#which. hate the amount of time it’s been where her state has been completely unconfirmed but 😃
lavenderjewels · 10 months
kusakabe going around aimlessly in circles with panda in shibuya to avoid any confrontation with the special grade antagonists while keeping on a serious face and panda not realizing because he have no sense of direction as an animal is still one of the funniest things in all of jujutsu kaisen
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operagheist-blog · 7 years
REMEMBER WHEN YOUR POTENTIAL WAS A PROMISE INSTEAD OF A REGRET?  ; aka the harry potter au, which i talked about writing & then rambled about to @diealive ( bless you, my friend ). this is really long, i am very sorry.
FIRSTLY, there are possibilities for variants of this, but the MAIN ONE involves erik as a ghost — an actual ghost, y’know. before he died, he obviously had a life, although true to poto canons, it was a sucky life. during the time period of the early 1800s in which he was born ( for this, the year 1832 ), it was probably not a good thing to be a magical child, especially one born with what other magical people called uriel’s touch gone wrong, & what non-magical folk just called deformity. since he was aware of the fact that he was terribly different from the people he was ( sometimes ) around, erik did what he thought was right — try his hardest to fit in. sadly, this attempt also involved attempts to suppress his magical abilities & anyone who’s seen fantastic beasts & where to find them knows what this results in. here is the harry potter wiki on OBSCURIALS & here are some important parts. see OBSCURIAL NOTES below this section.           an obscurial is a young wizard or witch who developed a dark parasitical magical force, known         as an obscurus, as a result of their magic being suppressed through psychological or physical         abuse. an obscurial may lose control when they reach their emotional & mental breaking point,         releasing their obscurus as an invisible ( or nearly invisible ) destructive wind. in extreme cases,         they may physically transform into an obscurus [1]. usually, children possessed by an obscurus         almost always die before their 10th birthdays, but as exemplified by credence barebone,         a wizard with tremendous latent powers can survive longer [2]. obscurials were believed to         have completely disappeared from the united states of america by 1926 according to seraphina         picquery [...] an obscurus had not existed in the united states for over 200 years [3]. while still         unconfirmed, ariana dumbledore was potentially an obscurial too, as the description of her "illness"         given by her brother aberforth fit the description of an obscurial; "it destroyed her, what they did:         she was never right again. she wouldn’t use magic, but she couldn’t get rid of it; it turned her inward         & drove her mad, it exploded out of her when she couldn’t control it, & at times she was strange &         dangerous. but mostly she was sweet & scared & harmless". it would also explain how, as         an untrained witch, she was capable of killing her mother in an uncontrolled rage with magic [4].         sidenote, ariana dumbledore was born in 1885. 
OBSCURIAL NOTES. [1] considering the fact that erik was a. born in the early 1800s b. born with the same deformities as in stage-movie combination ( which i use as reference, because continuity with icons oh my god ) c. a magical chid, he was likely abused. [2] let’s look at poto canon for erik: he’s a genius in many things, even in the 04 movie, madame giry: [about erik] he's a genius. he's an architect & designer, he's a composer & magician... a genius, monsieur!. other canon ( kay, leroux ) note that he was a magician for the shah of persia, where he designed many torture chambers. in general, if he’d been allowed to show his work to the world, he likely would’ve ben quite well loved & well known for his ridiculous amount of talent. translating those parts of various poto canon into harry potter things ( factor in that erik did, in fact, attend hogwarts, which will be explained later ), the latent potential he has is a lot. a ridiculous amount, oh my god. similarly to credence, he’d definitely make it past 10, which with his hogwarts years, he does. [3] it’s noted that obscurials hadn’t been in the UNITED STATES in over 200 years, but this is EUROPE, not america. [4] using the ariana theory in reference to the whole usa obscurial thing & factoring in ariana’s birth year being 1885, erik, born in 1832 with all of that shit stacked against him ( but with a fuckton of latent power that he gains at least some slight control over thanks to his hogwarts years ), erik may have had a lot of similar issues in emotional things, which also contributes to being an obscurial. if ariana was an obscurial, there was a fuckton of coverup for that. 
ONTO HOGWARTS YEARS ( see HOGWARTS NOTES for more elaboration / misc. things, also considering erik traveled a lot in poto canon, who’s to say he was initially born in france is that even ever mentioned? anywhere??? ). erik would’ve been sorted in 1843 because maths. like other young wizards & witches, he received a wand from ollivander’s, because the family has literally been in the wandmaking business since 382 BCE. due to the core of the wand, it may not have been MADE by the ollivanders. note, the wand chooses the wizard ( or witch ) is a legit thing, so there’s trial & error. factoring in wandlore & how wand wood & core also are important, due to his ridiculous musical aptitude ( which will be across literally everything i do, that’s the whole point ), the core of his wand is horned serpent horn — this core is sensitive to parseltongue, & can warn their owners of danger by emitting a low musical tone. the noted wandmakers to use this core are isolt sayre & james steward, meaning the wand was likely purchased or whatnot by the ollivander family, but was manufactured in america. the wand is made from hornbeam — hornbeam selects for its life mate the talented witch or wizard with a single, pure passion, which some might call obsession - more kindly - vision, which will almost always be realised. hornbeam wands adapt more quickly than almost any other to their owner’s style of magic, & will become so personalised, so quickly, that other people will find them extremely difficult to use even for the most simple of spells. hornbeam wands likewise absorb their owner’s code of honour, whatever that might be, & will refuse to perform acts - whether for good or ill - that do not tally with their master’s principles. they are particularly fine-tuned & sentient wands. NOW, ACCORDING TO WANDLORE, wand length is more of a PERSONALITY based thing, so uh the examples were hagrid’s wand at 16″ because he has a big personality & umbridge’s wand being short because of her tldr shitty personality. erik is a visionary, he’s filled with passion & whatnot, refer back to literally every poto canon, he’s also reclusive but proud of his intelligence & rightfully so. according to garrick ollivander, matching a wand to a wizard solely by height is a crude measure. long wands tend to suit those with big personalities, of a more spacious & dramatic style of magic. neater wands favour elegant & refined spell-casting. particularly short wands will choose wizards whose character lacks something [x]. with all of that in mind, the tl;dr of this is the wand he received was hornbeam, horned serpent horn, 11″.  the fact that erik was trained at hogwarts undoubtedly contributed to the fact that he didn’t still die as a teenager or something. 
HOGWARTS NOTES. erik was sorted into into RAVENCLAW HOUSE. he lacked the gryffindor pride & courage, his cunning came from his intelligence & not from ambition or a desire to get to the top regardless of what others had to go through, he does possess hufflepuff loyalty, but only to a very small handful of people ( literally like at most maybe 2 or 3, depending on timeframe ). the pride he does posses is in his intelligence, & he highly respects that in others. he used to end up in detention here & there for fighting with other students, often because they would attempt the jackass mask grab. honestly, he’s super lucky that no one died because of the obscurus. he probably excelled at OWLS & NEWTS with scores that could’ve gotten him a lot of jobs, but uh, you know. ERIK HAS THE POTENTIAL TO CAST A PATRONUS, BUT LACKS THE HAPPY MEMORIES TO DO SO. theoretically, he has the potential to perform a great deal of powerful magic, but due to the problem of being an obscurial, the latent ridiculous power he has is mostly directed toward NOT DYING. due to this fact, he never displays his full magical potential & power in any other scenario than one where he becomes the obscurus. he graduated in 1849. 
POST HOGWARTS YEARS & DEATH, again there’s a notes section for this. while the plot of poto is usually 1870, erik doesn’t make it to 1870. he makes it to the middle of 1862, giving him another 13 years to live after graduating from hogwarts. after hogwarts, erik made a living doing odd jobs, but never stayed in one place for long. often, he wished to return to hogwarts, the place he saw as the only ‘home’ he ever had. in early 1862, he demolished a good deal of shops & killed a good number of people in an uncontrolled rage. obviously, the ministry looked into this, as both muggles & wizards & witches were among the casualties. terrified at the fact that he’d lived so long as an obscurial, they sent aurors after him to eliminate him as a threat, which they technically did, but the greater majority of those sent after him also ended up dead as collateral. 
POST HOGWARTS & DEATH NOTES. after his death, erik’s ghost returned to hogwarts as he always wished. at some point during albus dumbledore’s teaching career as the transfiguration professor, erik was confined to the school grounds, as he was still incredibly volatile ( dumbledore vouched for confinement rather than the most extreme option — exorcism ). he gravitates to students who are shunned, bullied, lonely, or afraid as he wishes to help them ( erik literally hates himself so much, but he also has so much empathy for others who are suffering & he doesn’t want them to suffer ). 
MISC. NOTES & VARIANTS OF THE AU. variants include erik’s school years lining up with tom riddle’s school years, although other than that, nothing else changes about him. there’s also marauder’s timeframe, which is the same as everything else, but putting him in that ballpark for his hogwarts years. no matter what, erik literally despises tom riddle ( a handsome & deceptive little shit whom a great deal of people liked because he was attractive & erik just SEETHES because they can’t see tom for what he really is ). erik has been suspected of taking revenge on bullies for hurting other students, although he only ever attacks the bullies 1 from behind 2 when they’re alone. these attacks are sometimes attributed to peeves, because no one witnesses them, really. if he had been less of a mess ( even just not an obscurial ), he would’ve been interested in teaching at hogwarts. he’d absolutely adore myrtle & they’d definitely be friends ( godbless @diealive i never knew i needed this so much ). other possible friendships include severus snape & quirinus quirrell, the former due to honestly the very clear bullying, the latter also including the bullied factor & also attempts to help him have better perception of other people ( quirrell is noted to be ‘ a brilliant fellow ‘, although he was also completely deceived by voldemort; the likely conclusion is his genius is entirely academic ). he would be incredibly impressed with hermione granger. he’d probably also gravitate to neville longbottom. in the tom years & even in the marauder’s timeframe honestly ok ever since dumbledore came to be a teacher & wasn’t uh... in with grindewald, dumbledore would be his favorite faculty member. he also loves the fact that flitwick has a choir, ok. 
TL;DR, hogwarts helped a very hurt obscurial survive through a hellish life, although he ultimately meets a shitty death, but gets to return to the place he called home.
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