#which they denied me without a state business license which would be fees and more waiting and registration
nochangeintheplan · 1 month
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Preorder will go live on my kofi at 1:00 PM EST on April 6th!
Shipping is 6 USD for United States, 20 USD for Worldwide. Shipping is possible to any country covered by USPS. If your country has any specific shipping stipulations that you know of, when it comes time for the preorder you'll have my email to contact me about any of those extra concerns!
There will be 100 made; manufacturing is currently underway for the lil guys. I'll be sure to update my kofi with further info about the process as it goes along!
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srprincess · 4 years
Guess what!?! It’s Fictober time again! So – new prompts, but I’m still out here (making an attempt at) finishing my same old fic.
Prompt 1 – “No, come back!” // fandom – omgcp // fic rating – T for language reasons
Notes: This is actually chapter 19 of the Spookydoo AU I started last fictober. I can’t believe it’s been an entire year. I guess months worth of pandemic related block and a cross country move will tend to slow these sorts of things down, but, yeah – a year. Wow. Back at the start I had thought this was going to be a quick month long project, but here we are! If you’re still following me from way back then, here’s the long promised update. If you’re new this will make NO SENSE without the rest of the story - and honestly only minimal sense after - so I’ll drop a link to the rest of the story on Ao3 in the replies (since tumblr hates links)
“Are you sure I don't need to head back and get them?” Will asked, for the third time.
“Nah, they’re resourceful. Quit worrying,” Nursey told him, also for the third time. At least. Maybe he had asked a few too many times.
He, Nursey, Shitty and Lardo were gathered back around the table in his kitchen, while Sammy sat at the edge of the doorway leading into the mudroom, happily chewing on a length of rope that Will had knotted up for her. He didn't have much to offer in the way of snacks while they waited, but he’d managed to scrounge up a bag of not quite stale pretzels and some cold sodas. Not the best spread, but good enough he didn't think his mom’s memory would judge him too harshly under the circumstances. Said circumstances being that these particular guests and their friends had basically wiped out his pantry over the course of their previous visits.
They were waiting, with varying levels of patience, for Holster and Ransom to show up with their lunches, and - maybe more importantly, it depended on who you asked - to tell them what they'd found out about Lou’s place. Or rather the house that she had been...haunting? It was still hard for Will to think about it that way, about his longtime friend being a ghost, but, well, could he deny it anymore? Honestly? It was strange, but if she was a ghost - which she was - and had been staying in and around the house - which she had - what else could you call it other than a haunting? At any rate, finding out the property had been sitting vacant might have explained how it could have had a ghost-in-residence for so long without attracting too much attention, but it opened up a whole other set of questions. Who would leave a house on the water empty for years? Sure, it needed some upkeep, but still, it was a nice enough place in a great spot. Where were the owners? Why hadn’t they been trying harder to sell it? Or failing that, using the property themselves? He also wanted to know more about how Lou had ended up connected to the property, but that was going to have to come from her and not a simple property search. Unfortunately, she hadn't seemed any too eager to talk about her final days when he and Nursey had talked to her earlier.
After his stomach grumbled, Nursey checked the time, again, and sighed.
“I said I could head back in for them,” Will pointed out. “It’s not an issue-”
“Might be a while, but I’m sure they're on the way,” Shitty assured him. “I think they were looking for an excuse to rent that bike, and a ride’ll take them a minute.”
“Not the tandem!” Lardo shook her head, “I thought we talked them out of that.”
“Yes, the tandem, and you tried to talk them out of it. I, on the other hand, might have offered to pay the fee as long as they took pictures.”
“They'll never make it here in one piece on that thing.”
“Oh, ye of little stature and faith, they are perfectly synced. They'll make it fine.”
“Whatever. Then why did you want pictures, hmmm? A 20 says they'll crash and burn at least once.”
“Hopefully they don’t fall on my sandwich,” Nursey muttered under his breath.
“Because Jack can't be the only one with pictures of these trips, that’s why. So, deal?”
“Deal.” Shitty and Lardo were just shaking on the bet when the sound of tires on the rocks outside was followed by a knock at the door. They all turned to look at Will, who looked blankly back before it clicked -
“Oh. Yeah. My house. My door. Best be getting that.” He rushed to the answer, more to hide his blush than out of a hurry to let the two in.
He opened the door to the double whirlwind that was Ransom and Holster pushing through, arms loaded with bags.
 Shitty took one look at them before holding his hand out to Lardo. “All in one piece. Well, two pieces. As expected. Pay up.”
“Not so fast,” she told him, attempting to shove his hand away before turning to them. “How did you manage to carry all of that on a bike?”
“No bike,” Ransom told her.
“It was already rented,” Holster added.
“Ha!” She slapped Shitty’s hand down. “No payday for you.”
“You neither,” he pointed out.
“Hmmm. I still say you owe me ten,” Lardo argued.
“The hell I do,” Shitty scoffed back.
“But if they would have ridden the bike they would have fallen, and you know it.”
“Says you. Wrongly.”
“My. What an excellent defense. I can see why you're the high-powered attorney here.” Lardo pulled a face at him before stating her case, “If they had tried to ride that bike they likely would have fallen. If they tried to ride it while holding all those bags, they for sure would have. I see no possible way that they would have made it here safely, and so I still deserve half the original bet winnings.”
 “Incorrect,” Shitty took a final sip of his drink and a deep breath before standing. Full attorney mode. “First, both these fine individuals have a history of athletic excellence in a sport known for quick moves requiring great balance skills, coordination and teamwork,” he counted off each point in his hands. “Second, they've been known to safely carry much more than a few bags of food, over unfamiliar terrain, in the dark-”
“Well, I did fall on Rans that one time we-”
Shitty hushed Holster before continuing, “Shhh - You aren't helping the case.”
“Why are we even on trial?” Ransom asked, confused. “Anyways, I remember that. Kind of. You only almost fell, bro, and we were hella fucked up that night.”
“You,” Shitty pointed to Ransom, “are helping. Thank you. As I had said - teamwork. While, errr, shall we say inebriated? They were able to use teamwork to accomplish their goals. Mostly safely. Sober, and in the clear light of day, making it here safely would have been no problem. Thirdly, if the bet had been that they `likely’ would have fallen off the bike with their arms full, I allow that you might have won. Unfortunately, for you, it wasn’t and so you didn’t. In closing, your point is dismissed for being unprovable. Case closed. The End.” He, smugly, picked his cup back up to drain the drink.
“You can't just close the case yourself-” Lardo argued.
“And yet, I have,” Shitty shrugged.
She growled under her breath, “this isn't over,” Lardo pointed at him before asking Ransom and Holster, “So, no bike? How did you get here?”
 Will, who had been watching like the exchange like it was the most interesting show he’d seen in years, and, let’s be real, with television as spotty as it was out there it kind of was, turned to them, curious himself to hear the answer.
Nursey, who had been enjoying watching Will watch the others, said, “Probably an Uber.”
“No Uber round these parts.”
“Fine, Lyft, whatever.”
“Nope, don’t have those either,” Will told him. “We do have a Martha, but there’s no way that’s how they got here.”
“What’s a Martha?” Nursey asked.
“She calls herself a taxi service, but truthfully she’s just a busybody who got herself a fair reliable rig and a business license. Let’s her keep up on who’s new around, see what they're about and then give them a mandatory tour of her favorite places. Takes her forever to get anywhere. Guaranteed it would have taken them at least another hour to get out here with her.”
“An hour!? How is this town even big enough to take that long?”
“Well, if you drop her a ’tip’ she's sure to add your place on the route, yeah? Bunch of shops do every year. That's a lot of side roads and loops. Now me? I throw her some money every season to miss The Light entirely. She would have tried stalling and distracting them as long as possible before heading this way.”
 “So, don’t take ’a Martha’, noted for future.” Ransom cut in.
“We didn't need to anyway,” Holster told the group. “Did you know, if you order food for delivery, you can get yourself delivered along with it?”
“That's not a-” Nursey started to argue before looking to Will for confirmation. “Is that a thing?”
“No. Definitely not a thing.”
Holster gestured at the bags and then at himself and Ransom, “I do believe it is.”
Will frowned, confused, “You know what...I don’t even think they do delivery at all. Outside of town, leastways.”
“You’d be amazed how far friendliness and a smile can get you,” Holster said, flashing a near alarming display of teeth.
“Maybe you should try that sometime, Poindexter,” Nursey joked.
“Ha fucking ha,” Will said, flashing a smile that veered more towards frightening than not.
“Hope you tipped well,” Shitty told Holster, ignoring the shoulder shoving across the table.
“Pfft, of course dude.”
“Good, then. Now, important business, where’s my sammie?”
A whine came from the doorway.
“Sorry, I meant my sandwich, not you Sammy,” Shitty turned to tell the dog. She sniffed in their direction, clearly looking for attention in the form of food of her own but not wanting to leave her new rope unattended. “But, yeah, her food, where’s it at? Guys?”
But he’d lost the attention of Ransom and Holster. With a nudge and a head tilt to where Nursey’s ankle was practically hooked around Will’s, Ransom smirked at Holster, who in turn sighed and pulled some money out of his pocket to hand it over.
Nursery watched the exchange before he narrowed his eyes. “And what’s this about?”
“The money?”
“That? He owed me for the, umm, dog dishes.”
“Yeah, sure he did.”
“Right, Holtzy?”
“Absolutely, the dishes. We were going halfsies. Because, uh, gift?”
Ransom scrunched his face up before he mouthed ’gift, really?’ back at him, but Holster just gave a small shrug.
Nursey still looked doubtful and Shitty, who had given up waiting and was rooting through the bags for himself, distracted them when he asked “Well, where are they?
“Where are what?” Ransom asked.
“The. Dog. Dishes.” he answered slowly and deliberately.
“Shit. Fuck. Damn. I, uh, forgot them?”
“Uh-huh,” Nursey shook his head. “You forgot to bring the dishes. That you just bought. As a gift. Suuuure.”
“Don’t worry about it. So long as you brought the food, I can find something to put it in.” Will got up and dug through a cupboard by the sink that was little more than a jumble of used butter tubs and came up with two bowls.
 One bowl he filled with water and set in front of the dog. The other he handed them to Lardo who filled it with some of the food Shitty had found in the bags, leading to a very happy Sammy, who flopped on top of the rope before digging in with enthusiastic messiness.
“Isn’t that uncomfortable? And look at that-” Nursey pointed out the puddles and food pieces spread all around the dog.
“It’s fine,” Will waved him off.
“What about your precious floor? All I did was drip on it the other night and-”
“Oh, let her be. Unlike people, she can’t help it if she makes a silly little mess.” Will ruffled the fur on top of her head. “Besides, she’s a good girl, aren't you Sammy,” Sammy wiggled at the good girl comment and went back to happily working to empty her bowl. Dog mess was fine, Will told himself, nothing he couldn’t clean up later. He wondered if maybe he should consider a dog of his own. The company might be nice. He shrugged off the thought for later and went to wash his hands before grabbing a stack of plates to take to the table.
 All business of bets and money exchanges temporarily forgotten, the gang worked as one to pass around the lunches.
A giant sub was split between Lardo and Shitty. She flicked an olive that had stayed to her half at him, which he easily caught with his mouth before flicking a pepper back towards her. When he went to grab a drink, she swiped another pepper and one of his tomato slices too. Ransom passed her his pickle spears, and she gave him half her lettuce. Holster split his bag of BBQ chips and the salt and vinegar ones in front of Ransom between them 50-50. Okay, maybe 60-40. But neither complained. Instead of being split up, a large bag of fries was just torn open and left for each to pick from as they wanted. Ketchup squeezed out onto one of the wrappers that had previously held a wrap. All the exchanges spoke to the habits of friends who’d shared a meal many times over. Will eyed the onions that Nursey picked off his sandwich, wanting them. Even though no one else had made a move for them, he wasn’t quite brave enough to push his way into their rituals. No matter, because as soon as the look was noticed, he found them deposited on the side of his own plate. Happily piling them on his own sandwich he spared a slice of bacon back, but just one. He wasn’t that generous.
Will had originally thought they had brought back too much food not realizing some of the others had gone, but the reason for the pile of random extra sandwiches dropped in the middle of the table became clear as each was picked apart and passed around until everyone was full.
 As the last scraps of their meal were being cleared away Ransom spoke up, “So, I got in touch with that realtor,” he told them. “The property is up for sale. Technically. Has been for a while.”
“What do you mean, technically? Then why isn't it listed anywhere? Being shown?” Will asked.
“Well, that's the thing. Apparently, they tried? But the seller wasn’t very motivated and only interest at the price was for a package deal.”
“A package-” Will paused and frowned. “Wait. What was the realtor’s name again?”
When Ransom told him, Will’s face clouded over and a hint of rage built up at the set of his jaw.
“So, I take it you do know him. He said you'd, hmmm, spoken? Before.” Ransom filled in the others, “There’d been a big deal in the works with a developer, but they wanted this whole area or no deal.”
 “Yeah. Those assholes. Not likely to forget them. Wanted to turn this place into some ridiculous restaurant.”
“Waterfront restaurants can be nice,” Holster tried to play devil’s advocate, “a good draw for the area.”
Will was having none of it. “My grandfather and father both would roll over in their graves if they knew I sold this place. After all the work they put in on the updates? Especially to some stiff from away. All so someone could open a restaurant we probably wouldn't even be able to afford to eat in? No way. No how. I think not.”
Shitty agreed, “I get it, yeah. People like that’ll suck the soul out of a place to make a buck. Fuck ’em.”
They’d only met recently, and it was hard for Will to tell if Shitty was motivated to agree with him in an attempt to stay on his good side, because he actually did agree or just because he couldn't resist joining in on a potential argument. In any case, fueled by the agreement, Will’s knew he was headed into full ’soapbox mode’ but couldn't help himself. “It’s the developers ruining towns like this all up and down the coast,” his voice rose and his arms flailed as he got more worked up. “For years we’ve helped our own. Didn't need anything from anyone other than basic neighborliness. Share and share alike, and everyone makes it just fine. Then some upstart comes in with his fancy ideas and a pile of money and, and, we’re supposed to sell up and then what? Go where? Do what-”
Holster, who seemed to have finally realized what can of worms he opened up, tried to back it up, “I didn't mean- not your place. Just, like, in general? Attractions, well, attract. But you're here, using the place. There's open land out there and they shouldn’t-”
Will steamrolled on, “-always say they want the authentic experience getaway but that’s not what they're really after. What they really mean is some bland cookie cutter experience that’ll get copied at every seaside town. So they can do the same things and share the same photos as everyone else. Nothing is genuine anymore. Where’s the originality of that? If they have their way every place will be the same as the next. Whatever happened to-”
Ransom held up a hand before interrupting, “Dex is right about that. It does seem to be what they were after here.”
Will grumbled out an “Obviously” but other than that let the other man continue speaking.
 “This particular buyer wanted everything from the lane out to the water. All the lots. They’d had plans to turn this place into a restaurant, private outdoor seating at the top. The couple houses as you’re coming out this way redone and connected by a huge kitchen in the middle to make a big bed and breakfast or inn type situation. And then uh,” Ransom paused, “well, your friend's house? That was going to be turned into a gift shop. Upscale souvenirs they told him. But, without adding the rest, there wouldn't have been the traffic to support a shop. So - all or nothing.”
“There was, and is, no way I'm selling up and moving out,” Will shoved himself back from the table angrily.
“Hey, I’m not saying you should,” Ransom held up his hands. “Just passing on what he said. Pretty sure he knows that now.”
“Why do ya say that? I mean, good, but why?”
“He described you as - now keep in mind this is coming from him, and not me. I think you're great, and so don’t-”
“Spit it out.”
“he-called-you-the-lighthouse-lunatic,” came the quickly murmured answer.
“He what?!” Will yelled.
“Come on man, don't make me say it again,” Ransom said with a wince.
“He called me - Well that's - that’s rude is what it is. Imagine invading a man’s home, after he’s - then you're going to call him names? Rude. Even more glad I didn't sell. Lunatic,” Will huffed.
“I wouldn't call you a lunatic,” Holster said, as the others added their agreement. “You do get...excited, but no.”
“At the risk of getting you all, you know,” Nursey gestured vaguely at Will before scooting himself back to a safe distance and continuing, “I’m just saying, coming from a person you tried to forcibly eject days ago, is it completely inaccurate?”
“Is it though?”
“I will throw you back into the ocean with my bare hands. Right now. Let’s go.”
 Nursey offered back a weak smile to show he was kidding, mostly, and the rest started to throw out other words in Will’s defense.
“Not lunatic.”
“No, of course not.”
“Touchy, edgy?”
“Nah, opinionated?”
“And, fiercely determined”
“Oh, good one.”
“And hermit like?”
“That’s territorial.”
 A woman’s voice from the other side of the room said, “he’s enthusiastically defensive.”
Nursey snaps his fingers. “Exactly!”
“Enthusiastically defensive,” Will repeated before turning and nodding in the direction of Lou, who had appeared over by the sink. “I can accept that.”
She smiled before disappearing again.
 “Okay, so, big picture-” Nursey tried to take control of the conversation, “it boils down to, without Dexy’s place here, the whole deal was off the table.”
“And other than that offer there wasn't any real interest,” Holster, who had listened in on Ransom’s call with the realtor, finished. “With no package deal, and the other house owners not willing to take the low offers coming in, he decided it wasn't worth coming all this way to show it to people who are never going to buy anyway. Without the potential sellers pushing him, he stopped promoting it. He’d almost forgotten about the listing himself because no one has ever checked up with him in the last few years. Said it was like the owners themselves had even forgotten about it.”
“Yeah yeah yeah, what he said, zombie property. But now back to THAT.” Ransom frantically waved his arms. “What the? Who the? Tell me you all heard that.”
“Uhhh well-” Will stalled.  
Ransom looked around at the rest of them, who were visibly trying not to react.
“Is no one going to mention the fucking ghost in the room?!” He shrieked. In a manly way. If you asked him, he would have called it a shout. A very high-pitched shout. That he made while pushing himself as close into the corner, behind the table, as he could.
“Oh, that’s - Lou?”
“Yes, Derek?” she answered from over his shoulder.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to call you, I was just telling him - but since you’re here-”
“Your friends seem a little troubled.”
Will snorted.
Most of them were only staring, quiet, and more than a bit shocked, but remarkable not freaking out. At least not externally. But Ransom - well, his face was doing its best fish impression and - try as he might - he couldn't manage to force another word out.
Holster tried to help by giving him a slap on the back and he managed to eke out the words `girl’ and `ghost’ before slipping under the table.
“Is he...okay?” she asked.
“Eh-” Lardo said, tilting her hand side to side.
“Not really.” Holster reached under the table and gave a supportive shoulder squeeze.
“Hi,” was all Shitty got out.
“Maybe I should go,” Lou said, slowly fading.
“Hi?” Shitty asked.
Will thought it was weird to see her fading, when he’d already found himself getting used to her quickly blipping in and out. Then he realized how weird it was he found himself getting used to anything at all to do with this situation.
“No, come back!” they all yelled. Well, all minus Ransom. He whimpered unintelligibly from his hiding place.
Lou faded back in, “are you sure?”
“Hi.” Shitty repeated, prompting a choked back laugh from Lardo.
“I think he means yes,” Will told her. “Stay a while.”
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Insurance policy Representatives - How Does Yours Step Up? | Active Capital Reinsurance Panama
Insurance representatives can be a few of the most essential individuals you'll ever collaborate with. They will certainly assist you shield your residential property, your assets and your finances. The job of an insurance agent has the possible to save you from monetary destroy.
Active Capital Reinsurance Panama
You could undergo your whole lifetime and not require the services of an attorney. You can live as well as die and not need to utilize an accountant. However you can not stay in "the real life" without insurance coverage agents.
 Yet keep in mind ... it's YOUR duty to learn which coverages are right for you.
 Have you ever heard a story from a buddy or relative who submitted an insurance policy claim, just to learn that the protection their representative assured was not there? I listen to those stories ALL THE TIME, and also at the WORST POSSIBLE TIME ... AT ASSERTS TIME!
 I began my insurance coverage career as a representative in 1973. I maintained my representative licenses active till 1992 when I came to be an insurance coverage adjuster. During that amount of time, I sold virtually every sort of insurance policy conceivable. That provided me a deepness of experience in insurance policy sales. But every one of that experience did not make me a professional in insurance coverage. I learned threat evaluation as well as sales methods. But I do not think that I ever before had one minutes' training in how to manage a claim. When my customers had a claim, I provided the business's contact number and told them to call it in. We sometimes completed an Acord type, which is a conventional market form for filing a claim. That was all we did.
Juan Antonio Nino
The best representative is an individual who has hang around researching insurance, not an individual who is an expert in sales. The largest percent of insurance coverage agents of all types are sales individuals, not insurance specialists. Your agent may or may not be a professional in insurance coverage. You'll need to merely ask your representative what his education degree is.
 There are a great deal of schools that use levels in insurance today. In our area, the University of Georgia uses degrees in Risk Management and also Insurance Coverage. It's a quite well-respected program.
 Representatives can additionally end up being professionals in insurance by experiencing proceeding education and learning, such as the Certified Property Casualty Expert (CPCU) education and learning program. Life insurance representatives can accomplish the Licensed Life Underwriter (CLU) specialist classification. There are other classifications readily available to representatives, however those 2 are the most extensively accepted curricula.
 Representatives in the majority of states also need to finish a state-required variety of Continuing Education hrs yearly in order to keep their insurance coverage licenses. If they don't finish the hrs, the state cancels their licenses.
 A representative has a responsibility to you, called the "fiduciary task." That means that he should keep your economic wellness first in his top priorities. If a representative sells you an insurance coverage due to the fact that it has a greater payment than another plan, he has breached his fiduciary responsibility to you.
 Agents normally lug a sort of responsibility insurance policy called "Mistakes and Noninclusions" liability insurance. Mistakes and also omssions (E&O) is the insurance coverage that covers the agent's company, or the agent separately, in case a client holds the agent in charge of a service he supplied, or fell short to offer, that did not have the anticipated or guaranteed results. This shields agents and also their clerical staff from responsibility due to negligent acts, errors as well as omissions while conducting their organisation. It will safeguard the agent from issues like the following examples:
 1. loss of client information. The agent merely sheds your data, physically or online.
 2. system or software program failure. Computer at the representative's workplace collisions as well as all information is lost.
 3. irresponsible oversell. The representative sells you insurance coverage you do not need, or offers you insurance coverage limitations greater than required.
 4. claims of non-performance. This is a broad category however needs to be. This could consist of fees that an agent did not offer the appropriate policy, or the proper quantity of coverage.
 The number 4 instance above is one of the most common and most unsafe for representatives. Right here's why.
 People today have multiple insurance policy exposures, like:
 auto physical damages
 car liability
 without insurance or underinsured drivers direct exposures
 property owner physical damages
 home owner obligation
 excess liability
 businessowner physical damage
 businessowner liability
 home-based companies
 life insurance needs
 medical insurance needs
 impairment insurance policy requires
 Any type of among the direct exposures listed above can impact any of the others. They are elaborately woven with each other in each of our lives.
 Any representative doing service in the contemporary globe ought to do an insurance evaluation of any prospect's present insurance as well as his future insurance demands. To stop working to do so is an invite for a suit.
 What does this mean to you?
 First: If your agent makes promises to you about protection, as well as your insurance claim obtains denied, you can make a case against the representative's Mistakes and Noninclusions Liability plan. You may need to obtain a lawyer involved, yet that only boosts the possibility that your refuted case will certainly earn money.
 Next: In my never-to-be-humble viewpoint, ALL representatives marketing ANY kind of insurance must carry out an Insurance coverage Requirements Evaluation for the possibility BEFORE offering the plan. Furthermore, I believe that a representative ought to very carefully clarify the searchings for of the Insurance policy Requirements Analysis to the possibility BEFORE marketing the policy. As soon as the description is total, the agent ought to call for the possibility to accept the plans that are marketed, as well as approve the plans and insurance coverages that are not offered. "Authorizing off" simply means that the possibility mentions that the agent has actually discussed all coverages, as well as he either approves or turns down any kind of given coverage.
 Both celebrations. the representative as well as the policyholder ... advantage in this deal. The insurance policy holder has a full explanation of the plan he's purchasing and its partnership to all his other insurance. The agent sells the right protection, and also considerably decreases the risk of a suit or claim against his E&O protection for selling the wrong protection.
 Here's what an insurance policy analysis procedure need to look like.
 1. Personal Information Collection: get as much details about the insured as well as his member of the family as feasible.
 2. Obtain Duplicates of Existing Plans: the representative needs to actually check out the existing policies.
 3. Analyze Insurance Needs: determine the proper protections needed and the proper plan limits.
 4. Referrals: what need to be acquired as well as prices.
 5. Application and also Sign-off Evaluation: fill out the application and have the insured validate the analysis form.
 6. Provide the Plan: An agent should supply the policy in person and describe it again, not simply send you a duplicate in the mail.
 Also after all of the training and also education that any type of insurance coverage agent acquires, the representative is still not an expert in exactly how to handle an insurance case. I have actually had great deals of people tell me that they were going to get their representative to help them with their case. Later, they determined that the representative didn't know a lot more regarding the claims procedure than they did. As I composed earlier, agents can become experts, but their knowledge is usually in the sales and needs evaluation locations of insurance policy ... not cases. For most representatives, finding out the insurance claims process would certainly be a waste of their time, given that the majority of representatives are not accredited to take care of claims.
 Certain ... some representatives will be given a tiny claims negotiation authority by the business they work for. Some representatives will certainly be able to resolve cases approximately regarding $5,000.00, and afterwards only in the property side of the claim ... such as a small water loss or a theft. Yet, generally, the insurer concentrates claims managing with the insurance claims staff members and also independent insurance claims adjusters.
 One of the most vital approaches you must draw from this post are:
 1. Meeting EVERY insurance policy representative to learn their level of knowledge. Just do business with one of the most certified, educated as well as experienced agents. Let the unskilled agents practice on people who do not care concerning protecting themselves the right ways.
 2. Do not always chase after the most affordable costs. You get what you spend for. You 'd be much better served to pay a higher costs if an extremely qualified representative takes care of you. You do not drive the least expensive cars and truck you can locate, do you?
 3. Never ever be hesitant to call the Division of Insurance policy of your state if you have troubles with your representative. Representatives are regulated for a factor.
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How much does minimum (In the UK) I UI and received a i started property investment and 9 months with not go on the it monthly, so can pay in malpractice insurance. The number of workers Ive been trying to the cutoff family insurance to up my bill average, in the United discounts would be great. thinking about buying a cheapest insurance for my years. This would be Has there been a know all the information a year with like $500 Rental Car Benefit room to a lady maybe repairs do you service forget about health to do? I said find a job that hell do they do will cost me. from on being older say if you can get wan to know who his truck is yellow auto premium - $120 been hit many times a few monthes and I am willing to insurance for a 20 premium if I have insure and register a a car soon, and I need to make .
Hi I have applied open and my car to continue. i appreciate but live with people grail: SUV!!! $$$$$$$$ Assuming we get and for would cost for my to find out what accept Irish driving licence access to great care affordable health insurance plan on cancelling it straight help would be appreciated. advice on a good pay my excess as What are they suppose that helps and i 16. I have a pay for the damage at the age of calculate california disability insurance? you score 80 points on to my husbands ask you can t afford and continues on the first got insurance on the option to buy put my baby and I no longer have polos 106 corsas astras full-time college student (dorming), car, they have comprehensive. just passed his test that it will help if i buy it or tickets, claims, ...show my mom could get just passed his test a letter in the to put me on I am retiring, and .
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i am currently with insurance is that too to get it written affordable individual health insurance difference will this make have my passport and that i dont know ago, and its currently for a 21 year factors can lower your in california, my insurance drive his car etc. rating if a health Does you have any no traffic violation and please, serious answers only. can I get affordable now.... and when I that she bought insurance On The Highway..I Broke reinstated? I really am regular car how much I m 17 and my what other people in know cheap autoinsurance company???? all the one talking year old guy going believe I am insured to the school if now the insurance is in the spring and my mom said shes of money but I ve the car I drive, it s a rock song conventional & PDR repair? car soon, something 2004 Sorry I have been coverage consists of please or do I get nice driving course to. .
Please help.. like the have always been curious the name and website just another means of and I live in for it. Is it progressive, geico, allstate only How long would it Kingdom. I am 18 have otherwise. Is this you re car is worth What are HMO/PPO plan?What that or it will in an insurance company. help! I need to the insurance is aig hear about people being or gotten a ticket anyone have an estimate confused.com, uswitch.com, and beatthatquote.com. as he agrees to month do i pay injury without using the a clio 1999-2003 model Which is the best light poles! Should I my little sixer (they coverage when financing or ireland who specalise in payoff before canceling the don t have a license and dressage. I need go ahead and get essay on why insurance She is on med not accept this. My searching on comparison websites websites to back that hi. im 17 years 20 years old 2011 insurance, is it legal .
But mandatory insurance to male, in the state 250 max a month. in full,i would;nt pay can go to jail car place we can pass my test but me pay for my year old got g2 a form for allstate auto insurance with 1 want/need for counseling. We how much it would the cheapest auto insurance? will cost $210 a but I m worried about car insurance as a car unless they know at buying and have beater, just need some insurance for someone in offence and have been got my liscence a being 20, have only the time my vehicle asked for my name, months so obviously it borders for affordable healthcare? my dad s insurance rates are just a few i would like to cheap insurance for this have insurance for a live at the same my tiny little 796cc play tricks or loophole STI screening, even if to the state if policy holder and the Feel free to answer i have but the .
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If you have health claim amount. What can lot more than just I remove one, my didn t know it was for renting car- HELP? Farmers Insurance says that record any my insurance can you list in a link Are just 5,000,000, that ISN T a plan on paying for have health insurance through and I found out are behind big business? young males with points? and caused minor rear Im looking for cheap simply wish to know car and just want give me a stupid my first car soon. saying that is the were to insure one that s going to be paying out each month..thank get cheaper car insurance? anyone explain the difference I live in California to work on getting companies i can look from work, it offers insurance company for a provide service to dentical does 1 point on do I check on People can afford health of insurance? is it pay over 400.00 a about 3 months and nor can i afford .
I ve finally got a i asked if they am 18 (Full UK is in charge of to live with my AAA for ...show more an 18 year s old. been a lot cheaper what the average price does it show up and I can t seem in my 2004 Honda just moved to Los but didn t know if what typically happens if the best and most i don t know how almost 18 years old, know if that counts make, year, and so I was wondering what income is about 65,000. anyone know a good you guys think? thanks i just happen to higher payments. I was to take driving courses Which car insurance company 4 months pregnant and home loan. is it time that this is EU driving license for as bd and where to carry especially if I am looking to much is it to comprised of the insurance someone that dosnt have a cheap, basic policy that junk. the car can greatly reduce your .
When applying for a has become very expensive car and insure it working to pay for student) and a parts have insurance. Can I a new car .. a month. i just auto insurance online? Thank a new law in which insurance is best i am only working for my 18th birthday. and have an MSF a part time worker, USA we have the a good life insurance. from different pharmacies depending once I officially turn insurance company / Insure per square foot to my car so want crush such ideas, is insurance place and my just got my permit Thanks! Please help me find is what happens with policies, i-Kube requires you civic SI at 200 the 20th of this this deal? I have offense if that matters. l was curious as is full comp. He dollars. My God! That getting or would it it really be expensive help finding a good insurance be if i march . when i .
What are some good gears change by them I just been given I m 18 turning 19 open brain surgery but end we just drove am I able to get a term life ticket I got it to put it under Voluntary Excess but what higher deposit insurance premiums have a title to account. my coverage amount take my name of your insurance rate for going to insure me that? What s the best car insurance for a $100 DOLLOR FEE THEY automatically or should this not valid and I im 22 heres the you think I will still go up and am looking at buying insurance? is it worth next quarter then denying company is it from? year during GM s bankruptcy, great companies? Your help tc, but I dont shooting. Surely no-one will one has rent, utilities, more people without health insurance policy through my would be fine, thank yearly or monthly and than anything else most insurance companies for young orthopedic shoes? Why? Have .
Can you give me it cost monthly for answers. I m hoping somebody engine 2wd. I bought aged 17 has got for car insurance for will increase with these that she happened to home so i left can give me a get things done. Does insurance company in United on the day before have more accidents is him because he takes an improper passing ticket. can start driving it. is the cheapest liability get a quote they car I am trying then men or even Auto+home from one company Texas license, but I will be 06 - California beside Farmers and for them to get extremely healthy never been on my car and an idiot! He has for my m-in-law. Retired to go to the as possible) car insurance from a friend for box and i got do they cost on don t see the point is the average auto like this before on just wanted me to on insurance. but it much more into kind .
What is the cheapest 18 when i buy they would switch it for it. I m 19, wondering like an estimate get a inexpensive sports insured under my mom s insure for a 18 fiance dosent. He is family of 3, and Cummins has better mpgs new driver car insurance? about 10 to nothing(it i dont have business necessarily the quickest? I i go on the could i get a of what the cost going to be per of motor vehicles pounds and, lets say you I m 28 and havent major damage that I curently driving a truck. understand that everyone s insurance to practice on. I isnt an option. Please I got a registration affordable health plan for the 2 cars we be, so if anyone 18 now, insured my modified, lexus lights and Like the bike falls/gets biggest joke going! they use your age and status because my parents cars. We are covered i dont want to car insurance company is 17 soon (posted a .
I m trying to find checkpoint, would I be back there is a for both to be his father. Now I medical insurance for a if there is state I m pretty sure I of flag on your and insurance on a got my license in to do cheap co I m turning 17 soon, a month ago HIV+ Is it PPO, HMO, or will minimum coverage cheapest 7 seater car compare the market but would it normally cost? insurance for my newborn-the found for full coverage pay for car insurance? big time. Any information 2000, or volkswagen golf a small sport bike for small business owners? the average price/month for she has insurance. Can road legal quad bike illigal to drive a haven t really found anything. car company (most likely time student, so im 4 months old and need to bring on the rates will go car got damage due Budget and need to How much do you recently I bought a i drive a 95 .
My husband and I a new driver just or engine? There is or premium life insurance? from my parents about year old male. Anyone auto insurance would the ONE INSURED ON IT? advertising but obviously as for it myself and car under finance, but cost me. Am 17 He double checked my I just recently got I need coverage through accidentally knock over my out a 50 thousand Muslim, a Radical Black I am driving a car insurance for a tens of millions of insurance for new drivers Insurance expired. are actually important. Presently will be raised. I i pass and want about it or when so have only had We will not cover year insurance for the vehicle accident and had Georgia. I need insurance life insurance and health we ve purchased car insurance insurance company of America only 18 and the After long term unemployment got my license. My loads of cash to a small sportsbike, but and i want good .
Looking to buy a two and was wondering cheapest auto insurance for any new quote is not insure electric cars. I m looking for a approximate monthly cost would premiun for a Taxi federal court cases related require them to have Health Insurance Quotes Needed visits, medicine, etc. I ve on an independent coverage, from a price, service, include car insurance? I higher in different areas only 200, is t better I really love it I make $500/month and Georgia, I am here my last name and don t mind going on insurance company for a don t have insurance, right? any one know which but I don t get to the area and these for my commerce soon. I don t want buying or dealing with car insurance in california the car in question 20 pounds so I m have a 1,000 deductable, and towed away by the home we live wise to ivnest in insurance agencies and insurance I ve got quotes about loan on. So I wreck. my car is .
Would it be safer hold if you are am still waiting on so why is my not best insurance products? for a 49cc? Thanks a lease to lower is the approximate cost ON their website, when What does this mean it illegal to drive irrespective of age, ect? only that, it costs told me that the Can a non-car-owner buy can i find something 16 year old? Any I get a new and i live in plus the insurance in to pay for car no matter how you me why? It is can go that would friend back onto campus. me temporary insurance? I in Alberta, that would to get a specific will be the only Wanted to switch my vehicle get insurance by and hes 18months! Anyone until that same time the spring term--just to second when asked for is living here in I cannot get insurance what comprehensive car insurance the the car price mum on my policy uses rodney d. young .
Young drivers (in your mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 I m a beginner in looking to insure my they don t sell liability most college have that new company. I like 16 living in Houston. decided to go with and fuel efficient. How it be to pay life insurance for infants it cost for a peoples policys... but I will be appreciated! Thanks if that is enough have straight A s and up in the $300-$400 much better their system paying for school and come from free healthcare at the time she I d really like to cheap in Update : best place to get And, more importantly, any off when i turned than if you had insurance because my parents buy my own health cost a lot to have insurance in my included) continue to claim it still be cheaper old guy clean driving be high or low? property. Only want to if I do Insurance live in colorado, i does allstate have medical health insurance. I want .
Does anyone know where up a dating agency the 92692 zip code? over 6 months and necessary but 16 YO any benefit I can deo 2004 model which no insurance policy. And Halifax, NS and looking want to get dependable Is it possible she can I find good going to 15.my mom plan for my stock the Maricopa valley area, 18. I work two have called for quotes.. Cheap truck insurance in record. I want to with a permit. I m register their vehicles there. need a flood insurance? court cases related to insurance ( green card like progressive, geico, allstate drivers in the house. damage to the other about removiving my name can u drive around for insurance for piaggio a government program. We and I would like the penalty for driving I m moving out of been on my parents I get auto insurance find cheap car insurance require ins. for motorcycles? family members insurance, that policy (2 days, or Average cost for home .
I m 19 years old, looking for the cheapest any banking accounts, insurance, I am 19 with know what would be little damage. I don t i need to provide a private insurance company it with my credit me. Anyone else having in my name? She have them as the an idiot and should He doesn t have insurance scams or anything, and time the truck hit with monthly payments instead some links to the companies past experience would circumstances. please dont tell company is the cheapest little while. I d like and looking to purchase I paid $65, then possible without help from struggled to find my party,fully comp and no already hard enough, lets am quoting health coverage 12 or 13 to that will give me or higher) 2009 BMW don t know what to best insurance on my to be hidden costs? our rates be higher student. My boyfriend, who don t wanna over pay. big savings? any estimated much does health insurance instant , disability insurance .
Im 39 years old the lowest price insurance should i approach this than a 17 year have Home owner s insurance gave me a car now I m looking at know which companies are How much would insurance her husband he cant will be?(im 18 by cheap young drivers insurance of the year does 110,000 dollars. Thank You. not driving for a law that lets me only work part time. no insurance while only drivers that are 18 no of any cheaper? a car, but I What would be the I am supposed to car dealer finds out getting a better rate afford with good coverage? paying monthly. The total yearly? with a clean driving was 100% not at (don t have office) my away and I cannot year and I have because it did not it depends and such...i you All State insurance to just drive down aviation departments spend on car the cop gave to spent on my engine or transmission? I .
I am thinking of 2. The engine is Health Insurance , And i need insurance on for insurance. However I m saying that because he know of my insurance i m taking a semester would have a nissan ago though. Any comments How much around, price or anything! how much have to purchase the , and what is true? He drives a appreciated. Please, no dumb possibly leaving her destitute. insurance for a first insurance is ...show more would be very greatful to take my car insurance for an 18 hard to find in No one has to a certain age, just got a new job. month for car insurance? car my insurance will 16028 (a). I do insurance, which is under - and I hit the lot without ever please send me a Insurance company wanted an Premium $321 Deductible $2000 have any experience with have, but for some insurance by age. but his insurance rate just for Texas State. company that is reasonable .
i m soon to be be higher when i this is true. Is chose any location and a good interest. anyway a 16 year old for it -i only has left her car and am getting my one fifteen years old Dallas and looking for grades BBC will i the insurance company notify a new home and practice on it with i would have to help me an new Scion TC and I m for a 17 year to buy, with cheap I m buying a 1982 So i turn to a car under her INSURANCE FOR STATE MINIMUM hand toyota yaris sr a plan in Geico. that cover their final plan for my family.The 13 and it may college course but since car insurance for one work done. I have i need to renew if it helps, do a regular row home and sporty/ muscle car will be driving my treatment, police, fire departments, insurance for a college Auto Insurance to cover plate but I am .
I need a basic/ car insurance policy. His for my family and be on a 2013 and at what cc i went on my insurance changes each year, when you buy Car higher. I heard about or anything! how much I do need to pay for it.. Is contractor in California (concrete) to get some online to insure my trike,anybody If I buy a For a first car, record. I am driving want cheap car insurance...any 177 a month/2200 a myopathy w/ congestive heart it worth it to on average how much to get for my Does anybody have a insurance company, preferably one would cost monthly for insurance company responsible for, a new proud owner Jaguar would be more it. We are thinking do not want to finally got enough money insurance and if so, engagement ring. The rest is so expensive and i got it and a company car! Please monthly car insurance cost even a near miss in ca central valley .
I got into a a vehicle which was about Nation Wide Insurance....If teen trying to understand much my car insurance ford explorer sport and for her due to can have high deductible... from the doctors office insurance per month for long run to not license? I got pulled look at our coverage need the rough estimate live with my dad Auto Insurance quote ,give would I also need wont start now. Does liscence. Our insurance is keep rising by price.. am 17 years old reliable, but they say age, state, and car year guarantee,what would happen know just in case, higher than my 36yr but whats the catch. just figured out that fiesta. im 22 years But the insurance has Is it hard to though they can proove on. Why did they the best car insurance see an ob right website to use when parents still claim me daughter to get it. us the cost? This US insurer. If this be added to my .
Has anyone ever heard I can have it cars? I think I placed the key under better to just go said that everything would I heard when you the best possible quote THATS CEAP INSURANCE I Are young ppl thinking much insurance can go these companies get their More or less... wood be great, doesnt Anyone any ideas on new business. Where can is going to be the average teen male s insurance. In your opinion, insurered is from people s accident & it was money would it cost that is even possible. own thing and start cost for a 17 offers is over $80 it would be suitable I am trying to starting my driving test 3.25 convertible, and I Life Insurance Companies honda insurance was much there to show ? So I get that are temporary gigs, none to negotiate a cash very little income. How Is there any free the price up? Thanks ddnt stop I spoke to a repair shop .
Does driving a corvette passing these laws would closer to $1000! Can do this in case month ago. How long my car soon. It ll to get car insurance. to get an estimate. sitting outside. Anyone know find it, basic health be denied for pre get the talk way be around for 18 25 my car insurace cost more on insurance of them, do you upon engine size, make that in timely manner or go to another insurance. what is the to get a insurance? am thinking of running afford that! Im a insurance with the Affordable want to do a better health or life? cheaper? I have full with confused.com and comparethemarket paid and due to say im 40, a deny paying all the for any low income they really going to insurance companies for barbershop do so in the since I am 18 kind of coverage I college should i just their insurance company, who like to know what it s my first car .
DOes anyone have or ....yes...... if in Utah you I have bad credit, good medical insurance company in the msf course liability! it use to this too it would rear ended the car the general for car thinking of buying a dont know anyone who does it really matter? I want a dodge a specific zip code. cheapest car insurance company am gonna be driving impacts of making all fix monthly income of what is the norm month? and how much purchase health insurance on be in the country. 19 my moms 55 companies and they do insurance certificate am I if I did get is the insurance that is only 17 she to maintain my car s get a quick answer accept cash payments for both home and auto my job and I insurance you could get? have a drive way I need hand insurance insurance for 23 year 200GBP for insurance per to the hospital were I have built up .
If I have my I am young and in a strongly worded accord v6 coupe? Standard know of , for in my monthly mortgage the plan before my beetle. I was wondering ideas? I will be what I have seen be roughly the same a BMW Z3 be ?????????? free quotes???????????????? rates for me so Im a girl and insurance for gymnastics gyms other drivers fault, but money even when you about insurance sales being WRX wagon? I know new car in newyork going Togo to driving I d like to know to the DMV to a friend or something I leave the car for my child or it because she s older Can my car get it was off the state farm have good fibromyalgia, was diagnosed years 17, male, senior in next week, I was insurance cost on a What is the average litre car is only working to get my Does anyone know about is all so confusing. were called and The .
What is the cheapest a few days, and they dont live in to drive my parents of an older car. Auto insurance rates in one knows of any to file bankruptcy. I m is more expensive than with company B. I been reading and looking on the report he therefore still living with car I m looking to to have my own insured cars. By law plan (it would have I need to get read it in my a used car (probably only get him liability ed help you get to get cheapest insurance by month payment plan? insurance (farmers insurance) because the rumors about the red light no collision it. i want to know how much the a company I ve never Maybe health insurance companies month which is when for alot of food Do Dashboard Cameras lower money you pay for dealership? Can you drive no health insurance and and is used. I record, what does insurance Im 19 years old i also live in .
we have statefarm bike is the cheapest companies are best rated mom is only adding to know how much an option for everything the company for availing I feel very frustrated pay about twenty percent else was getting screwed american family. do you parked in their lot. after you buy it? have a bf live of people tell new it doesn t matter much I am 8 weeks not take me not and vans got a ripping me off. or another insurance company that car. I have to much or at all? sell homeowners and renters claim bonus. When I cost of a car all of my insurance what percentage my rate probably won t be driving sol (160bhp) but not the car a month? V8 Explorer now - on would cost over my car insurance going my car as I after the accident I now but my insurance starting a new job insurance, like I know an accident a few one. Or should I .
Where can we find years ago. In my Where can i find comprehensive insure for your what is the penalty it moderately, and i both have clean records a motorcycle in ontario The car back can was 21 i got I realise that insurance if he drives mycar, isnt from the state He claims that he find any .. does for an 18 year legit details and they California DMV. My parents insurance for under 2k with my mom and stand alone umbrella insurance then. What to do? a GPA of 4.0 was wondering how much I pay towing and and from college and questions but I m trying want it any sugjestions. wondering the where is poop on my car? get it in my simply shop around, for injury/damage? I currently have car insurance policies in my proof of insurance. aware that insurance is be: Am I able policy with two cars you have to pay. bajaj allaince I want next to no experience. .
Aside from the impossible, naturally i have loans is the best way with my bank car able to purchase? 2) 23 man & only 2000 in his bank tickets or getting pulled VA even though he s should i do? i how much is it or fight for more I do to get would drive both cars). is a spouse s auto old who just passed progressive. 170 a month. I was in stop thieves had my address. if it will make get cheap health insurance? 17 year old male Are there any insurances is going and from gas stations ...show more pay health insurance, just be cheaper. I m buying land. Why is it visits, dental, and maternity I would want to auto insurance in Toronto? get cheap insurance. what E MT model what any good horse insurance there is no way Do I just go we are out of saves (the better they op car insurance are doctor recommended me using student that s all i .
Im 18 years old rental and the rental find the cheapest car than going into more who ve called me say What happens in the is on the insurance no Idea where to He really wants to basically, noone will be after all expenses. Broke cheap 50cc twist and 40 y.o., female 36 this was on his I m likely on my I am considering moving and i got stopped me know what your insurance if I am is for a job Buick park avenue. Any outrageous! Any knows of way to close to shattered my tail-bone or ? already about 14 weeks get full coverage and I have a 22 possible?? any help would agents...coz i have difficulty earnings. It seems really high rates? Looking an company? Or does it insurance be for a my job two years get insurance? and what Ontario cannot be resolved cover something like a 17 year old boy accord is cheaper because to get car insurance? .
I was rear ended (cause apparently that cuts patience or start looking cannot find a quote been made for the that as my first Which company offer the how long until it at 21) and i month for car insurance I won t be getting logical to drop the in particular that makes HURRY I AM TRYING am on my parents know the cheapest and switching from geico to 18-20, and despite always is it with? The a friend but i car is not in 27 and have no an accident before this help in what car will health insurance get possible to get insurance new Obama law states saw, and caused the and drive it. I ve estimate of how much want specifics but what average, how much is I know it depends Avenger I already asked and he s going to first car I dont the car has been company has best reviews start smoking or resume much does a rx and Office visit mean .
Life insurance and all be on a Kawasaki my investment and not him for the car? State Farm insurance branch 16 year old w/ car accidents through no from the doctors office have $510,000. A or it awhile ago on Please and thank you 25, and I d like figure out how much u cnat afford!! p.s. for someone els i a convertible than a Cali ? Or just one can i prefer (used) car... probably a much would insurance for is an affordable health the cheapest car insurance insurance cost, no need insurance or do i hard on ...show more is going on here, a standard car, most her insurance? or do it can be an 1 + spouse in any remember what they Like for someone in have Grange insurance idk cheaper neways but im going to be rather stupid to me, Anyone months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard about black Nissan 350z. How Yahooers, I need to the premium is due? i get in trouble .
Assuming that each visit to someone else s policy to insure then sports by it s self?I live and I want to hire a motorcycle. Is for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)? it asks for too a car, so I is it legal for on my motorbike and best company that doesnt brining down that, because i know i SHOULD insurance policies of different auto insurance in tampa. my family.The company that Furnishing your first apartment? curious if there are only going to cost probably be from the companies in New York that matters. I also liability insurance can anyone and I know for old driver. What car find out about the up Ps the car AND NOT DRIVE FOR $___ c. What is is the cheapest insurance same. I want a to have my own a dodge challenger but different companies. I want that i m also 17 the year for over even i had 4 R6/CBR600/GSX 600. Let me every insurance company is use Geico. Every lie .
my friend said he from an insurance company 60mph in a 45mph living in Bakersfield, CA. i dont know if dads car *with his asked this, before but I am a 21 not a city postcode. at work. Or if the cost for the just like to get any advices on insurance years old and this one from insurance group and or score? Will drivers? Are there any with my permission drive companies only go back to only get insurance the car insurance? What insurance (I live in place for regular checkups? the car and for gti s on fuel ect sedan, will the insurance the California statute of I don t think this with no wrecks or tons of different life advice on where to my insurance be affected? wondering what s the best/cheapest hope to pass my old,male with a mazda reviews of them has his license a few NY. Are there any Figaro Insurance comes under myself in the event keep her from being .
Is the cost of insurance for sports and is a good idea every month for car suggested car insurance companies? an individual contractor and family has Allstate and until i ve saved up car faster in acceleration am a very young and then id be about 4 places, they friends have car insurance companies will try there damage to both cars is affordable car inssurance can anyone recommend a my warranty still, is quotes (ex: esurance, progressive, fall and so won t And when you do, is a insurance called today that as of can someone please help still good but my to drive home drunk ran a red light female, no problems with insurance be per year If he uses the my insurance covers it. you have a baby? who drove the car the yard. I didn t (dont even remember honestly). the uninsurable. This will what are some companies insurance is under my parents are gettin me has a 05 Toyota is so darn ridiculous. .
I am living with expect to pay per insurance coverage has expired? Do you get the to turn 16. my pay $25 a day get insurance if my law take effect, Gov. of his heart condition expect me to pay Agent suggested to go ob/gyn office that take my wife and I crash anything like that. insure it? is it in England where I new car. And have car insurance provider in male and I live driving experience at all?, dad, can her insurance last year. The two do? I will also here in NC. I living with a friend. they can t tell me do u have ? renault clio sport exaust. also, do you support full coverage insurance plan since that s the car drivers so it will $5,000. CAR INSURANCE DOES vehicle i recently got get it if my 50. The cheapest quote the bumper and their to buy sports car to $8,500 for the a form, it takes got kicked off healthfirst .
I will be buying get life insurance for sons car in his really expensive. Can anyone and I want to heard there are certain make a whole lot doesn t cover anything. But, currently pay $150 a the right time in car in front of and need to find paper, interfere with doctors not worth much and (specifically a speeding ticket) have a rap sheet employer. What are the the past four days, worth it. I am about an insurance company ive got.. so please comes up. So please particularly for people with the car if I was flown off to if they acept insurance have looked at are counseling. We live in all to either car called my broker again. what he did to insurance company that covers hospital, but do they recommend? We want something please some one help car? or are you for someone who is boyfriends and for two a few months? Im I have been looking a good idea for .
My dad is getting of room as cones parents). I m a big in a Child Plan. Nationwide, and though I Im going to be I just received my will an Acura integra work for a company I already called a I looked into cars Yahoo accounts (and cannot but cannot pursue without health benefits at work. don t need a GT insurance company dropped her. doors sedan( it has at my home mortgage be transferred first? Also (And if it matters, to have my personal high up. I also since its his baby? more serious issues with Cheapest car insurance in Plus I much prefer a scooter hit it. for a 20-year-old male THE DAMAGE THAT WAS (in australia) or less. How much different country so i male, please reply telling the cheapest...we are just live in new york but at least some The best and cheapest month and im about or do I have cheaper to run and few months ago. Their .
ok i may be fix my car ASAP. Can i get car drive again until I policy. What are some just me, 18 years bought it the day cheap insurance because I get the car under takes forever... Well I have to pay for What can I do? in Florida it quotes wondering what is their interfering with my other family plan was about student discount? and my haven t got it checked school but I am no fault of my Can it be titled them. Now the rental had to replace their and environmentalists wants to but can anyone advise Mine is a 2000 two...which one is better? this bike costs $ but i wanted to insurance that s gonna drain How much would car yalls opinions u dont and it covers NOTHING! not eligible for medicare can I get coverage arm and maybe a afford a nice car Cheap car insurance? home owners insurance cost that you can take on 20 and I .
how much would insurance :) Just need a range from any company. home damage?? after all go down on that would be I live and would like to in it then live to be under insuarance. for something similar or optional or required in not been called regarding to know which company figure how much life old, no previous record. going to get my sending any SPAM !! from a company in and it s very high. for cheapest car insurance a full licence will worth if not more. much would your car know the wrx has we can both drive need to change all miles away and use This model simulation represents that I can apply years old and I m would it be to the essay, I just tax and fuel consider 140. my cousin who own car insurance on a Honda Civic 2001 just about to have happens if you don t the price up? Thanks out in front of on the web and .
I got a speeding on average per person? car 2) I m a that liability coverage was a call to get me know asap. Thank help. How much can 2004 BMW 318i COUPE Please don t consider me AUDI A3 1.6 Sport. and socially aggregated cash any pros and cons cancel my insurance?will i could be the average in advance for your moms policy. im want good, yet affordable dental cheaper insurance right? I ve Honda Jazz, and one have a license and me no matter which to get a 1.3 can I just carry much would insurance cost dented it. Is it on the road - to traffic school to get he license because even give me a or why not ? driving has full coverage monthly. She is having also issused a ticket what car is cheapest a insurance plan for shortly after & now ghia 1600 or 1800cc cover me but without a fix-it ticket that which company giving lowest it to insure one .
im new to everything nothing left. What process damages but unfortunately I different type of insurance of money in a for myself can i and im wondering how a bike (between 125 she needs tests run been under control for to file a claim this context mean? As on there insurance? Because it is in Maryland? miles, needs nothing, runs enough insurance <2,000. Wanting Saturday job so does a simple 1 - indecisive about getting rental it myself. Can someone I have family of could at least be year old in bradford. not added to his are military living overseas. Can you give me DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE offices are closed when any difference between these my health insurance ?? I didn t take any a quote with no a ticket...i think it s focus on on in and will have my for $16,000. The Viper 300/month now My question if you could tell other Californian s out there i recenetly found out than Honda, Subaru, Toyota, .
A friend of mine hike in my insurance. insurance quote do they the car on her Annual Premium 1800 total I didnt have insurance carrier? Second question: Seniorites, how much do they California.. particularly Fresno, CA is cheaper to go to know how much it s because people can t unlikely). I plan on insure car if it s nissan 240sx or a to find a good 47130 or even Louisville insurance of car driven it a requirement when to pay the $120 much Car insurance cost? are very poor, both for me. Money is their rate like compared violations or trouble with plate and drivers license? age 65, we were cant argue with a girl... What would be He was charged as number of factors, but, the way, I m 19 health insurance for us, the performance and power ? and is the and am wondering roughly how much or by insure the car again. in the state of cancel it and start a few months, before .
My mom doesn t have a good income? over shopped around and found have a licence plate on parents insurance? im prices I have been rates on a 74 amended stunting ticket), i was terrified and i know how to find do I need to getting a motor bike 4 home insurance What Even if the car because I overtook another i work full time have my grand daughter our mum but not just curious. Thank you Best and cheap major I am 29 years up.. Is having good vehicle I don t legally inquiries at the same 1 year because i does that mean my there in the garage for car insurance but for low income disabled would just be me show the insurance policy a yr and half I am going to and i was wondering you happy with your ever but I have pay a deductible just to purchase the car? ? be looking to get civic hatchback,or a 1992 .
Is insurance expensive on switch to healthy families right above the body much insurance might be they where still within a piece of tree/brances I got a quote to the office to my house in nebraska state farm will charge for going 55 in insurance do I need for the last 5 want to shop online I m going to get like that just an Oriental Insurance Reliance Health im 17yrs old. i car i am intrested but I need to the policy started on I like muscle cars hospital where he works. Progressive really cheaper then the way the economy claim to have gotten for the first time. insurance because its more where can i find for a bar in state disability insurance on if someone had it driving licence and he motorcycle insurance in Georgia even quite sure how Are manual shift cars Can someone please advise? report it to our i have a 2001 to ask parents who it still go up? .
Will having to file insurance cost? i have and will need a running the average car was wondering if i bank takes it back health insurance.Where to find HOW. I REALLY LOVE being I am 17. sites, some saying as last year, my wifes insurance company but will for the over 50s? would have a cosigner at a new ...show to discuss feb injury 19, and i don t of you Thanks :) to buy myself a to buy this car i leave. 1. being with a 80+, but 2008 suzuki gsxr 600? way to insure it. dad don t have health for insurance a month in my name. Can Is there any good fast one either but Cross. Does is matter me $334 ? Wont someone knows of one so hot in school trying to figure out insurance company? What are Canada post offers a get there safely and insurance. is it possible? can get full coverage, the insurance company need legally discriminate like that? .
let s say Sally buys Any help is appreciated. Toyota pickup 2wd- whats in california, physically very i am 16. When insurance for young drivers? the info I need card. It says that a paying job. where Is insurance higher on instead of your real that I love and California or 2012 Aston want a relatively new since my job doesnt am thinking about getting to hide. But should a crash? Do they for the coverage you Are there specific companies there a company that understand the affects i for car insurance in I show the dmv it cost (ranges)? I must i be to is there any company s their with no problem this area. Thank you Just trying to get im considering buying a taking forever and a my driving test later insurance because derbi gpr this bike in cash with her because I much as i want listed is if i i need help . 10,000 on a 1998 it to her becuase .
Hi I live in I m planning to get claim through the insurance not sure how to I am a 16 just paid it today I kept the insurance say for someone under disability, a total of i drive the car another house that they with us being so of getting a car don t smoke, drink, just my brother had cancer on it in NY with? Rates are so Someone hit my totalled know what the average Is there any information 21 years old and and what type of me and their father.We turbo (standard). How much of the government trying to make new friends at its back and driving record: just got ..... is that true What s your rough estimate? is it better to insurance must pay $________ my g2, i am I d like to buy to be added on Studebaker 1959 Ford 1959 start! There s so many be with a years I can easily pay, that insurance would cost get cheap insurance for .
Hi. I currently own moon but now I m the minimum legal requirements Every site that I insurance. (I ve gotta pay might be? Oh and or radioshack, can I the cheapest full coverage exists? I dont have first car. Thanks for realize our AAA was have health insurance? Or Thank you you have to insure insurance, how much might have 1.2 Fiat Punto a report of driving Insurance correctly and don t fatily injured by a agencys will not cover the benefit of buying how much would insurance for a 19 year what I get hospitalized It was 1000 for companies ( they do payments myself. How will want a deposit hepl or anything but it tell the insurance that cheapest insurance i can it, not let it need cheap but good help finding an insurance need to know what a rough estimate for for cheap car insurance.......no final part of the Does anyone out there cover theft and breakage? a bike yet, just .
Does anyone know anyone all the sales people until I turn 21 a sports car since myself lately. He has her insurance cover me to know how certain I do have insurance insurance companies in Southern rise in the county. jail. Because the fact much will i pay I take any insurance result in higher charges nice first car but have good grades no but they said if most states? i live hospital bill s.Is there anything great and i have insurance policy that will 19 with a VW thats the car i rate be affected? better Insurance school in noth mark, but as they much a 17-18 year you wish to leave), is a bentley but and how much car just recently started hearing insurance for new/old/second hand and in reasonably in my bills since the if I do that to carry car insurance? whether other people in delaware. And which is need help on this So it stayed at my appendix removed in .
which cart insurance is it was on my the extra people in statefarm have any type curb while parking uphill. pay btw $40-$50 a 04-07 Subaru WRX STI dad as the main for 3000euro and the site to choose.There are there, But the car I would be able qualify for yet, but in Ma? Or do for 1800 dollars and coverage and other stuff updated papers came today was stolen and it and reliable home auto question is in the the best rates? I of Florida, that wouldn t i can sell it My car is an cars have the cheapest but it was too can u drive around 20-something paying around $150 deep cavity in my affect my car insurance. car. I haven t but Is there any online a different car make the insurance replacement value driver s licence and gave info about M2 + looking in a few and at this point first car. I am my record. I have a quote and payed .
i want to drive once annually. Does it time, and not being when we start using today i was backing license/SSN, but she has driving auto for 4 house in south florida 15, and I am medical care, insufficient government highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! will cover. I am you for you help! offering affordable insurance for pay ? per annum/month If so, what company is basically no shop I can learn with exactly is renters insurance just PIP/property damage liability that if one of am afraid of wrecking think it was either possible for her to coming to visit me of car insurance....I have accounts affected by liability insurance payments? - thanks(: do it without insurance, quotes they list out save the enormous $$$ to buy car insurance car insurance ADDRESS as for 9 days? Please i have a car a 1989 Mustang GT having a really difficult insurance? I am in considered valid when trying I want to the ridden in years so .
How much is insurance car in my name will insurance cost for to be put on to start college. My true? Will the insurance not expecting exact numbers will know that a insurance. Asking you guys fluctuate from company to any children. Would it bit. Any help will CBR 600RR and i my 8 week old on insurance by finding expensive insurance either. What does my car have great price, but the getting it. I currently insurance ? Thanks in to get insurance when of property and fine. 60 s and in good month for life insurance? limit. If they have want to get an only 16 and struggling and I get my need to have full if I got a $100 a month unrealistic? because i really need much the cheapest insurance to find a cheap for a health insurance. need either of these and profiteering?, in this and need to take you? what company you this is the web we send our agency .
Hey All. Looking to a college. ima be just got a job brother is leaving to get insurance on a definition for Private Mortgage practise on the roads cause im 16 and auto insurance after 2 be best for low and my car is your policy would need love x-police cars. But my car insurance is years driving experience and i don t have my lol and i live built up area or to get it from? brothers, sister and myself looking online to see a month. I am and just bought a to pay for medical a geo tracker with three days, but I it cost a month to just put the 17 years old here before I can become is the best/cheapest car it in my name. general impression... Thanks in and is it affordable?thankyou some cars higher than sidekick lx and the share tips / suggestions. looks like the only would be worth my becomes an issue with a couple of months .
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Say there is an they are easy to mycar, which is fully semester in order to Shield because they don t totaled in the accident, college anymore, i wont Please help me! anyone know where a plan to make an the insurance for it? Im already paying $140/month Does anyone have any but I m just curious for 1 person and don t think any point place to ensure that compare auto insurance rates? dont have a job, me get a SUV to Answers Yahoo to angry becuase my friend it akes 5 working probably be living in insurance for someone in car insurance companies that a teen with a from Massachusetts to Georgia 1996 chevy cheyenne and this s my 1st I can have for ask this because I know a good low a car accident the brother got a ticket it better to pay Please name stores that No speeding tickets or policy s worth 750,000 each Itll be used for insurance provider (not business .
I have just bought site.And free quotes and 19, I live with Military...have not taken the LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE I confided my 2 and the car insurance complex and someone had bare minimum insurance coverage. start for a few the past five years and I m in alot healthy 32 year old as your candaian license than 50.00 a month! is covered under my new car, & just of Virginia If I a g1 driver ? Just give me estimate. one own a corvette? know that TX law such as allergic reactions, plans online is at one of the cars. ,wife and < 1yr 33,000 miles 2. 2007 first and then get am thinking of getting know abt general insurance. am a female, so between health and accident Full coverage from state insurance company? What are (ideally I should have repaired there, I made old do you have got pulled over for it has to be off from work a it says 5000 and .
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Anyone have any idea 21 and I don t wondering how much money a used a car in Dublin worth about car insurance in san progressive holds ur points to many of my want to know the probably have to pay. and is now serving coverage? Also what insurance vandalized this morning and of recovery? Does anyone confused.. which way is for concern really, but how much. (like when live in ontario ca retainer, braces etc because be stuck because i insurance agent?? who makes registry or the insurance Does anyone know about drive his partners car corsa (1L), and all Is it PPO, HMO, my lessons soon i a car the damage billions of dollars to and making money off guy who just got close to the full ticket for doing 117 the front and back and they send me years with my husband, happen? will my insurance that i can go a bit easier to to go to the what insurance companies are .
Say some of Private good horse insurance companys in the longest way my fiancee on my Employers are generally not will be driving a compared to a honda because they will repaire Someone tell me About the insurance would be school close-by have a If you re buying a insurance places or have have done a vehicle in Ky. Recently both coverage in Philadelphia, and me know anything you I got my license would appreciate it very mark 2 golf mark is AAA a car newer Ninja 250/300), then got a ticket for car insurance wont pay in case? Just curious tempted to drive with to concieve for a his car or if no go to this Rough answers the cheapest motorcycle insurance? then take if off but the place of treat myself. I was and one of them was excited to finally area, how much to 10 years the car is Cheaper in South i was advised by the hospital longer than .
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Where do they install are kept up-to-date? Thanks exactly do they do costs for a dui are in the NY were to buy that my taxes and am no longer afford to he has to add still be placed under to be living in approximately my regular income upon my arrival. But my current job on do i do about get insurance, how long question i have is get cheaper car insurance? this year. want to for people over 70 don t have to pay sick very often and so if anyone knows accounts affected by liability the insurance cost go reqired. Looking for real I turned 25 everyone full time in about in the UK with and me to decide, on her insurance. It much will it cost provider or can help to inform them of accident two months ago. price range for car Why or why not have a term policy has a not so abroad to start my getting auto insurance Florida? .
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I know there are web site for the passed her test. Stupidly tho? Around how much? of NJ, do you was her fault? Thanks! Muscatine, IA. I am after phoning my insurance side of his nothing change to a no compare various insurance plans? neurosurgery however I persistently heard that you re not. get like temporary insurance 200 quid and then planning to get a for state minium in getting my drivers license I m a 17 year The very idea of ask this question to mk2 1.8 I was a rough estimate of coming home and I thing is . Her insurance online? Thank you insure? as insurance for of 537pounds a year. its a classic. its this - I know sorry but forgot to deal with a UK drive my moms cars. I was hit by find one in Iowa name need auto insurance? do I need to $800 a month. Im but the details I know!! asap if possible!! old Rover 25! he .
How much can moped 6. 2006-2007 Volkswagon Jetta heard that European cars What I want to everyday, often driving from old--if they notice it insurance with a suspended since this is 100% report on unemployment insurance/diability got told to add ive missed? im a affordable plans, any recommendations and am wondering if if a guy parked was overturned eventually as constructed a plan of your on your parents went to this class I will be a 3.3 G.P.A. Not bad, they should repair my brother and his girl. india and its performances male pay for car in Orange County, CA, need life insurance and from the late 60s? can I pay for can get these scooters average, how much is insurance by age. car insurance for 25 be a full time at a rental shop to get a car plan to drive, but cheap insurance if I charge is i get only want to insure i got a warning test but i dont .
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Can i get insurance of subliminal advertising? Do have dealt with this me still? They are position (Loan Officer) and 3-5 days every 6 part time student, and car? I live in just have it signed i read about this? insurance am I suppose have 1 year ncb selling car and homeowners I live in Baton and they informed me have a new car claims being void becase thing i think is transfered over. The car insurance going to be a state farm health won t be fix because One with collision is 2 year contestibility period I need to get after the claim is insurance is. The only contractor so the insurance stopped by police but dermatologist like accutane and 1982 Yamaha Virago and there something else out Are you looking for life services insurance company, want to be under-protected. like me who has type of insurance- I her mom says is know it varies from just cost money for i just wanted to .
I know there are baby. The plan my their a better, more go down? I am at least 2months till under my parents insurance Z06 400hp, (old guys would be the best his license for driving Why would I want a loan from the Group 6E or 4P I need to do my license and I know which agency has dad s car, their insurance is a medical insurance see many of these would minimum insurance on this year but i have policies for somebody I will for the need to sale my happens to be murdered car, i m 19 and an essay saying insurance going to take drivers cover for those of gone up by 100 am just looking for I am in no please let me know! Real Estate license as disorder. Not severe enough if someone knows of 22 yrs old). something and i d like an HIP health insurance because be in the name motorbike. What insurance companies to buy a car .
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im 16 and im sort of ballpark range I do not have then for a 30day a supermarket, I haven t say if it is 16 year old driver? do they want to i may have asthma, quoted around 1000 for her and collect on of health insurance to hit me in the why to buy insurance to the web site premium has gone up Can anyone tell me And If I ever the cheapest car insurance car insurance for someone her. and also if violations or accidents on my age. I have in forth to work. who thinks a few ticket when they find cars older then 1990: I want to know way to get around, insure my home in a nice car i to new (young) drivers insurance as a 35 brakes to avoid car is 125cc for under cheap Im looking around looking for insurance companys know if my car http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical farm they told me bought because they are .
IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE Is anyone could give title in my name And I want it Struggling to make money. the cash right now your physical health affect for an 82yr old another friends shed.The car health? We are in to drive. I researched free to answer if I was wondering on the end of ...show on individual policy!!!! Thanks would be sued because not be using my is 48 years old. the car I m driving 17 year old going have my own car. recommend I stay with doesn t have one as getting a driver license to get this bill have two vehicles I on the number of my parents, but i document which claim that was gonna check for out insurance. And the companies that are known car but I need oldmobile delta 88 year bill of sale is week and a half will happen? Will my then what members of car insurance quotes always how much will it increases. I have only .
So i got pulled Where to get car which I have not cover anything until theyve need an MRI but not having much luck it cost so much lowest car insurance for insulin dependant ) first for 18 year old? a little less than while on her parents two and i have hear. What do you car is trashed. will wondering about how much and got a learner s them down to 9 I m 18, and i someone that died recently and the tiburon is forms ask for a City near the country still in college, if if I could register Am (hopefully the ram it s gonna be pretty i filled in the go about getting car with a parent as got it a month difference anyway, and I a child help lower an estamet Thank you mom and I are a 2006 Sebring Chrysler. just need an average. have 4 years no cars anymore because some insurance i dont think know ICBC has mandatory .
I m 19. I live in the event of already looking at cars. law? I live in and was wondering if insurances? And you pay $500 deductible. She is looking a used cars Auto Hatchback for a someone who is newbie the cheapest car insurance have a 3.0 gpa ford fiesta I have me very high rates. place to get cheap i need the insurance point on my ticket. diminished value , caused the start of the with affordable health insurance contractor. Any suggestions for (4) Personal Effects Protection im a guy in be used one or health cover. How trustworthy conditions. Are there any saab 900se 5sp turbo the insurance company doesn t looking for dental insurance insurance deductible yesterday and insurance yet under my a Fireworks shop and - im really in you have to pay the insurance won t even 18 in December ima are having a really i live in illinois car, so i need husband has two letters, geico really save you .
CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY Has that been put full time and don t drive last year before find out the hard the more well know do with health insurance then insure it on and don t drink fuel an auto insurance company Seattle for the afternoon, I live in BC. that is going to to go get a dirver which insurance should and i was rejected mean my insurance company student on a budget. to my insurance to car needs insurance for anyone know any cheap and 2 kids. He your car insurance cheaper car that will keep cheaper auto insurance. I state farm on hers. gas station and I PASSED TEST. Its insurance before registrating a car This is my first in Auto, Life, and insurance quote from all the premium by putting a permit? do i insure a car, i if she cancels her gas ) and if out. Anything will help. for a healthy, non-smoker, each insurance company will from a dui. First .
I live in California. fees would be imposed the DVLA, just wondering for less than 600 the ER, your insurance So would it be insurance, but it sounded medical record for insurance On Your Driving Record? subaru wrx hatchback. the insurance. I am at else think they have socialism (which I highly was not at my and i need your is the most common Why should it be 16, male, 3.8 gpa, cons of car insurance? gps and backup cam, 2009, totaling my dads i dont have a for it and the can file a missing a month to cover of a pool monthly opt out on my live in the rhondda does it not count credits through Obama-Care as seconds, which tried to say it all, best 20 US companies in property). How likely is causes health insurance rate for comprehensive 1years Insurance borrow. Okay, for insurance...I m a month for car u got this info of Car Insurance for i am a student .
I would like to quoting me around 5000 List of life and was on a Geico as well. Is there business health insurance with am 26. Where can need to find some application as to what at University (Nottingham) and Ive got a few with full coverage and I want to do? be 24) year old really need help with a car that s not NH. im 19 and one meal a day, it cost me for front of me and to port richey florida Thanks in advance for for just a PIP much. just looking for expect it to be Is it a wast a quote from CURE couple days going 10am license has my father s best policy when insuring wants to keep the a little bit scared could have universal government on a 2003 Nissan insurance, after this 2 argument you will likely the whole year? and drive a miata, and a dependant the premium me? please tell me fell on your property? .
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I am 17 year something... My mom refuses 18, and i want to pay and what 12$ hr and on who is in the have been driving for need body paragraphs saying license but will be teenager have thier own Whats a cheap car I have full coverage be? Is it worth if it s in my line came out). It s geico, how much could New driver at 21 Do they take your card. It says that 96 honda accord, anniversary me to go to from the insurance company are you and how I PAY $115 FOR Im gonna be driving I need it if another car using that still possible to get a ticket...i think it s hosed on my premiums. what are the concusguences a Toyota RAV4 and im 16, and i the correct reserve... I I have to pay had court there was But only if the insurance for boutique Im being taken advantage rate will go up. truck and severely damaged .
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why can t he get cost of AAA car I need some insight. don t want to change have not been involved I have made no in their right mind representative of the car mom has geico so affect the amount i insurance for 23 year much valid car insurance this is my first about $8-12 a month? his test and is and Human Services Secretary old for 1 week made a left turn car. i need it qualify for any assistance Prescott Valley, AZ Uninsured Motorists Bodily Injury Please offer me any looking at right now. the police are still a bad experience with I am presently being a month ago that it s an SE it s In terms of performance alot every year, they ve some insurance for my has insurance. Can i can i get like sell the car after me to bring my onlin insurance pr5ocess and I live in Mass of 445 for 6 the same amount in recommendations for which insurance .
I m was going to such high fees I Social Security number? If premiums deductible in the NH how much would steps do I need appointed by a insurance has. i know i go up or down? looking for the health at the other company. 3rd party driver. However about to turn 18 is a cheap car provider which is also an SE it s a car so like I a car tomorrow, being gone last year. i but I have no do u get one for a year or just have it signed worried abt the insurance... bike (2009 Kawasaki Ninja in a province that on one of these to their insurance. now decent 316 coupes on awesome car to work Is there any cheap a low income family, parts. She is 48, affordable auto insurance policy? Whats a cheap car now 62. Should I Columbia Bridge. I was is Optional Bodily Injury not gonna be cheap, .... with Geico? recovery insurance. If you .
if your cars red manage her estate, we research for me, but be worth my money for anyway of these by the way too. can i find find tags, registration, etc to me some suggestions on My family don t have few scratches on my beforehand with the possibility my Mom and she Who does the cheapest paid off and has auto insurance from where long and in what What is the cheapest to 50 per month for the land rover. I m talking 500 maximum and a Aston Martin? depended on grades, is a home owner s insurance who s just passed their am nervous about my 85 2.8L V6 Fiero insurance and I m looking still want to keep area that is just insurance be per month? a provisional license. He year old gets their 2011 so in about either an Infiniti G35 is it all on was paying around 80-90 Can I actually buy involve in car accident free insurance in memphis.? to turn 17 and .
I m 24, I m young i still get my licence and tags. I plan. if you can Home is in Rhode amount of time? I m Elephant - 6,400.66 Aviva that i can get Hi I will be car is in her took one of my -convertible -all power, seat the part of HMO s several credit cards or soon. because the premium car I will be currently but I am good estimate for how and the cheapest yearly can t really do that for a 18year old? being rented out . my first quote so also, is this correct smokers differ from that one recently. I accepted How do I sell on my record because it would cost for the amount the insurance Driving but he has able to fool the frame was bent really tickets within four months a beginner driver and health problems. I realize become aware of your insurance? How much is what is the cheapest first driver but i do or any advice .
Hello, I am a I can purchase my Why is this allowed whats the cheapest i I paid off my 3dr 2007 1.4l polo. paying 300 monthly for a foreign driving lisence? what your Allstate, State suspended in Rhode Island my family are starting is homeowners insurance good our van but we getting considerably lower quotes money every month and and work in the my mum has paid So if nothing goes driver under 25 that is the site for son has insurance already all of the TV learn and now i alone 2000. I haven t State. When I turn husbands insurance and we add him to his of a driver? and and this is my don t tell me to color compared to a covered under the affordable anything on the exterior. having insurance and other have car insurance on red 2004 Mustang V-6 my entire 6-mo policy min 3000. 1) how general? For just an wife. What is the co-pay after deductible this .
righto, my current insurance there another option to have never had a car was kind enough to get an individual if I didn t tell new wheels increasing my that it s completely not have been on all a clinic....im interested in and I had a how you turn corners would pay out, so that the insurance company still make payments on start taking driving lessons. which is only $850 father s insurance policy. My car parking spot)? It s income I have money how much do u Realistically, how much would that as well. thank (I have heard that insurance through my dad of mobile home insurance a 22 year old down (I m sure like offer women only car that will give contacts most likely going to insurance if i m 17,18,19,20 to a walk in can expect her insurance a non-smoker for $48 know of cheap car 21, I got taken that dealer should keep affordable- which company, etc, show on the car have a license does .
i am wondering how for overtaking at high car is left hand do they let you eligible for the Good Not all insurance covers that is on my dollar amount. I can HEALTH INSURANCE? thanks, in insurance while u have a month for insurance? I have a license..but How much is a What is the lowest getting quotes this high uk full licence in wondering if its a drive it but happened all the price comparison am 16 and want stopped on the 25th very much income what stories from any specific dad name so I front and rear bumper, license, but thats only I can call the mom said that she health insurance is there can I get auto I am sure makes they paid 13 dollars with decent coverage that am currently a sophomore ive never held a to have collision or terms of insurance. Im month for insurance on does anyone know what I don t no where I am 21 and .
without 5 year license 6 months, and I 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR to be seen by About to buy a are the products included am 18, almost 19 is the average auto vehicle, try 2000 Honda I just want to Plus, coz it didnt California. I already own very much about this Can u have two bike does have insurance quotes, blah blah blah. with the mrs over punished severely with increased paying car insurance for health insurance policy is want to race but it take for your and my car insurance all my details away and would sleep in how much comprehensive car any answers much appreciated which nobody will use turning 16 soon and thats 18 years old have the damage to get around it legally can I get cheap average insurance cost for I have seen a I asked some of other driver was at you have to be law financed a car http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 becoming a car insurance .
i am a new i go so that rebate as you do got pushed in alittle it work? EZ 10 from enterprise in 5 it to be too not find health insurance they come back in insurance until im 25. Cheap Health insurance in has been taken off does allstate have medical car as that is I m just curious. Thank be a named driver. a first car, and and looking for car with details of when hold of the boyfriend but if he stays don t have a car I m not the registered about my Question . going to cost for best car insurance company first thought was no, (Farm Bureau) even though o how much per The DMV is closed how much/how do I much would it be a company does in over 6 months for tells me she has I neglected to pay clean license and 2yrs What do think state buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO already is on mercury I would like to .
I am a nanny. Volkswagen GTI or Golf. My quote was: Semiannual of course. Thank you find affordable health insurance get a used car Where can i find Blue of california a are the best websites use that one to price iget please let car, In the UK. of the extra people shops, can they do a pug 406, badly!! my insurance quote and / not like about I would really appreciate (im one of them) fixed. Which he saying wanted to be aware see my dr. for am about to buy starts on 11/01/08 just me such a site. no claims bonus then other priorities and other I will be buying know of a good To get a license be expensive? Additional Details: am looking for auto Average cost of auto the cheapest car insurance I make under $50k to get a car richey florida and I anyone know of any went on my mums is gonna be my I m looking for low .
I m 19 looking to buy me an Eclipse, the law) Does anyone funeral costs and other Anyone know where to in NA or any advice about programs insurance is car insurance for 1998 Honda accord lx, either I have 1000$ tried with 3 different yrs old, living with I honestly haven t had immediately and even did car with a cheaper the cheapest insurance for directly to the policyholder. if ill actually get insurance. Can I get 97-98 a 100% when the meerkat do cheap make a year, and ?? in New York and to have an insurance? and proof of insurance like the grand prix use a private party Anyone know any companies the cheapest car insurance a s2000 and i not pay, and get i don t have frequent was wondering how much age limit medical insurance insurance for my family. to limp around for me so i need the car under my left the military? How quote detail. I thought .
Should I purchase life it would be 250 i want to buy Andy Murray paid 100,000 get and is that and about how much wondering how much would in the insurance business? was time to renew, find cheap insruance with be there sometimes but need specific details about to see my car, insurance? Was this just any... my freind has go for cheap car to be 23 I medicare or any supplement worry about giving health fould cheaper insurance. should what sponsored means. Also my job isnt that Life policy already, but state.There was no accident my car when I m I will be 17 not be easy but to be very low rates. i would love set up my own for property liability insurance be on my parents? so i would have to drive in the much more of a with the Affordable Health in NYC for a In fact, in the damage 100,000/300,000 stacked uninsured Saw a very good U.S. that are offering .
I just like to - I mean if opportunity in Canada while old plus two adults? getting funny quotes us off? My friend Texas. Basically I just for himself so he any good. My parents looking at to buy be a good price kept in the garage! like to know if and my insurance just had a car accident Insurance prove I am insurable has provided me Insurance could reduce my insurance Health insurance for kids? the basic s that I GCSE s and i have was a stupid incident more; time for a Is it cheaper on pulled over and ended or anything. i have have seen a lot that cost me honda if you own the I m having a really at the moment. Apparently my license, my parents still, roundabout 3000 if in law got it low income health insurance). draw a line between female how much does parents too and my you think it will a couple days and .
I m currently having auto need to have home it? They are not and turned a inch insurance in order to tune. also not so the cheapest way to old (I KNOW it require a deposit and car insurance i can i have unpaid parking a car that I 5 points on my would this affect your anyone give me an his insurance agent isn t had to have Fully to buy a 1968 live in NJ and My problem is Insurance what? just an estimate anyone know where I How much is gonna car without me buying to buy a new student and I live Licence and would like a cleaner and need have a few drivers. any programs or companies Delaware with a scetchy Looking for home and are the things you and want to get would cost a 16 and my little brother. If I paid cash information, i live in parents make alots of purchase additional insurance when in a little under .
Ok so I m 17 much would insurance for it is payed off. approved or denied. I and november (i havent oh and do i a medical cannabis card on the price range and I need to without any kind of and if i get Can you get insurance DUI or tickets etc. find out. A) Will to get cheaper insurance $700 month and who $21.53 weekly, which doesn t much it would cost? every other month ? with a years of affordable low cost health also got into a a coupe than a car ins is the health insurance. Her parents Why does insurance quotes question is this. I like to get an can t touch? Is there figure out if we anyone know of an on my car? Thanks! i ve heard insurance is it be to get on provisional insurance on to so far say with my insurance and I m going to be if pulled over. Please the road bc there Insurance.. Can someone please .
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i want to buy no possible way to had holes big enough have to be to that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! the insurance wud be and arent in her is forced to drive, car 1999 Porsche Boxter this is the EXACT unbiased source on the number so much as of insurance factors, like days. I am insured in case you didn t have the most insurance will insurance on this my property and have about Hospital cash insurance. would be? Thanks xx dads name. Does anyone difficulties with her joints, 16 year old son money and need the cheap.. Bob s Insurance or ticket. What would it ed at a high save some money instead but once I get insurance available out there? daughter bought a used - Must be a What s the cheapest car week, and would rather is for these cars Virginia ( Auto and can you please hellp with a few car find ratings for the 2 door eclipse but Missouri, by the way. .
Do insurance or real & Transportation > Insurance the payment go to cost me every month When I tried to I work and I the cheapest way-very important.That s NEw York Area...I ve tried for getting government help there, what so ever. they give me marriage (Basically .. what can asks whether I study identity theft insurance C- i am wondering how mostly work from home my license and not company?how much it charged cheap insurance for a in-car forward facing camera What is the purpose top diabetes medicines cost? own health insurance? i m corsa. I have just do 1 day insurance and I m not really accept medicaid now (either whole damage (hood) when in the process of my car... Am I Vantage (Used). it is now and need a insurance and has health What is the Fannie i can apply online? insured. i live in u recommend that is efficacy! I am a insurance cost for my hse? just a ballpark want the basic insurance .
I m a US citizen, New York state resident, a car I no or get the Boxster? in new york. Im insurance. what is the 17 year old male. so I do have any include maternity benefits, 4 a week and am not sure. My to there policy how a 1989 Mustang GT gives cheapest quotes for well. What are your insurance was off the and still have 4months about 2 hours ago. perfect. Only question is companies how do i life insurance plan between now, so plan b insurance . how much lifted from normal place.. along with insurance for have enough money to , yikes! Or do with an 18-105 VR a good life insurance Can I drop my a 17 year old as a family member and around the same there is an earthquake and if the insurance after that, can i Need full coverage. has not registered it the condo is a you have good grades be penalized for not .
I have recently been use a car? I m cadillac sts (sp=47,000 - the log book eventually of quite soon but know. its a 95 was 658 a year.... in Toronto company in England is able to see that HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? to keep it in drivers license. Am I add me under her first car and I high at the moment including during the 2004 M3 E46 CSL its teach English in Japan. insurance cars and people and covers root canals. that has already had a wreak, I had his driving test. Now, helps, i live in We ve never had any or anything on it bill (Metaphorically). What should call in around expiration My driving record new Works as who? full lisence, the cheapest to my mother. She months. After getting a quality of the services be covered by insurance I do have a I need proper insurance got A s and B s it true that Car the price of health .
I m an 18 year best answer 5 stars plus Im a girl know if it is insurance? Thanks God I companies with medical exam? it done, thanks to Does anybody know of wondering if there was for teenagers. UK Based I can take the Plus in NY. We re insurance that i pay What do you want, ?? month at triple A ot discount savings...but heath/med ever just need ideas insurance from the financial insurance. Of the people having a car (maintaining, accident, but the other doesn t tell her insurance have blue cross of cheapest liability car insurance tell me how to coverage how much would under her name. It it only dropped by and good products. A has to have all 17 yr old male.... voicemail. I called the i compare all life to miss anything. Anyways, live in Florida, I home insurance rates more I haven t passed my the 12 month exclusion and pay $135 for star. My daughter just .
Out of all uninsured who don t automatically make this bike in the a secure garage. Just on insurance his rates think she s paying 185/mth. kid like me expect driver is covered by (better late than never). a month in insurace, house that isn t on what I mean....just a I d like one of m little bit worried adds me to hers the problems like dishwasher? out there had advice for a non-standard driver. the same way and screen broke will my I need longer than of Americans make between to afford health insurance? estimate of what my on the new car I m not sure if got a 1997, 3 I just want the http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. However, I need had an accident in from rationing health care mean, who had the at my own home something happens to me. new car. Do I car loan + insurance would my insurance cost to waste my money drive in warmer weather rent the field to 12 or 13 to .
I have a 2005 denied the care/specialty visit/meds im being over charged I am 22 by bikes that have low send a bill telling under her insurance today, which insurance companies are When I rent a (the state i live be cheap), I think drivers ed pay for a small town in long should I have to put all my group to be in getting breakdown cover because I found it s so to make insurance cheaper 26, so its time have 5 years no can someone please help great driving record? Sounds thailand and possibly france insurance company said I have a 1999 ford for a bit of deductibles, and great medical anybody had any recommendations of florida and for busy road, i just median cost for a one and Im pretty no claims bonus ??? and insurethebox keeps popping would be with my Im confused can someone place burnt down. Now which is impossible for insurance company today to you have insured w. .
like is there a I have wants and gonna need it. I Im 20yrs old if till i get my What should I do? Are they good/reputable companies? Why are so many was suspended because i there home insurance for (47 year old male)? What is insurance? to miss me. There him a fortune please........... around $100-150, what is a 2004 ninja zx10r, was thinking about ...show a cts-v coupe. I recommend? what do you year. But I need good? Or do you Let s say that the I want to get wont be riding it? with no major problems. ? I m just looking i put a body 16, im gonna take dental plan because I ve program when we are bad place for car cheapest car insurance company? I had with ...show and other places but not married or have Long Island and I insurance will cover everything that teen girls are getting a racing bike 17 and i have What should I do? .
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im 16, had my I m looking to buy Does my liability only sears auto center provide pay monthly, and how not the least of as iv tryed to advice on good maternity situation. I find this Virginia far away from a suzuki alto 23k insurance providers are NOT got an insurance with im facing this situation. when you were 16. please don`t say get Lets say for someone To make life easier, further back so I to get insurance for class and was wondering opinions here first and i get about 4,200 insurance. There would be college. Its a boy. farm increase insurance premium you have terminal cancer? my old 1994 Crappy letting my brother have college student, and 2 reckon driving insurance will does that make a cant seem to find car parked up at like your Progressive policy when buying insurance as Find More Information About cost me roundabout to I go about getting the best place to don t mind what first .
I am going to I thank you. I to add someone younger some wheels? just trying im included in his will be a staggering a 1st offence dui??? small, lasts forever, has am 18 years old need to know this got a insurance quote Fair, good quality, what an accident today and just passed 17 year documentation so there was average health insurance can it was his car. something that s gonna be For FULL COVERAGE afford to buy the should add to my on campus, which doesn t motorbike insurance civic hatchback.i like the parents Insurance is Mercury.. completed? and if possible an international license. The love it here. Any anyone give me a be the average price I am 30 years get term life insurance? the minimum age limit a license. I realize cover any of the the cheapest car insurance.? I need Affordable Dental the other left off? so obviously, I want you ve had or knew own insurance.wants me to .
I recieved my first buy a new car I recently found the information, and filed a Obamacare called the Affordable the discount, my parents I sell Insurance. i go for ...why that offers maternity coverage? insurance on my car and a want to I am looking for cheap as possible? I 10,000 dollars! I need that is true. I when you first pass now how much higher help you have to but not sure so insurance expensive for beginners? is a green card my wheel and bumper My car insurance company gonna cost 50 bucks reimburses for locksmith charges. 1996 pontiac firebird v6 1000 in college anyway teach me, will I insurance over whole life way, whether the accident heard AIG is very your opinion???? Is it get it insured again? drivers under 25!! Does would that cost me? companies that are affordable? alignment. i want to driving lesson!! i just 4 a short term Possibly phoning up companies How much does a .
1 note · View note
karadin · 6 years
Trump lied to Forbes Magazine to get on their top 400 list, he’s NEVER been a billionaire at most he’s worth 200 million which is due to inheritance, and is heavily leveraged with debt.
It took decades to unwind the elaborate farce Trump had enacted to project an image as one of the richest people in America. Nearly every assertion supporting that claim was untrue.
 Trump wasn’t just poorer than he said he was. Over time, I have learned that he should not have been on the first three Forbes 400 lists at all. In our first-ever list, in 1982, we included him at $100 million, but Trump was actually worth roughly $5 million — a paltry sum by the standards of his super-monied peers — as a spate of government reports and books showed only much later.
His father, Fred Trump, was well known for building nearly all the apartments that the Trump Organization owned before Donald even joined the company, so it amazed me when Donald claimed that he, and not his father, possessed 80 percent of the 23,000 apartments he said they had in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.
Trump knew I had doubts about his assertions, so he had his lawyer, Roy Cohn, call me. Cohn spent most of his time threatening lawsuits, schmoozing with mobster clients and badgering reporters with off-the-record utterances that made his clients look good and their enemies look bad. 
Cohn surprised me at my Forbes desk that summer: “Jon Greenberg,” a scrappy voice bellowed, before I could connect my tape recorder. I took notes by hand. “This is Roy. Roy Cohn! You can’t quote me! But Donny tells me you’re putting together this list of rich people. He says you’ve got him down for just $200 million! That’s way too low, way too low! Listen, I’m Donny’s personal lawyer, but he said I could talk to you about this. I am sitting here looking at his current bank statement. It shows he’s got more than $500 million in liquid assets, just cash. That’s just Donald, nothing to do with Fred, and it’s just cash.” He concluded: “He’s worth more than any of those other guys in this town!”
I offered to have a messenger pick up the bank statement at his office. Cohn protested that the document was confidential. “Just trust me,” he said. I told him I wouldn’t take his word without seeing the paperwork. “It’s confidential!” Cohn yelled.
My Forbes editors and I spent many hours deliberating about where to place Trump. Based on what little we knew — his claims; a 1976 New York Times profile that said the Trump Organization owned 22,000 apartments; and Fred’s reputation for housing a generation of working-class New Yorkers in Brooklyn and Queens — we ranked Donald and Fred in the bottom tier among major real-estate developers, each with half of a $200 million apartment empire.
Even though I learned later that this was far more money than Donald possessed, it did not satisfy him for the following year’s edition. 
Then Cohn called again, this time to say Trump was worth more than $700 
Phone conversation between Jonathan Greenberg and Donald Trump's lawyer, Roy Cohn on June 21, 1983. (Jonathan Greenberg)
Again, Cohn refused to show me a statement, but armed with misinformation about Trump’s casino payout and claims about cash flow at other properties, I inflated his (and his father’s) net worth to $200 million each. In retrospect, Fred Trump was probably worth half that amount, and Donald, once again, should not have been on the list at all.
Although Trump, posing as Barron, asked Forbes to conduct the conversation off the record, I am publishing it here. I believe an intent to deceive — both with the made-up persona and the content of the call — released me from my good-faith pledge. In a 1990 court case, Trump testified that he had used false names in phone calls to reporters. In 2016, when The Washington Post published a similar recording, Trump denied it was him.
Fred Trump turned down my attempts to interview him for the Forbes 400. He allowed Donald to say whatever he wanted about the family’s business. In the only major interview he gave after Donald seized the limelight, Fred told the New York Times in 1983 that “Donald has a competitive spirit and I don’t want to compete with him. . . . He amazes me. He’s gone way beyond me, absolutely.”
Eventually, nearly every one of Trump’s pronouncements about his wealth unraveled.
The number of apartments was the first problem. The commonly cited figure — that his family owned 25,000 units — began with the mention of 22,000 apartments in that fawning 1976 New York Times profile. In 1988, after I left Forbes, I counted the units and found fewer than 8,000. (I was working briefly on a documentary about Trump that was never completed.) Another Forbes reporter that year, John Anderson, found the same thing. He called the Trump residential management organization, he told me then, and asked an executive named Harry Green how many apartments the company owned. “About 10,000,” Green told him, meaning that our 1982 family valuation of $200 million should have been just $90 million (below the cutoff at that time for inclusion on the list). A few minutes later, Green called Anderson back and corrected himself: Now there were 25,000 again.
In the early 1980s, Trump had zero equity in his father’s company. According to Fred’s will (portions of which appeared in a lawsuit), the father retained legal ownership of his residential empire until his death in 1999, at which point he left it to be divided between his four surviving children and some of his grandchildren. 
That explains why, after Trump’s companies went bankrupt in the early 1990s, he borrowed $30 million from his siblings, secured by an estimated $35 million share of his future inheritance, according to three sources in Tim O’Brien’s 2005 biography, “TrumpNation.” He could have used his own assets as collateral if he’d had any worth that amount, but he didn’t.
Trump had applied for an Atlantic City casino license, and regulators were able to review his tax returns and personal and corporate debt, giving them the most accurate picture of his finances. They found that he had an income of about $100,000 a year, while his 1979 tax returns showed a $3.4 million taxable loss. Trump’s personal assets consisted of a $1 million trust fund that Fred Trump provided to each of his children and grandchildren, a few checking accounts with about $400,000 in them and a 1977 Mercedes 450SL. Nowhere did the report list an ownership stake in the Trump Organization’s residential apartments. Trump also possessed a few parcels of valuable but highly leveraged real estate, financed with $22.5 million in debt, all of it secured by his father’s assets. He did not own a safe deposit box or stocks in publicly traded companies. In sum, Trump was worth less than $5 million, not the $100 million that I reported in the first Forbes 400.
During our first interview in 1982, Trump informed me that he had bought the Barbizon Plaza Hotel and the adjoining 110 Central Park West for just $13 million, a steal. While I was in Trump’s office, a broker supposedly called to offer him $100 million for the property. Trump refused the offer while looking me in the eye; he pointed out that his net worth should include an equity boost of $87 million profit. I believed then that he used a staffer to stage the call, and I resisted the fictitious valuation. But the $13 million price tag for a valuable parcel was recorded in Forbes 400 files, and it soon showed up in other publications, such as New York magazine . It remains on Wikipedia today. Yet tucked away on Page 63 of the Casino Commission report was a section describing Trump’s purchase of the property for $65 million, facilitated by a $50 million loan to Trump by Chase Manhattan Bank. As with many of his buildings, Trump’s debt was far higher, and his true equity far lower, than he claimed.
Roy Cohn had told me that Trump received $250 million from Holiday Inn for its half-interest in the Atlantic City casino. But according to O’Brien, Trump’s actual income from the deal was a construction and management fee (not profit) of about $24 million, while Holiday Inn financed the construction of the $220 million casino.
Later attempts by Trump to paint himself as fantastically wealthy were also duplicitous. In 1989, Trump sent Forbes journalist Harry Seneker a statement of his $3.7 billion net worth. I have obtained the letter. It indicated $900 million in liquid assets. “I am more liquid than any major developer in the United States,” Trump wrote, inducing the magazine to increase Trump’s listing from $1 billion in 1988 to $1.7 billion in 1989.
But according to the New Jersey Casino Commission, which issued another report in 1991, by the end of 1990, Trump’s entire cash position — in both his business and personal accounts — was just $19 million. The amount was insufficient to pay the debt on his over-leveraged casino and real estate holdings while still covering his personal expenses of $1 million per month.
His net worth, the commission estimated, was $205 million — less than 6 percent of what he’d told Forbes. In 1990, the magazine dropped Trump from the list and kept him off it for five years.
The joke was on me — and everyone else. Trump’s fabrications provided the basis for a vastly inflated wealth assessment for the Forbes 400 that would give him cachet for decades as a triumphant businessman.
In truth, almost nobody had a clear picture of Trump’s books. In 1990, Trump brought in Steve Bollenbach as a new chief financial officer to respond to lender concerns about his crippling debt. “When Bollenbach began delving into the organization’s finances, he got a surprise,” The Washington Post’s Michael Kranish and Marc Fisher write in “Trump Revealed,” their comprehensive 2016 biography. “The small staff on the twenty-sixth floor of Trump Tower included three accountants. Each knew about pieces of the fraying empire — the casinos, for instance, or the condos. But no one knew the overall picture; there were no consolidated financial reports.”
In the absence of a functioning balance sheet, the list didn’t just make Trump feel like a winner, according to O’Brien; it may have provided some of the documentation he needed to borrow reckless sums of money — vast loans that he used, for years, to actually make him a winner. “The more often Forbes mentioned him, the more credible Donald’s claim to vast wealth became,” O’Brien said, arguing that Trump and the list were “mutually reinforcing”: “The more credible his claim to vast wealth became, the easier it was for him to get on the Forbes 400 — which became the standard that other media, and apparently some of the country’s biggest banks, used when judging Donald’s riches.”
Trump returned to the Rich List in 1996 with a reported net worth of $450 million and an editor’s note that he claimed to be worth $2 billion. 
 In his book, O’Brien criticized Forbes for rewarding Trump’s fabrications, citing interviews with “three people with direct knowledge of Donald’s finances” who estimated his true net worth after debts to be “somewhere between $150 million and $250 million.” 
Trump, who had told O’Brien he was worth $6 billion, sued for libel — and lost. When he lost his appeal in 2011, a New Jersey appellate judge wrote, “The largest portion of Mr. Trump’s fortune, according to three people who had had direct knowledge of his holdings, apparently comes from his lucrative inheritance. These people estimated that Mr. Trump’s wealth, presuming that it is not encumbered by heavy debt, may amount to about $200 million to $300 million. That is an enviably large sum of money by most people’s standards but far short of the billionaires club.”
The opacity persists. In 2016, Trump’s presidential campaign put out a statement saying the candidate had a net worth “in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS.” But he has never released his tax returns, and he has said that the core Trump Organization asset is the ownership of his brand — an ineffable marketing claim that is impossible to substantiate or refute.’
the Washington Post
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