#white walls and a console sink wall mounted faucet
hellaplastic · 2 years
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Beach Style Powder Room (Minneapolis)
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misstel · 2 years
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Salt Lake City Powder Room
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spookyceph · 5 years
Comfort Zone Pt. 1
A Shigaraki & Toga fic! Because the League becoming friends is just about my favorite thing ever. Also, it's running long, so I split it into two parts.
Rating: T and up
Relationships: Shigaraki Tomura & Toga Himiko, Dabi/Shigaraki Tomura (hints of)
Warnings: Swearing, anxiety attacks, disturbing thoughts, self-harm (in the form of Shigaraki’s scratching), mentions of blood
Even after shoving the door to the downstairs bathroom shut and locking it behind him, Tomura couldn’t convince his heart to stop slamming against his ribs like a caged animal.
How he’d let this happen—why he’d allowed it to—he couldn’t begin to piece together. He’d been so pissed when Dabi had intruded on his solitude at the bar. But then…then the bastard had started talking. Worse, he’d made sense. As if that hadn’t been enough, Dabi had given him a gift before leaning in close, so close, close enough to touch—touch!—his face, to tangle warm fingers in his hair, and shitshitfuckinghellwhatwashesupposedto—
Gasping for the air that had suddenly abandoned the room, Tomura sagged against the sink. No. The walls were not closing in on him. He wasn’t about to suffocate. His brain was just convinced that was the case because it was busy drowning in swells of adrenaline and anxiety. One hand flew up to his neck. The sting of his nails ripping open new furrows across old scratches caused his flailing thoughts to freeze. Seizing the opportunity, he groped for another lifeline.
“W-white counter. Lavender soap. Blue…fuck.” He gouged his nails deeper, countering anxiety’s own claws in his guts. “Blue. The fucking goddamn towel is blue. Like his—”
The resulting jolt of shock at what had nearly escaped his mouth knocked panic’s grip right off of him.
Tomura turned the sink faucet on and stuck his icy, quaking hands under the warm stream of water. The sensation of it flowing and sliding between all five of his fingers like nothing solid could helped ground him further. Cupping his palms, he caught enough to splash onto his face and scrub away the clammy sheen of stress sweat. Too late, he remembered the fresh coating of salve. Droplets raining down his cheeks and chin, Tomura lifted his head to confront his reflection.
Cracked and crinkled rice paper skin. Beauty mark like a droplet of ink to one side of his mouth. Vertical scar splitting the symmetry of his lips. White wisps of hair that Kurogiri had long since stopped suggesting he comb curling every which way. Eyes as round and rawly red as the healing exit wounds that shitheel Snipe had given him as parting gifts. Or the thin streams of blood trickling from his shredded neck, soaking into his shirt. The same list of features he’d had as long as he could remember—no more than fifteen years back before recollections slid into oblivion, admittedly, but long enough. Tomura squinted, studying each one, struggling to imagine what they might look like through eyes the bright blue of lightning.
Don’t expect me to share my chapstick, though. You’re on your own with that one, creep.
Tomura’s jaw tightened until his temples throbbed. Sensei had once had him take some standardized tests from the most prestigious schools in the country, just to show him how narrow society’s thinking could be. He’d aced every one…yet he’d walked right into Dabi’s little joke. The bastard had probably laughed all the way back to his room at Tomura’s gullibility. Even with half his skin barbequed, face full of staples and stitches like a campy horror movie character, he’d obviously been born a golden child, tall and beautiful and strong. Probably doted on by everyone around him until whatever little accident had tarnished his shine. Driven into the dark of the underworld, he still retained the same entitled attitude. Someone like Tomura—no pedigree, no social standing, and thus no need to kiss anyone’s ass—would be vermin to him.
Think of this another way. As a show of trust.
There. Better?
Here. Keep it. Should last awhile.
The righteous fire in Tomura’s chest dwindled and fizzled. A smaller but much more alarming warmth kindled along his cheekbones. Okay, fine. Dabi’s expression hadn’t belonged to a purebreed staring down his nose at a stray mongrel when he’d said those things, but so damn what? He’d smirked and teased and bulldozed right through every boundary he found.
Why, then, hadn’t Tomura erased his annoying existence from the world? Or at least beat some respect into him? Just because he’d been nice for two seconds? Tomura preferred to think he wasn’t so pathetic that he could be swayed by such an insignificant gesture.
People always show their real selves when they’re pissed.
The tang of copper coated his tongue as he chewed on his nails—his second favorite method to tear himself apart. What if…what if insults and arrogance were tactics? Ways for Dabi to gather intelligence and gain the upper hand? Tomura did much the same on the rare, awful occasions he had to interact in public, just in the opposite direction—he pretended to be a harmless drone of hero society like everyone else. In that light, Dabi’s intentions had been genuine even though his approach relied on deception.
Aloof characters who nevertheless gave their all for the party when it came down to it were always the most useful in games. Not to mention usually Tomura’s favorites.
Right. That concluded his thinking about the subject for the night. Or eternity.
Door opened a crack, Tomura peeked out into the hallway. Not a soul. He cocked his head, listening. Not a whisper or peep. Mindful of every creaky floorboard, he crept out. Slunk upstairs like a thief in his own base of operations. Hardly dared to breathe until he’d shut and locked the door to his room behind him.
Nerves still crawling beneath his skin, Tomura glanced over at the laptop sitting on the small desk against one wall. To the TV mounted on the other, framed by shelves of games to various consoles. He would’ve liked nothing more than to have a glowing screen absorb his attention, but he knew his focus was too scattered to play anything. Scanning the online news feeds would yield nothing but chatter about Stain or All Might—his fingers latched back onto his neck just thinking about it. He couldn’t wear himself out with training since that meant going back downstairs to use the mats and equipment in the basement. No fucking way was he setting foot in the bar for the next few days. Maybe not for years.
He knew he shouldn’t have let anyone stay here. Now he was trapped, a prisoner in his own goddamned room, all because he’d let an overcooked piece of human yakitori put his soft, stapled hands on him, and—
The rising swells of panic dropped and went utterly still as Tomura’s eyes darted to his closet. Of course. Such an obvious answer. He should’ve known what to do from the beginning.
Aah, you poor thing. What are you so afraid of? All you have to do is follow your heart.
As always, Sensei had provided for him.
Sliding one side of the closet open, Tomura picked up a long wooden box from its resting place beneath his neatly hung clothing. He gently set it in the middle of the room before retrieving a cloth from his desk. Sitting on his heels in front of the box, he wiped a few stray specks of dust from its lacquered surface. Though his memory of receiving it (not to mention its contents) remained lost somewhere in the murky haze of his childhood, the familiar action alone reassured him. Sensei had instructed him to care for it and he had, polishing it every week without fail for fifteen years.
Sleeves over the heels of his palms to prevent smudges, Tomura carefully lifted the lid.
The stench of formaldehyde sprang out immediately. It reached straight down his throat and clenched his guts with corrosive fingers. Despite the urge to vomit everything in his body cavity up, a mantle of calm settled over Tomura’s shoulders. As wretched, as vile, as stomach-wringing as they were, the sensations were familiar. They’d woven themselves into his makeup as tightly as his DNA. The same could be said for what lay inside the box.
Paler even than him against their nest of black coffin velvet, fourteen human hands lay in two neat rows. Well, thirteen—one was merely a replica, a replacement. The metal caps on the wrists gleamed sallow gold under the room’s light. Poised on the razor’s edge between sickened and serene, Tomura reached for them in the usual order.
First, the smallest ones, curled around his wrists. A larger pair with aged, wrinkled skin and knobby knuckles clamped to his biceps next. A similar but slimmer version of those followed on his forearms. The hands with the longest, loveliest fingers encircled his neck in fourth place. Two sets of brutish, blocky ones latched onto his shoulders, then his sides just beneath his arms.
Naturally, the best he saved for last.
Tomura fixed the replica to the back of his head almost absently. His attention was reserved for its partner: a left, the largest hand, the father of its macabre little family. He lifted it with the same care a collector would a preserved butterfly. With a fingertip he mapped out the valleys and ridges of bones and strong sinew along the back. Turning it over, he traced the lifeline etched across its palm that had most definitely lied. The way the scar cleaving his lips tingled and burned had nothing to do with the savage grin that split Tomura’s face. He rubbed his chin to be sure the feeling of blood drooling down it was only a phantom from his buried past.
He didn’t need to know its origins to realize how special Father was.
Revulsion and exhilaration surged up from his center as he pressed the precious memento mori over his face like a mask. His roiling emotions alchemized into something he had yet to name, its crystallized shape strange but stable. At last, the feel of cold, waxen flesh molded to his cheeks, of stiff, dead fingers in his hair, chased away the fantasy of hot, living ones. At last, he could think.
With a relieved sigh, Tomura replaced the box’s lid and stood. After feeling trapped, he needed the reassurance of space. He went to his room’s narrow window, pushed aside the curtains, disarmed the little tripwire surprise he’d rigged, and pushed the bottom pane up so he could slither out onto the fire escape.
The night air reeked of the refuse piled in the alley below. This definitely wasn’t high on his list of favored spots, but it was better than nothing. At least the temperature was being kind to his skin, not too warm or humid, not to cool or dry. The rusty skeleton of the fire escape squeaked as he settled himself on the mesh bottom, hugging his knees. Staring up at the void of the sky, a few stars visible through Father’s embalmed fingers, wasn’t so bad either. Everything he could see was warped, discarded, halfway down the path to total ruin. It almost made him feel at home.
A home with dynamics that had changed overnight. But…like it or not he had two new roommates—with more to come, according to Giran. Tomura didn’t have the kind of power to reduce hero society to rubble and ash on his own. Not yet. In the meantime, he had to make do with the next best thing: strength in numbers. It was just…he got so anxious. The concept of living with anyone aside from Kurogiri was bizarre, the thought of having to interact daily with strangers unsettling.
Yet even someone as powerful, as feared and dreaded as Sensei didn’t work alone. If his mentor hadn’t turned his nose up to cooperating with select people, who was Tomura to? He grimaced behind Father, but he could already feel resolve seeping between the seams in his thoughts. One way or another, he’d learn to tolerate his houseguests and how best to use their skills for the greater goal.
Maybe it was his years martial arts training that picked up on some subtle shift in the air. Déjà vu prickled along the back of Tomura’s neck. His head snapped toward the perceived threat on his right.
He caught a flash of a blonde-haired head just before it ducked back inside the next window over.
I’m Toga! Toga Himiko! It’s hard to live!
“Wait,” came from Tomura’s mouth before his conscious mind registered the action. “I’m sorry. About how I acted earlier.” The surprise of those words, in that order, coming from him fell flat compared to the shock of realizing he wasn’t lying.
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blackasteriia · 5 years
he's just getting to the point of coming back. it'll be a while until he's there. but he's getting there. he's present enough to see her trying to reach for something he'd left on a shelf that he'd considered easily accessible, and let it fall off of its resting place into her hand.
Static charged the air. A storm was coming. Outside, the winds buffeted thehouse and rustled the trees. The dishwasher churned in the kitchenand beeped, ending the cleaning cycle. The clock whittled away theseconds in a constant, paced, click. Xion laid on the couch, thecushions sagging under her weight. Her hands folded over her stomach,nausea twisting in her throat. An anxious poison built in her veins,soaking her bones. Her thoughts raced in circles. Around and around,intrusive, and unwelcome. Chased her down, pinned her beneath theirweight. Sleep remained a distant shore.
The clock chimed and she counted the strokes to midnight. Xion sat-up andthe blankets spilled off her shoulders to pool in her lap. She curledher legs underneath her. The soft flannel of her sleep pants ruckedat her ankles. Xion rubbed her hands down her face, scrubbing at hereyes. She groaned and growled, frustration bubbling-up. She slippedfrom beneath the covers. Her feet hit the cold wood floors with athud. Xion plodded from the living room and into the kitchen. Sheflicked on the lights and blinked to adjust her vision.
She walked to where the coffee maker rested by the sink, plugged into theoutlet. Xion filled the pot with water from the faucet. She boughtcoffee last week, cheap black grounds from the dollar store. Xion setthe maker to brew. While it boiled, she leaned back against thekitchen counter, elbow braced along the edge. The storm builtoutside, punctuated with brief drum strikes of rain and hail. Thunderrolled, deep and rumbling, the foundation of the house trembled. Xionhad left her phone to charge by the stove. She regarded it for amoment. A though punctured the cacophony of her mind, text Aeleus.Yet, as her mind went through the motions. Picking-up the device andwriting a message, she couldn’t compose words. There was nothing tosay. If he was asleep then he need the rest more than she neededcompany.
The coffee maker finished brewing. Xion poured coffee into a mug that shefetched from the cabinets. She sipped from it. The taste was bitterand awful, metallic, a bit like brown sludge. Her body metabolizedcaffeine far quicker than its effects set in, there was no reward inthe drink. It was warm though. Heat seeped into her hands, soothingand pleasant. It was a bit like a slap in the face, thedisorientating wake-up call she needed. A breath of fresh air afterhours of drowning. Xion drank half the cup. She left it in the sinkatop a precarious pile of dirty dishes that she was ignoring.
Xion left the kitchen and walked around the front of the funeral home. Shepassed the front desk and then entered the embalming room. Xionturned on the lights, illuminating the dark space. She tied her hairback with a rubber band then washed her hands in the sink. Afteryanking on a pair of disposable gloves, Xion retrieved the body fromthe fridge. She checked the files and paperwork. Her notes on whatthe family wanted, confirming the subject’s identity. She was a youngwoman with long blonde hair who died in the hospital of an opioidoverdose. Twenty years old and laid out on on a metal slab decadesbefore she should be. Xion planned on working on her tomorrowmorning, but her sleeplessness changed that.
Cold storage trapped the woman in the first twelve hours of death. Muscleslocked and stiff in rigor mortis. Her skin blotchy and pale turnedashen, and cold to the touch. The cuts, sores, and ulcers up her armsand throat told a story she no longer could. Xion used a disinfectantto clean the body. She massaged the stiffness from the arms,shoulders, and body of the woman. With the body prepped, Xion turnedher attention to the face. Using a special suture kit and thinstring, Xion sewed shut the jaw through the gums and nose. Put eyecaps to prop-up the eyes. She made a few adjustments to the face toensure a serene expression.
She was a small woman, not even a hundred pounds, so the embalming didn’ttake long. Xion worked the muscles to encourage the fluid into theveins. She could remember ‘Taker teaching her to do this. How toensure the body remained supple, life-like, and didn’t bruise orswell. All the little things that’d help the family mourn, theirfinal chance to say goodbye to their beloved. It was a carefulprocess but finished in less than an hour. Xion focused on the woundson the arms and hands. She’d need wax to fix those and some clevermake-up. She’d leave dressing for tomorrow.
Xion kept the wax in a cabinet above the counter but when she pulled openthe door, there was none. Xion cussed as she remembered. She used thelast of it last week on a different body and forgot to order more.Wasn’t on the to-do list. Her fingers tapped on the counter, lipspursed. ‘Taker never would’ve made this mistake. It’d take a coupleof days to order it too. Only if– an idea, traced along a longtrack of memories. It was worth a shot, otherwise, she’d have todrive an hour to a supply store tomorrow.
A month ago when Xion admitted this was her job now, she reorganizedthe whole embalming room. She lacked a full foot of her father’sheight and adjusted things to suit her. She thought she movedeverything to the bottom shelves, but now she was desperate andhoping. ‘Taker kept the old wax on the top shelves, she never movedit because she ordered new stuff. Xion stepped back, changing herperspective, and stood on her tip-toes. There on a top-shelf was anold jar of wax. Xion groaned to herself. She yanked off her gloveswith dramatic exasperation. Note to self: order wax tomorrowmorning, first thing.
Xion hooked a leg up on the counter and pushed-up to reach for the jar.Her fingers fell short by inches. Xion bounced on her toes as shefell, then lifted both knees up onto the counter. Gaze tracing-up,her eyes caught movement. The jar tilted and fell. Xion caught it inher lifted hand, her grip slipped and she fumbled with it. Xionbrought the jar against her chest and then palmed it, secured. Browfurrowed, Xion eyed the wax. That jar of wax was on the shelf.Four inches in, at least. Gravity did not tip it over into herwaiting hands.
Xion called bullshit.
Her eyes focused, noting the wood grain of the shelf before her. Slow hergaze shifted over her shoulder as she turned. Her vision tracked thewalls and cabinets and tools. The bleached white clothes. Washed outwith the monochrome of the barren equipment, tile, and walls. Softshadows piled in the corners, beneath the tables and chairs. A gustof wind and the house trembled. The frame settled. The hairs on theback of her neck stood. Xion acknowledged what’d she ignored forhours. There was a paradigm shift in the air, a change in theatmosphere. Cold seeped through Xion’s hands and shoulders. Asudden lack of loneliness. The home was no longer empty.
Xion put down the jar of wax and slid off the counter. Methodical andpatient, she returned the body to the fridge. She cleaned-up hertools and finished her notes. Xion turned off the lights on her wayout and returned to the kitchen. At the base of the stairs leadingupstairs, she paused. The upper floor laid in deep darkness.Untouched since she last cleaned there a week ago. Xion gripped thebanister and mounted the first step. The stairs groaned beneath herweight and stride. At the landing, she peered down the halls. Thedoors closed and the lights out. She dared not disturb the unsettledpeace.
After 'Taker’s death Xion sought the advice of the town wise women. Rather, the old ladies who gathered at the cafe for lunch and bridgeevery Friday afternoon. They consoled her on her, 'loss.’ These agedwomen, ears adorned by complex, dangling jewelry, taught Xion the art ofliving on. They told her to do as she felt ready. Things must remainas they were, until it is 'time,’ for them to no longer be. Xionwasn’t ready for anything. Everything was as 'Taker and Kane leftit. Preserved in careful detail– lacking only the men themselves.They weren’t here to maintain the boundaries of their space, soXion did it for them. The embalming room had practical reasons forthe change but the upstairs was a sacred place. Move an inch of itand the foundation of the whole house would crumble.
Xion entered 'Taker’s room in the North corner of the house. The hingescreaked as she shouldered it open. Moonlight spilled through thesplit curtains, illuminating the room in a pale light. Old posters ofbands, bikes, and favored wrestlers adorned the walls. A calendar ofHarley-Davidson’s from 2002 hung over the desk. A quilt laid on thetwin bed tucked even with the pillows. Left undisturbed on thenightstand was a notebook of measurements and bike designs. Labeledat the top: “XION.” The theoretical gift for her eighteenthbirthday, she assumed. One day she’d execute his vision– but notnow, she’d seen it all before and paid it no mind.
Xion had stashed 'Taker’s clothes in the wardrobe as they came through thewash. She peeled open the oak door and peered inside. Xion rifledthrough the clothes. Her hand landed on the smooth, weighted leatherof his old duster– The one he always wore. Xion pulled the coat offthe hook. She stepped to stand in the light and look it over. Xionworked the fabric in her hands. Aeleus found it in the truck, whereshe left it. It didn’t smell like 'Taker anymore, it smelled likethe soap she used to clean it. Careful not to crease it, Xion foldedthe duster into a square and tucked it under her arm. It’d be asuitable offering. A small change, a chip in the armor of theupstairs. Xion closed the wardrobe and slipped out of the room. Sheclosed the door behind her and turned the latch. She walked down thestairs.
In the mudroom behind the kitchen, Xion pulled on her boots and lacedthem up. She shrugged on her coat. She stamped out the back door andclambered down the porch step. An unusual chill nipped at her noseand cheeks. The storm had passed, leaving the desert frosted white,crisp and frigid. The clouds cleared to reveal constellations and afull moon. The sun long was gone and the heat dissipated from theland, there was nothing left but the cold. Her hands tucked into herpajama pants pockets. Xion’s boot heel crushed leaves and driedgrass as she walked north. She forded a stream, babbling over rocks,with a confident bound. A sparse stand of trees guarded the pathwayto the gate.
The gate of wrought iron was the furthest boundary of the yard. Threelocks of gold, silver, and iron, held it all in. 'Taker had keys,somewhere, but Xion never bothered. Her hand lifted from her side,the hilt of the keyblade slotted to the curve of her fingers. Steelmolded of her will, formed of her heart’s desire. Xion pointed theblade tip at the gate. Light flashed and the locks unbound. Xionpulled the chain and entered. She locked the gate behind her. Xionturned to her left hand and delved into the yard.
Four decades of life passed along the pathway. Tended lawns and thepristine tombstones marked a modern era. The dates fell backcenturies as she walked. To stone markers carved by unsteady hands, the finaltestament to names long faded. The cruel march of time marked inquarried marble, quartz, and limestone. Ravens raised a complaint intheir hoarse voices. They darted between the winter stripped boughsof the trees. Magic ran deep in the Earth. It saturated the soil andpermeated the water. The grass grew thick of ancient art, manipulatedby those long passed. A charge coursed the air, uncorrelated to theearlier storm. The hearts, souls, and minds of the dead still exertedtheir will here. The veil ran thin, gossamer dancing with shadows onthe far side.
A church of stone and wood rose between the trees. A monument to aforgotten religion and an unknown god. The doors were of a dark pine,hardened by five centuries of life. Xion used her full weight to pushthem open. Moonlight and shadows draped the insides of the church.Wooden benches lined aisles, askew and rotted. Someone had drawnprofane graffiti art on the West wall. A throne of iron sat on araised dais at the back wall. Ominous and yet mixed with such ahistory that Xion couldn’t help but feel familiar, comfortable.Xion walked the center aisle and then circled to the right of thethrone.
Dust, sand, and dirt, covered the trap door in pillows. An aero spellcleared it away so Xion could lift it open by the handle. Xiondropped into the black depth and landed on bent knees on the stonebelow. She stared down into complete darkness, so much that her eyescouldn’t adjust. Xion snapped her fingers and an orb of lightappeared. It hovered beside her as she walked down the steps. At thebottom landing were doors of cast iron, knockers affixed to each.Xion pushed them open enough that she could slide through and enterthe crypt.
Arches of stone bore the weight of the building. Each arch carved withsymbols, eyes, and patterns of lost rituals. In alcoves along thewalls were the dead of the Valdis family. Skeletal remains laid onshelves hewn from the rock walls. Coffins and caskets rested in rowsthrough the center of the first chamber. Xion walked further back,through a narrow catacomb, and to the furthest chamber. It was empty butfor three caskets on stone pedestals. Copper plaquesread their names and dates. 'Taker’s mother, father, and himself.Shadows slunk by as Xion approached . 
Inscribed on ‘Taker’s plaque, read:
                                   “Adam Joseph Valdis-Cowell
                                            “The Undertaker”
                              April 19, 1965 - November 16, 2003″
Forty days had passed and it felt like a good number, a solid number.Something Xion would mark on a calendar if she thought of it. Xionplaced the duster atop the casket. A sigh rolled through her as shesunk down, back to the stone pedestal. Xion buried'Taker in his ring gear and the keys to his favorite bike. Noembalming, no tricks of preservation, she’d let him rot away in hisdeath. Leave behind the bones, like his ancestors. It had felt wrongwhen she first prepared his body. Wrong, to see him still and cold.Like he could sit-up any moment and start talking to her. He was tooyoung, like the girl whose jaw Xion sowed shut an hour ago. It wasworse to lock him in a box and tuck him away in the dark.
“I’m sorry,” Xion said. She always began there, an apology tumbled-outbefore she could catch it. “I know Aeleus says it ain’t my fault. Ijustknow I can’t stop thinking of all the ways I screwed-up. Counting upall my little mistakes. If I made one less–”
Xion paused, she rubbed her thumb over her fingers in slow, comfortingcircles. She swallowed hard.
“Maybe, we wouldn’t be here at all,” Xion finished. “You’d be here. I’m not doing great with the home. I’m fine working on the bodies, it’s all procedures. My hands know how to do that, but it’s when I gotta talk and use my head, I keep messing up. The money and the people, and the orders, keeping everything lined-up– It’s so much to keep track of. I feel like I barely got my neck above water.”
A sigh rolled through her. Xion reached back and undid the ponytailfrom the nape of her neck. She snapped the rubber band back aroundher wrist. She rubbed her hands over her face and eyes. Her fingersthen worked up into her hair, pulling through the strands.
“Aeleus isn’t okay,” Xion muttered. She turned her cheek to the side. Theair was cold and stagnant down here. It was hard to breathe. “Hetries to hide it from me, but I can tell. He’s lost weight and he’snot eating. He doesn’t want to do anything but feel sorry. I don’tblame him. He’s lost you and now he’s stuck with me. Not how he’dthought it’d work-out, huh? It’s like, he’s trying to follow you andI don’t know what to do about it. I-I can’t fix it, what could I even say?!
“I’m just–” Xion’s voice broke, a high stuttered breath broke through her chest.Her hands lifted to her mouth to stifle a cry. Tears pricked hereyes, burned the corners and traced her cheeks. “I don’t know if Ican do this. Keep the home running. Help Aeleus– I wanted to get my GED, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. If I stop at all, it’ll all come crashing downon me.”
She ducked her head to her chest. There was no swallowing the sob thatbroke from her. Xion buried her face against her knees. Her armsthreaded around her legs. Her shoulders trembled with each rackingcry, gasping for breath and bawling. It was an inevitable breakpoint.When all the things crumbled around her. The exhaustion and the fear.Rage, that she’d find one good thing and the universe would snatch ltfrom her. It was cruel and unfair, and no one to blame but herself.She broke it like she did everything– it should shock no one, leastof all herself.
In time she wiped her tears, left raw and hallowed-out. Couldn’t cryforever. Her hand massaged the back of her neck where tension formedat the base of her jaw. Xion whimpered and gasped, choking andhiccuping still at random interval. She clutched her knees to herselfand curled in tight. The best she could do for comfort. The silenceweighed on her, not even the wind for company. Voice still shaking,she sought to fill the crypt.
“I don’t know why I came here. Why I’m talking to your body,” Xionmused. As if there was someone left to listen to her rambles. Therewasn’t, she was talking to a liquefied corpse; A casket filled withbody sludge. Gatherings of bones and ashes. “Where I’m from, no onereally dies, they don’t even leave bodies. So long as you remember them,they stay with you. They remain in your heart– they go somewhereelse, where you can’t see them but they’re still there. I don’t knowif that’s how it is here. I can’t shake this feeling that you’restill around, somehow. Maybeit’s not you, as I knew you, but something’s left.”
Xion tapped her finger against her arm.
“Might be losing my mind,” Xion muttered. “Wistful think– But I knewyour magic, and when you died that night… it was gone. Now it’sback and I’m… an idiot.”
Xion laughed, low and in her chest. She leaned back, head tilting againstthe casket side. The slightest grin teased her lips. “Please,please don’t give me hope, daddy. I miss you. I know it doesn’t getbetter, we just get used toit. It’s never going to be the same without you though, and I just,I wish you were here.”
She sagged, hair rucking-up along the line of her neck. She’d no right tobe down here begging for forgiveness. His body was here, all he leftbehind. It was foolish to think that the physical proximity wouldmake any difference. The truth was she’d never hold his hand again,or hug him. It was just a year or so, she had with 'Taker, but it was the best of her life. All she had left was that last time, forty days ago. She had to get overit, accept it, move on. Somehow, someway, she had to. She pushed toher feet and looked down at the duster atop his casket, folded neat.Xion began to turn away.
She made it a whole stride before an invisible rope tugged her back. Somepsychological tether that brought her back to the casket. Shepicked-up the duster again. She thought she’d give it back to him, soshe couldn’t cling to it any longer. Start to strip the Jenga towerthat was the funeral home. One-piece at a time. It was the last thinghe gave to her and even if she did not deserve it, or ask for it, orappreciate it. She wasn’t ready for it to be gone. Xion stepped backfrom the casket. She walked out of the crypt, crawled back throughthe trap door. She sniffed and rubbed dust and tears from her cheeks.
Xion paused at the foot of the throne in the church. She sat down on thedais to let her eyes adjust to the dark. She placed the folded dusterat her side. For a moment she leaned back onto the cool stone.Exhaustion struck her like a bell chime. The physical and emotionalweight of past sleepless nights coming to toll. Her eyes closed once,twice, and sleep took her. Xion awoke, hours later, to birdsong.Sunlight streamed through the windows. Her back and shoulders stiff,her fingers cold. She curled on her side, arm wedged under her head.And the duster, tucked over her shoulders. 
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livingcorner · 3 years
Glossary of Bathroom Terms and Definitions
Bathroom remodeling can be overwhelming if you’re not completely familiar with all the associated terminology. To help you navigate the world of bathroom vanities, faucets, sinks and other bathroom fixtures, Modern Bathroom has created this helpful glossary of definitions for some of the most common bathroom-related terms. If you’re unsure about a bathroom vanity feature, unclear on the benefits of different counter materials or simply want to communicate better with your general contractor, you can brush up on your bathroom furniture vocabulary right here.
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Antique Vanity
A bathroom vanity that is made of new materials but which features styling, hardware and finishes representative of an antique era such as Victorian or Colonial
A piece of granite, marble, stone or glass that attaches to the back of the bathroom vanity counter and protects the adjoining wall from water damage due to splashes
The container that holds water from a bathroom vanity faucet, also referred to as a sink
A metal alloy made of copper and zinc known for being strong and resistant to corrosion, sometimes treated for an antique look and often used in the construction of bathroom faucets and sinks
The storage area of a bathroom vanity featuring drawers and/or interior shelves, or a separate storage unit (wall-mounted or freestanding) used to house bathroom products such as towels, soap and cosmetics
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A material made of 93% natural quartz known for its stain, scratch, and heat-resistant properties, typically used in bathroom vanity countertops
A material made from nonmetallic minerals such as clay, known for its hard, heat-resistant and corrosion-resistant properties, typically used for bathroom vanity sinks and countertops
Refers to a bathtub that has four “feet” shaped like an animal’s foot and claws, and which is free-standing in style rather than enclosed in an alcove or dropped into a tile enclosure
Contemporary Vanity
A bathroom vanity that features a modern take on traditional styling, with a look that is popular in the current era
Counter or Countertop
The top surface of a bathroom vanity that surrounds the sink, typically made of glass, stone, granite or marble
Crescent or half-moon shaped, typically used to describe bathroom vanities
Double Vanity
A bathroom vanity that includes two sinks, typically used in master bathrooms
Refers to a retailing method where products are manufactured and sold by the same company without a middle man, typically resulting in lower prices
Faucet Mount
The opening(s) in a bathroom vanity countertop for the installation of a faucet, typically a single hole (for one-piece faucets) or three holes (for widespread faucets)
A stain or weathering process applied to wood in order to give it a certain color or appearance
Full Immersion
Refers to bathtubs that are deeper than normal, allowing water to cover the bather up to their shoulders
An igneous rock typically composed of quartz and other minerals, known for its hardness and durability, often used in slab form as a countertop for bathroom vanities
A process whereby metal is pounded by hand with a hammer to induce a rough surface, typically used on metal sinks
Refers to glass that has been hardened to prevent cracking and shattering through a process of rapid heating and cooling
Integral or Integrated
Refers to vanity sinks that are constructed of the same piece of material as the bathroom vanity countertop, resulting in a clean, continuous surface that deters the growth of mold and bacteria
A composite material formed through the pressing and bonding of several layers of wood, plastic or other materials
A sink or basin with running water and a drain, can also be used to refer to a toilet or bathrooms in general
Man-Made Quartz
A material that has the strength and durability of natural quartz, but which is created using a man-made process
A metamorphic limestone-based rock featuring natural color variations and known for its hardness and smoothness, often used in slab form as a countertop for bathroom vanities
Modern Vanity
A bathroom vanity that pushes the boundaries of contemporary styling, featuring cutting-edge, futuristic design
Mounting Ring
A ring-shaped piece metal and rubber, used to stabilize curved vessel sinks and seal the opening between the sink and drain pipes
One-Piece Toilet
A toilet comprised of one single piece of china or other material (as compared to a two-piece toilet)
P Trap
A section of pipe that contains sewer gases and prevents them from being released through bathroom sink drains
Pedestal Vanity
A narrow, vertically-shaped vanity that usually does not include a vanity cabinet, sometimes featuring a sink and base both constructed of one piece of porcelain or china
Pop-Up Drain
A drain for bathroom sinks with an adjustable cap that can be lifted to allow water through or lowered to seal the drain and fill the basin
A nonporous, typically white material made from ceramic that has been fired and then glazed, often used in the manufacture of bathroom vanity sinks and countertops
Typically refers to a bathroom vanity countertop that has been cut to allow the insertion of a drop-in sink
Refers to a finishing technique that involves sanding away the top layer of paint or stain to reveal the wood below, sometimes used on bathroom vanities to create an antique look
Shower Panel
A shower fixture that features multiple showerheads at varying heights and locations to target different parts of the body
Single-Hole Faucet Mount
Refers to a bathroom vanity countertop that has a single hole for the installation of a bathroom faucet
Transitional Vanity
A bathroom vanity representing a style found between antique and modern, sometimes referred to as contemporary traditional
Two-Piece Toilet
A toilet comprised of a separate bowl and tank (as compared to a one-piece toilet)
Vanity Console
Another name for a vanity cabinet or one-piece vanity and countertop
Vanity Set
Refers to a bathroom vanity, mirror and sometimes storage cabinet that are sold together for one price
Veneer or Veneered
A thin layer of wood applied to another surface for decorative purposes, or a surface that has been decorated with veneers, often used on upscale bathroom vanity cabinets
Vessel Sink
A bathroom sink designed to sit partially or fully above the vanity countertop, typically made of colored glass, porcelain or ceramic
Vitreous China
Porcelain or ceramic that has been made nonporous and glossy through the heated application of a glass or silica based solution
Refers to bathroom vanities, mirrors, faucets and storage cabinets that must be installed on a vertical wall rather than stood on a horizontal surface
Widespread Faucet Spacing
Refers to a bathroom vanity countertop that has three holes for the installation of a bathroom faucet, where the number of inches refers to the distance between the two outside holes (ex. 8″ widespread spacing)
You're reading: Glossary of Bathroom Terms and Definitions
Read more: 16 Beige Bathroom Ideas for a Relaxing, Spa-Worthy Escape
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Bathroom
source https://livingcorner.com.au/glossary-of-bathroom-terms-and-definitions/
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handyguypros1 · 3 years
Best Bathroom Sinks HandyGuyPros
A sink is one of the best decorative pieces to have in the bathroom. Choosing one, however, can be an overwhelming process. With the different materials, colors, and styles available, picking the best is a challenging task.
The best sink to have in the bathroom is a combination of both form and function. If you have no idea about which one will make a good choice, keep on reading and learn from some of our recommendations.
Top Bathroom Sinks
After spending hours of research, our team came up with a selection of the best sinks that you can have in the bathroom, including those that are listed below.
Kohler K-2355-0 Archer Under-Mount Bathroom Sink
Kohler bathroom sinks are amongst the best you will find on the market. This specific model comes with a rectangular design for a classic look and has beveled edges for a sleek appeal, making it an excellent way to up the aesthetics of your bathroom.
The material that is used is vitreous china, which has been praised by many of its users for its durability. It is also easy to clean, so you do not have to worry about its maintenance.
To complete the look, buyers of this sink recommend that it goes well with granite or quartz.
Kohler K-2214-0 Ladena Under-Mount Bathroom Sink
Made by the same manufacturer as the sink mentioned above, this model also comes with a rectangular shape, but the main difference is that it is curved instead of having sharp edges.  It is also made of vitreous china, which is known for being a long-lasting material.
Because it is an undermount sink, it will blend seamlessly in almost any counter design and will not be obtrusive.
This is also the most spacious from the bathroom sinks of Kohler, so if you are looking for one that is large, this will be an excellent choice.
Kohler K-2210-0 Caxton Under-Mount Bathroom Sink
If you prefer oval over rectangular sinks, this is one option that should be on your radar. It has a versatile and streamlined design, made even better by a material that is easy to maintain.
For many of the users of this product, they loved the depth of the sink, which will prevent water from splashing on your face.
However, take note that this is a sink-only package. It does not come with the attachments that will be needed.
American Standard 0614000.020 Studio Undercounter Bathroom Sink
For a bathroom with minimalist design, this sink will be another stunning choice. It has a sleek geometry with curved edges, which will instantly up the appeal of your bathroom’s countertop.
Like most of the high-quality sinks you can find, it is made of vitreous china. People were happy with the material because of its beautiful high-gloss finish. You’ll also love the fact that it is stain-resistant.
While the manufacturer states that the color is white, some users noted that it is actually yellowish-white.
American Standard 0282.008.020 Retrospect Pedestal Console Sink
This is one of the most expensive from the products that we have listed in this post, but there is a reason for such. It is manufactured by one of the most trusted bathroom sink brands and made of high-quality materials. The main material used is fireclay, which is known for its exceptional durability.
Take note, however, that this is a basin-only package. The pedestal needs to be purchased separately.
Toto LT542G  Under-Counter Lavatory
Even Elle Décor agrees that this is one of the best sinks that can add an unmatched appeal to the bathroom. This will specifically make a great choice if you are looking for a large sink.
One of the best things about this sink is the Sanagloss Technology, which provides a smooth glaze. Aside from being beautiful, it also makes the lavatory easy to clean.
However, there are some people who questioned the quality control of the sink, noting how there are some instances when the glaze is problematic.
Kraus GV-580 Copper Illusion Glass Vessel Bathroom Sink
This is one of the most stylish from the bathroom sinks that we have mentioned in this post. The distinct look is attributed to the tempered glass construction with copper finish. The surface is scratch and stain-resistant. It also has a polished surface that is easy to clean.
The sink comes with a limited lifetime warranty from the manufacturer.
Kraus KCR-281 Elavo Bathroom Semi-Recessed Ceramic Sink
The high-quality ceramic is one of the best assets of this bathroom sink. It can resist stains and scratches, allowing it to preserve its aesthetic appeal even with long-term use. The color does not fade over time.
Right out of the box, this sink is ready for installation as it is inclusive of all the mounting hardware that you will need.
Like the Kraus sink mentioned above, this model also comes with a limited lifetime warranty.
Aquaterior Tempered Glass Vessel Sink
For a minimalist and contemporary bathroom, this is another sink that should be on your radar. It has a round shape and made of tempered glass. The glossy surface is scratch-resistant and does not require a lot in terms of its maintenance.
Since it is a vessel sink, the installation is sure to be a breeze. It uses universal hardware that is not included as a part of the package.
VCCUCINE Rectangle Above Counter Sink
The European-inspired design of this sink makes it another great addition to create a bathroom that is guaranteed to stun. It is made of durable ceramic with a crystalline glaze that will make it easy to clean.
It has high-temperature internal molding, which guarantees durability. This also helps to prevent leakage.
DECOLAV 1402-CWH Callensia Rectangular Sink
For a classic sink with a timeless appeal, this is another sink that does the job. Each piece is made by artisans and they have been double-fired and glazed, providing an assurance of its durability.
However, take note that the drain holes are misaligned, which can pose a problem when it comes to plumbing.
Comllen Above Counter Ceramic Bathroom Sink
The smooth ceramic surface of this vessel sink does not only look good but also well-loved by many because of ease of cleaning. The color, as shared by the users, does not easily fade over time.
One issue with this sink is that it comes with a flat bottom. This is a design element that some people might not appreciate because draining can be quite slow.
KES BVS110 Rectangular Vessel Sink
Made of ceramic, this sink will be the perfect way to add European design elements in the bathroom. While it is rectangular, the edges are curved, which softens the overall look.
If you are buying this sink, take note that there are no drilled holes for the faucet. You will need to have counter-mount or wall-mount faucet.
Nantucket Sinks Rectangle Ceramic Undermount Vanity
If you have a small vanity, this sink can prove to be an excellent option because of its space-efficient design.
The sink comes with a porcelain enamel glaze that completes the look while also adding excellent surface protection, allowing it to hold well through time.
Because it is small, however, this might not fit in the standard sink opening, requiring the need to make a new one.
SINKOLOGY BOD-0903BRN Dalton Drop-in Bathroom Sink
Break out from the ordinary with the contemporary design of this sink, which was hand-crafted to ensure attention even to the smallest details. It has a hammered nickel finish that provides unmatched luxury to the bathroom. The finish is also maintenance-free.
Installation can be quite tasking because there are no clamps or hooks on the side where the sink can be attached.
Luxier CS-006 Bathroom Porcelain Ceramic Sink
The sink comes with sloped sides. It gets deeper as it reaches the middle, which is a good thing to make sure that the water flows directly to the drain rather than collecting on the surface.
There are different choices when it comes to the finish of this bathroom sink – oil-rubbed bronze, brushed nickel, or chrome.
Walcut Wall-Mount Rectangle Corner Sink
This wall-mounted sink comes with a simple but elegant design that makes it a great choice if you want minimalism. It offers value for money since it is already inclusive of a chrome faucet. There are some people, however, who did not like the quality of the faucet included, so you might want to change it with a better one.
Renovator’s Supply Small Wall Mount Sink
If you are looking for the best drop in bathroom sinks, this should be on your list. It is space-efficient, making it great for small spaces, including a half bath.
In terms of installation, it does not require too much effort on your end. It just needs to be slipped in place and there is no need to deal with mounting brackets.
Best Bathroom Sinks FAQs
What are the Different Types of Bathroom Sinks?
Bathroom sinks can be differentiated based on how they are installed. Drop-in bathroom sinks, for instance, are installed under the countertop. Wall-mounted sinks, as the name implies, are attached to a wall. More so, a vessel sink is placed just above the counter. A pedestal sink, meanwhile, is made with a stand that holds the sink and covers the plumbing elements.
What are Bathroom Sinks Made of?
This will depend on the specific product that will be chosen. Some of the most common materials, however, are cast polymer, vitreous china, glass, composite, copper, cast iron, and stainless steel.
How do You Clean a Bathroom Sink?
Through the years, the bathroom sink will look bad if it is not well-maintained. The colors can fade, and stains may appear. To clean a bathroom sink, it is best to go natural rather than using chemical-laden cleaners. Sprinkling baking soda on the top and scrubbing it afterward will work.
What are the Sizes of bathroom Sinks?
This will also differ on what is offered by the manufacturer. Most of the round sinks are 16 to 20 inches. Those that are rectangular, on the other hand, tend to be larger and are often approximately 16 to 24 inches.
Wrap Up
Indeed, a bathroom sink is one of the best visual statements for the bathroom. It can make or break the overall design of the space. Keep an eye on the products that we have recommended above to enjoy the best bang for the buck.
Source : https://handyguypros.com/best-bathroom-sinks/
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civilcoconstruction · 3 years
A Hudson Yards Renovation Renews a Foyer, Kitchen & Bath
After moving in, we wanted to redo the kitchen, but the most urgent fix was the bathroom. Some prior higher-floor leak had unmoored a section of tile, and the previous owner refused to repair it as a condition of closing. This was our first lesson in how different a Seattle and New York renovation could be.
Deciding to do the larger renovation
Our foray into bidding a standalone bathroom remodel proved short—we got as far as finishing the design when the co-op came back with a series of unexpected plumbing requirements, chock full of things we’d never heard of like water hammer arrestors and Laticrete. The price nearly doubled, and if we were going to spend much more on a remodel, we decided we should save up and do the larger apartment renovation we had hoped to.
With regular re-spackling, we figured we could buy time while we saved up. That folly ended a year and a half later when, hours before leaving for vacation, a precarious section of tile came crashing down. Our super covered the crumbling wall with a plastic tarp, but it was clear: it was time to begin bidding.
…we raided a savings account and scrambled to add herringbone floors to the scope. The late choice delayed the project by a month, but it was one of the best decisions we made. costs.
Finding the right general contractor with multiple skills
We weren’t sure exactly what we needed—walls weren’t moving per se, but our co-op seemed to want an architect. So while we asked the initial bathroom contractor to bid, we also thankfully posted our project on Sweeten. To complete our renovation, Sweeten paired us with a design-build firm with architecture training. They also did custom millwork, making it the perfect fit for our project. Not only did the general contractor immediately understand our aesthetic, but we also had a great rapport.
In planning the remodel, we knew we wanted to play off the building’s modest Art Deco bones, but in a way that wasn’t slavish or theme-y. We also both brought mild obsessions to the mix—for me, an inexplicable passion for English cabinetry, for Chris, a desire to put a banquette in any possible corner.
Reworking the kitchen layout
The first big choice was how to manage the kitchen layout. The room was spacious enough—designed as an eat-in when 24” of counter space seemed ample—but the two doorways weren’t in an ideal location. One opened onto the foyer and the other onto a back hallway by the bedroom. It had also been poorly updated in the intervening years: half of the footprint was wasted, with a lonely refrigerator in one corner and an errant desk in another.
The location of the gas riser dashed our hopes of moving the entry to adjoin the living room, so our contractor suggested closing the smaller opening to create a wide galley with room for a banquette. This would extend the cabinetry the length of the room on one side, doubling the counter space and creating room for a wine fridge and pantry to boot.
While we played with centering the sink and range on the counter runs, our Sweeten contractor advised against it to preserve prep space. In hindsight, we were happy to have lived in the space before renovating: symmetry looked better on paper, but from experience cooking in the space, we knew her recommendation would be more functional.
To keep the room from feeling enclosed, we substituted upper cabinets for extra-long open shelves on one side, then tucked in under-cabinet lighting for function. The banquette capped off the space, creating both more storage and a place for friends to hang out while cooking.
Giving the foyer a purpose 
Our foyer situation was a classic New York City conundrum: too small to do much of anything useful but large enough to be wasted if empty. We decided on a full-height bookcase that’s only 8” deep and it holds loads more than we expected. On the opposite side, our general contractor fitted narrow custom cabinets to serve as a bar. There’s just enough depth to squeeze in double rows of liquor bottles and glasses, saving precious room in the kitchen. We ran new electrical to hang art lights over tall mirrors—the goal was to make the whole space pull triple duty as an entryway, a library, and a bar—then painted the foyer and kitchen cabinetry the same deep gray so that the two spaces relate.
A renewed bathroom in classic black-and-white
In the bathroom, we preserved and refinished an original tub and stuck to a classic black-and-white New York-inspired scheme with updated finishes. Given the narrow layout, the primary play here would be with subtle geometries—and taking advantage of our building’s extra thick walls. A hex marble floor worked well with the warmer white subway tile and porcelain. Our contractor recommended extending the floor tile onto the base of the walls to stretch the visual plane of the room.
The hexagon echoed in new shower controls that help tame the notorious temperature fluctuations that come with living in an old building. In such a small space, we took a cue from hotel bathrooms and put a pedestal sink atop console legs to keep the space open. An extra-tall recessed medicine cabinet provides both storage and electrical outlets.
My favorite thing of all is the towel warmer which took forever to source but that I deeply love for its hex bars and Anglophilic appeal. The contractor placed it in a deep niche so that the warm rails wouldn’t risk singeing passersby. We decided to paint the walls and ceiling in a black high sheen that makes the ceiling recede and the white surfaces gleam. Strangely, of all the things in the apartment, the shower glass proved one of the most frustrating: it wasn’t installed until five months after everything else wrapped up.
Finding the budget for hardwood floors
New wood floors were the most unexpected part of the reno. We had only budgeted for the kitchen alone. But the more floor options we looked at—and after our contractor dissuaded us from several temptations like Moroccan Bejmat tile—the more we wanted hardwood in the kitchen. That meant either putting down maple boards to match the rest of the apartment—despite disliking their color—or redoing everything. Our contractor’s opinion was that changing the kitchen floors would make one of the biggest impacts in the space. So a month into the renovation, after all the other demo was done, we raided a savings account and scrambled to add herringbone floors to the scope. The late choice delayed the project by a month, but it was one of the best decisions we made.
Becoming comfortable with flexibility 
Stepping back from it now, our major lesson was in developing a deep comfort with flexibility. We found that we could be much more controlling of our remodel in Seattle than here. New York’s interminable series of permits, co-op requirements, and engineering reports—paired with the inelasticity of old spaces—meant we had to take a go-with-the-flow approach that made trust and an ability to laugh key. Also, best to know exactly what you’re looking for before you start to remodel.
Our contractor taught us the biggest lesson of all: do it all at once if you can. It’s not the disruption that’s the problem, really, or that rework ends up costing more—it’s that few of us really have the talent to create a cohesive space in small increments. Unfortunately, we didn’t quite learn this last lesson in time. During our reno, our bedroom became the storage unit for our furniture.
More than anything else, we were lucky to have a real partnership with our Sweeten general contractor to see us through the changes and warn us off of bad choices. We feel a bit like we’ve earned our honorary New Yorker stripes: we chose a space that we thought was a diamond in the rough and hoped we could turn it into a classic city respite. We feel like—at least to our taste—we got there, and now we have this lovely, large-living one-bedroom to come home to in one of the most dynamic parts of Manhattan.
Thank you, Jeremy and Chris, for sharing your Hudson Yards home renovation with us! Check out more about it in this article from New York magazine’s The Cut. 
Materials Guide
KITCHEN RESOURCES: White oak hardwood floors in espresso stain: Minwax. Cabinets and under-cabinet lighting: Custom by general contractor. Kitchen cabinet paint in Down Pipe, wall paint in Strong White, and ceiling paint in Wimborne White: Farrow & Ball. Regent Collection cabinet pulls: Restoration Hardware. Super White Carrara marble countertop and backsplash: HG Stones. Shaws Original farmhouse sink: Rohl. Faucet in satin brass: California Faucets. Refrigerator, dishwasher, stove, hood, and wine fridge: Thermador. Haleigh ceiling light fixture: Rejuvenation.
BATHROOM RESOURCES: Fitzgerald Collection sink: DXV. Console legs in polished nickel: Palmer Industries. Monterey faucets: California Faucets. Bianco Dolomiti 1 ¼” hex floor tile: Artistic Tile. White subway wall tile and black liner tile: Subway Ceramics. Astor collection hardware and shower fixtures: Jaclo. Verenne sconces: Restoration Hardware. Thomas O’Brien light fixture over medicine cabinet: Circa Lighting. Recessed medicine cabinet: Robern. Eco Drake toilet: Toto. Frameless glass shower surround: Glasscrafters. Ceiling and wall paint in Off Black: Farrow & Ball. Towel warmer: Vogue UK.
FOYER RESOURCES: Cabinetry: Custom by general contractor. Super White Carrara marble countertop: HG Stones. Cabinetry and wall paint in Down Pipe, ceiling in Wimborne White: Farrow & Ball. Regent Collection cabinet pulls: Restoration Hardware. Kelly Wearstler flush-mount ceiling light fixtures, Thomas O’Brien art light fixtures: Circa Lighting. Baseboards: Kuiken Brothers.
Angela’s bathroom in a landmark New York City building gets a classic yet modern update.
Refer your renovating friends to Sweeten and you’ll both receive a $250 Visa gift card when they sign a contract with a Sweeten general contractor.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, and scope, helping until project completion. Follow the blog for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation on Sweeten.
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from CIVICLO Construction & Interior https://civilco.construction/a-hudson-yards-renovation-renews-a-foyer-kitchen-bath/
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: 2020-05-16
Feeling cramped in your small bathroom? There are ways to make it look and feel bigger, without knocking down a wall or doing a major remodel. Just follow these simple tricks to make your bathroom appear significantly larger. Easy Ways To Make Your Tiny Bathroom Look & Feel Bigger 1. Choose colors carefully Beveled Glossy Smooth Glass Reflective Wall Tiles (Amazon)  It’s common knowledge —  light colors reflect light. And the lighter you go in the color wheel, the better. Naturally, all-white is an obvious choice to make any room appear bright and airy — white walls, white floor, white counter, vanity, and so on. Using reflective tiles and satin paint finishes will bounce off light and brighten the room further.  If you don’t want to go stark white, go for pastels instead, or neutral shades like beige, cream, and soft gray. These will give you a clean slate on which to add bits of color later, through accents and decor.  Avoid dividing lines and contrasting colors. Whenever possible, blurring the lines between sections and elements of your bathroom by going monochromatic — using the same color for your floor, walls, ceiling, and fixtures. It would allow for a seamless, uninterrupted visual flow. If you must highlight certain elements, like the door maybe, or the baseboards, use lighter tones from the same color family. 2. Light it up Brushed Nickel Vanity Light Fixture (Amazon) Light brightens any room. Dark corners make a room seem smaller, while brightness appears to make it bigger. Have as much light spread across your bathroom rather than limiting it to the ones coming from the window during the day and the ceiling or mirror light at night. If possible, use multiple light sources illuminating different parts of the room so that no corner is left in the shadows. Among your options are track lights on the ceiling, sconces on walls, recessed lighting on shelves, or strips of backlight behind mirrors. If possible, use compact fixtures rather than bulky ones that take up space. For ceiling lamps, go for flush mount types rather than chandeliers or pendants that occupy air space. 3. Maximize mirrors Frameless mirror (Image: Amazon) Double the radiance of your lights, window, and light-colored surfaces by installing mirrors. Using mirrors is the oldest trick in the trade when it comes to giving an illusion of space. They reflect light and cheats the eye into believing there are twice as much breadth and depth in a room.  And remember to go big. If there’s a vacant wall in your bathroom, consider installing a floor-to-ceiling mirror. Big, borderless mirrors give a feeling of endless space. Also, two mirrors placed opposite each other provides an illusion of boundless, infinite space. 4. Show some shimmer Stainless steel towel rack (Image: Amazon) Glass and other shiny materials like chrome, stainless steel, and reflective tiles do the same thing. They bounce off light and reproduce whatever brightness is present in a room. Use as much these materials in your bathroom, from fixtures to walls, shower door to shelving, bath accessory set to decor. A cheaper alternative to reflective tiles is faux glass wallpaper, which could easily be stripped off if you tire of it and opt for a different look later. Chrome, stainless steel, and polished brass look great on faucets, sinks, lights, towel racks, toilet paper holders, clothes hooks, and even trash cans.   5. Cut clutter Metal storage organizer (Image: Amazon) Do an audit of all the items in your bathroom: toiletries, makeup, bath accessories, clothes on a hook, decor. See which ones you can do without and get rid of them. Let’s face it — everything on the counter, floor, shelf, cistern, and ledge takes up space. Even things hanging on the wall. Get rid of anything unnecessary and keep only those that are essential. Put away anything that’s only seldom used. Whatever you do decide to keep on counters and ledges, should be corraled neatly in trays and containers. Anything that you can put inside drawers, do so. Others you can neatly stack on shelves should be. As much as possible, keep the counter and the floor clear.  6. Minimize the decor White shower curtain (Image: Amazon) Having a variety of decor, prints, and designs is chaotic. You may like floral prints on your shower curtain, or bold patterns on the wallpaper — but those only create visual noise. Give your bathroom serenity by limiting the visual accents to a single piece of art or a few simple accents here and there. Choose colors that complement the bathroom’s overall palette, and stick to clean lines and simple patterns.  7. Take the tile up to the ceiling White glossy ceramic tile (Image: Amazon) In many bathrooms, shower tiles often fall a foot or two short of the ceiling. This creates a dividing line, as mentioned in #1. The key to achieving an open, expansive feel is eliminating visual transitions and partitions. Take the tiles all the way to the ceiling for a smooth, seamless look. By the same token, use the same tiles for the shower as you did for the floor. 8. Upgrade your shower Frameless shower screen (Image: Amazon) If you don’t have enough space for a separate shower cubicle, install your shower over your bathtub. Or, if you think you can manage without a tub, get rid of it altogether. It may be a creature comfort you think you can’t do without, but if your bathroom is too tiny and stuffed, you won’t feel comfortable using it as you would if you had more room. Ditch the tub for a standing shower instead, and put in luxe features that will make space appear wider: a frameless, clear glass enclosure, chrome fixtures, and a flat, ceiling mount rain shower head. These square heads are sleek and stylish, with options for body massage jets that spray you from the walls. 9. Keep things afloat Rectangular ceramic wall-mounted sink (Image: Amazon) Do away with space-hogging, stand-alone furniture like towel racks, cabinets, and storage shelves.  Instead, replace them with wall-mounted fixtures like floating shelves, hooks, and soap or shampoo dispensers. Keeping things off the ground will instantly make your bathroom more spacious and airy.  If you have the budget for a sink and commode replacement, consider installing wall-mounted sinks, vanities, faucets, and toilets. They have modern, slim profiles that take up the minimal wall and zero floor space. A huge part of the floor and wall would be freed up, making your bathroom feel more open and unobstructed.   Another option would be to use a simple bowl-type vessel sinks that is elegant and in vogue these days. You can mount it on a simple steel console, a wood or marble-top table, or a large, reclaimed wood slab. The open space underneath will allow you to put in your own storage — a stylish bin or wicker basket— or keep it totally clear. Hanging commodes offer the same advantage. They have sleek, compact designs that conceal their cisterns, further reducing physical and visual bulk. For a modern, minimalist look, try rectangular sinks and toilets. They have clean, straight lines that draw the eyes horizontally and help make the room appear wider. The post 9 Simple Tips To Make A Small Bathroom Look Bigger appeared first on The Toilet Zone. #General
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/2020-05-16
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donnajohnson1-blog · 5 years
Guide to Buying Vanity Bathroom Sink
The majority of the homeowners purchase vanity bathroom sink just by their looks. As long as it matches the décor style and color of the bathroom, homeowners are happy. They do not consider other factors while zeroing in on a particular model of the sink.
But there are certain things that you should consider while purchasing a vanity bathroom sink. Let us have a look at a few of these factors that you should keep in mind.
·        Size of the bathroom: The first thing that you should consider while purchasing a vanity bathroom sink is the size of the bathroom. There is no point in buying a large bathroom sink when the actual size of your bathroom is very small.
 ·        Material: Most of the bathroom sinks are made of white porcelain. The main advantage of porcelain is that they are highly durable and resistant to scratches and stain. But in addition to porcelain, various other materials like tempered glass, metal, and stone are also used for making bathroom sink. Thus, depending on the overall design of the bathroom, you can go for a sink in any of the materials.
 If you want a traditional look for the bathroom, you can go for a porcelain sink. Sink made of tempered glass can create a bold style statement in a modern bathroom. For a more natural look and feel, you can go for stone sinks.
 ·        Storage requirement: Your exact storage requirement should also be considered before deciding whether to go for a simple sink or a vanity with sink. If you do not have any in-built storage options in your bathroom, then you should go for a vanity with drawers and cabinet. But if you have other storage options or if the bathroom is small, then you can go for a pedestal sink.
 ·        Type of mount: A wall-mounted vanity bathroom sink is best if you have a small bathroom. This type of vanity comes without legs. Thus, it provides a spacious look to the bathroom. You can also go for vanity with a console sink. This type of vanity comes with two legs on the front with the weight of the vanity supported by the wall. On the other hand, if you have a large bathroom, then a freestanding vanity bathroom sink can be purchased.
 ·        Type of sink: Sink can be recessed in which it is fixed inside the countertop, or it can be vessel sink where it stands on the countertop. The recessed sink is more stable as it is supported by the vanity counter. A vessel sink, on the other hand, provides a luxurious look to the bathroom.
 ·        Maintenance: The type of maintenance required also plays a crucial role in deciding the type of vanity sink to go for. The porcelain sink is relatively easy to clean with baking soda and water. For the stone sink, make sure that you do not use any harsh chemicals for cleaning. Instead, you can go for mild dish soap and water.
·        Budget: Vanity bathroom sinks are available in different budget ranges. It is available for as low as $160 and goes up to $2000. You should decide on the amount that you are willing to spend before you zero in on a vanity bathroom sink. 
 While purchasing the sink, you should also pay special attention to the bathroom sink faucet. Most of the sinks are available with faucet. But in case you decide to purchase it separately, make sure that the faucet selected blends in well with the overall sink design.
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samuelmmarcus · 5 years
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Connecticut Beach House
    Hello my wonderful friends! How are you today? It’s great to be back with this new “Beautiful Homes of Instagram” post especially because I am featuring such a talented and kind woman! Marcie, from @designsixtyfive, is a busy mom of two little boys, and, together with her husband, she managed to renovate and decorate this gorgeous Connecticut beach house.
I can’s stress enough for you to follow her on Instagram because she’s one of those rare people you meet and instantly feel connected to. Here, Marcie shares more details about her home:
  “When we began planning for our home renovation, Home Bunch was one of my go-to sources for inspiration, so to be sharing our own home on this platform now is such an honor! I first started Design Sixty Five as a way to document our renovation for posterity, not thinking anyone would actually be interested in following along with the progress. A year later, I am truly amazed at how it taken on a life of its own and has become such a fulfilling creative outlet. It brings me so much joy to exchange ideas and inspiration with others and I couldn’t be happier to share our renovation experience here with you!”
  Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Connecticut Beach House
“We bought this 1920’s colonial in 2012 (before having children) when it was only 1,300 square feet with 3 small bedrooms and 1 bathroom. After growing our family to include 2 kids and 2 dogs, we felt it was time for us to either expand or move. We fell in love with the location of this home, which is within walking distance of downtown as well as the beach, so we decided to renovate in order to make this home work for our family in the long term.”
Front Door Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Stonington Gray.
Front door knocker is Michael Healy Designs.
Roof: Cedar Shingle & Standing Seam Copper.
Lighting: Restoration Hardware Union Filament Sconce in Polished Nickel – Others: here, here, here & here.
Expanding your Dreams
“As part of the renovation, we essentially gutted the existing house, demolished an old detached garage and 3-season sunroom, and added on an attached garage, mudroom, kitchen, master suite and junior suite. While it might have been easier to demolish the entire house and start from scratch, we loved the original house and wanted to stay true to its history, charm and character. We replaced the windows, siding and roof and added architectural details to create interest and dimension while honoring the style of the original house. The newly renovated house is approximately 2,400 square feet and has 5 bedrooms and 3.5 bathrooms.”
Garage Lights: Restoration Hardware 18” Vintage Barn Outdoor Sconce in Weathered Zinc – similar here & here.
“When winter rolls around, this becomes the hardest working little corner of our house! A few years ago, we added a small powder room to this corner, which allowed us to create a “mini-mudroom” on this wall using board & batten and some simple wall hooks.”
Entry Door Set: Rejuvenation.
Runner: Dash & Albert.
Foyer Built-ins
A built-in bench and a tall cabinet adds storage and a place to put on your shoes and store coats.
Hardware: Here & Here – similar.
Console Table
Shiplap walls and a distressed console table with beautiful decor complements this space.
Console Table: Home Goods – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Table Lamp: Pottery Barn.
Vase: Target.
Beautiful Greenery: Here, Here, Here & Here.
Mirror: Umbra.
Timeless Coastal Vibes
“On the interior, we opened up walls and added windows wherever possible to create an open floorpan that is flooded with natural light. Given the home’s location, we wanted to achieve a subtle coastal aesthetic that is classic, yet fresh and organic. The decor is simple with timeless elements of natural wood and textures, plenty of white, live greenery, and hints of blue.”
White Armchairs: Lee Industries Model #C1935-01SW in Boomer White – similar here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Pillows: West Elm.
Poufs: Wayfair.
Paint Color
All interior walls and trim are painted in Benjamin Moore Super White.
Fireplace surround is Pietro Cardosa and the beam is reclaimed chestnut.
Artwork: This is actually a tv (Samsung 55″)! The art on the tv is Lauren Martilla’s “Hesitation”.
Sofa: Restoration Hardware 8’ Maxwell Sofa in Italian Brompton Cocoa – no longer available – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Woven Chairs: Loom Arm Chair in Sand.
Coffee Table: Target.
Coffee Table Plant: Here.
The living room opens to a large and bright white kitchen with hardwood flooring. Notice the beautifully styled bookcase on the right.
Kitchen Island
Island Cabinet Paint Color: CliqStudios “Urban Stone”.
Backsplash: Capella White Brick 2-1/3 in. x 10 in. Glazed Porcelain Floor and Wall Tile (painted in white chalk paint) or here (already painted).
Range hood is solid maple with custom stain.
Kitchen Island Dimension: 8’x4’.
Counterstools: Target – Other Beautiful Counterstools: here, here & here.
Kitchen Lighting
Lighting: Restoration Hardware 19” Antique Brass Harmon Pendants – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Antique Dough Bowl: Here & Here – similar
The kitchen countertop is Silestone Statuario Quartz. It goes perfectly with the white perimeter cabinets and the grey island.
Mirror: Here & Here – similar.
Cabinetry & More
Kitchen Cabinetry: CliqStudios Dayton cabinets. Doors are shaker-style.
Floating shelves are solid oak with custom stain.
Hardware: Door pulls are Hickory Hardware in polished nickel – Bin pulls and cabinet latches are Martha Stewart in polished nickel.
Range: KitchenAid.
Hardwood Flooring: Hallmark Alta Vista Malibu (7.5” European White Oak engineered hardwood) – similar: Here – Other Beautiful Flooring: here & here.
Corner Sink
I love kitchens with corner sink, especially when they’re placed under a row of windows like we see here. Sink is by Kohler.
Faucet: Glacier Bay – similar here.
Sink Pendant Light: Pottery Barn.
Dining Room
This dining room is a dream! It’s beautiful without compromising on practicality.
Wall Sconces: Forma Wall Sconce (painted satin black) – similar here.
Host Dining Chairs: Here & Here.
Side Dining Chairs: Sawyer Solid Wood Dining Chair By August Grove (custom stain).
Dining Table: Pottery Barn (discontinued) – similar here, here, here & here.
Plantation Shutters: Home Depot.
Dining Room Chandelier: Laurel Foundry Modern Farmhouse (painted matte black) – similar Here & Here – in matte black.
Mirror: Here.
Paint Color
The paint color is Benjamin Moore Super White.
Flush Mount Light: Three Posts.
Powder Room
The powder room is as good as it gets! It features classic wainscotting and herringbone marble tiling.
Bathroom Vanity: 30″ Single Vanity (Carrara/White).
Rug: Here.
Floor Tile: Greecian White Herringbone Pattern Polished Marble Mosaic Tile.
Similar Faux Fiddle Leaf Tree: Here.
Laundry Room
This laundry room is everyone’s dream! The gorgeous grey cabinets works perfectly with the white marble quartz countertops and the white marble herringbone backsplash. Brass and acrylic hardware accentuates the shaker-style doors.
Backsplash: MSI Arabescato Carrara Herringbone Honed Marble Mosaic Tile.
Lighting: Adjustable Brass Finish 1 Light Wall Sconce.
Faucet: Pull Down Single Handle Kitchen Faucet in Chrome.
Floating Shelves: Here – similar.
Floor Tile: Dimensions Gris 12″ x 24″ Porcelain Field Tile in Gray By MSI.
Laundry Room Cabinets: CliqStudios Urban Stone.
Countertop: Silestone Statuario Quartz.
Woven Basket: West Elm.
Canvas Utility Carts: Here & Here.
Hardware: Hamilton Bowes Chiaro pulls in brass/acrylic & Knobs.
Mudroom Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Nimbus.
Flooring: Montauk 6″ x 24″ Natural Stone Field Tile in Blue By MSI.
Hardware: Hamilton Bowes.
Home Office
Marcie used two desks from World Market to create this “built-in desk” look.
Chairs: World Market.
Lighting: Globe Electric.
Window Treatment: Designer Woven Shades in Bali White from Select Blinds.
Rug: Safavieh.
Office Built-Ins Paint Color: Benjamin Moore Wrought Iron.
Similar Pulls: Here.
Similar Baskets: here & here.
Having three kids I know the importance of having enough storage in a playroom. These cubbies are great because the kids can easily learn to put their toys away after using them. Make it as a game (“who will finish it first?”) and they will clean-up after themselves in a blink!
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Chandelier: Dome Pendant By Mistana.
Organizer Shelves: Target (2x).
Cube Storage: Target – similar here.
This “window-seat daybed” is so dreamy… I would love to read for my kids at this spot.
Beautiful Daybeds: Here, Here, Here, Here, Here & Here – similar.
Pillows: West Elm, Pottery Barn, Cotton Pillows & Lumbar – similar.
Candle Sconces: Here.
Similar Palm Plant: Here.
Rug: Here, Here & Here – similar.
Serene Bedroom
Marcie made sure to design kids’ bedrooms that will grow with them. Everything feels serene and neutral.
Chandelier: SINNERLIG Bamboo Pendant Lamp from IKEA – Others: here, here, here & here.
Nightstand: Target.
Chair: Target.
Rug:  Here – similar.
Headboard: Here & Here – similar.
Pillows: Here.
Guest Bathroom
Bathroom Vanity: New Yorker 30″ Single Vanity By Kitchen Bath Collection (painted Benjamin Moore Wrought Iron).
Countertop: Honed Carrara Marble.
Mirror: Here.
Faucet: Glacier Bay.
Lighting: here.
Floor & Shower Floor Tile: Calacatta Cressa Hex Honed 2″ x 2″ Marble Mosaic Tile in White By MSI.
Shower Wall Tile: Fresh White 4 in. x 12 in. Ceramic Field Wall Tile.
Hardware: Knobs.
Son’s Bedroom
Featuring a black metal bed and comfortable white and grey linens, this bedroom exudes a timeless and inviting feel.
Chandelier: Basket Weave Bamboo Pendant Shade – similar here & here (in grey).
Bed: Target.
Rug: Pottery Barn.
Bedding: Here & Here.
Drapery: Here.
Junior Suite Bathroom
This bathroom is one you should keep in mind if you’re building or renovating. The layout is perfect and the size is something you will find in most homes. Notice the attention to detail and how the homeowner used every space to add storage to this bathroom.
Vanity: Bella 60” Double Vanity By Kitchen Bath Collection (Carrara/White).
Lighting: here & here.
Medicine Cabinets: here.
Floor Tile: Carrara Tile.
Wall Tile: Daltile – similar here.
Master Bedroom
Featuring white grid board and batten accent wall, vaulted ceilings, white furniture and natural elements, the master bedroom balances coastal design with an elegant approach.
Similar Beds: Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here & Here.
Bedding: West Elm (highly recommended!).
Nightstands: Here & Here – similar – with these Knobs.
Rattan Trays: McGee.
Rug: Here.
The bench is from Ikea but unfortunately no longer available – Other Beautiful Benches: Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, Here & Here.
Wall Sconces: Permo (Black) – similar here.
I love how Marcie decorated her dresser. It’s simple and elegant.
Dresser: Here – similar – Other Beautiful Dressers: here, here, here & here.
Dresser Hardware: Hamilton Bowes Chiaro pulls in brass/acrylic & Knobs.
Drapes are from West Elm.
Rods: West Elm.
Door Stop: Here.
The French doors open to a private balcony.
Bedroom Chandelier: Pottery Barn Amelia Bead Chandelier.
Master Bathroom
Serenity is also found at this spa-like master bathroom. The master features herringbone marble floor tile, white beaded chandelier over a freestanding tub surrounded by windows dressed in white bamboo Roman shades.
Chandelier: Large Antique Whitewash Wood Bead Chandelier.
Floor Tile: 4″x16” Honed Italian White Carrara Marble floor.
Vanity: Gazette 72 in. Vanity in Grey with Marble Vanity Top in Carrara White.
Countertop Tray: Pottery Barn.
Mirrors: Pottery Barn.
Baskets: Here.
Faucets: Kohler Purist in Polished Chrome.
Sconces: Pottery Barn Classic Sconce in Polished Nickel.
Shower Wall Tile: 4 in. x 12 in. Ceramic Field Wall Tile – similar here.
Floor Shower Tile (not shown): Arabescato Marble Mosaic Tile.
Tub & Tub Filler
Tub: AKDY – Tub Filler: AKDY.
The mirror is an older Ikea mirror that the homeowner covered in faux grasscloth wallpaper. Isn’t she handy?!
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The wallpaper is “NuWallpaper NU2215 Wheat Grasscloth Peel & Stick Wallpaper, Neutral” – Other Beautiful Floor Mirrors: here, here, here & here.
Master Bedroom Balcony
Decking & Balcony: – Brazilian Ipe – Railing is steel cable with Brazilian Ipe handrails.
Siding Paint Color
Siding: James Hardie Arctic White; all trim is Azek painted Benjamin Moore Super White.
“I firmly believe that our surroundings can have a tremendous impact on our state of mind, feelings and productivity. In my opinion, a house it not just a shelter for those who live there — it is a living, breathing expression of its inhabitants and should be a sanctuary that serves as a source of calm, positive energy. For our family, this home is exactly that and we look forward to enjoying it for many years to come!”
Patio: Bluestone.
Outdoor Patio Set: Safavieh.
Windows are Jeld-Wen Siteline 2-over-2 Black exterior.
Back Patio Lighting: Beachcrest Home.
  Many thanks to Marcie for sharing all of the details above.
Make sure to follow Marcie on Instagram & Pinterest to see more of her beautiful home!
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Serena & Lily: Amazing Rug Sale!
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Beach House Tour.
Florida Beach Cottage.
New-Construction Home Ideas.
Craftsman Beach House.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Modern Farmhouse.
2019 New Year Home Tour.
Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen’s Home – Full House Tour.
Dark Cedar Shaker Exterior.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Coastal Farmhouse Design.
Lake House Interior Design Ideas.
Neutral Home.
Before and After Bathroom Renovation.
White Kitchen Renovation.
Kitchen with Blue Island.
Coastal-inspired Home Renovation.
Southern-inspired Modern Farmhouse.
Coastal Farmhouse Home Decor.
Small Lot Modern Farmhouse.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: British Columbia.
Reinvented Classic Kitchen Design.
Florida Beach House Interior Design.
New England Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Urban Farmhouse.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Fixer Upper.Beach House Interior Design Ideas.
Tailored Interiors.
Modern Farmhouse with Front Porch.
Classic Colonial Home Design.Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
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See more Inspiring Interior Design Ideas in my Archives.
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If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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from Home http://www.homebunch.com/beautiful-homes-of-instagram-connecticut-beach-house/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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dawnjeman · 5 years
Painted Brick Cottage
  Hello, my friends! How are you today? Many plans for the weekend? I certainly hope this brick cottage brings you some joy!
Recently built by Gerrard Builders Hillside House and with interiors by Shannon Bowman Interiors and Carolina Design Associates, this cottage is truly a dream home! In my opinion, it is the perfect size and features interiors and an exterior that will overcome any trends. You can look at this home in ten years and you will think it was just designed.
Here, the interior designer Shannon Bowman, whom I am very thankful for for sharing all the sources below, explains more about the style of this home: “Cozy and Cottage Chic was our goal, however keeping a light and airy pallet almost gives it a coastal vibe. We wanted to keep the charm of the original architecture and blend it with a newer farmhouse/cottage design.”
Find a comfy chair and pin your favorite pictures of this cottage with painted exterior. I hope you have a great time!
  Interior Design Ideas: Painted Brick Cottage
This home’s curb appeal makes a great first impression and the architectural details are impeccable.
Gas Lantern: Lantern and Scroll, T-31 in Copper with Aged Brass Internal Parts, Custom Bracket was designed by Shannon Bowman – Similar Lighting: Exterior Lantern & Porch Sconces.
Home Style: Cottage
Size: 4,500 sq ft. / 4 bed, 4 ½ bath
Gate & Grey Windows
Gate and Grey Windows Paint Color: Sherwin Williams SW 7029 Agreeable Gray cut in 1⁄2 for less strength.
Exterior Brick Paint Color
You should pin or save this picture to keep the brick exterior paint color in mind! This color is perfect if you are looking for a warm white for your home. The brick and trim paint color is Sherwin Williams SW 7011 Natural Choice.
Front Door
Custom shutters flank a Mahogany front door. Shutters are Sherwin Williams SW 7029 Agreeable Gray cut in 1⁄2 for less strength.
Magnolia Wreath: here – similar
Beautiful Patio Conversation Sets: here, here, here, here, here & here.
The front door opens to a beautiful foyer with shiplap walls, painted in Benjamin Moore OC-65 Chantilly Lace.
Runners: here, here, here & here – similar.
The millwork is really impressive in this home.
Sconces: Visual Comfort Bristol Small Sconce in Gilded Iron.
Beautiful Console Tables: here, here, here, here, here & here.
“The kitchen cabinets were built by Hardwood Creations in Charlotte, NC. They are paint grade flush inset frames with a recessed panel cabinet doors. The door style includes an interior bead for interest and detail. The smaller top drawers have an outer bead on a slab drawer front to keep the style consistent. We added a decorative and profiled light rail at the base of the upper cabinets to add one more layer of dimension and help hide the under-cabinet lights. The cabinet hood matches the profile of the cabinet doors in one large recessed panel and includes beaded/cove moldings below to create a low-profile mantel design. The cove corbels that attach the hood to the wall are 3” wide and line up with the overall frame of the hood above. The cabinet base includes a furniture style “proud” base with a decorative cove valance cut out.” – Shannon Bowman.
Cabinet Paint Color: Benjamin Moore- OC-65 Chantilly Lace.
Appliances: GE Monogram / Subzero Fridge.
Roman Shades: Custom, similar here.
Countertop & Backsplash
The countertops are Calacatta Florence marble from In-Style. The perimeter countertops are 3cm thickness with an eased edge and the Island is a 2.5” thickness with a Dupont Laminated Edge. All marble tops included the Dupont 15 year sealer to help prevent staining. The backsplash is Roman White Rhombus marble mosaic in the Polished finish from In-Style.
Counterstools are Lee Industries – Leather Counter Stool in Ivory Leather (available through designer) – Similar: here – Others: here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Island Lighting
Kitchen Lighting: Arteriors Hendrik Pendant in Aged Brass – Other Beautiful Lighting: here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
The kitchen faucet is Perrin & Rowe- Georgian Era Bridge Kitchen Faucet with Side Spray in the Polished Nickel finish.
Island Dimensions: 52”W x 110”L.
Sink: here & here similar.
Wall Paint Color
The wall color is Benjamin Moore OC-45 Swiss Coffee – Cabinets are Benjamin Moore Chantilly Lace. This is a great color scheme to keep in mind!
Kitchen Hardware: Cabinet Pulls, Knobs & Appliance Pulls.
Living Room Furniture & Decor
Isn’t this home perfect?! I am truly in love with every single details and I couldn’t wait to share it with you guys! This is my dream home!!!
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Sofas: Hickory Chair- Celine Skirted Sofa in an off white Crypton Linen Fabric – Similar here – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Chairs: Lee Industries – (already owned) – Others: here & here.
Chests under Windows: Lillian August Basel Chest (discontinued) – Others: here, here & here.
End Tables: Noir- 2 Shelf Side Table, White Washed.
Lamps on End Tables: Aidan Gray – currently discontinued.
Lamps on Chests: Currey and Company Farrington Table Lamp.
Rug: Slate Blue Moroccan Rug from Stark Carpets, 10×14.
Living room’s Lighting: Arteriors Roxanne Flush Mount – similar here.
Dining Room Decor
Dining Table: Restoration Hardware- Reclaimed Russian Oak Baluster Rectangular Table in Reclaimed Natural Oak Finish – Other Beautiful Tables: here, here & here.
Dining Chairs: Lee Industries Slipcovered Dining Chair with Flanged Edges. We used a faux leather for the slipcovers, Pindler & Pindler- Pattern= Rawlins, Color= Ivory – Others: here, here & here.
Drapery Hardware: Aria Metal Hardware in Aged Brass- similar here.
Drapery Fabric: Pindler & Pindler Jefferson Linen in Slate Blue. Band Trim on Lead Edge: Highland Court Wide Tape, Ivory – Similar Drapery: here.
Ceiling Treatment
“The ceiling design creates two large diamonds set into a soffit with perpendicular beams meeting in each corner. We lined the entire ceiling in 6” ship-lap with a nickel gap. The craftsmanship was very important here, we wanted to line up the shiplap with the ceiling and the soffit so it created a seamless look. The beams are 4” high x 6” wide and include a small bead in the interior edges to connect the beam to the shiplap ceiling and create one more detail.”
Ottoman: Stanford Furniture- Custom tufted ottoman- drawn and built for storage. Completed in Pindler & Pindler: Textured Faux Leather- Pattern- Calhoun, Color- Sand – Others: here, here & here.
Pillows are custom – Other Beautiful Pillows: here, here, here, here, here & here.
The butlery is located just off the dining room and it features custom grey cabinets.
Lighting: Visual Comfort Graves Pivoting Sconces in Aged Brass, Hardwired.
Paint Color
Grey Cabinet Color: Sherwin William SW 7640 Fawn Brindle.
Hardware: Pulls & Knobs.
Powder Room
Powder Room Cabinet Color: Benjamin Moore HC-166 Kendall Charcoal.
The formal powder room faucet is Kohler- Artifacts Column with the lever handles in the Polished Nickel finish.
Lighting: Visual Comfort Katie Small Cylinder Sconce in Hand Rubbed Antique Brass with Seeded Glass.
Cabinet Hardware: Rejuvenation 12″ in Aged Brass – Others: here, here & here.
Beautiful Mirrors: here, here, here & here.
Hardwood Flooring
The wood flooring is a blend of 3”, 4”, and 5” White Oak, common grade. The stain is a custom blend of Dark Walnut and Weathered Oak – similar here, here & here.
Beautiful Baskets: here & here.
Boy’s Room
How incredible is this loft kids’ bedroom?! I am also loving this “classic-with-a-twist” design.
Master Bedroom
The master bedroom have a very serene and elegant approach. Paint color is Sherwin William SW 7063 Nebulous White.
Bed: Hickory Chair- Left Bank King Bed in Antique Ivory with a light blue/gray linen fabric for the headboard – Others: here & here.
Nightstands: Gabby Home- Rosalyn Chest in Whitewashed Wood with an Ivory Marble Top.
Bench at the Foot of the Bed: Hickory Chair- Courtland Made to Measure Bench in Antique Ivory and a Pale Blue Linen Fabric – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Bedding: Custom Made Pillows paired with Bedding through Bedside Manor.
Artwork: Custom Art from Shain Gallery, Artist: Kristin Blakeney.
Chandelier: Gabby Home Clay Chandelier in Gold.
Sitting Nook
This sitting area feels inviting and very calming. Classic design is always appealing, in my opinion.
Drapery Hardware: Kravet Modern Metals Traversing Rod with Crystal Endcaps.
Drapery Fabric: Schumacher Sandoway Vine Linen.
Sheer Fabric: Kravet Textured Sheer in Ivory – similar here.
Beautiful Sconces: here, here, here & here.
Beautiful Chairs: here, here, here & here.
Similar Accent Table: here.
Master Bathroom
The master bathroom’s paint color is Sherwin William Nebulous White. Cabinetry is Benjamin Moore- OC-65 Chantilly Lace.
Faucets are Rohl Acqui Column Spout Widespread Lavatory Faucet in Polished Nickel.
Shower Tile: Walls: Bianco Cielo Polished Marble in 18”x18” from Walker Zanger (similar here). A contrasting stripe detail between each 18” tile horizontally is completed in Roman White Polished Marble 1”x1” from In-Style (similar here. The bathroom tile floor is 1”x3” Roman White Honed Herringbone Marble (similar here).
Freestanding Tub: Tribeca – similar here.
Ceiling Lighting: Global Views Mini C Chandelier in Nickel.
Sconces: Visual Comfort.
Hardware: Pulls.
Mudroom cabinet paint color is Duron 8683 Tinderbox and the walls are Benjamin Moore OC-45 Swiss Coffee. Notice the laundry room on the right. Having a laundry room just off the mudroom is extremely convenient to clean muddy boots, etc… and yes, add a sink to your laundry room!
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Hardware: Pulls, Knobs & Barn Door Pull.
Runner: here – Others: here, here & here.
  Many thanks to the builder and interior designer, Shannon Bowman, for sharing the details above!
Builder: Gerrard Builders Hillside House (Instagram).
Interior Design: Shannon Bowman Interiors and Carolina Design Associates.
Architect: Don Duffy.
Photography: Joe Purvis Photography.
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  Posts of the Week:
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2019 New Year Home Tour.
Modern Farmhouse with Front Porch.
Modern Coastal Shingle Home.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: Fixer Upper.
Classic Colonial Home Design.
New England Home.
Kitchen Renovation with Before & After Pictures.
Full-scale Home Remodel Inspiration.
Beautiful Homes of Instagram: How to Build your own Home.
Connecticut Beach House.
Interior Design Ideas: Colorful Interiors. Family-friendly Home Design. Grey Kitchen Paint Colors.
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Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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mychiccabin · 6 years
Console Sinks and Trough Sinks
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Console sinks and trough sinks are good for many bathrooms, especially if they are short on space or if you prefer a more minimal look. Both of these sinks don’t take up much room, provide a sleek/minimal appearance, and are fairly easy to clean. However, unlike sinks with a vanity, they do not include built in storage and they typically don’t have a lot of extra counter space.
Console Sinks 
Console sinks can either be free standing on four legs or wall mounted (with two or four legs). If they are wall mounted, blocking needs to be installed behind the wall to hold the weight of the sink. These sinks are fairly unobtrusive, but the plumbing is exposed.
Console sinks remind me of traveling through Europe, a more minimal, sleek look. But they can also look rustic or vintage, depending on the style you pick. Pick one with porcelain and wood and beautiful exposed piping for a classic, vintage style. An oval base, or a marble sink for a throwback to the turn of the last century. Or clean lines and sharp edges for a more minimal, rustic look. 
Trough Sinks
Trough sinks can have multiple faucets, like a double vanity- but without taking up as much space or they can just have single faucets but with the extended base. They are perfect for shared bathrooms. Like console sinks, if they are wall mounted, blocking needs to be installed behind the wall, and the plumbing is frequently exposed. Trough sinks are also a good fit for a country style or more rustic cabin. They are a good way to carry the style of the space through to the bathroom. 
Trough sinks remind me of hand-scrubbing laundry, dishes, and babies at my grandparents’ old cabin, when I was young. They instantly transport me to a simpler time and (even when new) they carry a sense of history. A good fit for a rustic bathroom or your mudroom, great for washing muddy hands and shoes or get an extendable faucet and use to wash toddlers, dogs who have had too much fun and hiking boots. 
Console Sinks
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Weathered Oak Single Console Washstand
Price: $1,540
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Early 20th C Mercantile Console Washstand
Price: $1,330
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Hudson Metal Single Console Washstand
Price: $1,895
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Oval Base
Price: $7,990
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Rectangular Ceramic Console Sink and Polished Chrome Stand
Price: $1,015
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Antique Console Lavatory Sink
Price: $785.70
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Square Sink Washstand 36" Console Table in Carrara Marble With Acrylic Legs
Price: $880
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Skirted Curved Legs
Price: $3,085
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Modern Industrial Base
Price: $5,575
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24" Art Deco Undermount Console Sink
Price: $439
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Rectangular Ceramic Console Sink and Polished Chrome Stand
Price: $1,295
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China Series Double Basin Console Sink
Price: $2,783.74
Trough Sinks
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Hensley Trough Sink
Price: $1,950
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Orb Trough Sink
Price: $2,250
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Winslow Single-Trough Vanity
Price: $1,999
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Carrara Marble Trough Console Sink
Price: $1,849
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Travertine Trough Console Sink
Price: $1,749 
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Polished Black Granite Trough Sink
Price: $1,149
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Modern White Ceramic Wall Mounted of Vessel Sink
Price: $560
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Large Double Ceramic Console Sink and Polished Chrome Stand
Price: $1,715
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Oval White Ceramic Trough Vessel Sink
Price: $490
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Fawcett Porcelain Wall Mount Sink with Towel Bar
Price: $559
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Alape Bucket Sink with Navy Stripe
Price: $299
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Grizzly Cast Iron Utility Sink
Price: $899
The post Console Sinks and Trough Sinks appeared first on mychiccabin.com.
source https://mychiccabin.com/console-sinks-and-trough-sinks/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=console-sinks-and-trough-sinks
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3 Luxe Home Interiors With White Marble & Gold Accents
These three luxury home interiors use smooth white marble decor and golden home accents in a way that will make you green with envy. These are rather modestly proportioned properties, but the level of luxe makes them look like so much more. Whether it’s the high-end price tag of the materials, their light reflective properties, the interesting and prolific changes, or purely the amazing style in which they are applied that makes the magic, it’s hard to tell. One thing we do know for sure is that there is heaps of upscale inspiration here to be tapped and applied to your very own spaces. Let’s get started.
Designer: Design Lviv   FIrst up is a luxe small interior scheme that was entitled ‘Golden Cloud’ by its design team. It’s easy to see why too, with a pillowy white sofa taking up the centre of the ‘cloud’, and golden streaks clustering at its borders.
A golden tv wall has been fashioned by painting on a wide stripe of metallic paint from top to bottom – which overlaps panel molding and transfers onto a tv console unit.
A dining peninsula runs through the centre of the open plan room. Each white swivel chair faces toward the tv in the lounge to enjoy casual dinner time entertainment.
The modern chandelier design that repeats over the length of the peninsula is the Volta LED pendant. The elegant overlapping black arcs are tipped with gold.
The white marble peninsula seems to extrude out of the matching marble floor. White decorative vases make a quiet table centrepiece, chic in its simplicity.
An enormous piece of modern art brings in a blue hue at one end of the main living area, and ties in with the cloud inspired design.
Textured golden cabinets form a one wall kitchen behind the dining table. The gold treatment covers the kitchen wall all the way to the ceiling too.
Mirrored doors make the hallway seem wider and grander.
Naturally, white marble has also been used for the kitchen countertop and backsplash. A gold kitchen sink shines preciously in the work surface.
An integrated oven and hob have a white finish to complement the light surroundings.
In the bathroom, a circular vanity mirror hangs above a white minimalist wall mounted vanity unit. Gold trims the room in the form of a faucet, modern pendant light and shower enclosure frame.
Gold towel rails climb the wall.
Visualizer: Arina Pinchuk   Our second tour is of a 58 square metre abode.
The lounge area is crammed right up against a dining set – yet the living space still maintains a high-end and enviable look.
Bookmatched marble makes the biggest impact in this small space. Lighting around its perimeter makes it look even more special.
The lounge chair has smooth contours that contrast beautifully against the linear nature of a slatted feature wall. Display shelves hang beside it, framed by traditional panel molding. The tv wall is centred within its own panel section.
The soft single tone decor makes the small room feel airy. A sculptural pendant light bejewels the dining area at a large window.
A golden headboard wall and gold ffloor lamp add luxe to a bedroom scheme.
One small side table stands in front of a floor to ceiling mirror that makes the room appear twice its length.
There is a frameless mirror on the other side of the bed too, which reflects an indoor plant and dressing table.
This bedroom design has a dark brown-black theme, with golden tones provided by the warmth of the bedroom pendant light and designer table lamp, which is the Flos Snoopy Lamp.
A glass closet occupies one corner.
Outdoor coats and shoes are stored in a dramatic hallway closet.
A modern stool waits by a huge mirror.
LEDs light the shelves in the bathroom.
White marble clads the walls.
Visualizer: Alexandru Ionita   Our last luxe tour is a 150 square metre apartment, where designers aimed to blend tradition with technology. Wood, gold and stone have always been, and in using these natural elements there is a sense of belonging – even if a design is contemporary, or new tech surrounds us.
A sectional modern sofa is set out in unusual formation across the living room. The sleek style of the sofa coupled with the unorthodox layout feels formal and casual all at the same time.
The wall is boldly sectioned into gold tile, wood panel and marble slab.
A dining spot is positioned in close quarters with the sofa. Three Tom Dixon style lamp shades clearly define the dining zone from the rest of the open plan. On the opposite side of the room, tall black storage units with smoked glass doors span the wall around the tv.
White marble and wood panelling spill into the luxury bedroom design.
Two bedside table lamps create a cosy glow around a cushiony fabric bed. The pillows are clothed in houndstooth fabric to echo the scatter cushions and footstool out in the lounge.
Low level bedside units allow focus to remain on the stunning wall treatment. Black window drapes hang in wait to cosily shroud the sleep space.
A houndstooth footstool rests between the living room sofa and the bookcases installed around the tv. LED strip lights dramatically illuminate the dark stacks. Gold wall tiles carve out an area for use as a small home office.
51 Luxury Living Rooms 51 Luxury Kitchens 51 Luxury Bedrooms 51 Luscious Luxury Dining Rooms
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from Interior Design Ideas http://www.home-designing.com/3-luxe-home-interiors-with-white-marble-gold-accents
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mujeeburrehman · 4 years
A Guide to Small Bathroom Renovations in Houston
Dreaming of a bathroom renovation in Houston, but don’t know where to begin? Start with this guide. 
It’s no surprise that baths are topping many remodeling lists these days. In Houston, real estate comes in a variety of architectural styles, from French Country and bungalow to Queen Anne and ranch. Plus, bath trends today cover a range of décor styles that are compatible with your home’s architecture. For those considering their own Houston bathroom renovation, here are the need-to-knows and items to plan for before you begin.
Sweeten matches home renovation projects with vetted general contractors, offering advice, support, and up to $50,000 in renovation financial protection—for free.
What are your goals?
For most people, updating the bathroom design is the #1 priority. Who doesn’t welcome a glow-up, especially in the bathroom? Modernizing dated cabinetry and hardware, and installing more stylish faucets are go-to options. So is swapping out a tub for a shower. Or, upgrading the shower with a thermostatic system with integrated volume control. Maybe your luxury shower dreams include multiple body sprays and a rain shower! Many homeowners opt to remove old, tired for a refreshed version. Another key focus in bathroom renovations is adding extra storage. 
What are your needs?
That’s easier to figure out. Who will use the bath? In a medium-sized bath, do you prefer a tub or shower? Single or double vanity? Take clear notes on any must-have features in your bath. 
Budgeting for a bath remodel in Houston 
To help you sort it out, here is what you can expect to pay in Houston, on average. Retaining the footprint in a mid-range bathroom remodel in Houston starts at around $15,000, up to $25,000. Costs will vary based on the materials used, as well as the complexity of installation. For example, a mosaic backsplash is more affordable when the tiles are installed on a sheet. Micro mini tiles installed individually will be more labor-intensive—and more expensive. 
Materials costs can vary greatly as well, with super affordable options available at big box stores, versus high-end imported tile companies. A powder room may slide into a slightly lower entry-level for costs, but again, it depends on the materials you choose! Read more about home renovation costs for Houston.
What are you likely to recoup in value?
Sixty percent, according to Remodeling’s Cost Vs Value report for Houston. Or, almost $12,000; based on a 5-by-7 foot bath that costs around $19,000 or $542 psf. This includes a new 30-by-60 inch porcelain-on-steel bathtub, new single-lever temperature, and pressure-balanced shower control, ceramic tiles, and a recessed medicine cabinet with built-in lighting.
How long does a Houston bathroom renovation take?
According to Sweeten contractors, construction time averages about two to three weeks. However: planning, executing, and finishing can take six weeks to three months—depending on the size and complexity of your project.
How to get the most bang for the buck
When your space is dimensionally challenged (read: small), and you don’t have the room or budget to expand, you still have plenty of options. One way is to create the illusion of more space, by doing one or more of the following: 
Use wall-mounted vanities and toilets.  That extra floor space opens up the room.
Another space enhancer: a solid surface vanity counter with an integral sink.
Install a wall-to-wall mirror behind a long vanity or an oversized round mirrors. Mirrors visually expand space. Some streamlined designs incorporate medicine cabinets.
A classic pedestal sink also is visually slimming. Modern washstands, usually in metal frames, are on-trend options, especially white on black. More traditional sinks with turned console legs offer additional metal choices, like brass or polished nickel.
Building in storage wherever you can tuck in shelves for towels and essentials. Recessed niches in the shower for shampoo and conditioner also are smart.  
Swap a tub for a roomy walk-in shower with an all-glass frame. If there’s a window, natural light will flow through, visually boosting the dimensions of the space.
Why should you consider neutrals in the bathroom? 
Many homeowners opt for white and beige in baths because it’s safe. But that doesn’t mean it has to be boring! Designers use a few tricks of the trade to keep neutrals feel fresh. One trick is the magic of tone-on-tone—but with nuances. (That means mixing different shades of neutral, from light to dark.) Another trick is to pair neutrals with different textures.  Get this look by pairing a dimensional wallcovering or an embossed tile with a polished or smooth surface.
Adding color to a bathroom 
We love when homeowners go bold in the bathroom and color outside the lines. Some argue that vibrant colors can take over smaller spaces, like powder rooms. But others feel that’s the perfect venue for bold cobalt or emerald, a spicy tangerine, or saffron. Precisely because it’s a small space, you can afford to be dramatic—and even splurge on faucets and towel holders, plus lighting and a fancy wallcovering.
Color doesn’t need to be limited to walls: consider the countertop or the vanity. Blues and greens—bright and pale—are gaining traction in traditional, country, and modern styles.
Comparing bathroom remodeling materials
Stone has some hefty competition these days from porcelain tile. Porcelain is not confined to small format 4-, 6- or 12-inch tiles. Porcelain comes in slabs, some very thin yet sturdy, which can be applied to walls and floors. And with digital technology, manufacturers are able to replicate some of the most desirable marbles (Carrara or Calacatta) or granites.  The look of exotic-colored stones also is available with remarkable authenticity.
Currently, matte black is a hot trend in faucets and hardware. Burnished and polished gold are also trending, and pairing them with black is especially chic. Mixing metals, like satin metal and polished nickel with gold also is more acceptable.
One guideline for choosing materials that are basically semi-permanent: Being on-trend (modernizing the classics) is fine, but being trendy (here now, gone tomorrow) is not.
Be sure to allow enough time
As soon as you have a plan, try to get through the selection process for materials as quickly as you can. Ask about inventory even before you place your order, so you’re not disappointed. You may be unpleasantly surprised to find that your favorite tile or stone, or that dreamy vanity you’ve got your eye on, will take an extra 6 to 8 weeks to show up. However, if you can’t imagine living without it, go for it! It may be well worth the wait.
Demolition and prep
On average, ripping out old bathroom material is a day’s work. It depends on how large the room is, and how extensive the renovation will be. For instance, removing a tile floor or wall may take a bit longer. Tweaking plumbing and electrical, which may require rerouting or new wiring, also is part of the process.
You’ve passed through the rough and dirty parts, and now you’re in the fun phase. When surfaces, fixtures, and lighting get installed (allow 1 to 3 days), take a moment to enjoy it! Grab some pictures on your phone to show your family and friends. 
Ready to get started?
Make sure your scope and budget align, talk to your contractor about any possible surprises or delays, and coordinate your material deliveries with your contractor. Have these in line and you’ll be on your way to your beautiful new bath!
Looking for a vetted contractor that’ll fit your timing, budget, and design wish list? Let Sweeten help!
Learn more about Sweeten’s Contractor Vetting Process.
ADUs, or accessory dwelling units, can transform into home offices, living space for family or as a rental, or a retreat.
Sweeten handpicks the best general contractors to match each project’s location, budget, scope, and style. Follow the blog, Sweeten Stories, for renovation ideas and inspiration and when you’re ready to renovate, start your renovation with Sweeten.
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Source link
source https://civilco.construction/a-guide-to-small-bathroom-renovations-in-houston/ from Civilco Construction & Interior https://civilcoconstruction.blogspot.com/2021/03/a-guide-to-small-bathroom-renovations.html
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civilcoconstruction · 4 years
A Guide to Small Bathroom Renovations in Houston
Dreaming of a bathroom renovation in Houston, but don’t know where to begin? Start with this guide. 
It’s no surprise that baths are topping many remodeling lists these days. In Houston, real estate comes in a variety of architectural styles, from French Country and bungalow to Queen Anne and ranch. Plus, bath trends today cover a range of décor styles that are compatible with your home’s architecture. For those considering their own Houston bathroom renovation, here are the need-to-knows and items to plan for before you begin.
Sweeten matches home renovation projects with vetted general contractors, offering advice, support, and up to $50,000 in renovation financial protection—for free.
What are your goals?
For most people, updating the bathroom design is the #1 priority. Who doesn’t welcome a glow-up, especially in the bathroom? Modernizing dated cabinetry and hardware, and installing more stylish faucets are go-to options. So is swapping out a tub for a shower. Or, upgrading the shower with a thermostatic system with integrated volume control. Maybe your luxury shower dreams include multiple body sprays and a rain shower! Many homeowners opt to remove old, tired for a refreshed version. Another key focus in bathroom renovations is adding extra storage. 
What are your needs?
That’s easier to figure out. Who will use the bath? In a medium-sized bath, do you prefer a tub or shower? Single or double vanity? Take clear notes on any must-have features in your bath. 
Budgeting for a bath remodel in Houston 
To help you sort it out, here is what you can expect to pay in Houston, on average. Retaining the footprint in a mid-range bathroom remodel in Houston starts at around $15,000, up to $25,000. Costs will vary based on the materials used, as well as the complexity of installation. For example, a mosaic backsplash is more affordable when the tiles are installed on a sheet. Micro mini tiles installed individually will be more labor-intensive—and more expensive. 
Materials costs can vary greatly as well, with super affordable options available at big box stores, versus high-end imported tile companies. A powder room may slide into a slightly lower entry-level for costs, but again, it depends on the materials you choose! Read more about home renovation costs for Houston.
What are you likely to recoup in value?
Sixty percent, according to Remodeling’s Cost Vs Value report for Houston. Or, almost $12,000; based on a 5-by-7 foot bath that costs around $19,000 or $542 psf. This includes a new 30-by-60 inch porcelain-on-steel bathtub, new single-lever temperature, and pressure-balanced shower control, ceramic tiles, and a recessed medicine cabinet with built-in lighting.
How long does a Houston bathroom renovation take?
According to Sweeten contractors, construction time averages about two to three weeks. However: planning, executing, and finishing can take six weeks to three months—depending on the size and complexity of your project.
How to get the most bang for the buck
When your space is dimensionally challenged (read: small), and you don’t have the room or budget to expand, you still have plenty of options. One way is to create the illusion of more space, by doing one or more of the following: 
Use wall-mounted vanities and toilets.  That extra floor space opens up the room.
Another space enhancer: a solid surface vanity counter with an integral sink.
Install a wall-to-wall mirror behind a long vanity or an oversized round mirrors. Mirrors visually expand space. Some streamlined designs incorporate medicine cabinets.
A classic pedestal sink also is visually slimming. Modern washstands, usually in metal frames, are on-trend options, especially white on black. More traditional sinks with turned console legs offer additional metal choices, like brass or polished nickel.
Building in storage wherever you can tuck in shelves for towels and essentials. Recessed niches in the shower for shampoo and conditioner also are smart.  
Swap a tub for a roomy walk-in shower with an all-glass frame. If there’s a window, natural light will flow through, visually boosting the dimensions of the space.
Why should you consider neutrals in the bathroom? 
Many homeowners opt for white and beige in baths because it’s safe. But that doesn’t mean it has to be boring! Designers use a few tricks of the trade to keep neutrals feel fresh. One trick is the magic of tone-on-tone—but with nuances. (That means mixing different shades of neutral, from light to dark.) Another trick is to pair neutrals with different textures.  Get this look by pairing a dimensional wallcovering or an embossed tile with a polished or smooth surface.
Adding color to a bathroom 
We love when homeowners go bold in the bathroom and color outside the lines. Some argue that vibrant colors can take over smaller spaces, like powder rooms. But others feel that’s the perfect venue for bold cobalt or emerald, a spicy tangerine, or saffron. Precisely because it’s a small space, you can afford to be dramatic—and even splurge on faucets and towel holders, plus lighting and a fancy wallcovering.
Color doesn’t need to be limited to walls: consider the countertop or the vanity. Blues and greens—bright and pale—are gaining traction in traditional, country, and modern styles.
Comparing bathroom remodeling materials
Stone has some hefty competition these days from porcelain tile. Porcelain is not confined to small format 4-, 6- or 12-inch tiles. Porcelain comes in slabs, some very thin yet sturdy, which can be applied to walls and floors. And with digital technology, manufacturers are able to replicate some of the most desirable marbles (Carrara or Calacatta) or granites.  The look of exotic-colored stones also is available with remarkable authenticity.
Currently, matte black is a hot trend in faucets and hardware. Burnished and polished gold are also trending, and pairing them with black is especially chic. Mixing metals, like satin metal and polished nickel with gold also is more acceptable.
One guideline for choosing materials that are basically semi-permanent: Being on-trend (modernizing the classics) is fine, but being trendy (here now, gone tomorrow) is not.
Be sure to allow enough time
As soon as you have a plan, try to get through the selection process for materials as quickly as you can. Ask about inventory even before you place your order, so you’re not disappointed. You may be unpleasantly surprised to find that your favorite tile or stone, or that dreamy vanity you’ve got your eye on, will take an extra 6 to 8 weeks to show up. However, if you can’t imagine living without it, go for it! It may be well worth the wait.
Demolition and prep
On average, ripping out old bathroom material is a day’s work. It depends on how large the room is, and how extensive the renovation will be. For instance, removing a tile floor or wall may take a bit longer. Tweaking plumbing and electrical, which may require rerouting or new wiring, also is part of the process.
You’ve passed through the rough and dirty parts, and now you’re in the fun phase. When surfaces, fixtures, and lighting get installed (allow 1 to 3 days), take a moment to enjoy it! Grab some pictures on your phone to show your family and friends. 
Ready to get started?
Make sure your scope and budget align, talk to your contractor about any possible surprises or delays, and coordinate your material deliveries with your contractor. Have these in line and you’ll be on your way to your beautiful new bath!
Looking for a vetted contractor that’ll fit your timing, budget, and design wish list? Let Sweeten help!
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from CIVICLO Construction & Interior https://civilco.construction/a-guide-to-small-bathroom-renovations-in-houston/
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Exciting Corner Double Vanity
D Corner Bath Vanity Double Sink Bathroom Vanities The. Corner Bathroom Vanity Units for Your Bath Storage. Wildon Home Errigal 34″ Single Corner Bath . Nov 2, 2018- Bathroom: Charming Corner Bathroom Sink Cabinet With Brushed Nickel Faucets Under Wall Mirror Beside Towel Paper Holders from Pros and . Explore Carmen GlezL’s board “HOME – Charming Corners” on Pinterest. . {Saturday Inspiration & Ideas} – bystephanielynn Styling your bathroom with candles . corner sink cabinet bathroom corner sink vanity charming corner sink cabinet bathroom corner sink vanity small sink vanity unit bathroom sink vanity units corner . bathroom ideas white corner cabinet with small hook and vanity two sinks sink units,coda collection white modern corner bathroom vanity with sink for sale two . 17 thg 12, 2018 – This image is about: Corner Bathroom Vanity for Small Bathrooms, and . Vanity Beautiful Corner Bathroom Vanity Ideas With Charming Set . corner bathroom vanity ideas table diy double makeup amusing decorating vanit. . design awesome makeup home decor decorating excellent charming co. 22 thg 1, 2019 – Large Corner Vanity Bathroom Corner Vanity Small Corner Table For Bathroom Corner Makeup Table Charming Corner Vanity Desk Corner . 3 thg 8, 2018 – Charming Corner Bathroom Sink Vanity Units Bathroom Corner Sink Unit Corner Bathroom Sink Cabinet Corner Sink Bathroom Cabinet . This amazing image collections about Corner Bathroom Vanity With Sink is available to save. . Corner Bathroom Cabinet for Wall and Floor Small Bathroom Redo, Diy . Fast Delivery to Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide & Australia wide. . Bathroom: Affordable Corner Bathroom Sink Countertop With White Double . Find corner vanity units bathroom ads in our Home & Garden category. Buy and sell almost anything on Gumtree classifieds. Products 1 – 40 of 65 – Forme Bloc 1500mm Ash Double Bowl Wall Hung Vanity . 450mm Corner Vanity lets you organise toiletries and other items in one. Bathroom vanities online at Vanity by Design. Full range of contemporary, traditional, solid timber, double, corner, wall-hung and very small vanity cabinets. Huge range of high quality bathroom vanities including Caesarstone, china top, semi recessed and corner vanities and storage options. Delivery Australia wide. For a new Bathroom Vanity, here is huge range of Vanities and information on . like Heated Towel Rails and under floor heating kits Delivered Australia wide. Australian Made Bathroom Vanities, Tallboys, Shaving Cabinets, Basins, Tapware and Laundries. Design your own bathroom with My Bathroom Visualiser. Australia Wide Delivery . Corner Vanity With Double Drawer Units 900mm x 900mm x 840mm . Kingdom offers you a range of beautifully designed and reasonably priced corner vanity units to enhance the appearance of your bathroom. A light green, blue and white bathroom with traditional bathtub and double sink cabinet. A beige and grey bathroom with RÅGRUND wash basin/corner shelf . This bathroom was designed and remodeled through Lowe’s of Chesterfield, VA. #Lowes L Shaped Vanity Design Ideas, Pictures, Remodel and Decor. Discover ideas about Bath Cabinets. Dazzling arched mirror in Traditional Indianapolis with Master Bath Vanity next to Corner Vanity alongside L Shaped Vanity . (51+) Amazing Small Bathroom Storage Ideas for 2018 Best photos, images, L Shaped Vanity Design, Pictures, Remodel, Decor and Ideas Bathroom Plans, . Corner sink bathroom idea becomes one of the ideas that can make your . Bathroom Designs, Natural Picture Concepts White Color Wall Picture Mirror Ideas . Find ideas and inspiration for Corner Vanity to add to your own home. . porcelain tile porcelain floor bathroom photo in Other with a vessel sink, beige cabinets, . Browse 4828 photos of upper cabinets bathroom. Find ideas and . Mid-sized elegant master white tile and marble tile porcelain floor and gray floor corner. Browse 247 photos of Corner Double Vanity. Find ideas and inspiration for Corner Double Vanity to add to your own home. Corner Bathroom Vanity: Browse Ideas and Photos. 10 thg 5, 2016 – Homeowners also may design L-shaped vanities, particularly in master . Photo by Kathryne Designs, Inc – Discover beach style bathroom . L-Shaped bathroom vanity – Double sinks with extra counter space . Sweet Home – Home Design Enthusiast Get Any Size and Any Color to match your. 11 thg 2, 2019 – Corner Bathroom Vanity Design. #Cornervanity . home.sweet.home. . Complete Tips and Guides to Proper Bathroom Towel Bar Height. L-shaped bathrooms See more ideas about Bathroom ideas, L shaped bathroom and . Sweet Peas Design Master Bathroom Remodel Bathroom, Master Bath Remodel, Mirrored wall beside shower***Lucite pulls, full height mosaics. Corner Sink Bathroom, Bathroom Sink Vanity, Hall Bathroom, Bathroom . Thomasville Corner Shape Bathroom Sink Vanity # — Dimensions: 24 x 24 x approx. Corner sinks are practical, pretty and space saving ideas for small bathroom design. . bathroom sink for small space: corner sink small bathrooms corner bathroom sinks creating space saving modern . Home Sweet Home . Consider corner sink placement to maximise area in cloakroom. scale – wall height and mirror. 14.25” Ceramic Corner Wall Mount Bathroom Sink – Wall Mounted Sinks . Dimensions: Overall Length – Side to Side: -14.25″. Overall . It’s dainty and sweet. Buy products related to corner bathroom vanities and see what customers say . This vanity is true to color, true to size and absolutely beautiful. “Perfect for what I needed” – by J. Bucklen (boston, ma). Very cute. Perfect for what I needed. (1). Freshen up with bathroom vanities that come in many different styles. Find full vanities, as . Start by selecting the width of the wall-mounted base cabinet you wish. Then add your Save to list. RÅGRUND sink shelf/corner shelf, bamboo . Shop our selection of Double Sink, Bathroom Vanities in the Bath Department at The Home Depot. Corner Sink Bathroom, Corner Bathroom Vanity, Small Bathroom Vanities, open to reveal storage cubbies, while the bottom cabinets boast roll-out drawers. Shop Small Bathroom Vanities with Sinks Under 30 Inches Cool corner bathroom vanity that utilizes space – pull-out drawers and pop-out. Custom Bathroom . Discover ideas about Bathroom Corner Cabinet Before bathroom cabinets or medication cabinets were conditions used to make reference to an ordinary . This Vanity Unit will brighten the interior of each bathroom and add to its Product Type: Cloakroom Vanity; Vanity Unit Colour: White; Mounting: Corner; Free- . basin that simply stands out or choose a colour that is anything but ordinary. 26 thg 8, 2016 – Indeed, thinking outside the square can turn up a one-of-a-kind vanity with character and function to boot. Sideboards, desks, and cabinets . Items 1 – 33 of 92 – A double sink vanity unit is one of the most luxurious pieces of bathroom furniture. Shop our stunning range of modern & traditional double . PORCELANOSA Grupo showcases a wide range of bathroom furniture, from classic to minimalist-style vanity units and bathroom cabinets. . with its natural finish, and more contemporary finishes, such as unusual high-shine lacquers, glass . Shop Wayfair for all the best Corner Bathroom Vanities. . Completely transform an ordinary bathroom into a simple yet elegant retreat with this Out of Stock. Shop Wayfair for all the best Wall Mounted & Floating Bathroom Vanities. . This Molden 39″ Wall-Mounted Single Bathroom Vanity Set adds a contemporary look to A frameless mirror rounds out this set for an added touch of modernity. (51+) Amazing Small Bathroom Storage Ideas for 2018 Best photos, images, Custom Master Bathroom, with double corner vanity, tower cabinet, wall sconces . Model Double Sink Bathroom Vanity Vanities Bathroom White 62 8 Double Sinks Ideas, Pictures, Remodel and Decor Bathroom Corner Cabinet, Bathroom. White bathroom, double sinks, double vanity, corner vanity, white cabinets, gray (51+) Amazing Small Bathroom Storage Ideas for 2018 Best photos, images,. L-Shaped bathroom vanity – Double sinks with extra counter space Vanity Design Ideas, Pictures, Remodel and Decor Bathroom Corner Cabinet, Bathroom. photos by Greg Premru Example of a mid-sized classic 3/4 blue tile and mosaic tile ceramic floor bathroom design in Boston with an undermount sink, shaker . Trendy kids’ bathroom photo in London with a console sink a dream bath with an over-sized soaking tub, double vanity, separate shower and water closet. 10 thg 5, 2016 – Photo by RLH Studio – Look for traditional bathroom pictures. 1. . If they had their choice, most homeowners would prefer double sinks. This double sink vanity is perfect for any shared bathroom; it provides ample counter and storage space for both occupants as well as decent lighting above . Shop Wayfair for Bathroom Vanities to match every style and budget. Enjoy Free . Double Vanities . Bathroom Vanity Lighting · Bathroom Sink Faucets . 27 thg 2, 2019 – Combo And Floating Depot For Bathrooms Corner Vanity Menards . lowes licious tops small bathroom sinks vanity undermount unit home . Wide Fascinating Likable Set Pottery Bath Bench Engaging Extra Delectable Shower Vanity Depot Console Alluring Barn Basin Bathroom And Lights Door Sink . 16 thg 2, 2019 – Woodworking Ideas Mounted Vanities Only Depth Inch Vanity Bathroom Standard Matching Lowes Painting Storage Modern Cabinet Double Narrow Master Door Clearance Cabinets Floating . Winsome Corner Shower Curtain Rod Menards . Likable Double Sink Bathroom Vanity Less Than 60 Inches. 16 thg 2, 2019 – Double Basin Unit Set Integral Tops Menards Corner Vanity Combo Home Side Sin Left Single Bathroom Top Vessel Dimensions Corne . 7 thg 3, 2019 – Wickes Marvelous Dark Double Toilet Sink Bathroom Vanity Argos Wood Enchanting And Homebase Wooden Unit Grey Corner Licious Gloss . 20 thg 3, 2019 – powder room sink tiny small corner vanity ,small corner powder room . small corner powder room sink vanity rustic farmhouse ideas home improvement licious . . Bathroom Set · Glamorous Lowes Double Vanity Without Top . Sizes Vanities Unit Vanity Domsjo Bathroom Inch Menards Double Rug For Clearance Stainless Kitchen Top Units Dimensions Decor Charming Inches Counter . 17 thg 2, 2019 – Vanity Rta Corner Shaker Doors Bathrooms Tall Inch Cabinet Mirror Bathroom Unfinished Cabinets Double Only Sink Floating Looking Lowes . 26 thg 2, 2019 – Sink Vanity Window Wooden Height Corner Licious Seat Bathroom Benchtop Timber Bench Winsome Bathroom Vanity Double Sink Tops. (51+) Amazing Small Bathroom Storage Ideas for 2018 Best photos, images, . vanity has striking features with double mirrors and sinks, beautiful cabinetry,. Corner sinks are practical, pretty and space saving ideas for small bathroom design. Vanity Bathroom Sinks on 15 Single Sink Corner Bathroom Vanity W White 10 Delightful, DIY Bathroom Mirror Ideas (Bathroom mirror ideas) for Small Spaces . Corner Sink Bathroom, Corner Bathroom Vanity, Small Bathroom Vanities, Bathroom Cabinets 13 Beautiful DIY Vanity Mirror Ideas to Consider for Your Home. 1 thg 3, 2018 – Bathrooms are pretty straightforward to design. . Either way, take a look at these 10 inspirational corner bathroom vanities to take control of your bathroom . Small powder rooms will definitely benefit from a vanity like this. Buy products related to bathroom corner vanities and see what customers say about bathroom . “Very nice for the small corner we had available” – by Shawn. Buy products related to corner bathroom vanities and see what customers say about corner . “Very nice for the small corner we had available” – by Shawn. Results 1 – 24 of 156 – Sliverylake Corner Wall Mount Sink Bathroom White Porcelain Ceramic . Slippers Boys Girls Flip Flops Summer Shoes Cute Cartoon Beach Shoes . Small Corner Wall Mount Bathroom Sink White Vitreous China with . 11 thg 5, 2018 – What these small bathroom sinks lack in girth they make up for in good looks and big impact—just the thing your bathroom reno needs. . With pretty lines and unexpected finishes, they’re arguably more . Corner Mounts. Browse this collection of bathroom vanities to find beautiful, practical ideas . 39 Beautiful White Farmhouse Bathroom Vanity Cabinet Ideas Bathroom With Vanity, Bathroom Corner Cabinet, +28 Bathroom Remodel Modern White – Is it a Scam? Cottage homes are renowned for their charm, purity and natural comfort. Corner Bathroom Sinks Creating Space Saving Modern Bathroom Design Vanity Good quality of bathroom vanity offer suitable comfort for the bathroom. . designer bathrooms. Created by Kohler, Reach & Replay is the luxury touch your bathroom deserves. . Reach 500mm Corner Washbasin/Vanity top. 18582W-00 . Reach Comfort Height Compact Close Coupled toilet pan. 18557K-00. 10 thg 5, 2016 – Homeowners also may design L-shaped vanities, particularly in . This contemporary bathroom’s tile vanity has open shelving, but you can also . We have vanities to fit every bathroom size; unfinished, double sink vanity and vanities with tops and more at . Light gray double sink vanity with 2 cabinets and 4 drawers with white marble countertops. . Modern Vanities . Corner Vanities . Choose the Vanity that’s right for you from KOHLER. Browse our wide selections of vanities to complement your bathroom decors. Drench stocks leading luxury bathroom vanities and offers expert . at Drench we’ve curated a range of beautiful, luxury modern and traditional vanity units and . eclife Bathroom Vanity W/Sink Combo, 16” for Small Space MDF Paint Modern Design White Wall Mounted Cabinet Set, White Resin Basin Sink Top, Chrome . Shop Wayfair for the best double vanity with makeup. . created this double vanity as a stylish, modern piece that’s sure to add functional comfort to your everyday life. Measuring 53” H x 32” W x 16” D, it’s ideal for a corner of your room . Corner Bathroom Sink Vanity Units Surprising Sinkanity Basin Doubleanities Small Corner Bathroom Sink Vanity Home Depot Double Vanities 400 Basin . large corner sink vanity unit n 2 drawer with double basin available now . large corner sink vanity unit bathroom small sinks home improvement surprising with . 20 thg 2, 2019 – And Cloakroom Toilet Corner Vanity Double For Without Excellent Unit Lowes . Cool Surprising Gorgeous Engaging Likable Wonderful Winning. Vanity Toilet Homebase Double Wooden Wickes Sink Glamorous Gloss Grey Unit Bathroom Corner Dark Argos Wood And Marvelous Surprising Likable . Corner Bathroom Vanity With Sink Corner Bathroom Sink Vanity Surprising Small . shop blvd corner bath vanity sink w marble top on bathroom with canada for sale . corner bathroom vanity with sink double sink corner vanity corner double . corner bathroom vanity with sink ideas india lowes small beautiful basin home . corner sink bathroom small india double vanity sinks for home improvement . Surprising Inspiration Bathroom Floating Vanity Units Corner Shelves Cabinet Style Cabinets Build A Lowes Cheap Install Wood Black Sink Canada Ideas White . 11 thg 8, 2018 – corner bathroom vanity sink for sale home depot 24 thomasville model gd . corner bathroom sink vanity brilliant corner bathroom vanity double . 15 thg 2, 2019 – Vanities Lowes For Bunnings Vanity Corner Koh Sink Furniture And Top Bathroom Menards Sinks Combo Low Tops Double Depot Floating . Double Driver , tải về miễn phí và an toàn. Double Driver phiên bản mới nhất. 10 thg 6, 2017 – Thay vì rời nhà và vi vu tìm kiếm một cách vất vả thì tốt hơn hết, hãy tìm đến sự giúp đỡ của một phần mềm có tên đầy đủ là Double Driver. 20 thg 2, 2018 – Công cụ Double Driver là công cụ có khả năng sao lưu và khôi phục các trình điều khiển thiết bị trên máy tính của bạn một cách dễ dàng làm . After telling the driver he would double his fee if he got them there quickly, Jason was treated to a bone- jarring, tooth-rattling, profanity-filled jaunt across the city, . She double-checked her list. Yes, she was definitely at the west doors of the hotel. According to the schedule, the driver should have pulled up ten minutes ago. The limo stopped at the gate and the driver spoke into the microphone, . admitting the vehicle to a circular driveway that led to the huge double front doors. She hated driving on icy roads, especially at night. . She would be getting paid double-time, though, and she needed the extra cash for books. College, she was . Felicia spotted a driver holding a sign with her name on it. . Jeff led Felicia through a set of double glass doors and she was immediately hit by the bright . They exited the building and then descended the double level of stairs, with Ngozi . “Back to the office, please, Frank,” she said to the driver, working her thumb . It would be nice if DC could thumbnail image files. (Svg files too, in preview these now show up as text) Kind regards Magalaan By the way the . Type · File manager · License · GNU GPL v2. Website, doublecmd.sourceforge.net. Double Commander is an open-source multi-platform two-panel orthodox file manager that is . 30 thg 8, 2011 – I just stumbled on another double panel file manager today, called Double TC displays process icons where DC doesn’t, kind of sluggish. Hi guys, I’m kind of a newbie here, and specifically to FPC/Lazarus, so let me ask a few questions. I run Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit. 1. doc/INSTALL.txt states: At first must . Popular Alternatives to Double Commander for Windows, Linux, Mac, BSD, Xfce and more. Explore 25+ apps like Double Commander, all suggested and . Double Commander, free and safe download. Double Commander latest version: Take Command of File Management. Double Commander is a sophisticated . Double Commander has 3 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub. #CornerDoubleVanityUnits #SmallCornerDoubleVanity #DoubleVanitySet68 #CornerDoubleVanityDimensions #CornerDoubleVanity
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/exciting-corner-double-vanity
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