choco-1601 · 5 months
Just found out one of my fav users deactivated :(
I hope whitepain comes back soon :(((
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imonlyareject · 5 months
come home whitepain and blood284 💔
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spiralcookies · 5 months
@whitepain-deactivated20240424 don’t know what happened and don’t know if you will see this but I sincerely hope you’re safe 🙏
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yeehawpurgatory · 5 months
Noooooo whitepain deactivated!!!!! 💔💔💔
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battlestar-royco · 4 years
we talk about nehemia and sorscha’s deaths enough that if s/jm and her fandom had even a shred of self awareness it would’ve elicited an apology. but i’ve scrolled through the anti tag for hours on end, hoping to douse my anger but i’ve found NOTHING about how s/jm made the king of adarlan butcher thousands of slaves (most of whom were poc!) towards the end of HOF to give a/elin a final push to ‘embracing her true self’ and it’s never mentioned again. we don’t see how it affects ellwye either 🙄
No I think that’s been talked about but a long while ago. There are a lot of elements of the books which make them a disaster so it’s hard to keep everything in the forefront of the conversation. I think you can compare SJ/M’s portrayal of slavery to the treatment of Adriata (from AC0TAR) and Eyllwe as a whole. Adriata was sacked in AC0WAR and Ey/llwe was razed in the end of E0S. It’s not enough to sideline and murder the black characters, but their societies also have to be wrecked for whitepain and development. Alien steps up as the slave liberator in the novellas, and Fayre and Rice step up as the more competent leaders after Adriata is destroyed. There’s little to no word of how Eyll/we and Summer Court characters are dealing with the tragedies at all, which makes an unfortunately white protagonist-centric pattern.
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96saxon69 · 6 years
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muchtooold2 · 5 years
When Jaime was packing up he says “Have you ever run from a fight?” Now, is he talking about the fight for Cersei? You know, the woman who he thought was going to face the Unsullied and the rest of the Dothraki and two dragons in the battle he was chill sitting out for? The one he wasn’t rushing down to fight? 
Now when did he decide that this was a fight he couldn’t run from? It was after Sansa told him that D*ny’s armies were diminished and that she lost a dragon (which, btw, if D*ny had waited a fucking month probably wouldn’t have happened. Also, why were they *that* far ahead of Jon’s forces. Fuck this show’s lazy writing and fuck them for fridging Missendei for Dany’s whitepain but that’s another post). That night he decides to go south once he hears that D*ny’s armies are in danger and that Cersei probably will survive.
When does he shift from talking about not running away from a fight? After Brienne assumes he’s going back to Cersei. That’s when he starts telling her that he’s not a “good man.” I think the fact she thinks he’d go back to Cersei hurt him deeply, and it offers a perfect opportunity to play into her worst assumptions of him. Which, breaks Brienne’s heart, ideally keeping her in the North, and breaks his ties to the North so he has nothing holding him back from fighting against Cersei. 
Anyway, welcome to my TedTalk about why Jaime is trying to keep Brienne out of harm’s way, how he is playing into her darkest fears about him and he said that because he’s hurt she would think he is going back to Cersei. 
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choco-1601 · 5 months
Still upset about the whitepain thing.. :(
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bandedshadows · 7 years
Can someone make a GIFset of just Finn, Poe, and Leia?
AKA probably the saving graces of the next SW installment?
Maybe Luke too.
The other two characters  of note are long gone down the vortex of contrived whitepain redemption arc writing. 
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lintskukka · 5 years
is whitepain as a term a thing??? like manpain but racist instead of sexist? if its not it should be
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
Hey Maxine! I was the one who asked about the writing. While the death isn't for the white character's benefit, it does kinda fuel angst, mostly because their emotional journey is very much tied together. Do they need to die? That had always been the plan, the making of a legend, immortality through geat acts. Do they need to be a PoC? Not really, but most of the cast is, and I wanted the would be legendary hero/MC to be a PoC such as myself, and them. But I understand it might be best not to.
You know the story best; I think if the POC is a main character and you have other main POC in the cast, it should work out okay???? Also, the concept of immortalizing a POC and making them legendary adds a lot more to the death and the cahracter than if they’re just killed for whitepain. The key is to give the character agency in both life and death, independent of white characters. As always, I suggest you teaming up with a sensitivity reader who knows your characters as well as you do!
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nemonclature · 11 years
Jo is making me hate this show. I'm not just uninterested in her plot. I'm not just irritated at her complete steal of the plot from the poc. I hate her now. I can't stand anything about her. Plot line hijacking attention stealing traitor.
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choco-1601 · 8 months
What's the theory that John and Arthur were in a relationship before he ran away? I'm a huge fan of Morston, but I've never heard of it!
Tbh it's more of a fan theory than in canon. U see their relationship before the whole debacle happened are pretty much open to interpretation.
Recently a moot (@/whitepain) shared cut voicelines of John when Arthur is standing close to him and some of them were 'you trying to court me' or 'folks will talk' like forgive me but ain't no one talks like that when ur "sibling" is standing too close to u. Well even if they were cut..there was someone who wrote those lines and Rob had to record them so it's canon imo.
Well yeah dialogues like these leave their relationship in ambiguity. I'm sure in canon they were nothing more than friends or even best friends who loved to make fun of/roasted each other. So that's basically it. I dunno I do believe at some point Arthur had taken too much liking to John (even if he didn't realise it) thats why it hurt him the most when he left.
Hope that answered ur question op
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
Am I the only one who was unreasonably pissed by Grey Worm in this episode? I get that he's hurting and upset (grief is a bitch) but WOW, D&D, way to play the "all POC are savages card"!
Not only did they make the last named MOC a vengeful servant of Daenerys, but they also used Missandei’s death to motivate both a man and a white woman. In one stroke they made his entire arc a meaningless regression and reduced Missandei to both manpain and whitepain. It’s truly laughable how miniscule D&D’s understanding of characterization, themes, and logic is. They could have written a beautiful story about the futility of war and revenge and the redeeming power of hope, humanity, and justice. But they are privileged edgelords who can’t write. Nor do they have any understanding that nihilism and shock deaths have no entertainment value, especially after a decade of watching characters grow and change for the better.
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battlestar-royco · 6 years
After a court of frost and stopit *credit to insanereader * I feel so dum for not seeing the problematicness of the acotar books ( I saw in tog but for some reason tot in acotar )
InsaneReader is ICONIQUE for that!!
And don’t feel dumb! ~Problematic~ stuff only feels obvious after the fact or if you read/watch things with a certain lens. It’s all purposely hidden so we gradually come to accept stuff like, for example, women always being antagonistic toward other in fiction because it’s the norm. Plus, certain issues can get really subjective when we’re talking about individual thresholds of problematic representation, cultural appropriation, and other related topics because #intersectionality. That’s what I like about fandom and specifically antis because everyone looks at media with a different perspective, experience, or skillset they use to point out observations I never would’ve made. I certainly don’t catch every problematic thing about every show/book I enjoy, but I’m hyperaware of SJ/M’s nonsense because of this blog. The things I mostly look out for are the really big no-nos of rep (non-diverse cast, killing women/POC for man/whitepain, healing a disabled character (especially if done with magic or advanced sci-fi technology), women fighting and being “not like other girls,” token LGBTQ/POC who more often than not gets randomly and violently killed, “slutty”/aggressive LGBTQ character, evil sex worker, exclusively irrational/emotional women and taciturn/logical men, stick-thin white people as the only form of beauty, etc). SJ/M has done pretty much all of those things, so that’s why in my mind there’s a glaring red “BAAAAAAAAD” sign surrounding her books.
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nemonclature · 11 years
Jo is making me hate this show. I'm not just uninterested in her plot. I'm not just irritated at her complete steal of the plot from the poc. I hate her now. I can't stand anything about her. Plot line hijacking attention stealing traitor.
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