#whiney gambit fans
somethingformyself · 4 months
Don't watch the show or read the comics if you can't handle seeing other characters shine. There were only 10 episodes, but somehow, YOUR FAVE needed to be in every scene?
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dresupi · 5 years
Darcy Lewis/Gambit waterloo?
Darcy was minding her own business and wandering around the front of the restaurant she’d chosen for a little bit to ease the wait. The hostess had insisted that the air conditioning was working, but she had sweat running down her back, and she wasn’t normally this damp of a person, so whatever.
It was probably the number of people combined with the humidity of New Orleans.
Whatever it was, Darcy was trying to air out by walking back and forth on the sidewalk until her table was ready.
She reached up to fan her blouse and someone bumped into her.
Jolting to the side, she turned to yell at the person, only to hear her timer start beeping.
“Holy tits…” she squinted down at the little timer on her wrist. She hadn’t noticed her time getting close to ending, so like… what gives?
It was blinking zero and she was standing eye to eye with a man who definitely had her purse in his hands, but was also staring down at a blinking timer on his wrist.
“That’s mine,” she said, sounding whiney even to her own ears when she reached out and grabbed her purse from the man standing in front of her.
“Sorry,” he said softly, frowning at her for a moment before glancing back down at his timer. “Yours too?”
“Mmhmm. Figures my soulmate’s a thief.”
“Figures my soulmate’s you,” he countered, sneering a little before reaching up to straighten the collar on his silk shirt.
Darcy gave him a once over, and a twice over, And a thrice over because Mama had a dry spell going on, okay? Now that she was looking, she liked what she saw.
Because of course, she would.
Of course, the universe would snatch her a talk, dark, and handsome snack with sticky fingers and a silk shirt. And a hat slung low over his brow and long hair that reminded her of Hozier.
Clearly, he was as affected by her as she was by him. His eyes lingered on her curves in a way that definitely felt appreciative. And lustful.
But that last bit wasn’t bothering her at all.
“I’m Darcy,” she said, holding out her hand and thrilling a little when he touched it. “You don’t have to tell me your real name if you don’t want to. I figure you unlawful types probably want to play your cards close to the vest.”
He smirked a little. “I’m Remy. That’s my real name, chere. And I’m not so unlawful.”
“Right, so you were just taking my purse to what? Do me a favor?”
“Maybe. Maybe I saw some guy eying you and I took your bag to keep you from him?”
“You wouldn’t have turned around if your timer hadn’t beeped. What gives with that, anyway? Mine wasn’t anywhere near close to counting down this morning.”
He smirked a little. “You’re right. I wasn’t planning on turning around once I had your purse. I also wasn’t planning on coming by here, but there was a car accident on my usual route. Cops everywhere.”
“So you just… came this way and snatched my bag?”
“I gave it back,” he teased.
“Barely,” she retorted. “If you’d have gotten away with it, what would you have done?”
“Used your credit cards until you canceled them. You’d have gotten all your money given back. It’s a victimless crime.”
“But it’s a headache, dude. Remy.” she corrected at the last second.
“I guess I’m going to have to come up with another way to make that green now, ain’t I?” he shifted back on his hip and folded his arms across his chest. “Now that I got you?”
“Maybe something a touch less illegal. But don’t feel like you have to take care of me or anything. I’m a very independent lady. I give myself my own orgasms and everything.”
His eyes flashed and Darcy wondered why in the fuck she had to suffer from so much diarrhea of the mouth.
“I certainly hope you’d allow me to at least help with one of those?”
Her face flushed and the hostess opened the door to the restaurant.
“Ms. Lewis? Your table is ready.”
She turned back to Remy. “You hungry?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
“I’ll see you after dinner then,” she said with a laugh and a wink. Remy’s face fell. She started to leave, but stopped and motioned for him to come along with her. “Just come on. It’s my treat. But you’ll have to scrounge up some money sometimes, Sticky Fingers.”
“Le Beau,” he replied. “Remy Le Beau.”
“Darcy Lewis,” she countered. “Nice to meet you finally.”
His smile was starting to grow on her.  “Same.”
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