#while his mother was a pokemon healer like nurse joy
midnightsnackblog · 5 months
Combine two hyperfixtations, and you get a storm, a Jort Storm!
Purple having a ralts when he was younger and then evolved into Gallade.
I blame @tulipsempai for my hyperfixtatipns lol /j
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Alternate Next Gen (Main Cast): Kody Harrison
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Kody is the son of a Nurse Joy, however his mother didn’t want to follow in the family tradition and instead became a cook where she met and married her husband who was a frequent costumer. When Kody was born he wanted to become a doctor like all of his other relatives but he wanted to use natural medicines such as herbs and berries, he got a lot of backlash from his relatives both for being a boy and for not wanting to do things traditional. Wanting the best for her son, she had sent him to the Kanto region to live with Brock Harrison so he could learn how to be a doctor and learn about different herbs and all of their healing properties. Kody had agreed, thinking he would be happier with Brock. Kody fits in well with his new family and he learns a lot from Brock and other Nurse Joy’s who were a lot nicer than his family. Kody is a kind and gentle boy, he always wants what’s best for any Pokemon in need, he always takes his studies seriously and is quick to do what he can with whatever Pokemon is given to him to help heal. Kody does enjoy reading about different kinds of medicine and how poisons can be used to heal people and Pokemon and he always looked up what he could about that subject, which is one reason he was glad that he was given a Croagunk as his starter Pokemon when he was young. Kody had a lot of low self-esteem when he was younger do to how often he would get dirty looks from older Nurse Joy’s and how some members of his extended family didn’t like him or his mom, after being taken in by Brock he felt a lot happier and felt as if he could take on anything and everything thrown at him, while he does miss his mom, he’s happy that Olivia sees him as her child and that Brock treats him like a son. He gets along with Golda and often helps her when she needs to create new pieces of jewelry. Kody also working on getting a degree in Pokemon Psychology and he’s learning how to use aromatherapy to treat tired Pokemon, so far he’s great at creating scents for different Pokemon for any occasion and he has an idea on what to do for Pokemon Psychology and he has taken various classes on the subject. 
He was given his mother’s Key Stone before he was adopted by Brock, it was fitted into the left side of his glasses.
His Pokemon:
Croagunk- Croagunk was the first Pokemon that Kody had gotten when he was little and Croagunk was happy to help Kody with creating medicine out of the poison he would make. Croagunk is a helpful Pokemon that will do what he can to ease the pain of someone who needs help, be it people or Pokemon. Croagunk also is very protective of his trainer and will always use Poison Jab on someone if he hears them insult Kody for being a male nurse, he also takes pride in doing so, especially if he poisons them with Poison Jab and he laughs to himself after jabbing them in their back or side. Like most Croagunk, Kody’s Croagunk doesn’t like to battle unless it’s defend himself or to protect Kody. Croagunk has very good hearing and is able to sense if someone who isn’t supposed to be around is nearby and he takes care of it without anyone even knowing that he’s gone. Kody’s Croagunk gets along with Brock’s Croagunk, often having a father, son bond with him despite the fact they aren’t related to each other which makes both Kody and Brock happy.
Caught in a Pokeball.
Ability is Anticipation.
Moves are Poison Jab, Venoshock, Revenge, Focus Punch, Lash Out, Cross Chop, Gunk Shot, Ice Punch, Brick Break and Sludge Wave.
Shiny Audino- Before Kody had left to live with Brock, his mother had given him a shiny Audino as a parting gift from her and an Audinite so he could mega evolve his Audino. Audino is a kind and gentle Pokemon, she always helps Kody with healing Pokemon as well as gathering herbs and berries for his homemade medicines. Audino always believes in Kody and doesn’t think less of him because of his gender, she loves being with him and helping him like any other Audino would help with their Nurse Joy partner. Audino is very careful with what she’s doing and has knowledge on Pokemon massaging, she always massages Pokemon who have stiff muscles or are injured in a way that require a massage. She shows Kody how to massage Pokemon and tells him where all Pokemon has a specific place to be massaged like how a Zubat will need to have their wings massaged. Audino has a close bond with Kody which is how she’s able to mega evolve, she mostly mega evolves to protect sick Pokemon and to protect Kody from harm.
Caught in a Heal Ball.
Ability is Healer, ability is the same when Mega Evolved.
Held Item is Audinite.
Moves are Disarming Voice, Life Dew, Helping Hand, Heal Pulse, Draining Kiss, Psychic, Hyper Voice, Hyper Beam, Dazzling Gleam and Wish.
Happiny- Kody was given Happiny when she was an egg and she hatched into a healthy Pokemon that Kody now takes care of. Happiny is a cheerful Pokemon like most baby Pokemon, she also knows how to help Kody with what he needs, mostly by using the egg shaped stone in her pouch to crush berries and herbs to make his homemade medicine and to mash berries newly hatched baby Pokemon. Happiny knows that what Kody does is serious business and is happy to help in anyway that she can. She admires all of the Chansey and Blissey she sees in the doctor’s office and often tries to follow their lead or watch what they’re doing to learn from them, which is what she does by following Brock’s Blissey and paying attention when she teaches her about things such as what kind of berries do what to a Pokemon and what herbs help heal a person or Pokemon. Happiny loves being with Kody, either by being held by him or by just being in the same room as him, she’s always at her happiest when she’s with Kody or Kody’s Pokemon and is even happier to help Kody with his job at helping other Pokemon.
Caught in a Friend Ball.
Ability is Serene Grace.
Moves are Pound, Sweet Kiss, Disarming Voice, Icy Wind, Helping Hand, Round, Hyper Voice, Metronome, Psychic and Water Pulse.
Comfey- Comfey was given to Kody while he was studying about aromatherapy, a Nurse Joy thought that Comfey would be helpful with him learning how to create scents for Pokemon as the flowers Comfey collect create soothing fragrances that effects those around them. Comfey is a bit of an airhead, but she’s still kind to let Kody use the flowers she gathers for aromatherapy and she’s always happy to see Pokemon enjoy the scents she provides to help them relax after a tough day, same for humans who enjoy happen to be nearby. Comfey is allowed to give flower leis to visitors of the doctor’s office as well as calm restless visitors by giving them a burst of a relaxing scent to help them relax. Comfey loves helping Kody with creating scents for the aromatherapy sessions he has with Pokemon who need it and Comfey is always happy to those who enjoy the scents she helps create.
Caught in a Heal Ball.
Ability is Triage.
Moves are Draining Kiss, Magical Leaf, Floral Healing, Aromatherapy, Sweet Scent, Petal Dance, Grassy Terrain, Dazzling Gleam, Pollen Puff and Nature Power.
Miltank- Miltank was caught by Kody after he helped her feel better when she was feeling sick, she was amazed at how Kody managed to use berries and herbs from the area to help her feel better and wanted to join his team so she could help him by using her milk to make others feel better, Kody saw no harm in that so he let her join his team. Miltank is a very sweet Pokemon who will happily let anyone drink her milk after she’s been milked, but she won’t give her milk to anyone who makes fun of her trainer and how he prefers to heal Pokemon, thinking that they don’t deserve it since she knows first hand that they work. Miltank will also give Kody her milk for him to drink when he’s having a bad day and needs a pick me up, she always reserves her milk for him and his family. Miltank also takes time to help Pokemon who need healing often by giving them her milk. Miltank is very thankful for Kody helping her when she was sick and she always trains herself for anything to make sure her trainer is safe, often acting like a second mother to Kody, always reminding him to eat well and to drink her milk so he’s always healthy.
Caught in a Heal Ball.
Ability is Scrappy.
Moves are Defense Curl, Rollout, Heal Bell, Play Rough, Body Slam, Gyro Ball, Retaliate, Attract, Giga Impact and Mega Punch.
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