dresupi · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, X-Men (Movieverse) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Remy LeBeau/Darcy Lewis Characters: Darcy Lewis, Remy LeBeau Additional Tags: One Shot, Wordcount: 1.000-3.000, Rescue, Huddling For Warmth, Established Relationship Summary:
Darcy knew the second the icy wind hit her face that she’d made a huge mistake.
Of course, she supposed the mistake of not bringing a heavier jacket paled in comparison to the mistake of allowing herself to be captured. 
For @michelle-manips
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ao3feed-thor · 7 years
for tonight i'm gonna see my ma cher amio
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sALJA0
by Short_FanFiction_by_Dresupi (Dresupi)
Collection of short Gambitshock prompts I've taken on tumblr.
Ratings will vary by chapter.
I'll mark explicit ficlets with an '*'.
The first chapter is the table of contents.
Words: 915, Chapters: 8/?, Language: English
Series: Part 40 of Six Sentence Saturday Short Fics
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), X-Men (Movieverse)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Remy LeBeau, Darcy Lewis
Relationships: Remy LeBeau/Darcy Lewis
Additional Tags: Drabble Collection, 6 Sentence Fiction, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, Prompt Fic, Romance, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Smut, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sALJA0
0 notes
dresupi · 3 years
The weather outside is frightful - Gambitshock
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for BMiller 648 words Rated T
Darcy stared out the window and groaned.
Bowie purred in her lap, pausing in his reverie to look up at her with those big green eyes of his.
“It’s sleeting,” she explained to her cat. “Sleet, which is a mix of snow and rain. Garbage weather, in my opinion.” She wrinkled her nose and scratched his head.
He made a little mrrrp sound and she nodded. “I know. You’re right. At least we don’t have to go out in it.”
It was almost Christmas and that meant she’d been in self-isolation for approximately forty-five years.
Both the calendar and Jane assured her it had only been eight months.
Eight fucking months without seeing anyone in person and only talking to her boyfriend on zoom.
And that hadn’t even been happening all that much lately because he was on call constantly due to the fact that a global pandemic was the perfect time for villainous organizations to start in on their bullshit twenty-four-seven. She’d done her fair share of remote hacking for the X-Men, for the Avengers, for Janey, and for all intents and purposes, no one seemed to care about the pandemic or allowing it to slow them down. Nothing had changed.
Except for her stupid chronic illness, the meds for which made her more susceptible to long term health issues and death due to Covid, so she had been getting her fit-bit steps up and down her hallway instead of going to the park. She’d invested a large percentage of her paycheck on ebooks, and had gotten really fucking good at making sourdough.
She’d also taught herself the ukelele, and baked along with a series of the Great British Baking Show.
And now it was almost Christmas and they weren’t any closer to lowering infection rates because of dumb asses, and she was about to pull her hair out.
Her phone buzzed and she picked it up, realizing it was a FaceTime from Remy only seconds before answering anyway.
She had her hair in a high bun on top of her head and she hadn’t had pants on in days.
Not that it mattered or anything.
“Hey!” she said, grinning widely. “What’s up, babe?”
“Not much, just driving in some truly awful weather... traffic’s at a standstill, and I wanted to see how you were?”
“Good,” she said with a nod. “I got doordash again this morning and I left a humungous tip for my dasher.”
He smiled. “How are you really?”
“Missing the touch of any fucking person, really, but the touch of a man would be amazeballs.”
He chuckled. “Well, I meant to surprise you, but...” He turned the phone around to show out the windshield. There was a line of cars in front of him, sure. But she recognized the grocery store where she got her deliveries from. Which meant he was...
“Are you like... nearby?” she asked, her voice squeaking a little.
He turned the phone back around and grinned. “I’m about ten minutes away if the traffic would start moving.”
“Are you... how are we... are you gonna stand outside and I’ll put my hand up to the window or...”
“I’ve been quarantining for two weeks,” he said proudly. “And I’m happy to report, that I have a clean bill of health and six weeks of vacation time left. I want to spend it with you.”
“Are you fucking serious?” she asked, jumping to her feet and dashing to the bedroom.
“I’m serious... are you running somewhere?”
“Yeah, I have to... uh... change clothes real quick. I’ll see you in a few?”
“Oh, yeah, definitely. Love you, Darcy.”’
“Love you, Remy!” she ended the session and turned around three times in place before reaching for her dresser.
Her hair couldn’t be helped. And neither could her pile of laundry. But she could at least put on some pants for her man.
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dresupi · 4 years
Werewolves - Darcy/Remy
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for @evolution-of-magic​ 229 words Rated M (under cut) I can’t resist you
“I can’t resist you, cher...” His skin felt burning hot against hers, but Darcy liked it. The air was chilly, and his hand was rucking up her top. She was out of breath from running, but her heart was racing and she swore she could feel her pulse thrumming all over her entire body.
He’d just shifted, so he wasn’t out of breath at all. He was absolutely naked, though. And that thought thrilled her more than a little.
The sliver of a moon barely gave off any light, but they didn’t need it. Remy could see better in the dark than her, and he knew where they were. Judging by the claw marks on the tree, he’d been here before.
His other arm wound around her other side, fingers going for the buttons on her blouse as he stepped up closer to her. Nuzzling against her throat, he inhaled deeply like he couldn’t get enough.
The more he pressed against her, the more she leaned forward, until she had her hands pressed against the tree in front of her.
He had her blouse unbuttoned as he slowly lowered them to the ground, pine needles and twigs poking her knees as he flipped up her skirt.
“You’re sure?“ he murmured, his hand smoothing over her panties.
She nodded rapidly and groaned when he slid them down over her hips.
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dresupi · 4 years
Vampires ii - Darcy Lewis/Remy LeBeau
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for @darcygirl​ 202 words Rated T I’m not sure why I’m unable to hypnotize you
“I’m not sure why I’m unable to hypnotize you...” Darcy practically purred as she kept her gaze locked on his.  “Something to do with those eyes of yours, maybe?”
“Or maybe you just can’t bullshit a bullshitter?” he offered, shrugging and giving her a smirk that would have made her belly swoop once upon a time. But that was before she was turned.
“That what you are, LeBeau? Because I thought you were a member of the X-Men, but I guess I could be wrong.”
“You can be two things, cher,” he chuckled. “Like you, for instance. You feel cool to the touch, but I’m pretty sure you could burn me up if I let you.”
“Wanna let me?” she asked, grinning as her fangs popped down.
“Maybe...” he said, eyes lingering on her mouth. “Think I might like it.”
“You will,” she whispered.
He snorted and rolled his eyes. “I’m sure I would. But I done told you that wasn’t gonna work on me, darlin’.”
“Can’t blame a girl for trying,’ she said with a flip of her hair.
She really liked the sound of his laugh. Which was a good thing, because he did a lot of it around her.
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dresupi · 4 years
Spice It Up - Darcy/Remy
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for @vlietfooted​ Darcy Lewis/Remy LeBeau Rated T 765 words
“Holy shit, it’s hot!” Darcy’s hands fanned her face ineffectually. Her eyes were watering, but she knew better than to drink anything that wasn’t milk. “Milk,” she pointed to the glass near Remy’s elbow.
“It’s not that bad is it?” Remy asked, his eyes twinkling as he slid the glass towards her.
“It is that bad, I’m a wimp, can’t take the heat,” Darcy gulped down the milk and pushed her bowl of ghost pepper chili away from her. The milk actually did little to help the burning, and Remy was chuckling and flagging down the waiter, asking for something. The check probably.
“Asked for ice cream, chere. That’ll help.”
“God, I’m sorry,” her cheeks were flaming red and only like seventy percent of that was because of the peppers.
“Hey, don’t be. I’m not. Best time I’ve had out in a while, Darcy.”
She would have rolled her eyes, but it hurt too much. “I bet.”
“It is,” he insisted.
The waiter brought the ice cream, apparently with a little hustle in his step because Remy had just asked for it. She shoveled it into her mouth and sighed as the burn started to ease. Either that or she’d shocked her mouth to the point that she’d killed all the pain receptors. Whatever. She’d take it.
Darcy reached for her purse while Remy went up to pay and groaned when she pulled out her mirror.  All her careful winged eyeliner was running down her cheeks and her eyes looked like she’d just smoked a ton of pot. Jesus H. Christ. She looked awful.
She took a deep breath and fumbled around for a tissue to dab at her eyes.  She’d sort of been hoping to take things to the next level tonight but that dream had flown out the window the second she’d taken that ill-advised bite of hell on earth from a quick-service restaurant.
“You ready?” Remy asked, offering his hand and she took it, trying not to think about how warm it was.
“Yeah, I guess I should probably head home…” she began.
“You gonna fix your eyeliner? I like it better that way,” he grinned and she couldn’t help but return it.
“No, I was just going to call it and go home, actually,” she said, pressing her lips together and pulling her purse up on her shoulder even though it hadn’t slipped.
“You feeling bad?” His hand automatically went to her forehead and she almost laughed, but his face was so serious, it felt like the wrong reaction. “You ate more of that than I thought, you.”
The corner of her mouth tugged up regardless. “No, I just…” She shook her head and sighed. “I just--”
“Don’t tell me you’re embarrassed, chere.”
“Well that goes without saying, I usually am. But I figure I embarrassed you.”
He snorted. “Nah, don’t even worry none about that. There’s a reason I don’t eat that stuff very often.” He waggled his eyebrows. “I end up looking like I spent too much time out in the sun. Red as a crawdad.” He laughed and Darcy did too, pressing her lips together and inhaling sharply when his finger crooked under her chin and tilted her face up slightly so he could look into her eyes. “You do look like you smoked a fat blunt, though.”
“God, Remy,” she groaned, stepping back from him and turning to walk down the sidewalk.
“Where you goin’?” he reached for her hand and laced their fingers, tugging her back towards him. “Don’t get mad, you’re the prettiest stoner I’ve ever seen, you.”
“You,” she echoed, pressing her hand against his chest, and instead of pushing him back, her fingers curled in the fabric of his shirt and she tugged him closer. He came willingly, tilting his head and lowering it so she could catch his lips. The kiss was a bit more lingering than was probably appropriate for a sidewalk, but she didn’t really care. Fuck, he was a good kisser.
She broke it off, breathing hard and looking into his eyes. “You, are a terrible flirt, sir.” She released his shirt and smoothed it before stepping back.
He chuckled. “Considering I just got kissed, I don’t think that’s accurate.” He winked and licked his lips. “You did eat more of that than I thought. You taste spicy, darlin’. Liable to burn a man if he stays put too long.”
“Guess you’ll have to keep moving, then,” she countered.
He smirked. “Now who’s the terrible flirt?”
“Still you,” she teased but didn’t turn away when he kissed her again.
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dresupi · 4 years
Darcy Lewis/Gambit waterloo?
Darcy was minding her own business and wandering around the front of the restaurant she’d chosen for a little bit to ease the wait. The hostess had insisted that the air conditioning was working, but she had sweat running down her back, and she wasn’t normally this damp of a person, so whatever.
It was probably the number of people combined with the humidity of New Orleans.
Whatever it was, Darcy was trying to air out by walking back and forth on the sidewalk until her table was ready.
She reached up to fan her blouse and someone bumped into her.
Jolting to the side, she turned to yell at the person, only to hear her timer start beeping.
“Holy tits…” she squinted down at the little timer on her wrist. She hadn’t noticed her time getting close to ending, so like… what gives?
It was blinking zero and she was standing eye to eye with a man who definitely had her purse in his hands, but was also staring down at a blinking timer on his wrist.
“That’s mine,” she said, sounding whiney even to her own ears when she reached out and grabbed her purse from the man standing in front of her.
“Sorry,” he said softly, frowning at her for a moment before glancing back down at his timer. “Yours too?”
“Mmhmm. Figures my soulmate’s a thief.”
“Figures my soulmate’s you,” he countered, sneering a little before reaching up to straighten the collar on his silk shirt.
Darcy gave him a once over, and a twice over, And a thrice over because Mama had a dry spell going on, okay? Now that she was looking, she liked what she saw.
Because of course, she would.
Of course, the universe would snatch her a talk, dark, and handsome snack with sticky fingers and a silk shirt. And a hat slung low over his brow and long hair that reminded her of Hozier.
Clearly, he was as affected by her as she was by him. His eyes lingered on her curves in a way that definitely felt appreciative. And lustful.
But that last bit wasn’t bothering her at all.
“I’m Darcy,” she said, holding out her hand and thrilling a little when he touched it. “You don’t have to tell me your real name if you don’t want to. I figure you unlawful types probably want to play your cards close to the vest.”
He smirked a little. “I’m Remy. That’s my real name, chere. And I’m not so unlawful.”
“Right, so you were just taking my purse to what? Do me a favor?”
“Maybe. Maybe I saw some guy eying you and I took your bag to keep you from him?”
“You wouldn’t have turned around if your timer hadn’t beeped. What gives with that, anyway? Mine wasn’t anywhere near close to counting down this morning.”
He smirked a little. “You��re right. I wasn’t planning on turning around once I had your purse. I also wasn’t planning on coming by here, but there was a car accident on my usual route. Cops everywhere.”
“So you just… came this way and snatched my bag?”
“I gave it back,” he teased.
“Barely,” she retorted. “If you’d have gotten away with it, what would you have done?”
“Used your credit cards until you canceled them. You’d have gotten all your money given back. It’s a victimless crime.”
“But it’s a headache, dude. Remy.” she corrected at the last second.
“I guess I’m going to have to come up with another way to make that green now, ain’t I?” he shifted back on his hip and folded his arms across his chest. “Now that I got you?”
“Maybe something a touch less illegal. But don’t feel like you have to take care of me or anything. I’m a very independent lady. I give myself my own orgasms and everything.”
His eyes flashed and Darcy wondered why in the fuck she had to suffer from so much diarrhea of the mouth.
“I certainly hope you’d allow me to at least help with one of those?”
Her face flushed and the hostess opened the door to the restaurant.
“Ms. Lewis? Your table is ready.”
She turned back to Remy. “You hungry?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe.”
“I’ll see you after dinner then,” she said with a laugh and a wink. Remy’s face fell. She started to leave, but stopped and motioned for him to come along with her. “Just come on. It’s my treat. But you’ll have to scrounge up some money sometimes, Sticky Fingers.”
“Le Beau,” he replied. “Remy Le Beau.”
“Darcy Lewis,” she countered. “Nice to meet you finally.”
His smile was starting to grow on her.  “Same.”
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dresupi · 5 years
Baby Come Back - Darcy/Remy
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Ship: Darcy Lewis/Remy LeBeau For: @vlietfooted Song: “Baby Come Back” - Player - 1977 Length: 1612 Rating: T Tags: Post Breakup, Apologies, Reunited and it feels so good, Begging, Angst with a happy ending
Darcy was all ready to give Remy exactly what he wanted. And it’s not that he ever changed his mind, he was just really, really in the wrong.
Darcy was staring at her computer screen, trying to at least pretend to work, to go through the motions with her hands and her eyes in the hopes that her brain would catch on to what it was supposed to be doing.
Which was writing up a press release.
Not thinking about Remy.
Dumb old Remy. Stupid old Remy. Ridiculously hot Remy, who had broken things off for a dumb, stupid old reason.
Pressing her lips tightly into a line, she watched the cursor blink on the blank word document. She couldn’t even pull it together long enough to type a heading.
Sighing, she tapped her fingers lightly on the keys. One word. That was all she needed to get the snowball rolling. Maybe she could pick up the pace after that first word.
Darcy Lewis. She pecked out her name and hit tab to take her over to the far right. For immediate release was next.
She no sooner had gotten the ‘f’ from ‘for’ typed than her phone started ringing. Well, it didn’t ring. Phones didn’t really ring anymore, did they? It buzzed. Vibrated on her desk.  A quick glance down told her that it was the exact person she didn’t want to be thinking of. And she should definitely let her voicemail get it.
Remy wouldn’t repeat call her, it wasn’t his style. He’d wait for her to call him back.
And if she didn’t?
Then that was it.
And he had said he wanted this thing over. Because he was simply too busy for her.
Darcy couldn’t even get through the thought. That’s not what he said at all. He said that his mutant status and his former-criminal status made him a target and he was busy trying to keep her safe all the time. If they weren’t romantically involved, she wouldn’t have a target on her at all times and he wouldn’t have to worry about her anymore.
That’s what he actually said.
But Darcy didn’t really care one way or the other because even if he had said the other thing, both reasons were stupid.
Maybe he really couldn’t deal with the responsibility which came with a romantic relationship that lasted longer than it took him to find his underwear afterward. That explanation made more sense than the one he’d given her.
But whatever. He wanted it over, so it was over. End of story. End of relationship.
Darcy opened up her desk drawer and shoved her buzzing phone inside to reside on a stack of fast food napkins. She shut the drawer and couldn’t even hear the thing ringing anymore.
Exhaling, she continued writing her press release. The words came more naturally. Maybe the little self-reminder of what he’d said, what he’d done, was what she needed because the entire thing was written in full after that.
She noted, with some surprise, that Remy had called her not just the one time, but three others after that. She’d missed them all with her phone in her desk drawer.
Darcy briefly entertained the idea of calling him back but decided to wait until she got home. No reason to start some conversation that would have her sobbing into the phone while trying to make her way back to her place.
Not that anyone in the city would notice. Everyone cried on the subway at least once in their lives.
Combined with her subway ride, her walk home from the office was about thirty-five minutes, which gave her time to compose her thoughts. It was extremely likely that she’d cry when she talked to him, but at least she could stand her ground on whatever was so important he had to call her four times.
Without knowing for certain, she was ninety percent sure it was some threat to her life and he was checking to make sure she was safe.
She was. This wasn’t her first rodeo. She worked PR for the Avengers, so she’d been kidnapped her own fair share of times. She knew that threats on her life didn’t mean that she should stop living it. With the information she was privy to, she knew that most people lived with a threat to their life in the form of like, alien invasions, secret plots to blow up the world, etcetera.  And no one was ever told unless they needed to be.
The fact that she hadn’t heard of any new threats to her life told her that she shouldn’t worry about them. And Remy shouldn’t either.
This was why he wanted to end things. So he wouldn’t worry. She failed to see how he’d magically stop caring about whether she lived or died based on their relationship status, but whatever.
Darcy got off the subway and climbed back up to street level. Her place was just a short walk from the subway stop.
Her building’s lobby door was in sight when she heard his voice.
“Darcy! Chere! Darcy!”
Frowning, she turned in the direction of the voice, spotting Remy waving at her from a nearby bench. He jumped up and started walking towards her, his red eyes glinting from beneath the sunglasses he wore in public to hide them.
Darcy almost turned around and walked the other way. She wasn’t planning on having to see him.
Hearing his voice was hard enough, why was he doing this?
Steeling her resolve, she kept going, setting her jaw to keep from saying anything too dramatic on the sidewalk. He skidded to a halt beside her. “Darcy… listen…”
“Come inside,” she replied, entering her code and unlocking the door.
Remy followed her in and she stopped, turned to face him, and hoped like hell that her face wasn’t conveying her emotions right now. Because her emotions were pretty much a bunch of question marks, exclamation points, and various other symbols not pronounceable by the human tongue.
“What’s wrong?” she asked. “Is my life in danger or something? I didn’t hear about any new threats at work, but that doesn’t mean anything, I guess.”
Remy frowned. “What? No… no… Darcy, you’re not in danger. I’m sorry if I scared you by showing up unannounced… but I wanted to talk.”
“I was going to call you back,” Darcy said, reaching for her phone. “I saw you called me at work.”
“I thought you was ignoring me,” he countered. “Not that I blame ya.”
“I was. Kind of. But it’s more difficult to ignore a person who’s standing right there. So, you have my attention. What’s up?”
“Can we… go up to your place?”
Darcy’s brow knit tightly. She wasn’t sure about bringing him up there. Not now.
“Know what? I don’t care. I’ll do it here…” Remy dropped to his knees in front of her. “I am so sorry for telling you what I told you when I wanted to end things. I thought it would make me feel better, but in truth, it made me feel worse.”
“I can take care of myself, Remy. I did it before you, and I’ll do it now.”
“No, chere. I know that. I know you don’t need me for that. I also know that you know my excuse for endin’ things was full of shit and holes. The truth was, I was scared, but it ain’t nothing compared to how I feel now.”
Darcy chewed on her bottom lip, determined not to cry, no matter how inevitable the tears were.
“How do you feel now?” she asked, her voice wavering as she looked down at him, still on his knees there in the atrium of her apartment building.  They were blocking the door, but luckily no one was waiting to pass.
“I was in the wrong,” he wrapped both arms around her, resting his cheek against her stomach. “I was so far in the wrong. I miss you like crazy and I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“But how do you feel? You’re telling me things I could guess. How do you feel, Remy? Because unless I know how you feel, I can’t… make any kind of decision regarding… whatever it is you want.”
“I don’t feel empty or like there are holes in me or anything, but I feel like… I don’t know what to do. I feel like something’s broken. Like, I’d be okay without you, but I don’t want to be without you. I don’t want to be okay without you there to be okay with me… And I’m trying really hard to convey that I don’t need you to survive, but God, if it wouldn’t be better if you were here.”
Darcy blinked back a couple of tears. “That floor is disgusting.”
“Yeah, I realized that once I got down here.”
She laughed and ran her fingers through his hair. He looked up at her, and she stepped back out of his arms, reaching for his hand. “Come on.  Let’s go upstairs…. Not to make up like you’re thinking, but to talk more. I have a feeling this is going to be a long talk before any making up happens.”
“As long as you want it to be,” Remy agreed, trailing behind her as she led him towards the elevators.
“Because I need to tell you what I need from you.”
“Absolutely,” he said.
“And you need to tell me what you need from me.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“And you gotta prove to me that you’re serious. I’m a grown woman, I don’t wanna be jerked around anymore.”
“Baby, I’m through jerkin’.”
She laughed at his wording.
He smirked. “Well, you know what I mean. If you want me jerkin’, I’ll jerk all day.”
“Just sayin’.”
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dresupi · 5 years
Does Your Mother Know? - Darcy/Remy
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For @mylastactionisthati
“You wanna dance, cutie?” the brunette smirked, taking a sip from her lime green cocktail.
“I don’t dance in places like this…” Remy said with a small smile, glancing onto the floor where guys were grinding up on some of the girls. “Not like that, anyway…”
“Where do you dance?” she asked. “Let’s go there.”
He chuckled. “I like the way you talk, but I don’t think that’d be such a good idea…”  She looked too young for him. Of course, he couldn’t blame her for that, he was in a bar notorious for its early-twenties clientele. He was really only here to hear his friend’s band.
She was pretty, though. Even if she was young. And a little too drunk for his comfort.
“Aww, why not? I’m obviously old enough to buy this…” She jiggled her glass, mostly ice now.
His smile widened into a grin. “What are you drinking?”
“I dunno, something appley, though…” she giggled in reply.
“Would you be offended if I ordered you water?” he asked.
“Not if you told me your name, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Cajun...” she countered, not missing a beat. Her brow arched invitingly.
“I am Remy LeBeau. And you haven’t given me yours either.”
“Darcy Lewis,” she stuck out the hand holding the drink, laughed at herself and switched them, only to hold out the mostly empty drink again. “Nice to meet you.”
He winked and took the cup from her, placing it on the bar for the bartender. “One bottle of water, please.”
The water came chilled and sealed, and he passed it to her. “Tell me about yourself, Darcy.” He sat down on the barstool and offered his hand to help her up as well.  She took a giant swig of the water before answering.
“I’m a Poli-sci major at Culver…”
“Culver? That’s… not from around here…” Remy said, arching an eyebrow.
“No, no. I’m on vacation… with a couple of friends…” She blushed. “They all found dates, I didn’t.”
“You found the cocktails just fine…” he teased.
She rolled her eyes, taking another sip of water .”Yeah.  Guess I’m lucky you weren’t a jerk, huh?”
He wouldn’t go so far as to say he wasn’t a jerk. He’d noticed her low cut top and tight jeans first off before he noticed anything else.
“I don’t know about lucky, but… you want my number? Call me when you’re not so…”
“Young? Appley?”
“Easily influenced,” he said with a laugh.
“I’m only in town for the week… that okay?”
Remy smirked. “Chere, I’m very good at week-long relationships.”
She chewed on her bottom lip before nodding. “Gimme your number, then.”
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dresupi · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Thor (Movies), X-Men (Movieverse) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Remy LeBeau/Darcy Lewis Characters: Darcy Lewis, Remy LeBeau, Original Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - No Powers, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Childhood Friends, Original Character Death(s), Grief/Mourning, Wakes & Funerals, Friends to Lovers, Inheritance Summary:
Darcy's weird inheritance brings her back into contact with her childhood best friend and high school crush, who just happens to be one and the same.
But will it bring her back into more than just contact? Here's hoping.
For @nefariousinkblot
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dresupi · 5 years
White Christmas Margarita - Darcy/Remy
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Ship: Darcy Lewis/Remy LeBeau For: wordsmisleadinghere Prompt: White Christmas Margarita (Tequila, Grand Marnier, Coconut Rum, Coconut Cream) Rating: T
Darcy's teeth chattered as she pulled her legs up onto the ratty old sofa with the rest of her.
Remy approached with a flannel blanket he'd found in one of the closets. "I think you'd warm up a lot quicker if we huddled up together, chere."
She knew he was right. The fire was roaring, but she'd warm up a lot quicker with the mutant's shared body heat.  Not to mention, Remy was starting to shake a little as well. Chances were, this was quite a bit colder than his home in Louisiana.
Also, he was hella cute. But that was beside the point.
She nodded and curled up into his arms the second he'd settled on the couch. The flannel blanket was draped over the both of them, his breath warm on her forehead.
"Sorry 'bout this," he mumbled, his arms tightening around her. "Sorry we missed the pickup."
"That wasn't anyone's fault," Darcy assured him, tucking her head under his chin. Her fingers moved deftly across his chest to tuck in behind him. She sighed in contentment and felt Remy relax against her, his fingers playing with the hem of her sweater.
"Sorry this is the highlight of the entire mission," he joked, fingers still toying with her clothing.
"I'm not," she whispered. "Not sorry at all."
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dresupi · 6 years
For the Fall/Autumn prompts - Darcy/Remy (Gambit) and 9. Scarves please
“Did you make it long enough, chere?” he asked, wrapping the scarf around his neck and standing there like a goof with the really long ends hanging down to the floor.
“Look, I know you don’t really have use for one of these in Louisiana, but up here? It gets fucking cold and you absolutely need to wrap this around more than once to keep warm…” Darcy busied herself showing him how to properly wear a scarf. Work that went wholly ignored as he unwound it soon after she was done. He instead, wound the ends around her neck as well.
“There. Now we’ll both be warm,” he said with a smirk.
“You’re an idiot,” she muttered, tugging on the scarf and pulling him closer for a kiss.
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dresupi · 7 years
not that late
Pairing: Darcy Lewis/Remy LeBeau For:  @greennonmonster Prompt:  #16.  Blankets
She was coming in at the unearthly late hour of eight p.m, so she didn't really know why she was surprised to see her mutant boyfriend literally snoring on the couch.  Maybe his age/lifestyle really was catching up to him.  
Darcy could totally get used to eating dinner at four p.m, though.  Remy was worth it. 
She tugged the throw blanket off the back of the couch to tuck down around him, but the movement woke him up as she was in mid-tuck.  
"What're you doin', chere?  It's not that late…"
Smirking, she shook her head.  "Says the guy who fell asleep on the couch waiting for me to come home…"
He grumbled something incoherent and sat up to rub his eyes.  "M'awake now…"
She sat down beside him, pulling the discarded throw up over both of them.  "Wonder if I can order pizza and have them bring it into the apartment?"  
Remy chuckled and turned to kiss her forehead.    
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dresupi · 7 years
can’t wait
Pairing:  Darcy Lewis/Remy LeBeau For:  @nefariousinkblot Prompt:  #6.  Fairs
Remy tugged her into the seat of the Ferris Wheel, his fingers lacing in hers as it lurched forward.  
Darcy could feel his heated gaze on her, and she could swear every cell on her body was aware of everything he did.  She could feel his body heat seeping through her jacket.  
His thigh was pressed against hers.  
His nose was nuzzling her throat.  Oh holy hell.  They were in public.  She couldn't moan like she wanted to.  
"Kiss me, chere…"  
"Aren't we supposed to wait till we get to the top?" she asked, clearly teasing.  
"I can't wait…" he murmured, leaning forward to claim her mouth.  
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dresupi · 7 years
Darcy/gambit 12?
Pairing:  Darcy Lewis/Remy LeBeauPrompt:  #12.  "Did you just land on my balcony?"
There was a loud thump and some even louder swearing on Darcy's balcony.  
She pulled her blanket up to her chin.  She'd heard that this building was haunted.  It had even said so in the apartment brochure.  But she didn't believe in spooks.  And being haunted was kitschy and cool in New Orleans, wasn't it?  
Why did she have to rent a studio apartment in a haunted building?  She should have KNOWN the rent was too good to be true.
She was giving Coulson an earful.  And a half.  He was going to hear about this ghost, dammit.
There was more swearing and she knew she had to gather up her courage and go look.  
It was just a ghost, right?  Ghosts couldn't do more than scare you.  
She took a deep breath and stood up, walking slowly to the french doors that led to the balcony. Grasping the drapes she flung them open and screeched at what she saw.  
It wasn't a ghost, it was a fucking DEMON.  Glowing red eyes and all.  
"Oh HELL no," she exclaimed, backing up into her room and looking for something to throw.  She wasn't going to fuck with a demon.  No sir.  
Where was the holy water when you needed it?  The shotguns loaded with salt?  She had twelve seasons of Supernatural under her belt.  
Netflix don't fail me now…
The doors opened and the thing stalked into her room.  And instead of trying to hex her or jump into her body or anything, it spoke.  "Okay now, you gotta calm your ass down, cher!"  
"Excuse me?" she asked, her hands balling up into fists and jamming themselves on her hips.  "You just burst into MY room all bat outta LITERAL hell and you want me to calm my ass down?  You gotta be kiddin' me!"  
"Shhhh!"  he pressed his finger to his lips and pointed upstairs.  There was definitely something going on up there. A scuffle of some sort.  "You gotta hide me."  
She snorted.  "Fat chance."  
"Look, if they find me here, they're gonna kill you too.  And you look like a nice girl."  
She arched her eyebrow.  "Are you a demon?"  
He scoffed, rolling those glowing eyes of his.  "Nah, I ain't no demon.  Just a mutant with unfortunate powers who lives upstairs."  
There was a knock outside her door and they both froze.  
"Shit…" he muttered.
"Go hide under the bed.  And shut your eyes, or hide 'em or turn 'em off or something," she instructed.  There was no time to ascertain if what he was telling her was the truth or not.  Desperate times called for desperate measures.  And it was his story she had, not the loud folks on the other side of the door.  
And since she knew he wasn't a demon, she totally had her taser under her pillow if things got hairy.  
She thought quickly, stripping off her pants and tossing them on the floor beside the bed.  She mussed up her hair and licked her lips, hoping like hell that the people on the other side of the door were men.  
Flinging open the door, she eyed the people on the other side.  Two men. Dressed in black and yellow.  A.I.M uniforms.  
Whoa.  Dude had A.I.M after him?  
She tilted her head and smiled languidly.  "What can I do for ya?"  
"You got a man in there with you?"  
She bit her lip and grinned.  "Nope.  Just me."  
"We heard sounds," the other said.  
"Yep.  Just me," she repeated, running her tongue along her top lip.  
They glanced at each other, and the one on the left took the bait.  "You wanting someone to join you, sweetheart?"  
She smirked.  "Nah.  You'd just get in the way."  
She closed the door to their open-mouthed expressions. She slid the lock back in place and her demon man poked his head out from under the bed.  "Not bad." 
Rolling her eyes, she bent and grabbed her pajama pants.  "You're just lucky it was two men.  The mysteries of the female orgasm fail to bedazzle other women."  
"Still.  You came up with that kinda fast…" he narrowed his eyes.  "You working with SHIELD?"  
"What gave it away?"  
"Well. The badge on your dresser for one.  But... " He shrugged.  "You're pretty good in a sticky situation.  Thanks.  I'm Remy, by the way.  Remy LeBeau.  They call me le diable blanc."  
"The white devil?"  Darcy extended her hand to shake his.  "Thought you said you weren't a demon?"  
"I'm not." He grinned.  "Don't think I caught your name, though."  
She winked.  "Thought you said you saw my badge."  
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dresupi · 7 years
not yet
Pairing:  Darcy Lewis/Remy LeBeau For:  Anon Prompter Prompt:  #30.  See Your Breath
Remy leaned over to press his lips to hers.  Darcy's felt cold, but her mouth was plenty warm.  Hot even.  
"You ready to call it a night, chere?" he asked, his breath puffing around them, fogging up her glasses.  His jeans felt stiff in the cool night air.  Everything felt a little stiff, now that he was thinkin' about it.  He was gettin' to be too old for these kinds of shenanigans.  Laying in a truck bed and watchin' the stars was definitely included on that list.  His old ass was dreamin' of his bed.
She snuggled closer to his side, "Not yet…"  
"You know, you've got me for the whole week…" he reminded her.  "We don't have to stretch out our evenings…"  
"Honestly, Remy… I want to stretch out everything with you.  That okay, champ?"  
He shifted down in the truck bed, his head resting against one of the pillows she'd brought out with them.  "Just don't want you catchin' yer death is all…"  
She wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled into his throat.
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