dcrksun-blog · 7 years
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Gwyndolin falls back onto his bed, catching Shiro and allowing them both to fall into plush sheets. “I am gladdened. For a moment I was worried that I had been forgotten.” They tuck a strand of hair behind Shiro’s ear, smiling brightly before pressing a kiss to his forehead. 
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hhemeraa-a · 7 years
@whiteliily  Ash right now:
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stifledstimuli-blog · 7 years
There's a lack of grace or cuteness as Shiro just sits unceremoniously on Hao, but thin arms wrap around him and he just holds still - hugging him.
Maybe a bit too eagerly, Hao’s arms were quickly thrown around Shiro’s middle. He hummed happily, though he couldn’t shake the urge to ask -
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“Everything’s alright, yeah?”
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heartfeltflowers-a · 7 years
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You’ve all suffered with me. Thank you! I’m so grateful to have made so many new friends in such a short time and I love you all so much!!
Bold = Sin squad Italics = I’m stalking you
@oblitusxxpuella​ ❀ @whiteliily​ ❀ @dojiikko​ ❀ @atelouus​ ❀ @awadatsu​​ ❀ @idolspurgatory/ @bottledlies​ ❀ @likecottxncandy​ ❀ @rxindrcps​ / @cxndiidoll​ ❀ @mythologicalidiots​ ❀ @siqophant​ ❀ @fadingnxte​ ❀ @faithbound​ ❀ @fluera​ ❀ @fiercysoul​ ❀ @nyanum​ ❀ @reincarnatum​ ❀ @abusedpurity​ ❀ @aceprinccss​ ❀ @malintxntions​ ❀ @maskmade​ ❀ @blithened​ ❀ @backstagebaae​ ❀ @cogal​ ❀ @badmediicine​ ❀ @dohoshu​ ❀ @hostdevil​ ❀ @minugahanax​ ❀ @poppicede​ ❀ @vernxte​ ❀ @forgottcnsoul​ ❀ @liecaught​ ❀ @trashycai​ ❀ @duendx
I’m pretty sure I forgot people but trust me I love you all!!!!!
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gvyndolin-blog · 7 years
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Someone just so happened to witness Shiro nearly walk into a marble pillar. Someone just so happened to also be laughing his ass off.  “Pffft—and here he is: the graceful assassin. Killer of the ages! Thou shouldst refrain from staring when walking, Shiro.”
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rxbxrth-blog1 · 7 years
@whiteliily from X
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“In my car? Planning on making a mess you don’t want to clean up? Mm, sure. I don’t mind.” He laughed softly and gently loped his hand around Theo’s waist.
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stifledstimuli-blog · 7 years
whiteliily replied to your post “y’all are making real hard to for me to keep my secret hush hush”
s w e a t s
what have
            you done!?
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fadingnxte-a · 7 years
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If there was one word Ain could use to describe the human race of today... it would be remarkably stupid. Could they no longer sense the corrupted energy around them? Or have they been so consumed by selfishness that they, themselves have become the creatures they were one fighting long ago...
The angel cluck his tongue in frustration as he pulled down his hood down a bit more over his face and adjust his bandages quickly before walking out the alleyway he was hiding out in with hands in his pockets. Cringing internally at almost every person he passed back, feeling their corrupted aura being feed on by the chaotic seed within-- it didn’t feel bad but.. it was wrong for something like himse-- !! That energy.
A... demon? He thought he had gotten rid of them before he was laid to rest?!
His bright, aqua eyes darted around the area in search for that dark energy he knows all too well. When his eyes met with red, he took no time going after the male, trailing for a bit and trying his best to still the anger within him. When he saw his opportunity, he grabbed the other and pulled him into an seemingly empty alleyway and summoned his sword in hand to press against the demon’s neck.
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stifledstimuli-blog · 7 years
@whiteliily liked for a starter
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“You know what I realized…” The oni asked as he sat on the floor of the living room. Brows together as he was trying to focus stringing together his next sentence in the exact way it had come to him. His speech may have been a little slurred; notably so but he still rather easy to understand -  “If cursive had a sound…it would sound a little sOmeThiNg liKe tHis.” - if what he had said made any sense in the first place and he wasn’t pitching his voice like an elderly having a mild stroke.
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   Five years later he does the ‘Pick Up Shiro’ challenge again and ...succeeds!
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gvyndolin-blog · 7 years
whiteliily replied to your post: If you aren’t following my main squeezes what the...
why am i not first
bec youre grumpy and scare me
suceth mine nut
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redd-deviiiil-blog · 8 years
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─{スパーダ}── ◤Oh come on, you're skin can't be that sensitive-- I take that back, it's super soft so maybe that is a bruise.. whoopsie.◢
There was most definitely no bruise, just a corny excuse to compliment that skin Shiro owned. Slick moves Dante. Slick.
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hhemeraa-a · 7 years
hc + discipline
Send me “HC” + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.
          It took me a minute to figure out how to answer this.
         Myles takes great pride in being disciplined in everything he does as well as ensuring that those who are working with him are disciplined as well. It comes hand in hand with warped sense of control that he has over himself and the things around him.  Give him a task and he will follow it to completion without deviating, however, with how uptight and how much he disciplines himself -- when he lets loose, things can get... out of hand. 
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