yandere diamonds x reader 🤭🤭🤭
I’m too lazy to tackle a ‘how you met’ rn so I’m going to procrastinate on that for a bit but for now have some headcanons.
All three of them love having you around them 24/7. What’s not to love about being around you nonstop? Blue carries you around in her hair, the feeling of having you so close to her gem is enough to make her cease functioning for a solid minute. You have to be careful not to fall backwards though. Yellow lets (insists) you sit on her shoulder. When she moves around you have to cling to her for support to avoid sliding off. Lastly White prefers you sit on the floor, the sensation of power she gets knowing she could crush you at any second is humorous to her. Of course, she’d never actually do it.
There are frequent arguments over you, mostly about who’s turn it is to ‘have’ you. These can get loud. All the gems on homeworld know to stay out of their way whenever they’ve recently had a falling out. You’re the only person who can help lighten their moods.
You are one of the most precious things in their lives, if not the ultimate. If anything happened to you they’d probably destroy entire galaxies searching for you.
It’s common knowledge that any gem that interacts with you apart from them is to be shattered. The closest you can get to anyone except for the diamonds is their pearls, and all of those interactions are limited to looks of pity from them. The only time you remember a word being spoken was from a blue Zircon, who had apologised to you, sincerely sorry for your circumstances. She was shortly executed.
Learning from Pink’s death, the diamonds decided the best course of action to take with you was to cut off all your ties with anyone you knew before coming into their possession. That day still haunts you, the sound of shards hitting the floor, the screams...
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whatever you do, dont think of WD taking you with her after she first sets foot on earth, finally understanding why pink were so enamored with humans. and now, she has you to love and adore~
One of these days you’ll be the death of me
After first coming to earth, she couldn’t understand why Pink liked these small organics so much. After all, their lifespan were short and they themselves were weak and flimsy. That is until she found you. She began to think of these things less as flaws and moreso attributes. Now you, you were perfect. Enough to compare to her own radiance and light, she simply had to have you, after all, if you stayed on this lump of rock any longer your innocence might be sullied by the... lesser beings here.
She’d make sure you were treated with the respect and adoration you deserve. There was no way staying on the earth with all your ‘friends’ and ‘family’ could be beneficial. So, she took you with her. Whether or not you wanted to come was irrelevant. She was the only one who could possibly care for you, and you’d come to realise that in time.
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Can I request a spooky white diamond?
Extra spooky yandere coming right up!
White Diamond had always seemed off to you. Of course she was a literal diamond, ruler of homeworld, but as a gem in her court, you had to admit that she seemed eerie, disturbing even when compared to Blue or Yellow. She’d locked herself away from any other gems for so many decades now, the only exceptions being you and her pearl, who could barely be called a gem by this point. You yourself were a gift from Pink Diamond before she was shattered. As a (G/N), your job was to sit around and look pretty, a decoration at most. Your original purpose was companionship, or entertainment, but White soon put a stop to that. Gems didn’t need companionship, they didn’t get lonely. Besides, you were only to ever speak when commanded so, and you must never, ever give your opinion. That’s just how it works.
Your main job was to stand by the base of White’s throne, unmoving unless commanded. Sometimes, once in a blue moon, White would talk, whether to you or herself you could almost never tell. She tended to hold one-sided conversations, you thought she found it comforting, to rant to someone. Hopefully.
Periodically, she would say your name to get your attention, and instruct you to come closer, upon which she would pluck you off the ground, enclosing your entire form in her fist. It was unnerving to be so close to such a bright being. You had to prevent yourself from shrinking away in fear at the sight of her long, sharp nails, which more often than not would start toying with you, petting the back of your head with one finger as she cooed to you, sounding sickeningly sweet as she began discussing something you hadn’t the faintest idea about.
You suspected the only reason she hadn’t cracked your gem was because of your roots with pink. You were the one colourful thing in the same room as her almost constantly, barring the few occasions one of the other Diamonds would visit. You always noticed her honeyed tone of voice when conversing with them, and the way her nails would dig into the back of your neck whenever she was holding you at these times (which she was more often than not). At most the only noise you would make was a small cry of pain, barely noticeable in the large room, but in all her flawlessness, White would most likely take note of it, putting more pressure on her sharp nails digging into your skin, to the point you thought you might dissipate your form, daring you to make another sound.
It was a wonder how she always managed to judge a couple of seconds before you would poof, stopping short and prolonging the biting pain, instead gently running her fingers lightly over the injured spot, giving it plenty of time to heal, almost pleasantly, before a cruel smirk would cross her lips and she would begin the cycle all over again.
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Merry christmas!! Imagine wd hearing about the holiday and putting you on her lap, wonderin if youve been nice this year~ (bonus: she has christmas lingerie) have a white christmas~ ;3c
(Two weeks late is better than never right?) I literally don’t know what to say to elaborate on this. Except imagine White Diamond in a choker, a corset and fishnets, all in black)
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