#fucking CHRIST
onemillionfurries · 1 year
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pedgito · 4 months
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PEDRO PASCAL for Corona Extra
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thebibliosphere · 3 months
So in not great news, I’ve developed a trauma response to my migraines.
I just had a faint niggle of pain on the right side of my head—likely caused by my neck muscles being jacked up from yesterday’s migraine and the hours upon hours of throwing up—and while my original response to potentially getting a migraine was weary resignation, I just had what can only be accurately described as a panic attack.
Like full on, couldn’t breathe past my terror, vision tunneling in a way I haven’t experienced since [redacted trauma], ‘it feels like I’m having a heart attack’ panic.
Which is not… not great to begin with but it’s really not good when you have a mast cell disorder where stress can be an anaphylactic trigger, which it is for me, which is why I’ve spent the last for years trying to regulate my nervous system and get a handle on my complex trauma.
Only now, due to the severe amounts of pain I’m in every ten days or fewer, I’m experiencing total emotional dysregulation from the mere thought of having another migraine.
And now I have a headache from the panic attack because it triggered my POTS and now my blood pressure is fucked 🫠
I legitimately cannot do this anymore. This is going to kill me.
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Krueger and Nikto sent on leave, arriving home later than expected to their lover who fell asleep at the table waiting for them?
You were asleep. On the couch. You were waiting for them. Krueger immediately shut up, signaling the same for the shadow at the door. Almost biting his tongue from the whiplash, teeth slamming shut loudly. Some form of guilt quickly awakening as he realized how harshly he opened the door, practically kicking it down. The shadow peeking over his shoulder.
"We better be quiet, they look...uneasy."
"Nightmare? Let's get cleaned up quickly."
Ushering to each other as Krueger quickly picks you up. Carefully and slowly fitting his hands below your knees, one to your upper back. Lifting you up the stairs, making sure your feet don't dangle and swing. Silently shushing you whenever you mumble in your sleep.
"They must be pretty exhausted to be having a nightmare, fuck. Blame it on the traffic."
"They waited for us."
"Of course they would, fucking self sacrificial bitch. Sigh. Hopefully their thoughts will quiet down once we settle."
Krueger made sure you didn't wake up as he kneeled on the bed. Slowly shuffling to the center as he lowered you there. A messy, untidy bed. They really couldn't blame you, it was nearing the morning than it was night.
Thankfully they had already somewhat unbuckled the gear they wore, mid traffic, mostly due to how uncomfortable it was to sit in that. In a leather chair. Almost cringing at the rattle of plastic and metal together. Loud, very loud.
Praying to whatever god was out there as they looked back to you. Only letting themselves breathe again as they saw no movement from your sleeping body.
"Fucking dumbass."
"Ich wille ficken dich. Ach- we smell like shit."
Rank was the word they would use to describe the smell as they both practically speed walked into the shower, slightly gagging at each other's scent. Far too lazy to give each other any form of privacy as they showered together. And each other.
"You fucking like it when I scratch here?"
"Ja, a bit rougher."
"Says the one that likes their back scratched."
"I have back pains, you cunt."
Purely mentally exhausted as they exit the shower. Partially air drying and halfway using the towel as they resist the urge to jump back into bed. Only stopped mid air by Nikto's hand as he carried the other man hip by hip like a bag.
"You're going to wake them."
"Release me, I need to hold mein Liebe now."
"Oh am I not your love anymore?"
"I am going to claw at you."
A weird messy cuddle pile formed at the end of their bickering. Comfortably situating you under their heavy fat ass bodies, practically indenting you into the bed as they snore the night away. And day. Don't think you can escape when these heavy cunts are pressing you against each other so tightly it's like they want to press you into a log.
××××××××××××××××××××××x x××××××××××××××××××××××
Ps: there will be a dent in the bed from how heavy these fucked are. Also yes they sleep naked. They're tired. And their skin leaves red marks against yours because they're just heavy cunts.
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laurenkmyers · 5 months
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bg3-npc · 7 months
Extremely conflicted every time I see a response to the mistreatment of Wyll along the lines of "omg I didn't know this!?!"
Because like, I'm not about to scope out every blog that says this. I'm not about to see how deep they are in the game or if they're an outsider voicing support. However, one can assume if they're talking about BG3 related issues, they probably play and/or enjoy the game.
So seeing support and mutual anger is good! I'm glad you're now aware of these issues, hopefully you'll continue that awareness and continue to offer support! However.....
Why do so many of you have 0 knowledge of ANY of this? These issues become clear upon interacting with Wyll in any capacity. From just general approval, to romancing him, to playing his origin, all of this is obvious. Even more so when you interact with others along with Wyll. So for so many to have no idea about any of this, you have to have not interacted with Wyll at ALL.
For as important as Wyll should be to the story and game objective, you can easily play the entirety of it without Wyll. You have to be interested in him and be willing to initiate his story. Which means a majority of you just...haven't.
A majority of you have had no interest in the only black companion. You've had no desire to learn more about him, or have him in your party. While you can play without him, he is still vital to the story and you miss out on a lot by bypassing him. Yet many of you have been perfectly cool with that because of superficial reasons that are just excuses to be uncaring of a black protagonist.
Astarion doesn't matter to the story. Full stop. His story and quest is practically self contained and has nothing to do with the main objective. You lose nothing by not having him in your party. Yet so many of you have sought him out. Many of you have done little but interact with him alone. Many of you bought the game not because it appealed to you, but because Astarion was there. This shitty white dude with nothing to add to the game got you to spend money, but you're surprised to learn the single black protagonist has gotten fucked over?
I need all of you to be fucking for real with yourself. Think of something and someone besides yourself and consider why awful white men are the only people you're ever drawn towards.
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texasbama · 7 months
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phantombre · 14 days
Uh, oh.
Uh, oh.
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It's him. It's the most him of all time.
So, I know about Jester Contra, and I do enjoy Jester Contra. But my Contrarian decided he wanted a different career path: a magician! To show off his one and only magic trick: how to make the pristine blade disappear.
Apart from Narrator, who is his natural prey, I think his favorite victims friends he likes to torture mess with are Cheated and Stubborn. He knows not to take it too far, though. Stubborn could probably kill him with one blow, and Cheated will plot out his slow, dreadful demise.
I kinda wish I did more regarding Contra's relationship with Hero (I have so many ideas for Contrarian in general). Yes, I know about the ContraHero ship, and while I don't really ship anyone, I do understand where they come from. Especially this one.
Ayo? Austin Powers reference spotted? I personally think it would be hilarious if Narrator didn't know what Dutch people are, but Contrarian DOES.
In fact, a funny head cannon of mine is that Contra is the only character capable of breaking the fourth wall. Not the Narrator, not the Long Quiet, not even the Shifting Mound can do this. Only Contra.
Oh, yeah, I've nicknamed him Joyboy. Partially after [ERR: DATA EXPUNGED] from One Piece (if you know, you know. If you don't...uhh... Look, One Piece is a fantastic story, but it's really hard to recommend it. If you guys want, I can further rant about why in a separate post.)
You know, looking back on it, he looks eerily similar to Willy Wonka. I promise you, that's accidental.
Some other guys:
Cheated "Jack"
Hunted "Frisky"
Broken "Fred"
Smitten "Rome"
Stubborn "Buster"
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scarletv0id · 6 months
Reminder for all DanandPhilGAMES fans:
The channeling will be turning ten years old in September.
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nerdby · 2 months
Peeps, I don't know who needs to hear this but just because a character uses guns that does not necessarily mean they are catering to conservative incels. Shout out to all the incels bandwagoners who went out and watched Deadpool, and are in for a rude fucking awakening because they never watched the other two movies or read any of the comic books.
Here are all the ways that Deadpool is leftist--
Wade Wilson is canonically queer, has dated nonbinary characters, and is in love with Peter Parker
There is even an alternate universe where Wade and Peter are heart mates
The plot of the first film is a metaphor for how disabled people are purposely misled and lied to by the medical industry resulting in life-threatening medical malpractice
Wade Wilson is disabled
He is a fucking cancer patient for fuck's sake
He almost married a sex worker
Previous DP movies have featured a biracial lesbian couple, immigrants, and a BIPOC character with vitiligo
Sorry you missed all of that because you were too preoccupied with the dick jokes and the boom sticks.
No, I'm not -- rightwing Marvel fans are a fucking embarrassment.
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daydreamerwonderkid · 5 months
'doesn't care about shipping'
makes symbrock fan art
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frnkiebby · 7 months
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@fungh0uls lemme just…….~🎃
(ps @standing-in-v-formation have fun)
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fleapit · 1 year
one of my favorite artists got ran off twitter for "fetishizing" his own disability on an 18+ personal account by a fucking 15 year old, and in light of that, i just want to say if you fucking police what disabled people do/think about our own bodies you can go fuck yourself.
you arent entitled to anyones backstory, anyones "reason" why they're disabled, and making bullshit claims about how they DID IT TO THEMSELVES is ableism 101. im so furious right now i can't see straight.
this fucking wave of puritanical anti-sex fear-mongering NEEDS TO END. you're hurting REAL PEOPLE over ART! over FICTION! the kind of fiction that's been created since humans started existing!
reevaluate yourselves and your own relationship with sex before coming for ANYONE ELSE.
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sidsinning · 6 months
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inlovewithgreta · 7 days
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I’m foaming at the mouth
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