#while pretending to hug like gossip old society ladies
leclercskiesahead · 6 months
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from formula santander
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mydearsaddiary · 4 years
 This is a Speakeasy Tonight fanfic on how I imagined Neil Season 3 would go like. This is chapter 2, here’s a link to chapter 1: https://mydearsaddiary.tumblr.com/post/618558632607514625/neil-season-3-chapter-1-1933-little-curiosity
WARNING: Includes a hot scene and mention of drug use
Little curiosities: Hey guys!, this chapter we’ll be traveling to Columbus! MC’s family will be here and Neil will meet them, but younger sister Hazel gets the spotlight here!
Author notes: This chapter is a bit longer but I hope you guys enjoy it! Thank you for your feedback on Chapter 1! I plan on continuing this story and posting as much as I can! If you like this story please like and reblog!
-Candy, My Dear Diary (05/21/2020)
Neil Season 3
Chapter 2- I love you, my dear sibling. Even when you irritate me.
-It’s not that small-Neil said, looking incredibly uninterested on his first look of the town. He carried our luggage, after all I could still take some advantages of being a lady. We walked out of the Columbus Train Station and into the cab I signaled to
-Whaddya expect? Dairy farms and corn fields? - I teased him getting myself comfortable in the taxi seat. I knew those were around not too far from Columbus, but I wasn’t going to let him win
-From the way you talked about it, I really thought it was the middle of nowhere- He closed the door on his side. However, he couldn’t keep his cynical façade for long. I did catch him trying to take a peek outside- It’s definitely not Boston, or Chicago.
-There’s the Armory me and the others used to beat our gums about nothing for hours, besides wetting our whistles- I whispered that last part- It’s a bit far but you can see it there! Oh, and there’s the church Momma would take us to every Sunday. It’s your mighty luck we’ll be scrambling out of here before Sunday an-
I turned around to notice he wasn’t paying much attention to me. His right leg was restless and he rested his chin on his hand, fixated on what looked like nothing outside
- Are you alright? - I asked, he didn’t reply right away and just gave me a blank stare. I noticed outside the sights changed from a more commercial area to rows and rows of houses, and then it dawned on me- Are you… Is the calm and steady Dr. Dresner nervous to meet my parents? - I fluttered my lashes at him
He chuckled turning his head away again- Don’t get any ideas, tomato- He paused for a few seconds- I’m just missing my bourbon.
-I’ll say!-I couldn’t argue with that, I’m sure he did. For Momma and Poppa, Neil had to pretend to be the ritziest Boston Brahmin, high society upstage type, and the biggest bluenose they’ve ever seen. Lucky for Neil, he had plenty of experience. No morphine, no practicing medicine illegally and that also meant: No bourbon. For him, I bet the hardest part of all of it was the last one.
I had my job to do too. Uncle Charlie was supposed to turn me into Mrs. Grundy and my acting lessons from Elliot and playing the part for the temperance meetings sure made me the perfect Jane for the job. Thanks, Graham.
The taxi stopped in front of my childhood home. The houses were close together in Columbus, far apart enough for barely any privacy. As Neil once mentioned, the middle-class in me was very noticeable, and it was in the place I grew up too.
There it was, the humble castle. The white exterior presented everybody with windows and more windows along with the corny reddish-orange roof. I could see my old room’s window from the cab and it made me giggle with nostalgia from the times I snuck up there from my secret parties at night. Neil gave the cab driver his coin and went to get our luggage
While he played gentleman, I turned around to see the wooden-colored door open and Momma along with Edith and Hazel appear. I could see Poppa and Oliver, Edith’s husband, right behind the excited dames.
I chose the right outfit to impress my parents, a long sleeve loose dress that ran its course to right below my knees. It was cream-colored with some rose flowers on its pattern. At the hip it had a bow that matched the one on my rose-colored chicken-platter hat. My delicate heels were the same rose color. From her eyes I could see Momma appreciating the finesse
Neil carried our bags behind us as I walked towards the porch to greet them
-Mary Catherine!- Momma yelled. Gee, she made me sound like an old bug-eyed Betty.
-Heya, Momma!- I smiled giving her a hug- I sure did miss you guys-I stepped away looking at everyone else- Edith!- I went to her next- I thought I’d have to go over to your house to see you
-I thought I’d make it easy for you-She smiled hugging me
-That’s a lie, Mary, Edith wouldn’t stop talking in my ear until we were here- Oliver, the only stuffed bank fella to ever look like a redneck, came by her side and she took his arm.- Nice to see you back- He should tell that to Sweeney. We particularly never got along.
-Well, couldn’t stay away for too long! - I replied to him, turning my attention to Edith again- You’re glowing aren’t you? And starting to show too, have you thought about names yet?
-No, not yet. We thought we’d wait a little- She said and I was happy for her. Her eyes started to shine at the mention of her pregnancy. The thought scared me. I couldn’t put myself in her shoes right now and still imagine me with a grin like that on my face
-I got you something- I gave her the little bag from the maternity shop I had chosen with Cleo
-Thank you, MC- She held it close to her body- It’s beautiful- She smiled- We all missed you. I’m glad you’re staying with us for a few days
Momma interrupted us with Poppa asking me about Chicago, I told them Uncle Charlie regretted not being able to be there and Poppa mentioned I had to tell the “old geezer” he was coming to pay a visit to him in Chicago soon.
-MC- Edith said- You’ve been keeping this fella a secret for long enough- She mentioned Neil
-I have, haven’t I?- I walked back to him, I couldn’t tell what he was feeling with that stone-face- Well, there’s someone I’d like you guys to meet- He put the our bags down and took his hat off to shake hands with Poppa and Oliver
Momma looked Neil up and down and anyone could tell she liked what she was seeing. Neil was from the high society and one could tell. I mentioned he was from Boston in the letter I wrote her, and I felt bad about having to paint such an upstanding snobbish figure of Neil. He understood it and didn’t complain about it once. Whatever did I do to deserve this man?
-It’s a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Granger- He said. I don’t think Neil had much pleasure in meeting people like my parents. However, he knew everything about acting like he was raised. Although I do think they had a pass to be on his good side due to the fact they were my and Uncle Charlie’s family.
-Well, come on in. Dr. Dresner, right?-She said hurrying him inside. Uh… Hello? Daughter you haven’t seen in months?! Ugh, no use.
Neil sat down in the living room. The place seemed to be set to gossip, it reminded me of how Momma and her lady friends would sit on the relatively old sofas and seats around the coffee table to talk about the neighborhood and how the youth behaved extremely improper these days. Poppa would have his own seat by the radio, but right now, he was interested in the man I’d brought home with me as well. Even Edith and Oliver sat around him, but not Hazel. She was still outside
Her eyes looked down and she was as further away from the party as she could be. I took my hat off hanging it in the coat rack by the door, then made my way to her
-You look so blue people would think you’re the summer sky- I sat next to her on the porch- What’s eating you, Hazel? Didn’t you miss me?
-I missed you MC… Or do you go by Mary now?-She looked at me, reluctant and reserved
-You just call me how you always did- I snuggled up to her- Momma and Poppa have been giving you too much trouble?
-And how! Since you went away, Ted’s been inviting me for dances. It’s fun and all but now they are watching me closely so I can never stay too late- She shrugged- Guess life changes, even for you, huh?
-Whatever do you mean? - I distanced myself a little to be able to look at her face
-Well, I’m happy for you, MC. You know, you’re putting on the Ritz and everything- She motioned to my get-up- Almost didn’t recognize you
-Hazel, you must know I’m just putting on a show for Momma and Poppa
-Yeah, says you! - She gave me an angrier look- You brought in the high class, ritzy man, Boston Brahmin Doctor. Bet he has a deep pocket to go with it too. Momma and Poppa are all over him. Edith, you, and now they’ll be expecting me to marry some boorish stuffed fella
-Neil isn’t like that, Hazel- I took her arm- I’m sorry things have been hard for you. But I’ll tell you not to change who you are. I am the same MC that left. Say, how about I take you out for a spin tonight to the armory, after dinner? We can say we’re going to the movies. Well, if you don’t mind Neil coming along
She looked up at me- Really? Stuffed-shirt is going to go for that?
-He ain’t the bluenose you think he is- I giggled lowly- We’ll keep it secret, like old times.
-Alright-She smiled brighter this time, a little disconcerted, like she was embarrassed about something- So you really didn’t go off to turn into some Mrs. Grundy
I hugged her- Same little old me- I got up- Well, I better rescue Neil from the claws of Momma and Poppa
However when I went inside, Neil seemed to be doing just fine without me. He sat and talked about his Med school, how he went on to the war (But he kept it clean, nice and short), and how he came back and finished school and went to work. He basically told them everything everyone already knew about him and nothing else. He mentioned how he took care of Uncle Charlie and the neighborhood around and that’s how he met me. He painted a pretty picture of how respectable I was. Made me think of how many times he had to do that when he was younger
I sat by his side and even Hazel joined us- I hope they aren’t tiring you out
-Can it, Mary Catherine, he was just updating us on Charlie- Momma said
Poppa then spoke- Charles really got you on the straight and narrow. This one’s got my blessing- He shook his hand all Rotarian-like and Neil shook it back like it meant something- Charles tells me you’ve been working with the Temperance folks up in Chicago?- He asked wanting a confirmation from my own lips
-Yes, I go to the meetings when I can. Uncle Charlie can’t handle going to them anymore because of his health so I go instead. I have been helping him around the appliance store too.
-Oh, look at our girl, Eddie- Momma said looking like the cat who ate the canary- I’m so proud of you- It really looked like she was going to cry. Seems like she really thinks I just found my way back to heaven again- You take care of our little girl, now, you listen!
Neil nodded- I’ll take care of her- He said in a low tone, but looked at me and gave me a secret small smile, the one that let me know all was right in the world
However, with my traditional parents it meant me and Neil had to sleep in separate rooms, but it didn’t mean we had to be separated all the time when they weren’t looking. I declared I wanted to take a nap since I was tired from the trip and Neil suggested he was doing the same if they didn’t mind. Momma hushed us to go “to be all rested up for dinner”. I left my bags in my old bedroom. It now gave me a weird feeling, like I wanted to be out of there as soon as possible, so that’s what I did
I knocked softly on the spare room’s door Neil was staying in and walked in. He gave me a side smile and I closed the door behind me. I had a more comfortable dress in my hand which I put on top of the dresser- Thought I’d change in here
He answered coming up to me, pulling me close and kissing me deeply- Awfully dangerous to do that now, since I worked so hard on building a good reputation for your parents.
I laughed- Sorry. But the worst is over, right?
-If you say so. How likely is it we’re going to get away with this?- I could see the fire in his eyes
-Shh- I put my finger up to his lips, listening. I could hear Poppa listening to the radio and Momma talking to Edith and Oliver downstairs, activities they’d could be engaged in for at least an hour. Hazel wasn’t much to worry about- If we’re quiet, I’d say we got about forty minutes, it’s not much time…
-Plenty of time- He whispered crashing his lips onto mine. The feeling was electric. His hands on my lower back pulled me closer and roamed around that area with urgency. I don’t know if it was the excitement of hiding away and doing something that would get us in so much trouble if we got caught, but I was burning up inside. From the way Neil unzipped my dress he was too.
He pulled it down so aggressively the zipper came off in his hands and he had to force the dress open the rest of way. I would’ve cared if for it being expensive if I wasn’t so lost in him at the moment
We breathed heavily in between hot and desperate kisses as he basically teared my dress out of me in one quick strong pull. I swear I heard it rip before it fell on the floor. He picked me up and I was sure his strong hands were leaving marks on my thighs where he held me.
He put me down on the bed, this time kissing my neck. I made him back away to start working on his clothes. I undid his tie, throwing it away. Next I got rid of his jacket. His impatient hands got rid of his shirt and undershirt while I undid his belt and pushed his pants down.
It wasn’t long before there was nothing more in between us, only my stockings remained on my legs, but without their support they were soon falling out. Neil kissed, licked and touched everywhere he could. I breathed loudly, too loudly. When he got to work around my most sensitive area I let not just a gasp but a moan come out.
-Quiet-He said from down below in a demanding tone
-I’m trying- I whispered back. He knew he wasn’t making it easy for me and I knew he enjoyed knowing that. I placed my hands on my mouth as he continued his work. His tough grasp on my legs weren’t helping either. I wanted to scream and just let everything out.
He did something that made another noise escape from me. This time I looked down and I could meet his fiery eyes. Something in them had more fire than before- I told you to stay quiet- His tone of voice and the look he gave me made me weak on the knees.
He backed away to turn me around to lay on my stomach and I could feel his weight on top of me- Since you can’t keep your mouth shut, seems like I’ll just have to do it for you- He whispered in my ear, and I felt his strong right hand cover my mouth completely
And then we were one in our repeated motions. The only noise now was from our bodies colliding, which somehow he made it not loud but the feeling still feel just as deep. I was still sure I was moaning, but Neil’s hand on my mouth prevented the sound from going any further. It was hard to breathe and I could feel his hot breath on my neck as he moved.
The feeling grew higher and higher until it reached its peak and I knew I’d be crying out his name if it wasn’t our need for discretion, which he enforced by his hand still on my mouth
Even as we quiet down our panting, I didn’t want to leave just yet. My head rested on his chest. A thought occurred to me and I turned around to grab my dress on the floor. This thing was just rags now!
-Hey, buster!- I turned around to show him- You owe me a new dress.
-I’d say it was worth it-His smug face looked pleasantly satisfied and I threw the pillow on his face, to which he whispered an “Ow!” and threw it away on the bed – Alright, fine. But I’m getting you something from Boston.
-Oh, something too expensive for my shallow pockets?-I teased sitting up, putting on the other dress I thankfully brought into the room
-I’m not really a person to give presents around, so take it and don’t say anything about it
-Fine, Doctor. Get dressed. We’re going out- I fixed my hair on the mirror
-To where, exactly?- He looked at me this time- I thought we were staying here for dinner
-We are, and then after we’re taking Hazel down to the Armory
-God forbid you take me to one of those bathtub gin escapades you used to go to- He started getting dressed himself either way- What is that fella name you used to date, “Teddy” was it? You want me to go meet up with nineteen-year-old Teddy and fit in with the youth?
-Don’t worry he’s not nineteen anymore, he’s twenty- I said it like it made it any better
-It’s out of question, MC-He gave me that stern look he thought could convince me as something. He knew I was stubborn
While we got ready for dinner we fought back and forth about it and we ended up in “Yes, you’re going, even if I have to put a leash on you and walk you out.”
Dinner was uneventful. Me and Poppa talked about Uncle Charlie some more and I gave Poppa the letter he gave me. Then came Momma asking the big question
-So, when is the wedding?
I looked at Neil then back at her- Well, I was thinking maybe we should wait until the cold went away, like late April or May. It’d give us enough time to plan everything and not have to get married in the cold.
-Why wait that long?! People start talking if you’re engaged for too long!-She complained and Edith agreed- Besides, are you planning on marrying here in Ohio?
-We were thinking about Chicago, Momma- I didn’t want to make any big moves about the whole situation and Chicago felt like home, but I still needed an excuse that’d convince them- Uncle Charlie took really good care of me and now I’m helping him out. I’d like for him to attend the ceremony too, but with the health and all he can’t travel much.
-Well, Momma- Edith started- It’d give us a chance to go see his place up in Chicago, get out of the state and go visit the big city!
-Heh, that ain’t so bad- Poppa said- Chicago seems like a nice place to have it. That old geezer Charles better be looking sharp when we go
-I still think it should be sooner, Mary Catherine- Momma said, but before I continued to disagree she talked again- But, I understand. As long as it doesn’t take any longer than that.
-You got it Momma!
After dinner I dragged my cat Neil on a leash to the car. I told Momma and Poppa the three of us were going to a movie night. He said we could borrow his old jalopy and didn’t even give us a time to come back. I think he felt weird giving a thirty-two year old a curfew.
-Well, you take care of this one-He said to Neil pointing to me- And our little Hazel, it will do some good her spending time with you all. She can be a lot though
-I’m sure Mary will be able to handle her- Neil said. Didn’t like any responsibilities he didn’t care about put on him.
-Yeah, I’m sure- He looked at me and I agreed. After all he did believe my change to the bluenose side
Me and Neil waited for Hazel in the car, who said she’d come in a minute
-Your sister, she… She seemed restless today, like something was bugging her- Neil started
-Oh, Momma and Poppa have been hard on her. I told you before, they interfere with her life all the time now
-No, it’s not that- He had a weird look on his face- It’s… Never mind
-C’mon, spill it out
-It’s, the shakiness, the goosebumps on her arms, she was sweating like she was the Niagara Falls.
-You know I don’t speak doctor, right?-I looked at him, now worried. I was with her, but I didn’t notice those things- You think she’s sick or something?
-No. But I know the symptoms of withdrawal when I see it.
-Withdrawal? That’s applesauce! - I looked at him in disbelief- You think she’s hooked on morphine?
-Morphine is hard to get, you need a prescription or access to it like I had. If I’m right, it’s something easier to get
-I think you’re over the edge here. Hazel was always crazy, but she never did anything worse than I’d done
-If you say so-He turned his attention to outside- You know her better than I do
Hazel came outside looking ritzy, wearing a nice dress, lipstick and everything. She went in the back and yelled- Well, let’s scram!
Neil started to drive and I turned to talk to her, occasionally stopping to give him directions
-You’re all dolled up! Is there someone you’re trying to impress?- Realization dawned on me- You have a beau!
-Well, we started seeing each other a while ago. It’s not just for fun, but I ain’t gonna go and get hitched like you!
-Who is it? Do I know him?-I was interested. Neil on the other side drove in silence, like he tuned out the whole conversation
-Well, yeah, actually…
-It’s not Johnny Phelps is it?-I looked at her disapprovingly- You carried a torch for him before and he always seemed like trouble to me
-Martin Phelps’s little brother? No! I only had to go on one date with him to realize he was a flat tire
-I’ll say! Well, who is it then?
-Well, it’s Denby…-She shrugged, this time she was blushing- A few weeks ago he told me he thought I was always hotsy-totsy
-Teddy’s little brother Harry? I mean… He’s alright, but he always seemed like a goody-goody, I never even imagined him hanging around your crowd
-No… Not Harry, Theodore. We have been going out and-
-Teddy Denby?! You have been going out with Teddy?
-We’re not just going out, MC, we’re steady too. The real thing!
Neil snorted- Seems like he’s going around the family
-Hazel Rose Granger, you are not going steady with Teddy Denby!
-Why not? Just because you went out with him in high school once and then like three other times after that? I thought you guys were history
-Of course that’s history, Hazel but he’s a real flat tire too!
-Might have been for you, he treats me well.
I knew Teddy enough to know what he was like. He didn’t treat no girl like a lady and he definitely was after getting under skirts
-Tell me you didn’t sleep with him!
-How’s that any of your beeswax?- She retorted.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see Neil had become more entertained with our conversation, even though I know what he was thinking about it.
-Ugh!- I turned around- Neil, turn left here! You’ll see a HUGE armory, there’s no way to miss it! Big huge double doors!- I said with a bummed out emphasis on my voice, turning back to Hazel- Teddy Denby ain’t a real man
-People can change, MC. I don’t know why you’re making such a huge deal out of it.
I didn’t have any more energy to discuss with someone as stubborn as I was, so I let her be, besides, Neil parked in front of the armory. I let Hazel go ahead in front of us and into the big space
-So, this is the object of your doom- Neil said
-It sure is, but you wouldn’t really fit in with the crowd. I used it more as an excuse to make Hazel happy and get you out to show you around for a bit!
Neil and I were gone for about an hour. He seemed a relieved I didn’t drag him into a teenager/young adult party where he wouldn’t fit in. It was all dance and no bourbon. But I dragged him to have dessert in one of my favorite ice cream spots in town. Even though Columbus didn’t burst like Chicago it still had its night life.
Once we were back to pick up Hazel I opened the double doors on the armory, revealing the party happening inside. The people were all around my age. A Victrola was set up that played hot jazz, some of the kids stole liquor from their parents houses or paid bootleggers to give them some. It was always watered down so everyone could drink it. They’d dance and drink and there were petting and necking parties everywhere. Some of the kids would go out in cars and their necking would evolve to more than that. Teddy Denby tried it on me a couple times, but I’m glad I saved myself for Neil. There were about fifty or some kids there, I recognized most of them as kids I went to school with
-It’s a playground- Neil said- It’s literally a playground
-Make fun of me, will ya? I had to have my fun the only way I knew how!-I crossed my arms looking for Hazel
-Well, let’s get your sister and get out of here.
-That’s all fine, but I don’t see her
I scanned the room and someone came up to me- Look who’s back into town!- Tall, brown-haired and blue-eyed. Great, just who I wanted to see- MC Granger. Missed us?- She looked past me and gave Neil and appreciative look. Ugh, she was always a little floozy- Who’d you bring here?
-Neil. Meet Millicent Shumway- I said with a tone in my voice that indicated I wanted her to go away
-Pleasure, mister- She said extending her hand
-Juliet from English class, right?-Neil talked to me and ignoring her hand, but she continued like he talked to her
-Oh, MC was always jealous she didn’t read as well as I did- She replied. Gosh, she was still just as childish. I didn’t like her, but I wasn’t going to start a Dumb Dora contest over here with her, not in front of Neil anyway
-Did you see my sister?-I decided to make use of her if she wasn’t going away
-Hazel? Little poor thing fell in the spell of your ex-squeeze.
-Yeah, I did hear she and Teddy were seeing each other, that wasn’t the question though. Where is she?
-Seeing each other? Guess you didn’t hear the whole thing
-The whole thing?
-Teddy asked Hazel to marry her. They worked it out with his parents, they were planning on going tomorrow to go tell your folks
I was at a loss for words. Didn’t she say this was a couple weeks ago?- You’re over the edge! Marry her?!
-Yeah. Rumor is she’s got the bun in the oven. That’s why they’re going so fast at it
My expression got darker and darker- Applesauce! Where is she?!
-She and ol’ Teddy were necking before going out on his Model T. They screw every night. She’s definitely pregnant
I didn’t even stay to talk to her any longer turning to go outside, but Hazel and Teddy came back in from the back, cuddling too much. She was in disarray, dress all messed up along with her make up. She was definitely jazzed and so was he, but it was obvious what they were doing in that car
-Hello Hazel, how was your stay on the hotel on wheels?
-MC Granger!- Teddy Denby looked surprised at me. He had this characteristic blush on his face that appeared there when he drank. Teddy was a handsome young man, that’s why I had the hots for him when I was in high school and why many girls did too. He was always a sheik among the girls. He was not as tall as Neil, but he was still taller than most. He had a handsome face, bright green eyes and a light brown hair that turned blonde in the sun, he always had a wicked smile on his face that made the girls swoon. We all were under the spell of the “bad boy”. He liked to play gangster and do illegal things because it made him feel powerful. No one could blame Teddy Denby for wanting to be a little rebellious, he was young. However, nothing was just a little with him
-I didn’t know you were back into town-He looked embarrassed
-Well, here I am Teddy. Sure been keeping my sister company- This time I turned to her- What’s this I hear about you getting married?
-Who told you that?-Hazel looked too surprised to me
-Millicent didn’t hide anything, is it true?
Teddy opened his mouth this time- Who said anything about marriage?
Neil observed from behind me, he left but I didn’t even notice out of madness and disbelief
-Hazel, we’re going home! Right now!-I grabbed her hand and left Teddy Denby behind. I got in the car and she got in after me. It was the first I noticed about Neil being gone, but as soon as my eyes looked for him, he opened the door in the car and got into the driver’s seat- Can you take us for a spin around town? Just drive us around and I’ll tell you the way to go home from wherever we are- He didn’t make a fuss about it and did as he was told
My attention turned to Hazel now- Start spilling! You have a lot to clear up
-Alright, alright!- She shifted uncomfortably- I don’t need you on my case too- I was about to yell again but she got the message loud and clear and started talking, very agitated- I’ve always had a thing for Teddy Denby, alright! But you were always around him and all that and I wasn’t just about to steal my sister’s squeeze. But a little while before you moved to Chicago you said Teddy Denby was a killjoy and you didn’t like him so I thought when you were gone I knew there wouldn’t be no hard feelings because you weren’t interested in him anyway! After a while, I went after him and told him I liked him and he asked me out on a date three days later. It’s just the two of us together, we’re not seeing anyone else. It’s steady.
I breathed more calmly this time- Teddy isn’t a great guy Hazel, but… Who am I to say what you can and can’t do- I turned around- So that’s it huh? You’ve been going out and you fell for him? And he treats you nice? That’s all there is to it, no marriage or pregnancy?
-I thought you knew better than listen to Millicent Shumway, she was just trying to get a rise out of you. There’s no marriage and God, no pregnancy! And he does treat me nice
-Nicer than you’d imagine- Neil said, this time tossing me something wrapped in a cloth
I opened it and there was a glass bottle, and a… Syringe- What’s this?
-Heroin. – His tone was brute and simple and my heart sunk. Neil was right, Hazel was feeling the withdrawal symptoms earlier. I looked back at Hazel who had the ashamed look in her face again- I found it in his car when you’re having your sisterly conflict
I was at a loss for words, so Hazel talked instead- Teddy doesn’t use. He didn’t get me hooked on the dynamite. I found my own trouble.
-How long…?- I asked
-A few months. Some fella at a drug store corner said it’d was better than booze and I tried it once. I didn’t know it was bad
-You thought it was a toy, huh?- Neil said
-What do you know about it?!- She yelled at him- Perfect stuffed-shirt are you?
I was going to talk back to her but Neil said something first- It’ll be hard to be off it, but there’s a way. You sweat your way through it and you can go back to just doing your bathtub gin- Neil, Mr. Compassion for the sick, ill and the incapacitated. I imagined he felt for her, even though the circumstances of him being hooked on morphine weren’t the same as my sister and her case was pure stupidity, I think he was putting himself in her place- You want to be off it, don’t you?
-I do. It was fun the first night, I felt incredible. But then I thought that was all there was to it. The night after I felt pain, I couldn’t sleep, I felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest. I did it again and it eased it, since then I can’t stop doing it… It’s the only thing that eases me- She hugged herself- You’re not going to tell Poppa or Momma are you?
-We’ll be back in Chicago in a week and a half. We could convince your parents of you paying a visit to stay with Charlie for a week alone, it should be enough to get you started- I started telling Neil where to drive to as he talked- You pack your bags and I can get you off the worst part. You come back and you just have to keep it going. Think you can handle that till then?
-A trip to Chicago sounds just like what I need right now. Time away from the folks and all that- She sighed lowly looking at me
-If there’s anyone who can help you it’s Neil. I promise to keep it a secret if you work with us.
-Alright…- I could tell she didn’t know how to react, but it was always interesting to watch people appraise Neil when he started talking doctor- I can… I can hold on till then. Thank you Doc Dresner- She said as Neil parked in front of the house.
That night I was talking to him before we went to bed- You know you didn’t have to do that
-I’m a doctor, MC- And I knew what he meant when he said that. Duty. Can’t turn a patient away- Besides- He looked at me smiling this time- I’m also doing this for you too. She’s your family
I smiled back, knowing that Hazel was going to be okay now- Thank you- I hugged him, giving him a gentle kiss on his lips- I can’t believe her.
-“Old enough to find my own trouble. Not enough to know any better”- He reminded me of a conversation we had. That was Hazel, alright.
That was the most eventful night of Columbus. We spent a few more days going out and catching up with the family. It wasn’t long before it was time to go.
Everyone said their goodbyes, Momma, Poppa and Edith were still in awe of Neil. He talked to Hazel one last time about it, telling instructions to keep her in check until he saw her again.
I left Columbus that time with a much better feeling than when I left before. Even if it has its ups and downs it was a good feeling. One that made me prepared to face whatever Boston held in store for us
-Seems like your parents had your hands full with their daughters- Neil said when we got to the train station- Makes you wish ours don’t give us nearly as much trouble
-Ours…?-I blushed slightly
-Sorry, I didn’t mean to suggest that-
-No, no!- I cut him off- I was just surprised. We just never really talked about the future like that you know. This is the first time you mentioned kids, our kids- It was scary to think about kids right now, I’m not going to deny it. However, it was a warm feeling knowing Neil thought about our future together- But yeah, one day when we do have them, I would hope they don’t give us much trouble- I laughed- But with my genes, I’m sure all they’ll do is fight each other and create hell on earth
-If they have your genes, I’m sure they’ll be just as frustrating- He teased me and I hit him in the arm
-Alton...- Charlie shook her older brother- Alton…!-She said it louder to wake him up
-What is it, Charlie?! I’m sleeping here!- He turned around to face the girl
-I’m sorry. I had a nightmare, can I sleep in your bed tonight?-She looked at him with big pleading eyes
-No! You shake too much and kick me off the bed when you do!- He turned back the way he was
Charlie shook him again- Please! I promise I’ll stay quiet, please, please, pretty please!
He turned around again- Alright, fine!- He lifted the covers and she went underneath them
-Thanks, you’re the best brother ever, Alton. Don’t tell Luke I said that!
-I know! Go to bed, I’m tireeeed!- He closed his eyes again
-I love you, Alton- She said, now closing her own eyes
-… I love you too, Charlie.
Little curiosities: I thought I’d tell you guys a little sneak peek into the next chapter! MC and Neil are going to Boston next before returning to Chicago. In Boston they’ll meet Neil’s family and the high society! Neil’s mother, father, his siblings Lucille, Maude and Warren and Neil’s ex-fiancée Lillie, who’s is Lucille’s best friend and Cornelia’s Godmother. I also decided to make her Alton’s younger sister in this story! After Columbus, the whole gang will participate in the story and the speakeasy business story will be back! (Along with a quick visit from Hazel)
Author’s note: Thank you guys so much for reading this chapter! I hope you guys are enjoying it and as always, like, reblog and send me any private messages with suggestions, criticisms or any comments! Love y’all!
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