yandere diamonds x reader 🤭🤭🤭
I’m too lazy to tackle a ‘how you met’ rn so I’m going to procrastinate on that for a bit but for now have some headcanons.
All three of them love having you around them 24/7. What’s not to love about being around you nonstop? Blue carries you around in her hair, the feeling of having you so close to her gem is enough to make her cease functioning for a solid minute. You have to be careful not to fall backwards though. Yellow lets (insists) you sit on her shoulder. When she moves around you have to cling to her for support to avoid sliding off. Lastly White prefers you sit on the floor, the sensation of power she gets knowing she could crush you at any second is humorous to her. Of course, she’d never actually do it.
There are frequent arguments over you, mostly about who’s turn it is to ‘have’ you. These can get loud. All the gems on homeworld know to stay out of their way whenever they’ve recently had a falling out. You’re the only person who can help lighten their moods.
You are one of the most precious things in their lives, if not the ultimate. If anything happened to you they’d probably destroy entire galaxies searching for you.
It’s common knowledge that any gem that interacts with you apart from them is to be shattered. The closest you can get to anyone except for the diamonds is their pearls, and all of those interactions are limited to looks of pity from them. The only time you remember a word being spoken was from a blue Zircon, who had apologised to you, sincerely sorry for your circumstances. She was shortly executed.
Learning from Pink’s death, the diamonds decided the best course of action to take with you was to cut off all your ties with anyone you knew before coming into their possession. That day still haunts you, the sound of shards hitting the floor, the screams...
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Can I request something with yellow diamond? Like reader is a gem of her court and yellow gets increasingly possessive until she locks her away out of fear something might happen to her? Maybe either after pink's shattering or during the rebellion?
As a gem in Yellow Diamond’s court, your life was stressful to say the least. You were always to-ing and fro-ing around, making sure everything was in top condition. Recently it became even more stressful, as Yellow Diamond herself had started making requests about your various jobs. She had you doing a lot more simple work, things expected of a pearl. Instead of the usual exploring new planets and finding suitable places for colonies you were made to do, more and more often you were stuck on Homeworld, instructing other gems and overseeing them doing their work.
It frustrated you, the sudden demotion, with no reason as to why. Were you being punished for something? Did it have to do with Pink Diamond’s shattering? Maybe she thought you had helped? You did used to be in Pink’s court at the time.
This idea was reinforced, when Yellow downgraded you even further. She commanded you stand with her pearl, doing menial jobs such as keeping track of her day to day life, and what events were planned. You acted like some sort of secretary. But still, you dared not question Yellow’s motives. Who knows what would happen if you defied her authority. So you complied without complaint.
You couldn’t help but notice how frequently Yellow would pause what she was doing to cast a glance at you. Whether or not it was in distain was yet to be decided. Did she distrust you? Maybe so, for it seemed she was checking on you every other minute. The pent up anger you felt, at having to be by her side at all times, like some sort of pet, was indescribable. You almost expected her to attach a leash to your neck to stop you wandering off. The only other gem ever present was Yellow’s pearl, who only ever stopped to look at you in pity or to offer some kind of snide comment.
Eventually, all of this treatment amounted to you bursting out in front of Yellow. You snapped at her, asking why she even bothered keeping you around if all she was going to do was treat you like some kind of explosive device, liable to shatter everyone at any moment. She stood up in rage, gritting her teeth, and you began to regret your words, fearing she was about to step on you and crush your gem to dust. To your surprise, she picked you up, sweeping you on to one of her hands to use as a surface to stand on, and stopping you from escaping by cupping her other hand like a barricade behind you. She raised you to eye level with her. All you could see in her diamond shaped pupils was outrage.
“How ungrateful. I go to the trouble of taking you in, after you failed Pink, and personally making sure you don’t disappoint me, and this is how you return my generosity?” You began to shake in fear, painfully aware of how easily she could let go of you, sending you to the ground, and shatter you. “Apologise now. No, beg for my forgiveness. Get on your knees, and plead for your pathetic life, before I crush you between my fingers.” Much as it pained you, you had little choice but to comply. Humiliated, you knelt on her open palm and threw away what little dignity you had left to beseech her for your life.
She had you like that for about an hour, your pathetically small figure crouched miserably in her hold, as she sneered down at you. Eventually, once she decided you’d had enough, she placed you on the ground, and ordered her pearl to lock you up while she decided what to do with you.
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