whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
What's the most Wincest-y moment on the show in your opinion? 🥰
Mmm hard to say since it depends on the definition of wincesty! On the one hand you have these flirty funny moments like Dean slapping Sam's ass, or these intense scenes with so much eyefucking like in Playthings (you know the bed scene) all the way to the absolutely insane soulmatey stuff like the S8 finale - nothing I'd ever put in front of you, or Sam establishing "you were gonna leave and weren't gonna tell ME", that possessive ME like it's no secret he's the most important to Dean and vice versa. We're spoiled for choice, I probably can't pinpoint just one haha.
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
Not sure if this has been said before but your head canon that Sam was uncharacterically sloppy on his next hunt and his whole apple pie life was Dean’s guess at what Sam was living? I’m just saying, Bobby was in heaven at the age he died so Sam looking the same age as when Dean died is very 👀 to me. It would also explain why Sam’s wife was more of a faceless concept than anything just sayingggg
oh yeah, this is definitely a headcanon i enjoy and can be easily worked! especially since we only start seeing sam’s life once dean goes for his drive. and like you say, sam’s age is a great indicator, as are some other things from his life - like the world around (decor, clothing) stays the same, there are pictures only of people dean knows (minus Dean Jr.) etc etc.
it’s a reaaaally nice headcanon and good idea for fics :)
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
God, I hope Sam and Dean are kissing each other in heaven rn
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
Do you think you could help me find a fic? It was samdean, established relationship but it mostly focused on them masturbating separately? I dont remember a lot of details sorry.
Hm.. was it this? 
Strange How the Night Moves by dollylux  Sam and Dean talk about Sam's night with Piper. (Deleted scene from 11.04 - Baby.) 
Then while thinking about it, I remembered a couple that use masturbation as a great plot/porn point, so there we go:
Versatile, Tender and Delicious by themegalosaurus  Sam finds the zucchini in the salad drawer: just one, left over from a couple of days before, when he hadn’t thought twice about what he was handling. Now, though, even the heft of it in his hand turns him on. He holds it reflectively in his palm, runs his thumb over the ridge where two angled planes of its surface connect. Jesus. He must really be desperate.
Sam/zucchini with a side order of Wincest. The premise is 100% crack but the smut is 100% serious. Yes indeed.
The Air Moves In To Fill the Spaces Where My Body's Been by britomart_is It's not about Dean. Really.
With Your Dreams Untold by waywardelle For the past ten years, Dean has been bookmarking porn on the laptop for Sam to watch. Sam figured it would never go further than that, until one night, not long after killing Hitler, Dean decides to be brave. One thing is for sure: Dean is never going to let Sam live down the fact that porn is what brought them together, in the end.
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
When you’re ready can we talk about what you didn’t like about the finale? I have a feeling it’s the same stuff I didn’t like and I desperately need someone to agree with me
I was such a mess after I watched and it’s still hard for me to articulate my thoughts. But basically it boils down to the one thing I didn’t want happening - them separated and one living a normal life. My first gut reaction was like “fucking HP epilogue” - the all too common thing where writers chicken out of the darker themes of their work and try to hound extraordinary people into ordinary lives. Now that I’m calmer, it’s not quite so surprising because to be fair, the normal life dream was always a big part of the SPN narrative. Except Sam’s journey was about realizing he doesn’t want that. That he wants to be with Dean, hunting. 
For me, it would not be implausible for Sam to eat a bullet as soon as he put Dean on the pyre. Nor would it be implausible for him to oh so conveniently get eaten on the first hunt he goes to. But that’s too dark I guess? So he goes fucking 50 years without Dean... and that hurt. I feel like that must have been straight up fucking torture. It’s gonna take me time to get over that... with the help of some nice headcanons and fic.
But that’s pretty much my only problem. Otherwise, there was so much Good SamDean food I don’t even know where to start. After the trite, boring and cringey s15, it was an incredible uptick in quality. And I also do love the very ultimate ending - them sharing Heaven forever, though again, I had to be persuaded to think of spn universe Heaven as somewhere worth being. Since Sam and Dean missed out on years and years of that amazing domestic life that we got a glimpse of, I want their Heaven to be quite tangible, I want them to live the afterlife day by day and be active, do stuff, not just be these vague shapes that are happy but stuck somewhere timeless where they don’t have much agency. 
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
your thoughts on the beers shot™ in the last ep? 👀
No thoughts only loud high pitched screaming and the realization I need to go back to writing fics.
The whole "now we're free and so we can do ANYTHING while also being sure our desires are ours alone, no outside influence" is going to be an excellent starting point of post canon first time fic and I can't wait to get into it.
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
just wondering, what's your opinion on the whole bi dean debacle?
What debacle? Dean isn’t canonically bi. Characters being straight in canon has never stopped shippers, nor should it. To me, there’s nothing much more to it.
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
It's not much noticeable in the show, but in the BTS pics of Sam and Dean's last scene you can clearly see they have grey in the hair, and since in that scene they appear to be the same ages as when Dean died...I think it's safe to assume at least 5 years passed between 15x19 and 15x20
Yes absolutely! When that first BTS pic of j2 by the impala with the crew member appeared (untimely soon and was deleted) the grey way visible. Idk why it's not so in the final product, but it was definitely there and I agree it helps with the interpretation that they spend good several years like that 😊
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
Do you think Dean is Bi or Gay?
He is canonically straight. 
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
I got so afraid they weren’t going to show Sam at the end and just go black screen on the hey sammy
no you gotta give it them, there was no room left for interpretation as to just how fucking much sam and dean love each other, and that their happy ending is explicitly, unequivocally together, complete with hugs and smiles 
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
I m still crying over the fact that Sam had to live without Dean for years! 😭
it just guts me. it’s tough to get over.
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
Do you feel optimistic or pessimistic about the finale?
disclaimer: replying after midnight, wine-drunk
right now? mildly optimistic. because i feel like the show has gotten rid of some crap and now there’s... literally nothing left in the world but sam and dean? 
there’s the pic of sam and dean having pie, and there’s that pic of sam and dean greying but dressed in season 1 outfits. both of these i can imagine endings i’d like.
and like, not to be a bitch, but lmfao about that ending cas (and by definition destiel) got, isn’t that a sign that the brothers are getting something way better?
so that makes me say optimistic
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
Do you have any predictions about the SPN finale?
Sam and Dean grow old together, die on some last hurray hunt and wake up in baby together in their shared heaven.
I mean "prediction" is probably not the right word here but that's what I'm going with in my head in case it's some disappointing edgy crap, or worse, anything that separates them.
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
i'm so scared for 15x20. Honestly i'm ready to make 15x19 my official ending and ignore next weeks episode if Dabb ruins everything by bringing back eileen or cas or whoever else :/
Right, I think I'm more nervous that the 15x19 ending was amazing, because that means they still have time to mess it up, I'm really worried about "a normal life" ending. At the same time, they are set up so beautifully - I really want Sam and Dean to carve themselves a new normal.. What would it be? Bunker living? Occasional hunting? Moving to the middle of nowhere?
There has most definitely been a growth in the whole plot line about what "normal" is and whether the boys want it. And I feel like what they've experienced, what they tried and failed to do, and what they succeed at, they do wish for some peace and quiet but they could not get it apart from each other and in the mundane ways the rest of us know. They'd make their lives their new normal and I really, really want that to be their ending.
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
They really gave Sam and Dean the same ending as Rose and Jack in Titanic, huh? I'm shook. Still don't know how to feel. What are your thoughts?
I saw this pointed out yeah, i didn’t remember Titanic in enough detail to make the connection but it was pretty strong... overall, that kinda feeling, that bond, is usually in media reserved for romantic couple, so.. there we go
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whiskeycherrypie · 4 years
Now I get so teary eyed, whenever I read a late season fic with them getting together and thinking they have all the time in the world to be with each other later later later..
it must have been at least a couple of years... at least one or two.. or three.. that they spend like in that domestic montage :( i won’t accept anything else.
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