#while people who say they're shit are typically decent and just like. depressed.
ruthlesslistener · 2 years
everytime i think about that terf saying that the 'evil' in men starts at 4 years of age i think about that one eight year old kid who saw me waiting in line to get my flu shot with my (presumably) bitch face set in place and very seriously start explaining to me how it's okay, i just need to relax and not look and it won't even hurt at all. Like i myself am not someone who likes or can be around children for long (not bc they're terrible- they're just little people having a hell of a time in the world, and i am an autistic people who has a hell of a time in the world, which doesn't always mesh the best), but holy shit how do you think little boys are anywhere in the least bit inherently awful. Moreover, how do you get a job in CHILDCARE and claim to be empathetic and good with kids if you deadass think just because a baby has balls, they're inherently awful. Fucking hell.
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thenutcrackr · 7 years
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The 4 BRUTAL TRUTHS Of Travel Life, If Ignored Will Make You Shit In Pants
When it comes to living the Travel Life that you always dreamed of, there are 4 Brutal Truths that you should know.
Doesn't matter if you're traveling once a year or once every week or even full-time Nomadic Life. These truths are like 4 legs of a chair.
Even if one breaks you can't really sit comfortably and chances are you’ll probably fall off
Although when you start travelling, and as you start experiencing more and more, the lessons and the pieces fall back into their place and the whole picture starts to become clear.
But in a nutshell here's​ what you need to exactly understand . . ..
Brutal Truth #1:
Taking The First Step i.e To Actually Travel.
Hey, it's so simple that even a 3 year old naked baby will understand.
If you're not actually planning your trip and going on it how the hell you're going to live the life?
Simply saying that dreaming about it is not enough. Travelling simply can't be an option in your life.
It has to be a Priority. When you make something priority and put it on your Calendar you're kind of getting serious about it.
So all these likes and follows on Facebook and Instagram on travelling pages aren't going to cut it.
You’ve to actually plan the trip by yourself...
You’ve to figure out the place you want to travel to….
You’ve to figure out the transportation…
You’ve to figure out the home-stays….
And you have to actually get out of your house and catch that plane or bus that's waiting for you.
That magical bus or plane that's​ waiting for you since a very long time and is going to take you on your epic adventure of your life.
If you still haven't started living a travel life, then let me tell you Camping is the best way to get started.
And yes this small little 'Checklist’ that I’ve created will save you lots of time and lots of pain in the ass down the road.
Brutal Truth #2:
Money or Recurring Cashflow.
Yup, that's​ one truth you simply can't hide from.
Be it the plane ticket or bus ticket, or even living in a hotel or homestay, you're going to pay someone to give you that service.
That's the way it is.
Now some talk about gathering a lots of Frequent Flyer points and travelling the world by redeeming points.
But to be a Frequent Flyer you kind of have to travel frequently and buy air tickets. And c'mon there's a difference between paying and travelling by a plane and by taxi.
It's not that you will get an air ticket for $30 right?
Even buses and trains charge a decent to travel long distance and to explore even your own country.
Which kind of comes to the Brutal Truth that you do need money to Travel. At least if you're looking to explore your own country in detail.
Yes hitchhiking is a good way to travel on low budget and requires less money.
Less money - but not for free.
For you what sounds like ‘Paying’ someone for giving you a service is actually earning a livelihood for that person on other hand.
That money you paid for that home-stay is going to feed the people that bring you that service.
It's​ their bread and butter for their whole life. It puts food in their stomach 2 times a day…
So stop thinking like a “Douche-Traveler” that travelling should be free. And start thinking like a “True-traveler” and know everything here in this world has a purpose.
(It may not fit in our tiny little brains right now. But whoever designed this existence is to be honest a super genius).
Start saving if you've a job or start earning more by adding another source of cashflow to your  income stream.
If you're already started travelling, be it camping, hiking or whichever way you’ve started living your travel life…
Travel Blogging is the simplest and most 'no-brainer’ way to live the Nomadic Life while keeping you bank account full (only if you do it correctly) without being confined to a workplace constraints and making money at the same time.
And the proper way to do this is by grabbing this Epic Travel Blog checklist that will show you the blueprint to start a highly financially successful travel blog:
Because​ most of them bomb during the first two months. So it's a necessity and not an option.
And having a proper proven strategy goes a long way. (Telling this from my portfolio of 6 years of failed marketing ventures).
Brutal Truth #3:
Lots Of Time:
Now if you're making a lot of money and have no time, well again say goodbye to travel life.
You simply can't go out and trek a hill in just 5 minutes. I mean that simply is impossible unless you're Usain Bolt and you kind of live in the mountains or near some exotic place.
But if you live in a City then you know your majority of your time is invested in making money and not living.
To be honest I don't have any other solution at this stage to make money in way too less time unless you've a proper system in place that makes money for you even while you sleep.
And that thing only exists in an online business and blogs and has an online digital product in backend . . .
Ebooks, Paid Email Newsletter, Video Courses teaching your skills to other who need those.
Right now, making and selling Video Courses is a huge business. Plus you’re helping someone to improve their lives. Both financially and personally.
Using the same system you can offer services to people online that you're skilled in while targeting the only clients that pay you more and takes less time to complete the project or task in hand.
Or you can take one high-end client who pays a lot for your services (you should know how to position yourself and charge more for you services and have a pricing strategy in place).
And takes max 1-2 days to complete the task, but the money is enough to make you live lavishly for a month or two.
(The best option for freelancers who want to travel the world and make money using the skills they have).
Which kind of fulfills the purpose of Nomadic Life.
Or you simply change the route and go the travel blogging way. Your choice.
So yeah time is a big and necessary factor in travelling.
Brutal Truth #4:
Emotional Stability:
Now travelling is quite similar to Meditation. Because when you Travel you're not kind of trapped in your own mind and expectations or belief structures about the way you see this world as a whole.
Even a depressed-as-fuck guy or gal who lives in a concrete jungle thinks this world sucks just because they think things in their life never go the way they want, starts changing mentally and emotionally.
This nature is a way too good seducer. Even greater than any pickup artist out there.
Anyone who comes in contact with it suddenly realizes that there's a whole new world out there that has been hidden from them the whole time.
Their life has been a lie till now. And there's really a thing known as ‘Inner Peace’ that exists which the City Life fools you into thinking that it doesn't.
But their are some that are so attached to the routine and people of City Life that when the time comes to travel alone and to explore the world, they kind of start losing their minds.
They start feeling depressed even when travelling. Even though they're​ the ones that bad mouth and complain about City Life all the time when living the typical 9-5 life.
See now that's a very dangerous stage. If you hate City Life and love Travel Life then it's okay. If you hate Travel Life and love City Life again it's okay, coz not everyone is a traveled kind.
But if you hate Travel Life and also City Life then it's an extremely dangerous situation coz no matter what you do, feeling satisfied or feeling some inner peace is way too hard as your own mind is what rejects the good things around you and is trapped in the loop of depressed thought-train.
At this point focusing on maintaining the inner balance is extremely important. Or else your own mind will turn your whole life in a giant gutter.
And believe me that’s not a good thing. Telling this from my own experience when my marketing ventures bombed badly one after another for 6 years straight….Lots of suicidal thoughts, 2 times suicide tries with cough syrup (ended up feeling extremely dizzy and puking heavily), fights with everyone around me, the whole world starts to look in shades of black and white, the potential to learn from failures and bad experiences is totally crushed.
Emotions like anger, fear, insecurity, jealousy, anxiety starts to take over your mind. Self doubt increases at a tremendous rate. The food you eat starts losing its taste. No smile can make you happy.
Seasonal depression starts to take over. Depression feels the highest in cold seasons.
Lots of days spent crying. The body starts showing signs of weakness. Your immune system starts to fall. As the direct relation between mind and body is extremely high. Lots of nightmares.
You start feeling the world doesn’t understand you. Dependency on drugs and antidepressant increases.
That’s why people who meditate regularly are way more chill than normal because the process teaches you to start taking control of your own mind.
The rest falls into it’s place. Your mind can either heal you or it can directly kill you.
And the best way I know is to simply sit in a quiet place with a straight spine, close your eyes and concentrate on your breath.
Also there's an another way or technique that complements the above and is highly potent.
You can learn more about it here:
So that being said, these 4 legs of Travel Life are in sync with each other.
Even if one breaks, it's kind of incomplete and you can't continue your Travel Life anymore.
Peace out.
“The Guy Who Smiled & Lived . . .”
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