#which one of my writer friends is going to write a little josh blurb based on this ask
readyforthegarden · 2 years
2022 Writer’s Tag.
I think it might be fun to look back on what we’ve all achieved this year, let you give yourselves a well deserved pat on the back and also share what you love. When you’re done maybe tag someone else so they can share too?
1. How do you feel 2022 has gone in terms of writing?
On one hand really well!! On the other hand, looking at all my WIPs and drafts.....not as well as I hoped? But I'm so astounded that I haven't been writing a full year on here and it's taken off and so many people like it!
2. What piece are you proudest of this year? It can be a shot/blurb/headcannon, a whole series or even a specific chapter.
AHHHH!! This is so hard...I think I'm really proud of Summer in the City. It was something I'd never really written before, and I stressed about making sure the details for the time period was right. I would love to go back one day and rewrite it and improve it, but it's my baby and I'm really proud!!
3. Is there anything you posted that you wish had reached more people? (No such thing as a flop here!) Shout it out, it might catch a new pair of eyes!
Mmmm, I try not to focus on numbers too much, I don't want to take away from the happiness I find in writing, but most Danny fics don't get the recognition they deserve in general, and a lot of times Sam fics don't. And this Jake fic which I forgot and just realized isn't on my masterlist (18+ ONLY)
4. Can you give us a hint of anything coming before the end of the year? Maybe even a little taster?
Oh, I'll tease the Jake holiday fic coming out this friday, since we don't have much else before the year ends
“I am sleepy.” you replied. “It’s been a long day. Fun, but long.” Jake smiled down at you, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“It’s been a perfect day.” Jake adjusted his position, sliding down so you both were laying down and you snuggled into his chest.
5. Are you setting any writing goals for next year, or just going with the flow? If you are, what are they?
I have my Josh fic, A Novel Idea, coming out, and it's gaining speed in my doc for it, so it should be out fairly early, but honestly I just like going with the flow. If I get an idea, I shove it my drafts and work on it when I feel like it. @lunaindigoraven and I literally talk all the time about ideas and she's truly a great friend and helps me workshop things. Sometimes we're just talking and then it's like OOH that's a fic! and I also really love writing little blurbs from prompt lists, it's really fun and great writing exercise!
6. Do you have any one shots or finished pieces you’re tempted to expand on or revisit next year?
I have a few one shots I have a part two for in the works, no clue if they'll get done next year...again I might play around with Summer in the City and expand it.
7. Is there anything new you’re tempted to try out? A new style/trope/AU/another person in the fandom?
I have a couple AUs in the works, soulmate, supernatural, and i'm trying to work out the kinks in another historically based fic!
8. Now to hype some other writers! What’s a piece you read back in the first half of the year that you can shout out?
Always the first on my mind is A Tattoo Artist Walks into a Flower Shop by @garagebandvanfleet it's my favorite Danny fic EVER.
And then the Indecent Proposal fics by @gretavanfleetposts got me through a rough patch back in the spring and took my mind off a lot and they're AMAZINGLY written (so is the rest of Em's work!!!)
9. And how about something you’ve read more recently?
This isn't news to anyone following me for the past month, but Perfidy by @earthlysorrows is phenomenal!!!! and Valence by @gretavanfleetposts is wonderful and they're both such amazing and immersive stories!! @jake-kiszkas-smirk has quite a few amazing fics (babes, I have so many of your fics in my drafts to save to read/react/reblog if it seems like I'm not in there I AM!!) and honestly, not doing bc they tagged me, The Dead Don't Die, Jake Kiszka by @highdefkiszka Percy writes so descriptively and you can really feel the characters emotions and feelings!!
10. A fun one to finish...If you could insert yourself into any fic in the fandom, which would it be and what do you think would happen?
Oh god...oh...this is so hard omg....you know what, I wanna be in Perfidy. Madi insert this reader. I wanna be the lovable normal neighbor who notices all the magic but is just like eh none of my business and has a big fat crush on the guy who water bends and bakes him cookies and treats "just because" 😌😉 and then I think Madi would kill me off (lovingly and hopefully dramatically) for the angst.
I was tagged by the wonderful and incomparable @highdefkiszka and I am tagging anyone who wants to do this bc I think everyone else has already done it!!!
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s0livagant · 2 years
here are more lyrics 'he is so pretty when he goes down on me, gold skin, eager baby, blue shirt out the laundry, he tells me he's gentle when he wants to be, so i think he wants to be gentle with me' .... do with that what you will
All I know is pain 😔😔😔
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