#who am i kidding regular shipping brain is also feral
galadae 1 year
regular shipping brain: very chill, wants everything to make sense, waits for the story to play out to figure out hcs
feral shipping brain: will die if I don't design their wedding outfits right now
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savingthrcw 5 months
okay but like, temporary post/bio to wrap my mind around it:
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Temporary drafts to be fixed and made prettier later:
After Hank took the kids away, Rose spent the next six months plotting how to break into the Vault, take them, and save everyone else with Moldaver and her people. Then Hank bombs Shady Sands, on a day in which Moldaver is not home. (Why am I giving them six extra months after Lucy and Norm were taken back, with the excuse that Hank needed time to make it happen? To give time to Moldaver to actually fall in love with Rose in a way that canonically leads her to spend twenty years with her ghoul self tied to the chair. Lucy couldn't have been there for months if she's meant to forget it all.) so when we see the flashback is kinda love at first-sight but not love yet.
After the bomb she's almost fully gone, but the same creepy guy with the meds for Thaddeus offers them a 'fix it' vial. It "heals" Rose, in the sense that while she's still a ghoul she returns to her original human look, wounds cured, skin restored, but the psychological impact took away her memories. She did see the way she looked, remembers being feral, and it's burned into her brain.
Moldaver tells her about their love, which makes Rose remember those months, but no amount of telling can remind her of Lucy and Norm, she needs to see them. Not remembering them directly and being a ghoul with no chances at a normal life, she starts having less incentive to go get her daughter and son, because what can she offer them? Hank sends them a message soon after, that he'd kill their kids before letting them be destroyed by life on the surface (he's bluffing, but would you not buy it from the guy who dropped another bomb?) and that seals the deal. Memories of life at the Vault come back later, but mostly pre-kids.聽
canon divergence for Lucys and people in general who reached the Observatory: Moldaver wouldn't obviously have her there at the dining table, she'd tell Lucy that her father dropped the bomb, turned her into a ghoul, and Rose left due to the heartbreak, because Hank threatened to kill her and Norm if she tried to come back and take them (cue Hank saying he had to do to protect them from a woman who had already taken them on the surface, he did the right thing!)
appearance: Rose's right side of the body starts turning ghoul-like as years pass, now it involves her entire left arm, part of her upper chest and neck, which she always covers so she can "pass" and so that she doesn't have to see it (it doesn't bother her to see other ghouls, it's just her own body, which she remembers to be so much worse pre-vial). Every time she ends up nearly feral due to the lack of vials, more of her body 'dies'. She doesn't age besides the 'decay' bit, but she's 40+ by now. She wears cute things and strategically hides all the ghoul-looking parts. Big smiles and vault-lingo (also a fuck you to Hank and the world for trying to tell her who to be)聽
She's STILL hanging onto her old personality as a spiteful 'fuck you' to Hank and what he did to her, is still optimistic and still tries to help people (like Lucy would) and can be passive-aggressive, sarcastic and hold a grudge (like Norm), smart, curious, impossibly so. But also extremely insecure due to the whole ghoul thing. Her kids both took after her, but she's more than the mix of them. She definitely kills people as needed, it's just that if she can cook for them and be cute she'd rather pick that option. She's scared of her own violence, she's seen the way she's meant to become (the ghoul we saw in canon) and acting like a feral one doesn't make her feel great.聽
Definitely has the Black Widow fighting down, and regular non-automatic guns are her secondary weapon.聽
she's bi, she was IN love with Hank until he showed his true colors, fell for Moldaver who was always honest to her. But for potential shipping purposes, since I love shipping, we'll say that unless you write a Moldaver and you want to ship it, in which case they are absolutely married, the Ghoulness got too much in the way because of her insecurities, as well as the baggage of missing her children, and they parted ways amicably if with a lot of pain. She's probably in her mid-fourties, keep that in mind. ))
Part of her is waiting for her kids, sure they'll figure out something is wrong and come out of the Vault too. She's in contact with Moldaver in any case, and with more people all over the Wasteland, so she can be told if they show up. Currently though, she works as a bounty hunter, but in a weirdly nice way? But because she kinda sucks at it since she doesn't want to capture people unless they are bad, mostly she gives a hand in one of Vegas' kitchen, and that gets her a lot of caps because people love her food SO MUCH that it's just convenient to let her do her thing.
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lithy-the-invader 5 years
Yes hello please tell me everything about your original idea 馃憖
I am very glad you gave me an excuse to just make an way to long post at 2am in the morning when I should have been asleep an hour ago <3
So the general premise is :
A far away alien race catches a transmission of a very corney and sappy scifi show from earth, think it is real and go off on an epic journey through space to find the utopic united planet system depiced in the show to join their rows while picking up other aliens along the way.
And now off to the meat of this post lol:
The story and setting bits:
So it starts off with three relatively young aliens from a planet that is shared by two diffrent races but also heavily plagued by racism and based on slave culture. The dominant race is very agile and over ground ground dweling bipedal spicies which is in general hermathroditic, they have the ability to see a wide variety of the light spectrum and therefore more colors and phenomena we can't see without instruments of sorts. Also they lay eggs and even tho they are omnivore they mainly live as vegitarian. They can see more colors and stuff BUT they are terrible at seeing in low light situations. The subjugated species is a mainly underground living species with for arms and four eyes. They are pretty strong, generally smaller than the other species, are more like us with their genders and are super good at seeing in very low light situations. But they mainly see the world in reds and greens AND are pure carnivores.
Anyways the three states I will call them catch the transaction while playing with some high tec equipment as children. The family of the two topsurface guy is rich bc of some space mining business and actualy bought a playmate and her parents so their kids could have company and also they can afford high tier education. So the three kids play with the stuff and accidentally catch tidbits of an age old transmission called "Captain Jack's search through the stars" and even tho they can't understand a single thing they get infatuated by seeing a crew of odly similar looking but still diffrent aliens working together on eye level. So they learn the language and try to understand more about the depicted utopian plane of existance only to decide that they want to leave their society to join the conglomeration of planets and come back as positive example to change the ways of their people. They do their best to study and learn things that could be usfull on a space travel, they even invent a lill upgrade for the already existing engines of the space ships of their people till they one day... Well steal a ship and start their journey.
Ofcourse their parents (both species) aren't exactly amused and are going to try to bring their children back (and accidentally do a lill something about the state of their society while doing so ) but yeah for the most part the three are now blasted off into space trying their best to find their way to earth while actualy pretending to be already part of the conglomeration they saw in the show.
They are going to be joined by two of the last members of diffrent races that basically killed themself by beeing stupid (the races not the last two survivors). Basically they gonna encounter a solar system with two plates that due to their elliptic trek around the star (screw physics who needs that anyways)change positions in regular intervals which made it possible to exchange chemicals between the two atmospheres which in turn was produced by the habitat species of the plant and needed by the other. They started a war bc of ethical differences and wups wouldn't you know it killing the other species slowly killed both and so the last one surviving is a midelaged scientist who more or less adopted a kid from the other species and does his best to keep them both alive. He will join the crew as doctor (there is a plot about why but damn I am already typing for an hour) and his lill buddy will stay a telepathic ( yes the lill dude is telepathic) secret for a while bc grumpy skelli raptor dad (insider name for him he is acrualy called G'nor) freas his new friends would understand what is going on. They get a really heart-warming story later on and the lill guy (they sre called Ift) is going to help the crew develop a universal translator so they don't have to rely on their telepathic skills as much.
Two other people that will join the crew are a headhunter named Corena and her adoptive father Terp a bar owner and tender. They formerly were tasked to bring the crew down bc they intruded the wrong sector of the galaxy but after getting into trouble as well for not killing some runnaway Idiots with basically no weapons on board or on their belt they both join them as Security officer and on board canteen/bar expert. They also accidentally bring a plague of feral potochillas on board which are quite adorable little creatures but also very miscifious.
Also on their journey to earth they gonna find a genetic reconstructed human who was 'build' by dna samples on some space garbage that somehow got to a planet with very intelligenent life forms that basically decided against space travel bc they saw other planets weren't ready yet and therefore got stuck on their home planet bored and curious taking every opportunity they can to get to know other life forms without leaving. She because she is a mix of multiple incomplete dna samples doesn't have eyes or a fully functioning nervous system (again I know that's not how genetics work but damn it this is fiction) so those are substituted with 'cyborg'-parts so she can live. She won't really join the crew, even tho she as a tec savvy person will sometimes help out with engineering but rather wants to be a passanger to get to earth and finally get to know her own race for the first time in her life.
I got a tone more but ehhh need some sleep now hahaha hope everything makes sens and I hope you enjoyed my brain salad.
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