#which will require heavy screening and some light brainwashing depending on the results of the screening
ey dude where can I sign up for team magma
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don’t you run team aqua’s propaganda department?
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ask-the-riders · 3 years
Demon species that exist in this multiverse's version of Hell
As I stated before, we might not get to see all of these types (we might get to meet a mime soon, but other than that, I'm not sure yet), but I figured this might be neat to share anyway :P
Glitch: The umbrella term which usually includes Pure Glitches, Lens Flares, and Clickbaits
Pure Glitch: Typically humanoid, but can come in any shape or size. Can be identified by the effect they have on technology, causing every device around them to glitch, freeze up, and/or short out. The hardest type to catch or document or catch on video. Can also unintentionally cause electrical fires. They crave violence and chaos, appearing to thrive off of it, and they almost always appear mentally unstable. A common, infamous trait is also their short temper, which seems to go hand in hand with their unpredictable mood swings
Lens Flare: Also typically humanoid, but like Pure Glitches, they can vary in appearance. Are also easy to identify by the effect they have on any and all nearby technology, although unlike Pure Glitches, they don’t cause devices to short out, and they don’t cause electrical fires. When a Lens Flare demon is present, a device’s audio quality drops and the colors on the screen appear to shift between different colors, most notably red, blue, pink, yellow, and green. They still have an underlying craving for violence and chaos, but they usually appear more collected and stoic. They also have short tempers and may lash out from time to time, but they’re somewhat easier to predict. Known to be manipulative and cunning, and will do just about anything to get what they want, regardless of the risk
Clickbait: Humanoid, but noticeably smaller; The shortest on record was only about 1’3, while the tallest was about 3’9. Their skin tones come in a variety of colors, although the most common ones are blue, green, and pink. They can only exist in the cyber world, infecting pop-up ads and clickbait on websites. When an ad or scam they’ve taken over has been clicked on and/or downloaded, they then travel into the device and make it their new host. Once they’ve taken control of their new host body, they prefer to stay as long as possible. If their host is damaged, they’re capable of repairing it, but they’ll die within minutes if they’re pulled out of it and into the physical world. They don’t crave violence as much as other types of demons, and instead, preoccupy themselves with simply trying to survive, due to being so weak. Their favorite kind of host bodies seem to be robots and animatronics. If a device is suspected to have a Clickbait demon living inside it, check the files for anything suspicious and then proceed to open up the device. If one is present, it’ll fall out once the device is opened. You may choose to move it to a new device if you wish to keep it around, but otherwise, leave them be. If provoked, they have the ability to pull someone into the cyber world with them (but only if the ad or scam they took over had been clicked on first)
Clown: Can appear humanoid or more like something from a horror movie, depending on how many lives they’ve taken and/or how many souls they’ve consumed. Some subtypes would include standard Circus/Carnival Clowns, Jesters, Mimes, and Harlequins. As children, they feed on only candy and sweets, and they crave sugar, but as they mature, they develop a taste for blood and human flesh, and it becomes their biggest source of nutrients. They appear unusually flexible, as if they have no bones, and their skin sometimes appears as though it’s made of plastic. They’re great at contorting themselves and doing anything based around gymnastics, acrobatics, and aerial arts. If their attire doesn’t give away their subtype, note their primary territory type, since Circus/Carnival Clowns prefer areas with tents and wagons and Mimes prefer alleyways and streets, while Jesters and Harlequins seem to gravitate more toward castles and historic locations. A common trait they share is giggling and laughing, even in completely inappropriate situations. Something to note: they are completely capable of detaching and reattaching their limbs, so it’s not uncommon to see them detaching their own heads to perform odd and potentially disturbing acts and stunts
Incubus/Succubus: Most often appears humanoid. They’re similar to a vampire, except they prefer to feed off of sexual energy. If no sexual energy is available or they cannot gain access to it, they will resort to feeding off of human blood. Their primary targets are sleeping humans, the gender of which depends (at least partially) on the gender of the demon itself. ‘Incubus/incubi’ refers to males, who prey on sleeping women, while ‘succubus/succubi’ refers to females who prey on sleeping men. Because of the changing times, however, Incubi and Succubi have become interchangeable terms, and individual demons may refer to themselves as whatever they prefer. While their targets are commonly of the opposite gender and they're typically represented as being almost always heterosexual, this is not always the case. In some scenarios, they've also been documented selecting targets and mates that are of the same gender as themselves
Vampire: Mostly humanoid, depending on their age and how much blood they’ve consumed over the years. They feed exclusively on blood, although some prefer the blood of animals over that of humans. Cannot go into direct sunlight, and doing so will result in being burnt
Mara: Also known as a “Nightmare demon”. Mostly humanoid, but typically lack any distinguishing features. Usually appear as nothing more than the completely black silhouette of a person, although some have been documented to have white or silver eyes, which lack a pupil or iris. It’s believed that many appear to be feminine, and either young women or old hags, but some do carry the preference of presenting themselves as being male or androgynous, as well. It is similar to Incubi/Succubi, but rather than feeding on sexual energy, it sits on the chest of a sleeping victim and brings nightmares. In some cases, they’re also known to suffocate their sleeping victim, as well as bring night terrors and sleep paralysis. After Pure Glitches, they’re the second hardest type of demon to catch on video or in photos, as their bodies tend to blend in with the surrounding shadows. They cannot exist in the light, and require some level of darkness to move about. Victims report feeling a heavy weight starting at their feet that very gradually spreads up their body and settles on their chest, before they became completely paralyzed. They retained the ability to see and hear, but along with their movement, they also lost the ability to speak, as well. They also report having vivid hallucinations and feeling a dark presence in the room with them
Imp: Can be humanoid, but like with other demon species, they can come in a variety of different shapes and sizes. They’re smaller than most demons, often ranging from 3’5 to 4’5, and they’re known for their short stature and red skin. Their eyes often appear yellow, and while males have angular horns that have black and white stripes around them, females have smaller horns that are mostly black with thin white stripes. They also have tails, the tips of which can either be shaped as an arrow or as a heart. They have a love for violence, and many base their careers on it. If their horns are curved and less angular, that would be the demon equivalent of balding
Inanimate: Almost always humanoid, but varies in appearance. They usually come in subtypes, such as mannequins, scarecrows, statues, dolls, animatronics, puppets, wax figures, dummies, etc. While they can move around normally in hell, they can only move if no one is looking, when they go to the human world. Like most demons, they enjoy scaring people, and they seem to prefer targeting anyone with automatonophobia (the fear of human-like figures)
Ink: Sometimes humanoid, sometimes not. They frequently resemble either a mostly humanoid figure or the upper half of a person (consisting of the head and neck, arms, chest, and upper half of the torso). They’re almost always entirely black and covered in sludge, and they lack any real distinguishing features, such as a face or clothing. It’s very rare to see any that appear in any other color or without the sludge. They’re supposedly made entirely of ink, hence their name. They’ve been seen coming out of ink puddles and “melting” back into them, and it’s thought that they use ink puddles to move from place to place. If one is strong enough, it may possess the ability to capture humans with its sludge, the substance becoming thicker and harder to pull oneself out of. If an Ink demon has built up enough strength and intelligence, they may even seek to convert humans into their personal servants. This could be achieved by first capturing and weakening a human, and then bleeding them out and replacing their blood with sludge. After the human completely heals and regains consciousness, they’re subjected to brainwashing and various forms of abuse, and this will continue until their spirit has been entirely broken and they’ve lost hope of escaping. Only once they lose hope and become entirely compliant, can the transformation into a servant be completed
Hellhound: There are two types that have been documented: Anthropomorphic and Feral. Anthropomorphic hellhounds typically have traits that are based off of canines (like dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals, etc.) and walk upright on two legs like a human, while Feral hellhounds more closely resemble normal canines
Fallen Angels: Refers to angels who committed a crime and were cast down to hell from heaven. A prime example of this is Lucifer, who was once God’s favorite, and also known as the most beautiful angel in heaven 
Sinner: Refers to any demon who was once human. When one becomes a demon, they usually develop the traits of whatever ties in with their personality, the kind of life that they lived, or their cause of death. They start off humanoid, but their appearance changes over time, depending on the number of lives they’ve taken and the number of people/creatures they’ve consumed. It’s not uncommon for them to cannibalize other demons. In death, they may choose to keep their human name or go by something new. Sinner demons may become any of the previously listed types, excluding imps, hellhounds, incubi/succubi, and inanimates
Hellborn: Refers to any demon who was born in hell, such as imps, hellhounds, incubi/succubi, and inanimates. While Sinner demons may occasionally grow to resemble any of these types, there will always be a way to distinguish them and spot the fakes
Hellborn demons don’t always fall into one specific category or type, much like Sinner demons
Hybrid demon species do exist, but are not common and are typically outcasted from the rest of society. Usually, they like to stick to their own general races, such as any glitch variant pairing with another (‘glitch’ is more of an umbrella term that refers to Pure Glitches, Lens Flares, and Clickbaits) while any clown variants (meaning standard Circus/Carnival Clowns, Jesters, Mimes, and Harlequins) may pair off with another clown variant. The different races do sometimes reproduce and create offspring with humans, but the half human-half demon mixes are often outcasted, since most others feel like they don’t belong in hell, but they don’t belong in the human world, either
Harlequins and Incubi/Succubi are known to be more promiscuous in nature, so hybrids that are part clown or incubi/succubi are fairly common 
Devils and demons are extremely similar, though devils are almost always stronger, more violent, and more aggressive
It’s rare for demons to mate for life, but the bonded pairs that do usually end up moving out of the city. They relocate and choose to settle down somewhere away from most other demons, where they’re free to start a relatively peaceful life together
Because clown type demons are so similar, it’s common for two variants of one type to produce offspring that is another (ex: two standard Circus/Carnival Clowns may produce offspring that is a mime, or two Mimes may produce offspring that is a Jester)
If a Glitch variant reproduces with another Glitch variant, there’s a 50/50 chance that the offspring would be one type or the other (ex: a Pure Glitch and a Lens Flare may produce offspring that is either a Pure Glitch or a Lens Flare)
If two Sinner demons that don’t fall into any specific type produce offspring, the offspring would likely be another demon that shares their traits, similar to the outcomes whenever humans reproduce. The only thing to note would be that while Sinner demons aren’t native to hell, any children they have would technically be Hellborns
Hellhounds, Inks, and Imps are at the bottom of the food chain, so to speak. Maras, Vampires, and Incubi/Succubi are only slightly above them. Fallen Angels and Devils are at the very top, with Glitches right beneath them. Beneath Glitches would be Clowns, and then beneath Clowns would be Inanimates
From the bottom of the societal ladder to the top, the order would be: Hellhounds, Inks, Imps, Incubi/Succubi, Vampires, Maras, Inanimates, Clowns, Glitches, Devils, and Fallen Angels
Hellborn demons will almost always be stronger than Sinner demons. Sinners do have the potential to become stronger though, if the right conditions are met 
There are other subspecies that exist as well, like Spiders, Moths, Cyclops, Snakes, Technology, Plants, etc.
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survivalhuntingtips · 5 years
Best Budget Binoculars For Hunting In 2019 2020
Trying to buy the Best Budget Binoculars For Hunting without proper research could cause you to lose tens of dollars.
Nowadays, the economic situation requires that we measure our expenditure to the last millimeter. For this reason, we are going to talk about some of the Best Budget Binoculars For Hunting– that is, quality binoculars with good prices.
Before buying a hunting binocular, as always, you have to ask ourselves where you are going to use them most. By doing a proper research, we can find polyvalent binoculars that we can use for different types of hunting. For this purpose, we have looked at a wide range of possibilities.
Considering the importance of light transmission and the quality of the lens, I have a series of cheap and good hunting binoculars to consider.
Some binoculars that can work very well for the different types of hunting, while not spending a fortune, are the following products:
Buyer’s Guide
Choosing your binoculars is more complicated than it seems at first glance.
Some tips may be necessary to help you take stock of this category of special products. You do not necessarily have the time, the desire or the opportunity to go to a specialized store to hear a salesman trying to inform you about the specifics of each model. Besides, you may even be afraid of getting brainwashed by a desperate salesman.
To make your work easier and save you time, we have pre-selected for you. You will discover what our favorite products are, depending on how you can use them. This will guide you in your purchases and allow you to focus on what you really want to do – observe the world behind magnifying glasses.
The Different Types Of Binoculars
You should know that there are different types of binoculars. Selecting one should hinge on the need you have or your practice of outdoor activities. Some of them are complementary and you could decide for a panel of different binoculars depending on the situation.
Single Lens Or Double Lenses
There are thus monoculars, which are often preferred by athletes. Technically, they are also not quite binoculars, because they come in the form of a single optical tube. However, they allow a usually better precision. They adapt to the situations of weak luminosities and take less space than more conventional binoculars.
However, they are rather advisable for short observation phases, especially because they involve closing an eye to using them. This position is not always pleasant to maintain for long minutes. If your preference is towards these models, focus on the monoculars that capture the highest brightness. With these, you can use them in any weather.
Pocket Binoculars
Pocket binoculars are often compact and very light. They are around 200 grams and are convenient to use in hiking. It is also great for use by children, especially for the ones who are becoming grown-ups.
You just have to check that the eyes can be easily adjusted so that they can adapt to all face shapes. Nevertheless, despite their many qualities, some complaint about their field of view. They say they are quite small, weigh a few hundred grams extra and they prefer models with wider eyepieces.
If you are ready to carry 800 grams of quality optics with you, these are the ones you prefer. They are generally versatile and pleasant to use, apart from their weight that can tire fragile wrists.
Finally, these are binoculars that allow you to see much further, with larger zooms, reserved for long-distance use. However, a large zoom also implies a more delicate focus and has over ten times magnifications than other versatile models.
These models are more about people who like to stay on the lookout, without moving. The users also wouldn’t have to worry about the weight or the stability of the binoculars.
The Criteria To Consider When Buying Binoculars
Four points are especially important when choosing your binoculars:
You must take into account the magnification level, indicated by the first number in the description of the binoculars. Note that a zoom of 10 is generally recommended for frequent use on the go. It gives the impression of getting closer to the target ten times.
For example, this means that a deer a kilometer away will suddenly seem only 100 meters away. And that the same animal, which you spot 100 meters from you, will look as if it were only 10 meters away. It could be tempting to favor high numbers.
However, be aware that the more they are, the more difficult it is to avoid tremors when setting a specific point. Therefore, you will need the help of a tripod or a fixed support, which is not always practical for hunting.
The second point is the second number indicated (for example, 10 x 25). The 25 here represents the surface of the lens. The wider it is, the more so is the field of view, and the more the glass captures brightness. You should note that many models, which can adapt to the nocturnal conditions, often have nothing more than the large lenses. It is necessary to be wary of this indication.
However, take into account that a large figure also implies heavier material and thus impacts the weight of the binoculars. Their size will also be different, of course, and if you primarily need compact, lightweight models, it’s better to focus on smaller lens sizes.
The third point obviously concerns the weight and size of the binoculars. For children or people who do not want to load, the focus should be on the lightest models. A weight that is close to a kilogram can really be heavy in the long run. This is especially when you think that the thong pulls on the back of the neck and leads more and more forward as the day goes by.
However, the comfort of the carriers can be better improved. This is achievable by replacing the straps provided with the binoculars with larger models, such as those chosen by the photographers. This manipulation is quite simple to perform and can avoid having the neck sheared by a too thin and unsuitable thong.
The last point focuses on the small details that make the difference. Moisture resistance, anti-UV treatment, anti-slip coating, eyecups adapted to glasses wearers, lens caps that do not get lost in the slightest movement of air, etc. They are little things, but these will make your experience even more enjoyable.
If the difference between two otherwise identical models costs a few more dollars, you should invest in them for comfort. You will not regret it. We have systematically indicated these elements in our research to better guide you in your choices.
Size To Consider According To Purpose Of Use
In the case that we need them for hunting, with a 7×50 or an 8×42 binoculars, these would be fine. Even with an 8 × 32, we could have very good results.
In the case that we want it for stalking, we will have to consider what type of stalking we will do. It could be for stalking in the mountains, in the forest or brush, in the plains, in the mountains, etc. In this case, we can start by considering a 7×50 or an 8×42. Then we can also go through an 8×56 and 10×42 and reach up to 12 × 50. In the case of waits, a 7 × 50, a 10×50, a 12×50 or an 8×56 will help us, depending on the objective.
How To Use Binoculars For Hunting
Watch the videos below to learn how to effectively use binoculars for hunting purpose:
Why Use Binoculars?
If you are reading this page, it is probably that you are already interested in binoculars. You want to buy and you just have a hard time finding the best budget binoculars for hunting. However, you may also want to receive them as gifts and you need arguments to convince your loved ones to buy you a pair.
So you could tell them that a pair of binoculars will keep you safe from the danger of having to get too close to wild animals or particular viewpoints. You will be away from the claws of the cats. Meanwhile, you can have the impression that you just have to reach out to stroke them!
You can also tell them that binoculars will prevent you from asking too much for a not-too-good eye view. By forcing less on your eyes, you extend their life and everyone knows how important vision is.
You can tell them that binoculars will allow you to get fresh air. This is because you will need to take them out in the wild to exploit the full potential. It will certainly be much better than spending your time in front of a screen (like now for example). No one could blame you for having a desire for a ride.
You will tell them that these binoculars allow you to get away from home safely. That it allows you to observe the birds in your garden and beyond, and learn to recognize them. This harmless hobby has never met a critic so far.
You can explain that these binoculars will allow you to spend time with your family. You will have to transmit the taste of nature and observation to your children.
As you can see, the opportunities to use binoculars are not limited, nor are the reasons for doing so. If some still doubt your motivations, you will only have to retort to them that they must stop to look at the world which surrounds them by the small end of the telescope.
Read Full: https://survivalhuntingtips.com/best-budget-binoculars-for-hunting-in-2018/
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