#while francis circles around the farm desperate for something or someone to come toward him and take what he’s been given
barklikeagod · 29 days
i think fundamentally benson doesn’t really want to hurt anyone it’s just the way he reacts to trauma like he seeks to have that control even while completely out of it but i think francis… is someone who maybe enjoys violence and the power it gives him when he otherwise feels so powerless. i don’t think he’s remorseful at all…
#r#francis is also homophobic and repressing his sexuality for the sake of The Presentation#meanwhile benson is neither…#i was talking to isabel about this but benson’s sexuality is unimportant to him…#like yeah he’s gay but he feels like it’s just him in this small town#so there’s no need to even think about it when nothing will come from it (and then here comes chris with the ‘boyfriend?’ question)#benson is accepting of that. resigned to being the one guy stuck in this small town who’s gay#francis on the other hand is resentful bc his brother got to leave and be gay. left him there with their mom and her expectations.#or maybe it’s not even that he got to be gay. maybe it’s just that he LEFT. and that’s why francis has these bursts of homophobia#his violence and homophobia i feel like are so motivated by the things he’s felt but ignored#benson’s traumas have been away from home but francis’s have been at home…… and the effect that’s had on them is. interesting.#benson drives around the same roads always a couple miles away from home like he can’t convince himself to leave#because he needs that safety net. even when it’s never really protected him much.#while francis circles around the farm desperate for something or someone to come toward him and take what he’s been given#desperate to get out but unable to break free from his mom and what society puts on his shoulders so instead he’s this.#black hole sucking in whatever comes close. hurting tom. hurting sarah. hurting his brother too i bet#the passenger#tom at the farm#mv
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