#which probs applies to me with kids bc i say im a shit caretaker but apparentlyim excellent with children
ruthlesslistener · 2 years
everytime i think about that terf saying that the 'evil' in men starts at 4 years of age i think about that one eight year old kid who saw me waiting in line to get my flu shot with my (presumably) bitch face set in place and very seriously start explaining to me how it's okay, i just need to relax and not look and it won't even hurt at all. Like i myself am not someone who likes or can be around children for long (not bc they're terrible- they're just little people having a hell of a time in the world, and i am an autistic people who has a hell of a time in the world, which doesn't always mesh the best), but holy shit how do you think little boys are anywhere in the least bit inherently awful. Moreover, how do you get a job in CHILDCARE and claim to be empathetic and good with kids if you deadass think just because a baby has balls, they're inherently awful. Fucking hell.
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