a huge football fan, but he could read a book or something as they cuddle! And dad loves kayaking and stuff like that."
Jack lifts his hands. "I'm sorry. You're right. He sounds great. What does his message say?"
After a second, Claire reads, "Your chaos doesn't scare me. Life should be messy after all, right? Plus, I don't own any guinea pigs, so we're batting a thousand so far. Look at us go - and then a wink face."
"He's funny. That's good! Dad needs to laugh more."
"Dad needs to do what?" Castiel asks, strolling into the living room while looking at his twins suspiciously.
"Oh. Uh." Claire and Jack exchange a look. Then Claire says, "Sleep more. We were just talking about how you're always up late and up early. You need to relax more."
Castiel chuckles. "I'll keep that in mind. Don't worry about your old man, kiddos. I'm fine."
As Castiel flips through the channels on the TV, Claire leans in to whisper in Jack's ear. "He's not fine, but he will be." She shows him the message she sent back to Dean, grinning mischievously.
"Stage two?" Jack asks in excitement.
"Stage two."
Stage Two: Arrange a meeting.
After seven messages stretched over 36 hours, Dean asks if they can meet. He suggests something low key and public, making a joke about serial killers, and Castiel (A.K.A. Claire and Jack) says he knows just the place. They agree on grabbing some coffee on Saturday morning at a little cafe downtown. Ten A.M.
That gives the twins sixteen hours to get their dad to that cafe at that particular time. Unsuspecting, of course.
Stage Three: Get dad to the cafe.
They ambush him at dinner. Claire starts - she’s usually the one to take the reins. Even as a toddler, she was the troublemaker of the two.
“So, dad. What are you doing tomorrow morning?”
Castiel, always very perceptive, pauses halfway through cutting his steak and looks up at his daughter. His eyebrows pull in. “Nothing… that I know of.”
“Perfect! We want to hang out with you.”
“Excuse me?” Castiel looks at Jack, then back at Claire, highly suspicious. “You want to hang out? With me? On a Saturday?” He looks at each of them again. “Without me telling you you have to?”
Jack steps in. “School starts in a week. I’ll be busy with football and student council, and Claire will be busy with dance and drama. We just wanted to spend a little extra time with you.”
Wanting to make this sound a bit more realistic - because they’re teenagers after all - Claire adds, “And we were kiiiiiind of hoping you’d bring us clothes shopping for back to school, too.”
“Ahh, there it is. The motive.” Castiel winks at his kids. “Fine. We can go school clothes shopping.”
“And coffee!” Jack adds enthusiastically.
Claire shoots her brother a look for shouting that at their dad instead of being more subtle, then smiles at Castiel and says, “Well, that’s what we wanted to do first. Get coffees and then go shopping.”
“You don’t have to bribe me, kiddos. I’ll take you shopping.”
“It’s not a bribe,” Jack states firmly.
“Yeah. It’s a thing.” Claire shrugs a shoulder. “It’s very New York City. Everyone’s been doing it.”
“Doing what?” Castiel asks, slightly exasperated.
“Getting coffees. It’s way cooler than stupid stuff like bowling or the movies.”
Jack nods. “It’s more sophisticated. Grown-up.”
This makes Castiel smile. “Okay. Grown-up coffee date it is.”
Castiel sighs as they walk into the coffee shop. It’s been a morning of overbearing children. First, he planned on letting them sleep-in this morning. What teenagers don’t want to sleep-in on Saturday, a week before they go back to school? Apparently Castiel’s. They made it clear they needed to get their coffee by 10 AM, because the mall opens at 11 and they don’t want to have to wait in lines.
Then what Castiel wanted to wear - old jeans and a hooded sweatshirt - was apparently not cool enough for them, whatever that means. They talked him into his nice pair of dark jeans and a soft grey sweater that’s thin enough for the lingering warmth of summer.
As he started driving them to Starbucks, he was quickly directed downtown instead. His kids love Starbucks. At least, they used to. Now it’s apparently not what everyone is doing. It’s not New York City - something they both keep saying, even though Castiel is clueless what New York has to do with anything.
Now they’re in the coffee shop, and Castiel is sent to get himself coffee while Claire and Jack go talk to a friend. They say they’ll be back in a minute, telling Castiel to just go sit. When he offers to get them their coffees, they both nearly shout at him not to before stuttering something about not being sure what they want yet.
Castiel gets his Americano and slumps down at a table in the corner. He pulls his phone out and opens the chat for Gabriel. He’s the coolest person Castiel knows - which sort of hurts the soul to admit.
Castiel: Do you know what it means for something to be ‘So New York City’? And since when is Starbucks not cool?
"Excuse me?" Castiel puts his phone down and glances up at the man who just spoke to him. He's taken aback. Not only is the man gorgeous - dressed in black jeans and a faded denim-colored button-up shirt that has the top few buttons left open, with a charming smile that involves the prettiest pink lips Castiel has ever seen, a dusting of freckles, and green eyes that feel like they could see into his soul - but he's also standing extremely close to Castiel. Like, if Castiel were to stand up, they'd be chest to chest.
Castiel clears his throat and awkwardly says, "Uh, hey. Can I help you?"
The guy stares at him for a few seconds, then his gorgeous smile fades. "You're Castiel, right?"
"Right." Castiel scans the cafe, confused. "I'm sorry, have we met?"
"Well - yes."
The guy huffs, clearly angry now. "I'm Dean."
"Okay." Castiel scratches the back of his head and laughs nervously. "Well, hi Dean. Can I help you with something?"
"Great. I knew you were too good to be true. Just had to be a fucking dick." Dean turns to leave before spinning back around and glaring at Castiel. "Why even show up? Why keep messaging me? Seriously. What the hell is this?"
Now Castiel is really confused. "Messaging you? I'm sorry, sir. I have no idea-" his eyes travel past Dean's shoulder, catching sight of Jack and Claire trying to hide behind a bookshelf. "Oh, Jesus christ."
"What?" Dean growls.
Castiel laughs softly. That's all he can do in this situation. He's so shocked that his kids pulled this off that he can't even be pissed right now. He's sure that will come later, though.
"Let me guess. We met on a dating app or website."
"Dude, what is this? Is this some sort of fucking game?"
"No. Unfortunately, it is not." Castiel points at his twins, who look terrified. When Dean sees them, Castiel explains. "Apparently my pain in the ass teenagers didn't want to accept my I don't want to date right now. I'm assuming they're who you've been talking to."
Dean stares at them before turning to look at Castiel with wide eyes. "You know, it was written on your profile that they create chaos in your life. I was forewarned. Just had no idea I was going to be a part of their troublemaking."
"Okay, I need to see this profile now." Castiel laughs, trying to imagine what his kids would have put. "Can I buy you coffee as an apology?"
"An apology?" Dean scoffs, stepping closer to him so he can speak in a lower voice. "You're not getting out of this one, blue eyes. I'm on their side. You and I are on a date right now."
"We most certainly are not."
Dean winks at him. Winks! "I'm gonna grab myself a coffee. You just stay there."
"Need anything? Muffin? Refill?"
"I - but - no." Castiel wipes a hand down his face, suddenly nervous. He's on a date. He's not ready for a date. He doesn't have topics prepared in case the conversation lulls. He didn't ask Gabriel what to do or say in every possible scenario.
Before Castiel can panic further, Dean is back. He puts a gentle hand on Castiel's shoulder and pushes him until he's sitting in his chair, then goes to the opposite side of the table to sit across from him. His grin is even wider than it was when they first spoke. That was a sexy, but nervous Dean. This is a confident, amused Dean.
"So, Castiel. Let's get a few things straight. Is your patronus really a guinea pig? And how exactly does one get themselves sorted into Hufflepuff?"
Castiel groans. What other embarrassing stuff has his children told this man? He looks over at where Jack and Claire or clearly spying on them from across the cafe. He narrows his eyes and mouths you two are dead while doing a line across his throat with his finger.
When he turns to look at Dean again, the guy is laughing. He's loving this.
"First of all," Castiel begins, letting a large amount of sass into his tone. "If we’re going to try this, you aren’t allowed to bash Hufflepuff. What’s your house anyway?”
“Gryffindor,” Dean states proudly.
Castiel rolls his eyes. “Cliche.”
“Uh, I can’t help that that’s my house!”
“Did you take the official test?” Dean doesn’t even have to answer. The look on his face and the way his eyes awkwardly dart to the side give him away. Castiel points an accusing finger at him. “Exactly. So you’re one of those wannabe Harry Potter guys. No giving me shit for being Hufflepuff until you take the test too, asshole.”
Dean laughs softly, looking at Castiel with eyes that practically sparkle. “Alright. Fair enough.”
“Second of all, that right there?” Castiel points a finger at his twins, then at Dean. “Not cool. Not cool. You’re on team dad if you come around. No joining those two to gang up on me.”
The smirk Dean gives Castiel makes it pretty damn clear this rule isn’t going to be followed, even though he says, “Of course.”
Lucky for Dean, Castiel’s already hooked on this man. He’s laid back. Good looking. Funny. Charming. It’s easy for them to talk and tease each other. He’s making Castiel laugh for the first time in a long time. Plus, he already passed the crazy teenager test. If this guy can handle the fact that he was tricked by the twins to come here on a blind date with their dorky, uncooperative dad, then Castiel can give him a chance.
“What’s number three?” Dean asks.
“There was a first of all. Then a second of all.” Dean puts his elbows on the table and leans closer to Castiel, almost like they’re sharing secrets. “What’s the third of all?”
“Umm,” Castiel looks at his coffee, feeling himself blush. He’s pretty sure he hasn’t blushed in years. “Third of all - ummm.”
“Can I do the third of all?”
Castiel tilts his head, looking at Dean in curiosity. “Sure.”
“Great.” Dean licks his lips, eyes flicking down to Castiel’s own mouth. When he looks back up at Castiel, it looks like he wants to eat him alive. “I'm bringing you to dinner tonight so we can have a proper first date. One where your two goofballs aren't spying on us."
Castiel turns around, laughing when he sees that Jack and Claire have moved closer now, trying to hide behind an open menu that barely covers one of their faces, let alone two. He looks back and Dean and smiles. "Dinner tonight sounds perfect."
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wooyuwu · 5 years
A/N: Ahh this is my first au! I’m sorry if this doesn’t flow very well >< I'm not the most skilled writer, but I have so many ideas for different stories that I wanna put out, and this is one I’ve had in my mind for a while! I actually began this back in December but forgot about it and never finished it until now sksksj. I hope you enjoy!! Expect more and better from me~♡
Pairing: San x fem reader
Genre: fluff, college au
Words: roughly 2.3k
The end of the semester was rough. Students were crazy busy finishing their heavy workload and final exams were just stressing everyone out, including you. But school is finally out now, and the holiday season has just begun. Your friends who were planning on visiting their families have already left campus, but the rest were still here. As were all of San’s friends, who have their families in town. In actuality, many students remained on campus due to that same reason, and to say that there were at least two parties thrown every week now was not an exaggeration.
It’s just a few days before the new year, and tonight Wooyoung is throwing a mega “after Christmas, pre-new year party extravaganza”, which was open to all. You weren’t huge on this kind of party, as the abundance of people in a small space usually made you feel anxious, but your friends begged you to go. "I agree, the party sounds hella lame; I mean, who names their party that?! But please go, _____!! I bet you it’s gonna be lit!“ is what your roommate, Leah, had told you, along with a wink. The name did make it sound like a high school dance thing, but Wooyoung for sure throws some of the best parties on campus, so you decided you might as well go.
You and Leah are currently squished in your other good friend, Mina’s, dorm restroom with 2 other girls, Irene and Yoojung, who along with you, are getting ready for tonight’s party. You opted to wear a short, black denim skirt that is covered with small rhinestones on the front with a tight black tank, along with your favorite black ankle-high boots and a choker to match. Leah is behind you, curling the ends of your hair as you are applying the final touches to your makeup.
"Should I go for red lip-tint or hot pink lipstick?”, you ask aloud to no one in particular.
“Hot pink, it’ll give you more of a pop” answers one of the girls, and hums of agreement follow. Hot pink it is.
“Hey, wait, what time does the party start?” Yoojung asks.
“Um like 11? 11:30? I’m not really sure” answers Leah.
“I can text San and ask” you say.
“Okay, thanks, ____”, Yoojung smiles, and you mutter out an ‘of course’ as you squeeze your way out of the restroom and head over towards the bedstand, where you left your phone to charge. You unlock it and press the messages icon to text your boyfriend.
You: Hey baby, at what time does Woo’s party start again?
Sanie ♡: 11:30. You’re coming, right?
You: Ok thank you~ and yup!!
Sanie ♡: See you soon then, my love 😘
You smile at the cheesy emoji and lock your phone, setting it back down.
“It starts at 11:30!” you yell out.
“And what time is it now??” Irene asks.
You check your phone and eyes go wide, “ it’s 11:18!” you reply.
“SHIT THEN WE GOTTA GO” Leah blurts, rushing out of the restroom to slip on her heels, followed by Irene and Yoojung.
“Is San going to pick you up?” suddenly asks Mina.
“Ah, no. I’m meeting him over there,”
“Okay, cool, let’s go then!” she replies, and you all rush out of the small dorm.
Entering the door of the house, you feel the floor rumble from the blasting music and people dancing. You look around and face Leah,
“Hey! Imma try to find the drinks,” you yell over the music.
“I’ll come with you!” she replies, and you nod, turning back around and start making your way towards the kitchen.
Accidentally bumping into various unfamiliar faces, you finally arrive at your destination, and your eyes go wide at the selection.
“What the fuckkk they went all out!” Leah laughs, eyeing all the different types of alcohol that cover the entirety of the kitchen.
“I don’t know what to get...,” you say before someone gets ahold of your shoulders and lightly shakes you.
“_____!! You made it~” you hear a male exclaim behind you. You immediately turn around are met with Yunho’s smiling face.
“Yunho!! Yeah!” you smile back, excited to see your friend.
“Having trouble choosing?”
“Actually, I am..” you giggle, “any recommendations?”
“Try my punch!! I made it with Mingi!” Yunho replies as he grabs your wrist and drags you towards the huge punch bowl in the corner of the kitchen. You watch him as he pours you a cup, and smile when he hands it to you.
“Here,” he says, “tell me what you think.” and sends you a wink. You take a sip and your eyes squeeze shut at the sudden taste of overly-sweet alcohol.
“It’s…strong..” you laugh, “but I like it."
Yunho smiles wide and gives you a high five, laughing, clearly proud of his concoction.
"What’d you put in it?” you ask, and Yunho sends you a mischievous smile. “Secret,” he says, and you nod.
“Hey, Yunho, where are the other guys?” you ask, referring to your boyfriend and his 6 other friends, whom you’ve all grown particularly close to.
He looks around and waves his hand towards the main room full with people dancing, “somewhere in there, probably.”
“I figured,” you laugh, “Sanie too?”
“I think so. He was looking for you, actually.”
You smile hearing that, and Yunho continues,
“Follow me! Let's go see if he’s in there." and he takes hold of your wrist again, pulling you behind him as he squeezes between people crowding the kitchen.
"Leah!” you scream out to your friend, who was pouring herself a drink, “we’re gonna go look for San!”
She smiles and sends you a thumbs up before bringing her attention back to her drink, and with Yunho, you exit the kitchen.
The main room is crazy filled with people, and you begin to feel a bit anxious just being there for a few seconds. People are dancing to the beat of the music blasting through the speakers, and just about everyone you bump into is sweaty and slightly drunk. You take another sip of the mysterious punch and continue following behind your friend.
Yunho stops in his tracks and faces you, “Hey! I found him!” he yells to you.
“Where is he?”
Yunho turns his head and points in the direction of the back of the room, to the large, glass-paned windows.
“Outside! With Wooyoung and Seonghwa-hyung.”
You try your hardest to peer over the people surrounding you, and as your eyes find the windows you immediately see your boyfriend standing outside, just like Yunho said. He is wearing black ripped jeans with a red button up shirt that you love on him oh, so very much. You let Yunho know you spotted him, and he continues to lead the way outside, once again pushing through the dancing bodies.
You finally reach the door that separates the backyard from inside, and Yunho opens it, allowing you to walk through first, and then closes it behind you. When you left the dorm 45 minutes ago, you felt fine, but being inside the stuffy house for as little as 20 minutes was enough for the outside air to now feel chilly, giving you goosebumps.
San, Wooyoung, and Seonghwa are all standing near the pool, holding red solo cups and talking to each other. ‘It seems like they are enjoying themselves tonight’ you guess by their smiles and Wooyoung’s bright laughter filling the cold air.
“Yoyo!! Guess who’s heereee~” Yunho yells out to the three boys as you two approach them.
They all turn their gaze towards you two and you smile brightly,
“Hey guys~”
“_____!! You made it!”, Wooyoung exclaims, and you laugh in response. San, instead, smiles instantly once he sees you, and in the meantime of you greeting Wooyoung and Seonghwa, he admires you with bright eyes.
“We thought you wouldn’t come” teases Seonghwa, only half-serious.
You let out a small laugh and reply by saying “Wouldn’t miss it for anything else,” and then turn to your favorite boy, San.
He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you close, gingerly pressing a kiss to your hair. He looks down at you and gives you a sweet smile.
“Hey, baby.”
You blush at his pet name for you and smile back up at him.
“Hi, Sanie.”
“You look so pretty..” San says as he tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. Suddenly, behind you, Yunho makes a gagging sound and Wooyoung bursts out laughing, doubling over.
“Get a room, you two!” Yunho teases.
“Don’t be a cockblock, dude”, replies Wooyoung, hitting Yunho on the arm. You start laughing, too, watching the scene in front of you.
“Yeah, go get your girl and listen to Wooyoung.” you counter back, and San let’s go of your waist. He instead reaches down and laces his fingers with yours,
“Alright,” he says to his friend, “let’s go find one, _____,” and he pulls you along with him.
“Wait, no I was jokin—” starts Yunho, before he’s cut off by Seonghwa and Wooyoung’s snickering.
You and San reach the door, and he grabs ahold of the doorknob to turn it. “Byeee~” he replies, and then closes the door behind you two, leaving his three friends outside.
The loud music surrounds you and San, and he looks around before pulling you towards one of the many hallways of the house. This one he leads you in is overall empty, only occupied by couples locked inside the rooms that lined it. You two walk deeper into it, secluding yourselves from the party. You lean your back against the wall and San stands in front of you.
“Did you dance yet?” he asks you, resting his hands on your waist.
“Nope,” you reply, “Yunho found me as soon as I got here and led me to you.”
He lets out a short hum, processing your words.
“Do you wanna?”
“Not really.. Do you?”, and ask back, and his lips curl up slightly.
“No, I’d rather be here with you like this,” he replies, causing a slight blush to dust your cheeks. You bring your drink up to your lips in an attempt to hide the shy smile forming on your face.
“What’s that?” San asks you while nodding his head towards your cup, watching you take a sip.
“Dunno,” you reply, “Yunho and Mingi made it.”
He scrunches his nose at your response and frowns, “Ew, don’t drink that.”
“Why?” you ask back, amused at your boyfriend’s reaction.
“Because who knows what the hell they put in there. A little bit of everything, probably.”
“It tastes like it.”
He lets out a short laugh and shakes his head, throwing you a few tsk tsk tsks,
“That’s red flag number two. Don’t you know this?” he teases, taking ahold of your cup and putting it down on the floor.
“What do you mean?” you laugh, curious to what he’s referring to.
“Do you not remember the last time you drank some weird shit they made? You were gone after one cup! I took care of you all night.” he says, and you knit your eyebrows together in confusion, earning an incredulous look from him. For Halloween this year Hongjoong threw a party, and of course, Yunho and Mingi offered to take charge of the drinks. Along with the array of liqour they collected for the party, they made a huge batch of their infamous punch, and you, innocent, little you, courageously tried it, unaware of it’s strength.
One cup was enough to get you shitfaced, and San looked after you all night. He was worried sick, afraid of you getting hurt and just wanting to sober you up, knowing you’d feel the aftereffects of the alcohol the morning to come. The fact that you don’t remember any of this happening just further proves his point that Yunho and Mingi’s concoctions shouldn’t be consumed, especially by you, his baby.
“Now I can’t kiss you,” he says, feigning a pout.
“Because you’ll taste the punch on my lips?”
“Mmhmm,” he hums, lightly brushing a few strands of hair from your face.
“That’s unfair,” you murmur, pouting back at him.
San stares at you with soft eyes, his face just inches from yours. You slide your now free hands up to his chest, looking back at him, feeling your heartbeat pick up its pace. He brings his right hand up to delicately cup your cheek and his eyes flicker down to your lips. Pretty, he thinks, appreciating how the pink shade you opted to wear compliments your skin tone.
“Maybe I’ll let it slide just this once”, he smirks and leans in, gingerly pressing his lips against yours.
His lips feel so warm, causing you to smile into the kiss, having missed the feeling of his soft lips against your own. As San molds your lips perfectly, you move your hand up to his nape and pull him closer to you. San in response wraps his left arm around your waist, right hand still cupping your cheek softly. He moves his lips against yours so slowly, kissing you so delicately and full of affection, causing butterflies to swarm your stomach. When he pulls back to draw in a few breaths, he rests his forehead against yours, and stares at you with twinkling eyes and a small smile,
“I could kiss you forever,” he whispers, lips still hovering yours. “I want to...” he trails off, and you pull him back in for another sweet kiss.
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Prompt: Rabbits/Bunnies
    My hand scratches the long fluffy ears. In my other hand rests the book that I'm currently reading. Every scratch I give to the bunny on my lap the more he nudges his head into my palm. 
    "Mhm…" he lets out a small hum. I direct my attention over to him for just a second. He just fell asleep, I can tell. I move my hand over to touch the top of his fluffy red hair. I run my fingers through it as he peacefully sleeps with a smile on his face. I smile down at him as I recall the memory of him and his family.
    "Help! Please help us! Anybody!" I hear shouting from beyond the fence of my backyard. I stop watering my flowers momentarily and place the watering can down on the cobblestone path. As I stand up a group of half-human half-bunnies come up to my fence. 
    “Ah! Miss! Please help us!” the red-headed one speaks.
    “Foxes are after us! Please let us in!” The short blond beside him shouts. Without any hesitation I allow them in.
    “Of course! Right this way,” I lead the group of rabbits over towards my fence entrance by the side of the house. Unlatching the gate all eleven of them flood in. 
    “You all will be safe here. Stay as long as you need,” I tell them as lock the gate back up. I greet the exhausted rabbits with a smile. 
    “Thank you so much miss. They would’ve gotten us if it wasn’t for you,” the blue haired one says. I give him a small nod. 
    “All of you must be tired. Come in and let me feed you,” I lead the way back inside my home. The relieved yet still scared bunnies follow quietly behind me. Once every one of them has settled down in the dining room, I start making them something to eat. I cut up multiple vegetables that I’ve hand grown myself. 
    I start by washing all of them then placing them separately into big bowls once they were all cut up. Once everything was ready I went ahead and placed the bowls on the table and made sure everyone had a plate to eat on. 
    “Alright everyone, dig in.” That is exactly what they do. Some of them quickly grabbed all they could get, while some held back and respectfully grabbed their food. I sit off to the side of the  big and long dining room table and observe them. Most if not all of them were covered in rags and they looked filthy. 
    I’ve ran into bunnies like this before, but none looked like they all did. Also, with how they were eating and how skinny all of them were. It is quite obvious that they were struggling. I feel bad for them. Bad that they were struggling so much. 
    All of them took multiple helpings of the vegetables laid out before them. By the time they were done, there was no leftovers to see. Everything was wiped clean. 
    “Waahh! Tokiya! I’m tired!” The red-head spoke again as he rested his head on the table. 
    “Otoya, don’t be impolite. We can’t stay here, we have to go,” the stern rabbit said. What he said must’ve hit a chord with some of the others. Some of the other rabbits looked around at each other with sad eyes. 
    “But… Where are we going to go?” The green eyed bunny spoke. 
    “We’ll have to figure something out,” the same rabbit said towards the younger one. Seeing this breaks my heart. So I made a decision myself. Standing up I put a warm smile on my face.
    “Hey, I’m sorry to intrude, but… It is possible that you all could stay here?” I tell them as gently and as welcoming as I can. The previous sad looking bunnies look up at me with their eyes sparkling, as though I have given them something they have always wanted. Even some of the more stronger looking ones did. 
    “But, wouldn’t that be intruding on the young miss?” The taller more cool eyed looking blond asks me. I shake my head at him, my smile deepening. 
    “Of course not. As you can tell my house is quite big. It’s a mansion, but only one person lives in it. I’m constantly surrounded by forest and I wouldn’t mind the company. The only thing I would ask of you all, is if you all could help out around here by doing some chores,” I tell them. 
    The ones who were happy about being able to stay here looked towards the ones who were calm about the situation. Their eyes were just begging them to agree to it. 
    “Well… As long as we aren’t freeloading… Then I guess we can stay,” the cyan haired bunny said to the group. The others nodded their heads along with him, as the others jumped up in joy. 
    “Alright! Thank you Ai-Ai!” the brown eyed bunny said. 
    “I didn’t do it for you. I did it for everyone,” the cyan haired one said back. I smile and shake my head at the silly banter as I speak up once more.
    “Oh! And if you all don’t mind. May I know your names? I’ll start off first. I’m (Y/N) (L/N), but please just call me (Y/N),” I tell them. They all give me a nod or something to show that they got it. The blue haired bunny is the first one to stand up. 
   “Of course. I’m sorry that we didn’t introduced ourselves earlier, but we were… a bit tied up at the moment. I am Masato Hijirikawa.” After him one by one they all started to introduce themselves. The red-head bunny was Otoya and the short blond was Syo. It only took a total of a few minutes for me to know all of them by name. 
    “Miss (L/N), would you like us to help clean up the dishes we used?” Tokiya asks me. I shake my head at him. 
    “It’s fine, I can do it later and you all must be tired. Let’s get you all to bed for now alright? We can go over your jobs and chores tomorrow.” I can painfully see the exhaustion on all of their faces. I wouldn’t want them to work feeling like this, and making them work while they are all like this, is honestly just mean.
    I can see how happy they are with this decision and don’t put up a fight with what I said. Quickly I lead them to their rooms and bid them goodnight. 
    I remember that day so clearly still. It was definitely a day that changed my life for good. Though, I never once regretted my decision. I love each and every one of them so much, that if they were to ever leave me I may die of loneliness. I continue to stare down at the red-headed bunny sleeping on my lap. They no longer have to worry about food or shelter, or even clothing. 
    Now I provide everything they need, and they even have a big backyard in case they ever want to go outside. I suck in a happy breath of air. Their days of hiding in fear and not knowing what’s to come is over. I don’t think any of them could be happier than they are now. As I think this a bunny comes in. 
    “Ah! Here you are our special girl!” Reiji walks into the study with a big smile on his face. 
    “Reiji… You better not be skipping out on your duties again. Ai and Tokiya will definitely give you an ear full over it,” I tell him. If his ears weren’t already the drooping type, then they would’ve definitely drooped more. 
    “Ahaha, my girl! Please don’t tell them about it!” He begs me which I shake my head to.
    “Fine, but this is the last time okay?” He quickly nods his head as he further comes into my study. He comes over towards the armrest where my arm and book are. He looks down at Otoya. 
    “He falls asleep so quickly when you’re lovin’ him!” Reiji comments. I look down at Otoya again and find myself rubbing my fingers through his hair again. 
    “Mhm, well… He worked all morning with me so he deserves it. But yet again, all of you do.” With that I place my book down in between me and the sofa and use my now free hand to pet Reiji’s hair as well. 
    “Ah, my girl! I don’t deserve such love from you! I didn’t do anything to deserve it!” Reiji says as a light pink blush settles on his cheeks. I giggle as his words deny what he wants. I move my hand over towards his ears and start scratching behind them. 
    “Reiji… You’re bad at lying. I know you want it~,” I say as I playfully tease him. I look up at him and see his eyes glazed over. Ever so slightly he is nudging his head into my palm like Otoya did. 
    “Reiji, it’s okay to be honest with your feelings. You’re safe here. Don’t ever think you aren’t,” I tell him honestly. He looks down at the armchair as he more openly shows how much he wants my affection. 
    “Haha, that’s a good boy~,” I tease him again, but I don’t mean any harm from it. 
    “Ahh, you’re really hitting me in my sweet spot my girl~,” Reiji says back as he closes his eyes. Being able to give them the affection they want means so much to me. I want them to feel loved and wanted here. Sadly for Reiji though, this time is cut short. 
    “Oi, Reiji. What do you think you’re doing,” Ai comes into the room sternly staring at the brown bunny. Reiji snaps back and looks at Ai. 
    “Ahh… Ai-Ai! I was just helping out our girl with reorganizing the books here!” Reiji tells him. I see Ai not buying his excuse so I come in to help. 
    “Yeah! As you can see Otoya is sleeping on my lap, so I needed the extra help to move around everything! I wouldn’t want to disturb Otoya and Reiji was already here, so I just asked him to help me!” I tell him. I see Ai let out a sigh and shake his head.
    “You have to stop covering for him (Y/N), or else he will keep skipping out on his duties,” Ai scolds me. I give him a small smile. 
    “I’m sorry… but now that you’re here I would like you to tell everyone something for me.” Ai gives me his full attention for the small tasks I’m asking of him. 
    “I would like you to round everyone up into the living room area if that isn’t a problem?” Ai looks at me curiously. 
    “I can do it… but why do you want everyone there?” I smile up at him and put a finger in front of my lips.
    “It’s a secret~.” With that Ai gives me a nod of his head and walks out the door. 
    After having to wake up a peacefully sleeping Otoya we were all here in the big living room. Everyone was sitting down somewhere and I had my place on an armrest by Natsuki. 
    “What did you want to tell us Miss (L/N)? Did we do something we shouldn't have?” Masato asks. I can see some of the bunnies fidgeting from nervousness, so I quickly diminish any negative thoughts.
    “Of course not! I wanted you all here to tell you all that you’ve been working too hard.” They all shoot their attention to me and look at me as though I’ve lost my mind. 
    “But, madam, if anything… we haven’t worked hard enough,” Camus tells me. I know about his switching side, since he didn’t care to hide them on his first full day. Though he still treats me in this nice butler like tone and never once complained about a chore. It seems he is only rough with the family that he came with. Except the words he just said makes everyone move in agreement. 
    “He’s right (L/N). We don’t think we are working hard enough to pay you back for your kindness,” Tokiya’s words leave everyone to agree again. 
    “That’s where you are wrong Tokiya,” I speak up again this time. 
    “All of you work so hard everyday. So hard, that working, eating and sleeping is all you guys ever do. I don’t want this place to be just somewhere you guys are residing in for just a moment. I don’t want you all to be scared if you don’t do your chores for the day. This place is your home.”
    “I want it to be your home permanently, but in order for that to happen all of you have to treat it like that. I want you all to have fun and relax here, but also do your responsibilities when it is time. I don’t want you all working twenty-four seven. I want you all to enjoy everything around you and spend time with one another, doing whatever you want. Ever since I let you all in, this hasn’t been just my home anymore, but yours too,” I tell them my honest feelings.
    I want all of them to stay here for as long as they want, I don’t want them to be afraid of me kicking them out. I want them to be safe and happy here. I look out at all of them. They are quiet for a moment as they sink in what I told them. Then, they all smile up at me.
    “Well, if that is what you want. Then I guess it won’t be so bad to look at this place like that,” Ranmaru comments with a smile on his face. My smile brightens up a bit more as well. 
    “Mhm! If that is what (Y/N) wants, then let’s start living here permanently!” Natsuki adds on making everyone starting to get aboard with it. 
    “Alright, but if you need anything miss (L/N), then just tell us,” Masato tells me. I nod my head towards him as everyone shares smiles with each other. Already I can tell how much this place is meaning to them. That’s exactly what I want to see. They already mean so much to me and I’m happy they understand and agree to what I said. 
    Even though I’m doing all of this for them. It still means a lot to have them by my side. For however long it may be. 
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yestodaymvv · 6 years
never not || lee donghyuck
↳ you never liked the tan skinned, black haired boy for he was always getting into trouble and bullying other students. when your principal decides that the both of you should be co-presidents in your third year of school, you find out that he might not be that bad. 
an: i am back from being inactive, i’m sorry! but i finally got to finish this part of the new donghyuck story i planned weeks ago, i just never got around to continuing it. i’m guessing that this story will be quite long like mark’s never stopped and jeno’s text me. it will take me some time to continue and finish their stories as well as the other dreamies’ stories. i will be doing smaller drabble writings so if you have any requests, feel free to ask them! enjoy <3
word count: 3.5k 
inspiration: my friends who claim that they don’t have feelings for each other when they clearly do
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
To everyone in the town, it was obvious that Lee Donghyuck, although he goes by his nickname of Haechan, had a crush on you. Most people have known it for 6 years. From your third grade teacher and your bus driver, to the diner waiter and the bookshop owner. Everyone knew about the way Haechan felt about you; how he was completely in love with you. Even Haechan knew it. He knew that he was in love with the you; the one who would always bicker him when he got into detentions. The one who would yell at him for always setting up pranks at school. For never doing his classwork and always being able to get one of the highest grades at school. Everyone seemed to know it; except you. You hated Haechan. Hated the way he walked down the halls like he owned the school. Hated how he knew that he made people’s hearts swoon. You hated the how he would, when the both of you were younger, always bullied the other students. The ones that were younger than him; the same age as you. You Hated how he was so full of himself and seemed to think everyone liked him. Everyone didn’t of course. You hated how he would always be bothering you. Always seem to find ways to annoy you and use you as a target. Ever since you’ve transferred into their school 6 years ago, he seemed to have a delight in rousing you up. He would always tease the way you dressed, the way your hair wasn’t always neat and tidy. He always had something to say to you. Haechan wasn’t one to express his feelings well. You didn’t only hate him, but you also hated his group. The “Dreamies” they called themselves. It consisted of Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, and Mark. Together, the five of them were known as the troublemakers of the school. Not only that, but they were quite good-looking and also had a reputation with girls and boys alike. The attention they received only seemed to grow their ego. The only person in that group that you seemed to like is Huang Renjun. He was one of the students who helped showed you around school when you transferred and he was unlike the rest of the boys. True, he did take part in their pranks and he was also good-looking like the rest of them, but he was one of the top students of his grade. He took school seriously and was always on top of his work. 6 years later, after being the new kid at school and meeting Haechan and his group of “Dreamies,” you still hated Haechan. It was the beginning of your junior year and the beginning of Hyuck and his friend’s senior year. Mark, having graduated your sophomore year, was no longer found at your high school and now can be found at the closets university, studying music.
You were on your way to school, walking with your head held high and listening to Insomnia by The Rose. You were entering the sound floors when you felt an arm wrap around your shoulders, pulling you into hug.
“Ahh Y/N, always listening to music,” said Park Jisung, a sophomore and one of your best friends. “You know how many times I had to call your name? Ahh but you’ve just kept ignoring, listening to your music and ignoring your best friend,” Jisung says as he takes out your earphones.
“Jisungie!” you yell, as you turn around and throw your arms around Jisung.
“Did the both of you guys just forget about me?” a voice behind you calls out. You let go go Jisung, turning around, only to face Zhong Chenle, your other best friend who was also beginning his junior year.
“Lele!” running and attacking him with a hug. You felt Chenle’s arms wrap around yours as he starts to laugh. After letting go, you rest each of your arm around Jisung and Chenle’s shoulders; with Jisung on your left and Chenle on your right.
“How I have missed the both of you so much,” you said as the three of you were entering the school doors.
“Yea, I bet you totally missed as while you were out and about in Europe, having the time of your life. You missed us so much that you didn’t hang out with the both of us after you arrived. We still haven’t hung out and school is starting already.”
“Jisung, I did miss you of course. Don’t be bitter that I didn’t get to go to the arcade or go bowling with the both of you. I was jet lagged! I’m still in London time.”
“Yea we get it!” Jisung says as he walks out of your hold and walks ahead of you, facing you and Chenle. “You went to London! While you left me here all alone with Lele. He’s not as entertaining you know. I got pretty sick of him two hours after you left.”
You laugh as Chenle catches Jisung in a headlock, yelling at him saying that he is too, in fact, “a fun person” and that Jisung should be “grateful for spending time with the one and only Zhong Chenle.” The three of you continued walking down the school halls, making your way into the cafeteria to get your new school schedules. On your way there, the three of you bumped into your fellow classmates. Your classmates in you and Chenle’s grade seemed to have changed. The boys who would always fool around in lunch, catching each other in headlocks and yelling at one another seemed to have matured over the summer. The girls seemed to have got even prettier than before, a majority of them wearing makeup and dressing up for school. Puberty seemed to have hit your classmates. You greeted each of them of course as you passed by, giving them bright smiles and a cheerful “hello” and “how was your summer.” Jisung was quite popular among the underclassmen and so a lot of students came up to greet him as the three of you entered the cafeteria. Jisung was known as one of the best dancers at school, the first freshman to have been able to join SM’s dance crew for upperclassmen when he was a freshman. You, Jisung, and Chenle separated to different tables, as Jisung’s schedule was to be found at the sophomore table and Chenle’s at the table for the student body. Lining up to get your schedule, a familiar voice sounded behind you as a warm presence of someone came to line up next to you.
“Why hello Y/N, what a pleasure to see you today.”
You turned around and you were face to face with none other than Haechan. Like your class, Haechan seemed to have changed over the summer. He was no longer as short as he was before, looking like he grew 2-3 inches. He wasn’t as skinny as he was in his junior year and seemed to have grown into a healthier weight. His hair wasn’t the same faded orange color and was now instead a the dark color of black. It was still messy as you remembered, his small natural curls coming out and making his hair look fluffy. Whereas last year he had the tendency to wear sweats and hoodies and looking like a bum who didn’t care about school at all, he wore now instead, a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, exposing his forearm. His skin seemed to glow even more, giving off a more honey kissed look and his smile was brighter than before. He didn’t look like the Haechan  you remembered. The one who would never do his work and would always joke around in class. He looked like a more sophisticated version of Haechan. He looked… grown up.
“How was your summer?” Hyuck asked, as Jaemin, Renjun, and Jeno came up behind him. You started at him, waiting for a rude insult to hit your way but none came. You expected him to tease you in someway, whether it was because you weren’t wearing something as nice as everyone else or the way you looked extremely tired from staying up until 5 am. Nothing came and Haechan was instead just staring back at you, waiting patiently for an answer.
“It was… fine. I got to go to London over the summer and visit my sister and see all the interesting places.” you answered, still confused about the lack of insult you received.
“Is that why you seem tired? Still not getting used the to time zone, huh? Maybe you should try drinking a cup of warm milk before going to bed, it always helps me sleep better,” Hyuck replies with a smile.
You nodded at him. “I shall try it tonight. How about you? How was your summer?”
Haechan seemed to glow after you asking how his summer went. “It was actually quite fun! I was stuck here the entire time though, I didn’t get to go anywhere fancy like London but I got to spend a ton of time with my friends and I even got to make new friends so I’d say it was a great summer. ”
You were confused as to why he wasn’t making any remarks to you. This was the longest conversation the both of you had without him teasing you or you yelling at him for being a jerk.  His smart mouth always had something to say. Never once has he ever been nice to you. Not until now.
“Well,” Haechan said as he got his schedule and was walking towards Renjun and Jeno. “I’m sorry to cut this reunion short but I have to go to the office as Principal Lee emailed me and told me about meeting him on the first day of school.”
“Got into trouble already?” you said as a small joke. “Doing a first year prank on the first day of school like what most students do?”
Haechan rolled his eyes with a “Psh, please. I’m not like one of those amateur prankers Y/N. you know me better than that. I have something better than just a silly prank on the first day of school. I have one that no one will guess what hit them. It’s so good that you won’t even know i was the one who planned it.”
“Well, I do.”
Haehcan looked like his cat just died. “Oh shit. Listen Y/N L/N, you better not tell anyone about my prank.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Because I promise you, this will start your junior year right.”
You looked at him and was considering keeping his secret. In the end, you nodded your head and said, “Okay. I won’t mention anything about your prank. It better be good.”
Haechan looked a bit shocked, as if that wasn’t the answer he was expecting from you. He recovered from his shock quickly and replied with a smile as he was walking away.
“Thank you Y/N. I owe you. I hope we have some classes together this year! Have a great day!”
And off he went. Running down the halls as was also greeting others that he hasn’t seen since last school year. He just complimented you. Told you to have a great day. Never has he ever said that either.
“Maybe he’s changed. Everyone in our class has changed as well and people eventually learn to mature,” Chenle answers when you bring up your encounter with Haechan to Jisung and Chenle.
“Yea but c’mon Chenle. It’s Haechan we’re talking about. He’s been a jerk since we he was 11. He never seemed to be able to change for the better. It just looked like that as he grew up, his head did too and he just became a bigger jerk.”
As Haechan grows up, his ego grew too. His thought of everyone liking him seemed to grow just as did his cockiness. He also had a record of breaking people’s hearts. Not many, of course, but Haechan grew up to become what most people would classify as a player. Many times have you encountered students from your last year of middle school to brag about dating the high school freshman Haechan when only two to three months later, they would end up crying in the hallways and complain about how Haechan broke their heart. It was a ridiculous how you thought Haechan can just go off with someone else after breaking their heart, but you couldn’t really say anything about breaking people’s hearts either. There were times when someone would ask you out on a date or go to the dance with. You would often smile sheepishly and reject them kindly back. You never did want to reject anyone, but you just never had feelings for them. You thought it was worse to say yes and string them along compared to rejecting them straight on.
“C’mon Y/N. Give Hyuck a break. People can change. You were always the one telling us that. How come it’s different with Donghyuck?” It was Jisung’s turn to take Haechan’s side. The three of you were walking to your lockers when you stopped and turned around, facing both Chenle and Jisung, after Jisung’s comment.
“Hyuck? Since when did you start calling him Hyuck?”
Chenle and Jisung both looked like they were just caught by the police for stealing something. It was silent for a few moments before Chenle spoke.
“We didn’t want to tell you Y/N because we know how much you hate Haechan, but we’ve been hanging out with him and the Dreamies over the summer.”
“D-did you just call them…. the dreamies? Ohmy gosh. This is ridiculous.”
You turned around and started walking away from the both of them, continuing your path to your locker.
“Look I know you’re mad-” “Jisung, I’m not mad. Okay maybe a little I am for you not telling me and becoming friends with the one person who I don’t exactly look eye to eye with, but you guys said you had a fun summer. If Haechan and his friends were the reason you guys had fun then I’m glad.”
“Wait, really,” asked Chenle once the three of you arrived at your lockers and you were putting your backpack inside, bringing only your small binder to your first two classes. 
“Yes, I have no say on who you guys can be friends with. And I guess what the both of you said was right. That Haehcan has changed to be better. Just,” you said as you gave the both of the them a hug. “Don’t forget about me. Your new friends better not replace me.”
“Ahh Y/N, they already have.”
You smacked Jisung on the head with your binder when the speakers rang out.
“Y/N L/N, please go to the principal’s office. You are needed by Principal Lee.”
Chenle and Jisung looked as confused as you were. 
“Oh, what did you do Y/N?”
“Nothing Chenle. Probably just wants to talk about some school stuff. I’ll see you guys later.”
“Come in.”
You slowly opened the door to the principal’s office, your head peeking in before your entire body walked in. 
“You wanted to see me Principal Lee?”
“Ah yes Y/N. Please, come in and take a seat.”
As you were walking in, you were surprised to see that only one of the two seats were empty; the other one was occupied by the one and only Haechan. Haechan was smiling at you as you entered and you only gave him a small smile in return, one that showed that you didn’t completely hate him. 
“So I’ve called the both of you here regarding the positions of student body presidents.”
You were shocked. And it didn’t seem like you were the only one because Haechan’s jaw looked as it has dropped too.
“I-i’m sorry? Student body presidents?” Haechan asked.
“Yes Donghyuck. Student body presidents. Over the years the both of you have been attending school, I’ve come to the conclusion that the both of you would be excellent student body presidents.”
It seemed unreal. More on Haechan’s point. You were a good student; straight A student who was often part of a lot of clubs and was always doing community service. You often contributed in helping out with school dances and all the big important events. But to choose Haechan as president? That seemed like a wrong choice. All Haechan has done at school was give teachers headaches, pull pranks, and holding the record of most detentions given to one student. Haechan didn’t seem like the type of student that the principal would choose. Even Haechan knew that.
“B-but sir. This has to be a mistake. I mean, I get that you chose Y/N for this position because Y/N fits the role for being president, but I don’t. I’m a mess. I’ve been pulling pranks all my years here at school. I’ve done things that I don’t even want to admit I’ve done. I’m pretty sure a majority of the teachers here at school hate me and have some kind of death wish on me. I’ve had more detentions that the amount of students in this school. You can’t be choosing me to be the student president, are you?”
“I chose you Mr. Lee,” answered Principal Lee as he got up and walked in front of his desk only to lean on it. “That you are the perfect fit for student body president. You may have a record of causing mischief in school but I, along with a few other teachers at school, have to admit that your wit and leadership is incredible. You’ve only focused on the bad things you’ve done at school. Let’s not forget that you pull some well coordinated pranks and also happen to do so with Mr. Lee, Mr. Huang, and Mr. Na. You are also the captain of the soccer team. Two  years in a row Mr. Lee. No junior has ever been chosen to be soccer captain and no freshman was ever chosen to be in the varsity soccer team Mr. Lee. Your grades are incredible for someone who seems to use most of his time scheming.”
Haechan looked as if he was thinking. He looked convinced by Principal Lee’s reasons, but not convinced enough for him to accept the position. As Haechan continued to talk and try to persuade to choose someone else for the position, you sat there thinking about what Principal Lee just said. It was true that Haechan had the leadership characteristics, being soccer captain did that for him. You knew he would become a good president, a great one. And you’d be working with him. It didn’t seem like such a bad idea to work with Haechan and it was an opportunity for you to get to know him better; see if he truly has changed.
 “Uhm, I accept the position Principal Lee,” you said as you got up, joining the two as they were also standing up.
“Excellent Y/N! I will email you often about meetings and I trust that you have everything student and school based covered. Now,” Principal Lee said as he turned to look at Haechan. “What about you Mr. Lee?”
Just as Haechan opened his mouth to answer him, you interrupted him. “Haechan, I think you should take the position.”
Haechan looked at you, something in his eyes that you couldn’t read. “Wait, really?”
“Of course. Principal Lee made some very good points. You are leadership worthy. You’re always one of the top students and I know for a fact that the teachers don’t hate you. You have the determination. You’re good at strategy planning and you can manage your time pretty well if you can do well in school, coach a soccer team, and have time to pull off pranks in school. You’re also very optimistic. And as much as I hate to say it, it would be nice to work with you. If you think you’re going to fail as a student body president, you’ll have me. I’ll be your vice.”
Haechan stared at your face. It was an intense stare, one that seemed as if he was trying to read you. Trying to figure out your motives and what you were trying to do. And then he smiled. It was a cute smile you admitted. One that reached his eyes and showed off his white teeth. He was cute. 
“Okay Principal Lee. I’ll do it.”
Principal Lee looked pleased with his answer has he walked back to his desk and started writing student passes for the yourself and Haechan. He gave the both of you each a pink slip and before leaving the office, he said, “Don’t let me down the two of you. I expect the both of you to be a great pair of partners. To a great school year!”
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