#who am i supposed to ask out???? seo changbin?
lavenderbang · 1 year
Love Letters
Gryffindor! Seo Changbin x Ravenclaw! reader
Genre(s): Harry Potter/hogwarts au!, ABSOLUTE FLUFF, one scene of angst but that’s it, acquaintances(?) to lovers (Reader has a crush on Changbin but they aren’t quite friends???), feat. the rest of skz (mainly Felix, Jisung, Bangchan, and Jeongin though...)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of self-doubt, but that’s about it :)
W.C: 12.9k
Summary: Seo Changbin was used to his friends having to turn down confessions left and right, seeing as their little friend group as one of the most popular in the school. He convinced himself he didn’t care if nobody ever had interest in him, as it seemed liked such a hassle. That is, until he receives finds a box of chocolates and a love note from his “secret admirer”
A/N: I originally had this idea for Chan, but I feel like Changbin doesn’t get enough love these days and I am such a big simp for Binnie, so here we are. I also love different AUs, and Hogwarts is by far one of my favourites. And with the recent controversy of the stupid game coming out, this is a better way to indulge in the HP universe without supporting Transphobia and Antisemitism, so I hope you enjoy!
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Everybody, look how cute he is
“Oh no, she’s crying...” Jeongin sighed, a look of sympathy washing over his features as the boys watched Hyunjin reject yet another confession. 
They were sat at their usual table in the library, when a sweet hufflepuff girl came up to the group and asked to speak with Hyunjin privately, a normal occurrence for the Slytherin boy, as many girls and guys alike fell for his pretty visuals.
“Its always the worst when they end up crying...” Felix frowned, “It makes me feel so bad for them.”
“Oh yeah, for sure.” Chan hums in agreement, looking down at the table, “Like you know its for the best and you turn them down gently, but still...”
Hyunjin then gave an apologetic bow to the girl and made his way back over to the table. He sat, letting out a deep sigh and brushing his hand through his hair.
“Well?” Jisung said, leaning his chin on his fist, “What happened?”
“She told me how she grew feelings for me recently and how she couldn’t stop thinking about me, which is sweet. She even wrote me a poem...” Hyunjin explained, taking out a folded pink piece of paper from his pocket. However, he didn’t open it, instead he placed it the middle of his potion book and closed it, “I let her down as gently as possible, and she said she understood, but I could see her holding back tears.”
“oh man...” Seungmin winced, scratching the back of his head, “So she was really into you, huh... That’s almost worse.”
“I do not envy you guys.” Changbin scoffed, shaking his head before focusing back on the potions assignment they had due tomorrow, “Being a heart-breaker would be too stressful for me.”
And for the most part, Changbin meant it; the uncomfortable and guilty feelings his friends felt whenever someone would confess their feelings to them and the awkward apologizing for not loving someone back was something Changbin couldn’t imagine himself doing. 
But deep down, he wished that maybe someone would someday confess to him; how embarrassing that out of his whole friend group, he’s the only one who has never been asked out before! Sure, he’s dated, but he always made the first move, always was the one pining after someone else. Maybe once, he’d like to be sought after too?
“It’s okay, she’ll get over it eventually.” Chan said, writing on his own assignment, “I’ll talk to her later tonight in the common room about it.”
“I doubt she wants to talk to you, Channie.” Minho said and rolled his eyes, “I know you’re head of Hufflepuff and you’re supposed to look out for your housemates, but she’ll probably still be a bit sensitive about it.”
“fair point, I’ll just let her be then.” Chan hummed, the boys finally getting back to work on their assignment, since the looming deadline was more important than talk of a rejection.
You sat reading a book in the ravenclaw common room, snuggled up in the corner of the love seat with a cup of tea when the rowdiness of boys stumbled in. You glanced up to see Felix, Chan, Jisung and Changbin enter, seemingly laughing at the conversation the must had been having on the way here. When Jisung caught your gaze, he smiled.
“Oh hey (Y/N)! Sorry if we are bothering you!” He apologized and plopped down on the couch across from the fireplace. The other boys followed suit and sat down next to Jisung, “We’re just gonna hang out here for a bit if that’s okay?”
Jisung was a very good head of house; sure his thought process was pretty odd, but he always was taking in new information and trying to take good care of the rest of his house.
You nodded, before glancing at Felix, who smiled sweetly and waved to you; you shyly waved back focusing back on your book.
Out of the two Australian Hufflepuffs, you were more acquainted with Felix; He spent a lot of time in the great hall, handing out the baked good he made on the weekends. He also sat next to you in charms, to which he was very friendly and kind. He made sure to always say hello whenever he saw you, which you appreciated.
“So as I was saying,” Jisung huffed, before continuing whatever the boys were talking about previously. You didn’t listen much, opting to continue reading and minding your own business; however, that became increasing difficult when Changbin started speaking.
You caught yourself stealing glances at the dark haired Gryffindor from over the top of you book, feeling giddiness bubble up inside whenever he would smile or push his bangs out of his eyes.
You knew it was silly; you barely even spoken to Changbin, besides a simple greeting, yet his presence made you feel anxious. He was handsome and kind, very smart and passionate about the things he cared about. You’ll never forget the day you had heard him talking with Chan over quidditch, the conviction and intensity he had in his voice quite frankly made you feel nothing short of inspired.
So you may have grown a crush on Changbin. A secret one that nobody would ever get to know about. You would listen at look from afar, but it was just too much for you to ever even dream of actually being with him. Besides, he knows plenty of students; he probably doesn’t even really know who you are, so your chances were at zero.
But still, you though about him, what it would be like to go on a date with him. What it would be like to have him talk about you with the same passion and spirit. To be able to kiss him...
You felt your cheeks heat up at the thought, lifting your book so it covered your flushed face. Suddenly the boy’s conversation switched to something more serious, and you felt your ears perk up as you listened.
“So what about that girl and Hyunjin today?” Felix said before shaking his head pitifully at the rug, “It’s really unfortunate cause I know that exact feeling.”
“The feeling of the girl being rejected or Hyunjin having to reject her?” Jisung said, earning a shove from Chan. Did a girl confess to Hyunjin today? You suddenly felt bad, even though you weren’t there or knew who it was.
“Hyunjin of course,” Chan said and rolled his eyes, “We’ve all been there when we had someone confess to us...”
“Well, all except Binnie here!” Jisung teased, nudging Changbin, who rolled his eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. Had Changbin never been asked out? That’s impossible! Everyone knew that the group of eight boy were basically the school’s crushes; He would have had to have dated dozens of-
“Make fun of me all you want,” Changbin folded his arms across his chest and leaned back into the couch, “I may have never been asked out, but I also don’t have to deal with that awkward, sticky situation of telling them you don’t like them back.”
No way Changbin really had never been asked out?! You could have sworn there had to be at least one person who has asked him out.
The more you though about it, the more you realized that you couldn’t think of a single person who you knew had. You couldn’t even think of someone who had a genuine crush on him, and not just praised him for his visuals (well, besides you of course...)
“It doesn’t make you sad, does it?” Felix asked, voice full of concern. Changbin sat quietly for a moment before pursing his lips and shifting in his seat. You caught yourself not even holding your book open anymore, hands folded in your lap waiting to hear his answer.
“I mean, it would be really nice to be sought after, sure.” Changbin mumbled before shaking his head and scoffing, “But there is stress that comes with it too, so I’m okay for now.”
“It’s really not all that its cracked up to be, so you’re not missing out much.” Chan said and patted him on the back. They were silent for a moment, before Chan stood and stretched his arms over his head with a yawn, “Anyways, I should get going to bed, I have a test tomorrow morning.”
“Yeah us too,” Felix nodded, standing from his spot and grasping Changbin’s hand to help him up, “See you boys tomorrow!” As Felix, Chan and Changbin turned to leave, you met their gaze, causing you to embarrassingly wave goodbye to them, praying  they don’t bring up you’re eavesdropping. Lucky for you, them smiled and waved back, before leaving your common room to just you and Jisung.
“I’m gonna go to bed too,” Jisung said out loud, turning to you, “Are you gonna stay out here or can I put out the fire?” 
“Oh yeah, I better get to bed too,” You said meekly and stood up, book in hand as you went to the staircase.
“Good night (Y/N).” Jisung hummed, to which you quietly sputtered out a ‘good night’ in response and darted up the stairs.
You ran to your room, closing the door behind you, mind still on Changbin and the shock of him not being asked out or confessed to. 
It made your nerves all jittery as you laid down on your bed, staring at the ceiling; suddenly, a thought popped into your head that made you smile.
Yes, it was perfect.
“What do you have in your hand?” Jeongin asked, pointing at the small red box Changbin was carrying as he arrived at their usual table in the library. His cheeks were flushed almost as red as the box and his smile was so big his cheeks puffed out. 
It had been a couple of days since the Hyunjin rejection, and everything was how it normally was. That is until Changbin was returning to his dorm after a class and almost tripped over something in front of his door; he couldn’t believe it! was it really...?
“Oh nothing, just a gift from...” Changbin began coyly, suddenly slamming a note down on the table with a happy laugh, “My secret admirer!”
The table was in shock, some of the boys cheering, while other were quick to try and grasp for the note; Until the sharp shushing of a nearby professor, that is. The boys relaxed a bit, shifting in their seats as Changbin sat down setting the gift down on the table.
“What’s in the box?” Minho asked, reaching for the box and opening it to reveal six homemade-looking chocolates, decorated with caramel hearts and various coloured sprinkles.
“Dibs!” Jisung cheered before reaching out to grab one, only for his hand to be swatted away by Changbin. He covered the chocolates, closing the box back up and pulling it closer to him.
“You guys don’t get them, they’re for me!” Changbin pouted, clutching the box to his chest, “The note doesn’t say ‘to Changbin and all of his friends’, now does it?”
“What does the note say?” Seungmin asked, nodding to the folded white note in Changbin’s hand. The Gryffindor, unfolded the letter, reading the contents out loud:
Dearest Changbin,
I watch you from afar every day and I know how much you like the chocolate from Honeydukes. But to make my gift as special as you are, I melted it into something new and decorated it myself. I hope you like them as much as I like you <3
Your Secret Admirer
Changbin’s face flushed re-reading the message, feeling his heart flutter. It wasn’t everyday someone gave him a gift, especially not of something he really liked.
“Who gave this to you?” Hyunjin asked, grinning at the excitement and giddiness in Changbin’s features.
“I don’t know,” Changbin hummed, smile still on his face as he looked over the note once more, “I found it outside my door after Care For Magical Creatures.”
“Good for you, Bin!” Chan said with a smile, ruffling Changbin’s hair like a proud parent before looking over at the note, “I really wonder who it is, though...”
“That’s not important right now,” Felix said, crossing his arms on the table and laying his chin down onto them, “What’s important is how happy they made you feel dude.”
The boys then started to tease Changbin, pinching at his cheeks and shoving his shoulders with chuckles and a string of ‘ooo’s.
You steal a glance from a few tables away, feeling the heat creep up your face at their reactions. You didn’t think Changbin would show his friends your letter, so it was a bit embarrassing; but you didn’t really mind that much, as they didn’t seem like the type to make fun of you for it.
Besides, it was worth all the hot, long hours you spent trying to heat and cool that damn chocolate to see the look on Changbin’s face. It was cute to see how excited he was, ears red and pretty smile seemingly stuck to his face. You decided you wanted to see it again and again and again. You decided he should smile like that everyday, so you began to brainstorm your next idea to make him smile like that again.
“Ow! son of a bitch...” You cried out, sucking the blood that was pooling at the tip of your finger from the prickly thorns of the rose you were preparing. The bundle of soft lavender roses was almost complete, but the thorns were proving to be a pain in the ass.
You instinctively tapped your finger a few times on the pad of your thumb before going back to work. You felt nervous, as you were out in the greenhouses where anyone could just waltz in and catch you; you wanted to finish quickly. Not to mention Changbin would be finishing quidditch practice soon, and you wanted to deliver this gift before he was done.
“Okay that’s good...” You mumbled to yourself before pulling out a red ribbon and tying it around the stems creating a lovely bouquet. You then read over the note once more and slipped in in the ribbon as well. Looking at your handiwork one last time before deciding it was good enough, you stood and approached the quidditch field. You awkwardly tried to hide the purple bouquet in the folds of your robe, even though there wasn’t anyone out to see you; but better safe than sorry.
The weather today was bit chillier than expected, the autumn season coming to a close. It would soon be winter, which was good in its own respect; sure, autumn was beautiful, with the colourful leaves popping against the dull grass and skies, but winter meant powdery snow, warm drinks by the fireplace and cuddling up with someone on the coldest mornings.
that last one you definitely thought about from time to time...
You could hear shouts and the swishing of brooms as you finally got to the quidditch field. You hid by the entrance, peaking your head around the corner just in time to see Changbin neatly block the quaffle from going in, catching it effortlessly before nonchalantly tossing it to another Gryffindor player.
He look so handsome, drenched in sweat, cocky grin adorning his face as he floated like an angel in the sky. You could stay there for hours watching him play, but you had a job to do.
You moved farther from the field, finding the quidditch pitch and entering quickly; You were lucky that there wasn’t anyone changing at that moment, cause you couldn’t even think to check before entering. You looked around, trying to located Changbin’s stuff quickly before getting caught snooping around.
luckily it wasn’t too hard, as you recognized the sneakers he wore everyday in front of a bulky duffle-bag. You gently placed your bundle of flowers on top of the bag, finishing with a few adjustments to make sure it was set up perfectly. And just as quickly as you entered, you scampered away not slowing down until you were a good hundred feet away from the field.
You took a deep breath, feeling all your nerves on edge as you quickly pulled out the same book you’ve been reading recently and flipped to the page you were on. You planned to be sitting in the grass on the way to school, that way you would be able to see the smile on Changbin’s face that you adored so much. 
You tried to steady your breathing, wanting to appear as relaxed and natural, but inside you were screaming. You felt nervous, but also excited. 
Around ten minutes had passed, when suddenly you felt someone lean down beside you and sit with you in the grass. Startled, you look at the figure beside to you reveal Felix, beaming a smile almost as bright as the sun.
“Hey (Y/N)! What’s up?” Felix greeted. You made note of the place in your book before closing it and facing Felix.
“Nothing much, just reading.” You answered, trying you best to sound casual and calm. But inside, you were freaking out. Why was Felix with you? And what about Changbin!? What if he comes while Felix is with you? It ruined your whole plan!
“Cool, I’m waiting for Changbin and Jeongin.” Felix explained, glancing down his watch before looking back at you, “They should be done practice soon.” You hummed, turning to look in the direction of the field.
“Mind if I chill with you while I wait?” Felix asked, to which you nodded and you sat quietly, while Felix began to talk about the Charms class the two of you shared. 
You really tried to pay attention to what Felix was talking about, but your mind was glued on Changbin and the roses. Would he like them? Was the note you wrote too forward? Would he show the boys he played quidditch with or not?
You were snapped out of your daze by the sound of fast footsteps and a shout of excitement that sounded a bit too familiar. You looked at Felix, who shrugged at you, before looking in the direction of the footsteps to see Changbin running up the hill with a tired looking Jeongin trying to catch up.
“Felix? Felix!” Changbin cheered, waving the roses in his hand, beaming with joy, “I got another one!” You felt your nerves be replaced with butterflies, feeling a bit relieved that Changbin seemed to like the gift.
“Another what?!” Felix hopped up, approaching his friend who ran straight into him, knocking the two of them to the ground and almost crushing you in the process. 
They both let out a fit of giggles before Changbin sat up, and showed off the roses you spent almost an hour cutting and pruning for him. His hair was still sweaty and tousled, and he had dry dead grass on his shirt from the fall, but you couldn’t help but think it was the most beautiful he had ever looked.
“My secret admirer! They gave new a new gift and a new note!” Changbin squealed, laying back in the grass and clutching the bouquet and note to his chest. Jeongin finally arrived, huffing and puffing before sitting in the grass beside Changbin, lightly kicking the older boy’s shoulder.
“Was it really necessary to run?” He pouted, clutching his stomach like he was gonna puke.
“What does this note say?” Felix asked, reaching for the note, only for Changbin to jerk his arm away so Felix couldn’t grab it.
“None of your business!” Changbin barked, before letting out a breathless chuckle. Felix frowned, crawling on top of the Gryffindor boy to wrestle for the note, to which Changbin easily gave up, opting to gently brush his fingers against the lavender roses.
Felix began to open the note, before glancing at you and closing it up again with a pout. You blinked a couple times at Felix before realizing he didn’t want you to see the note (as if you didn’t write it; but to be fair he didn’t know that). You quickly avert your gaze down to the grass as Felix read the note silently. Jeongin was quick to move over to Felix and read it as well over his shoulder; it was fine, you already knew what it said:
Dearest Changbin,
It’s me again. I hope you enjoyed the chocolates! These aren’t nearly as tasty as my last gift, but they are much more pretty.
Flowers are used to convey feelings and meanings. Do you know what lavender roses mean? They represent love at first sight or enchantment. And you have definitely enchanted me! Every time I see you, I feel like I fall in love all over again.
I hope you enjoy these flowers, they are almost as beautiful as you! (you could use something that smells nice after practice anyways <;3)
Your Secret Admirer
“How cute!” Felix gushed, grinning at Changbin who was still playing with the flowers like some sort of lovesick puppy. Your face flushed at Felix’s comment, feeling a bit embarrassed, but also relieved he reacted positively.
“This one is a bit more forward than the last one, huh?” Jeongin suggested, smirk on his face as he folded up the note and handed it back to Changbin. He opened it again, rereading it and smile growing with ever passing second.
You wanted to explode when you saw his reaction; his ear flushed and his nose crinkled cutely as Changbin let out a silly giggle.
“Oh, (Y/N), just so you know what’s up, Changbin has a secret admirer.” Felix explained and you tried your best to try and act like this was news to you.
“You seem pretty happy about it..?” You timidly asked, shyly looking at Changbin. He shifted so his elbows rested under him, holding his head and shoulders up. You secretly were just trying to find out if he really like it or he was feeling pressured, as you remember him mentioning that.
“Its nice...” He mumbled, little grin on his face before he sighed and looked over the note again, “I just wish I knew who it was...”
“(Y/N), you wouldn’t happen to have a clue to who Changbin’s secret admirer is? Maybe one of the ravenclaw kids?” Felix asked, causing the three boys to look at you; Changbin blinked expectantly at you, making you look away and shaking your head no.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t heard anyone mention anything.” You answered, which was technically the truth. After all, you haven’t talked to anyone about being his secret admirer. 
Changbin sighed, laying back in the grass before pulling gently at the petals on one of the roses, rubbing in between his fingers. He smiled to himself before sitting up.
“I guess it doesn’t matter, I’ll just have to figure it out myself.” He hummed, a newfound determination in his voice., “With whatever little clues I get, I will find out who it is!”
“You sound serious.” Felix chuckled, “I guess we’ll have to try and help you figure it out too.”
You felt nervous about that; sure, you thought you were pretty inconspicuous about revealing details of who you are (basically none), but the idea that all eight boys would be trying to find out the identity of the secret admirer made you anxious. 
Changbin hummed in agreement before finally sitting up and brushing the stray bits of grass out of his hair. You secretly wished it could have been you who brushed your hands through his hair...
“Well, we should probably get going. I have to shower before dinner.” Changbin said, gently setting the bouquet down in the grass before smoothing out his dress shirt. 
You watched, hands folded over the book in your lap and Changbin helped Felix stand up, while Jeongin followed suit. Changbin picked up the bouquet again, clutching it fondly to his chest with a bright grin. He then turned his attention to you, catching you off guard.
“See you around, (Y/N).” He hummed and you swore you felt your heart stop. This might have been the first time he mentioned you by name and honestly, it surprised you that he even knew it. 
“Y-yeah! for sure...” You stammered, waving at Changbin as the boys left, leaving you alone in the grass. 
“Wow! The first snow of the season!” Jisung gushed, pressing his cheek up against the cool window to get a look outside, “It so pretty out!”
Chan, Jisung, Felix and Changbin were once again in the ravenclaw common room, just relaxing and spending some time together after a long week of school.
 With the winter coming closer and quidditch season ending, they spent a lot more time in the common room that usual, which you definitely didn’t mind; You just “happened” to be there most nights too, reading up on your book or studying for upcoming tests, but above all else, wanting to be around Changbin.
It had been a few weeks since your last gift to him, since you wanted the next one to be something special. You spent a lot of time thinking about what exactly you wanted to give him; most things you thought of didn’t seem special or good enough to give someone as special as Changbin.
“You can see the big puffy flakes falling down!” Felix exclaimed, smile bright as he squished beside Jisung to see out the window. You watched the boys with a small grin, stirring the tea you had and trying not to giggle at how cute they looked.
“Come look Bin, you always love the first snow.” Chan said, waving over Changbin who sat on the floor at the coffee table by the sofas, seemingly focused on something else.
“Yeah in a minute,” He hummed, playing with a white piece of paper. You watched him unfold it and fold it again and again, flipping it over, rubbing it between his fingers, deeply analyzing it. He was sitting cross-legged, dark shaggy hair messily covering his forehead and his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. He looked handsome when he focused so much, but what was he looking at?
“Binnie, why are you still looking at that note?” Jisung sighed, coming back over Changbin and sitting beside him. 
Note? He was looking at your note..?
“Because,” Chagnbin sighed, setting it back down on the table brushing his hands through his hair before leaning back, “I haven’t gotten another note for weeks now...”
It hurt you to see him look so defeated, and you promised yourself you would never let him go this long without a note again. You felt guilty, but you just wanted to give him the best gift you could, so maybe it was worth it..?
“Awe, don’t worry dude!” Felix comforted, sitting down on the other side of him and wrapping his arm around him, “I’m sure they just have something cooler prepared that takes more time.”
“what if they don’t like me anymore..?” Changbin sighed weakly, biting his bottom lip and picking up the note again, holding it gently. 
You wanted to scream at him that it wasn’t true, and that he was silly for even thinking that, but you held back. You had to give him a new note and a gift now, so you needed to keep this charade up for a bit longer. You took a sip from your tea and flipped a page in your book, trying to not look like you were listening except you were fuming inside.
“Nonsense!” Chan huffed, coming to sit across from them, “Listen, I don’t know why it’s been so long since you got a note, but I’m sure your secret admirer has their reasons. Maybe they are scared you don’t like the notes and gifts. Maybe they have something big prepared like Felix said. Maybe they did give you something but it got lost or taken. My point is, the least likely scenario is them not liking you.”
“I mean, maybe....” Changbin said flatly, looking at the note in his lap sadly. The sight broke your heart and you suddenly felt like such an idiot. Changbin shook his head and set the note back on the table, “I don’t know. I just... I hope you guys are right.”
“Of course we are right,” Jisung said simply, patting Changbin on the shoulder reassuringly, “What reason would this person have to suddenly not like you? none! And there is so much to like about you, right guys?!”
Chan and Felix nod in agreement, trying desperately to cheer the dark haired gryffindor up. He let out a weak smile at his friend’s efforts, but looked back down at his lap sadly.
“Thanks guys...” He said softly, folding his hands in his lap and playing with them, seemingly defeated. 
That sad look was the last straw for you; feeling like you wanted to cry at the sight, you got up quietly and left the common room, determined to get a gift for Changbin now.
Luckily for you, you had the perfect idea after hearing the boys talking earlier.
It was freezing out, the crunch of fresh fallen snow under your shoes as you walked outside. As much as you hated being out here without a coat, you were fueled by the need to make Changbin smile. 
Using a spell you had learned a few years ago, you were able to gather up the freshly fallen snow from the sky, catching it in a crystal ball to make a snow globe of sorts. You would have loved to make an ornate stand for it, but it was almost curfew and you needed to get this to Changbin by tonight. The ball by itself would have to do; besides, maybe Changbin would like it more this way. Being able to roll it around to see the first snow of the year whenever seemed like something he would prefer to just shaking it like a normal snow globe.
Coming back inside and dusting yourself off, you try to neatly and hastily write out a note for him, trying to convey your feelings with every quill stroke. You re-read it, making sure it was perfect before folding it up and carrying your stuff back towards the common room. The only problem now, was there was no wrapping or box you had with you to put it in. And how would you be able to give it to him without him knowing it was from you?
Maybe you couldn’t give it to him tonight. If they just weren’t in the common room, you could sneak up to your room to be able to wrap the orb quickly, but going through the common room with them there was impossible to not be seen. Would tomorrow be better? But the idea of Changbin going to bed disheartened and sad made you feel heartbroken. There was no way you could wait to give it to him but-
“Hey (Y/N) what is that?” Jisung asked, standing out in the hallway right outside of your common room, with Changbin. The two of them had an armful of baked goods from the kitchen.
You freeze in place, feeling like you’ll be sick. You had both of them staring at you for a moment, looking down at the open globe in your hand and the note and you were speechless.
You were done for.
“It’s.. uhmmm...” You mumble, but Changbin is quick to notice the white note in your hand and snatches it from you in a moment.
“It’s from my secret admirer!” Changbin squealed, face lighting up as he unfolds the note and reads it. As he reads through the note, his face grows brighter and brighter and you can’t help but smile back at him, even though your knew you were fucked.
“What does it say?!” Jisung screamed, trying to read it too. He quickly grabbed it from Changbin and began reading it out loud.
Dearest Changbin,
Let me apologize for the long wait for this gift. I was trying to find something special and meaningful to give you to be able to show my love for you, so it took longer than expected. I promise to show you my love more thoroughly from now on.
I have gathered the first snow of the season for you, wanting you to always have a precious and magical moment on hand whenever you need it. Every moment I spend thinking about you is precious and magical for me.
I hope you enjoy this gift, I know how much you love the first snow of the year &lt;3
Your Secret Admirer.
You felt your face heat up as Jisung read your note out loud, not thinking about how cheesy it sounded until it came out of his mouth.
“(Y/N)! Explain yourself!” Jisung shouted, pointing an accusatory finger at you.
Shit, I guess it’s time to come clean and confess. You felt sick to your stomach at the idea of telling Changbin to his face that it’s been you all along, but here goes-
“Yeah (Y/N)! Where did you find this? Did my secret admirer give it to you to give to me?!” Changbin said, face serious, yet he was absolutely dead wrong about the situation. But you felt a weight lift off your shoulders as you would be able to sway them away from suspicion of you.
“No, I found it out here sitting by the wall.” You said as nonchalantly as possible, giving Changbin the snow globe. He quirked his brow at the clear crystal ball, before giving it a shake and seeing the snow inside appear and whirl to life. His face softened and he smiled fondly at the small ball.
“I didn’t see who left it, but I didn’t want it to break or be kicked, so I was coming to bring it to you.” You said, gazing at Changbin’s gleeful state and stifling a smile. At least the plan was a success, even if this isn’t what you had in mind.
“See? We told you they were waiting to give you something special buddy!” Jisung said, shaking Changbin’s shoulder before wrapping his arm around his friends and looking back to you, “Thank you (Y/N) for the delivery!”
“Yeah, thank you (Y/N).” Changbin hummed softly, his smile warm enough to melt away the cold you experienced going outside without a jacket. You felt your face heat up as you looked into Changbin’s eyes. He broke eye contact first, looking back down at the ball fondly.
“Of course.” You whispered, feeling like every cell in your body would burst at this moment from a whole conglomerate of feelings.
“Alright lover-boy, lets get these snacks back to the boys.” Jisung said and pulled on Changbin’s arm. They boys departed towards the common room before Jisung called back to you.
“Aren’t you coming too, (Y/N)?”
“Right! Yes, of course.” You confirmed and scurried to catch up to the boys, releasing the deep breath you didn’t know you were holding.
How you avoided being found out was a mystery. Blame it on the brainlessness of boys....
“(Y/N), do you have the notes from Friday?” Felix asked, tugging at the arm of your robe, “Chan spilled water in my bag by accident and ruined mine, so if I could just borrow them to make a copy, I’d really appreciate it.”
It was a week later, and you had been racking your brain for what your next gift to Changbin would be. You weren’t exactly sure how much longer you should stay secret, but the thought of actually confessing made you feel sick. 
But for now, you had more important things to focus on, like school; more specifically the class you were currently in.
“Yeah, totally!” You answered Felix, digging through your bag for your notes and handing them to him, “Sorry, my hand-writing is a bit messy...” He dismissed you, flipping through the pages before frowning.
You stiffened when you realized a moment too late what you had just done.
“Your handwriting looks... familiar.” Felix said chewing his bottom lip until it clicked where he recognized it from. Felix gasped before tugging at your arm once again, “This looks like the love letters Changbin’s been receiving! Are you-”
You quickly hushed the boy, feeling your face heat up. Fuck. 
Felix calmed down a bit before whispering “Are you Changbin’s secret admirer?”
Felix looked at you expectantly. It would be fruitless to lie to him at this point; you could tell he wouldn't believe you even if you tried.
“You can’t tell anyone, especially not him.” You whispered back feverishly, feeling sick to your stomach. How silly of you! Of course Felix would recognize your handwriting, it was obvious. And with how excited he always seemed about the situation, of course he would have looked at the handwriting on the notes a lot.
You felt like you were going to pass out.
“I promise I wont tell him!” Felix said seriously, before giggling like a school girl, “(Y/N), that’s so cute! How long have you like him? You should have asked me to set you up! Also-”
“Felix, can we talk about this in a place that’s not so public...” You whined, looking around the crowded classroom. You suddenly felt exposed, like everyone was looking at you and like everyone knew, because it wasn’t just your little secret now.
“Of course, of course.” Felix said and turned back to his work, but only for a moment to scribble out a note and pass it to you, without lifting his eyes from his assignment.
He talks about the notes all the time, you know. You make him really happy :)
The corners of your lips quirked up, before you mumbled out a shy ‘good’ and focusing on your work again. You were stressed about someone finding out, but at least it was Felix out of all people. You knew he wouldn’t tell, no matter how excited he got because Felix wasn’t the type to break a promise. 
But still, you couldn’t shake the feeling of dread in your chest.
Class seemed to drag on, but the moment it ended you quickly packed up and tried your best to leave the classroom without having to talk to Felix about your little crush. It was bad enough that Felix found out, but you didn’t want to get into details with him about your feelings. So you fled, trying to get away as fast as possible.
However, you weren’t so lucky, having Felix corner you in the hallway and drag you off to the entrance hall for some privacy. Great...
“Okay you have to tell me everything!” Felix gushed, not letting go of your arm. You frown and chew your lip nervously, feeling incredibly embarrassed about the whole situation. You stood silently, looking at the floor as if you were guilty and in trouble for something.
“It’s okay (Y/N)...” Felix said softly, coaxing you to look up at him. He grinned at you encouragingly, “I won’t tell anyone, I just want to know.” You took a deep breath before letting out a heavy sigh. He wouldn’t leave you alone until you told him about your feelings for Changbin, so you might as well get it over with.
“I don’t know when I started liking him. Since I first saw him I think.” You began, feeling the heat rush to your face. You weren’t able to look at Felix, so you just stared at the floor, fiddling with the edge of your tie.
“I overheard you guys talking about how he never got asked out one night in the common room and I wanted to change that, but asking him out seemed too scary... So I decided to be his secret admirer instead.” You finished simply, rubbing the nape of your neck. Felix stood silently for a moment, lips pursed as he thought. He let go of you, folding his arms over his chest.
“Its the muscles right?” He finally said, smirking at your embarrassed state, “You find his muscles attractive and that’s why you like him, right? I can’t say I blame you though, They are quite a sight...”
“What? No! That’s not the reason!” You stammered out a bit too loudly, eyes shooting up to see Felix’s smug expression. God you wanted to punch him right now.
“I mean, he is handsome and his muscles are cool and all....” You admitted, smiling to yourself as you thought about Changbin, “But I like how passionate he is. And how he’s kind and loyal. And how he’s a good friend above all else.”
“Awe, you’re smiling so hard!” Felix teased you, cooing at how flustered you were getting. He poked your cheek with his finger, smiling when you swatted his hand away,  “You must be imagining him right now.” “Stop teasing me!” You groaned, pushing him away from you and covering your face with your hands. This was going to be unbearable now that Felix knew.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” Felix apologized, reaching over to rub your shoulder. You glared at him, feeling sick to your stomach still.
“You should tell him it’s you though.” Felix suggested, before perking up as he got an idea, “Ask him to go on a date during winter break!”
“Are you crazy?!” You screeched. You shook your head disapprovingly, moving to go and sit down on the steps of the entrance hall. You placed your head in your hands and let out a tired sigh. Felix slowly sat beside you, placing his arm around you in comfort.
“I want to tell him, but I’m honestly scared to...” You confessed, looking up at Felix, who was listening to you intently. A sense of doom looms over you at the thought of confessing, “I mean, what if....”
“What if..?”
“What if he finds out its me and.... feels disappointed?”
“Why would he be disappointed if it was you?”
“Because, I’m me and he’s him!” You sighed exasperated. You didn’t know when you started crying, but you felt a tear drip onto your lap. You wiped it away with a sniffle, trying to calm down. Feelings you didn’t even know you had started arising and for some reason, talking to Felix made you feel comfortable to confide in him.
You look down at your shoes, bouncing your knee anxiously as you spoke, “He’s Seo Changbin! He’s cool and he’s popular because he’s the sweetest; he’s the guy that is never rude and he never leaves his friends alone. He always puts himself wholeheartedly into everything he does and he never gives up, no matter how unlikely things will work out for him. He’s such a good person!”
Felix listened to you ramble, nodding along and rubbing your back to hopefully sooth you. You hung your head and let out a sigh, like all the life in you was expelled with that one breath.
“And I’m me... I’m the loser who has no friends, who always has their nose in a book because it’s easy to be alone if I pretend it’s by choice. I have a crush on a guy I barely have spoken to and I wasn’t even sure knew of my existence until a few months ago! I keep to myself, always observing as if I’m the background character and he’s the main character.” You wipe your eyes one more time as you finish rambling, feeling the lump in your throat as you tried to calm down a bit more.
“The background character isn’t supposed to be with the main character. That’s not how stories go...” You finalize, clutching the sleeves of your shirt with a crestfallen expression.
You didn’t quite think about why you were so afraid to tell Changbin it was you, but now it all suddenly made sense. You didn’t feel that he would have feelings for a nobody like you when he was someone like him. It just didn’t seem possible for him to have any interest in you, that’s why being a secret admirer worked so well for you.
You could tell him your feelings without him being disappointed it was you who felt that way.
“Good thing this isn’t one of your silly stories then.” Felix said firmly, not looking over at you. He was still rubbing your back, his determined expression a stark contrast from his gentle movements.
“Listen (Y/N), I know it’s scary and I know you don’t feel like you’re enough, but I can assure you, you are.” Felix explained seriously. His expression softened a bit as he flashed you a small smile, “You are smart, and you’re kind. You’re clearly very thoughtful to do all for this for Changbin. He be a fool to not like you.”
“You have me to support you and cheer you on now. I’m telling you, as your friend,” Felix nudged you a bit at the word friend, trying to cheer you up out of your somber mood, “You should tell him it’s you.”
“I don’t know...” You hummed weakly, feeling like there were a thousand doubts and negative thoughts stirred up in your mind. It all seemed like something any good friend would tell someone to comfort them.
“It’s not fair to neither you nor Changbin that you’re choosing to cheat the both of you out of happiness over a ‘what if’.” Felix said simply, patting you back one last time before retracting his hand to lay in his lap. 
Upon feeling his hand leave your back, you turned to look at Felix, with him staring directly back at you. His lips were pulled into a thin line, with his eyebrows furrowed in a stern, yet sympathetic expression before he finished, “Don’t let yourself sabotage your happiness like that.”
That seemed to spark a sense of hope in your chest, as you let your brain think on the concept for a moment.
It wasn’t fair of you to take away all possibility of Changbin being confessed to. It always made you happy to make him happy; so if Changbin finding out who his secret admirer was would bring him joy, it made sense you’d do everything in your power to make that come true. 
Besides, you knew Changbin was kind, so if he did turn you down, it would be in the most polite way possible, which wouldn’t be so bad...
“I have to tell him.” You deduced after thinking in silence. Felix seemed to perk up at your change in attitude, grinning at your newfound resolve.
“I agree!” Felix said with a nod, “Whatever I can do to help, let me know!”
The cogs were already turning in your head, formulating a plan on how exactly what you were going to do and how you were going to do it. 
Changbin hummed the tune he had stuck in his head all morning as he sat at his desk. Drumming his pencil against the edge of his potions textbook, he tried to focus on the current homework he had, but it was impossible at this point.
Changbin sighed, giving up on focusing and pulling open the drawer on his desk to pull out all the notes you had written him.
These days, all Changbin could think about was his secret admirer. The thought of them ran through his mind 24/7; what you looked like, what you sounded like, what kind of perfume you wore, what your favourite colour was, why you liked him. Who were you?
Re-reading the notes, he felt his face blush. It was refreshing for someone to care about him so much. He felt spoiled and couldn’t stop the grin on his face from creeping up, especially at the lines where you said you loved him.
He had read the notes over at least a thousand times by now. He could recite them by heart, noticed small things in the handwriting itself, like the way you crossed your ts or how you swoop the g more delicately while writing his name.
Changbin groaned, folding the notes back up and stuffing them in his desk drawer carefully. It had been a couple months since he first got one and he was no closer to figuring out who it was. Nobody seemed to act any differently around him since he started receiving the gifts, and he didn’t notice any lingering stares. Not to mention, he’d not been able to recognize the handiwork from either the gifts or the notes.
It all was so incredibly frustrating and disheartening to him. How was he ever going to figure out who it was if they never gave any clues away?
Changbin reached for the crystal ball you had gifted him from the top of his desk and rolled it around in his hands as he thought about if he’d missed any clues. The globe grew cold in his palms, snow whirling to life inside as he passed it between his hands mindlessly.
There was a sudden knock at his door that pulled him from his thoughts. He was about to yell and ask who it was when a piece of yellow parchment quickly slipped underneath the door. Changbin took a moment to realize what it was, before almost falling out of his desk chair. 
Letters didn’t usually get sent to him directly (or anonymously) unless it was his secret admirer.
He snatched up the paper from his floor before beaming at the familiar way he was addressed at the top of the letter.
Dearest Changbin,
Hello. I am writing something a bit longer so please forgive no gift this time. However I think you’ll probably enjoy today more than any gift I’ve given you so far.
It must have been hard to try and figure out who I am from just my notes. I have meticulously crafted each one as to not give myself away. Even my gifts have everything to do with you and your preferences, and nothing to do with me! But I think you have suffered enough now. If you would like to, You can meet me today, face to face.
Changbin felt his heart stop at that sentence. He was really going to know the answer to the million dollar question. Changbin shook his head and went back to reading before he got to ahead of himself.
However, instead of telling you my identity outright, I think you’d much rather figure it out yourself with a series of clues. Finishing this little game would be so much more satisfying than just being told the answer, right?
So without further ado, your first clue: (to be fair, its more like instructions...)
You need to go to the library and you will find a book sitting on the table you usually sit at with your friends (The table in the corner by the windows). The book has a dark blue hardcover and golden-edged pages. It is my favourite one; I think I’ve read it over a dozen times and I have my own copy that you can borrow anytime :)
Inside the book is another note which has your next clue!
Good luck! I know you’ll figure it out soon, brilliant Changbin!
Your Not-So-Secret Admirer.
Changbin grinned at the playfulness of his secret admirer. It was hard to convey personality through writing a lot of the times, but they managed pretty well in Changbin’s opinion.
He slipped on his shoes excitedly, lacing them up tight before he folded the letter up and stuffed it in his pocket. He could feel the giddiness bubble up in his chest from the fun nature of this little treasure hunt.
He thought to grab his scarf and jacket too, just in case this little game lead him outside, he didn’t want to freeze before he got the chance to meet you.
He went out to the common room, going to make his way to the library when he was stopped briefly by his friend on the couch.
“Hey Bin, where are you headed?” Jeongin called to his housemate, standing up when Changbin barely spared him a glance.
“My secret admirer left me a treasure hunt,” He hummed happily. Jeongin insisted to come too for help, but Changbin simply waved the boy off, “I’ll tell you everything later!”
“Okay, but don’t stay out too late!” Jeongin called to Changbin as the older Gryffindor rushed out the door.
Changbin could only hear the rush of blood in his ears and the pounding in his chest as he weaved through countless stairs and hallways on his way to the library. He was feeling nervous, although the didn’t really think there was reason to be.
It was clear by now that you liked him a lot, yet he was worried about meeting you face to face. What would he say? What if he didn’t live up to what you expected of him?
Changbin wiped his palms on his trousers to hopefully try and aid the clammy feeling before he pushed open the doors to the library. He made a b-line straight to the table he usually sat at, but was surprised to see Chan and Jisung sitting there working on homework.
“Hey Changbin, you okay? You look like you ran here.” Chan chuckled, setting his quill down on the table. 
Changbin barely spared either of them a glance, looking around the table for the book. When he couldn’t see it, he circled around the table, looking at the chairs pulled up against it with a huff.
“Uh... Bin? Hello?” Jisung called out to his friend, “What are you looking for?”
“A book.” Changbin said urgently, finally looking at his two friends when it seemed to be gone, “Its got a blue hardcover and gold pages and was supposed to be at our table.”
“Oh yeah, I think something like that was at the table before we got here.” Chan hummed, looking over at Jisung, “You put it away, right?” 
Changbin felt his heart drop; this was not happening right now.
“Yeah, I moved it so we could study.” Jisung nodded, looking back at Changbin, who was mentally freaking out by now.
His one chance to meet you and figure out who you are and his idiot friends had to move the one thing he needed? He felt like he was going to scream.
“Where did you put it!?” Changbin asked anxiously, slamming his hands down on the table and making the other two boys jump in their seats.
“Relax!” Jisung cried, before turning to point at the library cart that sat about twenty feet away, “I placed it on the cart for re-shelving. It should still be there.”
“What is it?” Chan asked, as Changbin scurried off to the cart without answering. He looked through a few of the books on there before he spotted the one he was looking for on the bottom shelf. Changbin huffed out a sigh of relief, grabbing it from the cart and bringing it back to the table.
“Its a clue from my secret admirer.” Changbin answered; he felt exhausted after experiencing so much panic over almost loosing the book. He turned it over in his hands, opening the front cover.
The other two boys watched as he flipped through the pages before landing somewhere in the middle, where a white piece of paper stuck out of it. You also seemed to highlight the words on the page to create a simple message that read “you are my light”. Changbin felt a bit embarrassed about that, but he thought it was a sweet touch nonetheless.
He carefully unfolded the letter and took a deep breath before reading.
My Dearest Changbin,
Congratulations on finding the first clue! I hope it wasn’t difficult for you.
He smiled at the addition of “my dearest” when addressing him; it made Changbin’s heart flutter just a bit to think of being someones’ dearest...
You know what goes good with a book? Cookies and tea! I often like curling up with a good book, a gingersnap cookie and some chamomile tea in the evenings. The only thing that would make that experience better is if we did it together...
Changbin blushed at the thought of someone reading to him in the evenings; his head in your lap as you read him whatever you wanted. He could almost taste the flowery teas and freshly baked cookies and feel the softness of your fingers through his hair as you told him a story....
Focus Changbin! Focus.
Your next clue is in the kitchen! I made you some cookies and tea to enjoy before we meet. I wasn’t sure what you liked best, but luckily I had help with that!
You will meet a friend of mine there; You know him pretty well :)
He will have your next clue. 
Good luck, I know you’ll figure it out soon, my brilliant Changbin
p.s. please bring the book with you, its my copy :p
Your (Even Less Of A) Secret Admirer
“Wait, you’re meeting them today?!” Chan exclaimed excitedly, leaning over the table to look at the note. Changbin lets the boys take the note to read it over as he flips casually through your book. 
It was filled with annotations and other random notes in the margins. Things that you really liked, ideas the text made you have, even just things you felt or thought about in that moment. Whoever you were, you seemed like a very thoughtful and detailed person, which Changbin could appreciate
Jisung seems to recognize something in the writing, frowning as he finishes reading the note and then looking at the book in Changbin’s hands. It seemed oddly familiar to him....
“What book is that?” Jisung asks, peering cautiously at the cover. Changbin  closed to book to look at the cover before shrugging.
“Don’t know, there isn’t a title on it. They probably have a dust jacket that goes over top with the title.” Changbin hummed, showing his ravenclaw friend the book.
“I think I have a guess on who your admirer is, Bin.” Jisung said nodding to himself as he looked back at the note in Chan’s hands. He grinned a bit as all the gears snapped into place.
“Who!?” Chan asked as he shot out of his chair. Changbin looked at Jisung expecting an answer, but he just shook his head playfully and sat back down. Changbin felt like he could explode right then from anticipation and he wanted to strangle Jisung for not spilling his thoughts; But deep down, he was also pretty glad Jisung didn’t say who he was thinking of. 
It would have ruined the fun.
“It’s the gingersnaps and chamomile that gave them away. The book looked familiar, but if it’s who I think it is, they always have a cup of chamomile when they read.” Jisung revealed, before pointing down towards the bottom of the note, “But I wonder who this mysterious “friend” is?”
“The only way to know if for me to go find out.” Changbin said hastily, scooping up the note and putting it in his pocket with the letter from before, “Thank you for almost ruining everything and then fixing it again, I’ll see you guys later!”
“See you buddy!” Chan yelled to Changbin as the Gryffindor boy rushed away, onto the next location. 
The kitchen was a bit of a walk, so Changbin had some time to speculate.
It annoyed him that Jisung seemed to know before he did, but that must mean the Jisung just knows the person better. Which wasn’t surprising to Changbin, since he was the head of his house and it was his job to know people. Maybe that meant they were a Ravenclaw?
And judging from your scribbly book, that was a good sign that he was right on that.
How many Ravenclaws did Changbin really know? All the members of the quidditch team, Jisung and most of the leaders and/or older Ravenclaws that the younger students depended on, and the few odd students he’d met in his classes. Not really narrowing it down too much...
Whoever you were, Changbin was starting to feel sick at the thought of meeting you. It made him nervous to think about what to finally say when you were standing in front of him.. It was very clear that you liked him a lot, and he wanted to have your first meeting be the best possible interaction. But what then? Would he go out on a date? He’d like to think so, but that could lead to complications...
What if you went and you realized you didn’t like him? The only person who has ever sought after him suddenly deciding they don’t want to be with him anymore made his heart ache.
But what if it went well? Changbin knew he had to do this. He had to know who you were and even if it ended terribly, he at least could look back at this time with fond memories. 
That was the mindset Changbin had as he entered the kitchen, trying his best not to ruin anything the staff were working on. Through the window, he could see it started to snow outside, the soft powder floating through the air. 
Sat next to the window on a stool, plate of cookies on the counter beside him, was someone Changbin didn’t expect to see.
“Felix? What are you doing here?” Changbin asked, walking up to his friend. He noticed two teacups sitting beside Felix, as the hufflepuff smiled at his friend dearly.
“Waiting for you, silly.” Felix hummed, pulling up a second stool beside him and patting it with his hand, “Come sit.”
“So you’re the mysterious “friend” of my secret admirer...” Changbin said simply, pulling the stool out to sit on it. Felix nodded with a ‘mmhmm’, focusing on pouring some tea into the teacup adjacent to Changbin.
He had so many questions for Felix swirling around in his head as he stared blankly at his friend; Did he always know? Was he pretending he didn’t know whenever he got a note and gift? And if he knew, why did he keep this information from Changbin?
 As if he could read his mind, Felix said “I’m sure you have a lot of questions, and I can’t answer all of them.” The hufflepuff stirred some sugar into his own tea with a spoon, before setting it gingerly on the counter.
“What can you tell me?” Changbin asked, taking a sip of the tea. It was chamomile, like your note said; he grinned at the taste, somehow sweeter because it reminded him of you.
“For starters, I just figured out who it was a week ago, so I haven’t betrayed you for that long.” Felix chuckled, snatching a cookie from the plate and dipping it in his tea, “And believe me, I’ve wanted to tell you about a million times since I found out.”
Changbin grabbed a cookie and took a bite out of it, the rich, spiced flavours contrasting with the tea well. He gazed at his friend, feeling a bit on edge and antsy. He wiped the crumbs from his mouth with the back of his hand before speaking again.
“Hold it right there buddy!” Felix quickly interrupts, excited grin growing on his face, “You’re aware this is sort of like a game right?”
Changbin nodded, not sure what the other boy was getting at.
“Well, I am only allowed to answer three questions.” Felix said, holding up his fingers to emphasize his point, “And you can’t ask outright who they are. Other than that, you can ask almost anything!”
Changbin took a minute to process the game, before scoffing to himself with a smile. Of course you wouldn’t just let Felix outright reveal your identity; not after all the work you put into this little treasure hunt Changbin was on.
“Choose your questions carefully.” Felix warned, leaning back and taking a sip of his tea to let Changbin have some time to think. 
What he didn’t expect was the Gryffindor to stand up from his spot and start pacing, seemingly deep in thought. It was endearing he took this little game that seriously.
Changbin’s brain was racing a million miles an hour. He wanted to know everything about you, but what was the most important think to ask?
After a few moments, Changbin sat back down and took a deep breath. Relax. He was meeting you today anyways, so he should just ask what his instincts tell him to.
“Ready?” Felix asked nonchalantly, lacing his fingers together and placing his hands under his chin. Changbin nodded firmly, determination gleaming in his eyes.
“How do you know them?”
“I first met them in a class the two of us share. I sit beside them and we exchange notes for the class pretty regularly.” Felix answered, as directly as he could without being too obvious.
“Okay... that narrows the options.... What gift was their favourite to make or which were they most excited to give me?”
“That’s technically two questions in one, but I’ll allow it because I actually know the answer to both. They said they liked making the snowglobe best because it was a very special and magical process, but were most excited to give you the chocolates because it was the first gift.”
“They sound like they’re sweet...”
“They are.”
Felix stared expectantly at Changbin, “Last question?”
Changbin had a question in mind, but he wasn’t sure if he should waste the last question on something so pointless. But it was killing him and he needed to know the answer to the question he’d not been able to stop thinking about since this whole thing started.
“Why do they like me?” Changbin practically mumbles the last syllable, eyes glued to the window. He felt his face flush as he watched the snow fall softly.
It wasn’t that Changbin didn’t like himself; he liked to think he was pretty confident guy overall. But the gifts and the notes just seemed so special, he almost wondered why he deserved them more than who was giving them to him.
“They think you are kind.” Felix began, voice gentle as he looked at his friend fondly, “And they think you’re a good, loyal friend. And above all else, they love how you’re so passionate about the things you care about.”
“That’s why they like you.” Felix hummed finally, taking his focus away from Changbin to drink more tea. 
Changbin felt like he was frozen in time. He wasn’t sure what he expected from the question, but he didn’t expect such deep and thoughtful reasons.
After a moment, Changbin was finally able to bring his gaze back to his friend, who was beaming back at him. Changbin couldn’t help feel bashful, his heart feeling like it was going to pound out of his chest as the corners of his mouth quirked up.
“I need to know who they are.” He said dreamily. Felix hummed, setting his teacup down before reaching into his robe. He gingerly pulled out a sealed white envelope and handed it to Changbin.
“This is for you. It’ll tell you where they are waiting for you.” Felix explained, as Changbin took the envelope and tore it open. Inside was a familiar looking white note.
My Dearest Changbin,
I hope you’re not mad at Felix from keeping my identity secret. He’s just being a good friend to me :p
Anyways, I’m sure you figured it out by now. And if you haven’t, that’s okay too. You’ll know soon enough.
Changbin felt like his entire body was asleep, tingling from head to toe. He could hardly handle the anticipation as he read your note.
I know you spend a lot of time with your friends in the Ravenclaw common room. I assume its your favourite spot to spend time, right?
Mine is the covered bridge that goes over the ravine; Sometimes I visit Sundial Garden too because it’s close, but I find the open airiness of the bridge helps me think.
I am waiting for you on that bridge. I hope to see you soon. &lt;3
Your Patient Admirer
Your note basically confirms you as a ravenclaw student, as you mentioned seeing Changbin spend time in the common room. But that barely mattered now as he knew where you were and that you were waiting for him.
He folded the note up and put in in his pocket, Giving an expectant look to Felix.
“They said they are on the bridge over the ravine.” He mumbled, almost confirming it to himself. Felix nodded, expression playful and soft as he watched his friend be practically frozen in place.
“Why aren’t you leaving, dude?” Felix asked, tilting his head slightly as he watched the Gryffindor tap his toe nervously
“I’ve wanted to know for months now, but I’m scared.” Changbin confessed, letting out a breathless laugh, “I don’t want to disappoint them...”
“I can guarantee you, that is impossible.”
“how can you be sure”
“Because!” Felix sighed exasperatedly, standing up and grabbing onto his friend’s shoulders, “How on earth could you possibly disappoint them when they adore you this much?”
“I don’t know!” Changbin huffed out, shaking his head before gazing at Felix, “I guess I’m just scared we’ll spend time together and they’ll realize they don’t like me...”
“Bin, you are sounding irrational.” Felix deadpanned, squeezing the gryffindor’s shoulders and slightly shaking him, “Don’t you want to know who it is? Don’t you want to at least try and be with this person?”
“More than anything.” Changbin said firmly. As afraid as he was, he was sure he wanted to at least try
“Then go!” Felix chuckled, pushing Changbin away from him, “Go. I promise, it’ll be okay!”
“You’re right.” Changbin hummed, pushing aside his doubts, “Thank you Felix.” Felix nodded, sending his friend off with a thumbs up and a ‘you got this!’ as Changbin dashed out of the kitchen and on his way to the covered bridge where you were waiting.
He wanted to figure out who you were before arriving, but he couldn’t seem to think of who his secret admirer could be. You had a class with Felix (not really helpful because Changbin only shared one class with Felix, where they sat together), You were a ravenclaw (there were thousands of ravenclaws), and you enjoyed tea and reading. 
Not to mention, he also didn’t recognize the handwriting, so he’s never borrowed notes form you before...
The wind was howling a bit more now as the snow fell in big, wet puffs. Changbin felt glad he brought his scarf with him as he walked along the path towards the bridge.
You, on the other hand, should have looked into what the weather was supposed to be like. You leaned on the railing, looking out into the snow covered ravine, sniffling slightly as your nose was running. 
You debated on going back inside, knowing that Changbin would have to walk through the clock tower to get to the bridge anyways; but that thought stopped when you noticed a figure in the distance from your peripheral
Oh god, what do you do? Should you approach him? No because that would mean you’s have to awkwardly walk towards each other and wait to say anything. But if you pretended like you didn’t see him, he might not think you were his secret admirer! But there was nobody else outside because it was cold and snowing so how could he possibly think it was someone else? Should you just turn to look at him? At least then you’d be addressing-
“Hi.” Changbin greeted shyly, sliding next to your spot on the railing to look out on the bridge.
Oh god.
“Hello.” You replied, chewing your bottom lip nervously, stealing a glace at the gryffindor. Were his cheeks red from the cold or because he was embarrassed? 
“You found me.” You mumble meekly, catching the way Changbin’s face morphed into a grin.
“So it is you?” He chuckled, turning towards you and smiling. You turned to look at him properly, nodding and letting and awkward giggle out. You weren’t sure what to say to him in this moment.
“Wow.” Changbin said simply, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, “had no idea it could have been you...”
Oh god.
He was disappointed. 
You should have known to never confess. God you felt so stupid! Of course THE Seo Changbin would never-
“I mean, aren’t you way out of my league?” Changbin said with a grin, as your eyes shoot up to meet his. He held that expression he always had whenever he would receive a gift; smile so wide his cheeks poked out, nose slightly crinkled and eyes glittering. You found yourself smiling too.
“Me? I don’t think you have any idea how wonderful you are if you think I’m out of your league...” You joked boldly, immediately looking down at your shoes out of embarrassment. Changbin let out a giggle, feeling like he was on cloud nine.
It was you.
Changbin never even considered you an option when thinking about his admirer. You were diligent and soft spoken and definitely seemed like you’d never be interested in a loud, childish, muscle-head like Changbin. He always thought you were attractive, but he thought he never had a chance with someone like you.
So imagine his surprise when he walked onto the bridge and saw your figure in the distance; he felt like it had to be a prank. But the closer he got the more he could see you were nervous and that nobody else was around to scream ‘gotcha!’ .
It was you and Changbin couldn’t have felt happier.
“Thank you, for everything.” Changbin hummed, handing you your book back. When you grabbed it, he swore he felt a shock go through his body. 
“I- uhmm...” Changbin stuttered, clearing his throat while looking at the ground. Changbin had never felt nervous like this before, but he willed himself to be brave and just speak his mind.
“Listen,” he began, looking back up at you to see your anxious expression. He couldn’t help but think you looked cute, “I have never felt as cared about as I do because of you. It seems almost impossible for me to ever come close to making you feel so loved... But I want to try.
“So, do you maybe want to head inside and we can talk some?” Changbin asked, looking at you expectantly, “Perhaps over a cup of tea in the Museum or astronomy room?”
“As a date..?” You asked teasingly, causing Changbin to scoff
“yeah, as a date silly.” Changbin laughed, shaking his head playfully at you.
“Sounds lovely.” You accepted giddily. With a burst of courage, Changbin slips his hand into yours, eyes widening by how cold you are.
“Oh, I’m sorry I kept you waiting out here for so long, you’re freezing!” He huffed out, hastily taking his scarf off to wrap it around you delicately. He tucked it into your coat, lightly brushing your cheeks with his thumbs; you swore you would faint as Changbin smiled at you wrapped up in his scarf.
You tried not to cheer out loud at his sudden carefulness. His scarf smelled like him and you knew that you’d have a hard time wanting to take it off, even when you got back inside.
This all felt like a dream...
You slipped you hand into his once more as the two of you walked back to the castle, where you swore you could die happy.
“Oh dear, he looks like he’s trying to play it off but you can tell he’s upset...” Minho winced, as the table watched Chan have to break the heart of a poor Slytherin boy. 
You watched apologetically, instinctually grabbing at Changbin’s hand as his arm rest around your shoulder. He pulled you closer to him, pressing you against his side as he frowned at the exchange.
When Chan returned, he let out a sigh, slumping down in his chair.
“Asked you out?” Seungmin asked, to which Chan nodded weakly.
“Yeah, he said he wanted to take me out to honeydukes this weekend, but I politely declined.” Chan said simply, crossing his arms over his chest as he furrowed his brow, “He seemed a bit embarrassed. I hope he’s okay...”
“Oh man, that’s rough.” Jeongin hummed, tapping his pencil against the edge of his herbology textbook.
“I do not envy you guys.” Changbin scoffed, turning to look down at you endearingly as you snuggled closer to your boyfriend.
Changbin, your boyfriend.
The thought of it made you both giddy.
“Yeah well, lucky for you to have the only person confess to you be someone you liked back!” Jisung pouted, patting Chan on the back, “some of us have to be heart breakers!”
“Not me.” Changbin mumbled, grinning dreamily before placing a sweet kiss on your lips (and consequently causing the rest of the table to groan).
Maybe it was alright that Changbin didn’t really have people confessing their love to him all the time. It used to bother him, but now that he got to have you, he was happy to not be a heart breaker.
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mong---mong · 16 days
How You Met SKZ (Changbin)
Sorry for not posing for a while, I'm trying to consistent, but I noticed when i post a lot, all my post don't get noticed, and I know you guys like my stories, so I didn't want you guys to miss them! Anyway here is Changbin's Version~
Meeting Changbin was a godsend for him, even though you had just done the humane thing. You see when they met Changbin was in a relationship.
That day you were at the mall, shopping for business clothes to take on your trip to present a slide show in Japan.
You wanted something to blow them away, hopefully you would’ve gotten promoted to CEO, even though you were young only 21 but you had a drive for success. What you didn’t know at the time, is that the company you worked at was trying to collaborate with Seo Industries.
In the end would mean there was one CEO. You find yourself infront if the first store, the crowd had thinned out by this point, all you see was a well-built man in a suit, on his phone waiting on a bench outside the store.
You walk into the store, which seemed vacant minus the employees, and 4 customers that were huddled around something. You go over to the cheaper section, while you had money, you spent it well.
You gazed at the beautiful dress suits, and the dresses, when you stopped by one. A red off the shoulder dress, that had a short train at the end.
Checking the price you knew for sure, this wasn’t suppose to be in this section. It was so beautiful though, and you rarely treated yourself. So this was the perfect time.
You grab the dress, imagining yourself in it, as you go to look at other clothes. You didn’t need new ones, but you liked browsing in case there was a beautiful object that just needed to come home with you.
That’s when you overheard the girls talking. “I can’t believe Changbin gave you a $70,000, engagement ring!” Your eyes widened, and you couldn’t help but eavesdrop. 
“Well I always looked at it, whenever I had the chance to, at least he isn’t a complete idiot and catches onto things..” The lady says, you thought this was something sweet, a kind gesture. $70,000 was a bit pricey, but who were you to judge, you were about to pay $300 for this new dress.
“So Sumin, are you going to sell the ring and run off with the money?” One of the friends asked, catching your attention. “Why of course, Changbin had spent so much money on me, I’m sure he is almost out of money..” the lady named Sumin replies.
You felt your heart do a flip as you heard something you weren’t supposed to hear. You tried to keep walking, before the lady steps in front of you. 
“What a cute dress..I’ll pay triple for it, if you give it to me” the girl said, you were so angry about what you heard you forgot every bit of mannerism your parents taught you. “You won’t pay for it your fiancé will!”
The girl scrunched her face  and turned towards the door leading into the mall. “Changbinnie!” She whined.
The male that was sitting outside the store came into Sumin’s comfort. “I love that dress, and I want that for my bridesmaids, but for our seamstress to make it she’ll need the exact copy” she puts in a fake put and Changbin looks at you then Sumin.
“Well she does have it and it’s not like she stole it from you, if you already asked if you could have and she said no, then that means no, and maybe you’ll find something that you like even more!” Changbin said so positively.
He seemed like such a nice man, the lady scrunched and said. “Do you know who I am?!” She spits in your face as you say “You're a scandalous, evil woman, who wants nothing but to hurt the people that love her!”
You blurted, and she snatched the dress from your hand walking up to the counter. You never would’ve cared, or taken it too seriously. You feel in love with that dress though. You were shocked to see yourself getting so emotional.
“I can buy you anything else in this store, just please don’t take it away from me.” You said, shocked to find yourself begging.
“Hah! After what you called me, I don’t think so, and you can’t even afford some of this stuff, you probably have to get a loan for this dress alone!” She laughed, with all her friends, the only one not laughing was you and her fiancé.
You pulled a business card out of your purse and said “L/N Y/N, CFO of Shin Industries..” her eyes widen at the as she took it from your hands.
“Sounds tempting, but I don’t think you understand, I want these for my bridesmaids!” She says, and you rolled your eyes. “You mean for the wedding that your not even going to show up to, because you plan on taking your engagement ring and running away?” 
Sumin was about to slap you when Changbin’s hand stopped her. 
You watched the couple fight, and it ended up with you having the dress, Changbin having the engagement ring, and a couple that broke up.
“I’m so sorry, for all the drama…I caused.” You said guilty as you bowed to him. “Don’t be, you just saved me from marrying that woman..”
You nodded feeling shy as you gripped the dress, “I should pay you back for the dress, since she used your card..” you said, grabbing you wallet. “No need, think of it as a thank you gift..”
You smiled and said “Atleast let me do something for you..” Changbin smiled and said “Your very persistent..fine, try on the dress, and we’ll call it equal.” Shocked by the request you go into the changing room, and change into dress. 
You step out onto the platform, and look at the mirror, Changbin was behind you a smile on his face. “What do you think?” You asked. “My opinion doesn’t matter, look into the mirror, and ask yourself what you think.”
You smiled looking at yourself. “I think I look stunning..” Changbin grinned, “I couldn’t agree more..”
The length is not biased towards the artist, I just have different I ideas for different stories!
Have a wonderful day~
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2chopsticks2eyes · 1 year
What You Deserve: Part 2
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This is part 2 of a three part series, please be sure to start from part one!
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Pairing: Lee Minho/Lee Know x Fem Reader
Themes: Smut, Angst, Fluff
Word Count: All parts are ~67k | AO3
Warnings: Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, mentions of non-con, PTSD, Anxiety, Alcohol, Cussing, Come Eating, Oral Sex, Hand Jobs, Vaginal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Loss of Virginity, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, References to Drugs, Drug Dealing, Alternate Universe - College/University, Eating Disorders, Childhood Trauma, Vaginal Sex, Protected Sex, Unprotected Sex
Summary: After unfortunate circumstances, you pack up and move to Korea with your best friend Bang Chan to attend college. After falling into Chan's group of friends he had established, you find yourself getting a little too close to the mild tempered and snarky Lee Minho.
Author's Note: I am probably spoiling the whole story with the warnings, but I like to be safe. I originally was only on AO3, but I wanted to link platforms with Tumblr and Twitter too. Hope you enjoy!
Part Two: Discoveries
“Is everything okay with you and Channie-hyung?” You whipped your head around at Felix. You were currently sitting in the passenger seat of his beat up old Toyota Corolla. Chan had left before everyone else to help set up so Felix had offered to drive you to Seungmin’s for the party.
“Of course Lix, why do you ask?” You tried to not actively show how pissed off you were, but you suppose your other flatmate had picked up on the cold atmosphere between you and your best friend.
“It’s just… I don’t know, you two are usually laughing and talking twenty-four-seven and I feel like you two are intentionally avoiding each other now…” You looked at the sweet boy’s face and he seemed genuinely concerned. The boy’s got a goddamn heart of gold.
You breathed a deep sigh and looked forward to the road again. “Yeah, everything will be fine, Lix. We just… we got in a stupid ass fight and I don’t think either of us are ready to hash it out just yet.”
“Oh…” He sounded disappointed as he nodded his head in understanding. “Well, I’m sure you two will work things out fairly quickly! I’ve never seen a pair of friends quite as close as you two are, maybe Minho and Jisung, but none other!” Ugh. Why did he have to bring up Minho? It’s not as if your airhead mind wasn’t already being plagued by the man constantly. The LAST thing you needed was to add fuel to the fire. The fire that may or may not have been burning in your pants. Constantly.
“Thanks, Lixie. That’s sweet of you to say.” You raised your hand and gave him a small pat on his shaggy blonde head as he answered with a squinty smile.
The two of you rolled up and you braced yourself to face Chan as Felix knocked on the expensive apartment building’s door. You two heard a loud ‘COME IN!’ from none other than the ever-yelling Seo Changbin and the two of you tentatively stepped inside.
You stepped out of your shoes in the fancy entryway and rounded the corner on the right to fully enter the apartment. “TA-DAAA!” You stopped in your tracks as soon as you were faced with Jisung and Minho with their arms spread out in presentation of their surprise. And, boy, was it one HELL of a surprise.
Both of them were sporting brand new silky, midnight blueish-black hair. DAMN THOSE TWO FOR WRECKING YOUR HEART! You felt your stomach fall out of your ass and you were cursing them in all languages under the sun. “Holy SHIT.” You didn’t even give two flying fucks that you let that one slip.
“You like it?” Jisung was lightly bouncing, making his fresh new hair floof out in the process. He looked exponentially hopeful of your approval and looked stupid adorable with his cheeky smile.
“Fuck yeah I do!” You walked up to the two boys who smiled at you in suspension of your words. “Damn, you two are looking FINE AS HELL!” You shamelessly brought each of your hands up to their heads to run through their silky locks, to which they allowed with pleasure.
“Good, ‘cause I’d hate to have to redo it if you didn’t.” Minho winked at you and you silently kicked yourself for your dumbass swooning. You had desperately tried to avoid eye contact, but how could you when he looked like a whole fucking SNACK? With his stupid new hair color with his stupid black ripped jeans that hug his stupidly thick thighs deliciously and his stupid plain black t-shirt that would look boring on literally anyone but him, topping it off with that stupid fucking leather jacket that fits him perfectly.
“Psh, I highly doubt my opinion would convince you to go through another color treatment.”
“True, but it’s the thought that counts.” Cheeky bastard.
“Wait, is this why you skipped class?” You wouldn’t put it past him, he’s a fucking god at dancing so he can afford to miss a class or two.
He shrugged. “The world may never know.” He gave another breathtaking wink and you fumed at the damned tease.
You couldn’t help but glance over at Chan who was staring daggers at your interaction with the boys from his position next to Seungmin in the kitchen. You knew it was petty, it really was, but you couldn’t help it. You turned to stand in between the boys and looped your arms through each of theirs tightly. “C’mon, my two favorite blueberries, let’s get trashed!”
- - - - - - - - - -
Everyone sat in a circle around the large coffee table in the living room with their various drinks of liquor, cocktails, beer, et cetera. Chan was on the opposite side from where you were on the couch sandwiched between Jisung and Minho.
“Why can’t I be blueberry number one?” Said a very disgruntled Lee Minho from your left.
“Because she obviously likes me more!” Jisung said from your right, leaning over you to poke his tongue out at his best friend.
You chuckled at the quokka. “It’s because his cute little cheekies are so round and cute like a blueberry. I just want to grab him and squish them!” You took his alcohol flushed face in your hands by his cheeks and smooshed them accordingly, to which he promptly decided to close his eyes and pucker his lips out as you laughed at him.
“Yah! Back off, Han Jisung!” Minho shoved Jisung away from you as the quokka giggled. You felt your ears heat up as you imagined it to be over possessiveness of you. Even though it was stupid... No, IT IS stupid. End of story.
“What? It’s not as if she’s taken hyuuuung.” Jisung taunted his fellow blueberry, who just glowered right back at him.
“No, it’s because she’s just like one of us. One of the guys. Stop harassing her, Hanji.” Chan spoke up from across the table with a dead serious glare. You heard the laughter beside you go quiet and you could feel your anger rise again.
You threw your arm around Jisung’s shoulder. “Cool it, Chan. It’s all for shits and giggles, right Ji?” You could feel Jisung tense under Chan’s menacing eyes.
“Heh, yeah, just all for fun hyung…” He chuckled nervously and you reclaimed your arm from his warmth.
Everyone in the room went silent as you and Chan were having a damned Mexican stand off in the middle of the living room. You abruptly decided to chug your double bourbon and coke in one go and stood rigidly. “Whatever, I’m getting more to drink.”
Once you were in the privacy of the kitchen, you could hear low mumbling coming from the other room. Damnit, Chan! Why are you being like this? I mean... you, yourself, weren’t necessarily helping the situation, but it’s not as if you were intentionally dragging the rest of the group into it!
You refilled the glass of melted ice and you stiffened as you heard footsteps approach from behind you. “Hey…” You physically relaxed. You turned around and presented your most convincing smile to Seungmin.
“Hey, sorry about all of that. Oh! I forgot to tell you congrats buddy! I really like your new place, you must be loaded as hell. How much do you pay for this shit?” He looked utterly unconvinced.
“I appreciate your interest, but you know that’s not what I want to talk about right now.”
You sighed and hung your head. “I know I know, sorry Seungmin. I know we shouldn’t bring our drama into your party… I’m willing to ignore our petty quarrel for tonight if he is, but I really don’t think this is something he and I can solve in just one night.”
He nodded in understanding. “Okay Kiyomi, I appreciate it. I’ll talk to Chan-hyung too. Don’t be too long, okay?”
“Kay…” You gave him a meek grin as he exited the room again, exhaling in defeat once he was gone. Why tonight, of all nights, is it when we fight like this? It’s not like you two were strangers to disagreements and petty tiffs, even so, they were very few and far between so when they happened, it felt ten times worse.
Just as you finished making your drink, you turned to go back to the living room. However, lo and behold, the bane of your existence, Lee Minho crashed right into you as you rounded the corner. Bourbon and coke drenched  the both of you, on display for everyone to see, the darkened drink fully soaked through your white t-shirt. You looked down in horror as your bra became more and more visible through the dampening cloth. Lord, kill me now.
“Aw fuck, Kiyomi, I’m so sorry! Are y–” You flushed in embarrassment as you saw Minho look down at your current situation and you threw your arms over your chest to cover yourself. Minho was quick to turn and face away, but he didn’t cut and run like you had expected. Instead, he slightly spread his arms, fanning out his leather jacket and stepping to the side so that you were out of view from the group. “Where’s your overnight bag?” He said over his shoulder.
“By the front door…” You squeaked out from your mortified state of being.
“Walk behind me over to the guest room and you can shower in the ensuite and change clothes. I’ll leave your bag just inside the door.” He said it to you, but loud enough so everyone would know to piss off and keep it velvet.
“I’ll clean up!” Jeongin jumped up on his feet and you handed the empty glass to Minho for him to pass on to the maknae. The two of you shimmied over and you muttered a small ‘thank you’ as you closed the door behind you. You melted on the other side of the door and buried your face in your hands. You were reminded that, yes, you’re just like one of the guys, however you ARE still a female. Some things you just can’t mutually brush off. You weren’t exactly proud of your lithe body and now the whole group got a good glimpse of it along with your undergarments. 
You groaned in frustration as you stomped off to the shower.
- - - - - - - - - -
Your heart swelled with warmth as you stepped back into the room - your towel wrapped firmly around you - and saw your bag right where Minho said he would put it. It also appeared that he had closed the door and locked it behind him for good measure. He had always been attractive to you, but the act of respect he showed you earlier made him all the more desirable. You were SO far beyond suppressing your fucked up affection for this man.
You shimmied into your mint colored silk pajamas, A cute, collared button-up with matching shorts that actually complimented your slim figure. Not to make an impression or anything. Definitely not… You took a deep breath and mentally convinced yourself to not be awkward when you returned to the party.
As you opened the door, you were relieved to see all of the boys chatting amongst themselves. Changbin and Minho were yelling at each other and being rowdy like usual. You reclaimed your seat in between the blueberries and Felix cooed at you. “Aww your pj’s are so cute, Kiyomi! I’m jelly!”
“Well Chan bought them so go ahead and thank him.” You offered a small smile to your bestie and you felt a bit of weight lift from your shoulders as he returned it. You lightly shoved Minho’s elbow, pulling him from his zoned out state that was focused on your silk nightwear. You mentally patted yourself on the back. “Yah! You’re the one who wasted my drink, go get me a new one!”
He gaped at you in mock offense. “As you command your highness!” You smiled at him with triumphant smugness as he stood from his seat to play bartender.
“Okay!” Seungmin stood up in front of the group. “Before everyone gets shitfaced, we need to go over sleeping arrangements. There are three bedrooms, all with California kings so we can fit three on each, we just need to figure out who’s sleeping with who.”
Chan looked at you warily. “Are you sure it’s a good idea for Kiyomi to sleep with two of us?” Minho returned and silently passed your mixed drink to you which you accepted with an exaggerated bow.
“What’s the big deal, Chan? You and I would sleep together most nights when I stayed at your place growing up. Or would you rather me sleep on the couch?” You knew that would strike a nerve, but you needed to make your point clear. 
“No–” Minho and Chan eerily said in tandem, making them awkwardly glance at one another.
Chan added, “Absolutely not.”
“You're not sleeping on any damn couch.” Minho’s face was stern and it got you super heated to see him be so serious. The group looked confused at their outburst. 
You looped your arms around the two boys on each side of you. “If that's the case, I’ll just cuddle up with my adorable blueberries!” You swiveled your head back and forth like an oscillating fan at the two and watched as they both suppressed their endeared smiles. And you may or may not have minded the idea snuggling up to Minho in the sheets…
“Fine, do whatever you want…” Chan crossed his arms and sighed. At least he was backing off a bit. Maybe?
“We’ve decided to play ring of fire like old times, I’ve already translated and explained the rules to everyone. You cool with that?” Chan sounded surprisingly calm in contrast to his earlier demeanor. You’re grateful that he is trying to be civil for the party. Even if you know you two will be at each other’s throats when you return home.
“Hell yeah I’m cool with that! I feel like I’m back in high school, hiding out in your parent’s shed.” Chan huffed a suppressed chuckle.
"Yeah, and I had to nurse your wasted ass back to consciousness." A wide smile spread across your face at the memory. You were abruptly startled as Minho grabbed the drink you’re sipping on and took a swig of it for himself.
“What a rebellious little mouse. I never would have guessed.” You scoffed at him and snatched the iced beverage back from his hands.
“Well there’s a lot of things you don’t know, kitty cat.” That’s the understatement of the century. You petulantly poked your tongue out and he returned it in kind. Bad idea, I don’t need to see his tongue right now. What is wrong with my BRAIN?!
“Yah! Let’s get this show on the road, everyone!” Changbin fucking screamed from his place on the other side of Minho. Everyone covered their ears instinctively, Hyunjin - the drama queen - writhed around as if he was bleeding out.
“Hyuuuung, I’m right next to you! For the love of god, shut the fuck up!” Jeongin collapsed against Chan on his left with his fingers in his ear sockets. Minho joined the yelling with a ‘yah!’ of his own, making you crash into Jisung in an attempt to escape the noise, earning a laugh from the quokka.
Once Chan and Felix situated the game together and plopped a large beer can in the center, the boys were itching to begin. And to be honest, you were too, many fun times flooded your memory as you peered down at the game, filling your brain with pure bitter-sweet nostalgia.
Several rounds passed and you ended up being picked as Jisung’s ‘mate’ when he drew an 8, making you have to join him every time he was forced to take a drink. Which was a SHIT TON apparently with how horrible he was at this game. People had several varieties of drinks in their hands so the ‘pot’ on the side of the ring was filled with an absolutely repulsive concoction by the time the fourth King was drawn by none other than the little baby bread. He swore to the heavens that he would never play this game again as he gagged copiously.
With each Jack that was drawn came worse and worse rules. First, everyone simply had to say something nice to the person on their left any time they had to drink - courtesy of sweet Felix.
Jisung drank a lot so you were basically showered with exaggerated compliments. However this meant you also had to drink, showering Minho with little sassy remarks like ‘I guess you are tolerable’ and ‘you dance pretty good for a man with acrimony tendencies’. He was constantly sour back at you but you could tell it was all in good fun. You quite enjoyed playing with him. Uhm... well maybe not like that... Even though you wouldn't exactly mind that either... Oh god, don’t be dirty minded stupid brain.
Second Jack was to completely speak in third person, if you didn’t you had to take a straight shot of Jäger. A few got caught on that one, but not as many as you had expected.
Thirdly, nasty ass Minho decided you needed to literally lick the bottom of Jisung’s foot if you didn’t end every one of your sentences with ‘I am Minho’s bitch’. And, let me tell you, everyone avoided that penalty like the damn plague. Much to Minho’s dismay, everyone escaped that fate.
And lastly, the final Jack to be drawn landed in the almighty Hwang Hyunjin’s greedy hands. Everyone hunkered in suspense as he conjured up the final rule with an evil grin.
“Okay I’m ready!” He sat up straight with pride written across his angelic face. “Any time you cuss…” You can already predict everyone to fail. “…you have to kiss the person on your right. With. Tongue.”
Jaws dropped across the room. “Damn, babe. You’re ruthless.” Felix said with a hungry smile from Hyunjin’s left.
“And you love me for it. Now pay up.”
“Hell yeah I do.” Felix harshly grabbed his boyfriend’s face and smashed their mouths together in a passionate kiss. The room was equally filled with either cooing at the couple or sounds of disgust. “You do realize that Ji is probably going to have to swap spit with me, right?” Felix realized this as he pulled away.
Hyunjin just shrugged his shoulders. “Collateral damage I guess.”
“Hyunjin, you’re the devil incarnate. You know the majority of us curse like sailors.” Hyunlix just cackled at the Chan’s devastated reaction.
Meanwhile, you were legitimately having an internal melt down due to the fact that, against all odds, you could end up not only making out with one, but both of your blueberry boys. If Minho cusses, you might as well die on the spot.
“Piglet, if you mutter a single goddamned word, I will throw you in a legitimate meat grinder.” Minho was seething at Changbin sitting on his left who looked like his soul just evacuated from his body. He nodded in compliance without another word.
The game moved on and the air was thick with tension, most everyone had resorted to silence, save for Felix who just wanted to suck Hyunjin’s face off.
When Jisung failed the category game again, you groaned in frustration at having to take another drink with your ‘mate’. “Ughhh, what the actual fuck Jisung?! I swear, you're doing it on purpose just to spite me!” Everyone gasped and gawked at you. Your peculiar expression portrayed your pure confusion to the men. What the hell happened? Oh… Ohhh fuck.
Your eyes were as wide as saucers as you stared down at your lap in disbelief. You refused to make eye contact with both Minho nor Chan as you turned to face Jisung’s cheeky grin.
“Hyunjin, I would like to worship you for this glorious moment in my lifetime. I have truly been blessed.” He bowed to the tall man as deep as he could manage in his seated position to which the action was returned. When he turned back to you he gave you a soft look.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ve been told I’m an excellent kisser.” You saw his eyes float down to your lips eagerly. It’s not like you hated the idea of kissing Jisung, he was incredibly handsome and his lips definitely looked kissable as fuck, but he was just the cute little quokka you have come to know and love. Your mouth craved a different set of lips...
“Jisung…” You were flabbergasted as Minho and Chan spoke up at the same time again, both with same murderous expressions. You at least knew why Chan was being an ass, but Minho? It was beyond puzzling as to what was going on in his mind. Don’t even think about it…
“Oh come on you two, stop babying her! It’s just a game!” Seungmin was obviously thoroughly enjoying the show from his spot between Hyunjin and Chan.
You chuckled, a little more relaxed from the puppy’s lightheartedness. “Okay you feisty quokka, get over here…” He was already sitting fairly close to you, but he scootched closer nonetheless. It’s just a kiss, no need to make it weird, right?
You made the first move as you placed your palms on his chubby cheeks and pulled him in close. You felt his hands respectfully gently rest high up on your waist as your lips lightly touched.
“We need to see tongue, you scaredy cats!” Right. That. You initiated the task - reminded by a fairly tipsy Jeongin - by slipping your tongue out to meet his.
He wasn’t lying when he said he was a good kisser. Not too slobbery and not too stiff, a proper, sensual kiss. If this were... someone else... you would want to kiss them for days on end. The only problem was the fact that there were no sparks. No stirring feeling in your gut that indicated you really wanted it. Nothing like your most recent kiss…
You felt a broad hand wrap around your forearm as you were being yanked backward. “Okay! That’s enough! We get it! Task done. Move on.” Minho announced a bit too loudly as he released his vice grip on your arm.
“I am officially the luckiest man in the room!” You laughed at Jisung's proclamation when his hands lifted in the air. You couldn’t help but glance in Minho’s direction as Jisung reiterated his happiness. He was glowering down at you with fire and hunger in his eyes like you had never seen before and you felt heat zap up your spine and reddening your face. Welcome back butterflies.
“I beg to fucking differ!” You watched as Felix dived on top of Hyunjin to execute his ‘penalty’.
You heard Changbin clear his throat. “Well then… that was hot as h—“ you heard him pause and shrink away from Minho in terror as he caught his own curse. “-hhhhades! Y-yeah. Hades. *Ahem*” You could almost visibly see him mentally seal off his speech from then on.
“Are we going to continue the game or not?” Chan was visibly fuming, glaring daggers across the table as Jisung feared for his life.
“Cut it out Daddy Bang Chan, it’s just a game.” Felix rolled his eyes and took his turn. 
As the game went on, of course Jisung ended up cussing. Everyone hollered as Jisung and Felix got down to business, except for of course Hyunjin who just grimaced and turned away.
“You asked for it, hyung!” Jeongin pointed out to the disgruntled ferret, already sloshed from the nasty concoction earlier.
The tab on the beer can in the middle of the circle got progressively closer to popping the seal as the previously drawn cards filled the space underneath where everyone had slipped them to fit. Everyone held their breaths as the next person after the next entered their card carefully, praying they wouldn’t hear the telling *tsss* that indicated the seal had been broken.
Minho tactfully drew from the circle, making sure not to break the ring of cards. “Four is for whores! Drink up, whore!” An extremely wasted Felix pointed at you from the other side of Jisung. You loopily giggled as you gulped down the fifth glass of your watered down alcohol from the ice that has melted. You had an extreme lack of judgment as you leaned your dizzy body to rest against Minho’s shoulder. You immediately noticed how he tensed up.
“Fuck it.” Your brain glitched over Minho's cursed words and you peered out at the group of bewildered faces. Minho then decided to unceremoniously shove his card under the tab of the can - with no small amount of force - and promptly popped the seal, indicating the end of the game.
Your mind was in overdrive as you watched him fulfill his duty of chugging the whole can in one go and crunching the empty aluminum container once it was empty. Without warning, his warm hands cupped the sides of your jaw and angled your head up to meet his.
Your body was on fire. His eyes were ravenous and you could feel yourself drown in them as he pulled you closer, lungs refusing to cooperate. When his lips touched yours, everyone in the room disappeared, leaving only the two of you sitting blissfully in the universe. Your lips intertwined freely and your tongues explored each other’s mouths.
He tasted like shitty beer and liquor, but you had never tasted anything more addicting. You could feel your fingers involuntarily glide through his dark locks of silky hair and his thumbs caress where they were placed on your cheeks. Holy fucking hell please don’t let this be a dream.
Your euphoria was abruptly stolen from your grasp as you felt the warm hands and lips leave your skin hastily. Your drunken mind made you want to cry from the loss.
When you opened your droopy eyes, you jolted to your feet - making you stumble gloriously - when you saw that Chan had yanked Minho away and was holding him up by his shirt collar. “What the FUCK, Minho?! The game was over! You didn’t have to force yourself on her like that you piece of shit!” Minho’s face was completely devoid of emotion as his friend cursed at him.
“CHAN!” With all of your intoxicated might, you shoved your best friend away from Minho. “He didn’t force shit on me and you know it!”
The rest of the room had also jumped to their feet and were ready to intervene if things got ugly. “Hyung, it was just a part of the game…” The sweet maknae tried to insert a voice of reason.
“In his defense, Chan-hyung, he technically broke the rule before the game was officially over.” Jisung hid behind Changbin as he tried to protect his best friend.
You and Chan glared daggers at each other while the room fell silent. “Whatever, Y/N. You don’t want me to care anymore? Fine. Here’s me not giving a damn.” With that, Chan stormed out of the room and shrugged on his coat, slamming the front door behind him as he left the apartment. He barely ever uses your given name.
You don’t know when it had happened, but tears were cascading down your face in buckets. You hid your face in your hands to shield your ugly-ass crying face from your friends.
You felt the warm arms of the man at your back wrap around your front in a tight hug. “I’m s-so *hiccup* sorry Min…” You refused to reveal your face from your safe space in your palms as you choked on your sobs.
“Shhh, it’s okay, I’m not hurt. It’s my own dumbass fault anyway.” He chuckled. You know he was just trying to cheer you up, but it just made you sob more.
You could hear shuffling throughout the room and you could feel another pair of arms wrap around you. You were almost positive that it was Felix from the lithe frame of the body. Then you felt another, then another. You were afraid to look up and see just how many of your friends were trying to comfort you.
“You know he’s just trying to protect you, noona. You know that right?” You weakly nodded your head and assumed Seungmin could see it from wherever he was at.
Once you felt the sobs that were wrecking your body subside, you lifted your head from your hands and saw all seven of the boys crowding around you. You were exponentially emotional from the situation and you felt extremely undeserving. Chan was the reason you were here with them. Hell, Chan was the reason you were even still alive, really.
“I need to make this right…” You started stumbling towards the door.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Changbin had a hold on your wrist. “It’s the middle of the night and your fucking plastered, NO WAY are we going to let you go chase him around when it’s dark out and you’re as boiled as an owl!” He pulled you back to the group as Jisung and Minho bracketed you on each side and threw their arms over your shoulders.
“Let’s get to bed, Kiyomi. You can talk to Channie-hyung in the morning.” Jisung smiled at you brightly and you returned it with a weak grin.
“Okay…” You took one last look at the front door and worried about your best friend. He had been drinking too...
After everyone bid good night to each other, you quickly texted Chan.
Let me know when u get home, kay?
We can talk in the morning but I really do love u Channie…
G’night pup.
You tense in anticipation when you receive a text almost immediately after.
I’m home
It takes a minute longer but then you see another message appear.
I love u too, sis…
Get some sleep, sweet dreams
You could almost cry in relief when you felt that your relationship wasn’t completely in shambles. How could it be? You two were family. Always would be.
The three of you crashed onto the California king bed together in the room with the ensuite. Jisung on your right side and Minho on your left. It felt weird, almost wrong , to be laying in bed with two incredibly attractive men. But to you, they weren’t really labeled strictly as the opposite sex, they were so much more to you.
The two boys hugged you on each side, squishing you into a sandwich and squeezed a strangled giggle out of your mouth. When they relaxed their grip, you couldn’t control the words that fell out of your gob. The phrase being all-too-common coming from your mouth. “I don’t deserve you guys…”
“Stop saying nonsense.” Minho cupped his hand over your mouth while Jisung tickled your sides. 
“Ack! Okay! Okay!” You cackled at the feeling. You brought your hands up to rest on both of the arms that were wrapped around your tummy and you sighed in content as you closed your eyes.
- - - - - - - - - -
You slowly regained consciousness as you felt a rustling in the bed next to you. As you turned your head, you saw the warmth of Minho leave the bundle of blankets that incased the three of you. Just as he was about to leave, your arm moved on its own to grab onto his wrist.
“Please don’t leave…” Your half asleep slur made him smile and sit back down.
He patted your head that most likely looked like a rat’s nest. “I’m not, little mouse, don’t worry. I’m just going to get some water.” His words were hardly above a whisper.
“Oh…” You reluctantly released his wrist and he briefly rested his hand on the back of yours. “...well…I want some too, then.”
“As you wish. I’ll be right back.” Not even a witty quip back?
It took a couple minutes, but he eventually creeped back in the room quietly, not wanting to disturb the sleeping quokka. The water was nice and cold and soothed the stinging acid left behind by the liquor. He crawled back in bed next to you as you sipped on the refreshing liquid. When you handed it back to him, he took a few large gulps for himself and sat the glass down on the nightstand.
The two of you naturally faced each other with Jisung at your back. You and Minho laid there and stared into each other’s sparkling eyes. For some reason it didn’t feel awkward. It felt sweet and intimate as if unspoken words were lingering in the air between the two of you.
Your mind wandered back to when he broke the rule in the game. It was beyond obvious to everyone of the risks and tension of the penalty. ‘Fuck it.’ Fuck it, he said. There’s no way that was an accident. Well, you know what, you agreed with him. Fuck it, there was no point in holding back now.
Faster than you intended, you scooted closer to him in bed and grabbed his head with both hands, fingers running through his silky hair yet again. You didn’t think you’d ever be able to get over his beautiful mane. No matter what color. Your eyes moved from his blown out eyes down to his plush lips. The expression on his face was equal parts of surprise and anticipation.
This moment. This is what you’d been longing for. You pressed your lips to his and he eagerly returned the kiss, snaking his arm underneath you so he could wrap both hands securely around your waist. The kiss stayed slow and controlled, the both of you simply enjoying the relief of each other’s touch. Fucking finally.
You were only mildly aware of the sleeping quokka behind you, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Right then, it was only you and Minho, and he was way more intoxicating than anything you had drank that night.
There was a growing ball of heat that consumed your core and you felt like it was best to break the kiss before you lost all sense of proper judgement. You backed away with one last chaste kiss and stared into his eyes once more, heavy breathing emitting from both of your chests. You couldn’t control the huge smile that made your cheeks ache in a happiness that spread across your face.
He returned it in kind. “I kind of like you, little mouse. I think I’ll keep you.” You scoffed at his whispered words, but the annoyance wasn’t able to reach your face as the smile still consumed the space.
“Wow, what a smooth talker. Oh how it makes me swoon.” He chuckled and it seemed - no matter how hard he tried to suppress it - he couldn’t shake his own smile either. You watched his face get nearer and saw as his vision focus on your lips. You prepared for another heavenly kiss, but you suddenly felt yourself being pulled away.
Jisung had apparently rolled over and decided he wanted to cuddle in his sleep. His arm was pulling you in by your waist and his face was buried in the crook of your neck, lightly snoring like a baby pug. You and Minho shared a perplexed expression and when your eyes met, the two of you bursted out in giggles that wrecked your bodies.
The whole bed was shaking from the both of your guys’ hysteria. It was a damn miracle that Jisung didn’t wake up. That boy slept like the dead.
After several moments of smiles and light pecks, you and Minho fell back asleep with fingers intertwined.
- - - - - - - - - -
Boop. Boop.
You wrinkled your nose in irritation.
You groaned at the pokes you felt across your face, disturbing your sweet dreamland of pancakes and bacon. You could almost smell the delicious scent from the vivid images your mind had conjured up.
“Kiyooomi… wakey-wakey…” You smiled at the warm, deep voice of Felix on the other side of your slumbering eyelids. Without much thought behind it, you reached out to the void in front of you until your hands found the small arms of the boy and you pulled him down for suffocating cuddles. “Haha! Kiyomi, you faker!”
He wrapped his arms around you to return the embrace. “Ten more minutes, Lixie. I feel like I just woke up from my deathbed.” You snuggled into his chest and felt the dark clouds return to your consciousness.
“GOOOOD MORNING, SUNSHINES!” Your eyes flew open to the sight of a flying quokka landing a full lunge onto yours and Felix’s balled up forms. You groaned loudly as he joined in the cuddle party. “Wake up lady! Changbin-hyung and Minho-hyung are making breakfast for our sorry, hungover asses.”
You quickly sat up and realized that that smell wasn’t from your dream as your body floated on its own to follow the delicious scent. “Holy fuck. Why didn’t you say so Lix? I’m starving.”
The small blonde shrugged and followed you out. “I was enjoying the cuddles.”
You could feel the smile overflow your face as you stepped into the kitchen and saw the two boys hard at work. Just like your dream had envisioned, a fluffy stack of pancakes and a simmering pile of bacon made their appearances to the side of the work space. You squeezed in between the two men that were diligently working together by the stove and threw your arms over both of them.
“You guys are my goddamn guardian angels. I thought I was going to die.”
“That's a shame. If you died, we could have had sausage and bacon.” You shoved Minho’s chuckling frame to the side.
“I take it back. You–” You pointed at Minho. “-asshole, are a whole damn slice of devil’s food cake.” You shot an exaggerated set of piercing eyes in his direction.
“Is that so? How do I taste?” The man looked like a predator stalking his prey as he scooted back over close to you. You felt your whole face light up in flames and butterflies stir in your gut as you stepped away from his tempting smile. You taste how a motherfucking dose of black tar heroin does to a drug addict. You moved to the other side of Changbin, out of sight from your personal demon.
“Can you two stop dicking around? You’re going to mess up the perfection of my flapjacks.” Changbin whined with an over-concentrated look on his face as he poured another circular form on the skillet.
“Hyung, let’s be real, it was ruined as soon as you took over the task.” Felix said from his spot by the sink, washing his hands.
“Yah! Do you not want any Yongbokkie?!” 
“Sorry Binnie-hyung! Love yooou!” Felix hugged Changbin around the neck briefly and you followed the ball of sunshine to help as he scurried away to set the table.
- - - - - - - - - -
“Lix, don’t worry about driving me back home. I’m going to get a head start so I can talk to Channie, okay?” You had finished your breakfast - barely making a dent before you felt like you were going to burst - and were walking out of the kitchen after you cleaned your dishes. You didn’t eat an extraordinary amount, but you felt more full than you had in weeks. To say the least, Minho was not happy with the amount of leftovers you slid off onto Changbin’s plate.
You informed the other of your plan when you passed the Aussie in the dining room as you headed back to the room to collect your things. “You sure?” His words were muffled with the amount of food stuffed in his freckled cheeks and you nodded with a confident smile on your face.
“I’ll help you get your things together.” Minho stood from the table and followed close behind you as you stepped into the room. 
Once you were safely inside, you froze in your tracks when you heard Minho shut the door behind him. You slowly turned around to face him with an apprehensive expression, heart thumping in your chest as you waited for his next move. But as you looked at his face - where you had expected to find amorous fires emitting from his eyes with a confidence that only Lee Minho could exude - instead, there was a somewhat insecure longing. You had never seen such a look on him, but damn him to hell for looking so freaking beautiful no matter what expression he held.
“Y/N…” He took a hesitant step towards you. “You know that I like you… right?”
You had never seen him so unsure of himself. He always held a confident and intimidating attitude that melted you to the spot, so this reaction was quite startling. You wanted to take away anything that could possibly make him feel anything less than the force of nature he was.
You smirked up at him to stride over to where he was standing, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Unless you kiss everyone like that, I would say I’ve had an inkling.” You could feel him physically relax under your touch and finally felt his muscular hands slither around your waist.
“I wouldn’t necessarily say quite like that, but my cats definitely get plenty of my smooches.” His wink and blinding smile had returned to his face and you could feel it carry over to your own. You felt magnetized to him as your arms subconsciously pulled him down for a reassuring kiss. It sure as hell felt real now. Now that neither of you were drunk or half asleep, the both of you moved like it had always been that way.
The arms that wrapped around you made you feel even tinier than you already were with the way they almost doubled over around you. The warm pressure of his lips made you sigh in pleasure and you found yourself reaching up on the points of your toes to get closer to him. The tongue that snaked out to meet with yours tasted like butter and maple syrup and you drank in the pure bliss the taste brought to you.
You lightly gasped as he pulled your body flush to his and you felt your skin set aflame when his fingers glided up and down your back through the thin material of your top. The skin on the back of his neck felt like lava and you skimmed your fingers underneath the collar to try and feel of more of the satin flesh. You were visibly keening when you felt his fingers find the bottom hem of your silk shirt to do the same.
“Hyung, can you help me w–” You almost screamed when you heard none other than Han Jisung step into the room, but your voice couldn’t express more than a squeak. Minho looked indubitably pissed when you jumped backwards and he whipped around menacingly to face his best friend.
Jisung quickly stepped inside and shut the door behind him. “Ji, wait, it wasn’t w–”
“Well well well! It’s about damn time you made a fucking move, hyung!” Jisung crossed his arms and rolled his eyes at Minho while your brain short circuited. “I was prepared to tell her MYSELF if you kept your gob shut any longer.”
You stared at the pair, completely lost. “W-what?” You looked at Minho expectantly.
He meekly turned back to you as he scratched the back of his neck. “I may have *ahem* mentioned once or twice that I kind of have a thing for you…” He chuckled nervously. So… this wasn’t a new thing for him? He’s had these feelings for a while now? Holy shit…
“He only told me, though. I’m pretty sure everyone else is completely oblivious. Even though I'm not sure how they could be when he looks at you the way he does.” Blueberry #1 just stood there with a smug look on his face when Minho turned his attention back to him.
The feline took a step toward the quokka with malice. “YEAH, which is why that bullshit you pulled last night with your filthy lips was NOT FUNNY.” 
Jisung put his hands up in defense. “Hey, I’m not the one that cussed, she was! Besides, how else was I going to pressure you to get the fuck on with it?”
You stood flabbergasted as you watched the boys bicker. Minho rolled his eyes. “Well you definitely seemed a bit overeager to get your hands on her…” You had then decided that Minho's pouting was now one of your favorite things to witness.
“Can you blame me though? I haven’t gotten any action in AGES and she’s actually a fucking goddess with those lips!” Jisung threw you a sly wink, making you blush furiously.
Blueberry #2 came back to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. “Yeah, I know. So get your own, Sungie! And give us some goddamn privacy while you’re at it.”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” He traipsed over to the door and started to step out before turning back. “But, Kiyomi, if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.” He flashed yet another crooked grin and winked at you once more.
You couldn’t help but giggle when Minho threw a pillow directly at Jisung’s face, the latter closing the door before it could meet its mark. You heard the fading sound of laughter from the quokka on the other side as he walked away.
You felt an overwhelming sense of giddiness consume you. You gently walked up to the man still glaring at the closed door and placed a hand on his shoulder, guiding him to turn around and face you. “Hey Min?”
As he turned around, his face softened. He brought his left hand up to cup your cheek. “What’s up, my little mouse?” You blushed and look down with a smile on your face, suddenly feeling shy under his intense gaze. “Oh? What’s this? The girl that was sucking on my tonsils a few minutes ago is feeling shy?”
Damn him, he’s not wrong… You harshly punched him in the shoulder. “It’s not like you were any better! Anyway, as much as I would love to bicker over swapping spit, Chan is probably waiting for me…” You turned to collect your things and you felt a strong hand pull you back.
He abruptly spun you around to roughly grab your waist and - in contrast to his hands - he gently pressed his lips to yours. He sensually moved his mouth against you, not quite chaste, but also not quite open-mouthed. “When will I see you next?” He breathed against your lips.
You felt dizzy from his proximity and ethereal face. “I... I don’t know… it depends on how my talk with Channie goes. I’ll text you, but I might not see you until class on Monday.” He pulled back with reluctance.
“Okay, well… I hope everything goes okay. I know he loves you unconditionally and he means well, so I hope you two go easy on each other.” 
You smirked at his comment. “Wow, I think that’s the softest, most heartfelt thing I’ve ever heard you say!” You grabbed his shoulders and turned him left to right as if you were inspecting him. “Is my cat broken?”
He dramatically rolled his eyes at you and suddenly you could see a scheming glint pass over his eyes. You trembled when he stepped closer to you with a bone-chilling smile. He leaned down to whisper in your ear, his lips grazing your lobe. “Would you rather I be rough, little mouse?” His hands landed on your hips and he pulled you flush to him with force. God, I’m a weak, weak woman. You felt like a horny teenager all over again when you found warmth starting to swim through your core, right down to your groin.
You pushed him back in an attempt to avoid the temptation with the whole group just on the other side of the door. “You're the devil, Min. We don’t need the whole friend group to hear you getting ‘rough’.” You tried to glare at him, but you were pretty sure you just looked like a stubborn child.
Where you expected to find more teasing, you found the opposite. “Oh…” He awkwardly dropped his gaze and you wondered if you had said something wrong. “So you don’t want them to know?”
Your heart broke when you saw his downcast face. “It’s not that I don’t want them to know that I’m yours! I'm just not quite ready for Chan to murder you…”
He nodded in understanding, then his face grew that cocky, crooked smile once again. “Sooo, you’re mine?” He bit his bottom lip and all you wanted to do was bite it for him.
“Don’t get cocky, Minnie. You’re still on a tight leash, babe.” What the fuck? The word just instinctively fell out of your mouth and you were mortified at how upfront you were being.
He stepped closer to you again with that darkness in his eyes and regained purchase on your waist. “Babe, huh? I like that, say it again.” He licked his lips and bit it again in anticipation.
You weren’t sure where your sudden confidence came from, but you leaned in close to his ear in preparation to whisper. “I have to leave, baaabe .” You quickly pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek and skipped off to gather your belongings, leaving a blushing statue behind.
- - - - - - - - - -
You took a deep breath as you stood in front of your apartment door. Patience, Y/N. Patience and understanding. Nerves wrecked your body as you opened the door to enter your living room.
You immediately spotted your best friend pacing in front of the kitchen and your heart instantly dropped. He looked awful. His hair was disheveled and there were bags under his eyes as if he hadn’t slept all night. He has insomnia, so you were usually used to this, but he looked way worse than other sleepless nights.
Once your eyes locked, you broke down. You ran up to his anxious form and wrapped your arms around his neck. Tears streamed down your face as he squeezed your waist in a tight hug. “I- I’m so s-sorry Channie. I love you so much and I don’t want us to fight anymore… you deserve someone better than me as a shit friend…”
He squeezed you tighter, leaving you slightly breathless. “Kiyomi, I wouldn’t trade you for anything or anyone on this god forsaken planet. You mean the world to me.” He pulled back and wiped your alligator tears away with his thumbs and laid a small peck on your forehead. “Let’s gather our bearings and veg out to chill for a bit before we work things out, yeah?”
You meekly nodded but refused to let go of his neck. He chuckled at your clinginess and picked you up to lay you on the couch. “I’ll go get snacks, you still want pretzels and chocolate?” You eagerly nodded your head and offered a small smile. No one could ever know you better than Chan.
- - - - - - - - - -
“I- I just don’t think that you need to worry about me 24/7, Channie. I love that you care so much, but I’ve protected myself over these past years that you’ve been gone, haven’t I?”
He hung his head low and nodded. The anime and snacks that had previously been helping to avoid the difficult conversation were completely ignored as the two of you tried to reconcile.
“I suppose that is true. But mom and dad moved you here so I can protect you, love you, and give you a better life. I don’t want to risk you getting a heartbreak or worse from someone who doesn’t love you unconditionally…”
Your face morphed into a sad smile. “Channie, you know that love doesn’t present itself right off the bat, right? If I don’t even get to try, is that really living life to the fullest? I want YOU to date. I want YOU to have a special intimacy with someone. I want YOU to have someone so you don’t feel lonely anymore. I’m not sure if what you have with that one girl is serious, but I have the same fears for you. I don’t want you to get hurt. But even if you do, that is part of the risk of finding someone better.” 
He chuckled under his breath. “It’s times like these where you show that you really are the noona and not the little sis that I treat you like…”
No shit. You smiled at him with the kind of love a mother would give to her child. “So will you tone it down?”
“...I will... try… but please - for the love of god - don’t choose one of our friends. I absolutely love them, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable thinking about any of them…” He shivered in disgust. “...doing… things to you.”
You froze, limbs going stiff and face dropping to a frown. Luckily he was focused on snacking and not your reaction. The ‘things’ that you were wanting to do to Minho flashed through your mind and you knew for sure that Chan would murder him if he ever found out.
You sat there in silence and sadness, but Chan leaned over and hugged you warmly. “I am glad we had this talk, Y/N. I felt awful that we were at odds. I love you so much.” You briefly relaxed and hugged him back.
“I love you too, Channie.” You stared over his shoulder blankly while wrapped in his arms. Now you knew you really had to hide the fact that you and Minho were a thing. A thing? I mean what are we really? You couldn’t help but ponder to yourself, ruminating over the fact that there may or may not be something concrete between the two of you, but you didn’t know what to call it.
When the two of you were ready for bed, you agreed to snuggle that night. The way that you were used to doing growing up when his insomnia was at its worst. He always said it helped him sleep and you definitely felt like he needed the assistance that night.
He laid a kiss on your head as he took over the position of big spoon. “Night, Kiyomi. Love you.”
“Nighty night Channie.” You stared into the darkness and battled with your own thoughts. How am I ever going to tell Chan about Minho?
Needless to say, you didn’t get much sleep that night.
- - - - - - - - - -
R u and Chan-hyung all good?
Little Mouse🐭😘:
Thankfully, yes 🙌🏼 
But, um…
Kinda have bad news too…
😳 Uh oh
At least ur still breathing
I assume
But do tell
Little Mouse🐭😘:
U free tomorrow?
I don’t have to work tomorrow since it’s a Sunday
Hmm 🤔 I’ll have to check my schedule
But I think I can fit u in 😉
Little Mouse🐭😘:
Wow. I’m so touched 🙄
I’m spending a lot of the day w/ Chan
U know, reconciliation and shit
So I’ll probs be there around 7pm
Cool? 👍🏼
I’ll be waiting 😘
You were nervous and excited that morning. Nervous to tell Minho the uncomfortable news, but excited to spend the day with your best friend and your… ‘Man? Lover?’... whatever Minho was to you - that night.
The day with Chan was spent going to Lotte World. You had never been to an amusement park and Chan was as giddy as a school girl to get to show you around. You had decided that you love roller coasters. The thrill of it gave you tingles in your nerves that made you feel like you were flying. Much like the feeling of riding the motorcycle with Minho.
Chan went all out in giving you the full experience. You were not sure how he possibly could have wracked up that kind of money from his ordinary fitness trainer job, but he sure spoiled you nonetheless. Popcorn, cotton candy, ginormous soft pretzels, hot dogs, and ice cream. That’s not including all of the random carnival games where he won you a mountain of plushies. The most impressive was when he won you a cat stuffed animal that was as tall as a fully grown man when he hammered the high striker.
You couldn’t believe the sights and sounds of laughter and fun that filled the air. You felt like a kid again and Chan was with you through all of it. You looked over at your self proclaimed brother and laughed as he fumbled with all of the plushies. When you reached Felix’s car - that you guys borrowed - and he sat down all of the fluffy toys, you hugged him tightly with a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you, Channie. You are the greatest man I’ve ever met. You take care of me so well.” He hugged you back impossibly tighter.
“Love you, big sis. You deserve all of the happiness in the world.” You smile and your heart swelled with your love for this man. 
When you got home, you helped him dump all of the plushies onto your bed. You weren’t sure if you should tell him that you were going to Minho’s. Chan was already uneasy with the two of your guys’ relationship and you didn’t want to stoke the fire.
“Hey, Chan. I have some friends that are needing tutoring in calculus tonight and I was going to go help them at one of their house’s.” You felt slightly guilty for the lie, but you knew the risk of telling him the truth.
He gave you a flabbergasted face. “Kiyomi, you absolutely suck at calculus.” He looked so confused and his face twisted extremely crooked. 
Shit, he’s right. I should have picked a different class. You thought you could play it off, but it didn’t even sound convincing to you. “Yeah, tell me about it. I told them that too, but they insisted.”
He slowly nodded his head. “Okay well, be careful and let me know when you get there and let me know when you are headed back, okay?”
You chuckled at his fatherly instincts. “Yes, sir!” You raised your hand to your forehead and sarcastically saluted him, earning a small scoff.
Before you left, you snuck a tiny kitten plushie with you out of the door.
- - - - - - - - - -
You texted Chan to notify of your arrival as you stood outside of Minho’s apartment door. You didn’t know why your nerves were going haywire. You had already stayed there before. Maybe it was because you two weren’t together before? Were you two together? Anyway, let’s get on with it.
Your knuckles rapped on the door panel and almost instantly you see the ethereal being that was Lee Minho standing on the other side of the threshold. All you could muster was a breathless “Hi” as you stepped into his entryway. Once he closed the door behind you, he wrapped his arms around your waist against you in a back hug as you took off your shoes.
“Well hello, little mouse. Fancy meeting you here.” You turned around in his arms to face his smoldering eyes.
“I figured it was a nice spot to chill.” He smirked at you and you could see him lean in for a kiss.
You decided that you wanted him to earn it. Before he could touch down on your lips, you pulled the plushie out from behind you and held it to his face. He looked shocked as he leaned back, unhooking his arms from you. He almost looked hurt from the obtrusion of his advances.
“What the hell is that?” 
“It’s you!” You smiled triumphantly as you held the cat up to his face. “I got it for you! That way you have a little mini Minho to keep you company.”
“Awww” He pinched your cheek. “What a sweet little mouse.” You pierced your lips together and swatted his hand away.
“Well then, I guess if you don’t want it, I can always give it to Ji…” You pulled it away but he snatched it from you quickly and walked away with a grumble. As you followed him, you see that he had placed it on the center of the island in his kitchen.
“There, now I get to see it every morning when I eat breakfast.” He turned around and smiled mockingly down at you. You felt giddy with the way he looked at you, feeling as if you were lucky to even be in the same presence as this man, let alone having intimate encounters with him. You turned around to hide your blushing smile and walked over to plop down on the couch. Not even a second after, the man sat down next to you with his legs crossed, fully facing you. “So what’s the news? No more brownies before bedtime? He needs to walk you home from school?”
His smirk earned an unamused expression from you. “Wow, you’re a true comedian, you know that?”
He simply shrugged. “Maybe I should change jobs.”
The seriousness of this man is severely limited. “I think you’re better at dancing.” You patronizingly patted his shoulder. “No, but Chan and I have restored harmony, which was the biggest relief I’ve ever felt before in my life…” He nodded, but you looked at him hesitantly. “...and he’s okay with me seeing people…” Minho’s face lit up like a damned Christmas tree and your heart sank. “...but… he said he doesn’t want it to be anyone from our circle…”
You deflated when you had to witness his face drop. “W-what? Why?”
You sighed in frustration. “The fuck if I know. Something about him not wanting any of you guys doing ‘things’ to me.” You raised your eyes to the ceiling and then dropped your face into your hands.
“So, is that it? We can’t see each other?” You whipped your head up to look at his frustrated face and you were sure you looked like a terrified puppy as you grabbed onto the hand that was resting on his lap.
“W-well, not necessarily… we just might need to… I dunno, keep it on the down low?”
He held your hand in return. “Well… as much as I would hate to keep you a secret… I suppose it’s better than nothing.” You two sat in comfortable silence for a moment and Minho seemed to be contemplating something. You couldn’t keep your eyes away from his beautiful face, fearing that he was considering that it might not be worth the trouble. That is until he looked up at you with a smirk on his face. “Sooo…” He leaned in a little closer from his spot next to you. “Care to elaborate on the ‘things’ Chan-hyung was worried about?”
You felt the blood rush to your face and nervousness swirl around in your gut. You definitely never anticipated this is where the conversation was going to go, but, hell, no complaints from your end. “Care to take a guess?” You feigned your confidence when, in reality, you felt like you were going to pass out from anxiousness.
“I might have a few things in mind…” He whispered against your lips, suddenly right in front of your face. You felt your resolve crumble as he pressed his lips to yours. A teeny tiny sliver of your subconscious whispered to you that you were betraying Chan, but it was nothing compared to the burning hot desire you were currently feeling.
You basically jumped him as you threw your arms around his neck, making him chuckle as he almost fell back against the arm of the couch from your impact. You wasted no time in coaxing him to let you explore his mouth, which he did so eagerly. You’d never tasted anything more addicting than Minho, hinting at a bit of dark chocolate and citrus.
Your upper body leaned against him, while your lower body remained respectfully seated on the couch. You ran your hands through his hair and under the hem of the collar of his shirt while one of his hands claimed purchase around your waist and the other was rubbing up and down your thigh. And my god did it feel heavenly. He repositioned his crossed legs to halfway sit on the sofa proper while his left leg folded underneath him to lean in closer.
His tongue was extremely experienced and you were sure you were currently soaking in your panties from the intensity of the situation. You decided to take matters into your own hands as you pulled him down on top of you, slotting him in between your legs. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth when you felt the effect you had on him through his tightening pants.
“God, you’re so sexy.” He whispered as his lips moved to nip at your ear. Your body moved on its own as you grinded up against him, seeking the sweet friction from his body. The sound of heavy panting filled the room and the hands that were currently on your hips slipped down to grab underneath your thighs, lifting them slightly so he could press even closer to you.
You whimpered as he grinded down on you with his mouth sucking on your pulse. You wrapped your legs around him and pulled him impossibly close. You almost felt desperate for more of his touch. You were new to this but all your instincts could think about was feeling him all over.
While your legs were wrapped around him, one of his hands moved from your thigh up to the hem of your shirt, teasing with it to silently ask permission. “Minho, if you don’t touch me right now I think I will actually combust.” You felt his smile against your neck and he roughly grabbed your shirt, leaning back to shuck it off your body.
You slightly felt embarrassed as he intensely looked down at your body, running his hands over your sides and protruding ribs. You could've sworn for half a second you saw a sad smile cross his features, but then he licked his bottom lip as he slid his hands to cup over your bra. You silently praised Felix for the black, lace bra he provided you with. “You're so goddamned beautiful, Y/N…”
You didn’t expect it when he laid himself on top of you again, switching his movements against your lips to a slow, intimate kiss. Your body melted on the spot and decidedly resolved yourself to allow this man to do whatever the fuck he wanted to do to you. Your heart was pounding as you two gently moved your tongues together in a delicate dance, his hands massaging your breasts all the while.
You arched your back as he wrapped his arms around you to allow him to remove your bra, much more controlled than the last time you two fooled around on this couch. He wasted no time in throwing the lacy fabric to the side and running his palms across your bare breasts. No man had ever touched you under your clothes (not welcomed hands anyway) and you felt as if you were hyperventilating.
He flicked his thumbs over your sensitive, pink buds and you couldn’t sustain the squeak that escaped your mouth. “Hmmm, I like to hear my little mouse make those sweet noises.” You were sure your whole body was flushed as he moved his open-mouthed kisses down your chest. You felt another wave of pleasure pulse through your groin as he took your nipple into his mouth and sucked  hard .
You whined as he moved from one nipple to the other as to not neglect the other from his abuse. All you could do was lay there in suspense as he continued the journey of his lips down to your navel, the absence of his hard erection making you whine. “Oh, god, Minnie…” He thumbed at your clit through your jeans and you immediately took matters into your own hands. “Bedroom, now.”
With that, he swiftly lifted you from the couch (Damn, he’s strong) and shuffled to the bedroom to gently lay you down on the bed, quickly pulling off his shirt like a damn porn star and making his dark hair fluff from the friction. You giggled as he pounced on you and peppered kisses all over your face, eventually landing his lips on yours. It was hungry this time, pressing into your mouth furiously.
His hand snaked down to your navel and eventually popped open the button on your jeans. You were almost scared of what was to come, not knowing what to expect with another person’s hands on you. Well… hands that you actually wanted on you. However, this fear was quelled as he reached in and massaged your clit over your panties. Your eyes fluttered closed and you threw your head back with a loud moan, running your hands over his soft, toned chest in an attempt to gain purchase on something to ground yourself.
His mouth moved back down to flick his tongue over your nipples. “You’re so soft, baby.” He gently nibbled the swollen bud and you almost drew blood as you bit your lip. You lifted your hips as he peeled off your skinny jeans and he propped himself up on his knees between your legs. His eyes refused to leave yours as he slid his hands up the inside of your thighs. You were visibly quivering and you were embarrassed of the effect he had on you. 
He smiled down fondly at you. “Don’t be afraid, darling.” He moved one of his hands to caress your cheek. “I’ll take excellent care of you.”
You were speechless as you just nodded at him. He returned to your aching sex and lowered his body to kiss your inner thigh. “Holy fuck…” You breathed in a whimpered tone. You were immediately praising yourself for keeping yourself neatly groomed down there every day. You could feel his cheeky grin on your skin as he slid his tongue further up your thigh. His face hovered over the black lace that matched your bra and he stared directly into your soul with fire in his eyes. Never breaking eye contact, he closed his wet mouth over your clit through your panties and you felt like you died and went to heaven.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and your body couldn’t help but squirm from the delicious new sensation. He grabbed your hips to keep you still and your already soaked panties got even wetter as his saliva seeped through the fabric he was sucking on. Surely - with how you were bugging out like a teenager - he knew that you’d never done this before, right?
Your breathing picked up to hyperventilation mode as he thumbed at the hem of your panties. His mouth left your bliss button and you huffed in frustration. He chuckled and raised his body back up to whisper in your ear, grinding his bulge down on you all the while. “Calm down, little mouse. I don’t want you passing out before I’ve even started.” He pecked an open-mouthed kiss under your ear and sat back up to continue his previous ministrations.
He looked hesitant as he looped his index fingers through your panties, looking in your eyes for approval. “Please…” you whispered. And that's all he needed to swiftly slide your panties off your legs. You were completely naked and vulnerable in front of this man, but you didn’t feel scared of being touched. Not like last time…
He plunged down in between your legs and latched his mouth onto your bare, sensitive pearl, swirling his tongue around and making you whimper like a puppy. Grabbing onto your wiggling hips again, his mouth closed over your clit, he sucked hard . And goddamn was he a fucking god at this. You never thought anything could feel this good.
That was until his mouth moved down. Your knuckles were completely white as they gripped onto the sheets. He had traveled his tongue down to the base of your folds and licked up between them, ending the journey with a flick of your clit. You couldn’t hold back the cry that breached your lips. His tongue then plunged in between your slick lips and ate you out as if it were his last meal.
Your hands instinctively laced through his silky blue locks and lightly tugged on them, not pulling him away, but more to coax him for more. He received the memo and quickly looped his arms underneath your legs, using his pure strength to lift your pelvis to gain a better angle. “Fuck… shit… Oh god, Min! – ah!” One of his arms released your leg and guided his middle finger to join his tongue inside you. You could almost cry from the pleasure he was giving you.
You grinded down on him and he finally relented the attack with his mouth. He kept his finger inside you, slowly probing in and out as he moved back up to hover over you. “You taste so delicious, little mouse. So fucking good for me.” You desperately pulled him down for a kiss, tongues wrestling and you tasted yourself on his lips.
You whined into his mouth when you felt his index finger slide in next to the one already torturing you. You threw your head back, disconnecting your lips, when you felt him curl his fingers up and press against your sweet bundle of nerves that threw you into pure ecstasy.
He quickened his pace and you thrashed your body around, whining from the extreme intensity. He grabbed your arm with his unoccupied hand and pinned it to your side to lessen your movement. He latched his tongue to your clit again and it was too much to handle. “M-Minnie! I– I…” You felt waves crash over you as you released the tightness in your core, soaking the man’s face and sheets in the process.
“There we go, darling…” He left a sweet kiss on your inner thigh as he sat up to assess the damage. You closed your legs in shame, embarrassed of the mess you made. He looked up into your eyes with a sweet smile, putting his hands on your knees in the process, spreading them again. “Oh baby. That is so fucking HOT, you drive me crazy, baby.”
You felt your core heating up again, unable to get enough of this unreal human. You lunged up at him and tugged on his belt, slipping it out of his loops and undoing his jeans, loosening the tightness from his erection. Your eyes bulged out of your head when he pulled his pants down, displaying the ginormous tent in his boxers. The shakiness returned to your body tenfold.
You were terrified of your inexperience, afraid that you would humiliate yourself. You scooted closer to the edge of the bed and put your hands on his hips, eyes never moving from his painful looking erection. He stood there patiently, awaiting your next move. You hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided he deserved to know. “I– I’ve never done this before… you might need to help me…”
You could feel him tense up under your hands and you looked up at his face in apprehension. “Wait... are you a virgin?” You lowered your hands to your lap and looked down at them with a red face.
“Oh… O-oh shit!” He stepped away from you in a rush and pulled his pants back on at light speed.
You felt your heart sink and your head fill with desperation and doubt. “Min?” 
He scratched the back of his neck once his pants were fully on. “Y/N… I… I don’t know if I can do that…”
You felt the tell-tale signs of your stupid angry tears prick at your eyes. “You can't do what exactly?” You tried to control yourself, but your statement came off as extremely pissy.
He frustratingly ran his hand through his hair. “That’s… that’s a special kind of thing, Y/N… I can’t–”
“It’s so special that your dick won’t work?” You cut him off as you stood up and crossed your arms over your chest, feeling humiliated and exposed in your bare state. You began to pull up your soiled panties and jeans to at least feel a little bit of security. 
“That’s not it, babe–”
“You’re afraid to steal my ‘virtue’ or what the fuck ever? Well, news flash, I’ve lost that in about every other category.” You realized you were yelling now, staring daggers into him.
His scowl didn’t make you feel any better. “You don’t get it, Y/N. That kind of thing is not something that–”
Why the fuck did everyone judge your lack of ‘experience’? I’m not a goddamned child. You interrupted him again, not wanting to hear anymore. “Save it, Minho. You sound just like Chan! I thought you…” You cursed yourself for the unexpected tear that rolled down your cheek. You saw his face fall, but you were determined to stand your ground. “...I thought you wanted me…” You looked down at the ground and closed your eyes, your face twisted in anger. You didn’t want to face him anymore in you humiliated state. “But whatever, forget it. At this point, I’ll just stay a virgin forever. Or maybe I should just find someone with the balls to actually fuck me!”
You knew you didn’t mean it, but the rage that blinded you didn’t care. All you wanted to do was escape. And that’s exactly what you did. You marched into the living room to reattach your bra and pull your shirt over your head, immediately heading for the door with Minho close behind.
“Babe, please don’t leave…” He tried to grab your hand as you put your shoes on, but you yanked it out of his grasp.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me! Just…” The tears were streaming down your face and the woman you thought was strong, ended up to be just an emotional bitch baby. Just like you had been ever since you had stepped foot into this god forsaken country. “...just…” You gasped for air through your sobs, not knowing what to say in your anger. “...just fuck off, Minho…” You hastily turned and slammed the door in his face.
You skipped the classes you specifically shared with Minho on Monday and Tuesday, picking up an extra shift at work on Monday evening to drown your thoughts.
- - - - - - - - - -
You were balled up in your blankets as Chan walked in to bring you another plate of food on Tuesday, switching it out with the previous uneaten one in its place. “Kiyomi… please eat… I know you are feeling sick, but you aren’t eating enough on any given day already. I’m worried about you, hun.”
You stuffed your face into your pillow and mumbled back to him. “I’m sorry, Channie… I’ll try…” You knew you wouldn’t, but at least you could give him hope.
He caressed your hair with his face downturned in worry. “Okay, sweetheart. I’m praying for you to get better soon.” You smiled into your pillow and felt the black fog of sleep engulf you as he caressed his fingers through your hair. Chan is all I’ll ever need to make me happy, even if that means I’ll never have a real relationship with someone... These were the last thoughts that ran through your head as you drifted off into dreamland.
- - - - - - - - - -
You slowly regained consciousness and smiled again as you felt fingers still carding its way through your hair. You opened your eyes to look up at your best friend and almost jumped out of your skin when you saw another man. You had apparently jumped to the other side of the bed as you sat face to face with the man of your desires and heartache.
There was a moment of silence where the two of you searched each other's eyes, looking for some sort of explanation. “What the fuck are you doing here, Min?”
He looked down at his fiddling hands. “Um… tutoring? It is Tuesday, right?”
You scoffed and images of his rejection on Sunday ran through your mind. “Did I get lost in translation the other night? I specifically remember telling you to fuck off. Obviously you didn’t understand that included your company on tutoring days.” You crossed your arms and refused to look him in the eye.
“Y/N, please let me explain.”
“I think it’s crystal clear, Min. You are too much of a pussy to take my virginity. A concept that means nothing to me, by the way. Especially with the way I almost lost it last time…” You felt the prickling in your eyes of your potential tear ducts acting up and you tightly closed your eyes to hold them back.
“It’s not that it’s–” You peeked over at him sitting on your bed when he cut himself off mid sentence. “What do you mean ‘the way you almost lost it’?”
You kicked yourself for letting that slip. “Nothing, forget it.” You crossed your arms and faced away from him. He probably wouldn’t give a fuck anyway.
You felt a gentle hand rest on your knee and you almost broke down. “I know I might not be the most serious person in most situations, but please know that you can talk to me… I… I really like you, Y/N… the thought of you finding someone else to do that to you… it drives me crazy.”
You faced him and you were sure he could see your glossed over eyes that threatened to spill over. You hesitated, but after a moment of silence your hand naturally gravitated to hold the hand that was on your knee, intertwining your fingers and feeling his strong hand squeeze yours. You hadn’t realized how much you had missed touching him only in the span of a couple days.
“I… I didn’t really mean it, Min. I was just angry… I’d rather just forget about it…”
His face was downcast and his eyes were zoned out on your intertwined hands. “I feel like I know nothing about you, Kiyomi… I wish you wouldn’t hide from me…”
You looked up to the ceiling in an attempt to avoid your tears from falling. “It’s not that I want to hide from you, Minnie… I just have an ugly past. You wouldn’t look at me the same. Chan is the only one who helped me through it and the only one who has never judged me.” You looked down with a sad smile.
“Y/N…” You dared to look him in the eyes. “I want to be with you. I want to call you mine and have the honor to be called yours. I want to scream from the rooftops of how lucky I am to have you with me. I want to take you on dates and cuddle you when you’re sad. I don’t want to…” He looked down, considering the weight of his words. “...I don’t want to just fuck you, Kiyomi… I want to make love to you… but only when that time comes. You deserve your first time to be the best experience possible. Because you deserve to be happy, Y/N.” 
You didn’t know when you had started crying, but you only realized when he wiped away a stray tear from your cheek. “I’m not blind, little mouse. I know you have had some sort of shit happen to you… I can see it…” He freed his hand from your grasp so he could take both sides of your face in his hands, kissing your forehead gently. “If you don’t want to tell me, you don’t have to. But I would really like to know what’s going through your pretty little head when you fret over these things.”
He wanted to be with you, not only as a lover or a friend, but something far more intimate. You almost couldn’t process all of the words that were thrown at you, but as you cleared your mind of the fog of anger it once held, you found pure affection took its place. He was right, if you wanted this man, really wanted him (and you did) he deserved to know the truth.
- - - - - - - - - -
You looked down at the scrap of paper that had small lettering with shit handwriting of an address on it and looked up at the faded numbered door of a seedy motel, hoping the address was correct so you could get the fuck on with it. You briefly felt down to your boot, ensuring that your switchblade was secure inside your tight sock. 
The late autumn wind whipped around you and through your hair, causing you to shiver and grow goosebumps up your bare arms. Your jacket, admittedly the only jacket you had, had been ruined when your mom dropped the embers of a couple lit cigarettes and an ashtray on it, burning through the material. You should have at least worn long sleeves, but there was no point in ruminating on it now. The best thing you could do now was to get this over and done with.
You rapped on the door with your knuckle systematically and saw the blinds of the window next to you part slightly, inspecting who the visitor was. You rolled your eyes as the figure left. Do they seriously have to be so sketchy about it? As you waited for the man to open the door, you heard muffled voices on the other side of the teal, paint chipped door.
Once the door opened, you were quickly ushered to enter the room. “Ah, nice to see you again, Y/N! How are mom and pop?” The overweight man sitting next to a crappy table in the corner of the room shined a yellow, toothy grin at you. The two men who ushered you in the door retreated to resume their places on opposite corners of the room, one lighting the foul stench of a cigarette, the other scrolling through his phone.
“Can we please skip the pleasantries? I have school in the morning and I’d rather not chit chat.” You tossed the McDonald’s paper sack down on the bed, one of the lackeys grabbing it to inspect the contents. You watched as the man poked his pinky finger in the white substance and smeared it on the inner side of his lip, smacking his tongue to distinguish the taste.
“That’s it, boss. A full kilo.” You outstretched your palm to receive the roll of money that was sitting on the table next to a full syringe and a line of cocaine. Of course they aren’t satisfied with just one. The man stood up from his place next to the table and stepped towards you, making your fight or flight instincts flare up.
“Do you really have to leave so early? The night is young, little girl! At least stay for a drink.” He held up his lowball glass of brown liquor, making the contents slosh and the ice clink against the edges of it's containment. Your face twisted into one of disgust at his proposition.
“I’m good, thanks. Just give me the money and I’ll be out of your hair.” He huffed as he turned to grab the wad of cash, presenting it to you. As you went to claim it from him, he pulled it back.
“I think you could earn a little extra, kitten.” He licked his chapped lips and looked you up and down.
“Thanks but no thanks.” You tried to reach for it again, but he pulled it back further, making you lean closer to him. You stood back to your previous position and huffed. “Don, seriously? I don’t have time for this shit. Can you please just pay me so I can go?” You held out your hand expectantly once again.
Finally, he dropped the bundle into your hand and you grasped it firmly. You started to walk away, but when you turned around, your fear froze you on the spot as you watched one of the useless assholes pulling the chain over the lock on the door. 
There had been a couple of deals before where the recipient tried to hold you back, but they were easy enough to handle. Because you were a young, skinny girl, many thought you were a scared baby lamb. They were wrong.
You turned around with a blistering glare. “Don, what the fuck?! Let me out of here! You got your fix, you don’t need me anymore.”
“Oh, on the contrary, love. I think you have far better uses.” With that, the two men grabbed each of your arms, pulling you over to the bed and pinning you to it on each side. You cursed yourself for not watching your own back. The one that was smoking held up his cigarette to your neck and pressed the embers deep into your skin, making you scream in pain. The searing white pain fogged your eyes and fuzzed your mind.
When you regained composure, horror filled your veins as the fat man started unbuckling his belt and pulled down his pants and underwear in one go, showing his erect dick underneath bundles of fat. Sick motherfucking piece of cow shit.
Without even a second thought, your self defense instincts kicked in and you twisted your body in the men's firm grasps and wrapped your legs around the neck of the man on your left, making him relinquish his grasp on you as he tried to pry your thighs from his throat, choking and gargling on his spit all the while. You didn’t have much time before the other two men reacted, the larger of the two tripping over the pants around his legs and falling to the ground (fucking dumbass). And the man holding your other arm refused to loosen his grasp as you clung onto the other’s neck with your thighs for dear life.
The other man tried to pull you away, pulling your arm and twisting. You heard a pop and a grind in your shoulder followed by another yelp from your mouth from the pain, but you used the advantage of now having a free hand to punch his throat with all the strength you had in you. The man’s eyes bulged out of his head as he grabbed his throat with both hands, most likely having his esophagus collapsed. With both of your hands now free, you lunged over the bed to chase your escape, grabbing the money off the floor in the process and popping your shoulder back into its socket.
Both lackeys were clinging onto their throats in attempts to regain oxygen and the hefty man was rolling around on the floor, suddenly grabbing your ankle and pulling you backwards. Your body moved on its own as you reached down into your boot and flicked open the blade. You pulled back with a swift move and plunged the knife down. You heard a high pitched scream as you saw the sharp metal pierce straight through the middle of his hand, going all the way through and ripping through the tendons and veins there.
The hand that had held you captive retracted at light speed as he cradled it in his chest, whimpering like a baby. When you turned around, your terrified fingers trembled as you stumbled to slide the chain out from the lock with one arm, the other loosely hanging at your side. The pain in your shoulder would have to wait to be assessed at another time, because all the adrenaline worked towards one goal. Getting the FUCK out of there.
Luckily, you finally got out of the door just in time as you could hear Don yell ‘go get the bitch’ to his lackeys. You didn’t even hesitate to redirect your normal route to the bus stop, instead opting to round the corner of the motel and sprint through the back alleys of the area to sprint 3 miles to Chan’s.
- - - - - - - - - -
You sat in the dimly lit shed - and personal hang out spot - in Chan’s backyard and inspected your bruised knuckles from smashing that guy’s throat in. You felt yourself beyond lucky to make it out of there with only a few minor injuries. Your fingers fiddled with the loose strings on the bean bag’s covering that you sat on in the semi-decorated shed, making it seem a bit more homey.
Finally, Chan’s scowled face returned with a first aid kit and frozen peas in each of his hands, tucking one under the other arm to lock the latch of the door behind him. “You should just come inside so we can properly wash it.” He handed you the two bags of peas, one to place on your throbbing hand, and the other on your shoulder. 
He helped you as you flung a makeshift sling around your neck and secured it under your fucked up arm. He then opened the first aid kit on the small end table in between you and the other bean bag he sat in. 
“And let your parents see me in this state? No fucking way.” You winced as he pressed an alcohol swab against the ringed burn on your neck. The furious look on your best friend’s face refused to let up.
“I’m going to call the cops.” He didn’t look you in the eyes as he muttered the words.
You pulled away from his helping hands and glared at him. “Like hell you are! I wouldn’t have come to you if I were looking to get hunted down by drug dealers for narking. I’d just go home and suck it the fuck up.”
He just returned your glare and grabbed the back of your neck forcefully, continuing his aid with his other hand while he held you still. “You can’t keep doing this to yourself, Kiyomi…” He turned to grab the antibacterial ointment. “You’re…” You felt a pang in your chest as you saw his eyes water. “You’re going to get yourself killed…”
You took the bruised hand of your uninjured arm and raised it to his face. “That won’t happen, Channie. I’ve survived so far, yeah?” You dipped your head over to try and catch his fallen gaze. “Besides, I can’t leave my little pup to fend for himself.” You pinched the cheek where your hand was laid and he attempted to suppress his smile as he pulled away from your grasp.
A small chuckle escaped his lips as he lifted the swab of cream to your neck. He stayed silent though as he finished bandaging you. After he closed the kit, he patted your knee. “All done, sweetheart. Let’s go to bed, kay?”
You shook your head as you stood up. “No can do, love. I gotta get back home with this money before my dad has an aneurysm.”
“Would that be so bad?” He muttered bitterly. You panned over to him with an unamused face. “I can’t believe you keep going back to that shithole! Can’t you just come live with us?”
You scoffed and dropped your eyes to the ground. “Yeah, if you want them to come find me and harm not only me, but you and your entire family as well. It’s already been risky enough trying to keep you a secret from them…”
You felt his arms wrap around you and you buried your face in his shoulder. “I hate this, Y/N. I just want you to finally be free… safe.”
You deflated before you pulled back from him, trying to put on the most unaffected face you could muster. “Don’t worry about me, Channie. I’ve made it this far. I’ll be able to protect myself until I can save enough money to move out after graduation.” You offered him a sweet smile, which he halfheartedly returned. “Now, I have to get back before it gets too late. I don’t want them to come searching for me. You placed a peck on his cheek and showed yourself out of your tiny safe haven.
- - - - - - - - - -
You felt your skull crack against the cheap, hard linoleum flooring in the kitchen as your dad stood over you, your mom burning down the embers of a cigarette furiously in anxiety and talking on the phone a few feet away on the couch. “How THE FUCK could you lose us Don, one of our best buyers?!” You felt the breath leave your lungs as he landed a harsh kick against your ribcage.
You didn’t cry, you couldn’t. Your mind retreated elsewhere while your body laid there and awaited the end. “All for what?! Your stupid fucking pride?! If one of our buyers wants something, you do it, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!” Another kick.
“I know Don, we are taking care of the problem, just hear me out–” You faintly heard your mother trying to reason with the monster on the other side of the phone.
“If you can’t keep up with a stupid, fucking simple task, what good are you?!” A punch to the face this time, blinding your vision as you curled in on yourself on the ground. “You’re only taking up space here, so you’d better start pulling your goddamned weight!”
The anger that was boiling inside you released in a small snap. “He tried to fucking rape me dad! What was I supposed to do?!” He punched the side of your jaw, making you spit out a tooth and taste a disgusting flow of iron flowing from its place.
“If someone wants you to spread your legs, you tell them to pay up and then say WELCOME TO FUCKING POUND TOWN! Hell, it’s more revenue and a better use of your useless cunt anyway!” 
Your mother had ended her call and shouted over her shoulder. “He won’t fucking get over it! We lost him!” She slammed the bedroom door.
Your father’s face couldn’t get any more red. One, two, three more punches. You could feel the ring on his fingers denting and gashing into the bone and flesh on your face. You saw more and more blood build on his fist each time he pulled back. You could hardly believe it was coming from your body due to the amount of pain nearing the sense of numbness.
It was almost as if your soul had left your body, leaving nothing but a bloodied stick figure in its wake. Pain and acceptance was a dichotomy that was slowly blurring lines. Somehow, you were numb to the point of acceptance, but you were hyper aware of the feeling of every centimeter of your body. Your toes were scrunched up where they laid on the cheap linoleum. Your hands were balled in fists on your abdomen, attempting to protect your damaged ribcage, completely ignoring the pain that was already wrecking your shoulder. Your back was hunched into a ball like a fucking abused dog. And your face… you could feel the disfigurement increasing with every swing of his fist.
Once he stopped, heaving from his anger and effort, he spat down on your bloody and bruised body. “Find somewhere else to sleep tonight, bitch. I want you out of my sight.” With that, he turned and slammed his bedroom door behind him.
You laid there for a good ten minutes, uncontrollably shaking as you failed to get up. You were sure that one of your ribs was broken and you knew your nose was broken. When you finally came to, you limped your way over to the bathroom and examined yourself in the mirror.
The sight was grizzly, the entire left side of your face was flushed and swollen. You had a black eye that was swollen shut and cuts all over your cheek, jaw, and brow bones. The worst coming from your high cheek bone where you could feel the indentation underneath the skin into the hard surface of bone under the heavy flow of blood. 
Blood gushed out of your nose and you decided to bite the bullet. Picking up a nasty ass washrag from the floor, you shoved it in your mouth and bit down on it. With no small amount of hesitation, you counted to yourself. One, two, THREE . You heard a loud crunch as you snapped your nose back into place, blood gushing all the more into the washrag and sink as you removed the soiled cloth from your mouth.
You decided to bring the rag with you to hold up to your bleeding nose as you grabbed your rucksack and headed out of the apartment and into the brisk autumn weather. You definitely didn’t want to be present if your father had caught you still hanging around. It was about three in the morning when you had finally limped all the way to Chan’s house. You really didn’t want to call upon him twice in the same night, so you snuck around to the backyard and pulled a small key out of one of the pockets in your pack.
You snuck into the shed and locked it behind you, finally collapsing on the rug that adorned the decorated space. You laid there for no more than a minute before your vision turned to black.
- - - - - - - - - -
“OH MY FUCKING GOD, Y/N!!!” You awakened from your haze, sore and out of breath with the taste of blood still lingering on your tongue. Your vision was blurry at first when you opened your eyes, but eventually Chan came into view, on the ground next to you and tears streaming down his face. Your heart broke at the sight of your friend hurting. You tried to sit up to comfort him, but the pain racking from your ribs threw you back down with a thud and a whimper. He reached out towards you, but pulled back as if you were going to break if he touched you. “No no no, Y/N, why?! Why??? ”
You turned your head and tried to smile at him to quell his worries, but the smile only met half your face as the other half is still too fucked up. “Hey baby Channie…” Your voice sounded gurgled and rugged coming from your mouth. Funny, you wanted to ease his concern, but you probably just made it worse with how you sounded. You chuckled from the irony, making you cough up blood.
He reached toward you with tremored hands and a shaky breath. “I’ll take care of you, baby girl... I– I’ll fix this… I’ll fix this…” He sobbed into your hand he was holding and pulled out his phone with the other. You already knew what was going to happen. He was going to call the hospital - or worse, the police - and you would be utterly fucked if anyone found out. You weakly put your hand over his phone, making him look back at you with his blurry eyes.
“Channie… it’s okay… I’m okay, really.” You attempted a smile again.
“Bull fucking shit, Y/N! I LITERALLY THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!” He instantly regretted his words when you flinched from his anger. The tears refused to subside from his eyes as he gently caressed the less harmed side of your face with his fingertips. “I looked everywhere for you, sweetheart…”
You were utterly confused. “What do you mean, how long have I been out?”
He sobbed. “It’s fucking Wednesday, Kiyomi! I haven’t seen or heard from you since Sunday night!” You felt like you were hit by a truck with this news. You desperately tried to raise yourself from the floor, clenching your teeth through the pain. You felt as if you had face-planted down a flight of stairs while fighting a hangover. Your head rang and the world spinned on a top.
“Holy fuck, my parents are going to think I bounced on them. Fuck!” You fumbled around to get up from the ground, struggling to breathe, but Chan firmly held you down.
“NO.” Chan looked murderous when you looked up at him in frustration.
“Chan. You don’t get it. It’s one thing to be kicked out for a night or two, but the last time I stayed out longer than that, mom had locked me in the bathroom with nothing to eat for two days. I have to leave.”
“I DON’T GIVE A FUCK! Tell your dad or who the fuck ever that you are staying away, at least until you’re healed. I– I–” The sobs plummeted out of his body and you gritted your teeth as you sat up to hold him. “Please. Please, Y/N! Don’t go back. I can’t lose you…” He wrapped his arms tighter and you cried out from the pain that shot through your diaphragm and shoulder.
You instinctively clutched your sternum and doubled over, eventually falling backwards again against the ground, knocking the wind out of you. His eyes looked horrified as he gently placed his hands on your arms. “Kiyomi, w-what–?” He grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it up without warning. You weren’t necessarily uncomfortable with it, you trusted him more than anything in this world. But you were afraid of what he would find underneath.
Sure enough, Black and blue bruises were blotched all over your exposed, protruding rib cage, an angry red surrounding it all. The man had fire in his eyes, shaking from ferociousness and most likely homicidal thoughts. “Fuck this, I’m taking you to the hospital.” He wrapped his arms around you, one under your back and the other underneath your knees, carrying you like a baby toward the shed door.
You screamed out in pain and the only indicative response that he was hurting to hear you like that was the slight hesitation in his step and the agony on his face. “CHAN PUT ME DOWN!”
“NO!” He yelled back through his tears.
That made him freeze in his tracks. “W-what?” He looked down at your balled up form with saucers for eyes. “Y-you don’t mean that…”
“If you expose me, you won’t ever see or hear from me again. There is no way I could keep you and your family safe with ties like that to link my life back to you.” You were killing yourself to say the words, but your face remained fierce. Well, as fierce as it could be in its debauched state.
He turned back and gently laid you flat against the carpet again. You breathed a sigh of relief, wincing from the action momentarily. “Thank you Channie. I’ll… I’ll call mom and tell her that I need to lay low until I heal so the school doesn’t get suspicious. That I’ll find somewhere to stay out of their hair in the meantime… That should pass as a fair excuse, at least in mom’s eyes. Do you think your folks will notice if I hole up in your room? I’d stay out here, but at least your room has an ensuite bathroom I can hide in.”
He reluctantly nodded and pulled your phone from your backpack, hesitantly handing it to you. “Call her, I’m going to go make sure the coast is clear.”
- - - - - - - - - -
There were really too many tales to recount, each one worse than the next, so you decided on one of the more sordid stories, only briefly describing other smaller encounters. You had figured that if Minho really wanted to know, you might as well get the worst out of the way. You finished your trip down memory lane by telling Minho the reason why you were here. The reason you ever moved in the first place.
That night with your father. The week with Chan’s family. The move that saved your goddamned life.
You had figured he would be disgusted with you. Terrified or awestruck. You knew you would be if you were in his shoes. But all you could do was sit there in silence, refusing to look up and find out what the expression on his face had morphed into. The silence was deafening and the air crackled with preemptive lightning you knew was bound to come. 
But it never did. Why the fuck isn’t he saying anything? You spared a look at his hands and you saw his knuckles were completely white with a murderous grip. You slowly raised your gaze to try and read his eyes, consequences be damned. What you saw made a chill run down your spine.
His jaw was clenched and trembling, his nostrils flared, face red as his eyes were screwed shut. You could only speculate as to why he would be so mad. You supposed it wasn’t too far off that it was because you hid this from him, making him think you were a person you really weren’t. Chan was a pure golden hearted angel, never judging you or making you feel inferior - but realistically - you knew you couldn’t expect that from everyone. No matter how much it hurt to admit it…
You stood from the bed, wanting to be anywhere but there. Always running from your fucked up past. But you abruptly felt yourself being pulled back by the wrist, falling flat back down on the unmade bed with a thud. You felt the warm presence of the man of your desires wrap you in a tight hug, laying down next to your confused body in an unyielding embrace.
You felt all of your worries and machinations wash away as you pulled him indescribably closer, grateful for allowing you to burrow into him. You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything, nor could he, so the two of you just laid there with your bodies intertwined and his consolatory hand ran up and down your back.
You eventually puffed out a shaky breath and looked up from where you were buried in his chest to look at his face. He stared back down at you with an expression that was part adoration and part agony. One of the arms that were wrapped around your back was pulled to your face, his fingers gliding over your forehead and behind your ear to brush a stray hair out of the way. His hand found its resting place on your cheek and the fingers of the hand on your back swirled around in soothing circles.
You looked into his glossy eyes and couldn’t control the natural force that pulled your lips to his. His thumb brushed over the permanent indentation in your cheek bone as your lips whispered and melded over each other. The moment was more intimate and loving than anything you had ever experienced.
He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours, closing his eyes. “Y/N… H-how… w-why…?” You could tell he was at a loss for words and you shushed him with a chaste kiss.
“Min, it’s over now. I’m here and I’m fine. Chan saved me…” You offered him a small smile but he was remiss to return it.
“Well I can definitely say that a lot of the things I’ve been worried about have been made painfully clear now. How could you keep going back? You were literally on the brink of death, Y/N.” He stuffed his face in the crook of your neck. “I don’t even want to think of what those sick fucks would have done to you. I’ll fucking kill them.” He growled into your shoulder and you tried to calm him with your own ministrations on his back.
“It’s okay. Shhh… I’m sorry I kept it from you, Minnie. I was afraid…” He looked back up at you in confusion. “...afraid you would be disgusted with me. With the things I’ve done.” You refused to meet his eyes at your confession.
You felt his soft hand dip under your chin and lift it up to meet his eyes. “Oh, little mouse. Never think of yourself as anything less than extraordinary. You are the most strong, brave, and badass woman I’ve ever met. I think I’m starting to fall for you more and more by the second.”
Fall for me? As in love? That’s preposterous, there is no way anyone could feel that way about you knowing the things you’ve done. You were surprised enough that he didn’t run for the hills. You never could have even imagined ending up with someone who wasn’t already a pothead let alone anyone at all. You always considered Chan the only man in your life that miraculously loved you unconditionally, even if it wasn’t romantic.
He looked down at you as if he was seeing you for the first time. “So beautiful…” His hand smoothed over the curve of your waist and his eyes traced your body. He leaned in and breathed against your neck, the hot puffs stealing the air from your lungs. “So powerful for such a small little mouse.” The smell of him filled your nose with ginseng, sandalwood, and citrus and you got chills from the delicious aroma.
As his hand traveled down your body - over your waist, hip, ass - he stopped at the back of your thigh, lifting it to drag over his own hips. “Minnie…”
You’d never experienced this much desire in your entire life. Honestly, with your experience with sexual encounters, you thought you wouldn’t be interested at all. Meeting Minho completely reversed any of those thoughts and enhanced your libido tenfold. Surprisingly enough to you, you wanted nothing more in life right now than to jump this man’s bones.
You felt a wet kiss touch down on the base of your jaw and you loudly sighed in desire. You closed your eyes and felt hot waves of arousal spread over your body and through your veins, making electric shocks shoot to your nerve endings. Just a single touch from Minho was enough to thrill you into wanting and make you throw all caution to the wind.
You made your intentions very clear as you pulled your groin closer to his. Well, as much as you could in the awkward angle you two were in - facing each other on your sides. He responded in kind, grabbing your ass and pulling you flush to him.
He lightly suckled on your pulse and you threw your head back in bliss, allowing him more access. You slipped out a tiny whimper when he lightly bit the flesh on your neck, immediately soothing it with his delectable tongue. You could feel his hardening length tighten his pants as you pressed into him, making you giddy that he was just as worked up as you were. 
The haze of ecstasy momentarily cleared when a pressing thought crossed your mind. “Wh-where’s Chan?” It was only but a whisper, but you knew he had heard you, stopping his sinful actions to briefly respond.
“Gone.” He moved back to your mouth, planting a sensual kiss before whispering against your lips. “Said he’d be out late…” He licked up into your mouth and you clenched your thighs around him, feeling your shorts soak with your arousal.
You took matters into your own hands and straddled your personal, beautiful incubus. You paused to look down at his gorgeous form. His iconic look of dark ripped jeans, a black v-neck t-shirt, and that same damned sexy leather jacket. You wanted it all gone.
He seemed to be appreciating you as well as his hands ran up and down your thighs that bracketed his hips. Your hands lightly crawled up his clothed chest and parked on the collar of his jacket, gripping it firmly. You leaned forward and planted a small kiss on his cheek before whispering. “Minnie… I want you…”
The groan that left his throat was low and controlled. He involuntarily grinded his hips up, making you gasp at the friction. “Oh baby…” He closed his eyes. “You’re making this so difficult for me…” His hands traveled to grope your ass and grinded you forward.
“Ngh *gasp*… Well… if you aren’t ready… can I at least take care of you?” You said between movements, breathing heavily. You scooted back slightly and splayed your hand over his rock hard bulge to encourage him. “I want… I want to taste you…” His eyes were about to pop out of his head at your bold statement. You feigned confidence.
He was breathing just about as heavily as you were and you continued to stare into each other's souls. His face looked pained in conflict as he fluttered his eyes shut from your touch. “God, Kiyomi… you’re unreal… ” He opened his eyes and searched your own for any uncertainty. He would find none, you were hungry for him and you wanted to do anything that would show him that. You decided to be a bit more daring and deftly popped open the button of his pants.
He smirked at you with that confident smile that you hadn’t realized you missed until he graced you with it. “Well you seem to have already made the decision for both of us, eager little mouse.” You bit your lip seductively, egging him on as you steadily lowered his zipper. His eyes burned in anticipation and flit between your eyes and your wandering hands. “Are you sure you want this?” His face still had that teasing demeanor, but you could hear the genuine hesitation and indecision in his voice.
You paused the exploration of your hands to gently place them on his shoulders, kissing him with a slow, passionate tenderness that you hoped would ease his doubts. When you released his lips, you whispered. “I’ve never been more sure in my life. I want all I can get from you Lee Minho.” That was all it took.
His movement was swift as he sat the two of you into a sitting position with his legs swinging over the edge - you still straddling him - making you dizzy as his lips latched onto your cleavage just above the dip in your shirt. You used this opportunity to slide off his jacket and his hands slid up under the hem of your shirt to unceremoniously yank it over your head, freeing your braless chest and lithe frame.
For half a second, it seemed like he was looking at your figure in a new light, now having known the knowledge of your previous child neglect and linking it to your current self neglect. Although you were starting to fill out gradually with proper meals, you were still severely underweight. But after that second of contemplation, he gently kissed your belly, just above your navel. His hands ran up your sides slowly as he continued kissing your torso. When his hands traveled up to take purchase of your breasts, he softly flicked his thumbs softly over your perky nipples and - at the same time - laid a sensual kiss against your visible rib cage.
You sighed in pleasure at his pure affection and pulled back momentarily to peel off his shirt, your hands returning to run through his silky mane. You rolled your hips forward to seek out the sweet friction from his erection and he squeezed your breasts harder before releasing. His mouth replaced them to latch on to one of your nipples and, with his free hands, he blindly fumbled around for your pillow and threw it down on the floor at his feet.
You knew what your next task was, so you pressed a sweet kiss on top of his head and removed yourself from his lap, slinking down onto your knees in front of him and running your hands over his magnificent clothed thighs with desire penetrating him through your eyes. Your hands slid up his legs to the hem of his jeans, feeling each and every groove in the rough fabric, and you looped your fingers underneath them and his boxers. He awaited your next move, letting you set the pace.
When you tugged on them, he lifted his hips to assist you as you gradually pulled down the offending piece of fabric. Once they were finally thrown to the side, your gaze was blown wide at his bare tumescence. There was no fucking way you could fit all of it, but you’d definitely try like hell. You were surprised with yourself when you realized your mouth was literally watering at the sight.
“Min, porn can only teach me so much. I’ll probably need your help…” 
“Oh?” He smirked. “I wonder what type of porn my cute little mouse likes.” His condescending tone lit a fire in you. He leaned down to catch your gaze and whisper. “I bet it’s not so innocent, is it, darling?” His crooked smile challenged you and you wanted to do nothing more than gain the upper hand and wipe that smirk off of his face.
You unexpectedly reached forward and ran the palm of your hand up the length of his dick, applying the delicious pressure that you knew would make him weak. “Maybe you should stop stalling and find out for yourself how innocent I really am.” He shuddered and his eyes closed fleetingly, making you proud of the effect you had on him.
That was until he returned to that exigent glower. His admonitory hand raised to leisurely smooth his thumb over your lower lip. “I’ll never know until I see these pretty lips wrapped around my cock.” Your jaw dropped and it was your turn to quiver this time, making him sit back in triumph as your face lit up to an alarming shade of red. Damn him and his stupid ability to make me completely muddled with just a few words.
You absentmindedly licked the spot where his thumb grazed you and tentatively wrapped your hand around his length, your small fingers not able to fully wrap around the full width. He guided you with his hand covering your own, indicating the pressure and movements you were to execute. His dick felt like fire in your hand and it made your head spin to think about how it would feel inside of you.
The veins were prominent and you couldn’t understand why that turned you on so much. The level of arousal was apparent with how much precum he was leaking onto your hand and you felt your confidence skyrocket.
He was patient and alit with desire, but once you got the hang of it, he released you and let you continue your ministrations on your own. You could tell he was enjoying it by the way his breathing picked up and his eyes fluttered.
Again, continuing at your own pace, you placed a small kitten lick to the underside of his head, making him gasp at the abrupt sensation. The precum didn't taste awful like you had imagined, just a bit bitter.
Satisfied with his reaction, you tried to pull out some of the skills you had learned from your recent searches. Pulling away your thumb from your grasp, you completely flattened your tongue, making it wide enough to run from the base to the tip of him, flicking your tongue up at the end of his sensitive slit. You followed it up by wrapping your lips around the very tip of his sensitive head with tentative suckling.
A groan fell out of his mouth as he sighed and his fingers gravitated to intertwine through your long tresses. “Oh baby… fuck, you’re doing so good…” Your heart swelled with pride and you took in a bit more. “...just wrap your lips over your teeth and do what you feel is right. I trust you, baby girl.” You felt a fluttering in your chest and you realized that you wouldn’t rather be anywhere but here, sucking the life out of this man’s dick. 
You followed his instructions, sinking down further and trying to mimic the pressure you had used with your hand. As you had previously assumed - far before he was fully sheathed - the tip hit the back of your throat making you accidentally gag and pull off. You looked up at him with a pout. “I can’t fit it all…” You wanted to cry with frustration. All you wanted was to please him, which wasn’t characteristic of you at all. You were ashamed of yourself and hated the thought of him not being satisfied with you.
He cooed at your frustration and pinched your cheek. “That's okay my little mouse. Just do however much you’re comfortable with.” He grabbed your previously used hand and placed it on the base of his length. “This can do the rest, yeah?” His smile was one of adoration and your already flushed cheeks reddened even further as you meekly nodded to him.
You returned your mouth to him and his hands continued to lace through your hair. Once you were fully choked again, the hands on the back of your head gently guided you up and down, making you hum in appreciation. As your hand had worked the rest of him, you stared up at his face. Your shorts soaked even further when you saw that he had freed one of his hands from your hair so he could lean back on it on the bed, throwing his head back in pleasure and huffing from the euphoric feeling through his raw, bitten lips.
The precum that was oozing from the tip started tasting acidic and salty, but the underlying sweetness made up for the uncomfortable sting. The hum you vibrated against him earned you a strained croak from the depths of his throat and your pride returned to you.
You decided to redouble your efforts and quickened your pace with abandon, wanting to hear more beautiful noises from him. You tried with all of your effort to swallow down his ridiculous length and not gag, but it wasn’t an easy feat. You could tell he was struggling, but he was very well controlled when it came to vocalization. You didn’t want that.
You let your mouth take the reins and you swirled your tongue around him and flicked the slit on the underside like a lollipop, letting your saliva drool out of your mouth and down his shaft. That is what did it for him. His low groan almost sounded like a growl and the hand in your hair gave delicious little tugs. “Fuck, Kiyomi… baby *ngh* so fucking good… shit.” You hummed in appreciation and you could feel his dick twitch. Your slobber was dripping down your chin and it was messy as hell, but that turned you on even further.
His gut was palpitating and you could tell he was getting close. You made eye contact with him as your free hand slid down your body to tuck underneath your shorts and make circular motions on your sensitive clit. His eyes blew open wide and you groaned at the sensation you were granting yourself, the vibration on his dick was making him come undone. “I– I’m c– cumming…” He grunted out as he tried to pull you away by your hair, but you always knew one thing - the hottest thing a person can do is swallow. So you remained firm in your actions, speeding up and sucking harder. “Y/N–!”
You felt a thick, warm liquid collide with your throat and blend in with your saliva. You stroked him a few more times to milk out the rest and then slid off of him altogether with a loud *pop*. The taste was definitely more prominent, but with the tangy substance still sloshing around on your tongue, you made sure Minho saw it as you cleaned the rest of his tip with your dripping tongue, punctuating your action with a loud ‘gulp’ at the end.
It took a moment for him to regain a modicum of composure, but when he did, he spoke with a heavy breath. ”I now have no doubt in my mind, you are indubitably a motherfucking goddess.” He fell back against the sheets and you raised from the floor to follow him, draping one leg over his own and wrapping your arms around his neck.
You were just happy that you could make him feel good. It was a goddamned miracle that he didn’t bounce out on you as soon as he heard your story. So if that meant that you would just have to take care of your own aching pussy once he left, it was well worth it.
You looked up at his resting face and his beauty never failed to take your breath away. His sharp jawbone perfectly framed his gorgeous high cheekbones and the straight slope of his nose was as if it was carved from stone. His huge, beautiful eyes were closed and his long eyelashes fanned over his cheeks like black waves.
You could've stayed there forever, just basking in the pure ethereal beauty of Minho. You took in a large inhale of his musk and earthy scent and snuggled closer to him. His bare skin felt like velvet under your touch and you took a moment to appreciate his milk and honey skin.
You raised your hand and - once again - tangled your fingers through his silky midnight hair, lightly running the tips of your fingernails over his scalp, making him hum in gratitude. Your eyes finally landed on his delicious lips. His overbite was insanely adorable, but the plumpness and slope of his lips were sexy as hell. The heavy, hot breaths he puffed out of them turned you on even more.
You found yourself licking your lips and figured you could indulge yourself just a bit more of him. While his eyes were still closed and he was still trying to catch his breath, you latched your lips onto his briefly and sweetly before ghosting down against his skin on your way to continue your open-mouthed kisses on his jaw.
He was addicting, the light sheen of perspiration on his skin gave you a salty-sweet taste that made you want to lick him all over. Your tongue traveled further to fleetingly suckle and nip on his ear. The sound he made as he sighed out made your wet shorts even more drenched. 
You gripped his hair a bit harder as the other hand ran over his pecs and lightly defined abs. You started devouring him. Sucking hard against his neck, pulse point, collarbone, chest, anything that could elicit more of his sweet noises.
The arm that was wrapped around your waist underneath you snuck its way over the back of your shorts to gingerly kneed at your ass. His other hand raised up to travel his fingertips over your breast, tweaking the swollen nip periodically. His head craned back further into the bed to give you more access to mark him up and the hand that was exploring your breasts traveled further down.
His single index finger slid far too slowly down the center of your abdomen and dipped into your navel before traveling further. Your breath hitched against him when you could feel him teasing with the edge of your shorts. “Please Minnie…” You whined against his neck and you could see his dick twitch. Damn, does this man not have a refractory period?  
He gained a mocking tone of voice. “Well, since you asked nicely…” You breathed heavily in anticipation as he dipped his hand down the front of your shorts before he chuckled. “Tsk tsk, no panties? Maybe my little mouse isn’t so innocent. So naughty for me.” Blood ran to your face making it bright red and you never thought you would like dirty talk, but coming from his mouth it lit you on fire. His finger dove further down into your wet shorts and found your aching pearl. You cried out as he stimulated it with figure eight movements. “Is this what you wanted, baby girl?”
You frantically nodded your head in the crook of his neck, relenting your attack on his skin in response to his sinful activities. You’d been stimulated by him before and you could now confidently say that he was a pro at this. You were breathing against him rapidly as his finger teased at your labia. He dragged his finger through the center, but not quite inside you, ending his journey with a light flick of your clit.
“Damnit Minho! Stop winding me up!” You roughly bit his shoulder and he growled at the sensation. Before you knew it, he had pushed you over on your back and hovered over you.
“I’d like to see you make me. What can a mouse even do when faced with a tiger?” His evil grin made you glare in sexual frustration.
You looked down at his now fully erect cock and your hand flew to its base, making him choke on his words. You leaned up to whisper in his ear. “If you ever want your dick in me, whether it’s now or later, you’d better stop being a fucking tease.” 
You released his erection and he regained his senses. He climbed off of you in a rush and grabbed your ankles, roughly pulling you to the edge of the bed and got on his knees where you had been positioned just moments before. Your breath escaped you at light speed and excitement flowed through you like a babbling brook. He grabbed onto your soaking sleep shorts and quickly yanked them off of you (almost tearing them even).
“You asked for this, you damned bratty rat.” He growled. He immediately plunged two fingers inside of you and dove his face right in, devouring anything he could get his mouth on. His tongue joined the two fingers that were already relentlessly pumping in and out of you, making you whine at the stretch.
“Fuck–!” You watched his concentrated face as he probed you with his tongue while his nose stimulated your clit. He then moved up to your clit, sucking on it hard and looked into your eyes with an eyebrow raised as if he were taunting you. You had never felt so malleable.
Without warning, he added a third finger into you alongside the others that were abusing you. You belted out a high pitched yell and thanked god that both of your roommates were gone for the night.
“Is this what you wanted, frisky baby? For me to fuck you with my fingers?” He pulled off with your juices running down his face.
“Fuck– ngh! – I want– ah! – you to fuck me with your *gasp* dick!” His fingers were teasing across your g-spot and you were losing your composure quickly.
“All in due time, princess.” He curled his fingers up to abuse you right in the spot that made you scream. He leaned down to continue to lick up into you and flicked your sensitive bead when you felt the painful buildup in your core start to increase.
“Ah! Min please! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD don’t stop!” You saw stars burst and your vision went black for a half a second. You felt your release explode and soak your lovers hand and face, making the experience all the more euphoric. You would never let this man go if he could make you orgasm that hard just by eating you out. Your whole body was limp and you felt numb, only able to see him .
He raised up from his knees and licked his fingers clean while seductively staring at you. You would be swimming in your shorts from the sight if you were still wearing them. He then wiped his face with the back of his hand and walked into your bathroom. Moments later he returned with a damp cloth and started cleaning you. Can this man be any more fucking perfect? He threw the rag into the laundry bin and pulled his boxers on. Once he climbed back on the bed and hovered over you, that stupid ass smirk returned to his face. “Any other requests, my sweet mouse?”
Everything faded away as you looked up at him. You couldn’t believe that this man wanted you at all. It took everything in you not to cry from disbelief. You felt as if this were some sick trick, someone spending money to make this feel real just to eventually rip the rug out from underneath you and send you plummeting into darkness again. You wanted this to be real. You wanted Minho.
You grabbed his face and pulled him down so his lips could meet yours. It was slow and intimate, a drastic change from the earlier hunger. When you pulled back, you were inches from his face and staring deep into his two black pools for eyes. “Be my boyfriend.”
His smile was enormous and you had never seen anything more beautiful. He wrapped you in his arms and rolled the two of you over so you were flat on top of him with his hands tightly squeezing you in a hug. You dug your face into the crook of his neck to inhale more of his earthy and musky scent. “Fucking finally.” 
You looked up at him with an unamused face. “I assume that’s a yes?” He laughed at you.
“Yes, I suppose I will keep you around.” You giggled as you smiled at him and, again, he was all you could see, the brightest light smiling at you. He usually kept a confident or indifferent composure, but this was a completely different side of Minho you had never witnessed.
“Fucking finally…” You mocked and repeated his earlier statement and he squeezed you tight while rolling around on the bed. You protested but he continued rolling you around like a ragdoll. You suddenly realized that you were still completely naked. “Min!” You laughed as he winded up squishing you with his strong body flat on top of yours.
“Mousebed, 5 stars.” He snuggled up on top of your neck.
You squeaked out. “Min… I can’t breathe!”
“Don’t act like you don’t like it.” He kissed your neck gently.
“I’m gonna die.”
A dramatic sigh escaped his lungs and he reluctantly rolled over to lay next to you. “I would threaten you more, but I can’t hurt my new girlfriend just yet.”
“Just yet? What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You sat up and looked down at him incredulously.
He formed an evil grin. “Pain and pleasure are just two sides of the same coin, little mouse.” He grazed his hand over your thigh and your heart dropped out of your ass. Holy hell this man is going to be the death of me. Your thighs squeezed together as your pussy started to ache from excitement. And of course the bastard's eye catched it. “Excited are we?”
You pushed yourself off the bed and glared at him. “No! I was just contemplating whether to punch your stupid smug face or not!” He sat up on the bed and watched your naked body saunter off to start the shower.
“Even though you might be the most badass girl I’ve ever met–” He said it loud enough for you to hear. Without realizing he came up behind you, he wrapped his arms around you after shucking off his boxers and the two of you entered the shower as he whispered in your ear. “But I can still make you weak underneath me, baby girl.”
Your heart palpitated as he trailed open mouthed kisses down the side of your neck. “No marks, Min…” You breathed out your words in a desperate tone.
He hummed in response. “Hmm… It doesn’t seem quite fair that you marked me all over my neck, but I can’t claim you with mine.” He bit your earlobe, still swaying you back and forth with his arms around you from behind as the hot water cascaded down your bodies.
You twisted around in his arms and grabbed his shoulders, pushing him away at arm's length. He still had a cocky smirk on his face. “You want Chan to question me? Have me tell him that I’m fooling around with some other guy? You know he would want to meet the mystery man.” His smile dissipated into a scowl.
“Fuck no, I don’t want our circle thinking your fucking anyone but me.” He crossed his arms and looked like an annoyed teenager.
“Okay well, one: you refuse to fuck me. And two: the guys don’t and won’t know we’re together anyway.” He rolled his eyes and zoned out on the wall with his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. You put your hands on his cheeks and turned his head to face you. “What is it, Min?”
He grabbed your hands and pulled them off his face. “Do we seriously have to keep it a secret? It really is stupid.” His arms returned to their crossed position. “Do you not want people to know?” His voice was accusatory.
You glowered at him. “Min. Are you serious right now? Chan made his intentions blatantly clear. I don’t want my boyfriend to end up being a smear on the carpet, it would never be able to get that stain out!” That earned a repressed smile out of him and your annoyance slightly decreased. “You know I am more than proud to officially be yours… I… I just need time to change his mind…”
He tensed his jaw, closed his eyes, and let out a big sigh. “Okay…” 
- - - - - - - - - -
It had been a few weeks and you and Minho had been so busy with school and work, you only got to see each other in classes. Even your tutoring days were postponed due to constant work.
When you did find a break in your schedule, you had taken the chance to find a good doctor. She was able to get you set up with an IUD for good birth control. That is… if Minho was ever ready.
You couldn’t do much fooling around at the moment anyway with all of the work you had to do. The spring season made everyone want to get out and enjoy the air. Causing more people stop by the café and more work for you.
You didn’t mind work, you actually loved your job at the coffee shop, but it also meant less Minho time. You finally started taking orders when your boss was satisfied with your Korean speech and Hangul writing.
One day during work, the boss man came to check up on things. You actually really liked him, he was patient and funny. A really chill guy. So you decided you would try your luck at a suggestion for the business.
“Good afternoon Mr. Choi! How’s your day been?” He sighed and slumped into the back room office chair.
“About as well it can be with a full day of paying bills.” He cracked his neck and looked half asleep.
“Wow, my favorite days! Don’t you have a secretary or a manager that helps you with that?”
“Psh, I fucking wish. No, I’m alone in this fight.” He leaned forward in his seat. “So what’s up girly? You needed to talk to me?”
You caught yourself nervously fiddling with your fingers and pulled them to your sides. “Yes, sir! First off, have you heard of that lounge down the road? Eunsincheo?”
“Yeah! Pretty cool little place they’ve got there. Seems really chill.” He suddenly looked more lively and you regained your confidence.
“Yeah! It’s a really nice place! My roommate actually works there—“
“Oh yeah, that muscley guy that comes to see you all the time?” 
“Yeah! That’s Chan. Well, I go there a lot to see him and their coffee is… for lack of a better word, it’s complete shit.” He absolutely cackled at that and you chuckled to yourself. “Well, my point is, I was wondering if you had ever considered collaborating or creating a sister store? Both of our businesses are small and local and I feel like it would have a positive impact on not only our revenue, but also on theirs.”
He was nodding to himself in contemplation with furrowed brows. “Is this something you have discussed with their management?”
“No, sir. I didn’t want to get ahead of myself until I spoke to you first.” He seemed to appreciate that answer.
He suddenly swiveled to face the office desktop and pulled the agenda up on the screen. “How about this, you write up a plan and an outline of all the expenses and steps needed to take. I will email you a summary of our current budget and you can calculate what our potential revenue would be. If you can get that information to me by next month and it looks doable, I will let you handle the entire project.”
You almost couldn’t believe it. You were sure he would at least give you the stereotypical ‘let me think about it’ and then never mention it again. This was better than anything you could’ve asked for. You deeply bowed. “Yes, sir! Thank you so much!” You enthusiastically shook his hand. “I will work on that right away! You won’t regret this, sir.”
He laughed at your eagerness. “Well, it’s not a done deal yet, Y/N. It all depends on the budget.” He stood up and shook your hand again. “I look forward to see what you will prepare.”
You were almost jumping with joy. You couldn’t wait to tell Chan. Hell, if you got to be in charge of it, you could probably get to work at Eunsincheo with Chan, Changbin, and Jisung! Every day in this country kept getting better and better. The next time you decided to pay your dues to your Bang ‘parents’, you would have to let them know, once again, how grateful you were to them.
Click here for Part Three
2chopsticks2eyes - Masterlist
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godsmenusuperbowl · 10 months
Please Just Remember ~ *Seo Changbin*
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Summary: He has been waiting for you for so long, he’s almost given up all hope. His friends tell him to be patient and you will come. But he’s already waited five hundred years. If you haven’t shown up by now, will you ever?
Pairing: Seo Changbin X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Oneshot
Word Count: 4056
Warning: Some swearing, couple mentions of blood, and Victoria’s Secret
Taglist: @foxwinter @maeleelee @mxnsxngie @kpop-will-kill-me
He remembered it like it was yesterday. The smell of perfume in the air, the tightness of his collar as he was trying to adjust it, the dress that flowed around you like a cloud. Changbin could remember it all like it was happening every time he closed his eyes. The day you two married was the happiest day of his life and he knew he was never going to forget it. Honestly, he couldn’t believe your father, the King, was allowing a simple soldier to marry his beloved daughter, but he was forever thankful for him. Changbin was so nervous that day but with your hands in his, he felt like he could face whatever life threw at him, even if it were a couple of vows that he couldn’t for the life of him remember. That kiss that you shared that day was forever imprinted on his lips and even in the stillness of the night, he could feel your lips brush against his like a whisper from the past.
He remembered it like it was yesterday. The gates were destroyed beyond repair, the screams that filled the hallways, the stench of blood in the air. Changbin was trying to find you, sword in hand. His militia was too far when the palace was first attacked. The battle was devastating and before he knew it, he saw the King killed before his eyes, trying to protect his wife. Changbin knew he would do the exact same thing to protect you, if only he could find you. God, why couldn’t he find you? He was becoming frantic, searching every room in the palace to find you. He froze when he did. You were dying in your bedroom, calling out to him weakly. He held you in his arms as you took your last breath, all while still defending you from the last remaining remnants of the invaders. The bitter tears he wept that day could still be felt staining his cheeks even now.
Changbin sighed. That was over five hundred years ago. Honestly he stopped counting at this point. It wasn’t worth it. He knew his quest to find you was a futile one. The Gods had promised him he would one day be reunited with you again, but he was losing hope. He didn’t understand why they decided to keep playing this cruel trick on him. What he wanted more than anything at this point was to feel the sweet embrace of death so that he could finally be in your arms again. But no, he was here, trying to decide what he wanted for lunch.
Someone slung their arm around his shoulder, making Changbin sigh. “Aw, why the long face soldier?”
“Don’t start with me, Jisung.” He snapped.
“Are you still mad that my Master Hwanung is making you live forever so that you can be reconnected with your long lost love?” He asked, poking his begrudging friend’s cheek.
“Yes, I am. Thank you for noticing.” Changbin folded his arms over his chest. “Some spirit of the sky you are.”
“Hey I have no control over what my Master Hwanung decides!” Jisung held his hands up in mock surrender. “But it was a council vote, so there’s that.”
“You’re not helping your case, Jisung.” Chan huffed, pulling his black hat up a little to better look at his friends.
“Neither are you!” He snapped. “You’re supposed to be finding her soul or whatever! You’re a grim reaper aren’t you? Or are you just some guy who’s pretending to be one for popularity reasons.”
Chan sputtered, “I am! It’s just, souls are harder to find when they’re actually, you know, in alive people.”
Changbin scoffed. “I don’t know why I’m friends with the two of you.”
“Because you love us.” Jisung pulled his friend close before rubbing his cheek against the disgruntled Changbin’s cheek. “That and we can help you find your long lost love and fulfill your mission.”
“Unfortunately.” He muttered before pushing the spirit of the sky off of him. “Either way, unlike the rest of you, I’m hungry, so I’m going to get some food and the two fo you can leave me alone.”
“Aw, where’s the fun in that!” Jisung pouted, stamping his feet like a two-year-old.
Chan sighed before placing a hand on his shoulder. “C’mon oh “wise” spirit. He needs to be alone with his thoughts. It is the anniversary of that day you know.”
“Wait the day of his wedding or the day she died?” Jisung asked. “Wait, no, they both happened on the same day, a year apart, right?”
“JISUNG!” Chan shouted before pulling him away from the melancholy Changbin.
Shaking his head to clear the nightmares that were trying to creep into his mind, he entered the restaurant. He ordered a simple meal and stared out the window in a very morose fashion. He knew his brooding wasn’t going to get him anywhere, but after some coffee and a bit of food, maybe he would feel up to visiting her gravesite today.
The bell attached to the front door of the restaurant jingled and Changbin barely registered the sound. It wasn’t until two seconds he heard something familiar; something very, very, very familiar. He remembered like it was yesterday. She was laughing at him for falling into the river on accident. But it wasn’t his fault that he wasn’t looking where he was going. She was just too beautiful not to be admired. Really, she did it on purpose by wearing that dress that he loved so much. It was her fault that they both ended up in the river that day.
She was wearing that dress again. Not the exact same one, but it was the same color and the same pattern decorated the skirt. The skirt was shorter and the sleeves barely brushed her shoulders. Her hair was styled the same way though, in a low bun with a pretty hair pin that matched the color of her dress. He assumed it was her as soon as he heard her laugh and his assumptions were confirmed when he saw her. He would never forget the love of his life, not in five hundred years, not in a million.
You were with a couple of your friends and were taking a break from your shopping spree by grabbing a bite to eat at your favorite restaurant. Usually the place was pretty empty as it was more of a hidden gem kind of eatery, but today seemed to be a bit busier than usual. Nevertheless, you still knew everyone.
Well, almost everyone.
There was a very handsome man sitting near the window, sipping absentmindedly on his coffee. You instantly thought he was cute before blushing. Your friends teased you for “falling so quickly for a stranger”, but to you he didn’t feel like a stranger. Something, some very small part of you, seemed drawn to him, as if you knew him from a previous life…
But that was just nonsense.
Instead, you simply enjoyed a lunch with your friends before making a plan of which stores you still needed to visit. As you chatted, you managed to sneak a couple of sly looks to the handsome man at the window. It was as if he was a painting come to life, something that should be hanging in the Louvre. Again, you felt a small tug towards him, as if you needed to speak to him about something, but you simply dismissed the feeling. It couldn’t be real. Just some weird premonition thing that didn’t even matter. It’s not like your whole life was going to change drastically if you talked to him.
Changbin, on the other hand, was struggling with what to do next. Of course he meets you on the anniversary all of this took place and of course you were out with friends. You were always a social butterfly and talked more than you should as a princess. But that’s what he loved about you. Being with you was never boring and the two of you could talk for hours on end about anything and everything.
But he really, really, really wished you weren’t so social at the moment.
Honestly, it’s not like he could just go up to you and say “hey remember me? We got married in a past life and now I need to save your life so we can be together forever again.” No one says that. Not in this day and age, although he didn’t understand why. It would be a very romantic gesture.
He needed to get you alone somehow. If only Stupid and Bothersome was here with him, because they could distract your two friends while he spoke to you. But knowing them they were probably halfway on the other side of the world now, annoying some other immortal as they do.
“I seriously can’t believe I’m friends with those two.” He muttered under his breath through gritted teeth, his grasp on his coffee cup so tight he might shatter it.
Sneaking another glance at you, Changbin gasped when he caught your eye. Your eyes still held the entire galaxy in them, even after all of these years. He could feel himself melting under your gaze and he couldn’t tear himself away, even if he knew how awkward it was. He begged and pleaded with his eyes, as if they would tell you to come closer to me, come see me, come talk to me please.
But you turned to your friends, grabbed your things, paid for your meal, and left without a word to him. With a grown, he let his head fall onto the table with a clang. This day literally could not get any worse.
“Oh but it could.” A cool voice said before someone patted his head.
He groaned louder. “Go away, Chan. You and that stupid ghost boy are no help whatsoever.”
“Wait, what? What’d I miss?” Looking at Jisung, he noticed that the spirit was stuffing his face and cheeks with the bread Changbin didn’t eat.
“Do you ever stop eating?” Chan asked him with a disappointed sigh.
“I may not need the sustenance but human food tastes so GOOD!” He whimpered as he shoved more food in his face. “I wish I could eat more often.”
With a shake of his head, Chan turned to Changbin, who’s chin was still resting on the table. Lacing his fingers together, Chan placed his chin on top of them before speaking, “So what’s your plan of attack?”
“You should follow her.” Jisung interrupted with his mouth full.
“That’s insanely creepy.” Changbin exclaimed. “And you’re just as disgusting.”
With a shrug, Chan shrugged. “I don’t know, it might work. Just don’t be creepy about it. I mean it’s not like you can go right up to her and tell her about what happened all those years ago when she’s with her friends. And besides, if you follow her, maybe you’ll find your moment where you save her life.”
Okay, maybe Bothersome did have a point. He knew where you were now and he knew you still looked the same after all these years. It wasn’t that bad of an idea. All he had to do was be chill and nonchalant about the whole thing, which he could totally do! He was the epitome of suave and nonchalant.
Chan sighed again. “No, you’re not discreet whatsoever, but keep telling yourself that. Who knows, it might actually work.”
“Very funny.” Changbin rolled his eyes before standing up and paying for his meal. Upon leaving the restaurant he sighed. “Well, wish me luck. This could either go really well or really bad.”
“My money’s on really bad.” Jisung offered.
“We’re not making bets, we’re trying to help.” Chan smacked him upside his head, causing him to wince. He then pushed Changbin in the direction you went. “Well go on. No use standing around here.”
With a determined nod, he set off to go find you. On the way, he made a list of things not to do in his head, knowing deep down this plan wasn’t going to work. Nevertheless, he had faith that maybe, maybe, maybe, it just might work out a tiny bit. But it probably wouldn’t.
Before he knew it, he was trailing you around Victoria’s Secret. He was trying not to let it show how embarrassed he was to be here. Seriously, did you have to look at all the skimpiest lingerie and underwear? Couldn’t you have gone somewhere else like Build-a-Bear or whatever?
Little did he know was that you saw him almost immediately when he entered the mall. At first, you didn’t think much of it. Maybe he had some shopping to do for his girlfriend or whatever. But then you noticed how he was kinda, sorta following you around. Every time you moved to a new store, you saw him at least once outside of your peripheral vision. You have to admit, he was doing a good job trying not to seem suspicious, but he was still failing. That is exactly why you asked your friends to make a quick pit stop at Victoria’s Secret. You were trying to keep yourself from laughing out loud as you watched him attempt to look like he was interested in some pajamas.
“Seriously, this guy has been following you this whole time. We need to call someone or whatever!” One of your friends hissed in your ear.
“Yeah, this guy could be bad news.” The other one added with a nod.
You shrugged. “I don’t know. He seems harmless to me. I mean if he really was as bad as you guys think he is, he would have tried to talk to me by now and he hasn’t.”
“I don’t know. I still get weird vibes from him.” Your second friend shrugged. “But it’s up to you.”
Tugging your bottom lip into your mouth, you knew you had a choice to make. You couldn’t string this poor guy along forever and he was about to burst a blood vessel from how red he was turning. You either could hear what he has to say and maybe take a chance on him or you let him down nice and easy by saying you’re not interested. Either way, you needed to approach him first.
As you got closer, that feeling of needing to be near him intensified. You found it a little odd, but you tried not to think about it. It was nothing, just your mind playing tricks on you, that’s all.
Taking a deep breath, you tapped his shoulder. “Excuse me, sir, can I talk to you?”
Changbin’s mouth twitched at being called sir. You would never say something like that to him, even way back when. Manners and formalities weren’t really your strong suit. Nevertheless he nodded and he allowed you to lead him out of the store and even out of the mall. His alertness increased, a feeling of unknown danger pricking at the back of his mind for some odd reason.
“Look, I know you’ve been kinda, sorta following me around ever since I left the restaurant.” You admitted and he groaned internally. Chan and his stupid plans.
“For the record it, was Jisung’s stupid plan.” Chan corrected him and Jisung gasping in shock. Changbin kept an eye roll to himself. Of course they would be here at a time like this.
Bowing his head a little, he said, “My apologies. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. It’s just, um, you remind me of someone very important to me and I guess I just got a little carried away.
Your eyes softened. “Oh, that’s alright. I understand.”
“Still, I’m sorry.” He exclaimed. “Is there, um, anyway I can make it up to you?”
He noticed how you seemed to stiffen at his response. “Yeah, way to not sound creepy.” Chan commented. “I’m sorry I was following you around because you look like my dead wife, can I take you to a secondary location.”
Sometimes he wished Chan never had a mouth.
“Rude.” He huffed as Jisung laughed.
“Ah, sorry, I’m being too forward, aren’t I?” Changbin tried to recover, fumbling over his words slightly.
Nevertheless, you chuckled, making him feel a little bit relieved. “Yeah a little bit.”
An awkward silence fell over the two of you. He wanted to tell you everything. He wanted to tell you how much he loved you and how much he missed you and how much he hated himself for not protecting you that day five hundred years ago. He wanted to hold you in his arms and kiss you again, especially since you were so close. He could smell your perfume, the same scent you wore on your wedding day. He was practically drowning in your presence and he knew he should say something to you, anything.
Just as he opened his mouth, a man came up to them quickly, brandishing a gun. He started shouting, “Gimme the money, purse, everything. Gimme everything you got.”
Everything was going in slow motion as Changbin watched your frightened expression as you tried to give him your purse and phone. Tears welled in your eyes and as one slipped down your cheek, he instantly stood between you and the mugger. “I don’t think so.”
The man held the gun almost directly to his chest, but before he could pull the trigger, Changbin wrapped his arm around it with such force that he dropped the gun. He slammed the heel of his hand into the guy’s nose before kneeing him in the stomach. He shoved him to the side before grabbing your hand and the two of you running. You both stopped in a parking garage where he checked you over to make sure you weren’t hurt.
“Are you alright? Did he-”
Your lips were on his.
He remembered it like it was yesterday. He had just stumbled out his marriage proposal when you grabbed him by the collar and smashed your lips into his. As the two of you kissed for the first time, he could taste your tears which made him pull away too soon for his liking just so he could ask you what was wrong. You told him that you wanted nothing more than to be with him forever and the two of you kissed again. This kiss now felt like time was repeating itself and the love he had for you in his heart grew tenfold.
As you pulled away, there were tears in your eyes and a small smile on your face. As he wiped your tears away, he asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Changbin, I missed you. I missed you so much. You have no idea how much I missed you.” Your voice cracked as he pulled you into a hug. As you cried into his shoulder, he held the back of your head firmly.
“Shh, it’s okay. You’re okay, I’m okay, we’re okay. Everything is going to be alright now.” It was his turn to feel tears well in his eyes as he continued, “Oh, Y/n, I’m sorry. I’m so, so, so sorry. I shouldn’t have left you that day. I should have never gone to patrol on our anniversary. I should have been by your side and saved you. I’m so sorry I failed you as your husband.”
“No!” You almost shouted, slipping out of the hug just enough to look him in the eyes. “No, Changbin, don’t talk like that! You didn’t fail me! You had a duty to your militia just like I had a duty to the throne that day. No one could have predicted what would happen that day. No one is to blame for what happened, okay? You never have and never will fail me. I love you Changbin, no matter what.”
“I love you too, Y/n.” He breathed before pulling you into a tight hug again.
After what seemed like mere seconds, he heard a forlorn sigh. “You two are so cute together.”
He looked up to see Chan smiling at the two of you, making you both pull away. “Chan?”
Nodding, Chan held out his hand to you, “Shall we, Your Highness?”
You looked at him, confused. “I beg your pardon?”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Don’t you two remember the deal? Once you save her life the two of you are to be together forever, in the afterlife.”
“Oh.” Your face fell. “I see.”
Changbin pulled you closer. “No. I won’t accept this. I can’t accept this. You can’t just act as if those five hundred years of waiting for her to return to me were for nothing. No! I want to still live with her! I still want to be with her for as long as she’ll have me in the living world. I can’t accept death now, not when I finally have her here in my arms again.”
“That’s not a decision you can make.” Chan sighed. “The deal was you save her life, you two reunite, you two die together and are together forever in the afterlife. You can’t just change that. Only a God can do something-”
“WAIT!” A voice screamed. Jisung came running towards them before stopping and panting, his hands on his knees. Holding up a finger, he wheezed. “Wait, wait, wait!”
“Oh for God’s sake stop with the theatrics and get to the point!” Changbin snapped, earning a soft slap on the chest from you. “What? He’s being dramatic.”
“That’s still no reason to torment the poor boy!” You scolded.
Jisung instantly stood up straight, beaming. “Oh I like her! Why couldn’t you have found her sooner?”
“Your point, Jisung.” Chan huffed, crossing his arms.
“Oh yes that!” Jisung turned to the two of you before stretching his arms out widely and saying in his Spirit voice. “By the holy powers vested in me by my glorious Master Hwanung and the Gods of this realm and others, I grant thee a long and healthy life here in the living world, until your mortal bodies deteriorate.”
Chan frowned. “What does that mean?”
“It means they’re human now.” He explained. “They get to live a human life as normal twenty-one year olds starting right now.”
You gasped. “Really? You mean it?”
“And we get to keep our memories too?” Changbin added before looking at you endearingly. “Because I never want to forget her for as long as I live.”
Jisung nodded, still smiling. “Yes, you two sappy love birds. The Gods have looked upon you both favorably and wish you a long and healthy life here in the living world.”
Chan sighed. “So much for my job. I’ll see the two of you someday.” Putting his hat back on, he vanished into thin air, leaving Jisung, who was dissipating rapidly.
“So happy for you two but I’m also happy I don’t have to see your cheesy PDA.” Jisung sighed before disappearing as well.
Rolling his eyes, Changbin looked deep into your eyes before kissing you passionately. Breaking the kiss, he asked, “So, are you ready to get married again?”
You frowned. “Really? Are you seriously proposing to me in a parking garage of all places? And I thought you were the romantic one in the relationship!”
He sighed. “Fine, how do you want me to propose to you then?”
Smiling devilishly, you booped his nose. “I want it to be a surprise and I want it to be done on your own time, just like last time. And I want a big, grandiose wedding, just like last time as well.”
“So demanding.” Changbin sighed before chuckling and scooping you up in his arms, carrying your bridal style. “Does this mean I get to throw you in the river?”
“Absolutely not!” You shrieked. “I’m still a princess!”
“Then where’s your kingdom?” He shot back.
You pecked his lips. “Right here with you.”
“Jisung was right, you are cheesy.” He teased.
“You know,” You sighed, pretending to think. “Maybe I won’t say yes to your marriage proposal. Maybe I’ll find someone else to marry and have a big family with.”
He squeezed you tighter before spinning around a couple of times. “Over my dead body.”
Chuckling, you smirked. “That can be arranged since I know a guy.”
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shadowofahope · 2 years
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Premise: Being alone and ignored was one thing, you were used to that by now. But having each member of an idol group barrelling into your safe little sanctuary was not something you could have imagined. Now being torn away from your tiny cozy room all you wanted to do was get back to it. Even it meant losing home.
Warnings: Swearing, death, mentions of kidnapping, torture, stalking, obsessions, reincarnation, ANGST ANGST ANSGT.
Word count: 9.2K
Supernatural au // drabble
Poisoned Discoveries
Premise: Moving to a small town and opening your own vet practice, finally you had achieved your own freedom. No longer dragged down by your 'family', free to choose who to trust.
Warnings: Mentions blood, violence, stabbing, poisoning.
Word count: 1.3K
Supernatural au // drabble
“The Restricted Collection”
Premise: You’ll have to enroll to find out.
Warnings: *will update*
Hogwarts au’s // Mini-Series
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Bang Chan
These Nights Can't Last Forever
Premise: A predestined moment in time. If you didn’t believe in things like fate and destiny, now was the moment that they seemed real. This forever in a moment.
Warnings: *COMING SOON*
idol skz // drabble
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Lee Minho
Camera Roll
Premise: Your best friend comes up with the dumbest plan you've ever heard of. The plan consisting of having all your friends believing you are dating, all because they accidentally found out you live together. How is this supposed to prove anything? The man of your dreams will just have to stay that, in your dreams.
Warnings: swearing, heavy thirsting, fluff, and stupidity.
College au // drabble
Pairings: Nonidol!Changbin & Nonidol!Minho x Reader
Premise: Omega Primes were rare, being forced to reproduce with other Primes. You never liked the idea of mates, forced or not. A runaway Prime, with two alphas to catch their fall and open up a whole new realm of possibilities.
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics, aggressive alpha tendencies, swearing, near-death experiences, mentions of heat and suppressants
abo au // drabble
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Seo Changbin
We Are Liars
Premise: He needed an out of his mothers attempts to set him up. Your summer schedule was empty. Maybe him asking you to be his fake girlfriend wasn't the worst idea. It did make a lot of sense. But then again it was too easy to say yes...
Warnings: Fluffffffff
Fake dating au // drabble
Pairings: Non-idol!Changbin & Non-idol!Minho x Reader
Premise: Omega Primes were rare, being forced to reproduce with other Primes. You never liked the idea of mates, forced or not. A runaway Prime, with two alphas to catch their fall and open up a whole new realm of possibilities.
Warnings: a/b/o dynamics, aggressive alpha tendencies, swearing, near-death experiences, mentions of heat and suppressants
abo au // drabble
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Hwang Hyunjin
Fallen Star
Premise: A mistake always turning to the stars for an escape. But it turns out the star you had always wished for had fallen right in front of you.
Warnings: Much angst, toxic family, controlling home life.
Princess/alien au // drabble
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Han Jisung
Premise: When the overly flustered Jisung has a crush on you. Do you ignore it or fall with him?
Warnings: FLUFF, TEASING but like in a cute way?, clueless Han Jisung (my favourite type along with;), flustered Han Jisung.
College au // drabble
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Lee Felix
Fleeting Tempest
Premise: WIP *request*
Warnings: Angst, fluff.
Siren au // drabble
**PLEASE NOTE: I will NOT be writing for Seungmin or Jeongin. As I am older than all of the members in SKZ and I feel an older sibling love for them, it feels inappropriate. Not to mention I struggle to write for them in general. As well, I will NOT be writing smut for any member of SKZ.
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sm-entertain-me · 3 years
Stray Kids Masterlist
Welcome one and all to my masterlist dedicated to the lovely young men of Stray Kids! I will only be writing smut for these individuals so I do apologize if you were looking for fluff. Personally, I’m just not as good at writing fluff like I am smut. Please stick around, read some fics, and don’t be afraid to tell me what you think! I love to interact with my followers.
LEGEND: TBW - To be written. TBR - To be released, typically the smut I plan on releasing next. NC - Not Completed/In Progress. Bolded - Popular
Last updated: January 6th at 8:42 PM (PST). Most recent: Second Session (M), smut for Hyunjin (official part 2 of Heartbreak Hotel)
Bang Chan/Christopher Bang
Customer Service (M) -  As a worker in a sex shop, you’ve seen people from all walks of life cross through your 18 and over store. Whether it be two young lovers trying to spice up their love life to respected dominatrices in the adult entertainment industry, you catered to everyone’s needs and were always willing to go above and beyond to secure a sale. So when a dashing you man asks you to help sample some toys for his future lovers, you simply had to assist him further.
Compulsion (M) -  While the rest of the guys are busy sleeping the night away, you, Hyunjin and Chan stay up to play... (feat. Hyunjin)
Hunter, Hunted (M) - Bang Chan: one of the world’s most talented vampire hunters, easily being the cause to your kind beginning to dwindle. In order to preserve your bloodline from being wiped out by Chan’s vicious hunters, you take an alternative approach to ensure amnesty between your kinds.
Training Day (M) [TBW] - It’s your first session with your new personal trainer today, hoping to get a decent core workout in more ways than one.
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Lee Know/Lee Minho
Kingdom Come (M)  - Prince Minho was feeling the pressure of finding a woman suitable enough to produce him a much needed heir if he were to continue his lineage. If not, he would have to relinquish his throne and destroy the dynasty the Lee’s have worked so hard to maintain.
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Seo Changbin
Muse (M) - Changbin has been working late to nail his raps for the upcoming album, but he just can’t seem to focus. Hopefully asking you to stay late with him would help him find the inspiration he needs.
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Hwang Hyunjin
Play Pretend (M) -  With the possibility of the ex that ruined Hyunjin’s life being at the party you two plan on going to, Hyunjin asks you a rather personal favor for one night and one night only. As his best friend, you were willing to do whatever it took to make sure Hyunjin felt whole again, no matter if it cost you the friendship you worked so hard to maintain.
Compulsion (M) -  While the rest of the guys are busy sleeping the night away, you, Hyunjin and Chan stay up to play... (feat. Chan)
Heartbreak Hotel pt 1/2 (M) - Welcome to the Heartbreak Hotel, where all our services are specifically designed to make you forget about those who hurt you most. Extra fees apply for all night excursions.
Second Session (M) -  What other activities transpired at the infamous Heartbreak Hotel that night? (Heartbreak Hotel pt 2/2)
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Han Jisung
Off the Menu (M) - Usually you’re supposed to go home with your date, not the waiter…
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Lee Felix
Midnight Snack (M) -  Four rambunctious young vampires had taken to the streets for their weekly hunt, prowling for their victims which usually contained the elderly or those who were already knocking on death’s door. But when one of the vampires gets a look at you through your open window, he simply had to taste.
Making Movies (M) [NC] - Felix suggested that the two of you go to the local drive in theater for a movie, but he had no intention of watching any movies with you. He wanted to make movies instead.
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Kim Seungmin
Coming soon!
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I.N./Yang Jeongin
Knight in Paradise (M)  - Your husband is an atrocious ruler and an abysmal king, committing horrors across the land in the name of power and greed. Calling for a complex and intimate coup d’etat, you decide that the best way to prevent from continuing his lineage is to continue it with someone else more deserving of the throne.
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teacasket · 2 years
skz as pride and prejudice moments
genre: only headcanons   au: regency au, pride and prejudice au warnings: none word count: 0.8k   pairing: none a/n: currently going through a pride and prejudice phase right now. if you want to read an actual p&p au i wrote: the first step
bang chan - mr. bang’s mrs. bennet’s poor nerves
“Mr. Bennet, how can you abuse your own children in such a way? You take delight in vexing me. You have no compassion on my poor nerves.”
“You mistake me, my dear. I have a high respect for your nerves. They are my old friends. I have heard you mention them with consideration these twenty years at least.”
lee minho - “oh, darcy has a lot of money, like a lot”
It was a large, handsome stone building, standing well on rising ground, and backed by a ridge of high woody hills; and in front, a stream of some natural importance was swelled into greater, but without any artificial appearance. Its banks were neither formal nor falsely adorned. Elizabeth was delighted. She had never seen a place for which nature had done more, or where natural beauty had been so little counteracted by an awkward taste. They were all of them warm in their admiration; and at that moment she felt that to be mistress of Pemberley might be something!
seo changbin - “i guess he’s good enough for you”
Elizabeth had the satisfaction of seeing her father taking pains to get acquainted with him; and Mr. Bennet soon assured her that he was rising every hour in his esteem.
“I admire all my three sons-in-law highly,” said he. “Wickham, perhaps, is my favourite; but I think I shall like your husband quite as well as Jane’s.”
hwang hyunjin - moments before disaster
“May I hope, madam, for your interest with your fair daughter Elizabeth, when I solicit for the honour of a private audience with her in the course of this morning?”
Before Elizabeth had time for anything but a blush of surprise, Mrs. Bennet answered instantly, “Oh dear!—yes—certainly. I am sure Lizzy will be very happy—I am sure she can have no objection. Come, Kitty, I want you up stairs.” And, gathering her work together, she was hastening away, when Elizabeth called out:
“Dear madam, do not go. I beg you will not go. Mr. Collins must excuse me. He can have nothing to say to me that anybody need not hear. I am going away myself.”
“No, no, nonsense, Lizzy. I desire you to stay where you are.” And upon Elizabeth’s seeming really, with vexed and embarrassed looks, about to escape, she added: “Lizzy, I insist upon your staying and hearing Mr. Collins.”
han jisung - “i’m not good at talking” “that sounds like a you problem”
“I certainly have not the talent which some people possess,” said Darcy, “of conversing easily with those I have never seen before. I cannot catch their tone of conversation, or appear interested in their concerns, as I often see done.”
“My fingers,” said Elizabeth, “do not move over this instrument in the masterly manner which I see so many women’s do. They have not the same force or rapidity, and do not produce the same expression. But then I have always supposed it to be my own fault—because I will not take the trouble of practising. It is not that I do not believe my fingers as capable as any other woman’s of superior execution.”
lee felix - pretty girls everywhere
“I would not be so fastidious as you are,” cried Bingley, “for a kingdom! Upon my honour, I never met with so many pleasant girls in my life as I have this evening; and there are several of them you see uncommonly pretty.”
“You are dancing with the only handsome girl in the room,” said Mr. Darcy, looking at the eldest Miss Bennet.
“Oh! she is the most beautiful creature I ever beheld! But there is one of her sisters sitting down just behind you, who is very pretty, and I dare say very agreeable. Do let me ask my partner to introduce you.”
kim seungmin - the world’s most pretentious compliment
“Oh! certainly,” cried his faithful assistant, “no one can be really esteemed accomplished who does not greatly surpass what is usually met with. A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, and the modern languages, to deserve the word; and besides all this, she must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice, her address and expressions, or the word will be but half deserved.”
“All this she must possess,” added Darcy, “and to all this she must yet add something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.”
“I am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women. I rather wonder now at your knowing any.”
yang jeongin - clowns are meant to be laughed at
“But upon my honour, I do not. I do assure you that my intimacy has not yet taught me that. Tease calmness of manner and presence of mind! No, no; I feel he may defy us there. And as to laughter, we will not expose ourselves, if you please, by attempting to laugh without a subject. Mr. Darcy may hug himself.”
“Mr. Darcy is not to be laughed at!” cried Elizabeth. “That is an uncommon advantage, and uncommon I hope it will continue, for it would be a great loss to me to have many such acquaintances. I dearly love a laugh.”
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teasty · 3 years
kiss yourself (01) | h.js (m)
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● pairing: han jisung x (female) reader 
● genre: angst, smut, fluff  ||  fwb to lovers au 
● warnings: consumption of alcohol | degradation + praise | reader and jisung are not in a relationship at the beginning! | choking | semi - public sex | suggestive dialogue | profanity | hair pulling |
● words: 6.9k ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
→ summary: 
It all started when you and your best friend for life, Han Jisung, got a little bit too tipsy at a party and ended up waking up naked in the same bed. After that unfortunate night, you and Jisung confirmed there be a distinguished “friends with benefits” relationship between the two of you, with a few rules. 
Number One: No one else is supposed to know about this relationship. 
Number Two: The minute one of the two of you starts a serious relationship with someone, the benefits are cut off immediately. 
Number Three: Have to respect the other’s wishes, if one doesn’t want to do it, then there’s no argument.
Number Four: No falling in love.
But, when Jisung starts crushing over your classmate, you start to break the rules. One by one.
a/n: first story here :D my dirty mind couldn’t resist smut so here we go
CHAPTER ONE | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
“Oh, fuck, baby… you feel so fucking good.”
It was a stupid way to start of a weird relationship with one of your best friends, Han Jisung. A stupid way to let yourself succumb to his stupid antics and a stupid way to let him be more than a friend, but less than a lover. 
It was a few months ago, and your second year of university was just starting up. Jisung had convinced you to go to some party the week before school would start. But, you were reluctant at first. Unlike Jisung, you were never too much of a party animal. Never too much of a social person to begin with. Jisung was another story entirely. He would always be out late and wouldn’t go back to his house or his dorm room until late, according to his roommate, Jeongin (who thankfully kept tabs on Jisung for you whenever you were suspicious that Jisung wasn’t telling the truth to you and would go out to some party, when he would tell you that he’s just going to meet up with other friends. You didn’t want to overbear him, but you worried for his health at times). 
It was your first party, too. You had never bothered going to one in high school, not wanting to be crowded by drunk teenagers, being thrown up on or spilled on, or watching two people fuck in the corner of the room. It was never your go - to, but Jisung had convinced you to go after he promised that he’d never leave your side, even if he was being dragged away by “some hot chick trying to hop on his dick”. Even if you had wanted to say no, you couldn’t get a “no” past his pleading eyes. So, you had hesitantly agreed to go, and he was beyond excited to take you to your first party. 
He even helped you pick out an outfit, and had taken hours finding the right one for the occasion. You’d never been very fashionable, unlike Jisung, who usually decked out in expensive clothes and accessories (you preferred comfortable, classic clothes like hoodies and leggings instead of skin - tight jeans and overly designed shirts). Jisung had basically tore your closet apart trying to find the “right outfit”. It was tiring, but you will admit that you had fun with trying on new clothes and hearing the praise from Jisung. He had eventually chosen an outfit for you that you felt quite uncomfortable in, but nonetheless beautiful. You had worn a tight pair of black leather pants, a maroon red tank top (that was tucked into the leather pants) and a black jacket. You will admit that it was sexy, and Jisung seemed to like it. 
A lot. 
But, he claimed that guys there would be drooling over you and trying to sleep with you, but he’d be there to keep you safe. Even so, you wondered why he’d make you wear such an outfit to a party if he was only going to keep you away from a one night stand, one you wouldn’t even remember anyways. He did claim that he wanted you to ‘keep your innocence’, which was total bullshit since he knew you weren’t a virgin (you lost it to some jock in high school who had been eyeing you during a football game) and definitely not innocent, as you both liked to constantly make dirty jokes here and there. 
The party was at some rich kid’s house, and their parents were out of town. Their house was gorgeous and big, but filled to the brim with loud university students, some you had even recognised as your classmates. Jisung had kept his hand interlocked with yours as he pulled you through the crowd at the entrance and to the living room, where there was a table full of food and drinks, and even a cliche bowl of spiked punch. You were glad not as many people crowded the table, but Jisung obviously had some friends there, since he hugged one of them before going back to you. 
“Hey, Hyunjin. Felix. Have you guys met (Y/N)?” Was the first thing he had said to them, and you were somewhat flustered by the sudden attention. But you suspected that you should have expected that kind of attention, since Jisung seemed oh - so excited that he’s taking you to a party. 
“I don’t think we have,” said one of the two. You were taken aback by how deep his voice was. It wasn’t forced either, his voice was so relaxed, you almost felt like you’d be pulled into a deep sleep if you were to listen to his voice for hours. He was handsome, too. His bleached hair was a little long, but not as long as the other man’s, with brown roots peaking through the top of his head. “The name’s Lee Felix. I didn’t know Jisung kept such pretty friends away from us.” 
“Oh, don’t be a flirt,” says the other man with long hair, which was tied back in a ponytail. You had concluded that he was Hyunjin, if the other was Felix, “And, no. I think I’ve seen you around though. But not in… those types of clothes.” 
“Yeah, and you call me a flirt?” Felix cocks a brow at Hyunjin, who only glares back. 
“It’s not flirting if it’s just stating a fact. I’ve seen her around… but in oversized hoodies and leggings,” Hyunjin counters. 
“Alright, alright, pipe down,” Jisung interferes, stopping what would have become a petty argument about who’s flirting and who’s not. “Well, since you both can’t make a decent introduction… (Y/N), this is Felix,” he points to the man with the deep voice, “and this is Hwang Hyunjin. I think you guys might be in the same chemistry class last year, am I right?” 
“Oh, yeah…!” Hyunjin claps his hands together, “You’re the one who nearly blew up the whole class! Oh, I remember, now.” Hyunjin and Felix laugh together, and Jisung gives you a weird look. 
“It’s a long story,” you sigh, chuckling along with their contagious laughter, “Let’s just say that I was too tired to function and got mixture A mixed up with mixture B and almost made a really severe chemical reaction. I don’t think it would have blown up the whole school, though.” You fold your arms, and Hyunjin shrugs his shoulder.  
“Who knows,” Hyunjin says, and you squint at him. “I’m not a chemistry genius, but it could have been bad. That’s not the point. I’m glad to meet you, (Y/N). I hope we can be closer.” 
“Ditto,” Felix smiles down at you, and you chuckle awkwardly, flustered, “You seem like an interesting person. How did you and Jisung meet?” 
“We used to be neighbors, like, a decade ago,” Jisung answers for you, leaning against the table filled with drinks and food, “Since we were the same age, we stuck together. Even after I moved again, we still talked like every day over the phone until university hit. Thankfully we got into the same school, and we both are going to live on campus, so… It’s been a lot easier.” 
“Surprised you two were able to stay close even through distance,” Felix comments, and you and Jisung share a brief look and smile, “Not a lot of people are able to hold a strong relationship when the only thing they have is a phone or computer. Take Hyun for example, he couldn’t stay friends with this one chick even if he tried.” 
“Wasn’t my fault she sucked at holding conversations. She always expected me to make up all the interesting shit. Kinda glad she ghosted me, now,” Hyunjin laughs, almost defensively, as if embarrassed by such a situation. 
“It was your fault for trying to cling to her,” Jisung intervenes.  
“Oh shut up, shortstack,” Hyunjin grumbles, and Jisung’s brows raise in challenge. 
“Say that again, pretty boy, I dare you,” Jisung threatens, and you glare over at him, but he didn’t seem to care for your glare. Hyunjin and Jisung did end up getting into a petty argument about it and you had to stop it by asking Jisung to show you around the place. But, not before trading numbers with Felix and Hyunjin, since they insisted that they wanted to get to know you better (Felix still grumbling irritably about how Jisung kept “such a pretty friend” away from them for so long). You wouldn’t deny new friends, even if they were Jisung’s party animal friends and flirtatious, it didn’t really matter to you. You could use some new friends, anyways. 
You had met a few more of Jisung’s friends (who all seemed to be so handsome that your heart would race every time they’d smile down at you or talk to you), three seniors,Seo Changbin, Lee Minho and Christopher Bang, and another, younger man named Seungmin. Out of all of them, Seungmin and Christopher seemed the most genuine. Minho, Felix, Changbin and Hyunjin just seemed pretty flirtatious. You could admit that you were intimidated by them, and by the party in general, but with Jisung next to you the whole way, you had at least some sense of security. 
Your first drink of the night wasn’t until a few hours into the party. You were a little bit more comfortable with the setting. Jisung had sat you down in one of the living rooms, as you learned there were many. Not as many people were in this room other than people talking or flirting. It felt nice to finally sit down on such a comfortable couch, since you had been standing on heels the whole night, and relax. Jisung had already had a few mixed drinks, and you could see his face getting redder and redder due to the alcohol. 
He handed you a plastic red cup filled with something orange that stunk of different kinds of liquor. “Don’t worry, it’s nothing too strong,” Jisung reassured, and you huffed softly. A bit nervous to drink it, but you did, anyway. It wasn’t terrible, but you could taste the liquor clearly through the citrusy taste. Jisung watched you as your face grew from confused to scrunched up from the bitter taste. You had alcohol before, but every time you had it, it was like the first time all over again. But, when you got used to the taste, the cup was empty in a flash. 
You didn’t know when it started kicking in, but after you had Jisung fetch more drinks and you tried to stand up, you immediately plopped back onto the couch as an instant wave of fatigue washed over you. Your head started to ache, and it was getting warmer than it should have been. Sure, it was nearly the end of summer, but it was like someone shut off the air conditioning. So, you took off your jacket while waiting for Jisung to come back. It felt like forever until he came back, and you instinctively began to miss him. He’d stayed by your side the whole night, and it was weird without him. It was lonely, too, even if there were other people in the same room. You were too nervous to talk to them, though.  
When he did, and handed the drink to you, the minute he had sat down, you clung to him. 
“Woah, you alright?” Jisung laughs it off as you take the red cup in one hand and the other latching around his strong bicep. You were never usually one for skinship, but now was a different story. Each time you looked at Jisung, you felt like he was going to magically disappear. You didn’t know if it was the alcohol that made you so anxious or just you being lonely, but you weren’t really going to let go anytime soon. At first, Jisung was tense, and it took him a minute to get used to you huddling so close to him. 
Like the first, the cup you had was empty sooner rather than later, even though Jisung advised you to sip on it instead of gulping it down, like you had been. After that drink, you didn’t order him to get another drink, you were too focused on the feeling of his bicep to ask for another. 
“You can’t be drunk after two mixed drinks,” Jisung said after a while. 
“Not drunk… just a bit tipsy, is all,” you responded, more of a low grunting than a talking voice. You liked how you could hear Jisung’s voice loud and clear the closer you were to him. 
“Sure. Your tolerance isn’t very high, you know,” Jisung chuckles, and your body moves along with the bounce of his for each laugh. You only grunted in response, having already known that. “And, by the way, you don’t have to cling onto me like that. I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Shut up,” you snapped, but you didn’t really want him to. You just didn’t want him to talk about you letting him go, since you didn’t want to. To prove your point, you squeezed harder onto his arm, “I’m comfy. Lemme have this moment.” Jisung deeply sighs and complies. After that, there’s a comfortable silence. 
You were staring at the way your legs pressed against his as his legs relaxed in a (hot) manspread. His head leaned back, slightly tilted towards yours, which was squished against his shoulder. His hand rested delicately against your thigh, not moving much but sometimes his hand would press against your thigh. It was nice, and you could faintly hear his heartbeat. 
You and Jisung weren’t strangers to cuddling, as you both had a lot of sleepovers before (with a strict talking to from your parents about having sex, and why not to do it), but this was different. Almost intimate. You’re both adults now, so cuddling like you would years ago when you were both barely teenagers wouldn’t be so innocent. Especially with Jisung’s obvious sex drive, things wouldn’t go so well. You both had never done anything like that, either. You both have never even kissed before. Well, there were times when he’d kiss your cheek or hand and vise versa, but nothing more than a peck and nothing more than that. 
You wouldn’t deny your attraction to Jisung. You couldn’t really see yourself in a serious relationship with him, but damn is he attractive. He really matured over the years, too. His beautiful brown hair is in need of a cut, but you liked it a bit long. He might not be the tallest man alive, but his face made up for it. Even if he had the cheeks of a chipmunk, his jawline was as sharp as a knife. You could stare at him for hours, just admiring how he was built. You wondered if he felt the same about you. If he could stare at you for hours just admiring your beauty. Of course, it would probably never even cross his mind, even if Jisung would say how pretty you looked with a specific hairdo or how you looked beautiful in a certain outfit. 
You found yourself staring at him as your thoughts carried on. Your arm unhooked from around his, and you watched how his eyes were closed. He looked like he was sleeping, but you could tell he wasn’t by the way his hand gripped you just above your knee. You were staring at him, and then at his neck. The way his Adam's apple bobbed when he swallowed. 
Your mind grew hazy, void of thought as your lips parted slightly, your breath fanning his neck. His hand squeezed harder around your leg and you could faintly see his brows furrow. He doesn’t do anything nor say anything, but you watch as his bottom lip catches in between his teeth. You want more of a reaction. You don’t know why and you can’t form a reason why, but you do. You push yourself a little bit further until your lips connect just underneath his jaw. Your warm tongue pressing against his warm skin. You can feel how his hand trembles and the way his leg twitches underneath your own. Jisung emits a breathy groan, and you can feel it against your tongue. 
“(Y/N)...” Jisung musters out, but you only press wet, slow kisses along the side of his neck, “What the fuck are you doing?” His voice is deeper, raspier and darker. Almost scary. If you weren’t so blank in the mind, you would think he’s mad. But all you can think about is urging him on further. You don’t want to answer him. You don’t have an answer to begin with. 
“Just relax,” You whisper closely to his ear, nipping at the skin below his ear, and he sharply inhales. At this point, you don’t care who’s watching or why you’re doing this. The soft, breathy sounds Jisung emits makes you feel different, and the feeling of his warm skin against your tongue is addicting. “Don’t push me away.” You whisper again, one of your hands creeping up over his defined chest and along his neck. 
“You have no fucking clue what you’re getting yourself into,” Jisung groans out, and you only chuckle against him. Briefly halting your wet kisses to his neck to smile lazily. “I’m being serious, (Y/N).” You know he’s serious just by the tone of his voice. 
“Mmm…” was all you responded with as you pressed your body against the side of his. Your hand gripping his shirt as your leg creeps over his more and more. Edging yourself on top of him. “Sunggie…” you teased him by groaning his nickname into his neck. Sucking gently on his skin, giving it a blue and purple hue. You gave him multiple marks, and his hand caressed your arm gently as you breathily moan his name against his neck, “Sunggie… Jisung - ah.”
And that seemed to break him. His hand snaps up to grip your cheeks, aggressively pulling your head away from him to make you look him in the eyes. And it’s a look you’ve never seen in him before. It wasn’t anger or disgust in his half lidded eyes, but a pure sense of utter lust and desire. His hand grips your chin, his fingers pressing against your cheek as his eyes examine your face. His face is a pretty pink from the alcohol and you guessed from him blushing. Now, you’re on top of him. Straddling his lap, and you can feel his hard - on underneath you. 
“You’re playing a dangerous game, (Y/N). I’m giving you one last chance before I take you back to my place and break you,” Jisung says, and you liked this side of him. Sure, you’ve seen him being aggressive, but not like this. No, this is different. You don’t have much courage to speak, so all you can do is let your tongue fall out of your mouth and guide his index finger in between your lips. His mouth parts slightly in shock as he watches your mouth engulf his finger. 
“Fine, you wanna be like that,” Jisung brows furrow, and he stands up quickly, and you let out a yelp as his hand yanks itself from your mouth as both of his hands latch around your thighs. Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, and your arms around his neck, “We’re going home.” 
It wasn’t easy, leaving without being spotted by one of Jisung’s friends. Felix had come over to see us when he saw Jisung’s arm wrapped around you as your head stuffed into his neck (teasingly kissing his neck). “Oi, Jisung. Everything good?” 
“Yep,” Jisung gives Felix a convincing smile, and you smile against his neck, “I’m taking (Y/N) home. She got a bit too crazy tonight.” 
“Really? She’s been pretty quiet,” Felix notes. 
“Well, she has her different sides to her,” Jisung laughs, “Uh, yeah, well, I gotta get her home, Felix. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, alright? Let Hyunjin and everyone else know that I’m leaving.” 
“Alright, I’ll catch you later, bud. Take care of her for me, alright?” 
“Oh, I will,” Jisung smiles, and you squeezed tighter onto him. 
After that, it was foggy. All you could remember was how Jisung treated you. Calling you dirty things all while praising you. Making sure you were alright while tearing you apart blissfully. 
It was the next morning where everything was decided. 
You were the first to wake up, having the sun shining brightly in your face. You had a blazing headache, and you could feel your head pulsing that morning. You couldn’t even open your eyes after you woke up because it hurt so bad. You hadn’t even considered where you were or why you were completely nude at first. But, when it hit you that there was only a thin, soft blanket covering you, you had the courage to open your eyes and see where you were. 
It was a familiar room, that’s for sure. The bed was much bigger than your own, and you usually had more pillows and blankets than this, so it wasn’t your room. It didn’t really hit you where you were before you looked to your side. You nearly screamed when you saw Han Jisung, your best friend laying next to you. His back turned to you, and completely shirtless. You held the blanket around your chest. You stared at him for a moment, brief memories of last night running through your mind. You wanted to cry as embarrassment and shame powered through you, but a sense of want overpowering it. A part of you didn’t want this to be just a one - time thing. 
“Jisung!” You whispered, nudging his shoulder. He didn’t budge, “Han Jisung! Han Jisung - ah, wake up!” Your voice raised as you shook him, “Jisung!” 
“What, what? Is everything okay?” Jisung bolts up after you yell his name. Sitting up straight, he hisses when the sun makes contact with the sun. His hand rubs his eye, and you try not to note the scratch marks on his back, the hickeys littering his neck and chest or how he was just as naked as you, only being covered by the comfort of the thin blanket. “Fuck, (Y/N), don’t scare me like that.” 
“Why are you acting so calm?” You didn’t raise your voice, as your head ached terribly because of it, “Look at me Jisung.” 
And, so he did. He looks up. He didn’t seem as tired, as he saw the blue and purple hickeys lining your neck and what he could see of your breasts as well as red scratch marks on your shoulders. You both don’t say anything for a while. You’re both an uncomfortable distance away from each other, and you didn’t want to admit that you wanted to cry right there. 
“I’m sorry,” Jisung is the first to say something after that tense silence, and your brows furrow, “I… I shouldn’t have… I’m so fucking sorry. I’ll… I’ll.” 
“Why are you sorry?” You asked softly, and Jisung seemed hasty. His hands were trembling as he gripped the blanket, and he didn’t make eye contact with you. 
“I shouldn’t have done anything to you. Everything’s ruined now,” Jisung’s head dips, “I shouldn’t have let the stupid alcohol guide me. Fuck, (Y/N), I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry. Hey, nothing’s going to change between us,” You crawl towards him, still keeping the blanket firm around you as your free hand cups his cheek and lifts it up towards you. “It was both of our faults…” Jisung stares up at you, “I was the one to make the first move. If anything, it was my fault.” You let go of his face, as he watches as you sit on your feet. You swallow the lump in your throat, and utter out, “And, besides… I don’t regret anything.” Jisung’s mouth falls open, and his brows lift in what you can guess is shock, “I might not remember all of it, but I how you made me feel.” 
There’s another silence, both of you staring at each other. 
“I want to feel it again.” 
Jisung didn’t answer right away, but his bottom lip got entrapped between his teeth subtly. 
“You don’t know that,” Jisung whispers, “You don’t know what you’re saying.” 
“Of course I do,” your brows furrow, almost angrily. “I know what I’m saying, Jisung. And I’m saying that I don’t want this to be just a once in a lifetime thing and never think of it again.” You look away, resting against Jisung’s headboard. “I know that we don’t share romantic feelings for each other. I know that, Jisung.” You look over to him, “So, I want benefits.” 
“You mean…? Friends with benefits?” Jisung musters out in a low, unsure voice, “I don’t know, (Y/N). I don’t want to ruin this friendship.” 
“But, that’s the whole point of it, Jisung,” you chuckle, “I know that you don’t want our friendship to weaken, and neither do I. But, Jisung, I’ve always been attracted to you. Not exactly like I want to be your girlfriend, but I want you in some way. I just don’t know if you feel the same way, so I’m saying it now. Do you want me, Han Jisung?” 
He doesn’t answer right away, which makes you nervous of his answer. But, his answer satisfies you, thankfully; “Yeah. Yeah, I do. I hate to admit it, but I do. I couldn’t resist last night.” 
“I know. It was my fault for urging you to do that even when you warned me not to,” you chuckle. 
And, from then on, you two concluded that whenever someone needs to let off stress or steam in the form of sex, the other should be open for it. Of course, there’d be rules along with it. You didn’t want this to just be a ‘come by for sex and leave’ kind of thing, or thinking the other is romantically attracted to the other so you wanted to make some ground rules. Jisung agreed, thankfully. 
There were four rules. Number One was that no one is to hear about this relationship. Not only would it cause rumors amongst school and your friends, you both agreed that it should be kept top - secret. Besides, you both didn’t want people to think you’re both in a secret relationship and that it’s more than just a friends with benefits type of relationship. 
Number Two was that the minute one of you gets into a serious relationship with someone, all benefits cease. This one is quite obvious. Neither of you wanted to be defined as a cheater if either of you do end up in a relationship with someone else. No matter how much the other person wants it, if one of you is in a serious relationship, until that relationship ends and both are single, there’s no sexual activity. 
Number Three was that both had to respect each other’s wishes entirely. No matter how bad they want it or how horny they might be, if the other person is uncomfortable with something or doesn’t want to have sex, then the other must respect their wishes. Again, no matter how horny or how much they want a certain thing. This also leads to a safe word between the two of you, which was just basic yellow and red. Yellow being to slow down or to take a short break and red being to stop completely without argument. 
And finally, Number Four was that there’s no falling in love. This one was actually Jisung’s idea. Everything else was yours. You agreed with him, but was still skeptical about it. If you did catch feelings, you’d have to hide it. Jisung seemed pretty serious about it, though, which kind of scared you.
And, those four rules led to the present day, months after this event. You lean against a family bathroom sink with Jisung’s fingers curled around your hair, keeping your head up to watch him in the mirror as he slowly pushed himself into you. Your leggings and panties barely pushed down past your ass as Jisung undid his belt and pushed his pants down. Not even prepping you before he pushes himself into you. His cock, covered by the condom, which he had learned to always carry around, slowly dragging against your wet, oversensitive walls. 
He’d been teasing you all day in the movie theatre he’d taken you to with his friends. While watching the movie alongside Hyunjin, Felix and Christopher, he was slowly playing with your clit, edging you on and on. Finally, the movie ended and after half an hour of pure torture from Jisung’s sinful hands, you dragged him to the family bathroom (which was one bathroom with a lockable door). He didn’t even hesitate before bending you over the sink, making you watch him and yourself as he fucks himself into you painfully slow. 
“Oh, fuck, baby… you feel so fucking good.” 
You delicately whimper at the sound of his words from behind you as he fills you. Jisung liked to call you by pet names during sex, like baby, babygirl or babe (anything with baby in it, really). 
“Oh, fuck… I’m not gonna go slow, baby.” Jisung warns the minute his pelvis presses against your ass. 
“I don’t care,” you groan in response, eyeing him in the reflection in the mirror, “Break me, Jisung. You’ve been teasing me all fucking day - oh my god!” you would have screamed if it wasn’t for Jisung stuffing the end of your hoodie into your mouth before his hands grip your waist before pulling out and ramming himself back into you. Once his hand lets go of your hair, your head dips down in pure bliss. Your teeth grinding against the fabric of your hoodie and your hands gripping the sink. 
“I know you like it, baby,” Jisung grunts out as he starts to thrust into you, “I know how much you like it when I play with your little pussy in front of everybody like the little fucking slut you are. I know you like it, baby.” You let out choked moans at his words. The degrading words only make you wetter as you move your body back to meet with his thrusts. One of your hands reaches back to grip his wrist as Jisung’s hands dig into your hips to move your body with him. The way his cock rammed into your tight cunt burned in a blissfully sinful way. 
Jisung had pulled your tank top and bra underneath your breasts so he could lean over you to play with them harshly. His hands gripping your bare, warm breasts as his chest presses against your back. His head presses against your shoulder as he breathes heavily against your neck. His tongue occasionally jutting out to lick stripes up your sensitive neck. Sucking gently on your skin, trying not to leave too many marks.  
“Fuck, fuck…” Jisung curses breathily, and you try your best not to scream as he ruts into you as if it were the last time he’d ever have the chance to fuck you again. Your saliva coats the part of the hoodie that stayed in your mouth for you to bite onto. Your hands weakly grip the sink to try and hold you up, but your legs can barely hold your waist. “Oh… my god, babygirl.” Jisung sweetly moans into your ear. 
Your mouth opens to let the hoodie fall out of your mouth, and you utter out, “Jisung… Jisung I can’t… oh, fuck… I can’t stand.” Jisung is quick to fix the situation by turning you around so that you’re sitting on the sink, legs thrown over his shoulder and your back and head leaning against the mirror as he fucks himself into you. Jisung doesn’t hesitate to grip onto your neck, but careful not to let off air flow, just pressing his fingers on either side of your neck as he rams himself into you. Your hands creeped up to grip his wrist, which only seemed to make Jisung more and more confident.  
He pressed his hand against your core, slowly down slightly to allow himself to focus on pressing his thumb against your extremely sensitive and extremely erect clit. The minute his thumb makes contact with your sensitive bud, waves of pleasure and chills run through you, and your eyes roll into the back of your head as your back arches up, your nails digging into Jisung’s arm. 
“Oh my fucking god, Jisung!” You pitifully cry out, trying your very best to contain your moans so no lingering ears would hear. But, it was getting difficult with Jisung’s hard cock thrusting ever so quickly into you and his thumb pressing firmly against your clit as his hand wraps around your neck. 
“Shh… babygirl, you don’t want anyone to hear, do you?” Jisung chuckles darkly as he looks down at you, no mercy in his eyes as you clench around him. Beyond sensitive to every touch. “I want you to cum on my cock, but be as quiet as you can, baby. Try and be quiet, but I want you to cum.” His hands move from your neck to your mouth, his middle and ring finger slipping between your lips and pressing down against your tongue. 
The moment his hips start to stagger and his thumb pressed harder and harder against your sensitive clit, your hip bucks violently as you feel your climax approaching. Jisung doesn’t slow down when he feels your warm walls clench around him tightly. He speeds up despite how his hips falter and tense as his own orgasm edges up, you let out a series of high pitched moans, muffled by Jisung’s finger, and Jisung lets out a string of low groans against your neck. His thumb softens against your clit, rubbing small circles to ease you out of your climax. 
Your stomach twitches as Jisung pulls out of you, his thumb finally coming off your clit to gently press against your abdomen as he eases out of you. You let out a sigh as let your body relax once Jisung’s no longer in you. His fingers pull out of your mouth to deal with the condom, and you catch your breath. Your hands clutching the sink as your legs stay limp on his shoulders, but he doesn’t seem to mind. 
“You made such a fucking mess. How horny were you?” Jisung teases as he eyes the cum and pure wetness still seeping out of you. You glare at him. 
“Very. And it’s your fault.” You snap, and Jisung raises his hands in defense. 
“Hey, guilty as charged,” Jisung chuckles and pulls up his underwear and pants, not bothering to tighten the belt around him before he reaches over to grab paper towels to help clean you up. 
“Still. You were the one teasing me during the movie,” you utter out as Jisung wipes away the cum with the paper towel, “Couldn’t even focus on it. You seemed to enjoy every bit of it, though.” 
“You know it,” Jisung jokingly winks at you, and you playfully hit his head. 
Once he’s finished cleaning you, you get off the sink to pull up your underwear and your pants, sighing deeply at the sore feeling in your core. “Fuck… Jisung, you’re carrying me back to my dorm.” Jisung couldn’t argue with you, since you’d always have the upperhand, especially since Jisung knows he can become an animal when fucking you, and usually blames it on ‘not being able to hold back’. 
“As you wish, princess,” he teasingly calls you, and you glare at him as he buckles his belt before turning his back to you and crouching down for you to get onto his back. 
When you do, he unlocked the door and started heading out, both of you not really caring for the wandering eyes of people who were curious why two adults came walking out of the family bathroom. Luckily, Felix, Hyunjin and Christopher were all gone, since you couldn’t spot them anywhere. The movie theatre was in the center of a mall, so you had suspected they were somewhere, roaming the stores of the mall. 
“I swear, I’m going to have arms bigger than Changbin’s at some point. Having to carry you everywhere,” Jisung complains, and you groan. 
“It’s not my fault all you do is go rough,” you counter, and you can see Jisung roll his eyes, “Maybe if you were a bit more gentle you wouldn’t have to carry me. But, hey, you need the workout.” 
“Do you not like it rough?” Jisung teases.  
“I never said that,” you mutter, and Jisung laughs triumphantly. 
At first, things were a bit awkward between the two of you, but that was to be expected. It wasn’t until Jisung was knocking on your dorm room door at three in the morning and railed you while your roommate was out grabbing groceries (at three in the morning? You didn’t know why, either.) because he had just gotten into a fight with one of his friends and “needed to let off steam”. After that, everything even related to the benefits you both have turned into a normal thing, and you both seemed to get even closer with each other. You both could talk about information that would be considered weird between normal friends, but since you’ve both seen each other completely nude over a dozen times, it wasn’t as weird anymore. 
“But I don’t just like it rough, you know? If it’s intimate and slow, then I don’t care,” you sighed, resting your chin comfortably on his shoulder. Jisung doesn’t respond. In fact, he frowns at you. Why? You had no clue. All the more, it was a silent walk back to the dorm buildings. Jisung dropped you off at your dorm, and your roommate, a geeky, yet strange, girl named Jeo Jeongja thanked Jisung for taking you home. 
“And, by the way, (Y/N),” Jisung said before leaving, and you raise a brow as you climb up onto your bed, “I expect you to meet me at the D.R. tomorrow night. Jeongin’s gonna be outta town for the weekend.” Jisung winks at you, and your breath catches in your throat. 
D.R. was your secret word for ‘dorm room’. Since saying directly, especially in front of others, that you’re going over to a boy’s dorm room when they’re roommates going to be out of town is suspicious to say the least, you both decided to come up with that. 
“Are you alright with that?” Jisung asks, his tone lacing with a delicate worry. 
“Definitely,” you shoot him a playful smile. 
“Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow. See ya, Jeongja,” Jisung waves at Jeongja, who gave him a subtle wave back, not really interested or immersed in the short lived conversation you and Jisung were having. And with that, Jisung left, closing the door behind him. 
There’s a subtle silence between you and Jeongja. You both might be roommates, but you could never really consider her a friend. The most you two talk to each other is when you help each other study with whatever topic. Once Jisung leaves, Jeongja sits up on her bed and stares at you with a playful smile. 
“Oh my god, I don’t get how you’re not crushing on him” Jeongja giggles. 
“He’s my best friend,” you sigh, laying down on your pillows to try and soothe the ache in your gut from your last session with Jisung, “I could never picture myself with him, you know. If you want him, have at it. But, be warned, he is a player.” 
“Oh. I know that much,” Jeongja laughs shortly. You should’ve known, since Jeongja seemed to have ears all around the school. Every rumor eventually gets to her, and through your ears, whether you want to hear about it or not, “I heard he’s been fucking with most of the popular girls.” 
“Oh, really now?” your brows raise. For some reason, it sparks an angry flame in you. Sure, you might not be in love with him, but the fact that you both have an intimate relationship makes you jealous when you hear that he’s been with other girls, but you try not to show it as much. 
Jeongja shrugs a shoulder, “Just what’s been going around. I only report what I hear. And, apparently, Jisung knows all of the rumors. He just hasn’t said anything about it.” 
“Well, he hasn’t talked to me about it,” you sigh, taking your phone out of your pocket, debating whether or not to talk to Jisung about what you're hearing. After a few brief moments of staring at your locked phone, you decide against it and let it fall onto your stomach. “Do you mind keeping me updated on this shit?” 
“Why? Is someone jealous?” Jeongja wiggles her shoulders and brows at you, smirking. 
“Hell no,” you groan, your head falling back, and you rub your eyes. Exhaustion crashing over you, “I’m going to bed, Jeongja. Do whatever you want, but don’t turn the lights back on.” You get up briefly to shut the lights off before climbing back under your blankets, slipping off your bra. 
“But, it’s only nine!” 
“I don’t give a shit. I’m tired.” 
But, a part of you wasn’t. A part of you was beyond eager for what Jisung had in mind for tomorrow. Your aching core began to throb at the thoughts.
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Hi hello! So pleased to hear your requests are open! Can I please request for a marriage au mafia style where the reader gets hurt or assaulted by the rival gang in front of him and due to being restraint he can't get to her and he cries and begs for her stop. Then thankfully Chan and the others come to the rescue and you want nothing more than to be in chnagbins arms. Maybe a lot of angst and fluff afterwards too. Can't wait to see what you come up with 💕
Pairing: Fem!Reader x Changbin
Warnings: Mention of violence and blood; cursing and language; lots of angst and some fluff at the end; mature content
Genre: Mafia AU; Established Relationship
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Where are you?
It feels like a dream. The very strange sensation of that in-between state because you were incapable of distinguishing consciousness from something less than. 
Am I alive?
You must be, aware of the sensation of cold, shivers running down your spine, raising little bumps across your arms...
What? Did you hear that?
“Y/N!” the voice came again. More urgently this time.
You realized then, with the grounding agency of that sound, that your eyes were closed, but it was a struggle to open them, slowly coming back from whatever had sucked you down, wincing at the dull pain in your head.
“Y/N,” the voice sighed this time. Like it was relieved to see you cognizant. “Tell me you’re okay, love.”
It hit you at that moment, the sound of the voice. One you could recognize no matter the degree of darkness holding you under, and you managed to open your eyes enough to meet Changbin’s gaze from across the room. 
“Changbin?” you questioned. Or, at least, you thought you said his name. You couldn’t be sure since the sounds around you made it seem like your head was underneath water, distorting everything, and the roof of your mouth was dry and tasteless.
“That’s right, love,” Changbin said, and you struggled to keep him in your line of vision, watching his form swim and dance in strange directions.
“I don’t feel good,” you admitted, hearing what might’ve been a sharp intake of breath.
“Where does it hurt?” Changbin asked, and you frowned at how difficult the question was since you weren’t sure how to answer it.
There was too much numbness, and you were far more concerned with restoring your senses, slowly feeling your ears open back up and the things surrounding you come into focus.
Meanwhile, Changbin was still talking. “I’ll kill them all,” he growled. “This was never supposed to happen.”
Them? you thought to yourself vacantly, gingerly turning around as much as your bindings would allow, realizing only after a brief relapse of confusion that your hands and legs were tied to the metal chair you sat on. 
“Where are we?” you asked, finding your voice amidst everything else.
“I’m not sure,” Changbin whispered, and he suddenly sat upright in his chair, eyes narrowing and features taking on that practiced hardening that you associated with your husband at his most dangerous.
But a Changbin bound and tied by seemingly impossible to escape restraints didn’t exactly scream power to you. In fact, it seemed more like a power imbalance, and you were left reeling for answers when the sound of a distant door opening and then closing filled the space between you both.
“I see you’re awake now,” an unfamiliar figure announced, voice slightly accented. He walked with an arrogant swagger, matching the exaggerated steps he took and the smirk he wore on his grizzled features. “We’ve been waiting.”
“Don’t touch her!” Changbin snapped, jerking against his restraints as the veins in his neck visibly popped in response to his obvious anger and frustration. 
“Who? The girl?” the man asked with a lazy gesturing towards you. “Then you’ll give us answers, no?”
“What do you want?” Changbin asked, and you noted how his fingers were clenched tightly against the arm rests attached to his chair.
“The new shipment of weapons,” the man said. “Your men took them from us the other night. Came in and shot my best sniper.”
Changbin sighed, clearly frustrated. “They were originally assigned to us.”
“But then we made a better deal!” the man growled. “It was my name on that contract, and you had no right to interfere.”
“Says who?” Changbin asked, fishing for more information.
“I can’t tell you that,” the man replied. “I’m only the messenger.”
“You act like it’s more than that.”
“Oh?” the man smirked. “Well, I am a big deal.”
Changbin glowered at the arrogance. “I don’t lead the organization.”
“I know, but you’re an important player,” the man continued. “And your name was everywhere when I started investigating.”
“The weapons were a necessary exchange,” Changbin argued.
“But they were ours!” the man declared passionately, and Changbin knew better than to try to argue with someone so overzealous.
“Fine,” Changbin huffed. “I’ll have my men restore the weapons.”
“Wonderful,” the man sighed, tucking his hands into his pocket. “There is one more thing, though.”
“One more?” Changbin snorted.
“I know of your importance, Mr. Seo,” the man said. “I assume that you’re someone in possession of good information.”
“Like what?”
“Like that little bar you opened downtown,” the man continued, taking another step closer. 
You froze when he pulled a knife from his pocket, studying the way the light reflected off the harsh metal. “What about it?” Changbin grumbled, eyes focused on the obvious danger in the room.
“I’m curious about its sudden success,” he said, and you shivered when he started circling your chair. “Seems like something is missing.”
“Just good business,” Changbin said, but you could tell he was trying to get one step ahead of the guy - discerning the meaning of this unexpected conversation.
“Or, you figured out how to delegitimize the competition,” the man harshly exhaled, and you whimpered when you felt the cold blade of the knife tease the sensitive skin of your neck. 
Changbin sat up just a little higher, biceps flexing against his restraints. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Obviously,” the man hissed, digging the blade just enough to draw a tiny pinprick of blood. “You’ve sent your men undercover to spy on my business! To spread rumors and lies and turn my clientele away!”
Changbin chuckled at the outrageous claim, but it was devoid of any humor. “You probably fucked your business over yourself.”
“Do you think I’m a fool?” the man growled, searing metal against flesh. “I know men like you, Mr. Seo, and I’m willing to bet that you’ve played a bigger part than what you’ve let on.”
“I have better things to do than fuck with some second rate booze club,” Changbin growled. “We’ve got clubs all over downtown. They’ve all been successful, and it has nothing to do with sending off the competition.”
Changbin smirked then, something harsh and mocking. “Maybe you’re just a really bad businessman.”
But it was the wrong thing to say, and you withheld a scream of terror when the man suddenly wrapped biting fingers into your hair. “You want to save your cocksleeve?” he growled, gripping even tighter to your aching scalp and wrenching your head back to expose your throat and the small laceration he had left there on the smooth skin. A puddle of red amidst the rest. “Tell me why you did it!”
“I can’t!” Changbin snarled in return. “My guys never stepped foot in your territory.”
“LIES!” the man roared, and you were teetering precariously in your chair, back legs lifted from the safety of the floor.
“If you hurt her,” Changbin said, and his tone was staggered and weak. “I will make sure you suffer a thousand times worse.”
The man laughed, incredulous as he looked around the room. “And what do you plan to do about it?”
Silent tears fell down your glistening cheeks as you felt the man’s warm breath against the side of your face. “Maybe violence isn’t enough for you. Maybe I need to get what I need by other means.”
Your stomach dropped at the guttural tone, trying to meet Changbin’s eyes from across the room. “You’ve been warned,” Changbin said. “The grave you’ve dug for yourself is deep enough.”
“Oh?” the man laughed. “Well, since you think you’re in such control here, let me remind of you of the reality of the situation...”
“Changbin!” you cried when you were abruptly lifted from your chair, knife cutting through the ropes binding you, sending you colliding back against the solid mass of an unfamiliar form, loose hands roaming across your torso. 
Changbin’s voice was just veering on the edge of desperate, recognizing that you were in no position for him to sound anything less than serious. 
“Stop?” your captor repeated in a mocking tone, and you felt the blade of the knife return to your throat, slicing down harder and finally triggering the hair-raising scream that you had been suppressing. Trying to be brave for Changbin.
“You can’t do this!” Changbin cried, and you were amazed to see the faint rivulet of a tear stain - the mark of weakness that your husband tried so hard to suppress in this violent line of work.
If you thought about it, there were only a handful of times that you had ever seen Changbin cry.
“I’ll do anything,” Changbin whispered. “I’ll even take her place! Just don’t hurt her anymore.”
“Hmmm?” Your captor relinquished his threatening attack, and you could breath a little easier when he turned his attention back to Changbin.“What if I offer you a compromise? Tell me how you’ve managed your business affairs, and I won’t kill your little plaything.”
Changbin inhaled sharply, gaze full of a sinister rage you knew was reserved for his greatest enemies. “You’ll be screaming for a death of your own by the time I’m done with you.”
“You still don’t understand,” the man sighed, and you gasped when chapped lips brushed against your cheek. “Maybe I’ll fuck her first...”
“You won’t have the time.”
“Says who...”
He trailed off then. The last words you ever heard from your captor before an enormous explosion interrupted the tension, walls and floors shaking as dust and debris fell from the ceiling overhead.
You could feel the body behind you trembling as well, but you knew that it wasn’t from the explosion. It was from fear, and in a split second of panic, the man shoved you to the ground, and you yelped when your head collided hard against the concrete. 
You attempted to pull yourself back up, but there was something numbing and weighty keeping you on the floor, darkness swimming threateningly in front of your eyes once again.
There were familiar sounds: the sharp click of a gun, the whizzing of bullets flying overhead, and the cacophony of screams and yells.
The pain was keeping you from focusing, aware of vague figures passing in and out of your periphery, running and moving in all sorts of directions. It was chaos at its finest, and you were incapable of comprehending any of it. Instead, you could only focus on two things: the pounding of your pulse against your eardrums and the intermingled buzzing of familiar tones.
There was a hand on your shoulder, but you were incapable of responding to their call, succumbing to an irrefutable and dreamless sleep.
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The first thing you noticed when you were capable of understanding your surroundings, was the silky fabric of the bed sheets.
They were smooth to the touch and you flexed your fingers around them, humming in contentment when you silted open your eyes just enough to confirm that they belonged to you and Changbin. The ones you used on the King-sized bed in your shared room.
But therein lay the problem: you were alone in the bed, and the only voices you could hear certainly didn’t match the same tone of your husband.
You swallowed hard, flinching when the motion brought attention to the thick bandage around your neck, and upon touching the material, you were bombarded with a barrage of images reminding you of everything that had happened the previous night. 
It was enough to leave you shaking, seeking some form of comfort as you roused your body just enough to turn around to the sound of those voices, recognizing Chan, your husband’s boss, and Seungmin, the residential healer.
“Chan?” you groaned, grimacing at the dryness in your mouth.
“Y/N,” he acknowledged you, rushing over to your bedside in an instant. “How are you feeling?”
“Okay,” you said, watching as he lifted a bottle of water to hand to you.
“Drink this.”
You nodded, taking it from him. “Where’s Changbin?”
The question was met with silence, and you frowned when Chan and Seungmin exchanged quick glances. “Well, if nothing hurts, then I have other appointments,” Seungmin said, hurriedly dismissing himself from the room.
“Coward,” Chan muttered, but he was nothing but smiles for you, coming to sit down at your bedside. “Changbin...he’s busy.”
The answer wasn’t satisfactory, and your heart started beating a little faster. “Where?”
“Downstairs,” he said, and you knew exactly what that meant. 
“He brought him here?” you muttered, hating the idea of having someone like that under the same roof you called home. 
“Changbin insisted,” Chan replied, and you realized that he disapproved as well, but it still didn’t help your tender sensibilities, and you were ready to implode from the inside because you needed Changbin’s comfort.
“I need him,” you said, fixing Chan with a stern look. “Can you ask him to come up here?”
“He won’t be convinced until he’s done,” Chan said, but his gaze was soft as he leaned in closer. “I can help, if you’d like.”
It was a nice gesture, and normally you might take him up on an offer of comfort, but Chan wasn’t going to heal the turmoil bubbling inside of you.
The emotions burst forth, and your eyes had already glossed over from tears shedding themselves like dead leaves falling from a tree in the middle of a windstorm. “I just want Changbin,” you sobbed, and Chan was barely perceivable through the mess of your tears. 
You could tell Chan was upset by your dismissal, even as his fingers tried to brush away the wetness dotting your cheeks. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” he said, and it spoke to a history between the two of you that often when unsaid.
You had been given to Chan, your organization’s leader, as a peace offering from a rival mafia group. It was a cruel trade, and you resisted as much as you could, especially since, at first, you were meant to be his betrothed.
And you came into the Miroh Group with a determination to resist them to the very end.
Until Changbin stole your heart.
From there, you couldn’t believe that you had gotten so lucky, falling in love whole-heartedly, capable of forgiving Changbin’s worst sins.
Including his more sadistic tendencies.
“You can try to see him,” Chan said, seemingly satisfied after wiping away most of the evidence of your internal breakdown.
You nodded immediately, even though you understood that what you might find downstairs wouldn’t be anything comforting.
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You felt a little unsteady on your feet, even with Chan helping you down the concrete steps descending into a place you tended to avoid.
The smell of alcohol and blood were both overwhelming, and you stumbled on the final step, rearing back at the sound of a truly gruesome gurgle that reminded you too much of drowning. 
In the middle of the room you managed to make out Changbin, wearing dark pants and a white t-shirt, allowing you to see all the blood painting the texture in ugly patterns.
But then your attention wandered over to the poor soul strapped to the chair, barely recognizable because of the damage caused by your husband, the one who was gaping at you while holding a knife in one hand and scissors in the other.
"Y/N,” Changbin whispered. “Why aren’t you resting?”
You shook your head, looking past the gruesome, mangled damage to see the pained expression of your former captor. 
Changbin had made good on his threat to tear the asshole apart, and your stomach rolled at the awful display of violence.
Done at the hands of the man who made the sweetest love to you in the dark recesses of your bedroom.
Still, you craved his presence, falling into his open arms as he held you close after tossing aside his tools. “Shhh,” he whispered to calm your tears.
“You weren’t there when I woke up,” you sniffled.
“I’m sorry, love,” Changbin said, soothing your cries with soft cooing. 
You savored his closeness, tucking your chin over his shoulder and opening your eyes to look upon the decrepit appearance of your former captor. “What are you doing to him?” you asked, and you felt Changbin sigh as he pulled back from you.
“I know you don’t approve, love,” Changbin said, and he glanced down at his ruined t-shirt and jeans, drenched in blood. 
Under most circumstances, you would agree, but you felt your hand jumping to your throat, wrapping around the bandage covering your wound. 
Changbin frowned at the movement, likely remembering the events that led to your injuries. “Kill him,” you said, and both Changbin and Chan seemed taken aback by your response. It was completely out of character, coming from someone who often disapproved of the murderous part of their work. 
“Y/N,” Chan whispered, and you could see that he wore wariness on top of his horrified expression.
“Come upstairs soon,” you said, squeezing Changbin’s hand with your own. “I need you.”
Your husband nodded, looking at you with something akin to awe as you left the downstairs basement with Chan hot on your heels and torturous screams assaulting your ears. 
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Chan only left your bedroom once Changbin arrived, showered and clean, wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. 
“Careful,” Chan whispered to him on the way out, and you shivered.
But there was nothing that could warm you up more than Changbin, and you even managed a smile when he climbed into the bed behind you, wrapping a strong arm around your waist to pull you closer. “Hi, princess,” he whispered, and you felt like bathing in the sensual tone of his voice.
“Changbin,” you sighed in return, turning around so that you could face him.
“It doesn’t hurt too much, does it love?” he asked, reaching out to tenderly stroke his fingers across your bandages. 
“Not anymore,” you said. “Seungmin did a good job.”
“He better,” Changbin rumbled, and you tried not to roll your eyes at your husband. 
“I was really upset earlier,” you said. “When I couldn’t find you.”
“That’s my fault, princess,” Changbin said. “I didn’t know you would wake-up so soon....and there were things I needed to take care of.”
You sighed, closing your eyes hard against a distant image of your mind conjuring the bloodied and ruined form of your captor. “Did you find out who he belonged to?”
“Yeah, a small organization under Park,” Changbin said. “He was more than willing to talk after I took one of his fingers.”
Your heart twisted at his nonchalant tone. “I guess you silenced him.”
Changbin hesitated, pausing to look at you with concern. “Are you mad at me?”
“Just...disappointed,” you said. “I couldn’t hold myself together.”
“It would’ve torn me apart,” Changbin replied. “If I let him go without making him suffer for touching my princess.”
You closed your eyes, feeling Changbin trail his fingers across your arm. “But you’re here now?”
“Of course,” Changbin agreed, leaning in to kiss you gently. “I’m yours, love. For as long as you need me to hold you.”
“Might be all night,” you said, moving up to kiss under his jaw. “I need you in a lot of ways.”
Changbin chuckled at your implications, leaving nothing to be imagined as you grazed one finger over the front of his sweatpants where his cock lay flaccid. He titled your chin at a better angle, a glaze of lust darkening his eyes. “When you feel better,” he purred. “I’ll take care of your little pussy.”
You shook at his seductive promise, curling even closer to him as Changbin’s thudding heart lulled you into a comfortable peace.
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sinisterlyhan · 4 years
03. seo changbin /  9211 words
sugardaddy!changbin, virgin! sugarbaby!female reader, faint daddy kink, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex, fingering, romance
tw: none, except for a small disclaimer that this is pure fiction and hyunjin would in no way disrespect anybody in real life, he is a very good boy. 
cw: body image (reader is on the skinner side)
a/n: this took me so long and the smut isn’t even that good, i’ll unfortunately admit 😭 and i’m sorry i couldn’t fit everything the request asked for in a oneshot. 
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changbin found it absolutely endearing that you went out of your way to research how to properly behave in an extravagant business party after he invited you to one. yet, even then, you still trailed behind him timidly as he threaded through one big name after another, throwing out company finances and business plans in between all the courtesy talks.
that was disregarding the fact that you looked stunning in the silk dress and diamond jewelry he prepared for you beforehand. the curves of your body further accentuated through the tight-fitting material, and your skin glowed under the old money hung around your neck.
he almost wanted to ditch the party so he could spend the rest of the evening with you back in his apartment, specifically at a spot where the big windows stood overlooking the vibrant city of seoul.
but it was an important party he has to attend, out of business purposes, so he had no other choice but to keep his lust (and possessiveness, as everyone seemed to be undressing you with their nosy fucking eyes) hidden in the secret glances, the suggestive whispers, and occasionally grabby hands.
besides, you still haven't quite agreed to the sex part of the contract yet. you were still a little anxious about it, he supposed. after all, it would be your first time if you agree to do it with him. either way, the farthest he could go was a make-out session with roaming hands, and that seemed to be enough for him.
"ah, shit."
you heard changbin curse from next to you, his low voice hidden under his breath so nobody would hear him. you glanced over, surprised. he has been so calm and collected this evening, with all his time spent speaking eloquently and intelligently. this sudden outburst completely deviated from the atmosphere he was carrying tonight, and you wondered what got him so agitated.
moving your eyes toward where he looked at, your brows raised at a familiar face standing in a circle of people. you were never extremely invested in the business field, as your brain was diving headfirst into the art field (one which changbin has shown to fully support, with both his money and his heart), but you still knew that face.
hwang hyunjin—the young and outrageously successful entrepreneur whose face was plastered all over the media because of his underdog story and womanizing tendencies.
and who, also, as you knew, has unfortunately grown to be very arrogant and condescending after his lucky success. and if there was one thing he has made clear during interviews and conferences, it was that he despised old money.
or, simply put, the kind of people hyunjin liked to fuck around in the head with was changbin.
"do you have to talk to him?" you asked, scooting closer to his side and taking your eyes off the blond-haired man.
"i would look petty if i talk to everyone but him," he muttered back, leaning toward you without tearing his eyes away from the man. "i just... i was hoping we can have a one-on-one conversation instead. that way i can be a piece of shit without any witnesses."
"huh..." you frowned, not understanding the logic going in his head.
it wasn't like everyone was sweet and polite in here, especially not hyunjin, out of all people. why not be blatantly rude as well if it was to return to favor? this wasn't an 'employee and customer' situation, like in the coffee shop you worked in where you always had to blame yourself for the customer's wrongdoings.
changbin is a rich, powerful man. he shouldn't have to be forced to take the heat in if he doesn't want to.
"if you're thinking i can do whatever i want just because i'm rich, you're... well, you are partially correct," changbin hummed, shifting his weight to the side. "but not in this situation."
"really?" you crossed your arms, your naked breasts pushed up with the action and luring his eyes to cast down, but he kept his gaze at your face, amusement lingering at your curious expression. "care to enlighten me about it?"
"hmm..." he pursed his lips, pretending to contemplate before he shrugged. "i will, if you will talk to me about your artsy things."
"why do you want to know what i'm learning!" you asked, happily exasperated as you took a small step back, laughing.
"what? i'm super curious!" he exclaimed incredulously, a smirk growing on his lips. "i see those paintings on your lecture slides all the time but i have no idea what those are!"
"would it make you happy if i tell you about it?" you asked then, having calmed down lots after learning that he has been paying attention to what you do on the dining table in his apartment. "it might be a little abstract for a businessman like you."
"abstract? baby, please, you underestimate me," he cooed, pinching your cheek playfully before his hand soothed out over your face, gripping your jaw. he smiled, fondly. "come on, give me a kiss before i have to talk to blond boy over there."
"boy? he's an adult," you laughed, and instead of letting him reply, you leaned in to press your lips against his.
changbin smiled, the words falling off his tongue upon the taste of your sweet lips.
it has taken him a while to be kissed by you. you were such a shy girl; when he so much as suggested the idea of it during his offer to become your sugar daddy, your face immediately flushed red, and he had been reluctant to talk to you about the more... sexual aspect of the contract.
but you had grown to be more comfortable around him now. kissing him hasn't come naturally yet, but you were willing to do so when he asked for one, whether it was around the apartment or in public places.
he could still remember the first time you pressed your lips against him—it was like he became a high school boy again, all giddy and excited on the inside but having to act calm and confident on the outside.
but you could tell he was satisfied with it as he had impulsively bought you an array of art supplies the next day. he didn't know what you wanted, so he went ahead and got whatever he heard was good. and now you've probably got semesters' worth of paint stacked in your dorm room.
"ah, well, i am still years older than him," changbin said after pulling away, his hands settled on your waist despite the public eye. "which i reckon you have a thing for."
"what? older man?" you joked, giggling with your hands flat against his broad chest. "hmm, maybe just you."
christ—where did that confidence come from? the giggling, the hands, and the words. you were driving him nuts, alright! was it the clothes, or even the atmosphere of this extravagant setting? ugh, either way, he loved it! he loved seeing you all giggly for him.
"you're gonna make me melt, baby," changbin whined under his breath, causing you to laugh a little louder.
"thank you, it's what i aspire to do in life," you commented, patting his chest in comfort before your hands roamed up to his collar. you carefully tightened his tie, keeping the warm smile on his face. "do you want me to join your conversation with mr. blond boy?"
he hummed, his eyes squinted as if he had to think, which he didn't. he knew he wouldn't want you in any part of his work, not even the casual chatters of it. besides, having hyunjin stand within your vicinity might not be the best idea for him. after all, no matter what, hyunjin was still a young, youthful, and wealthy man. and he likely knew a thing or two about snatching unavailable women.
not that changbin didn't trust you. but you two haven't gotten far in terms of a relationship yet, and it wasn't like you were already taken by him. he was your sugar daddy. you were stuck in a situation where you could always leave for a better option, and hyunjin might just be the better option for you, he was afraid.
"definitely not. you can join the snacks table at the side until i come to find you, and no flirting with anyone unless you're trying to talk me up, okay?" he said, sternly but with a hint of mischief. his eyes cast to the side, and his brows furrowed for a brief moment before he turned back to you. "and kiss me again, because i think the blond boy is ogling you."
he had no idea how he kept his voice so calm. hyunjin was blatantly staring at the curve of your hips wrapped in the tight, silk dress. whatever was going on in his mind, it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out after seeing the smirk that arrived at his face.
oh, how changbin wanted to hide you from his sight. what dilemma—he both wanted to shield you and show you off. as if you were an art piece in a museum. and you most definitely were one in his eyes, one that he could auction his life for and still be unworthy for.
"really? this dress is doing more numbers on people than i expected," you said before leaning in, sealing your lips in a sweet kiss.
changbin laughed at your comment.
no way, it was definitely your face that was doing numbers on people. the dress simply accentuated the effect.
"okay," he nodded, "time to go to hell."
"good luck, binnie," you cheered quietly, waving your hand as he left your side, his rough hand slipping away from yours until he was too far out of reach.
you watched him approach the group of people, your eyes lingering on his back before they shifted up to meet eyes with hyunjin. your heart shuddered when you found him staring straight back at you, intrigued and curious, and you found no trouble in tearing your gaze away.
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changbin paced around in his room, agitated from the commotion he just caused in the business party he impulsively left.
it wasn't so much about the way others would perceive him after tonight's unfortunate event. he had faith that everyone in the room knew much about hyunjin's tendency to step on nerves, and that he wouldn't be the irrational type simply because of one mishap. especially not when it was made very blatant that hyunjin was, once again, going after a 'taken' woman.
what changbin was concerned about was the fact that his actions tonight spoke millions of words he has been trying to suppress for months. the fact that you saw how protective he was of you when he saw your uncomfortable expression, how angry he got when hyunjin so much as looked at you the wrong way, how hard he had shoved the young boy when his fingers brushed past your waist.
those were all obvious tell-tale signs that he might just care about you over the extent of just being your sugar daddy. and he was panicking because he had no idea how you would react if you pieced it all together that he has fallen quite hard for you. not just as a sugar baby, not just someone who provided him company because he was a lonely, rich man.
he has fallen for you as yourself, as an equal partner, as a close friend. everything about you he adored—your passion for art, your shy personality, your bad jokes on dates, and your unforgettable gratitude toward all the money he could never wait to spend on you.
changbin almost wanted to laugh. he has probably heard you say 'thank you' more than he has ever heard you say anything else.
he loved you, every aspect of you, and he didn't know how to deal with it aside from hiding the truth.
your meek voice paused him in his tracks. he turned to look at you, his glare harsh until he saw you move away from the half-opened door. you were drowned in one of his white dress shirts, the sleeves going over your palms and the hem overflowing to your upper-thigh. you wore nothing else but undergarments, he knew, because you knew he liked it that way.
he won't see what's underneath, but he liked the idea of it, and it was good for him that you were willing to wear so little in front of him despite your initial awkwardness.
christ, you knew him too well, and you were far too considerate. even at a time like this, you remembered to do something that would lift his sour mood. and many other times, whenever he was upset or stressed or frustrated, you always knew to put down your task at hand and console him with your lips all over his face.
what has he ever done to deserve that?
"hey," he muttered, looking away with a defeated sigh.
you frowned, deducting that he must have been very ill-affected by the previous incident. that simply made you feel even more guilty than before. you were so sure you have got the situation under control, but it wasn't every day that a rich, handsome, young man comes advancing toward you like hyunjin did. you were caught off-guard, and the next thing you knew he has your small waist squeezed in his hand.
it wasn't your fault that changbin had to jump in, but you sure felt like it was so. and now he was suffering from what he did.
"are you upset...?" you asked softly after approaching him. you stood before him, head up and eyes round as you looked at him.
he gave himself a moment to soak you in, letting the sight of your face consume him. then he sighed, his hand reaching up to caress the side of your head, an act much too gentle to be casual. "yes, but not with you, baby."
leaning against his hand, you gave him a short melancholic glance before you carefully walked closer to him with your arms held up. they went around his neck, pulling him into a genuine hug where you buried your face to his shoulder and spoke with a muffled voice.
"i'm sorry. thank you for standing up for me back there, even though it risked damaging your image."
you had a thought about it when you were alone in the guest room of his apartment. it has partly become your room if you could say so yourself. living in the dorm alone could not compare to having someone's presence around when you were about to fall asleep, and changbin always stayed up late enough for you to sense him until you drop into slumber.
but you were thinking, as you changed out of the silk dress and put on something you fished out of the closet in the room, about everything that went down tonight and how it had made you feel.
for sure, you had a sense of guilt because what changbin did was definitely going to be deemed as unprofessional in others' eyes. but a part of you was quite giddy and warmed that he cared enough to step between you and hyunjin. 
and it wasn't out of possessiveness; not because he didn't like to share you, or because you were strictly his to touch. simply because you obviously looked uncomfortable, because he saw that you didn't like the proximity hyunjin closed on you both, and he was annoyed that the boy didn't choose to respect your boundaries.
not for you to applaud a man for doing the bare minimum, but in the face of someone who didn't even meet the bare minimum line, changbin sure was attractive in that fleeting moment. not to mention, your heart was already wavering for him anyway. rather than making you fall in love, the act merely magnified your feelings.
"of course," changbin said, patting his hand against your head. "no one should ever touch you when you don't want them to, okay? and it's not your fault when they do."
you nodded, a hum of agreement going directly to the fabric of his shirt before you slowly moved away from the safe spot where you laid on your head on. your eyes searched for his face then, your affection for him hinted all too obviously on your face. and when your hand moved away from the back of his neck to his jaw, you couldn't wait for a second more to kiss him on the mouth.
changbin reciprocated immediately, his eyes shut tight as he melted into the sweet taste. the hand that went around your back shifted to your waist, holding you securely as he brought you forward to him, your breasts pushing against his chest more prominently than before.
your mouths moved together perfectly, sparking up a sensational heat within your chest that even the sun couldn't rival. it wasn't the first time you two have kissed with such passion lingering in your movements, sometimes just a casual make-out session would go for long because neither of you knew how to stop, but you could never bring yourself to get enough of him.
unconsciously pushing him backward, changbin continued to stumble upon the strength you added when you leaned your weight on him for more. when could feel the back of his legs touch the back of his desk chair, he moved a hand over to turn it around so he could slump down on the seat.
you chased after him, your torso leaning down to catch his lips as your legs moved to climb on top of his lap. your knees met at the side of his hips and his hands circled your small waist, holding you in your place carefully as you kissed him without a care.
changbin's heart was thumping quickly. mostly from the fervent way you were sucking on his lips, making him feel swollen and red. you always felt so eager, making his lonely heart feel appreciated and wanted. it was times like this, or just any moment he spent with you, when he was able to stop self-isolating.
but the more overwhelming feeling laid beneath his body. the fact that he could trace the curve of your bare skin underneath his thin shirt, and your lower body sat weighted closely against his erection was making his heart wage war against his conscience.
all he could think about was how much he wanted to go further than just making out with you. he wanted to touch you, intimately; he wanted his lips all over your beautiful, scorching body; he wanted to make you feel good, really good.
lord, he wants to fuck you so bad. he wants to fuck you so, so, so damn bad.
"oh, there is something i want to show you. don't make fun of me, okay?" you giggled after pulling away, your hands fumbling with the button of his shirt as a blush crept up your cheeks.
you began to slowly pop open the buttons, revealing more and more of your naked body until you finally shrugged the shirt off your shoulders, pulling the hem behind you to reveal the set of lacy lingerie you wore underneath.
lord have mercy on his soul—what was happening? the first time you found the set in a box shoved in his closet, you had thought they were art supplies he got you again, only to be dumbfounded to see undergarments that probably cost you your year's worth of paycheck at the coffee shop.
"i thought it might make you happy since you seemed like you wanted to see me in it the time i found it in your closet," you muttered, fiddling with your fingers as you looked at him through your lashes. "oh, wait! don't–don't stare at me like that! i feel like you're judging me!"
changbin shook his head, still in complete awe but he found it in himself to snap out of it.
he had bought that without the intention of asking you to present yourself in it, he simply got it because (a) he has the money, therefore why not? and (b) he thought you would look amazing in it, which you have proved him right, you do look spectacularly enticing in the set of lacy lingerie.
your perky breasts sat prettily under the floral-patterned pads, the roundness pushed up perfectly with the tightness of the bra. the black, lace garter belt cinched in your waist and draped over your panties, little ribbons handing around the hem of the clips.
and, of course, his dress-shirt falling off your dainty shoulders, adding a hint of adorable innocence in the face of absolute sex.
he held your waist, his calloused hand quite a contrast to the softness of your skin, and he eyed you up and down before taking a deep breath. you were both exposed and not entirely naked, your barely visible body urging him to just tear the lingerie off of you so he could worship your body right then and there, so he could finally let loose and fuck you senseless.
control. he let out a shivered breath. self-control.
"do... do you like it...?" you asked meekly then, fully meeting his eyes with small and shy gestures hanging off your hands.
"oh god, baby, please," he replied. "of course i do, you look stunning."
you smiled, beaming in relief, and you leaned forward to shut his eyes with an excited kiss. changbin moaned a little at the force, feeling your hip rub against his clothed member when you pushed toward him.
he figured it was just a mistake, perhaps you were as shocked at the friction as he was. but instead of pulling away, all you did was continue to grind down on him, trying to meet his arousal out of rather needy attempts.
oh, he couldn't do this. too much, too much. he has to get inside you, he couldn't even think.
"oh, actually–wait, hey."
snapping his eyes open, changbin gently pushed you away from his neck when he realized you planned to move even further down, your lips planting kisses so calculatingly he almost got lost in them. he swore he thought his heart would rip him apart and jump out right there.
you looked at him, bewildered. "what...?"
he stared at you, unsure. if you wanted to go further, he surely would comply with you. lord knows how long his cock has been aching for your permission. but if this decision was made out of the fleeting guilt you felt because of what happened tonight, he didn't want it. he wouldn't want your first time to be out of the need to provide compensation, he needed it to be special for you, and he was well-prepared for the person to never be him.
"hey, look at me," he pressed his palms to your cheeks, "i know how you are about sex, and i know you feel like you don't give me enough because you won't go to bed with me when i–uh, when i obviously wanted to."
you furrowed your brows, your eyes rounding innocently at him as he squeezed your cheeks together.
"i'm sorry if i have ever pressured you into feeling like you have to. you absolutely do not have to do anything of that sort for me, okay? your first time should be with somebody you love." he rubbed your cheeks, pressing his forehead against yours with a faint smile. "i will be just as entertained if you want to sit here and tell me all about frida kahlo."
you watched him, unblinking and unmoving.
one of your favorite artists. you never even mentioned it but she was all over your room. he must have noticed.
see, this is the kind of man he is. you have seen him through and through.
starting from the unbelievable tip of a hundred dollars he left you at the coffee shop, to your awkward first date at an expensive restaurant where you used his hundred dollars to pay for the meal, to the first time he held you in his arms because you got overwhelmed by his support of you choosing art as a career path, to the millions of times he has ensured you that you could just stand around in his apartment and he'd be happy to just feel your presence,
he has only been gentle and considerate, generous and patient—so, so patient—with you. and you could see him, thoroughly, not just as somebody who paid for your tuition and brought you to pretty places.
changbin was someone who kissed you goodnight after a nightmare, who took time out of his work to visit your university art exhibition, who was willing to sit through a ramble of things he couldn't care less about, because he loves you.
changbin was someone who loves you, and you loved him with just as much soul you could give.
"who said i wasn't trying to do it with someone i love...?" you whispered, looking into his eyes as your hands moved up to cup over his own. "who says you aren't the person i love?"
changbin took in your words. wavering strongly was his beating heart, uncertain and hoping that you meant what you said.
you sealed his confusion with another kiss—a much tentative one; careful, slow, and confessing. you were imprinting your affection for him with your lips, leaving a mark in his mouth he could never forget.
and there was only one thing in your mind when you brought his hands away from your face, your head moving lower to his neck, and his collarbones, until finally your feet touched the ground and you were kissing him through his clothes until you knelt at the floor between his legs: you were to make changbin feel good, you were to give him all the love you could offer, to both his heart and his body.
changbin stopped breathing at the sight of you kneeling before him, your hands slowly caressing up his inner thighs until they met at his belt. the permanent pout on your face as you undo his belt made him go batshit crazy imagining how those pretty little lips could wrap around his cock.
you popped the button open and unzipped the fly, not bothering to slide his pants down as your fingers tugged at the waist of his boxers, pulling it low enough for his cock to spring out from underneath. you flinched, startled, and your eyes widened in surprise at his size. it was only how you remember you have never actually sucked anyone off before, and neither have you watched a lot of people do it.
oh hell, you would have to wing this.
suppressing the urge to laugh, you let the curiosity overwhelm you and, finally, moved your hands up to wrap themselves around his thick shaft. he sucked in a breath, the warmth of your hands engulfing him as you slowly pumped up and down. your movement irregular but solid, your palm squeezing around his tip whenever they meet, adding pressure to his nerves and causing pre-cum to leak from his tip quicker than he thought.
your hands got sticky really quickly, the whiteness coating between your fingers as you continued to pump his cock until you saw that his tip of red and protruding. bringing yourself closer to him, then you brought your face toward the tip and, before you put your lips on him, you looked up to catch his eyes.
changbin's head rattled at your gaze—so naive-looking yet so affecting. you held more control in this situation, in every situation, even though you were always the more shrunken one.
"may i?" you asked, your breath hitting his angry tip.
he hummed, groaning at the welcoming sensation, and he nodded. "yes, baby, please."
the gate in his chest opened when you finally put him in your mouth, releasing him of his suffocation and all the hidden stress he never let out. your gentle lips sucked on his tip, your tongue licking across his slit to taste the bitter pre-cum, and the whine you let out in distaste gave him shivers.
throwing your mind off the liquid on your tongue, you pushed yourself further down, taking more of him in you as you suck your cheeks carefully, hoping it was enough stimulation for him. whatever you were doing, it was all from hearing people talk about it and mirroring the little of what you've seen, and you could only hope that it was good enough for him.
and it was. it was so, so good, you wouldn't have any idea. your mouth felt so warm and soft and wet around him, your teeth just barely grazing against his skin, and your tongue flat against his visible veins. not to mention the occasional look of uncertainty you would flash him, your pretty eyes wide with your mouth stuffed full of his shaft as you asked him for approval.
he could only give them in grunts and moans. the stimulation was too magnificent, he was at a complete loss for words that he got the privilege of feeling you suck him off.
"ah... ahh, fuck–" he threw his head back, the back of his neck leaned against the soft cushioned headrest. when you hummed around him, acknowledging the pleasure he was feeling, he immediately hissed upon the vibration. "fuck, keep–keep going–ahh..."
you bobbed your head irregularly, your inner-cheeks hallowing to touch his shaft and to given him suction. your tongue continued to flick on his skin, adding a gentle sensation to the overall wetness. it felt weird to have something stuck between your teeth, but hearing the grunts above was nothing more than satisfying to you.
a short gurgle escaped the gaps of your lips when you suddenly went beyond the length you were already taking, letting his cock reach further into your mouth and stopping when his tip brushed against your throat. changbin let out a louder moan then, the softness of your uvula poked by his tip and making his mind shatter.
"shit, baby, ugh!" he groaned, his hand flying to your hair and grabbing a fistful of it. he tugged at your scalp, unable to control his movement when his dick was engulfed by the warmth of your mouth.
you pulled away after a quick second of deep-throating him, but you didn't let yourself pop away for air. instead, your lips sucked at the skin of his tip when you reached dangerously up, and before you continued by taking him in your mouth and bobbing your head along his shaft again, you let the droll hanging by the tip of your tongue roll out the mouth.
the wetness dripped down his cock, a feeling changbin never knew he would take such notice of, but he has grown as an obsession for you that he'd memorized the feeling of your saliva on his skin. and he certainly would have this moment memorized as well—your mouth taking most of him while your hands stroked where your mouth couldn't reach, and your eyes getting all wide and teary whenever your nose hit the base.
he was bucking his hip into you soon, wanting to go at a pace he liked. his hands spread across your head, pulling your hair out of your face while semi holding you in place, but still giving you the freedom to move as much as he could. he knew he wasn't going to last much longer, the tension in his abdomen was building him up to an eventual release he wasn't sure if he was to empty himself in your mouth yet.
you could sense his silent impatience. anytime you were to pull your lips to the tip, he would thrust his hip up to your face, wanting you to take him back in. and each time, after you quickly swirled your tongue around his soft tip, you'd listen to his pleas and take him in your mouth again. it was all rinse and repeat—suck and lick, up and down. until his grip on your hair tightened with a hoarse groan, and you felt immobilized under his hands.
changbin squeezed his eyes shut at the feeling, his head thrown back slightly as he lightly thrusted into your mouth to chase after his release. his cock pulsated, his skin moving as he shot his hot cum into your mouth with an uncontrollable moan.
you coughed at the taste, finding them unpleasant to swallow. when he finally pulled out of you, you coughed, and his cum trailed out with your saliva, dripping down your chin alluringly as you looked up at changbin as an instinctive response.
his chest heaved as his eyes flashed with a sex-crazed affection. he couldn't even care whether you swallowed all of him or not. the view of your lower face covered with white wetness—his cum—was so devastatingly sexy. and the way they dripped and rolled down your breast made him insides twitch.
he felt like he got a recharge, and he could go on and on, he could stay inside you for the entire night.
changbin moved his hand up from the nape of your neck, caressing the side of your head with a much gentler approach, almost in a praising effort. he smiled at you, endeared. "such a good girl... such a good girl for me."
you held down a beam, but the quirk at your lips still flashed shyly upon his praise. changbin watched you with care, his eyes hazing out as his lids dropped in a tender manner. you have always been such a sight for sore eyes, he knew, but he had no idea he could love looking at someone so much—just looking and nothing else. no hands, no words, just the eyes and the glorious view of you.
and it was enough for him, it really was.
you turned your head to kiss his palm after a moment of silence. and your body swayed for a bit, side to side, until your head laid itself on his inner thigh. you looked up at him, your eyes yearning as you glanced between his face and his glistening cock. the pout on your face, and the slow gliding of your hands, were suggesting something, something big.
he shivered out an exhale, anticipating what you had in mind.
standing up slowly, you returned to your previous position where you straddled him on the chair. changbin helped you navigate around, keeping you ground on his lap as you found a better position. you kissed him in the meanwhile, your hips moving awkwardly as your lips kept the weak man occupied. until you could finally grind down on his length, you kept his busy with the swipes of your tongue.
changbin gasped when he felt the shape of your heat against his shaft, rubbing for friction and warmth, asking to be pounded and abused. he pulled away, his eyes wide at your pink cheeks, and you could only hug him closer by the neck, a slight grin escaping your lips.
"i can keep going..." you said, laying your head on his shoulder and burying your face to his neck as you ground against his abdomen. a moan left your lips, high and whiny, and you begged. "i want to be fucked, daddy, please."
woah. where the hell did you learn to say something like that? not that he didn't enjoy it, he was just very shocked to hear such words leave with your sweet voice attached to them! and also very, very turned on. unexplainably turned on.
"did you just call me daddy?" he muttered out, pushing your away so he could see your face.
you pursed your lips and nodded. you never knew the term could be used in a bedroom before. albeit you found it quite fascinating at first, but after digging a little deeper into it, you started wondering if changbin would be one to enjoy the use of that title. it was a slip of the tongue, you didn’t plan to say it, but judging by the look on his face, he didn’t seem to oppose it either.
“yes… daddy."
he could only laugh.
big mistake.
you yelped when he stood up, his hands clenching your waist to hoist you up with him. he reached one hand over this desk, impatiently swiping the papers and books off the floor so he could sit you tight on the surface. he pushed your back against the table, his chest pressed against yours and his hands on both your waist and your arm, holding you down.
you couldn't find a trace of softness in his eyes now. they have gone dark and lidded, the way you have never seen him look at you before. his hand snuck through your body, trailing along your torso and meeting at your neck. his hand fit around the bone perfectly, giving you just a good enough squeeze to make you gasp.
"now where the fuck did you learn that, baby girl?" he whispered close to your jaw, a smile on his face.
you wanted to answer, but his hand was dancing down your body, quickly and energetically, and your mind simply vanished when it met at the hem of your lace pantie. changbin watched you carefully, with a hint of anticipation, as he slipped the tip of his fingers beneath the soft fabric. you pursed your lips, heart beating excitedly as his hand inched further and further down until his hand was cupping your pussy.
his curled his middle finger, making the tip trail along your wetting slit and dipping into your hole just slightly out of tease. your hand flew up to grab his arm, your eyes rolling down to stare at him; you weren’t stopping him, but you always couldn’t do anything but wait for his next move, so you just looked ahead, unmoving.
“ever been fingered before?” changbin asked suddenly, his cheek leaning against your covered breast as his fingers teased your entrance. 
“not even by yourself?” 
“just once–“ you gasped at the stretched out feeling when he slowly slid his middle finger inside. your legs trembled at the sudden intrusion, surprised, but changbin made sure to keep them open by pushing himself between your legs. 
this was not a new feeling—well, not new per se. you have fingered yourself once before, out of plain curiosity after changbin suggested the idea of sex to you when you two were discussing your give-and-take  relationship. but you could barely get past the first several shoves of your fingers before you had to pull yourself out and wash away the filth sticking to your hands. 
you had been too shy to do it yourself, and thus never once felt the true pleasure of having your walls rubbed with the delicacy of the human hands. therefore, when changbin began to pump his middle finger in and out of your wet heat, you could barely contain the shocked whimpers he was eliciting out of you. and the quicker they did it, the more he began to stretch you out with the insert of his fourth finger, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit, the more you shivered at his touch.
he laughed to himself at the way you gasped when he spread his two fingers inside you, stretching you out and gathering your juices on his skin. he was getting you prepped and ready for his cock, making sure you were all wet and slippery before he could safely slide himself inside you. yet, even though it was still just simple foreplay, you managed to give him such lovely reactions. 
“you feeling okay, hmm?” leaning up to your face, he asked in a huff before kissing your lips, muffing your incoming moans as he sped up the pace of his hands.
the squelching sounds became more audible from beneath your hips, making your ears perk up when you realized how wet you have become. changbin smirked at your expression, so hopeless and weak, and he asked, “daddy’s making you feel good, isn’t he?”
you nodded, focusing on the way his fingers moved in your, thrusting against your walls and adding pressure to your weak spots. "yes–yes... daddy is making–ahh!"
he placed a hand in your hip, forcing you down when your body jolted from the sudden head-rush of an approaching orgasm. he watched your face scrunch up, moans leaving your lips in splits and ragged breaths, and all he could feel was satisfaction. for how long has he yearned for this sight? for how long has his mind been infiltrated with the imaginary image of your naked body?
it was all under his fingertips now, everything about you.
he could feel your release approaching with the tightening of your walls, and that excited him, but instead of bringing you over the edge, he paused his movements and pulled out of you instead.
you went down from your almost high, your eyes snapping open at the ceiling and your head lowering to look at changbin. his fingers glistened with your essence, causing everything you wanted to say to him to fly out of your head. you watched him, wondering what he was planning to do with it as he raised it to face level.
"sorry about that. i promise all i want to do tonight is to make you cum," he said, bringing you closer to the edge of his desk with one hand harsh against the lower side of your ass. "but if you're gonna do that, i'd rather you do it around my cock."
your faces were close once again, but instead of kissing you like you thought he would do, he moved his hand up to your face and tapped your bottom lip with his wet fingers. you reluctantly parted your mouth for him, and he slowly slipped his fingers between, reaching in for your tongue and resting his fingers there.
"suck, baby girl," he demanded softly.
you listened to him, your lips wrapping around his fingers and you began to lightly suck on them. you hollowed your cheeks, tasting yourself on him as you let out tiny, silky moans between the action. changbin gave himself a second to watch your blissful face, the rounding of your lips a replica of when you had them wrapped around his cock.
his arousal twitched, horny and impatient. taking notice of it, he finally broke away from looking at you and stood forward. his hand left your ass to move to your lace pantie, and after giving the hem a few gentle tugs, he grabbed a firm hold of the weak fabric and tore it down in a swift motion. it broke at the side, the coverage dropping off your body and the front half of it falling off the edge of the table.
changbin looked down at your naked cunt, his eyes flashing with red lust immediately. leaving the broke undergarment underneath you, he moved his hand down to his cock where he pumped his length a few times before he positioned at your entrance without any notice.
when you felt his tip against your hole, you gave his fingers an abrupt suck, surprise ridding your body. changbin gently pulled his hand out of your mouth then, his face getting much closer to yours where he could judge his nose against yours gently.
he kissed the corner of your mouth, his dry thumb stroking your jaw. "are you sure you want to do this?" was all that he asked.
you scrunched your nose up into a smile, bumping your forehead against his when you nodded in agreement. "yes."
"okay," he took a deep breath, "this is going to hurt, so tell me to stop if it's too much."
you grinned, laughing your playful laugh that he adored. "yes, daddy."
he smirked—adorable. just when he thought he couldn't love you more. "good girl."
with that said, he carefully laid you on your back, pushing away anything that could be in the way before he moved down to you just for the sake of keeping you close to him. and he slowly and surely tried to ease himself into you.
you felt the tremor from your chest increase when your hole greeted his cock, finding the stretch unfamiliar and uncomfortable due to his astonishing size. your grip on his clothed arms tightened as he moved, pushing himself further inside you with suppressed groans of pleasure.
he thought he could control himself and wait, but you have proven to him time and time again that his self-control may not be as good as he coined it to be. especially now, when your tight walls suffocated his cock with such delicious pressure, he couldn't help but let his mind wander to a territory where he abandoned his sanity and allow himself to fuck you immediately solely to satisfy himself.
oh, but he could never do that. he could never prioritize himself over you. everything he does was for you now, from the workplace to the bedroom, everything has to cater to you now.
"are you okay? does it hurt?" he asked after he has himself stuffed inside you. placing his hand on your cheek, he hovered closely over your face and smooched your eyes. "are you feeling okay, baby?"
"yeah, it just–" you laughed, moving your head to shake off the breathlessness. as painful as it had been, the stretch was fascinating to feel, and it felt strangely good to be so full. "it hurts a little but i'm fine, you can keep going."
changbin moved slowly from the start, wanting nothing more than for you to adjust to him. he knew that if you wanted more, you would ask for it, and there would be tell-tale signs from your face and your actions that tell him exactly what you wanted. it hasn't been a terrible lot of such intimacy happening between you both—actually, this was the first time, but he has got you down at the back of his palm, from the scrunch of your face to the hiss from your throat.
changbin has got you memorized, like everything else he has ever cared about, like your paintings and your coffees. and being inside you now, hearing as your discreet pants slowly turn into loud, euphoric moans, feeling as his cock rub sensually along your walls to scratch up a heat that could never rival that of his affection, he knew he loved you.
he has learned to love you, just as you have learned to love him. and he wanted to continue to do so for as long as you allow him, he would be ready to do that whenever you are.
your hands began to fumble around his body, unsure of their duty and therefore aiming for the one thing you wanted the most. your fingers worked clumsily, popping the buttons of his shirt one by one, two by two, until most of his chest was exposed. you let out a giddy laugh when you could see the traces of his pecs and the smooth skin of his tummy, feeling rather drunk on the pleasure and more so on fascination.
"you have a little tummy, bin, haha!"
he looked down, not realizing you had opened his buttons. when he looked back up at you, there was laughter on his face and he reached up to pinch your cheek as he bit lower lip in embarrassment. "when did you do that, hmm?"
"like... a second ago...?" you replied, "but awe, that's very cute. i'm gonna kiss your tummy later."
and you would blow raspberries on his skin, and he would laugh, and you two would just be on the bed as any other lovers would.
changbin felt more than just adored at this point. growing up focusing on his father's business and expanding his studies to keep up with his father's expectations, even though he has always been a friendly one, he was never able to gain the romantic life he always longed for. the people he likes either don't like him for who he is, or he doesn't have feelings for those who do.
you were a miracle. you were his miracle. how did you land on his hands so delicately?
he kissed you when he decided to pick up his previously slower speed. the spur of sudden endearment made him want to give it all to you, and he wanted nothing more than to feel you quiver around him in a haze. moving his lips down your neck to give you space for your sweet noises, his hands moved to fumble with your bra, slipping them off below your ribs and exposing your round breasts to him.
you moved your legs with a jolt when he wordlessly began planting bruises across your breasts, but something told you he was beginning to a deeper part of you and spreading such electrifying flow across your body.
the scrape of his teeth was a frighteningly joyful sensation, the thought of him sucking hickeys in your chest for both of your to see also was a newfound thrill you never thought you'd enjoy.
everything he was doing brought you over the moon and back. his strong thrusts built up tension at your abdomen, and his kisses adding to the pleasure you were already feeling from his cock hitting against your sweet spot. your moans became shameless, your hands longed for more to touch, and your words were bold as you asked him for more, more, and more.
"oh god, changbin–changbin, right there," you squeezed his arms, "please, more, give me more."
your feminine, sultry voice made his head swoon, and he could do not anything else but to oblige you. he couldn't even bring it in himself to care about the sudden loss of his bedroom title, his name sounded awfully lovely in your voice.
a curse flew past your lips when he placed his elbow next to your head, his body leaning down for leverage so he could better utilize his lower body. he snapped his hips into yours, listening to your pleads and increasing his pace as you asked. you moaned and moaned against his ears, and your body hugged him tightly to you, making him feel engulfed and warm.
"bin, bin, i feel close–ahh!" you patted his shoulder, your breasts moving against his chest.
"good," he hummed, holding your hands down to your side as an instinctive response. "cum around me when you want to, just let go."
the taste of your skin etched against his lips as he kissed your neck during the last of your endurance. his pounded into you, his strength immeasurable along with the tightening of your walls, and you were falling apart in seconds.
changbin groaned, his eyes rolling up when you pulsated around him. the euphoric scream of his name went straight into his head, repeating and repeating itself to get him off. he snapped his hips into yours, feeling his own high approaching as your walls continue to tighten down on him as the aftermath of your first orgasm.
"oh, fuck–" he cursed, feeling a ting on his tip so he pulled out immediately.
your cum slipped out at the action, a watery noise accompanying the slip of your cum trailing out your pussy. you watched as he pumped himself, his length glimmering with your filthy essence and staining his hands once again. knowing what he wanted to do, you quickly sat up and gently pushed him a step back.
changbin looked at you as you got down on your knees in front of him, your hands replacing his own to rub along his length for him. your hands were slippery as you watched him with wide, blazing eyes. and, the more he breathed with heavy exhales, you finally picked your time to reach up to take him in your mouth again, the bitter taste of yourself more permanent this time as you had just came around him.
he cursed out loud at and tilted his head sideways at the feeling of your warm mouth around his cock, his hands meeting at the back of your head while he slowly rocked his hip into your mouth. you focused on his tip, swiping your tongue along his slit and hallowing your cheeks around the sensitive bud. it didn't take long before he emptied himself in your mouth again, his cock going limp against your tongue as you swallowed around his tip.
you pulled away with a pop, a saliva string stretching between your mouth and his tip, only disappearing when you wiped your mouth to clean yourself up.
changbin slumped against his chair then, exhausted from the high he felt. his eyes moved to your knelt form, and he softened. opening his arms, he nudged his head toward you and said, "come here, baby."
you stood up, feeling the faint soreness between your legs but continuing to walk toward him anyway. he pulled you to his lap when you were close enough, your legs straddling his hips once again, but this time without the arousal interrupting the moment despite your bare skin touching.
you laid your cheek on his shoulder, with your face turned toward his neck and your arms around his waist. changbin stroked your hair despite the drying wetness on his hand, his eyes hazy as he stared ahead of him.
"you did so well, baby," he praised after a moment, "thank you for letting me be your first."
you smiled, shaking your head slightly. "i should thank you for taking care of me, just then and for so long."
"you don't have to," he mumbled, tilting his head so he leaned against you. "i wanted to do that."
you pursed your lips to let out a hoarse hum. the sleepiness was taking over you slowly, and despite your burning desire to talk more, you could fight the urge to fall asleep against his chest and his protective arms. therefore, rubbing your cheek on his shoulder, you looked up and mumbled, "i want to sleep."
"oh?" he chuckled. "are you sure you don't want to take a shower first? i can run you a bath."
"sleep first," you yawned, adjusting your position before fully letting yourself slump against his figure.
he caught you in his strong arms by wrapping them around your small figure. his chest heaved along with yours, feeling your breath in silence with him, and he gave you a very tiny nod in agreement.
"okay," he said, caressing your arms. "rest well, baby."
and he would be here when you wake up.
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bruh-changbin · 2 years
Spring Fling Collab! ᠃ ⚘
so… i hit 2.5k a little while ago (what!!!!!!) so to celebrate i thought it would be fun to host a collab! i am so lucky to know a bunch of talented writers on here and would really love to meet new people, and i feel like a collab is a great way to do just that. i really hope some of you guys are as pumped as i am for this bc it’s gonna be a great time!
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this collab is open to skz writers, txt writers, and enhypen hyung line writers (if you write for a different group and want to join pls message me!) . both sfw and nsfw writers are welcome to join, but your fics must be tagged properly and they must follow these guidelines. obviously nsfw fics must be tagged with what smut is included, but all fics need to have proper warnings that outline any serious topics that could possibly be triggering. everyone that joins must have their age somewhere on their blog so i can ensure that no minors are participating (even sfw blogs! although you may not be writing something nsfw, other people will be and i don’t want anyone that’s participating or reading to be under 18).
minimum length for fics is 1k, however please feel free to write as much as you want, so there is no max for how long a fic can be. please please PLEASE use the keep reading feature no matter what length your fic is i cannot stress this enough.
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as you probably read at the top of this post, the theme of this collab is ‘spring fling’. now you might be like hey what the fuck does that even mean BUT hear me out. winter is my least favourite season lol so what better way to push away winter and welcome spring than with some lovely fics. i want this theme to be super open ended so that if you choose to join you have a lot of freedom and can write whatever you feel most comfortable with! that being said, here are a couple topics to kind of nudge you in the right direction:
✿ picnics
✿ tulip festival
✿ april showers (anything with rain pls i love it)
✿ shopping
✿ hiking
✿ park date
✿ brunch
✿ watch the sunrise
✿ finish spring semester
✿ farmers market/florist shops
✿ cherry blossoms
✿ coffee shops
✿ an actual spring fling (whether it’s a dance or like a romantic fling is up to you)
again, these are just a few topics that might help you get an idea on what to do; don’t feel restricted to this list. basically this collab is supposed to be light, fun and overall positive (that being said, angsty fics are still allowed lol). I am begging someone to do a minho florist au
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the deadline to join is February 11th, and the deadline to drop out is February 25th. i totally understand that shit happens so if something comes up in your life and you need to drop out after the drop deadline i get it! but, if you just aren’t super keen on participating after you’ve joined, please try to let me know before the drop out date so there’s a chance that someone else can join. finished fics are to be posted anytime between April 25th and May 6th. a masterlist will be created
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as of right now, there is currently 1 spot open, but if more people are keen on joining i will definitely accept more writers! spots are first come, first serve :) blogs who have joined so far:
✿ taken → @ddeungies
✿ taken → @strwbrryblues
✿ taken → @skzkkun
✿ taken → @fight-me-m8
✿ taken → @seo--changbin
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to join
to join please send me a private message as opposed to an ask or commenting, this will just make it easier in terms of keeping track!
once you’ve messaged me please send me the member, theme and trope you are planning to write to i can make sure there isn’t any overlap with ideas (eg. bang chan, academic rival, enemies to lovers). but don’t feel pressured to have every single detail sorted out immediately! feel free to message me and bounce ideas off me if you’re not too sure on what exactly you want to do. if people are keen on it i might make a discord server with everyone so we can all chat together!
i hope some of you are keen on joining, i think this will be really fun! that being said if no one wants to join i will delete this and pretend it never happened
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btsxmalereaders · 3 years
Stray Kids reaction to: having the same birthday as their s/o.
♡ Requested
♡ Fluff
Hyung Line | Maknae Line
☆ Masterlist
Bang Chan
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He didn't catch on that his birthday was also that day,
So he would make a mental note to put it on his calendar.
And five minutes later he'd be like: "Oh wAIT"
He'd be more interested on preparing something for you rather than planning something for himself
But most likely your friends will throw surprise parties for you two
The type to write you a song as a gift
Eventually, spending the afternoon with both your families would become a thing
And partying for the rest of the night
"My baby becomes even prettier every year."
Cheesy pickup lines out of nowhere to keep you happy all day
Would sing your favorite songs even if you don't ask him to
Just to see you smile
Lee Minho
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You're joking around with him while you are still dating,
And you do something silly to make him laugh, but instead he rolls his eyes to later blush.
"Damn, Minho, you're such an scorpio."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
Instead of being into astrology and stuff he is now curious of your sign just to backfire
When he asks you just laugh.
"Find it out on your own."
Since you didn't have that info on your social media or any siblings to ask, he would have to ask a friend
So he went straight up to Felix
"Hey, when's Y/N's birthday?"
"You're dating them and you don't know?"
"Just answer the question."
"Same day as you, October 25."
So he'd laugh,
"Such an scorpio thing to do."
He wouldn't mention it next time he sees you, but
He'd buy you your favorite cake and snacks and just when you're about to send him a text to congratulate him
He'd show up at your place right at 12 am
And get to spend your birthday together from the very first minute
You'd complain about it since you prepared something for him when you were supposed to meet for dinner
But inside you'd just be melting
Seo Changbin
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He would be surprised when you tell him your birthday is the same day as his
He'd ask you to make a list of things you'd like to have as a gift
And you think he's gonna buy 2 or 3 things
But he buys every item just for you
Brings your breakfast to bed,
So when you're done he'd cuddle until it's time to leave
Most likely to do all the things you ask for that day
Even silly things like piggyback rides in your apartment to avoid you from getting tired
You'd cook for each other your favorite meals
I feel like he'd be like Chan and focus more on you
He'd treasure with his life every single thing you give to him
Cheesy af but he'd buy a cake with your names written along with hearts
Really happy about celebrating together
Wouldn't stop hugging you all day
Hwang Hyunjin
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"You're lying, there's no way!"
He'd have to ask more people to fully believe it
He would be really happy about it
You'd probably want to exchange small gifts some days previous to your birthday
And on that day something you both wanted or have been asking for a while
He'd make giving gifts a competition
Like who gives the bigger gift
Or the more expensive
And, just for laughter, a bonus for the worst one
Would take tons of pictures together
Probably rent a photo booth with props to make it funnier
Would have an special album just of your birthdays
And also you two would have material to tease each other and post silly photos with messages on social media
Jinnie I miss you:((
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
𝑀𝑎𝑓𝑖𝑎! 𝐴𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑧: 𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝐾𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑂𝑓 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑅𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑠 𝑓𝑡. 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑦 𝐾𝑖𝑑𝑠
Disclaimer: In no way am I condoning, encouraging, supporting, justifying, or promoting mafia behavior or lifestyle. This is all a work of fiction and not meant to represent real life scenarios.
Warning: Brief scenes of violence. Reader discretion advised.
「𝑲𝒊𝒎 𝑯𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒋𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒈」
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When Hongjoong escorted you through the hall for your uncle's wedding, the last person he expected to be seated at the same table you two were in was none other than Bang Chan, who was also surprised to see him.
"You?!" They both exclaimed, already getting into a fighting position.
The people around you guys stared in shock, afraid of some shoot out about to happen. You however calmed Hongjoong down while explaining that Chan was your cousin's boyfriend.
"And you couldn't have mentioned this before?" He crossed his arms in front of you.
"Can you both just not cause a scene here? It's my uncle's special day." You begged them.
"Yeah, 5th special day in the last 4 years." Chan teased earning him a smack from his girlfriend beside him.
They just sat quietly during the entire reception, refusing to acknowledge each other, although occasionally they couldn't help but throw slight jabs at each other. It all culminated though when it was time for the bride to throw the bouquet which was caught by none other than you. Chan actually laughed at that.
"What's so funny?" Hongjoong asked.
"The fact that of all people, Y/N caught the bouquet when we both know you don't have the guts to make her walk down the aisle."
Hongjoong slammed his fists down and stood up.
"That's it! I've had it with you. You want to take this outside? Cause I'm ready."
「𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒘𝒂」
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Seonghwa and you happily strolled through the park, enjoying each other's affection, when you were startled by an all too familiar voice and face behind Seonghwa, one you had not seen in over 2 years.
"Y/N! Long time no see. How have you been gorgeous?"
Seonghwa noticed how you seemed to sunk your shoulders down, your eyes not wanting to directly look at the man in front of you. And Seonghwa was not at all amused by the way this man talked to you.
"I... I'm fine.... Lee Know..." You responded, your voice slightly trembling.
At hearing the name, Seonghwa turned around and indeed, it was none other than the infamous play boy Lee Minho himself, smirking right at you. He looked at Seonghwa and let out a tiny scoff.
"I take it....he's your new boo?" Lee Know asked, cocking his head to the side.
Seonghwa merely wrapped an arm around you protectively, clearly signaling an affirmative answer. Lee Know smiled.
"Well.....then good for you. If you ever get bored of him....you know you can always call me." He shamelessly said as he walked away.
Seonghwa looked down at you, the way you were holding back tears was enough to know Lee Know was your ex, the one who had torn your heart apart years ago, the one who made it difficult for you to accept Seonghwa because you were so heartbroken and scared about starting a new relationship.
Seonghwa kissed your forehead and held you close to him.
"You know I love you and I'd never hurt you like he did right?"
「𝑱𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒖𝒏𝒉𝒐」
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Yunho slowly walked through the city's streets, casually listening to music and overall trying to relax a little. He thought he spotted a familiar sweater on a rather familiar frame, but it couldn't have been you right? Especially when the figure seemed to be lovey dovey with none other than....
Seo Changbin?!
Yunho ripped his earbuds out, tearing them off when he noticed it was definitely you and you were definitely hugging one of his arch nemesis.
"Get the fuck away from her!" Yunho declared as he ripped you away from Changbin's embrace.
"Yunho! What are you?-"
Grabbing the smaller man by the collar, he easily hoisted him up.
"I'm warning you right now, don't ever come near my girlfriend or so help me your gang will be short by one member." He warned him.
"Yunho! Stop! Put my brother down!" You cried out as you tugged at his jacket.
Yunho widened his eyes and looked back at you, immediately turning soft when he stared at your panicked stricken face.
"Bro...brother?" He asked incredulous.
"Yes! Her brother now do you mind putting me down?" Changbin asked as he tried to pry Yunho's fingers off him.
Yunho put him down and you immediately checked on him to make sure he was ok. You only got a scoff from him as he warned you:
"Careful with him and his gang Y/N. I'm only holding back for your sake."
Changbin began walking away, not wanting anymore confrontation in front of you. Yunho sheepishly looked at you while you merely rolled your eyes.
"I'm sorry.....but you never told me you had a brother."
「𝑲𝒂𝒏𝒈 𝒀𝒆𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒈」
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The young man calmly stepped inside the room, looking around, trying to figure out if it really was a set up or not.
"Hello?" He called out, not seeing anybody.
Suddenly the lights turned on and from the shadows, Yeosang emerged, hands in his pockets as he calmly looked at the man in front of him.
"Hwang Hyunjin, thank you for accepting my invitation." He spoke out, voice laced with sarcasm.
"Get to the point Yeosang. The fuck you want." Hyunjin didn't want to waste his time.
Yeosang hummed. "I simply want you to stay away from Y/N."
Hyunjin actually let out a chuckle at that.
"Of course the overbearing boyfriend would pull out this mediocre shit. Listen, Y/N and I have been longtime friends and you can't change that. She's my friend. "
"I know. And I also know you have the hots for her and more than once you've shit talked me to her in order to get her to leave me." Yeosang raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to contradict him.
Hyunjin's smile faltered for a moment, but then he smirked.
"You're not gonna do shit Yeosang. And you can't stop me from seeing Y/N."
"What makes you think-"
"Suppose I accidentally let it slip out to Y/N what you actually do for a living, let her find out who you really are?" Hyunjin threatened him.
Yeosang stayed quiet, clenching his fists, resisting the urge to break Hyunjin's skull against the floor.
"I think it's in your best interest to not try me Kang Yeosang. You'll end up losing."
Yeosang just stood there, unable to do anything but watch his rival leave victorious...
"For now..."
「𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒊 𝑺𝒂𝒏」
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"Well well well.....look what the cat dragged in."
San let out an evil laughter as he picked up the blonde haired boy up and slammed him against the wall.
"I thought I told you never to show your ugly rat face around here Jisung." San reminded him.
Jisung got up from the floor, refusing to back down at the taller and obviously stronger male.
"I'm actually a squirrel, thank you." He replied with a smug grin.
San didn't hesitate to throw a punch at his face, knocking him down once again. San picked him up again, this time with his hands wrapped around his neck as he choked him.
"Wrong move to try and be brave with me punk." He sneered at him.
"San! Don't! Let him go!"
Your voice made San look over at you. You ran over to them, fear and panic written all over your face.
"Stay out of this Y/N." San warned you, inadvertently pushing you away rather roughly, making you fall to the floor.
Seeing you get hurt triggered something in Jisung. Using whatever strength he had, he swung his leg and kicked San hard enough to loosen the grip he had on him. He got to land one solid punch to his cheek, knocking him to the ground before he proceeded to take out a switchblade from his jacket.
"No Jisung! Please don't!" You begged him, your arms encapsulating his waist, trying to get him to stop.
San just stood looking at you in disbelief.
"Y/N....what on earth-?" He asked, his voice somewhat breaking.
"Jisung! Please don't! I'm begging you! Don't kill him!" You begged.
"Give me one good reason!" Jisung exclaimed.
You looked up at him with tears falling down.
"I love him..."
Jisung's face dropped as he realized what you meant. He looked back at San who had confusion written all over his face, which then turned to shock when he asked:
"So you're my sister's boyfriend?"
「𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒊」
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Mingi stormed into a room, watching as the younger male was strapped to the chair in front of him.
"Felix....." Mingi said, walking around and watching as the feline looking man remained quiet.
"Do you have any idea why you're here?" Mingi asked him.
"I can tell you the reasons I'm not here for." Felix scoffed.
"Stop acting you little shit! You know damn well why I brought you here!" Mingi's deep voice boomed throughout the room.
Felix wasn't intimidated though, he simply leaned his face closer to Mingi's.
"Try me."
Mingi huffed before taking a picture out of his wallet and holding it up.
"You see her?"
Felix squinted his eyes at the picture before realizing that it was none other than you.
"I want to know why you've been hanging around her place more often. Are you stalking her? Planning to kidnap her to get back at me? Was that your plan? Use my own girlfriend against me? You think I'd let you get the chance?" Mingi questioned him.
Felix rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Yes Mingi, I was totally going to kidnap my own sibling and possibly torture her in order to get under your skin." He replied sarcastically.
Mingi's face dropped. "What?"
"You dumbass. Y/N is my sister and I've been hanging around her place for protection. In case you don't know, there's another gang that's been recently rising up. They call themselves Oneus. About a week ago, they sent all of us pictures of our closed ones to taunt us, and so we've been on guard over them."
Mingi now froze as Felix said those words. He realized now you were in danger. He quickly cut Felix loose from the ropes before ordering:
"Tell me everything you know about these bastards."
「𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝑾𝒐𝒐𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈」
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"I love you so much." Wooyoung whispered, kissing your nose, making you giggle.
"Do you?" You teased him.
"I do. I love you more than-"
"Y/N! What are you doing with him?"
Your oldest friend, Seungmin promptly pushed Wooyoung away from you, placing himself in front of you.
"Kim Seungmin, do you want to die?" Wooyoung glared at him.
"You're the one that's going to die if you keep playing with my best friend." Seungmin warned.
"Playing?" You asked.
"Best friend?" Wooyoung was in utter confusion.
"Don't give me that. Everyone in the mafia world knows you're the biggest fuck boi there is. Only making girls fall in love with you so you can get in their pants and then dump them, you sick pervert." Seungmin cringed in disgust.
Wooyoung let out a dry chuckle at his words.
"Play with whoever the fuck you want but leave Y/N out of this. She deserves better than trash like you."
Wooyoung bit the side of his cheek, finally understanding where this was going.
"Like who? You perhaps?"
Seungmin gulped slightly, confirming what Wooyoung was thinking.
"How long have you been in love with her Kim Seungmin? Wait don't answer me, it honestly doesn't matter..."
Wooyoung snaked an arm around you and pressed you to him.
"Cause she chose me and she's mine."
Wooyoung couldn't hid the smirk on his face as Seungmin looked at you in disbelief.
"Y/N.....please don't tell me.."
Your words broke Seungmin as you replied:
"I'm sorry Seungmin.... I'm in love with Wooyoung..
「𝑪𝒉𝒐𝒊 𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐」
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You pulled your face away from your ex, getting disgusted when he dared touch your cheek.
"Come on Y/N. Don't deny you still have feelings for me." He chuckled darkly.
You could only glare at him.
"I don't love you anymore Jeongin. So why don't you just let me go before it gets ugly?"
He got up and began laughing.
"Seriously? You really think your boy toy is going to come for you?" He asked.
"I don't think.... I know he will." You stated proudly.
"Really? You really think the Choi Jongho gives 2 fucks about you princess?" Jeongin cooed at you, his hands petting your hair softly.
Right at that moment there was a loud commotion heard outside, guns firing, and the sound of running feet could be distinguished. In less than 15 seconds, the door burst open and none other than Jongho himself came in, eyes full of rage when he saw the close proximity of your ex.
"I'm giving you 3 seconds to get your filthy hands off my girl or I'll split your head open." Jongho warned, coming closer to him.
Jeongin quickly pulled out a gun and held it to your head, prompting Jongho to halt his steps in fear of you getting hurt.
"That's what I thought Jongho. Y/N was mine first and I'm taking her back." Jeongin declared.
Jongho clenched his fists.
"Over my dead body."
Swiftly, he lunged at Jeongin, knocking the gun out of his hand. Jongho tried to punch him in the face, but Jeongin caught his fist with his hand before it collided with his face, giving him a cold stare, refusing to go down without a fight.
"That could easily be arranged..."
Gifs not mine. Credit goes to their respective owners.
451 notes · View notes
blu-joons · 3 years
You Walk Out On Him ~ Seo Changbin
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You let go of a loud giggle as you stumbled through the dorm, banging loudly on Changbin’s door after a night out with all of your friends. As the door opened, your body fell forwards, caught only by Changbin’s arms reaching out and pulling you in, sitting you down on the end of his bed.
“Hi,” you giggled, feeling your cheeks turn a dark shade of red, “I had such a good night.”
His head shook, whilst you weren’t drunk, you definitely weren’t sober either as he quickly quietened you, careful not to disturb any of the other boys. He sat down beside you, pulling his phone out and showing you a video.
“A fan sent me this,” he muttered, pressing play on the video of you dancing with your friends, “why are you out dancing with other guys?”
“Because they’re my friends,” you stated matter-of-factly. “I don’t see why it’s a big deal, I invited you to come with us but you declined,” you reminded him, kicking your heels off as they flew across the room with a bang.
Changbin’s eyes rolled as he watched your behaviour play out, putting his phone down beside him. “Can you please try and hold onto a bit of your dignity tonight, there’s others here who are trying to sleep without being disturbed by you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You snapped, turning to face him on the bed, “I’ve not lost any dignity tonight, I’ve been out and enjoyed time with my friends, you dance with fans all the time but you don’t see me moaning at you for it.”
“That’s my job,” he scolded.
“Your job is to sing and perform,” you corrected, quickly finding yourself sobering up, “I don’t remember it being in your job distraction that you have to dance with your fans in front of your girlfriend, unless I missed something?”
His hands ran through his hair, untangling all the knots. Every word he spoke stunk of jealousy, a trait you never liked in any of your relationships.
“I’m an entertainer Y/N, how else do you think we get fans by doing something like this? What do you get from doing this? Do you know how many articles are probably going to posted about this tomorrow?”
You scoffed at how quickly the attention yet again turned to him, all he could think about was how his career was going to be affected when all you were guilty of was going out and having a good time with your friends.
“So, what are you saying? Are you ashamed of me?” You asked.
“I’m not ashamed Y/N, it’s just I have a certain expectation of me, and if people knew the sorts of things that you’re getting up to on nights out then my name is going to get dragged into it.”
“I don’t see what the problem is Changbin. I went out, danced, and had fun, but because some of my friends are male people are going to think I’m a cheat or something? You’re worried people will think you’re stupid enough to go out with someone who might cheat on you?”
“I think some people might think such a thing.”
“But you’re too worried about yourself to stand up and tell people it’s not true, because all you’re worried about is your own reputation.”
“I am the famous one,” he yelled, “no one knows you.”
Your eyes widened as his hand slammed down on the mattress of his bed. “I see how it is, it’s so obvious now, I’m just a nobody to you aren’t I? I’m still successful just because I’m not famous.”
You couldn’t believe the words you were hearing, you still remembered on your first date when he told you how keen he was to date someone away from the spotlight so he could live a bit of normal, and now he was throwing this at you.
You shuffled away from him on the bed, resting your hands into your lap. The Changbin sat in front of you was one you didn’t recognise, he’d never raised his voice or insulted you before, especially not when you were harmless in it all.
“If this were the other way around and you had to defend me in front of your fans would you think this is acceptable? Would you be happy with how I’d behaved?”
Your hand reached down, picking up the strap of your bag, throwing it over your shoulder. You then proceeded to walk across the room and pick up your heels, sliding your feet into them, taking a moment to catch your balance.
“You can’t go home in this state,” Changbin spoke, reaching his hand out for you, but your own slapped him away, keeping a distance between you both.
“I’d be happy that you went out and had a good time if I were you, because I’d never make you feel bad for living your own life, and I definitely wouldn’t worry about how it made me look,” you yelled.
You took a few steps forward, slamming the handle of his door down, hearing his footsteps follow behind you. “I’m sorry. Just please don’t go home, I’ll take the sofa if that’s what you want.”
“What I want Changbin is to be far away from you, so when those articles are posted in the morning you don’t have to deal with being seen with me. You’ve made it clear how you feel about me tonight, and if the things I do bother you that much, maybe it’s best that we’re not together anymore.”
“Is that what you want?”
“It’s how you’ve made me feel,” you calmly told him, “you’re the one that’s created this situation, not me.”
Before he could say another word you opened up the door, the weather was harsh and cold but you didn’t care, the sooner you got out of the dorm, the better it would be for you all.
“You tell people what you want about tonight Changbin, I don’t care. After all, I’m a nobody so it doesn’t really matter what people think of me, does it?”
“I didn’t mean it that way,” he protested, “you just made me so mad I didn’t know what else to say.”
You spun around, coming face to face with him. “You still can’t stop yourself blaming me. What I did tonight was what people do in normal relationships, and until you can accept that, I won’t be showing my face around here for quite some time.”
His mouth opened to speak, but the slam of the door silenced him before he could even begin. From behind him, he heard one of the doors open, smiling weakly at Chan who stood with only the light of his phone guiding the way.
“What’s happened? I heard loads of shouting,” he asked, walking towards his friend, spotting the pained expression on his face, wrapping an arm around his shoulders tightly.
Changbin turned to his leader, “I’ve messed up big time. I let my jealousy run away with me and now I think I’ve lost her for good. Why couldn’t I just be normal, why did I have to act so senseless and make her leave?”
“I’m sure you haven’t, once the two of you sleep on it I’m sure everything will figure itself out,” he tried to assure him, walking him slowly back to his bedroom, sitting him down on his bed.
Usually he’d trust Chan, arguments were usually things the two of you got over quite quickly, but this time felt all too different.
“I don’t think it will, I really think I’ve lost her this time.”
363 notes · View notes
coldmilkcreamery · 3 years
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: seo changbin x male reader 🥀
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 1403
𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: in which changbin asks about the bracelet Y/N never takes off and finds out it’s from his friend that committed suicide.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴/𝘀: mentions of blood and death; suicide
𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝘆 🌙
𝗮/𝗻: i took a lot longer on this fic because i lost motivation so many times, but looking at the finished product, it’s my favorite out of the four i've made so far !! thank you so much for requesting @mrsunshine999 !! please continue supporting us !! <3
> 𝗺𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁 <
Changbin was naturally curious. Whether it be about his cousin's current class, what his bandmate ate for yesterday’s dinner or the weather of a country on the opposite side of the globe. He was curious about anything and everything. So, naturally, after dating Y/N for about two months, he would get curious about the lime bracelet that wrapped itself around his boyfriend’s hand. The said trinket was held together by a single thread of yarn, decorated with miniature glass beads and a tiny, fluffy frog in the middle. If he was being honest with himself, it did not look aesthetically pleasing. In fact, it wasn't. The beads were uneven and scuffed up, the color choice was horrible and overall it just looked like it hadn’t been washed in a while. He was afraid to call his partner out on this, being the shy bear he was, but after seven weeks with his boyfriend, both his curiosity and hygiene-oholic self got the better of him.
“You know,” Changbin mumbled in a sing-song tone, staring at the unattractive accessory, “you never told me about that…” he pauses, rethinks his words and continues again as his boyfriend locks eyes with him, “bracelet around your wrist.” Y/N freezes, resulting in both of them halting, and with them, their stroll at the park.
“You okay?” Changbin asks, half confused, half worried, “I’m talking about the—”
“Yeah, I know what you’re talking about.” Y/N cuts him off, lips quivering as he tightens his grip on the paper bags he holds, almost ripping the fragile sheets, “Let’s just drop these off at Nicky’s first.” Nicky’s is the name of the local bread shop they deliver to and for. In fact, both men had met each other there as delivery boys. To the owner’s surprise, both hit it off pretty well. Too well to the point that they started dating.
The walk out of the park and into the autumn street was quiet, way quieter than it was supposed to be. The street was bustling, there were cars honking their horns and bicycles ringing their bells, but it was all ear-splitting silence with Y/N. After dating him for seven weeks, and knowing him for even more, he was sure his boyfriend was always bubbly and upbeat. But in this moment, something about his actions, or the lack thereof, said the exact opposite. And to be really honest, it made Changbin uneasy. He knew what he said had upset his partner. He wanted to apologize but was too afraid—to sound dumb and repetitive or to hurt his feelings even more. Which of the two was it? That he was unsure of.
“Good morning Mrs. Park!” Changbin greets, showing his dimples off as both boys enter the shop.
“Good morning!” Mrs. Park chirps back, raising her head towards both men, retracting the knife from the loaf she held. “Oh! Those must be the bread I ordered! Thank you for getting them, you know me, too old to walk all the way to the supplier. Too old to remember to do so too.” She laughs, putting the bread knife flat on the wooden cutting board as she shifts her gaze from Changbin to Y/N. “Oh! You can put that in the back.” Y/N nods as he drags his feet towards the back of the shop, slowly disappearing into its retro-ness.
The store’s aroma was always the same, the smell of lavender and the chilly air slapping them in the face whenever they went in. But Y/N’s aura wasn't. And Mrs. Park could tell.
“What’s up with him?” She asked, raising a brow, not really expecting the answer she would get.
“I asked him about that lime bracelet he has on all the time.” Changbin replies, sighing, “It’s… kinda dirty don't you think?”
“Oh.” is all she replies. She stays silent for an uncomfortable amount of time until Changbin realizes.
“I… didn’t do anything wrong, right?” He says, hoping for the best, “What is it any—”
“I think it would be better if you ask him yourself.”
“Well…” Changbin doubles back, “if it’s anything uncomfortable for him to share, then I won’t bug about it anymore. I don’t want to sacrifice his feelings for my curiosity.” He replies, unsure of what to think.
Mrs. Park nods and as if on queue, Y/N reappears and steps out the pantry, paper bags that were previously held by his hands gone. He smiles at the lady in her 40’s and heads straight to the door, leaving the scent of lavender and bread behind. Changbin follows suit, looking at Mrs. Park as she nods back, sending him a reassuring smile.
Changbin steps out into the breezy autumn eventide, hues of marigold and tangerine painting the afternoon skies like a canvas. Y/N trudged and crossed the street, entering back into the park, the aura much different from before. What was bright and warm this afternoon became darker and colder as the moon began its daily process: replacing the sun. What was once a yellow orb glowing high up in the sky was now just a small orange blob on the horizon, and on the opposite side of the colored canvas, a glimmering white crescent, slowly rising through the blue hues. Changbin found the indigo, azure, tangerine and marigold ombré charming, a sight he would never forget. Y/N spotted a nearby bench and sat down, his boyfriend taking the empty space beside him. They sat there for a while, staring at the moms telling their children to get off the swings so they can go home, and the hotdog vendor packing up and calling it a day. In a way, both the swings and the hotdogs reminded him of someone… special.
“I—” Y/N pauses, trying to rephrase his words once again, “I haven’t really told you about this,” he says, brushing his fingers ever so slightly over the lime fabric on his wrist, “gift.”
Changbin is confused, visually confused at that, but keeps quiet and lets him continue. “A friend of mine… gave this to me.” Y/N says, looking up towards the darkening skies, holding a tear back, “At first I thought it sucked, you know, the beads don’t look that nice. I didn’t see its value.” He said, face scrunching as he tries his hardest not to let a tear out. “So I didn’t wear it.” Changbin nods, unsure of what to say.
“He passed away a month later.” He fails to keep the cap on his bottled feelings on, a tear or two slipping out, “I found him in the bathtub, blood everywhere, and his face… oh his face,” Changbin wraps him in warmth, “it looked lifeless and yet so… sorrowful.” He says, clenching the left side of his shirt, more tears dripping down the side of his face, only to be dried up by the fabric of his boyfriend’s shirt, “I didn’t know that was possible.”
Changbin hugged and patted his back for a while until he calmed down, until he could finally form a proper sentence. “He helped me figure out and accept who I am.” Y/N says, the left side of his lip pulling up as his face forms a melancholic smile, “I didn’t realize it back then, but I wouldn’t have been so open with my sexuality now if it wasn’t for him.” Both stared up at the young night sky, the elegant stars beginning to show themselves. “I’ve worn this,” he says, fiddling with the dirty cotton frog in the center of the trinket, “since the day we buried him.”
Y/N lets a tear fall once again as he leans his head on Changbin’s shoulder, finding the closure he thought he’d already found months ago. “I loved him. Still do. I just wish he would've told me about his problems. Just wish he would’ve stuck around for a little longer.” Changbin nods once again, still unsure of what to say.
“But that was all in the past. There’s nothing I can do about it now.” Y/N says, ripping his eyes away from the lime bracelet, staring up at the midnight blue sky, the bijou stars twinkling in the distance, “Nothing but remember him with this ugly ass ornament.” Changbin looks into his eyes, confused.
“This ugly ass ornament that means the world to me.”
𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙙: 01.15.21
𝙛𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙: 01.21.21
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction: First Kiss
A/n: I hope you like it! I think these turned out super cute! feel free to request again!
Requested by: @tropicalwrites​ (thank you bb)
Tag List: @distrikt9​ @mini-meanhoe​ @poeticallyspaghetti​ (Tag List is open)
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Dates with Chan had been sparse lately. It wasn’t his fault. They were doing promotions for a comeback and Chan had absolutely zero free time and any time he did have, despite his protests, you wanted him to spend resting. “Y/n, please! I wanna see you!” Chan whined over the phone. 
You sighed and looked at the time. The boys were still at the company, but would most likely be at the dorms in an hour or two. “Okay how about this. I’ll come over to the dorms and cook dinner for you and the boys tonight. That way you guys can have dinner as soon as you get home.” There was silence on the phone. “Chan? Chris? You there, love?” 
“Sorry, you just made my heart explode.”  
You laughed and hung up the phone. After a short car ride, you were inside the dorm and cooking a nice dinner for your incredible boyfriend and his band members. The steam from the cooking vegetables were starting to make you sweat a little. Grabbing a clip from your bag you pulled your hair out of your face and continued making the boys a good meal.
“Y/NNNNNNNNN!” Several boys screamed as the dorm door burst open. You smiled and finished putting food on plates. Felix attacked you with a hug and Hyunjin and Jisung followed soon after. “This looks really good, Y/n,” Felix said when everyone was seated at the table, Chan beside you. “I’m glad to have a break from cooking for these weirdos.” 
Soon Chan was sending all the boys off to bed with full bellies and food comas. “I’ve missed you so much,” He said taking your hands and sitting on the arm of the couch. “You have no idea how much I’ve wanted to see you and talk to you, to hold you, and... other things,” Chan said blushing. 
“What kind of other things?” 
Chan looked down and shrugged, his dimples making a shy appearance. You watched him play with your fingers, subconsciously pulling you closer to him. It didn’t take a psychic to know what was on his mind. With a smile, you leaned down and pressed your lips against his. He smiled into the kiss, his thumb rubbing over your skin. When you pulled away Chan had the dopiest grin across his face. He fell back onto the couch, staring up at the ceiling in a trance making you laugh.
“That was so awesome.” 
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Minho sat next to you on the couch. He wasn’t necessarily close to you, but he wasn’t on the farthest side of the sofa either. The boys had been hinting that maybe your feelings for Minho were reciprocated. You had been reading into everything lately and you still came up with nothing. Minho was impossible.
The focus of the boy next to you was heavily trained on his phone. Some random game was enticing his attention away from you. Giving up, you crossed your arms and stared at the TV. 
After letting out many precisely planned sighs hoping to grab Minho’s attention and failing you conceded and started flipping channels. Settling for a drama you watched the soap opera romance that played out on the screen. An hour passed and your stomach was beginning to growl. 
“I’m gonna order a pizza.” You said pulling out your phone. Minho hummed in response. rolling your eyes you walked into the kitchen to grab a soda for you and the thick headed boy in your living room. The doorbell rang and you looked to the couch. Minho showed no sign of getting up still zoned in on his phone. “Don’t worry I’ll get it.” Your feet trudged over the door and you gave the pizza guy a half assed smile. 
“Hi! That will be $22.46.” The boy smiled when you handed him the money as well as a nice tip. “Thanks, have a good night!” 
You closed the door and plopped back onto the couch setting the pizza on the coffee table. A hand grabbed your wrist before you could open the hot cardboard box. Minho smashed his lips on yours, hand coming to the back of your neck. He pushed you onto the couch, hovering on top of you. Caught up in the moment your hands tangled in his hair enticing Minho to deepen the kiss.  
As quickly as he had come onto you, he retreated, moving back to his previous spot on the couch and reaching for the pizza. You lay on the couch, completely confused. “What the hell was that?” Minho shrugged acting as if nothing had happened.
“What?” He picked up a slice and took a bite out of it. “I’m not allowed to kiss my girlfriend?”
You shook your head in disbelief. What? “Girlfr- What? When did this happen?” Again he shrugged like this was common knowledge you were the dumbest person on the planet, and you were starting to feel that way. He thought you were dating already?
“Y/n, you’ve cat-sitted for me at least twenty times. In my book, we are in a committed relationship after ten.” He handed you a slice of pizza and turned back to the TV. You watched as he threw an arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his side. “Congrats on being my girlfriend, dummy.”
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“Seo Lewis Changbin!”
“Oh no.” Your best friend mumbled. He took off his headphones and turned to see you marching through the door of his studio. The pissed off expression on your face said everything and also nothing. Changbin only had a matter of seconds to recount everything he had done in the last twenty-four hours and apologize or face the consequences. “Hi, gorgeous, how’s your day?” 
You simply rose an eyebrow and he quickly shut up. “Changbin, do you have something to tell me?” You could see the gears turning in his brain. The gears screaming ‘what did I do wrong this time’. 
It was honestly a little fun to watch him squirm. You crossed your arms and ignored the giggles coming from the other side of the studio door. You knew Felix and Seungmin had followed you down the hall. They were the ones who told you about Changbin in the first place. “I’m sorry that I used your sweatshirt to clean up Minho’s cat piss. But you can have my hoodie.”
He screamed as my hands attacked any unshielded spot on his body. “Stop! STOP! I BRUISE EASILY!” You huffed and stepped away. Changbin rubbed his bicep as if you had actually hurt him. “I’m sorry okay!” He scorched farther away from you. Though you had gotten him to confess it wasn’t the secret you were looking for. 
“While I am pissed about that, and you will be getting me a new hoodie, that isn’t what I was talking about.” Changbin watched with wary eyes as you inched forward and leaned on the arms of his office chair. “I had a little conversation with Seungmin and Felix earlier.” Changbin visibly gulped.
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes.”
“They sold me out?”
“They did indeed.” Changbin’s ears turned a dark shade of red. How you had never noticed your effect on your best friend before you would never know. Possibly because you were too focused on your own infatuation. Leaning forward, you pressed your lips to his, capturing them in a sweet kiss. Tilting your head you let your teeth drag slowly across Changbin’s bottom lip. 
“Was that like a friend kiss or-?” Changbin asked when you pulled away. You rolled your eyes and kissed him again before he could ask another stupid question.
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Hyunjin was walking you home after a late night boba date. His hand was intertwined with yours as you walked in the warm spring air. “When is your next free day?” You asked swinging your hands as you strolled down the dimly lit streets. You felt safe with your boyfriend next to you.
He hummed, head lifting to the sky in thought. “I think...two weeks from now?” You sighed and he brought your hand up to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “I know, baby.” It was hard not seeing Hyunjin. He himself was having withdrawal issues from your company and the boys were starting to notice. His dating ban wasn’t up for another three months, so the two of you had to sneak around. 
“What about nights?” He shooked his head ‘no’ and stopped under a street lamp. Leaning you back against the steel pole, you looked up at Hyunjin. “What about before morning meetings?” Hyunjin laughed, the sound making you smile.
He ran a hand through his blonde hair and dragged his touch down your arm. “Y/n, you and I both know neither of us are going to get up at four thirty in the morning.” You laughed and pulled Hyunjin closer to you, wrapping your arms around his neck.
Hyunjin gave you a soft smile and looked down at you. He made your heart pound in your chest. “I don’t know how I’m going to make it two weeks without you, Jinnie.” He sighed, nuzzling into your neck. 
“Believe me, if you can’t then I definitely won’t.” You ran a hand through his soft hair making him sigh in content. Eventually, he pulled away and stared at you with longing. His eyes looked from your eyes to your mouth in question. After seeing the smallest nod he leaned in pressing his lips against yours. 
You smiled into the kiss, threading your fingers through Hyunjin’s hair. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours. “What if I just ran away with you right now?” 
“Jisung would absolutely murder you. You’re supposed to record tomorrow.” You said a little breathless, wanting his lips on yours again. 
“True. Very true.” He came back, another fiery kiss being shared between you. His tongue swiped across your bottom lip before slipping into your mouth. The two of you savored your last moments together under the dim golden glow of the street lamp.
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“Hey, handsome,” You answered your ringing phone. 
Jisung’s tired voice came through the call. “Y/n, baby, can you come over to the dorm?” You checked your watch and saw it was almost 2:30 in the afternoon. Usually, he was at the studio until three in the morning. 
“Sure. I’ll be there in like ten minutes.” Slipping on a big hoodie and your shoes you grabbed your wallet and car keys and drove over to the dorms. When you got there most of the boys were in the kitchen or the common room. “Hi guys! Where’s Jisung?”
Chan waved and gave you a hug. “Oh- he’s in his room. Top bunk.” The boys waved as you walked by and you knocked quietly on the last door. A muffled voice belonging to your boyfriend told you to come in. You saw a single sweatpant covered leg hanging off one of the top bunks. Jisung’s head peeked over the side and he gave you a smile.
“Hi!” He said sleepily. Your sock feet padded over to the bed and you looked at him from over the side. “You wanna take a nap with me?” There was no helping the laugh that escaped. 
“You called me just to take a nap with you?” He nodded, his eyes already droopy. It looked like he was waiting to fall asleep until you arrived. With a sigh, you began climbing up the ladder and Jisung lifted up the covers giving you a place to lay on his chest. “This is a tiny bed.” 
“Shhhh. It’s nap time baby.” 
Eventually, the both of you fell asleep. It was easy to relax in Jisung’s arms. He radiated warmth with his arms and legs wrapped around you. Soon your eyes blinked open only to find a dark room. You reached over Jisung to grab his phone. You looked to see it was nearing 11 o’clock at night. “What’s wrong, babe?” Jisung mumbled feeling you move. You told him the time and he laughed. “There’s no point in you leaving, so why don’t you just spend the night?” He whispered.
He smiled feeling you nod and he started running his long fingers through your hair. In the low light, you could only barely make up the features of Jisung’s face. You were only slightly surprised to feel Jisung’s lips on yours. The kiss was slow and sleepy, but sweet none the less. Your hands already around his stomach slipped under his shirt., feeling his warm skin. 
Sleepy kisses were exchanged, Jisung’s long fingers playing with your hair and holding you close in the dark. He pulled you on top of him, leaving no space between you. After a while, the both of you fell back asleep and didn’t wake until morning
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Felix got a running start before launching himself off the cliff and into the water. You watched from the shore of the little alcove the two of you had found. You cheered seeing your boyfriend resurface in the center of the clear watering hole. “You gonna try?” He called, treading water. You shook your head, and he rolled his eyes. “Come on, there’s a smaller ledge, closer to the water.” 
You looked to the rock face Felix had climbed moments earlier. The colors of green and blue were vibrant around you, making your own little paradise. “Fine.” Felix smiled, seeing you shed your coverup and began swimming back to the shore. He took your hand and led you to a smaller ledge half as high as the one he had previously jumped off of. The waterfall roared next to you and Felix laced his fingers with yours.
“Ready?” You nodded, a nervous smile on the corner of your mouth. You were comforted seeing Felix’s grin. “3, 2,..1!” The two of you leaped from the ledge and into the cool clear water, screams escaping as you fell. Felix held onto your hand tightly as the two of you sank beneath the water’s surface. “Wasn’t that fun?” He exclaimed as the two of you swam above the surface. 
“Yeah, okay. That was fun.”
Felix smiled as the two of you treaded water. “You wanna do something else fun?” Before you could answer Felix started swimming to the waterfall. Trusting him, you followed. He gently took your hand, lifting you up on the slippery rocks. He led the two of you carefully behind heavy curtain of water into a tiny cave. The roaring of the falls echoed in the small space, obstructing your view of your secret alcove. 
“Wow!” You said, reaching your hand under the water. Felix grinned, wet hair falling in front of his eyes. Stepping carefully, he made his way over to you wrapping his arms around your waist. 
“Can I kiss you?” 
Your eyes widened at his bluntness, but you nodded palms resting against his bare chest. Hesitantly, Felix leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was slow at first, then picked up as Felix grew more confident. His lips danced against yours, one of his hands coming to tangle in your hair. The two of you parted, breathe heavy and lovestruck grins plastered on your faces.
Felix pulled away and started to do a little dance making you laugh. “What the hell are you doing?” He just continued to do his weird little dance as you watched and laughed at your dorky boyfriend behind the waterfall.
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Two weeks after Seungmin and you started dating, he and the rest of the boys left for a US tour.  Thankfully his dating ban had been lifted early after an analysis by the company, so Seungmin was free to spend time with you anytime he wanted as long as it didn’t interfere with his schedules. 
Your fingers tapped against your steering wheel. The red light turned green and you drove the rest of the way to the airport. Chan called you early this morning, about two hours ago, and told you their flight was getting in at five-thirty in the morning. You yawned, pulling into Seoul International Airport. Seungmin had called you the night before and told you not to bother meeting him since they would be arriving so early in the morning. But, you were determined.
After asking an attendant she directed you the flight gate the boys would be coming from. The sign you had made in the last hour, was bumping up against your legs as you ran through the cold airport. Seungmin’s sweatshirt was blocking the cold air from hitting your skin as you looked for gate A6. 
A few other people were waiting as you approached the gate, but you pushed your way to the front. Your eyes frantically searched the sea of people as passengers came off the plane. Spotting Chan’s curly frizzy hair you held up your sign with a huge grin on your face. 
Chan spotted you first and then laughed at your sign. He called back into the group of boys behind him, who all turned to look at you. Before you knew it, your boyfriend was pushing himself to the front of the group and he laughed when he saw your sign, falling to the ground and covering his face. 
‘Welcome Home Hot Stuff’ the sign read with a funny meme of Seungmin that Felix had sent you a couple days ago glue on the poster board. Not wanting to be apart from you anymore Seungmin ran over and wrapped you up in his arms. “Y/n, I have missed you so much. Why are you here? It’s 5:30! Is this my sweatshirt? I can’t believe you’re here! Honey, I’ve missed you so much-”
You smashed your lips against his cutting off his ramblings. After getting over the shock, Seungmin kissed you back, dropping everything in his hands. He cupped your face, thumbs brushing over your cheeks. Your head was spinning in the best way possible. “Welcome home, Minnie.” You whispered against his lips, making him smile. 
“Let’s go get breakfast.” He said with a smile and took the sign from you, looking at your craft project. 
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Jeongin and you lay on the floor of your dorm room a board game between the two of you. Rain pelted against your window, thunder rolling outside. Jeongin moved his game piece six spaces before looking up at you with a smile. You sat with a mug of warm tea in your hands and Jeongin’s hoodie swallowing you in warmth. 
“You are too cute,” Jeongin mumbled, leaning his cheek into his palm. 
Attempting to hide your blush, you brought the steaming cup up to your mouth and took a sip. “Jeongin, really you don’t have to stay here. I’m no scared of the storm.” He shrugged and rolled the dice for you, moving it four spaces. You got up, the sweatshirt falling over your shorts. The mug clunked against the wood as you set it on your desk. 
Jeongin watched you walk over and pulled you down into his lap. “What if I’m the one scared of the storm?” He questioned, pushing a piece of hair away from your face. Rolling your eyes you giggled and kissed his cheek. “Okay, you’re right. I’m not scared of the storm.” 
“Innie, you’re welcome to stay as long as you want. My roommate is staying at her boyfriend’s.” 
Jeongin smiled, placing a loving kiss on the side of your neck. He reached over and rolled the dice as lightning flashed outside. The cold air of the dorm made you snuggled deeper into the warm fabric of Jeongin’s hoodie. Sensing movement in his lap he wrapped a protective arm around you as he moved his game piece with his other hand. 
“I think I’m going to win in the next two moves.” You said, causing your boyfriend to turn his head. He looked at you with raised brows and laughed.
“Oh really?” 
You nodded and moved your piece to the final block on the board. “Yep. I win.” Jeongin laughed and looked into your eyes. His knuckles brushed over your cheek his breath ghosting over your lips. You inched forward, desperately wanting to close the small gap between you. A smirk tilted on the corner of Jeongin’s mouth, seeing your impatience. 
Softly, gently, his lips pressed against yours. His lips tasted like coffee, and he smelled like the rain that was falling outside. You dragged your lips against his savoring every moment with him. As you pulled away Jeongin chases after your lips, making you giggle. 
Your eyes looked to the window and Jeongin trailed his lips tenderly down your jaw, before resting his chin on your shoulder. “You stand corrected.” He whispered, kissing your lips again. “I win.” 
Requests are open lovelies! Just send an ask!
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